Four Days Later from -Rom. Arrival of the Paella. , The United Slates mail steamafgplacifie, capi , Nye, arrived at this port, this morning, ifictil 10 o'clock. She sailed trom Liverpool, un Wedgies daY,4lll,lDtkol April, Her adyieek latir clays titer than were received by the Arabia. The Africa arrived at Liverpool on the 17:h. The-Pee* brings . no news of the missing ream. ship City of Glasgow. The Liverpool Cotton market was &en, and pri cee were advancing. Sales fur Mmilay and Tues. da r , the 171 5z 181 of amounted to 15000 bo The TkierPool lain market"via 'teas - aoii~e, though flour liadadvartierl frotti:orie to two ehil hugs, and wheat three-pence. Coma declined one shilling. • Tux wAti. There had been no filthlitig of any consequence on the Dumb° since the last atlvires Sir Charles Napier, the 13riti:•h Admiral in cum mend of the Baltic fleet, had captured several yes sets laden with articles contraband of war. The French and English hoops had arrived al ,Gallipoli ii Toikey. A telegraphic despatch, dated Copenhagen, stales °that an English frigate had arrived there with several Russian prizes and a number of pri soners. The Queen of England has issued a proclaim• Lion appointing a day of eeilieral humiliation. and prayer, that the arms of Great Britain and France may bet blessed in the war. " A permanent camp of 10 000 men, at Toulon, has been decided on by the French euvernmerd. The combined fleets were seen off Odessa on the Ist. The inhabitants were greatly terrified and fled the city. . An army of 20 000 Russian was stationed about Odessa, which was otherwise well fortified and [lmpaired for defence. Omer Pasha had been instructed fro undertake nothing nntil the arrival of the British and French auxiliaries. Tha British troops were landed at Varna. on the -2-Ith of March, and vessels bearing them were said to have proceeded to the blockade of Sebas topol. The Russian linops trete still crossing the Da nube in great numbers. It is stated that the object of the Russians in crossing the Danube is to,push in the direction in which the English and French army is probably looted lbr- and it is their intention to lonely all the positions that may obstruct the advance olthe allied army. The Turks effected the pasitsatze of the Danube in grand style on the 27th of March at Simnitza Most of the inhabitants of the place lied to Buchar• eat. The Czar had ordered that all pilots and men capable of bearing arms should remove from the islands to the main land of Finland; also that they should remove or born an their ships and boats. A similar system of defence has been adopted all • along the shore of the Black Sea. The Emperor of Austria resists, in his negotia tions with Prussia, on having full liberty of action against the Russians, if circumstances render it necessary. The King of Prussia refuses his assent to the treaty, unless Austria will agreenot to make any movement without first,consulting ,and obtaining his assent. rue CREEK REVOLUTION The Greek insurgents have been defeated at Am. im, with a loss of 800 The utmost confusion prevails among their lead. err., who begin to rry rr treason !" ' The expulsion of the Greeks from Cannormino ple has been% determined an, but Roman Catholic Greek subjects will be allowed' to remain.' THE CRT Oi CLASGOW Messrs. Richardson & Broflier., of Liverpool, announce their inability to obtain a steamer to take the place of the City or Glasgow, wt ich steamer they suppose to be detaihed by the ice. THE LATEST NEW! No pitched battle had oec s ikrted on the Danube up to the 9th of April ; but much fighting and can. ticmading had been going on from Match 30th, to April 7th. Several arrests were made in Paris on the 13th of April, and there was a rumor that the gattisen was under arms. The Grar.d Doke Constantine has assumed the command of the Russian fleet. The report of the entrance of Austria troops into .Sepia is still believed, though nothing further had been 'heard respecting it. Lord Raglan, the commander of the British la,nd forces, left Paris on Tusday for Marseilles, where he will embark for the East, The Sufina mouth of the Danube was still block. ed 'up. 1 Vann, which was , only defended by 6000 men, has asked for reinforcements from the fleet. The English and Fiench troops which have ar rived at Gallipoli, will, it is said be ordered there The recent combat at hlstschin was sanguinary Three Russian and three Egyptian batallions re mantel' dead on the field. Loss or THE Eatcssom.—The Caloric steamer Ericsson was retumin,tfrurn her trial trip down the bay and was opposite to pier .No. 5, North river, when the storm came on Last evening, and striking her sent her to the bottom. It was generally be lieved the vessel was struck by lightning, but this report, upon inquiry was found to be false. She was capsized by the squall; filled with water, and gradually sunk. As soon as the storm struck her— a lew minutes after S o'clock— she careened on het beam ends,hrl seiner passed into her tiirough the "dead lights," which were open. She sonn after righted and commenced sinking. The small boats of the Asia, lying at the Cunard dock, were immediately sent to the aid of those , on board.-- Boats also came from neighboring vessels, an 1 steam Iv also came Co tier fella One of the Jersey City terry boats, the Jerboy City, rapt. Prire, also went off to tier; hut as there were only a low persons on board—it being a trial trip—they were got off in season and before the ferry boat arriVed. The ill-fated Ericsson soon after sunk, and now lid with the top other wheel houses, and her bowsprit just in view above the water. She has comedown in about eight fathoms water. With the company on board titer e were several ladies, who were very much frightened by the azcident, as well they might have been, for it was a disaster, which would bays resulted in great loss of life, had she been timber from the shore and the assistance shereceiv ' ed. Some dreadful fatality seems to attend this vessel. it is now over two years since she was built, and her progress so fat has been one continual accumulation of difficulty and disasters. We learn that her trip yesterday gave much satisfaction to those on board, until the dreadful tornado struck bar and so sadly termina:ed the excursion and which must operate very much against the inven liwa which the vessel illustrate.. • Tat Cm! 07 Gu.soow.—The Philadelphia Eren. ing Argus, of liin evening, in reference to the state• meat about the safety of the unfortunate "City of Glasgow," whicll appears in the papers of thia morning, says : The report of the appearance of a vessel near the Bahamas, as published in some our morning conteMporaries, was not such u to justify .11i belief of the safety of the " Glasgow," That vessel sail. tril from Liverpool on the drat of. March,, and has now been' oat tiftplis dams satlrclently' long period- for the slowest sailer to-have crossed -the ocean twice. Consequently it Abe Leity. ,01 Glasgow ran oulciAal v erulled_ULdeld ere her sail., what was to prevent her reac hing .this port long ere now I Besides could "it be possible tliirsho would not have bees spoken beforethis? We think • not, and regard die news of her safety,, under`the circumstances, as entitled to no credit." The late;storm ..ti . telih'Pitteeneiton the line otthe NesitNork's4 immense Innate bats been dune Ovine' minus ONO from Paterson to and upon the „Delaware division of the mad. The rain fell' in ferrenra and flooded the'reitllitairitiarriaitilkirWilii#llslo*K= tions of the track. . • The most mvlancholy feature of the intelligence is that seven lives were lost by drowning at or near , Staiiway rstation, a distance of about riitte miles flora Port Jervis. Artextensive "We took place ai 8 o'clock on S ourday' minting; it .Stairway, by which the track and embankment of the road for 4tr, feet, went into the' river. .-There: Were nine men upon it who were in the_ employ of the Railroad Company. They were carried into the river, end i seven of them drowned. Two,of the tkumher were rescued a shoat distande below: New..Yostii, Mj 1 - The Cincinnati Express train;aut inlersey'Ciiy at 3 P M on Saturday. %verso detained onthe road as riot to arrive till , 2 P. M. Sunday. It reached Ramapo with boa little ditticiihy, but , beyond that point it met with iepeated delitypi, and wan obliged to proceed with great caution, the road being in many places inundated. At Allendale it was found necessary to switch the train on .the. next track, in order to avoid an embankment which, threatened to give way, and at Hohokus it" was compelled to stop for the night, a break having occurred at that pin% There were 75 pd.-engem on board the train Mr. W H. Beebe ► the emirtuctor, exerted himself to render the situation of the passengers as cornier. table a.l possible. The bleak was speedily repaired and the train moved in the morning to the Passaic Bridge, ten miles beyond Patetson, but was again forced to sup, in consequence of a serious break at that plaCe. The passengers and baggage were transferred to another train, on the other side of the creek, - sent from Jersey City for that purpose. The train filially arrived at its deannaticns at the atom. mentioned hour. Couriderahle damage wasdone at Ramapo. The Jam was carried away, the road was flooded, and from one hundred to five hundred feet of the track mai away or badly damaged. The bridge was Also moved from its foundation A portion of track east of Tiimees was carried all, and Tucksetlo bridge is gone. There is a break ten feet deep and fifty feet in event, west of Narrowsbarg, Which was being re paired yesterday. The track between Delaware and Narrow:twig was much injured. No damage was (lone on the Susquehanna divi sion, and at Dunkirk there VMS only a fall of snow to die depth of six inches. There is great damage done to farmers and oth ers on the route from Paterson to the Delaware, by the freshet which swept over their fields Many of the rafts on the Delaware were torn loose and broken up by the violence of the streams. No train will be started horn Jersey City Mon day mornine on the Erie road. Repairs will, in the meantime, be pushed forward with diligence in hopes of being enabled to start a train in the even ing. In Jersey City, no damage was done by the storm beynnd the fillin. e up of cellars and some damage to buildings in the course of erection. The railroad between New York and Philadelphia sustained no damage of moment. The mail train salvia - in New York about the usual how on Sunday night. Ou the hf curio and Esse: Road the train, which left Ne Nark at 3 P. M on Saturday, was enable topro ceed, having when about three miles out, became stuck several feet deep in the mud. We have bad nothing further from that locality since, but it is supposed, from its mountainous nature, that con siderable damage must have been done in that lo catity. The atom has been one of the most disastrous that has occured for a number of years. MM=!fMl= Lianttilikps N.Y. & Erie R. Road, A mt . , 114 EN, 4,4 Interesting from Japan. Our readers have been apprized from time to lime, that the Russians have been rapidly augment ing their fleets on the coast of China during the past year, evidently with a view of keeping a watch upon our Japan Expeditions in those Waters. It was shrewdly suspected that they intended to in. 'effete in sortie way with our efforts 16 obtain a 'tooting in Japan, or perhaps to steal a match on us, and get the ear of the Emperor in advance. Thr'o our East India files, received yesterday, we have late infotmatton regardnez this movement, from which it appears that the Russian fleet visited J. pan sever 41 months after Commodore Perry's Ex• pedition bad left, and were received with great pomp by the Japanese authorities, and that the Ad 'libel sent up an important letter to the Emperor at Jeddo. From the Java (Dutch) paper of December 27, we learn that the Dutch East India Company's ship ilendriba arrived in the roads of Batavia on the 15th of DeFember, direct born Japan. On the 20th of August there had arrived in the roads of Nang,asaki —the Japanese port at which is-located the Duch factory—(and were still lying there when the liendiika left for the read, of Pa penberg,) a Ruret.rn frigate, a corvette, a screw steamboat, and transport ship, ut•der the command of the Admiral Pontianne, conveying a letter from the Chancellor of Russia to the Emperor of Japan. On the 21st of September the Admiral, with a great number officers, was received with great pomp and honors by the Governor of Nangasaki.. The latter was then received and forwarded to the capitol, Jeddo ; however, at the departure of the Hendrika the Russians were still waiting for en answer. Of the American affairs nothing further 'was known than *hat we have before stated in our journal, viz that the U. S. ships-of war had arrived in June at Jeddo, and were courteously received ; having delivered a fetter for the Emperor, they took their departure, promising to return in the beginning of next year for an answer. The Hendrika confirms-the report heretofore re netted by the way of China, of the death of the Emperor of Japan. At the time she left, his suc cessor, the Prince Royal, had not yet been crown. ad. According to ibis account of the Dutch, the Russian fleet had been lying at Nangaeaki from the. 50th tiT Ang,ust to the 16:h of November—and was still there when the Hendrika left. This would go to show an unusual consideration towards them by the Japanese authorities, an intimacy never before permitted to foreqpiers. How much longer they stayed there and what their subsequent proceed ings were, we have no means of ascertaining, but next hear of the, fleet at Loo Choo, a dependency of Japan, and in its immediate vicinity. The ship Robina, which .arrived yesterday from China, touched at Loo Choo, where the Russians had been at anchor for some time previous, but from which they had sailed on the 20th of February, on a cruise, but to what point is unknown. ft was without doubt , for Japan, to be at Jeddo about the time the American fleet (which leit Hong Kong about the middle of January) might be expeeld there to receive the answer of the Emperor to the letter delivered in June last. We may add here in this _connection that the British have their eyes on this fleet of the Ras (dans, and the very montirnt - that war ia r declared in Europe the new. will be expressed to Chinai and the British cluisetwon that station will snoop clown upon it and make vizors of the whole expedition before it has the le* intimation of danger. Since die above was written' we learn from the captain of the ship- that 'Commodore Pet. fieeteeonsisting of tbswar steamers blississip• futsliallan, and siwpelcumt, die frigate, Mace. donian, litcalopp-of-yrat Plymouth Ifandalia and Saratoga;' rind the "altireships LexingtOn, and Bouthairrierdo, hadkriiirld at Lbe . . Chee trdice tints Us hutusithorn Kong,lll6weil...-Aza grancio ikmal.4lrarchrl2l.l-: 0 7.2 sTrrervirpaaii k coppc F nos t — tate em• fpiiiion-witrtibetd aritatfabOrg oa ednesday the-7111 - of innemtext; ft:NA• porpeio of nominateing a State•ticker, to be eopponett. by the friends of Prohibition it the next election. MMM Wrabfovb t4 l tpovtv. t - 666013R0: 6, 1854. • ',Prato •f inist-Stsperter. - SS SO per sunom—if paid within the pear 60 Pena witi dea ueted•-fo; ;canto pad aetaattpin advance $lOO will be odocted. .No papet two; over two years, paid for. Arriorrooneirtrs, per atiosneof Jen lines. 50 cents for the inland 25 coop for each soborquentipoortiou. 07 Office to the "'Union Met." Aterlh hide of the Pelihe Squire,rtext door to the Onidhard Hotel. Entrance between eases. Adams' tad Elarell's law offices. . , inrearickerstili - State' poml Hone: iron sorsagon, " I • " BPLira l t, Of CLEM:L.IIEI.D CO To. VMS OT TIM 8171PILIMIC WORT, JERBl!alUll S. 13 . ,LACK, OF, &M EM= .c 0 1/01 CANAL CNIANTISIONEN, , HENRY S. MOTT, o Puc COUNTY; tegt•lstlve. The Report of the Committee al- Conference of the two Houses of the Legislature on the Prohibi tory Liquor -Law, has been finally adopted and sent to the Governor for his approval. ,It provides for tv rote of the people, on the second-Tuesday of Octo. bet nezt,'for or against the enactment taw to prohibit the manufactute - and 'sale of intoxicating drinks, except for mechanical, anistiesf, medical and sacramental purposes: If the people vote fur the enactment of such a law, it is to be enacted by the next legislature, and enforced by adequate eon stitutional processes and penaltiesc If the people vole against such an enactment, it will be consid erod a settlement of the question adversely to the views of those in favor of a prohibitory law r and an instruction to the next legislature against its passage. The manner in which the ballots are to be prepared and the usual legal formula of notice of election are provided for in the bill. The Common School Bill, an important measure of which we shall give the details hereafter, 'pass ed the House on the 28th inst., under the pressure of the previous question, in the shape in which it came from the Senate, and has been sent to the Governor for approval. On the same day, the Senate passed a very• im. pottant bill cranting the Lake , Shme Railroad - to the Cleveland, Painsville and Aslitabula company on. der the rottowing reservation. " Their road op be extended to the depot of the Sunbury and Erie road at Erie, as soon as the lat ter road is constructed from Erie to Sunbury, and thereafter all their trains are to be run to that de. pot ; and they are forbidden to offer superior in ducements of any kind to any other road lot the eastward transmission otiheir freight and passen gers. At least three of the Directors are to be citi• xens of this Commonwealth, and the Aateshola Company id to subscribe 8580,000 to the stock of Sunbury. and Erie-Railroad. All the privileges contained in their grant are conditional upon 'faith ful observance of their obligations to the latter Com pany." This bill is likely to pass the House, and will secure the prosecution of the Sunt erg and Erie railroad. The Senate has passed the Appropriation bill, with several important amendments, and it goes back to the House for concurrence. The bill ap propriates nsarly six millions of dollars. Among the items is one to pay contractors on the North Branch. The appropriation of Sto,ooo to secure the Towanda Bridge from damage by high water, was stricken out in the Senate. The resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution, byr limiting the State debt and prohi biting municipal subscriptions, fiave passed both branches of the LegiOature finally, so that they will be submitted to the 'people at the next election. The Legislature has not yet fixed upon a day for final adjournment. Some time ago, the Senate passed a resolution fixing on the 18th of April. The House amended this to the 2d of Maya The Sen ate further amended by fixing the 9th of May, and the House again amended by inserting the 4th of May. In this last amendment the Senate has not yet concurred, having postponed the subject until hionday, when they can estimate whether the ap propriation and claim bills can be finished by Thursday. By a later account, we learn that Tuesday, 9th inst., has been agreed upon AO the day of adjourn. meat. The Governor has signet! the act to make sale o the main line of the Public Works for $10,000,000 DI.STROCTIV IC FIRE AND LOSS OF LIF !—A fire broke out in New Yolk on the 25th ult., about 8 O'clock in_ the evening, in die extensile tailoring eslablishment of W. T. Jennings, No. 231 Broad way. About 9 o'clock the walls of the building kill with a loud crash burying beneath it a large number of the gallant firemen who had struggled so nobly with the devouring element. The wall falling, both ways, those on the inside u well as those on the outside shared the same eisaster.— Those on the ground pot forth every effort to extri cate the unfortunate men. Some 14 dead bodies were taken from the ruins, and as many more bad ly wounded. The Lou of property is estimated at 570,000. ExcrusticaT aaorrjrie WARD TRlAL.—There rs much excitement in Louisville, Ky., in reference to the result of the ,trial of Matthew Ward. No tbaniclWolfe, one Odle counsel employed to de fend the Wardth hivinfg rand At the . trial that 'the citizens OrtOuisiilie were a set or bloodhounds; and its of - sixteen of 'Butler's scholars, witnesses it iheitieficttio Bogs prOiseded !Oa ! " reeideoce'on Friday nighl and literaap obi.' Axed eggs ; meeting of citizens has been milli() at_ the Court 'House eipiess'itaigiiiiiiiit olre. • • • • 4. ;, 1 4. sAft l *.ate, Sfituti