Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 29, 1854, Image 4

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111-70ITT,D respectfully c* the attrntion 411";
public to their large- • • k of Mens'and boys
ornish:hg tlitbds, consisting of every variety of
Brnadcktlas Cassimercs, Doeskins. Tweeds Kentucky
Jeans, Ei nos, Shirts, Collars. Stocks. Cravats )
Slispeiuters Hits. Copet
Bags, Trunks, Cones, §e.
sc,klich will be sold cheaper than the same quali!y
s.ild in any ter establishment in thi. , country. ,
• They have also on band a well manufactured as•
sortinent of
Ready... Made Clothing,
to which we invite the attention of buyers . . Out
Clothing is mostly made tip in the shop—and hot
purchased at " slop-shops"—its some we wot of.
Orders in the Tailormg line executed in the most
fashionable loan:lei% at the shoriezt notice, and war
ranted. •
(0" The public will ',leap? notice nue fart. that
No ONE not practically a:cquainted with the b siness
i, ca pable o f judging 01 the quality and make of a
l orment ksnee the reason why the community
have been sue, moth imprised upon by a certuin
of community ash., deal in the article , who, if they
were not piactically add rofesaiiinally cheats, could
of necessity know nothing about the business.—
'1 bey are certzin. if the public would consult their
true interest, they would purchase only of those ac,
(painted with the business.
Towanda. April 12, 1854.
N the Brick Block. next.door to Mercurs store have
itist added to their st.ack,,a large and fashiona
ble assortment of -
Ready made Clothing,
of every variety.both of etyle and price, to which
they,ask the attention of the public. This is now
the largest stock
Ever 0 rered in Towanda ! !
and will be sold at prices considerable lower than
ever before known in this place. Our goods 'are.
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
offer inducements,not to be mct with at any other
strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing
will find
at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry.
and made in surh style and materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by
to secure petronage, feeling confident that our arti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser.
The assortment comprises every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—CASH.
Ocereouts, Coats Pants, Otrcralls Cap's 4.c.
Locvrioss.—Next door south of Mereur's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall.
n'All kinds of Country Produce, W001,4 - c,
en ix exchange for Good
Towanda, October El, 153.
CMORrt37.2I 11, MATTO-M(O.D
.• - -
Over J. Kingsbrry's Store—Erance neat door to
Alontowyrs' Store, op stairs.
GRATEFUL fiir past favors, announces to his
friends and - the public in general, that he still
keeps on hand a good assortment`bfltsanT MADE
Cctrutitio, which he will sell cheap fur L'ssa• He
believes that a ' Nimble sixpence is worth more
than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced
manufacturing Clutning—seleoting the cloths him.
self in the city, a d employs none but the best of
workmen in making them up. He would assure
his customers that his Clothing is mnimfactured tin
der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let
out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work
men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion
thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty
of getting a good fit.
He has also on hand n general assortment of gen,
tlemen's Shilellg and Collars, he will sell
cheap for cash.
Custom work promptly done as usual. lie
Invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters,
over J. Kingsbery's store, and immedia•ely opposite
U. Mercur's Law Office, before buying elsewhere.
New if you are wanting. you surely can find,
Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind,
so..nice and so snug they'd suit to a T„
t 9,) perfectly fi ne, thre's no room for a flea.
If your linen wants changing. and sometimes it will,
You'll find shirts and collars for a very small bill;
Come then one and all, who are out clothes hunting,
And you can be fitted by Geonne H. lltywriao !
N. 13. He insole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr.
Patent Sewing Machine,
for the counties of Bradford anti Susquehanna. Any
person wishing to purchase the right for using the
above Machine in said counties, can be accomtno.
dated by calling on him, where they can see it ope•
rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is
the best patent now in use. Its validity has been
established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852.
This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patentto the ex
clusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma
chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch and seam
formed thereby• G. H. 13.
The public are cautioned against purchasing spu
rious Macihines6as ail sewing Machines now in use
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
base infringed,. by using Machines or otherwise,
'who wish to s*ve legal expenses, may obtain proper
license under the original patent by applying as
Towanda, August 15, 1853.
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing
Mott ac Wells, merchant Tailors,
HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
Bradford- County, that. they have just received_
the largest and most fashionable stock of
ever brought into old Tioga,' consisting in par. of the
following articles:
Over, Dress Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pants,
Shirts:Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
entvats.Collars, Pocket b'dkfs,&c.
Cloths and Trimmings constantly on hand—also
the fall fashion of Hats and Caps.
Our strich of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed in
Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen
tleman's outfit. . Particular attention will be paid to our
adWa ura?avezrata,
Having received the latest New York Fashions, we are
prepared to get up suits on the shortest-gptiee and in a
superior manner. CUTTING done on Wardnotice,
sad warranted to fit if properly made up.
Broad st., first door out of the Post Office.
Waverly, Nov. 10, 1863. y •
TS now being refurni4lied wi
4. Stock ofaDRIJOS & MEDI
Limps--some of them new
In short, everything advertii
umn, has been completely fill
front New-York and-Philadv
Mathewson's Horse Hemel .ag Oil, Mus.
tang Linameut, and several popular Medi.
cines which will be sold extremely low for Cash.
Paints,Gils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors
&c., as usual.
March 24 1854.
DR UC / - S T 0 R
and rpleur)id
Fancy GooOs,
Cul patterns.
regular col-
fresh Good,
lUciicPV - ;
I'S now being:replenished with a full and complete
L 1.1060 of
Drugs, riredicinet,
Paints, Oils, I'm-lushes, Window Glass, Pare Wino
and Liquors, 4%, 4 . c.,
In shirt, every thing connected with the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for •cash.
and will be sold accordingly.
N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Ncat'e
Foot Oil just received.
(0' Rant merit the place-3 doors south of Men.
tanye's corner—saute building of the' Argus Ofliee.!
July 30, 15.53,,
0 EMOVED to the k store recently ocenpied by .
LA S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors
south of Montionyes corner. where he has received
a full, new and complete stork 01 DRUGS, M EDI
CIN ES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap'
er for castAhan ever.
Here for will find annexed a few leading articles :
Senna Alex., Foirgate's Cordial,
do Indic Ells Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
Sup C Soda Hair Dye
Manna, Harlem-Oil
Magnesia Cale'd Ointment, Traska
do • Cnrh, do Dalley's
do S S do McAllester
do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3
Colocynth , do Extracts
do Apple Tilden's A leoeulic Ex't
Cochineal Rhei Extract '
TeuSses Hulls lalap Extract
do Marshes. Meakirn's Vanilla Ex't
do Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam blisters do Mace do
do Cheesmans do Almond do
do Fir 1 do Cloves
do Copabia - do Allspice do
do Tolu • do Nutmegs do
do , Pet n do Peach do
do Pulmofra ry do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartaric - do Orange do
do Acetic do Tonka do
do Benzonic Lubin% Springflower
, do Citric do Musk do
do Nitric Ido Violette do
du Oxalic do Magnolia do
do • Hy drocyanc do Sweet Bier do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed do Jock's' Cl'b do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do •
do Castor do ' Boq-uet do
do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'sint
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G. E.
do Anisi - Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway • do do E. I
do Croton [ do Ipecac
do Cubebs do Jalap
do Cummin do Ginger White
do Fennel, do Orris
do Lemon Gum Camphor
do i'asma do Opt Turk
do Cod Liver Ido Myrrh Turk
do Lavandula ti do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do. Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orange 111 Chloride Lime
do Rhodium ' do Soda
do Ruse Castor Russ
do Cedrat ;hinglass do ,
do Copabia lEVPIIS' Lancets
do Ergot INitra Silver, Op't
do Verbena foxel Bisnoth
do Violette Blue Pill 1 mer.
do Mellesse lodide Potsbd
do Mellefluer Tart do'
do Patchouly Carb 'do
Brushes. Paint I.4ulph do
do Varnisth Oaustie do
do Hair Citrate Ferri ,
do Hai r,Camel lodide du
do Nail Tannin
do Tooth . IProto lod Mercury
do Shaving Strycbnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat . lodine
Soap. Yankee Veratrin
do, Crystalline Kreosote
do Eng. Wind Low's ' Hydra Cum Crete
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do Act
do Victors - Calomel, American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erasive do White I
do Castile Sulph Zmei i
do Military Bronze, Crimson I
do Sevinl do Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
FricOpherous do White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Virmiilion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Vamibh, Dye.
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
needed with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. 8. Horrenx,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give Me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescyiptioos carefully compounded and put
up. The stock has been selected with greaveare,
and the goods will be warranted as represented.
,All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Apes Cherry Pee
tonal, seteneks Pnlmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock•
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes'. Vermifuge.
Together with all.of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on band and .10 sale at
, REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's somer.
Towanda, January 3, 1833.
60BARREtti of old Ohio Whiskey just received
and for said wholesale and retail, at
Drug Store,
1.8 QUINTILES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring,
b barrels of Saleratus, warrented in' 'prime
order, left on sale, at New York • cash prices at
REED'4 Drug Store.: Towanda. Jan, 28.,113531
196 EMPTY Barrels, suitable' for' Cider 'Pork
and Beef , paeking.A.c..'' good order ,
sale cheap at REED'd pitud STORE: __
Sept. 4,.1833.
Boots and Shoes,
OneverY description, for ladies and misses, mins'
boys' and rhildrens' wear, Oat recd by
rpt 10 J. P0W11.1..
7.4.- * *4 o o 4 .***,,,,La*
Bradlbrd County. Penult,'lmola.
Straw Cutters.
fIOVEY•S Patent Bilual knife •Hay and Straw Cut
terv, of various sizes. No. 1,2, 9,4, 6 and 6.
Price—sB, $9; $lO, $l2. $l6 and $2O. l'hese Cut—
ters are better and cheaper than the straight knife Cut.
ter, wilh knives set diagonally on the shaft.
The knives on Hovey's Cutter are spiral, which
enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide
roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking—ar, easily
kept in repair; Each knife can be taken off and shar—
pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives)
and if necessary each knife set out or in, so as
to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster
than another. Every farmer should have one of these
labor and feed saving machines.
0j For sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount
made to those whO buy to sell again.
Athens', Pa., Noiember 10, 1855.
Treasurer's Mile of Unseated Lands.
IN pursuanciof the provisions or an act of the
General Assembly,passed the 13th day.of March
1815, iind other acts of Assembly, will be exposed
to public sate's' the Commissioner'. Wilde in the
boro''of Towanda. on the Sid Monday of June 1854
the tracts of land described in the following list,
unless the taxes due on them are paid before that
• •La•3T.
418 Andrew Buckhart $l9 13
294 Abel Pierce 18 51
160 Phineas Bradley 10 08
100 David Shepherd 6 30
300 Charles Caroll
60 pt. Hannah Hibbard
216 Joel Barret
89 Hannah Hibbard
6 pt. Win Hibbard
100 pt.Thos Jackson
100 Wm Jackson
100 pt. Sally Fish
181 pt. Christopher Avery
300 Bower Philip
157 James Wilson
333 .1 Wilson
88 Charles Carroll
195 do
100 db
4101 Casper Shaffner Jr
4053 John Morgan
5 7 8 170 pt.Wm Smith
900 Peter Seely
190 James Wilson
400 Peter Hampton
900 James North
263 Deborah Stewart
108 James Wilson
39 Daniel Snath
387 Joseph Thompson
200 Wm Norton
100 Charles Carroll
450 do
184 do
100 Charles Carroll .
516 600 Charles Carroll
507 250 do
515 i 69 do
George Prince 9 35
Henry Porter 4 70
Porter Geo & James 3 21
Charles Field 4 70
Henry Field 6 30
Philip North 2 21
Samuel Field 12 60
Wm Porter - 5 54
James Smith 89
Also—At the same time and place will be ex
posed to safe the following Real Estate in puma—
once of the forty—first section of an act of general
assembly, passed the With day of April A. D. 1844,
Townships 1 year. ITo whom ass'dd. Am'l Tax
Burlington 1851
• do
. do
South Creek ....
do' 1852
Smithfield ....
