Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 18, 1854, Image 4

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V ESP 6( rrPtait4-
co .1144014,j
11, county. thai:theiheNniiiift i t
Brick R.w, lateljr-,plett.;1 11 : 11, 10 .
an now receiving, 644 Net Yeitii slatf* . railek4.- - ••
• ". r • - rfr,r^;-..z ,
than ever beforetc-s:lferel the tnellielC -- Ci;U:sidible*
Over, Idrest. Cod: Pe a t',
Clot 13 a. 4211441 - 04 V.11;PlblIGS: ;
White sad. Franey- libinfi;Colloorsi l eirairatiAltiarfe „ :
stocks, (hovel. VOrriper9, DroreriT;*6j.'
We would also iovitti atteatints I, 'our
DI militia axing 3:loarplicatt.l,
lii which we make - to oriletonr;ioS..urflitiptio
of Marvin:.
Cottjag Jape to enlet end *.rverantevi.
PllOl ont.LlN
'rooml "Ivy. t. 14743
lOTICE is hereby given That the ealiartaerebip
heretofore existing under the firm of J.& 8.
Alexander was thiS day dissolved by the withdrawal
of Nathan Alelender. •
. Nhe business will hereafter be enriatietril by the
satiersigned firm. (consi-ting only of Jarr.b Alex
ander. Solon:on Ale.ranoler. and M. 11''.Solomoti) . it:
the old :land in Arnot's Hall, N 0.7 Wati.r at. Elyni•
ralsnii at No. 2 Mercor's Block. Towanda. Pa.:
ivit!:be - bap rif .tafecAve a
synthicianee'of the fatto'nate which has beterseis btu
*rally extended to their predecessors.,
A114= 41101 ans J. dr. S AlyAindcr & Co., must
be Settled in thirty dayirfrom this date.'
Towanda. Oct. 13, 1853. , , .
=RV& S'Ozonsozr,
ilitthe _Brick •Block, next door to Mercnra store have
1 just added to their stock, a.large and fashions;
big assortment of
Beady made Clothing,
Of every variety, both of syle anti price. fo which
they astr the attention of 'the pubjid. This is now
thelargest stock
Ever Offered .471' Towanda !!
Mnd Will be solifat 'prices considerable lower thati
eves before known irt this place. Oar goods are
selected with ai regard both to style. end price. and
oiler inducements, not to be met with et any other
Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing
will find
at ,our establishment. in this section ofthe coyntry.
1104 made in such style and materials as to ensure
eatisihetion. We shall endeavor by
tolitrazons GOOD CLOTZEOra,
ti secure petronage. feeling confident that our arti•
ears will give satisfaction to the pnrchaser.
The assortment compriging every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—.CASH.
()retrofits, Coats Pants, Oercralls Caps 4c
Loesmons.—Nest door south of Mercur's Main
at. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. ArnOute Hall.
'A II kinds of Country Produce, Wool,kc., tak
en is exchange for Goods
Towanda. October 13. 1553.
Rf7lollllll atrEaTilre.9
Over J. Kin g4bErti s Store—Entrance next doot to
Montanyes' Store, vp .stairs.
GRATEFUL fee past favors, announces to his
friends and the public in general, that he still
4 keeps on hand a good assortment of Iltssor Mans
CLOW!' SO, whiCh he will sell cheap for! Case, He
behests that a • Nimble sirpence is isoitli more
than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced
manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him
self in the city, n d employs none but the hest of
workmen in making them np. He would assure
his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un
der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let
out by the jab to unerperienced or incompetent work
men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion
thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty
of 'min a good fit.
He has also on band a general assortment of gen.
tlemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell
cheap far cash.
0:1•• Custom work promptly done as usual. He
invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters,
over J. King,sbery's store, and immedis•ely opposite
1/. Mercur's Law Office, before buying, elsewhere.
Now if you are wanting. you surely can find,
' Coats:Pants and Vests just made to your mind.
$o nice and so situg they'd suit to a T„
8 s perfectly fine, there's no room for a flea.
If your linen wants chantei,, ng -and sometimes it will,
You'U find shirts and collars fora very small bill ; '
Come then one and all. who are out clothes hunting,
And you tan be fitted by Oconee H. Unarms° !
N. B. He is sole Agent for &las Howes Jr. .7
Patent liensthm Perachine,
for the counties of Bradfortrand Susquehanna. Any
person wishing to purchase the right for using the
above Machine in said counties, can be itecornmo
dated by calling on him, where they can see it ope
rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is
the beat patent now in use. Its validity has been
established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852.
This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex
elusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma
chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch and seam
'prated thereby- G. H. B.
The public are cautioned against purchasing spa
rioois Machines,as ail sewing Machines now in use
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
have infringed, by using Machines or otherwise,
who wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper
license under the original patent by applying as
.Toirenda. August 15,1853.
s irsom
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing
Mott a. Wdllti r Merchant
HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
Bradford County, that they havejust received
He Lined and most fashionable stoat
ever brought into' old ream' efunsigiag in Puri, oftbe
tenoning snide.
Owyt. MM. Frock and Back Coats ; Yeats, Pants,
shi rts , Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, tkocirs,
cratss,collare,-Pocket Mitts, Ste..
