Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1854, Image 4

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    eloikistiv -- .
ICSPECT"MtLY itstot* - 4W - iirdolutotiirristat
esenty, that they bawi*onflkwhwie
Ihieh Row, Wyk elm 04:1vg lietifiV*4 6 o ll ;flOa
gist reeriejad from Weir Yost. "Wrirger , eloeket
Clothing, — tioths , . 444
_ ,
*as ever be*,..4eve41011:1111441.;1:044W4 of
Dre v i ee.'.Fror .4r h -.Vat**
Clotho. - Cilioailse* . - 10141' Irsititait*;
White ea renelebirte,
SlGeki Ghires. Hip s brovet* , *)
We would - idea igifitioneiTki r i
which we oisketto ersjeksos. aka, t,w,„40, 41) ! 4 /les
at mathi.z:
wnr Jone,to erda Novi .TaTrultol•
T I ; 001.1 IN 4 ,
I 1
Tamils la, Nat. I. 11,311 r - . , •
OTICE is hereby given that the cotpartnership
11l lietettifore existinvunder the erns of .1: & N.
Aloiander was this.fav diaidlied• by-the withdrawal
kir Mathes' Alexander. - -
' .Nhe heiAinese will hereafter be rinidnetsd by the
undsrsigned 6tin. (eon..i , ting- only of Jacob Alex
aader.iltdosenn - AleXander, and M;£. Oulotntin) at
the old stand in Arita.. Hall. N.. 7 Water st. Elini.
rat an.l at• No. 2 Meteor's Block, l'ovranda, Pa.i
ationatipla nedisrsign4,d - srip* ,, happy7 tuseceive a.
elnalllanre 91.1helatrrin10..whichixablievile lib.
,ezteaded to their prfideeessors.„
• i i
iii. ~ . ~.fAXANPESI4 ft 00 1 Aimmr.
All amounts ne J. 4 ft A tea finder & Co., m u.t
le' ,l 4siika, l # Oil j', tray' front Ili: aoel \, : , , ..,'
Towanda. Oet.A3_, 1853. _ .
‘l.4.ltrteustirtas soiontorc.
Pthefiriclutllock.,next do o r t o Mercurs .tore ti,,,, e
just added to their stock, a large and
ble assortment of
3Ready made Clothing,
of eerily variety, both °Poste, and price, to, which
they ask the attention oriti. pablit. This is now
the lamest stock
Ever Offered in Miranda !!
AnAviii sub* at prices .considerable lower thin
ever before in • this plade. OUr geoids are
selected with a regard both to style and price; and
efferinducements,oot to be met with at any other
Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing
will in '
pout fitablisbmetit, in this sekAi,ori`of the coyntry.
iindlinatie in style and materials as to ensure
itledheiron We shall endeavor by
Wirral:CMS & Goon czonanra,
to itEcure patronage. feeling confident that oar aril
ofes will satisfaction to thepurchaser.
The assortment comprises every article requited
for s o gentleman's outfit. -C ABH.
Ongrcoals, Coats Pants, Uttcralls Caps ts.
Locawreys..—Next door south of Mercur's Main
at, Towanda ; and Ne. T Water at. Amnia* Hall.
crvu kinds of Coontry Predace, W001,4?....tak•
en to exchange far Goods. t
Towanda, October 13, 1853.
faitiltlNE IBV.l,llerarla
o,csr J, Kingsbery* s Sure—Entrance nal law to
Montano? Store, pp stairs.
riRATEFUL for past favors, announce* to his
'LA friends and the puhlie in general, that he still
keeps on hand a good assortment of RBADT !Mans
thorniso,'which he wi!l sell cheap for Casa. He
hither,* that a • Nimble sispence is wottb more
than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced
insnofacinring Clottring—selecting the cloths him
self in the city, a d employs none bat the best of
workmen in making them mp. He would• assure
his etrstorners that his Clothing is manufactured un
der his own eye, and in his own shop, and bcit let
stet by the jubto unexperienced or incompetent work
men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion
thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty
sfgening a good fit.
He has also on hand • general assmiment of gen.
ttemen's Shirts aadCollmirs. watch he will sell
whelp fur cash.
apir custom work promptlY done as usual. He
invites his friends to him it his new quarters,
over S. Kingsbery's store, andimmedia - ely opposite
IL Meteor's Law Office, before buying elsewhere.
KoWiflou aro . wanting. you surety cop find,
eios; Pants and Vests just made to'youi mind,
the tier rod so snug - they'd suit to a T„
perfectly one, there's no room for a sea.
Ifyourlinen wants changing.and sometimes it will,
T 4101140 shirt* and cellars for a very AIM all hill;
Come then one end all, who ere out clothes bon ting,
And you lean be fitted by Gionuall..licavila I
• 1 1 14' N. Zeit 'sole•Agent'for Huss HOll/Z% Jr.;
. .
Patent lowing tleaddlibs
as, tike ; Coanties of Bradford and SUlNinehainlh Any
por,son wishing to purchase the right for using the
kbove, Machine in said counties, can be am-omM°
diteitkie.ging on him, where they can see it ope
rste?T I
,tie wall demonstrated that this machine is ,
the liestpatent now in use. Its validity has.been.
establiidted by ; trial at law in Boston, in July, MM.
Irltistrill:resulted in filly confirming and establish
ing the alibis of Hiwe's Original .Patent to the es-.
dame* right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma.
ekinee, or their equivalents, and the a titch and imi l n
•lertned thereby., _ ' . G. H. .
