Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 27, 1854, Image 3

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, Planters, Fanneri, Families and otherartan put;
l i b e se no Remedy equal. to Ds, Tanta Irtintrlalf
Dlttladr, for . Dysentery; ChoUrs, CretriA; Chronic
owe at ism, Sore Throat, Toothaehe,Seafftekness.
Cats, Barns , Swellings,, Bruisea, -. Old , filoiet; Head
iche, Mosquito Hite', Pains in thi-Limlat;i Chest,
o a t etc •
If it does not give relief, the money willhe refine!•
t d—all that is asked, is a trill,anttnse it according
direcfions, . •-.
It is an English remedy, and was died by William
t h e IV., late King of England. anti certified to .by
him, as a cure for rheumatism. when every , thing
else had failed.
Dr. Tobias haspm up Mass Id*XIIST in pint
'anle, which is warranted cheaper and Wetter than
l any o,her for cholic, scratches, old sores, galls,
swellings, cuts, bruises, etc.
Over 10,000,000 bottles have been sold m the 11,ak.
ted States, without a single failure. and . masy,have
stated they would not be without it if it was $lO per
bottle, in case of Croup, as it is as certain as it is
It cur es Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours,:
Dysentery in half an ho or—toothache in five minutes.
I t is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re
commended by the most eminent physicians in the
limited States. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Dr. Tobias could fillsdoz e n newspapers with cep
dficates and letters rtlating, to the wonderful cures
accomplished by his Liniment, bet considers war
ranting it sufficient((as any person who does not ob
tain relief need not pays' for it. ,
Price 50 Certifs.- Dr. Tobias' Offiee;.24o` , Greens
inch street. New York.
For sale at Dr. H. C. PORTER ' S Drug Store, Tow.
oda, Pa..
Waverly Station, N. Y. & E. R. it
----- oUiiim. sari% I H. E. SIOILBG WEST. H. M.
S;cck Express, a m 3 401
Nigh: Express, i x 4 00
Sig;)tExpress,r m 1 I 39 Way Express, PM II 40
N. Y. Express as 6 20IBufralo Ex., or x 3 10
'Gin. Ex' p. •x 5 I I Mail No. I. rxB 35
Mail N 0.4. P x... 6 53 Dunkirk Ex. rm 4 03
Mail N 0.2 ,AM 7 26 Mail No. 3. •x 9 24
.Steamboat Ei. rml 49 Emigrant. - rsr 4 FT
'Dues not stop at Waverly.
Win, until further notice, leave Towanda at 1.2
past I, P M., connetting with the Buffalo - Express
foins West, and all the evening trains both ways.
Returning , leave Waverly after the arrival of the
night and morning trains, reaching Towanda in time
for the Tunkhannock and Dushore stages.'
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1854.
Nan 2bnatisements.
Bituminous Coal.—Barelay Coal Bed.
HE undersigned is 'piepared to furnish. at the
beds, any tinantity of this superior COAL, at
the reduced ptri2e of $1 25 - tper ton for
• Blackstaith
coal, and $1 75 for picked Grate ..toal. Payment in
cash or country prodtwe. hut no credit will be given . .
for the Barclay R. R. told Coal Company.
Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 2.4, Mt.. •
Pacific Balm.
TCST received, a new supply of Dr. Farwell's
.1 Great medicine for the cure of Cnnsutnption.
Persons ihreatened With the kilarmin g ;Meese would
,io well to apply this Medicine before it becomes too
late. Price $1 per bottle, ail,sixbottles for Sr).
May 21, 11554. J9ICINGSDERY.
Harrisburg, May to, 1854.
Y the 43fi.section of the " Act for the regulation
and coniinu ition of the Common School Sys,
tem," - passed May 8, 185.1, it is_ made the duty of '
;he Superintendent of Common Schools, to give no
tice by publication in two-newspapers in each coun
ty for three successive weeks, to the School Direc=
tors of .the several con - Mies, that they are to meet in
convention at the seat of justice of the proper court!
:y on the first Monday o: June next. and sclectrita
rote, by a majority' of the whole number of Hine—
tors present.•one person f Literary and Scientific
acquirements and of skill and experience in the art
of teaching, as County Superintenderit fur three suc.
reeding school years.
The School Directors present in such convention
on a majority of them. shall at the same time fix the
compensation of the County Superintendent, and
immediately after such election, the President and
secretary of-the Convention shall certify to the Su
perintendent of Common Schools, at Harrisburg,
'he name, amount of annual compensation allowed,
and the Post Office address of the person who may
be elected County Superintendents
C. A. BLACK, Slzp'l. Common Schools.
llow being opened by
cash and Ready Pay Dealer in
ANCY and Staple Dry Goods ; Cloths, Cassi•
meres and Vestings; Hats. Caps & Straw
Guod,—carpets and 0:1 cloths ; Yankee Notions—
Donis and Shoes—Paper Hangings—Transparent
Window Shades,&c.
all of which are offered for sale for CASH or
RF;ADY,PA rat the lowest posiible prices.
Among his stock of Dry Goods will be found a
large assortment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress
Berazes and Braze de Lames—DO
beers, Moulin de Laioes and Lawns—Plaid and
Plain Poplins—Plato black, white, pink, blue and
torn colored Detainee—French. Scotch and Amer—
ica!) Ginghams—English and American Prints—
Slack, blue and white Bereze de Lains, Lawns
Prints, &e.
Swiss and Jaconnett Edgings, Insertings and
Financings, &c. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton
and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars
—all prices—Lace and muslin undersleeires—Un.
der handserehiefs—all prices—Mourning under
haltia., collars and hd'kfa.—Embroidered, hem•
stitch & plain linen hdk'fa—Plain mourning and
black lace Veils—Plain and figuted cotten and silk
laces: Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book Muslin, Bishop
Lawns, Tarpons, &c.. Lace & embroidered
Muslin Window drapery.
• Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves—
elite. black & assorted colors—Best quality silk
gloves, kid finish—Plain cille4 lisle thread. do., as.
oiled colors and cfoalittes—French silk mitts,long
and short, for ladies and Misses. Black silk. white
and clouded merino hose—White colored, unbleachi
ed, mired and black cotton Hose of every quality—
Moises white, colored and mixed do.. all sizes—
Boys mixed cotton half hose, assorted sizes: Men's
Watt wool, unbleached and mixed cotton half hose,
assorted qualities.
Black Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn and
gingham i;ra vats, Silk and Satin stocks—common
and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen handkerch:efs.
ALSO—A large stock tf plain black and colored
'.06151 l al"WEig§3
Plain bL'k doeskins, fancy casaimerez and vestings.
Tweeds. Kentucky Jeaos, cottonades and other cot'
ton and linen Goods for men and boys wear.
Watered Moreens, assorted colors Damask for
curtains, lounges, dcc., double and single fold.—
Worsted embqssed, damask linen and worsted and
cotton table cloths. Bleached linen napkins.--
Bleached and brown linen damask table Scotch and
Russian diaper and crash. bleached and unbleached
and colored muslin and almost every otheraiticle of
family, dry goods.
A great variety of Boots and Blades for mans,
bore. ladies, misses and cbildrena wear. •
brocha long and square Shawls.. Cashmere, silk
and delatne do., assorted colors, of all qualities.
la addition to the above enumerated articles, will
be fsue a pod assortment of merchandise, of al
most every deteription. to which the attention of
the public Is respectfully invited.
Towanda. April 18, 18.54.
p• MON .11111011130131131131111C1V1C1P9
Att,tteby''at - Taiw. ,
ornes wrwris imam tim utmost: '
, , •• .
T 8 Dow , receiving all gods of NEW GOODS, which
.1 .will be sold Teri low for Cub.
May 8. 1854. • <
►NIB uniformed ebnipenieit in Bradford catinWire
1 directed to meet &t their usual places of iner—
ing on Monday Ole 56 . 40 Jtine . 1854. and told
an election in each eentipant Ibr orielirigadierOmi
eral and one Brigade•lnspector. Mao for such Old
officers as the battalion to . which each cnrpirlukT nay
be attached shall Aie entitled tn.
The Captain or eximmanding officer 'teeth com
pany shall appoint the place and superintend said
election; and take to his assistance one or more
menthe's who shall be severally sworn-or - affirmed
to condact said electinit fa y sad hnpartially.and
make 'a troe and' correct 'return thereof; and when
the said election shall be closed and the votes co opt
ed, the superintendent and his assistants shall make
out duplicate returns of the same to be signed by
them. stating the number of Votes given for each
person for the different offices voted for; for the Bat
talion as well as for the Brigadier General and Bri
gade Inspector; one of.said returns shall be.Bjed
with the papers of the lompany, and the other the
- superintendent shall within ten days cause to be
delivered to the Brigale Inspector. •
JOHN A. COBDING, Inspector.
Leßaysvilte, May . 10, 1854.
. Ultet MMOODZto
lITOULD inform her friends, that' she bas just re.
VV turned from the city, with s. lime itssortment
of - sanannutor , Goons,.
which she otters at reduced• prices. Prodnee of e
ery kind-taken in payment for gouda.
MASON ,has removed
his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
the old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda. May 13. 1854.
THE,fourth guider_ will commence on Tuesday
the 10th day of May, next. April 28..1851. _
TWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Pisti
ter, 100 Barrels Salt, 100 Bbls. White Stone
Lime, 50 bushels Orwell &, West Branch Clover
Seed, 30 bushels TiniothY Seed, 500 lbs. Allegany
COUnty, Cheese. justleceived and for sale by
Towanda, April 27, 1854.
RUNDRE D Thousand Feet Panuel Boards.
1: 50,000 feet Common • do.
100,000 feet Cullin boards-, ,
300,000 long Pine shingles, for which Cash will be
paid on delivery , 43. s,, BAILEY & pp..
Towanda. Bpril St. 1854. . .
Blows and Plow casti.pgsl
D LATCHLET, Warta county, It •or Curtis
1-1 Plows, Bide hill, subsoil and corn plows and
Castings, for sale cheap.
I take particular pains to get grad well made
plows and tough castings. I would invite partieu
tar attention to the Alba, or-Curthr plow.
Call:and see. R. M. WELLES.
MILL . CCM is N1N2411829
South Corner of Mercer's Block, Main Street,
AftE now opening their stock of 000118 for the
Spring and Summer trade, comprising a full
and complete assortment, and of the usual variety,
which will be, sold at a very small profit for Ready
Pay. Among the assortment of
DRY Goods,
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Oren Goods
consisting in part of
Bereges. Brege &lanes, all-wool Ddatoes- Lawns,
plain and printed ; Gingiains. English,
Scotch and American • Poplins,
Prints of ail .shad es and
' •
• - eaters trc , Eye.
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Cascinteres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, klatin
and Sumriter Vesting's. -
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, 'bleached-and brown,
Tiekings„ Summer. Goods for boys' wear. Cotton
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten;
A full stock will be kept on band. Those in want
of Sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, Stewart's best
Berup.Spices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratos, Flour,
Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on us before purchasing , 'else•
A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and Stone-ware, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps—
Nails. Paints. Oils, Glass arid Puffy.
Thankful for the liberal petronageof the pewees
eon. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to en examination of our Spring stock, be
lieving that good Goods and la* prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, May 12, 1854.-
WOULD respectnrtly inform the citizens of To
wanda and vicinity, that be has opened a
Grocery dt Provision Store.
on the south side' of the Public &lure, where he
would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon
him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country
Grocery. Sackers Nuts clan kinds; Oranges, Le.
mons, and Candies of all Varieties and shapes, Ci
gars of the best quality.
He also designs to keepon band Pnovistons,
&c., all of which be offers cheap for Cash or Coun
try produce. His motto is, that "nimble six-pence
is better than a slow shilling." •
Towanda, May 1,.1854.
THE subscriber will sell on reasonable writs the
property hwned and occupied by her in the
Borough 'of Towanda. Bald property consists of. a
lotof land situated next above A. D. Montanyes, in
the Northern Liberttes,bounded north by Mrs. Gill
son's lot, east by William street, south by Division
street. and west by Main street—being one hundred
and thirty feet deep, and 6tty feet wide. The streets
recently opened. make desirable a building
lot as any in the borough. There is - now upon the
lot a small , dwelling hones. Application•may be
made .Xo Catharine Kramer, onto Emannel Kromer.
Tolapda. April 21. 18t4.
CLOVEN.. .6.Erb grneomEnr
Al the Ara ia Agricultural Store.
VirEST BRANCHand - Ohio cloverlieCd, itt;"4o
NV a bushel. • ' • -
Clean Reaped Reaped 'finialAy Seed, - wholesale and re
tail--retail price, $4. Also a good selection of Gar.-
den Seeds, for sale cheap. ' 114: WELLES.