, do 1852
Torra,ndaborc4Bs3. W
Towauda - ip. Frreman Gran'
Chief „"
.I/141 James Gazlesi,
Warren Thos G Dunn ,
Wysos----, -1852 C Bull -
do / L Oorsline 3 04
Towanda. A.ptil 5. 1854.
MAILS Haud•saws,llouse Trimmings, Glasg.Put
ty, Sash &c., just .received by PHINNEY.
7 20
3 78
13 60
6 62
6 30
6 30
6 90
11 97
18 90
5 18
11 00
8 30
25 67
25 56
1 . 4 08
25 20
11 97
25 20
25 20
16 67
6 80
2 42
24 39
12 61
2 40
10 80
4 41
13 20
14 40
6 00
4 06
IS 2 10
2 40
Benj Coolbaugh
Sabin Rockwell
Beni Coolbangh
,W Johnson
Labin Rockwell
Cornelius Malonia
N & J C Benjamin
Ralph Peters' heirs
Michael Croak
Lemon Pearce
Sylvester Hill
Win Simpson
Wm Taylor
J H Watson
Geo Gates
C F Welles
Jai H English
Moses Bennett
Jas ti Rnglish
Limon P Hanson
Susan WA ffee
Geo Place
J A Payne
Geo Beagle
Henry Hawley
Asahel Fairchild
Beoi Bennett
Barnard Clark
Owen Dougherty
Susan Ingham
James Wood
Jas A Hull
James Wood
Orrin Coleman
James Lyon
Wm Blair
Aggeta Lent
H H Lent
Chester Wedge
David, Ecklor
Daniel Hill
Samuel. Cooley
.1 W Mandeiville
James Giger
Henry Turk
.1 T Hall
John 0 Sterns
do '
R L Morton
Wm Ralphe
2 40
1 65
1 39
iri.*irie AIL inci ( 41\:',
n the South end of the Ward Rouse,
rD R n - . olt T E.R,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
anosammie, =Oozes, so, T .
Painti, Oils, Varishes,. Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs and Burni4 Fluids.
Regular Agent for the followini genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Medicines— 4yre's'Cherry Pectoral
Alterative, Vermifuge. Schenck's pal. syrup
Expectorant, Liniment Hoolland's bitters
Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic oil
Dr.Swayne's do Indian Cholagogie •
Dr.Keeler's do Lyon's rat pills
Brant's Balsam & Ext Pile Medicines
Orrick's Vermifuge Salt Rheum and Tetter
Graefenberg Medicines ointment
Gargling Oil Trask's mag do
Pain Killers' Spavin & founder do
Galvanic belts, &c. McAllister's do
Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters
Rock Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicon Corn salve
Tooth ache drops Stickingl do. •
Hair invigorator & dyes Wistar's bal. wild cherry
Bed bug poison Female Pills
Townsend's Sarsaparillal Bullard's oil soap
Plasters and, Pills of alllßalsam Life .
kinds. Harlem Oil
And many others, not enumerated, all warranted
acy- Remember Dr. PORTZIeS Drug 'and Chemical
Store is in the South end of the Wart House. front,.
ins the Public square. 11 \ .; C. PORTER, M.D.
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin .
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones,
Tomb Tables, Centro Tables of Italian and Amer
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can
have them on the shortest notice by sending in
their orders, cheaper and better than can be pur
chased elsewhere.
Ty' Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and underta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda,
Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS.
