1,11.11=1 Zinra TOWANDA: fiatso ll 9 illorninP , Slag 8. i 94. sdetitl) Vottrl• _..»•- FOOTSTEPS OF ANGELS. VT 1.0/07ILLOW. When the boars of day are numbered, And the voices of the night IValre the better soul that slumbered To a holy calm delight; ° Ere th evening lamps are lighted.. \ And. e pha,•toms grim and tall. Sibidows from the fitful firelight, Dance upon the parlor wall., Then the forms of the departed Enter at the open door ; The beloved, the true hearted, Come to visit me once more. He,the young and strong, who cherished Noble longing for the strife, lly the roadside fell and perished. Weary with the march of Ilfe. . Then. the holy ones and wtekly. Who the cause suffering more. Folded their pale hands so meekly, Spoke with us on earth no more. And with the beauteous, Who unt ray youth was given, More`than all things else to love me. And is now a saint in }leaven. - With a Blow and noiseless footstep, . Comes the messenger divine, Take* the-vacant chair beside me, Lay* her gentle hand in mine. And she site and gases at me, Wlth those deep aqd tender eves Like the stars. pa still' and saint-like, Looking downward from the skies (;tiered not. yet comprehended. Im the spirit's voiceless prayer, 801 l re .ukes in blessings blended, Breathing fromsber lips of air. 0, though oft depressed and lonely, All my fears are laid aside, II I but remember, only such as these have lived and died V otitiral. AN ADDRESS, Ti the Democratic Members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. .Pctd.ow etrizeivs:—The General Assembly of Penn9ivania;in 180 and In 1847, passed resolu nuns in favor of preserving the naticnal domain for tree white labor, and against the extension of black olavery, because " they wete persuaded that to open the Penile regions of the West to a servile race, would lend to increase their numbers beyond all past example, would open a new And steady market for the lawless venders of human flesh, and would render al! schemes for obliterating this most %31.b10t upon the American character useless and availing." You are now called open to pass, with equal 1-arimoy, resolutions against the repeal of tha MtAttourt Compromise 0t.1820, which , sprung from .lediscussic* of 1819. and which has been con . ern] sacred by all men of all parties, until the, / env made this winter by a Northern man with property, 1.. To evade, and 2d, when on mailed to abrogate it. Upon this question, there can be no doubt of the .e.! , ments.of the people of Pennsylvania and of 'very free State, as the Democratic party have their coat in t • he recent elections of New hrnp!hire . Connecticut, and Rhode Island It would indeed be strange in people of a State, Tech abolkhed slavery in the midst of the revolo -4y war, to stand by and see repealed, directly vidireetly, openly or covertly, the Bth section of A+ Act of the 6th of March. 1820. far the admis ot Nl i .. e nn e i, which extended the 6th Article of 'a great Constitutional Ordinance of the 1311 July, to all the territory ceded by France tp the •11e.1 S west, under the name of Louisiana, which north of 36 degrees 30 minutes of north lati• ads, and beyond the limits of the State of Mae. Eel This Old mance, recognised as constitutional and kiiing by the Act of the 7th August, 1789, gave 'rlCie every new State admitted loth the Union, I , .ch was formed out of the territory included 1, hut ;he original boundaries of the United States, the exception of Vermont and Kentucky, and rtis furnished the model for every territorial got. ""mint that has ever been erected bt Congress. f;om'at* Ordinance, and its immortal 6th Article, "" 'Pang the five great free States of Ohiti, In. ": 11 ,111tnots, Michigan, and Wisconsin, with a l'ee Whine population nearly, if not quite, equal at Sie erne to the whole free white population of the assn Stave Sates, and infinitely more powerful, because not cursed with a servile race of / another coin veloo n tune of war wi h an European may er, Or ol tnsurtection, must cripple and destroy the energies of their unfortunate masters, and their sill F . , more evict crime afire b'e'hern who own no ilaves, but whose tabor is injured anti degraded by tat constant contact arch slave labor, and whose Ole is lost in pairnlllog, to take cafe of the ho. ,nan property of their rich and aristocratic tallow.' Tilizens The Bth section of the Act of 1820 was passed overwhelming inaiorities in both houses of : : ,..ongress, and submitted by M t . m oms t o his "abinet, composed of Mr. Adams, Mr. Crawford, udge Thompson, Mr. Win, and Mr. Calhoun, and weir written opinions were requested upon two fkuestions. The first was. Whether Congre ss 1, 1 „, tconstitutional right to prohibit slavery in a Wis. 11 71 The second was, Whether the Rth section of N Missouri Bill was consistent with the Con. The answers to both wore unanimously . . I 1 7 , ' ' .4}S;j. . 4 . 1 !)ilei ~....t ?.. , 1 3 1.4 11_41 . 'f; : t . 1 14;1 fti ?.-- , ,'V l' ''' fi 3 tit , : • =.le..- c ...4-....1,-, ~,,.:, ~.."' .1 ; ~..!, 191 Pr. , .1 .) .f.t :c.:.1.! ,:.;, , ii. ~..-Af.. . F., ,7 N . i ./vc,--: : . . . • ..,., • ~ , , , k . -- ' '''. i ~' !-: :.'- k 4.. . • . v ~... J E...., ~..„..,... , " ~ ... .... . , 9 ..., r .., ~ .I,.''''' "^-', 3 _ i, : ,, i'..- -, .. ''',.. '.- ..5.7:, , .. ,- 4 ;.....-',' : ' l ,--- ~" :'-` • V •' ' ' • % ±,- .. '-1 Nt , in the affirmative, in favor of the extension, of the area of freedom by the only free repoblicof modern times, aed•thassettliog fpr eitsr the constitotionali• ty of a power whose exercise was coeval with .tha, government. The same course was pursued by President Ty. ler and Mr. Calhoun, and by President Polk and Mr. Buchanan, in, relation to the admission of Ter as with the Missouri prohibitiort, and by Mr. Polk and all his cabinet, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Walker, Mr. Marcy; Mr, Johnson, and Mr.,Masen' „ when he signed the Oregon . bill, with their complete ap prove! and consent. It is therefore absurd inulAdiculous for a chino of a frei State at this day when small men have succeeded the intellectual giants of the. Revolution, and of the war of 1812, to pretend to doubt the power of Congress to pass in Act , which is essen• tial to the fame prosperity of the boundlesi regions of the West whidh have not yet been marred by the fool stain i negro slavery We are all' aware that two new discoveries Piave been made by certain patent constitutional states men within the last few yeare, - as if the meaning of the Constitution when settled ty 'the uniform practicivind assent of the legislative, judicial, and exeentive branches al the government, was•still ,the subject of invention by ingenious mon, who could sately swear that they verify believe that they are the fi at and original inventors of the improvement in the Constitution, and that they do not know Pr believe that the same was ever be!. fore known or used. c The first, is the new southern theory, that neither Congress nor the terrooriol government can pre- vent the owner of slaves froth carrying his slaves into any ten itory of the United Stiles, thereby changing all the territory at the United States, whether Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, New Illexico,tUtah, Kansas, or Nebraska into slave hire ritory. The second is ihe fence theory, which gives the power, to the first settlers of a territory, wheth er ten or one hundred, to decide whether slavery shall be admitted and occupy for ever from two hundred thousand to a million of square miles, to the complete exclusion of those free white men who own no slaves, and whose labor is their capi tal, and who comprise at least nineteen million of the 59,553,928 tree white inhabitants of the United States. , There is not a Word in the Constitution sanction ing either of these pure inventions; but on th con trary, the power to govern the territories is express ly given to Congress, the creator and muter of tte territorial covvrnments, which are trained after the Ordinance of 1787, by virtue of which alone, and not by any provision in the Constitution, the dele• gates from the territories sit and speak, but do not vote in the llnuse of Representatives. A strong mark of the subordinate position held by the terri tories and their people, whom Congress ate train ing for ? future free and independent States. The miserable pretence that the Compromise Act of 1890, which relate 4 entirely to territory ac. quired from Mexico, affected the Missouri Corn - promise, is too contemptible to require argument h is refuted by the recollection of every man, •wo man, and child, who lived at that , exciting period. By the Missouri Compromise, the South got the three slave states of Missouri, Arkansas, and Flori da, whilst the North hove only" Iowa; and now, with worse than Punic fai'th, it is sought to snatch Irom the free stales what is theirs by a (air, open, and manly bargain, and to shelter their fraud under the stale plea of newly discovered illegility. No" honest man in private life would dare to such an assertion ; and we are yet tb learn that there Is any true distinction between private and public morality. The bill containing this outrage on public. faith has passed 'the Senate; and the owners of slaves, who do rot exceed 150,000 souls, are de termined, by fair or fool means, to force it through the Rouse. We ought not to have been surprised at its passing the Senate, when we consider the ac tual and not the theoretical composition of this ldouse of Lords. In the Southern States the own ers of slaves are in a smelt minority ; but they are the only capitalists and all their capital consists in the colored race. They have no other; for their land, for want of sufficient white population, is valueless without slave labor. This small body of copealisis are the masters of the learned professions, the clergyman, the doctor, end the lawyer, and also of the printer, all of whom depend upon their patronage for their success hi `life It is the history of the nobles and gentry of England—who at this day control the same classes by their wealth—enacted over again in another country on the western shore of the Atlantic, the titles and land of the one forming the true source of their power, for which the slave holder rehab. lutes his ownership of the black arid mulatto race In the nearly equal division of parties in the South, such an organized holy tells with tremen dous power upon all elections, whether, State or national. They control therefore the Governors, Legislatures, tied the very Judiciary of the Southern States, which have, of late year'', reversed the de. onions of feigner tribunals, *MI made them more acceptablerm the dominant class. South Caroline is, perhaps, the strongeit example of the exercise of his power. Its basis of legislative represents . tine is in reality founded upon elave,property, and gives the preponderance to the few—the slave own , : era—over the many. TheLegislatore th us noniron ed deem the elector of the President and Vice-Pres him, and never intents this power to the people. Each Southern Legislature elms ill own Senators, who are either einve,owners, or hope tb berg. Instead, therefore, of ids senior of Sot:WIMP state representing a stale, or the people of it, they represent *418.0 which they are either puoroycle. pendants ;And, intrnth, they more nearly resemble the Irish . Or Scotch elective poetry, Who represent their respective orders in .tbe With Hoes of Lord; than a Italy of rigoblia4 Piffslairni This' Styes the slawowner needy thirty votes in sioU Senate ; for, on all li/cations fondling,' their order PUBLISHED EVERY- SATURDAY AT TOWODA,, BRADFORkP, I 4OT!.N;BY "EARn°BR/Cit' REDARDUDIS .Or DWl:Manna TILOS ANT QUiSTEIL" and their class and their private fortunes,' they all, with one or two memorable exceeons, vote for theirown Interestiand the ezientsiciti - oi sla4ery.— Om of the thirty-two Memberifrom the free States,- you May alwais find some whit come under the description of a, Provtkern 'Mtn iiotouiherst proper ti, and some whO'itOpe at some future perion to pass the ordeal of their own body, when appointed to high or low rifflee in thegilt of the Ex Wive. The consequences is now - as it'ilways as been, - t hat upon ilavery extens ion, the representatives - of the, owners of slaves vote together,,They know, an party sines ; Whig and Democrat Omens together, and resolve what . propositions shall be .offered,what voteil'iloan, and' when thegaiiihall be applied to force through a Measure abhorrent to ihe great ma jority of the American people. The Rouse consists of two hundred and thirty• four membere; . ninety of them coma from the slave States, seventy of these members represent the free populaticM, and the remaining twenty re present only slaves. They have no white consiitu. ants. The free States have one hundred and forty four representatives, whose constituents are free men, and of these Pennsylvania and' New-York have sixty eight, within two of . what the whole South would be entitled to if the white basis were adopted. In the House, therefore, the free States have a. clear majority of filly tour actually, which should be equal to seventy-lour in the eyes of those who look to the people, the only true sovereigns in this country. II tier, therefore, with the members of all parties from the free States to unite in crushing this nefa rious proposition, in which, if they acted boldly, promptly, and openly, they would have the amis. Lance of southern men who despise the treason and the traitors It is certain, that if tLis passes by northern votes, as it must do if at all, the actors in it will never be forgotten, and that the news of its passage will on ly be the signal for agitation for its repeal, which may not stop until all compromises ate levelled in the dust. Having thus briefly Mate,' the present aspect of ihis qnestion, it may be proper eboruy to COTIIIIder the effect of slavery and slave labor in States and territories in retarding their prosperity, and exclud ing free white men and tree white labor from their borders. At the formation of the anstitntion, three States of nearly equal territorial extent, and centrally , Bit. rutted, started together. Virginia, out cd sixty•five representatives in Congress, had ten, with a white population of 442,115. Pennsylvania had eight members, and a white population of 424,099.whi15t N. York had but six members, with a white popu lation of 314,142. In 1850, Virginia has thirteen members, which would be reduced to ten, on the white basis, und a white population of 894,800. New-York has thirty three members, and a white popnlation of 3,048,325, and Pennsylvania twenty-five members, with a white population of 2.258 160.. In the Virginia Convention, of 1788, Pennsylva• n:a was kindly spoken .of as a very respectable State. Since 1790, there have been six decennial enumerations of the people. Mark thecontrast be. tween the slave and the free State in the following table of the white population in each State at each census. Virginia. Pennsylvania. 1800 '514.280 586 094 1810 551 819 786 804 1820 603 081 1,017 094 1830 694 300 1 309 900 1840 ' 740 858 1 676 115 1850 894,800 2,258 160 What is the cause of this lamentable, emelt 1 No thing but slavery, af t hich binds free Western Vir. ginia to the car of Mare-owning Eastern Virginia, which deprives her of her fair representation in their Legislature, elects owners' of slaves to the Senate, and returns the same class to the House. The trans.Allegbeny and Valley Districts in Vir. ginia, comprising 68 counties and a free population of 502.664, with but 69,234 slaves, are made en. direly setwervient to the policy of Eastern Virginia, comprising 72 coutties, a free population of only 392 236, wife 412,379 slaves; and all Change of this inequality is prohibited by the last constitution until 1865, when tour bases are to be submitted to the people, only one of which proposes to give the ree whitekpopulation its proper representation in the popular branch, The fact is, that the Virginia Conwitcrion, like Lord John Russell's Reform Bills, is intended to keep for the'aristocraey its power as long as it can be done with safety, by dealing oat a small grain of justice at distant intervals. The truth is, 'hat Western Virginia, as well as Maryland and Delaware, should have been free States long ago, but the aristocracy of slavery have always put their veto upon this act of justice. In Pennsylvania, we have a city of 'have a mil. lion in-the east, and anothelin the west of 100,000, with what would be large cities in the South sett. tared over the interior. Norfolk, the great - soaped of Virginia, hu but 9 075 white inhabitants; Richmond, its capital, on. ly 15,274 , Charleston, the present seat of tbeSoo. them Critnmercial Convention, only 20,012; and Savannah only 8,395. " Are there any other proofs waitiingot theluinous effect of slavery upon the white population of the slave States, II Virginia hid been a fee State, wi.h her intelligent population,-Aerwtert of ability and hertiiiiiri,L=ber immense agrtculttirat , mineral,man• ufacoring and commercial resources, end her users running into her very heart, she might have dia. Lanced PennsYlvania in the reci of itnpreventent, and PerhaPs evan'New Talk: She ie'no laser the mother ot then. Her wins detain tier tof nth i laxidslivoredity freedom 'end the ingei`Of freedom ' ; innt bet stattotrin tbi Sen. ifs Bettie is ratiinid Only by old'-ileolleatitme of gni days Of her intiftentealiiiitts; and not by any infseiot pointr of bit preient gitteratibn Of issues• meted rialto. • ' , ' to the eteceltates Deere.? to qp there le e cbn 44- 44' 4i* 4 (1 ; Ele El suirit reheat of it! full • itijards'iittalion!ti population. In Delaware, each county has.Ssena tots and 7 representiativati,"elthoughrNeur,Castle County has nearly one-6110141i population *film whole State. In Maryland, each county, though varying from %HIS souls i t° 41,589, has one sena tor; and Baltimore city and county, comprising nearly one-half of the whole popilatiOn of the 81 aY'st.07.1.410‘ 1 1" , ,IffAt" 9!11:9OtoR4 16 delegates out of a house of 72. The white freemanoherefore, is not on an equal ity is' to represitioitioit to the legielath4- iv(th the slave-owner, who controls his destiny, And who may elect's senator of the' Ajnited Stites in thi lade of a large popular majority in the State. It is not simply in; hiit character of sin' elector, that the rights of a white freeman are taken away in a slave State, bit he' is tweed to contribute his time and his labor to take care of the property of his rich neighbor, which in a free State takes care of itself. - : Ia the Southern States there are opwarda of three milking of people without the divine institution of marringe,—who have neither wives, husbands, not children, except *lithe foal follows the mare. All, from infancy to old age, without distinction of sea, or amen of color (for the shades are from black to white,) are liable to whipping—•cruel and immod• erste whipping••io private by their =ten, pro. vided It does not -affect life •or limb The infant may be separated from its mother and be sold into distant slavery at the will or caprice ofihe-muter, or by the iron hand of the law. Three millions of souls, in a Christian land, whether slave or free, are forbidden to learn to read or write, and Vcourss forbidden to read the Bible; whilst free white wo. men are punished with this and imprisonment for doing what, on be cow of Africa, would be con sidered the chief end of missionary labor. The vices and degradation of slavery need no enumera. Lion; and their effect on the white race has been graphically portrayed by Colonel Mason, of Virgin ia. Christians " says a Southern judge, si hots out we justify it that a slave is not to be pmeittel to read the Bible?" In the South, no large cities call for free white embenheftwal •r other tabor, and ttre Iniertor is vir• tnally closed to all free white labor by the wealthy slave.owner, who employs only hia white over• seem and his black slaves, whether in the labor of the field, the house, the shop, and even In the manulactory. In a Southern State; all free white male (amd in vents place:female) inittitritanis are liable to do patrol duty, that is, to Watch over the slaves of their rich neighbor", and they are called out at least ernee a fortnight, and may correct with stripes, all slaves infringing the slave regulations in the slightest par. ticulai. Does any free white man with his lamily and their labor think of ping to South Carolina, the headquarters of Southern slavery I If this be so, why should sub • system tolerated for a mo ment in territory now free, and thus exclude the native Pennsylvanian of the hardy emigrant from Europe from settling in the far West. The introduc tion of slavery is the permanent exclusion of the white freeman wad while free labor., Bat it is said this entering wedge to repeal, leaves it to the people ol the territory—that Ise to the few slaveholders who are on its borders pre pare! to take possession with their slaves and slave labor. One single slave makes it slave territory Waver. la the -Legislature of Pennsylvania to be thus gulled, and will any Democratc member dare to repeat Fuck' a flimsy excuse to hie indignant con• sti wen t In tine, these territories are now free, end they must be kept so, and they must be saved by white freemen and white free labor from that day of reck oning which must come sooner or later to the slave owner, for it is written by the hand of destiny, that they must either-prepare for emancipation or eer• vile insurrection. We are on this eve of an eleetien by the people, and if the Dediocratic Party is 'found false io free. dom e or hesitating in its action, it must share the fate of its friends in othev free States. Those who be , fieve this proposition tor repeal to be a breach of (sit e are waiting for legislative ac. lion. If it does not come, there only remains a last remer!y e a call for a convention on the first of June next. A Dcmocasy. flow M CDT " BcrsT u,."—Man with unassuming wives never bust. It is the husbands of such women as Mrs Dash and Lady Brilliant, who find themselves face to face with the Sheriff, and certain mysterious document, adorned with red tape and wafers, big enough for target exercise. The desire of a New York feminine is to outshine her neignbors—not in mental Requirements, but in gingerbread ornaments and gold edged coal scuttles. If Mrs Daah,gives a genie , supper—woodcocks stalled with gold duet — lad y Brilliant takes the wind out of her by getting up another, in whioh the prevating dish will be tilde of Paradise, swimming in gravy made of melted rads ii Hibbs rivalry, not" dabbling in railroad 'steam," that brings ruin. ation to the fast men In Wall street: The " ill fonnne" of which they aomplain Is no 'more nor less than a brainleei' wife.: It they wciiild come back to happiness, therefoie; ll.ey should sorb their attention, not to the r fineuitioiut of the eicalr maiket, but to the ruinous ibedaditiee of their own fire side. Thousand dollar mitten donh:paY, while the mer. chant who purchases hundred Antler hiedkerobiefs for a" duck of i should' not !wider if the time eiventoally comes when n'a goods of hishinti" lacked shirts, and *abut illsotiplied w4ltbreiFlitee. Otr Mrs. Pariington Wei - Wool to know who tbisitlebraskirßilfli afe qttaireling abbot; and towit'litiiiirtuf i I Seinaliii ii bib» real 'fat hail* be' is bet balled-Bill Pontiff heiseid of Nebraska Bill The old lady thinkit thitttilthiyi Nebraska is atria nom 11111 old Nick seams to havoiitistithhii dd ii4th tbe bitOtniles siding Mal=:=M ME NOE The follOWinglneldent sitbeatitifol and teach• htg; that itihtioldbe:reink In eipgy: house bold T" the country.. It develop, the Übe active principle of kindness. • How many an erring mortal, making his first step in vide, thigh' be redeemed by the exercise ;otthiti sablima tiait.in the character of the kind-lleatted.49akei - William- Severn. an "eminent preacher among the Chlekete, "ft `tanner by trade, end • was 'rei it one!' Wllo4'ol(o'humbly with bit go d" POO nkifitia.r,gpantity fides were stolen. from his tannery and be had reason to be lieve that the thief was s qnarrehtetne," &oaken ettiihttot t *hem . 1 shalt call Julio Smith. ,The neat week'the folloiring taliertisentent eipeared in the country newspaper; • , 1, Whosoever stole a quantity of bides on the filth of ibis Month, is hereby informed 'that - the owner imp a sincere' , wish to ,_. behis friend• poverty alone tempted him to this false step, the owner will keep the whole transaction secrevand will gladly put him irrthe way of obtaining money by means more likely to bring him peace of mind " _This singular advertisement attracted consider• able attention; but the culprit atonal:new who had made the kind otter! When he mad it his heart melted within him and ho was filled' with sorrow for abet he bad donti. A few nights afterwards, as the tanner's family were about retiring to rest, they heard a timid knock, and when the door was opened there stood John Smith, with ■ load of hides on his shoulder. , Without looking up he said : ~ I have brought these back, Mfr. Savery, where shall I put them I" Wait till I can get a "lantern, and 1 will go lo to the barn with theo," he replied, " then perhaps thou wilt come in mid tell me how ibis happened. We.w ill see what can be done for thee." An soon as they were gone Chi, his wife prepar • ad some hot cofiee,end placed pies and meat on the table. When they returned from the barn, she said, " Neighbor.Bmith, I thought same hot supper tiould bd good for thee." He turned his back towards her and did not speak Auer taming against the fire place in silence a few moments, he said in a chocked voice: g' It is the first tine I ever stole anything, and I have felt very bad about it. lam sure I didn't once think that I should ever come to what I . am. But I took to drinking, and then to quarreling. Since I began to go down hill every body gives me a kick. You are the first man that has ever offered me a help. ing land. My wife is sickly and my children starving. You have sent them many a meal. God bless you ! vet I stole the hides. But I tell you the truth when I say it is the first time I was ever a thief " " Let it be the last, my friend," replied William Sarin. "The secret still lies between ourselves Thou art still young, and it is in thy power to make up for lost time Promise me that thou wilt not drink any intoxicating liquor for a year and I will employ thee tb•moriow on good wages. The little boys can pick up stones. Hui eat a tit now and drink some hot coffee; perhaps it will keep thee from craving any thing stronger to night.— Doubtless it will be hard to abstain at first ; but keep up a brave heart for the sake of thy wile and children, and it -will soon become easy. When thou bast need of coffee tell Slaty, and she will give it to thee." The poor fellow tried to eat and drink, but the food seemed to choke him. After vainly trying to compose his feelings, he bowed his, head on the table and wept I,ke a child_ After a while. lie ate and drank, his host parted with him for the night with the friendly words: " Try to do well, John, and thou wilt always find a friend in me." John entered into his employ the next day, and remain with him many years, a sober honest and steady man. The secret ol the theft was kept between them; but after John's death, IVilliam Savery some times told the story, to prove that evil might be overcome with good. A Semat. Bean —The following curions.circum stance, which is said - to be true in every particular, ii related in " Loyd'e Scandinavian Adventurers:'' 4 ' Two women, with jour children, were tending their cattle at a eluding far from home. it was the ditty of one of the women to tend the cattle in the forest, while the' other occupied herself with house hokl ma tars, and in looking after the children. It so happened, however on the 231 of last Septem ber, that white one of the women, as usual watched the cattle, the other absented herself for a ehon time on a visit to a neighbor, leaving the children altogether to themselves. She had not been long sway. before they perceived two large brown ani mats, which they took to be cows, on the outside of the lenee, bordering the patch of pasture ground contiguous to the hot. All children arecurions and indifferent to danger. Without consideration there fore, they climbed over the fence, and made up to the creature. When the animals became aware of the near op preach of children, the larger of the twocompelled the smaller to lie down at the foot of a tall pine, and than crouched by its aide, as it to proteci it from harm. Whereupon the least of the children —that of two years of age—withoul t hesitation, tod dled direatly op to theinimafs, and laid itself down likewise, with ill heed resting on the belly of the larger oneAumming at Abe same time some nursery song as if reposing on its mother's lap I The children recniined the while the qUiet spectators of the scene. When, however, the eldest bad reftycted a hide, and bad eome.to the conclusion that it was note cow, buta bears-as was the fact—the child wttte toyingliitb, she - became sorely Affrighted Mearrwhile; the iiiteni,.trift#,Olautcl notrernalti lung in dim Fame peeilicm, presently rose from. ill .hairy coach, gathered some blue berries growing near by, snd gave them to his bed. fallow, the beat whit inynediately earthenrattrofthebabe i e hand ! The 00 4 00 0 4 : 61 40 11 : 8 0ei t orn.i ' il ' fl** 1 4440!? aelofi red . t-10 ' 020**Si Whict bit .it in Iwo, letting, the child to retsin.the one halt. =ISE .!t./ , .i'.'• = MEE WINE 1911121E1 lima *; '• of liladaeis • • =MB ) = KM EMM lEEE Taichw Thugs Coolly. !' g‘ You're an infernal scoundrel !" said a fierce looking gentleman, thrroth.l day coming up to a Yankee who was standing 'quietly ow the side walk; you're an . infernal scoundrel,: sir " That's news to returned the Yankee.qu4. et!). . . • "News! yen Peoundrel ! Jo you 'call it fleas 1" Entirety en." • You need'nt think to parry, it ci# so e a sy,; . Liny you're an inferna l scoprultel,.inult4/11•Iprove it." 41 I big .tott gror ail a scocuidreLl! " No, I dare say you wouldn't, but- aniwetme immediately—didlrro; or diztyou not, any in the premer, of certairiladieebi my tiegnaintrineeohat It itta.ri" " Calf! Oh no, sir, the truth is not to be spoken atoll timesP The Inch ! Dolon mean to eat! the n eel!, QS ‘O fill, ¢ir e / call you nothing." " We well you do; for if you had pre3umed to call me—" " A Enan—T. should have been woably mistaket " What, do you mean to tay that I am nOi,! man 1" " That depends upon circumstances." it What circumstances?" " 111 should be cal:ed as evidence in a court • twice 1 should be bound Jai:peak the truth.:' And would you say I was not a man hey? 11 , you see the cog-skin?" " Yes i alid I have seen it with aarprise,eiter 5 4 'rxc you came up." " With surprise ! Why, did you suppose I RH such a coward that I dare not undertake to use article when at was demanded ?" " Shall I tell you what I thooght I" 'I Do it if you dare." " I thought to , rpulf,what cum has a eall(Or 'a otexiMiir' ' You di.tinctly call me a calf then V' " If you will insist upon it you 1n.1y." " You hear gentlemen," speaking to vb* bistan derv', " you hear the insult. What shall r , do ;with the scoundrel?" "Dress him! dress him!' exclaimed twenty voices with shoots of laughter. " That I'll do at once." Then turning again to the Yankee, he cried out fiercely, to come one step this way, you rascal, and VII flog you vrithin an inch of your life." " I've no occasion." " You're a coward." " Not on your word." " I'm a liar then, am 11'' " Just as you please." " Do you heat that, gentlemen 1" " Ay !" was the response, " you can't help flog. ging him now." " 0, heavens! grant me patience ! I'll fly out of my skin:" " be so much the better for yina pocket, cal I skine are in great demand." " I shall burst , ' " Not here in the street, I beg of you. It would be qnite disgusting.". "Gentlemen, can I any longer help flogging the scoundrel!" 1, Not if you are able," was the reply—' , At him F' Thus provoked, thus stirred up and encouraged, the fierce gentleman went like lightning at the Yankee. But before he could strike a blow, he found himself disarmed of his oow-akin, and lying on his back under the spout of a neighboring pomp whither the Yankee had carried him !omit his rage ; and before he could recover from his astonishment at such unexpected handling, he was as wet as a drowned rat, from a cataract of water which his antagonist had liberally pumped upon him. His courage had by this.time, like that of the valieht Bob l Acres, " oozed out at the palms of his hands;' and he declared, as he. arose and went dripping away from the - pumpithat he would never trust-to quiet appearance again rand Old Harty himself might undertake to cow-skin a cool Yankee L fcir all of him. (tc::r Deacon. Clough took us quite oft at the knees recently; we confess it was a clever sell. It Did you hear of the forgery yesterday?" said the deacon, as we were passing his Noah'. /1...11.t. . it Forgery 1" said we. 4, No; who's been torg- EZIE Well,'' continued the deacon, I 4on'l know that I ought to say anything about it-1 don't like to talk aboutoiher people's' aflairs—but it will soon be knowo,.l suppose. The fact is, there's been & heavy forgery committed by one of our oldest and most substantial men." 4, Yon don't say po ! Clow long has Amen ;ping on V' said be. " 0, lot some years;' replied the deacon. " Well,' who* the per3oq I Who are the rtif. 112131 " Dania I Emerson.'' "No!" " Yee, sir. He's been forging !me of the lar gest cart and wagon..wheala you evdt saw !". We grabbed far an az-helve, but the deacon had ♦auiabed. Irr If you don't want to fall in love with don't commence flirting wish her. Thispurting . for fun is like boxing for fun, - You put on Your gloves in pet feet good humor, with the rpoit,lrion‘d bt intentions of exchanging alsw amicable blows; yoirfind yourself insensibly warmed with, the en. thnsitunii o the Conflict ;.unfit some etducktruFh iii Ide it eetikjtifdeoides Ihejnatier, and tho witele , a dowutight fight. Don't you .seo the similarity 'I , • 04r. to find Out air error, easy ,to jtse - ore'r the 'rut!) 4iffioull. • &trot i0..0u the outface, but melt Ilwelloatibe boaum•of the well. i'i~i~ r : ii ~r:ti Lcvi r,ll. =EI MEM lIMB MU= 'VIMOZEZ . Aitio MEI MI