Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 13, 1854, Image 2
this 'sovereignty is a novelty, scouted, from Con: great When it first appearedin the Senate, cen ed by the constitution and the whole action - IT* government, in.all rime; and contradicted by the bill itself, which icto secure it. The provisions 61 the bill are a burlesque upon sovereigety.' - It.eves to the people. instead of receiving how' them . , an organic act! One in which they are denied ; every attribute of sovereignty. Denied freedem rf . elee none ; denied freedom of voteing ; denied choice,' their own lawsMenied the right °liking the eerill fication of vorerObtippied toe foreign scrperviitiowr and controllable-by the federal gocertintent, which they have no litmikin electing; and only allowed to aim it, and mil to fri,tct slavery Their sovereignty only extends to the subject of slavery, and only in one side of thatihe admitting side; the other hall of the power being held to be denied by the con etitutton which is extended over them, and which (according-to' e - reading of the supporters of this" bill,) forbids any law. tobe made which will pre vent any citizen front going there with his 66 Yes This is squatter Arivereigniy. tion.inteivention, and no poweflo leg - 14am in territories upon slavery. And this is called a principle—the principle °loon intervention—lettirig the people alone. to settle the question of slavery for themselves. How settle it! That can only be done in an organic act ; and they have no such act, nor can have one till they make a constitution for a State government. All the rest isle:natation, which settles nothing, and produces contention aueveryelec'ion. Sir, this principle of non-intervention is but the principle of conientiou —a bone given. to the people to quarrel and fight over at every election, and at every meeting of the legislature, until they become a state government. Then and then only, can they settle the question For seventy years—since the year 1784, when the organizing mind of Jefferson drew the first ter ritorial ordinance—we had a uniform 'method of providing for the government of territories, all founded upon the clause in the Constitution which authorizes congress to dispose o(, and make rules and regulations respecting the territory arid other property of the United States. This mode of gov ernment has consisted of three grades, all founded in the right of Congress to govern them. First grade: a . Goveriter-; and judges, appointed by the United States, to adopt laws tram oiler states, to be in force until disapproved by Congress. Second grade : a territorial legislature, when the inhabrante shall amount to five thousand men above the age of twenty-one, composed of a council partly appoint ,ed by the United States, and a House of Represen tatives, elected by the people at thiP rate of one representative far every five hundred voters, its legislation subject tp the approval of Congress.— Third grade.: entrance on the state government, in full equality with the other states. This is the way' these Territories have been governed for several years; and dm for adhering toil. THE PRETEXT OF QUIETING TIIE PLATERS QUESTION And now, what is the excuse for all this disturb ance of the country; this breaking-up of ancient compromises; arraying ore halt of the Union against the other, and destroying the temper and business of Congress! What is the excuse for all this turmoil and mi.chiel 'I We are told it is to keep the question out of Congress? Great God! It was out of Congress ! - -completly, entirely, and forever out ot Congress, noires CongresseragevA 0 in by breaking down laws which settled it. The quer.tinn was settled, and done with. There was not an inch square,of territory in the Union on which it could be raised without a breach of a compromise. 'The ordinance of 89 settled in all the remaining part of the northwest territory beyond Wisconsin : the com promise line of 30 deg 30 min, settled it in all country north and west of Missouri to the Ruttish line, and up to the Rocky Mountains. the organic act of Oregon, made by the people and sanctioned by Congress, settled it in all that region : the acts for the government of Utah and New Mexico settled it in those two territories compact with Texas, determining the number of slave states to be lorm• ed out of that state, settled it there : and California settled it far herselt. Now , where was there an inch square of territory within the - United States on which the question could be raised t Nowhere ! Not an inch! The question was settled everywhere, not merely by law, but b) fact. The work was done, and there was no way to get at the question but by undoing the work ! No way for Congress to get the question in, for the purpose of keeping it out, but to break down compromises which kept it out. IMF CAN IT BENEFIT VIE SLAVE STATES What advantage do the slave states expect from this bill? Certainly they expect the extension of slave power, and slave population. That may prone a falacious expectation. The question% of slavery in these territories, if thrown open to term. lonia! action, will be a,question of numbers—a question of the majority for or against slavery , and what chance' would the alaveholders have in smut a contest I No chance at all. The slave emigrants will be outnumbered, and compelled to play at a most unequal game, not only in point of numbers, but also in point of stakes. The alaveholder