Net) rAtivettittliftt - nig janojelMS, remaining in the .. ' d F eb. , o ffi ce at • rowan a, to l5, 1854. s ~: Jarkson Robt • •,- ~.,., Amos Knapp Wm Emma . ,Thlas Keefe Palk .. la i w Lane Mari.- , m a rtin 2. Linz' Elizabeth. , llri:liarn 2 -Levy L Laptent Mrs M • nChi° . M'Clne &hull , 117 m a p p McDannell Maurice - McGlone M L { iien , l McGinn Mr • l'i m at hy . Henry McGert Betsey -:' I:, Mcbill Thos P • McElroy James -man F -t. • I e , Alsatian Cathanne -.nan M ]khan Mary ..,,,eet Henry et Mr Mare Abraham • . Moier Marie ',lateen 4'• Myer Jacob M ü bsts (1 Mealdn Catharine -; ;•• Wm.! 2 ' rk Abram o*Niet Mary = -, g it Peter Patterson Elicit '; ke .4 1 Patterson Wm - s 8 11 Piaui:l L !ay David porter Rev Semi 4 , i er Jane • ,Payne Elizabeth :rr Isadore Pratt Miss A • Franklin Quigley Mi. 9. C rra E Rice 'Malvin ;er Nlf 2 : Ronan Michl rMichael Rutty Mrs M •:"D Seveee Philip ..rbronits Amelia Smith A S • ~, ,r nolrs- W W Sommers Angoline ,n Hairier S a ntee Miss C M l oan Arnold Stout Enoch n Jahn Shores Josiah .. o rlit A ltiteeny Mrs M • ~, ,o Betty Swain Hollen -rr F ,W smith Jesse . ' 'ler Seyelon Smith ftsnj /rc JAIS Schrader Orange ~+ Peter Stevens Otis , •d John • - Stanley H B I Jnel 2 Shernman B S • sold AA ' - Sullivan Mr 'man M Talbot Cornelens ,n Horace Thomas Mr M .ric TY C Taylor Wm can Michl Shnmpkins Miss.E itle . Phoebe Van Beoren John t.‘ Mary H Weaver J :man J B M Woolley W W ~,.. Mary A Whitney M T nr.:nys C G * Wt!cos Miss M B .hciann John . Witers Miss M A nes Clara NI Waldron Emiline gins Ezra Whitnep Elizabeth C. REED: P. M. " CAUTION. ffHIREAS. my . wife, Margaret, has left me bed .1‘ and board. w ithout any just cause or prnvoca r.t. this is hereby to . forbal all persons harboring 'L:rusting her on my act:nu:v.lml will pay no debts -r '''her contracting after this date. ' Rome. Feb. 11. 1854. JOHN COtTER. NOTICE. RE Commiesioners of Bradfurd Coun y have fired upon the following days and dates re .7ecifully, tor holding Appt-ala. viz :—Athena horn'. o h, D .:. twit.. Ulster, sheshequin.l.ltchfield and To ,nnda ‘onth, on Tuesday, the 24th day of February. '.).•anda torn', Towanda North, Wysox, Monroe, 4001 ham, Rome and South Hill. on Wednesday, te22.1. Albany, Asylum. Canton, Duren, Leßoy, fterion and Wl:mot. on Tuesday, March 3. Ar- Biirlington. Granville, Smithfield, Spring— :•,d, Troy horo', Troy twp.,, March S. Ridgbetry. Sylvania South Creek, •ending stone anti Wells. on Thursday. March 9. 0rw , . 1 1, Pike, Tuscarora, Wya:using and !atren. Friday, March 10. The Assessors will be punctual in delivering the 'owes to the taxableg, end its mtikine il.eir returns • Person nn the day tie4;:trosted in their warvania. al .thieli time arid place the Board of Revision will at hear all such as think them elves ag ,vred by said assessment, and make such deduc -tis end Olteraiions as to them 'hall seem just. By order of the rommu , gioner.. E. Vii. FARRAR Clerk Febroary 9. Igsl Notice to Builders. - E:%l ED Proposals will be received by either of viin , cliberiii, for flimuthing the 'Diurnal and it PrestlyteriAn Church, et Wiatusinc, tint 'hi. firm day of March next. Plan.. bills and may he seen at Well.& f3ixby'is more. 1/. P. NTALFOR •..\R (:A VOW. Building Corn. J t.. WELLS, wva.!: , l Vet , . II: 1854. $2,6 21ZWAILII =ices fc,: - a :oat taken from th. Sher. ‘‘ (Mitre, in Towanda. on Tuesday evening rr ttl e .lop, morning on the fah iron.. with a pair if , onced mitttn• nnri a small h. ok in the pockets. roar is of N= . I rnsd lining w ith ir k fl„,verg: or e pm-'art, Iwo inside vrast rnrke , s an,' i c..el in eto:11 side, the right ,; been torn do.i.t. A t, the e.,tnera and diat:ed or If the Iva? stole.. the al.,ove reward ihe e , .nrietion of ?ht. thief and recovery roat—if taken by mistake it will of course be rcraei to the Office. Towanda. Feb. B.IBLI THE GOOD TIME lIAS COME! MONTANVEI3 & CO. HAVE rome on the c.onclu.d..n that the time ha* 11 come, that debts ran be collected, and after wilting patiently for Year , r, and finding the Good Tilt, ha., strived, when farmers are realizing almost for their Products, they hope this notice will suffice for a more as tenyiYe one and that payments Rill either ho made in Grain at the present high pn m.r in Cash. Their Assortment of GOODS is replenished week '', from New York City. and will be soh" cheaper Lhah et ietail in the Great Emporium itself. (actuary 31. 