Athena, March 15, 1854.
West Branch Clover Seed.
RABas . u. of West Bunch Clover seed; just re'
cetved a first rats article, and , for. see at the
lowest cash price, by. :BAILY _ be NEVINS.
March 1, 1854.
INIC RKlNB.—Tbe higbest price Will be pad in
cash 63r any qussitity of Mink skins, by •
Jan. 4,1054. MONTANYEe& CO:
300• NEW BARRELS, fir for Fork or Cider,
ter sale at 7be each f liy S. FELON 4 CO.
Tirranda„ Aug. 10.180!. . :, '7l
- PLANNELB—Freacb, Domestic iind
1: for sale by PHINNE •..
lITANTED—aII kis& of grain & lualber
VV which Nome cub will be 'paid. by •
Oct. 24, lest _
L rawlik.a;.ibi'ZlO2lo23sll:oAif. go.
1 lei o.7E.Asuiwo icillfinp - r, will
comit•ies.* thinittliie lt baiinesiJeiteratriiaader the
name of V.11011,11.X. - berres ens'it:Co.. IC their
otd itendAtntrfetteut.tho pare rtio4o - 31i theatmill
part ol`the !Womb `if Voiriiitidl,Phlwe..lhei wi l l
msauflictuti:to on**o4ifeep IP hand e - line ale
sorlgient. of thf;kilbsV4 I
befiChilitgY, ,
oflthisteAtteludiilis; , illistiOgs --
the ltenie'do.f.ohnsati tWaser.tenelda. fv. 4t,.
y • Staiesll. •"-
B°4C3iikl , Cobitlitt eci
RadOrTek*r-ali 4113113,
ids gag price*: _ - -
Nortrattelt, Ric Cr' and. 1.4 31 61 1 . 44 4 4 / 03 . I
and ' Wuinbatattin.leapsa . Cotinty,' Enalsior.
sideaftlateotd Oath Plough" *a. -
Waco* ti9iegi ti;eilrkshoel. Plough P (40(1 1'4, 44 °5
for Chain pumps, GoOdstonesoie,,, and other ants
cies too nomerousiarnintioo... , ,
Having secured the services of J. B. IRVINE,weII
knoiris 01 as dI fdl Iklicbinest, die firm feel konfi.
dent that they can Manufacture and repair ill kinds
. mactiineiy tie workmanlike manner, and on as
vesiMittu: tut ; ociestahlieliMent this side of New.
York:— - • -
8 41181.E1 1 1018 11- wlll•Ptr.:TCPattlitt4lothaln:PrilY. on I
sl ortatotice. s Parnenlar attention welt be paid to the
Pattent , r*stritiuti, eat 4idtoidere •tulfilled tin the
shortest youriblemotice, --, • -
ertarticutar attentimi LBAriine's
celebrated Beesbier Plougk which took the first
premiem of the Bradford County Fair, of 1853.. Also,
to the Elevated_Oren Eagle 8.t071,,. the best now in
Did Iron, 'Brass, Copper. -Zinc, Pewter, and Grain
and all kinds of Country produce taken in payment.
N. B.—All Noting• and aecounti doe the firm of
Lamont's - , Hall and Russell, are left in the hinds of
I. L. & H. L. Lessem: for collection, and immediate
attention is called to the same, which xtrer at rate
by May Court nest..
D. C. Hatt, 7 Sf L 1,. Laxness':,
C. 8. Room. S ' H. L. Lawmen:.
Towanda. April 1, 1851 -
. Now Laud- Clover Seed.
85Bushels of New Land Clover seed. jud weiw
ad and for sale cheap by B. BL•iOBERT.
Towanda', March 1, 1854.
31P 0 MS. MIL 1111 K S9B 91
ANY mao - or boy. or any body else wanting any
kind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on
Gionos B. Putouts, and see hois
lie is selling'his new stock.' Ile has now the
Largest Clothing - Store
in Athens:lad-his Goods wereall bought cheap and
*ill hit Clothing is much lower in th e
and-Pertnne 'bound to let his coital:ter' have
the benefit of it. ..
who store le_mest ,snd Jost fitted op. TWo
above the brick brotiGili Mena.- _
Hits, Caps, 4e., new and cheap.
Atheos,_April 26. 1564.
JHARVEY PHINNEY is just receiving a fine
• assortment of tarsto BmixsaGoons.which
will be sold as usual, vet) , cheap for CASH.
, Towanda, April 20, 1854.
LOVERSEED-zA first rate artinlejost receiv
ed and for sale at PHINNEY:S.
BHANB--Twelity—five bushelafor sale by
500 111:13N 1; 1 111U1=30 I !
sors to J. 4 S. Alexander 4 , Co.'s Clothing
Store. •
The subscribers have just received at Their old
stand in Mercor'a Block, l'otwanda. a near-and good
assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods, •consist•
ing of
Ready-Made Clothing,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles io market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under Shirts. Drawers, Wraplters, Gloves, Suapeu.
den, Handkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, and' a
variety of Trunks, /cc,
Our Reidy—Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in that line, and as we boy for Casa, we
can and will sell 20 per cent. lower than soy 'other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Towanda, April 10, 1854. kt.E. 80LOVION.
DRIED APPLES.-40 bashers Dried Apples+—
gnifted fruit—on hand and for sale by
March 15. 1854. BAILEY & NEVINFI.
11. S. MERCUE,
Ts now receiving one of the largest and best selec
i ted assortment of Merchandise ever before brought
to Bradford county—consisting of, DRY GOODS of
every description. An extensive assortment of
common Hardware. Alen, *Saddlery, Harness and
Carriage Trimmings.
B/ackimilks' Bellows, Aoods, Furs, Tongs, sledges,
Iron, Steel and Nails, Groceries, Oils, Paint*,
and Dye.stuffi, Crockery
.4. Glass ware,
which will be sold as °suit very cheap for Case.
Towanda, April 18, 1854.
Cistern and Well Pumps I
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rama! of any kind,
site, &c, cheap for ready pay, for sate hi ,
Jan. 8, 1853. R. H. WELLES.;
Orphans' Court Isle.
By virtue of an ordei '
of the Orphans' Court of
Bradford County, i will expose to sale by pub
lic vendue on Tuesday June 13. at one o'clock, P.
M.. a piece or parcel of land situate in Pike iwp ,
bounded north by lands of Charles Dyer and 8. P.
Rockwell, east by EL P. Rockwell and C. W. Rey.
nolds. south by J. 8. Roberts ind E. W. Durgy.west
H. Marsh, e.ontsininu'abont 100 acres, abort
70'acrea improved, with a trailed house and barn
and shop thereon. .H. MARSH, '
Adusinisoutor of the estate of Elliott Marsh, deed:
late of Pike tail).
Thil'side was be held upon the preiniies.
T •
EST received byloseplr Kingsbury. a large and
complete stock of NEW GOODS. for sale as
usual, Coast visa Clau ! • --
Towanda, April 28.1854.
64 Bcsliels of first rateekwat seaditarsalir by
- • • .111:13, MERCUR.
Towanda. Idareb 1854. • •
A4it/Aii *Y of Wed Drench Clover Seed, jest
received and-forsilii b*: • I:POWELL.
Febnley -15, 1854.
CJaOTIO3, - eissimeret, vestitilgti • saulbett; cans,
Ind Tereeds'Of ill:deicriptjon, just received tiy
Oct. 24, - 1853. ' • PHINNEY.
• gersonj uniebtadv 1.00 r 4 1 4 10 1 15 4 41h..rn
aomeatlale,tor cantonA ma ; .
er a, - fda t e ad u t iggo, framedilkte: !lame
i t i basezhi — ving - 'sg . alsat the itiii nticat '. edil esta or tei sit li tle.
please present them duly au
• •
Marell.llls4.‘. Admfinistraton.
Omir4lE3TRl irowii Notteci%7'
AL4 persois knioviag themselves itidebterr'
Ostate'*: Tbc!asil e 'ritc‘ - 4e 4004410e A 4
Litchfield trprasidpiaii, faby . tisissad, Wind"
immedirdaparneatiaadthasOa. talaiariilphtst
said wilts_ will please dultAuyicart
eared for sediment. - •
.119f4.- ;
A"persons indebtedlo - thr estate at ..4OUN
„TEED,Aeceased.tateofLitekilikt tOWbship, are
herel4 requested' to,Utike pijnieat without delay; ,
and isDpereous .having demands against slid estate'
are requested - 10 present them duly aotheaticatid
for seuleuieut. ' BETSY .TEED. Adm .
80W1MATID 80 $
2tuniviiti ' '
4iv 'r 0174', 4`1 4r 1:14 4.4. 1 t
sOtlice with the.lteiistes sod Recorder„,,, •
‘: •TowAtroA, PC. • . 1
" • -
O,V.E.R T.O iku,
AT 17.0 Rlst"tir A ' l
TOWANDA, .I.lL' ".
cvn9E t h e second,story.pc4he UpiaoMpek.
liorth Side'bfkliePublic slpitte, over ihti - Oillce
of 3. P. Adams, Esq.' ' ' ' 4.;
TS Nov opening a'Ntir &roc or Gooni; Consist.
L ins of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which Will be sold as cheap as the same qualify o
Goods can be bought Iforshere this side of New.
Towanda, Dec. 10,1853.
Notice to Collectors ani,Tax-Payers.
OU are hereby authorized to make a deduction
of five per cent. upon the State Tar, of every
:ndividust who litiall•pay his or ho,'-state and iotin•
ty lax in fail, on or before the 2lst day of June next,
and the same 40 be allowed you in your se Ile.
aunt, provided the same is' by you paid into the
County Treasury s on or before the 22d or 23d days
of June nest.
By order of the Cputrnissionera.
E. 14. FARRAR, Clerk
Towanda, April 12. 18511..
A BE just receiving;at their larief, and commodious
New Store: Opposite the Quirt House, a large
assortment of
Provisions Groceries, YaiPer 2, 0 0.
toffedionlitt, Ft tUote mare, tc.
making their stockthe largest, mart complete and best
in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they either sell
dumper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er deems.
To merit and indtiee'e continuance of so liberal pat.
ronage we shall 'still (olio* our old motto—" /CALL
itoi ex niztizi, Alin A vaseuzer SINAI,
as of STOCI• n
Below we name a few of the articles that always be
found in our stock : . •
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar, molisses;syntp, l 2inger. pepper. spice.
cloves, nutmeg, cinemas. tnue. soda, nkmtus, cream
tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap, vinegar, starch. 4c.
Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel,
codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herring. wheat
flour. buckwheat flour, corn meal. cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard...trackers. &c.-
FMK dl. Nuts.
Prunes, citrons, fig', Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, arena.
tile and Madeira walnuts, pea note. chestnuts, &c. ,
German, French and American Toys,
Fancy Goods,, c.
• Tin wagons, rocking hones, boys' sleighs, China &
pewter toy tea setts.dulls, trumpetadtecordions, harms,
mess, &c. Glam, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet eases—toy bureaus, secretaries; writing desks
-L-plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier mache and leather port monises,
wallets and purses, ivory, horn end wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pod
et and, small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff box..
dpi cases, perfumery and hair oils. .
Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins„, bench screws.
low clothe, baskets and market baskets, sugar and spico
boxes. ,
Candy of all kinds.
Daily and table Balt, Salina Do. ete. etc. etc.
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New York prices.
Most kinds of country producetaken in exchange
for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS.
4 Towanda. January 2. 1854.
Pars! X*B t!
Aqantity of Far Vieuirinea and Cuffs of differen
qualities, for wile AT COST by
Jan. I% 1851. ' H. - A. MERCUR.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens, dec'd.late of Standing Ilitone,are hereby
requested to make payment withontdelay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
8. W. HILES. . Administrators.
A u . 27, 1853.
scosragummo co.
Ior i AVE come to the conclusion that the time has
.L.l come, that debts coin be collected, and after
waiting patiently for Years, end ending the Good
Time has sniped, when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products; they hope this notice will
suffice for a more asteneivecine and that payments
Will either be made in Grain at the present high pri
m or in Cash.
Their Assonnient n1'000173 is replenished week
ly from New York City;sall wiU be sold cheaper
than et retail in the Great En4oritaa itself.
%wands, lannary 31, ig
3.411M869 Tie.
SOM YOR for Bradford oouniy, is prepared to
attend to the above business in all its branches.
ties office is at Monroetoss.. t All letters addressed to
bim at that place, will meet , with prompt attention.
April 4,18*—, ,
.11tonif Zino.
Crt.Parros of of frmaltaratita Mime' Lima, lasi. re..
‘J calved a brat pita rude:a (realm'', tbs . kilo,
aad for sale by " NEvtis.
• March I. 1854. . • , •
THE CePartneeebiP ander: the subs:Ale
,have done bailees!, if. this diy • limo Shied
Weigel eonsaiti btisimss win: be elbeed
Either party at thipld ; than& Deliee doe ea soe#
tie Pa • • ' .1111fILLWA k HAMIT81:"
Athens. ha. 17,191111: '
!'t ROUND PLlCliftile mins Clayup Ground
1.-X Plaster, on band and farm eby ,.-
March . ts, 1834. BAILEY WING.-
1114,1 i
bolesale 19111141kitiktidkra
A. .. 4 "M' r • - •
11W ARE AN .1) S TOVES ' ;
0 E S i g
Japaamed , ani gritamat Ware,
ngs, Cart isgge Trignm s ingg, Mar:msg.& Saddlery
- ,are, carpenter , * and ./otaera TOO%
LEIPAFPIPAt'i4 1 1 1) umPs . , - , t`iir.ila, kinds and sizes,
Would inform nds 0111/ a part ofrthe .general•heado tindertinderWhich Mai l be classed,
their exteiisissittittstriteik4nd its'ihitih they are constantly receiiine tqpplies, diriet front the
i m p o rters an iailmariiotuteqt.widetr-enalikw them to offer suelkinducanents,ll* their hitge stock and low
prices, that tkapente - :OmpetitioeimspAny quarter. We would,ask the partteatar. a t te dti au
t. • •...;
to an eiamittiitiott.tif oar Meek; iriiiett*iiig been selected witb•the greatest care, we are confident will
satisfy evert Ott _Meg • • --.•
Don't: folg4 the Olicilotidt side 'of tbe public square. • ..
Old tion,Ocippprßriuiti and ill k des of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods.
Tow4difsMilfr. z '• - - BAIA;
3' s .
• I t
4, I js,. 0 7r
?routing the Public Square.
.- - •
rj•HE subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage received the put year, Intends to keep constantly on
hand it full assortment of the yeti best articles usuelTY kept in oar line, which es WILL dispose of on
snub terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash
in hand, and for the esti our customers will receive the benefit of A good article at a low priee. All articles
not answering our recommendation, will be ekeerfaky taken back, and the money refunded.
p•. Medical Ideir,e gratuitously given at the Office, charging cnly far the Medicine*.
The stock coed* of a complete 'ind select assortment o
Pare Wine& Liquors, for Medicinal nue; London Porter & Scotch Ale.
trurossin ASiORTXENT -OP
American Pocket Cutlery,!, (Warranted Good.)
Superior T 0241.030 & Ml= 1---Choice brands of Pure !Cayenne, Principe
and Tara =GABS !
Black and Green Tea; ; Rio and Java Criftee; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &c.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
The best Quality of Goods—Full viorlineui—Ji
ddalteratiem of Goods—Candid Ailuice, as to Po
Towanda, Novomber 12. 1282. •
_ _ _
Residence. on Pine Street..opposite the old Presbyterian
Caen; his professiohal services to the people. of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his
office. in Dr. PORTER ' S Drug Store, when not• pew
fessionally engaged. •
ffiee in the ,nonh end of the Ward House, (lately occupied
by Laporte, 111111 , 011 & Co.)
Towanda. March, 5, 1853.
• TONS more of those cheap Sugars junt..tee'd
•J and for sale by - PHINNEY.
TEAS -A few cheats good and cheap fur sale
Doors & SHOES, the largest and cheapest as.
1-1 garment in Towanda. by PHINNEY.
The War Question Being Settled in
7133111L1 1B11.41:113 1 '.11111:as
lUTONTANYES & CO'. have come to the conclu•
sion to enlarge their business, - in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that most vesnit from a state
peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for
former favors, invite the attention of the citizens ot
this and adjoining counties to the examination of
rall.and Winter Goods, -1
consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress
Goods, as also staples,
Hardware, Crockery, Groceries,Harness and Car
riage Trimmings, Iron, ather, 4 - c, 4c.,
all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. 1. 1859.
11E2 711‘ MIWIS rAir .11.11.
TNICE're OM, DMD.I T RX-Sa l a
nis h
arsangemeutbywh • cli I
11 h V e IN n ° h e at e e r l t
der, inform. the public that he is prepared to mount
geetiOn plates in this new and improved methOd.
The greet superiority ot the block style of mount•
log plates is at once apparent to those who have for
any length of timeworn artificiaileeth. To those
who have yet to be initiated, it is only necessary to
say, that in the old method of , mounting the plate s succession of single teeth, it was no unusual
thing for a tooth to drop of; by the new method no
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by eachwther. In the second piece, the
plate 11th block teeth is always, clean and sweet, be.
cause there ia-no *chance for,deposits of food being
made, however mall, the sipper rim_beinie cappe.
thus effectually precluding even the saliva from ma,
king a lodgment, and in ,the third pface. the adapta•
lion of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas
ticatory purposes, the irregularities tieing made ex
actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op.
posing jaw. . • - •
• With a ptoperly.fittedlitiction plate, having an air
chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person
may crack hickory nuts with impunity,
aleepSin sphe ii . "--ftwthache.
whitaiserse. '
.TowanditAlarcb 10; 854. • •
- -
W 1 Goods, of the latest styles sa4 patterns. corisisting,in_Part eif Belga* allitso9l
iiiilaines black 41i ney siEks,lPiesch, 'Demieitia hdd
&web Oitighseigl prialikbt every ;IA by`'" •
_ Oct-21,1863. _ _ POMP/EY.
'QAT% Cap% • • 10; i asSortro" e aud
LI cheap. by PlurlNEY't
odumte Profils—Ready Attention to Customers—no
eat .11ensediert-culd Close Attention to Business."
701 1 .11, 0.4111421‘
WISHING to dispose of his property, in Sheshe
quirt township, Bradford county. Pennsylvat
nia. the subscriber offers it for sale upon the most
reasonable terms, and invites the attention of thous
The property contains two hundred and forty.threa
acres of land, lying along the Susquehanna river.
with a large portion of river flats, of the very best
quality of grain land, and well adapted for a dairy.
• •The improvements area large twe story
i t BRICK HOUSE. built last year, and Bri
ll; the best style, with brick kitchen
and wood house attached. There are also
three other Dwelling houses and three Barns, and
two large double roofed sheds for stables and cattle.
There are also three ORCHARDS of choice apple
trees, and a Young Peach orchard of 55 trees, selec
ted with-care.
One doodad and eighty-five acres are under im
provement, and the - balance Is covered with timber,
such as oak. hickory, yellow pine, &c.dtc., all being
well supplied with springs of water.
This property was formerly in, three farms. and
wi!l now .be sold to suit purchasers, either whole or
separately, and terms of payment. made easy. ft of-
fers inducements rarely met with, being within 81
miles of Towanda, (the county seat). opposite the
Mirth Branch Canal, 14 miles from the New York
York and Erie Railroad, and immediately upon the
line of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad
Application may be made ro ULYSSES Mencua,Esq
at Towanda. or the subscriber upon the premises.
Jan 2, 1854. JOFIN WMATION.
If the above proper) , is not sold by the Ist of
March next - , the Farms will be tented, reserving the
rivilege of selling.
THIS Institution . for the education of young ladies
was opened on Tuesday the 20th September, in
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.—
It is now under the charge of Mias /Duals. D. Has
sox, aided by her sister. Miss Rested IS. Hassom.
The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic year consists of forty-four weeks.
Tw0...0, $9, and $l2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued. ,
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3-per quarter.
Rsreassess—Rev. Dr. M•CLEAD, Vice President
of the College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hon. Davin WILMOT, 1011 D LAPONTII ESQ.. C. L.
WAan, Esq., How.l3lzo. thsesasos, Tommie.
trISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes toglee
instmction to the young ladies of ibis place
on the Pt.teo. Terms r -$lO per quarter.
Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the
Ward House. or at the Towanda Female seminary
eptember 22. ISM
Ngw AND , CHEAP Goops.
D. BARTLETT. is n ow receiving a
A.J• - ,iend carefully selected stock of
• t ; •
b oug h t for cash since the late decline in prime.,
which be will offer for ready pay at prices which
cannot fail to give Satisfeetion--amongother things
he invites yramanlar attention to his assortment of
These Goods.
Towanda, Aril 15, 1558.