Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 25, 1854, Image 2

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    Hail!ly Important from iguripe
WAZ, ABM 2.17250811
The meam.hip Baltic arrived, V9tk : on
blosiday morning lam, hringitui
%chich i. of rite
: greater' tnipotiatice..-
Intelligence from the sea ' of Warr odicates Vial
importaiiloperations are • i hand. but the news of
the mold iitil - enii;iorpievic . t-'llO open p i er, s hown
for war made LI England iiii Fianee
The Busman Miniswis tiat e tilt I thion ar i d Pt
rub. a n d ittruinctions have been -apt Li in, U n s i . e l,
sill A tokossitilii , s in ur i 3 a f,.,in S P.eeistithg
Tillairesar4,tabapropords strel,winay.sei--.r .e i i i ,anni
liego'isrtotis we broken "11. (2"tin• 0.1,41's mission
Sovesul of 'Cuitartla s'egtriers are taker up t'Y
Cl.ivernmeili In ea ry iropk: .i, uhns•antionple. 6, ;
000 go from F. utlaii.l. 0 ter.. win he taken iii `
from the ihflerent sta i m t.. About tO 000 wilt soon ,
he c.illecteil to tom part of the li 4 ekpoilo .-:-
There is tin doing a bi 'ode of c, jak l s v di 1 „,,„ 1
part pi the rseeiliti,qt.
The f. 1.1.. I I It regim.'fit that was mid• r order,:
for Australia, leasing all the old soldier. et fumy,
whose time would have been op in a few ) .e a r s , Is
now to hold itself in readiness (or imeign service,
...taking all the best men, anil :easing all young sok
tLerokand recruits at home, .
A Vienni correaportilent telegraphs that Oi hit)
leases for St..Pyreisbuni, probably on . Wrilitestlay I
Thoe mbbirte.l fleets were at Ilryc4A Bay on the '
ti 7 h 1 gi . alay. Six hut a :ain voliveyed a Turkish
s.esmer will trntioia into the Iltnek Sea. '
The Paris Patric confirms the , statement' lbw
Oman ' s movement' has cu: nit coo inuitica , ton with
me Koss/an Armies.. ,
The oliiitral anonw.cemeot (Abe Czteit rejecinfi
of the Toiki.h has b-en received by the
Freoeh G9ivertimetit, and a C011111111,1ii • Wifin .0 th a t
hat' been Marie to the Omsmaii Ernbaviry.
M. !Coorslett, hve Ritirsiart Nlttiraier ar Carer.,
to meet Bum. B oninv i the L milon ex-Mutivter, at
atter* are 2iven to Me French Attatvierignadron
to proceed to Toolon--eopposed to take' troops on
A Greek conspiracy his been discovered a ,
Wadden. Api test was at the head of it. Recent
letters from Widdett say itotion t ; ul Ilse - i!lness of
0 tier Paelta
The Russian fleet is utitietstnottto b.• concentra
ted at K tilt. A private letter says that the re urn
of the allied fleets was in consequence of t a *caret
sy id provisions at Sumpe. but this is doubtful
The infant P ri ncess of Austria, only surviving
chard 01 the gteett of Spain, is ilangerons , y ill, her
death would at once open the atlC:'eg;sl.ifl to the
Duchess of Moidpensier.
Admiral Chad's is the command of
one division of the Baltic fleet The tommattil-in
chief j,s not yet given but the names Admiral bey
rno'm as chief, with Sir Chat les Napier and Lord
Duutlonald under him use mentioned.
Government officers - have seized some aril;ery
and machinery at Green% ich. under the R pposi
tinn that it was inteutted fa the set vice of Re.oia.
M. Kisseleff, Rmallan Ambassador, left Paris on
Monday veining, the eh, for Germany
At a Council held at the Toilettes, the Emperor
strongly expressed the necessity, cove that negoti
ations are tRo off to prepare with vigor tor war. In
moat department- of the military services. prepara
tions are ordered to continue night and day.
Immense order 3 lot ammuni . i'm atm+, atirkfcen
irements'are being executed with all haste, and the
assembling, orgairizaig and ot troops on
ceaselessly: Gen Pelissier is selecting :0 Obu pick.
ed meri of the army of Ahrea, arid 80 000 is vet
down as the amount of the French - cooling-10. .‘II
might be ready Int embarkation in one wet* Can
dis wa' proloo , ed as a rendezvitt,•, ton hying rio;
distant firm Turkey. the Matti of Mitylene will
probably be their chief depot.
