, . . 111 CM MM .15;• - ,4 . . LLINS 81: POW,.ELL;' txrvuLD call the ntv-taii,n of iht VVV 'public' to their barge stock *hens' and beiya: virni%hinsr.Gootis, contiiititanf,erecy v.ariety of roadelogis, Casei'mire's.bniaitis 7 Tei•eids. kgitoitty'y Jeani, Linens, Shirts ; Ceillarer , StockN ,Crapais, Hosiery. Suspenders. Hats: Carpet • Lit o c-R,l: Punks, Pne..s, § . 'c 45 . c . which will liesol , l 061)e , thag the' thine rinaft'y can be sold in Any other'eltahlkhruent an ahis country. Thee have ataia on hanti,,a well manufacturedas• sortuaent of c . i : • - - ZLeady-rd'ade Clothirig, to which we invite the-attention of buyers.. Our Clothing is mostly made up in the shop•+and net- ' purchased` t ...ralnp-shops"—as some we. we t o f, Orders in the Tatlorin , ,lice executed . iu the motet fashionable manlier, at ttro-sltorteat,-mitice. and war . ranted. - • •- • - in' The public wilt please notice one fact. that wo ovit rnt.practically acquainted w.th the h sines; is capable of judging of the guslety and make of e garmerit; hence the reason why the' commtittity have been so much imposed upon by a certain class of COMMltlnity who deal in the article, who. if they were not practically and professionally cheats, could of necessity• know nothing about 'the business. They are certain. if the public would consult their true interest, they Would purchase ugly of those act' guainted with the busineom, Towanda. April 12, 1854. CLOTHING STORE. ILLEMANDEBS - & SOWlTgarit, TN the Brick Block. next door to Meteors atcire`hare- I just added to their stock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of Ready made Clothing, ADATtitTo TO.' TUE 11EASOlf, of every variety, both of style anti pride,. to which they ask the . attention of the public.: This is pow the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda . 11 and will be sold at prices considerable lower/than ever before knotin in this place. Our goods are selected with a regard bath to style and price„ and offer inducernents,not to be met with, at any other establikhment. Stjangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing. will ana THE LARQEST ASSORTMENT at oor establishment, in this section of the covn try. and made in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by LOW PRIMES E's aoost czowisma, to secure petronage, feeling confident that our arti cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortment comprises every article required for a centlemsn's outfit. TERMS-.CASH. Ourcoats, Coats Pants. (hares Caps ~•4 LocATlONs.—l'oxt doer south of Mereui's Main at. Towanda ; and Nu. 7 Water st. Arnouta Hall. Elmira. • _ fa. All kinds of Country Produce, Woo 1,4•0•,, Wi en Lk excliancv. J. XLE:rxrw-vvrmr---- .s. ALEXANDER, 'ft'. E. SOLOMON. Towanda, October 12, 1552: TWICE BURNT OUT ! (GRO:II_,Wn 9 1 - 1 O;'cr J Kingsbery's Sure—Entrance next dam to !liar-got - tiles' Store. vp stairs. ' Ct Rf.,TEFUL for past favors. announces to his . friends sad the public in general, that he still keeps on hani a good assortment of Rs vox Mans CAnTnitro, which he will sell cheap for Con. He i believes that a Nimble sixpence s worth: more than a stow shilling.' He also has commenced manufa: . tiring Ctotnine—selecting the cloths him • z.lf in the city, a d employs none but the best of workmen in making them op. lid would assure his customers that his Clothing is mann factured un der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let ont by the tab to unexperienced or incompetent work men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good fit. He has also on hand a general ass itment of gen. tletnett's Shirts market) cars, whidt he will sell cheap for tash. ( 9 Custom work promptly done as usual. lie invites his friends to eallon him at his uew quarters; over J. Kingsbery's store, and im media . ely opposite U. Afercur's Law Office, before buying elsewhere. Now if you are wanting. you surely can find, Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind, ,Ito nice and so snug they'd suit to . a T„ 13. i perfectly hoe, there's no room for a flea. If your linen w ants changing. and sometimes it will, Yop'llfind shirts and collars for a very small bill; Come then one end all, who ire out clothes hunting, And you can be'fitted by Gsortas H. Hentlyn !.. N. B. lie is sole Agent for Ectss Hawes Jr. Patent Sewing Inachine, • for the counties of Bradford andBusquehanna. Any person wishing to purchise