... 111 i f r i• TEST DISCOVERY OF THF. AGE 1 Iters , farmers, Families and others, can pur• 's Repaedy-qnsi to DallalitY:4l7o ,ll ( r ,cr, f o r Dysenteii,"eholWeibit; Oiltis9ic f' 3l - 3 : 2 33, Sore Throat, TootlischiVe . a.thcititess. pro s i Swellings, Bruises;. 01 .Boress.Rettd osquito Bites, Pains in ttni Linibs, _cam, et . d oe s not give relief, Ortraoisey ,rill be,,tefarid ,l that is asked, is 'a trial, anottisong I ctions. s an Eng,lish remedy, and was nsed'hy t2 o late King of Dnaltuld,land -certitiedlliby i s a core for rheumatism, when every liting had failed. • Tobias has put o d He p ntszlitatancier in pint,- e s, which is wanted cheaper - and:better Maxi °thee for cholic, scratches, old A soresi ;v o w lincs;.cuts, bruises. etc.' cures ch o lera, when first taken, in a &virtu:A.lln nutty in half anhour—toothichelwaventlinitehi perfectly innocent to take ititeritallyvandis lei., mended by the inset eminent physidan, in , the, , , States. Price 25 and 60 cents:, ' ntea Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapemvitirceg cater and fetters relating to the wonderini: , cdrek_ romp tidied by his Liniment, but cOnsideta...war.. , ming it sufficient, as any personnatho &Asian ob.: relief need not pay for it. ,• . pt..re 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' °thee, 240' 'Greta:l l l street, New York. - r , r sale at Dr. H. C. P9nren's Drag Stare, Towi t . _ averly Station, .IV,-"T,IS;101. R. TIME TABLE. , ___. ___ , , GOIVG 6,157. ,H. .v. Gotam-NrEsa. A. N . kl.k Express,.• m 3 40 i Night Expi4l. , • M 4 00 :31E1Pre.55,P X 11 , 38 Way Express,, , : q id n 40 -,, V. Erpress stir 6 201Buffalciy.x. : 1 :r „II 310 ~.,. E i •p, • lir. 5 1101 ail Nci; 1. `r Itr 835 N o . 1. r:,:41 6 53 , litinkirk'Ex. rla4 02 , ,1 1 : No, 2 AX 7 veltrail No. 11.' ••• -, Alt 8 24, ".fambeat Ex. r3l 1 49iErnigraRt. “ I. X 4'17 : ,, ,.-7.:not stop at Waverty. -,..._ . , . • ,: : •$. THE STAGE FOR WAVERLY. :Mil, until further notice, leave Towapda at 1-2 1, r M., connecting with the Buffalo Express Weqt, and alt the evening trains both waYs. leave Waverly after the arrival of the a dd morning trains, reaching Towanda in time he Fankhannock and Dushore stages. Wedne.,dar, Feb.. 22, 1854. • Neto rAbncrtistments. . • - 4111.40 F LETTERS rentainingin Abe Post. offite ''.`.;l4 itTewantia, Pa., May 15, 1954. • ~ , • ''47.r.er(MlF" Mary M'Man HC , . . ' ~.,,,,,..ui Ge:. 6 Miller Anthony :., -.- • EA Francis MorphiJohrt — ' , ' :ham Win 4.: , : . Murky John r , lev John :' , l ' ; NI Lane lames ,:-.;•'Le.nurier Ilarr I.:t AFAffee.Rachel -. , 4flg;i sb; am AeLean Alexander . „ TT' :0,1016. Mary Min w E&ward .. '...„. :ov, i) Clairt . M'Artahan„Denis i iis ,osi wick 1., ) ir,otte -Mllwain Simon 1 r:.,',.,:1e , a ' n Davi.] M*Gaire Patrick '•-;....,.te-l";.irretl • Miller Edwin ."':. Mal PlltUtp Moody Di ',.e.: hailer Nek , on Oh Boile Maroon) , , ~ . .;":lapvl I E Olivar Stepheii "2 •,:,..taipbeil Sidney • °Trine Agnes •-•,A,.;llAnck C E Payne, Wm . .... . 2 .. , , i ; - I.,,nnberlain John F Palmer Stephen,. . i ` , .'larrel Henry - Pike Simon .aft Ge. rge Pryou George ,airaen John .fil,s iiirnon Powell Joseph ~ ,ver W II kI 3 Rantfolph John ' I . .•:- , n Henry . Rippeth ALlll3.Oa, %..,. :of Geo K Stevens Jana'', .i•, , pa:rit.lr Petrick - .bui4ivp4..lphpt .•,., t . : .1:z - ~,rr \Vrlcy . Sullivan Mary !..? ..c:y Michael, , , Smith John If '1 ,`l4 Isabel! . ' • §hettnalv-B - 8 i• en Ellen • Southwelt James ~:.. ~t vti Elizabeth Sweet Henry .rge Son Alfred Spaottling.... T. y.oety Patrick Smith Win W.- •: . - Y.ly Lucy E • l'eorizin , ke H •I , nttleber Victor Sheriden James : ;, , ceeh Stephen 2 .Sintpann !Getty 'grace Horace T ill i ne.haSi & Retan ,lollettback Chas W. Terrell Amelia 2 ,`aek6on Delos Vairleft Amelia • onaings Nelson Van tyre , .1 W ones Wm L. . Wilcox Nancy 2 4 i"rHr John . • Westhrooks haat ,•nnincr C J . t Wilkinson Wm. , a-i , Merv_ '2 Wfrofflohn' , -• 't in' fqd Emily • Williams Rev , 8 A • , w s Florence A ' Warner MA ' • ' -- kli.:!l.ews Entity V Yonkli a John _ - ; 'l , ..rOman Daniel ,_ , -. . ..._...• Pehons calling for the above letters ,wiliplease - is itivertLel . C. REED. P. 514 : RING & SITMIER GOODS Now being opeiedl4 " ' ose PH POWELL, (nth and ../icezdy. - . raw 'Dealer:As FNCV and Staple Dry Goods • Cloths, 13assi imeres and' VestingsvHats„ ' Mips & Straw t - , toods— carpets and oil Cloths,; Yanket4pions -1'04; and Strati—Paper Hang n , rs —Tt'n* are n t Withlow Shatien;& l 3." ' iARD-WARE, CROCKEII OC,ERIE.S ; DRUGS 1 1 4 111VTE,:0,1 ;1 ' sr44;,‘ p l which.. are ,offeretL,flor " ,a - WADY rat th e -loateni,ws ttimong his '544' of Dry : Gokli •Ael -(ouPd .arde assortment or , Slac4,iancY Sals—Challis,-Dernze& and,ll!aze te+, Mouilin de Laines and Latins,,-Plaid and Plain Poplins—Plainblack, Oiler. pink, blue and cora colored Detainee—rienchr Scotch and Atuer - 1 Otrighams—Engtish and American -- , Prints Lira, blue and white Bereze de Laiiii, a ,Lawns Pats, &c. .triss and Jaconnett Insertings and Plaancings, &c. Wrought Linen Edgings 7 —Cotton usi Smyrna Edgings:, Wrought and lace collars paces—Lace and muslin undersleeves—Un let I ban dlierehiefs—all priceirLMourning finder collars and- l)d'kfe.-r-Enibmidered, hem. st4ch & plain linen .hilk'fa--Plain mourning and blick lace Veils—Plain-mid figured cotten and silk laces. JeconnettsiBwiss and Book Muslin, Bishop Lions, Tarlton/1, &c.;Lace tz - vinbrOidered. i ..; Muslin viiidew Drapery. {Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid piiivef 4ite, black & assorted colors—Bess gioves, kid finish—Plain silk 4 lisle thread, arced colors and qu'alitles—Preneh siliCraittarking 4 , 1 short, for ladies and . Misses. Black silk, iitliite i 6 ,1 clouded merino hraseWhifecolored, unbleaels. miseddend Itbse Or eveiy quapty— iLsses wlite, colored slid Ans— i/09s rniQed cotion half hose, limbs wool, unbleached arid' milted 4004 hilf i hose, 4.ssorte"&-iinalides.' r Black Italian, cancii 'silk an . d rain and gin Cravats , - • gingham S ilk and Satin" 'stocks-Common land 3 ply Collars—silk avid Linen handkeichwfs. ALSO --A large stock rf plain bliekenlored OIVITE I 33.' Plain Wl{ doeskins, fancy caasimereaaud vestings. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, coltonades and other cot , Ron and linen Goods for men and boys wear. WatercilMcireens. assorted Colors - Dainaak for curtains, lounge. ? Atc„ double and single fold.— Worsted embossed, - idaniask linen and worsted and cotton table cloths. Bleached. linen napkins,— Bleached and brown linen iftigiatit table Scotch and [Russian diaper and crap, bleia tt 44.4nd unbleached and colored muslin:ll,a all:Post eye* other article of family dry goods"' -1 ? 1 " 1 I A great earittr: of Boelg utrk• , Stf&k, •for: wi n boss. bo. ladies, *ibises and ehlfdreni volt rl , ! . 'Brecht long cad agnate %owls; ,Alashenere;lialll and delame do.,liisortedlooloki;Ofill qualities; iiddiltoil:to lheiabovendualierater le &Inlet pe.orsi neat tea timad, The pabla it fistocifnllirloalted!`" - roltafidk.,`:prirl:lB . 'lB5 f. .7.14*, -07 .„; Mrpo -1011-0113)*IP INPIIV4, t d:- 'eta Ark. g,f 4... WITS WIZ stomas Alb RECOIREII• • • Towanda, Parma,. NEW SMOG & SUMMER ROODS ! : • BURTON kINGSBERY, , . s now receiving alt -aorta of:NE WGOOD,which *ill ba sold very low tor May 3, 1854. " , PHE 'uniformed companies in Bradfordeon ray are 1. directed sctmeetat their usual places of meet isig on Mooday.Ahe sth Jay of June 1854. and told an election in each company for one Brigadier Gen-. 1 rrataudone Brigadeinspector: Also-for such field otle:ers as the ',battalion to-which eacbcompany may, :be. attached, shall tti.•entitle4 :to. • 1-• .4! The Captain or commanding officer of each come papy,shaß l appoint the place and :superintend said :election. and take to his assistance 'one or more. 'tnemhess, who Abell be,saveraily Averts or a ffi rmed io conduci.seid eleetion4airly -and impartially, and mike a true and correct return.thereof; and when itte said,alcvioo. shall >Ze cktsetl and the votes co unt red,lhe inperintimdeni, and his assistants shallsnake, onlAtplipttreturns.or l the fame 4o:be-signed:by them, stating Itie auxabee,of votes given foteach, ipe i rsot! for „the, differentoffices voted for, forAlte.Ba t talon as enus, for t a le Brigadier Ueneraand Bri gadei !m nspector ; one ofaaid returns shall be .filed with tbe -papeis of the company, and, the other the superintendent shall within ten days cause to be delivered to the Brigade Inspector. JOHN A. CODDINO, -Inspector. • 'Etnicii.n.E„Pssracioa's Orrice, . „ I.eßaysville, May 10,-1854. 5 , fig, 20 MO EILMit2 . O WOULD inform her friends,4hat she has just re turned from the city, with a large assortment of • SITIMMIART 0003313, which she offers* reduced price 4. Produce of 'ea. ery kind taken in payment fur goods. „ 31.3111MMTAL.---DR. MASON has. removed his office to his dwelling, en Pine street. Opposite the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May la, 18544 TOWANDA :FEMALE SEMINARY. THE -fourth quarter will commence on Tuesday the 10th day. of May next. April 29. Mt. PLASTER, SALT, &C, rENW 0 HUNDRED-TONS Cayuga Ground Plas• • ter, 100 Barrels Salt; 100 Mils. White Stone Lime, 00 bushels Orwell rsr. West Branch Clover Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allegany County Cheese. just received and for sale by • BAILEY & NEVENS. Towanda, April .27, 1354. BOARDS .& SHINGLES WANTED. FIVE HUNDRED Thousand Feet Pannel Boards 50,000 feet Common do. 100,000 feet Cullin boards 300,000 long Pine shingles, for which Cash paid on delivery S. B. BAILEY 6c CO. Towanda. April 27_1854. Views castings! !,-• BtAIt . III,EY, liVa . yne county, Alba or Curtis „. i'lows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows _said Citings,loi.eale cheap. r take particular pains to get good well trade plows and tuugh castings. I would, invite particu lar attention'to the Alba, pr Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. W'ELLES. SPRING GOODS 7X&.(Y 1.0 t ZE"CZM South, Corner of Mercar's Block, Main Street, ARE now opening their stocl of 6001)S for the Spring And Summer trade, comprising a full and comptete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will he sold at a ifnry small pit& fur Ready Pay. Among the assortment of Dl GOODS, will he taund a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges, B Jrge Delaines, all-wool Dcluifies; Lawns, plain and printed ; Ginghams, English, Scottie and Arzterican ; Poplins, . Prints of all shades and co/ors 4c,, 45-c Also, for men's wear may be found Braid Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin and Summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Shietings, bleached and brown, Ticking., Sommer Goods fur boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet. Warp, Cotton Batten, ;&a, arc. GROCERIES A - ND PROVISIONS. A full stock will:be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, Stewart's best Syripp.k;pices.• Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour. Fish, Bah, Tobacto, or any other article in this line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else. where. • ' U•A RDWdBT7, A large a splendid assortment. Crackary, Glass and tirona-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps— Nails. Paints. Oils, Glass and Petty. Tbankfril foi.. the liberal petronage of the past sea son. the undersigned feel .a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring- stnek, be lieving AIM gbdd'esetidi era low prices will insure a speedy hateior ruady,pae. ',TII/ICY & MOORE. Towanda, 71lay•:13,1854: TIEIiEBRASKA TILL A LAW, 'M. t'CARRIER,' TlTOULD,respectfully inform the citizen's' of'Te— VY _Wanda and vicinity, that be has opened a Grocery &Provision Store. on the south side' of the Public Square, where he would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon him. He hie 41-Ithids of articles kept in a country Grocery. Ouch as - Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Le. Mons, and' Candies of ill varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best quality. He also designs to keep on hand Pnovistotra,4c. Ice., all of which he offers-cheap-for Cash or Coun try .produce... His motto is, that "nimble six-pence is better than a slow shilling," 1 Towanda, May 4 1854. HOUSE AND' LOT • FOR SALE., THE subscriber will sell on reaKonable fenny the property owned and occupied, by her: to the Borough of Towanda. Bald propety consists of a lotolland situated nezt•above. A. D 6 Monanye's, in the Noethern Liberties, bounded north by Mfg. Oilha son's lot,tast by. William streetisomh by Division street, and west by Main-street—being Otte hundred and _shiny feet deep.- ami-futy feet wide. The streets recently opened, make this as desirable a building lot as fommiiistftouristr,. VAre ia, sinw ; upon the lot, a 'S - mair . 4lmAtig.,l2Ouse., :/rpplilittitln,may he tualfeloMatharuid4robter or to Emanuel 'Kromer. 174iw.104.04Pr1VA1;; B Troscrystsr gam, erOVE R A , thes.Athe-AWA--- jericidh at er i Sfore •r° '6 ' ; w vie u a ns lalhio bloiegeearatia WEEI Tv a bushel: r• , • 4 Clare 4i'etiped 110014 Seed, wholesale and ;re tail-4e')lS print: $4: Also a good selection of der den &eds, , for salef•thesp..• R. M. WELLES. Athens, March 15, 1854. ; • •;.-West M - anch Clover Seed. P t /Vestal of West Riineh'elovel seed, jiist xelved "Ars; rate 'article; Id felt 'ssle 4 et - Ib,i eisirrike f by DAM 'ls ' MC , • 3 ;;,; ; , ... ,. ‘Aftpl44! Tll4l4ll.sll*. kiii. & oriNri vEet . 4.4.4.,14% Perttar Cider' 3001tir":15elali,tytrmiort*CO: Towanda, Aug'. 10,1859. c si->gr.Li a 4 ,417 boY9' and childrens' wilf,5011:110165' - : - -1,, TQWELL. MEE NEW ARRANGEMENT-1 • Zs Le :****101:01144461n011,40* "1r 'ffritirLansoteWiliddiristesielCiiiving 11 takei=l6 1 4ffior,eulte.ris ;a_: farmer.' will continue HieFount* bilillies,,tenerilly;under the name OtlVl,. I;inoattrx" 114-Co.. at their old sand; known as the Eagic Youndrk, In the 'south part ofrkeilidA4ll of ;Towaid f , tttlert-OeY win manhfictuthia er4r,studigeepim.ha44:gr , lirge as. sorlatetts, *c fltieltillUWint",artielt4; • ,;;;/\., of the 11,0*;&,lelinsowWitel wheels, ec. 'Stoves. • ,Box,tcuit i ;Cpaking -suo.Toelor*oves. qikitinds, nize&akitr .Nortlat 444141,!44.: WO. I And ma - Cafaiii r iileris di l liffalar elates: I Wzgoi tilgagliftoPiCktbSearili for Chain pumps, griAdstones, 4c., and other arts. `cies too numerouseo(ateltdon.N.e Haing.scoured the services of J. B_IRVINE, well knowti aki(Kul ,Mathinest t the firm feet COO. ;dent thLt the", FIR manufacture and repur all kinds of maellinetst . a. ds:tvbrkmantfice manner. and on . . as , . thia side:Tor Steam Engines - will* _repaiteit, satisfactorily, on al ort notice, Partici - ilia attention will be paitito the Patterti Department, and all ordere fulfilled•ou the shortest possible notice; • - • a;'''T'articular attention is called to .1. Irvine's celebrated Bicelsior -Plough, which took the first premium of the Bradford County Fair, of 1853. Also, to the Elevated Oven Eagle Stove, the best now in use. " Old iron, Dress, Copper. Zinc, Pewter, and Grain and all kinds of Country produce- taken in payment. N. B.—All Notes and aceounta due the firm of Lammas, Hall and Russell, are left in-the hands of I. L. St H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediate attention is called to the same, which moor we 'sin by May Conti nest. D. C. flats,. i. L. Limousin . , C.lB. Rusesst.i 11 - I. L. Lorourics. Towanda, April 1, 1851 New .Land• Clover Seed. 85Bushels of Newland Clover seed, just receiv ed and for sate cheip by B. KINGBERY. Towanda, March 1. 1854. MIL 31E Mr. 1155 9 CLOTHING STORE, ..1141 . Tows -- A NY man or boy, or any body else_ wanting any A kind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on GLQRG 'B. Psasiss, and see how VERY CHEAP he id selling his new stock. He has now the Largest - 'Clutiliair Store - in Athens, and-Itis Goods were all bouglAchesp.an till bit sold cheip. - ;;:plothing is ; mach lower in toe city; an d.Perktnirlar botind to lerhis customers ha - 'e the benefit of it. - The Vorels new tmd just fitted Pp, Two dom.: , above the brick block, in. Athens. Mae, Cep*, 4.c„, new grid cheap. — Gtettform co. PERICINII. Athens, April 26, 1854. CHEAP GOODS. 3HARVEY PHINNEY is just receiving a One • assortment,of :lama AND Susisita Goons which will be sold as usual, very cheap for CASH. - Towanda, April 20, 1854. LOVER SEED--A first rite artiele.just teceiv C . ed and for sale at PLIEVNEY'S. is EANS—Tweoty—fee bushels for sate by PHINNEY war CLOTHING STORE, THE SubscribPre respectfully inform the citizens of Bradford County, as well as all others de— sirous of purchasing, that they have opened an es tablishment in Towanda, next door to 0. D. Bart Ines store,,trhere they now offer to the public at whole-sale or retail, a large assortment of READY MADE CLOTS: Ea 0, manufactured by or expressly for themselves, and warranted to be of the best materials and made in the most substantial and fashionable manner • which they will sell at the lowest possible prices. They will keep on hand an extensive asortment of Clrins, Cassimercii, Vesting., and Tailore Trim mings. Also Trudlus, Carpet baes, Hats and Caps, and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. We intend to olier . the public da larger and better assortment, than ever before kept iu.this place, and to merit the patronage of the public,-by selling them a good article at prices much lower than any other enablishment. Cutting done at the shortest notice. • 'Nathan Alexuniet;easpeafully requests from his old friends, d contiithafice of. their Itatrohage, and assures them they shall meet . with the same satiaradion as formerly. 'Mnin street,' Towanda; 25 Lake streeti-Elmira ; and Tidga t , Pa, NATHAN ALEXANDER,' " • BENJAMIN COHEN, "lIENR Y COHEN. • April 15, 1854. D APPLES.-40 bushels Dried Apples— .ll grafted fruit- 7 -on hand and for dale by March 15. 1854. DAILEY & NEVINS. i~z~uP 23W ``_' eml(tWiti 'H. S. MERCUR, • Is now receiving one of the largest and best selec ted assortment of Merchandise ever before brought to Bradford connty-..consisting of DRY GOODS of "every description. An extensive assortment •of common Hardware. Also, Saddlery; Hatnesx.and Carriage Trimmings. . Bellatu-r Anvils; Vises', Tfmr, aledges, /ron,Steelood Nails, Groterfes.Oils,Paints, • • and Dye.stqfs, Crockil Glassware, which will be sold as usual.' Oryelait for Casa: yowanda..A /11'18; 1854. ; . Cistiirrrand Welt romps EAR PIPp.! Hydrart!ie. Ram? ! of any,,kind, 1-4 size, tke:,'etie4p for resdy pay, for sale by lan. 8, 1853. . • , R. yt. WELLES. ; OrP #0 1.2 e Oinit Sale. IY sir* ofn.nrder,cif the Orphans' Court: of Bradford County,:l will expose to sale by pato. tic vendqe on Tuesday June 13, at one o'clock. P. M.. . a piece or parcel of land : sitqate, in Pike twp , Wended north by lands of Charlea 'Dyer and 8. P. Roelrivell,,eisrby S. Pvilochwell:tabd C. W. Rey, colds. sooth,by J. 8. Roberts and E. W.lktrgY;tteol by 3. H. Marsh, coutainiug about. LAO acres; about 70. acres unproved. with a framed -house and barn and 'bop - thereon. .1. 1-I.ItARBH, . .Administrator of the estate of Elliott Marsh, deed. late of Pike tarige,,' !"." F. 37 4)1-P 4 1 . I nh p ' ' 41 1,5, 11 . 41W 1 1,•" , y •P• ; riCs " • —;, ; eacetireilbytJoseph Kingibotyc-1 large arid tolophossteck of =NEW :000D ti, for:silents asstal,33lko role -CAM .i'! — 1.**444 7 4141 1. -185 4t , :: - •;: . • %et. • f -40kinqr:111444;•.• ,` • 1•.:3 .. 6'47101E11 0 4f EtWate'CYCmrie isbed, ibir 197 I 11 , ... ,7 .L 11 , 804E20 sly TOWandirMiatelvlBs4.' •'," eau . . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, A,LLlOWSo4.B.4ndeblet.to: the letateT,'PV.HA, H. Bullock,- deeeteed„late-of Guam. twro-Azfok heel* & requested 'AMIE& i mmediate :thosu . b a s in claims against said' °estate; grill please present them duly ambenticatedflor settle ment. HOLCOMB, c _lailtAll H. BULLOCK, Adthinistmtors. Marpii SASH; . ADMINWRATOWS NOTICE. " A Ll t pfrmwilinowingthetaselves indebted to the estatisi„.or 4 rbetnite:Tirek; ,detes" sea.•late of Litchfield tnwnsltip:;#Wlterebt yeAttested 'to Snake immediate traYident i gul those haringilainis against said estate .will please piesent theta. duly authenti cated for settlement. COKE. LIA TURN, 'IB.OI%'DAVIDSON, • 'Administrators Jam. 12, 1264: A DMIN ISTE ATOWS NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to' the estate of JOHN TEED, deceued, late of Litchfield township, are' heieby requested to make payment without delay ; and ali perking havink demands against said - estate are requested to present them duty authenticated for settlement. BETSY TEED. Adm s. ' ' SAM'L DAVISON, January 29, 1854. U. /...111,413nrits arro 7: . °thee with the Register and Recorder.' • TOWANDA, PA. - . D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW'". TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the °Mee of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 241 MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINOSBERY TS Now opening a Nzw larocr. or Goons, consist• ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds MERCUANDIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec. 10.1853. Notice to Collectors and Tax-Payers. YOU are hereby au th orized to make a deduction of five per cent. upon the State Tax, of every :ndividual who shall pay his or her state and coun• ty rax in full, on or before the 2lst day of June flex!, and the same. 8411 be allowed you in your se de ment, provided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury, on or before the 22d or 23d days of June next. By order of the Commissioners, E. M. FARRAR, Clerk Towanda, April 12, 1854. TO THE PUBLIC ! :7, 't 1 A HE just receiving at their large and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions. Groceries, Yankee Notions, Toys ; Fruit, C'onfectionary, Willow ware, 4c., mitring their stork the largest, most complete cm.' beet in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat ronage they have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oili er desiels. To merit and balk= a continuance of so liberal pat ronage we shell still follow our old motto—" sv tEL PROFITS, QUICK 11/TURNS, AND-A PRIQUENT RENEW AL OF STOCK. " Below we name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock Groceries. Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. ch0e01.0... cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spt , e, cloves, nutmeg, daemon, mace. soda, nleratus, cream tarter, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard soap. vinegar, starch, &c. ' Provisions. Mess pork. dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herring, wheat flour, buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c. Fruit ac Nuts. Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currents, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil' nuti, C woo' ble arid Madeira walnuts, pea puts, chestnuts, di e . German, French and American Toys, Vancy. Goods, dm. &c. Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs. /Thins & pewter toy tea setts.dolls, truntpets, accordions, hat mu. nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, wrir;ng de.kf —plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting do pearl, ivory, papier mocha a nd leather port tnoniaes, wallets and purses, ivory , ho rn and wood pocket combs toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pact et and smelt fanea mirrors, tobacco and snuff hose cigar cases, perfumery and heir oils. Brooms, mop/dicks, clothes pins, bench screws. wile low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boles. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. .Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. j Most kinds of country produce taken in evehangs for goats. BAILEY & NEN' me.. Towanda, tannery 2. 1854. Tars I Furs !! Aqantity of. Fur Victorines and Cuffs or differen qu alittea. for aale AT COAT by Jan. 19, 1851. • H. 8. MERCUR. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D Havens, dec'd.late of Standing Stone,are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre sent them 'duly authenticated for settlement S. W. BiLES, DEBOTIAH HAVENS. Administrator,. Aug. 27, 1853. THE GOOD TIME WAS COME VIONTELNIMIS 'dr, CO. VE come to the, conclusion ,that the tittle .h is come, that debta • can be collected, and after waiting patiently for Years, and finding the good Time has arrived, when. farmers are realizing almost double for their Products, they hope this notice ell! suffice for a maw extensive one and that pay mew, will either he made:in, Grain at the present high pri sms or in Cash. . "4" ,Their Assortment of GOODS' is replenished week ly. from Nevi York City, and will be sold cheaper than at retail in the Great'Emporium itself. Towanda, Tannery 31, 1954. EINPOILIZAINT NOTICE. The subscribers, Administrators of the estate of o'. S. Gray, deceased, hereby give not:co that they will attend at the house late of said deceased, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th and Bth of March next, for the purpose of settlnig OW estate, All persoris hav ing claims will &Ise presort them in proper shape for settlement, and an persons indebted are antified that a settlement wilibe expected at that time with out fail.' ; • ' A. W. GRAY, , :Flibruary 3, •; , 3. W. GRAY, • NEW,;BOOKS , jU c i e T ia r n e eo ce u iv s eg;tri . .Eir)!Oply j oilgr ei l l ; z llk r i is • lige. 22 . / 853 ...'._ _ _ SHIMOVOTION. TE Copartnership undif wh!cb the subscribers have dime busbeis, Di this day dissolved Ity mutual consent— The blisiness will be closedlup by either patty st•thitebUSUltti,`f Debts due us must be pH. WELLEb & RABBIS: itibeus l. Jan. IT 180 t. • DR SOUTH - -Or THE WARD "HOUSE, - T -. . HE svbscriber, thaokfut.for theliberal,ystionage resFived the past year. intends to keep cot - .tau tly on hand a fall- eisorimericiil - this fiery beaVarticles 'usually kept in our bur'. which HR WILL , li-,?;p 4. ,:t vn such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made er,:irely with cr , `• in hand, and for the Caen our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low pr , cr. AII a t:kiet not answering our recommendation s will be cheerfully taken- back, and the money ,refund.d. 'Hien) Advice , gratuitously Oren et the Office, charglog Gnly for the naileints The stock consists of a complete and select issotiment DRUCS, MEDICINES, AND_CROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter it, Scotch A. ALL 7HE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ; FRESH CAMPHENE ft BURNING FUJIII-NEW Bi, BEAUTIFUL. PATIIRNS OF LAWS I American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.) Superior TOSACCO & aurvrr and t ir ----choice of Pure Havanna, Principe • . . . . VA It NIS 1 I ES', - WINDOW . G.T . .. ASS, - 138.1i5111.* PERI - MIMI', Y FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &e. 'AINTSt, FAMILY GROCERIES : flack and Green Teats ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. REMEMBER THE TORE-SOUTH END _OF THE WARD ROUSE 71ir best (Moldy Avsortineut—ittodaroe l'rofite—Ready Attentionio Crstomers—no Adulteration of Gods—Candid Advice as to Pateia Bernetlits—and Case Attention to - Business." Towanda, Novotpber 12, Igsl, 11. C. rowrcie, lit. Ity DR. E. H. MASON, PIZYBICIANdi , SURGEON, Rtsidente. on Pine Street npposite the obi Prech9terian Chl;ch Offers his professional services to the polo of Towanda-itnd vicinity. Can always he, found at his office. in Dr. PonTru s Drug store, when not pro fessionally eneneed - rII'AZICES IMAILICTARLAZIE • ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. 1011 , 1,11 .‘;' 'lie Ward Ilo.i• , • !lately occtipirit b•: I.:1;1,r, Me 4 trli S C.. •I'..wan,la, Mai eh. Tt)NS More of those cheap Sugars. just rec'd. and sale by PIIINNF.Y. - - - TEAS—A few cheats gucd and cheap far sale by , PHINNEY. BOOTY & SHOES, the lari4est an.! cheapest as sortment in Towanda, by PHINNEY. - - _ DRESS Goods, of the latest vies and patterns. consisting in pan a Momdin Delaines, all waid detainer black 4 fancy Ft enrh, Domenic and Scotch fii ,ehams prints, of every style by Oct.'l4, 1853 PHINIVEY. HATS, Cam 11.,nnets, a lake assortment and cheap. by PHINNEY. CLOTHS, casitimere.s, satinets, jeans, and Tweed., of all deseripti , ist received by Oct. 24, 18153. r IANNELS—French, Lome-tic and Salishiry, for sale by 1' iNNEY. AV ANTED—aII kinds ~ f Az lumber for V which some cash will he paid by Oct. 21.1853. PHINNEY. The War Question Beim: Settled iii 111M161_7 sgEr. ) T"..:45 lONTANYES 11:0. hak v,.ine to the ecnelu lbl sion to enlai,..e owir !.•. in view the unparalleled prop. ~• . rc , 1.01 tram a state pace. They therefote, ~1 shank's for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens 01 thk and adjoining counius to the examination of their Tall and Winter Goods, consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress Goods, as also heavy staples, Hardware, Crockery, Gram ire, Harness and Car riage Trimmings, Iron, Leather. lye, 4 . r., all of winch u ill be offered at wholesale or retail, of prices that canriot fail to please. Sept. 1. 18:,3. MID •M 7110 .1111: 51bis; 71:'at.,sar .7. TA YOT_ 7aiggff - fO, HAVING entererinto an arrangement by which. he can have U.O(K TEETH furnished to or• der, informs the public that he is prepared to mount suction plates in this new and unproved method, The great superiority of the block style of mount• ing plates is at once spparant to those who have; for any length of time worn artificial teeth., To those who have yet to he initiated, it is only necmary to say, that in the o'd method of mounting. the plate vr,th a succession of single teeth, it was no unusual Thing for a tooth to drop no; by the new method.no such accident can take place, the teeth being all ro'•nectcd by each whet. In the second place, the prate w.th block teeth is always clean and sweet, be. cause there is no chance for deposits ,4 food being made, however small, the tipper rim being capped; thus effectually precluding even she saliva from ma. king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapta tion-of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made ex actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the Op posing jaw. With a properly fitted suction plate, having a n air chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person may crack hickory nuts with impunity. " And sleep in spite of "- . ALL WORN, WARRANTV.s. Towanda. March 10, 1854. SURVEYING. ..A. SURNEfOR for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above business in all its branches. His office is at Monrocton.. All letters addressed to him at that place, will meet with.prompl attention. April 4, 1854. - • Binghamton Stone.Limea, " 50Barrels of of Binghamton stone Lime, just .e,eivedn_firet.tare attic:e tresEt - Twits ttte — Altn, sitdi , HA bi site by. ' .3? /tackle, 1_854. • (".• Payer 1141Deltei •C . ' ( > 7- Ifelfeif farint4 alai!? atill - f.oWgrffilier 1189gi 1 111. 5 .e0/ 11 0 1 j'apec4 endiran'spnrent win dow idiades, Taft recd by POWALL. Townida, Sept. 10,1853 rf_ROUND - PL4STEX:4•3EIcias CartifiViaihd k..T Plaster, op band and frerashvby "Mira 15 ; _ 1854. ` • RAMEY 4i ZtEVINS. ♦ SPLENDID ♦SSORTMINT OP Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c M . O T T 0 - A:N D IT VALUABLE FARM "WISH ENG to dihpose of his property, in Sheshe -quiFi, sogerishtp) Bradford county, "Per nsy lv nia, the subscriber offers tt fur sale upon the most reasonable terms, and invites the attention those tsishing to purchase. The property contains two hundred and forty-three acres of land, lying along the Susqueharas river, with a large portion of ril,er Bats, of the very best quality of grain land, and well adapted for a dairy. The improvements are a large two story g PRICK HOUSE. built last year, stud fin- I ished in the best style, with brick kitchen and wood house attached. There are also three other Dwelling houses and three Barns, and two large double roofed sheds for stables and cattle. There are also three ORCHARDS of choice apple trees, and a young Peach orchard of .55 trees, selec ted with care. One hundred and eighty-five acres are under im provement, and the balance incovered with timber. such as oak. hickory, yellow pine.&c.&c., all being well supplied with springs of water. This property was formerly in three farms, and wet now be sold to suit purchasers, either whole or eeparktely, and terms of payment made easy. It c.f. fers inducements rarely met with, being within 3k miles of Towanda, (the county rest). opposite the 1 4 4..rth Branch Gausl.„ll miles from. the ?ice. York fork and Erie Railroad. and immediately upon the line of the projected •Nerth Pennsyl van in RElroad Application may be mode to I:Lisscs Maneva,Esq at 'Towanda. or the subscriber upon the premises. Jan 2. 1854. JOHN NITAHON. If the above propery i, not sold by the Ist of March next, the Farms will be rented, reserving the privilege of selling. 1701.81174 I"IlLS Institution, for the education of young ladles bas opened on Tuesday the 2uth September, in the hu Wittig forme' ly. occupied by Mrs. Mercur.— It is now under the charge of Miss OLIVIA D. Hur ,r, aid t ed by her sister, Miss flcurucx D..ffirrsow. The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The scholastic year consilds of forty-four week. Tolima-46, $9, and sl= per quarter, according to the studies pursued. No extra charge for the Latin T.ang,nage. Frerich, $3 per qudrter. Rcrcntarts—Reir. Dr. ?Gets-cc, Vice President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton: Hon. Divru Wrourr, /01IN L►ronrs Esq., C. 1. W►nn, Esq., 11FONt.G MI. SANDERSON, rOWantill TEMIC1111C...11, 1 11• IVITSFREBECCA D. HANSON proposes tr• inslmetion to the young ladies of this pia(' , t on the Pero. Terms—slo per quarter. -Application to be made to Miss Hanson et the Ward House- or at tha Towanda Female Seminary September 22, 1853. II D. BARTI.F.T r. is now receiving a large V. amisarefolly selected sleek of , NEW 000 MS, . bought for cash since - the• lain decline in rrieep, which he Kill utter for.icadv pay at prices which c a n n ot Fail to Ore sitiqtarrion—among, niher things he inrttes particular attention to his assortment of Irre Goods. • Towanda, April 15, 1853. Clover Seed. A QUANTITY ul Webt IltSranch Clover Seed.juat A received and for sale by J. POW LL. Fcbmary Nes AVERLY & TOWANDA R. ROAD! 500 MEN WANTED AC ADEX ‘NDERs' dt 801.0NION'S, succtis-' s ors to J. ift S. Alexander 4 Co.'s Clothing CM The substribers have just received -O Oleic old stand in Mercer's Mock, Towanda;-a new and good assortment of tipring and Sumac!. Goods, consist ing of , . GENTLEMANS' r't,IRNISHING GOODS ever imported into the -County—all of the latest which Are being acattere4W and # m de.' Formatting Gon4% - ire have complete asiortmani—Cravais, Collars, Shirt.. Under Bhirta,thii,*4ie,Wrnppe:rt, Gloves. Sagi'eri. derii; Milidketcliiityliosiert of all kind., and A iritifety r of - — Made-Made Cledhins embraces every thirty desleabtejp - thit tins. and ss we buy int we can and will sell NO per cent:lower then' any other Clothing Eitablispraent in ToWanda. 1. ALEXANDER, t. ALEX t NUM- Towanda: April $O, 1854. M. E. SOLOMOY-. LfM g#l.g.at TOWANDA NEW AND CHEAP HOODS. &eady'Made Clothing, MEI RE,