Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 25, 1854, Image 3

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    1•. , . •
Farmers, Families and whom can pin
• , e no fleruedy equal to Va.-Tear-to! Vositras
T ., for filp.entery; Cholie, ertiiip,ebronic
i f .e Throat, 'rootheche;tsea Steirties.
borne,ls,welioi,p. Bruisels, Old Boies, &A-
N - , ) I,,, l nito•filtett, Pains in :ha Limbs, •Obest,
• ,{ cs not give rebel. the money will be refund
-7' • that s asked, is a trial, and use ti actording
?,3,,, , c0 ,,, •
VI ; I , as I,:nehsh remedy . , and was used by William
':,„.011,... late Kt . Or, of, Entilsnd, and certified to I.oy
c 4 a cure lor rheumatism, when every thits
' 0 00.' 3 . -. 4
`''' bad f toed.
`ire •
0 ,,,, io 0060 bon les have been sold in the Uni.
'A:States, without a single failure, and many have
p a,
tit case et e r .,,,,
c fired t hey would nut be without it it it Ants $lO per
1-;, as it is as certain as it ,is
Ipplicii. ,
i. nt. r„b,a, has fla, t.;7 a ITORSR Liatissaisr in pint
', v i„ c b os w a rt..l.ied cheaper and better than
. ba l ls. ,
ao „,,,, c /..o. chnlic, scratches, old sores, galls,
0„,ihni.,,..01'., i'ttli... , . rte.. , . ~
It cure, tat ilera. when tirat taken, i 0 a few hontv
Di -ivory to halt au hunt—toothache to fi ve minutes.
f.; p is perfectly Mnotem io take internally, and is re.
'i: '6ointaileil by the most eminent physicians is the
,?., • rpot,i States. /Plea 25 and 54 cents. t
,i-, D T' obit.-could fill a de,en newspapers with eer
: I 4 vii
- sr.
1.-ate% and letter , Ci Ito the wonderful cures
'' it'cemliVistied by ins 1,1 , 0 i -cent, but considers war
,- 211 ,„ . , a u oment as any person Who does not oti
' vn Mg.( nerd not pay for ti.
' Price 50 rent.9 l , pr. Teinas' Office, 240 Greens
F irh ,oreet, Nett . ark.
. ti . '
:L rrt sale at Dr. H. C. Poaras Drug irre, Tow.
.l; - . r 3. Ps• i...i
.. ..
Lf a verty Station,,;N. Y. E. It R.
TIME' 'TA 13 LC.
:- xottr. i.‘..T. II. M., NG WIOIT. 117111.
0,. Express, ais 12 341Nieht Express, • x 8 57 EN} , ress,r At 10 03 War Express, r It It 54
Irirpra Arr. AAI 6 Villitlitsto Ei; `iv lir 437
Iyrs-xcl. Arc. A tr I 26 'flail piqs. rw 7 53
%, p0,..5. rxs 15 Way Pass. AT4 4327
la d P a ,. IV7 2R Elmira Ace. psrs 53
le r i !,, Ex. Pltl2 4t Freight Not rxl2 10
put. not stop at WaVerty.
until further notice, leave Towanda at 1.1
[2,'. , t., connecting with the Buffalo Express
WT“, a nd al; the evening trains
. both `ways.
it , t ,,, tg , lea v.- Waverly after the arrival of the
and in .ruing. lining. reaching Towanda in time
iv; •Nr hannock and DuAore stages.
f;r4). 22, 1854;
orTHE 121:,v. J. M. Parat.r.a, (Universalist)
{ l , Ol E aitra, Hill preach in the Court
th et ,slgh, on Sunday evening, the 2d
; •
Np it nem.
New attnetttstments.
:TS I) , +r brtn,e refurni-heil with fr new and splendid
1 Salrli of IRU(UB & MEDICINES, Pansy Goods./
tops—some of them new and beautiful patterns.
, bort, everything advertised in itis regular col
', been completely filled up, with fresh Goods
s Nrs York and Philadelphia.
It.ittio,i ion's. Horse ilemerly, Gargling Oil, Mtn
xs; I.•narnent, and NeYeral new and popular Medi
hich will he sold extremely low for Cash,
p an th, (ids Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors.
. as u'ual.
March 21. 1851.
Orphan's Court Sale.
fly r.rlue of an oder of the Orphan's court of the
rJunly of Bradt ., rd, wit! be exposed in public
upon the, on the tuth day at. May.
.f3l, at one o'doclf. P. M., the fullowlng• property
ale the estate of J. 3. Warlord. deceased— • •
All that piece ur parcel of land, si tratein the 4).
4 Monroe aforesaid. and bounded and described as
~1;„0 , ,,—.11,,,v01in at a moue to the centre of the
~ 3 , 1 e foal an .1 13 •rw,ck tornpdie. at NI , ttroe ,ccir
)ers. tbrnep s outh 3,e nest 5 & 7-10 perches, to a
:one m the ernrre of the rnari. the course of the lot
N. D. WArf, , r,f, thence akin the line of
War rd north , 7B4° wee' 8 Perches ur e 9° 51 .
;e f t ,- hp tLe .ante uarth Sl° east IA feet ton post.