the right for using the above Machine in said counties can be accommo dated by calling on him, where they can see it ope. rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is the best patent' now in use. Its validity has been established by trial at law in Boston, irt July, 1862. This trial resulted is fully confirming and establish ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the elusive right and use of ail needle and shuttle Ma chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch andseam formed thereby. G. H. B. The priblic,are cautioned against purchasing spu rious Machines, as ail sewing Machines now in use infringe upon this invention, end all parties who have infringed, by using Machines or otherwise, wino wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper license under the original patent by applying as etugus, LATEST NEWS .FIION The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, AND GENT'S FURNISH!NQ ESTABLISHMENT. Mott & Wells, Inerchant. Tailors, I_l - AvE the honor of announcing to the citizens of -LI. Bradford County, thnt they have just received the largest and most fashionable stock of FALL ed. - WINITER CLOTHING, ever brought into 'old Tinge,' consisting in pari of the following articles: •Over, Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pent!, Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls', titocisa, Cravats.Collers, Pocket h'ilk fa , &c. o' Cloths and, Trimmings constantly on hand—also the fall fashion of Hats and Caps.. Our stock a Furnishing Goods is unsuniassod in and comprising everything necouarY for a gen tleman', outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our a.astrava 032 4tiMattiffla Caving received ths.latest Nevi York'Fashions,-we are papered to get op suits on the shortest notice end in a superior manner. currlNG done ott short notice, 'and warranted to at if properly made- morr dt WELLS. Broad-st., first door east of the Foot Office. Waverly, Nov. 10, 1853. y REED'S DRUG STORE TS now being refarni..bed with a new ana splendid . Stock of aßtfOrS & MEDICINES, Fancy Goods, L imps—some of them' de* -and beautiful patterns. Ili sliart, everything advertised in this regular col. limn, has bees completely filled off, with fresh thiods frotri New•Vork end Philadelphia. 3 tathe*son's Hoist-Remedy, Ga rgling Oil, Hos ting iiiiiment,sotrieiital neW and popular Medi• tines whitlr will be sold extremely law for gash. Paints,Oils Varnishes, 'Glass, Moss Liquors, &c., as usual. .%larch 24, igS4. ~``~=gin_..._.. MEM ~~ T DI( u C S- • = M = now being:replenished with a full and complete 1_. , .. . Sltleii ut ' Drugs, 'Medicines. Paints. Oils,Varnoh.es,:Windnic Glass, 1,.; wnc, , chid Virtirs,, 4". - ,'`tu :t-- fn. short, every thing eonrie.cted, with the tradq. The Goods Fare been bought' extretielylow , fur ca,h. and Will be wild accordingly.. ''fi . 4 . '. N . :13. A soperioe article of Tatinek's and Neat's Foot Oil just teceived. • -.. :. f:l3' Ross:rase theplace.S.-3 doors south of Man• thnye s corner—saine building of - the'Argus Office.' July 80, 1853. • ,', 7 .',...- NO. 2 XIZLICE. lOW' 313112121 T OUT, BUT STILL ALVE!: REMOVED to the shire recently othrivied 1 . --: S. Bailey,as grocery•and Post - Dike 3 doors south of Mentanyes corner. where he=-has received a full. new and Complete sliack,:rif DRUGS, MEDI CINES,..GROCERIESOSte....Iihich he will sell cdlear. er forcach than even. ' , ... Here yot will find atineeed a-few le id in g articles : Senna'Alex... Fusgatt'is Coolmld do India i 'Mix Opi Cream Tartar iffey's Liniment . Sup C Soda Hair Dye . Manna. Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd 'ointment, Trasilis do Cart., do Eidlpv's do S S ' do MoAllester do Henry's Shakers Herns 3 .• Colimynthl do Entracte do Apple frilder's A Icoeulic Eft Cochineal IR hei Extract Trusses Hulls lamp Extract do Marshes, Nleatirh's Vanilla Ex' t do Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wl:act. do Mace, do do Clkeesinans dy Almond .do do . Fir i do Cloves .. -.. . -------- T - -a. - Allspice do do Tnlu do Nutmegs do do Peru ' no rc.c., .1...... da P-4,4111.4ref7 do Ginger de do bolphur do Cinnamon do Acid rarta -ic do Orange do do A ' cetic I do Tooka do do Benzonok . - ILubliC- Spriagtlor..er •do - (''trio t t do Musk • do do :Norm do Violette do do Oxalic 'do Magnolia do do Hy drocy arm ,db Sweet Bri'r do do Sulphuric do Jestnin do Oil Linseed do lock'r Cl'b do do Sperm do Carolipe do do- Olives do Jenny Lind do do* Castor do Boquet do do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'in'nt do Almonds • do Class do do Amber Re ct , Nursing ' Bottles, Glass do Amber Iled ' 1. do do G. E. do Anisi Rad RheiTurk do Caraway • do do do Croton I do Ipecac do Cubebs . do Jalap do Cummin do Ginger White do Fennel, ! do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do cassia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk' do' Lavandula G do Arabic do do Neroll do Copal do Jestutn do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg _ do Aloes Cape do Orange I Chloride Lime do Rhodium ! du Soda do Ruin (Castor Russ .• do Cedrat ;Isinglass do : do Copal'ia t 'Evens' Lancets' do Ergot i 'Nara Silver, Op't do Verbena 10:tid Bisnnth do Violette Wine Pill .1, mer. do Meller,e Indide Potass do Mellefluer Tart do do Patichouly Carb do Brushes, Paint Sulph do • do Varnish Uaustie do do Ralf Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Taun in do Tooth Proto lod Mercury do Shaving Strychnia do Flesh Piperin I' do Cloth Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap. Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline Kreosote , do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Creta do Coopers Morphine Sutph do Rose do Act do Victora Calomel, American ' do Orange do En2h'ihi ' do Tooth Pritcipitati 'UM do Erosive . do White ; , do Castile Solph Ztnei t Ilir Nll7lTary - - - Deprive, Crimson do Savin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark au , Pricopherons do White 1 Pain Killer ' Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral ' China - Vermillion I Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Ohlomform Fig •do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varnisb, Dye -1 Woods & Dye-Stritts, Glass, Puty,, choice Groceries, i pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes,. Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and alt articleScon 1 nected with the trbile. Having secured the services of Dr. S. (;lesion, I 'whr keeps his office at this store, and, will give me Idotal advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rOy upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be, warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines, Ayres Cherry Pee. i torial, scheacks Pula:tonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick ' s, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' reirnifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on band end for sale et REED'S. Drug - Store. Three Doors below Montanye's :orner. Towanda, January 3, 1853. _. _ 6fIDARRELti ofold Ohio Whiskey "ist received V and for sold aholesile and retail, at Reed's Drug Store. 18 QUINTUS of Codfish, 2G boxes of Herring, 6 barrels of warrented in prime order,•left on sale at New ;York 'cash prices at REED'S Drag Store, , Towanda. Jan, 280.958, fig EMPTY Barrels, suitable for -Cider, Pork .UU 1 14/ mot Bee! pricking: iks• gAqa , 3 orders • for sale cheap at- • REED'S. rIBUO STORE.. - - Sept. 4,4883. Boots aild O rever7` - detteription, for lathes andlulsses, wens' boys' and childrens' wear, just rec'd by :4•pt ut, J. POWtI.I.. • -..;2 4 4Wr`tlt-`I , OIIIWYVV=• ',. l 4Mbo<k,#'o 2 9tC l , l ' BE - .:rADVERTISPIENT IBOadford-Vounty. Penn* .. • Straw 'Outten: O VEY'S Paterit,,piral,knife key airiX Straw Cup, L L ters,.of various wee. . No. 1. 2 .2. 0 ana Price—sB,. $9, $lO. $12., $ l6 nrid, $2O. There etifr : tempts ,better . and cheaper than the'siMight knife Cali:_ ter. with knives set diagonally on the shaft ! The knives-0% *prey's 'Cutter are spiral, which enables them to cut at right angles againstAte.eaw bide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerliirigL-ar, easily k• pt in repair. Each knife can be taken off and shar pened-without disturbing the shaft, ottie . r ..keivre) arid if neceasity cri`bh 'tnifl can fro "set - but, bf in, ski as to keep them all true,•if one knife shoitd wear faster than another. Every, fernier should 'have one of these 'tabor end feed sav_ing,maeb/ries. (T 7 Foy ilato wholesale and'rebail—a lihenldiscount niede.to tliosewho ; buy to sell again. , -1. 3 4t. WELLEO,. Athens, Pa, NoVerubrut; 1855.. •'t Treasurer's Sala: of ltrnsekted TlC,puisuance of the prurisions 6fan act of the General Assembly, passed the I:dt4 day of March (Rl5, 610 i)ther . JOlO or Asienit4r, be-exyyjed to pubAc sale tlt 'the Comongstonerht office in the horn' of Towanda, on the ett-Itionday of June 1854 ale .101 , 3 wing list. unless the taxes due .on them are paid bolo/v..ost lame. . . !go. •O• S 4RRANT!. ACIP.n.:! A' 17 , 7 ES. NAMES. T4.XES. 318 Andrew Buckhart $l9 'l3 294 Abelliierce • 18 51 IGO. Phiaesx± AFiadley _lB. 08 ;06 David - Bh j eitherd c • '• 6 35/ avismrs,, 1512 800 Charles Carol! .7 20 60 palannati Hibbard3 78 . 1 2.16 Joel Ba'reet 14 60 89 Hannah Hibbard' 562 . W - Hibbard 32 pt. Win Hibbard 100 pt.Thos Jackson 30 300 Wm . Jackson , 6 30 100 pi. Sally Platt 6 10 18104ehristopher Avery 22 '37 . Bovor Philip .. .18.90 a usuisio I 4 81 . 157 , Jalher-Wil4oll 7 5 18 1483 . 233 .1 Wilson 1191 88, Charles Carroll 1493 • 195 do .1446 _ 40 _ do . . C Toy Ayr. 4104 Casper Shaffnel Jr. 25 67 405/ John Morgan 26 58 warm.. 5 z a I'O pt.Wm Smith 400 Peter Seely . 25. 20 1457 190 James Wilson /1- 97 400 Peter lianspton 25 20 400 James North 2.5 20 265 Deborah Stewart 26 67 (MANVILLE, 1181 108 James Wilson 6 80 80 Daniel Bnath 2 , 43 887 Joseph .Thompson 24 38 200 Wm Norton 121 61 ISMITHTILLII. 1488 100 Charles Carroll 2 40 BE 1491 . 450 1491 6111TUTIELD AND ATUINS. 1490 100 Charles Carroll - 13 SUIDGISZILT. ' . , 1516 600 Charles Carroll • id 1507 250 do 6 1515 189 do • . 4 159 George Prince 9 75 Henry Porter 49 Porter Geo & James ; 75 Charles Field 4 100 Henry Field 6 35 Philip North 200 Samuel Field ' 'l2 89 Wm Porter 5 .14 James Stuit, Also—At the same time and place will be posed to sate the following Real Estate in pima lince of the forty-first section of an act of genet assembly, passed the 29th day of April A. D. 18d riz Townships year. To whom ass'dd. Am'l Armenia 1851 Benj Coo!bough 6 2 do .... Sabin Rockwell do 1882 Benj Coo!bough 2 do .... W Johnson do .... Labiu Rockwell Albany .... Corneliva•Malonia 1 Asylum .... Ndi I C Benjamin 4 do .... Ralph Peters' bra do . .... Michael Croak 1 do .... Lemon Pearce 1 Burlington 1851 Sylvester Hill 1 do - .... Wm Simpson 2 do .... Win Taylor do ... J H Watson . 1, do .... Geo Gates ' 2 do .... C P Welles 2 do .... Jas H English 1 do 1852 Moses Bennett . 1 no .. las H Rngfish 1 I do Limon P Hanson 1 Dora' Susan M'Affee s do do do . Franklin 1848 1 1 do Granville do. Herrick do do do do do tdo do Leßoy Or we II Rome do do do do South Creek do ,do 9m hfield do • do do do owandd borol' :Towanda tp.- Ulster / 7 :11 Warren iL •A• Wysn Towanda, Api mAILs Haud-: Vi ty, Rath &c 1te011.53. A.I.BAST Afii,rx. 11 00 ; i 4 08 OTIMIN2 =3l 1:17133113! 4.0 tc, iticbical, Apt fke, • fl; IaNDMICIAMIAIOI4.I4 II end' -. ,of the ; TOWANDA.- In the MR. 11; C. YOU rwiwksak DRUGS, NED 0;(51,v 1 1 Vatisties, _ -IRI)BI{FA I PERFNERY I FANCY D, O - I S f uffy 4nd. Burving * RFgu)aiiiietit for ; tli! . following PATENT MEDICI laynfs'• Alterative. Verinifuge. l l g.spitctorant;Liniment: t• , Dr-Fi;ch's Medicines.. . Or. Sway fie's .Dr.Keeler's do Brant'reDalssiti Et EX - I Orrick's Vet mirage Graefenberg Medicines Gargling Oil ,Pain Killer Ga!ranks belie; dec. ' Henri ai .Conaitioti pow. Rock Rose Llrrrne Ciiihol icon Toothfiebe - dropi . - Heir inw)sorator &Aye. , I.l44:_tirt pciisoti Townsend's SacsapFilla Piasters and Pills 'of all kinds. • Ildriern Oii And many others, not entuuleratcti.' all warranted genuine. 133' Remember Dr. Poi rrn's Druy'sn'd 'C . heMielit Storeis in the, Scutt' end of t 146 front. inr. the Public square. 11. C. PORTER, M. D. MARBLE c . 'wE TACTORY , 2 foc : 2 ' 44 EOPLE ofliradford Counly_wislaina at , itLvt Ifea , ;:f4 aes, Tomb Tables, Cymru Table§ Of Italian anc! Amer. ican Marble, or Black Stones of All tc can have them on the shortest notice by sen:'.,l to: 11 their orders, cheaper and better than eau be ptu l2 chased. elsewhere. a7Chesjit WON, Cabinet Maker and Foderta ker, nearly opposite the_ Ward Frou,e rowanda, Agent. G. V 1 PIALLIPS. I Towanda March.-31, 101 - 3 30 TUMIOJEVVRIE ')g,AA-Til - HA r oDrii. Important to ligousekewers:, , „-.'2 HE suba r eriberOankful for the r - -. 7 —' --- -W - -,::. -' : liberal patrorn4lieretotere. re f4-.' ,-'-':". - 7." •-• eeived, begs leage trp'inform his ria4.- 7 rf 1 friends and ;.e übtie genet ally, 4 •.,t iv .,,,, 5, ..and those r , eneing - ; l:jon§c . .. '*. '-; ......- ' 'keeping in r ienlar thdarebas ..-,...