Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 15, 1854, Image 2

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    Three Days Later from Europe.
The British mail meamship, Zoo" CepLtibts.
non, from Liverpool March 25th, arrieed suite*
York Saiorday soon, with three daysialifeews
rum Europe. ,
Although no direct official suss;§er" Eras tan - re
served by the allied power. to their Ultimatum, a
telegraphic despatch from Bridle, dated, fdasM.
:4th, rays .
" Count Nissselnde has communicited to the.
English and French cionsolsoliat the Emperor will
give no answer at all to their joint summons."
This is considered authentic, from the Idindon.
Times of the 23 hot March alludes to it in these
tams; while speaking of Ru-eia. The limes says:
" A power tokich announces that it trill return no ass.
steer at all to the summons of the tratensicabindsr, and
thas gives the of aura
W • sobj"iu the following particulars of the
movements of the French and k.orgli-li land forces:
" It is thouxht the French expeditionary army
will stop at Gallipoli, and that the English will es.
lablish themselves in the Gulf of Enos. After a
short time for repose, the Aright French army will
be despatched to Adrianople or to the COMPa "
The London Chronicle soya, the first squadron of
English cavalry will embark at Dover or Folksione
on the Ist of April, passing through France
The lullawing Interesting announcernetit in the
Pays is probably authentic: For some time pas:
it has been rumored, as is known that a part oldie
expeditionary corps sent from Englang to the East
is to pass through France. We are assured :hat the
project is to be carried into execution. Two thous.
and of the cavalry, and one thousand of the artillery
of the English army, will. it is said, come to Pans
towards the end of the month, to proceed to Mar
seilles arid Toulon, by Lyons and Rhotte. The ca
valry is to consist principally of dragoon's, one of
first carps of the British army. We ate informed,
also, that Lord Raglan and his still will arrive at
Paris within the first two or three days of April, on
their way to Turkey.
Private despatches from Constantinople yam that
the object of Gen, Sir John Burgoyue's recent visit
to Gallipoli, was to examine the capabilities of the
place with a view to its fortification, PO aS to ren•
der it a good naval station for our vessels of sear.—
For the present, however, Gallipoli is chiefly men.
timed as the rendeivous of the French tronipe.
The sultan intends to place at the disposal of the
English and French armies, on their landing, 12,000
horses and 18 000 mules.
From the seat of war it is reported
The -Latest authentic despatch from Bucharest
mention great stir in the Russian armies. Some
reinforcements had arrived, and it was known that
the Czar had desired the capture of Kalalat, at any
risk and,cost of money or life.
Leiteri from Oreova state, that a smart affair of
outposts came off in front oL Kalalat on the Bth
Therel were skirmishes at Kalalat, from the 1 lth
to the 16 h March, but wi , h a slight loss of life.
On the 2d March, an engagement took place
opposite Bradt, where the Russians attempting to
cross the Ihnube to destroy some work on the right
bank of, were vigorously repetned by the Turks.
and lost 120 in killed alone. Combats are of daily
occurrence, and grow more serious, as well as more
Onier Puha is to have the general direction of
the military operations both in Europe and Asia
Perersburgh letters state, that in Russia every
one considers the approaching war u one which
will last for %ears.
It is belieVed, says a correspondent of the Lendon
Chronicle, 'hat the Rugviaiis will endeavor to strike
a decisive blow on the Danube before the arrival
of the allied troop.
\VCAN CLAISI4 —The repo - it of the Committee
on • extean Clanns, which was on Tuesday pre.
slanted to the Senate by 51r. Brodhead, embraces,
ham les the report_ itself, the journal of the pro.
ceedingrof the committee, the testimony taken
before them, and the report of Commissioners, of
whom.the Hon. Henry May was chief, sent to Mex
ico by the committee to investigate the cases of
George A. Gardiner and John H Mears. This let.
Mr report embraces the journal of the commission,
kept by Mr. May ; detailing very minutely the-ac
tion of the commission, and also various deposi
tions and authenticated official dochmenis, as well
as the correspondence between Verastique and
John C Gardiner, proving conclusively, and be
yond the shadow of a doubt, not only the guilt of
accused, (Gardiner) but revealing his accomplices
in Mexico.
lii testimony taken before the committee will'
tend to show who were his accomplices in Wash
ington The claim of Meant for a quicksilver mine
is shown to have bee from beginning • to end, a fa
hricatioeand fraud From many of the memorials
in reference to the adjudications of the late Board
rewired to the committee, they ask to be discharg
edssitie committee being of opinion that the claim
sot received not only what they were leg Ally and
equitably entitled to, but in some instances, much
more. This remark applies , particularly to the
class of cases arising out of the insignia of schoon
er " Julius Civet," " Champion" and " Lnuisia
na " In the case of Alexander J. Atocha, the com.
minims were equally divided as to the merits of
the claim. The claim of Jarrero they pronounce
to be eminently American, and, as such the claim.
ant entitled to relief. the case of Jonas P. Le
vy, the committee report •favorably upon one item
of the claim, but reject all the °there...Washing.
fort `Star.
—The Boston Times, in noticing the New York
Minor's "antecedents of Mr. Cutting," says:
" But these exploits are nothing when compared
to those of the gallant Kentutitian. Mr. Breckin
ridge, we are told by those likely to know, has, at
a distance of sixty yards, with a rifle ball plucked
one eye from the head of a woodcock, without in
juring the sight of the other, though the bird fell
dead ! He thinks nothing of tossing up a ten cent
piece, turning hip bark, and firing a pistol ball thro'
the centre of the piece before it al ghts. As for
projecting brickbats at twenty. paces, skill in small
swords, fisticuffs, etc, these amusements will sink
into insignificance when it is known that where
Mr. Breckinridge was brought up, it was common
occurence for scbool-boys to catch streaks of lurked
lightning as they descende,l from the heavens. and
hurl them at each other like juvenile Joves. Breck
never fought Commodore McDonough, but he hits
done just as good a thing, licked
.a bear and his
school marm at the same time "
—The Evening Post has a letter from Boston to
the iflecr that a large'eum ha. been subscribed in
State street for a silver service to be presented to
General Houston for his defence of the New Eng
land clergy.
—A case hearing some resemblance to the Gard
iner cue has occured in London. Frederick A
Molyns, formerly a member of Parliament, was
committed to prison on a charge of forging powers
of attorney, and obtaining EI 500 stocks from the
Bank of England. Being unable to procure bail he
was committed, and was found dead in bis cell
—A bloody fight occurred At the Monticello
House, in Charlonsville, Vae, on Monday last, be
tween W. Edward Garth, of Albemarle, and David
W. Flournoy, of Charlotte counties. They fought
with pistols and bowie knaves.' Both parties were
wounded--Mr. Garth dangerously, and Mr. Flour
noy. slightly.
—A crazy man, confined in jail at Newton, N j
soflacated himself on the 27111 oh. pleeiez the
straw of his bed around his cell, be obtained fire
by putting a wisp in abwrit with a stove in the
hall, and igniting the straw, placed himself in the
centre Of the floor, surrounded by flames. When
discovered, though not baffled, he was nearly es
hauled by the smote and gas, and died soon after.
—The Hon. Kingsley S. Bingham, of Livingston,
es-Democratic N C has accepted the Independ
ent Democratic nomination for Governor. after the
stpinaion of the time to whieb Mr Nlcelerand
was elettea
g4ectofo - r0 lAapovto-r.
E. 0. oodixml, EDITOR.
Towanda, Saturday, - April 15, 1854.
Terms if The RepOrley..
to 30 per annum—if paid within the year 30 een:s will
deduetcd—fot euh paid semen) . In advance/11 00 will be
educted. No paper sent overtwo years. unless paid (qr.
ADVICITIMIERTS, per puma ten lines. 60 cents for the
drat and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.
lir Office in the Union Block." north side of the Public
Aware, next door to the Bradford Hotel. Entrance be.vreen
. Adams' and Elerellto law °Sees.
Democratic State IrOminatlons.
♦on onvsnaroll.
row Joann or %minim cousr.
We hear that rumors have been circulated that
cases of small-pus have occurred in this borough.
Such reports are totally without foundation. There
has not been a case of the disease occurring here,
and we have every reason to hope that we shall
escape entirely. We learn that the form of the dis
ease does not seem to be epidemic, and that its
occurring in so many townships, is owing to the
fact that persons having the disease in a very mild
tom, supposing it to be chickenpox, have travel
ed in several parts of the County, spreading the
contagion. By this means, several cases have oc
curred in an immediate neighborhood, and some
Our Citizens almost universally have resorted to
re vartination, as a safe-guard, and if any faith can
be placed in medical experience, the present type
of the disease, even should it reach us, would be
confined to very few cases, and those of a mild char-
(jam A hill, regulating the execution of Criminals
passed the State Senate on Friday, by an almost
unanimous vote. A supplement to this act provide.
that the number of persons present at any execu
tion, including the Sheriff a or Coroner's Deputies,
shall in no case exceed twenty-five; that any Sher.
di or Coroner allowing a greater number to be pre
sent, shall, on conviction, be fined 5500, one. ball
to go to the informer and one-half to the county;
that during the hours specified by the death war
rant, the enclosure 'where the execution is to take
place shall be under the 'exclusive control of the
Sheriff or Coroner, and it shall be the duty of these
officers, or the postal Deputy of either, to inflict
the punishment of death in cues prqvided by law,
and in no case shall such punishment be inflicted
by a professional hangman, or one employed whol
ly for that \purpose.
SONBIJRT cNtl ERIE Ratthursy.—The Philadelphia
Ledger states that on Monday evening, there was
a special meeting of the City Coutieiti <Olen it was
expected that such an ealubit would be made by
the President of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad
Company, u would entitle the Company to the
conditional subscription of two millions of dollars
made by the city to the work a month or taro ago.