•attic. 'be same math west 12 3-10 rods so
kpo,t, thence by the same and by 4. S. Plainney's
c,tl U,V west 12 1-S0 rods to:the sine of J.U.
knit thence by the sameiaorth .76f ° west
rq!,, thence by the same north r east 3
throne by the same north 74 west 76 2,10
Ow I,n , of lands claimed by A. L. Cranmer
'1 IS S»)) , .11, thence by the late of sand Crarime
east 79 3-10 -rods to a post the
mot lanas f. , rmerly owned by i nas P. Smith,
alonz the line of land of the same youth 534°
no 19 7- In perches to a poet, thence alone the same
rh 47}°`eirst 17 pereheis to the fine of Oreo!e
lot, thence by lbe'same youtft4l.ll° west
I':errhes. tionee by the tine of the. tote eel Orange
.7'l kr. iar.l, lirnwn & Abram
I,si,lta 45' east .19 2-10 rods
• the n , wth eil%t ens 11 , ! Jo•hua Peckhatn's lot,
,tl.l I ile north 45° east II
••: , :t the centre of the tutor•he, thence along the
.t-re td the tutoptite south I ea-t 33 3-t0
r ace of beponnine,. Ilontati, , Tig42 acTea and
I:yetede 4 , inure or Ls< about t ueutp acre; under
tlruvement, with fruit trees_ike.,thete,ia.,
That ib also upon thi , property, a Lar7a ta vern
sta.e.,.ituated in Abe vt:lat , ,,,; of Monrbetua,'w4th
iaTge barns attached, /I."' avaPied by A.'D.
Ira. Terms made r n the day of see:
.1. 1.. ROCKWELL,
1. 13.
March 22, 11144
Plows and Pima castings !
11•C61.EY. Wayne county, Alba or Currie
Plows, Side hill, subsoil And core plows and
(13. for Fele cheap.
(cake panic ular pains to get good well made
iAs and tougli castings. I would invite particu
-3* attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
CO a n d see. R M. WELLES,
ilbens. March 15, 1854.
Ac Me Athens rtgricutturat Store.
yvEST BRANCH and Ohio Clover Reed, at 7
' a tws.hpl.
Ctren Re'aped Tiegvtly Seed, wholesale and ri—
lant—infil price, $4. Mao a goon selection of Gir—
ds, for sale cheap. R. M. VVELLES:
Aoras, March 13, 1834.
. I ROUND PLABTER.-30 tons Cayuga atoond
on hand and for sale by
starch 15, 11134. BAMEY & NEVIICts.
`APPLEA..-40 bushels Dried Apples—
vatted frui —on hand and for rale by
March is, tem • BAILEY & NEVINS.
A, 1 . 1, Persons Indebted to the' es te of 8. if.
i.c 4
4Bulh,ck, deceased, sate of Canto twp, are
hereby requeated to make immediate pa meat and
•h , ,,e halvin g claims against said estate, nisi!
Pease presept them duty authenticated for 4.ettle
SARAH 11. /31.1./MCE,
Vf2 , rh a, 1R:og
_ •
.Orphan's Court Sale.
P l' virtue of an order of the Orphan'a Court of
Dratltcod county, witt be exposed to public sale
on the itrerais•es. on Thursdas, the Oth day of April
ci.ii, at I D'elach, P. M., the folTeivit, , , , , property— - •
Orwell thernship, - - ' Z 3 ''' ''' li l ac an ts
XL ' '
All that certain farm situate in
deceased, boon- j . A .1.1.• Pereelkein le-41 ",* 1 - '''" ' ittititi 'silt:
-•*• • '' '''' ' irrit Vva , It 4 95 9
Le property of Austin Itipistill,
, t, t , dlowa—On the north by G. s. Carrier 4'0,1111, arjte l S. o,i:rani. teal P eas•t le *r•te tz ' ).: do
1 i.,..Nh u ti z; on the 'teat by lands belonging, to the same, l
as thehoolia.and'nflte§r i are Le Yi 4 " , ?. 11 4 0 ,
ate of Austin Hassell. deceased, oa the south by; Creamer , at the Store formerty aecuids4 : 1 9 * ale.
,tt:l RUNIelk 011 the eau by the Owego toad sod .N, B. Nu costs will be made on the above i f set.
"" 4 .8 Carnet. Containing eighty three acres and ti e d b e f ore the loch hi /Tacit A,,43.pRANS.
elAy four perchcs of excellent land. On said pre, Montanan, Feb 20.1854.
m ''" tr a framed house, barn and bog pen. and ------- --
"Ine hewing apple !tees, and is well watered.
Ttrais made known on the dijr otsite.
%rth 9, 18:41
Mt, un .•
fißus . hbl ofAriiit rlidaAaTtchreir see& ;Oat re.
centrita fiat ratalrticle, sod -layalkaLtbe
ilish v Oride, b Bdttl &11EVINS;
March 1,1854.
~33ingbarataa Sto ne
Mnilarrels cifitihgls'amtetti Othne litef re
*-JVV ceived a first rate ettic.e fresh from the kiln
and far skle -' BALLY & N E ViNtl.
M arch •I, t864.'
Clover seed.
64 t!tettets twf drat tate C ,„ tairer fmorgtastill
Now sand Clover Seed.
5 13 1 ofNe r LendClove" trer:.B:l;foeta Chsp tyll KtaEil
Towanda. March 1, t 854
Thomas Harris In the Bradford Common vs. Pleas, No, 185, February
Atilih Woodward, Term, 1854. ..
EJECTMENT for a Lot. of land attested in the
La township of Wilmot, sod County , of Bradford,
containing one hundred and thirteen *amend sixty.
thine perches, more or leas----bonnded. and described
as foilows, to Witt • Beeinnipg on the South , lino of
Simon S,pahling warrant : at a beech tree; thence north
one hundred and two and one-tenth porches, to the
corner,of Levi Huffutans lot; thence by his lot west
one hundred, and seventy seven and • seven-tenth per.
chew to a lot formerly contracted to Levi Rice; thence
by the same, south 102 aft 4 5-14 perches to the War
rant line; thence by the same), 177 and 5-10 parchss to
ite beginning. , And now to wit, February 21. 1854,
it appealing that there is no person residing upon the
land, add that the defendant cannot be % found by the
Shecitr. the Court on motion of James‘ Macfarlane,
Eaq., attorney far Plaintiff, granted re rule on defen
dant, MUM:a Woodtisrd. reappear- and plead ea or
before the second Monday of Mayriext or Judgment.
Bradford County, 58.
Certified from the Record February 28. 1854.
• - ALLEN hicKEAN, Prothonotary.
- - • • -
Orphan's Court Sale. • .
py virtuc.of an order of the Orphan's court of .
LP Branford county, I Wil},expose to sale by public
vendue..on Satnrday, the Ifith-day, of April next, at
one o'clock, P. M. of thatdeY. aeon the premises in
the township of Litchfield. twenty-eight acres of
Land, it being w strip twenty-eight rode in width,
across the stinth side of the following described
piece or parcel of land situate in Windham town
ship, in said county. bounded on the north by Par
donl4itiyon and the higbway.on the east by Harvey
litcistysin, on . e south by Elijah , Jackway , and on
the west by .Parley Librium. Terms made known
tin the day yf sate. SAM L DAVIDSON,
arctiV, I 854.Guarslien of Mary Ann Detaareat.
Tfte saliscribera offer fur gate their valuable Real
„L. Estate, situated .n Wyman. three mile* East of
Tow'anda, known as the Strops farams,ono of these
contains 100 acres, with 70 acres under the beat, of
improvements, with three framed houses.
/- three frante4 lumen, and the beat of water
and fruit. and • quarry of bon atone, dec.
thereon. •
The other is an uplewl farm threerfourtha of smile
from the above farm. This comities 85 acres, end
bb under a good state of improvement, with a intim
house anti ham, a young orchard and several good
springs of water thereon.. _
Any person wishing to purchase, can not do batter
than to call and give these farms an examination. ea
one or troth will be sold to suit the pniehases.
0 For further particulars inquire of the subscri
bers. HARRY 8 (HOPE.
Wyscrx, Mei& I. 1.854. GEO. L. STROP& .
.1111.4 Illir "111 C" .1111311:"Nr,
111 1 0 137.331
uAVING entered into an arrangement $ which
LI he can have BLOCK Tscrti foraished to or-
der, informs the public that he is ptepared to mount
sucuon plate&in this new and unproved. method.
The greet superiority of the block style of mount-
Mg plates it at once apparant to those who have for
auy length of time worn artificial teeth. .To -.those
who have yet t. be initiated, It is only necessary 40
say, that in the o:d•metbad of mounung-the plate
with a succession of single t -tub, it wait ao tiatirraal
thing for a tooth to drop off; by the new method no
such accident ran take place, the teeth being all
connected by each other. /tr the second place, the
plate with block teeth is always -clean and sweet, be.
cause there is no chance for deposits of food being
made, however small, the upper tutu being capped,
thus, effectually precluding even the saliva from ma.
king a halginent. and in the thud place. the adapta
tion of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas
ticatory purposes, the irregularities' tieing made ex
actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op.
posing jaw. -. „
With a properly fitted suction plate, basing an air
chamber, and mounted• ante block teeth,,a person
cosy crack ktckory oats with impunity,
-w And sleep in spite rat "—toothache.
..dranta..l4 J.. Curry es, All.rir Curry--Ilia. 79, Dec
Terra. 1851 Aline ,Subpana in Divorce
A /FARB COREY, defendant in the above cause
All You are'bereby notified that Archibald )-Corey
your usband, hA filed his petition for a divorce
from. e bonds of Matrimony. And an alias sub.
peen' has been returncd, and !proof made that you
ire tto be found in said county. You are there
fore: ereby required to appear at ihe Conn House
in th " borough of Towanda:on Monday. theist day
dayi of May next, being the &pet day of said term of
saillC.Ourt of common pleas. to anattree the said
Com Plaint, and show cause, if any you have, wby
the said Archibald shall not be divorced from'you.
e C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
' Sherira,Office, Towahltii4,4Ratnit,9. /994.
Mar* nodruff, (by hernext,friend Elinka S.otter
1e) of Thomas IA Woodtufit—la Brod. Corn
Ps. Itio 78, Dee. T. 1853. Ala. sub. Divorce,
rrtiOS. P. WOODRUFF, defendant in the above
cause—Von are hereby notified that your wife,
Maria Woodruff,' (by her neat friend. Elisha Satter.
tee) has filed her petition for a 'dronree from the
bonds almatrie" limy.... And an atlas auhticena has
been itoarned, and proof made thaitpu ant not lobe
found n 6 said county. You are t ereforehereby
required to appear at the Court House in the !taro'
Of Towaoda„ on Monday the Ist day of May next.
being - the tat day. of May term of said soon of come
MOB pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show
cause, ilany you have, why the said Maria shall not
be.iltyorced frorn you, C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's ghee...Towanda. MalVh .8, /854.
Luey E. Roamer. (by her next friend, ArrAibatd I.
Cores) 'vs. Mut .11.41cutraes la= Bradford Corn.
Pleas, No. 80, Dec. T. 1853-41 s. sub. Diverts
TOIIN L.HOSMEE, defendant in the above cause
—You are hereby notified that your wife Lucy E
linsmer (by her neat friend Atehifiald J. Corey) has
fired her petition for a divorce, froot the _bonds of
triatrionarl' Ai& an Was autlittentir,ble. been-re
turned and proof-made - thakyon sre oat to be found
in said county. You are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Court House iit the borough at To.
wands, oa Monday, the, let day of May,nea, being
the first day of May term of said court of .cowmen
pleas„to gnawer ;the said•oualltiaillt.and,e 4 m cause
if any you harm 0.4 the said Lucy shall net he fa.
'oozed from you... C.IIIOMAS. Sheriff.'
Sherifi caw. Toweltd•, t 5444.
West Branch Mawr Seed.
Tuiivanda, March I, 1854
• ALL Wang. vaartaitaraa,
Towanda, March 10. 18-14.
Towandi Veinal, 'ffetaisuirjr:'.
Tll'4 oird lerm of iheYO4.l6A . riItPULE Thorp
xtar will commence oa A/n*lg rebroary 28,
1854, - O. D. 11.41‘80N.
nbruar'y 4, 1851.
T algrOgifte ' geitiniut .iiiriarke - . rind handsome
- atorstof, IMMIIIIMILIOOO2/ifroCtii the city
tit Nati Ydtk,. con si at'sng in tiatt bf clotba l r easNi.
metes; Battinettei, rateadh ahlink I;hiaqb. pelams-
Ginghtitria .k.Ptintt.,:Z—ttaY, State and BiOnha Shawls,
Uusline,Cotton Yarn, Bitting, Wieltingnargat yarn,
all colors; also seyeral-,Picong Wool Carpets,
4c. 4c., together with a general artanstaient of Gro
ceries, liardw4e, , .Cinckery; Harr 11c. Caps, and a
long 'Catalogue of BO*" 131.4'n°1"1"r"—all of
W high, and'snany +ghat' %fulfil (Goods not enomera •
ed 4.04 above„. relit be intd'.at prices that will
give satisfaction to purchasers._
Towanda, Noir.l7, 1853. . •
a. mum= P rEr MI It'
Ts ins( reeeiiiinit a general assortment of NEW
1 HOODS. which wilt be sold as nsual, cheaper
than any other estatilishment in Towanda. He
particulqrly Attunes the attention of the public to
the unusually large and general assortment of Hoots
and Shoes, especially fog LADIES & MISSES, all
ac,which will be sold 15 per cent, cheaper than can
be bad elsewhere. ,
TL—All persons endebted to me by Book, Note
or Judgment, over one year standing, will be Prose
cuted to the final payment of the same after the 15th
of March neat, without farther notice. Now, Den.
tiemen, thislueens just what it reads.
Towanda. reb., 20. 1854. J. H. PHINNY Jr.
ciatprn and Well rumps
LEAD PePE. Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
size, &c., cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. R. M. WELLES.
• •
ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Hayens.deed. late of standing Stone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having clairosagatost said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
DEBORAH HAVENS. Administrators
Aug. 27, kW.
AME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Stic
k.," ikhequin twp., on the 31st uk; a targe Red Co*,
about 6 or 7 years old, middling sized horns, and
not particularly' !narked. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take her away.
HENRY vANctse.
Sheshequin, Sept. 5, 1853.
wHAREAS, my wife, Margaret, has le ft me bed
WV and board. without one just cause or proveca•
lion, this. is h.rreby to forbid an persons harboring
or trusting her on my account, as I will pay nu debts
of her contracting after this date,
,Rothe, Feb. 11, 1854 . JOHN COTTER.
r(SHE Commisatimers - or Bradford Coun y have
fixed, upon the Collowing days and dates re•
spec ifully, for holding A ppeals,viz :—A thens born'
Athens twp., Ulster, Shenttequ in, Litchfield and To
wanda south, on Tuesday, the 94 th day-of Fs brnary.
Towanda bard', Towanda North, Wysox, Monroe,
Windham, Rome and South on Wednesday,
the 22d. Albany, Asylum, Canton, Dwell, Leßoy,
Overton and 'Wilmot, on Tuesday, March 7. Ar
menia, Burlington. Granville, Smithfield, Spring
. field, Troy born', Troy twp., Wednesday, March 9.
Columbia, Ridgberry, Sylvania born', South Creek,
standing Stone and Wells. on Thursday, March 9.
Herrick, Orwell, Pike, Tuscarora, Wyalusing and
Warren, Friday, March 19.