•• The ptiblitare cautioned against purchasing spa
viols Mae.bines,as all dewing Machines nOti; in use
infringe open' this invention, and all partici who
have Mfringol, by using Machines otherwise,-
Who Wish to. save legal expenses. ma obtain proper
likease ....smiler the. original patent .y applying ae
iwaids .A
~ngust IS. 111153.
The Waverly Ready Made Vita*
Matt ligrfilisrlatralant e gaPrir
"LjAVIS the honer of announcing 4o the eifisens of ,
IA Bradford County. that they. have, just received
the largest and iniwassi tiO d
able stock
TALL - 84
ever brought into' Tioga: consisting in par.'d the
fatleariagankliii: ' •
Oaprakessi 'Frock and , Back Costs ; Vests, Putts,
'Shirts. Drawers. Wrappers. °serial. :watts,
cretusmom. , plapi t rk
Clear idati Trimesingist cons ttyto hansp—ouso
the fall fashion of fiats and Caps.
noretodt,d Furnishing Gooch! is ;unser wed Or
Mogi. and - consprisinveverything necorstuy•fiwa. gab.
damages outfit. Pecticulur . alyentiee will be paid to our
Hilhlittow, *ebbs Idea New'reirkr , Pishlopscireate
pripaireili gen, stritettstbe 'dullest nofied add la*
relierititudutow. • CUTTING riont!As lOWA tutiON
wad warranted to fit , if prorrly made toe'
Broad.; lirje Apac epr.l9ll. Post Offica.
Weir% Nov. Milli
300,N0w; AliagiAct- fer retlter., , t;ide
fix ale at 73e @sett, by 1 54 numb 'tea
Tevaidl, Apg. to, 1838.
.~:r~ ':~
~~ 1
i , ...-5
i .1,
• •., ..•
ISt' now heine'repleni , ited wi th a ; full
SN., • 01 , • •
Paints, Oils, Eurnishe‘, Vindpw,filass, mire Winn
• • 6irljtitsmani, •
In ihart, every•thiog connected with the trade. The
Goods have been
.tiosht_ eatrenteir luw , , For catti.
and will be s9lojiapicilintly• ;-' Itl
‘N:=O. - *tiiiietier - latiele of tatitiet;
Foot roiliirat received. ; , •, '
tr," Rea Kilian the place-3 dank south of Mono
tative'expener—sung lat!kidingef,qtetArgue.o4,ice.'
'July SO; 1863. L• • - - •- • -
NO s; MIUCI.ROW innUirg OVT,
QE MOV D. to thestore yeeelilly.pcennied, by,a.
`.141;.L.f1a de? as.groiCerizand !Po r ta ..afiersAidsnes
south of Montanyes corner. where be has received
aToll. iiiiriand - erimplete - striele:OlDUliGS: :HEM
CINES, GROCERIES, 4kc. which he will sell cheap.
er for,cash than even .
Here'you will Andante:
iSenna Alex« •
' do • India
Cream Tartar ' •
Sap C Soda
Magnesis Caled
do . Carts,
' do ' S S
do Henry's
do Apple
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes,
io Shaker,
Balsam Wiriers . -
do ebeesmans
do Fir
do Copabia
do Tolu
do Peru
do Pu/motfary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do ' Atetie
do • Benznaie
d. Citric
do Nitric
d. Oralie
do Hydrocyane
do' Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do °Olives
do Castor
do Neatsfoot
do Almonds
do Amber Rea
do Amber Bed
do Anisi,
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cribebs
do Cummin
do Fennel.;
do Lemon
do Cassia
do Cod - Liver
do Lavanditla
do Neroli
do Jesmia
do Nutmeg
do Orange •
do Rhodium
do Ross
do Cedrat
do, Ergot
do Verbena
do Mellesse
do Melledoer
do Patchouly
-a fpn
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Sevin do Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
Firicopherous do White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Opt
Ayers Cherry Pectoral „ China Yersuillion
Oxygenated Biyeri America ~ do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig, do 1 ,
Holtman 's Aoodyne VenidinTed, English
Together 'With Paints,Turpentine, Yarnibb, Dye-
Woods & Dye•Striffs, Glass, Putty, choice'Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; andall articles con
netted with the • • •
Hiving secared - the services of Di: 8. ffireene,
whr keeps hiss office at this store and gate-'
diCal advice grills' io people, 'they paying lot" the
inedieinee only. Physicians can rely xrprinisiiiiik
their prescriptions .earefully; coinptolnded . Add Out
lip. The Stock has been selecied'aritir great care,
and the'goods will be irkriiisted'eS represented.
All of Dr:D.lanes' Medicines. Arreseberiy Pecs
tonal, vacua"' Pulmonid Sirtip of Yellow Dock
Rout, Orrick's, Ho6boeicks, Ind Vermifoge.,
Together with : all of tfie`mostriaptilsrPiterit Medicines
now in use cinistantly ott,banil and s for„ssle et
REEDIf - - Drug Store.
, Three Doors befirerlilrintatiyer . ,
Tairehda, Ja nu ary 184', ''•••• '" •
60BARREL* ofeilitObito WhuirOljastree ohkea
and for said ^wholesale and retail,'* ReedN
I.l244,LlNTlMPerVoillial4lo buses-of Bening.
V 5 barrels of Saleroom,,peinie
order. left oo sale
st t 'Neat-York
„cash prices - tt
SEEM Dent ktilliii- - " lrolwitidi4;b2.l4_l. 1853.
tin EMi r liritirreii,io4o4, I j oicidir.llPr
UViitgit nee ; pacting. *Ai in , ItenC
sale Asap at Mir* DRUtiI , BMIL7
liltpt. 4, MIL
, .
„le* siddihusir. - - I
iThnovny, dent; ptioshiocladktand admits. rage
•-• totit itd4hildress' weir, just reed by
dept 10. J. POWELL.
k -r j .
xed &lasi leadinglitieles
Fosgaie's Curdial d
Elie Opi
liity's Liniment
'Hatt Dye . .
Harlem Oil
tHroment. Trasks
do Dallrfs • 1•7
Jo MeAHeiler •
Shakers Herbs I
do Extracts
ITilden's Alcoeolic Es"t
ichei Extract
ialhp Extract -
Meakim's Vanilla Ex%
du . lemon do
1.•,:„, do • Mace,- do
- do Alinond
do Cloves
do Allspice do
do Nutmegs do
do Peach . ! do
do Ginger do
do -Cinnamon do
do __[range do
do - Torok's' do
do Musk - do
do Violette do
do Magnolia do •
do Sweet Dri'rdo
dr Jeemin •do
do Joelev Cebdo
do Caroline, de. 7
do Jenny Lind do
do Bogue do
Syringe; PowteraAnNit;
do Glass , diii :
Nursing Bottles, Glass .
' do do - G. N. :
Rad Mei Tart "
do 'do E. i
'do Ipecac
do Ip ecac
do Ginger White
do Orris . : '
Gum Camphor
do Opi Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabia di
do Copal • . ~
, . ,
do . Aloes 'set
do Aloes Cape
Chloride Lithe '
do Rode
Castor Russ
Isinglass do .
loEvens" Lancers • ' •, ;,
Nita Ritter, Op't
:id Bisnirth
aloe Pill I met. " . r /
lodide Potasa ./
Tart do /
Carb do ,/
~~ 1 ~~.
.' ita • i
AOYA4T i g i i t L
Bradaord County. Pentiolvivalai•
TTPVXT k_,...niftiPartintifikpetn:
• ft • te,Tn. 400. 20,4. 6, 6.
P t ice4g; l 46 . ,'slo:"sl2:litte v is Olt These Cut—
ters are better and eveiper thaw , die - straight knife Cut
ter, with knives set diaxottally en the abet
The knivivg CI tlosat3rli Eclat which
enskies he to cpt o right j englesimehts rev" hide
-The Sr cutlet/tidily, witty ne lerlin's—art. homily
kept in reFaitc% l ß. chtlltkOltAtt .iitiAdted off and attar—
opped,efithost disturbing the shaft ..(erother : koves)
and, itcmcesspry Bach knifa combs eetdont gr i n, •
to keep,them all tine, if . oOe'knife shcmld year # ftettat
than &nether. Eveiy farmer shoilltr have one of these
labor and feed aavitiCunnhines
(C. For sateivhdlesaler'and ietiti-L-k liberal discount
made indictee who 'buy town again. •• • • 1.1 tt
• • IL At: ;WELLESC.
Athens. Pa., Netent!tee 0006 5 , .'
Bradford• Comity ?Italian' . Cara .Sheirc* - "..:
AITHOLESALE 'sniff Retail! The yeti heilartieie
found it the county, and cheAtOeii=4viaiL
ranted)—for tale at the Aiticoltural and ato7i store of
Nov. 10;1855; " IL M. WELLES.
000 K STOVES. of various and excellent patterns
anclaizia-).-seversi patterns -oFiigierior-F lemma
Ovans.tunan t which is a combination of the efiqitrin
mut National Air Tight. talled , tba EAGLE. Ara a
welt , selected Wock:of elegant Tador. hatF, 4610, 4 dhiireb
and school Souse Stoves. both for wood andcoaP-cof
44ei and prices to suit ill clams of ctistamers. 'Call
and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES..
72 'IN
!Waite aid Adallei'iNgot.:Ci_tte
MM 47.
PO $A ikna $ 5 tverY rennet iirg,kivict;k 4 P
ofithoie exce,llant labor saving ariielea: .10e, Au
capable orcntting Dorn 1011tp 200 pundit prinain per
hour, and are very "simple, portable and' colt) , kept in
repair, (Or 1114, by
Athena, PrOv. 10, 11453.
ii- Tilt' TRAVELINd'"Ittille-.
/[R. OAMSTED.Paorer rem of the Athens
Xlichaugo, gives his thanks to his-friends.
and 1110 ;raveling public generally. for their liberil
patronage, and sulicits,the continuance of the same.
AN A . OMNIBUS, regularly to and from die Waverley Depot
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of
strangers and travelers, who wish tot visit s pleas.
ant Tilton on business or otherwise. daily_
ccf Qat tate/ ;
Coaches, Otir Hors.uoaents,
are running thrOugh.M Towanda. Those Those wishing
will be ignored aka hithe cOaehTrom tliY , place.
and those going toll's;
RA• X le-A 0A D •
can step Athens, and sped an boar or to
and be Insured:it erinveysnce to time to meet the
regular trains of cars going East or West.
Also those who w.ish: to,.4eave , ,their teams here
cote ReJ '
to,apd froultbev.ars free of chatl
SO" MP. Mil
riORNER °Case Public Square and Main Street,
Towanda, Pa., respectfully, giyi notice that
therare now opening and receiving direct from the
City of New York, their NE MO_ OCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOGHS, itaelOilit their former
stock on haod.comprises one ofthelargestand bell
selected: assortments to bet / found west of New York,
I •
Having beep purchased4t
They aro- enabled aoffer them cheaper than ever.-: ,
They invite partieular attention to their -assortment
of Ladies' Dress Goode
Consistingpf Jacottet , ant) - Oaths Muslins, Printed
LswnuOingbaiiii, Miislins, Merrimac,
Vocheco; Fell Rivei and other Style. br
/American Prints, in endless variety, s
•/, large assortment and for sale
cheap. They have also. i
. .
lame variety of YANKEE' NO- •
TI slift embracing almost every thing. . •
. from.a,Crochet Needle to a Lady's Batch
el. They invite particular attention to their
aysortment of Carpeting of , altpfices and styles.
AlspTieg sit4l Sommer. Hats,;'Booti
.BhWerri Shoe Findings anti-Leather,
cenes, Crockery, Shelf Hardwafe ¢c.
Their Stock has. heen, selestedlfilikcaM and will
be sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
us a call, and we will show you our goods
; and prices, and convince you that the ahove_is no
fiction. Our motto " Small Profits dc. Quick
Rehires, MONTANfEB & VU.
Thwanda:listreh 16, 1853. • e
'COOK'AT - 11118, ALL . OF , YOU I
Grand Distinvion of Over ',ll 4 o.oo'.
," ' Worth of ritilleiatg I ' -
flitAloiD . MOVING'' PANOI.AX A. bail4i,l.
k i ll
which consists of over Four T 5 , 0 1.a4. Pdl l 9vAPg
Figures I—'-amins, which maybe aeon NapolestiAtod
hil tirtpy Atoisineibe Alps., Also, the Phemang,
Encampment, consisting of the 59th andfillth,llegi l .
=ants N. Y. State Militia. Also, the reception ,of
the Dinh% firebrair oh that occasion. This •Diprit.
ma is the best moving -one in the coutitrY,Siiii liiii
cost more than it is ratty:for, iris., $1,200
One Grand Moving Diorama of Dimysn'is Pi Igriails
Progresaishowing: all the travels -of -Pilgrim from
the Cite orDeatitution till he arrives safe iothe ee:
lutist City. This splendid exhibition has. all the
paintings connected with it that any Panorama' has.
ever had, which is rdqwyrerth spore than it is op
fer..via, . ,• , . . . „ : L -$. 1 •147 0
. Outaplendid :Pinarama, corodating of 40 views
on die MissotsiPpi, Ohio.,
,iO. ticdinn ,rivers.
worth '. ' . ' ~ . $2OO
Two beautiful Buildingtritidectited in the Third
Ward oft he villairertifEhnifil, werth:s2oo each, $4OO
Ode .spleadid seven octave Piano, , 'l -, ,-- $950
In all, to SULU - _Worth r ofmropeny, the beittir which. •
theAl vikiscpfAmPrgeentplproountglo 40:052,
iherq will bellimsante • otaniber of ticket! issued•at
Otielialar - eaeb.. Eich.tMitet wlit adm it'the border,.
foOrliaidsln,idee:AitftiOO of the - M*44i to ipc#liiti: ;
also to 644.5kiiirt,._ Of the iholt prapertruatoitdfor, i
dilitributioq, .The OrmadT4rOgMiliiary:l2,r,ricon I
wit) be nch . ibiiCd.' on th e 15ih'ot'Zinoi,r1 — !
1854. oi,i4 - cciWorii - ,iiii exhibltick 'lib :ikfi,Knitek Arc
ill tolietp,.:,;t viill also beixtiibited In: etieti;„t4ti. i
listi:otilhafeirelifly iliareiltiltell;
. ' :
Asiikti as tie Aerieire alytakei;„;eielro4' '.l
lit:4o.,er will.he notifteititYiks Meeti 3 Ogphicliof,
itOcktiold'ets)lit *bit:Wilit i i . gioffity,tavli iiio
wilt lielbaritteill MierleetOitittiittei - elliiieii i by' the
atockholders, for lb In make t,bodutribution ite."- -
cording to the tai' iff itieratifotWOltie idockhol
ders--elther,bilordi 1044. '''-'"''''' !"-' '''' 't 1
'Altlotweiii.foi , iiiiros iiilreeteivetwoititt at'ot!tiOik,
if addressed post paid to R. B. ELLITIORP, 'Ageti4
coiktrqb=leityV :::7 , 1!* , 1 , 1 X : :;_;,, ?,, •IC 'il: - )
. I Clj g Ail I _ telMoompanied wjth tfiEW
r/e/..and PoSt_.Paid.. Perge•fis l eirtethle ithieeivill
-please be particulantAilsite Ikkok.pgst office address
P,1710.1hal lASI, Wake apay,,ossof,, , .. ~ , . ,
. witLiCETt, tioket, agencTlletei..lltst. fl . . - Oa
IVl4llollliitul•lawtiltiouse TrimminKialltits.Pul
- ty, Sash dre, just received by PHINNEY.
• - tcrioNDA
D 11;:-....;C:• R T .
, .