In• Select Council there was no qi.ornm, and con
sequently nothing was done. It is understood that
the absentees were purpooly out of their seats that
there should be no quorum, thus to defeat the sob.
scription. There is some apprehension we be
lieve dit the proposed road will not bees thorough.
ly identified with Philadelphia interests as tt is de
sired it should be. There is talk of connections
with the Venango, Catiawissa and other roads,
which will form a tolerable direct road from the
interior of Onio to the city of New York.
Fritz COMPANY —The Town Council having pur.
Chased a fire , engine and apparatus , a Fire Company
was organized on Tuesday night last. The officers
are as tollows :
Fireman—Wm. C. Bocsaz.
First Assistant—COL. JOHN F. MUNN.
Second Assistant—D. C. KINSMAN.
Pipeman—Jam is P. KINSMAN.
Seadary—J. Ds LA Mo TTTTT L.
Treasurer—ALLEN M'Ktrits.
Frye Honitten • DOLLARS REWARD —The gross
and criminal act of vandalism at Washington,which
we recorded some weeks since u resulting in the
destruction of the block of marble presented by the
Pope of Rome u his contribution to the national
monument, has not yet been traced to the disgrace
lot perpeitcor. The Washington monument Asso.
elation offers a reward of five hundred dollats for
his detection.
SALL or nix MAIM Lugs —The bill for the sale
of the Main Line of the Public Walks. passed the
House of Representatives Tuesday last—yeas 84,
noes 30. The amendment proposing to make the
Stockholders individually liable in default of payl
inept of the instalment., was negatived—yeas 31,
noes 56 The minimum price fixed is eleven mil
lions. The bill now goes back to the Senate for
CAPT. SCHAISSIBURO, who it will be recollected
attempted to kill Mr. Fuller, some time since, by
shooting him with a pistol, has been found guilty
by the Court at Washington city, of a simple as•
'auk and battery, and sentenced to six months tm•
prisonment, and a fine of one hundred dollars. The
jury are entitled to a premium (or their verdict
Qtr The Wover'y Advocate says: " E*4l Wilcox
offers to the North Penna Railroad Company the
right of way across his farm, ind fifteen acres of
land for the use of said Company. Mr. Spring and
Mr. Ride also offer the right of way."
CONSOLIDATED—The Elmira, Williancarat and
Catawba's Railroads are now consolidated. The
first of July is now specified u the time for the
completion of the Roads.
otr Alfred 11. Ilanseont, n 1 Michigan, has been
appoinled Lt. S Conant at thal Port of Rio Grande,
in Bradt.
Imeoarairr Dxaszos.—Judge Pearson, of Harris
.burg, recenty_paths an important decision as to .
she paw fliCtmlie of Quarter Sesstrous reeds
Ili,rults4as granted on /email Gosifira,
offliriisbutiOto - show why hallos* eltOuld nos
bq rekokedjaa actlanta of violating the lawAselllast
I nal to a minor and apprentice; also, for selling
on Sunday. It was proved that he had sold liquor
on Sunday Wit minor apprintice, and to several
others; and. [vie rfeofdir convictiiiii Were pro;
dueed, the one by a justice of the peace for selling
liquor to said minor apprentice, the other try a dif
talent magistrate for selling on Sunday; both of
which offences were committed since the renewal
of lieenie at the January Coon. Under these facts,
Judge Pearson, man. able, elaboratsopinion, de
cided that the Act of March 11, 1834, invested the
Courts with power to reit& licenses. The power
is a diardicmaiy one with the Courts, to to exer
eised or not as the special facts might indicate.—
Mr. Gowan's license was ret eked. The decision
is important, as doubt has existed as to whether
Courts have the power to revoke licenses for via.
lations of the Sunday Act and selling to minors.
Boston Monet Marreas.—ln 11oston, the Mo-
ney market is still hard and the demand unabated.
On call rates range from 12 to 18 per cent., among
the brokers, but these figures are submitted to tem
porarily with a view to carry loan over the pres
ent week. Quotations for good paper range from
10 to 12 per cent, while the banks are not doing a
great deal to elle their customers over the bard
The Banks of Boston dist/ibuted, in the shape of
dividends on Monday, the sum of $1,088,600.
A /hansoms Reyna') —The United States Gov
ernment has presented the owners of the ship An
tarns (which took off a portion of the passengers
on the wrecked S:eamer San Francisco) the sum
of 825,000 as a token of gratitude 'for the sdrvice
rendered. It was a voluntary gift, as the owners
of the ship made no charge.
Kr J M Alexander, EN., has retired from the
Luzerne Union, having disposed of his interests in
the concern to Gen. S. S Winchester. Mr. Win
chester has associated P. B. Barger, with himself
in the conduct of the Union.
C*- The Senate bill, appropriating $3,000,1:100
or the construction of six first class frigates, passed
he House of Representatives on Friday, by yeas
113 to nays 43.
Tlik Paomerroey LIQUOR Elo.t..—The whole
subject of a prohibitory liquor law is now likely to
go to a Committee of Conference oldie two Houses
of the Legislature. The point of difference between
the House and Senate seems to be this.—The
House bill gave the enactment immediate force,
with provisions fat a Me of the people upon its
continuance in force. The Senate insetted, instead
of this, its own bill, giving force to the enactment
only upon Its being sanctioned by a vote of the
people. The House refused to concur m this
amendment, and the Senate have insisted on it and
directed a Committee of Conference. The House
will probably appoint its committee also to-day.—
This, then, is the present position of affairs. The
main principles of the bill having passed both
Houses, the committee of each Hume must be
composed of a majority of the friends of that prin
ciple, and the joint committee can only act upon
such points in the bill as are in dispute between
the two Houses. If the report of the committee,
when made, ts negatived in either House the whole
measure Mils, and can only be reviewed by the
introduction of a new bill.
Littrratawr Smut Auvc.—The arrival of the
steamer El Dorado at New Orleans brings the wet
come Intelligence of the state arrival of Lieot Strain
and his patty, on the Pacific side of the Isthmus of
Darien. Lieut, Strain is an old traveller. His ex
perience in roughing li, the calth Coutage and an
daunted perseverance he has always ethibiied In
his adventurous explorations. gave glut confidence
to his friends in the hope of his ultimate safety,
Their expectations have been fortunately verified by
the result. Lieut. Strain is not only a hard adven
turer, but a spirited chronicler of his trials by flood
and field, and we shall expect an interesting account
of his wild experiences among the savages of New
Granada. Lieut. Strain is known u the writer of an
interesting account of his journeying', in South Amer
ica. The crossing the continent of South America
born the klantio to the Pacific, start ing,we believe,
at Buenos Ayres, and joining his ship on the Pacific
ocean, is one of the many recorded experiences in
travel of the adventurous lieutenant. We expect to
near from Strain a stirring history of adventure, and
his safety is a benefit to literature and science, as it
is welcome news to his friends.
FATAL. Awl:lA.7.—We are again under the pain.
fol necessity of recording another of those sad ac.
ciJents which bereaves a whole family, and robe
Pociely of one of its most useful members. The
particulars of the sad affair as near as we can lenrn,
are, that Mr. A J. Elliot a Bourg man of 24 years
of age, while et work at an excavation on the
Williamsport and Elmira railroad, on Mr. Doll's
section, went under an embankment, for the poi.
purpose of removing Porno alone when the mass
of earth gave way burying him beneath it, crush
ing him in a most shocking manner and killing
him instantly, and somewhat injuring two Irish
men. Mr. Elliot wag a young man of good, steady
habits, and possessed of business qualities rarely
met with amoug young men of his age. He leaves
a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his
sodden and early departure.
This stroke of Divine will falls doubly heavy
upon this family, it being only a few weeks since,
when a cousin of the deceased wu soddenly cut
ofl from mortal existence by the Idling of a tree,
which instantly. killed him. We have the assur
ance that the symyathies of the whole communtiy
are with them in this their double bereavement
Tasotcat. Sorter.—The Cleveland Leader says
in Waupacca county, Wisconsin, a farmer sold a
yoke of oxen, and received his - ,pay in paper mo
ney. The man who purchased die oxen, being in
a harry le start oft, requested the farmer to assist
him in yoking them up. He accordingly went to
the yard with the man for that purpose, leaving the
money on the table. On his return to the house,
he found his little child had taken the money from
the table and was in the act of kindling a fire in the
stove with it. From the impulse of the moment,
he hit the chili a slap on the side of the head, so
hard to knock it over, and, in the fall, it struck its
head against the store with such force as to break
its skull. The mother, who was washing a small
child in a tub of water, in an adjoining room, on
hearing the fracas, dropped the child and ran to
the room whence the noise proceeded—and was
so much terrified at what she there beheld, that
she forgot the little chili in the the tub for a time,
and upon her renurnto the room found the little one
drowned ! The husband, after a few moments re.
viewing the scene before him, seeing two of his
own children dead, without further reflection, took
down his gun and blew his brains out !
Qom . The atetunsbip Florida brought to New
York on Tuesday, between thirty and forty bushels
of green pets, and six Champaign baskets of straw.
berries. They were Wised at Savannah and Florida .
151 season is said to bate been favorable for fruit
it tetleeth s eed the MIS steamer lrom Savannah
Plialtialrbring largequantities of pea*, straw.
be tr ice .
'Yesterday . aftertkien,:as soinCirtirkennt . were
engaged' in efunivatings cellar rim Lintorver., a
elicit distancti below JObn attest, theycameln ton•
toot with a bird iabitatiOe about tune feet below
the,griiile of the street,4thicki aftitinatnia'Aroubli,
wit estimated and brglt i ghl taklighkand *Owed to ,
be e-human body in peikel suns petrilection,..
This extraordinary spedimen of the human race is
a male about &re feet seven inches in length The
hair itreerrehortiitnd evens to have been skived
in several pans, as its formation is perfect and ap
parently aninj
u;ed bytime • The lace is singularly
farmed, and :Hering in shape and expression from
any of the races of the present age. What is most
remarkable, the body is perfect
• all Its.parls, ev
ery muscle, 'Ohre and sinew being pet (icily devel.
oped. The color is rather of a light gray, and in
some pans @wenches -very near-the - white man,
although this may have beep produced by thit,e'c
tion of the soil in which it has been buried," per.
balmier ages. A number of eminent scientific
gentlemen visited this remarkable and strange ex'.
&tummies) yesterday aftenotern, but nothing of a de.
finite character was arrived at relative to thecause,
or what length of time it had laid there, although
all agreed that atm! hundred years must have
elapsed since ii was buried. The body will be re
moved to the City Council Chamber, in,the City
buildings, this morning where it may be seen by
those 01 our citizen , who ate desirous of witness
ing one of the most tkortderfol freaks of nature. On
Monday it will be shipped to the National Institute
at Washington, where it will remain permanently
tar the inspection of the world at large.—Cineinnidi
FORT Scutum. —The Bonham, Texas, Advertiser,
of March 9th, contains the following alarming
news, which we are disposed to pronounce incor
rect, inasmuch as late telegraphic despatches from
Texas make nu ihintion of it:
We stop the press to give the; following intel
ligence, which was brought last night by George
N. Batt ' Esq., of Preston. Mr. Butt had received
• letter from the Chaplain at Fon Belknap, (trans.
mutedby a confidential servant of Mr. B) stating
that the whole force of the garrison, except sixteen
men, were off in pursuit of the murderers of Cot.
Stem; and that 400 Indian warriors were about the
Fort challenging the commandant, Major Merrill,
to a fight The had dispatched a party with 1000
Government cattle, of which they had taken pos
Major Merrell was temporizing with them—giv.
mg them goods and provisions—in Ike hope of suc
cor, either from the return of the scoot or from two
companies of recruits hourly expected.
Fort Belknap is a collection of buildings on an
open plain, and sixteen men can do very little for
its defence. Unless the expected succor reached
them soon after dispatch of the Chaplain's letter,
Maj M. and his little command are already mas
A BAND or Hooves Aaaerrib —A regular organ
ised band of rogues have jest been nabbed in the
town of Candor. They have, for the past six
months, beau the terror of the neighborhood, com
mitting every species of petty Crime. Five per.
sons were arrested last week, by officers Martin
and Johnson, brought to this village, and locked
op in the County Temperance Boarding House,
there to await the action of the Courts. Their
names are Wm. Hutchinson, Win. Wright, Rolland
Charles Doty and Pm. Whitney . They commenc
ed their operations last Fall by attempting to burn
the dwelling of Edward Gates, but only succeeded
in burning a haystack. From that time until last
week, the confined their operation to petty larceny.
Last week they broke into the store of .1. Thom p.
son, at Candor Centre, and took from the drawer
all the small change that was in it. This last bold
burglary led to their detection. The people be.
coming alarmed for their safety, while such rogues
were allowed their liberty, turned oat, headed by
the officers of the law, and succeeded in capturing
their ringleader, Wm. Wright, who confessed, we
understand, who his confederates were, and also
told where a lot of keys could be found ; and on
searching the spot, seventeen skeleton keys were
found. On his person were found a revolver and
a dirk knife.—Owego 8. 7. Tunes.
Woman Casa —Mr Minter, Of Starks, has
angered from a disagreeable sensation in his stom
ach and tickling in his throat, for a year or longer,
and had ottaalohally raised blood• It was sup
posed that the sensildohe steal deterite, and in
reality produced by worms, as various mange
scions are known to be. The cause, however, has
turned out be stranger still. One morning, recent•
ly, Mr. Manter, feeling the tickling in the upper
part of his throat, and something biting .him there,
got his wife to Inok into his mouth. To her aston
ishment she plainly few the head and eyes of a
lizard. On telling her husband what she had seen,
it alarmed him so much that she feared lot the con
sequences, and tried to turn it off. At any rate, he
was induced to take some vermiluge, and shortly
obtained relief by the expulsion of the extraindi.
nary tenant of his stomach The lizard was about
six inches in length. Mr. Minter then related that
about three years ago, he had drank at a brook, in
which he observed numerous little lizards, and ex
pressed the opinion that he must have swallowed
it at that time.-I,ewist on Farmer.
GaCAT Roca snit N W OILLASIL—The great post
stake race for twenty thousand dollars came off last
Saturday afternoon, (April let,) on the race course
near New Orleans, and caused the most intense ex
citement. Four horses were entered, via: Leming.
foe for Kentucky, Lecompte for Mississippi, High
lander for Alabama and Arrow for Louisiana. The
race was won by Lexington in two straight heats.
Arrow was distanced in the first beat. For the sec.
and heat Leannpte came in second, and Highlander
third. The track was very heavy. The time of
the brat heat was 8 Min 81 sec., and the second
heat, 8 min. 4 sec. • Highlander was distanced in
the second heat. There was great disappointment
at the result, bets having ran very high on iligklan
der. It is said that over one hundred thousand dol
lara changed hands on the occasion.
case, which is now before the Supreme Court of
U. S., is an appeal from a decision of the Ohio
Circuit Court, adverse to the claim of the sou.hern
portion of the Methodist Church to a share of the
Cincinnati Book concern. The Counsel employed
by the nortnem Branch of the church is the Hon.
Thomas Ewing. Mr. Henry Stansbury, of Ohio,
and Senator Badger, of North Carolina, advocate
the cause of the southern.
The argument of the appellants closed in the
United States Supreme Conn, at Wuhington, yes•
terdey. The case excites a great northern and
southern interest , among the large sects of Me.
—The first edition et Colonel Benton's 14 Thirty
years in the United Slates Senate," is to be 5e,000
copies, and most of these will be taken to fill orders
whch have already been receive d.
At Prairie City, California. on Tuesday evening,
February 14, by Esq. M'Daniel Mr. Halal( J;
KILLIVX, and Miss SAIWI J. Facien.
In West Burlington, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr.
Clark, 111111 All L RoczweLL, of Troy, and Miss
insures M'Kests, of West Harlington.
in Franklin. on the 19th ult., by E. B. Powell, Mr.
J. H. Wausau, of the former place, and Miss MA*
as A. Br.m.san, of Canton.
in Troy, on the evening of the 4th inst.. by the Rev.
P. W. Helladay, Mr. Jana. Ts:Loa, and Miss do.
SAN Bacaaotre, of the former place.
In CookgyeD. oa the 30th oh., by Elder T. Miller.
Mr. Ann W. Rocitwrzi.. of BrAdfold co, awl
JAU ErGoenxrrto. on 4 tiltivan, Tiaga Co. Pa.
New %battlements.
t - ••
TutSabitcribere'reapectfully inform the citicesur
otOradfoirci .County, as well as illl-mbrirs
tarot:mot purchasing. that they have opened an es
tablishment in Towanda, next door to 0. D. Bart
/tie/ &Wee: tbity .lba ~ttWio at
whole-sale or retail, a large assortment of
manufactured by or expressly for themselves, and
warranted to , be of the best materials and made in
the most substantial and fashionable manner, which
they will sell , at thcloweist , Possible prices.
They will keep on hind an extensive asortment
-of Orme, Casainteres,-Vostingai and Tailore Trim•
wings. Also Truilks, Carpet be.., Hats and Caps,
arid Geotleman's Furnishing Goods.
We intend: to offer the public a larger and . better
ilfmritnent, than ever before kept in this , place. and
to merit the patronage of die public, by selling them
a good srticle-at prices much toter than enY other
eitabliehment: - •
Canine done at the shortest notice.
viir Nathan Alesarkler respectfully requests from
his old friends, a cootiousoce of their patronage,
and assures them they shall meet with the same
satisfaction as formerly. -: •
Main street, Towanda; .25 Lake street, Elmira ;
April 15, 1954.
iztwr (r 0 31 , ,,,1 1 , a
UTOULD respectfully call the sttPntfon of the
V V public to their large stock of Men? and boy?
furnishing Goods, consisting of every variety of
Broadcloths, Castimeres, Doe skins. Tweeds. Kentucky
Jeans, Linens, Shirts, Collars,
Stocks, Cravats,
Hosiery, Suspenders, Hats, Carpet
Bags, Trunks, Cones, 4c.
*hich will be sold cheaper than the same qualify can
be sold in any other establishment in this country. •
They have &go on band a well manufactured as
sortment of
ready-Made Clothing,
to which we invite the attention of buyers. Our
Clothing is mostly made op in the shop—and not
purchased at " alop•shops"—as some we wot of.
Orders in the Tailoring hue executed in the most
fashionable manner, at the shortest notice, and war•
a:y The public will please notice one fact, that
No °Ns not practically acquainted with the business
is capable of judging of the quality and make of a
garment; hence the reason why the community
hen been so much imposed upon by a certain dais
of community who deal in the article who, if they
were not practically and professionally cheats, could
of necessity know nothing about the business.—
They are certtio. if the public would consult their
true interest, they would purchase only of those ac.
(painted with the business.
Towanda. April 12, 18b4.
Notice to Collectors and Tax-Payers.
OU are hereby authorized to make a deduction
of five per cent. upon the State Taz, of every
:ndividush who shall pity his or her state and coun•
ty tax in full, on or before the 21st day of June next,
and the same shall be allowed you in your se de
ment, provided the same is by you paid into the
County Treasury, on or before the 22d or 23d dayi
of June next.
By order of the Commissioners,
E. M. rARRAR, Clerk
Towandh, April 12, 1854.