Clatle euid Tritabanke 'constantly on han4l..also
the fall fashion of Hats asiti-Capa.
pa stook of .Fornialsing ,Goody' it: tintatpaintd in
• Mega. and 'comprising avarything. nocewary-foce cep
tituan's outfit Pettit:6W aueßtionAtili be paid to our
• Nitaila l ia - tialbaatabraen
Iforierreeakead tita latest New Vett Pasition, art see
papaw) to get up auks on the shortest nodes mai in a
superior-moor. euTriNa. dons" Go dont not*,
sad warranted to fit 'if properly wads ati.• '
!Oda d., #nit 400lt sad eats Post Orme:
Waverly, No:. to;,festy
• (An — •ititoV al tor — k 4 4
for WO at 754 eac ELO , O.
Towanda, Aug. 10, 1957.
,:',44.- e: -,--,' -"----.....--
• .....
, -- f : !" --- ..- _ ••
;,t.t.,; ,
~ 1-_,
00 WE Lle:
S now Win: replenished with a full and complete
-•' - -
Paints, Ad.!, l'atialte:s 4 Windom CIV --it
i, Pure Wines
• ' ' - - slid Winters, d'' , Vic., "
In short, every thingvannected with the trade. The
,Poods ,hacedgiren„bogg,bbeat rem*
, iuw. Cyr ..,9,ah,
o• VII be.s,itld itedetilteliTi• ..;',, ti,; 1 . -", _,L-y
lq."at "Alrafteiiiir - i`etiiie of toirner s and Diva a
Faut Oil test receive 4.:- c 7 -fi •.• :2 • 1 • i
'f& It .' 'tit the Olnei-1. dams sondecif Mon.
tanye:sleurner-seinec budding of the' Irgtistittlic." .
- - July 30,103. -
.NO. 2 !Ml= iLOWOnntxtr i s °viz,
0 EVOVED,t, tke elotarceadhltKOPiad i el A
1.16 11.-iiailey;eigrocery•land Pacti".4ffiee• - •'8 -&vkis
south of Montanyes corner. where_ iI f has received
4 ' full, ru•w - find cotiplete' sioidt"-01-DIWG.9. ; lillbf:
GENES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap•
er fur cash than even ,
Heroyou will dnd annexed a few leading articles :
1 Senna Alex.. Fosga te's Cordial)
do India' ' 1'.,-` c.: Ella Opi
Cream Tartar' ' ' •
' '' Hip's Liniment
Sup 0 Soda Hair Dye. ' •
Manna, Harlem Oil
Magnesia Caled Ointment, Trasks
do -Garb, ' Ali Dallli i I=l
'do SS' • ' - do MiAlietei
do Henry's Shakers Herbs i
Colocynth do Extracts
do Apple; Tilden's Alcueolic Ex't
Cochineal -Ilbei Extract
Trusses Hulls • talap Extract ' -
do Marshes, Mealcipt's Vanillatil '
io Shaker, '''' "ds "Lemon do
Balsam. Wist,ers .-
.• : do -
do C in
heesans • ' do - Almond do
do Fir I do Cloves
do Copabial do Allspice do
do 'Pohl do '• 'Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach 'do
do Pulmotrary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do ' Cinnamon di)
Acid "Eimalictin -,,, . , d0...-O range „ do
do - Aeitic --- ' -” 'do ' ' 'MAC du
do - 'Rengottic ' ' _ Lublo's Spriagdower
de Citric do Musk do
do Nitric do Violette do
do Oxalic do _. Magnolia do
do Hydrocyanc do Sweet Bri'r do
do Sulphuric do Jestnin 'do <
Oil Linseed do Joclev CI% do •
do Sperm . • ,do Caroline do ,
do Olives do Jenny Lind do :
do Castor do Boquet do
do Neatafoot Syringe, Pewter as'nerd I
do Almonds • do• . Glass d&
do Amber Rect. Nursing Hottles,Glass ,
do Amber Red do ,do MIL I
do Aniai " d lihei Turk
do Caraway do do E. I .
do Croton I •do - !pecan " ,
do Cubebs do 'atop
do Commin . db :. Ginger While
' do Fennel. do Orris i
do Lemon Gum Camphor
do I assia do Opi Tuilt
do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk
do Lavandula 6 - do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal • •
do Jesmin do Aloes Soet ' I
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape _
do Orange Chloride Lime •
do Rhodium Ido Soda
do Ruse Castor Russ
do Cedrat Isinglass do ,
.do flopabia Evens' Latices • '
do Ergot Nitra Silyer. gp't
de Verbena Oxidltisnitth '"•
do Vioiette Blue Pill I met. • r
do Mellesse !lodide Potass • '
do Mellefluer Tart do
do Patchouly Garb do •
Brushes, Paint Suiph do '
do Varnish 10 ensile do
do Hair" Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Camer • radicle" clO --."--
do Nail ' Tannin
do Tooth Proto lod Mercury
do Shaving Strychnia • '
do Flesh Piperin •
do Cloth ~. Elaterinm - ,
' do Hat lodine
Soap, Yankee Veratrin .
do Crystalline - Kreosote
do Eng:Wind isow'sk, Hydra currreretaz,-
` do Coopers • Morphine Bulph
do Rose = do - • -Act -
do Victor* • . CalorfferAinfrielia -
do Orange do English,
do-Ttiod r i :: 1 : :.! 5 ,, , , -.., "- Ih r acrpitalelteck 3 i'•''
do Eraiivi. ''' do White
do Castile ' Soiph Ztnei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Savin . do Pale.Grdd -'
do Brown . do Dark do
Fricopberons do White ,
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op% .. •
.. ~
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China _V,ercnillion
Oxygeoated Bitters - Aarilea " do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do'
• Hoffman's Anodyne Venitianlied, English •
Together with Paints,Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.-
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; s andal! articlescon
netted with the trade.
Having secured the service, of Dr: S. IlvirrOir,'
whr keeps his office at this store, and 'willtive me - '
dical advice gratis to people, they paying 'for 'the.
medicines only. Phystcians can rey'opolf having
their prescripticms carefully coMpoonded arid 'tint
up. The stock' has teen selected with' reat care,
and the goods will be warranted as represented. -
'----. Alt ofDr: D. Jaynee-toiclieineit. AyrarCherry- Pic
torial, sehenclie- Pulmonie Syrup - - of !fellow •Thiek:
Root, Orrick's; Hobtinsacks, anit'llynee Verinifuge..
Together with all of the most popolar Patent tiled - lanes
now in use constantly on nitit... , for sale at
C - ..1:L.......11. 'Drug s tore .
- : - Three Doors below ritentanyet - min - erl
Towanda, Janitaryll,
.15.58: - -
a A BARREta, °fad• Ohio Whiskey j . ost rseeifid
UV and for sold windesafrand.retati; an Reed's
Dive More.
I,I9IAITINTI#EI3 44,4Coittiati, Alk. Woke, of *Frit*,
(.) b barrels of &derail's,. werrealeil pia, , Prazie
order; left on - sate at Mex. - York gpatt .prices ar
REED* Drag Diiiiirs l ortieriliflhs, 1 2 8, 1853.
106.0111 i :trflikr,41, stgablatret:,lp
fc , at(4401 . pactiag,'&o,. fau
late &tip at" REW44III qt,anffr
SeW-4• 11133. _
T . 51)..• • SiOtir•.../
.M.111 16 ,— , 4 1 ts 441W0-
-aaTirks.. ,44miukamporuieesig
trgyeutticbt:l44o.. wear, just recd by
tsept 10. J. I'o Wf:I.L.
Bradford County. Peansigtranisti
Lliniagrii Poly% pimikk,,nifeitailnhsVorleith
tera, of watiqua rages. rip. .1. '4,3, 4. 6 sad 6.
Price=o,' s . 9;sl6;' 02: #tt' atia $2O: 1145:3 Cut
ter.' are better and cheaper thirr dig straight knife Cut
ter, wilt' knivel p aeLdiagogely ea the shift
The knivail at& Hotallylat rat at*. siW, which
enabi *wa i t() cgs ak right pntleeggairrylierianhitlie
r011e4%14 cut Weidily, Widow , jerking. 4 -ak. easily
kept in repair.AlrechffideViailiniiffatf off' and shar
py/0:4.144p0l distotiong.4he shaft (,or tether . kkuiypel
crtargnefoterarY earl knife erm .4 let 4ut of Mani al
to kryp.them all true; if one knikohotthlmeetryfeeier,
then 'neither. -Every farmer should hove one of riMae
labor and feed arigggrehirnit, r„ t
For sale Wififfesale and ietall—a liberal discount
toads to the& WO boy to sethigain:.. - ! -it: • !
A !hens. Pa:. lgowegibcr 10;481111.`,
.Jenny Ptiminti Cott, stielloi, •
TriiirstssA LE tel•beiti
VW to he Ibond fit Ihit'couritif,ind'ibeapi!l—(wir
rsarited)--for sikki 'at itte Agikotioriq Yea Moire 6104 o
Nov. 0;1853: • ' " R: `M. 'WEI;CES.
COOK STOVES, of various and excellent, patterns
Li and sizeit—Aseveralitattems of - soPericri71 7 levated
Ovens, amon g whichis a combination , of 'Clinton
and National Air fright, waled the EAGLE.' A lio' a
veliktad;stoth of elegant parlor, ball, Anti, chiral
and school house Moves; both for wand and coal—of
sizes and prices to suit all classes 6f animaters.. Call
and see.. Nov. 10. R. X. VVgLI,E.S.....
RICES $4, and $5 Every me and
ol'Ocae excellent lebor saving arliclea: thay,nre
capable:ot:caring from )00 to 200 pounds of meat per
hour, and are very simple, portable and easily
repair, far late by
Athens, Nov. 14, 11142.
r ie
/FR. OatSTYX. basil evos 06 - thek34l,thens
1.1 1 3. Shebang°, gives his thanks to his mnemls,
abd the traveling public generally. fortheir liberal
patronage, a nd
. cnntinitarketof the same.
will run vegnlarly to and from the Waverley Depot
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of
strangers and travelers, who wish to visit a pleas.
ant un tinsiaess or otherwise. A daily line
Of nista! • 4 • /
IFotir Illorse emetics,' - •
are running through In Towurla. - Those wishing
will be insured a seat in the coach from this place
and those going to the
can stop at Athens, and spend an bout* or to
and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the
e.,:n be
aza •
morrraErrzs a CO.
COMER of the Public Square acd. M ain Street,
Towanda, Pa.. respectfully, give notice that
they are now opening. and receiving direct from the
City of New York, their NEWS:POCK of SPRING
and SUMMER Z*Y their former
stock on hand, comprises one of thelargestand best
selected assortments to be found west of New York.
Having been purchased at
Thiry arri enabled to etHr theta cheaper than ever....-
They invite particular attention to their rissottrhent
of Ladies' Dresis Goods
Consisting of Jaconet land Stelae
; Mastitis, Printed
Lawea,Gingbami. .4ar'd Muslins, Merrimac,
Pell 'River and other styles of
Americai Prints, in endless variety, a
large assortment and for sale ,
cheap. They have also a
, large variety of YANKEE NO.
TI. ►&B, embracing almostevery thing
fib Ir a Croat' Needle to a Lady's Sateb.
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment, of. Carpeting 0f,a,111.4C0 and ,SNlea.
Alsfi,Ne ring Aitt Ham mcre Hapa Boo
SlivienillmeTridints arid - teatlier,
ernes, Crockery. a3bell Hardware 4T
Their 85pcjnita$r,h‘lt stsaccu?ti, -nit,teakrn, and will
ke,441. cheap. Farther commentAs unnecessary
. g. .! ye. us a - reaft.,and we will shim you
.ocir gogds
and and convince you Aitt the +me is no
fiction. Our motto is, " Small Profits & Quick
Returns. ' • - MONTANYES & CO. •
Towanda, Muth 16; '1953.
• •
~OF • -•
•• • •
°tan& Distriblitlon Or over $ poo
Worth of Presents T"
kJ, which consists of over Knot Thousand Moving
Figures I—among which maybe seen Napoleon arid
his 4rMY.crpstirig the Alps... Also, the Chertinag
Vntathpment, consisting of the 59th antl„,l4lt4 Regi.,
ments N. Y. State Militia. Also, the veception,or
the Elmitaflieniati iih`that This Kea,
ma is the best moving one in the country, and Vita
cost more than it is put orlea,ltiz., $1,200
ObeGiamtilloving Diorama of BanynteePilgnirs
Progress:showing, all the travels. of Pilgrim from
the Cite of Destitution till he arrivesaafein the Co.
Witt( City , Thiai. splendid exhibition har , all - the
paintings connected with it that any Panorama bar
ever had, which is alone_ wartlitinore than it is up
for,viz l „ Ifl o ooo
ani) splettaid 'Pinatima, Coniistinfof 12,c) view
on the • Wilspialippi," Ohio, and • Hudson rier4,..
worth s2oo''
Tao beautiful Banding tots, lociletd r In the fhfid
Ward of the village ioirkniia, :4141200 each, $4OO
One splendid seven octant Pianos,- • • • • $350
And 2462pleadbi and costly Presents-.-amoon tinar r
in all, tb116.0.56 worth of .peopeni, the heat of which
ankt4tiltiAlf:PacNib.Kl - , f 4 :-,Ln- - .1.
As t e valperfdlp„ iftqsepta - -isittottntsio 15 .052,
there will bq same.oetieVetaissuedAt
fiife:toller'eatli" Eiteh'tlefret.Wilt iihrilt 11.ittier,, ,
'tun ,
altio to 2as - 41:are: or thel'ihble proleitynarndYor!
disfribrillon." 'Matt rend l 6 4l2 ll miTritiii Dio ame - '
will Weitifbited'ticitlitiiii dirihe 1511 i orient:al:
I Of - uIT the abatis, are'
all.fiVen. each,
where .. thcy*itli flay shares tak'e'n ~ • • "-
lei kotwits 'the atiiei
balder will be notifieddtal' if
tticictiolBelb ; ffltrfilWertyllfPv! pliact
0114' COMmitiere 'Aka: fie _
stockholders, ft:14111Ln) to m i ke tkellmibu lion
Cording to the trekVidf 1b & tdijoAirWMe stockhol
aers—Akw-wiot 6t bitityt.);c;.i
ItltodeeitokehantOwiltwatefteywomPt swish%
if addressed post paid to S. B. ELLITHUISP, , Airetiffi
mov t ouhe int swebeitsr,Tiinzm-, at
I CIA ralienkliefhiccompanied with ditstir:wl
net. and post paid. Petabilli . dideffiffie4hiwterwolli
tr par4cula!sitterlyisiest office eaten 1
le i
, ean Jtiet sto Anita y.942nr.,
NMbliflint.fsarElloase Trimminge,thaee.ite;
ty, Sash &c., just received by PHINNEY.
Inv the Silittle:if the Ward,/louse,
D It.. IT P () It ts
DRUG IttEDlertrz%
Paintsl:6lQ _Parishes, Window Glass',
sy 9 •
BRUSlEkttitithite, FANCtialdit'
Die-Stliffrandz , Burning Flnids. z . ,• - i
Regular Aggro. far ple,.fullowing genujui,,POpUlar
Dr. Jaynes' Meditires— 4yre's Cherry Pectoral
Alterative," Vehtiilnge: Schenck 's pul: iyrup •
Expectorant; Anitneet Hooflanit's bitters' l-,
Hair Dye,..Sie.P• '' - " Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
MedicllieJ" ' Acoustic oil ".- -
Dr.Swayne's ': do , ' Indian Cholbcriglie
Dr.Keelet'it '•.: -- 'do •• ' Lyon's rat pills •
Brant's Hotline:V/6c Est ' Pile Medicines ' , ••
. . . .
Orrick's Vermifaie ' Salt Rheum attir Tetter ' •
Graefenberg Medicines
.' • ointment ' ' • ' •
Gargling Oil " • - Trahleti msg do
Pain Killers , •,' .- ,` spavin & founder do ''
Galvanic 141 ts; &e.' McAllister's . do '
Heave & Cohtfdioupow: l. Eye waters
Rock Reid . ' ' ' Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicrin ' 'Corn salve •
Tooth ache drops ' Sticking: '' Jo. • •
Hair invigorator & dyes' - W istar's bat wild cherry
Betibtfg poisiiii ' Female Pills
niwnsen.l's Sarsaparilla uliard'Afil soap
Plasters and Pill's/ af' all lAistiln Life
' 'finds. ' • '' - ' Hattent•Oil - 1 ' • %^ird'
.%tid many others, not enumerated; - all warraildeill
genuine. - - "'•'- •
o:7' Remember Dr. Pcrirran's Drue and Chemical
Storeis in the South enJ of the Wail House, front.
ing the Publie ignore. 11. C. POR'T'ER. M. D.
-R. M: 14£14,4
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythia
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones
Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer.
'can Marble; or Black Stones of all-sizes. can'
Ave them oh the shortest notice by sending -in
their orders.cheaper and better than can be pur
chased elsewhere. '
` j Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and underta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda,
Agent. . PHILLIPS. I
Towanda. March, 31, lOW. • •
Zmportatit to: Uousekeepers:
- THE aubscriber thankful for the
31 patronage heretofore rel ,
red, begs leave to inform his
sda and the public generally,
'those commencing House
ing in particular that he bas
on band a large assortment
HNlTYlitt,'thich he will
warrant to be madejti a substantial manner, andel
theltest materials.
such as niaboginytihd*aleut dress
inebureani, marble' and plain Mahogany and
(*ninth wasliStarialf, Marble tops, and plaint of ditt
ferent patterris,rdardun'tf etid.talgis,Sofas. Couch
es, whatnots, Sic., ' '
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handiome Style nnd of
approved patterga i spnthmetth °thee furniture usu
ally called fur, all of which will be ei r Old on
th e moat
accommodating terms. r
j::7 The subscriber is alio provided *ith a plain
andfasbionable HEARSE, end will hold hiinsilf in
readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of ,whicrh the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. IL—Furniture of all kind: made to older, and
warranted to be of the best mats flats and workman
Towanda. SanuarY fllst.
rriliE subscribers respectfully inform the Public that
Ott have:takcii the abpp formerlr: caxtipit4 bf
Aaim EsenwiiiC; on gain street, nearly opposite
Drake's wsgon,shop. whfrOlafty,axe.plepelgyl to do all
kinds of BLACKSM 1101 1 .19-eisin eeseanible terra.
They ate'deterniined by (filing their wort well esti
pronipthe;:tomerit, iis thi7 hope, to receive a share al
public patio:inc..
HORSE. - -SHOETNO•tlarre in the best !motet. All
kinds of repair i nglitathinery, executed in the 'most's/11-
.M 'manner, 1
WOOD WORK fat wagtras wilfifse be made • end
repaired, when desired.
Atr*fte done al theif-shint, beWirrahted tube
welfdline, and !manufactured from the bat' materials.
'fbe public satieiffiestedlw gfrir ties trial, Mid 'alga
for themselves. ES KIOWINEiIe
Towanda , Mar, 2 ilfitift - r; rf,q
NEWirt3AgiiN , 1
1 •
j HARVY PHINNE t purchased for
4 . .Caais of.G. hf.. gown:tat:l.-his. entire sooeit -et.'
Merchandise at a price far 4elow be actnitt cost in
New York, (and 15 per cert . !. lower than , any Mes
chaut, in,„Tiotreada,haker can.hoy)-is prepared t
sillToeitid,'nfore Obits ii!ii'ilitelolliqtliatilin -
man . will Sell foe ;Wee . shillings t 'Phis stock is.
large, embracing all atue.les usually found wit
stm*.ii:;-Vil 43lUodit, Groceries, Hardware; Boots
and Shoes,, 4%ther. ils Sash, girl s;al a tls, Caps
and Bonteltsjotir
~,t , ~ will
,' above,
and no mTifdla. 'At 114" - rick "Rai, ' ner of
Mitq attittie .. Streere._. - ,-- •• . 4 ''',
oaii 1444 , 4 8, 1953,
• kfv"ke'44"? •
tAirg for Iderque
1. 7. f"
Cf.--- 7 72.. • itidgebety.'2o - lisn'ttrir' deJ
pkt, th;lV.,l ; ..ii Moifire. WzW
itiertul4tik - .Efieelock'A'./44 and arriv
at the'diftit th time td tlihilhe evening train of ears
either eaaLor west. same day..' •
Return 41107111tr414,
a fkiir-AliCarill Val of UM, islern . train, ind Asa the
Weiter.weezo'fr99 l, 4gifer.# o DAßMirit., a 04,304
ti m atuTowantlaioute , day... -r •,,.,
ifattatt- to Menges isilltvt , ,—;!-,' Ve.lo
• ..1.1,5-4 , 1/CitkiioOPll•..4
„..•• ;ga,44lofftdields-;••,,r;figi
'Alt:l ' e. ,tgißidgil 6 er7ll` e• CI 4 4 1 4
.twee :r b4. 04 Y14 1 40arg , diffietts 4 ,45.1;
Enitemilockurs to or from the Rail Roadure d I
folly Atlil9ol'dift.tootlerate charoao i I
Towanda. Oct m U A
bed ta. Alibeisellidebta Tit
maganr*tituloff mosey.arandzwthiie
A itathettigigatcr 'Rept io ALI timAirs ~rxt into
mayliiptidtittialeirwhe fillk.:Caldadierb Foot
king this time. JIMA 4411.188.6 Lb
Towanda, March 24, 1953.
Wholesale andißetail Dealer in :1 .11
---'~-Ali~c) ~ neo~:
y IN T! 41 j*
pia TII9II/17111AECO vow
oiNt .1;7 0 -'..".7 , 5 -EMS/ ; 21t4 1•7;f- 2-
04 Sit;
Have you • bond and mortgage joy s witsitmuwi
, 411110 7.9o,4llll**ATORES4•OrJoteLlhat' lati:iijisit to
;IA or. AWOL g . A)
fPoO4riOAPPCI.I.s.O4 ,I IIi
gr0i 3 11 1 145/grOaSijoh l ,sAtt thslol l 7 l ll4 414
or rent! ,11
• 4 1 8 4. 115.147. 444ait: or
44,449AVA1N1cS infit - 444911 tAi l !*.+o tnor/red:Aln
shares 1 -
f.110.Y0 3',14/
.I•lcokußl4. l s•ke AgToil
ed Irripiemd Imeypitwt or on shares 1
gaMial.P.S'Aterl,Rwer the 4 , 2 04 Wi+.4oe,ealLim
prove-or rent I
e Alafibid," tttsii spa tie
your business 1 _
W - **ARiitioitiitrkcir7,464 of
u9P tam f94prr* kPoweins sip.-cfntel , CAPP4
;' •
r , l R*l ISFIARAF94 F‘ciV i ßge , yowpr o p ert ,ftw. Mho
9:rag awl its jour ncigbbgrhood,,fo4l , ‘ 1011 P
d WIrISIWt•PI.-:9lbOlOtorygactoritta I
.llovtion atry,„ecegtesiglyppyOyetnentin.ime,
914)1.4400 1 5.4 1 4 Tr#44O.,Oeil. or r tirlikit
n * 12 405F-P • :
Aryou havpo i tir of gm above wants mr-olbero Of It
Pi1 4 1 1 4.1A4 1 40eric:44 1 . 61 - 1 04 • iliCke e ;• to - rtor 2004f114 1 5,
(P o ak,P. 4 o. Ai e gfbl e .. - A 1e . 04 alfLeistO *imp** al
charnbessachosja 4
with , storys,dr.c. t t i bik t loisest
~Miate.,on which, you
*u.fidi.gionimph kor,ezcheNP.4 Or ogtenrise die.
pose ofit; and ifyom, nlso hina :to mrs
_Rep .
iitirtlioo 9411, witoccoo or whidi„will be aa
knowledgetl4 your. wapt. shall: 60 recorded ht our
PiloilrsoO4leor letter.PFece4 au the file_desiltomed
for mare State rsod. Copety, kw, the itispectiou, free of
charge, of lime whir are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange,,, of Myest., .• . •
• Vivitalin n 4 charge to any. for examining our
Register and es. ,Ny. t hen they,, make known .their.
wishes, tikey,ere.referred to your, own statement of
your wants : and aawe have gaps ,of the different
litotes, and of iuCh'Comaties aa ere have .been. able
to procure: and as we employ agents to visit the v ex .
eels and sternums toot, arrive with Immigrants, (of
whom from MOO to MOO arc daily arriving,) sod we
also, have .sgente_to distribute or Circulitantoong the
stringers at the hotels; nod as we , advertise in the
principal papery OI the city of New
,York, and in vin
ous forms thiongtiout all of the st ater, as Went:B the
different cOnntriee of Europr. ~ from which lottejgrants
come, vvheritvi expect one of our FirritiviU for
the kesent reoide, ind•where also we shah agent* in
the principal portinf - embirkation, inviting :tit who
wish machos°, exchange, hose, or invest ; to visit
our office',; willput charge—
We ire confident that we offer a better melons of
making Your 'wants known, to those who tles:re to
know them , and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode jet praeliied.
g„The heel Place for You to effect a sale, lease, ex
change or lose on. your: property, is en its immediate
vicinity. IlyOu cannot`do it there, the next best place
is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi
grants dr settlers of any class here is the place to obi
min Meat
Demme he" at all times and reasons, there're front
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for trorestmehts or homes.
Beesewe there are probably 100,000 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surplus capital of the Union, seeking investment.
Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to
7 per cent. per annum, 'on undoubted security, white
yon can afford to give as ample security, or other in•
ducement, where it would predoee greater rate or inte-
rest, either m annual income or increased value.
Becauttehere, an elimination of our fifes will inform
those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is
to be fouini which they seek,
Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange
country or other city property, for property in this city
or its vicinity.t.
Hemline a person, by spending a few hours in out"
office,. althea% charge, ten obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the conntry, end
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Bemuse, finalty;here in the eciminereial metropolis,
Where ircoticentratad the tinmerand wants of a vast
m4llltods thronghouf this-and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, Mit cotroxponding wants of our
countrymen, both parties, those a bearish to-purchase
and -those-who desire to sell, can be mutually benefited
In the description. 'of. ropinty, be careful' not to
over estimate advantages in any respect r 'for if you
do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compsti•
son of the reality witlik.494,attoment might defeat
your object. When'yonr property is sold, or other.
wise disposed of, it is' rerpdred that we shall be imme•
distely informed of the het'. As we do not propose
to sell, kit negotiate, and send purchasers to the own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite ; but when
it is desired that we should sell, iptbority must be given.
• Ocir oommissio - ns on eater, exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat
ters requiling9ool,tlegotiatimil...will,Ae ; gobject to
special agree:mg..] 1.2 : i ~"
Sebeitrfaints ittf' samil`ii4glitiirliliod often
find a more ready sale than- a--single farM, as Immi
grants de511t6r,1061110441011. PP11010iLf:-‹
Real 'Estate and. Pniperty Brokers,
116 Broadway, New York.
Refento Courtlanrlt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadsay, N.
Y.; Roo. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood,
Ohio; Es apv..rord..Clikio; Hon, R.Ait,Thompson,
Ifon. .
NOlde, Mich; H0n..1. R. Willisas,
Mich ; 'RCM. Rob% Smith, H0n..1. XL,Underwood,
Ky Worb - 4 1 -C•Podge• iovira4 Rm. •LIL Doty.
ozl• Pro runner information inquire , of LIARV.VY
MeALFTN, Local Agent, (at the Law-016ce of Win.
Elwell, Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 4.4 y
, Tint - OLD - swum -
tell as tlairch.PhfansylAtuntei
!ri ter, qtald i Di nengfin lif .d preak
;t Tables. abogany,
acti,l4l4 and Cherry Bureaus
_ tesds'oreVery - "destripticitr,Niftich are,and
*ilf'be,maileot the best &aerial an 4 tvorkmanlite
manger; aid which they *ill sell for. cash c,heiper
ittaaesin be hottest in any other Wssre-toom In the
coup ;
t i r kilAntrAVCADZI : COM:0113,.
ola hand. on, the Irma* re.isonable terms. A good
ugAjgit *ill, be furnish ea orifnoeral occasions.
,Towanda, Jane 1, 1&52. .
-13OOTS::ck 'SHOES!
TrAtriemo Nt itAu:•,e i tabi g h ama t ju i ..4l.Ws stone.
I. corner 'aPmsinlitilerioirtn pdhlfealtuare,,and
will Conti be Mantificinre of N i
iota nd 86bee, a 4
beretokire`'' ,
Ifibiajust received from New York a fine assort
ment of Wolaerec Chiktren'tand Ofigra' , Skoes, which
arnoffered sa-kmpricee. The attention of ',odic"'
isparionlarty .directed ior, hie. nenertMento eoMinitint
this following new styloakr:=EntintellediennylLindgal
terAtootot;bb Amen, blselt A lastion end silk gaiters;
wallitng stmek.buskins,&e. 6 .4lisses' gaiters And shoes.
Of avers dercrißtioni A large linmetznentof Children's
fatiO l milfetiOmetsond •sinsee, of pl bndg
For the Gentlemen. almost every style_ of goiters sod
Shoes: --This stoelrhstbro,Eeras_sally *sleeted with
eat; and he believes lstisiliperier a r ticles at
ineitAirer-s :i ll. A
117" lit*fiat Alb* Oa
Be, b ; PaihrlifeVrelte )46ol lWer o itina=
OCK Tinnily of Tart's Isiand i fith
L for sale by BAtILEY & NE INS.
THE . subscriber would
mnce to the public thial he
Lye now on hand, and will make
order all kinds of
' 4 "ut BRY AN'S
1-F; list:LnoNte
, cn
rflillie*tritortlinary 'preparation ha s b en
"JL"itY('Yeirts thelnost certatn Ind sr
for Conoes e Couts, AsranA, [hostel,
lA, ina'rnit,ll l .446, Taw Caen AND
thitrsi iittlffing from obatinateand m a s t
ffieyiiie-the Moir immediate and perf eett,
ieherigreat•fiabillty to tate cold elle., lad,
lesome Cough isgcceeds the alightatt expos".
WAFERS produce the most marked tea dt ,:"
titqinifer teliefe 4:7010 and other Tar
ititiiely-feittove that morbid irritability
ness of the Longs which give rise to the
The'rfiefical properties are combined in a
me form and pleasant to the taste, so that
wilt readily' lake them : and they are ry
gietriellef iifteti , minntes Ariel use in all
Price 25 cetite'per box, for sale by bl. B.
PICIIRTER;Taikanda, Pa.
• Triwindi,'Peb. 9,1853.
Attention Regiounit I
70/1141 E. GEIGER, wouldsay to his old
the public at large. that he has constantly
and manufacturing Rides andttpt Guns Ate,
Among his assortment of Gans May he found,
and single barrelled Guns, Rifleshf all kinds - limn
Pow der Flasks, Shot Paochern, Game Bags,
Primers. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps of the N
il. • Miami sit barnalleilltieolving Pinola,
barrelled self-cocking Pii•tols, Rifle Pistols, dont
Pistols end common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cam
straitly on hand.
Any of the above articles will La sold awful
for the Beady Pay.
Keys of any kind flue d to Doors, Trod' or
other kind of locks on shoe t notice and reasonable to
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. tll
few rods north of the Bradford House.
J. E. On
Towanda, May 22,
THE Subscribers having formed a copartner,
under the firm of S. FELTON & , f”r
ing a general Liquor busine s s, would respect(
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want ci
thing in their line to gira them a call. We to
keeping on hand a general assortment of Fot
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than aer
else in the county, from the fact that we bjr
from the importers. and thereby save a tar
chaiged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also et
ly on hand Whiskey of the hest quality. ;
made Arrangements by which we can fo;
etii 4 'irrliers with'any qlantity of Binghamtt
fresh from the Brewery. Please give man
The notes and account* of the old firm of B.
ton Sr. Co., are in our hands fur settlemen.
E. T. FM.
Towanda, Dee..l, 1852
Illiff,1...2111.114111:1111117.1 0 1.11 e i
Saddle. Harness & Trunk Manufaci
JERE C I LI is Co, respectfully inform the
that they have removed to the shop on Sld
recently occupied by Smith & Son, nearly
the Want House, where they will keep or
large stock of
ma23a-aat. 0i1L1V1324 rj)lta:
All articles in their line manuirtured to order,
made of the best material, end for norioninship
be surpassed In Northern Ptontylvsnia, They
a call from those Fishing to purchase, confider
they can give satisfaction both s. to qualltl and
01fides and Sheep Pelts received for wort
account., at the lowest rates.
Sale Leal4ets Lipper Leather .Harness Leaf '
Calf skins, fur sale in any quantity.
account of losses sustained at ;the Is 4 fits,
ore obliged to call on those inkehted tots; k
prompt settlement, as we are under the neeessit
having what is owing to us, we trust this note
be sufficient without resoling to other, means.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 1952.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's B 1
W.I. Chamberlin,
... /ft ti AS just returned fromtl
zit, 11 of New York with a
‘ igi supply of Watches, Jewelry
) 4 7, ..;ilver ware, comprising in
m' 1 9 C the following snider: ,
t r ) 11 :4 c,,...0,..7,1--, L'Epine •- L and Plain Watel
. - 1 2 . * a complete assortment
. ______-•:.. .
Jewelry, such as Ear R
ger llinrs,Breast Pins, Omelets, Lockets, 0(
Gold Pens. Keys, etc.' Also, all sorts of
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of whict
fur sale eictmedingly cheap for CASH.
Warehes repaired on short notice, and
tortn well, or the money will be refunded, t
ten agreement given to that effect if required•
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR. and Env? •
taken in psklnent forksork ; and also. !earn me ,
areverahal the Peoehace must be paid wiiii fly
is dune-1 war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda,•April 28,.18p2.
00kligG GLASS PLATES era and hued
1J any size, to be had at the Jewelry oar 01 .
May t 5, J 18 . '"
- ° A horse 1 a horse ! my kingdom
horse and i,tomers - , to take
JAWthe goods. Notwithstanding the
),, t,• dm •
astrous fire, A. M. WARNER
himself again
And at No. 1 Brick ROW you'll find
Most anything that's in his line,
From a cambric needleof the finest kind,
To • .ieUlfelleel watch of eighteen karat fin"
Clockkivhieft keep time accurate and tor.
- • Thvast ma of every style and hue,
130111 , silver, steel and plated chains,
__?_eSe_cted with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile
Of every shape and every style,
'PO suit the old. the pone, the C rave. P
, May there be seen in elegant array%
And WAna is, who is himself 3'051:
fs idways ready and at his pos:.
To wait upon his customer+ and all
Who chance upon 'ins to give a call. a
_ So with good advice make up your ' a
• Tp call on him and there you'll find
Stich sights, my , eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jeweley of every style and hue. /
o:lDon't mistake the place No. 1. Brid
where he is Prekared to do all kinds of.
. 4 , 012 i—W 0 R K
in 'hirlinc of bovines, atsbe cheapest West,
pasesibly be atTorded-- He will also sell his
at.2o per east lacer; than , was ever before
this anarket.l. o:l , Callcand ue..CD
-1863. A. M. WA
Alitilanin tif ill' id 1
. assorinseill of Paper Haag'
• Ikea ewe
at no ally low - prices- - 0. D. DA
Towanda. April 2t 18.53