-...........2=.. _ Illi - • 1111now.on has a, large assortment ' ' o f prn/A1 RE; which he will warrant to be made in a 5i.54 tint manner, an&of the best materials. • • ' • nd walnut drtse ; mahogany and nd plain, of dif s, Sofas Couch- 10 SO EIM ids for Mercur's ',East Smithfield _ Wellsburg. de pot op the N. Y. 4 E.R. R., every Mosnvi, Wm). irtzatur and .Yonay at 8 o'clock A. M., mai arrive the depot in time to take the evening train of cars either east or west, Mae day.: • Returning Tvasumr, TRUIIIIDAT and SArunnair, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also Western 'cars from fieffereon. Elmira, &c., and ar , rive,at _Towanda samo_dliy. • ri..x.:—=Towanda to Mercur's mills, 37 " ~ to. Bprlington, 50 " • to. . East Smithfield, G2c " to Ridgehery, , 1,00 to Allellshneg depot, 1,25., Express packages to or Irani the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. .„ D. it. BULL, PrOprictot Toarplia,-Pct. 8; 1852. Bradford Countrirandurn Corn Shelters, • lxiiioLESAl4and7ftet4lt ,The very best articl e 11( thrmilk the formed', 104 ' OheoPftt• - •!_(eveee ranted)—for sale at the Agricultural end stove store of - . R. M., WELLES. trovEtt . STOVES .! ODIC STOVES, of, various; and excellent patterns. C and sizes—several pattern& Of superior FieVated Ovens, anion oritieb &* combination of the Clinton! and National: Air called the , NAOLN. Also:,a weli'velectettsinclkof elegant parlor, hall, shop, clinich and school house Stoves, :both foT. wood and coalof sizes and prices to .suit all- claims of customers.-- Call and see. rioti."lo. -IP M. WELLES. linnling, an rellincp Streaf,,Cutterk_ 'DEICES $4 and $5. Every Winer should:have one arPenant labor- - Wing.:;.a?tielefF.thelrarr 2eliPSle,o(Otting`froai. lop to 206 orineat. pit touronkere-very eirriple, portable ark etedli , 'kept in repair, for AV by there! N-v to, le:..' P. M. r-. Ards.. GM, e peppier; Pectoral: syrup.-• bitters_ ..- r dyspepsin), ilagogq,e 7at pills icines • •- um. and ,femeri Cal; smog do 1 7 4elbtinder do I Schen, Hooil, Pepsin Annual Indian Lyon's P' le by • cant Trask. s pair do - . Mc/ lister'', Eye • eters. Cr • atic snuff Ca salve kid*":„ , Zito Wistor's biLvvild c 1 c rcy ,ernalei - P,lllB Byllavas.oil soap BaliscrPtife tench and low me 'Apie and of ter ffirnittire usu sold on the most Je d with a plain 'll bold himself in I undertaking. iced, by the aid r a week. COY ER WELLS. Lde to order, and is and workman- SHOP. 'w the public that terly occupied by , nearly opposite prepared to do all reasonable terms. it work-well sad °calve a. share pi rest manner. All Id in the most skil- !so be made end ,e warranted tot* ie best materials. trial, and judge tIEEBISCHIi. -,a.'~fa> v=z~~ ...re ,sw.: as~a~~:eK;~F:s:r~z~.->-., ittisrcllatteotre. : 1 1NIORM'ilcDN - • MEE i ..... e,a , - .N.-:1 ito , L , , i'i -.•.‘ ~:p -•- ..,,,Ii - tr., r!,041.1,-,T 20-1321.1201111 0 10.',.Ai Nal i-1;4 ~,,,! •,-;,, : , ;t .%,-i„.2tID- : , , , ._ , , ..,- r. , f , .."'" . r:- . ~1 -` "FOli THUSE 'WHO HAV't" '' ' - MONEY.. .1511, , ,PR0P rt .Pi . Do-' you Vara to /*Dor mertgliges y real Mile - I', ' Have 'you a htind`rindniertgagel -wish fa f oil! Have you' hrifisei,Aneeyheil or lota, ti at' j, lo w ish iti ' se n or I ngo 1 , ... ~- ~ di: :.: , ...1..:1. , : . . O.• . ~.; *_-i -' Have y0f .. .1.-a irtliTitatfort /laded , * nety; fi eoth• er mfinufactiiring;eajabut• Itt.9 falaiali tO IWO Or renfii -/..'.-''' '• -1 e• • ..• .... I i flair& jots li* file heal,"ietleff or i fire clay, ,qr al* toineralii,'yeiV 'Wititr tif'sell bate irorkeil` cm' ' shares I '.- '-'r "L -r." • - - - ' • ''l Have you land thekyotOrfield iker - ' •hit 4 drain. 1 pd or cleared by non i tracilliali ar e, i Have you water'reiepr.t ir to oall,rjrn? pretfecettedt - i --'-',.':' :,•':-.'',,-. • "., '• : - r.' , ttr a Diiymrikan't addidoriall ea tak. o f a vintner! ii ymir Ineinefifil I - r t'''' , . '','" • , e. - .7 1 .-.., Da'yen Went to eviller* k• of m ebandise I' 'llont - rarolit to to:11:r a C - piny to freate capital for anY3ifecific *Meet I ...r7, ' I - Do 'yen wish.' to cactus your proletty for other propert .1 . ... Do leti,liiii*itlii your irighborhooiN mills, found ries, tonnerWs,i or' otherlilinUradpriellp _ Have you nay well •rsieditripfoietnirrit in 'machine. iy, or ithtlio.ortakwia_ddlical-Plistt-AO.:• 1 i ,,-or : "lia' je yilfu tifa`fure f' — ' If you have any &tilt) atm:lye - wan - I. others of a similes character, an will inclose n,our address, (poet-Pah:lo i legible, rdeii ilia ania,c :flesertptnin of / 3- them ; and if proprrficits- locality ; p °Xining to ca rialirailreaiker narigahle water, to