Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 13, 1854, Image 3

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- Farmers, Families and others, can put
ove no Remedy equal to Da. _Tomas' Vex:Twit
1;51m ssr, Toe Dysentm ,rou
, cholic,.opp chronic
ihearnatism, Sore Throat, 'Footheche.Sea /Sickness.
Cats, Burns, Swellings, Bruises; 1 -Ohl geed-
Ole. Mosquito Bites, Paths in' the Limbs, chest,
Back, etc • • •
It it n gtve reltef, the money will he refund
r e i—ali that is asked, is it trial, and nse,it,apcording
to irecion. •.
It Is an English remedy, and was used by William
the Iv., law King
. of England, and certified to by,
tjtn, as a cure for rheumatism, when every thing
et , e had
Over 0,000,0n0 bottles have been sold inthe
:e,l States, %cal:tout a single failure, pa many Watt(
stated they NV gold not be without -it if it was $lO per
` - bottle, in case of Croup, asit I s as certain as it
applied. • IA PIOt,
Or. Tobias has put up HOUSE 1;11111MXT
• bottles, which is warranted cheaper and better than
+ a ny etherjor cholit, scratches, old sores, gins,
• swellings, c ins, bruises, etc.
1' It cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours:
Dysentery in half an hour—toothache in five'ininutes.
• Is'perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re
commended by the most eminent physicians. in tit&
railed Slates. Price 25 and 50 cents.
;;.. Dr. Tobias Could till a dozen newspapers 'with CN.
..orates and letters rdattng to the wonderful cures
accomplished by his Liniment, but considers war
--train^ it sufficient, as any person who does not ob-
Ei.tain relief need not pay for it.
• Price 50 rents. Pr. Tobias' Office, '240 Green.
"1:0I1 street, New York.
For gale at Dr. H. C. PORTER'S Drug Store, Tow.
anJa. Pa. •
Waverly Station, N. Y. & E. R. R.
''. 1,01 NG r. n. M.I GOING WEST. H. M.
'._'; s,, c li E.lpreSS, A3l 3 40. Night Express. • x 4 00
-1 L 'hi ENl.l('Sq ' P X I I 391 Way Express, P M li 40
4,- \l. Express •M 6 201Butrolo Ex. i t at 310
";j.i.n. Ei'p• •x 5 I IlMail No. 1. r .it. 835
\!.,„ No. 4. rre6 53 Dunkirk Ex. rat 402
Fad No. 2 Am 7 28 Mail No. 3. •x 8 24
-, •;,,iramboat Ex. eMI. 49 ErtligESlll. Px4 17
, I 'De , notstop at Waverly.
uuiil further notice, leave Towanda at 1-4
12, %1., connecting with the Buffalo Express
:Nue We<i, and all the evenfng.trains both ways.
lt , ttirnititz, leave Waverly after the arrival of the
areit and morning trains, reaching Towanda in time
'kr the Tunkhannock and Dushore stages.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1854.
.1• los rebtdence. in Burlington, on the 18th
110 , 1 Lit PRATT, aged 68 years.
tlvcrsince desu , Ai.jed and rose again in triumph
land canted through the crystal portals of
it has been the privilege of those who
possessed faith in Jesus to 'pass the dreudful
rate-, in the perfect composuie of a complete
'lin;11. And thousands have experienced this
privilege. Tilts was the case with father
-"'?r3tt. Having exemplified the doctrines of the
.;.srel in his life, the power of the Gospel sustain-
'!,..n in death, even theteriilde death of the small
:-.l—cotnii.g with such terror and panic as tO
-.:h:enoway neighbors and brethren, aad even hi's
;10 , 1; so that father Pratt was al.aost alone, and
!iont the external means of grace to sustain him
,trazOng with the grim monster. Yet neither
his courage nor his faith in the least forsake
Nl,ther Pratt,his companion, was lingering to all
i• • :roan appearances just on the crumbling verge of
', - -ortality. He said much for her consolation when
'nought in to see him. He laid his hand on his
reast and said to her,' all is right here.."' In view
the world to which he felt, swiftly approaching,
spoke much of its splendor, bat so swollen was
his tongue that the connection of his language was
,cr ; and when his u ards entirely failed, he waved
hand in triumph, and like his gloriOus leitder,
~ ,i ered when he fell. C. C.
t: Ste yen lie, Bradford co., Pa., on the 26th ul
1N STEVENS, aged 86 years, 5 months
aged patriarch emigrated from New Eng
alout the year 1800, and settled upon t'te banks
ice Wyalusing creek, then an unbroken, unSet
: wildernes., inhabited by the aboriginal posses
rof the country. He has seen this country set
-I—Hie foresta giving way before the axe of the
17.1 y pioneer, and thriving villages and smiling
-. .1s springing up, where but a few years since the
V- beast had his lair. He has almost up to the
of his death enjoyed.extraorilinary health, and
able to walk several miles, in his visits to his
s , ter.ty, He met death as become die aged soldier
'he cross, leaving a large circle of relatives lode.
'e L.s vxtt,.tt•hilethey may emulate his virtues.
New rabncrtisements.
Military Election.
uniformed companies in Bradford county are
directed to meet at their usual places of meet—
:- "- on Monday the sth day of June 1851, and. told
c.ection in each company for one Brigadierrsen
t, • ; - a, and or.e Brigade Inspector. Also for such field
;,'•''',.scers as the battalion to which each company may
al:ached shall be entitled to.
The Captain or commandirtg officer of each com•
mt hell appoint the place and superintend said
~ ect,,n, and take to his assistance one or more
zeinbess who shall be severally sworn, or affirmed
. conduct said election fairly and impartially, and
:lase a true and correct return thereof; and when
:e said election shall be closed and the votes count
':.the superintendent and his assistants shall make
;;- duplicate returns of the same to be signed by
twin, stating the number of votes given: for each
for the different offices voted for, for the Bat.
:Con as well as fur the Brigadier General and Bri
la:pector; one of said ,returns shall be .filed
vith the papers of the company,nd the other the,
'Ti.natendent shall within ter lays- cause to be
. 1 6 , verell to the Brigade Inspector.
JOHN A. CODDING, Inspector.
Lellaysville, May 10, 1854.
Two HI'NDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Plas
ter, 100 Barrels Salt, 100 Bbls. White Stone
1.1inc,:,0 bushels Orwell & West Branch Clover
Seed, 30 bushels timothy Seed, 600 lbs. Allegany
County Cheese, just received and for sale by
Towanda, April,27, 1854.
F IVE HUNDRED Thousand Feet Pannel Boards.
50,000 feet qommon do.
100600 feet Cullin boards
300,000 long Pine shingles, for which Cash will be
raid on delivery S. S. BAILEY & CO
Towanda, April 27, 1854
. 7 NEW SPE..
114 now receiving all sorts of NEW-GOODS,whiCh
1. will be - gold very low for Cash.
May 3, 1854.
Plows . and Plow castings!
DIATCULEY, . Wayne county, Alba or Curtis
Plows, - Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and
Castinas, for sale cheap..
I take particular pains to get good well made
r',,ws and 'tough castings. I would invite particu
dr attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and arc. B. H. WVILLES.
South 'Corner of Mercer's Block, Main Street,
ARE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
SpriPg and Summer trade,- comprising", full
and complete assortment',- and of the until variety,
Which will be, sold at a very sma ll profit for Ready
Pay. Among-the assortment of . •
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Godds
consisting part of
,Beregrs t Bcrege Deraines, Detains, • Lawns,
4 - arn , and printier; 4 Ginghams, English
Scotch and America n ; Poplins,
' •;. Prints' el alt *des 'and I '
- Colors lac, irt.
Also, for men's wear may be ; found Broad Clottis,
.CasSitneres, Tweeds, Kentuclty, ;cans Sitio
and Summer Vestings. • ,
Also;Shgefings, Shiittngi," bleaChed` and brown,
Ticking., Summer Goods for boys' weie, Cotton
Yarn; Carpet, Warp; Cotton- Batten, fie.. &o.
A frill 'Sloe Ir Will be heft Oe-liand.. Thnselti want
of Sugars. Teas; COffee.•SfeWnit'i best.
11yrop, Spices. Pepper Ginger. inleratds;
Salt, Tobacco, or anyother sitiCle in thls:ltne,
will do well to call on.. us before, purchasing elie%
A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and Stone-ware, Boots and Shoes Mats and Caps—
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
Thankful for the liberal' patronage of the past sea
son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring stock, be•
lieving that good Goods and low (ideas will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, May 12, 1854.
V citizens respectfully inform thecitizens of To—
wanda end vicinity, that he has opened a
Grocery dr. Provision Mote.
on the south side of the Public Square, where he
would be pleased to wait upon those that call - upon
him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country
Grocery. Such as Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Le.
mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci
gars of the best quality.
He also desig ns to keep on hand Pnovisiovs, 4c.
&c., all of whi ch he offers cheap fur Cash or Coun
try produce. His motto is, that " nimble six-pence
is better than a slow shilling."
Towanda, May I, 1854.
Clover Seed. •
64 Bcshels of first rate Clover seed, i f m or E ssid t e , by
Towanda, Mareh•l, 1834.
THE fourth quarter will commence on Tuesday
the 10th day of Marnext. April 29, 1851.
31C• MIL .IK IEW •
ANY man or boy:or any body else wanting any
kind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on
GEOAGE H. Psasiirs, and see how
'he is selling his new stock. He has now the
Largest. Clothing Store
in Athens, and his Goods were all bought cheap and
will be sold cheap. Clothing is much lower in the
city. and Perkins is bound to let his customers have
the benefit, of it.
The Store is new and just fitted up. Two doors
above the brick block, in Athens.
Hats, Caps, new and cheap.
Athens, April 26, 1854. •
JEST received by Joseph Kingsbury. a large and
complete stock - of NEW GOODS, for sale as
Towanda, April 26, 1854.
500 MEN WANTED ! !
s6rs to J. 4S. Alexander ff Co.'s Clothing
The Subscribers have just received at their old
stand in Met-ear's Block,Towanda, a new and good
assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods, consist
ing of
Ready-Made Clo9lng,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles in market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have
a complete' assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves, Suspen
ders, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all kinds, and a
variety of Trunks, &e,
Our Ready Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in thlit line, and as we buy for Cssn, we
can end will sell 20 per cent.lower than soy other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
J. AttX" ANDiR,
Towanda, April 20, 1854. M. E. SOLOMON.
Pk 10
11. S. Di ERCUR,
Is now receiving one of the largest and beat
ted assortment of Merchandise ever before brought
to Bradford county—consisting of DRY GOODS of
every description. An extensive assortment of
common Hardware. Also, Saddlery, Harness and
Carriage Trimmings.
Blackimiths' Bellows, Anvils, Vises, Tongs., sledges
Iron,Stal and Nails, Gioceries,Oils, Paints,
and Dyestuffs, Crockery 4. G;as!,ware,
which will be sold u usual, very cheap for Con
Towanda, April 18; 1854. A.
At the Athens Agricultural Store.
AITEBT BRANCH and Ohio Clover Bch, at $7
V V a bushel.
Clean Reaped Timothy Seed, wholesale and re
tail—retail price, $4. Also a good selection of Gar
den Seeds, for sale cheap. ' _R. M..WELLES.
Athens,'March 15, 1854.
TEE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the
property owned and occupied by her. in the
Borough of Towanda. Bald property canasta of a
lot of land situated next above A. D. Montanyes, in
the Northern Liberties, bounded. north by Mrs. Gill
son's lot, east by William street, south by Division
street, and *rest by Maio street—being one hundred
and thirty feet deep. and futy feet wide. Thestreets
recently opened, make this as , desirable a building
lot as any in the boiougb. There is now upon the
lot a small dwelling house. 40plication• rimy be
made to Catharine Kromer, or t2Emanuel Kromer.
Towanda, April 21, MC • •
Orphans' Court •lale.
BY virtue urea order of the Orpttans'• Court of
Bradford County, .I wilt expose to sale by pub
lic vendee on Tuesday June 13, at one o'clock, P.
M. a piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twit ,
buuuded north by lands of-Charles Dyer. and S. P.
Rockwell, east ,by 8.-P. -Rockwell and C. W. Rey'
nolds. smith by J. S. Roberts and E. W.-Durgr.well
by .1. H. Marsh, cants:in/us *bout 1000 acres; about
70 acres IMPft"e4, with a.framed house and-barn
and shop thereon. J.ll. MARSH.. • •
Administrator of the estate. of Elliott Marshoiso'd.
late of Pike two,.
era: z i ;" ; CIUIO. lrgi at . CO.
IMRE- Strot of LantorepAy Itof 00i • itttaiit,h ring
tayee 11.•A-,Taalaarkila *al A,Poillaar, will
con tioneihtiriMildtit butitteit*tiefilly l under the
name, all.. 4.11:. L. l'asrjeteitt co.. ' their
old stiftithitellltsttito,tilr'Fr4tnlatibiltihtitiouth
part ofilte;-Bontiagh - -)in'imilndiN'iiitietellry will
manatietttaidite.kt Midk,eek9e heed's ldyge as •
sor t rainy of, the lei _4404 . . 14.1007,
t f,;••
.);• - •
of all, laads.r.laPinkakut fitiO , • m il!*ringa—
the iteseiff. W a terii . .,lols;. 4-c 4c.: •
". iltoves.
Box,SPail.oo - 04ing._:11401 1 9c 46 T - sy'°( / 1 / I. tia 4 a ,
• ,
Nortintraticli; , H ' s.
and 1 .-. 4ll eitiattitileipWailief anati;: , EacOsior.
V.Vagougllolos.B,leig.ltspoes, Plough poptts,,.geariog
for Chain Lum ps, OrindsidneS;' and'other ' a rti,
cies too numerous tirtgeOcnt.r.T
Hating secured the services oil. B. IRVINE, well
knowo therarm fee!cqn6.
deta tbitlhey 'chri man ufatto re dab 'repair'all kidds
of machi net). in aiiviorkinantrketnanner, and on as
easy tertas - ag Any - establishment ( this isideli fv,,
Vorlr • , :,":
Steam.Enginea Will be repaired eatisfstolorßY. on
sl ort'itolice.• .
ettentlan Will be 'Paid to the
Fattera 'Departments and all 'ortlete fillfilled. op `thot
shortest possible itatices* • •
irrParticular'sttenGon is Called to L 8, terine's
celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took the first
premium of the Bradford Cooney Fair, of 1853. Also,
to the Elevated Oven' Eagle Stove, the best now id
Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, and Grain
and all kinds of °Wintry produce taken in payment.
N. B.—All Notes and accounts due the firm . o
Lamoreux, HaWand, Russell, are left, in the hands, of
I. L. & H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediate
attention is called to the same, which stesiiir. Nan
by May Court.nest.
D. C. Hata., 2 51. L. Lamonsm
0.8. Rosasta. S t H. L. LABCORZUX•
Towanda. April I. 1851
Newt Land Clover Seed.
85Bushels of New Land Clover seed, just receiv
ed and for pale cheap by B. KII4GBERY.
Towanda, March 1, 1/354. '
JHARVEY PHINNEY is just receiving a Rae
• assortment of Salsa Mir D SUMMER GOOll5 which
will be sold as usual, very cheap for CASH,
Towanda, April 20, 1854.
( — CLOVER SEED—A first rate article.just receiv
ed and tot sale at PHINNEY'S.
BEADIS--Tarenty—ftle bushels for sale by
Ilk VI =lrk ir, *A
T HIs Subscribers respectfully inform the citizens
of Bradford County, as well as all others de—
sirous of purchasing, that they have opened an es
tablishment in Towanda, next door to 0. D. Bart.
lsti's store, where they now offer to the public at
whole-sale or retail, a large assortment of
manufactured by or expressly for themselves, and
warranted to be of the best materials and made in
the most substantial and fashionable. manner, which
they will sell at the lowest possible prices.
They will keep on hand an extensive asortment
of Clrtris, Cassinteres, Vestings, and Tailore Trim
mings. Also Trudks, Carpet !nev i Hats and Caps,
*and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods.
We intend to offer the public a larger andbetter
assortment, than ever before kept in this place. and
to merit the patronage of the public, by selling tbeM
good article at prices much lower than any .other
eitablisbment. ; _
Cutting done at the shortest notice.
re Nathan Alexander respectfully requests 'from
his old friends, a continuance of their patronage,
and assures them they ;shall meet with the same
satisfaction as formerly.
Main street, Towanda; 25 Lake street, Elmira
April 15, 1854.
Notice to Collectors and Tax• Payers.
YOU arc hereby, authorized to make a deduction
of five per cent. win the Slate Tax, of every
:ndividual who shall pay his or her state and coup•
ty lax in full, on or before the 2 tst day of June next,
and the same shall be allowed yon,in your se de
ment, provided the same is by you paid into the
County Treasury, on or before the 22d or 23d days
of June next.
By order of the Commissioners,
E. M. FARRAR, Clerk
Towanda, April 12, 1454.
DRIED APPLES.--40 bushels Dried Apples—
grafted fruit—on band and for sale by
March 15, 1854. BATLEY dr. NEYIfIf4.
QEALED PROPOSALS Will be received ; 'at the
L Commissioners office until 12 o'clock; ht., of
Thursday May 4, for building a Cnianky. 'Bridge
across Brown's CeCli, in Burlington twp, Plan and
Specifications may be, seen at the Commissioners
office on Monday May Ist.
By ordt;r of the Comm iesionerA, .; ,
April 19, 1854. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk.
dIXT/Tabl at a TAMTiIa
SURNE iroft for Bradford County, is prepared to
attend to the above business in all its branches.
His office is at Monroeton. All letters addressed to
him at that place, will meet with' prompt tittetitton.
April 4, 1854.
Binghamton Stone Limo. •
oßarrels re of of Binghamton Otone Lime, jolt rc
ceived a first rate article fresh .from . the kiln,
and fur sale by
March 1, 1854
West Branch Clover Seed.
5/push:l of West Bsench Clover seed, just re•
ceived a first rate article, and for sale at the
lowest cash price, by BAILY & NE V INS;
March 1, 1854.
111 *WM 1 71 Ir JlM.lllht
HAVING entered into an arrangement by which
he can have BLOCK TEETH furnished to or
der, informs the public that he is prepared to mount
suction plates in Ihissnew and ,improved method.
The great superiority of the block style of mount.
ing plates is at once apparatnt to those who have for
any length of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who have yet to' be initiated, it is only necessary to
say, that in the old method of Moisotingthoplate
w,th a succession of single teeth, it-witti nb ttivaiuhl
thing - for a tooth to drop off; by the new Method nd
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by , each other. In the second place, the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, be,
cause there is no chance for deposits of , food being
maileihowever small, the upper rim being tapped,
thus effectually precluding even the saliva from ma.
king a lodgMent;and in the third place, the ttdaptit
Lion of the griiding surface is -better fitted for mas
ticatory purposes, the' rregularities being made ex
actly to correspond' with those of the teeth of the-op-
posing jai*. • -
Withstyroperylitteff suction plate, havingo:tiir
chi:tuber. and mounted 'block teeth - i p i tilscet
may crack kicko . 4.nuti'with impunity, •
" And deep' in spite of "--.l6ofhnehe.
ALL WOlit 1./11LIIANTE7.
Towanda, Ifareli 10,!854.
et:-I* t ; are
A -110-Pnoerair
bb jegtsll t O n4 —• I spa, lc:
.sgan* or se t
them -dtily eft
please present
a u th HOLCOMB, .
meal. . -Adminisqral9l..s •
March :8i!4!
-A,umunsrftaoß's . NOTlOg• - -
LiteWldlO.**Nri4l 4l4-I fitittrigiwert . yAin ake
said est4te.will p.lea#mieid'greiri..dirly•autbrenb
cated for 'seiltemelit q ., - - A 4 l""%'=" • -
;.•, - .2!reLiTISVISAVEI)BON,
7:11 el -4A.410,14tr.a19".
Jail- I
A LL persons .ititlebtetringtbeeitate of JOHN
11 TEED; deceailid; tato idlitchfletd Utit ii; tiro,
hereby requeisted to make payment urithourdelaly ;
and all . persons haVing demands againkf•ssid estate
are fel nest ed - -to , present' duly' an theti!icated
for settlement. - ' - 'BETSIPTEED: ‘" . ".il :"
Jamie). 29 i 1254-; : ,• . •, . , r
N - 1/14 LinikiliLle o , —; 4i 7 , 1
r 'PO n r Jr ,
&ice die ite;;i:ter . a44:4le,ecir er, ,
. :Tow,,aste4,.
13! A. avt"R.loil,
AT T N.E - Y AT LAW - .
OFFICE n the, second s ,storyof the Union Bloch,
V'north sla th'e , Pubfic square, over the - office
of .1. 'C. Adamg, Esq. • • • Sept. 24.
Lvow opening a New &roc Goons, consist.:
ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which . will be sold as cheap as the same quality Of
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of_New•
Towanda, Dec. 1.0,:tft.53.
Soseph Potvell;
S NOW receiving large mock of WINTER
GOODS, of every detcriptioo, which the public
IS respectfully invited 10 call And examine, na sutfl.
cleat inducement will be offered to-those wishing to
pOrchase, to make it an object for them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
7fJNK SKINS.—The highest rice will be paid in
I.VI cash for any quantify of Mint skins, by
Jim. 1. 1054. MONT INYES' & CO.
A" Ejust receiving at their Isre and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, a large
oissortment of
Provieions, groceries, Yankre Notirms 7oNs, Fruit
Coqfectionary, Willow ware, 4-c.,
making their stock the largest, most complete and best
in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that, they either sell
cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than aoy,oth
To".metit and indoec.iCqadritioncoof so liberal pat•
mono we shall &till folloW oqr old motto—"srr•LL
Below we name a few of the articles that always be
found in our stock .
Black and green tea, Rio emil'Java coffee: chocolate,
Cocoa, shgar, molasses, syrup e ' ginger, pepper, spice,
cloves, nutmeg, cinamem, mace, soda, paleratits, cream
tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap, vinegar, starch, 4.c.
Mess pork, dried beef, hams and Shoulders, mackerel
codfish, shad, pickeled herring, smoked herring, whea
buckwheat flour, corn meal. theese, rice, beans
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c.
Fruit & Nuts.
Prune:, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches. apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Greno.
ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, dce.
Cterman,_French and American Toys,
Tin wagon., rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China &
pewter toy tea sett*, dolts, trumpets, accordions, harmo,
nrcas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting, do
pearl, ivory, papier macho and leather port moniaes,
wallets and purses, ivory, ,hnrn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock
et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff hole.
cigar cases, perfumery anm hair oils.
Brooms, mopaticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wit.
low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice
Car Air .411 kinds.
Dairy and table tgalt.,, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc.
i!tkL=alisr -21TZlerzrea,
• Groceries.
Fancy Goods, &AL dm
Country 'dealers supplied' itt, a smell advance from
New York prices- -
u.. 7 Most kinds of countri produentaken i a exchange
for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS.
. Toaranda, January 2. 1864.
. ,
Furs 1-2hirs !!
Anantity of Far Victorioes and CufTs of differen
qualities, for sale - aT COST by ,
Jan. 19, IBM. H. $. NERGUR.
ALL persona indebted to the estate of P. D
/1. - Havens, dec'..l. late of Standing Sione.are hereby
requested to make raytnent. wit ho ut delay, anil those
baring claims against said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenlicated for settlement
S. W. BIL KS, Administrators.
Aug. 27, 1853.
HAVE Come to the conclusion that tho them 112 s
come, that' debts can be collected, and after
waiting patiently for Years, and finding the Good
Time has srrivcd, when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Prodtpeta, they hope this notice will
suffice for a more pitfintioe one and that payments
will tither be made in Grairfat the present high pn
ces CII in Cash.
Their Aasortmetit of GOODS is replenished week
ly from New York City, and will be sold cheaper
than at retail in the Great 'EMporium itself.
- Towanda, January 31,,A9,54. •
The subscribers ! Administrators of the estate of 0.
S.Uray, deceased, hereby give not'ee that they will
attend at the boast'. late of sail deceased, on Tuesday .
and Wednesday, the 7th and Bth of hist& nest; fut
the purpose of settling said estate, - "All persodt(hav
ing claims will please preseitt„ - them in ,proper shape
for settlement, and all persons indebted are notified
that a settlement will bh'eipeeted at that time
Out fail.`A. W. GRAY,
rebruary 3, I A5l. J. W. GRAY,
41 7; a r n e e c o e u iv s it iTo t:i,e* , iiiiip . ly
j ?f lc tlie s t e liatii
.!'ll:c. 22, 18 . 53." • • - =
Cistern and Well Pumps !
T EAD PIPE! Hydradlfe 'Rattail:lW any kind
bize, &c.. cheap for Afidy pay. for sale-1m
Jan 13 , 1 852, . ,R. WELLgt
k;,:::,' . 0:0 UT Hj Fil):,;•"o : F THE WARD HOIUSE,
• ',';' - -;':::;_ Itioligag the rublKl3.9tyire:,.
TiheHE, F>tei bea r
libilakyationsge recei!id the past year, itilrlnits to keep'crinstantly 00 .1. hariTerstitlisaarsaiendn.bei*ply lira( articles usually", kept in our Hire, w,hich tie wets dispose of on
!Ach. terms as.taill he,tdiwho.may patronize hint. The Orals See are porde entirily with each
in hand, ea foAfie essn our costumers rvceive4he hcliefleot a gool artiefelse a low adidei
not answering oga,Auffut*da4on,,taill be cli'terfaily taken bank, and the money !efindef. 7 • • •
gruinitiusly givealt the plfier,_chargip; toly for the Medicines.
The • stock consists of a completraaattea • T
Tare Wile & Liqu'ors; for. cilicinal. ase, Loitdon Porter & Scotch Ale.'
Americin Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Gong.)
Supepor TOBACCO & EMIT"' !----Choice brands of Pnre Savanna, Principe
and Vara CIGARS !
PAINTS, 013,
Black and Green Teas ; anJ Java Coffee ; Molasses, Ayriips, Sugars, Spices;' &e. &c
D 1 T Nl*o TTO —.
'e best Qaality of oivas—Tuff,/,,,,,,t-41odande Profits—Ready Attention to Cvstomers—no
Adulteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business.'!
Towanda, Novombet 12, 1853. 11. C. PORTER, M. D.
tiLN & ptrit'amozg,
Residence. oft Pine Street. opposite tke old Presbyterian
Offers his prore,sicual sect icr< io the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can al wv.-s be found at his
office. in Dr. POUT ; 14itit Drug store, when not pro
fessionally engaged. _ _ _
fee in the north end of the Werd liouse,elatety occupied
by Laporte, Maeon &Co.)
Towanda, March, 5,1853.
- -
0.1 TONSlnore of those cheap blogura Jost reed.
•-) and for sale by PHINNEY.
TEAS—A few chests good and cheap. for sale
by PHINNE I I - ..
SOOTS & 840 Es, the largest. and cheapest as
sortrneht in Towanda, by PHINNEY.
T't BESS Goods, of the latest styles and patterns.
.1, consisting in part of Mouslin Delaines, all wool
delaines black 4- faney silks, Fiends, Domestic and
&filch Gi.ighstns ¢ prints, of every style by
Oct. 24, 1853.
:yrs, Caps, Sc Bonnets, a large nsortinent and
II cheap, by MENNEN-.
- - -
CLOTHS, cassimeres. vesilug , , satlinets, jeans,
and Tweeds of all det•ci iption, J iist received by
Oct. 24, 1E153. PHINNEY.
FLANNELS—French, Dionesiie and Salisbury,
f:lr sale by
11[TANTED-1.11 kinds of gram & lumber for
V which some cash will be paol by
Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY.
The War Question thing Settled in
11W.. - '4L3 Ell HID MI
MONTANIES & UO. have come t o the ec u c i o _
slot] to enlarge their Lot-ine,:, in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that inikt rc-uh from a stale
peace. They therefore, after returning thanks fur
former favors, invite the attention of the eitizensyt
thk and adjoining counties to the examination of
Pall and Winter Goods
consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress
Goods, as also heavy staples,
Hardware, Crock . ry, Groceries, Harness and Car
riage Trimming% Iron, Leather, 4 . c. *e.,
all of which VI ill be offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. 1. 1853.
Orphan's Court Sale.
V virtue of an oder of the Orphan's court of the
county of- Bradford, will be exposed to public
sale upon the prem ites. on the 10th day at May.
1851, at one o'clock, P. M.. the following property
late the estate of J. 1, Watford, deceased—
All that piece or parcel of land, si tune in the tp.
of Monroe aforesaid; and bnuniß•il and described as
follows—Beginning at a stone in the centre of the
Mate road and Berwick turnpike, at NI .nroe cor
ners, thence south Di° west 5 & 7-10 perches, to a
stone in the centre of the road, the course of the lot
of N. D. Warlord, dec'd., thence along the line of
said Watford. north 781° west 8 perches to a post,
thence by the same° cast 11 feet to a post,
thence ti.V the same north Ise west 12 3-10 rods to
a post, thence by the same and by H. S. Phinney's
hue south 9-I.' west 12 t-10 rods to the line of J.B.
II iuman7s land,thence by the same north 76,1° west
46 3-10 rods, thence by the same north r cast 3
rode, thence by the same north 74.3° west 76 2-10
rods to the line of lands claimed by A. 1.. Crannier
and J. B. Smith, thence by the line of said Crawner.
and Smith north cast 18 3-10 rods to a ;,cist the
corner of lands formerly owned hydenas 0. S m ith,
thence along the line of laud of the same south 581°
east 59 7-10 perches to a post, thence slung the same
south 47 4 . east 37 perches to the line of ( ; )ranee
Schrader's lot, thence by the same south 31A° west
36 perches. thence by the line of the lots of Orange
Schrader, Jacob M'Gtll, Brown do Rockwell, Abram
Fox, Joshua Peckham. south 45° east 192-10-rods
..the nouth east corner of Joshua Peckham's lot,
thence by said, Peckham's line north 43° vas4-II
'rods to the centre of the turnpike, thence along • the
centre of the turnpike south 45 ° caq p 3-10 rods
to the place of beginning; Containing 42 acresand
32 perches, more or.less, about twenty acres under
improvement, with fruit trees, - Ste., thereon.
There is also npon this propeny, a large tavern
house, situated in the village of Ittonroeton, , whit
two large barns attached, now occupied by A. D.
Brown. Terms made known on the day of sale.
March 22.18441 Achninistraloyi.
Paper granginge,. • r .
very fine variety! of Satin and eommciu paper
.t, Hangings. curtain papers and transparent ::wili
dow shadei, just rec. 4 by., - J. POWELL.
Towanda. Sept. 10. 18 . 53 4 _
rt ROUND pi.ATE.R.,-p,tons Cayuga Ground
1 ,7 Flouter, on hand and tin 'Oatetl ,
March. 0,1951; BATLEY, & NEVI .
Salmon, Mackerel,. Sardines, &c
isti IN G to dispose of his property, in Sheshe
gain township, Bradford county, Pennsylva.
nia, the subscriber offers it fur sale upun the most
reasonable terms, and invites the attention of those
wishing to purchase, :
The-property Contains titoblitideed and forlPthrio
acres of land, lying along the Susquehanna river,
with a large portion of river lists, of the very best
quality of grain land, and well adapted for a dairy.
. • The improvements area large two story
M BRICK HOUSE, built last year, and fin-
MC? . ished in the best style, with brick.kitebeti
and wood house attached. There are also
three other Dwelling houses and three Barns, and
two large double roofed sheets for stables and cattle.
Thero are also three ORCHARDS of choiceappla
trees, and a young Peach orchard of 63 trees,.selec
teil with care.
One hundred'and eighty-five acres are under im
provement, and the balance is covered with timber,
such as oak. hickory, yellow pine, &c. &c., all beteg
well supplied with springs of water.
This property was
.formerly in three farms, and
will now be sold ro suit purchasers, either.wbole or'
ela:tritely, and terms of payment made easy. hol
lers inducements rarely met with, being within $4
mile of Towanda. (the county 3enij. opposite the
N..rth Branch Canal,. 1 . 4 miles from the New York
York and Erie Railroad, and immediately upon the
line of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad
Application may, be made to.larsscs Msncua,Esq
at Towanda. or the subscriber upon the premises.
Jan 2. 1854. JOHN ICHAHON.
the above proper'y is not sold by the Ist of
March next, the runts will be rented;re.serving the
privilege of selling.
rr HIS; Institution, fur the education of young ladies
1 was opened on Tuesday the 2,oth September, in
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.--
It is now tinder the charge of Miss Octili D. flax
sox, aided by her stster. Miss Rentecs - D. Hissotr:
The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic year consists of forty-four weeks.
Tinms—s6, $9, and $l2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued.
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per quarter. „ a
Rxrturvecrs—Tter. Dr. Sitcxr..tar, Vice President
of the College of New dersey. Princeton.
Hon. DAVID WILMO?, 1101111' LAYOUT'S Esq., C. L.
Hos.Gco. SANDEUSON, Towanda.
- ' 111[11111C..TtIWIFIIGNe
ANTSS REBECCA D. HANSON prciposes to give
.IVI instruction to the young ladies o. this place
on the PIANO- Terms—slo per quarter,
Application to he made,to Miss Hanson at the
Ward House, or at tha Towanda Female Seminary .
SeptenAter 22, 195:1.
UD. BARTLET r. is now recei‘ ing a largo!
• and carefully ~elected stock a
maw GOODS,
bought fortash since the late &elide in -prices,
which he will utter for icady pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—amongotherthings
he invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Towanda, April 15, 1.953.
• Clover Seed. •
A QUANTITY of Weal Branch Clover Seed. jiast
received and fur sale by J. POWELL.
February 15, 1851. '
THE Uniform Melitia of the first Bri—
gade, will meet in Battalions ,for
trade, review and inspection, in the
Mowing, order : 7 -LThe'second Batialon
ill Meet on MOndiy; the Bth day of
fay. 1851. 'The 4th Battalion, on Tues-
Ay, the 9th day of May, and the first
•attalion on Wednesday,- May 10th,
154.' • ,
Commanding -Officera• of Battalions
rill appoint th e place of meeting. and
ive proper notice- thereof. Within the
Acir respective commands.
„..Briptle'lnspreter's 9,lfico, Leßsv.valle., 6,
11154,; . - JOBP A. CODDIN4, Inspegmr.
T" Copartner.hep, tinOr ytOcli,ifte subscriberi
have done busioess, is this day dissolved by
mutua l consent. rhi business will . be closed upb,yl
either patty at the Old Debts due us must
be paid. WELLES & HARRIS.
Athens. Jam 17, ,I RS4.
o rl NEW BARRELH, fit for Pork Cider
for sale at 75e each, t , v .TEI,ON 4.00
Towanda, Aug . 10, 1953,
' 1