Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 18, 1854, Image 3

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    liAsT INSCOVERY OF 111 E
Farmers, Families and others, can put
! ', O Remedy equal to Da. Tostas' Vastness,
for Dysentery, Cholic. Croup, Chronic
0 1 ' Sore That, Toothatho,
Ol fles Slickness.
0 1/0 1,
0,13 L s we ll i n ro
gs, es, d *reit, flesd
):o,quito Bites, Pains is the Limbo...thee.
oes not give relief. the money will be refund.
d m i s asked. is a trial. and use it at eording
,E n alish remedy, and was used by William
jaw gi n g of England, and certified to-by
a ewe for rheumatism, when every thing
/0.000 ,000 bottles have been sold in the Vol.
e s, without a single failure, and man y have,'
ould Dot be I
wiout ail was tit
ease of Croup, as th It
it is as certain as
%Tobias has put:up a Hoses faxrattate in pint
Inch is warranted cheaper sad frettar than
ausw . 1 ;
o the ior cho..c. Scratches, old sores, galls,
lii.o,cno, bruises, etc.
cultsc w e rs, when first taken, in a few bonne
ittlilf Rollo r—toothache in five m ingtes.
3 , isnocent to take internally. ind is re.
%ended by the most eminent pigskins in dm
" e l l Rates. Price 25 and 60 cents.
Tobias could 6111 dozen newspapers with ger.
- ova end letters !liming to the wonderful cures
splisked by his Liniment, but considers war.
;I; it sufficient, as any person who.does clot ob.
;;,lief need not pay for it.
'ice 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Greens
s street, New York.
,r sale at Dr. ff. C. Posits's Drug Store, Tow.
Iterly Station, N.
BL Y. & E. D . B.
al2 24. a. al 6011.16 WM!. a.m.
),szpress,' Night Express. • li 3 57;
,espress,r a 10 03 Way Express, r a It 54
Ace ast 6 2018u11"..10 Ex. rrr4 37
~, . ,kee. •a 1 25 Nail Pas& a , x 2 63'
. 7
Pass. . - rx 5 15 Way Pass. axB 27
Pas& •x 7 28 Elmira Ace. ix 6 53
. El. pal 2 41 Freight No I rit 12 111
xtstop at Waverly.
,ontil further notice, leave Towanda at 12
,-.noon. connecting with the Buffalo Exprese
We't, and all the evening trains both ways.
; ming, leave Waverly after the arrival of the
and m orning Dania. reaching Towendli in ti me
Tunkhannock and
1854 Onshore stages.
tdnesday, Feb. 22, . •
mit twouzh, on the 12th inst.. by Rev. Isaiah
obb on . Wiwi NI H. Kir A er, of Ulster, to Miss
WkuILR, of Towanda.
NCU3 WiVedlfitMentl3.
rows aid Plow castings!
ATCHLEY. Woyne 'county. Alba or Canis
pl o ws, Side h il, mibsoil and corn plows aud
..411p, tor rale cheap.
Lae particular pains to set good well made
rand tough castings. I would invite partieu.
Canon to the Alba, ur Curti. plow.
. 1 and see.
nens, March IS. 1854
At the Athens Agriciiltural Store.
13F BRANCH and Ohio Clover seed, at $7
a bushel.
'est &aped Timothy Seed. wholesale and re
-rem' price, .$4. Also a good selection or Gar
ifta, fur sale cheap. R. M. WELLES: -
:len, March 15, 1R54.
lOCND PLASTER.-30 tons Cayuga Ground
Plastrr, on hand and for sale by
•«h 15. 1654. BAILEY & NEVINS.
~IIF.D bushels Dried Apples—
,rafted frui•—on band and for sale by
brch 15, 1954. DAILEY & NEVINS.
I. per>ons todebted to the estate of S.
Bullock, deceased. late of Canton twp., are
requested to make immediate payment and
having claims against said estate, will
present them dilly authenticated for settle-
.118, 1854
Orphan's Court Sale.
mule of an order of the Orphan's Court of
hadhpd county. will be exposed to public sale
premises, cin Thursday. the 61b day of April
ti I o'clock, P. M.. the following property--
,:hat certain farm situate in Orwell township,
to property of Austin Russell, deceased, boon
u follows—On the north by Geo. 8. Carrier and
c ; on the west by lands belonging to the
eoi kustin !tassel!, deceased, o.i the south. by
rt:l Russell, on the east by the Owego road and
1.6 Carner. Containing eighty three acres and
roar perches of excellent land. On said prei
n 3 a framed home, barn and bog pen, and
.wring apple trees, and is well watered.
my made known on the day of sale.
h 6, IRSI
Orphan's Court labs.
one of an order of the Orphan's court of
iratiurd county, I will to sale by public
on Saturday, the 16th day of April next, at
P. M. of that day, upon the premipe‘ in
ship of Li4b6cld, twenty-eight acres of
being a strip twenty-eight rods in width,
south side of the following described
parcel of land,situate in Windham town
sald county, hoUnded on the north by Par-
Lapin and the highway,on the east by Harvey
ha, an the south by Elijah Jackway, and on
oil by Parley Johnson. Terms made known.
st day of /sta. SAM I. DAVIDSON.
hith 9 ,lB.s4.Gaardian of Mary Ann Dewarest.
West Branch Clover Seed.
h.. 61 of West Bunch Clover see& jut, re.
reined a first rate article, and for sale at the
ash price, by DAILY & NEVIS&
bnii 1,1854. •
Binghamton Stone Limo. •
mei% of of Binghamton Phone Lime, jest re.
Ord a first rate altie:e fresh from the kiln,
eirtn DAILY & NEvINB.
tt. 1. 454.
licihel s of fir Cloverst rate Clov Se er seed, for sale by
Near Land Clover Seed.
of New Land Clover seed, just reeeiv
ed and tot vile ebeap by B. KINGBZRY.
offends Manch 1, 1854.
• Thom" Ha rris )10 the Bradford Common
v s ,
Pleas, No. 1115, February
tbitsh Woodward.) Term, 1154.
;JECTMENT for a lot of land situated in the
•4 township of Wilmot, and County of Bradford.
t'stning nne hundred and thirteen acres and silty
ire or I, .is—bouuded and described
Beginnipg on the South lino of
warrant at a beech tree: thence north
a two arid one -tenth porches, to the
[affair's's lot ; thence by his lot west
seventy seven end seven -tenth per
rmetly contracted to Levi Rice: thence
Ith 109 and 5-10 peribes to the war•
by the same, 197 and 1540 perdu. t o
And now to wit, February. it, 1954.
then, is no parson residing upon the
defendant cannot be fmand by the
was modem of James Maeferhme,
Plaintiff, granted a rule an dalen.
oodward, to @war and plead on or
ed Wide of iky - gszt or Jedgmagt.
County, EIB.
I the RIM& rebiOWY 211.
LLE cHMAN, Prothonotary.
, .
WEIS sobseribeis otler` the isle their valuable Real
.L . Estate, situated to Wpm:, dime miles East of
Towanda known as dm &rope . tams--ones of these
coutelne4oo- sem., with-70 sera under the beat; at
improvements, with three framed booms,
three framed beenes,.and the best of water
and fruit,' and • quarry - of hate stone, the.
thereon. ,
The other is an upland furs throe fourths of sails
from the above farm. This contains 65 acres. and
65 under a good state of improvement. with a fraim•
house and barn. a young orchard land orveftl good
springs Of water thereon..
Any person wishing to pun:hue; can not da'betur
than to call and give these flow an esaminsakm ! es
one or oath will be veld to snit the pnachassr:
For farther particulars Inquire of the sobseri
Wysoz. March I. 1854. GEO. L. STROP&
INV MEC BIT 'MP M. MB '=" JEW. Illr g
HAVING entered into an tby which
1-1. he can have BLOCK TESTH furnished to or.
der, informs the public that bell piepared to mount
suction plates in this new end improved method.
The great superiority of the block style of mount.
ing plates is at once apparent to those who have for
any length of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who have yet to be initiated, it Is only' neemeary to
say, that in the old method of monad* the plate
w,th a succession of singlet: eth, it 'run° unusual
thing for a tooth to dmp of 't by the new method no
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by each other. In the second place, the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, be.
cause there is no ehande forciepasits of food being
made, however smelt the upper rim being capped,
thus et/ketonic precluding even the saliva from ma.
king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapts,
don of the grinding surface is better Rued for mass
ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made ex•
icily to correspond with those of the teeth of the op.
posing jaw.
With i n properly fitted suction plate, having an air
chamber. and mounted with block teeth. a person
may crack hickory nuts with impunity,
" And sleep in' spite of"--toothache.
. Ass WOKK. wanastrrss.
Towanda, March 10; 1854.
Archibaid Corey vs. Mary Corry—. No. 79, Dec.
Term, 1853. Alias Subpavas •in Divorce
MARE COREY, defendant in the above cause
You are hereby notified that ArchibaldJ.Corey
your husband, has filed his petition for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias sub.
pent has been returned, and proof made that you
are not to be found in said county. Yon are there
fire, hereby required to appear at the Court House
in the borough of Towanda. on Monday, the Ist day
day of May neat, being the first day of said term of
said court of , common pleas. to answer the said
complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why
the said Archibald atrial not be divorced from you.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
reherirs Office, Towanda, March 8,185 e.
