Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 22, 1854, Image 4

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Eff , mg,
IXTOI:I.D respectfully calf - the itt7tt_i.'n of
V public to their large stock of Was' and boye-,
rnhtng Goods, coneiging ()revery; variety
Brondel•dios. Ccissiineres, Doe akins• Ttent4
Li;irns, Shirts, Galas Stocks. Cia&ats,
' I lumery. Smspelidcrs 11tIs.
' Bags, Triiras, 'Culp &c. ip..- L 7 •
*hick will be sold cheaper than the a .
be ...Id to anti other e,taliii,hniettt in this cowry....
Thor have also on han.l a well manufactured as ,
sortaien t of .• .
Itoady-22adc Clothing,
whi,h se invite the uitention.of buyers- Out
13:ihina matte tin ur the shop—and Iltpt
puich.ised at etup-Atp.s''—as some we wintor.
Order* in the Tailoring, Uwe executed in the most
manner, at the shortest niAlce, and war
17 The plibli4 will plel-ie ur nix one fact. tin
-750 ()vs not-praclienlly ni-qn tined with ihe b
is capable of iitileinz atid
errinent ; hen's the ri•rison by the e.oin.lnitititt
have been s r mach tutp•ised iivion:•by a C:fluin
of community wh t deial in ?lie a,tide, whit, if !Lev
we re not practieully and prao,aiona:ly soul '
of necessity know nothing about the husinrNs.—
They are cermin. if ihe public would coniiult theft
true interest; they would purchase on'y of those ac ,
quainted vrithtlie hn , inea , t.
Puna da, Aviil :2, ISN.
the Brick B9ork: nest ‘l. - ior to M ercurs store have
. just added to their swell, a large and fashiona
ble assortmeut of
Ready made Clf,thiiig,
of every varietV, both of stele and prier. to v,
they a4l: the attention of the pablic. This 14 now
the largest stock
Ever 0 ffered in Towanda !!
and will be sold at prices exiinsiiletratde lower than
ever before bnown in this pl-rte Our Rands are
.electel with a reirii,ll..ittt to style and price, and
offer inilneernente.nvt to he nr t with at any other
irangers-r isi'ing - la in want of CIL thing
ai!l find
at our establi• mit, in th s secti , m of-the coyniry,
and made in such = y:e and materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We I.ltall endeavor by •
secure petronaae. feeling confident that our arti
cles will give satisfaction to rite purchaser.
The assnrtrnent comprises every article required
for a eentleman's outfit. TERMS--CA•rifi.
Overcoat's. Coats Pants, Otrcralls Caps ,irc
LOCATIII,I4.—NrXI door 50101 of Mercur's Main
et. Toiranda ; and No. 7 Water et. Ari.onts Hall.
CETAII kind= of C,,nntry Produce, WI ,
en is exchange for Goods
Towanda, 0,,c101 , er lssl
COM 0, - R,Vr . :i3TOTTIN:G}
Orer I Kirez.bery's Start—Entrance wit dam 1,
Afonfan!, , es . Store op .clalre.
iI,TEFIJL for past favors, announces to his
friends an I the piOlic in general, that he still
keeps on hand a good men t of READY Mans
CL.rllllll, which lie wi , l 501 cheap for CASA. He
believes that a 'Nimble ,;Ipelare' is tr , wth more
titan a slow rhatm He also has commenced
insnufacturitig Ciol tog —selecting the cloths hie:*
self in the city, a d employs none but the best of
workmen in making than np. VC would assure
his cii , tomer‘ that his Clothing is , nanufactured cin
der his own c} e, and in his own -shop, and not lei
out-by the joh to unexperienced or incompetent cv•.tlc
men. Thus, persons wi , hin? a slit or any portion
ther'tof, can circler ihe Caine with a perfect certainty
of getting a good dt.
He has also on hand sonata) 3.5-ctn . :rot (it ten,
tlemen's Shirts atoll Collars, a hint he will sell
cheap for cash.
(J:• Custo n worlt . promplv thne a= usual. H e
invites his friends to call on hrn nt his new quarters,
over .1. King•diery's store, and iinme lig oppo•ite
U. Mercur's Law Office, bef,ire buying ef-iew4;iere
Now if you are wai,!ing. you surely can tiod,
rants,'Par.tis and Vcs.ts•jn%t inndo to your intn.l.
So nice an 1 si, snug the'y'd suit to a T„
perfc , ,dy line, therl_ no room for a ;lel
If your linen wants ehatiqing. nti lom , limes it will
Y. find shirts and c.i;la rs for a very small bill :
Cottle then one enlall, who are out clothe ho wing
And you can be fitted by Geonns N. BCNTI Sr.
