Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 01, 1854, Image 3

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ones HALE.
i virtue al writs of Vend. Expo, issued o t °coke
}Dun of Common Mason:tired:ad county,aud
... oe &reefed, \Nolll be exposed to public Taste at
... con %House, in the boro' of:Towanda. on Mon.
lie isi jay of May, at I o'clock P. M. - the fol.
, as tiOCllbCti lot, piece or parcel tif land situ.
, s W ilmot cp. bud bounded on the nurth by land
:-. mph Stevens , the east by lands of Ichabod Coy
south by lands of Thurston Burdock, on the
. us
!. A b y of Harvey Hun gerford, containing 58
,and too perches be the same more or less,
"' D i 413 acres improved, one frame barn, and an
orchard and other fruit trees thereon. ''
2.3. , 0 0—0ne other lot, piece or parcel of land
• .4 . • township aforesaid, bounded and de
,ssotr in
is fo llows: On the north by lands of Lucius
';'ford, east by lands of Matthew Covey; on
i so uth br lands of Joel T. Burdick, on the west
:Pools oilehabod Corson, containing 17 acres, be
mo o or less, about 4 acres improved.
at at ae
i A s—One other lot , piece or parcel of land sit
'''l ire AWA township of Wilmot, bounded and de
,i.,ibed i s f o llaws—On the north by the public high-
Sa y leg jlta from Terrytown to Albany, on the east
it gLIN of Matthew Covey, on the south by a branch
; : h e Sugar Run creek, on the west by la n d s o f
'ih,hoil 'Corson, containing about 7 acres be the
, 03
more or less, all improved, one frame House,
'_'... small frame barn and a small frame building
'rzurned and used at a carpenters' shop, and a few
!nit trees thereon.
Serzed and taken in execution at the suit of Wm.
: Tr y vs. f.uctus !lunge/ford.
tl.SO—The following described lot,pieee or par.
of land situate in Wysox tiro. bounded on the
~ t h by rand+ of John Johnson, on the east by 1 inds
Lytnan Trumbull, on the south by Bertrand
iii.laey and Alvin Whitney's lands, on the west
~ . 3l1, 1 1; in possession of 'When H. Gorsline, con-'
z .i _tiv.t: 841 acres and 9-10 perches be the same more
1. (about 40 acres improved, one log house, and
•tramed barn and a few small apple trees there
t e.,zed and taken in executio,n at the suit of P.
.; ;yes and H. Hicks aders of Peter Johnson deed
.;... t.l.Gor , line and Pomeroy Gorsline.
fLSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land
Orin Orwell tp. bounded and described as fol
o--On the north by lands lately owned by Roger
cer, on the east and south by lands of James D.
nre il„ on the west by lands of Mrs. Marietta Ful
wntrining IS acres be the same more or less.
not Satre , improved. tine saw mill thereon even.
~a framed house standing on the west line and a
-r :'u.l uses thereon.
.*zed and taken in eseeutton at the suit of (Matta:
7 FiDble vs Riley H. Fuller and Major B. Dar-
ALSO—The following described lot,piece or par
iv, 01 land situate in Asylum ts,sp., bounded on the
t elt lanits 0( Mary Ann Lanning, on the east by
,rc' , zt Samuel Hsrford, on the south by lands for ,
;t•rly oohed by the late Ralph Peters deed., on the
lands ol Bragg. cobtaining 50 acres,
a t h e same mere or less, about 25 acres the leo f int
'll-yocesi, with one lot house and a few fruit trees
rt s,.,te, and taken in execution at the suit of John
v, Wafter Brags and Smith Tuttle.
.k1,7 4 )-The followinT; descr,bed piece or parcel
•y!in,i,folat , . in Rome tp. and bounded on the north
!lands ol J.,hn Park., on the east by lands of silaa
ih.._ionth by the M'Kay tract. on the west
r!acl.. of Chauncey Parks, containing 'BO acres,
t 50 am- , improved,one framed house on frame
ars ow a small orcharkof fruit trees thereon.
hard elk{ token in o,l:icution at the suit of May
e& Wo.dbuta vs./Harvey Burchard.
asG—.The following described lot. piece or
cel of land situate in North Towanda tp. bound•
the north by lands of John Simons, on the east
it'sJ. of David Rutty and Ira IT. Stephens, on
ze South by lands of fret H. Steph.qui and the Sugar
erk, on the westerly side by the 'Sugar creek, con•
;au:LI tut., acres, be the same more ur Jest, about
acres thereof improved, with one framed hoo.e,
Mrard ...Minty, one framed barn and two map
r harn, and an orchard of fruit frees thereon.
ScipA and taken in executun at the suit of t?peo.
West, now to the use of E. T. Fox vs. Jesse
Toodrutr, executor of Nathan Coon deed.
.ALSO—The following described lot piece or par.
of knit situate in Tuscarora tp. bounded as ful
is_ll,ginulllg at a post the sooth easterly corner
the ha, thence north 110° west 20 perches to a Col - -
n fttl ° rust 10 perches to a corner,
,nre , ou'n GU' east 20 perches to a corner near
Lana. thenCe south 30° west 16 perches to the
ace ..1,,ng, containing 2 acres strict Irma
cti.carori creek roads short distance
L.,.st Mill. all iinprored with one
iTted 1,. u , e and I.IIP small framed barn, a black.
•h .p an.i a tow fruit -trees thereon.
Also l'he undivided or:e half of the following
lot piece or puree: of land situate in Tus•
jrrt rp. bounded on the no:th by lands of Peter
at_ on the east and west by lands of A. B. Kin.
tel on the south by lands of T.. Kinney. cow.
cent 82 acres he the same more or less, show 7
and taken in execution at the suit of H. W.
rs. Charles Nurse.
fi—The'followit , degcribed Itit piece or par
!an situate in Wysox twp. bwanded on the
lind,of John Johnson, on the east by land
;.!man Tunnbull, on the south by lands of Bev
•.9 and A Ivit Whitney, and on the wed by lands
po•-s!..scion of Gilbert H. Gorsl ine, containing
aue= and 9-10 perches be the same more Or less
Alt 40 acres improved, one log louse, one fram
,:,arn and a few small apple trees thereon.
*zed and taken in execution at the suit of Pre
rtar and Hugh Hicks, adm'rs. ujPeter
son deed. vs. A. J. Gorsline and Pomeroy Gors
ALSO—The following described lot.pieee or par
cf land situate in South Towanda twp. bounded
t:he n , trth by lands of Wm. Gregg and Wm. Pat
zt,i.n the east by lands of Samuel C. Means and
on the south by lands of Salsbury Cole,John
!tato and others, On the west by lands of S. 8.
31 , 11118f1 and others, containing 304 acres and 120
, trehes
ro"re or less, being four several tracts of
;111,1.eded by Job P. Kirby and wife to Wm. and
tats Goff by deed bearing date Dec. 17, 1349
cm tw o hundred acres of the same improved, two
'cued houses, two log 'houses, one framed barn,
'lt in barn and two orchards of fruit trees there-
,ie.zed and taken in execution tit the suit of Job
Kirby r. Wm. Goff and James Goff.
ALSO—The following described piece or lot of
.zdttl Darlington tp. beginning ate post and stones
northwest corner of warrant No. 1499, thence
Na rant 117 4-10 perches to a post and atones, the
l '*t eq. rimier of tot No. 25, thence by the same
"' 4 one and 1° West, 89 4-10 perches to a post,
the coon east corner of lot No. 27 , thence north 88
and 3- V west 117 and 4-10 perches to a post, the
n 'r's rest corner of lot No. 27. thence north 1 1-4°
wm494-10 perches to the beginning. containing
teres-an t l 95 and 5 10perches be the same more
less, aV,out 20 acres improved.
S•tzatt and taken in execution at the suit of Ed-
sand Overton ye. hires H. Watson.
of following described piece or parcel
01 !anti F•loists In Rome tp. bounded on the north by
; lands of Him% Dobson. on the east by lands of Pat.
!nck Murphy, on the south by lands of Eli Rolla' es
; tun, on the west by lands of Thomas Austin, Con
., tticling about seventy acres pore or less, about 30
terra improved ant a framed house, one long barn
a ! a fen' fruit trecr thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 1. M.
Wattles adm'rs. of the estate of D. M. Waffles, de
teased vs. Daniel Hill, jr.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facies, the
allowing lot piece or parcel of land situate in Spring
; kd tp hounded as follnatw—Beginnin2 at a beach
k U. corner of lit No 35i on warrant lot No. 942.
F .Sisace east 102 and 1-10 perches to apost N. W •
4 rller of lot No. 33, thenee south 78 perches to a .
se t, thence west( 103 and 1-I0 perches to a post,
ece north 78 perches to the place of beginning,
etuauung 50 acres strict measure—it being the
grill end of lot No. 34, on warrant lot No. 842,
al '', 35 scree improved, with a log house, and frame
''Ts thereon erected together with a few fruit trees
Se ntl Ind' taken in execution at the suit of Ste-
Ph!tt Pierce es. Peter Perbemos. '
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
9 tierirs,Offiee.
Mara 28,1954. S
West aralleb Clover, Seed.
r,nßusbel of West Itsannh Clever seed. jud
ceived a first rats article, and for setae the
lowest cash price, by DAILY dt NEVINS:
March 1, 1854.
Binghamton Stone Lime.
50Bairas of of Binghamton Stone Lime, just re
eeived a first rate artic:e fresh from the kiln,
atoll for eale by
March 1,• 1954.
Clover Seed.
64 11c.shels of first me Clover seed, for tE ga t tli
Towanda, Mareh I, 1854.
New Land Clover -ed.
Q 131tiabele of New Land Clover seed, ,just ree.oiv
ed and for male cheap by B. KIAGBERY .
Toeianda, March 1, 1854,
Thomas Harris the Bradford Common
vs" Pleas, No. 185, Fe bruary
Abianh Woodward. Term, 1854.
VJECTMENT for a lot of land situated in the
.Llr township of Wilmot, and County of'BradforA,
containing one hundred and thirteen acres and sixty
three perches, more or less=-bounded and described
as follows, to wit; Beginnipg on the South lino of
Simon Spalding warrant at a beech tree; thence , north
one hundred and two and one-tenth perches, to the
corner of Levi Huffman. lot ; thence by his lot west
one hundred and seventy seven and seven-tenth per
ches to a lot formerly contracted to Levi Rice; thence
by the same, south 102 and 5-10 perches to the war
rant line ; thence by the same, 177 and 5-10 perches to
•he beginning., And now to wit, February 21, 1854.
it appearing that there is no person residing Upon the
land, and that the defendant cannot be found by the
Sheriff: the Caen on motion of James Macfarlane,
Esq., attorney for Plaintiff, granted a rule on defen
dant,Abisha Woodward, to appear and plead on or
before the second Monday of May next or Judgment.
Bradford County, 85.
Certified from the Record February 28, 1854.
ALLEN McKEAN, Prothonotary.
Orphan's Court Bale.
BY virtue of ail order of the Orphan's court of
Bradford county, I will expose to sale by public
v'endue on Saturday, the 15th day of April next. at
one o'clock, P. M. of that day, upon the premises in
the township of Litchfield, twenty-eight acres of
Land, it being a strip twenty-eight rods in width,
across the south side of the following described
piece or parcel of land situate in Windham town
ship, in said county. bounded on the north by Par
don Kinyon and the high way,on the east by Harvey
Dunham, on the south by Elijah Jactway, and out
the west by Parley Johnson. Terms made known
un the day of sale. SAM L DAVIDSON,
March 9. tsm.Guardisn of Mary Ann Dernarest.
THt• subscribers offer fyr sale their valuable Real
Estate, situated in Wysoz, three miles East of
Towanda, known as the Strope Amos—one of these
In acme, with 70 acres under the beat of
itnyroveinents, with three framed houses,
ne three framed , barnes, and the best of water
$114;,.., and fruit, and a quarry of time atone, &c.
The other is an uplsn•l farm three fourths of a mile
froin the above farm. This contairs 65 acres, and
55 under a goad state of improvement, with a ,hail•
house and harn, a young orchard and several good
springs of water thereon..
Any person wishing to purchase. can not do better
than to cell and give these farms an examination, as
one or oath will be sold to suit the'pnrchaser.
Q • For further particulars inquire of the subscri
berg. HARRY 8r ROPE.
Wyeox, March I, 1859. UEO. L. STROPS.
311"/ P 311:1771 71C• BC r3IIP MIL "IV
TJA VINO entered into ati arrangertient by which
.all be can have BLOCK TEETH furnished to or
der, informs the public that he is prepared to mount
suction plates in this new and improved method,
The greet•superiority of the block style of mount.
ing plates is at once apparant to those who have for
any length of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who have yet to be initiated, it is only necessary to
say, that-in the o'.d method of mounting the plate a succession of single t e eth, it was no unusual
thing for .a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by each other. in the second place, the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, be,
cause:there is no chance for deposits of food being
made, however small, the upper rim being capped,
thus effectually precOding even the saliva from mis,
king a lodgment, gild in the third place, the adapta
tion of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas
ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made ex
actly to correspond with thOate of the teeth of the op
posing jaw.
With a properly fitted suct&a plate, having an air
chamber,, and mounted with block teeth, a person
may crack kickory nnts with impdnity,
" And sleep in , spite of "--lenfliacrie.
Towanda, March 10, 1054.
Archibald J. Corey vs. Mary Corey—No. 79, Dcc
Term, 1853. Alias Subprrna in Divorce.
11/IARB COREY, defendant in the above cause
IVI. You are hereby notified that ArchibaldJ.Corey
your husband, has filed his petition for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias sub.
perna has been returned, and proof made that you
are not:to be found in said county. You are there
fore, hereby required to appear at the Court House
in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the Ist day
day of May next, being the first day of said term of
said court of common pleas. to answer the said
complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Archibald shall not be divorced from you.
'C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriß"s Office, Towanda, March 8,185 e.
Maria Woodruff, (by her next friend Elisha Salter
let) vs 'Thomas P. Woodruff--Li Brad. Cora
Pleas, No 78, Dec. T. 1853. Als. sub. Divorce.
MHOS. P. WOODRUFF, defendant in the above
cause—You are hereby notified that your wife,
Maria Woodru ff, (by her next friend Elisha Satter.
lee) has filed her petition for a divorce from the
bonds-of matrimony. And an alias subpoena bas
been returned, and proof made that you are not lobe
found in said county. Yon are therefore. hereby
required to appear at the Court House in the boro'
of Towanda, on Monday the Ist day of May next,
being the Ist day of May term of said -wort of cow
MOO pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show
cause, if any you have, why the said Maria shall not
be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 8, 1854.
1,14° j E. Homer. (by her nest friend, Archibald J.
Carey) vs. John L. Homer— In Bradford Corn.
Pleas, No. 80, Dec. T. 1853-41 s. sub. Divorce.
TORN L.HOOMER, defendant in the above cause
J —You are hereby notified that your wife Lucy E
Roamer (by her vest friend Archibald .1. Corey), has
filed her petition for a divorce from the bonifirof
matrimony. And an alias subpoena has been re
turned and proof made that iron are riot to be found
iarutid county. You are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Coon House in the borough of To.
wanda,vn Monday, the Ist day of May next, being
the first, day of May term of said court of common
pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause
if yon hare, why the said Lucy shall not be di
vorced from' ou. C.THOMAS, 'Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1854.
ALL persons indebteitor baring unsettled accounts
with R. G. Crane, will please call and settle the
same, as the books and notes are left with Smith &
..C . l .4 l l mer. at the Store formerly occupied by me.
costs will be Made on the shoes if set•
tied before the 10th May next. IL G. CRAM.
Monroeton, Feb 20. 1854.
Towanda remade Seminary.
THE third term of the Towasoo Ftoteas Sam-
Lie* will commence on lklonday February 28.
19.56. 0. D. MINK
February 4, 1851.
1111113Erriser . '
. •
T anktiow.recei.iincwviti birge and-lb dsome
stork' a.ingma- .04:01111frousr city
of Na. York, cobbling impart - Cbths; Cacti,
roenisillattineus, Tweeds, Jeatni,Lituter, bins-
Ginghtuns d Prints—Bay Elude mid Bracts !Shawls.
Hoslins, Mattel Yam, Batting; Wickiio,cgrpet yarn,
all color.; alswaceeral pietas Mt. Wool Carpets.
4-c. 4c.,,together wiih a ganerat assortment of Gro
ceries, Hardware, Crockery. Hats & Capt.- and a
long celiac/0e of Boots 4s. evertonsav 7 all of
which and many other kinds r.( Goods not roomers
ed in the- above, will be sold at prices that will
give satis f act ion w purchasers.
Towanda, N0v.17, 1853.-
• S. lIALEVXIT 21113011M1T
IS just receiving a general assortment of NEW
GOODS. which will be sold as usual, cheaper
than any other establishment in Towanda. He
particularly invites the attention of the public to
the unusually large and general assortment of Boots
and Shoes, especially for LADIES & MISSES, all
of which will be sold lb per cent. cheaper than can
be had elsewhere.
N. 40,—M1 persons endebted to ow by Dook,Note
or Judgment, over one year standing, will be prose
cuted to the final payment of the same after the Ifith
of htgrph nest, without farther notice. Now, Gen.
tlemilr, this means just what it reads.
Towanda. Feb. 20, 1854. J. H. PHINNY Jr
Cistern and Well Imps 1
LEAD PIPE l Hydraolic Rams I of any kind,
size, dee-, cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. It. M. WELLES.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
.11. Havens, dec'd. late of Standing Btone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre
sent t hem duly authenticated for settlement
S. W. HELM Administrators
A ug.127. 1953.
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in She
sheguin twp.. on the 31st ult.. a large Red Cow.
about 6 or 7 years old, middling sized horns, and
not particularly marked. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take her away.
Shoshequin, Sept. 5, 1853.
WHABEAS, my wife, Margaret, has le ft me bed
and board. without any just cause or provoca
tion, thi* is hereby to forbid all persons barbering
or trusting bet on my account, will pay no debts
of her contracting after tbis date.
Rome, Feb. t 1. 1854. JOHN COTTER.
TAE Commissiona' of Bradford Conn y have
zed upon the following days and dates re.
spec tra Ily. for holding Appeals, viz :—A thens boro',
Athena twp., Ulster, Sheshequin, Litchfield and To
wanda South, on Tuesday, the 24th day of February.
Towanda boro', Towanda North, Wysoi, Monroe,
Windham, Rome and South Hill, on Wednesday,
the 22d. Albany, Asylum, Canton, Duren, Leßoy,
Overton and Wilmot. on Tuesday, March 7. Ar
menia. Burlington. Granville. Smithfield, Spring—
field, Troy boro', Troy twp., Wednesday, March 8.
Columbia, Ridgberry, Sylvania boro', South Creek,
Standing Stone and Welts. on Thursday, March 9.
Herrick; Orwell, Pike,Tuscarora, Wyalnsing and
Warren, Friday, Mar 10.
The Assessors will be punctual in delivaing the
notices to the tazables, and in making tleir returns
in person on the day designated in their 4-artants. at
which time and place theilkord of Revisionlvill at
tend, and hear all such as think themselves ag
grieved by said assessment, and make such deduce-
Lions and alterations as to than shall seem just.
By order of the Commissioners.
E. M. FARRAR Clerk.
February 9,18 M,
Notice to Builders.
SEALED Proposals will be received by either of
.: the subscribers, for tarnishing the material and
building a Presbyterian Church, at Wyalosing, ono
til the first day of March next. Plans, bills and
specifications may be seen at Wells dr. Bizby's store.
Wyalusing, Feb.ll, 1854,
WILL be given for a coat taken from the Sher.
iff's Office, in Towanda, on Tuesday evening
or Wednesday morning on the Bth Mat, with a pair
of fringed mittens and a small book in the pockets.
The coat is of black broadcloth, red lining with
black flowers ; one outside breast pocket, two inside
breast pockets and a pocket in each side, the right
having been torn down at the corners and darned or
sewn. If the Coat was stolen the above reward will
be given for the c..nviction of the thief end recovery
of the coat—if taken by mistake it will of coarse be
retdrned to the Office.
Towanda. Feb. 8. 1854
_ _
HAVE come to the conclusion that the time his
come, that debts can be collected, and after
waiting patiently (of Years, and ending the Good
Time has strived, when farmers are realizing almost
doable for their Products, they hope this notice will
suffice for"a more aitensive one and that payments
will either he made in Grain at the present high prt
ces or in Cash.
Their Assortment of 00OD8 is replenished week
ly from New York City, end will be sold cheaper
than at retail in the Great Emporium itself,
Towanda; lantutry 31, 195 d,
FRESEI 'Oysters received three times per week
by Express, and served up in the most approved
style. Also. a general assortment of
Groceries, Candies, lento, Prins, dm.
Oysters sold by the gallon, quart, or pint, at the
lowest rates.
CP Saloon next door to 0. B. Bartlrtt's store.
Jnn received—a new supply of School and NM
cellaneous Books. £ BINGSBERY.
Dec. 22;1853.
THE Copartnership under Web the subscribers
have done business, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The business *ill be closed op by
either party et the Old Stand. Debts due us must
be paid. WELLES & HARRIS.
Athens, lan. 17,1864.
sacrourmrs NOTIC2I.
The subscribers, Administrators of the. estato of 0,
R. Gray, deceased, hereby give noece this they will
attend at the house late of ail Jammed, on Tuesday
end WedrivsdaY. the 7th and eth of March nest for
the purpose of settling said estate. All persons hav
ing claims will please present them in proper shape
for settlement. and all persons indebted are notified
that a settlement will be expected at that time with
out fail. A. W. GRAY,
February 3, 1854. J. W. GRAY.
WEREAS. my wife Elisabeth. has left my bed
end board without say just cause or proroce
non, ibis - is. therefore. to forbid all persons trusting
bar oo toy aCeouilt. as I will pay eodebteof bacon ,
treating after this date.
Ofouostahreb. 11161.
C. 7`HOMAB, Sheriff
Ott +Dtterttsc~neois.
A LI, petsoas lusOwlng themselves indebted to the
estate' of 11 1 0 11 10 Zarkt, d.Kfued• late o f
iLdtelikepStosinsblp:, ate Isefeby requested to nialte
immediate payment, and those having Claims against
said estate will please present them duly anthem:s
ealed foiiiettletnent.
Jam Is, 1854. AdealniMestors.
ALL' persons_ indebted to the estate of 10/IN
TEED, deemed, lateofLitclifteld township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and allpersons hating demands against-said mate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. DeTBY TEED:..
January 29, 1954.
Office with the Register and Recorder,
•rowaaua, Pa.
OFFIOE in the second story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of .1. O. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
ALL interested will take notice that the notes and
accounts doe the late firm of
H, B. & M. V. MERCUD
met be paid, and that I will attend at the store of
H. S. Mercur foi the purpose of settling these mat•
term, on Saturday of every week, until the tst day
of February. nest. after iihlch all remaining unpaid
will be placed in the hands of the proper officers for
immediate collection.
December 10, 1853. M. C. MERCUR.
ZED 23042 laak.ol)/Z.9
WOULD inform her frier as, chat she has just
returned from New. jerk with a full, supply
and requests them to call and examine her stock.
Towanda. Dec. 10, 1860.
wit are under the necessity of having our pay
on all Notes over due, and all accounts of
over four months standing, and we intend to have
it; consequently. if you expect to save cost, you
must call and pay up immediately.
Towanda. Nov. 9, 53. H ALL 6 RUKSELL.
IS Now opening a Naw &rota or Goons, consist
ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which will be cheap as the same coo li ii of
Goods can be bought any where Ibis side of New-
Towanda, Dee. 10,1853.
foraiiih Powell,
TS NOW receiving a large stack of WINTER
1 GOODS, of every detcriptiort, which the public
is respectfully invited to cell and examine, as stiff! ,
cient inducement will be offered to those wiFhing to
purchase. to make it an object for them to do au.
Towanda, Dec. 8, 1883.
New Arrival of
Hs. MERCUR has just received another large
. assortment of GOODS, to which the attention
of the public is respectfully solicited.
Towanda. Dec. 1.1853.
MIN if AKINB.—The highest price will be pail! in
cosh for any quantity of Mink skins, by
/en. 4, 1054. MONTANYES' &
TWINTOSH, bentist, has just returned from the
ci'y of New York, with improvements in in.
struments, material and Aral, and is prepared tot
tend to persons requiring his professional services.
He will be found at his old stand, next dour to Mer
cur's Store.
Towanda, Jan. 2, IRSI.
1 - xTE baits admifted Mr. WILLIAM H. WILSON
Yl' a partner in our house from January 2, 1051..
The !rosiness hereafter will he conducted under the
firm of FuLiao, Datros & Co.
New York, Jan. 10, IBM.
FLOUR—A quantity of superfine flour, just re
ceived, and fur saleby' 11. KINGSBURY.
Towanda, Feb. 18, 1851
ARE join receiWng at their large and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, a large
assortment of
Provisions. Groceries, lankce Notions Iv,
Confationary, Willow ware, 4rc.,
making their stock the largest, most compiete end best
in Sonhern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they either sell
cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er destine.
To merit and lrulo.x a enntinuaneo of so liberal pat.
ronage we shall will follow our old motto--"asi•s.s.
rooms. gyres staTuarrs, £ND • ' aim:tsar assay..
Below we name s few Ile articles that always be
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice,
cloves, nutmeg, delusion. mace, sods, nleratas, cream
tartar, peppermints, sperm and tallow candles, bard
soap, vinegar, starch, +c.
Mesa pork, dried beef, hams and 'boulders, mackerel,
codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herring, wheat
dour. buckwheat dour, cam meal, cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, dce.
limit fit Snits.
Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Oren°,
We wed Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c.
Preach and American Toys,
kincy do - adi, eLe. drx.
Tin wagon', rocking horses, boys' skiable, China &
pewter toy tea setts. dolls, trumpets, accordions, harm°,
oleos, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work. boxes
and toilet cares—toy bureau*, secretaries, writing desk:
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier mocha and leather port moniaes,
wallets and parses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine-combs, pocket inkstands. pock
et and email fancy mitten, tobacco and snuf f boxer
cigar awes, perfumery and hair oils.
Brooms, mopsticka, clothes pins, bench screws, veil.
low clothes baskets :aid market baskets, anger and spice
Candy of all kinds.
Dairy and table Salt, Salina Da ete. ate. ete.
Country Maw* *applied at a mall advanoalrom
New York prices."
GI" Moat kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for goods. DAILEY & NEYINS.
Towanda. January 2. 1854.
"ors 1 rues II
Aqaatity of Par Vietorian sad CAI ordilrereat
for axis as coo•r by •
ha. lf r , ems. H. 8. KOROUR.
THE esbeeriber, thankful for the lihewl psiiiinaue received the pest year, interahrfn keep constantly' on
hand a full assortment of the very beet oracles usually kept in our tine, which NL WILL dispose of on
such terms as will he satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchasili err made entirely with cash
in hand, and fur the Won uur customers lain receive the benefit of a g ood article at a low price. All articles
not answering our recommendation, will he theerfutty taken back, and the ?matey refunded.
Dy- Medical Advice gratuitously given at thc• Oilier, charging t.hif for the Medicine&
The stock consists ore complete and select assortment o
Pare Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London ?oriel. & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.)
Superior TOBACCO & SNUFF I----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, PriaclFe
and Tara CIGARS !
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasse, Syrup, Sugar's, Spices. ASA; au
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardine; &c.
" The best Quality of Goods— b'utt Assortment—No-L/ode Prfit4—heady Attention to Cestomers—wo
Adulteration of Goods—Condul Advice as to Patent llonethes—and Case Attention to Busintwo."
Towanda, Noeomlun 12, 1853. U. C.' PORTER, M. D.
Residence ; mi Pine Streetopposite the oil Presbyterian
Offen his profev.ional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be f.•uod at hie
office, in Dr. PORT Lie., Drug, tore, when not pro
fet=eionally engaged.
ifiee in the womb riot of the Word House, {lately occupied
by Laporie,3laeoil &
Towanda. March, 5, 18:13.
- - ---
Q TONS more of those cheap Bugers., just reed
• and for sale by PHINNE Y. ,
TEA'S , --A few chests good and cheap for Rate
by PLt[NNEY.
BOOTS & SHOES, the target and cheapest as•
twin:tent in 'Towanda. by PHINNEY.
TARESS Goods, of the Inte n t styles and patterns,
.1-1 consisting in part of Mou.iin De !allies, all wool
delaines black k fancy silkA, French, Domenic and
Scotch OiAghatns 4. prints, of every style by
Oct. 241, 1853. PHINNE Y.
TjATS, Cap, & Bonnet,, a large aqc.onment and
11 cheap, by PILINNEY.
C LOTHE, cassimeres, vetings, , attinets, jeans,
and Tweeds of all description, inst. 'Teel eed by
Oct. 24, 1853. PitINNEV.
FLANNELS—French, Domestic and Saltgbitry,
f ,, r sale by PHINNEY.
NITANTED„d, kinds of grain & hunker for
I which some cashwill be raid by
Oct. 24,1853. PaINNEV.
The War Quel;tion Being Settled in
2R-... - cur criblivo •
ONTANYE & CO. have come to the cc nein
sion to enJarge their Gusine.”, in %Nene of the
unparalleled prosperity that inn‘t result tram a state
peace. They therefore, after returning. thanks fur
former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of
thi,. and adjoining countitF to the erammation of
Tall and Winter GOCCE,
ennsisting of all the varieties Fancy and Dress
Goods, as also heavy staples,
Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ifimiess and Car-
ringe Trimmings, Irev, ./..rother. ye, 4t
all of which will be offered at wholesale Lir retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. I. 18.53.
AL. leins. n w 1:1&" II) •
1. 17 1. 1311.0.1vir NEZZ,174.1.9Z
South Corner of Merceir's Block, Alain Street,
AFIE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fall and Winter trade, rompriAng a full
and complete assoriment, and of ate ukual variety,
which wilt be sold at a very 'mall profit 14 Ready
Pay. Among the it , isortment of
will be found a great variety of Lailiec Dress Goods
ronaisting in part of
Bereges, Dreg? De?aims. all-wool Dentine's, Lawns,
plain and printed ; Gi»gliants. English,
Scotch and American ; Poplins,
Prints if all shades and
colors Sc . 6 . e .
Also. for men's wear may be found Woad Cloths,
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin
and Summer Vestings.
Also, Shoetings„ Sbirtings, bleaehed and brown,
Dinkins:o, Bummer Goods for boys' wear, ,Cotton
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten. ; &c., Ate.
A tail stock will be kept on band. Those in want
of Vagars.Teas, Coffee. Molasses. .titewart's best
Pyrop,epices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour;
Fish, Tobacco, or any Mier article in this
will do well to call on us before puytliasing else.
A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and Stone-ware. Boots and Shoes, lints and Caps—
Nails. Paints, Oita, Most , and Puny.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past sea
ion. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our epring stock, be
lieving that good Goods and low prices mill insure
a speedy sale for ready pair. TRACY & &MORE.
Towanda, Nov. 24 1863.,
raper ICanginge,
very fine variety of satin and common.' lapel.
Hangings, curtain papers and transparent win
dow. shades, just reed by J. POWELL.
Towanda, elept. 10. 1853
Acomplete assortment ofblack,Plaid and colored
dress silks—all wooraelaines, monslin defaines,
DeLieges, Thiciet cloths, palittnettas,i&e. just mealy.
ed by 3. . POWELL.
Fronting the Public Square.
• • THE subscriber otrersttr sale
I I 4 Ins valuable. real estate, situate
IV WVIUI , Brad. Co., Pa.,
11 _ 1
consisting of lolluuring
1. About three and one third acres or land, at
Nyer,bure. with a tavern Hou.e. barns, Carriage
anufactui y shop and machinery, blacksmith hop
and other out boaidings thereon erected. There is
also upon it an orchard of choice fruit trees. The
necessary touts will also be sold with the carriage
shop. This property presents a rare opportunity for
any acttt e bii,tness main to tnalt e a prefitable invest.
meat and carry on a Incrative business.
2. A farm situated on the State road, about one
mile from Myersbunr, cnotaining seventy-five acres,
about thirty acres thereof improved, with s small
framed house and a log barn thereon erected, Vri93
a s mall orchard. The farm is well wsteredaud the
soil fertile; and 'it is susceptible of producing large
The properte will be sold together or separately,
and a reasonable credit given for a portion of the
purchase money.
For further particulars inquire of Ulysses Menai,
EA'. of Towanda, or of the subscriber at litlyersborg.
Wysoa Nov. 25th, 1853.
-IN 7 ISH . f NG to dispose of his property, in Bbeshe
, yam town hip, Bradford county, Pennsy lea.
nia, the subscriber offers it for sale upon the most
reasonable terms, and invites the attenuon or atom
wishing to purcha,e.
The prcpe, ty cootai Ir. two hundred and forty-three
acres of laud, lying along. the Susquehanna river.
with a large pone ti of river flats, of the very best
quali'y .1 . grain land, and well adapted fur a laity.
iiThe anNovements are a large two story
i g i A I ERICK lit)li:SE built last rev, and Ga•
lirl i t iit. r r , hed 10 the beat ' style, wi - thbi;ck kitchen
, - a!,,i wood house attached: There are also
three othif Dwelling how es and three Barns, and
two large double roofed sheds for :guides and cattle,
There are also: three ORCH RD3ofchoicesppie
trees, ant) a y.oung Peach orchard of 55 trees, selto
te:i w:th care.
Otte hundred and eighty-five acres ore under im
provement, and the balance is covered with timber,
such as oak. hickory, yellow pine, di . c.dtc., all beins
well supplied with springs of water.
't'his property was fortnerly in three farms, and
wi'.l now be sulil to suit purchasers, either whole or
,epar 'rely. and 'terms of payment made easy. h of
fers inducements rarely met with, being within 2)
miles of Towanda, (the county test). opposite the
N wth Branch Canal, 14 miles from the New York
York and Erie Railroad, and imtnediately upon the
line of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad
Application may ir made to ljtvssas Mencus.Esq
at Towanda. or ace subscriber upon the premises.
Jan 2. 1854. JOHN IWMA HON.
If the above propery is not sold by the Ist of
Niareh next. the Farms will be lensed, reserving the
privileee of aellsne.
THIS instilution,for the education of young ladies
was opened on Tuesday the Zothlizeptember,in
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercor.--:
it is now under the charge of Miss Guy! A. D. Dias
;aided by her sister. Miss ttgarceA D. HANSON.
The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic year consists or forty-four week..
Tansts—s6, te, and $l2 per quarter, accordin4 14 ,
the studies pursued.
No extra charge for lhe Latin Language. yirsack.
$3 pet' quarter.
RErv.wr.ncss—Rev. Dr. MACtE4IfiVICC peasidape
oldie College of New Jer-ey, Princeton.
Hon. Davret WiLetor, Innis LAIKIIITI CO, C. 114
W A 11133, Esq.. Hot:Oen, $ 4 I,7tDiasnar, Towanda.
MISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to eive
instruction to the young belies of this piece'
on the Nino. l'enna—Po per wiener.
Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the
Ward House. or at the Towanda Female Seminary
zSenteinher Et, 1853.
nD. BARTLE:Tr. is now recoiving a large
ant carefotty selected stook of
bought for cash since the lave decline in prices.
which he will offer for vesi) .. .y_pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction--amongotherthing's
he invite. particular attention to his assortment or
Dregs Good..
Towanda, Apnl 15. 1853.
Clover Need.
AQUANTITY of Weet Branch Closer geed, itsii4
received end for sale by 1. POWELL.
February IS, 1951.
Bc= Q.Ll7,aMt