Maria Woodruff, (by her next friend Eliska Satter
tee.) vs Thomas P. Woodruff—ln Brad. Com
Pleas, No 78, Dee T. 1853. 411 s. sub. Divorce.
Tg°B4 WOODRUFF, defendant in the above
cause—You are hereby notified that your wife,
Maria Woodruff', (by her nest friend Hilaire Satter.
lee) has filed her petition for a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony. And au alias subpmna bas
been returned, and proof made that you are not to be
found in said county. Yon are therefore hereby
required to appear at the Court House in the born'
of Towanda, on Monday the Ist day of May nest,
being the Ist day of May term of said .:curt of cow
mon pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show
nausea any you have, why the said Maria shall not
be divorced from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office * , Towanda, March 8, 1864.
,Lucy E. Hosmer. (bg arr next friend, Archibald J.
Corey) vs. John L. Homer— la Bradford Com
Pleas, Igo. 80, Da. T. 1853—Ali. sub. Divorce.
TORN L. HOSMER , defendant in the above cause
of —You are hereby notified that your wife Lucy E
Roamer (by her next friend Archibald J. Corey) hqy
filed her petition for a divorce from t)te bonds 437
matrimony. And an ilia subpoena 11$11 been re
turned and proof made that you are not to be found
In saikeounty. You ate therefore hereby required
to appear at the Csturt House in the borough of To.
wanda, on Monday, the lit day of May nest, being
the first day of May term of said court of common
pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause
if any you bare, why the said Lucy shall not be di.
vorced from you. C.THOMAB, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, March 9, 1864.
ALL persons Indehted,or hating unaided accounts
with R. G. Crane, will please call and settle the
same, as the books and notes are left with Smith &
Creamer, at the Store formerly occupied by me.
N. B.—No costs will be made on the-above if set
tled before the 10th May nest. R. G. CRASS.
Monroeton, Feb 20. 1854.
s. zr.aavanr
TS just treeiving a general 1111 son ro ern of NEW
./. GOODS. which will be sold u usual, cheaper
than ,any other establishment in Towanda. He
particularly invites the attention of the public to
the unusually large and general assortment of Boou
and Shoes, especially for LADIES & MISSES, all
of which will be sold 15 per cent, cheapei than can
be bad elsewhere.
N. 11..-%11 . persons indebted to me by Book,Nom
or Judgment, over one year standing, will beitrose
ented to the foal payment of the samcafter the 15th
of March nest, without farther notice. Now, Gen.
tlemen, this Means just what it4eads. •
Towanda, Feb. 20, 1854. J. H. PHINNY Jr.
Towanda female Seminary.
rr third term of the TOW♦*n• PENAL' titurr-
A wear will commence on Monday February 28,
Febitary 4. 1851.
T am now receiving a very large and handsome
1 stock of 111112111MITIL QOODS from the city
of New York, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassi,
mares, Sattinetts. Tweeds, Jeans, Limeys, Detains-
Gingham' & Prints—Say State and Brach& Shawls,
Mos line, Cottoh Yarn, Batting, Wicking carpet yarn,
all Palorn.also several pieces all Wool Carpets.
4c. 4c.: together wiih a general - assortment of Oro
cedes, Hard `wire: Crockery. Rata & Caps. and a
long catalogue of Boors & Svarrowaav-411 of
which, and many other kinds ((Goods Dot penmen
!ed in the above, will be sold at prices that will
gin aatis&ction'to purchasers.
Towanda, N0w.17. 1•53.
Cistern inid Well Vamps I
LEAs/ PIPS Hydraulic Rams 1 of any kind,
size, cheap for ready pay. (or sale by
Jan. 8.1453. R. M. WELLER.
AtL persons indibted to the estate of P. I)
Havens. dee d. late ofStendinglkone,are hereby
requested to make mutest withoutdelarrand these
havi elaimsagatast said estate, will pleas* pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
Ada°. °. is.
Aug. V, 1853.
PAYE to the enclosure of the subscriber in She
‘ -1 twp...ea the ILit eh.* kap Red. Cow,
shout or 7.y0ar5.014,, iiiddliag &Wed . horse, ow
sot penieularly marked. The oven is etq1452114
to prove prope', pay eitanget and take her away.
Shesbequin,stept. 5, tess,
fiWdPriXihe '
T 1 OM OP lIMMN OR S i remaioiefrist the
.2-.4 Post Oliteeert Termada s * Feb. 14/1154.