Towanda March, 31, virks,
Important to lionsekeepers:
THE subscriber thankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore re
ceived, begs leave to inform him
friends and the public genetally,
and those commencing House
keeping in particular that be has
I now on hand a large assortment
-of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ;
mahogany and
(walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas, Couch
es, whatnots, Sic.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low
post bcadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all 01 which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms. 1
Orl' The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and Will hold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. H.—Furniture of all kindt• made to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman
Towanda. January 17, 1852. • _
a =*r
PrHE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
1 they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly - opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACIESMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
Promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE-4130EING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skit , -
Cul manner.
1 84
4 58
1 14
WOOD WORK for wagons will also,be made and
repaired when desitat
All wort done at their shop, will be warranted tobti
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us. a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENWINE & EIREBISCHH.
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
„••••77.--.. LEAVE Towanda for Mercur's
milis,Burlington,East Smithfield
Ridgebery, and Wellsburg,, de
pot on the N. Y. & IL. every .Morns:,
W ee
seaway and Fninav at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of . cars
either east or west, same day.
Returning TUESD#T, Taansnav and SATITIIDVI,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also. the .
Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, 4e., apd an
rive at Towanda same day.
FAUX t—Towanda to Mercitr's mills, 371
” to Burlington,
" to East Smithfield, c 2
" to Ridgebery,
" to Wellsburg depot, 1,26
Express packages to or from the Rail Road car',
fully delivered at moderate charges.
Towanda, Oct. 8, 1852.
1 20
1' 26
1 56
1 77
Bradford County Preminni - Corn Bbetteri,
XTHOLESALE and Retell!' The very best eretele
to be found is the cduuty,'rind ihetipeet 7 - 7 (war,
rented)--for eale et the Agricultural erill etovei itore
Nov. 10, 1853. • . ' R. ar. , WELLES. '
1 00
1 20
3 73
3 53
♦ 03
Cool{ STOVES, of various and a?caNot P 3
skid iizes-a•severil pattertia' of einporioi Eleva ted,
Ovens. among whictiis , a#Mtbinitlen of, itte r ,Plititok ;
and National Air Tight; Called : 4
well selected stock of
. 01e6nt parfor;tuill, atatp,.Chtrcli
and school hoOse Stoes; both feennlnCan4.onal.l4o4
:lies and prices to omit all'clitssaii gE eiistbtdare. CBS
and see. ',Tito,. 'ltlrittAVELttB;"
1 20
Saltine and Mince Meat Chittaine
maRILES $4 and $5. Evitifarrieribot4B.llli l ieie ß e
1. of theseexciditint
capable . oftentting froin 1110 1O101).ion - nds ofeneat fre;-
hour, and are vary simple, portablit pa, easily kept in
repair, for sale by
Athens, Nov. ID, 1R53. R. M. \YELLER.
rot Isitz iiisn,„ur no var ttis
POR I I I 9 B N WHO HAVE.. , •
D. 14.8ULL,„
Do jot( went COWS of inet*tige any rid estate"!
Hiwiyou • binail inillaiktgage you wish to sell I
Rattyou tsvertas t or low, that you wish to
. ,
self bi• ' • • " •
w , factory, foondFy. tapowy, or oili
er nianufactpring . istablrithmekit: at you wish to soil
oiitnt t • • • •
' Have you iron ore, coal, [jolters' Or firereliy; or
other minerals, you wuh to sell or have worked on
shares T ,
Rave you land that you would like to hsve',drain
ed 'or cleared by cObtract or on shares 1 "
Have yistliater'power . .thet'you wish to , sell, im
prove, or refitr - : ' -
.' -- - .
Po t+ir Ward additional " eiPlial, ' 'Or, 1' p artner `
your business if ' ,
- Do you want to all your stock of merchandise 1 •
DO yeriseint to form I Company to create capital
for any spalific 'Object 1 _ ' ,
Do yob 'Wish to exchange your property for other
, . .. •
property I • '
Do you want ha s your neighborhood mills, found
ries, tanneries, or other manufactories I _
Ravi you aui toed reifeellinieovement in machine.
rj, or in the tists,Which you' ant td sell, or which
yon *int Mani - to iminirfkbhue 1
If via hare inrof the above Plat!, or oth ers of a
',imam character, and *ill inclose to our address,
(post-paid,) a let/Bile,' clear and exact description of
tbem ; ind if property, its locality, proximity to ea
nal. railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
mills, stores, tke., the loftiest terms on which you
will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange,'or - otherwise
pose of it ; and if you will alsoinclose to aideg
istration fee ofsl, (the receipt of which will bek c
knowledged,)your want shall be recorded in o
Register, and your letter placed on the file designated
for your State end County, for the inspection, Free of
charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange,_ or invest.., . • , ~
We make no charge to any for examining our
Begistili and files. When they make known their
wishes, they Are referred to your own statement of
your wen*: and assere have Maps of the different
States, and of such Counties as we have been able
to procure :.and as we employ agents to visit the yes
eels and steatters that arrive with immigrants, (of
whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arriving,) and use
also hive agents to distribute our Circulars among the
strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the
principal papers of the city of New York, and in vari
ous forms throughout all of the states, as well as the
different countries of Europt, from which Immigrants
. come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for
the present reside, and where also we shall agents in
the'principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, lease, or invest, to visit
our office, tattAbist charge—
We are confident that we offer a better medium of
making your wants known to those who desire to
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet practised.
"The best place for you to effect a sale, lease, ex
change mime On your property, is in its immediate
vicinity. If you cannot do It there, the next best place
is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi
grants or settlers of any clam here is the place to obi
tan them:
Bemuse here at all times and seasons, there are from
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for investments or homes.
Because there are probably 100,000 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment.
Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while
you can afford to, give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte-
rest, either in annual income or increased value.
Because here, en examination of our files will intbrm
those seeking to invest or settle, where the property it
to be found which they seeks
Because here, there ii an opportunity to exchange
country or other city property, for property'in this city
or its vicinity.
Because a person, by spending a few hours in oar
office, without charge,ean obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the conntry. and
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, here in-the commercial metropolis
where is concentrated the money and wants of a vasi
multitude throughout thil and other countries, by re.
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of oar
countrymen,• both parties, those who wish to purchase.
and those who desire to sell, ran be mutually benefited.
In the description of property, be careful not tb
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if yob
do, and we should send you a purchaser, his comparl'
son of the reality with your statement might defeat
your object. When your property is sold, or other.
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme
diately informed of the het. As we do not propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to the own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite ; but when
it is desired that we should sell, authority must be given.
Our commissions on sales, exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and other met
, ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement.
00' Several farms in the same neighbOrhood often
find a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi
grants desire to remain In companies:
Real Estate and Property Brokers,
116 Broadway, New York.
Refer to Coortlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N.
Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Oov.Wood,
Ohio; Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio; Hon. R. W. Thompson,
Is.; Hon. D. A. Noble, .Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams.
Mich ; Hon. Rob't Smith, Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Ky ;Mon. A. 04 Dodge, Iowa; Hon. I. ft. Doty, Wis.
For fanner information inquire of HARVEY
MeALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm.
1 'Elwell, Esq 4) Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. 44y
Taw OLD menu
THE subscriber would an
trance to the public that he
.ve now on hand, and will make
order all kinds of
Cabinet rerniture, •
loch as Bofas,Divana, Lounges
'enter, Card, Dining and Break
-Ist Tables. Mahogany, Wal
:ut, Maple and Cherry Bare:tits,
Stands of various kinds, Chairs
and'Bedsteads ofevery description, which are, and
•witl be made of the best material and workmanlike
mainer, and which they wilt sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the
on hand , on the most reasonable terms. A good
ItEARISE wilibe . fnrnishedon Funeral occasions.
„ .
,"Fo - wanda, June 3, 1852.
Sohn W. Wilcox, •
HAS removed hikentablishment to 11.1Mix's afore,
comer of main street Bud the public square, and
will continue the mount/ethic of Boots and Shoes, as
has just receired,from New York a large assort
ment of Wompes,ghildien's and Mine ! ? Shoes, which
are - offered at .
leer The attention cf the Ladies
is pirticulatly direetisno his assortment, comprising
the following new r—Nnsmelled Jenny Lind gal.
ter boater do. - shoes; black listing and silk gaiters;
walking shies, buskinsolic: - Misses gaiterrs and shoes,
of e v ery description: , A large assortment of Children's
fancy Rafter* boots itid 'skate; of all kinds.
Fr t! the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
'slstetwi; - -Thiti:stoek has been persomilly *freed with
:care, indlie believes -he can'offer soveriortiiitieleeat
reasonibleritee. • • • •
.:01tThelitriotest attention paid. to Afatirufacluiw4,
aortite hopes by dout' gwyork well to • mceit a condo*.
aneette tht liberaPpietrodage be lice hitherto received.
Toivanda,lttaY 1t.1453.
ROCK SA I.T.—A quantity of Turk's Island Salt
for sale by 13AtILEY & NErvs:S.
-,,--vr„:.----. .•
, - 4 2- , *-_M• ,-- .7
v. lid -
>, ....•-, ...„.. ,-,"_,
T li n t"
y e e -x a t r i r
th rd e i n m a o r s y tto r ctir p tea n t r et : i o r. n oil a ri. , :eiyedni,.:
for Covorts, Coine, ASTIIMA,
those suffering frompbstmate and
they give the most immediate abd
l w es h o e m n eC re o a n t gh lia s b it il c i c ty eeds the slight( e y ; , , ure ';:•
WATERS p'roduce the most tniiikiii!
at once relieve the Cough and other
entirety remove that morbid inil/aib.„ ;y as! «, a 1
of the Lungs which give rilsr tht. c,n,v a
ThemedlCal properties arc cor*ne,l in an ag-,:*
ble form and'pleasant to the rage, so that an et ;
will readily take them : and the; are cra:rl':. e d . ,
giye relief in ten minutes at:et in ea.e 3‘
Price 25 cents per hos. For 'sale by Dr. 11,
PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
Attention Regiment !
. .
, 1
. :''*•.; ..
, ' 4
..,- •.ti,4%, %,.
4 ,-
IN t
1 4,
JOHN E. GEIGER, would say tv hi s old friends and
the public at large, that he has constantly on
and manulacturing Miles and Shot lions
Among his assortment of Guns may he found
and single barrelled Gun , , Rules of all kinds warrat,:,d.
Powder Flasks, Shut P)uches, Game 131;4.
Primets. Also, Powder, 611,A., Caps of the best
ty. Aliens' sit barrelled lievul% in; Pistols, do
barrelled self-c,)cking Pistols, Rale Pistols,
Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. 0., Powder in Cans con
slimily on hand.
Any of the above articles will Le sold fo: cu :
for the Ready l'ay.
Keys of any kind fittr d to Doss, Timid.; or ~r•
other kind of locks on Ault notice and rea,on.,::, .• •:.
Repairing done with neatness and d.'spalc'l
patch. • "
few rods north of the Bradford
Towanda. May 22, IEO2. J. E.
TAE Subscribers harinz rnrrne , ' r
under the firm of S. FE:I:MN t
ing a general Liquor business, w
ask Hotel keepers and all other , in tit:
thing in their line to g,iva them a r .
keeping on hand a general as , ' tiate - .: F
Liquors, which we can sell cheare,- tha.,
else in the county, from the fact that we $• 11
from the importers. an 1 there'y save a
charged by the N.Y Johl , er , : arr• w - r.
ed pure and free (mit 1!•• ••i
ly on hand Whiske:,• of thf• cttal•tv. U. h
made arrangement , he we can tarn
cus'omers with tinv ti",2 , .!;tat r r If ‘I,
fresh from the Brewery. •0 ac
The !lutes P. 1 1 ,1 aer,ar ., rof " :a s.
ton & Co., are to our han f•r s•••tic• • .
Towanda, Dec. 1, IQ.Y2
-m ES~e
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Mann fuetor
JERE CULP & Co., rot.i.e,.tfu,.y r, ..• ;
that they hare reinu‘i. , l t,. We ..;up L,i \
recently occupied by Smith a: ,
the Ward House, where they will EL,- „,
large stork of,
TRUNKS, OR LIfiES, Rill( 1 ;
All articles in their line
made of the best material : an i r, r e• •
be surpassed in Northern
a call from those virilunc ter i..r.
they can nice satisfacte.rn •
(Hides and Sheep I'i (LT. .% c
account, at the lowest. rate..
Sale Leather, Upper Lta:'
Calf skins, for sale in any
ON account of los=e-
ore obliged to cad ou
prompt settlement, n. tier a t.
having what is oiling
be sufficient without re, `!::1 tl
Towanda, Dec. 2,
Removed to' B. Blutk
11 . .../. Chfl ni fir ir - lilt.
Az- lus; returure f r.r I!
'At:, - 1I of :New 1 ~rk n:.', 1
. v supply of Watch., ..1,1,
i.. •%-.7 1 Silver wart% cum;
• - '3t the t...:10n it.L. 110 .0
h CII.
, t, I,TI , IEt . 'II. ll ' 1.:. \1 ~;,- .. ,,W
C \N). "1... :,--,.- -4/ . :. a complete assortment of Go,
-----' . Jewelry, such as Ear Rims, F 1:
ger Ring.. Breast Pins, Bracelets. Locketsifr , J , hua
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of : , , :.
and May quantity of Steel Beads—ail • , 1 a %.,:t .. :.,
for sale excecedingly cheap for C Az- ii.
Watches repaired on short notlce. r. - ,'
to run well,ot the money will be refun, , ..i• an a w: - .'
ten agreement given to that effect if fey::: '.•
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and (•occ:r.; l'':Aluc
taken in payment for work ; and als). Lars % ,, r. a ,
oreret, that Me Produce 'awl be paid tri, ,, ~,c,i
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
W. A. CHANII3I:iIIdN. \. 7 '
Towanda, April 2&, 1852.
14 any size, to be bad at the Jewett , . ,
May 15, um. W. A. CIIANII>EId,I)
A horse ! a horse ! my ;,,a;
0 .. • , a horse and customers to
the goods. N o twith , :a:;:.::::
disastrous aga fi in re -1 M 11' 11ZNI.i
And at No. I Brick How rind
Most anything that's in his line,
From a cambricneedle of the tine4t kind,
T cl o ocks a jewwhelichledkweeaptch timeo f t a .i c g c te t t e l k ii a p r l at a t u :7 :
Breast pine of every style and hue,
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with the greatest pains.
Fihger rings, my gosh, why what a
Of every shape and every style,
To suit the old. rho young, tilt ; a
May there be seen in elegant aita)• „,
And WaarrEn, who is himself a
Is always ready and at his
To wait upon his customers and a:1
Who chance upon 'im to give a ca;!.
So with good advice make up vont in.n ,
,To call on him and there you'll tilt!
Such sights,my eyes, 0 ! what a vie"'
Jewelry of every style and hue.
CDon't mistake the place No. I.
where he is prepared to do all kinds of .
in his lino of businea, at the cheapest ral ,
possibly be afforded. He will also sell h • „"'
at 20 per cent lower, than was ever be fore o''"
this market. C• Call and see': rz
Towanda, Nov. 12, 18.52. A. M. AV
THE only assortment of Paper I I a0..:1
this vicinity, with a fresh stock :,,-;
at unusually low prico:, I',
T "" . • '' •
s. El:4'oN
T. l'i)X.
-11 •t