• ,
amotrom*iiiivoits Ace'
Window 9lass )
Dr &Ware Burning Fluids ;
Regular Agent , fpr die following genuine ; poinhir
Dr. Jaynes' lkiediniies
Alterative, Vertnictike:
Expectorant; Li b iaterrt
Hair Dye,iikci
Dr.Fitetea lifedkines:
Dr.Bwayne's do •
Dr. Keeler's da •
Brant's Bariatti &Sr
OrricKs Vernal - rage
Graefedbert Medicines
Gargliugittil • •
Pain Killen '
Galvanic belts,&e. ' McAlliste?, ' ' do
Heave dr, ConditionpoW.' Eye waters i -I
Rock Riise' . .: Cephalic wild' • '
Uterine Csitbolietion i' Corn salve
Tooth abbe drops . " : Sticking; 1 ' do: •
Hair invigorator & dyes Wistar's bal wild cherry
Bed bag'polann ' F emale Pills
Townsend's Sarrapaciffi teltard:rjoiisoap
Plasters and Pills a allitalstitn tile
tines. " Harlem °if 'l.!_,'
And niftily others, not enumerated, all warrantee
gen nine.
(C.-Remember 'Dr. Pownen'a Drag ina Chemical
Store is in the Bouth end of the Wail House. front.
inaiit"ttblin icinare. H. C. PORTER, M. D.
R. M. WEE.t.g3
• MARBL E —CPTEGO • „ • .
itIIEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin
IL nice In the'tway , or Monuments, Headstones,
rimb talirea,Ventrii rabies of Italian and Amer.
Wan Marble;' or 'Black 'Stones of aliz sizesvcari
hive them oh the shortest notice bY sending in
theirbrdetti,theaper and belief than can 'be' ror
khased"elseviheni.. • ' • .` ' • '
' ale Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and - underta i
ker, ncirlynEiposite the waia 'House, "Towanda . ;
Agent. -.. • , ---L , ---- 1 ' G. W. PHILLIPS. 1
Towanda, March, 31, 1 . 1 13 3 4' ''
.... ... ' , THDaubscriberthanktbl for the
—?:.liberal. patronage heretofore re.
-`,----`-"-•="-.-- ceived, begs leave to inform , his
I l ' ';r 1 1 --;.f m -- ; friends and the poblic generally,
7 Y. , y;
~ i and:those commencing House
...7' I 1- • - • 1 --."---- - 'keeping in partitularthatte has
II ' """ in! eittly4 oil bawl aJarge assortment
ofFIIIINITIfRE, 'Which he will
warrant to li,enserie in a sttbstanttal manner, and-ril
the best materials."
. .
BUDEAUS,,such mahofiany and, walnut dm ss
ing buret tis. marble 00 plairi tops inahrigany anti
fivatntit ivsslittfands, inarble karts. 04 plain, of die.
(crept patterns„Fard 'arid. end tables.llofas. Couch
es, whatnots. &c.. „
BEADSTEAD.—IIigh, Field, french and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and' of
approved patternsoogeaterw ith other furniture usu
ally called fur, all at which will be sold ou the meet
accommodating terms.
f*.Tbe sub_scriber. is also , provided with a _wain
arid fashionable HEAPE, and will hold himself in
readine.'s to attend to all orders in undertaking. •
lie will furnish ice bozos when desired., by the aid
of whirls the corpse may be kept for a week. col , .
4.l3,—furniture of all kin& made to order, and
warranted- to be of the best matt dais and worlintan
Towanda, lanuary 11, lesl. ,
/11,,y1M nbseribers respectrolly inform the, pnblie, that
~j 1.7 ** i *
l Nise* the fonritirlY; oetfilfiet
Adam Esenwine, on
_74in street, nearly dppiiei e
Drake's wagon shop, wheestkey,smocpated to do all
kinds of BVAMMITIIPIO•triIeiI tenoriable terms,
Thee are &tern:find by doing th eir work 'well Sod
promptly,,to merit, a i they k!ipa 'reteci!e a share of
.pplafe,paftenikile• ;
.110Rflig4HOCINDlon the Manner. AI(
kifids of repairing llfackineryoinenteir in the most
• VirDO'D WORK ftir Wagon Will do:11411We - sad
repaired .when desired.
Work dinie ! at, theft i6ii),..sinf wsirilosti toim
well dOne, and insn,urietko* from the test
The public 'ati - ie4 'sealed _to glyi trial,' iiiifludge
forthemselves. ESENWINE defiEEDISMII:
Aft i g t
Yiletkiintripnrchased for
rakiecio.T . M. - Botentan, hia , retire 'Voile Or;
Merchandise in a price ferbekow the actual' mit in'
New York, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer—
ettantirFTCtlFFlldlt; 'twee emit 'kg)* .PrePartoh
sell for c.sart, more,goods tor one dollar, than au
man will self for nine shilibiga P This stock u .
large, enibraeing 4111, Arti,c)cit, usually. (otid.m a
Store, viz—Dry Groceriei, 'Hardware, Boots
and Shoesti.eattlw k Nt@etashc„fincilitp, Caps
had 80n4,40 - Aleatolhicli wilkW &IA above,
tindp) mistake,, ,At thrk_Hri.c i k, Store, corner,
Toifinda, Juti • 8,1853. • " •
millaXurl N in Q i wa n4,En fomerkvmea
Flidgebehte and WeLinbartt.
pol;ot► the N.Y..* 11. R.;,. • ltionzAv.
31131{8rtani irErf&X,Stl Sleek& A. M.. and arrivo
at the depot in time to take the avetting train of, tits
either east or we lt
, sante dn.
Return iißtlTAktliii, Vitiminflairratieferieranat,
affek t lifdlirtivatof , the Ekttertetraitt;ittid
Wefterti are from` Jefferson, Mink; ike:', ! 'atY4'iil.;
rive atTotreadrentie -4 ! ! • , e `-,.
; $ 3,4; 1 ,50 c.
- .t- Ritatreetithflaldr
.• , .
*4 ,f 'llO,
ExPieiiiitaeltat to or from the Rail Road etire“
folly delfieted • oderate charges. , !
Towanda. Oct *LW 1 U A ;-. 1 Proprietat
Idnr.44•wr .
• ' ' "11'41.
Q PORSIVIA{.4-400 Barrels of .114" teogiTell
Vitus day and for:aale by:l!' ur
Jane lb, 1053. ',BAILEY & NEVT.NO.
Wholesale sulk Retail Denier in
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral
Schenck's pal. ityrop
Hooiland's bitters
Pepsin (for dyspepsia) '
Acoustic oil •
Indian Cholagogne
Lyon's rat pills
Pile Medicines
Salt Rheum and' 'Fetters;
ointments' ,
Trasles mate do
Spavin & founder do
Important An Ifousekoopers: •
• -
• • -
ttoe e e
" .4;44, :/0.4..
_ 4
Nr4t91.4 1 t1 Wig AVAkiitir
' vitautamit • „A rgivig • t4&„%tc.i
ailkatilliti t .,:JC- •it
Ar-V i t! •
G 3:1"
leant in istlttrev iiiretasafertsily?
i Have you a bond and mortgage-yet/It '
Ott Istitteiteitatiterit4 , :piltot4thatlyik With to
brall mr,ileasrf.lll abatis • ' AL . ( . ICC!,
- An Beirikl6l . l4l aditilniega*
lesteatinufaernfini i iratablisholatitiolhelysaci-irlah Mann
or rent? .
1 , /hW
ttiiivottirruirtrat riev'coal; tpottiiri?;be offref-ilitf,;'. 9r
, oriterinintralapyrM wmfrtorrell torkitit
Shares ttpr; o
1 : ,t11 :lt to
j 141170 y ou lisnitthrittyouienold like
ed3lttratiircid 160tbithict or on shares
Hartsl4htewAtsr.)itatrer tibitjoi Aitietifto,lolll,lm
prove,nr renti
Do 70011 1 11101Plitifilfra rittitairtner in
your busineet.l. . . ; •• lo
:g .":76.41,1 ..pc 4001 0:07 0944.4c'mcF54.444.0 I
lit** giaa , azi3O**4.6, !F4Pitid
y titled*. •Otifea I • ,:„-, • .. •
Do yovi3oph properkplovothel
1 I Do yoyierent in your, nefghbOrhood mills, found
4res, tannetres, or other, manufectories
Have yN-any well teaterliMprevementimarachinsi,
ty, or in * arts, ; which yomwtent. to sell, or which
,you want i means to mtpufteture 3. •
1 If you aye on*.fr.fl the. Ilifore.Witnts, or others of a
ch,eracter,; v andowillAnelose to - our addicted,
,frost-paidi..a i cteariend, exact descriptioh -m
em, ; if prpperty,its,Joexlity, proximity to ca.,
pal. railrow),- or navigablematm e to churches, schools,
stores, &c.; the Awe* terms on wlticki-yon
( 5 , 1 ,1 1 43 sell,Tortgage, Jesse, exelumgn, or otherwise tlis.
of t. ;,erld if you
. stiU also *lose to pa ajleg,
,ration f,eet - of ';‘(the which wilt be ac
'irnowledged,) your lair:lol*R be recorded in our
Register,your Wee 'pktertdrriQhe file designated
for your Stale and County:lite the, anspection, free of
teharge, those who ere 'etc . :king : to purchase, lease,
eitelhangeV or invest.': '
We mete • no chat* to "'any L fOr examining our
Register tin r 1 files. When they , Make known their
wishes, they are referred to your ?jam statement, of
Ybur wanis'; and as ire hire Hap of the different
!hates, mid of such COtitities . tis we,. have been able
t 9 procurer': and as we employ 'mitts to visit the Yes
eels and ideamers that trig° with Immigrants, (of
Whom froiri 1,000 to 5 N,041F il ood,Po.
also have - igentsio distiihute our Circulars among the
litiangers it • the hotels; end as :vie; advertite •the
principal papers of the city of Nei? York, and in van-
Otis forma throughout all of the states, as well as the
different countries of girrope,from which Immigrants
eome, andtrhere we expect one of our Firm for
the prese nt reside, and where also we shall agents in
the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, Time, or invest, to visit
our office, without charge—
` We are confident that we offer a better medium of
Making y 94, wants known to those who des'.re to
know the 6, and of securing the end you desire, than
any othert'itriode yet practised.. •
The best place for you to elnct a sale, Itater,„9.l,.
change or. loan on your property, is in its immediate
Vicinity. If - you cannot do it there, the next bestplace•
is in the elty. of New York. Or Jr you: want demb
grants or settlers of any crass-era is the place to obi
lain theur;i
Be:aus;Skire at all times inlseaSens, there are from
30,000 t 0.70,000 strangers, manykf rhom are seeking
far mvestments or homes. •
Because thm are probably 100,000 who
remove frpre the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surpluir eapital of the •Unieft, seeking investment.
Becauio here, money is imlinerity worth front 5 In .
Vper cent. per annum; -my tindcnffited security:4hifel
you can dto give as'iniPle security, or other in,,
dacement; where it would - 00,1nm; greater rate Of
rest, either'•in annuaiinconte•or increased value. -
Becaustthere, an examination of out files will infoina ;
these seeking to invest or'stille, where the popery,'
lb be found-which they seek: • -
Becausehere,, there it atrOptOonity to exchange,
etluntry Other city property, for pioperty,in this chi
oriurvidrity. Yr.: • .