N. B. He is sole Agent for Howes Jr.
patent Sowing lE7aclaine,
for the cenntirs of Bradford and SuNnehanna. Any
person wishing to purchase thr rigtit fur using the
above Machine in said counties. can be accommo
dated by calling on him, where they ran nee it ape.
rate. It is well demons:riled that this machine is
the best patent now in use. Its validity has been
established by fri , tri at law in Boston, in July, 1852.
This trial resulted in lolly c.mfirmina and establish
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the e=.
elusive right' and use of all needle end shuttle Ma
chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch and seam
formed thereby• G. H. B.
The public are cautioned against porchasing spu•
rious Machines, as all dewing Machines now in nee
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
hare infringed, by piing Machines or otherwise,
who wish to save legal expenses, mar obtain proper
licenae under the original patent by applying as
above. •
Towanda, Aligu.t. 15, 1853
The Waverlrileady Made Clothing,
lAon & Wells, 'Merchant Tailors,
YE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
Bradford County. that they have just received
the larva and moat fashionable stock of
ever brought into ' old Tiogn,' consiatin,g in pars of the
following articles:
,Over, Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ;`. Vests, Pants,
Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravats,Oollers, Pocket h'dkle, &e.
Cloths and Trimmings constantly on band—also
aurfall favhion of Hats and Caps.
Our stack of Fariaiilling Goode h unsurpassed in
.7:iosa, and comprising everything necessary Or a gen-
Anuou's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to oar
-Hawing ;waived the latest New York Fashions, we ere
p to getup suits on the shortest notice and inn
ior. manner. CUT FING done on short notice,
vat-warranted to fit if properly swede uo.
morr & WELLS.
Draml at., first door east of the Post Office.
Waverly, Nov. 10, 1953. y
Itiantoocyk t()f :iisfedEpwittchms yswFaannde7Ceoonddisd
-Litops—some of them new and beautiful patterns.
In short, everyihing advertised in his regular col-
UMW has been completely tilled up, wills freak Goods
ftont flaw-York and Philadelphia.
Mathewson'a Horse Remedy. Bargliag-CiL,Mus,
tang Linament, and se.seral uew and popnlar,Medi
cines.which will be iold extremely low for Cash.
Paints, Qils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liqaors,
.Sza., as usual.
March 24, 1631.
- _~.
V. E. 801,0!.107;
-'''f caul°
r atm being`i : eitleuisheil with a full and complete
block of
Zirug, Medicines,
Paitit3. Oils, Fininditit, triudnu. Mag. Pure Jrine‘
and Throrl, &c ,
to ~ h, r t, every thing connected with the little. The
l; (+An hire been b °ugh f.XI re in elk frie;::44l;
and will be sold- ;
N. B. .A .nperior article : of Tanners and 111fai!..
Foot Oil i‘bt received.
Urn E guru the place-3 doors aptith of Man.
tanve'a corner—.arse building of ihe. Art; us Office
July 30, 19513.
No. 2 'LILY= ROW, Miriort OUT,
ENTOVF,T) to the.tore recently 'neenPied by
S. Bailey as grodeirc and Post office 3 doors
south of Montanyes envier where he has reeeiyed
a full.. n-w and complete stork id MEDI
CINES, GRV &c. a hich he will sell cheap.
et for each than ever.
Here yo. will find atii,expd a f ew leading articles
, Senna Alex., ir1157.,;4 , Ai
doln,he llix taps
Cream Tarim Liniment
Stip C Soda Hair Dv ,
Manna, • ilaTlern tail
Magnesia Calo'd Ointment. 'Trask'
_Cars , , do Dallev's
do S,S In McAlle•ter
Shaker; j
In Extritc.ta
!Til len'. A Iciiieolin x't
IRI ei Extract
'slap Ectract
Mei:akin:s Vanilla Ex't
. Le moo —do.
do Maee do
iln A lmond do
do tln7r3
do Allspice do
do Nutmegs do
An Peach do
do Conger do
do Cinnamon do
do Orange do
do Tooka do
do Music do
do Violette do
do Magnolia do
do Sweet Bri'rdo
do Jestnio do
do Jocier Cl'b do
do Caroline do
do Jenny Lind do
do Boquet do
i.3yringe, Pewter as'at'at
I do Class do
!Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do G. E.
