, DIE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF DE AGE 1 Farmers, Families and others, can pus. Planters , • chase no Remedy equal to Dz. TODIAS' Vans:Law LISIMEST, for Dysenteq, Cholic, Croup, Chronic , Rheuma tism, Sore Throat, Toothsche,Sea Sickness.. Cum Bora s, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores, Head ache, Mosquito Bites, Pains in the Limbs; Chest, . Back, etc. It it does not give relief, the money will be refund ed—all that is asked, is a trial, and use it according to directions.W • illiam It is an English remedy, and was used by the IV., late Sineof England, and certified to by him, as a care for rheumatism, when every thing else had failed. Dr. Tobias has put op a lions 2 LlStatiol . in pint i)ottles, which is warranted cheaper and better than any other for atone, scratches, old sores, galls, swellings, cuts, bruises, etc. Over 10.000,000 bottles have been sold in the &si ted States, without a single failure, and many have stated they would not be without it if it was $lO per bottle, in case of Croup, as it is as certain.ns it is ' applied.. It cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours: 'Dysentery in half anhour—toothache in five minutes. Is is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re commended by the most eminent physicians in the United States. Price 25 and 60 cents. Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen n ewmpapers with cer tificates and letters relating to the wonderful cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers war ranting it sufficient, as any person who does not ob tain relief need not pay for it. Price 60 cents. Dr. Tobias Office, 240 Green. • wtch street. New York. For sale at Dr. H. C. Post-nut's Drug Store, Tow. anda, Pa. Waverly Statio M n, N. Y. & E. IL R. TIE TABLE. I GOING NAST. H. X. GOING WEST. H. X. Stock Express, • x 3 40 Night Expres { s. • x 4 00 Night Express,' x 11 38 Way Express, r x 11 40 N. Y. Express AN 620 Buffalo 'Ex. L e t x 310 'Cin. Ex'p. .A x 5 111 Mail No. 1. P;i18 35 MaillNo. 4. 1. 11 6 .59 Dunkirk Ex. ix 4 02 Mail No. 2 A X 7 28 Mail No. 3. is •824 .steamboat Es. P7S 1 49 Emigrant. P x 4 17 'Dues not stop at Waverly. THE STAdE- FOR VVAVERLY. Will, until further notice, Leave Towanda at 1.2 past 1, P M., connecting with the Buffalo Expreis going West, and all the evening trains both ways. Returning. leave Waverly after the arrival of the night and morning trains, teaching Towanda in tithe for the Tunkhannock and Dushore stages. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1854. New'Abnertistmcnts. Bituminous Coal.—Barclay Coil Bed. rptlE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the I benv quantity of this superior COAL, at ci , the red ce prize of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith coal, an $l 75 for picked Grate 4051. Payment in cash or c entry produce. but no credit will be given. \ . HENRY GA nss, Agent tor the Barclay R. R. and Coal Company. Franklin (Of it coat Bed) May 25, 1854. Pacific Balm. TusT received. a new supply of Dr. Farwelrs .1 Great ' medicine for the cure of Consumption. Persona threatened with the alarming disease would ep well to apply this medicine before it becomes too late. Price $1 per bottle, ar six bottles for $5. May 24, 1654. J. KINGSOERY. DISSOLUTION. T"partnership heretofore existing between La throp dr Chubbuck is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The books and accounts are all to he settled by C. E . : Chubbuck, wich must he done immediately. All persona owing the lati firm must call and settle the same, and those having demands against said firm wit present the same to C. E. Chubbuck for payment. S. B. LATHROP, Orwell, May 20;1854, • C. E. CHUBBUCK. The subscriber calls attention of the old patrons t.f the above firm and the community generally, to the carefully selected Stock of GOODS now being received at the new Store recently occupied by C. &L. where he may bn found at all times ready to exhibit his goods, not fearing to compare them and their prices with those of any other Store in the country. Call and iatisfy yoursOyes. C. W, CHUBBUCK. DISSOLUTION. THE co—partnership heretofore existing between me subscribers, ander the firm of Alexander & Solomon, was dissolved by mutual consent on the :7th day of May. M. E. Solomon retiricg. The 'tamlegs will hereafter be carried on under the name of 1.