Andrus Amos -:110111011.0.,R06
Ash Emma • 4 ;.: ',,,mmajwilvat" . • • 2:-.
Binasl ll4 l4ll* .' : - .1 - ': *' . ;Xte4Piitit,N, - `f.,
Boma" 3 W. -,,-i- '---: - 1 :."--lems — ellif anr----: -• f: ''-' -
Begiiibtitutlit,'l;-* ' - '; ; I•fillirillillth-,
Bars* Williatis., II„ -2 12 iii t'--: ;,---,_..
[bow atilt.. .:. -' ' — Ls lIWX
Bartlett D P ,- - -.4 . • lortadward -.--
Browe.Wm _ • ,111cDoeertil Xavier;
Biked Haiti, -. 1 illeßblit M 4
Bone Timetitir':.,_
,-,-,;- , " Illatileiri lie ,'.--, • "' •
Brown Wary ' " Motilerlikesey- ' '• •
Bolles itKv- , • , - IMeDil;Mbos,r_ , .
Biselketim r .. -,:.imakii...faniss - -
M= Byname - - Madden Catharine
Carter Hog__ . Maas Mary
Crank Or ;.: '.:-...:', •, - Elatst.Ablahate -
CroflaiDeo: :- '-''-- ' ' War Made
cb s ibe rs cp• ,'. - -.1--- , ., Agyer Jamb*
Cole We J- A - , , , ;,i meawes.lbsiiii"
clartmos ,„'. _. 0741ellbary_ :%;""
Collette Piter-- '-• " '-- PattersoeßUels.: , '
Cooky•A i . • Num* Wm , • ;
Cross II B - ' Piatt D L
Colday David ,- Potter are Semi
Cormier Jane Payne Elizabeth
Conley Isadore _ , Pratt Miss A
Deer Franklin • Quigley Mum C •
Dawn E' Ries Melvin
Decker , Roan Miebi
nerdy Michael lolly MO • M
' • -
Davie D • Seven Philip
EasterbrOoks. Amelia Smith A
Eamertiroolts W W Bummers Asgulin.
Fries.Havier Elanwe Miss 0 It
Ferguson Arnold ihint Eacieb
Flynn John Shores Josiah
Forsyth A Steeny Mrs M
Foster Betty Swain Bailee'
Foster F M Smith Jesse -
Fowler Sevelon Smith Beni
Pinata, Jae • Schrader Orange
Flold Peter Stevens Otis .
Gard John Stanley H B
Gross Joel 11 Ithemmen B
Griswold A A Sullivan Mr
Heilman M Talbot Cornelens
Horton Horace Thomas Mr M
Herrick D C Taylor Wm
Honan Michl whompkina Miss E.
Hendershot Phoebe Van Beaten John
M.kes Mary a • Weaver J
Minnie') I B M Woolley W W
Jones Mary A Whitney II T
Jennings C 0 Wilcox Miss M E
Johnson John Waters Miss M A
Jones Clara M Waldron Emilins
Wiggins Ezra Minton Elizabeth
C. REED, P. M.
wiIAREAS, op wife. Margaret, has left me bed
WV and board. without any just or provoca
tion,thi. is hereby to forbid all persons harboring
or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts
of her contracting after this date.
Rome, Feb.', I. 1834. JOHN COTTER.
THE Comminioners of Bradivtd Coen y hive
fixed upon the following days and dates re
spectfully. for holding Appeals. via :---Athens boro',
Athens twp, Ulster. Shembequin. Litchfield and To
wands south, on Tuesday, the 24tb day of February.
Towanda bore'. Towanda North. Wysox, Monroe,
Windham, Rome and South Hill. on Wednesday,
the 22d. Albany, Asylum, Canton, Duren, Leßoy,
Overton and Wilmot. on Tuesday, Match 7. Ar
menia. Burlington. Granville. Smithfield, Spring—
field, Troy bore', Troy twp., Wednesday, March
Columbia. Ridgberry, Sylvania bore, South . Creek.
Standing Stone and Wells. on Thursday, March 9.
Herrick, Orwell. Pike, Tuscarora, Wya,vsiog and
Warren, Fnday. March 10.
The Assessors will be punctual in delivering the
notices to the taxables. and in making their returns
in person on the day designated in their warrants. at
which lime and place the Bard of Revision will at
tend, and hear all such as think themselves ag
grieved by said assessment. and make such deduc
tions and alterations rite them shall seem just.
By order of the Commissioners.
E. M. FARRAR Clerk.
February 8, 1854.
Notice to 212 dots.
SEALED Proposals will be received by either of
the subsctibers, for furnishing the material and
building a Presbyterian Churcb t at Wpdositr, ono
til the first day of March nett; Plans, bills and
specifications may be seen at Wells & Bixby's store.
HENS FGA Y LORD.i Building Com.
Wyalusing, Feb. 11, 1854.
$lO MNWain
NvrILL be given for a coat taken from the Sher.
ire Office, in Towanda, on Tuesday evening
or Wednesday morning on the lath inst., with a pair
of fringed mittens and a small book in the pockets.
The coat is of black broad cloth, red lining with
black flowers t one outside breast pocket, two inside
breast pockets and a pocket in each side, the right
having been torn down at the corners and darned or
sewn. If the Coat wet stolen the above reward will
be given for the conviction of the thief and recovery
of the coat—if taken by mistake it will of course be
returned to the Office.
Towanda. Feb. 11. ISM.
agoirrammis a Co.
u Airs cute to the eonelusiun that the time has
J c i comeobst debts can be collected, and after
waiting patiently for Years, and finding the (fond
Time he. arrived, when fanners are realising almost
double for their Products, they hope this notice will
suffice for a more astensive one and that payments
will either be made in Grain at the present high Fri.
ees ar in Cash.
Their Assortment of GOODS Is replenished week
ly from New York City, and will be sold cheaper
than at retail in the Great Emporium itself.
Towards. !actuary 81, 1054.
'MESH Oysters received three times per week
.1: by Express,and served up in the most swayed
style. Also. a general assimnsent of
Groceries, Candies, Nuts, !nits, &Ct.
Oysters sold by the piton. quart, or pint, at the
lowest rates.
V' Saloon nest door to 0. D. Bartlett', store.
lIIST reeeived—s new supply of Ekbool sod Mita ,
cellsoeoos Books. J. KINOSBERY.
Dee. 22. 1853.
RE Copormership under wit:eli the subscribers
hare clone business, is this day dissolved by
mutual moment. ?he business will be closed op by
either party at the Old Stand. Debts doe as must
be paid. WELLES & HARRIS. •
Athens, Jan. 17. 11161.
affrassume OTIMIL
The ao A oN f the estate of O.
R.Oray. deceased, hereby gin melee- thee they will
attend at the home lets *feel 1 deceased. On Tosedey
and Wednesday. the Yth and Sib of Ninth sari. the
the purpose of settluts mid estate. All persons hay
ing dame will please pawns them in proper shape
for settlement. and all wow indebted me notified
that a settlement will be aspeeted et that time with
out 611. da: W. GRAY, '
Zsbatie, 11, letie. • J. IC ORAL •
WilbitEdka, siirellisabe th ibasteft my bed
Ind boutssy jalousie es pewee*
Wis. *is is. *Wore. is fofbijidlpeisess assist
bar ss smosni. a will psy sodobesorbsrami
misting Misr this &a , . FRAMS MILLER.
Wilms's, re* IM. r
C. THOMAti, Sheriff.
ALL loggia Rawl iogArtuaselvesindebted - 1p the
estate of .IritomeaVoulk, deei Rd: late
are befell fequested to
iassiseliatirpaysiau. *edibles tievlitiedafes
laid estate poll please pausal aye; defy authisu
owed ibe !automat. •
12,-111bi. •-:';',Adatioissestoys.
A LI.- pomp; ladebtad to damn's* at- JOANA YEED:flie—esid.imia(LitehlieldimeasldNace
herebyrrquistsd to make milieus without delay ;
and all pumas-having demaadeapiast said estate
am requested' to putseat theafdttlfataheaticated
far setdeweat. - BETBY--TEED,
January IS. : - •'
311. C. MUMS
4rromtiAririr W
Mee with theitedister and Ilicorda,
Towamina. ,
nIPPIOEI in the-seeondntoey attic trokrn Block,
nonb side of the Potdie square. over the ogee
of J. 0. Adams, Eq. Sept. 14.
ALL interested will take notice that the notes and
accounts due the late firm of
must be paid. and that I will attend at the store of
H. 4. Mercur foi the purpose pf settling these usu.
ten. on Saturday of every week, until the let thy
of February nest. after which all remaining unpaid
will be placed is the hands of the proper °Seers for
immediate collection.
December 10. Md. - M. C. MERCUR.
SCMIZo 2E,&51,62'a
UTOULD inform her hies ds. that she has just
returned from New York with a full supply
and requests them to call and examine her smelt.
Towanda. Dec. 10. 1853.
wz are 'under the necessity of having our pay
bn all Notes over due, and all accounts of
over tour months standing, and we intend to have
it; consequently, Hyatt expect to save cost. you
must call and pay tip immediately.
Towanda, Nov. 9.53. HAIL 4. RUSSELL.
INow opening • Naw &soca es GOODS. consist.
log of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of
Goods can ~ .be bought anywhere this side of New.
Towanda, Dec. 10, tabs.
Ts NOW receiving a large stuck of WINTER
1 GOODS, of every descriOtion, which the public
is respectfully invited to call and sue'
cient inducement will be offered to those wishing to
purchase, to make it an object for them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
111'4m Arrival of
8. MERCtilt has justreceived soother lurtu
- sisortmioi of DODDS, to which the attention
of the public is respectfully-solicited.
Towanda. Dec. I. 1853.
MINK SKINS.—The highest pries will birpaid is
sash for any quantity of Mink skins. by
ha. I. 1054. NIONTANYES' & CO.
T WINTON'. Dentist, bee just returned hem the
• ci'y o f New Yorit, with improvements in in
struments, material and sk.II. end is prepared to at.
tend to persons requiring his professional servieos-
He will be found at his old stand, nest door to Her.
curs Store.
Towanda, Jan. 2. 1861.
irt have admitted Mr. WILLIAM IL WILSON
1 a partner In our house from January 11, 1851.
The business hereafter will be conducted under the
firm of Freean, Darrow & CO.
New York, Jan. 10. 1854.
FLOUR.—A quantity et superfine Dour. just re
eeived, and fur saleby B. KINGSBURY.
Towanda. Feb. 18. 1853.
311121111111' & MIVIRIIIM
ARE just receiving at their late and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, a large
moortment of
Provision/. Groceries, Vamtee Notions, logs, Fruit,
Confectionary, Fritiow ware, *c.,
making their dock the largest, most complete end hest
in Northern Peonsylvanis' . And the very liberal pit
map they have received fro® the public during the
year pest, establishes the fact that they either all
cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er deers.
To merit and indoor a continuant" of se liberal pat.
romp we shall still follow ow old motto—" matt
sworn% owlet arrant's, LID ► meant,'" 11111s1/
az OT yews." .
Below we name s fow eke *nicks that always be
foetid in oar stock ;
. Groceries. •
Black and grow tea. Rio and Java case. etmeolate,
ano4 sugar. molasses. syrup. ginger. popper. spire.
doves, nutmeg. ottoman. maim, sods. sairratna. cream
tartar, pappersauee. sperm and talks. candies, bard
soap. vinegar, starch, *le.
Mm pock, dried beef, haw and shoulders, snickers!,
codfish. ohad, picketed boffin', smoked herring„wheat
flour. buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rke, beam,
potatoes, buster, lard, crackers, dr.c.
!rail it. Mts.
Pruner, citrons, Sip. Eug. currants, raisins, dried
perches, apples, almonds, altruis t anail•nete,firesol
ble end Madeira wahines, pee unee,cheellsuts. fi e.
€I ex u r
I I I 'reach sad deterieas
cy Goods, dim die.
Tm Warant rocking hones. bore sleighs. China &
pewter toy tea artte.dolls: trumpets. secordiona. heamq.
pleas, &e. Glam. paper mid wood inlaid won bottle
and minimum—toy baresrmoecronwies. w 'Wye dabs
—plain and embroidered work beskds, knitting. do
Put, Iraq, papier . flambe aid tallow port amnions.
wallets and panes. rvory.bors and wood pocket combs ,
toilet combs. ivory Aria manba, pocket inkstands, poet
et sad entail Arm wham. tobacco and snuff beam.
dier came. penhinety end hair oils.
Brooms. =Podia., clothe. piab. bench inaws.iwil.
low cloths baskets and swim tankrisoragar and awe
Candy of all Idea.
Dairy and fable Bale. Salina Do. ow ate. sic.
Conroy ardor* applied ad * nod odium hos
York mow
eir itieds of cOurtilyprodorobitoo 011404.
to r so BMW& NEM&
1%oamollo•joiai s. ..f . ; •
• Penn. Wendt • • • -
Aentity al, har cute orauhru!i
qualities. for al. .* to by
e •
- .,'Stentill the ?Olio
.111quare. • .•
T HE ititteribee, thanktal fge ate lihrral Patronage reeeived the Past 3 ear, intim& t o keep cnnatautly
F ps hand a fait amoittneut of the very best articles usually "kept ia our line, which as. wict: dispose of on
such.tenes es win be saUsfactoty eU who my' Patronize him. the purchases are made entirely with hash
in hand, and foe the Cass our customers will receive the bandit of a good article at , a law price. attli:leil
not answering 007 teeemloodatieeoifil be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded.
ag- Idled Advice geitalteculy given et tk Office, cliarging oly for lk Wickes.
• - The stock txmaists of • eamplets and solt;et swortment " • ' •
Pare Wine & Liquors,. for . Medicinal nse, London Ptifter,& Scotch Ale:
. ,
.41,sricartso assoltTmtaT Or • ' j
American Pocket tutlety, (Warrtinl:d Go •.)
superior Toz&a:10 * 21211TPP !----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, BrinWWS
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffey.; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &a.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. '
The best QuAty of Goods—full A ssortment—Modorate Props—Ready Attentioti to Cestom ere— no
Adulteration of Goods-- Candid Advice as to Potent Ronedses—saad Close Attention t Business."
Towanda, Novonsher 12, 1251 C. PORTER, IN. D.
.rnirszczaN a. 8172.0X101111r;
Residence, on Piht Street oppuite the 014 Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his
office, in Dr. Poscrsa's Drug Store, when not pro.
fessionally engaged.
Zasicrassaum • '
flee in the north end of the Ward Uouse,(lale!7 occupied
by Laporte, Ilesou& Co.l
Towanda, March. 5.1253.
•.1 TONS more of thaw cheap tiogars itot recd
0 ..." and for sale by PHININEY.
TEAhI--A. few chests good and cheap for sate
BOOTB & SHOES. the largest and cheapest ap
aortesent la Towanda. by PHINNEY.
DRE4IB Goods, of the latest styles ind patents.
consisting in part of Mousl in De!lines, all wool
dclaines black ¢ fancy silks, French. Domenic and
Scotch cii.ighsms .t prints, of every style by
Oct. i 4, 1853. PIONNEY.
HA". Caps. &Bonnets, a large assortment and
cheap, by PHINNEY. •
riLOTIIB, cassimeres. vest' ngs, sat tinets, jeans,
and Tweeds of all description, just received by
Oct. 24, 1863. , PHINNEV.
FLOINELS—Frrneh, Domestic and B alisbut7,
for sale by PHINNEY.
WANTED—aII kinds of graia & lumber for
Vl' which some cash will be paid ty
Oct. 24,1859. PHINNEY.
The War Qeestion Being Settled in
MONTANYES dr CO. have come to the conclu
sion to enlarge their business. in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that must result from irstate
peace. They therefore. after returning thanks for
former favor; invite the attention of the citizens oil
this and adjoining eountier to the examination of
MIS and Winter Goods.
consisting of all the varieties or Fancy and Dress
Goods. as also heavy Naples,
Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Harness and Car
riage Trimmings, Iron, Leather, 4-c, ,
all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices thatspannot fail to please.
Sept. I, 1553.
AIL AK Int 1E - wr mu Its •
Mgickba22 . 6=311290
saw= *room or
South Corner of MCleltel Block Moir Strew,
ARE' now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fall and Winter trade, compri:ing a MI
and eoinplete assortment, and of the usual variety,
which will tie sold at a very small profit for Ready
Pay. Amoogthei assortment of
Dar . GOODR, •
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods
consisting in part of
&reps,. Detainee, all-wool Delaines, Lawns,
plam and. prfole Ginglunns. Erighsh,
Stolcilt and slmerium • Poplins i
Prints 11 sha des and
colors 4v.,
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Cassimeres, Tweeds. lientucky Jeans, silk, Satin
acid Bummer Vestines. •
Also, Meetings. Shirting*. bleached and brown,
Ticking., Simmer Goods for boys' wear. Cotton
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Rouen die..
A full stock will he kept. on hand. Those in want
of tio gime. Teas. Coffee. Molasses. "gelatin's pest
trrap.Spices. Pepper Ginger. lialeratus, Flour.
Fish. halt, Tobacco. or any ether eniele in this line.
will tha well to call on us before purchasing else.
where.. ,
r 7T. , T7-7 7 717T- 1
A large a splendid 'sentiment. crogliary.-Glass
and titone.ware. Boots and-Shoes. Hats and Cap.-
- Paints. • Oils, Glass and Potty.
Thankful for the lihetaliteturnagruf the.paat sea
eon. the aradersigned feel a pleasure in inviting' the
public to an examination of our Spring stock be.
tiering that good Goode and low priors will insure
speedy aide for ready pay. THAt'lf 41100004
Towanda, Nor. IR IS= • - • k
. "PO igaightge r • '
tt Toy One 'artery of tholo aqui.poomop . paßer B
Illesigings,ftrain palms 'inittritavOrrnt 014-4
4611 e shades reed by L POWM,. •
reeribda. dept. te. lOW ''
love.complete assortment tifbleek,plaid sail colored
arms sils—all,tig detlities.Settella delsinetP.
"Ittllpetvienta, pirisautp;lleedool Votelp
ild ay .`" ' ' • •r ' :Ji: Pr.,117L11.
THE subscriber offers r,r sa !eV
14 his valuable real_ estate, situate
u % O
mix ~ Brad. Co.; 'Pa,
- consisting of the following:
I. About three and one third acres of land, at
Myersbure, with a tavern House. barns, Carriage
Manufactory .hop' and mitehinery, blacksmith .bop
and other out buildings thereon erected. There is
also upon it an orchard of choice fruit trees. The
necessary tools will alto be sold with the carriage
shop. This property presents a rare upportunity fat
any active business manta make a profitable invest.
meat and carry on a lucrative business.
2. A farm situated on the State road, about pge
mile from Myersbora, cnotaining seventy-five acres,
about thirty acres thereof improved, with a small
framed house and a log barn therean erected, with
a small orchard. The farm is well watered and the
soil fertile ;',and it is stiscepti tile of producing. Largo
The propertr will be sold togetiii r or separately.
and • rewaonaide credit given for a portion of the
purchase money.
For further particular• inquire of Ulysses !Hermit'.
Esq. of Towanda, or of the subscriber et Myer•burg.
Wyse*, Nov. 25th. 1853.
WISHING to drapcwe of his property. to Sheshe
gain township. Bradford county, Pennsylva.
nia, the subscriber offers it for sale upon the most
reasonable terms, and invites the attention of Moss
wishing to purchase.
The property contains two bundred an I forty-three
acres of land, lying along the Suluthanna river.
with a large porn rn of river flats, of the very best
quality of gram land, ob.l well adapted fur a dairy.
The improvements are a large two story
jos IX BRICK HOUoE. built last year, and an
aalled in the best style, with brick kitchen
-• and wood house attached. There are alma
three other Dwelling houses and three Bona, and
two large double roofed sheds for stables and cattle.
Tbeie are ala.. three ORCHARDS of choicesppfa
trees, and a young Peach orchard of 55 - trees, sClee•
led with care.
One hundred and eighty-five acres are under im
provement. and the balance is covered with timber.
such as oak. hickory, yellow pine. dtc dkc., all being
well eupplied with springs of water.
This property was formerly in three forms. and
will now be spld to suit purchasers, either whole,or
separately, and terms ofparnent made easy. It of
fern inducements Tete' , met with, being within 34
miles of Towanda: (the county teat). apposite the
N•irth Branch Canal, 14 miles from the New York'
York and Erie Railroad, and immediately upon the
line of the projected North Pennsylvania Railroad•
Application may be made to Iltysess Afaacra,Ettri
at Towanda, or the subscriber upon the promisee.
Jan 2, 1854. JOHN WMABON.
Ty It the above proper'y ig not sold by the Ist of
March next, the. Farms will be rented, reserving the
privilege of selling.
THIS Institution.for the education of young ladies
IL was opened on Tuesday the loth S e pt em ber, In
NI building formerly occupied by Mfrs. Mercor.--:-
It is how under the charge of Miss (Null D. Raw- .
soy, aided by her sister. Miss U. Hapson.
The nombet, of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic year consists of forty-four weeks.
Twins—s 6, $9, and $l2 per ginner, according to
the studies! pursued: •
Ntiestril charge for the Latin Language. Trenik
$3 per.quarter. . •
Itcreassess—Rev. Dr. MICITL7B, Vice Preildant
1414 College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hort. DAVID WILMOT. 1011 V LAPOIITI Esq., C.?.. Esq.. How .Gao. blssorn sos, Towanda.
11/rIISSBELIECCA.,D. HANSON.proposes to tiv•
J.FL`ivistruction to the-young ladies of this plies
onzthe Piano. 7erma.-$lO perr. ttuarter.
Application to be made to Miss Hanson at thlt
Wartirnotute,..Or at the Towanda Female Seminary r
September 22. 1253.
D. BARTLETT. is novo reneivioir a tame O• and carefully seteeted stock of •
'' • = WV 000Dit,
trued farkiiii since the lam decline its pricer.
which be ail offer. for toady pay at price• which'
eminent fail to give satisfaction..among other thiage
bologna.. particular attratiaa to his assortment of
Mess Goods.
Towhads. Aced Sip LL.'S.
A (MATITITT of Weit Brach Meow SOO .Aot
riPetfirelf Joki ftWiefis
ribil.tU IC lag.,
' 1 „ f