ch (cher, schools, mill4"ainierw&it. Ike "wiliest -lerititi- which yea will sell, m0rig .,, , ,,, • l e o soo mehange, o otherwise ills. ' pose of it; and it3rols - ',014 1 54 fina l"; C,ici r (3B a Reg- ietration fee of $1 (the receipt of which will be ac kdowleilgerl,) per want shall be +corded in our Register, and your letter placed on the file designated for your State and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of these wha ate aedliing to finrelituas,,, lease, exchange, or invest. , , . '3lte t ifialce nei . chttige ..to 'arty for examining our Regliter`and filet • When - they niake ' knoln ' their wishes, they "ilia riefairrelticTsioai4oniprinent of your wantl: and as .we have Maps of the different States, a:: of such Counties as we have, been able ti procure: unties wo,cmploy egenis to visit the. vas sag and steamers'iliat arrive 'with' Ininifgrante, (of ebotn from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily 'irrivin.: ,) and we also Live agents to distribute our Ci niers among the th str.gers at the hotels; anti as we advertise In the principal papers of th*city of NOsork, and_ln. wan oil, forinis throughout all of the sta s, as well as the different coontries of Europt, from v. ich Immigrants come, and where we expect one of ur Firm will for the present rest*, and Where also shall agents in the principkl ports ' of einbatkation, ailing all who 1 .1 Iwish lri purchase, exchange, lease , invest, to visit Opt offfe,,wilhouf charge— We are confident that we offer a making your 'wants known to thoi know them, and of securing the en any other mode yet practised. EVhe best place fur you to effect a sale, lease, ex. change or loan on your property, is in its immediate vicinity,' ITyciti cannot eta itthere,.the next best Voce Is in the city or New/York. Or you want hal al• wen. or .cttlets of any class here is the place to obi lain them: Timmuie here at all times and seasons, Mere are from 30,000 to -70,000 stranger's, many of whom are seeking for Investments or homea. Because.thrre era probably 100,000 who want to remove front the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great proportion of the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to 7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while you can afford to give as ample security, or other in- ducement, whereit would produCe greater rate of inte rest, either in ,annual income or increased value. - Bees tiseher4 art six rpnin &dun of our files will inform ttose seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found wbirb they seek. . . Reesose here, there is an opportunity to exchange country or other city property, for property:in this city or its vicinity. 'Because a person, by spending a few hours in our offlce,.without charge, can obtain More information of the property in market throughout the conntry. and the wants of community, than by months of travel. Because, finallvhem in the commercial (mg ropolis, where is roncentisted the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout this and other countries, by re cording the opposite; but corresponding wants of our countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase and those who desire to sell, can be mutually benefited In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compiri. son of the reality with your . statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required.that we shall be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to tte min ers, no special authority' o us is requisite; bat when it is desired that we should sell, authority must be given. Our commissions on sale., exchanges, dre.., are 2 per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat. tens requiring special negotiation, will be ,aubject to epecial agreement. ( - .Q Several farms in the same neighborhood often 6nd a more ready sale thin. a single farm, as Immi grants desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, New York. Refer to Coortlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood, Ohio; Es Gov. Ford, Ohio; Hon. R. W.Thompsoc, fa:; lien. 1). A.; Noble, Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams. Mich ; Hon. Rob't Smith, Rh ifem.4"." R. Underwood, Ky • Hon. A. C. Dodge; Taws.;. 