Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1854, Image 4

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- -77
rt g IVO 41110 4.1
, COLLINS St. •POWELL;"'"•'"
117451J10 - tesf*ifully calf Ibit.tuebdon
itablie to theirlarge Stick at ittOk' and tdte ,
troishing Goolik;conaisting of evpry.variety ok
rnaddaks, Cassis" 'tire's; altiottirsnlikkj
Joys, Linps,::Skints Collars. Stocks, cp#Fgs .4
' Ilasii+3l,,Suariders, , Pali; Carpel.
•• .
Bagsitiikt, arniti,fette.'
be sold in ant other eltabliyhmerst thiscountry.„ -
They haiealso on hand i well &Midi:toted . as.
sonrneni ' • 1 !.
.. . .
to which .we invite the ittentioh of buyers." Our
Crothisg is Mostly made the shop—and not
purchased at "'altip-shotis"-4a some we wot of.'
Orders in the Tailoring lieti executed in the most
fashionable manner, at the shorteanotice, and war.
• CaThe public will please notice one fact. that
we ova not practically acquainted with the b•isiness
is capable of judging of the quality and make of w
garment ; !levee the reason why the' community
have beetiso much imposed upon by a certain class
of community who deal In the' article. who. if they
were not practically and professionally cheats, could
of necessity. know nothing ab.eut the liiiminres.r.l
They are certain. if the public . Would consult filets'
true interest. they - would purchase' onlyof those itei
qua inted with the business.
Towanda. April 12, 1854.
. .
azarrammlas -
TN the Brie/ Bloclionzt door to Mercurstitote twee
.1. just added to their titoeir,, a Lana - ',sad - iitabituur
ble assortment of
Steady made Clothing;
ADAPTS* To T1M..141 , 10Ti,
of every yarietriboth of style aid pride.: to which
they ask the attention of the public. This .now
the largest stock '
Ever Offered in-Thietinda
and will be sold at prices considerable -towerthin
ever before known in this place. Oar-go ods are
selected with a regard both to style and price, . and
offer inducements,not to . tie "met with. at any otber
.Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing
will find
at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry,
and made in such style and inaterialsas to ensare
satisfaction. We'shall endeavor by
LOW rascals a. GOOD oximitizra,
to secure Patronage. feeling confident that our afti
ales will give satisfaction to thepurchaser.
The assortment Comprises every article required
fora centleman's outfit. TERMS-.CASH.
Overcoats, Coats Pants, OwcraUs• Caps 4s.
Locsvions...-Nert door south of Mercur's - Main
at. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall.
- .•
crAll kinds of Country Prodace,_Wool4o., tak
eA iwesehange tor Goods. •
Towanda, October 13. 11353.
CRIORVE MenikffMErffip
Over I. Kingrbery's Stare—Entrance next dour to
Montanyes' Store, tip stairs.
fIRATEFUL for past favors, announcei to his
XX friends and the public in general, that he still
keeps on hand a good assortment of Ran Mans
'Currutso, which he will,scli cheep for PASS. He
believes that a • Nimble aft peed' , is Worth more
than a slow shilling.' He also has tiommeneed
manufacturing Clotning—selectidg the cloths him-
self in the ,city, s•'d employs none but the best of
workmen in making them up. He would assure
his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un
der his own eye, and in his own• shop, and not let
out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work
men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion
thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty
of getting a good 6t.' ,
He has also on band a general a ssortment ‘,l g en.
tlemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell
cheap for cash. .
crl' Custom work promptly done is usual. He
invites his friends to call tin him at his new quarters,
*vet i. Itingsbery's ittore, and immedia•ely opposite
11. Hercules Law Office, before buying elsewhere.
Now if you are wanting, you: surely can find.
Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind,
elo nice and so snug they'd snit to a T o
perfectly fine, there's no room for a Bea.
Ifyourlinen wantschanging.and sometimes it will,
You'llfind shirts andcellars fora very small bill:
Conte then one and el. who are out clothes hunting,
And you can be fitted by Glsoaos H. Butravto
N. 13. He is sole Agent for tLTAB Hopes Jr
Patent Searing- Marline,
far the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. Any
Person wishing to . porchase the fight for awing the
above Machine in•said counties, can be 'ticcommo
dated by calling on him,where they can see it ope
rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is
the beat patent now in use,,lts validity his been
established by trial at law in loston, in July. lea.
This trial resulted in folly confirming and establish
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex
clusive right and use of all needle mod shuttle "bi
dies or their equivalents , and the stitch and seam
formed thereby- G. H. B.
The public 'are-cautioned spinet purchazing spu
rious Machines, as all dewing Machines now in use
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
have infringed ; by using Machines or otherwise,
who wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper
license under the original patent by applying as
Towanda. August 15, 1853.
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing
szott & Wells, Merchant Tailors,
Ur AVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
1.1 Bradford County, that .they have just received
the largest and most fashionable stock of
ever brought into old Tina,' consisting in pars of the
following articles:
Over, Dress, Frock and Sack Coats: Vests, Pants,
Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravats:Collars, Pocket h'dkfsidez.
Cloths and Trimmings constantli on hand-also
the fall fashion of Hots and Caps. •
Our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsmpssewl in
nose, and comprising everything netessary fora gen.
tleman'eoutfit. Partirislu attention will be paid soma
:VraWaSa :LandWe r alatin
Having received the latest'hiew York Fashions, we goo
prepared to get up snits on the shortest notion and
superior manner. CUTTING done on short notice,
and warranted to fit, if prOperly made
'morr & wErze.
Broad st.; first 'door out of the Pod Office
Waverly, Nov. 10, 1853. y
Via°, being refurnished with anew anti splendid
1 Stock of DRUGIis lIIEDICINEB, Palley Goode,
Limps—some of them .riew .ank beautiful patterns.
In short, everything adveitised fa Ida regular col.
urns, haebeeu heapletely filled op, with fresh Goods
fromNew-Yoft and Philadelphia.
Mathewson's Horse Remedy, Gargling Oil, Mos
tang Liniment, and several new , so popula t e kt e di•
eines which will be sold extremely low, for Cash.
Paints, Oils Varnishes, Glass, - Wines Liquors,
inc.. as usual.
March 24,1854.
Mi=;M;i' l iM
rlll6ll a full and complete
, 411 )ck
Pami,, oitiyirer - n —fr#4ow Wass, Pure Wines
' 'e55i1) 1 1 1 1 104 ;44. 4 .9t5.
_in'Sheit; every ggisi:coil34ol4:lofilt:Abe trade. The
Goods have been bisaglit'eltienklidOw. for cash ,
and will be told accordtiall,,«: I.'l
B. A superior article elPftlelley's,tusd Neat's
Poot Oil just received. ::
' sx3. lisstexasa the place4lll444ionth of Man.
corner—.same boihtingisfutaf4rhas Office.'
July 30, 1033.
If& 2,lgatan 11.0* -*MST OUT,
BUT STIL - fi: - Atillirk , k,
EMOTED ja the stinilticitl7:oo4llied by .
41./ Eli Bliley angrecett and :Panitinee 3 doors
` Mash lifOlabasYca carper In** he-.has received
afull. new and complete stock,„4 DRUGS. MEDI
CINESAROCERIES,SteItihichIinwiII sell cheap.
er &reads than even.*'
Herejot will fladatir
Senna Alex.,
do .Indic •
Cream:Tartar ,
Sop C Soils
Magnesia Calc'd
do Cart',
do S S
do Henry's
do Apple .
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes.
do Shaker,
Balsam Wisters
-do Ifth . eca nsuls_.
- trir - -
do Copabia
.do Tolu
do Pets
do Polmoffary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic
do Benzonic
d o 'aide
du Nitric
do Oxalic.
:do - Hydrocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do Olives ,
de - Castor _
do Neatsfoot
do Almonds
do Amber Rent
do Amber Red
do 'Arsisi
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cobebs
do Cammin
do Fennel,
do Lemon
do l'assia
do (7od Liver
de taiarnitits 0
do Neroti
do Jesmin
do Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodium
do Russ
do Cedrat
do Copal*
do Ergot
do Verbena
do Violette
do Mellerse
do Mellelluer
do Patchonly •
Brushes. Paint
do Varnish
-do Hair
de Hair,Camel
do Nail
do Tooth '
do Shaving
do Flesh •
do Cloth
do Hat
Soap. Yantres
do Crysualine
• do Eng. Wind Low's
do Coopers
do Rose
' do Victors
do Orange
. do Tooth
do Erosive
do Castile
do Military
do Sarin
do Brown
Frieophe roils
Pain Killer
Ayers Cherry Peekral
Oxygenated, Bitters
Stoughton Bitters
Holiman's Anodyne I Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints,Turpentine; Djd.
Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass,-Putty, eholee - Groiedes,
pare Wines and Liquors for Medicinal itartiotes.-6
Also, Cigars of the best brand ;' andall'artielescon
fleeted with the trade. ''
Having secured the services b 1 Dr. 13.-Hvirron,
whr keeps his &tee at this store, add Will'give me•
dical advice gratis to people,= 6 lhOr paying fortbe
inedicines only. PhYsieianstaa Tely'nponshaving
theievreseriptions carefully compaunded and pat
op. The stock- has been sefecteil-with great care,
and the guadi 'will be warranted as represented.
811 of Dr. D. Jaynes' medichies.:AlmsaCkerry , Pac.
tofu!, Pannonia' Syrup' tortilla* Doak
Root, Orrick's, flobensaelliand Jurist, Vemtifuge.
Tagetherwitb Wet tbti Most popular Patent midland
now in ass 'CottstandiOn hanihnd for sale at
'DREIYB Drug Store. -
Tbree Doors below liontanye's miner: •
Towanda, January 3, 1853. •
60BARREL'S of old Ohio Whtskey jost received
and for add wholes* and retails at .Beed'i
Drug 'Store. ,
BQUINTLEiI dpdlish;
,boxes of Reirini,
laireji, Within.% litiintited in prime
order. left ori• sile at' liaM :Fork:cask prices,. at
REED'S Drug Store. I . TOirand‘lati;2ll.llls3.
196 raim !Jai4 l l4goballeS i Cifier , loar
ars93eer paokhie 'B4; tood . order.
sale ehe at • ulvf 3 .:D* *MRE Of
etput,o6i. - "
--_- •
Aire*" Aifeription.`tor hak e e n d la # 4.
s-• boyie and childreus• wear, just reed ba7r
Pept tp, 3. POWELL.
t .
,n'~ s
ied ifeiiilP leading articles
t'osgate's Cordial
lii Opi t 1 , ' I i
Raes t ßiaiment, , , • ,
flair Dye
ointment, Trasts
•do Dailey's .
do McAllester
: Herb! j : i
do Extracts
ilden's Alcoeolic Eih.
Fei Extrait
a ti taP 'Extract
_ i ,
Meakim's -Vanilla Exit
do Lemon do
do Mace do
do - : , Alettilttri 010
.:., d a !::. ~. (noireien
• do , Allspice. do
' do , Nutmegs?. do
1. „Palami, , da
• do • ..Ginger • , '.. do
do Cinnamon do
do_ .Itraage do
do Tooke do
Lubin'. Spriogflower
: do ;,Most"",;, Op
--. do .Viblette ' 'do - *
-An !• Magnolia. 49. .
do •*Sweet Brit do
do Jesmin do
do Jock's Orb do
do Caroline de
do Jenny Lind do
- ,rlci Boquet do
Syringe, Pewter as'en'nt
di) Glass • do
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do . . do, . . ; 0, E.
Rad Rhei Tisk' *
do do
- - do Ipecac
do Jalip
do Ginger White
do Orrin
Gum Camphor
do Opi Turk
do Myrrh Turk
- do Arabre .do `
' do Copal
do Aloes Soet
do Aloes Cape
Chloride Lime
do Soda
Castor Russ
Isinglass do
Even,' Lanots'. '...
!Vitra Silver, Op's - ,•
Oxid Bisnoth '
Blue Pill I men
!lodide Pots - ,
Mart do
rearb do , .
ISuiph do
Oaustie do
Citrate Ferri'
lodide do
Tannin . •• —,
Proto lod Mercury ,
Strychnia 4
Piperin '
Elaterium " '
lodide .= . • -.,
Veratrin • , . .
Kreosete • ?
Hydra Cum Crete , tt: t
Morphine Bulph
do Act
Calomel, American ,
do English,
Precipitate Aged
do • White.
Iplautei • -
doPalitGot .
- do ' 'Dirk do
do White
!Gold Leaf,Op't 4
China Vermillion . 1
America , ; ;ado , f ,,-
'Prus'Prussian Blue
.•.- flo -
~~~,~ ::~
Hradtbra County. Penntrylvanta.!
• •
' Btsoi- Cuter% .
HOVE !E(Pauwit spLayknifti Sintst, CO:
tea of:Sada:li *es:: NO; 1; S.A rind
teo• T ia, so; ;to. - ,sys:s and Pi."TheieiCut
'we" bkioria,cbilikki r
thin-the 'enatiti kg,qp:Pso-:
ter with Valves set' daposily, of
illielnivet-0n,114W4!,8 -Mita are spitil, which
enables them 'to cat it debt linglesaiptinat. the rew, hide
roller. They cut steadily, with no jettink=in.iislly
kept in repair.atjusifelfp itt taken off and ahar—
Pene4_ without . *eV Tit ether_ Wee')
audit' nit/wintry tnife atit be set out'or bt, so Is
to keep theta alf tine; if one toffs should velar faster
thin another. Every farmer should have one of these
labor and fredtuaybioes.
tri• Wt:itleand i retail—s t libefil discount
made.tothotr who. boy to aril, asap. f . •
I .• ff. AL , WELES,"
Athens. PettSPßOYenlarr-10.