The Asiiessois will be punctual in delivering the
notices to the taxables, and in tusking their returns
in person an the day designated in their warrants. at
which time and place the Board of Revision will at
tend, and hear all such as think themselves ag
grieved by said assessment, and make snub deduc
tions and alterations as to them shalt seem just.
By order of the Commissioners.
E. M. FARRAR Clerk.
Femme+, 9, IRSI.
Notice to Builders.
SEALED Proposals will be mewled by tither of
A.. 7 the subscribers. for Nrnishing the material and
b'tilding.a Presbyterian Church, at Wyalosing i tint
til the find day of March next. Plans, hills and
specifications may be seen at Wells &'astore.
nENR Y %I LORD, Building Com
WYalosing, Feh. 11, ISM.
- - - - - --
$lO rtzwanD
WILL be given for a coat taken from the , Sheri
it's Office, in Towanda, on Tuesday evening
or Wednesday morning on the Bth inst., with a pair
of fringed mittens and a small bs.ok in the pockets.
The coat is of black broad cloth, red lining with
black dowers; one outside breast pocket, two inside
breast,pockers and a pocket in each side, the right
having been torn down at the cornets and darned Dr
sewn. tithe Coat was stolen the above reward will
he given for the conviction of the thief and recovery
of the coat—if taken by mistake it will of course be
returned to the Office!.
• s C. THOMAS, Sbetiff.
Towanda. Feb. S. 1854.
HAVE come to the eottelusi , si that the time has
come, that debt 4 can he collected, and after
waitkg pati..ntly f..r Years. and finding the Goad
Time has srrtse.i, when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products, they hope this notice will
suffice for a more extensive one and that payments
will either be mayle in Grain at the present high pm.
ee,s or in Cash.
Theis Atoostment of GOOLIB is repteniahed seeek.
ly rpm Neer York City, end will be sold cheaper
than at wail in the Great Emporium itself.
Towanda, lanurtry 11, 1954
I-4101911 Oysters received three times per week
by Express, and served up in the most approved,
style. Abso.'a general assortment of .
Groceries, Candies, Nuts, 'Traits, &c.
Oysters sold by the gallon, quart, or pint, st the
lowest rates.
V . Saloon pest door to 0. D. Barifetes More.
lITST received—a new supply krfßeltiot and
cellaneatir. Books. a. KItiGSBERY,
Uec. 22, t€ 33.
THE Copartnership under which the subscribers
have eons business, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will be closed up by
either ofirty et the Old Stand. Debts doe us must
be paitt. WELLES A: HARRIS.
• therm Jem. 17, 18134.,
, The subscribers, Administrators of the estate of 0.
R. GOY, neceased,lereby glee ant'te that they will
attend at the house late of sat I deceased, on Tuesday
and Wednesday, the 7th and Bth of March next, for
the purpose of setthnssaid estate,, AN persons has
igg claims plaasteptesent theta. in proper shape
Tocaettlement. acid elk , Perenns indebted are notified
theta rettletztent belipetted at that time vitt.-
, o ut , A. W. G RAY,
February 3, 0354, I. W. GRAY.
TA7 ITERMAS„-my wife Elisabeth. bas left my bed
and tidaid Without any last ease or provoce.
non, Ibis is, therefore, to forbid all persons trusting
her on uy ac ,to it, as I will psy no debts of her eon'
Instating slier hi. date. FRANCIS MILLER.
Vn/uneton, Yd. 1, 196/.
~L~r :AVOG►fCii4V~'^3z.....~, ma,.r.
ALI, perscumAnowiatthemselyeaindebtedio the
estate, 'or.rtiultta Tirk„4eceicia.
LitihnedloiinshiP4lre hereby tested Pike
immediate payment, and those hatilitt otajoit
said estate will please present them duly anthem/-
cared for settlement.
Jan. - . 12,.1654, Adminisleators.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
TEED, deceased, late ofLitchBchl to multi p. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them dirty' authenticated
fur settlement. BETSY TEED.
January 29, 1854.
Office with the Re4ister and Recorder,
nIFTIOE in the second story of the Union Block,
A.J north side of the Public satare, over the office
of J. C. Atlanta, Esq. Bro. 24.
ALL interel.led will take notice that the notes and
accounts due the tate hrtn of
If, 8. & M. C. MERCIIR
muq be paid, and that I will attend at the store o
H. S. %femur fni th r
purpose of settling these WSW
te'rr, on Saturday oevery week, until the iit 11,y
of February next, after which all remaining unpaid
will be placed in the habits of the proper officer, fin
immediate collection.
December 10, 1861 M. C. MERCUR.
XlllBga nI,k,OZIZ9
AVOULD inform her frier da. !hat she has just
V returned from Now York with a full supply
0f.1.3 ONNE I'S, amt-ocher MILLINERY GOODS
and requests them to call and examine he; stock.
Towanda. Dee. IC. 1853.
wE are under the necrssity of having put pay
on all Notes over due, and ail accolants of
over four months standing,. sad we intend' to have
it; consenosotly, if Oa espect to envy cost, you
must calf and pay up immediately.
Towanda. Nov, 9,53. H WI:KRELL.
Is NOW op rniig 11 New S T ocii,,or Ur o ono,,cor ts ist.
1 ing of full All 4 complete assortment of *II kinds
which will be ~ t d,l al cheap as the same quality or
Good% cap be bought anywhere this side of New-
Towanda, Dec. te, 1853.
3oseph Powell,
TS NOW receiving a large stick or WINTER
GOODS, of every detcription, which the public
is respectfully invited to call and examine. as soffit
cient inducement will be offered to those wiphing to
purchase. to make it an object - foe them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
New Arrival of
JS. MERCUR has just rceeivetlsnother urge
1.• assortment of (300Dtt, to4which the attention
of the public is respectfully solicited.
Towatitla,llec. I, 5863.
Ai rs ce g h s f,T. N tiy . zu ' a r n la tlty hi ogf vo
he u t ig ice swins e
will ,
b b y psid in
isn.'l, 1054. MONTAN Y ES` & CO.
M'fNTOSH, Dentist, has just returned from the
J oily of :Sew York, with improvements iu in
struments, material and slr,ll, and is prepared to at
tend In persons requirlng in•; professional services.
He will be found at hts old stand, next door to Mer.
cur's Store.
Towanda, San. 9, islsl.
WE bare admitted Mr. WILLIAM N. WITAON
a partner in our house frntnlatitiary 2, tiiSt.
The businese hereafter wiH he conducted under the
firm of reLLEn, DArrayr & Co.
New York, San. O. ;854.
I.OUIL—A quantity of superfine dour, ;um re
eeived, and for sale by IL KINGSIWRY.
Towanda, Feb. IR. ttga3,
TO Tirpa pvtLic
A HP, just receiving' et their tare snit eointantliotts
New Wore, opposite the Court House,* large
assortment of
Prars,,iong, (i . raterirs, Nottaus Toys,. Fruit
Ctuiffctionary, ware.. trc
making their stock the largest, most complete end be.t
in fforthern rennal t ivenia. And the very Itheral pat•
renege they have received from the public during the
yeas'pest. establishes the fact that they either 'sell
ch, spot or sell goods ore better quality than any nth
To merit and hidane a continuance of so libersf pel
t rage we shall still follow our old motto---..awatt.
Below we name a few tl e articles that always he
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee, chocolate,
cocoa, sugar. molasses, syrup, gitger, pepper, spree,
cloves, nutmeg, cinatnon, mace. sods, saleraloß, cream
tartar, ilppereauce. sperut and tallow candles, bard
soap, vinegar, starch, 4c.
Mesa pork, driertbeer, hams and shoulders, mackerel,
codfish, shad, picketed herrine, smoked herring... Mead
flour, buckwheat Sour, corn ince!, cheese, rice, beaus,
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c.
rrvit di. Ras.
Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, erseil nuts, thews,
We and Madeira walnuts, pee nuts, chestnuts, &r.
French azyi 4.merican Toys,
'awry Goods, &c. &c.
Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, Chins &
pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harm°.
nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet csses—toy buresuss,vecmtarics, writing desks
—plain and embroidered work packets, knitting do
pearl, ivory, papier mache and leather port tuansoesi,
wallets and pursee, ivory , horn sod wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands. pock
et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff bozo
tiger dung, perfumery end hair oils.
Brooms, roopaticks, clothes pins, bench screws, ail•
low ebithes baskets and market baskets, sugar and apace
Candy of-all kinds.
Dairy and tabh• Halt, Salina Du. ete. eta We.
Country dealer. supplied at a small 'deems }Willi
Re* YO,rit prices.
aj* Most kind* of ernintry Produeertalren' oteharty
for oods. • BAILEY & NEYINB:
Toivanda, January 2. 1954. .
Agantily of Far Victorious sod Cuffs of daffcreo
/t:oldies. for watt AT COST by
ha. te s !851
Fronting the Peblic Square.
T HE svbscriber, thankful for the liberal. t...nntiner received the past I err, inter,d., keep 'constantly AU
bend a full assortment of the very best artteles usually kept 'm tibr hue, abseil es will. tli , p4tyi ~Cort
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patro,,iie him. 'llle purt.i.:,,zr. a... 'nude entlt.:ly Witt:path
in hand, and for the CAen our ethitnmers will 'receive tin hen. fit of a g.. 0 t art« lent t.+ice. All arti9lsli
not answering oar recormneridation, will be direr/miry token hock, quad tiir ta,mrs rifurida
gg'` Medical Advice gratuitously glsru at the Office, _charging' culy for the , lllcdiglari.
The stock consists of a complete and 13 rh.ct assortment
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Miliirinal EP, Loan' Porter & &etch
A %Pw.t-41 , 11) t, out N 63 'P LI, ) ! .
,i , ,
American Pocket Cutlery,' (Viran:aurtld' dobil.)
. SIN.
Supesior Tdo EVII7Pr?----Cholf..e brauds of - Pure Usirazna, Itrinchpf
and Tam CIC-A13.13 1
PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDoW (,Lths, nnusuEs, rr.rx.rmEtrY,
FANCY ARTICLE-., &e. ke,
I:Rack anti Green Teas ; ltio and Java Coffee ; Mrilasses, Syrups, Su gar s, s il i c a:,
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, 6k4: . • •
(' Tice best Qualify of Goods—Pon Assorttnentaileflarote Pr , fi v—fte ,oll l Attention to Caslamers--410
ihinltcration of Goods—Candid dduiec as to kilent Clue iliteiltlon to Busiorgs,! , -
'Towanda, Nforomher 12, 1470, c., V. 0.
Retiilente. an Pine Street the ot , t Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his
office, in Dr. Narttesi Drug Store, when nut pro
fesaionally engaged.
ffiee m the entth end n f the IN% r.l lousd , {lately °coup. .1
by lawrie,
ruvracida, March, 5, 1f;13,
Q TONS. more of those cheap Sugars just reed
• •
and for sate by •PIIINIti
O TI,:AS—A few chests good and cheap . far sate
DonTs & snags, the larg,eA awl che'apect
eortment in ToWanan. by PITINNEY.
TIRESS Goods, of the latest styles and pa!terns.
1-1 consisting in parr of Moustin Etetainest. nit wont
rlelaines black d fancy Oka, French, Poinertic and
Scotch tai lehains 4 prints, of every stirte by
11463, PHINNEY.
ATS, Caps, ..Ir. Itonnet,s, a I arp.. assortiueni /1 11
1.1 cheap. by PtitS.NEV.
CLOTUS, casidm,rrN, jennfi.
and TUVE. , I7, of ail debcryitop, J. 1,1 rr , rtbired I.y
Oct. 24, 1 . 853. PI44iNNEY,
FNN FlL6—French, Durcit.vaic
1: for sale by PH INN E
Icinds'of grain Ar !amber fur
t ahich snore cash wilt be Nit! hr
Oct. '24, 1853
The War Que. Aim) Being Settled in
CEZD Ma" alUler -
A ONTANYE Ac CO. have rime Zo tiff. C. nett'.
1.11. sinn inias4e 1!•.c)r inwr.e-7‘, tri vie w cf the
unparalleled firokperity that mu.: ffon a trale
peace. They '
tlsrefole,after romrlitn.q., thauti.q
former favor., i”vtte the attenti , m of the ecrikcne+ of
(hi. and adjointng cot:mite! to the era minatinn of
consisting of all the varictiei ti` Fancy anJ Dees
Getoilm. as also heavy st,pfes,
Harr/wore. rt. c .tkertj, Groc , ties, iforcesi,,anil Cur
riage Truntnings, bore, !.codger. 4. ;
all of which Ails be °traced at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fall to please.
Sept. ), B:i3.
IVA_ AIL law sr v. - . 12w. JR?) •
IFTLIZTT ulzraza.-az
South Comer of Mercur . Nock, Main Street,
ALF‘FI now opertintz their stock. +4 tiOODS for the
Fan a;:d Winter trade, cJinpri.itt 4 a lull
and catariele assortment, and of she a us,l variety,
which will be auld at a very mnall prefii N'enjo
Pay. Among the a,sortmant
usir GOODS,
will he found a great warlety of Ladies' Dick; Goad;
ronsistins in part of
Bereges. B re to !Maine's, att-emd pot,iine„. Lairs,;
and printed ; Ginghams.
Scotch and American ; Paphos,
Prints cif all .dear/es mtd
colors ice , 4.c
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Clnitia.
Cas%imeres. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeana silk,
and Bummer Vessines.
Also, tilbeetiap,a, Shirtiaga, bleached and treown.
Tiekings, Summer Gouda fur boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet. Warp, Cotton Batten. eke.. &e.
A fall stock will be Leto nil hand. want
of l'ogars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses. hies/2111's 'best
Syrup, filpices, Popper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour,
Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will du tell to call on us before purchasing else.
A )arre s splendid gswoment. crockary,
and sinmp...wars, th)Ctit and Shnet , , Hal% an•l Cara--
Naar. Ging.. and ( T illy.
Thankf❑l for the liberal patronage of the past sea
►on. the ortilerei2nPti feel n pleasure in inviting the
Ottblie to An examination of our Spring stork, be
that goad Goo,la tto, - 1 low prim , , w tt ispwire
a speedy s ale for rea<loe pay. & MOOILE.
Towiria, Nov. 24 1853.
• Paper Itangialire i •
t line variety of Satin and - oolarriott parer
II Hangings, enriain napers, van
dow shadeN, jolt reed by Plowtip+
Towanda. tient. JO, MI
A complete assortment of bier k, plaid and colored
471 dress silks—ulbrooldelsi9ets,snouslin detainee,
Dellege 6 , Thibet ciotha, phfamettes, Ate, 1114 rem :
ed by J. POWELL,
11. e• NIZRVUR,
ran an.l Winter Goed.l:
THE subaciiber offers for sale '
I ,i fits veinal*. real estate, situate
. 4 1 in-Wriox cp.. Bred. '00.4 TAW
- 4•• consisting of the following :
t..►t w three. an, one third acres or
Myersbarg, with a tavern fit'Ut4. tarns, Garttago
Manufactory Shop aiiiinachit)ery. b adi..s la Ilh thop
and other nut buildings +hereon erected. ,There 1*
also upon it an orchard of shot ce. fruit trees.i The
necessary tools will also he sold-with the carriage
shop. This property presents a rare opportintty• for
any active bur Laces RPM it l, l7ll3l{C'llptutltabik 'lntl/eat ,
ment and carry on a lucrative business. , - se
2.• A- farm aituated en the state road. about one
mile from Myersiburg,cootainine .evenry-five acres,
aho in thirty acre& thereof improved, with a small
fr.imed house and a log h4rn il.ereon eyected. with
a small orchard. The far , n i, Well watered end the
soil fertile; and kris gisceitible stprotritelve
crow. -
The roperw will he sula togs-'her or 3/Tamely,
and a rea....tutlable etcti/t given ffq a. pocLiti4 91" the
purch4 , :e. m.'ney.
Fut loether partienlani nquiro of Ulysses Komar.
}l-q. of Towanda, or of Oft .I,lblrriber Myershutg.
(.111111.E5 tiEN:..;tl arc,
wysex Nor. 25. b sh3r. t
Airll NO to (ii.pct , e hvt property,
in sheslie
quin tnw7tOpp, Pra,iford cuurity, Pennfllfa•
pia, the outt - seribet "fii•rq it for sate upon the imilgt
reft , minWe term.,, and invites the sue:tit - on of their
mri‘h,ng t pttrrhx<e,
')'he rtnnpe ty ct , ntainr two hundred and tortykthtio
netea .1 land. lying along, tht f?toluehanna rho*,
witvi a !a , :;r 1 ,0,1 1 H a ri%rr flats, Of the very best
(Int Ire a grain /and, and wadi adapted: roWditity.
f rL "
The trrtrlenvem;nta area Tait,* ti }y
-- 1 " `-iN r tin< f(OtisE. built tact year; OA fin
i 1 1 1: 1 E4 ••;i, lin the het .tiv/e, with hitt? finehen
,- .4 ,- - , nwt wood Ilt!‘ct4r atoctintl. l'here'pre also
three Vat, r I)*rilittg hne-e4 and thrett - Rados, hod
ttrn farce , lonhle roofed r•hc(fg ft.r stables and Lute.
There Art , al's, three r/LICil Attars af choireattla
trees, and a 3r4ung Peach orchard of 55 tree*, ark -
tot will) care.
One hundred and eighty--tivellerro att ondirritt
pri.vetneut, and the ti%iilnv.e to ouvered with timber,
such as nak hickory, yello w pine, St c.&e..a11 beiss
well :supplied with spring... of water.
Thi= pr•perty was formetty in three farniti,
11 , 01 now be auk] to suit purchasers, either whole or
.eparticiyi and terms of pasriVett Sllll4r tali , . of.
ler?, indocemeets rgreip met "ltriOt, ; trial within 3
pities or Tc , vranZi.a,.(ate county Ro), opposite, tte
N tranch Can't!, t 4 aides from the New, York
York and Erie Hattroaii, and immediately upon the
line of the project( rth Pennsylvania RaHrvitd
Ipplication may be made to ilsrssxs !Hs . arett.gag
at Towanda. or the subscrther upon the PrC l o' 4l4 .
Jan it (R4l. JOHN kiIiSAFIQL,
• •
0- It the above propery is not mad by Ate 41mt
If4rch tit.xt. the Farms be mated, reserving ate
116 ile4e setting
I 1 1.111" I's
ti IS !, ation,ll.r the education of young ja.di,ee
/ was upvited .94•pteipber, t itt
the i , tiltdtag T , rruetty "ecopied 'by %Ifs. Mercar--
:t store otid , r the char of Nl-0. , TX :/tYi
aided by lier ht , ter. Ntiza Itr:ohic t. P. Hike-sox.
The twit - they of popiiit is limited to thirty. The
-chotaNtie rear ermsi.iA of frtrity-fi , er
T ERK ,...-$6, $l, attic jt2 ref plaster, according 10
the studicti punned.
No extios charzc for Ole LAtin Vangptigcc rtimtb,
rwr quarter. •
Remcgigucts—Rev;.l36 t Atiyitlent
of the rolle2e of NewPersey, Princeton.
tido. Ilst W111.110 , qt14:14114111iTh o{ir; V.
WARP, E.N.. INN .0 to. Tosratota,
• t
Mr l.l lll.3lirtit 4111.01/
A I IS'S REBECCA D it A NsON,lirepiten melee
i insteucttan - vi 4e - -, Teue 3 tilee DI 1110kiplace
on the Pick,;', Terret--5 to per rinno Pr":
A vpiicallon'to be. made to Att‘q Ronne* erne
Ward notl•e or at [ha Tavvaeda Female tithtftiettry
Septpnifiri- 21. 14153
fl D. D ‘RTLETV, iq' now rerrerlog a - large
Vir and carrfiltiv •Oteted .rock of
ITZNir GOOrag , • , ..•' : „:‘
honcltt for cant since the, tat at; ripe in.. ppr i er.
which he Twill niter -fu'r k r itly it ligtiiis. which
cannot fail to;ctire iatittadtins • trieinttentstritt4l4.s
he in v tiro , tan ttien lac anew ion tu• •ti is , 'assorttnitn, ‘of
Drattwarinclg...• • '• ; • • •
Tow mid.); Apti54.54:414.773., 'i • ' • '• - 'O , - • .1 , 5 Lug
.1 , . ; ::' --.-..,•, 'T't-..---!* - -•-- ----- _
IC Lover • Eigeedc,. . fi
itQI; N7s; I'IT Y of WOitt Branth•Cinsr~. just
fperi• ed arFt Jr.. tale by ~ J. PQ - Wgiw.
. reknunry 1:., :Eel. ;k
• ...' t
. li ,l I.*
11.1 f-'
) )
_ _