stakes his property; and has to run it off or lose it, if out voted at the polls I ace nothing which sfavehold ere are to gain under this bill—nothing but an un equal and vexatious contest, in which they are to be lasers- I deprecate such a contest ;• and did my part to keep it out of the state of Missouri when her constitution was formed was not a member of the convention, but was chief promoter of the clause which forbid the legislature to emancipate slaves without the consent of their owners. I promoted that clause for the sake of peace—for the sake of keeping the slavery question out of her elections and legislation—for the sake of preventingperpet. nal strife among. the people. What I did for Missouri, I would do for the territories; and if it wait an open question ; would vote one way or the other to settle it ; but is not anopen question ! and cannot be opened without a breach of faith, and the destruction of the peace of the country. IT IS UNFAIR TO THE NORTH. Sir, the, question has been decided. . The free states are against this bill; and it is an ill return for their past generous conduct to endeavor to force it upon thorn. They . have been not only just, but magnanimous to the slave ststes. What was 'the condition of the slave stales thirty years ago in re lation to the use of the,soil within their limits? de barred of a great part of its use: an Indian popula tion covering more or less of almost every slave state, and preventing the expansion of its popula tion. What is itlnow ? -All relieved. he Indians all gone ; their lands all bought under the dominion of the white man, _ ; and the area of slave population, and of slave cultivation, greatly increased—to the extent.of a third or a fourth of its soil in some of the states. How wat this done? Certainly by the help of tree state votes, (for it could not have been done, without them;) by the help of their votes in pro curing the appropriations, and ratifying the treaties which the removal of the Indians required. Mis souri got her fine southwest quarter relieved by these means. The same votes gave us the Platte country :iseven tine counties added to the state !and that by altering the compromise line to include it, and - actually converting that fine region- from tree soil to slave soil. Northern votes enabled it to be done; northern votes altered above an hundred miles of the compromise line for our benefit upon our request; andfi will never be ungrateful to tbe North for it, ncEV iequite it by a breach of the lieslq their prejudice.:: And' how did we obtain the north ern votes-which were necessary for all these mean area—the appropriations and treaties for all these Indian removals, and for that alteration of the com promise line which gave "us the beautiful Platte tionlery? How did the Missouri delegation of that day— the moat amiable and talented Dr. Linn and myself, in the Senate, and Gen. Ashley in the House—how did we obtain that great boon for our state ? Did we get these votes by belching abolition ism against the North ? No, no; we got them by ap pealing to the justice and the fraternal feeling of our northern brethero, and to which we never ap pealed once in vain. Who, in the last hard trial to get the Cherokees ont Georgia, gave us fourteen affirmitave votes to balance seven negative's from the South, and saved the treaty by one vote? And I, who was part of these transactions, accustomed to solict northern voters, and express thanks for them, will not now return them evil for good by attempting to deprive them of their share of a coin mantle which we , imposed upon them. NOBODY WArni TO PAM AT THICSOOTtI. Fit iiinctTf..loOX,,MOlnhkeirtOtt gal , movement fe r thikabrogaticin oEtheltrfinears Carifprooftsficora •:maticed in !this qbagreSs. - Jr - began without a TO• witbituf a praltion:milbOot a • (kpiest frog) ie harnan be lt,hiiirfabOretlAnna and hard' ja ;thel'ise halls - and to ttila hoti ( therit is a PoilliOtl for it from the elms of stalit for "whose;benefit the meyetnent:piofet-siefo bitre-beott - Ircade 1.-- not word in its lavor from the smallest public meeting or priyato ass . emblage of any slave state. Ibis jr the respinise'ortbit - Siiiiti . fothiii,thott';'letfilefeil - to' it by Northern member, under a ; Nalthern Presi dent. It is the response of sileneet--mbre emphat ic •hoo w o d s —and uo thy of espivial note in this debate. te arnuei well for the harrtiony of the ,DUnion, and goes to show,,Awbat, itt lad, has been ien see n ) tha. the , ficitibles •Of the. fensuary. come tram uneasy 4teliticiatte—its safety from the Irony/if Three Days Later From Eurape. The Royal Mail Steamer Airless nrsived at New. York Friday morning, at 7i o'clock . ,' with Liver • pool dates to the 224 ult , three days later than last advioes. She lift Liierpool at 4 o'clock on the of erooon,of Saior,lay, the 22d Ob. The steamship Franklin arrived - out, on the morn• mg of Me 20th ult. No intelligence had been received of the missing steamship (NI; of Glasgow. Messrs. Richardson & Btothers, the agents, Pay them need be no fears of the steamship being ultimately . lost. The ship was perfectly efficient in every respect, was pro vived with a sufficiency of water for ((my days, and' also a distilling appatatus, by which en abun dance of heart water could be procured. Her pro. visions were sufficient for 65 days ; and her coals equal to 20 days steaming. Sbe has on board 373 passengers. The war news presents no new features. The treaty of closer alliance has been ratified be tween France and England. A treaty rd alliance offensive and defensive has been signed between Ansttia and Prussia. The expulsion of the Greeks has been rigorous. ly enforce.]