Beanie a peison,'by spending a few hours in' one
office, without charge. can obtain more information of
the property in market throushont the country, and
thalami:al of cotamanity, than by months of travel.
Because, finally ; hem in the commercial metropolis,
where is concentrated_themobeyAnd wants of a vast
multitude throughout-Ibbrittetter countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corterponding" *elite of op
countrymen, bath parties, thole whenish fd purchtm
and thane who desire to sell, ran be mutually benefited,
to theidescription of property, be- careful not to'
over estimate hi advantages in any respect. for if you
do,lrie We 'should send you a purchaser, his compari'
son of the reality with your statement might defeat
your oblect.. Whenapuy property sold. or other.
wise disp#serpo - is•tettntreti that ye glutitlip imme
diately infortatuPol tiorfect.'Ver der riot propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to tte own
ers, no spriskmaboritrto-mais;;Tequisite hot when
it is dmiretiihaftiii should sell, nutholity must be given..
Our commissions on sales, exchanges. 5t.e...,e!,
per cent. ; The raiiine ta
of companies, and other nte.
tete reniuimg special negotiation, will be subject - to
special agiteetneut.
(0! Sews; farms in ,tbe 'same neighborhood often
find a more reaity sale
,ffittri a single
grants desire to remain in companies,
Real Estate and. Property Brokers t
' 11Giiroadway,..Newlferk. r
'Refer to Ceurtlindt Paltrer Esq.l7 7 Broadc2l4q-
Y.;'Bon. Alvin Bronson. Oswego , t r ovp
Ohio. E ; Gotkora.,Oh'o•;. Boi. It,V rhoßpson.
MAK., Mich; Hen: J. E.'Williams,
Mich ;Fiyo. BOA' eiAlthi 111. ifitnadLihnbt•weod,
Ky; Bon, A.,C. Hon-J.X. EfO,.ZIO.V*
•in' t s For Butner infarmatton inquire of., A_RVEtr
cfitcALFIN,./ f Ocal Agent , (at thetas, Office of Wog.-
11 S'T ,Il+4 &M Elwelf. Esq.) Towanda, Bradford county, pa., „ , 44y
lbiaet'•l'arnitare t
as EtOfas,Divanti;.Lbn ages'
tr,Ciird,Dinifignnil areal'
.'ablest 'Mahogany, Wal:'
;Maple andeheir*Bureins;
iamb OreArlon, hinds, Chaim
tied De&Wilk ore - leery description, which ire, and
will beltituld at the hest material and-worktinuilike
inatMer;ild "Ma they *ill' selt•for cash Cheaper
than can be OtherWare•room in thel ,
counhV• .'" - • _
zutainr-szazar co ritles,
on hand; qw•am a pitill ;revagpattli t temo A good
llRARtiir t tptil i tteSprtuslmid on Onneonl.occasiona.
JAMES '6l4xotoopr
TP704 , 10010 1 4 1652 . • „
ROOTS' . 4114 - EST
. 1
toorOpi.Ovilif eitabbititifirit to ,Sliteiritore,
- .OiYaST Otitit# l RtPit 'Md . the. Palk B o l M lad,
will Conti9we*inmotrictOit Of. POS . shot ! i;
hsisjustlerisiied, from fie ;J . / ;I'P* i c lame assort
ment of Women's, Cfattreses /11isiee',.SZOcsoe,bich
ata•atrecari at km prices- The sttrintkik. l oa
is par icalsrly directedlixfhitlikirtment, comprising
Ote.fallacrin . g new styles - -Anamellethisnityl t lid gal;
tottaxak , Wos Ana 'Meek lasting.arld!atikilaita" ;
walkingtiltoss, baskins,&& ?Cites' gaitersiand stints;.
of.eeeryisietcription.7; loge Assortment tif-Ohildren's
fanajtssiteciAbotessad-abottaisr..l! klada ,
Yof etellebtlehlitiOilatost every style of gaiters and
shoes: This stock has bent itersonslir selected with
""" he:VT ate r?: li o u ro l ft antler-at.
• .
• iliftt Co ArMagrittittii i -I
.'• iner'
t/1/43 : rOage korbio h dui r ieceitar:
7111Pfdat` 4
ROCK SALT.—A quifility of TWIN lollsouiSiih
for oatu by BAtILEY & NEVINS.
THE :subscriber would an
-en to
,the public . thaube,
Ip-)eseiteu,pi will make'
lerall kinds. of ,
A.; •, .
8 Ft 1' A N Ps
;-•;: rrimo Nic
rt . \ f ,
\41 4 41 11 7
to :-....0.') 4 . r.,,,r:•:.-0 ,
'ma eatnicirdinary preparation has been f,.
j* /algal's the most certato and sp ee d,
, e ; ti
for. Oorstessi:Opmts • Aaron/4 B aosee in , is
.e,a4.asirMisaasta ow vas • Cease to L ute.
those sufferingfmmobsemate and cotfin ued „:l - , l ' .
they- givetbelnosi • immediate aad perre et Zt . or
When-great. [lability- le take cold e nos, a b ilo
lesotheeteigh succeeds the slightest exporenZ
W RIEI AFE•prodece the most markedresultb,
ittionserelierve the Cough and other sympb ms 7,
astirely, remodestiatenorbid irritability and v , - 1 "Z
lass otitbeLhilgsewhich give rise to the coalm an ,
The Atnedioria properties. are combined man arv e►
ble form add plearant to the taste, so thai any i i iki
will ratidily telt:cam r and they are warranted t o
give relief in ien z min ores aftei use in all ea ses.
Price-25 cents per box. Fur sale by Dr. H. C .
PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda: Pelf: 9; T 953 - •
Attention Regiment !
TOHN E. GEIGER, wouklsay to his old friends and
tbe public at large, that be has constantly on, haw
and Manufacturing Rifles slid Shot Gurus den—.
Among his assortment of Guns may be.found Doubt s
and single barrelled Guns, Rifles cora kinds warranted.
Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, C ap
Prime .. Also, Powder, Shut, Caps of the best quail
ty. Alberts' six barrelled Resolving Pistols, do noes
barrelled self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
Bistgls cod common steel and brass Pistols.
F F. F. G., F. F. F. (1., Powder in Cam co .
stintly on hand.
Any of the above articles will La sold awful elti ap
for the Ready Pay.
'Keys of any kind fate d to Doors, Trunks or am
other kind of locks on shoi t notice and reasonable terms
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Bbops
few rods north of the Bradford House.
rorianda, May '22, 1852. J. E. GEIGER.
T BE Subscribers having. formed a copartnership under the firm of 8. FELTON &Co , for do
ing a general Liquor business, would respecdtdle
ask Hotel keepers pad all others in scant of aec.
thing in their line to gi v.) them a call. We meal
keeping on hand a general assortment of Forme
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than am one
else in the county, from the fact that we boy dant
from the importers. and thereby save a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are vant
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also comet.
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. Webs,.
made arrangements by which we can famish oar
customers with any quantity of Binghamtm BEER
fresh from, the Brewery. Pleaee give us a call,-
The notes' and accounts of the old firm of 8. Fe
ton &go., are in our hands for settlemen.
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1852
z►ia) •_A +An le
Saddle, farness & Trunk Mannfacion
BRE CULP' 5r Co., reepectfally inform the pubic J -that' they have removed tothe shop on %unmet,
recently occupied by Smith dr Son, nesrli opposns
the Ward House, where they will keep on hand a
large stock of 0
mautaT.imh, ettallao
TAC.115.5,• V•LISMI, WHIM [Tr
• All articles in their line manufactured to order. sad
unaderuf the best material, and for workmanship cum
be surpassed in Northern Penneylvania, They solidi
a call from those wishing to iitirchase, confident that
they can give satisfaction both as to quality nail wit%
cjj'llides and Sheep Pelts received for work and ral
account, at the lowest rates.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather n
Calf skins, for bale in any quantity.
ON account of losses sustained at ;the late ere, •
ore obliged to call on those inkebted to us tot
prompt settlement, as we are under the necessity ct
having what is owing to us, we trust this nUI/CO will
be sufficient without resorting to other means.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 19h2.
Removed to B. Kingsberf s Bloc{'.
. 11 - 4. Chamberlin,
.." " H AS just returned from the city
AL- of New York with a large
~ek supply of Watches, Jewelry sal
1 7 Silver ware, compiling in pm,
1). the following articles: Lever,
, 1::. •,'-' L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
Y, --..-=
k r ),\1X......,,,-> 1 .77--• a complete assortment of God
---- . ' Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fur
ger Ri n ga, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chins,
Gold Pens, Kepi, etc. Also, all sorts of Silwrwire,
and any *entity of Steel Heads—all of which he offeri
fur sale ex ceeedingly cheap for C ASH.
. Watches repaired on short notice, and trosmalai
to ron - well,or the money twill be refunded. andlln .
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. 8.--MAPIX SUGAR ,_ and Country Prods.
taken in pwitiiiiifforiviAl and atm learn tow, 0
orterret,that .Ihe Prodaee must be paid whew Actor
isskrtscw.-I.war against-credit in all its forms.
" ' '• W. A. •CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or
anp size, to be had at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1852; W. A. CHAMBERLIN
- • A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for
R. la the iw g k ood ea s n . d Neuosttwoimtherstas atdoitnagk;teawlaatye
iv, d i is mie
re l
A . M. WARNER is
And at No. l'llrick.gow you'll find
Most anything that's in his line,
Protipec i arnbricrieedle of the finest It ind,
Toilleviellid watch of eighteen karat toe.
• Cloche which 'keep time accurate sad use;
• Brattat pins of every style and hue. ,
Golkeilver;'steel and plated chains.
Selected - With the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile
nresery ehapeand every style.
'l'ci suit the old. the
, yaung, the grace. the P
May there be seen in elegant array.
-'' And Wentratt, *Ho is himself a " host,"
fide:ars ready and at his post,
To wait upon h,s customers and all
' Who chance upon 'fist - to` give a call.
So with good Advice 'make rap your salad'. •
To' hini l add theta - you'll find
- Shie ; h' slghth, rtqwe'iles; 0 ! what a view
• Jewelry orevetfetyleind hue.
fli l Don l entistake l the' 'place' No. 1. Brick rst
where he , is prepared to do all - kinds of.
13,W 0 R . X
in hie line of bu,eines; at-the cheapest rates thril'
possibly JAltyriitlliid ge Will also sell his le c T i i
at,PPFP c {ewer, than was ever before offereu
1‘0 14 4. 1 /da., Nov. 12, , 1852. A. M. WAR:tall._
TllB.-ordo assortment of Paper Bangiogg 110 a
this vicinity, with a Crash stock inatcoiniaa o
at ullosually'lobr prices. O. D. BARTLET T.
Towanda, April 21 lOW
I:. T. FOX.