_ (ko l a & wor t . ) R if ° prevuttu in like naval depa r t.
moot. At B,,bt, lour batimv, •hip. will be ready
iu a short time, and two aFe viity akr ail
irkg their en:!ine.. Levire r (seamen aut. ed fro:li
all part* The ocean i.ciadro,i snot, b teu.fy
to tad, unit 11).. ego rilwn ul rer.ekte kirk/I Do in a
condition io reiniorce V. if tie. e“ei-e tit Toulan,
the sh•pm-ot 'he-line 7; I
have been put in emilmisfilen, a,. I u,, about kiik A
tricks Fix other ships.ol-the-:itte ahrl a 60 gen (fi
gure wale ready tar ecttve service
Pron4e N tpa:eon has te:utned from his
mission to Belgium.
The meeting at he Sotrite is ,leferred from the
27th of February to the 2,! of Marrh
TUE At: 111 K 111NU8R,
OXICR PACIR has eftec (NI a most important move .
ment. having crowed the Danube with 50 000 men.
sod deluded the flusman army, the right Whig of
which is at Krajova, the Irk at Galata, anti the
centre. at Bucharest Ousit erns-ed in person at
Oltenimi and at last act!~ s was only two days
distance from Bucharest, there the ling-ia•6 knee
The supposed object of (listen* movement was
In atiart the real 01 it, D,ll.slati alai) Oil 1:5 match
from Krajiiva against K A titirach received
et the tnrkish einbael indwitle* prep4l:l wits f an
attork by the Turks on linchlreer.
Russian seeutuns ihrtnselvra confirm the above,
by expiesing of attack horn the
Turk+. They, huwever, declare that the bail wea
ther; bad roads, an lritl!),ld;antis of .he rivets, render
the plasoge.of ihe Danube omposstble to the Turks
Orsovail Mere, of the 26th, mew ion ilia' the river
was really flooded at that date, and that the low
pounds were inundated around K f I
On the 25, the Russian troops Still occupied their old
possitiOns at Kadovan
Chi the 21st those Russian regiment. that had
been esoaselessly in action, from .he 5 h to the 15,1 i
were with drawn to Krajiitra, haying antlered heavy
losses, and their plireee was supplied by fre-h troops.
Oro the - 23 the whole stall of the Commander.m
chief milted at Buleshtie, as a it,rattid recnonoissan•
ell was to take place eery shortly against Kalafat.
—John Travis, the well known professor (Otte
pistol in New Orleans, Iris accepted the tollowing
remarkable challenge from Mr Be r ri ' , I , Rh o d es
Rhodes bets Travis 31,000 to $BOO that he (Travis)
cannot, within 90 days, produce a living• man who.
!tending thirty-sift feet from the said I'm,. 1 ., a ill
allow him (Travis) to shoot wnha pistol Cod -hand)
an apple placed on the said living man's hearl-...-
the apple not to exceed four inches in circumference.
The said Travis is to have three shots at the apple
and he most hit the apple once to win the match.
It he does not hit he apple, or if he lute the mail,
Rhodes wins. Tite match is to come cif! within
panel, days, and within five miles of the city of
Near Orleans.
is stated that ex-President Fillmore is about
to lead to the altar Miss Elizabeth Porter, of Niagara
Fau f ,mrly Jaughier of the Gen. Peter B. Potter, a
hero of the war of 012, and Secretary of War nailer
doh° Q.lincyAdarria• Mists Porter is 32 years of
age, and a lady of superior intellect, high cultiva
tion, and large fortune. Her brother and herself
arwthe sole heirs of their father's great estate, in
cluding Goat 'Wand and other lucrrive property et
natty: Falls. Miss Porter has long teen a reign
utglailiiin Western New York.
—P. T. Barnum, Esq , now engaged in
his own life and silventurlm. Five Thousand dor
leretume already -beim olleral !Or the copyright.
Altboogh Barnum ; (say* the Norwalk Gazelle) is
one of thupleverest fellows in the, land, it is inpma.
tea that 6e w.ill ocular deuninistration that
there are at least ball a rnillion , of persons ,reatly to
"take his life" the first- opportunity that is given
them., .WO don!' doubt. his courage, but then re
1 041 f, ree4n,h,e'll pocket the insult . He doss'ir,en.