& S. Alexander. . Towanda, May 2), EIVr SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! Noto being opened by JOSEPH ,POWELL ‘ , Cash \ and Ready . "if Dealer in FANCY and Staple Dry Goods ; Cloths, Cased nferes and Vestings; Hats, Caps & Straw Goods—carpets and co:I cloths t. Yankee Notions— Bads and Shoes—Paper Hangings—Tiansparent window Shades, &c. HARD-W ARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES ; DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 4c., 4-c., of which are offered for sale (or CASH or IREADY PA Y at the lowest possible prices. Among his stock of Dry Goods will be found a large assortment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress 9lba -Challis, Berazes and Braze de Laines—De beees, Moudlin de Laines and Lawns—Plaid and Plain Poplins—Plain black, white, pink, blue and corn c ilored Delaines—French. Scotch and Amer lean Ginghams—EnOsb and Amerie . an Prints— Black. blue and white Bereze de Lains, Lawns SWIM and Jaconnett Edgings. Inserting, and flouncing., fice. Wrought Lihen Edgings-,Cotton and Smrril., edgings. Wrought and lace collars -all prices—Lace and muslin underslee.rei—.[Tn. der handkerehiefs—all prices—Mourning under Ws., collars, and bdlfs.—Embroidered, bem• stitch & plain linen hilk'fs—Plain mourning and black lace Veils—Plain and figured cotten and silk Janet, Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Tarlton!, arc.. Lace & embroidered Muslin Window Drapery. Best quail!) , of Ladies and tents. Kid Glove*— "sin. black & assorted colors—Best quality silk gloves, kid finish—Plain silk ¢ lisle thread, do., as , sorted colon; end qua-lps—French silk mitts,long sod Short, for ladies and Misses. Black silk, white ao clouded merino hose-White colored, unbleacht M • mixed and black cotton Hose of every quality— Mtvies white, colored and mixed do..' all sizeg— Hoy .1 mil td cotton half hose, assorted Sizes : Men's limbs we.l, unbleached and mixed cotton half hose, a's^rted Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn and gingham v tavate, Silk and Satin stocks—common and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen handkerchiefs. A Llio--A large stock (..1 7 plain black and colored lain b r k oalar= a.MMENts eskins, fancy. cassimeres and veatings. weeds, Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other cots ..on and linen Goods for men and boys wear. Watered Moreens, assorted colors Damask for .onains, lounges, &c., double and single fold.— Worsted embossed, Atmask linen and worsted and anon table cloths. Bleached linen napkins.— ; leacher( and brown linen Umiak table Scotch and 'mints diaper and crash, bleached and unbleached ad colored muslin and almost every otheruticle of lardy dry goods. A great variety of Boots and Shoes — tor mous,. 4ts, ladies, misses and chddrens wear. ;Brodie long and square Shawls. Cashmere, silk Ltd ilelaine do., assorted colors, of all qualities. heLi ( sedition to the above enumerated articles, will, me a.good assortment of merebandize, of al talut e'tl de*cription, to which the attention of e pi! bile is respectfully harked. Towanda. April 11, 1954. )rphane Quirt 'on the 29th of tooth at the Man. '2t of land sit 7 lundred acres, dark oak, the D. IL Owen and 3-10 per. t 94 perches !nee north 32 0 rith about 30 fram;d bolsie and barn there. n at the day of sale. TUOB. ELLIOTT, WM. COOLBAUGH, 2d, tiers. D, H. Owen, dec'd. adjourned till Saturday the -4 In the afternoon at the Conroe. .npr0v....., on. rerms made May 1,1854. , The above sale • 10 dsy of lone, at 2 house of Hiram Sha Tat co—partnendu Geo. Smith and . Smith & Rice, is this sent. The business John V. Rice, and thi Store formerly occupi deltic& to said firm by and settle the same will Monroeton, May 29, 185 3pold. Wllwo Mt Attorney onus carte Tit Ititnr Towanda, NEW SPRING &S BURTON KIM Ts now receiving all sorts of 1 will be sold very low for C/ May 3, 1854. 111113§. Leo DICO, 11701.11. D inform her Manila, the VV turned from the city, with a of SZELLINAILBX which she offers at' reduced prices. cry kind taken in payment for goods. REMOVALL.---DR. MASON his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May 13, 1864. TWA Ik C FEMALE SEMI' THE fourth quarter will commence' on the 10th day of May next. April 29.4 PLASTER, SALT, &C. TWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground ter, 100 Barrels Salt, 100 IRAs. White Si,. Lime, 50 bushels Orwell & West Branch Cloy,. Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 600 lbs. Allegan: County Cheese. just received and for sale by BAILEY &.N EVENS. Towanda, April 27, 1854.1 BOARDS & SHINGLES WANTED. vivr. EILINDRED Thousand Feet Panned Boards. .1; 50,000 feet Common ao. 100,000 feet Collin boards 300.000 long Pine shingles, for which Cash will be paid on delivery ti. 8. BAILEY & CO. Towanda, April 27. 1854. Plows and Plow castings! B'TCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis A Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, for sale cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES. SPRING GOODS! 91'113.L4711fir E1NE4112.11i9 South Corner of Mercur's Block, Main Street, A RE now opening their stock of GOODS for the fl Spring and Summer trade, comprising a full and complete 'assortment 4 and of the usual variety, which will be, sold at a very small profit for Ready Pay. Among the assortment of . DRY GOODS, will be found a great varlet*, of Ladies' Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges, Erege Delaines, all-wool Delaines, Lawns, plain and printed ; Gingham*, English, ' Scottli and American • Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors ice , Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths, Ckssimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin and Summer Vestings. Also, Bheetings, Shirting% bleached and brown, Ticking., Summer Goods for bop' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten. dtic., &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full stock will be kept on band. Those in want of Sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, Stewart's best Syrup, Spices. ;pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour, Fish, Salt, Tobabco, or any other article in this line, will do well to call on as before purchasing else , whotre. . ' ILALRDINTARE: A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass and Stone-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hits and Caps— Nails. Paints, Oils, .Glass and Piy. Thankful for the liberal patronage of e past sea son. the undersigned feel a pleasure nviting the public to an examination of our Spring stock, be lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, May 12. 1834. THE NEBRASKA BILL A LAW. M. T. CARRIER, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of To- VV wasda and vicinity, that he has opened a Gioc ery dl: Provision MOTO. on the south side of the Public Square, where he would, be pleased to wait upon those that call upon bird. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country Grocery. Such as Nuts of all kind.; Oranges, Le. mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the beat quality. He also designs to keep on band Paovisiousoir &c., all of which he offers cheap fur Cash or Coun try produce. His motto is. that " nimble six-pence Is better than a slow shilling." Towanda, May I, 1854. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the property owned and occupied-by her. in the Borough of Towanda. Said properly consists of a lot of land situated next above A. D. Montanye's, in the Northern Liberties, bounded north by Mrs. Gill son's lot, east by William street, south by Division street, and'. est by Main street—being one hundred and thirty feet deep, and fitly feet wide. The streets recently opened, make this as desirable a building lot as any in the borough. There is now upon the lot a small dwelling house. Application may be made to Catharine Kromer, or to Emanuel Kromer. Towanda, April 21, 1854.* CLOP= AND TZMOTET =MD, At the Athens Agricultural Store. lITEST BRANCH and Obio. Clover Seed, at $7 VV. a bushel. Chan Reaped Zatothy Seed, wholesale and re tail—retsil'price, S 4. Also a good selection of Grip— den Seeds, for sale cheap. R. M. WELLES. , Athens, March 16, 1854, west Wench Clover Seed. 50Bettoffi'vmerateBs:tniect,Trfirlrat. the lowest cub price, by DAILY & NEVINS. March 1, , 1864. MINK filUN*l..L—The highest pries will be pail in ea& for any quantity of Mink skins. by. Jan; 1,1054. MONTANYES' & CO. 300 NEW BARU!" fit for Pork or Cider, for sale at 75e eaoh,by S. FELON 4 OM Towanda, Aug. 10, 1855. condo name old pad of manof aorune of all 11*. the Rose Bor. C sizes and North B and 2—B fade-1121a re existing between C. under the firm of red by mutual cos_, be conducted by' ► be fogad at the wt. All thome in ' will please call Wagon ho for Chain cies too no Having.. known as a dent that at of machine easy terms a York. SMITE, RICE. Steam Eng al ort notice. Pattern Deps shortest pas% Particul celebrated Ex premium of the to the Elevated uI - =ll OW Iron s B and all kinds of 1 which Ni Larnoreux, Hall al I. L.& H. L. Lon attention is called I by May Court neat D. C. Hsu,. C.B/ Rvassr.t.. Tonianda. April 1 New Zs I 85: ushels of New ad and for sale Towanda. March 1, lEmi MED MEW t =I~Ti! I TH I C STORE, 21IMWaile, ARRANGEMENT 1 L. 111 of Lantoretur, Hall &Russell: having H. L. Lansorenr as .a partner. will I' °amity business,generally, under the .