1954. LILIIGELIZI"I3 OYSTER TC.WANDA, PA. pRESH Oysters received three times per week 4 ra press, and served up in the most approved ' 1 1•!e Also: a general assortment of groceries, 'Candies, 'Nuts, limits, die. °paler% sold by the gallon, quart, or pint, at the lowest raw'. Stallion next door to 0. D. Bartlett's store. NEW BOOKS J UBT „ re e 6 lPd—a new supply of School and Mis Books. J. KINGSBERY. Dee. 22, 1853. DiSSOLUTIO'N. THE Copartnership under whicti the subscribers have i'one business, is this dsy dissolved by v — rual roncent. The business will be closed op by • , ( Duty stills Old Stand. Debts due us must be paid. WELLES dr. HARRIS.. Athens, ho. 17. DM. 1 07- 1 “1“114.1-‘1.(4-1 The subscribers, Administrators of the estate,of O. N. Gray, deceased, hereby give patina Illot they will attend at the house late nisei I decessed, on Tuesday Ind Wadoesdiy, thelth and Bth of March next, for the purpose of settling said mime, AU persons ;hav ing claims will please present them in propel' shape Lir settlement, apd all Landaus inflated ate waged that s settlement will be.sxpected at that time with. vat fail. ' A. W. GRAY, February 3, 1854. J. W. GRAY, CAUTION. • IVHEREAB, my witeElisabeth, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provoc.a liGil, this is, therefore; to forbid all prima trusting her on my acconni. is I will pay no debts of her car :ratting after this date. , FRANCIS MILLER. ; titAtiotteu, reb. I, 1,151. C. TH011.4.3, sheriff. SALOON, AIiMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons knowing jbe ruNeives indebted to the estate of -Thomas 'foil, deceased, late of Litchfield tortskip t i are herby -requested tQ ihake modiale payment, and those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenti cated for settlement. CORNELIA TURK, `SA DAVIDSON, " Jan. 12, IRSI. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Al4.psons indebted to thqestate of JOHN - - TEED, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby requksted to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. * BETSY TEED. BAWL DAVIDSON. Adm's. January 29, 1854. IL S. 21EAD31.11 77011tA"Er AT Lalt, Office with the Register and Recorder, TOWAISbA. PA. D'A..OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block. north side of the Public square, over the office of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. LAST CALL! ALL interested will take notice that the notes and accounts due the late firm of H. R. St. M. C. MERCUR mutt be Paid, and that f will attend at the store of H. H. Mercer foi the purpose of settling these mat ter*, on tiaturday of every week, until the tst day of February nes . t, after which all remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of the proper officer' for immediate collection. December 10, 1853. M. C. MERCCR. 12.113gg 11.E&9C*Nz'o -wOULD inform her frier dik that she has just returned from New York with a full supply of BONNETS, and other MILLINERY GOODS and requests them to call and examine her stock. Towanda. Dec. 10. 1953. TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS GENERALLY. xi - TE are under the necessity of having our pay I'4 on all Notes over due, and all accounts of over four months i•tstuling, and we intend to have it; consequently. if you expect to save cost, you must call and pay up immediately. Towanda. Nov. 9.53. 1r RUSSELL. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KNGSBERY IS Now opening a Nam STOCK or GOODS, consist• L lag of full and complete assortment of all kinds 311ERCII lITDIZE, which will be a old as cheap as the same quality of Goon., can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec. 10,1853. WINTER GOODS ! .7 osepb Powell, S NOW receiving a large at tch of WINTER I GOODS, of every description, which the public is respectfully invited to call and examine. as suffit dent inducement will be offered to those wishing to pnrchace, to make it an object fur them to do so. Towanda. Dec. fi , 11453. " New Arrival of W INTER GOODS ! S. MERCUR has just received another liege H assortment of GOODS, to which the attention olthe public is respectfully solicited. Towanda. Dee. I. 1853. SKINS.—The higheAt price Will be paid in .LVI cash I.r any quantity of Mink ,It;tvg. by Jan. A, 1054. MON VAN:), E & C DENTISTRY. T WINTOSH, Dentist, has just returned from the . ci ty of New York, with improvements in in struments, materiil and 0:.11, and is prepared to at tend to persons requiring his professional services. He teill•be found at his old stand, next door to Mer cur's store. Towanda, Jan. 2. NO - TICE. 'AVE havP admitted Mr. WILLIAM M. WILSON a partner in our hnu4e from January 2,1851. The bti..ine,s hereafter will be conducted under the firm of