. .
Torn belittlers, by the name of Anderson. in a
drunken frolic. at Cistrideir;Tenn., u lew days ago,
ra Out with eich'is her; which led robins's. - from
this they risked bpon eat-h-ollser with dicks and
knives, cutting eacli . oilier almnst in pieces. before
they were seinrwe.i. The older brother lois Pil:ej
died. ; and the youne; cal ern erwcteti ti.) live.
M carol) gleportev.
Towanda, Saturday, February 25.1854.
Term* of The Reporter. '•
SU 30 per annum—if raid within thu year 30 rents will
deducted—G.. ru.h rn id aetoally te Adel:leer. 1100 will be
',Marled. No rawer sent overlie° 'tars. eider* paid for.
fIVILIITOWNTISNTIL per square of to toes. 50 cents for the
irnt and 15 re too for eel frilbseirlirrn
Er Oiiae in the "Unton Mock.' north aide of th, Pula,
4 44,11 M, Tit rI dont to the Bradford lintel. Ent rdbee between
eases. MUMS' and el we're law odices.
14r We are requested to state that the injuries
ilo:te the Bridge by the late freshet, have been re
paired, and that team;'Will hereafter be allowed to
Repeal of the Missouri Compromise.
The bane of our polities, is contained in the am•
tririnins longings of public melt for the r i esidericy.
It is thin. which ilebancliet and demoralizes it, and
perverts it from its proper and leuitainate purposes,
to 6elli-h aml sinker ends. The high Ind elcva
'led position of Chief Magistrate of the Republic is
the glal to which most of our political men direct
their hopes, and mr•tead of relying upon their bog
services and devotion to tlicir country, to recoin•
mend them no the people, endeavor by demagogi
cal arid it telioneet practices, by pandering to section-
Al prejudices, arid try all the low and vile tricks of
adverunrci 5, to out s trip competitors, and by chica
nery and management, to attain what their deserts
would never secure them.
This lamentAtle fact, has become more apparent
within the few lasi years tVithiu that time, large
accessions have been made to the Territory of the
United States, and the en.erprise and prosperity of
the country are bringing itdo Notice, that which we
have possessed for years A. a colosequelice, ques
tions have arisen be:sring upon the policy u; our
Gas ernment,—questions the most important and
deltcale—which have atiorded tree scope (or the
most selfish and ambitious designs of pati'ical in•
wipers Instead of meeting these questions in a
spirit of candor and patriotism, and
. erideavorir g to
effect their settlement with a view to the luture
greatness of the country.and the spoil of our free in.
stitutians, there has been exhibited so much of a
disposition among public men In truckle and bend
to particular interests, when those interests are
powerful and united, that he who looks with anx.,
ions gaze fur the future, has good reason to be
We had hoped that an end had cianis to this
had hoped that a time had arrived When such
a settlement had beeh made of itte slavery question
as would put that, in a measure at least, out of the
leach of Presidential aspirants. We had 'good cause
for this hope, that has been rudely scattered to the
winds. The slavery dismission of previous years
had been settled in 1850—we need nut say how
co.draty to what we conceived to be tile true man.
tier iii .+• Lich to tlivt,se of the question. It had been
settled, however, by the Compromise measures,
and the friends of Fieedom lor the sake of peace,
had acq' iesced in, and' : wool.l 11: , t endeavor to dis.
turb them. Ttieirfitiq/dy becii ie.asserted ma
ny times .. iii Cug,ess, and out of that body. The
Conventions of the tao great poll ical divisions ol
;ileum/1.4y, assembled at Baltimore, pledged them
selves to discourage any attempt ate renewal of
the agitation. President PIERCE, in his annual mss
sage, congratutating, the country upon the peace
which reigned, held up anew the olive branch.and
gave us his assurance that this quiet should suffer
no shock during his administration.
hid we not reason for hope and congratulation?
The sky of our psiLical nor ziat was anclouiled,and
even in the future thew loomed up no ciouds par
tending the storm. We congratulated 'ourselves,
we say, upon the final ertileineni of d e slavery
question. sri's hall .. tao apprehensions that at any
future time it shovel Anse to di-hart and overthrow
the Democratic party. There was DO loot of our
soil which had not already been legisli ted upon
The question as far as regarded rim acquisitions
from Mexico, had been sealed tiy the legislation
of 1850. The Missouri Compromise and the Or.
klinance of 1787, covered the remainder of our Ter
ritory. 1 nese three solemn covenants, it legisla
tion can have any solernticy, gave us just cause for
the hope that was in us.