Treiiipei'ilisde .Upsesiled
Itpuispanci Of the Provisioneof. art.ttet Om
General Assembly,passed the 13th day of March
111.111,raiiitt#10!acts of.Aietilbry, a 01'64 eilAted
Of pbblie 'sire settle COMinbalonet'ir Mee in'the
born' of Towanda, on the 2d Monday of June 1854
the tracteAtleild gj eaerihetlls the . following list,
enless the taxes!lne on them ,are paid before that
• .
418 Andrew Burkhart $l9 1$
294 Abel Pierce .18 51
_l6O Maness. Bradley
. 039
7 'loo' l l/avid - Sheincerd t 8 110
300 • Charles•Caroll 7 20
- 60 prilinnah Hibba4 • 1 .3 78
416 'Joel Barret 13 80
89 Hannah Hibbard 5. 62
tipt.Wm Hibbard', 32
100 pt.rbos Jackson ' ' B'3o
100 Win Jackson 6,.30
100 pt.Bally Fish 6 - 10
• 184-pe.cjinstoph . sr l Arruy it 37
r:* . Rimer nthp. 16 90
151;- James, Wilson •
833 .1 Wilson
88 Charles Caroll
195 do
100 do
C~SMii 7
Casperahaffain Jr.
405} John Morgan
5 7 8 17Opt.Wm Smith E. 4 08
400 Peter likely
25 20
.190 James Wilson 11 97
400 Peter Hampton .25,
400 James North 20 20
285 Deborah Stewari,.. „ 16.,67
1481 108'. Janina „Wilson 8 80
• - 89 _Daniel Beath . 242
387 Joseph Thompson 24 86
200 Win Norton 12 6
1488 1 0 0 - 011110 Carroll
1401. 460 do
1491, .• • ; 184 do •
-100 Charles Carroll
1616 600 Charles Carroll 14 - 40
1607 .250 do - • 8 00
1515 •. • 169 • • do 4ea
150 George. Prime y - •" 9'85
75 Henry Porter • 4 70
49 • Porter tieo'Oc 'alien 3 21
75 'Charles Field 4 70
100 • Henry Field 6 SO
95 Philip North 3'21
200 Samna Field 12 60
88 Wit 'Porter 554
14 Janie, Smith ." 89
Atio—At the same tittle and place seill
posed to sate the following - Real Estate in pursu—
ance of the forty—first section of an "act of lonersl
isiembly, passed the 29th day of April:A. D. 1844,
viz : .
Townships I • year. I To whom [Ann Tax
Armenia MAI Benj Coothough .2 *0
do .... Sabin Rockwell , TO
do 002 Benj Codbangb . 240
do ....: W Johnson 84
do .... Latin Rockwell
Albany , .... Cornelius Malonia
Asylum ' .... , 'Pi ik .1 C litojamin
do .... Ralph Peters' heirs
.do ; .. .... Michael Croak
do . .... Lemon Pearce
Burlington 1851 Sylvester Hill
do .... Wm Simpson
do .... Wm Taylor
do ... .1 - H Watson
.do - .... Geo Gates
do • 0 F Welles
do .1. Jai H English
do ' 1852 • Mosel. Baaneu • '
do .... Jos I scowl •
do •. • , Limon P Hanson
, 1848' Sassn . WAtrets
do 1849 do
do , _1832 , ,410
`VC.° 'Place -•
Franklin 1851 I A Payne
do , 1852 Geo Biagio
@lipid Henry Hittley
do ' Aisbil Fairchild
Heiricli, 1851 Berj Betuiiit
do ittipard Clirk
' do Oureci
.do ,absa,alngbagi
do ' - .11(olei Wood
do_ 18 . 52, Sai ; *'Hull
de Wood'
do .... Orrin Voleinan
t Jaws I.y?";
-,-.185k •• • Aggetklevq. ,
" • ' 1141 - Lent
Matti' 'Wtilki •
David EckloC
-bank! 7011'
de `. •
, eithold Odder
.1 W Manderville
South Creek :L.—.
e , Jam Gjger.
do ,z...,..;: tr?!fmtieDii Ittirk4L. Y:r •
do I
R L Morton
do • •••
do A - 411 1 .11in5114414412: 1 : 1 20
.do -t? • _ : L DTirmlL , _ • .40
foliaodilloiOl4s2. L W .44 '1 45
nrinktilP ri,t7- • Fil,* ll 4 l l:Pragg, 1 .2.5
MIWC;:! , )841 krnit,9,l ll . l q..
r 1.. ,4 1_11 101 gs b ona " 1.12
Wysat 1852 b Bog •—.• • 7',52
Toy Atd11101854.-:: , „:"
: ud•sairi*o"nse
17, &4., pun rt,•ei7Pd by PHINIVEY.
Inane. and ...-T
• CIZOCNIRLI*I44I - 110F"`dus. ,
Painti,_Oils,"Varbthen, rindatualini,
P 3 O seuffcaniCouraing -
1!eOlai Agent ; fc# tkelbitolpii . kg
Dr. Jaynes' Medicires:--
, Alterative, Vermifuge.
Expectorant, Liniment .
Han Dye, dice'
Dr.Fitclo.Mediclnes .
Dx.l3wayne's do ..
Dr.Keeler's do
BranesEalsam & Ezt
Graefenberg Medicines
' Gargling Oil
Pain Killent
Galvanic belts, dui.
Hetit & Condition pow.
Rock Rose
Uterine Catholieon
Tootteaeladriiflit z ticking 7 =..
dyVe - , Wistsem 1 1 400 1 C:9 c
T 0 Dot potion , „ p* m plefito
ownseod's Iglarsaparilla Ballarirs.,ol l soar)
Plasters and Pilit of aft fialiant'Life
kinds. Harlem Oil
Arid Many others, not . enumerated, all irareauted
0;;:r Remember Dr. POIFEIN Drag and Chemical
Store is in thi Botith"..enirof tbe.,Warl House. front”
ing,theDoblic square. ,H. C. PORTER. Al. U.
EOPLE of Bradford County wishing . Ani.tblit
i...a.........-vie r mwensurenurrNeaesiones
oath - Tables, CetitreTables ofl 'and'Amer•
icat:!, Marble, or ,Illeek Stones of 'sizes, can
ave iheni'ob the shortest, notice by sending in'
their orders, cheaper and better than can
_be per
chased•elsivebere. ' •
''Chester Wells, Cabinet Haller', atitfindirta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda,
Agent. O. W. pHILLIA , S.
Towanda. March. 3 1 .100. .
6 18
11 00
2 20
7 44
$ 30
25 67
25 56
wivinagic - la. no v•atiarmatera.
important to Zonsokeoperw. •
- , ...,_ - THE subscriber thankful for the
/---___......_...- liberal patronage heretofore re
--.--- •- ,- ,( - --Vl`c ceived, begs leave to inforth his
6 friends and the public generally,
11 : :si i...:! . F l . 1 . r I .and those comment:um: House.
----- . - - keeping In particalaettiat b et a s
.. ...- _5...._,
I . si , now on hand.a large assortment
---• ofIPURNMIRE, which he will
warrant to be Made in a substantial manner, and'of
the best materials.
2 40
. 10:80
4 41
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress.
lug borealis. marble and plain tops; mahogany and
(walnut washstands,"marble tops. and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEADSTEADI3.- 7 11igh, Field, French and low
post beadsteadi; finished in hands Odie style and of
approired pettertis,together withotker fiirnitnie Hsu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms. ,
AO . The subscriber is also provided - with a plain
and feshionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readiness-to attend to all orders in undertaking.
Be Will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for aweek. COF
.N. 8.---Furniture of all kinds made to order. and
warm:nal to be of the best matt this and workman
Towanda. January 17, 1862.
MHZ subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they hvro l taken the shop fortneriy occupied by
Adam = Evens/me, on Mein street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACHBMITHING open reasonable terms.
Thasareriaterminal by doing their • wart welt end
prelipthr. lenient : as they hops to receive- it share el
public patronage.
"HORSE-SHOEIMG.done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery:executed in the most skii
1 34
4 Us
1 14
WI:KM WORK for aragons'arill also be made and
repaired 'When desired.
All work done at their shop, will be warranted tote
Well done, and Manufactured from' the best. materials,
The public are requested to give Mr a trial, and judge
for themselves. -EIitENWINE & BEEBISOBB.-.
Towanda; May 2..181/1.
rlrt LEAVE Towanda for Minor's
illsAtorlingtoo,East Smithfield
Ridgebery, and Weitaburg., de
pot on thePiT. Y. 4t, E• 11. R., suety Movostr, Wan-
Paseo and rIUDAF at 8 o'clock A. M.,and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of can
either east °rims% same day, r ,
• Returning Tunas', Taoist:me, and Ets.voansw,
after the arrival of the Eastern wain, and also the
Westant care trap Jefferson, ElmiratOtc., and ar
rive'at Towanda same day. ,
Few; :,•-Towabda torkfercar's mills, -37 6 ,
" to Borlington,
• to East Smithfield, 62j
", to Ridgebery, tl,OB
" to Wellshiwg depot, 1.25.
Repress packages to or from the flail Roadrca,re.
(ally delivered at moderate charges.