&H. L. I., , s..asuz & Co.. at their .wa as the Eagle Foundry.in the south • rough , 4l Towanda., where they will o order and keep on hand a large as. e following articles, to'wit Machinery, chiding Mill irons, Mill gearing's— huson Water wheels, 41. c. 4e. Stoves. eking and Parlor stoves, of all kinds, I. • Sloghs. Nos. 1, 5 u and 7—alatilly , Nos. Won, Wayne Co'unty, Excelsior, oro Ploughs, &c. , Mere it Straw Cutters. leigh-shoes, Plough points, gearing 13, Grindstones, .c., and other aril, as to mention. id the services off. B. IRVINE, well fat Machinest, the firm feel confi. n manufacture and repair all kinds as workmanlike manner, and on as y establishment this side of New. will be repaired satisfactorily, on rticnlar attention will be paid to the nt, and all ordere fulfilled on the • dee, ttention is called to 3. B. Irvine's or Plough, which took the first Idford County Fair, of 1853. Also, n Eagle Stove, the best now in pper. Wine, Pewter, end Grain try produce taken in payment. • and accounts due the firm of Russell, are left in the hands of for collection, and immediate the same, which nos: Cl PAID ® I L L. LAXORZOX, 11. L. LAitossoz. d Clover Seed. and Clover seed, just receiv pby B. KINGBERY. 54. ZN ALMIEN ! manor boy, or any body else wanting any ind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on a B. Pumas, and see how -, VERY CHEAP selling his new stock. He has now the argent Clothing Store and his Goods were all bought cheap and ' cheap. Clothing is much lower in the !Inns is bound to let his customers hir-e it. EZ end fulfilled op. Two do3rs block, in Athens. • c., new and cheap. GEORGE B. PERKINS. 28, 1854. P GOODS. JHAR • assent will be sold Towand4 NNEY is just receiving a fine Erie ►ss linnanza Goons which k very cheap for CASH. 1854. CLOVER ed and for rst rate article, just recei v BEANS- WAVERL 500 AT ADM. sors to Store. The SUbSel stand in Mery assortment of ing of GENTLEM, ever imported styles in mar' wide. In thi a complete 4 Under shirts, den, Handle variety of Ti Oar Ready desirable in I can and will Clothing Eat Towanda. TIMED A 1./ grafted March 15. ii., vili rivi v. 111 02 41 ti/Elte‘f . H. S. MERCUR, TS now receiving one of the largest and best ted assortment of Merchandise ever before br4 to Bradford county—consisting of DRY 0001 , every description. An extensive assortment common Hardware. Also, Saddlery, Harness Carriage Trimmings. ,• • Blackimithi Bellows, Anvils, rues Temp, sledge Iron, Steel and Nails, Groceries, We, Paints, and Dye-slug's, Crockery 4 Glassware, which will be sold u usual, very, cheap for Cum Towanda, April 18, 1854. INsteni and Well Pumps ! LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kin size, &e.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1853. ft N. WEI4,EB.'; Orphans' • 'art By virtue of an order f the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, I will expose to sale by pub; lic vendee on Tuesday June 13, at one o'clock, P. M.. a piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp bounded north by lands of Charles Dyer and 8. P. Rockwell; east by 13. P. Rockwell and C. W. Rey, nolds. south by J. 8. Roberts and E. W. Dargy.west by J. H. Marsh, containing about 100 acres, about 70 acres improved, with a framed house and barn and shop thereon. J.H.MARSH, Administrator of the estate of Elliott Marsh, deed. late of Pike twp. • This sale is to be held upon the premises. Xt II IN' SPRING GOODS. TEEM received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and J compote stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as usual, Can, von Casa ! Towanda, April 28, 1854. Clover Meet. 64 Buhels if first rate blower s m ell for st4b r i t. Towanda, Mareb 1,1854. Clover Ileed. AQUANTITY of West Branch Clover Seed;ud received and for sale by J. POW ML. February 15, 1854. MOTHS. cassimeres, vesting; satinets, jeans, ki and Tweeds of all description, just received by Oct. 24, 1823, POINNE T. &Pi lavettignitins' ADkIINISTRAtOrS?NOTICE. AA LL persons indebted to the estate of S. H. IL Bullock, deceased. late bf r egalia lerp., see hereby requested to mate immediate payment and those baying claims against said , estate, will please present them duly authenticatedbx settle ment. HIRAM HOLCOMB, SARAH H. BULLOCK. Administrators. March 8, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Thomas To& deceased, late. of Litchfield township., are hereby requested to , make immediate payment, and those havingclaims against said estate will please present them. duly authenti- cated for settlement CORNELIA TURK, BAM'L DAVIDSON, Administrators. Jan. 12, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE'. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED, deceased, late of Litchfiekl township, are hereby iequested to make payment without delay ; and aljpersons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. BETSY m TEED, Adm's. BA.LD t D O ; 0 N January 29, 1854. IL J. MADILL arronrrEr AT LAII Office with the Reeder and Recorder, TOWilitDA. PA. D'A. OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Touranami, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. $4. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINOSBERY 18 Now opening a New &roc: or Goons, consist• L lag of full and complete assortment of sll kinds MERCUANDIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality o 'Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec. 10,11359. Notice to Collectors and Tax-Payers. YOU are hereby authorized to due a deduction of five per cent. upon the State Tax, of every Individual who shall pay Ms or her state and coun ty tax in full, on or before the 21st day of June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your se tle ment, provided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury, on or 'before the 22d or 23d days of June next. By order of the Coaniosionere, E. M. FARRAR, Clejk Towanda. April 12, 1854. TO THE PUBLIC ! BAILEY dr. Nwrzeirs, ARE just receiving at their tare and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions Groceries. Valtkee jaii3ll.l. loam Fruit_ Caninuumary, making their stack the largest. most complete and best in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat rouge they have received from the public during the year put, establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth er dealers. To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal pat ronage we shall still follow our old motto—' a AIL enovrra, oxicir eirrowt., axis • trauma:lry 161111LW . AL 07 STOCK." Below we name a few of th articles that always be found in our stock : Groceries. Black and green tea, Rio an Java coffee. chocolate, cocoa, st,gar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice. cloves, nutmeg, einamon, mace, soda , saleratns, cream tartaf. pepperasuce. sperm and tallow candles, hard soap. vinegar, starch. 4t. Provisions. Mess porkoiried-beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herring, wheat flour, buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c. Pruit di. Nuts. Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng.lcurrants, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Grano, ble and Madeira walnuts, pea tints, chestnuts, &c. Gorman,_ French and' American Toys, Fancy Goods, &c. &c. Tin wagons, rocking hones, boys' sleighs, China & pewter toy tea selts.dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo, nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases—toy bureaus. secretaries, writing desks —plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do pearl, ivory, papier macho and leather port mooises, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff bola., cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mopaticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wil low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. al. Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS. Towanda, January 2. 1854. Tars ! rurs I 1 Agamily of Fur Victorines and Cuffs of differen qualities. for sale AT cm by Jan. 19. 1854. H. S. MERCUR.- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of P. D Ravens, dec'd, late of Standing Stone,are hereby nested to make payment without delay, and those jog claims against said estate, will please pre— L them duly authenticated for settlement 8. W. BILES, Administrators DEBORAH HAVENS. 3 27, 1859. GOOD TIME DAS COME! mozrzarruot a. co. come to the conclusion that the time hes that debts can be collected, and after lend, for Years, and finding the Good toed, when farmers are realizing almost tir Produdts, they hope this notice will pore aztensive e and that payments ale in Grain at the present high pn- wai Time doubt suflici will eii ces or i, Their I ly fiom then it re Towend ent of GOODS is replenished week ott City, and will be sold cheaper 11 be Great Emporium itself. sty 31, 1954. RVEYINO. Sußre ro attend tot ,1 His office in at him at that pia April 4,104. Barn Mn of i.)l/ tubed a finn and kir sale by March 1. 1 . HE Cops trebly) have don busine s mutant mason ! . nobs either puty at Old An be paid. Athens, Is& I BU. GOONPLA' Mester, on be Mara 15, NM tau Gls ra'Uord County, is prepared to ye business in all its branches. S. tonJ AR letters addressed to meet with prompt &Renton. /tons Lime. .. ton Stone Lime, just re• e fresh, from the kilo, DAILY & NEVINS. Z2I which the subscribers this day dissolved 'by will be closed opby Debts due us must k ES & HARRIS. 1- . and fa► no Cayuga Graced , by k Y & NEVINS. HARDWARE & IRON STORE. Tin, Japanned and ,Britannia Ware, Trlll2lllthge, Carliage - Triinzaings, Ifarness & saddlery • Ware, Carpenter's and Seiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, LEAD PIPE' AND PUMPS, of all kind, and sizes., MON,_STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, fro. Ice. Would inform their friends that these are only a part of the general beads under which may be classed their extensive assortment, and to which they are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct-from the importers and manufacturers, which enables them its offer such inducements in their large stock and lo w prices, that will challenge:competition from any quarter. We would ask the particular attention of 1 to an examination of our stock, hieb having been selected with the greatest care, ire are confident will satisfy even the most particular cr7 Don't forget the place— '.outb side of the public square. Old Iron. Coppor and Bras and all kinds of Country Produce taken In exchange fur goods. Towanda. May 17, 1954. II ALL & RUSSELL. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG-STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, , Fronting the Public Square. THE subscriber; thankful for the liberal ptionage received the put year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which us WILL diaprse of on such terms ae will be utisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the CASII our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a lOw price. All articles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. 3g"liedi cal Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging Gob , for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CRaCERLEs- Pure Wine witgo - oraTiurcmicentarifse on — forter & Scotch Ale. a.G.t. THE MOST POPULAR P.dTENT MEDICINES ! FRESH tAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID—NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! American Pocket' _Cutlery, (Warranted Good.) Superior TOBACCO & MITZI Yara b o brand 7 of Pure Zfavanna, Brincipe VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &c. PAINTS, 013, FAMILY GROCERIES . • Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE STORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! The best Quality of Goods—Full Assortment—Moclarate Profits—Ready Attention to Crstomers—no Adniteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Puled Remedies—and Close Attention to Business." Towanda, Nooomber 12, 1853. EC C. PORTER, M. D. DR. E. H. MASON, PUTSICIAN & SURGEON, Ruitlence, on Pine Street ..opposite the ofd Presbyterian Chtiich of Offers his professional services to the people Towanda and vicinity. Can always he found at hts office, in Dr. POlLTiles Drug Store, when not pro fessionally engaged. SAMES EILACTARLANZI ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. Bice in the north end orthe Ward House, (lately occupied by Laporte, Mutton& Co.) Towanda, March, 5, 1853. - 'JP TONS more of those cheap Sugars just red s o d for sale by PHINNEY. TEAS—A few chests good and cheap for sale by PHINNEY. BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest as sortenent in Towanda. by PHINNEY. The War Question g Settled in ME:1111L1 WILCO' TUT ONTANYES & CO. have come to the =du /NJ sion to enlarge their business, in view of the unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of this and adjoining counties to the examination of their Tall and Winter Goods, consisting of all the varieties of Fancy aria Dress Goods. as also heavy staples; Hardware, Creekery. And Cr". riage Trimmings, lion, Leather, §T, all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, st prices that cannot fail to please, Sept. 1. 