T IST OP LIIITWIS, remaining in the
-1-4 Post Office, at Towanda. April 1, 1854.
Austin James Kett. John
Bessey Miss D A Lani!on L H
Blackman Jeremiah Lam Edward
Canes Mrs E Lynch Patrick
Cussen Paul Lester W H
Cram Josiah Luther Enoch
Cranmer Anson # Mitchell Michael
Cummings Clark Jr Moore Mrs Mary
Compton Mark M'Neal Wm
Cotter John McMom Harvy
Connor David McGill Wilson
Duheen M McCloud James
Dunin Henry Mlles Rev 8 J P
Dennis Charles Nestor John
Ertel Valentin O'Keefe Johanna
Furman Leonard Ogden Sarah -
Forsyth Alton Parsons W C
'Fisher Jacob Platt Christopher
Peltoti Dorcas 'i Roberts C B
Green Stephen Sullivan PEugene
duinard Chas 2 Sullivan Hannah
Griffin John 2 Streeter Sylvester,
Granger Emeline Smith Win •
Gabb Ferdinand Smith .1
Hine D P Salisbury James
Hoxie Miss H Swain Holton
Higgins Mrs J M Strickland Lucius .
Hinkle Philip Thomas Mr L
Heverling Squire Taylor J R
Hcighs James Jr Vincent Albra
Hacom Orlando Watson 1
Hunter James Webb Andrew
Kilmer Mrs 8 Walbrum Cnas
Keeler Ira White Michael
King avid or hells 2 Wilcbi Nancy
Kelly David Warden Abrahnm
THE Uniform Melitia of the first Bri
-1 gade, will meet in Battalions for
, I I parade, review and Inspection, in the
, I : following order :—The second Battalon
v i , will meet on Monday, the Bth day of
e . ‘l May, 1854. The 4th Battalion, on Toes
day, the 9th day of May, and the first
Battalion on Wednesday, May 10th,
I Commanding Officers of Battalions
will appoint the place of meeting. and
i give proper notice thereof, within the
bounds of their respective commands.
Brigade Inspector's Office, Leltaysville, Apr. 6,
1854. JOHN A. CODDING, inspector.
QURNE YOH for Bradford County, is prepared to
attend to the above business in •11 its branches.
His office is at Monroeton. AU letters addressed to
him at that place, will meet with prompt attention.
April 4,1854.
ALL persons are cautioned against purchasing
two notes Ftven in Herrick, in the tore part of
February, 1854, payable to John M Furman or bear
er—one 16, theother 18 months after date. I shall
not pay said notes, unless compelled by law, as I
have received no value for the same.
Rome; March 29, 1854.
Ophelia Mallory, (by her next friend Thi;mas Hyatt)
vs Charles W. Mallory—No. 81, Dec T 1853
Alias Surpano in Divorce.
riIiARLEB W. MALLORY, _ defendant in the
‘..) above cause, you are hereby notified that Ophe,
ha Mallory your wife, has filed her petition for a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias
subpoena has been returned, and proof made that
you are not to be found in said county. Yon are
therefore, hereby required to appear at the Court
House in the hero' of Towanda, on Monday. the I%t
day of May next, being the first day of said term of
said court of common pleas, to answer the said com
plaint, and show cause, if an you have, why thesaid
Ohphalia shall not he divorced from you.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Towanda. April 4. wt.
Plows and Plow aastingn!
DLATCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis
Plows, Side hill, animall and corn plows and
Castingi, br sale cheap.
I talte . pirticular pains to get goal well made
plows and tough castings. i would invite particu
lar attenu ton to the of Curtis plow.
Call and ,re. R. NI. WELI.CS.
Treasurer's' Sate of troseated
pursoaace of the provision s of an a ct
genaratAssetably,passed the 13th da, of
14'16, ind Other acts of Assiembly, will be e
to;pubho Sale at the Commissioner's
ban,' of TOranda. on the 2d Monday of w /s t
the tracof lend described in the follow,
ueliss theitaxes due on them are paid
time; "'""
iro. NO.
418 Andrew Backbart
294 A bet Pierce
160 Plainees Bradley
100 David bliepherd
300 Charles Caz
60 pt. Hannah Hibbard
216 Joel Barer(
89 Hannah Hibba r d
6 wrn litbband
lOU pt.Thos Jackson
100 Wm Jackson
mOpt.klally Fish
181 pt. Christopher Aral"
300 Bower Philip
157 James Wllsoo
333 J Wilson
88 Charles Carroll
195 do
100 do
CA TON •11111 LIROT.
4101 Casper Shaffner Jr.
405 i .tphn bturgan
170 pt. Win smith
190 James Wilson
2444600;00 D jiPa r eem bi rs a l fi :l;ae f e t r e lPYh ts i ‘j a ti r 16
108 James Wilson
'as Daniel tinath 24:
187 Joseph Thompson 14 36
200 Wm Norton 1:41
100 Charles Carroll
450 do
184 do
100 Charles Carroll
al no a as T.