D. M. BULL &
• 1 50
„ 490
1 57
- 1.,70 '
I 99
4 . 17
1 SI
2 78
I 20
1 26
1 77
Towapda, 94 8 c 1852'
Bradford Comitylrlatias Corn She tlerh
Turlfo.LEWSipkAteta4l4 ThexTFl bad Miele
V allitefOundi‘tite, 63 u l SlTMHlVlAlralm.".A.... war
ranted)—for sale at the Agvicultontl and stove store of
, Nor. 10, 1 853., ; , ..€„, , R, M. WELLES.;
1 60
1 73
3 at
1 34
, ,
vows sravpl'
COOH STOVES, of vinous and egeellencpeuerna
and sizes—aeverat-pattemi of superior-- limited
Orer a . amon I whieltia el comblmidon of the Clinton
and AnalOttet 7 5Bht,,nnlind :1% C
wellNtilackampele of elegant parlor, ball, shop, elitnta
and' school hate Stoves..both far ,:wood
siseetnit-priees tomtit all tissues of - customers.- - Call
and see. Nit r.lOl risnE:3l. WELLES.
C l ittirge,f"-
DitidEB $4 and $5 t very Cow altooldirateona
aftla* tb , 3 rrekfw girM°:tangeo r o2 l op e
simple, portable and ,aaglyiliept in
repair; for ale by
A thinly, Nov. 10, 1053.
t „.r.:
&ryi:e's Cherry Pectoral
Schench's put. syrup &,,-.
Miami's lagers -
Pepsin (for.-dyspepsia)
Aconstio oil , ; . •
Indian Cholagogoe
Lyon's rat pills ~ . g
Pile Medicines:; -
Salt Rheum And. fritter
Trask's. mag _ do
fipaciii&TouiUler do
McAllister's 'do' -
Eye-graters .. •
Cephalic snuff
Corn salve
-, 7r 'Z.
Tq1.:.T.X01; 1 _,W4.0„-v,azim
MONitiAoll '
; PROliErtiliii
Do you - viatit%ir sell - or mortgaie'atiitivil estate 1
Have lint 'I bond and mortgage - you.wish to sell I
Have you house", tavern:owlets, that - yon Wish to
sell or lease I
Hive you a mill, factory jeep:dry, .timitety, - Or oth
foloofeCtriffoXege, .Ipekrol9ll,7cm wish to sell
of ferlit -
Here' you the clay, or
othet taine r ibi,,YenWt# to aelLoquive Worked on
Hare you land that you would like to. ,baVe'dritin.
id or Cleared by contractor; on 'barite •
H power ' that Yon mew im
*QOM' rent _
Do you Want saditionir ptiliai;;, partner, ta
riot 'halloo's I
Do you' want tbiell'yOur stock - of merchandis e r f .
- 114 6 ,',03,w int foloy.itco-C°oo4 ge.:Feef° c apital kr any 9000 obje ct 1
Do I°"4:l°°#!/ofol.794l:Forrty fio other
liriffier • - - - •
yon Don Went in your iseigKoiheod mi4,,` found;
riii,"tatitteriel,,Or other manofactorimi '' . , , ,
#4 1 4 it'd/ fisiediniiaoveznentiti,niachitie:
U. Or IP the erte, which YOO.wetit to all , ' or which
you' went meins„lo manufacture 1 -
If yen have any of the abeve wants, or others of a
Sirens, character... and WW inch* to our address,
(Poet-paid,), description of
them • and lf ProPertY.4 * 21 4. Proxfolft.r-. to, ca
nal, rallroad, or usvigalilistreqr,„ to chitrOkakectiools,
mills, stores, dm, the tiniest terms on which you
will sell, nongsge. lease, ixchanger, or otherwise die.
pose of 0 and if yeti hiclose to lea Reg:
ideation fee of $l, (the re cei pt of which Will be4lo.
knoviledged,) your watt &dirt& recorded' , in 'oar
for.your eltawand. County, for the Inspection. free of
charge, of those who,are **king to,
' exchange, or invot..
' 'We Maki' n 6 Ascii tit' 'any - Ibt `itiamlidne our
Register and they mike' known their
wishes, they are referred to your own statement of
your wines : and as we hive Maps of the different
ammy and of, , soth Denotiei ai we .0 hero ,been, able
to profile weieittployligents visit the yes.
lets said dement it:it - arrive with Immigrant:, (of
whom from -1,000 to 5,000 are daily irrivin:,) and we
also have agents tadistributeour-91 - cubus among the
strangersit'the heitek; 'as' vre - iuleertise in the
PriociPel'Pel , ere of the city of New York, - and 'in van
one forms throughotit all of the states, as well as the
differein countries of Etropt, - fmin which immigrants
come, and -where we expect one of our Firm wall for.
the present reside, ind where - also we shall agents in
the principal ions of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, lase, or invest, to visit
our-office: wilhoolchnc4 -
We sire confident,that we offer a better medium of
making your wants known to those who des:re tp
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet practised.
lithe best place for you to effect a self, lease, ex
change or loan on your property, is in its Ism:Sadie..
vicinity. If you cannot do Inhere. the next best place
is in -New 114 , 16 - Our you want icami
g.nta or sears of any class here is the place to obi
tans them:
Bemisibere st all times andseasoas,thereare from
30,0Q0 to 70,000 strangers, many ofwhom are seeking
for Investments or homes.
Because time are probably 100,000 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity. •
Because here is conceptratet a great proportion of
ihe*Oui aißlud Of ifiet;• Union, seeking investment.
• Batausis' money here is ordina r i ly wont' from sto
7 per cent. pettinntun, on undoubted 'wonky, while
you can ,afford to give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte
rest;eitfier in annual incorne•or increased value.
Bet ause here, an examination of our files will inform
thoseseeking to invest or settle, where the property is
to be found which they seek.
Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange
country or other city property, for property in this city
or kr vicinity.
Because a person, by spending a few hours in our
office, without cherge, can obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the country, and
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, here. in the commercial metropolis,
where is concentrated and wants of a vast
multitude threughout this and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of our
countrymen, both parties,those who wish to purchase,
and those who desire to s ell. can be mutually benefited
to the description of property, be cireftil not to
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you
do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compari.
sow of the reality with your statement might defeat
your Object. When your property is sold, or other.
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be Immo
diately,informed of the fact. As we do not propose
to sell. bat negotiate, and send purchasers to the own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite ; but when
it is desired that ireiduiuldieffiluthosity must be given.
Oar commissions on salt. exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat
ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement.
• 03kfileveral farms in the same neighborhood often
find a more nutty'sale than a single farm, as Itfimi
grants desire to remain in companies.
Real Estate and Property Brokers,
116 Broadway, New York. •
. Refer'to Comtism& Patinae Esq. 177 Broadway, N.
Y.; Hon. All Bronson. Oswego, N.Y,; Gov. Wood.
Ohio ; Ex Gov, Ford.-Ottio.; Hon. R. W. Thompson,
la.; Hon. D. A. Noble, "Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams.
Micb ; Hoo. Rob't Smith, Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood,
By ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lows; Hon. . J. R. Doty. Wis.
7 For fainter. information inquire of HARVEY
McALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm.
Elwell. Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 44y
Two can sizeum
THE subscriber would an
nounce to the public that he
have now on hand, and will make
to order all kinds of '
Cabinet Furniture,
such as Bofas,Divans, Lounges
Center, Card, Dining and Break
fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal•
nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus,
Stands of various kinds. Chain
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will be made of the best material and workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any other Ware•room in the
31131412/Ir -mane -CO s,
on hand on the most reasonable terms.' A good
HEARSE will be furnishedon Funeral occasions.
' Timanda. June 1, 1852.
LI AEI removed his estahliehasest to H., were,
somer,of task street end the public imam and
will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. as
He lutdiustrecei Item New York a large assort
ment of Wonsen't,C l 'sand Waste Skomlaidi
are offered at low • The attention d the Ladies
is Foutienlady di ac te d his assortment, comprising
the following new sty :—Enamelled Jenny Lind•gai.
ter boots; do. shoe, • black lasting , and aliktimitms i
*alibi gbilepalatas,aie. MiSees' gaiters aailll4as,
of e,very.der t irioOti.' ; A large ilsortment Of Ohildnin's
fancy'galterenisiki skid shoes, of all kinds. '
• Per tits , Gentlemen,' almiritisiiiry style el' jaws and
shoes: , tiThiii itodk kia 4 bean' , personally •selemed with
oars, and ha believes he eiur.offie supericifartieks at
testrOmblit - prierw. -,, .- ..-
-arAlict apietesi iftentichtsia . til - lifairisikettiring,
and hthopes' by doing work well to merit a tentintbk
ones of thcibend patronage he has hitherktreclivert:
Towanda, bia.y.BoBlllL. • • --
r , - • , ' '
ROCIEC'ISALT.—A quantity of Turk's
for sakby , l4. B. tILEY & NEVINS.
BRy AN' s
. 41 PrLytomc
rrHIS extraordinary preparation has t een far _
tiy 'years the most certatn and h
a s „„ n7
for COLDS, Assn* , BRONCRI1173,1311,1:
xi; auo r mitre ft
-Aran ASD Lowse. To
t h ose sufiking from obstinate and confirm e d c oa „ Ls
they give the roost immediate and perf ectreit ,t
when greaLliability to take cold me," anti a ;;;zi eb t:
lesomer Cough ineceeds the slightest en em, these
WATERS produce the most matted results, at once relieve the Cough and other symni totat, l . Y.
entirely remove that morbid irritability and et l7 ,
nests of the Lungs which give rise to the complaiot.
The medical properties are combined i n no
blit form and pleasant to the taste, so that an s;
eh l
Will readily take them : and they are warranted to
giverelief to ten minutes ate, use in all ea ses .