. The insurrection assumes the shape of a Gnerrilla warfare ß ,harrassing. hot not formida ble. Lord Stratford has published a strong mani festo against the Greek government for favoring the insurtection. A massacre of the Greeks at Vohs has been reported, but is thought to be doubt ful The accounts are still vague in relation to the violation of Servian teriitoiy. Prince Danich is reported to have summoned the Montenegrins to arms against the Turks. The campaign in Asia was expected to be open ed about the middle of April. The French navy has now about 56 . 000 sailors afloat. There was still some ice in the Gall of Finland, but not enough to interfere with' cruising. THE QUANTITY OF RAIN IN TOR LAIR STORM.- The Springfield Republican gives the precise amount of rim that fell at that place during the late storm, as indicated by the rain guages kept at the U. S. Armor!. The amount was five inches and sixteeb-homlredths, almost an inch more than has fallen in any storm since the record was kept at that establishment. Only four instances,, says the Republican, have heretofore mewed since-Janua ry, 1848, in which there has fallen in this ciiy over three inches of rain during any one storm, viz:- 1850. Aug. 25 and 26 : 4 18 inches ; do Sept 2 and 3, 348 inches ; 1853, Aug 17 and 18, 3 21 inches ; do. Oct. 22, 28 a 0 25, 313 inches. The storm of last week commenced with,tLunder showers, set tling down into a regular nottheast rain, till Satur day night, when the wind changed to the south east. At 2 o'clock P M., on Thursday the ther mometer stood at 80° . , and at 9 P. M. of the same day, it stood at 40°, thus showing a sudden and extreme change of 40° in a few hours. We take from the Republican the following items: The highest point attained by the present flood at this place was from fifteen to seventeen inches, higher than the great 'r Jellgrson flood" of 1801 This was about 4 o'clock on Monday morning, at winch time the water commenced] falling, and .continued to recede slowly during the day, averag 'ing about one inch an hour. The Enfield Falls Canal has been damaged to the amount of Sl5 000. The bridge on the Farmington river, between Tariffailld and Granby, has been carried away portions of the Canal road in Southington, between Burlington and Unionville, and above Burlington, have been washed away: Several pile bridges on the road have been carried away. The dam at Plant's Southington, broke away carrying a part of the building. An extraordinary tact says the Hartford Times, is to be noted in relation to this flood. At 8 o'clock on Monday mornin2, the water was raising two inches and: haf an hour. At 23 o'clock on the af ternoon of the same day, it came to a stand, and at about 4 o'clock commenced falling. This is un• usual. It it rare that the water begins to fall till at least 24 hours alter a tiae...Rl an inch an hour, for 48 hours. A rise of two inches and a half an hour, when the flood is twenty-seven feet below low-water mark ; and spread over a vast extent of territory, is also unprecedented. S OUR RCLATIONS WITH SPAIN—The newe from Madrid by the Africa, takes in connection with the speebh of Mr. Slidell in congress,•and other move ments having an official aspect, justify the suspini on that our Government has entered systematically upon the task of provoking a rupture with Spain, and thst a war whh that power, having for its object the acquisition of Cuba, is upon the'programme as an administration measure. It is announced that Mr Soule, not content with the disclaimer of the Spanish Government and its offer of indemnity for the injury in the case of the Black Warrior, has demanded the recall of the Captain• General Pezuela, and that.his successor be clothed with authority to adjust matters of differen ce with the United States in Cuba and he is alto said to have exacted a sum of money from the Spanish Government, as indemnity for the injuries we have sustained i . so large that the correspondent of the London Times is unwilling to mention it. These demands, urged at the present moment, when all grounds of difference in the Black War rior case have been removed, palpable menaces, designed to provoke a refusal, and embroil there. lations of the two conntties, Mr. Slidell's speech, proposing to abolish the neutrality laws so far as Cuba is concerned, and said to have had the sanc tion of the Executive, is a movement of the same character. Flax AT CLIABIBEkSBOIM-A fire broke catkin the rear of the building owned by Judge Chambers, in Chambersbnrg, Pa., near the Diamond, on Friday afiernnoon, and before it could be checked twelve stables were consumed, and much damage don to other property. Whilst the efforts of the firet hen and citizens were directed to the extinguishment of the fire at Judge Chambers' premises, several sta bles took fire simultaneously from the sparks, across Main street, leaving the intermediate dwel• liogs uninjured. The flames spread quickly, and followed the course of an alley, burning all the stables except two, for the spsce. of two squares, from Main street to the Franklin Railroad,. Messrs. Eberly's, Gehr's and Need's stables took fire about the same time, and being near the Court House, it was with difficulty the building was saved, be ing several limes on fire. A number of dwellings on the north side of Market street, caught fire, but were extinguished before much damage was done. Tug LAST MAN —Jonathan Harrington, the last survivor of the Battle of Lexington, died there on Sunday, aged 96. The Massachusetts Legislature, several military compariies and Masonic Lodges will honor his obsequies. 0*- The Lexington (Mot) Express says that three thousand three tiondied head of live stock are now in that and adjoining counties to be driven to Cali• fornia, and are waiting for the grass to grow. Gh ratifovb topovtgv. E GOODRICH, itotroß. Toarida, Saturday , i 854. lay 13., Terms eff.lrite Reporter. $2 50 . per 1111111una•Ticpaid wittu be year2lo cents.vri4 .e deducted—roe cash paid actually 'in advance St 00 aril) be edueted.' No paps,' seat years, utelesspaid (or: Aeretertszaterre, per squergeof ten lines-de cents for the arm and Ikcente for Ellett insertion. rcr Ogee en the " Union Block," nonh side iet the Public Square, next door to thettretlarrd Hotel. Entrance between east*. itdentsittnd Ire offices. Democratic State Nominations. vow aorinzrou, WILLIAM BIGLEIt, or CLEARrIELD Co ►oa ivncs Or rps sungunt cover. JEREMIA.II S. -BUM., OF SomEssreCo Vol CANAL COMXIIISIOTIA, HENRY S. MOTT, or PIKE CovN State Central Committee. We observe in same of pur exchanges, an inti mation that the Democratic Central Committee of this State are preparing to issue an address, favora ble to the Nebraska bill. t We can hardly believe that that body will be guilty of s uch an act of fully and short-sightedness—and yet In these times, when so many men are looking to Washington for favors, and when it is understood that the National Administration is lending its influence the suc cess of the scheme—it would not be matter of as tonishment if some of our over-anxious politicians should endeavor to place Pennsylvania Democracy in an attitude the State Convention was careful not to assume Tie men, or set of men, who will now endeavor to identify the eemocratic party of Pennsylvania with the attemV to repeal the Missouri Compro mise, are lit subqpts for a Lunatic Asylum. They can have no desire for the success of the party, and are willing to hazard, nay ensure our defeat, at the coming election to subserie selfish and and period al ends. We have no hesitation in saying, that there is a large number of Democrats in this Slate who are determined that their actioe shall not be misrepresented—that will not contribute in the .14 3 3.i...e a ns .na to awl result. which can be herald. ed as even acquiescing in the outrage now attempt ed upon . the plighted faith of thenation. They are determined to speak in the manner Freemen should speak—to vote, if possible, in such a manner as to rebuke the high-handed proposition which re-opens the Slavery question, by a gross betrayal of the rights of the North. If the Democratic State Cen tral Committee wish to coerce Democrats into an approval of DOUGLAS' scheme ; they had better make the attempt, and they will probably ascertain that there are grievances which render the bonds of party as weak as ropes of sand. Congressional. On Wednesday, the Nebraska bill was taken up in the House of Representatives by a decisive ma jority,—the Deficiency bill and all other public measures preceding it on the calendar, being set aside in order to reach it; and the House went into Committee ol the Whole on the State of the Ucion . by a vote ol 109 to 88.. Mr. ItICIIARDSON then in troduced a substitute for the Nebrasba bill, which is very nearly the same as the one passed in the Senate, except that the amendment excluding aliens from voting, is omitted. The bill was discussed during the remainder of the session, Mr. Lyons, of New-York, making a vigorous and effective speech against it. How long it will continue to occupy the attention of Congress, it is of course impossible to predict. The Senate Tuesday, after the presentation oH a few memorials, talked a little while about the amendment to the Indian Appropriation bill, which proposes to pay $500,000 to the Creek Indians, for land taken from them during the War of 1812, and adjourned. In the House, Mr. luagasoLL present ed his views on the Nebraska bill, the present con dition of affairs in Europe, and their probable bear ing upon our interests. In the House, on Wednesday, Mr. Richardson desired to give notice, that he would on Thursday morning, introduce a resolution terminating the de bate on the Nebraska bill. In reply to a question when he should move that the debate terminate, he said that would depend upon the opponents of the bill. If they showed a disposition to go on and de bate it, he would give the utmost time before the special order takes precedence, which would be on Monday nest. The House then went into Com. mittee of the Whole, on the Nebraska bill. Adjournment of the Leglelatnre: The Pennsylvania Legislature adjourned on Tues• day last. The last day's proceedings have not reached us. The committee of conference on the Appropria tion bill made a report which was concurred in. It strikes out the increase of salary to the Governor, Judges, &c. The legislature also passed a bill relative to the sale of spirituous liquors. It prevents the sale of beer or other malt liquors without a license, and prohibits any persbn from obtaining a license and selling spirituous liquors by the quart or otherwise, unless the person so applying shall be a retailer of foreip or domestic goods, wares and merchandise, entitled to be classed equal to class 14, and have been thus classed by mercantile appraisers. Per sons violating the law to be subject to the same penalties as keepers, of unlicensed tippling houses. The act does not apply to brewers of malt liquors or manufacturer*, or rectifiers of spirituous liquors for wholesale purposes. It goes into effect immediately, if signed by the Governor. Ott' A Man was killed , on the track of the New "York and Erie Railroad, about halfa mile west of Binghamton, oriTnesday, by the night train com ing West. His head was cOmpletely severed from his body and awfully disfigured, and his bones bro. ken into fraginente. was Nash. Hewes just out of the Poet House, was quite deaf, and' it is said habilublly intemperate. Veto or MO Prooddist The vSkr 114Pcittolettg expected, • we9Nipto lillOenltecaflgettjroO4' The-President *ma the OdOtant itiatthe!billwttlijetal ti h jectioeite likes the broad4round that Ongreeti has no, right 'opts, granting latids kr eletimosOiry ob jeaUL- HtY'eari see no- , differeas•-betweekeppro ,priating ten millions out of die treasury and grant of neither, in his opinion. The public lands can be granteJ, as he rninitai only for such pelvises as will enhatice the value of the domain. These lands in alternate sections, may be,granied for railroads, becauseit *di 'enhars t ae the valdefx4 lands. Ttietniernmeni, in this case, onlyltioes whist -- any - Thud ea-IMO hold et President's objections extend to all chatitable pur poses, and Within their ecktpemay come thellome. stead; bill,. 9 ) P-, 0.00 ol:t*Lia~ ` ii~lo give fang to the tameless, and promote agriculture, Bcr,.befere she veto, falls the the Bennett land bill, which gives lands to the Buttes . for educational peipoeui and internal improvem ents. There ii nothing' in the, message that excludes a grant of lands Ott a rail road to the Pacific, if the lands be granted in al ternate sections along - the line of the road. The landlord's interest covers this cue. , 111 After the the „message was ,read, s discussion arose on a motion to print, in which Gov. Brown, of Mississippi,disseeted the message,and very ably replied to its objections. Similar grants have been before opposed by, demccratic Congresses and de. mocratio Presidents, and it is a fact that some of the truest friends of ibis administration voted here fore for similar meatiures. It is stated that there is not strength enough on the part of the Iriends of the bill in the Senate to pass the bill by a two. third vote, though they have a large majority. Tun 'slaw Salem. Lew.—The thirty-ninth sec tion of the Act just passed by the Legislature, for the regulation and continuation of a system of Ed ucation by Common Scnixils, provides, 14 that the School Directors of the several counties of Com mpnwealth, shall meet in convention at the seat of justice of the proper county, on the first Monday of June next, and on the first Monday in May in each third year thereafter, and select, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number Directors present, one person of literary and scientific acquirement, and of skill and experience iii the art of teaching, as county superintendent for three successite school years; and the School Direntos, or a majority of them, in such convention, shall determine the amount of compensation for the County Superin tendant of Common Schools, by his warrant, drawn upon the State Treasurer, in half-yearly instal ments, if desired, and shall be deducted from the amount of the State, appropriations to be paid the Jimmies., for said enmity." The law makes it incumbent on the Superintend. ent, immediately alter the passage of the acyo pre pare and forward six copies of it to the Secretary of each Board of Directors, and 'one copy to the Commissioners of each county in the State. THC IV;um-14mm SLAVE Cur.—Judge KANE, on Tuesday last, delivered a long opinion of the Circuit Court in the case of the United States Mar shals vs. the Sheriff of Philadebbia. The hearing was on a habeas corpus taken out to prevent the re lators being taken to Wilkes-barre for trial, under an indictment found against them for an assault while executing a writ in Wilkes-barre, issued by the Circuit Court. The opinion says, though the Marshals cannot be tried by Jury, if acting in are. dience to Federal process, they may be punished for abusing it, and by the Coon that issued process, which is bound to punish or protect its ministerial officers. The Court will therefore proceed to hear the case on its merits, under the act of Congress, and will receive the evidence of the relators. THE END OF THE GARDINER Tarr..—The case of John Charles Gardiner, brother of the late Dr. Gar. diner, indicted on a charge of perjury, and also for false swearing, was called up in the criminal court of Washington on Monday, but as the defendant failedito make his appearance, his recognizance was declared forfeited. it is said be left Washing ton two weeks ago, for some place beyond the limits of the United States. Dr. Thomas Miller was his surety in the sum of $B,OOO, and Hudson Taylor and James M'Clery in the sum of 34,000, but the Union says they are amply indemnified.— Should Gardner appear before the close of the term of the court, the forfeiture of the recognizances may be stricken out. Acuurrrro.—John Hope, recently tried in ire nango county for the martyr of. James Hill,has been acquitted. The Spectator says the trial took place at a special Court, held by Judge Galbraith. The deceased and Hope, who had been on bad terms, met one evening last winter, in the presence of a few comrades, with the intention of lighting. Hope showed a knife, and declared ' he would use it if Hall attacked him. Hall, who was unarmed, did not heed the caution, and in rushing upon him, re ceived severe cuts, one of which proved fatal In a few moments. O We publish this week, Bzwroars great speech in opposition to the Nebraska bill. It will be read with avidity, and is deserving of attention, as coming from one who took an active part in the adjustment ol,the Missouri Compromise. 0::r A collision took place on the Colombia rail road on Wednesday, near Paoli, Pa, . between two, freight trains, one being stationary on the track to allow the express train to pass. Four men were 'injured, two of them very seriously. The locomo tive and eight cars were badly damaged. (jam On Sunday morning, week, as four men at tempted to cross the river below the Horse Shoe dam, near Tunkhannock, the boat became entangled in some willows, and was overset; one of them by the name of Firinan was drowned ; the others were rescuctl, after remaining in the water over an hour. EXCCUIIOIII or Hetexucxsou.---The sentence pro nounced by law upon upon JobeHendrickson, ofdeath, on account of baying murder ed his wife, some fourteen months since, by administering poi. son, was carried; into effect in the jail at Albany, N. Y. He die&withogt exhibiting any sign/rot re. pentence, or.a wor4;iii reference to his finite fate. He was twenty-two years of age. Otr , Seven or eight vessels are reported to have been found enclosed in the ice off Achy Bay, Cape Breton. &petal bed been boarded by parties from the shore - end found to be abandoned. News Items. ~%•:•Tartv.inearliere. d rowned while',Orienting the'' , lataits oithfackinswJast week, with the Ettail43oati, irild logo tolteir but the ice prerecatedi„then4- arhhe)rien" stink kind were lost with "the r inaiLf t : while hatdrpht were. looking on trot* the „island, tinitble to reader Rey assistance. -r . ".;•• —Thecontractors on the Lebanon Talley'llail=" road have broken ground at Harrisburg, and the work on that part of the line embracing a distance rtifiltieraiifielietwiereifirrtibtileritirrainikr‘' will be completed as soon as men and means • do it. —On Saturday afternoon a boy who was teasing a tiger at the floating Menagerie, at Pittsburg. was suddenly seized, by .the enraged animal and badly bruised and torn before" he could be extricated.— His wounds, however are not supposed, to be dan 'prone: —A little girl, daughter orliihn Kyle, or Indian apolis, had her band chopped off the other day by i herlittlebrotheri, while playing: With w sharp ,broad in herfitht —There were in NOrfolk, on TtieMilay, about one lindred free ,colored persons, preparing to emigrate toLiberia,. and, eighteen .more were expected the same eveuing. These emigrants are from various parts of Virginia and ,i)lorth Carolina:, They will embark, in a few days, on board the ship Sophia Walker, of Baltimore, which has been chartered for the purpose. —We understand, Says the Detroit Advertiser, that letters were , received by' the last mail from Lake Superker, announcing that's mass 0f,150 tons of native copper. has been found in the celebrated Minnesota mine, 'in the OctOnagon 'district. The value of this mass is nearly $lOO,OOO, and, is the largest ever discovered, with the exception of the one found in • the North American, weighing some 212 tons. —A poor 'wretch. a stranger. who hired himself to act as hangman at a recent execution of a slave in Franklin Parish, Tenn., was horribly lynched by a mob on the ensuing night—beaten, knocked down, stamped and jumped upon, tarred and feathered, and finally deprived of aii-itf his ears. —A perch was caught last Thursday, in Macon's Pond, near tichmond, Vs., weighing 2 lbs., and measuring 4 follows :-13 1 1 inches in girth, and 18} in length. Ohl Grimes says that when be was young, he has seen many a perch measured, and they were invariably fi yards long ! —A Gray Eagle was shot in Mason county. (Ky.,) near Mayslick, on the 16th tilt., that was three feet high, seven feet two inches from tip to tip of the wings, and the talons eight inches across when es. tended. —An Exchange says, " Water proof houses made of Gotta Percha, slabs, are now being manufactur ed. There is one advantage about this style of houses; they can bend their chimneys to suit the smoke. —Three of the v ine growers of Reading, Pa., have forwarded to Gov. Seymour, of New-York, each one dozen bottles of native wine, of their own manufac ture, and embracing three different varieties, as a testimonial of their approval of his recent veto of the prohibitory liquor law. —The New-York Crystal Palace makes slow pro greSll, and the newspaper, which have hitherto been Barnum's most manageable and most effective agents scarcely mention it. The stock suffered a further decline on Saturday of four per cent. —The Ward family have left Louisville, and the whereabouts of Matt. F. Ward is unknown. —The Bridgeton N. J. Chronicle is responsible for the following—Mr. John Fox has handed us some eggs, measuring the long way 7i inches, and Thomas Allmond brings ns one that measures a quarter of a yard, lacking one inch—the productions of our common native, unpretending, hens. "0! Shanghai! where is thy blush !" —A patent has just been taken out in France, for making sugar from pumpkins. Tne quantity pro. duced will be at least as great as could be obtained from an equal. quantity of beet—root. —The Croton Dam does not appear to have been carried away by the recent freshet. —Losses to the amount of 515,000 were sustain ed in consequence of the late storm on. Lake Michi gan. —Seven States have resolved, by legislative en actment, to aid in the erection of a monument in Philadelphia, in honor of the' signers of the Dec laration of Independence. —Tho American Union, published at Griffin, Go , the Tallahasse (Florida) Sentinel, the St. Lou is (Mo ,) Democrat, and the Texas Advertiser, all Southern journals,oppose the policy of Mr-Douglas' Netyaska Bill. TILE Wsan CASE.—We find the following letter in the Lousrille Courier of the 3d inet : CANNLLTON, Ind., Monday, May 1, 1854 —Matt. Ward, accompanied by his wife and brother, ar rived Isere yesterday on the Jas. Patk. They went on board the boat at West Point, at 12 o'clock on Saturday night. Considerable excitement exists among the citizens, and it is proposed to address Mr. Ward a letter requesting him to leave town— No violence will be used, our citizens wishing merely to frown down the man who coolly and deliberately took the tile of one, whom to know was to love An indignation meeting, with reference to' the Ward trial, was held at Cynthiana, Ky., on Satur day last. The effigies of the Judge, Jury, &c., were hung on a pole, and carried up Main street opposite the Court House, and there, in the pres ence of five hundred citizens,both male and female were burnt. A meetign of the citizens of Westport, Oldham co.. was held on the 2d inst. Reeolotions were adopted denouncing the Jury, the " perjured wit nesses," and several of the attorneys for the de fence. The citizens of Elizabethtown, Ky . held a meet ing on the 28th ult., and passed the following reso lotion : Resolved, By this meeting, that we regard the las verdict to the trial of Matt. F Ward as being a war with the law and evidence in the case. Litz Snorts rtstrathsn —We learn from the Harrisburg Union, that on Friday Governor Bi le signed the bill transferring to . the Cleveland, Plainesville and Ashtabula Railroad Company all the rights and franchtses of the Fmnklip-Canal Com pany's Railroad, on considerationAfit 'a subscrip• tion of half a million of dollars t 6 the stock of the Sunbury and Erie Raifroad s po‘pany shall be made by that corporation. Thi settles a question which has been made a frn.itf6l theme of vituperation and abuse against Philadelphia and Pennsylvania.. By the provision,ortbis bill the Western road must be extendidirrthe harbor of Erie. BLACK WARRIOR ASIFAIR-...MR. SOULIC.—WABH IRGroN, May 7.—Despatches from Spain, have been received by the Government, and by the French and English Legation. ' Mr. Soule has peremptorilydemanded the recall of;he Captain General of Cuba, and a large indem. nity for the seizure of the Black Warrior. In this, I am certain he has transcended his inatructions.— The Spanish Government has declined to accede to Mr. Soule's demands. Mons. De Sartigescalled_ on Gov Marcy, to-day, but the latter refused to talk to him, on the affairs of Cuba. Letters are in town from Mr. Calderon, former Minister from Ppain, in Washington, expressing deep regret at the course pursued by Mr. Soule. CAIHOLIC Rorr.—Bearrovti May • 8 —A catholic riot occurred at Chelsea yesterday, during which a lad ascended to the crone of the Catholic church by means of the' lightning rod and tore the cross down. The moltitade seized it, broke it . uN and distribut ed the meet among the browd. The excitement here and at East, Boston in mforence to the matter is very great. Tim I .er, DOLLAR GOLD w C il o l ia be .—S i pe rnen3 , :eical, oei thiacoinsge c whiu , h .was authorized by Coogrerip hating iteethUbmitted to andeizapiphroouvuedndbytt,hitel :1. mealy ;of gie Treatt w u h ry en , pbt3ll CinitAalioni Y seal lo Watthington. They are thus tlear r i_, 'mu ;., by thedi r nirma.;.,: The obverse of this coin represents an ideal head, with the leathered dincture symb olic 01 Amelicaohe . we n } or liberty" appearing on it e band encirculing the bead, and the inscrtpnos ',United States of America" surrounding the eb o i t 0.) the reverse is a wreath eomposM of some of:be staple products of the United States, riz:—wheari cotton, Indian corn, and tobacco ; t h e the r htha ep s c ( e l ne n : t t r i e r 1 . ee,si 1 A la na d , ipe e po n i r p.., sa t I f n ee a u:: me t w io i n tatit a a n owe d th d e a nor te gvo be eh t buc g oti i n o pes r ~ rr 'and, together with the difference in the tharnsle, 43( the pi ece , Will Make it readily distinguishable from the quarter-eude, which approaches it most nearly in value. It is 16 20ths. of an inch in ;ham. eter, add weighs(ll.4.grains=oz 16t25. . Tut Mind Ex crrEascirT.—Cincinnati, May 4 John J. Crittenden is suffering severely in pot T he estimation, in consequence of his volunteering !o defend the Wards. iqublic meeting in Madison Indiana, yesterday r passed the following resolution: with only two dissenting votes : " Resolved, That this meeting request the flo c d of Directors of the Jefferson County Agricultural Fair, to withdraw their invitation to Governor Crittenden to delimer the address at the next anon. al Fair of Jefferson County The action of Govern or Crittenden in the Ward case, having voluntee r . ed his services and prostituted his great talents in an unworthy cause, viz: The overruling of public justice, which has occurrent since the invitatio n was given, is deemed a sufficient excuse, if one a deemed necessary, for the public withdrawal et that invitation " The Kentucky papers are fined with the proceed. ings of public meeting in that state, by every one 01 which Governor Crittenden has been denounced and requested to resign his seat in 'tithed States Senate. The Ward family have left Louisville, and the whereabouts of the alleged criminal is unknown. CONNECTICUT LECIRLATIIRE —The two branches of the Legislature of Connecticut met in joint coo. vention, on Thursday, and elected the followlng ticket for State Officers for the ensuing year: Governor—Henry Dutton, of New Haven. Lreut Governor—Alex. H. Holly, of Salsbury. Sec 01 State—Olivery H Perry, of Fairfield. Treasury—Daniel W. Cary, of Middletown. Comptroller—John Donhirii, of Norwich The above gentlemen are all Whigs. The Whole number of votes cast for Governor was 233, of which ar Dutton, (Whig) had 14u, and Samuel Ingham, (Dem.) 93. - The remainder of the ticker wa; e',ected about he same maj pity THE ECLINE.—The Solar eclipse on the 26th in. giant, comes cif in the afternoon, of that day, at.l not in the forenoon, as inadvertantly stated by the Boston Journal. So the people can sleep their nap out on the morning of that day, as usual. The American Ai;n7)2,:n says: This'echp , e will be visible through the whole of Nor.ti America, the northern part ot South Amer. ica, the northeastern part of A.sta, and the extreme northwestern part of Europe. TELEGRAPH ACROSS THE ATLARTIC.—The last mail from Newtoun eland brings intelligence of the charter of a company by the title of " The New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Com pany." The ultimate object of the gentlemen in terested in the project is the establishment of a sub-marine telegraph, to connect Newtoundland with Ireland. The New Yolk, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company have bought the tine! already erected by the Newtounill::ld flecuc Telegraph Company, and have their plow; so (Jr advanced as to believe that _St. gotia , Newfound. land, will be in telegraphic communication with all the cities of the Union by the end of September next. Kr The Ohio Legislature adjourned surc arc on Tuesday. The small note bill goes 1110 effect an the Ist December next. Ii proliihr: the 'circula tion within the State of the paper of foreign ham of all denominations less than ten dollars. GO— The General Coriferance of 1118 MellloaiSt Protestant Church assembled in S eubenville. Ohio. Tuesday, the 2d day of May. It is composed of ministerial and lay delegates from ever part cl the U S , including Oregon There are thirty-two an nual coufesences of this church, embraced in an equal number of districts. FALL OF A CIIeRCII GALLERT.—ERIE, Pa , May 8. —Yesterday, during the morning service at the Catholic Church, in this city, the gallery—which was. crowded on account of the presence of the Bishop--gave way, precipitating the occopanAt on the crowd below. One man was taken out dead, and many others badly injured, three of whom are nut expected to recover. rir Cholera, we learn by the latest arrival from Europe, still ling ers in parts of Ireland, and also, undoubtedly, in Liverpool and other English ports. It is noticed by the Belfast (Irish) papers that ija' cases of cholera occurring in their city ourOe m the filthiest lanes and most neglected quarters. In the clean and well ventilated streetanot a case Las yet been reported. A b S i ll ll P , P pa lan ss en ed t . F. to an ebrita att 2 ( 7 6 , alte r; 182 l ; nd amid the fa -- Sermon" I.e Bit enacted, That the teatb and eleventh sgericns of the act entitled, an act to slier and repeal the fee bill, passed the 22d day Of Fehyuary, 1821, are hereby repealed so tar Whey -effect the justices of the peace, and constables of ifflin, Allegheny, Erie, Washington, Lancaster, Dauphin, Chester, Lebenon and Bradford Coanties, and the fourteenth and fifteenth sections of 'heart of the 28th day of March, 1814, entitled an act es• tablishing a fee:bill are hereby revived so tar I , they relate to said counties. Otr The work of destruction begun by the pre vious frosts, was more,lully accomplished on Toe day morning the 18th alt , as to corn, garden vege tables and fruits. This frost extended as far south as Mobile. Mani of our planters have been coo pelted to plant over their almost entire crops at corn.-=-Caumbus (Ga.) Enquirer. DEATH tri LIGHTNING —We learn that Ricb Speed, of the town of Caroline, was struck krilgtd ning, and instantly killed on the sth nut He was engaged at the time in housing some Jambe- I le . leaves a wife Bz:several small chilnlen tomouratas a loss- He was was about 40)ears of age, and farmer in good eircumstanoer—Orcego S. T. fuses. - tjejt- A consolidation of the Ofd Colony and Fal River Railroads, in New England, have been Tad in order to !oral a through line to Boston. =C. 1810 EULEICOg7 WOULD inform her friends, that she has jusv" tuned from the city, with a large assonOt of .111=1:111AL8T GOODS, which she offers at reduced prices. Produce al e. cry kindtaken in payment for goods. RIMMOA---DR. MASON has reworo i his office to his .V dwell LS. ing, on Pine street. OpPos' te the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May 13, 1854.