800 Charles Carroll 14 40
230 du
6 00
4 05
150 George Prlnce 915
Ilstiry Porter 4 70
49 Porter Geo ck Lunea 3:I
75!f • Feld 470
100 Henry Field 6 31i
33 Phh,p North
200 Samuel Fteld 1:60
88 Wm Purter 554
14 Jamea Sna:th
Also--At the sane lime and place nil; be et.
posed to sale the folltiLt-in7 It-al E•tAte porta
anc:e of the forty-first •ec ;kit, of an ac; of mem
assembly, panned the 29th 1.!,u of April A. 1.1.
viz :-
Townships I year.," To tehi.m Am'
Armenia 1851 11. nj C.., lbaugh $: 0
' du ' .... sabin li.ek weil 71
do 1952 Ben] Coo:bsugh :4u
do .... W Johnson 44
do .... I.stnn 1-1, , r1, a e'l 50
Albany , „ c , .rnelill• M ai011 . 3 134
Asylum .... ;:si &J C Benjamin 4SA
do .... Ralph Priers' Lens SU
du - .... 8 , 11ebe..1 Cr.ali 114
do .... Lemn.ri Pearce I 5:
Burlington 1851 Sylvester Hill 154
do .... Wm si in psou 313
du .... Wrn Taylor to
do ... J H WaNrc 179
do .... Geo Gait.: • 45
do .... G F Wellea 5 87
du .... JasH English 154
do 1852 Muse,, Benrie.t 1 31
do .... Jas ii Rng,i+ll '1 70
do . .. Limon P Hanson I 31
Durell 1848 Susan itl'Atrec i 52
do 1849 do . 2 24
do 1952 do 160
do . .... Geo Place 235
Franklin 1851 J A Rayne 105
do 1852 Geo Beagle 160
Granville .. Henry Hawley 490
do ...\ Asshe' Fairch:l,l 80
Herrick 1851 ; Beri Bennett :: 34
do .... Barnard Clark 157
do .... Owen Dougherty Si
do - .... Susan Inghaw 170
do .... James Wood '1 62
do 18.:2 Ls .4 Hull 139
do .... James W,.od 4:17
do ...• Orrin Coleman 131
Leßoy .... James Lyon 99
Orwell .... \V m Blair 278
Rome 183 l .4 ggeta Lent 120
do .... H H Lent 156
do .... ('heater Wedge 1 56,
do .... David Ecklor 177
du .... Daniel Hill 7 54
do •• • • Samuel Cooley 3:
South Creek .... J W Manderville 77
do 1852 James Giber Ifd
do .... Henry Turk 120
Smithfield .... 1 T Hall 373
do .... John 0 Sterns 353
do 1852 do 4 03
do •• • • R L Morton 1 31
do ....^ Wm Ralphe 110
do .... L D 'Tyrrell 740
Towanda b0r01952 1. W Tiffany 165
Towanda tp. .... . Frreman Gran 155
Ulster 1851 James Gazley 450
Warren .... Thos G Dunn 139
Wyso2 1852 H C Bull 5:
do ....
F G o o ß rs u l E n s e ,
Treu ,
tit l e. "
Towanda. April 5, 1854.__
?Auditor's Notice.
In thentaof the estate of Jonathon Brink dn'd
the Orphans' Court of Bradford County
PRE undersigned haring been appointed an tr,
ditor to hear, examine and report upon !be fi
nal account of the administrators of.lona:hsn Brink,
dec'd. to which exceptions are tiled, will attend to
the duties assigned him on the '2Bth day at Xi"
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at hi. office in the bop; ca
Towanda. WM. ELM ELL, Auddcr.
March 28, 1854.
At the Athens A grseultural Store .
WEST BRANCH and Ohio Clover r
a bushel.
Clean Reaped Timothy Se-d, wholesale iv; r
tail—retail price,. Also a go“ 41 selec:i
den Reeds, for sale sheap. . R. M.
Athens, March 15, 1854. _ _
REED ' S DRUG 5°13
IS now being refurni4hed with a nee
Stock of DRUGS & EDICIY Finl
Lamps—some of them new and beautiful cacti
In short, everything advertised in hi , "g ula Y ° ,
umo, has been completely filled up, with fresh
from Njw-York and Philadelphia.OP
Mattiewsou's Hone Remedy, Gargling fir , .
tang'tinament, and several new and popnlar
tines which will be sold. xtremely (or Cot.
Paints, Oils Varnishes, Glass, Macs Wl'
dm, as usual.
March 24, 1854.
DRIED APPLES .- 40 bushels Dried W
grafted fruit—on hand and for sale by. 4.
March 15. 1884. BAILEY dt liEV l7 `•
--- -
rl ROVPitl PLAB rEI4.-30 tons Cayuga Grvaa/•
1 -T - Pla . ter,.on ban] and for sale by
:!Tarct, 1:, Is I. 11.1.11,E1* & V.:\:-\'
6 go