11. Doty, Wia. Ky. ; For .fin titer information inquire .of HARVEY McAI.PIN, Local Agent,. (at the Law Offic,e of Wm. Elwell, Esq.) Towandri o Bradford - county, Pa. 44y TIM OLD STAND STILJ, IN OPERATION? THE subscriber would an nounce. to =the public that he have now an hand, and will make to order all kinds. of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas.pivans,,Lounges Center, Card, Dining and Break fast. Tables.- Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Ctterq Bureaus, .tands of various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every 'deicription, which are, end will be made of the. best material and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Wide-room in the country. ILUAZIT-IVEASII COnTEWS, fl'and on the Most reale:made terms. A good 11EAASE ttii Ibe ruritished on 'Funeral Decisions, JAMES MACKINSON: Towanda, Jnne ), 1852, . BOOTS & SHJES! Sohn W. Ti;Maim • . HAS removed his establishment to - H. Mix's store, .Il: l •eiiniti Or Maio , itierie d*Mk iiiikeettranid will continua the manufacture of Boole and Shoes, as heresofiare, . ' has just received front New Irotk a large asiort- Went ,of Women's, children's and A llfisaes' Shoes, which ankoffered at low prices. Tbe'attention.ef the Ladies is parieularly directed to hii assortment, comprising the following new styles :"....,tuamelledliony Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes ; Mick lasting and.silk gaiters ; walking 4pera, boskinsidtc, Misses' pitons and shoes, of every Jes.cription. A large asitartmentof Childreet's „Limey gaiteracboots and shoes, of ' .'• .For Om: PlecOlemen, almost evety,style,of viten end shoes. This stock Pas been personally selected with eats and he believes . bercen-offer imperier•artichrtf ressofiable pried.. - Oa! The stitOisit att;ntiorivtidAci "irdnftfacitnnfig,, sod Wapiti bY•doing*ork well to reerit a-continu _metro( the, liberal patronage - he bre hitherto received. Towandaartty 8. 18b3. 'DOCK SAquantity "of I'mM' . 10104 Salt 7 ' P KALF.V MEE BRYAN'S q , • • r- ; „PULITIOIVIC WAFERS' • AsTILIIA, Bitowcarrtrs,layseti, , . ?TIM* eifraiiiditagy preparation ties been for i ny ) ,,,ii„ , t h - e ' Most certato and speedy reated t rTIFC Curs? ik si , r ,, 01. T z foilC4r b as kets:A CT: s a ; those stifyieitig from obstinti . i, and confirmed 0 00 4 they give the - moat immedtate and perfect relief When great : liability . tp take cold etists, end ami k b, teiionie Cough aticceede the alighteatexposare, Mesa WAFERS produce the most marked results. TA Morbid irritability and at' once Celle“ the Cough and other symi nms;i : i e n n e ' s ti s re gt - h reth e Lungs which give rise to th e corac i . IlieinediCal propeitiei are combined in an area ble form and pleasant to the taste,Xo that aayekg d Will readily take them : and they are warrantedk, give relief in ten !nitrates after rise in all eaves. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. g PORTER, Toivanda. Pa. Towanda, Feb: 9,1853: CLOTHING STORE. T HE Subscribers respectfully infortn the citize ns of Bradford County, as well as all others de- Birons of purchasing, hat they have opened an es. tablishrneuf in To wanda.'next door to 0 . D. Bart.: If Ws store, where they now offer to the public at: whole-sale or retail, a large assortment of 3133.61.D1C MADE CUMECBRI, manufactured by or esoressly for themselves, and warranted to be of the best materials and made in the most substantial and fashionable manner, which they will sell at the lowest possible prices. They will keep on hand an extensive asortment of Clrtns, Ces ,, lineres, Vesting.:, and Tailore Trim. m jogs. Also T-thlks, Carpet baes, lists and Caps, and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. We intend to offer Me•publie a larger and better assortment, than ever before kept in this place, and to merit the patronage of the public,-by selling them a good article at prices much lower than any other enablishmeut. Cutting done at the shortest ootiee. EV" Nathan Alextmler respectfully requests from his old friends, a continuance of their patronage, and assures them they shall meet With the same satisfaction as formerly. Main street, TowandaSL nx kestr E ee . t iN E D / E rn ß ir , a ; and Tioga, Pa, NATHAN BENJAMIN COHEN, HENRY COHEN. April IS, MI otter medium of who desire to you desire, than LIQUORS ! LIQUORS! THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership under the firm of S. FELTON dr. CO , for do ing a general Liquor business, would respectfully ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any. thing in their line to giva them a call. We mend keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreign Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any one else in the county, from the fact that we buy direct from the importers, and thereby save a large profit charger( by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant. ed pureland free from adulteration. Also constant. ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We hare made arrangements by which we can furnish our cus'omers with any qaantity of Binghamton BEER fresh from the Brewery. Menet , give us a call.— The notes and accounts of the old firm of S. Fe ton dr. Co., are to our hands for seufernen. Towanda, Pee. 1 . 1852 Itim. ~lucaus. I:VAL- 11C-4 Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory JERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public that they have removed to the shop on Main street, recently occupied by Smith & Son,' nearly oppolite the Ward House, where they will kee l , on hand a large stork of mauov.saa, caf'Dlvaiaa All articles in their line manufactured to order, and made of the best material, and foi workmanship canno be surpassed in Northern Nunsylvania, They solid a call from those wishing to purchase, confident thr they ran give satisfaction both as to quality and Firs " G:rilides and Sheep Pelts received for work and a account, at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Maracas Leather an .Calf skins, for sale in any quantity. ON account of losses sustained at the late fire, w ore obliged to call on those inkebted to us fat prompt settlement, as we arc under the neeessity having what is owing to us, we trust this notice wilt be sufficient without resorting to other means. Towanda, Dec. 2, 1952. • Removed to -B. Kingsbery's Block • Ira. Chamberlin, .. „. 4 j_lr AS just returned from the city lit. -LI of New York with a large / 4 , -. ''.l:l, supply Silver ware, o of Watches, comprising e in i" part, Cal.' and -V( the following articles:—Lever I ~ , :',' i 4 ;4.: L'Epine and Plain Watches, with v 6, -,-----, ,_ a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Pin. gor Rin ;8, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pense,Keys, etc. Also,--41Nrts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—alfof which he offers fur sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches reeked on short notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refunded, and a wti ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produr taken in payment for work; and als). learn now, an orever,that the Produce must be paid when th, wor 14 done—l war against e re.lit in are ran tortes. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent Towanda, April 28. 1852. L O OKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted o any size, to be had at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLI?i -_ _ HANG OUT THE BANNER!! A horse ! a horse ! my bincdom f a horie and customers In take awal . the goods. Notwithstanding the tall 4 „ 4 h dli m a s i e tr f u a s ga fi i r n e l A. M. WARNER is And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find Most anything that's in his !me, From a cambricceedle of the finest kind, To a jewelled Watch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep time accurate and true; Breast pins of every style and hue, • Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, s Selected with the greatest pains. " - ringer rings, my gosh, why what a pile Of every shape and every style. To Fiji' the old. the young, the grave. the ;•1 May there be seen til elegant array. And WARNER, who is himself a " host," Is always ready and at his post, To wait upon his customers and Who chance upon 'im to gives call. So with good advice make az your minds `lO 'call on him and them you And , Buoh sights,my evrs.ol what a view Jewelry of ever,. style and hoe. I. m w 'Brie 01)m% missals *the place No. where ho is prePared to do all kinds ef, JOB-WORK in his line of busines, at the chespest,ralos that`, possibly be,afforded- He will also sell his at .20 per eel:timer, than was ever before Area this market. (0' Call and see..El Towanda. Nov, 12, 1852. A. M. WA-.712°t. '- PAMIR SANCESSf iI • to o 'THE only assortment of Paper lia.o o s this vicinity, with a fresh /arch jtisteesit,t, at unusually low price.. 0. D. DA gllt i "' T, Pt`f t '3 I' NIP ZICIM S. FELTON. E. T. FOX. =2 PARTICULAR NOTICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers