IZEZEZI Ciothing. MGT, -030)(4100.3 • COLLINS'A POWELL.,:: wouLD respectfully call , the attest %of the public to their large stock of ?dens' and boys' irnisbing Goods;coniusting of eyerreartety of roadeloths, Cashmeres, Dos Theerts, Kentucky . Jeans, Linens, "Skirts, Collars. Stocks, Cravats, Hosiery, 'Suspenders' Rats. Carpet , Bags,'Trunks, CWICS, . - which will be said cheek, than the some guality can be sold in an? other establishment in:this country. They have also an bandit well manufactured as sortment of ~` Beady-Made Clothing, to which we invite the attention of buyers. Our Clothing is mostly made op in the •Ahnp—and not purchased at " sloptshops"—as some we wotof. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the mopt fashionable manner, at the shorted notice, and war tattled._ ea The r public will please notice one fact, that wp-oas i'titd practically acquainted with the b .siness 'is capable of judging of the quality and make of a garment; hence the reason why the community have been so much imposed arum by a certgirCelass of community who deal in the article , who, if they were not practically and professionally cheats, could '.necessity know nothing about the business.— They are eertnin. if the public would consult their true interest, they would purchase only of those ac. onainted w'th the business. Towanda. April 12,1854. CLOTHING STORE. 'AILIVANDERS & SOLOMON, TN the Brick Block. next door to Mercurs store have .1. just added to their stock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of Ready made Clothing, ADAPTED TO TAE SEASON, of every variety. both of atyle and price, to which they ask the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at prices considerable lower than ever before known in this place. Oar goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and offer inducements,not to be met with at any other establishtnent. Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing will find, TEE LARGEST ASSORTMENT at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry. and made in such style and materials as, to ensure satisfaction; We shall endeavor by LOW PILICErde GOOD CLOTIZING, to secure patronage. feeling confident that our arti cles w! I give satisfaction to the purchaser. e ssortment comprises every article required f r a gentleman's outfit. TERMS--CASH. Overcoats, Coats Pants, Otrcralls Caps 4.e. Locaatoas.--Next door south of Mercur's Main at. Towanda'; and N 0.7 Water •ta. Amoco* Hall. ac7All kinds of Country Produce, Mr001,4-c., tak en is exchange for Goods. J. ALEXANDER, ' S. ALEXANDER, M. E. SOLOMON. Towanda, October 13, 1853. TWICE BURNT OUT ! CIEVOZVO MlTTraNtla Over J. Kingsbery's Stere—Eintrance nett dom to Montanyes' Store, up stairs. GRATEFUL for past favors, announces to his friends and the public in general, that he still keeps on hand a good assortment of RrADT Mao Curium., which he will sell cheap for Casa. He believes that a ' Nimble sixpence is worth more than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him self in the city, and employs none but the best of workmen in making them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work. men. Thus, persons wishing 'a suit or any portion thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good fit. He has also on hand a general assortment of gen. ttemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell cheap for cash. cry Custom work promptly done as usta. He invites his friends to call on him at his dew quarters, over J. Kingsbery's store, and immediately opposite U. Mercur's Law Office, before buying elsewhere. ?(ow if-you are wanting, you surely can find, - Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind, I% nice and so snug they'd suit to a T„ So perfectly fine, there's no room for a flea. Ityour linen wants chang ing . and sometimes it will, You'll find shirts and coll ars e. fora very small bill; Come then one and all, who are out clothes bun tang, And you can be Sued by GZORGE H. lios-riso N. B. He is sole Agent for El.!as Howes Jr. Patent Sewing Machine, for the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. Any person wishing to purchase the right for using the above Machine in said counties,•can be accommo dated by calling on him, where they can see it ope• rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is the best patent now is uie. Its validity has been establishpd by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852. Tutu tri o resulted in fully confirming and establiab ialg the claims et Howe's Original Patent to the ex. elusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma ehinei, or theirequivalents, and the stitch and seam formed thereby- G. H. B. The public are cautioned against purchasing spu rious hfacbines,as all Sewing Machines now in use infringe upon this invention, and all parties who have infringed, • by using Machines or _otherwise, whe wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper license under the original patent by applying as above. Towanda, August 15, 1853. LATEST NEWS I ROM The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, NS SENT'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. alltott & Weill, rilierchaat Tailors, HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of Bradford Ccionty, that they have just received die largest andsmost fashionable stock of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, over brought into g old Tl:tga,' 'consisting in pare of the following articles: Ozer. Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ; Nests, Pants, Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks, Cravats.Oollars, Pocket h'dkiii,drc. Chas and Trimmings constantly on hand—also the fall fashion of Hats and Caps. Our stock of Furriishing Goods is unsurpassed in nom sod comprising everything necessary for a gen tleman's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our :ream 'clas.4llnramtelc Having received the latest New York Faahions, We am in/Toted to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a superior manner. CUTTING done on short notice, and warranted to fit if properly made no. MOTT & WELLS. Broad at.; first door east of the Yost Office. Waverly, Nov. 10, 1853 REED'S D UG STORE TS now being refurnished with a new and splendid 1 Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES, Fancy Goods, Limps—some of them new and beautiful patterns. In short, everything advertised in hit regular col. man, has been completely filled up, rith fresh Goods from New-York and Philadelphia. Mathewson's Horse Remedy,' Gargling Oil, Mus tang Linament, and;eseral new and popular Medi. Class Cla which wilt be Id eztreenely low for Cish. Paints, Oils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors, 4■4., as usual. • March 24, 1854. • 4 Ditty DRUG-..: - ':'ST.::O R IS now beine e replearshed with a foil and complete stock of Brags, Medicines,. Paints . Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass y Pure Wines and Diquors, 4.., 4y., In short, every thing connected with the trade. The Goo& have been boaght remely low,' for cash, and sold accordingly. -. N. N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's FoorOil just received. 07 Rsissiaza.the place-3 doors south of Men. tanye's corner—same building of the' Argus Office.' July 30, 1853, NO. 2 BRICE ROW, BURNT OUT, BUT STILL ALVE ! REMOVED to the store recently occupied by . S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors south of Montanyes corner. where he has, received a toll, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI. VINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap' et for cash than even Here yor will find annexed a few leading articles: Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial) do Indie Elix Opi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sop - C - Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Cale'd Ointment, Tracks do Carb, do Dalley's .do S S do' McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs Colocynth . do Extracts do Apple Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't Cochineal libel Extract Trusses Hulls Jalap Extract do Marshes, Meakirn's Vanilla Ex't do Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wisters do Mace do do Cheesraans do Almond do do Fir do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice, do do Toln do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach do do Pulmoffary do Ginger do do Sulphur Jo Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Acetic do Tonka do do Benzonic Lubin's Springflower do Citric do Musk do do Nitric do Violette do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do " Hy drocyanc do Sweet Bret' do do Sulphuric de Jennie do Oil Linseed „, • do lock'v Cl'b do do Sperm do Caroline de do Olives 1 do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do da Neatsfoot . Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds Jo Glass do do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red , do do G. E. do Anisi lad Rhei Turk do Caraway ' do do -do Croton - ' do Ipecac do Cobebs do Jalap do Cunimin do Ginger White do Fennel, 4 do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do Cassia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk do Lavandula G do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin . do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange I Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Rosa Castor Russ do Cedtat,lsinglass do do Copabia (Evens' Lancets do Ergot !Nitre Silver, Op't do Verbena lOxid Bisn uth do Violette Blue Pill me'. do Mellesse ilodide Potass do Mellefluer Tart ' do do Patchouty Carb do Brushes, Paint Sulph , do do Varnish Oaustie do do Hair Citrate Ferri de Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Tannin do Tooth Proto lod Mercury do Spaying Strycimia do Flesh Piperin do Cloth Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap, Yankee Veratrin do . Crystalline Kieosote do Eng. Wi Low's Hydra Cum Crete do Coopers ' -1 ' Morphine Sulph do Rose do Act do Victors Calomel, American do. Orange do English, do Tuoth Precipitate Red do Elusive do White do Castile Sulph Zinei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Ravin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnh.b. Dye- Woods & Dye-Stoffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con netted with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Husrow, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the me canes only. Physicians can rely upon having the" prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock gas been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. MI of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee. torial, Schenck, Pulnionic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobenamcks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge, Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in usa constantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. Three Doors below Moutanye's Amer. Towanda, January 3, 1853. 60BARRELS ofold Ohio Whiskey - just received and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's DrugStorei 8 QUINTLES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, barrels of Saleratus, warrented in prime order, left on sale at New York cub prices at REED'S Drug Store. - Towandsolan. 28, 1853, 1 (IR EMPTY Barrels, suitable for Cider,, Poik Utrand "Beef packing, &c, is good order, Tor sale cheap at RECTOS DRUG STORE. Sept. 4; 1853. • Boots and ItborS. Cinevery description. for ladies and misses, Mlle V boys' and children? wear, just reed by tiept to. J. POWELL. . Tli sr- ANDITOVE STORE, E! Bradford County. Pennsylvania Straar,Clutters. HovErs Patent aphid knife flay end littraw . Cut • tent, of mations sizes. No. I. 2, 3. 4. 6 and 6. Price—s 6, .$9,. $lO. $l2. 416 and $2O. These Cut— tersare better and cbeaper thin the straight knife Cut ter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft.., 1 1`he knives , on- Hovey's. Colter are spiral, which enables them to cut at .right angles ageing the rawhide roller. They cut steadily, -with no jerking—an. easily kept in repair. Each lutife can be taken off and shar— pened without disturbing the *eft (er other knives) - and if necessary Ascii knife can be set out or in, so as to keep them all true, if one - knifit should wear faster than another. Every farmer should have one of these labor and feed saving machines. al. For sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount ` made , to those wbo'buy to sell agaip. NVELLES. Athens, Pa., November 10,185/: 1 Treasurer's Sale of Unseated lands: I N pursuance of the provisions of an act of the General Assembly,patsedihe 13th day ofidarch 110k:011d:other pets of Assembly, will be es:posed to public sale at the Commissioner ' s ' office in the boro' of Irowands, on the 2d Monday of June ISM the tracts of land described in the following list, unless the butes due on them are paid before that time. NO. . NO: 99999► NOT:NT WANDA:TT& ASSNS., WA A NAYS& TAXES. 418 ' Andrew Bockbart $lO 18 294 Abel Pierce 18 51 180 nuncio Bradley . 10 , 08 100 David 84eptierd - 8 $0 ATUI3fI, 1512 300 Charles Carol! 7 20 60 pt. Hannah Hibbard 3 78 216 Joel Barret 13 60 89 Hannah Hibbard 6 62 5 pt.Wm Hibbard 32 100 pt.Thos Jackson 6 30 100 Wm Jackson L 630 100 pt. Sally Fish 6 30 lel pt. Christopher Avery II 37 300 Bower Philip 18 90 mu NOTOA. 1481 157 James Wilson 6 18 1983 333 J Wilson 11 00 11404 - - Arina • Charles Carroll 2 BO 1493 193 do 7 44 1486 100 do 8 30 =l3 4101 Casper Shaffner Ir. 25 67 4051 John Morgan 25 56 - nURELL. 5 7 8 17Opt.Wm Smith [4 08 400 Peter Seely 25 20 1482 190 James Wilson 11 97 w 400 Peter Hampton • 25 20 400 James North 25 20 265 Deborah Stewart 16 67 BAAIVVILLE. 1481 108 Jarties Wilson 6 80 39 Daniel anath 2 42 387 "Joseph Thompson 24 36 200 Win Norton 12 61 BXIIIIIIIILD ME 1488 100 Charles Carroll 2 40 1491 450 do 10 80 1491 184 do 4 41 EVITTHIPILLD •ND AIMS. 1490 100 Charles Carroll 13 20 aIDOBIBY. 1516 600 Charles Carroll 14 40 1507 250 do 6 00 1515 169 do 4 06 150 George Prince 9 35 75 Henry Porter 4 70 49 Porter Geo & James 9 21 75 Charles Field 4 70 100 Henry Field 6 30 35 Philip North 2 21 200 Samuel Field 12 60 88 Wm Porter 5 54 14 James Smith 89 Also—At the same time and place will be ex posed to sate the following Real Estate in par:n— once of the fony—ftrst section of an act of general assembly, pasted the 29th day of April A. D. 1844, viz:— Townships f year. f T. whom asedd. f Am'l Tax Armenia 1851 Benj Coolbaugh ft 210 do . .... Sabin Rockwell 70 do 1852 Benj Coolbaugb 240 do .... W Johnson 64 do .... Labia Rockwell 80 Albany .... Cornelius Malonia 134 Asylum .... N& J C Benjamin 458 •do ..... Ralph Peter"' heirs 80 do ..... Michael Croak 114 do .. Lemon Pearce 152 Burlington 185; Sylvester Hill 154 do .... Wm Simpson 213 do .... Wm Taylor 70 do .... J H Watson -. 179 do .... Geo Gates 245 do .... C F Welles 287 d 0... Jas /1 English 154 do 1 852 Moses Bennett 1 31 do .... Jas H English 170 do .... Limon P Hanson 131 Dwell 1848 Susan M'Affee 252 do 1849 do 2 28 do 1852 dol 80 do .... Geo Place 235 Franklin 1851 J A Payne 105 do 1852 Geo Beagle 160 Granville .... Henry Hawley 490 do .... Asahel Fairchild 89 Herrick 1851 Berri Bennett :t 24 do .... Barnard Clark 157 do .... Owen Dougherty. Si do .... Susan Ingham 170 do .... Jame* Wood 362 do 1852 Jas A Hull 139 de .... James Wood 417 do •,. • • Orrin Coleman 131 Leßoy ~ .. James Lyon 99 Orwell .... Wm Blair 278 Rome 1851 Aggeta Lent 120 do .... H H Lent 126 do .... -: Cheater Wedge 1 56 do .... David Ecklor 177 do .... Daniel Hill 54 do. .... Samuel Cooley 32 Swab Creek .... ' .1 W Mandcrville 77 do 1852 James Giger 160 do .... Henry Turk ' 120 Smithfield ...• .1 T Hall 373 do .... John 0 Stems 3ba do 1852 do 4 03 do .... R L Morton 134 do .... Wm Ralphe 120 do • ... -L D Tyrrell - 240 TowandAlorolBs3 ~ L WTHlltiii , : 1 65 Towanda tp. .... Prremsk Gregg 155 Ulster 1851 James Gazley, 450 Warren .... . Thos G Dann 1 311 Wyscia 1852 H C Bull - '52 do• !Jai L Gorsline - 304 .PRECEPTOR FORDES,Tressurer. .. Towanda, April, 5, 1854. 111TA1t,P Ilsod•saerajloase .L ty, Sash dm., just received by PHINNEY. C 2121321 lisrLux. FILASICLIN. Xo'slol. SVSC non). Altbita4 PIM 1 c s vi 4, • ••' le* ,star lilt. Mk. 4E3 4.1 In the South end of the Ward Rouse; TOWANDA. ii. C. PORTER, Wholesale and 'Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GILMEILIZA MVOS% die. • Paints, Oils, Parishes , Window Glass, BRUSHES, Stuff PERRAWERY i unt FANCY ARTICLES , Dr s and Bing Ffnids. • . Regular Agent for the following genuine , popular PATENT MEDICINES : Dr. Jaynes' Medicirei-- Ayre'S Cherry Pectoral 1 Alterative, Vermifuge. Schenck's pul. syrup Expectorant, Liniment Hoofland's bitters Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Macinea Acoustic oil Dr. Sway nes _,do Indian Cholagagae Dr.Keeler's . 47 do ILyon's rat pills Brant'a Balsam & Est Pile Medicines Orrick's Vermifage • Salt Rheum and Teeter Graefenberg Medicines ointment!' Gargling Oil , Trask's mag do Pain Killers Spavin & founder do Galvanic belts, &c. McAllister's do Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters Rock Rose Cephalic snuff Uterine Catholicon Corn salve Tooth ache4rops , Sticking: 1 do. Hair invigorator & dyes. W istaVs bal. wild cherry Bed bug poison Female Pills Townsend's Sarsaparilla Bullard's oil soap Plasters and Pills of alllßalsam Life lands. Harlem Oil And many others, not enumerated, all warranted genuine. 01' Remember Dr. Poirrsn's Drug and Chemical Btoreis in the South end of the Wari House, front. ina the Public square. H. C. PORTER. M. D. • OWEGO MARBLE JACTORY. PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin • nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes, can have them on the shortest notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and better than can be par based elsewhere. gl.Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and underta ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda, Agent. c G. W. PHILLIPS. Towanda March, 31, 15,53, YUILITMIEJE I;g7A.M:E.DIDDL Importazt to Zotusekeepers: „... THE subscriber thankful for the _,. _ ---_ _ -:-..t..---I—r-zz liberal patronage heretofore re ='•” - '-' . .'3 4 - 1 •., ''',: ceived, begs leave to inform hi. 17'171: c-7.-,•ig , friends and the public generally, . 1 , • i •I, I! and those commencing House :— ;--.' I 7 - 7: - f keeping in particular that be has li. Ail now on hand a large assortment """• of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnnt washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas. Couch es, whatnots, &c. BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. o:7' The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF- FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kinds . made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman ship. Towanda, January 17, 1852. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drakes wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skit fel manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when.desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHIL Towanda, May 2, 1851. STAGES LEAVE Towanda for Mercur's mills,Brirlington,East Smithfield Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de pot on the N; Y. & E. R. R., every MONDAY, WYD• asses, and Fatnsv at 8 o'clock A. Zvi., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars either east or west, same day. Returning Tx:manse, TIIIIRSDAV and B.ATIIIIDAY, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar riv,gtat Towanda same day. • All :Towanda toblercur's mills , -27 i " to Burlington, r)o gs ' to East 8m ithfield, 62} " to Ridgebery, 1,00 " to Wellsburg depot, 1,26 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. D. M. BULL, Towanda, Oct. 8, 1852. proprietor Bradford County Premium Cora She Hers, 'WHOLESALE and Retail: The very best article to be found is the county, and cheapest—(war— Pulted)—fur sale at the Agricultural and stove store of Nov. 10.1853., R. ,M. WELLES. . , STOVES! STOVES! C OOK, :STOVES, of various and exceitent pottag e and sizes—wweral -patterns of superior -Elevated Ovens. on is a combination of the Clinton and Nati m onalA i rTight, celled the EAGLE . Also a well selected stock of elegant parlor, ball, shop, church and school house Stoves,. both 'for wood and coal—of Wm sod ptkes , to_suit all clams of customers. Call ,sod see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES. • fans age and illthine . 1111reat Cutters. PRICES $4 ind $5. E emyfarmei , altotild have . one of these excellent labor saving' articles; they ate capable of ratting from 100 to 200' pounds of meat per hour, and are very simple, portable and easily kept in repair, for sale by Athens, Nov. 10. 1A53. IL M. WELLES. .w "' '7 . : tWoiNkricik r o Ei0 7 .11: 'iv it 0- w MOM. - OR PROPERTY Do you want to fell or , roortgap anyinaFiesitatol• Have you a liptot atutAtortpge,,yon wish to sell Have you houses, tayerna, or lots, that you withlo sell or lease 11 Hass you a mill, factory, foundry, tanneoy t or at& er manufacturing establishment. that you Dwight* sell or rent! Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or tire clay, or other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on sham 1 „ , Have you laud that ,yott,wouldtike ta, have .drain ed or' cleared by contract or oC Shares I • Have you w ler power that you wish to sell, im- Piever4r7 , , Do you want attudiortal„ capita t ‘, ' or a...partner in your businesit" Do you'vnwit to sell your stock of ineicksirdise Do you Win% to foim a Company to create capital for my Specific ,object - Do you wish to, eichiiiiipt yotir pioperty . for other prOen Do y ou Want in your neighborhood mills, found ries, tanneries, or, other manufactoriem Have you an well kafedimprovement in machine. ry; or io the artihlwhich you want to sell, or which you want means to itratrufacture 1 If you ha any of the . above wants, or others of a rim character . and Will inclose to our address, (post-paid;) a legible, clear and exact description of them:; and if . property, its . locality , proximity to ca nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools, mills, stores, dte., the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or otherwise dis. Base of it ; And if yeti will also inclose to Istratian fee ofsl, (the receipt of which will be aii knowledged,) your wont shall be recorded in our Register, and your letter placed on the file designated for your State and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, (Oared, ; „ • .7 - 1 s' Wa_make no charge to any for examining our Register and files. , When they make known their wishes. they are referred to your own statement of your wants : and as we have Maps of the different States, and of ,such Counties as we have been abio to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers tnat anise with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arriving,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in ven ous forms throughout all of the slates, as well as the different countries of Europe, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall agehts in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who wish to purchase, exchange, lase, or invest, to visit our Gate; withouteliarge— We are confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who desire to know them, and- of securing the end you desire, than anv other niodeyet practised. - best plata fdr year ttreet a sale; Tease. ex. chrhge or loan on -your property, is in its immediate vicinity. tf you cannot da.ithere, the neit best place is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi grants or settlers of any class here is the place to obi rain them: Bemuse here at all times and seasons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking for mvestments or lupines. Because One are probably 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great proportion of the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 6 to 7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while you can afford to give as ample security, or other in ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte rest, either in annual income in. increased value. Because here, an examination of our files will inform thoso seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found.which they seek. Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange country or other city property, for property:in this city or its irieinity. • Because a person, by spending a few hours in our office, without charge, can obtain more information of the property in market throughout the country. and the wants of community, than by months of travel. Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout this and other countrils, b re cording the opposite, but corresponding wa*AlWor countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase and those who desire tosell, can be mutually benefited . In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compari. son of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to the own ers, no special authority to us to requisite; but when it is dashed that we should sell,authotity must be given. Oor commissions on sales, exchanges, dm., are 2 per cent. The raising of Companies., and other mat ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. Q• Several farms in the same neighborhood often 6nd a more ready sale than • single farm, as Immi- grant, desire to remain in companies, BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, lvew York. Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; lion. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Oov.Wood, Ohio ; Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio ; Hon. R. W. Thompson, la-; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams, Mich ; Hon. Rob's Smith, HI: Hon. J. R. 'Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, Iowa; Hon. J. R. Doty, Wis. (Ep For (miner information inquire of HARVEY McALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell, Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 44y STILL IN OPERATION' THE subscriber would an runce to the public that he we now on hand, a nd will make order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, Ich as Sofas,Di vans, Lounges :miter, Card, Dining and Break. Ist Tables ) Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus, Stan& of - various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads 'of every description, which are, and will beinade of the best material and workmanlike manner7and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware•room in the cannily. REALIDIr-BILMIE CCIMINFA on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES• MACKINSON. Towanda, June 1, 1852. BOOTS olc SHJES! . Wilcox, 1 . 1 - 4 8 removed his establishment to I H. Mix's store, 11 corner of main street and the public square, and will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, u heretofore. He has just received from New York a large assort- went of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes. which are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is particularly directed to hie assortment * «Uprising the following new styles :--Enamelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do: shoes; luting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes.busleins,,dre. Misses' gaiters and shoo, of every description.. A largess:it:oilmen& of Children 's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters and shoes. • This stock tu been personally. selected with care, and he believes- he can offer superior articles at reasonable prim*. • (aThe strictest attention paid to Manufadurtng, andla hope. by doing work well to merit a continu ance of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received. Towanda, MaY 8. 1858. ROCK SALT.—A quantity of Turk's Island Salt for yak: bk. 13.4tILEY & NEVINS. litligtellancone. • f AND FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TIED OLD SWUM itlebital 13 p R L Y I : o N iv : c 8 (z- WAFERg 1.•-z rims calia - ordinarY Preparation has been forma. ny years the most certatn and speed y rern _. for COVOD3, COLDS, Asia e, Blarcif TN; I.lrseci. , car 54, AND Dumas. of TIM CREST Alb L unt ?a those. su ff er i ng from obitinate and confirmed Coughs they give the most , immediate and perteetrellere when great liability to take cold esista, ood au le some Cough succeeds the slightest exposu re, Z s a e WATERS produce the most marked results. Ti, ty at mace relieve-the Cough and other symptoms slid entirely remove that morbid irritability and weak, ness of the Lungs whiohSive rise to th e complaint, The medical properties are coilabined in an agee ea . ble,form and pleasant to the taste, so that any ch i ld win rea dil y lake them : and they are warranted to give relief in ten tninates ;Met use in all cams. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. c. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Feb. 9,1853. Attention Itegbnent ! r i r MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE , , TORN E. GEIGER, would Ray to big old friends and vl , the public at large, that he has 'constantly on hand and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns l&e., &c._ Among his assortment of Guns may tar found Double and single barrelled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warranted, Pow der Flasks, Shot Pauches, Game Bags CI Prime ts. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the best quail ty. Aliens' Mx barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single barrelled self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, doable Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols. F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cam eon stantly on hand. Any of the above articles will be sold awful chew tor the Ready Pay. Keys of any kind fine d to Doors. Trunk,' or aor other kind of locks on short notice and reasonable wean Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop few rods north of the Bradford Mouse. • Towanda. May 22, IBn2. J. E. GEIGER: LIQUORS! LIQUORS! THE Subscribers having formed a copartnership under the firm of S. FELTON & CO, for do ing a general Liquor business, would reapeac u il y ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any. thing in their tine to giva them a call. We ily n d keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreigo Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any oet else in the county, from the fact that we boy direct. from the importers, and thereby save a large profit charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant• ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant. ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We bane made" arrangements by which we can furnish our customers with any quantity of Binghamton BEER fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee give us a call.- The notes and accounts of the old firm of S. Fe ton & Co., are in our hands for settlemen. Towanda, Dec. 1, 1952 iviir go. Saddle, Harness & Trunk Dianufactort TERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public J that they have removed to the shop on Main twee, recently occupied by Smith & Son, nearly oppotite the Ward House, where they will kee y on hand large stook of 3M:4 1 33, TTIL - NELS, VALISES, wuirs, All articles in their line manufactured to order. e nd made of the best material, and for viorktnanshi t i canno be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, The, colic, a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tha I they can give satisfaction both as to quaity and price a7Hides and Sheep Pelts received for work and of account, at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather an Calf skins, for sale is any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ri N account of losses sustained at the late fire, w ‘-) one obliged to call on those inkebted to us ha prompt settlement, as we are under the nseoutty having what is owing to us, we trust this notice ell; be sufficient without resorting to other means. Towanda,-Dec. 2, 1952. Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block! Ir A . Chamberlin, Jab 11 AS just returned fromthe city - X.: 11 of New York with a large C .iik supply of Watches, Jewelry and ( - Ir. Silver ware, comprising in parte o' 1 , 1 ...IC the following articles:—Lever. ;.---., 4 a . , :„ .. ,:c L'Epinearnl Plain Watches, wah •03)ba,.. .. - 5 " - 4 " ---w' a complete assoripent of Gold Jewelry, each as ar Rings, Fin. ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets.Lockets,Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware , and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers for sale ezceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refunded. and l vrr ten agreement given torthat effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Canary Proanc. taken in payment for work; and alas. learn now, an' orever,that Me Produce must be paid whenthe woe is done—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CKASfBERLIN, Agent- Towanda, April 28, 1852. LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fined or any size, to be bad at the Jewelry ctore et May 15, 1852. E. A, CHAMBERLIN HANG OUT THE BANNER!! -- A horse ! a horse ! my kinghlo a horse and customer. to take 3 103 f the goods. Notwithstanding the 13:1 disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER himself again! And at No. I Brick RE"you'll find Most anything that's in his line, From a cambric needle of the finest kind, ' To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat to. Clocks which keep time accurate and true. Breast pins of every style and hue, Mold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains. • Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile Of every shape and every style, To suit the old. the young. the :Y.ro . • May there be seen in elegant army And_Waresza, who is himself a 0 host," Is always ready and at his post. To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon 'im to give a call. So with good advice make up your molds, To call on him and there you'll find Such sights,my eyes.° ! what a clew Je.weky of every style and hue. (r) , Don't mistake the place Ne. rc°,l where he is prepared to do all kinds of JOB—WORK can in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates t em possibly be afforded He will also sell hi , " at 20 per cent lower, than was ever befogA lc this market. 1:1" Call and see.AD ` ER. Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. PAPIER suurezaras. THE only assortmen t of Paper Hangings s e r,, this vicinity, with a fresh stock psi roinlo-,' at unusually low prices. 0. D. BARTisci . April 21 1853 iiiiliE3 S. FELTON F. T. FOX.