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D r . H . c.
PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
T HE Subscribers respectfully inform the citizens
of Bradford County, as well as all others de
sirous of purehasing, that they have opened an es.
tablishment in Triwanda, next door to 0.0. Ban.
letds store, where they now offer to the public at
whole-sale or retail, a large assortment of
manufactured by or expressly for themselves, l a d
warranted to be of the best materials and made is
the molt substantial and fashionable manner, wiz},
they will sell at the lowest possible prices.
They will keep on band an extensive asortment
of Clrms, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Tailore Trim.
mings. Also Trmdka, Carpet baes,Hats and Caps,
and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods.
We intend to offer the public a larger and better
assortment, than ever before kept in this place, and
to merit the patronage of the public, by selling then
a good article at prices much lower than any other
Cutting done at the shortest notice.
re - Nathan Alexander respectfully requests from
his old friends, a continuance of their patronage,
and assures them they shall meet with the same
satisfaction as formerly.
Main street, Towanda; 25 Lake street, Elmira.;
April 15, 1854.
THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership
under the firm of 8. FELTON & CO, for do
ing a general Liquor business, would rearpowitidly
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of atn
thing in their line to giva them a call. We intend
keeping on band a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any om
else in the county, from the fact that we buy direct
from the importers, and thereby save a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant.
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant.
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We bane
made arrangements by which we can furnish Our
cusiomers with any quantity of Binghamton BUR
fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee give us a call.-
The notes and accounts of the old firm of 8. Fe
ton & Co., are in our hands for settremen.
E. T. FOX.
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1852
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory
JERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the pablie
that they have removed to the shop on Main erect.
recently occupied 6r Smith & Son, 0..r1y appoint
the Ward House, whereethey ordt kee on hand a
large stock of
ataaaaaaa ztasliaac, Zia.1:231)
TRCN ICS, VA I:TREfiviirßlre, ETC.
AU articles in their lisc..iinufactured to order. and
made of the best material,and for workmanship canno
be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They salmi
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tha
they can give satisfaction both as to quality iindymee
6:7llides and Sheep Pelts received for work and a
account, at the lowest rates.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Ladho la
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
account of losses sustained at the late firs, w
ore obliged to call on those iokebted to us tut
prompt settlement, as we are under the necessity el
having what is owing to us, we trust this notice wilt
he sufficient without resorting to other means.
Towanda. Dec. 2, 1952.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block!
• w.f. Chamberlin, •
-. Oft 11 AS last returned from the city
et: 1 of New York with a large
411 p
4 C
. ilk supply of Watches, Jewelry and
i • ,
. ‘ 47 Silver ware, comprising in put,
I9C the following articles:—Lever,
,-..., , l' - . , - L'Epine and Plain Watches. with
' \ \lk,„ _ --____:f - . a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin.
gee Rings, Breast Pins. Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chins,
Gold Pens, Keys. etc. Also, all sorts of Silwrirca
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers
for sale eaceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and tramodtd
to run well,or the money will be refunded. sad a ini'
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
, N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country probe
taken in paymentler work ; and also. kart =tan
oreetrahat the Produce must be paid wire lip or
is done--I war against credit in all its forms.
W. A. CHAhI BERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or
any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLN—
-; A horse ! a horse !my kingdom for
'AP to a horse and customers td take — .) and
the goods, Notwithstanding the I
d u t . sa ms s e tr l o f u a s ga fi i r n e i A. M. WARNER il
Ana at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find
Most anything that's in his line,
From a cambric needle of the finest kind.
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fins.
Clocks which keep time accurate and true,
Breast pins of every style and hue,
Gold, silver r steel and plated chains,
Selected with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile
,Of every shape and every style,
To suit the old. the young, the grave. the rs
May there be seen in elegant array. -
And Waxman, who is himself a " Ws'
Is always ready and at his post.
To wait upon his customers and all
Who chance upon 'ins to give a c al ;.„.
So with good advice make up 5 01 c """ 1 "
To calWif-him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry of every style and hue. ,
VDon't mistake the place No. I. Brick m ,
where he is prepared to do all kinds of
in bis.linc of busines. at the cheapest rates that co
possibly be afforded He will also sell his 1 0 ' r
at 20 per cod lower, than was ever before taro'
this market. to Call and see..,Co • . t oa„
. Towanda. Nov. 12. 1852. A. M. WAV....>•
24132011, IZANOZINIFS.
"rHE only
. assortnatni of Paper Hangings k!P t ,„
vicinity, with a fresh stock jost s
.at unusually low prices. 0. D. D
Towanda, April 21 1959
, lo _Tv* ~4...4
MM. WTI 1 1 /X.llO/1 V ABLAL.44II