=IS Clothinn NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS. CLOTHING STORE. COLLINS & PO ELL, p ESP Ei7rFt-i.I.S inform the citizens of BrselGod I.k. county. that they h ore oirenest husinets at No. 1. Brick Row, lately occupied by Henry Campbell, and are now receiving from Now York alarger stock of Clothinff 'Cloths. and Tthatainirc n.• than ever before offered in this' market. cotosisting - cif Over. Gress. Frock and Sack Coats ; Not., VOll9. Clotho. Gruimerea. Vrstinca. and Tri • • White epui Fancy Shirts, llollars, Cr.vsla , Scarfs. socks (hives 11.1-isry, WraNters, Drawers, &c. We armilti also insi a attention to out IffanufacturinT Department. In which we met,' to order, on sh•+rt notice, all rtyte.. eattiag done to order and 001.T.1N 4 , P. PO 'SELL I TOVIIR Id. "he. 1. ICA. DISSOLU TI DN. NOTICE is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore exioing under the firm of J. & S. Alexander was this day diasAveil by the withdrawal of Nathan Alexander. Nhe bu4ine.a will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned firm. (cort:i.ting only of Jacob Alex. ander. Solomon Alexander. and %1 E. Solomon) at the old stand in Arno''. Hall. No. 7 Water pt. Elmi• ra; and at Nn. 2 Merr.tir's Block. Towanda. Pa.: when, the unkersigned will he happy in receive a nentinnanee of the patronaze which has bern so lib. *rally extended to their predecessors. ALEX ANDER4 & SOLOMON. All accounts dile J. 4 S Alexander & Co.,- must tie settled in thirty days frost) this date. Towanda. Oct. 13. 185:1 CLOTHING STORE. AZIECANXIMBS dt SOLOMON, T rg the Brick Block. next door to Mercurs Mare have 1. just added to their sock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of Ready made Clothing, , ADAPTED TO TUE SEASON, of every variety, both of aisle and price. to which they aak the attention of the public. This is now t►e largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! 'Bedevil! be sold at prices considerable lower than ever before known in this place. Our 'goods are selected with a regard both to sty!. and Price. and egerinducements,not to be met with at any other establishment. Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing will find •- THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT at oar egtablishmeni, in this section 01 the coyntry. wad made in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by . LOW & poop crainimitro; tarseenre petronage. feeling confident that our arti stes will give satisfaction to •he parch . The assortthent comprises every article required for a gentleman's outfit. TE R Itl3—C A SH. Overcoats. Cants Pants. Otrerat Is Caps 4.c LocarioNs.--Nest door south of Mercur's Main at Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Rail. Elmira. a7Allikinds of Country Produce, W 001,4., tak • ea is esChango for Goods J. A LEXANDF:R, 8. ALEXANDER, M. E. SOLOMON. Tewatidir, Oetnber 13. 1853. TWICE BURNT OUT ! MORMI :CC. 'AV:D=I(39 Kinz,bery s Sto re—Entrance next dow Moatanyrs'lqtore, up stairs. G' 1 1 .TF.FUL fcr past favors, announces to his friends and thr public in general. that he still keeps on hand a good essortinent of Ilssnr Manx Cswentsio, which he witl sell cheap for Cash. He believes that a • Nimble sixpence is worth more than a slow shilling.' He'"also has commenced manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him. self in the city, a d employs none but the hest of workmen in making them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not lei out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work men. Thus, persons wishing . a suit or any portion thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good fit. He has also on hand a general assortment or gen. lleaten's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell cheap for cash. . az, Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters. over J. Kingahery's store, and imnaedia ely opposite U. /demur's Law Office, before buying elsewhere 11ev if you are wanting. you sorely can find, Cuts, Pants and Vests just made to your mind. Pe Tice , and so snug they'd suit to a T., Bo perfectly fine, there's no room for a flea. Ifypurtinen wants changing. and sometirites it will, Too'Mod shirts and collars fora very small bill; Come then one and all, who are out clothes hunting. And yoo can be fined by Giaottus 0. lira-nail N. B. is sole Agent (or &ass Howes Jr. .: Patent Sewing Machine, for, the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. Any person wishing to purchase the right for usinm the above Machine in said connties, can be accommo dated bfealling on him, where they can see it ope• rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is the best patent now in use. Its validity has been established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852. This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex clusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma chines, or theirequivaleots, and the stitch and sears formed thereby- G. H. B. The pnblic are•cantioned against purchasing spu rious Machines, as all dewing Machines now in oar infringe upon this invention, and all parties who have infringe.l, by using Machines or otherwise, who wish to save legaLexpenses, may obtain proper Hamel under the original patent by applying as - above. • Tolima*. August 15, 11153. LATEST NEWS The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, AND GENTS RIMMING ESTABLISHMENT. Slott Wells, merchant Tailors, HAVE the honor of announcing to the eitizena of Bradford County that they have just received the largest and omit fashionable stock of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, crew brought into 'old Tioga, consi.ting in pttru of the following ankles: _ _ Over. Dress, Frock and Sack Costs ; Vesta, Pinta, Skirts, Drawers. %Vrappers, OverAls, Btocka, • , Ccivats,Colkers, Pocket h'dk Is , & r.. eidess and Trimmings constantly bit hand—also fa,Ulashion of Hats and Caps. Out stock of Furnishing Goads is unsurpassed in Tina, and comprising everything uccessary for a gen tisman's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our .101 AV DM 03.5°Atirea.Bi l iree Having mceiredtbalatem New Nark Fashions, we are prepared to get up suits all the shortest notice and in a superior manner. Cu l' LING done on short notice, aml warranted to fit, if properly wide no. MOTT & WELLS. Broad first door east of the Post Office. Waverly, Nov. 10. 1853. y 300 NEW BARREL% At for Fork or Cider. for sale at 73c roots, by S. FELON .t CO. T..teaada. tit. 10, 1E1.3. ,IrROX MlStelialttOUS. 11HIGINEDIFMX11 1 *M1 DRUG. - _ - --,_ST:OR i s now being:replenished with a full and complete I stuck of Drugs, ntredicines, Paints. Oda, Farms/lea, if uedote axss, Pure Wino and Diquors, 4 , 4.c., In sh 'rt. every thing connected with the Mule. The Good,. have been bought extremely low, cart). and will be sold accordingly. N. IL A superior article of Tanner's and Neat'e Foot Oil just received. n'" Rev 174 siat Ahe place-3 doors south of M•im tanve's turner—same building of the' Argus Otlice: July 30. 1953. N 0.2 MIMI Row, mrsurr OUT, BUT STILL ALVE! REMOVED to the store recently occupied by .. S. Bailey ag . grocery and Post Hike 3 doors south of Mentanyes curlier whete he has received 3 full, now and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINE'S, GROCERIEs, &c. which he will sell cheap. er for cash than even Here you will fii.d sonexed a feo leading ariicles : Senna Alex.. irosizive's Cor.dia l 4 do Indio lElts Opt Cream Tartar I Hay's 1., n i oleo Sup C Soda (Hair Dye • Manna, Harlem Oil !Ointment, rra:li.s do Dal ley's ' do Mc Allester Shakers Herbs 3 do Extracts Til.leit's A Icoeolic Ex't Iffhei Extract Ilalap Extract Adelikiin's Vanilla Ex't do Lemon do do Mtice' do do Almond do g do Cloves 'I do Allspice ,do do Nutmegs . do I do Peach .do do Ginger do I do Cinnamon du do Orange do do Tonka do Lubin's Springftuwer.- do M usk• do do Violette do do Magnolia do dp Sweet Bardo 'do lesmin do . do Jock'y CI% do do Caroline de do Jenny Lind do do Soviet do syringe, Pewter as'irent do Glass do Nursing Bottles, Glass do do G. E. Rad Ithei Turk do do do Ipecac ' do Jalap do Ginger White do Orris Gum Camphor oo Opt Turk do Myrrh Tur!, - , du Arabic do do Copal 1 do Aloes Soet do Abets Cape thlori.de Lime do. S..da ,Casdot RONs f-Mglass do 'Evens' Lancets IN lira Silver, Op't Inxid Ilisnoth Witte Pill 1 mer. llodide Potass Tart - do Garb • do 1-lulph do Oatislie do citrate Ferri - iodide do Tannin IProto lrul Mercury Strychnia I Pi Perin Elateriora Wine V eratrin K reosote Hydra Cum Crete Morphine Sulph do Adt Calomel; American do , English, Precipitate Red do White Sulph Zinei Bronze, Crimson do Pale Gold do Dark do do White lOrdd T.eaf, Op'tChina Vermillion America do Prussian Blue Fig do Venitian' Red, English Turpentine, Varnish, Dye- ISR, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articlescon needed With the trade.. Having secured secured the services of Dr. S. Herres., whr .keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put op. • The stock has been 'selected with great care, and the goods Will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec toris!, schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifiage. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use anstantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. • Three Doors beldw Montanye's :orner. Towanda, January 3, 1853. Magnesia Caled do Carh, do S S do Henry's Colocynth do Apple Coehinnal Trusses Hulls do Marshes. do shaker, Balsam Wis4ro do Cheestnafto do Fir do • Copabia du • Tolu do Peru - do Pulmonary do Sulphur kcid rartaric do Acetic do Benzonic de Citric du Nitric do Oxalic do . Hydrocyanc do Sulphuric Oil Linseed do Sperm do Olives do Castor do Neatsfoot do Alm•nds do Amber Reet do Amber Red do Anisi do Caraway do Croton do Cnhetot do Cummin do Fennel. do Lemon do -t assia do Cod Liver do Lavandula do•Neroli do Jesmin do Nutmeg do Orange do Rhodium do Rose do Cedra t do Copabia do Ergot • do Verbena do Vio:etie do Mellesse do Mellefluer do Patchauty Brushes. Psi it do Varnish do Hair de Hair,Camel do Nail do Tooth do Shaving do Flesh do Cloth do Hat Soap. Yankee do Crystalline do Eng. Wind Low's do Coopers do Rose do Victora do Orange do Tooth do Erosive do Castile do Military do Savin do Brown Fricophernus Pain Killer Ayers Cherry Pectoral Oxygenated Bitters Stoughton Bitters Chloroform Hoffman's Anodyne Together with Paiots.'l Woods dr Dye• Stuffs, GI& 60DARRELei °fold Ohio Whiskey just received and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Druz Store Q QCINTLES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Retying, barrels of Saleratus, warranted in primp order..dett on sale at New York cash prices at SEED'S Drag Store. Towanda. Jan, 28. 11163., 1 na EMPTY Barrels, suitable for Cider, Pork MiYand Beef packing, &e. in good' order.' for sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE. Sept. 4. 1863. Boots and Shoe& nnw e r y description, for ladies and !Wages. mene 1:41 and childrena' gear, jnat reed by err' J. POWELL. '-: -~...:.:rm.......h_r0c.~c.. raq'+arr.~ ~s:.~.3a~i,_~.:ar.'~.=-=:nc --.~'s^'.~tsr..~~:~n TIN AND Ai'roVETraiiE, .ADVERTISEMENT Bradford County, Pennsylvania HOVEIPS Patent spiral knife Hay and Straw .Cut. tars, of various .ices. Na. 1,2, 3, 4. 6 and b.— Price--48, 60, $lO, $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cut ters are better and caeaper thin the straight knife Cut ter. with knivel.wet.diagonally on the shalt. The knives. on Hovey's Cutter ere spiral, which enables them to cut a; right angles anaiost the rata; bide roilbf. They cut steadily, with no jerkine—ar. easily k , •pt in repair. Bich Waite can he taken olf and shar pened,withont disturbing the shaft (or other knives) end if l riceessary each knife can be set out or in, so as to keep them all true, if one knife should wear kale, thin another. Every farmer should have one of these labor and feed saving machines. CC For rale wholesale and retail—a liberal discoun concleito those who buy to self again. ' It. M. VI/ELLE:4. A rhon■. Pa.. Nn•emiwr 10; 11455.. Bradford County Premium Corn Milers, lITIVILESALE and Retail! The very best article V , . to be found It the county, and cheapest—(war— ranted)—for sale al the Agricultural and stove'store of Nov. 10, 1853. It M. IN ELLE§: 000 K STOVES, of various and excellent patterns J and sizes—several patterns of superior F levatcd Ovens, emon g which is a combination of the Clinton and National Air Tien, called the EAGLE. Also a well selected stock of elegant parlor, hall, shop, church and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of sizes and g ricer to suit all classes of customers. Call and see. Nay. 10. E. M. wELLEs. Shusage and Mince Meat Cutters. Es 54 and $5 Every farmer should have one P of these excellent labor saving ankles; they err, capaldo of cutting from 100 to 200 pounds of meat per hour, and are vet) , simple, portable and easily kept in roil, for sale by Athens, Nov. 10, Is13:1 TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. rut R. 01.48 TE D, finornitTOß of the Athens lv.l.Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends. and the traveling public generally. for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance uf tho same. AN OMNIBUS, will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, who wish to vlsit a pleas. nt , , un business or otherwise. A daily line bffirst'rate • Four Horse Coaches, are running through to Towanda. Those wishing will be insured a seat in the coach from this place and those going to the R A I - 14-A 0 A D can stop at Athens, and spend an hour or tie and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the regular trains of cars going East or West. Also those who wish to leave their teams here c:.n bezonreyed to and from the cars free of charge! FRESH AND NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER morirrArrsrzs & CO. ORNER of the Public Square and Jain Street, C ToWanda, Pa., respectfully give notice that they are now opening and receiving direct from the City of New York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former stock on hand. comprises one of the largeSt and best selected ass , rtments to be found west of New York. Having been purchased at ME GREAT BARGAINS! They are enabled to ear them cheaper than ever.-- They Invite patimular attention to their assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods Consisting of Jaconet aria Swiss Muslins, printed Lawns,Gingharns, Bar'd Muslins., Merrimac, Cocheco, FLU River arid other ,styles of American Prints, in endless variety, a large assortment and for ,sale cheap. They have also ' a large variety of YANKEE NO MINS, ernbeacing almost every thing from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Satch- el. They invite particular attention to their assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles ,Also, Spring and Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, Sh oe - Findings and Leather, Gro- ' ceries. Crockery, Shelf Hardware 4.c. Their liftocli has been Wetted with care, and will be said cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary nP us a call. and we will show you our goods an,f prices, and convince you that the above is no fiction. Our motto is. •• Small Plats & Quick Returns. MONTAN fEct & CO. Towanda, March.l6, 1893. LOOK AT THIS, ALL OF YOU ! arand Distribution of over $3O 0 0 Worth of Presents! GRAND MOVING PANORAMA, (Military.) which consists of over Four Thousand Moving Figures!—among which may be seen Napoleon and his army crossing the Alps. Also, the Chemung Encampment, consisting of the 59th and 60th Regi• menus N. Y. State Militia. Also, the reception of the Elmira Fireman on that occasion. This Moral ma is the best moving one in the country, and has cost more than it is put up for, viz., $1,200 One Grand Moving Diorama of Dunyan'sPilgrim's Progress, showing all the travels of Pilgrini from the Cite of Destitution till he arrives safe in the-Ce lestial City. This splendid exhibition has all the paintings connected with it that any Panorama has ever ha d, which is alone worth more than it is up far, viz, $l,OOO • One splendid Panarama. consisting of 120 views on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Bridgton rivers. ME Two beautiful Building Lots,lncated in the Third Ward of the village of Elmira, worth $2OO each, $4OO One splendid Seven octave Piano, $350 And 245 splendid and,cosay Presents—amounting, in all, to $5.052 worth of property, the hest of which may be had for One Dollar 1 As the value altos Presents amounts to $5,052, there will be the same number of tickets issued at One Dollar each. Each ticket will admit the holder Oita times to the exhibition of the Military Diorama '1 also to one share, of the whole property named for distribution. The Grand Moving Military Diorama will be exhibited in Elmira on the 15th of January, 1854, and continue on exhibition till the shares are all taken. It will also be exhibited in each town Where there are fifty shares taken. As soi.n as the shares are all taken, each share. holder will be notified, and a meeting called, (of the stockholders) at 'which the property above named will be handed over to a uommittee chosen by the stockholders...for them.to„make the distribution an. cording to the voice ofibe majority of the atockhol. derv-eithec, by lot or lottery. All orders for shares will receive prompt attention if addressed post, paid to S. B. BLIATIIuiI.P, Agent, Elmira. Chemin% QC , . N. Y. el. All orders must be accompanied with . the mo ney, and post paid. Persons ordering shares w ill please be particular and give their post office address plain, so that no mistake may occur. E. WALKER, ticket agent. Ulster, Bradford Co. -- ----- NAILS Halid-saws,House - Frittiming/Allartkr Sash Sc., re, rived by PHINNEY. Slifte4g=nm• straw Cutters. STOVES! STOVES! R. M. NVETT,ES' 4/5:1- WM lE. MOP MN • iticbical imp!ritirl.4lll..: "4.4 Crlile. In the South end of the Ward House, TOWANDA. D . 11. C. PORT ER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, ]MEDICINES, GILOCZEILIZS, LIQUOILB, OA. • raints, - fills, Varishes, Window Glass, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Dye Staffs and Burning Finids. Regular Agent for the following genuine popular PATENT MEDICINES : Dr. isynes' Medicires— byre's Cherry Pectoral Alterative, Vermifuee Schen c k ' s pal. syrup Expectorant, Liniment Hoolland's bitters . Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic oil Dr.Swayne's do ' Indian Cholagnrie Dr.Keeler's do Lyon's rat pills Brant's Balsam & Est Pile Medicines Orrick's Vermifuee Salt Rheum and 'Fetter Graefinberg Medicines ointment] , Gargling Oil Trask's mat do Pain Killers Spavin & founder da Galvanic bells, &c. .. McAllister's Llg . Heave & Condition pow.IF.Ye waters Rock . Rove !Cephalic miff Uterine Catholicon Corn salve Tooth ache drops Sticking, do. Hair invigorator & dyes W istar's bal. wild cherry Bed bug poison Female Pills Townsend's Sarsaparillal Bullard's oil soap Plasters and pills of alllflalsnin Life 1 kinds. Harlem Oil And many others, not enumerated, all warranted genuine. ct:j' Remember Dr. Ponvr.n . s Arne and. Chemical Store'is in the South end of the Wart House, front ing the Public square. FL C. PORTER, M. D. MARBLE EOPI.E.of Bradford County wishing anything nice in the way of Monuments.„Headstories Tomb Tables. Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. ; ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can. have thereon the shortest notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and better than can be ; based elsewhere. . 1c). Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and unilerta-I ker, nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda: Agent. G.W. PHILLIPS. Towanda, March. 31, 1t;53. rflArrnrATH `& 4 7A19-:MI MUM. Important to nonsekeepers: THE subscriber thankful for the 'liberal patronage heretofore re ceived, begs leave to inform hi. !friends and the public genitally, 'and those commencing House keeping in particular that hehas now on hand a large assortment of' 7 .4 121 . Iri 11111 11111 of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a mabstantial manner; and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut drrss ing bureaus. marble ant plain tops : mahogany and (walnut washstands, marble lops, •infl plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch es, whatnots, &c. BEA IIs•I'EADS.-11igh, Field, French and low post beadsteatk. finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. • (rj - The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE. and will hold himself in readine.s to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boles when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week- COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. D.—Furntture of all kind. made to order, and warranted to be of the best malt rials and workman. ship. Towanda. January 17. lgr.2. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public, that they have taken the shop formerly occupied- _by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITIIING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE-SHOEMI done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skit ful,manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All work dune at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. ESEN WINE & SEEBISCHIL Towanda, May 11. ARRANGEMENT! NEW JHA RVY PHINNEY, Jr., having purchased for . Cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire stock of Merchandise at a price far below the actual cost in New York, (and 16 per cent. lower than any Mer— chant in Towanda has or can buy) is prepared to sell fur cssu, more Goods for one dollar, than any man will sell for nine shillings! This Stock is large, embracing all articles usually found in a Store; ii- r Dry,Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Boots and , Leathers Nails, sash, Glass. Hats, Caps' tl t s and airless. All of which will be sold as above, and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of Mole and Bridge streets. Towanda, July 18, 1853. $2OO STAGES LEAVE Towanda for Mercer's - xr mals,Borlington,East Smithfield 7.lRidgebery, and Wellsburg de pot on the N. Y. & E. R. R., every Monitor, Win- Namur and FltiOlT at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of can either east or a-est, same day ; Returning TOILsOAT, THU 99999 and BATVHD•T, after the arrival' of the Eastern train, and also the Western cars &obi Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FACE :—Towanda to Mercur's mills, 374 to Burlington, 50 • " to East Siiiithfield, 821 tollidgetlerP 1,00, ' • " toWellsbnrg depots 1,25 . Express packages to or from the Rail Road carp rally delivered at moderate charges. • , D. M. BULL, Proprietor Towanda. Odt 9, 1852 Those indebted to Vs BY note ur book account will please take NOTICE that we are in. want of money,l;and musthare it. All whii neglect to attend 'to thie timely warning maflrspect a visit from the little Constable No jct. king this tinsr. HALL itt'III 7 SSIELL Tuwati.l.t. March " 4 I OWEGO FACTORY. =CI , INFORMATION gio*,'.igirOszt - arsco wags ♦7D FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY OR PROPERTY !!! Do yon want to all or. mortgage any real estate t Have you a bond and mortgage you wish to sell ? Have you houses; taverns, or lots, that you wieb to sell or, lease T. • Haire you a still, factory, foundry, .tannety, or cult. ar rear l nfireturincestabliahment. that you 'lrish to sell or rent! . Have you iron ore, eoal, potters' or fire day, -or other minerals, You wish to jell' dr bike worked on shares I Have you land that you would like to have drain od or cleared by contract or OD shares Have you water power that you wish to roll, im prove, or rent ? Do yea wintedditional capital, or a partner in your business V Do you want tout! your stock of merchandise ? Do you se.ut to form • Company to create capital for any specific object I Do you wishito exchange your roper'' , for other Property t Do yon.want lin your neighborhood mills, found ries, tanneries, or other manufactorie' • t Have you soy well testedimprovement in machine. ry, or in the arts, Which you want to sell, or which you want means to manufacture I If you have any of the above wants, or others of • similar character, and will inclose twour • address, (post-paid.) se and exact deseription of them ; end if property,its locality, proximity to ea nal. railroad, ornatigaids water, to clurehes, schools, ike. the lowest terms on 'which you will sell, mortgage. lease, exchange, or otherwise die. pose of it; and ifyou-will also incloa to as • Deg. rearstidel fee of $l,:-(11till receipt of 'which will be ac knowledged,) your want shall he recorded In our Peg Wet, - and your letter placed on the llla designated for . your tains and Oounty, for the inspection, free of charge, of those who ere seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, or invest. We make no chime to any for examining our Register files. When they melee known their wishes. they are referred to your own statement of Your wants : and as ora fisve,lllaps of the cliff rent State*, and of such Counties as we have been able tb preocare: end as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of whom front 1,000 to 5,000 •re daily arrivint.,) and we also have agents to distribote our•Cikulars among the strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in van lans forms throughout all of the states, as well as the different countries of Europe, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of .our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall agents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who wish to purchase, exchange, 'rase, or invest, to visit our office, without charge— . We are confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who dew re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practised. & Th. beet place for you to olTect ■ sale, lease, ,ex chance or krill no your pmperty, is in its immediate If you cannot do it there, the nettt•best place i. in the city of New York. Or if you want hunti wane or settlers of any clue here is the place w obi min them: ' Birange here et 111 times and ressons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 stronger., many of whom are Besetting for inveatmenls or homes. Because th ere are probably 100,000 who went to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great proportion of the surplus capital of the Union. seeking investment. Because here s money is ordinarily worth from 5 to 7.per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while ,you oak afford toitire as ample security. or other in ducement, 'Where it would pro.lore greater rate ofinte rest...either in,annual income or increased value. Because here, an examination of our fifes will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found which they seek. Bemuse here,' there is an opportunity to exchange country or tither city property, for property in this city or its vicinity: Beeanse a 'person, by spending a few hours in oor office, without eharge.een obtain more information of (he properly in market throughout the country. and the womb of community, than by months of travel. Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast rcintritudi throughout this and other countries, by re cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of ocr countrymen, both ponies, those who wish to purchaw and those who desire to sell, can be mutually heneilted In the description of property, be moef u l n o t to over estimsor its sdrantages in any respect! for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compsri• lion of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate. and sehd purchasers to tl•e own ers, no special authority to. to is requisite ; but when it is desired that we should sell, aothruity must be gives. Our commissions on sale,, exchanges, &c., are 2 per cent. The raising of companies.. and other mat ters requiting special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. o:l'..Beveml farms in the same neighborhood often Gnd a more ready sale than . • single farm, as Immi grants desire to remain In companies. BRONSON, KNAPP lc CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, New York. Refer to Cowtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway. N. Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Woad. Ohio ; Ex Gov. Ford. Ohio ; Hon. R. W.Thompson, la.; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich; Hon. J. R. Williams, Mich ; Hon. Rob't Smith, III: Hon. J. R. Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, Iowa; Hon. .1. R. Doty. Wis. co- For fruitier information inquire of HARVEY McALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell. Esq.) Towanda, Bradtord county, Pa. 44, MEC UM MAIM STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would an nounce to the public that he have now on hand.and,wW make to order all kinds of Cabinet rurniture, such as Sofas,Divans, Lounges Dever, Card, Dining and Break fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut•, Maple andeherry Bureaus, Stands of various kinds. Chain and Bedsteads of every description, which 'are, and will be made of the beat muterial had workmanlike manner, and' hich they will sell for cash cheaper than c&n be laialight in any oilier Ware-room in the country- 3111,MADT-MUNII on hand on the moss reasonable torms. A good HEARSE will be'furniabed on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. • Towanda. June I, 1852: - • • BOOTS & SHJESI Doha W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishment to H. Mia's store, corner of main street and the public square. and will eontinne the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofbre. He has just received from New York large assort ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shour,which are offered at tow prices. The attention d the Ladies is psriealarly dirieted to his assortment, comprising the following new 1071erks.,, ?Enamelled Jenny bind gai ter boots; do. shoiri;' laming and silk gaiters ; Mind' gaiters and shoes, of every deictiption. A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiter*, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Clentleinen, almost beery style of gaiters and AT- T his . *4* has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. Tbel strictest attention paid to_ Mantsfaduring, and he hors by doing work well to merit a continu mare of thc liberal patronage be has hitherto received. Towstula, Mal 8 . 1853. OCK quantity of Turk'a Island Salt ill o f': I t o & = VMS. filebitat M BRYAN'S rtLTIONIC WAFERS, erfllt3 extraordinaArysTprnemp:rHatkioon, h ot :: bvt,elfeirt: ny years the most certron and s peedy ft ", f r o :, C Jl:D ma D as l9r e :::::fil , ?NI CHEST 111) those sufferi6g frornobetinate and Coll6ll lled C, theygive the most , immetkate and pr f f e ,, teflr when great liability to take cold elm., ltd 4 `4 04 b. lenome Cough succeeds the *lightest exiv,„,mi WAFERS produce the most marked n‘alt.i. 7 1 7 at once relieve the Cough and other srop torft , ,, 4 entirely remove that morbid irritabdity and 'i l k, ness of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint, The medical properties are combined man agreea. ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that any thdt. will readily take them : and they are wa rra " to give relief in ten minutes after use in all cu rt Price 25 cents per bor. For sale by Dr. H. c PORTER. Towanda. Pa. Towanda. Feb. 9,1853. • Attention Regiment ! ( 741 - MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE , . J OHN E. GEIGER, would say to his old friendaml the public at Large. that he has constantly on hand and manutacturing Rifles and - Shot Guns die.. Ate,. Among his assortment of Guns may be found Doubis and single battened Guns. Rifles of all kinds warranted Powder Flask*, Shot P _inches, Game Bags, C i p Primets. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the hest quill ty. Aliens six barrelled Resoling Pistols, do riaik barrelled self-rocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double WI Pistols end 'common steel and brass Pistols. F Gs, F. F. G., F. F. P. 1;., Powder in Cans cm stantly on hand. Any of the above articles will 4,41 ow6tl chnp tor the Ready Pay. • K e y.; of any kind fittr ,1 to Doors, Trunks nr any other kind of locks on shoot notice and Repairing done with neatness and drsiroch. few rods north of the Bradford Bowe, J. E. GEIGER, Towanda 2. _May_22. 1852. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS! T"'Subscriber' hav tried firmed a copartnership under the firm of S. FEL fON iSt d,, ing o general Liquor business, wonitl reipecifuliyl aek Hotel keepers : and all others in want ct tor. thing-in their ltoe to eiva them a call. We mei keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreip Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any oaf else in the county. from the. fret that we buy dtm from the importers, and thereby save a large pfic, charged by the N.V. Jobbers ; Liquors are wamiis pure and free from adulteration. Also cnns . ar. ly on hand Whi s key of the best quality. %Tri ms made arrancementa by which we can furiod i cusaumers with any qiiantity of Binghamton DEER fresh from the Brewery. Pleare give us a u.:_ The n.,tep, and acrount4 of the nhl firm of S. FL ion SE Co.. are in uur hands fur settlemen. S. FELTON. K. T. F, Towanda. Dec. 1. 1E452 AUL NEC VAC 411131r111, 7 8;14411e. Harness & Trunk Maufation T ERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform ihr public J that they hate removed to the ..hop on Ws nrret, secently; occupied by Srhith & Son, nest °erste the Ward House, where they will ' keep on bind a large stock of mam332% 3.13V1`33, 1:213 TEIVNKS, VALIRLS, 14111fS, LTC AU articles in their; line manullirturni in order. en made of thigtest material, and for workinamlnn elfin he surpassed in Northern Pennolvxma, The, inlet a cell from those wishing to purchase, confident th they ran give satisfaction both an tognality and pne and Sheep Prfts receiveJ for work and account: at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather. Hamm Laahit lb Calf skin*, fur sale In any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE CO account of 101,9(.5 sustained athe late fire, • ore obliged to call Oil those ullebted to us ifi e prompt settlement, as we are node's. the 'nem-41T. ol having what is owing to ne oust this notice all; be sufficient without reemting to other means. Towanda. Dec. 2. 13,2. Removed lo a. Kingsberl's Block! If*.i. Chamberlin, •-• e.• .A I j $ j ust returned f rorrithe run : IP.: 11 of New York with a large C w°' / ' . • a,, s S u irv i e l r y w o a f tv Wa c tches p;is j in gw g e i l n ry p e et, nd 1 \II' )5i the f ollowing articles:—Le. . . .- C L'Epine and Plain Watches, with ' .',16, 4 .. 1 --1-!4” .• _ a complete assortment of Ord .• ~ Jewelry, such rt. Ear Elmer, Fn. ger Rin;s,flreast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Go;dcbro, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of ;iilverwsli, and any quantity of:gee' Beads—all of which be otter , for sale exceeediogly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and trc,n=its' to run well,or the money will be refunded• rods an* ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country ?t ,01 " taken in payment for work; and els). learn nsw, air orever,that Me Produce must be paid who; the cor is done--I war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent Towanda, April 28, 1852. LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be had It the Jewelry stare of May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN HANG OUT T.HE BANNER! A horse ! a home ! mp kingdom for • "s. , a horse and customers to lake seal JI the goods. Nomostandiag the late ' disastrous are. A. M. WARNER 11 A& himself again! And at No. 1 Brick Row vou'll find Most anything that'• in his line. From a caruhrlcneedle'of t..e finest kind, To •jeurelled• watch of e—iiieen karat fiss Clocks which ke..o time auumte snd true , Breast pins nf every style and bite, Gold, silver, steel and plate) chains. Selected with the greatest painc Finger rings, ray gosh, why what s n , ! , Of every shape and every style. To suit the old. the young. tthi ree• :De P May there be seen in elegant toy. And W . who is himself a" loost: Is always neatly and at his p'-' To wait upon has customers and all Who chance upon 'im to give a call - 8o with good advice make up yont To call on him and there youll find Such sights.my eyes, 0 ! what a new Jewelry of every style and hue. 03'Don't mistake the place No. I ' 1 where he is prepared to do all kinds of J 0 W R K in his line of busines , B- at the o cheapest rates tilt:err, possibly be afforded He will also sell his 81 20 per cod lower, than was ever before de° this market. a Call and see.D) Towanda Nov. 12, 1852. A. lel. WARN-E____ -IL PAPER ZULICGINGS THE only assortment of Paper Hangingi , this vicinity, with a fresh otock l ost coin,'" at unusually low prices. 0. U. U ‘11T1.1;1'• IMICE -------..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers