Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 29, 1854, Image 3

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v v irtu e
Fl court of Common Pleas of Bradford county,and
directed, will be exposed to public sate at
c-urd House, in ;he boro of Towanda, on Mori.
II- t he 1g day of May. at 1 o'clock P. M. tt}e fol
,he descrlfred lot, piece or parcel of land/ situ•
Clrcot tp. and bounded on the north by land
; R ,iph Stevens, Ihe east by lands of Ichabod Cor
'h by lands of Thurston Burdock, on the
so a,
; lan& o f 'Tarr ey Hungerford, containing 68
1 ": 100 nerches be the same more or less,
',ryes an' '• •
acres u n pr oved, one frame barn, and an
„ 40
‘rchard and other fruit trees thereon.
dl t )—One other lot, piece or parcel of land
oh • e to the township aforesaid, bounded and de
.robed s foßoas: On the north by lands of Lucius
rands of Matthew Covey, on
h 1 3 11,1 i of Joe
(Id. east by
Joel T. Burdick, on the west
nl ,, flchalq d Corson, containing 17 acres, be
mo ,-, or less, about 4 acres improved.
t".'4.l,'St))—One other lot, piece or parcel of land sit
. 3, m said township of ‘Vilmot, bounded and de.
nhed e; follows,-On the ninth by the public high
aar lea,linr from Terrytown to Albany, on the east
• ; ;ands of Mathew Govey, on the south by a branch
he Sun': Run clerk, on the west by lands of
nor' , od Corson, containiag about 7 acres be , the
more o r Igss, all Mt - proved, one frame House,
, ; , c small rrarne barn aid a small frame building
, d and used ass carpenters' shop, and a few
se ed and is,;en in execution at the suit of Wm.
• Lucius . Huncerford.
1,-'()—Tne following described lot, piece or par.
• of land situate in Wysox twp. bounded on the
-h by lands of John Johnson, on the east by 1 ,nds
Trumbull, on the south by Bertrand
t rev and Alvin Whitnev's lands, on the west
lands In possessine of 'Gilbert H. Gotstine, con
ros and 9-10 peiches. be the same more
~ 1 1\10 acres improved, one log house, and
• :rctuo:d •t 1 and a few small apple-trees there,
1". 1 and to en in execution at the suit of P.
and II Hicks adm'rs of Peter Johnson dec'd
I;orshne and Pomeroy Gorsline.
;l.'O—Tho following lot• piece or parcel ofland
ot Orwell tp. bounded and, described as . fol
-r,-;)n the north by -lands Ibtely owned by Roger
- o r on :he east and south by lands-of James D.
! on rite we-t by lands of Mrs. Marietta Fut
,lohnz 13 acres be the same more or lesa,
s onpr 'reel. one saw mill thereon erec
. ! house standing on the west line and a
trr-•; iherenn
:••••• ken execotton at the suit ofChaun
.17 Riley IL Fuller sod Major B. Dar
si)-The I,l:owing (lescLibed lot. piece orpar
-I 1 'A -I ein Asylum wp., bounded on the
Mary Ann Lanning, on the east by
:,„ ~d Illrforcl, on the south by lands for
inert, •I-• !ale Ralpti Peters dec'd., on the
we :A .1.1!,ns Bragg,icontaining 50 acres,
he h Ir• re or less, aboth 25 acres thrteoftm
ro,r, ,oe lug house and a few fruit trees
:ler.. U.
1 taken in execution at the suit ofJuhn
v. Walter Bragg. and 'S,tuith Tuttle.
1,-I)—The following described piece or parcel
r.: n the in Rome,f bounded on the north
:• John Park. on the east by lands of Silas
the south by the WKap tract. on the west
Chauncey Park*, containing SO acres,
.1• rem onprovedeineTrained house one frame
n. a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
oil taken in executioW t die suit of May
ys. Itarvey Bite, h a rd.
U.-at—The fulluuu , e deserilwd lot, piece or
. f lan. I situate in North T," . twatrla tp. bound
north by lands of John Simon s,on the east
o: ts of David Rutty and fria t il. Stephens, nn
-,llal by lands of I-e H. Stephr na and tl e Sugar
: • . oil die westerly side by the Sugar c. k, con.
.z 11)11 ante:, he the same more or le:skuhout
.—re , thereof unproved, with (Me framed hou‘e.
• •,i I sI it h, gone framed barn and Iwo small
• , and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
st, , ixed and taken in execution at the snit of Spent
nor West, now to the use of E. T. Fot vs. Jesse
Woottrutl. executor of Nathan Coon deed.
fnllowing described lot piece or par.
oVI of l o I situate in '1" use:flora tp. bounded as fol.
lowa—B• gin aura It a p,,,t the south easterly COlll'r
~ I - t he lot. thence north 60° west 20 perches to a cur
ryr. thou , . ii...rt I: 30 ° east 16 pc-m:les to a corner,
~! CO° east 20 perches to a corner near
hull.. thence socith 20° west 16 perches to the
1. ne e of begitintng 'containing 2 acres strict tnea
' 10. on Fti,cor .r crerk road.' short distance
t...,•e Keener's Grist Mill, all improved with one
tut , ,l house and one small framed barn, a black ,
It h .1 1 .1 p awl a few fruit trees thereon.
I-- undt , ,,led one hal of the following
•cri'T.l lon piece or parcel of land situate in Tug
ri tp.' hounded on the north by lands of Pater
I,,at. 011 lie east and west by lands of A. B. Kin
an.l on the south by lands of L. Kinney. cons
, t 2 'acres be the same more or less, about 7
• • proved. •
catt.taken in execution at the suit of 11.-W
Charles Nurs,
\l.s()— . l he following described lot piece or par
laua , nuate in Wysoz twp. bounded on the
v link of Jahn Johnson, on the east by land
Tiumbuil, on the south by lands of tier
a.: , 1 ;cm Whitbey, and on the west by lands
r of Gilbert H. Gorsline, containing
a' , d 9-10 perches be the same more or less
11•P ,, ,E 411 acres Improvia. one log tou‘e; one fram
•:'amn and a few small apple trees thereof).
zed and taken in execution at the snit of Pre
F ;rime:. and Hugh Hicks, adm'rs. of Peter
.1, Sse' A. J. Gor•iline and Pomeroy Gors-
lil.stl—The following described lot pieceor par
it. cf land situate in South Towanda twp. bounded
4 the mirth by lands of Wm. Gregg and Wm. Pat
on the east by lands of Samuel C. Means and
'ter-, I'm the south by lands of Salsbury Cole, John
i s ian<oti an .l others. on the west by lands of 8. 13
Hinman and others. containing 304 acres and 120
:etcher in re or less. being four several tracts of
n!.!..t. lea by Job P. Kirby and wife to Wm. and
;Imes GAT by deed bearing date Dec.'l7„ 1849
law ta. hundred acres of the same improved, two
:timed houses. two log houses, one framed barn,
barn and two orchards of fruit trees there—
ti.r.d and taken in execution at the suit of Job
? Kirby v.. Wm. GotT and James GnB
ALSO—The following described piece or-tit, of
' Ittd in Bortingk i n tp. beginning at s post and stones
th't northwest comer of warrant No. 1499, thence 1
rase 1-17 4-10 perches to a pnbT and stones, the
6 '"Erx! , t c.,•rner of lot No. 25, thence by the same
• v. , : one and I° west, 99 4-10 perches to a post,
east corner of. lot No. 27, thence north 88
and 3-4° west 117 and 4-10 perches to a post. the
'truer of lot No. 27. thence mirth d 1-4°
4-18 perches to the beginning, containing
65 acres and V, and 5 10 perches be the same more
OT ITAS, 20 acres improved.
"-‘zll and taken in execution at the suit of Ed
ward o..tto n v.. Jamas H. Watson.
ALsO—Th e f..llowing described piece or parcel
of land sows In Roma tp. bounded on the north by
land, 01 H eon Dobson on the east by lands of Pat.
r•ck Murphy. on the south by lands of Eli Roly es—
tate, on the west by lands of Thomas Aust
,int con—
taining about seventy acres more or less, about 30,
acres imprimed and a framed house, one long barn
an 1 a rr.w fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of I.M.
Wattles adm'r. of the estate of D. M. Wattles,, de—
ceased vs. Daniel Hill , jr.
ALSO—Dy virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, the
following lot piece or parcel of land situate itrBpring—
field tp bounded as fo llows—Beginning at a beach
N. E. corner of 1 t No 35, on warrant lot No. 942.
t h ence ea st 103 and 1-10 perches to a post N. WW.
corner of lot No. 33. thence south 78 perches to a
post, thence west 102 and 1-10 perches to a ia a m,
thence north 78 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 50 acres strict measure—it being the
torch end of lot No. 34, on warrant lot No. 942.
about 35 acres improved, with a log house, and frame
tarn thereon erected together with a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Ste—
phen Pierce vs. Peter Perhatnas.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Monroe tp. bounded on the north by lands
ll:chard Richards and Joseph nowt, on the east
and south by lands belonging to tbe heirs of Abner
.0. Rockwell deed., -on;-the ,west _by ,the highway
leading from Towanda to Centita,"contsining about
e of an acre,be'the iante_htarnor less,allimproired'
with a large framed building with an engine attach
ed and vats therein, occupied as a leather tannery.
ALSO—One other lot
,piece or parcel of land
situate in said tow.ohip Of Monroe, bounded on the
north by lands of F. Hornet, on the east by the high
way leading from Towanda to Canton,_on thexouth
by lands belonging to Psitgick Haulm on. the west
by lands belonging to J. 'L. Rockwell. containing
about I of an acre be the same more or less. all im•
proved, one two story 'framed house, one old framed
barn and a few fruit trees thereon. -
Seized and taken inexecution at the suit of Brown
& Rockwell vs. John Terwilliger.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or pain
cel of land situate in Albany twp. bounded on the
northerly side by lands of Samuel Vandyke,.on the
easterly aide by the Berwick turnpike. and the south
branch of the Towanda Creek, on.the somberly side
by lands of James Wilcox, and on the westerly side
by wild lands containing about one hundred acres
more or less. and about two acres cleared.
Seized and. taken in execution at the suit of Ira
Smith & Co's. use vs. Benjamin Wilcox; and also
Ira Smith Jr. & Co's::tise is. Benjamin Wilcox.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par
cel of land situate in Shishequin'tp: bOunded on the
north and , west by lands of Obediah Gore, on the
east by the public highway leading en the east side
of the Susquehanna river (rim Athens to Towanda,
- on the south by a lane 'leading from said highway.
to Davidson & Gore's mill, containing about of an
acre, be the same more or less, all unproved, one
framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
E. Lent to the nee of Thomas Mit:tier es. James B.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, March 28, 1854. t
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the cysts will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon ti failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of hind will
again be offered Tor sale.
West Branch Clover Beed.,.
sABusliel of West Xisanch Closer seed. lust re.
fill ceived a first rate article, and for sale at the
lowest cash price, by BALLY & NEVINS.
March 1, 1854.
Binghamton Stone Lime.
irin ilarrels of of Binghamton Stone Lime, just re.
caved a first rate artic:e fresh from the kiln,
and for sale by
March I. 1854.
Clover Seed.
64 13cshels of first rate Clover sHeedifmorEsßsltelubya
Towanda. March 1, 1854
Now Land Clover Seed.
Q,,,r" Bushels of New Land Clover seed, just Freely
ed end for rale cheap by B. KIN QUERY.
Towanda, March I. IBSL
Auditor's Notice.
/a the matterof the estate of John M. Davidsmi,deed.
In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County, Feb
Term, 1854.
1. HE undersigned, an auditor appointed by said.
Court to di-tribute money in the hands of the
administrators of said estate, will attend to said bu
siness at his office in the borough of Towanda, on
Tuesday the 25th of April, A. D. 1854, st 2 o'clock,
P. M. When and where all persons having claims
against said estate must present them, or be forever
eebarred from said fund.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
T owanda, March 24, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the esiate of Patrick Murphy vs. Dan
iel Hill, Jr. el al. No 178 Dec Term, 1850. In
the Common Pleas of Bradford County.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by laid
Court, to distribute money in the hands of the
Sheriff raised by the sale of Real Estate, will attend
to saiJ business at his office, in the Bozough of To
wanda, on Saturday, the 29th day of April. 1854, at
2 o'clock P.M. said day, when and where all per
sons having claims upon said, fund. must present
them or forever be debarred from the same •
P. 1). MORROW. Auditor.
Towanda, March 30, 1854.
—,- 13—
Orphan's Court Sale.
DV virtue of an order of the Orphan's court of
Bradford county, I will expose to sale by public
v endue on Saturday, the 15th day of April next, at
one o'clock. P. M. of that day, upon the premises in
the township of Litchfield, twenty-eight acres of
Laud, it being a stnp twenty-eight rods in width,
across the south side of the following described
piece or parcel of laqd situate in Windham town
ship, in said county. boin!ded on the north by Par
dun Kinyon and the high way,on the east by Harvey
Dunham, on the south by Elijah Jackway. aqd on
the west hy Parley Johnsons Terms made known
on the day. of Fate. SAM L DAVIDSON,
March 9, lB.s4.Guardian of Mary Ann Dewarest.
In the matter of 'The Firtt Universalist Society of To.
wanda,' Bradford county. In the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford county of May T. 1854,
No 118
lkTo . ricE is hereby given, that Stephen Powell,
.1. 1 4 Geo. Sanderson, David L. Scott, Percival Pow
ell, Gordon F. Mason and others on the 21st day of
February A. D. 1854,, prevented to , said Court an
io.trament io wriling;the objects, articles and con•
dthons therein set forth and contained, a appearing
to them lawfal.and not injurious to the community
—whereupon they direct the said wriunglo be filed
and that notice be given in one newspaper at least
three weeks before the next Court ofeommon Pleas
of said county, setting forth that an application has
been made to grant such an Incorporation according
to law. ALLEN M'KEAN, Proth'ry.
Towanda. April 1, 1854.
U 7131 71E 4 INC 1151 'WI MEM. lir.
J. Ter\lToo3s3l, DIONMEra I ,
HAVING entered into an arrangement by which
he can hove BLOCK TEETH furnished to or
der, informs the public that be is prepared to mount
suction plates in this new and 'unproved method.
The great-superiority of the block style of mount
log plates is at once apparant to those who have for
any Irtii;tl4 of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who ha e yet to be initiated, it is only necessary to
say, the in the old method. of mounting the plate
w,th • succession of single t.eth, it was no unusual
.thing for a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no
such actident..can take place, the teeth .being ill
connected by each other. In the second place, the
plate with block teettLis always clean and sweet, be.
cause there is no chance for deposits of food being
, made, email, the upper _rim being capped,
thus etectustly . pfecluding even the sativithom ma.
king aloagment, and - in the third place. the adapts
tton of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas
ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made ex
actly to correspond with thoseaf the teeth of the op.
posing jaw. =
Withka , properit fitted suction plate;.havingan air
chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person
may:crack kicWory nuts.with impunity,
" And aleepin spiie of"--toolhaelir.
• ALL wow( arausawrza.
Towanda, March 10, 1854.
buy &nue. (by her eat - fi(en Archibald J.
Corey) vs. John L. Iloinfer-- .7n 'Bradford. Coin,
Pleas, No. 80, Dec. T 1853.41 i. sub. Divorce.
TOHN L. HOSMER, defendant in the nheee cause
eP —You are hereby notified thatrour wife Lucy 13 ,
Hosmer (by her nett friend Arcbibsl4 . J.Corey) has
, filed her petition for a a. divorew from the bonds.of
matrimony. • And an alias subpoena has been
tamed and proof made that you are- not to bi &and
in mid county. You are therefore ,hereby - required
1 :1ad
; i n P ea a
, o r n ,at the Court. House in the borough of To.
Monday, the let dal of May nett. being
the first day of May term of said court of common
pleas, to answer the said complaint, awl show cau se
if any you hare, whythe said Lucy *ball not k di.
vorced from you. O.THONAS. Sheriff.
tThcria er. OtEcc, Towanda, March 9, 1991.
C. TEIO,I,IAS, Sheriff.=
Subscribers`reepectfoliyin orm e ct'reen
of.Bredforer County; as well as all others de—
aironsolpurchaiing. that they 'have - oPened an es•
tablishment in Towanda,. it , st:door to 0. D. Hart
lett's Store, wherothey. dew - Otfer to, the public at.
whole-s_ale or retail, a large .assortment of
sadal. mars cmoirsiNG
manufactured by or expressli for themselves, and
warranted to be•of the .best materials and made in ,
the tpmet substantistand fashionable manner, which
they Will fell at their:west possible prices.
They will keep ran .hand an extensive ssortnien t
of f Olrttos, Cassimerea, -- Vistings, and Tailor,e Trim
mrnga.. _AltriTrutlks. Carpet haft, Hats and Caps,
sad Gentleman's Furnishing - Ctoodi. ,
iWe intmid•to. offer the public a larger and betrer
assortment, than ever before kept in this place, and
to merit the patronage of the public,by selling them
a good article-at prices much lower than any other
Cutting done at the shortest notice.
117/' Nathan Alexander respectfully requesti from
his old friends, a continuance of their patronage,
and assures them they shall meet with the same
satisfaction as formerly.
Main street, Towanda; 25 Lake street, Elmira ;
and Tioga, , Pa, NATHAN ALEXANDijtB,
April t 5, 1554. _
Orphan's Court Bale.
BY virtue of an oder of the Orphan'a court of the
county of Bradford, will be exposed to'public
sale upon the premises, on the.,loth day of May.
1854. at 'one o'clock, P. M., the following property
late the estate of J. J. Watford, deceased—
All that piece or parcel of land, shutie in the tp.
of Monroe aforesaid, and bounded and described as
follows—Beginning at a stone in the centre of the
State road and Berwick turnpike, at M..nroe cor
ners, thence south 91° west 5 & 7-10 perches, to a
stone in the centre of the road, the course of the lot
of N. D. Warford, dec'd„ thence along the line of
said Wader& north 781° west 8 perches to a post,
thence by the t same north 91° east 11 feet to a post,
thence by the dame north , 7Bl ° west 12 3-10 rods to
a post, thence by the same and by H. S. Phinney's
line south 91 ° west 12 100 rods to the line of J.B.
Hinman's land, thence by the same north 761° west
45 3-10 rods, thence by the same north i ° Vast 3
rods, thence by the same north 791° west 76 2-10
rods to the line of lands claimed by A. L. Cranmer
and J. B. Smith, thence by the line of said Cranrna.
and Smith north 1° east 78 3-10 rods to a post the
corner of lands formerly owned byilf.nas P. Smith.
thence along the line of land of the same south 586°
east 79 7-10 perches to a post, thenie along the same
south 476° east 37 perches to the line of ()ranee
Scbrader's lot, thence by the same south 316° west
36 perches, thence by the line of the lots of Orange
Schrader, Jacob M'Boll, Brown & Rockwell, Abram
Pia, Joshua Peckham, south 45° east 19 2-10 rods
to the nouth east corner of Joshua Peckham's lot,
thence by said Peckham's line north 45° east 11
rods to the centre of the turnpike, thence along the
centre of the turnpike south 45° east 33 3-10 rods
to the place of beginning. Containing 42 acres and
32 perches, more or le3rt, about twenty acres under
improvement, with fruit trees, &c., thereon.
There is also upon this property, a large tavern
house. situated in the village of Monroeton, with
two large barns attached, now o:copied by A. D.
Brown. Terms made knowp on the Jay of sale.
March 22. 1844 , Administrators..
Auditor's Notice.
Samuel Rezford, assignee of Henry P Yeoman
Horace C. Tallman and Rebecca Tallman,and ter•
re tenants. in the Common Picas of firiulfird
County. Mo. 133. May Term, 1853.
THE undersigned Auditor, appeinted by the Court
to distribute funds received by Sheriff's vale of
defendant's real estate. seized in execution issued in
the above suit, will aitend to tha duties of said ap
pointment at his his office in Towanda bore. en the
29th day of April 2955. at t o'clock P. M.. where all
persons interested are retuned to present Theirelaims
or be debarred from said fund.
Much 25, 1954.
Archibald J. Corey vs. fir Jury CoreyNo 79, Dec.
Term, 1853. Alias SubircraU in Divolre.
MARB COREY, defendant in the above cause
You are hereby notified that Archibald J Corey
your husband, has filed his petition for i ts divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias sub.
pmna has been returned, and proof made that you
are not to be found in said county. Yon are there
fore, hereby required to appear at the Court Home
in the borough of Towanda. on Stood:iv, the Ist day
day of May nest, being the first day of said term of
said court of common pleas. to answer the - said
complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Archibald shall not be divorced from you,
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March S. 1854.
Maria Woodruff, (by her next friend Elisha Softer
lee.) vs Thomas P. Woodruff—ln Brad. Corn.
Pleas, 11'o 78, Dec. T. 1853. Ale. sub. Divorce.
rrtiOS. P. WOODRUFF, defendant in the above
cause—you'are hereby notified that your wife,
Maria Woodruff, (by her neat friend El ishn Sauer.
lee) has filed her petition far a divorce from filet
bonds of matrimony. And an alias suopcena has
been returned, and proof made that you are not to be
fonild in said county. You are therefore hereby
requiredlo appear, at the 'Court House to the boro'
of Towanda, on Monday the Ist day of May next.
being the Ist day of May term of said :ours of coop
moo pleas, to answer the said complaint, and. show
canse.if any yon have, why the said Maria ttlall not
be.divorced.from yon. C. THOMAS..fiberiff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 8, 1854.
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that there has been bled
and settled in thealce of the Register for the
Probate of Wills, and granting letters of Adminis
tration in and for (Le county of Bradford, accounts
of Administration upon the following estates viz;
Final ccount of Ja:nes R. Irvine, administrator of
the estate of Welch Irvine late of Monroe, deed.
Final account of Emaline Demurest administra
rrix of the estate of James N. Demsrest, late of
Windham, dec'd.
Final account of John Hatch, aders. of the estate
of Lyman Vandyhe,late of Albany, deed.
Final account of Sally Moody administratrix of
the estate of Nathaniel Moody late of Sheshequin,
.Final account of Julia Ann Forbes and William
Forbes, adm i n. cf :he estafe of Charles Forbes date
sif Rome, deed;
Final account of Wm. E. Maynard andlolna Pass
more adm'rs. of the estate of Lemuel S. Maynard laic
of Rome, dec'd.
Fital account of John M. Wattles ode's. of the
estate of David M. Wattles late of Rome. dec'd.
Final account of Elias Rockwell and Betsey Rock
well adm'rs. of the estate of Samuel Roden ell jr. late
of Canton. de 'd.
Second partial account of Horton Kingsbery, Jo
seph Kingsbery and L. O. Kiogsbery executors of
the last. Will and, testament of. loseph,,Kingsbery
law orBheAequip. deed.
Final ageount-of Ueorge Tracy and Cynic War
. ford_ eXectitofti ol the. Cast Will and testament of
Moses Watford late of Durell decd.
Final account of T. M. Wilson and Andrew Fee
adm'rs. of the. estate of John Feeilate of Monroe,
-The account of Titeadore Wilder,_ guardian of
fables Sebermerhorn,Theodore Scherme thorn, Ads.
line 'Elehortnerborit end ' Cernelia Scbermerborn..
beiriiof bfauticyjdaterinerhorn; dec'd. _
And. tbe 'tannerseill„ be, prciented to the Crphans'
Cowl of Eridford 'County on'Monday the 14 day of
May next for cOottrioation
H. iro allowance.'
L. SCOTT, Register.
Regimen's Office
Towanda, April 41045
GROUND PLASTEIL-30 toss Cartla Croatia
Plaster, on band and for sale by
March 15, ts! , l. BAILEY & NEIT.V3.
-------- , „•,.. •
A Wpersons.indsbted w ttie . 4ustale. 8. B.
gu il isdk ; . : die g ased.latit'jf Catitcjii;iwii; See_
herehirrequested tosnalte imniediate pitySnent And
those basing claims' against said .estate.;„
please present them duly asithentielted t foi settle
March 8, 1831.
Auditor's. Notice. •
In the eiantter of the Mole oficinathars Brink deed. In
the' Orphans' Codri of Bradford_ County
PRE undersigied having been-appoixted,an any
ditor Ao hear, examine and keport the fi•
nal account of the administrators of Jonathan Brink,
dee'd. to which' exceptions are filed, Win' "attend: to
the duties assigned him on the 28th day of April
next, at 1 o'clock, P, M. at hia offiee in the boro of
Towanda. WM; ELM , ELI.; Auditor.
March 28, 1854. ' --
ALL persons are Cautioned against . purchasing'
two notes given tit, Herrick. in the.tore part of
February, 1854, payablB to John M Furman or bear.
er—one 16. the other . 19 months afterdate. I *bail
not pay said notes ; tinlOss compelled ,by law, as I
have received no value for the time.
Rome, March 29, 1854. • -
• lE. 3. NEADITiZe
iTTOII..VEIr 47' 'AL al ii ,
Office with the Register and Recorder.
(A FFICE in the second story (tribe Unicin Block,
north side of the Public square, aver the office
of J. C. Adams, Esq. , Sept. 24.
IS Now opening a New &roc): oe Goons, consist
lag of full and complete assortment of all kinds
whichiwill be Fold as cheap as the same quality o
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New-
Towanda, Dec. 10,1853. •
Joseph Powell, `k •
I s NOW receiving a large sick WINTERGOODS, of every description, which the public
is respectfully itivited to cell end examine, as sofii ,
cient inducement will be offered to those wi.hing to
purchase. to make it an object fur them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
MINK' SKlNS.—The'higheat price will be paid in
cash for any gentility of Mink skins, by
Jan. 1, 1054. MONTANYES' & CO.
A"Ejust receiving at their large end commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, a large
assortment of
Prot:inane, Groceries. rinikee Notions Trays, Find,
co, fectionnry, Willow wore, Mc.,
making their stock the largest, most completeland-beet
in Northern Perins)lvanla. And the very liberal pat
ronage they hive received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they either sell
chtaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er dealers
To merit and iodine' a continuance of so liberal pat.
ronage we shall still Mow our old motto—'• SX•11.
Below we name a few of the articles that always be
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Hio and Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar. molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice,
cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace. soh, saleratus, cream
tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap. emcgar, starch, 4-c.
Mess pork, dried beef, baits tiud shoulders, mackerel
codfish, shad, pielieled herring, smoked herring, whey
&tor. buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans
potatoes, butter, bud, crackers, &c.
Bruit & Nuts.
Prune;, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples. almonds, filberts, drezil nuts, Grew),
ble and Madeira walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts,
German, French and American Toys,
Fancy Goods, dice. &c.
- •
Till wagons, reeking horses, boys', sleighs. China &
pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, hanno.
nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks'
and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier macho and leather port maniacs,
wallets and purses, ivory , horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, poci
et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff boxy
cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils. •
Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pini, bench screws. Wil•
low C I othes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice
Candy of •all kinds.
Dairy and table Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc.
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New York prices.
C) -- • Most kinds of country prnducc taken in exchange
for goods. BAILEY do NEVINS_
_ Towanda, January 2. 1854. •
Pnrs! rim!!
A gamily of Fur Vie,iorings and Cull's of differen
I nelities, fur sale kr COST by •
Jan. 19, 1851. 11. MERCTIR.
pers.., indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens. dec'd. late of Stand ing Stone,are hereby
requested :0 make payment irtzhout delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
R. W. BILES ' :Administrators
Aug. 27, 1553.
II EVE come to the condo:sLn that the time has
conic, that ilehis can be coHeeted, and after
waiting patiently far Yeill(and finding the Good
Time has srrived, when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products, they hope this notice will
suffice for a more aatensiee one and that payments
will either ho made in Grain at the present high'pn
ces or in Cash.
Their Assortment - of GOOD. is replenished week
ly from New York City, and will be sold cheaper
than at retail in the Great Emporium itself.
Towanda, tannery 1; 195-1. •
The subscribers, Administrators of the estate of 0.
`.Gray, deceased,,bereby,7 give not:co . that they will
attend at the house.lateof asi I.deceased, on Tuesday
and Wednesday, the 7th and Bth of March nest, for
the ptir'pose of scUltnilsaid estate, All persons .hav
ing claims will please pigment them in proper shape
fin settlement, and.all . persona indebted are notified
that a settlement will be asp ected .at.that time with.
out fail. . A. W. GRAN,
' •Februar J. W. GRAY,
y 3,1854. ,,,
- ,
JUBT r ec e ivid'oew sbpply oflEk.bool ind Mir
delLaneous Book'. -, J.KINGSB4Iity
Dee. 22,1853: - ,
Cistern and Well Pumps I
EAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Mons! ' , cif any kind
bin, &c.. cheap fur ready pay.for sale by
!an. R, 15 I.A. • • ,
'routing the Public Eqr.zro.
TnE , svbacriber, thankful fur the liberal patr,mace rereived Ile past tear, intcnls to keep con:oar:fly on
hand n full assortment of the very heat articles u.ually kept in our lint., which trs w I it of on
such terms as will he satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purelieres air ilmde eniirrly with rash
in hand, and fur the CAsu our eudorners uiil receive Ore ben, fit of a eon I ”rridriiit it low vire. Ali articles
not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully lahat lwek, awl the nwnry refuhrled.
I:I?' Medical Advice gratuitously given at the OffleP, charging i.nly for the Medicines.
The stock comiAs of a complete and select assortment 0
- Pure Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal use, LoNIA Polifll &Lich Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, ( garrantd Good.)
Superior TOBACCO & S2II7PP!---Che'r,e brands cf Pure Z-Earzakna, Principe
and 'Vara EaCCEI.E.S
PAINT?, n i ;,
Black and Green Teas : Rio and Java Coffee : Mo;asse., SyrupF,,§ugar , , &c. &e.
Salmon, Mackerel, ;s.arainc , , &c.
" 711 e best qinlitn (f Goi),7,—Fail profdi_Rei3l
Adulteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patc.d I:cratlics—and Cloy , Attentean to Bustots..'
Towanda, Novomber 12, 1851. H. C. PORTER, IL 117,.,,
Residence. on Pine Sir& npposile the nil p,
°frets h:s professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can alwovt I , e found nt hia
office, in Dr. PORTER ' S Drug store, when not pro
fessionally engaged. _ _
ifiee it the tiorib egi,l of it, Weld I; ws•-• ilattly
by Laporte, Ma.,401 & Co I
Towanda, March, 5. 18:,3.
_) TONS more of hoe cheap Sinr,ar4 just reed
and for sale
PEAS—A few chests gond and cheap fur sale
BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and
cheapest as
nbrtment in Towanda. by PHINNEY.
TIRES'S Goods, of the stt lea and patterns.
consisting in pan of Mouslin Delatnes, all wool
delaines black 4. fancy silks, French, 'o ne,tic and
Scotch 61 rgharns g print.z, of csery ste le by
Oct. 24, 1853 MUSSES'.
ATS, Caps, S. Bonnets, a Ls. r a:mrnt
1.1 end
cheap, by PATNNEY.
_ _
CLOTHS, cessimeros, yr , , jeans,
and Tweeds of an J .,•1 received by
Oct. 24, 1853. I'HiNNEY.
FIANNELB—Frencli, Ar, I Sal: , 4:iry,
for sale by PIiINNEY.
AATANTEO—aII hind.. r! Cfl lomber for
which same ca =.ll ifl be paid by
Oct. 24, 1853.
The War Quesiien S'itled iu
ONTANYES & CO. 0. , 1•;:. id the c
won to enlarge !hc:r i• view of the
unparalleled pro p. thn• ,011.• re tilt trom n state
peace. They therefore, alit.' rourniog thanks for
former favors, invite the attenti, , ri vt the citizens 01
thiA and adjoining counties to the examination of
Fall and Winter Geolls
consisting of all the varietiei o' Fancy and Dress
Goods, as also heavy et
Hardware, ['rockery, Gruc,,lrs, Hariir, and Car
riage Trtminio,c7v, Lrailur, ,
all of which Hill be offered at e.hole:,ale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to
Sept. 1, !Ka
...11L. MIL 11: :61A1 /110
a.t c lf 'S):, LZ, 29
Imagss4E sroch
South Corner of Merear's Mock, fittzin Street,
AKB now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fall and Winter rampri , ing full
and complete assortment, and of the a<nal variety,
which will ha sold at a very small profit ror Ready
Pay. Among the assortment of
will be found a great variety of I.adieb . Dress Gov&
consi,ting in part of
Raves, B rege Delaincs, Dclainrs, Lawns,
plain and printed ; Uniglutins,
seutch and Arnerican ; Poplins,
Prints if all sharks and
colors . 6'c .
Also, for men's wear may he found Broad Cloth*.
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin
and Summer Vesting%
• Also, Sheetings, Shirting% bleached and brown,
Ticking% Summer Goods for boys wear. Cotton
Yarn, Carpet. Warp, Cotton Batten, &e.;
A full stock will be kept on hand. Tho'e in want
of t• agars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses. rilewart's hest
Syrup, oiipices. Pepper Ginger. Saleratus, Flour.
Pish.Balt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call Cu us before purchasing else'
A large-a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and titone-were, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Ca pa—
Nails. Paints, Oils. Glass clad- Puffy.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past sea
son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring stock, be
lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure
&speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY dz MOORE.
:Towanda, Nov. 24 1853.
Paper Nanginge, - ' ' .:
li very fine ninety of Satin - and common piper
ii, Hangings. curtain papers and transparent win
dow shades, just recd by . J: POW . ELL:
Towanda. &pt. 10, 1853"
A complete assortment of black, plaid and colored
11 dress silks—all wookinlaings„mous.lin delain es,
Deflegcs, 'Mkt cloths, pat3tnettss, &c, just reeetv•
J. rtl'A'LLI.,
♦ SPLENDID •ssonr-at.'T ra
-- AN D IT
ISIiING to dispo•e of his prop e rty, nt slivslic
-1; V quill township, Bradf•r.l c unto, PeTalsYlv.i
nia, the stit'seriber ulTers i'oc sale the tn.,:
rea.onahle terms, and invites the attentaia
%visiting to purchase.
The propeity contains Inc, hundred and fory4l s
acres of land, ly trig alortF, !..Sti,i - pif•hu:sr • • •
nth a large pm - tion of river lilts, L . : the •
ri,•iality of grain land, and well adapted
'1 he unprovemehts are a :AI
BitICK 1401::;L:. Ludt lu
in b e -t .
Atakva ' ' • T 3 • •
A and wood hew: ill :ch‘:•l.
three other Dwelling hnu-es and thrre
two large double roofed sheds for stable, al
Tiler,: are tl;r,e 01Wil1riD:, 1 chu
trerg, and a y , ung Peach erchc•J of
1c ,I with cart
e: 4 lity-lite acre, are under
provernent, and the ccvercd with titubLt,
such as oak. hick. , ry, pOte,et. c.&c., all Leisg,
, opylie.l with springs el water.
I hi. pr,pe fly was fnrmerly in three iarrtt ,, . and
w.'.l tiuw be sold in suit purchasers . , either whole br
-c par I. ly. and wring of paitnent wad:: easy. !tot'.
f , is un't.• , :nents rarely ?net u i h, be:r.g within
mde. of Towanda. (the county ;eat). cropoaite th
Branch Ca r pal, 14 mil-•s tram the Ncyr 1 - nut.
I.ok and Erie Radruad, nioncd:ately upon . ..0)
line of the prnjected Noith Pcnnsy:vanta Itallrond
.11.phcation may be wade to layssca ItlEtteun.E..‘i
'Cowat..i.i. or the subscriber upon the pi enowia.
Jan 2, la:)1. JOHN Itl . NlAllOg.
li .I,yeirapercisnotsoldbythel :•:
\larch n c.l; he ;yhttl, r.a•rving '
r 2 .5 I/1,"2,-
r 111 In•titution,for the education of young ladies
ma , orened 011 Tueiday the guth lizepteinber.os
the 1 , 1111,113,g torineily occupied hr Mrs. Mer:ur.—
It is now owlet . the charge of Mks Ouvis D. HAN -
soy, aided by her sister Miss Rye:wet D. HATis(or.
'rhe number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
,eholastic year erinsiida of foity-four weeks.
T ram c—.s6, 59, and $l2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued.
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French.
:1 per qua rt•-r.
Ecren EXCEC Rev. Dr. ltt.tri.t.tN, Vice President
of the College of New Jersey, Princeton.
• Han. D‘vt a %V xLmor, lons T.tronTE Esq., C. L.
WARD, Esq., Heyr.Gr.o. S.oincnsos, 'Towanda.
Air !SS REBECCA 11. HANSON prnpnces to give
instruction to the young Wits of this piece
on tlie Pi sN,P. Ter:7ll—'ilo per quarter.
.1 pi lioatigin to he . ..7We to Miss Itangen at the
Ward HollslP. ”r at 013 Towanda Female Seminary
:71ci•leint,e'r 22. 1553. _ _
arl U.'1'. is now rec..l% in; a larg*
kJ. and cat cfutly sett eted stock-of
bought for cash since the tate declines' n priceA,
which he will offer lor icady pay at prices tthich
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things
he invites particular attention to his assortment of
Drees Goals.
Towanda, April 15, 18:'3.
Clover Seed.
A QUANTITY of West Branch Closer Seed,just
recived end ft.r sale by J. rowELL.
FehrtiAiry 15, 1854.
U; helm Mallory, (by her 74c.ri friend Thomas Ifyalt)
es Charles W. Mallory—No. 81, Dcc T 1853.
Alias Rubprnd in Di vorce.
CAI xRI..Es W. MALLORY, defendant in the,
above cause, you are hereby notified-tbn Optic.
lia Mallory your wile. has plod her p'.2lition for a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias
'4l4lDna has been roomed, and proof made that
you pre not to be. found in said county. iota ard'
therefore, hereby required to appear at the Court,
House in the boro' of 'Towanda. on Monday. the Ist
day of May nest, being the first day of said term of
said coOrt of c.nenmon'pleas, to answer the said cam
plaintvand show cause. din you have, why the 6aol
Ohphelia shall not be divorced frem - you. •
C. THOMAS. Sheriff:, •
1851. . 5
THE Copartnership under wh;ch -the subscribers
have on business, is dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will be closed up by
either party at the Old Stand, Debts due us mu. 7 -1
be paid. WELLES & HARMS.
Athena, Jan. 17, 18.51. "
300 NEW BARRELS, fir for Pork or r
nt rvh. MLniv •
Too tA .3.