Rad Rhei Turk
do do
do Ipecac
do Jalap
do Conger %%late
Ito Orris
Gum Camphor
do Opi Turk
do My rrb Turk
du A rabic do
do Copal
do Aloes Soet
' do Aloes Cape
Chturixie Lime
do Soda
do Apple
Tnics.s If ilk
du M:,7,het.,
.4o r,
do I'ller. , rnans
do Copa!ia
„do Toro
'do reru
In Sulphur
Acid l'arta-ic
do Acetic
do Benzonic
do Citric
do Pitttir.
do Oxalic
do Hy droovanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
du Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
do Neatsfoot
to Almonds
do Amber Reel
do Amber Red
do Anisi
do Caraway
do ('tor n
do Cubehs
d., Currimin
do Lem'!)
do t•assia
do Cod Liver
do Lavandula 5
do Nerolt
do Jesinin
do Nolnieg
d i Orange '
do Rhodium
d.. Ross
du Cedrat
d o roplioa
Inxid iii•nuth
'Pine P. 41 4 tner.
lindide Potams
IT,trt - do
ICiirb do
!..•'nfrl'i do
thii,tie do
Citrate Ferri
de Hair. Camel lodide du
do Nail I fsiiiiin
do Tooth Proto lod Mercury
do Shaving - Itirychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth 'Llaterium
do Hat 'lodine
'nap. Yankee Veratrtn
do Crystalline Kreoaote
du Eng. Wind Lt+W ' S H ydra Cum Cretx
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do Ad'
do Victura . Calomel, American
do Oringe do &RIO& :: . 4 -
do Tooth PreCipitate Red
do Evasive do White C.
do Castile Sulph Zinc'
do Military Bronze,Crimson
do Santo do Pale Gold
du Brown do Dark do
Fricopherous . do While
Pain Kilter IGold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Virmiliion
Oxygenated Butters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian 'Blue
Chloroform Fig do
HotTnaan's Anody ne Yenitian !Zed, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Yornii.h, Dye-
Woods It Dye• Stu tfs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also. Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
nected with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. S. iftrieroa,
whr keeps his office at tyis store, and Wilt give"me•
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for. the
medicines r only.. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded arid put
op. The stock hes been selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as leresented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry'Pee.
tolls!, schencks Pulmonic • Syrup of Yellen* Dock
Root, Orryk's, Hohensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together' with all of most popular medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
, REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doorsbelow Montanye's !omen
Towanda, January 3, 1853. .
do Verbena
do Vin cite
do Menesse
Blitishes. Paint
do Varnish •
do Hatt
60BA RRELE9 °fold Ohio Whiskeylust received
and for said wholesale and retain at Reed's
Drug Store.
1 S QUENTLES ef et:4(6M° boxes of Herring,
t. barrels of Saleraius, Wariented in prime
order, left on-'9830 at Sear.irpriX cash price. at
HERD* Drag Stored Towanda. Jan; 28i 1853.
aa Bork lia-ri ! rs - ,)wa, - co , c..f . ,d,p'
eJNiand Beef packtoiderr foe
.1-rilept:4;• WEL 4;",1
OrleverY description, for ladies and misses, mess '
boys anti childrens' Wear, just rec'd by
erpt 10 POWELL.
I.ll,diose do
.I:7enp' Laucrts
Ni•ra silver, Ov't
Virtu'ford County. PeurinAraula
Straw Cutters.
OVEICA,Patent spiral knife Hey and Straw City
I- 1 tors, of various wizte. No. 1,2, 3,4, 6.p=1.6.
Price—Ut, $9, $lO. $l2. $l6 and .$2O. .These Cut—
ters are bow and eaeaper than the Fanlight knife Cul
er. with ' knives act iliatrpnclly on .the shaft.
Theknivey on Hovey:s Gutter are ' , Oral, which
enables them to cut at right tingles against the raw hide
They col .steadily, with no jerking—an. easily
si pt in repair. ti, cklunfp can he 'Men off and ahar
.entsl without di - s‘t &tibia - the 'Atari. r okt k ni . v ea)
old if neeeisrary each knife' can be` get Out nr in, Co as'
in keep them °lt tans; if one knife' should wear fastei
then another. Every farmer should have one of these
'ahem and feed 'tieing machines..
IT' For sale wholesaftt iild.'reteil—,vhbetal discount
minds, o those who bus to sell &rip,
• IV. M. ),VELLE.
Athens, Ps.,,fitremhpr
Trbasurer's Salo of Thiseirted'
IN`pursoance of the prio:kionscof an act of the
General Assembly, passed the 13th day of March
R:l3. t,all other. acts cif A a.ettiO, eGiJl(ie ei poSed
to pobtle 'atilo at the CommissionerYoffice in the
horo' of Totranda. on the 2d Monday of June 1854
the tracts of laad:deactthed in the followiti
unless the taxes due ~ u them are paid before that
,(O EIU. iWA NBA lITEN I •,11)E'NT
HS Andrew Buckhart $l9 13
29t Abel Pierce 18 51
160 Phineaa Bradley, . 10.08
100 David tibeplierti 0 30
1512 MP. C4roll
60 pi. Hannah Hibbard 3 78
216 JoeLllareel 13 60
139 Hannah Hibbard b 62
5 pt.W m Hibbard 32
100 pt.Thos Jackson ' 630
100 Wm Jackson 0 30
100 pt.Saliy Fish 6 . 30
IS pt.Chriatopher Avery 11 37
300 Hotter Philip 18 90
, IluptisoTOS•
14R1 157 ,Jamcs Wilson 5 18
1453 333 J Wilson
88 (Ida r les Carroll 2 90
195 do 7 44
' do le 80
4101 Casper Shaffner Jr. 25 67
4051 John Morgan 25 56
Dun rt.t..
5 7 8 170 pt.Wro Smith 14 OS
400 Peter Seely 25 20
i 481 190 James Wilson 11 97
400 Peter Hampton 25 20
400 James North 26 20
• 265 Deborah Stewart 16 67
1481 108 James Wilson 6 80
39 Daniel Snath 2 42
387 .11.seph Thompson 24 36
200 Wm Norton 12 61
1488 100 Charles Carroll
1491 450
1491 183
100 Charles Carroll
1816 l '' 600 Charles Carroll 14 40
1507 - 250 do 8 00
1515 169 do 4 06
150 George Prince 9 35
76 floury Porter , 4 70
49 Porter Geo & James 3 21
75 Charle, Field 4 70
1 00 Ilertry Field 6 30
33' Philip North 2 21
200 Samuel Field 12 60
88 Wm Porter 6 54
14 James Smith 89
Also—At the same time and place will be er•
posed to sate the following Real Estate in pursu
ance of the forty-first section of an act of general
assembly, passed the 2911 i day of April A. D. 1844,
viz :
Townships I year. To whom ased,l. AM . ] Tax
Bem Coulbaugh $ 2 10
Sabin Rock well 7O
do 1852 Benj Coolbangh 240
do ..... W Johnson 64
do .... Labin Rockwell 90
A !bony .... I ;ornel ins Maloo 'a 134
Asylum .... N&.l C Benjamin 458
do .... Ralph Peters' heirs 80
do .... Michael Croak 1 14
do .... *Lemon Pearce 1 52
Burlington 1851 1 8 1 54eatailitll 164
,do .... Wm Simpson 2 ; 43
do ...-. Wm Taylor :, -70
•do • • ... l H Watson 179
do „... Geo Gates 245
do .... C F Welles . 2 87
d 0..... Jaen Engliart I ,54
do fBB2 IHosei Bennett 131
do .... Jae Rnglish 170
do .... Limon P Hanson 131
Durell 1948 Susan M'Affee 252
do 1849 do' 2 28
do 1952 do - 1 60
Geo Place 2 35
J A Payne 1 05
Gen Beagle 1 60
Henry Hawley 4 90
Asahel Fairchild: -,.: BO
,Berj Bennett ..:3. 24
Barnard Clark 1 57
Owen Dotigherty• 61
Susan Ingham 170
James Wood - 162
Jae A Hull • 129
James Wooti . ~ - 417
Orrin Coleman . 141
James Lyon 99
Wm Blair. -; , • •, 2 78
Frank tin
I ....
#ggeta Lent
H H Lent
C.ltester,Wed4o „
'Hanle! Hilt
Samuel Conley 92
J W Itiandqrville • 'Pr
Jaoies "Gfroir ' 1 60
Henry Turk 1 20
Stoitttlield J T Hall 8 78
do • • !Ant/ Sterns% 9 53
dO 1952 • I 'do 4'09
a. • • R L Morton . - 1'94
_ . .... Wm Ralphs" _ • 1.20
do 2 40
1 65
Towapda4p. ... • Yrreinan rang._ r
Uhttte vf ,;,, i 1851 ' Taines Gazley 400
Warren Thos G . Dinack, ,
do : 'lria"Deoritlime-t-1 3 04;
Easy: yoz. :PRECiPTORFORBEB:TteIkur2r:r
TolFfoa, J40146;1054. , • .
do, ,
South' Cruek
do " • • • •
F . •;•
AILV Hattd.saars,House Trimcaings,Glas's,Put.'
ty, Sash &c., just reucivett by PHINNEY.
to the 6outh end of the Ward Woe,
ttnotratrns, LIQUORS, dm.,
Paints, Oils, Yarislics, A.Oidoir Glass,
Dye, Stuffs and 4iirstins , Mids. f,
Regulai Agent- (or the fnilowing genuine pc;puliF
Dr. Jaynes' Meilieices— byre's Cherry Pectoral
Alterative, Vermirnee Schenck's pul. syrup -.."
Expectorant, Liniment HoolLantl i t bitters r
Hair Dye, &e. Pepsin (tor dyspepsia)
Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic nil
Dr.Swavne's do Indian Cholagothe '
Dr.Keeter's . 1 do Lyon's rat pills
Drant's Balsam & VittPile Medicines
Orrick's 'Vern - utile, Salt Rheum and Tetter
Graefenberg Medicines - ointment •
Gargling Oil ' Trask's Inn do
Pain Killers ripavin & founder do
Galvanic beitß, &r. IMcAllitter's do
Hesse & Condition pow. IFlye waters
Reck Rose Cephalic snuff' •'
Uterine Cattle Orrin Corn salve
Tooth ache drops sticking do.
Hait in.igorator & dyes' Wistar's bal.'wild cherry
Bed bog'poison Female Pills
Townsend's Sersliporills l l3ollard's nil soap
Plasters and Pills of alltßalsam Life
Harlem Oil
And many others, not enumerated, all warranted
y'Reinember Dr. Pon-miles Drag and Chemical
Store is in the South' end of the Ward Howie, fronts
ink the Public Fgnare. H. C. PORTER, M. D.
7 20
IMIWITTIMIM v7m - v - savo DM
, Important to Erousekeepers:
- THE subscriber thankful for the
e - "- -- ;-- -- —. liberal patronage heretofore re-
T- 7 - - -Ar'2 , e4ELFP II cetved, begs leave to inform his
, , 0 , ~ friends and the public generally,
a -' ,id and those commencing House
,---- .-.'r , -= keeping in particular that he has
Al ti t now on hand a large assortment
- ' 'Ol FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the hest materials.
2 40
TO so
4 41
13 20
1 20
1 26
1 56
1 77
fD . 11. C: P ()It T,EII,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
PEOPLE Ilvidfigni reunty wishing anything
wee in the Way of Monuments, Head tones, '
Tomb Tables; Centre Tables of Italian and Amer'
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can,
have them on the shot - test notice by sending in'
their orders. cheaper and better than can be pur
chased elsewhere.
Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and un.lerta
ker, near:y opposite the Ward Tfoue. Towanda,
Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS,
Towanda, March, 31, 103.
BUREAUS, such as mahr , aany and walnut drrsq.
ing bureaus, marble and plain ; mahogany and
(walnut washstands. marble:tops, and plain, 'of dif
ferent patterns:. Card anti end tables, Sofas Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and luw
post beadstead , . finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns,togeilier with other furniture usu
ally called fur, all of which will be sold un the moat
accommodating terms.
i:U• The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. B.—Furniture of all kind i made to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and. workman
Towanda. January 17. 1852.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupieri by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wa f inn shop. where they sr prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITDING upo reasonable terms
Thee arc determined by doing the wort well and
promptly. to merit, as they hope to eim a share of
public patronage.
HORSE-43HOEING do e the beet manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the mostskil.
ful manner. .
WOOD WORK fot wagons will alp be made and
repaired when tletrireal.
Alt Work dotrtr at thelt shop, Will be•warrantral tone
well done, and manufactured from the beat materials.
The public are requested to give ue • trial, and judge
for themselves. ESE N WINE & hIEERISCHB.
Towanda, May 2, 1251.
.-_,.}AVE Towanda for Mercur's
milisAlorlington,East Smithfield
Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de
pot on the N. Y. 6c E.R. R.. every Moamar, WlLD
nisamr and Fainat at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of dare
either east or newt, game day.
Returning MES.D•r, THOHNDAT and BaTtrativr,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
western cars from Jefferson, Elmira. &c., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Fans :—Towanda to Mercur's mills, 371
" to Burlington, • 50
" to East Bmithfteld, 62i
• " to Ridgehery,l,oo
" to We ll sburg depot'. ,
Ex•piess packages to or frOnt the Rail Road care
fully delivered at moderate charges. _
Towanda, Oct 8, 1852._
Bradford : County Premium Corn Shellera,
17 HitLE.9ALE and Retail! The verybeit actinic. ,
V, to ba'fouhd it the county, and'eheepent(vtar—
tante:l)-I'er Bale et the end stove•store of
Nov. 10, 1053: R. -.M. WE'ff,p3.l'
riOOK slpvr,s,pf various and excellent pattettis
and sizes—several tratterns of superior IleVoted
Ovens, talon - *fifth le a iiirnbinatibn glint in:
and•NstiartiVAirTight, ealleilihs: EAGLE.. 'Alan
well selected ittielr of elipti
'school Nose 19taynt.'boili 1 for;
prires'in eii;t all tlawitear'nnitini4fe: 'COP
end see. - Nav4o,"" wattres?
iiiiiiiii and *lice MileatOutters.
-PRICES $4 and o. Oteidtans. itlibit Sitintand ll o: 4llll ame
", 2 :''', - iitiNeit:Tarcil — • -
hog!, and,* Teii , t 4144, POitibtrialna`erirititit, p, in
repair; for' salirby '
Athens, Nov. 10, 1a53. R. M. WELI.ES.
cis zi urn o ar DP,
Dci . you went 'to self or v fnoilgagei:On'y rest 'estate 1
Hails, you a' bond 'anitniotigsgecyou to soli 1
16 4 6 you or lota , that you *Olio
sell or. loose
. -
Heiejmn s mill, fiithory; foendrj ,. ,
er manufacturing- eitibliehmetit. that you icistilo abll
or rent? •'— • . •
. .
Have , you iron ore; coil, potters or fire Clay, , or
other -f minerle, you wish to sell or have *mired .on . ' . ,
you land that lon would like to 'have driln
ed or Cleared' blileditiriet or nti iditires
Haire you water' power that Yin' wish, in' sell,
prove, ' • • •
Dcryou additional' •-ctipltal, ore partner in
,boahieter — ,T - ' " f " '
PO,j ,6 4 ' svint tdeelt yeti Mock ortneiehinilise
tri'foricf sesiiiipinY td,,Creafe " 4 400
for shy stiecifietibleet 1
. Do youwish to 'exchange yhtir teopertyjor - other
Dolma Went' in - your neighborhood Mills, found
nec, ether-manufactories -
• Hare 'Yotriny' well YEsted!mpt ovement in machine.
ry; twin the v
arte, 4 whieh lon want to sell, or which
• flirt went means" tdMrinbfacttire
you'hate any of the ' I! Eon veitiente; Or others of ti
simile: character, and will inclose to our a dd r i sr .
(post=paid.)' a legible,: clear and, exact description of
thirrt ; and if property;itelocality, proximity to ca
nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
stores, &e., the lodest terms on which you
will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or otherwise dia.
pose of it ; and if you' will also 'otiose to us 'Oleg.
istration fee of SI, (the receipt of which will be ac.
knowledged.) your want shall be recorded in our
Register, and your letter placed on the file designated
for your State and County, for the inspection, free of
charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange,_ or. invest .
We mace - re charge 'to • any for examining our
Register and files. When they make known their
wishes, they ere referred to your own statement of
rotir wants : and as we have Maps of the different
states, and of such Counties as we have been elate
I to procure : and,,as we employ agents to visit the ves-
I gels and Mei - tiers that • arrive with Immigrants, (of
whore from 1,000 to 8,000 era daily errivin: ,) and we
also have agents to distribute our Cireulare among the
strangem at the hoteli ; and as we advertise in the
I principal papers of the city of New York, and in van
' ous forms throughout all . of the slates, as well as the
different countriesof Europe; friartrwhich Immigrants
comeJ and where we expect one of our Firm will for
thapresent-reside, told where also we shall agents in
the principal ports of embarkation, inviting .all who
wish to purchase, exchange, ase, or invest, to visit
our office, &Moil eharge-,-
We are confident thiat we offer a better medium of
making goat wants known to those who to
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yeti/maimed.
91The best place for you to , e&ct • sale. lease, ex.
change or loan on your property, is in its-immediate
vicinity. If you canna, do it there, the nett hest place
is in the city of New York. Or if you went Immi
grants or settlers of any class here is the place to obi
min them :
eause here at all limos and seasons, there are from
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for investments or homes.
Because thNe are probably 100,000 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment.
Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 6 to
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while
you can afford to give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte
rest, either in annual income or increased value:
Because here, an examination of our files will inform
those seeking to invest or settle, where the propertyls
to.he found which they seek.
Beeson here, therein en opportunity to exchange_
countryor other city property, for property in this city ,
Or its vicinity.
Because a person, by spending a few holm; in our
office, wntfout charge,can obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the conetry and
the agonise(' community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, hero in the commercial metropolis,
where is concentrated the money and wants of a va.t
m•tltitude throughout this and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of our
countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase
and those who desire to sell, ran he mutually benefited
In the description of property, be careful not to
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you
do, and we should send you a purchaser, his comparit
son of the reality with your statement might defeat
your object. When your property is sold, or other.
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme
diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to tie own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite; but when .
it is desired that we shooldsell, authority must be given.
Our commissions on sales. exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and tarter mat
ters requiting special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement. •
( . 0- Several farms in the same neighborhood often
find a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi
grants desire to remain in companies.
•Real Estate and Property Brokers,
116 Broadway, New York.
Refer to Courtiandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway. N.
Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Gor.Wood.
Ohio ;Ex G. Ford. Ohio; Hop. R. W.Thompson,
la.; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich; Hon..). R. Williams.
Mich ; Hort. Rol l % Smith, Ill: Hon. J.• R. Underwood,
Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowa ; Hon. J. R. Doty. Wis.
i',o"" For (tattler information inquire of HARVEY
MoALPIN. Local Agent,-teat the Law Office u(
Elwell, Esq.) Towanda, Bradtord county, Pa. 44y
STlfill'i* - ' 7 lll''Ell A TION?
Stands of various kinds. Chairs
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will-be mane ot the best material and workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the
-, II.IIIUUMMILDS 001712113,
on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good
frEARS , willbe furnished on Funeral occasions.
• Totranda,"lime 1, 1852..
800T5,.... 8c: SHJES!
30h4 W. Wilcox,
HAS removed hie, establishment. to H. Miz'e store,
cornet..AK main etAet and the publio square, and
will continue the mannfectuire of:lloots and Shoes, u
heretofore: • .
He has just received from New York a large assort
ment orWomevea k ehildren'sarrd Arises' ghoes, which
are offered** tow prices. - The kttention of the Ladies
is pattihulerly directed al hii assemnent.;comprising
the, following new, otyles t—Epatnellett Jenny Lind gai
ter:boatel' alo, -shawl lirlach,lasting and silk gaiters;
WAlkinitrtbo, inkbpskina,ft...,ltlieses' gaiters and Owes,
of ovary dosetioion. hugeitesertmentotChddren'a
Owe} gaikeo4994st.ind lisiteßs. t of •
_For the Clerniepprh elinnsketaeorty la of ; gaitsn! and
411M4n . rifit , i0.444111 1 4-4V4-WitoPall, lietectAt 'Whit
. 011 nrallAAttktbAlitntA MittiP AgerAUPetiOr An** at
0 1 0 1 0.4 1 0 1 14 0 4*1M1% vz.1 3 ,• -;t. ry.
z OB :2 4 D 4 AitjCPS OPl ll9 R.P4 4 i t tt. 4( 9aleaffitrYtg.'
AtAbilt 4l t#WAVAlT;494g - A9MrAkttt t lgteritAiOPPllEßA* l
4ltglearoliONl4lllt***Stibct.4 l ,44Fkofic*_ed•
Towselsfr*Atrt SW.
R ,7" , •
OK - BALT. quabtity of Turk's Wand Soli
JA., C - - A
for sale by BAtILEIC at NEVINS.
- -ItlisccMu=s.
Tilt: subscriber would an
ti:ince to the public that he
we now on hand, and will make
order all kinds of
Cabinet rurniture,
ich as sofas. Divans, Lounges
enter, Card, Dining and Break
ist Tables. Mahogany, Wal
lin, Maple and Cherry Bureaus,
15:1:Y L:0 1 :1: 8
' P. W•
ms ettraoidinary preparation has
T be„..
Years the most ermine 'and cp„ d ;
(or Q in oga, Cocos, A sirs et a: Noses:ll,l,ly,
Zal'ann DISIAAZI or re! Cats,. ix „ L __ ot
those anfferin g from..nbatinnte atil r oe 6nee `i ca
they'give the most . immediate arid perfect reli
'hen twat liability to take cow r t ,„ *.l „ e
I vir eirr A ci .F roV E C ßS On r g iod h s:ceecetehdes
mthoesatlmigahrtte:it sr a ; er , l .
. tr t
at once relieve the Cough and otherivmpintei
entirely remove that morbid trrt , ablity and
ness of the bangs which give r'..e io the earn.
The medical properties are combined in an a.
ble form and pleasant in the taro!, so that an
will readily take them : and they are Irar r% "
giverelief to ten mlnote.aftel tie, i n a n cue
'Price - 25 cents per bor. For sale by Dr.
PORTER. Towanda. Pa.
Towanda. Fehr . 9, I gi:s3.
Attention Regiment!
4r7:= - t 7 4 1
. - • ..-
. . -
TORN E. GEIGER, rvonfttguso his old frirali
s 1 the public at law that he has constantly on .
and manufacturing Rides and Shot Guns du.,
Among his assortment of Guns way be found Dr,
and single barrelled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warts! )
Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Dag., f:
Primes& Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the;best qw
ty. Aliens sir barrelled Revolving Pistols, d o ir
barrelled self cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double:
Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cm .
scantly on 14nd •
Any of the above articles will Le sold awful de
for the Ready Pay.
Keys 0( any kind flue d to Bo l as, Trunks or 4
other kind of locks on slimt notice and reasoniblvs
Repairing done with neatness sod despatch. lAor
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towandai May 22, 187.2. J. E. REIGER
THE Subscribers havinz fam...i a c,partner•li.
under the firm i.f ' & ,
ingta general Liquor business, weld revectic
a4k . Hotel keepers and al‘ other , in %raw, tf
thing in their line to giva , hein a call. We
seeping on hand a general assortment of F..rt
Liquors, which we can ,elt cntaner than
else in the county, from th- fact that we y
from the Importer;, a NJlhere' , v , aai.e a atz! c .
charged by the N.Y. JO tier, Liquor. are warm
ed pure and free frton a lul erauuu . Al, ,:00.411
ly on hand Whiskey o f h e be:,t quaky. tt, na
made arrangements by 'chick we can ,
customer , woh any Tiat,tity of Bu.:nar..2r, BEE
fresh from the Brewery. Ple.ree t
The notes and accounts t . .I.e •,,•1 ; t. ft
ton dt Co', are in our hands for
Towanda. Dec. 1, 5.12
IIEM. A 7 l 3 EWALD Nil" -IL
Saddle, Harness &,Trank Ilanufarior
TERE CULP & Co., resprr:6:!!y •nr ,, r.n t! , f , pobi:
that they have rt.rrp.veti to the .hnl rr V:iinew
recently occupied by Smith & ppmst
the Ward House, where they wi!! l•!.0 1. hind
large stock of
All articles in their line 11 , 9 r en
merle• of the hest material, in `•., •rorhp rann
he sat pissed in Northern rvrt. v 0;
a call from those wishinc t.) •-:rc.a;.r Reot th
they can give sniisfartioti hoih to iin'it7ine.ptir
C - 1.141rs and Sheep recci, r? f. , woti Ind
account, at the lowest
Sale Leal:. r, ( 7 pre itrnets
Calf skirts, for sale .n any Ti.:nl.:y.
ON account of iosw- u.istned at the We fire..
ore obliceni !.. fed to u. tor
prompt settlement. as sic are taliloir the neeemse
having N 0.1,14 t ,, u rive front this nouct
Ire sufficient w 1111 , 111 resonii:o to other
Tow:lnds. Der.:. 12.i2
Below(' to B. Kittsbery's Bluek
W.I. Chamberlin,
-.vow ; Az'n just returned fromthe :
FAR:. i-A! New York with a '
simply Of Watehrs, Jevrelw J.
/• 4 1 Silver ware, crimririaine r 2.
( the follow ng articles:-I , re
ai k 6 4 9
47 .'
lEpine and Plan\VateEroti
R conillete assortmert ..f
Jewelry, auch as Ear Nina fi
ger Rin t a,l3reast Pins: Bracelets.!. icitets.Colcin •
Gold Petal. Keys, etc. Also, ail sortst!
and any quantity of :iteel Beads — all of which be oi
for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on !short notice, and !reran!•
to run well, or the money will he refiinAid.2nJi •
ten agreement given to that effect itre,lngsa.
A•.,13.7-1 -MAPLE SUGAR, and Coa2try Prole cm
taken in payment for work; an ! km mg,
orever,thal the Produce mu,! paid when IWO
is done—l war against credit in all its forma
Towanda, April 29, I 9.52-..
any size. to be had at the JetvPri• o'r ?
May 18, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN
A horse! a horse' my 01 , 14 fa'
-horse and custerners to take MI
the grinds. Nocwith,tandrui the
' tiisasteous fire, A. NI. WARNER I
himself again!
Ada at No. Brick Row you'll find
Most anything that's in * his line,
From a cambric needle of the finest kind,
To a j ewe lled wa t c h of eighteen kale haa
Clocks which keep time Beam& and Mr
Breast pins of every style and hue.
Gold, silver, steel nod plated chains ,
Selected with the ereair , t pans.
Finger rings, my mit, why what
Of every shape and every style, pc n
To suit the old the vltlnc. the °^".
May there be seen in elegant ,n
• And WWI an, who is hi mo" '
Is always Teed) , and at his
To wait upon customers nn a a ll
Who chance upon 'im to col' a
So with good advice make' up sour aut.".
To call on him and there you li sad
Such sights,my eyes, 0 ! what a 'l el
• Jewelry of every style and hue.
(i t is n' pr
i mistake epared to do all
. .
~ • ',/ 0 B—W 0R K .em
4'biilitic - ortiiisin'ex,`at the cheapest rate
piaksiblk - bn"'affordeti Hewitt alio sell 11..i 4 0,
aOO per ,cent tower, than was ever befo"t‘i
this market. trl'eall and see.rti, "
, Alt
~Towanda. Nov. 12 185 2 tNI ,
. . .
PASSER ' italfretrias. too
THE °iffy assortment of Paper Hanti;- o! 4 .1
'. ' this Vicinity, with a fresh stock jrct c,
at unusually low prices. 0. P. 13.1Fri fi '
Towanda, April :1 1853
• H. rIN
I , J 1