1853 IrD IBM 11.111 rAre NC Si '3IC" MIL "lIV 9 O. RETEr2OB3I, EMIT:3B% HAVING entered into an arrangement by which be can have BLOCK TEETH furnished to or. der, informs the public that he is prepared to mount section plates in this new end improved method, The great superiority of the block style of mount. jog plates is at once apparant to those who have for auy length of time worn artificial teeth. To those who have yet to be initiated, it is only necessary to that in the old method of mounting the plate w,th a succession of single teeth, it was no unusual 1 thing for a tooth to drop off; by the new method no such : accident ca n take place, the eetb being all connected by each other. In the se and place, the plate with block teeth is always Ilea -and sweet , ' be. cause there is no chance fur deposits of fortektiing made, however small, the upper rim being ped, thus effectually precluding even the saliva from ma. king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapta tion of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas ticatory purposes. the irregularities being made ex actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op- posing jaw. With a properly fitted suction plate, having an air chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person may crack kickory nts with impu —tootnity. - And sleep i u n spite orhache. ALL WOlllll WASIAIITZT. Towanda, March 10, 1854. rIREIO3 Goode. of the latest .styles and pauerns. coosistiag in part of Moulin Detainee, all wool dilaittee black 4 fancy silks. French. Domestic and Scotch Gialbauis prints. of every style by 001.24. 11163. PRINNEY. • HATE. Cap. & 800112:3, a 13111 assortment and ebeap,by HALL RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in RDWARE AND STOVES, A SPLANDID ASSOR7f3IEXT OW TT 0 - -AND IT VALUABLE FARM 'WISHING to dispose of his property, in Sheshe- I quin township, Bradford county, Pennsylva, nia, the subscriber offers it for sale upon the most reasonable terms, and invites the attention of those wishing to purchase. The property contains two hundred and forty-three acres of land, lying along the Susquehanna river. with a large portion of river flats, of the very best quality of grain land, and well adapted for a dairy. • ,t/ Tile improvements are a large two story ,„ n BRICK HOUSE. built last year, and fin ished in the best style, with brick kitchen • and wood house attached. There are also three other Dwelling houses and three Barns, and two large double roofed sheds for stables and cattle. There are also three ORCHARDS of choiceapple trees, and a young Peach orchard of 55 trees, selec ted with care. One hundred and eighty-fire acres are under im provement. and the balance is covered with timber. such as oak. hickory, yellow pine, &c. dm., all being well supplied with springs of water. This property was formerly in three farms, and will now be sold to suit purchasers, either whole or separately, and terms of payment made easy. h of fers inducements rarely met with, being within 3+ miles of Towapda, (the county seat). opposite the North Branch Canal, 14 miles from the New York York and Erie Railroad, and immediately upon the !the of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad Application may be made ro Llarssas Msactia,Esq at Towanda. or the subscriber upon the premises. 6111 . tile /lore prnpery is not by the Ist of March next. the Farms will be tented, reserving the privilege of selling. TOWANDA THIS Institution,fur the educaiion of young ladies was opened on Tuesday the Roth September, in the building formerly occurred by Mrs. ?demur.— It is now under the charge of Miss OLIVI a D. HAN sos, aided by her sister. Miss Rassees D. Hissos. The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The scholastic year consists of forry.four weeks. T r o ts -1,6, $9, and $l9 per quarter, according to the studies pursued. No extra charge for the Latin Language. French, $3 per quarter. Rxxxassrets—Rev. Dr. MACLIAII, Vice Presialstai of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVID WILMOT, lons Lasosta Esq.. C. 14 WARD, Esq., 1102 .030. Ss ansasoir, Towanda. IFOIII ®L t, MICIC.3IIIIILICs. MISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to gill.* instruction to the young ladies of this plaits on the PIANO. Terms—sto per quarter. Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the Ward House, or at the Towiatla Female Seminary September 22. 1853. NEIV AND CHEAP GOODS. 11 D. BARTLETT. is now receiving a !aria V. and carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, bought for cash since the late decline in price., which be will offer for may pay at p r i ces w hi c h cannot fail to give satisfaction—among otberthinge be invitee particular attention to his Vac?MOW el Dien OVAL TOT‘ eniN April IS, 11,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers