Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 15, 1854, Image 3

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rt:s•• 1“4.3
y virtue of writs or Vend. Expu„ h o s e d aaa o f*,
Bcourt of Common Pleas of Bradford counly,and
ss me directed, will be expos ed to public sale at
as Court House, in the born 'of Towanda, on Mon.
a si the Ist day of May. M 1 o'clock P. IL the fol
lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situ.
ea in Wilmot tp. end bounded un the north by land
of Ralph Stevens. the east b lands of Ichabod Cor
so, on south by lands of Th y
urston Burdock, on the
l est by lands of Harvey Hangerford, containing 58
ga ls and 100 perches be the same more or leas,
s hoat 40 acres improved, one frame barn, and an
spple orchard nd oer fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Onea othe th r lot. piece or parcel. of land
notate in the township aforesaid, bounded an d de.
scribed as follows: On the north by lands of Lucius
Hungerford, east by lands of Matthew Covey, on
the south by lands of Joel T. Burdick, on the west
17 acres
by I of lchabod Corson, containing
the samsnase more or less. about 4 acres n
improved. ,be
aLBO-00e other lot, piece or parcel of landArit.
este in said township of Wilmot. bounded and de.
w it, e6 f s o follows—On the north by the public high
way leading from Terrytown to Albany, on the east
by lands of Matthew Covey, on the south by a branch
'afthe sugar Run creek, on the west by lands of
lehabod Corson. containing about 2 acres be the
same more or less, all improved, one'frame House,
one small frame barn and a small frame building
occupied and used au' carpenters' shop, and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm.
Terry vs. Lucius Hongerford.
ALSO—The following described lot,pieee or par.
cal of land situate in Wysox torn. bounded on the
n orth by lands of John Johnson, on the east by 1 toss
Lyman Trumbull, on the south by Bertrand
Wnitney and Alvin Whitney's lands, on the west
by lands in possession of Gilbert H. Goraline, con
. taming 84 acres and 9-10 perches be the same more
„l e ss, about 40 acres improved, one log house. and
ale framed barn and a few small apple trees there-
Seized and taken in execution et the suit of P.
Forbes and H. Hicks adm'rs of Peter Johnsondeed
n. A. J. Goesline end Pomeroy Goraline.
ALSO—Thelowing lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in Orwell tp. bounded and described as fol-
Im—On the north by lands lately owned by Roger
spear, on the east and south by lands of James D.
N ewe ll, on the west by lands of Mrs. Marietta Ful
:et, containing 13 acres be the same mnre or less.
about 8 acres improved, one saw mill thereon tree.
led, a framed house standing on the west line and a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofChaunl
eer Fnsbie vs Riley H. Fuller and Major B. Liar
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land situate in Asylum tarp., bounded on the
pooh by lands of Mary Ann Lanning, on the east by
lands of Samuel Harford, on the south by lands for.
merly ow,ned by the late Ralph Peters deed., on the
ts est lay lands of Julius Bragg, containing 50 acres,
be the same more or less, about 25 acres thrteof im
proved. with oue lug house and a few fruit trees
Set i zed and taken in execution at the suit of John
Morrow ri Walter Brage and Smith Tuttle.
,4L!..o—The following described piece or parcel
eland situate in Rome tp. and bounded - on the north
by lands ofJoho Park. on the east by lands of Silas
Ulm on the south by the M'Eay tract, on the west
sr land. of Chauncey Parks, containing 80 antes,
wet 50 acre. improved,one framed house one frame
barn ant a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.
P , eized and taken in execution at the suit of May.
not & Woodburn vs. Harvey Burchard.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
;,reel of land , situate in North Towanda tp. bound.
, !en the north by lands of John Simons, on the east
ca lands of David Rutty and Ira H. Stephens, on
the/South by lands of Ira H. Stephens and the Sugar
reek, on die westerly side by the Sugar creek. con•
inning lOU acres, be the same more or leas, about
Li acre. thereof improved, with one framed house,
one board%hanty, one framed barn and two small
lay barns, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken In at the suit of Spen.
cer West, now to the use of E. T. Fox vs. Jesse
Woodruff, executor of Nathan Coon dec'd.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par
cel of tend situate in Tuscaibra tp. bounded as fol-
lows—Beginning at it post the south easterly corner
of the lot. thence. north 60° west 20 perches to scor
ner, thenci- n nili 30° east 16 perches to a corner,
!hence south GO east 20 perches to a corner near
the bank. thence - S(l.oh 30° west 16 perches to the
place of beginning, containing 2 acres strict me...
isre.situate on ruscaror i creek road.. short distance
those Keeney's Grist Mill, all improved with one
:rained house and one small framed barn, a black.
!milt shop and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—The undivided' one half of the following
described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tus..
carora tp. hounded on the north by lands of Peter
Groat. on the east and west by lands of A. B. Kin
try. and on the south by lands of L. Kinney. con
atntng acres be the same more or less, about 7
urn improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of IL W.
I Tracy vs. Charles Nurbs.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par
...! of land situate in Vs'ysox twp. bounded on the
urii by lands of John Johnson, on the east by land
:(Lyman Trumbull, on the south by lands of Her
'and and Alvin Whitney, an,,d on the west by lands
:he posession of Gilbert H. Goraline, containing
arres and 9-10 perches be the same more or less
wut 40 acres improved, one log louse, one fram
lurn and a few small apple trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pre
vor Forbes and Hugh Hicks, adm'ra. or Peter
;Anson deed.vs.k .1. Goraline and Pomeroy Ours
ae. \
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par
-11 of lend situate in South Towanda twp. bounded
a the north by lands of 'Wm. Gregg and Wm. Pat.
.an, on the east by lands of Samuel C. Means and
, dert, on the south by lands of Salsbury Cole, John
Hanson and others, on the west by lands of 8. 8.
Rumen and others, containing 304 acres and 120
arches more or less. being four several tracts of
!lad deeded by Job P. Kirby and wife to Wrn:'and
"es Goff by deed bearing date Dec. 17, 1849
bout two hundred acres of the same improved, two
!glued houses, two log houses, one framed barn,
me log barn and two orchards of fruit trees there—
toted and taken in execution at the suit of bob
P. Kirby vs. Wm. Goff end /limes Goff.
11 , 80—The following described piece or lot of;
Ited in Burlington tp. beginning at • post and stones
Its northwest corner of warrant No. 1499, thence
t9;°east 117 4-10 perches to • poet and stones. the
mhwest corner of lot No. 25, thence by the same_
south one and 1° west, 894-10 perches to a post,
t "mh east corner of lot N 0.27, thence north 88
and 3-4* west 117 and 4-10 perches to a post, the
"nil west corner of lot No. 27. thence north 1 1-4°
west 89 4.10 perches to the beginning, containing
6.5 acres and 95 and 5.10 perches be the same more
or less, about 20 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Et:-
olettnn vs. Jairus H. Watson.
A UAl—The following described piece or parcel
of land man e In Rome tp. bounded on the north by
lands of Hiram Dobson. on the east by lands of Pat.
rick Murphy, on the south by lands of Eli Rolls' ca
ttle, on the west by lands of Thomas Austin, CCILI
tam ing about seventy acres snore or less, about 80
arses i mnrnre l .1) 1 a fra house, one long barn
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the unit of 1.51
Wattles adm'r. of the estate of D. M. Wattles, de—
ceased vs. Daniel Miff, jr.
AL3O-13, virtue of a writ of Lever' Facia.. the
following lot piece or parcel of land 'koala in Spring—
field tp. bounded as follows—Beginning at a beach"'
N. B. corner of No 3s, on warrant lot No. 942,
:hence east 102 and 1-10 perches to • post N. W •
corner of lot No. 33, thence south 7S perches to •
post, thence west 102 and 1-10 perches to a poet,
thence north 78 perches to the place of beginning.
tontaining 50 scree strict measure--it being the
tfizah end of lot No. 34, on warrant lot No. 2t2.
't 35 acres improved, with a log house, and frame
te n l %mon erected together with a few fruit trees
tee and taken in esecutionZ et the snit of St.-
phen Pierc e as Peter Perfumes.
- " Bo —rbs following lot piece or parcel °Mod
elate in Monroe tp. bowie:Woe the north by faints
" R . chara Richards sad Joseph flemrt, on the ssam
and south by lands belonging to the heirs of Abner
C. Rockwell deed., on the west by the highway
leadingfrom Towandato Gatos, containing ;boot
1 of an acre, be the same more or less, ail improved
with a large framed building with an engine attach.
ed and vats therein. occupied as a leather tannery.
ALSO.--One other lot piece 9r parcel of laird
situate in said towoship of Monroe, bounded on the
north• by lands of P. Hornet, on the east by the high
way leading from Towanda to Canton, on the south
by lands belonging to Patrick Dunfee, on the west
by lands belonging to J. L. Rockwell. containiug
about f of an acre be the same mower less, ail int
proved.-onetwo story framed house, ous old framed
barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown
& Rockwell vs. John Terwilliger.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par.
eel of land situate in Albany twp. bounded on the
northerly side by lands of Samuel Vandyke, on the
easterly side by the Berwick turnpike. and the south
branch of the Towands Creek, on the southerly side
by lands of James Wilcox, and on the westerly side
by wild lands containing about one hundred acres
more or less, and about two acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ira
Smith & Co's. use vs. Benjamin Wilcox; and also
Ira Smith Jr. & Co's. use vs. Benjamin Wilcox.
ALSO—The following deiteribed lot piece or par
cel of land situate is Sheshequin tp. bounded on the
north and west by lands of Obediah Gore, on the
east by the public highway leading on the east side
of the Susquehanna river from Athena to Towanda,
on the south by a lane leading from said highway
to Davidson & Gore's mill, containing about *of an
acre, be the same more or less, all improved, one
framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
E. Lent to the use, of Thomas Minier vs. James B.
Sheriff s Office,
Towanda, March 28.1854.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract oflend will
again be offered for sale.
West Wanda Clever Seed.
50'abal of West Bunch Clover seed, just re.
coved a first rite article, and for wile at the
lowest cash price, by GAILY & NEVINS.
March I, 1854.
Binghamton Stone `Lime.
50Mt - Parrett of of Binghamton Stone Lime, just re
k-Pk, caved a first rate artieM fresh from the kiln,
and for sale by
March 1, 1854
Clover Seed.
64 Budiels e(firet rate Clover aced for elle by
Towanda. March 1, 1854
New Land Clover Seed.
85Bushels of New Land Clover seed, just reeeiv
ed and for sale cheap by B. KINGBERY.
Towanda. March 1,1854.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Miii;er of the estate of John M. Davidson,dee'd
In the ()Thane' Court of Bradford County, Feb
Term, 1854.
THE undersigned, an auditor appointe.P'by said
Court to dimribute money in the hands of the
administrators of said estate, will attend to said bu
siness at his office in the borough of Towanda, on
Tuesday the 25th ot April, A. D. 1854, at . 2 o'clock.
P. M. When and where an persons having claims
against said estate must present them, or be forever
eebarred (ruin said fund.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor
Towanda, March 24, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick Mnrphy vs. Dan
iel Hill, Jr. et aL No 178 Dec Term, 1850. In
the Common Pleas of Bradford County.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by said
Court, to distribute money in the hands of the
Sheriff raised by the sale of Real Estate, will attend
to said business at his office, in the Bo.tough of To—
wanda, on Saturday, the 29th day of April, 1854. at
2 o'clock P.M. said day, when and where all per—
sons having claims upon said fund, must present
them or forever be debarred from the same.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
Towanda, March 30, 1854.
Orphan's Court Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's court of
Bradford county, I will expiise to sale by public
vendue on Saturday. the 16th day of April neat, at
one o'clock. P. M. of that day, upon the premises in
the township of Litchfield; twenty-eight acres of
Land, it being a strip twenty-eight rods in width.
across the south side of the following described
piece nr parcel of land situate in Windham town
ship. in said county. bounded on the north by Par
don If tnyon and the highway,on the east by Harvey
Dunham, on the south by Elijah Jackway, and on
the west by Parley Johnson. Terms made known
on the day of sale. SAM - L DAVIDSON,
March 9, MC Guardian of Mary Ann Deutarest.
In the matter of .The First Universalist SOc s iety of To.
toancla," Bradford county. In the Court of Corn•
man Pleas of. Bradford county of May T. 1834,
No. 118.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Stephen Powell,
Geo. Sanderson, David L. Scott, Percival Pow
ell, Gordon F. Mason and others on the 41st day of
February A. D. 4854, presented to said Court an
instrument in writing, the objects, articles and con
ditions therein set forth and contained, it appearing
to them lawful and not injurious to the community
—whereupon they direct the said writing to be filed
and that notice be given in one newspaper at least
three weeks before the next Court of Common Pleas
of said county, setting forth that an application has
been made to grant such an Incorporation according
to law. ALLEN M'KEAN, Pruth'ry.
Towanda. April 8. 1854.
3IEC Ali 'llO A WM 1 71 E• BEL
HAVING entered into an arrangement by which
,be can have BLOCK TEETH furnished to or
der, informs the public that be is prepared to mount
suction plates in this new and improved method.
The great superiority of the block style of mount•
lug plates is at once apparent to those who have for
any length of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who have yet to be initiated, it is only necessary to
say, that in the old method of mounting the plate
w,th a succession of single t eth, it was no unusual
thing for a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by each other. In the second place, the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, be.
cause there is no chance for deposits of food being
made, however small, the Upper rim being capped,
thus effectually precluding even the saliva from ma.
king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapts- ,
tion of the grinding surface is better fitted for ma*.
ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made ex
actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op
posing jaw.
With a properly fitted suction prate, having an air
chamber, and mounted with block teeth. a person
any crack kiekory nuts with impunity.
" And sleep in spite of"--leotkadie.
ALL woad wsaairres.
Towanda, March 10, 1854.
Ltia rg E ,; Homer, (by her next friend. Archibald J.
vs. Jokn L. Honner—ln Bradford Con.
Pleas, No. 80, Dec. T. 1853—Xs. sub. Divorce.
JOHN L. HOSMER , defendant in the above clause
—Yon are hereby notified that your wife Lucy E
Roemer (by her War friend Archibald J. Corey) has
filed her petition' for a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony. And an alias subpoena has been re
turned and proof made are not to be found
in maid county. Yon are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Cdurtifonse in the borough of To.
wands. on Monday. the hit day of May ne x t . being
the first day of May term Of f ea court of common
pleltv, to answer the said coriplaint.and show canes
if toy you have, why the mad Lucy shall not be di
• Pureed from you. - C.TROMAS. Sheriff.
She'd Oflitc, Tu . /Sub; march 9, NM.
C. THOMAS, Sberifl
IP , V
lam now receiving a very large sod handsome
-I- stock 'of MEMEL GOMM from the city
of New York, consisting in part of Cloths. Casa.
meres,filattinetts, rireeds, Jeans. Lioseys, Detains.
Cringhatni drPrints—Bay Stale and Brocha Shawls,
M oslins;Cot ion Yarn, Batting, Wicking carpet yarn,
all colors; also several piece* all Wool Carpets.
Ift., together_ with a general assortment of Gro
ceries. Hililware, Crockery, Hats & Caps, and
long .:catalogue of Boots fa, -Setsviowsav—all of
whickind many other kinds c-f Goods not admen.
ed in the above, will be sold at prices that will
give satisfaction to purchasers.
Towanda, N0v.17.1853.
Z. IL/L2.17111r min=
Ts just receiving a general assortment of NEW
GOODS. which will be sold as usual, cheaper
than any other establishment in Towanda. He
particularly invites the attention of the public to
the unusually large and general assortment of Boots
and Shoes, especially for LADIES & MISSES, all
of which wilt be sold 15 per cent. cheaper than can
be had elsewhere.
N. Be—itil perrons indebted to me by Book, Note
or Judgment, over one year standing, will be prose
cutei to the final payment of the same after the lath
of March next. without farther notice. Now, Gen.
tiemen, this means just what it reads.
Towanda. Feb. 20. 10M. 3. H. PHINNY Jr.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY virtue of an oder of the Orphan's court of the
county of Bradford, will be exposed to public
sale upon the premises, on the 10th day of May.
1854. at one o'clock. P. M., the following property
late the estate of J. J. Watford, deceased—
All that piece or parcel of land, situate in the tp.
of Monroe aforesaid; and bounded and described as
follows—Beginning at a stone in the centre of the
State road and Berwick turnpike, at Monroe cor
ners, thence south 94° west 5 & 7-10 perches, to a
stone in the centre of the road, the course of the lot
of N. D. Warford. dec'd., thence along the line of
said Warford, north 784 ° west 8 perches to a post,
thence by the same north 94° east 11 feet to a porn o
thence by the same north 784° well 12 8-10 rods to
a post, thence by the same and by H. 8. Phinney's
line south 94° west 12 1-10 rods to the line of J.B.
Hinman's land, thence by the same north 764° west
46 8-10 rods, thence by the same north 4° east 3
rods, thence by the same north 744° west 76 2-10
rods to the line of lands claimed by A. L. Cranmer
and J. B. Smith, thence by the line of said Cranme.
' and Smith north 4° east 78 3-10 rods to a post the
corner of lands formerly owned byl.l6nas P. Smith.
thence along the line of laud of the sanfiSouth 584°
east 797-10 perches to a post, thence along thesame
loath 474 ° east 37 perches to the line of Orange
Schrader's lot, thence by the same south 344° west
34 perches, thence by the line of the lots of Orange
t tchrader, Jacob M'Gall, Brown & Rockwell, Abram
Fox, Joshua Peckham, south 45° east 19 2-10 rods
to the noutb east corner of Joshua Peckham's lot,
thence by said Peckham's line north 45° east 11
rod. to the centre of the turnpike, thence along the
centre of the turnpike south 15° east 89 8-10 rods
to the place of beginning. Containing 42 acres and
32 perches, more or less, about twenty acres under
improvement, with fruit trees, &c., thereon.
There is also upon this property, a large tavern
house. situated in the village of Monroeton, with
two large barns attached, now occupied by A. D.
Brown. Terms made known on the day of sale.
March 22. 1844 Administrators.
Auditor's. Notice.
Samuel Res ford, assignee of Henry P. Yeomans. vs
Horace C. Tallman and Rebecca Tallman.and ter
re tenants. In the Cqmmon Picas of Bradford
County. No. 133. lay Term, 1853.
THE undersigned Auditor, appeinted by the Court
to distnbute funds received by Sheriff's sale col
defendant's real estate, seized in execution issued in
the above suit, wits aitend to the duties of said ap
pointment at his his office in Towanda boro. en thst
29th day of April 2855. at 1 o'clock P, M., where all
persons interested ere reenired to present /heir claims
ur be debarred from said fund.
Much 25, 1834.
Archibald J. Corey vs. Mary Corey—No 79, Dec.
Term, 1853. Alias Subprrna in Divorce.
iur AR B COREY, defendant in the above cause
Lill You are hereby notified that ArchibildJ.Corey
your husband, has filed his petition for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alia's sub.
pcena has been returned, and proof made that you
are not to be found in said county. You are there
fore, hereby required to appear at the Court House
in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the Ist day
day of May next, being the first day of said term of
said court of common pleas. to answer the said
complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Archibald shall not be divorced from you.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheri N's Office, Towanda, March 8,185 a.
Maria Woodruff, (by her next friend Elisha Slater
lee.) vs Thomas P. Woodruff—ln Brad. Com.
Pleas, No 78, Dec. T. 1853, Als. sub. Divorce.
MHOS. P. WOODRUFF, defendant in the above
cause—Yon are hereby notified that your wife,
Maria Woodruff, (by her next friend Elisha Satter•
lee) has filed her petition for • divorce from the
bonds of matrimony. And an alias suopmna has
been returned, and proof made that you are not lobe
found in said county. You ere therefore hereby
required to appear at the Court House in the boro
of Towanda, on Monday the Ist day of May next.
being the lot day; of May term of said _wort of corn'
mon pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show
cause, if any you have, why the said Maria shall not
be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 8, 1854.
Register's Notice.
NtICE is hereby given that there hes been filed
and settled in the office of the Register for the
Probate of Wills, and granting letters of Adminis.
tration in and for tie county of Bradford, accounts
of Administration upon the following estates viz ;
Final ccount of James R. Irvine, administrator of
the estate of Welch Irvine late of Monroe. deed.
Final account of Emaline Demarest administra
triz of the estate of James N. Demsreat, late of
Windham, dec'd.
Final account of John Hatch, miners. of the estate
of Lyman Vandyke, late of Albany, dec'd.
Final account of Sally Moody administratrls of
the estate of Nathaniel Moody late of Sheshequin,
Final account of Julia Ann Forbes and William
Forbes, adm'rs. cf the estate of Charles Forbes late
of Rome. deed.
Final account of Wm. E. Maynard and John Pass
more adm'rs. of the estate of Lemuel S. Maynard late
of Rome, dec'd.
Final account of John,M. Wattles adm'rs. of the
estate of David M. Wattles late of Rome. dec'd.
Final account of Elias Rockwell and Betsey Rock.
well adm'rs. of the estate of Sainte! Rockwell jr. late
of Canton, de :'d.
Second partial account of Burton Kingsbery,
seph Kingsbery and L. S. Kingsbery executors of.
the last Will and testament of 'Joseph Kingsbery
late of Shesheqnin, deed.
Final account of Lleorge Tracy and Cyrus War
ford executors of ,the last Will and testament of
Moses Warford late of Durell decd.
Final account of T. M. Wilson and Andrew Fee
adm'rs. of the estate of John Fee, late of Monroe,
The account of Theodore Wilder, guardian of
James Bchermerborn.Theodore Bchermerhorn, Ada
line Bchtinnerhorn and Cornelis Bchermerhorn.
heirs of Matthew dchermerhorn. deed
And the same will be presented to the Crphans'
Court of Bradford County on Monday the lit day of
May neat for confirmation ant allowance. ~
H. L.eiCOTT, Register.
Towanda, t, '.lan
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to the
estate. of -Thomas Turk, deceased. late 61
Litchfield township., are hereby requested to:makv
immediate payment, and those having claims against
said estate will please present them duly authenti
cated for seulement.
Jan. 12, 1864
A LI. persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
TEED, deceased, late of Litchteld township. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. BETSY TEED. Adm's.
January 29. 1854.
Othee with the Reitster and Recorder,
OFFICE in Wit second story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
8 Now opening a Nsw Brock or 0001/3. consist
ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which will be sold as cheap as the same (pant/ of
Goods can be bought any where this side of New-
Towanda, Dec. 10,1853.
Joseph Powell,
INOW receiving a large stock of WINTER
GOLDS, of every description, which the public
is respectfully invited to call and examine, as sniff.
cient inducement will be offered to those wishing to
purchase. to make it an object for them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
New arrival of
HB. MERCUR has just received another large
. assortment of GOODS, to which the attention
of the public is respectfully solicited.
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1853.
I INK AKINB.—The highest price will be paid in
I.YI. cash for any quantity of Mink skins, by
' Jan. t. 1054. MONTANYEB' & CO.
~:♦- •~-t~
A HE just receiving at their large and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, • large
sasartutemt of
Prouhions. Groceries, Yankee Notions Toys, Fruit,
Confectionary; N'illow ware, 4rc.,
making their stock the largest, most complete and best
in Northern Penns) Dania. And the very liberal pet
ronage they have received from the public during the
year pad, establishes the fact that they either sell
cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er desk's.
To merit and induce a continuanes of so liberal pat
ronage we shall still follow•our old motto—"SMALL
at. or 6TOCL."
Below we name a few ii a articles that always be
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar - . molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice,
closes; nutmeg, daemon, mace, soda, uleratno, cream
tartar, peppersance, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap. vinegar, starch, 4-c.
Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders. mackerel
codfish, shad, picketed herring. smoked herring, 'rhea
flour, buckwheat dour, corn meal. cheese, rice, beans
potatoes, butter, laid, crackers, &c.
Pruit & Nuts.
Pruner, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, drkl
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, &sail nuts, Greno
ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts. chestnuts, &c.
French and 4meryan Toys,
'away Goods, &c. &e.
Tin wagons, rocking hones, boy.' sleighs. China &
pewter toy tea metts.dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo.
nicaa &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing deskr
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier mache and_ leather port monises,
wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pod
et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff bozo
tiger cases, perfumery ond hair nits.
Brooms, mopsticka, clothes pins, bench screws, Oil•
low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and space
Candy of all kinds.
Dairy and table Ball. Salina Do. etc. eta. ate-
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New York prices.
crl' Most kiuds of country producetaken in exchange
for Gnats. Ia t kILEY & NEVIN'S.
Towanda. January 2. 185/11
rnr. !!
Aqantny of Fur Vietorines •d Cuffs of differen
olu >Allies, for sale AT cows by
Jan. 19. 1851. H. A. MERCUR.
A" persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens, deed, late of Standing Stone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims age - hist - said estate,,will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated (or selttement
8. W. BILES,
Aug. 27, 1859.
come to the conclusion that the time has
come, that debts can be collected, anti after
waiting patiently for Years, and finding the Good
Time has arrived, when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products, they hope this notice will
suffice for a more extensive one and that payments
will either be made in Grain at the present high pri
ces or in Cash.
Their Assortment of GOODS is replenished week
ly from New York City, and will be sold cheaper
thin at retail in the Greet Emporium itself.
Towanda, lanusry 31, 1954.
The subscribers, Administrators of the estate of 0.
8. Gray, deceased, hereby give not that they wilt
attend at the house late of sai I deceased, on Tuesday
and Wednesday, the 7th and Bth of March next, for
the purpose of settling said estate, All persons hav
ing claims will please present them in proper shape
for settlement. and all persons indebted are notified
that e settlement will be expected at that time with.
out fail. A. W. GRAY,
February 3, 1854. • J. W. GRAY,
j u ce er ia re...i.:2- 0 1n . ew supply
j o . f K lez. B .aris
Dec. 23. 1853. 0
Cistern and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Ramat of any kind
aize. &c.. clicap fur rci.dy pay. for sale by
Jan 1.4, 103. R. K. WLLLVI.
T ; - 1
HE infiecriber, thankful for the liberal pationage received the pasty ear, intend ■ to keep constantly on
hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which as WILL dispose of on
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases-are made entirely with cacti
in band, and for the Crum uur customers will receive thr benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles
riot answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken buck, and the money refunded.
per- Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, cbargiug 6nly for the Medicines.
The stock consi,ts of a complete and select urrtment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior TORACCO Qt swim , 1----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Principe
and Tara CIGARS !
Black and Green TeiLY; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, SpICC., Le. 3,:e
The best Qadity Goods—Falt Assortment—ALl/rule Pecfas—Rewly Attention to Cestomers—no
Adniteration of G,ods—Candid :Weise as to Patent Ileniedies--wal Close Attention to Business.'
Towanda, Novomber 12, 1863. Ne, IH. C. PORTER, M. D.
Residence, on Pine Street opposite the of I Presbyteriun
Offers his professional services in the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can alwayi be found at his
office. in Dr. Pon-rates Drug Store, when not pro
fessionally engaged.
zaluxam inacrzutsmino
(rice n.tlt north eni - of the Ward I louse. I lately oec ttp.e.l
by Laporte, Mason & Co. I
Towanda, March, 5. 1 8:,3.
TONS more of those cheap Sugars just rec'd
0 .1 and for sale by PIIINNEY.
r EAS—A few cliestb good and ch,•Ap fur Rale
BOOTS & SHOES, the lari,, , e.t an , l cheapest as
imminent in Towanda. by
DRESS Goods, of the latest styles and patterns.
consisting in part of Mon•lin Delaineg, all wool
delaines black 4 fancy silks, French, flornertic and
Scotch (ii 'Rhyne 4 prints, of eery stile by
. Oct. 24, 1858 PHINNEY.
LTITS, Cap*, & Donne's, a large a ,, nrtment and
LI cheap. by PHINNEY.
CI.OTHS, cassimeres, ssitineis, jeans,
and Tweeds of all pu. n,just received by
Oct. 24, 1853
FLINNELS—French, Dwne.tic and Saln , nry,
fur sale by PIIINNEY.
(`'ANTED—aII kind, o f grain 6,r, l um b er : or
I' which c ish ill Le lair !,v
- • • - -
Oct. 24, 1853
The War Quesiion iwin Settled in
71.11C_T MALIK 2,111'•
oNTANY & CO. have collie to the ci nth].
111 sion to enlarge their bu.ine,s, in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that !no,: rer.ult from a atitte
peace. They therefore, alter returning Minhs fur
former favor., invite the atiention of the citizen. of
tht- and adjoining Counlie! to the examination or
hall and Winter Goods
consisting of all the varieties Fancy and llteas
Good‘. as also heavy at • plea,
Hardware. Croat• Graceites, .11 trness and Car
riage Trimmings, , Leather. ,
all of which pill be offered at wholesale or retail, ut
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. I. 103.
- - - - -
ASS NHL .111. OT 1411 ASA •
U 2361.0 .I`2'
South Corner of Merear's Block, 111. till Street,
AhE now opening their stocli of GOODtti for 'he-
Fail a•a Winter trade. catupri-ing a full
and 4.,.i..p1r•e arvertrneni, and of ihr u-ual varicrv.
which a he sold at a very small prufit (or ifcariy
Pay. Anicirg the assortment at
lour GOODS,
will be found a great variety of Leil4e . Dress Geed.
consisting in part of
Bcreges. B retie Detainee. ali-uxml Dclainee, Lawns,
plain and printed ; Gingitame
Scotch and American ; Pontius,
Prints (1 all shades and
colors 4.c , 4-c
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Carmimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky leans silk, Baru.
and Summer Vesiings.
Also, Sheetings. Shirtings. bleached and brown.
Summer Good. fur boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn. Carpet: Warp, Cotton Batten. Am, A e.
A full stock will be kepi on hand. These in want
of t'ugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses. Stewart's best
Syrup, Spices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratu% Flour.
Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line.
will do well to call on us before purchasing else ,
A large a splendid assortment. Crockarv. taws
and Stone-ware. Boots and !Mors. Hats and Caps—
Nails. Paints. Oils, Glass a n d Pul/v•
, Thankful for the liberal petronage of the past tea
son. the undersigned ftel pleasure in inviting the
public to an esaminatit our Spring stock, be
lieving that good floods and low prices will insure ,
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, Nov. 24 1R53.
Paper Hangings,
very fine variety of bairn and common pater
/1 Hangings, curtain papers and iran•parent win—
dow shades, jowl reed by J. PO WELL.
Towanda. dept. In,
AA cnmplete assortment of black. plaid sod colored
ill dress eillks—all wool ()Widnes, muslin detain,.
Deßegea, rhlbet clothe, paramettes, /4e, jest 'seste
t,' by J. r 0 WELL
Fronting the Public Square.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c
'WISHING to dispose of his properly. in Sheshe-
V quin township, Distil . ..l.d county, Pennsy
nis, the subscriber offers it for sale upon the
reasonable terms, and invites the attention of those
wt-hing to purchase.
The property contains two hundred and forty-three
acres of land, lying along th , . Su-queliantto river,
with a large portion of rive Ist., ut the eery best
quality m and gra land and wstll dared fora dart).
. . The improvement, are u large two story
14,... , 4'1 BRICK HOUSE, built last year, and fin
', • ished in the best style, with brick kitchen
and wood house attached. • There are also
thief other Dwelling houses and three Barns, and
two large &Able roofed sheds for stable's and cattle.
There are als . three ORCHA RDS of choicespple
trees, and a young Peach orchard of f. 5 trees, selec
ted with care.
One hundred and eighty-five acres are under imr
provement, and the balance i■ covered with timber.
such as oak. hickory, yellow poie,tscc.oscc., all helms
well ,tupplied with springs of water.
This property was formerly in three farm•, and
a el now be sold to suit purchasers. either whole or
separ Indy. and terms of payment made easy. It of-
fers inducements rarely met a oh, being within 3}
mlca of Towanda. (the comity seat). opposite the
N rth Branch Canal, 14 miles from the New York
York and Erie Railroad, and immediately upon the
line of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad
Application may be made to Ctrs.cs Msncra,Esq
at Towanda or the subscriber upon the premises.
Jan 2. 1854. JOHN SPNIA HON.
'if the above yrtipery is not sold by the let of
March next, the Farinx will be tented, reserving the
privilege of ftell)n"
THIS Inottutinn.ft,r the education {on ladies
tit a- otnetted ou Tuesday the 21 , th September, in.
the Itu.iditig f,cuterly occupied by Mrs. Itlercur.—
It is now under the charge of Miss (hams D. Hay -
sov, aided by her sister. Mi.a RrnECca D. Hasson.
The number of pupils is limue l to thirty. Th•
scholasiic year eunsuos fury-f•ur
TERMA—S6, $9, and $l2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per quarter.
RLTI,BENCLS—Rev. Dr. blacrras, Vice PresiJent
of the College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hun. Davin WILMOT, 1011,1 LAPORTI Esq., C. L.
%Vann, Esq.. linst.Gro. Sarrnsasois, Towanda.
z), -
Miss REB ECCAD HANSON proposes to gir •
instruction to the young lanes of ihis puce
on the PILAU. "Trews—slo is‘r . quarter.
Application to be made to Hanson at the
Ward House, Or at tha Towanda Fein +le Seminary
September 2`2. 1E53.
ri D. DARTLETr. is now receiving a large
V. and carefully selected slack of
boucht for cash since the late decline in prime,
which he will offer for leady pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other thing.
he invite,' particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Townn,l4, April 15, 18:+3.
Clover Seed.
A Q.U.AINI firli of West Braneti Clover Seed. jast
471 received and tr.r sale by J. POW ELL.
Fehrnsry 16, 18511.
BY virtueof an order of the Orphan's Court of
1.) Bradfool comity. will be exposed to public sale
on the, on Thursday., the Enh day of Aprti
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the following property—
MI that certain farm situate in Orwell township,
late the property of Austin Russell. deceased. boon.
ded as follows—On the north hr Gen. S. Carrier and
Isaac 'dhultg; on the west by lands belonging to the
estate. of Austin Russell, deceased, n I the south hr
Roswell Russell, on the ea.t by the Owego road an.l
Ceo.B. Carner. Containina eighty thrra acts and
eighty four perches of excellent land. On said pre,
mires 'is a framed house, barn and hog pen. and
some bearing apple trees, and is well watered.
'Terms made known on the fiaV of sal..
A. A R1.:66£.1.L.
THE Copartnership under srh;ch the subscribers
have tone beFiness, is this day dr.solved hi
moibal consent. The business drift he closed up by
either eery at the OW Stand. Debts due is must
Fe aakt. ircue.'N & RAtlora.`
Athen•, Ten. If, 15M.
Q/M l- ..N,
Orphan's Court Salo.
March S, lASI