Short-sighied and credulous that we were ! At
most at the commencement of the session, belore
the message has been referred, is commenced a
discussion, and re opened an agitation of the quits
tion, which so many have
,for three years been en
deavoriog to convince as was finally settled—set
tled forever! Before the declaration of Gen. Pinez
had reached the most remote shores of our extend
ed Republic--.lbere comes a "shock" destined to
seriously disturb the equilibrium of the Democratic
party, and whose consequences upon our country
may well be viewed with apprehension. This set.
tied question is re-opened in a manner calculated
most effectually to engender sectional animosities
and jealousies, to arouse the elements of discoid,
and to precipitate the country into a heated and
unprofitable discussion
And who is responsible fgr this change Irom
peace and quiet fo discord and contention Who
has evoked the eell spirit which sets in brooding
darkness over the country ? Upon whom should
fall the odium of introducing questions into our Na•
tional Lg..gislattire so eminently calculated to dist.
turb the peaceful repose of the country, and ender!.
ger its security I Not to those, most certainly ; who
labired to extend the protection of the 34ffersonian
Ordinance ro the Territory act,nired from Mexico.
Not to ihoee alio were Brine? on the side of Free
Labor, belongs the opprobrium of the disquiet which
now pervades the country, and which is destined
not to be allayed, bin Increased. We prophesied,
monis time sines, dial the disturbers of the country's
quiet, Would not be they - who sequiisced" in the
Comprumitre , measures. They were actuated %y
irincip .:—
lethey — pie in their !Clamant • adhesion
from r onsciention. and optigiff 'motives. Not un
to them should comae the stigma—not into them
the reproach which Violated compacts, reiterated
risolves, and the most selfish rubierviehey, will
fastirq artlf brand of shame upon the authors of this
meathve,l outrage, this ilangeroul a.t.l gross Wray!
al r`i our c0t...1) . ... itst¢res a.
+mss + . m.~--+s~ay,~saytr>,-,-~-
Is it Dessible that dot repeat of the Missouri corn
promise waviecerry to convince thetS9o4) box;
atterrOubsettienclis ao hors and its supporters
haie bicomel --Was it necessary tiiiplunie tntk
this 10W15f deep—tp, annihilate everyfillng whirdc
looked like riPrighiness and manlitiesisanCtiOnsick.
teney—lo advance the interests of any Piesidentrat
aspirant ? flea the past no lessons which teach men
Witte fiettiii! - Mies not the histeiry — Ofthltimit stroll(
gist the South despise. treachery and repudiate the
traitor? The chivalric and generous sentiment
which prevails in the breasts of Southern man has
no sympathy with Northern tipaghlaces, sad the
more stultified and 'tlebasjtViroet; bicome, the more
they receive, as tney..puttly, merit, theic z eontempt.
We can ['gime Senator that the South ne
ves has, ant we believe never will support any
mail fur the Presidency, ari L lhe reward of subset
vwncy. They may accept any measure which
tends to strengthen the influence,of the slave inter.
eat, if tittered by Northern men, but they have for
the donor, leelinge of contempt for the traitor who
p.oves recreant to the cause of Freedom.
We hazard the pr.ldictien that any Noithem man
who aid and abets in this infamous proceeding,
urn never become the President of the United Antes.—
These is integrity and spir►t.enough Jell in the pen
pie to prevent that. In the first place, the South
will never allow such to become.a candidate—and
if presented, the indignant rebuke 01 a free people,
despite the trammels of party, or the influence of
patronage, would be spoken in toriespot to be mis
understood at the ballot-box.
We heat the plea put forth, that the question. of
repealing the flifissouri Compromise, is an Admin.
Istration measure, and supported and encouraged
by the President. We should regret exceedingly
to be petiole that such is the fact. We have placed
our highest hopes upon a brilliant administration for
Gen Pit-rice. We have supported its general poli•
cy, a. being in our judgment calculated to advance
the highest interests of the country and conduce to
the harmony and prosperity of the Democratic par
ty. We have given our support, from these con
viction& But the collar sits light:y upon our neck,
and . we are not ready to obey the behests of the
tr powers that be," when it is asked of us to do r io
fence to our sense of right, to act courier Irs out
convictions, to repudiate our former opinions, and
to enlist on the ride of slavery extension. In this
respect, rank us not as friends of the Administra
tion. If a cordial and earnest support of the efforts
of the Administration to introduce economy and
system into the Departments—if an adherence to
old-fashioned. but progiessive Democracy—are not
sufficient to entitle us to the designation of being
friendly to the National Administration, we regret
it, but will not complain.
We say we should regret to be assured that the
violation of the Missouri Compromise was an Ad
ministration measure, because we look upon all
attempts to identify the Democratic party with sla
very propagandism, as certain to resulein disaster
and defeat. The great mass of that party utterly
loathe, abhor and detest slavery. The party or
ganization may be controlled and used to the bene
fit of slavery, but when the people are called upon
to ratify that action; they will certainly stamp it
with the mark of their disapprobation. No man, or
set of men, nor the power and influence of a Na
tional Administration can manacle the hands and
control the voice of a Free - Democracy. The pat. of the Administration may muzzle the press,
may silence public men, may even coerce and se
duce members of Congress enough to fasten this
iniquity upon the country, but it cannot avert the
odium which would attach to its memory forever,
nor prevent the people from the expression which
the ballot-box allows them. -
The Governor, on his re'urn from Erie, has sen t
into the Legi.leture, quite a lengthy and able mes
sage, in which he reviews the whole Guage diffi
culty. The Franklin Canal and Railway properly,
is now in the possession of the State, and its opera
tions udder the direction clan officer of tier own
selection. The Governor very forcibly remarks
that the Commonerealth has had no controversy
with the citizens or corporations of other States, nor
has she been inclined to interfere with their rights
or in'erests; or to unnecessarily interrupt the travel
or commerce of Thesountry. She has been dealing
with a refractory creature of her own, which had
most palpably "misused and abused" the privil
e;es conferred upon it by law; a corporation that
had attempted the usurpation of power, that hail in
fringed the sovereignly oldie State, and invaded
her rights of eminent domain. If in this contest
she was brought into collision with citizen and cot
poiatione of other Slates, the difficulty was not of
her own seeking. The vindication of her honor
and dignity was a duty which she could nut ne
glect ; and he has no hesitation in saying, without
any reference to the difficulties at Erie, that it was
right and poli'io on the par! of the State to exercise
the pciWer which she had reserved over this curpor
aiion .
The company were admonished at every step,
that they were transcending their legitimate pro
vince; but the only effect seemed to be to stimu
late them to greater indignity to the State, and in
creased latality in the consumation of their own de
In felerring to the bitter denunciation which hail
been meted out to him and the citizens of Erie, by
parties out of the State, for altegir,g that there should
be a break of gunge at Erie, he remarks : A de•
mand for an unneeesascy break of Railroad gunge,
and the consequent transhipment of tonnage and
passengers, it will conceded, would be an illiberal
exaction, and an improper interruption of the com
mercer of the country. Bat such is not the position
of the question at Erie. The necessity for a break
of page between the West and the Atlantic ei.
ties, results from the policy of New York and Ohio,
and not from that of our own State. The railroads
of Ohio are unitormly four feet len inches wide, end
those of New York, forir feet eight and a half inch,
es, except one which is six feet in-Width. A Miro
shipment it therefore inevitable. It must Occur,
and the only question is es to the proper ltoint.—
Afieiall the reflection f have given the subject, 1
must again repeat what I said in' my last annual
message; that I cart see no reshot' founded in 'pub•
lie policy' why the beak sTrootd occur at 'Utah);
that do not apply With . equal force to Erie.
The kripellimentlottade and trawl will be alike
at either Point, with the admit:tot( of greater sure ,
cepieil spate at the latter;' Nor hayet beWn
rliscaveiWhy it ii, that ifs beak of goalie is io — ert•
tirelY unimportant, there ahbnhtbe so much
rude in have it at the city Of !Idiot°, or to
stain! hots - this city hari erdaped the ereeritib e e et;
fteely Ituaped upon the coy ol V - ie. If a 40n.1,41.
!Bigler and the Erie DlOlcally.
mental Ele be so rdodicial to the commercial
intoßpeta ew, ort, tby tcrsot Omsk at Wis
h) squad` sot ;lie? ilt,Cow,4 burial of par at
•eaah, seas it OtrettathatAwhiiiii the 10ii City
tuutjsomplaineikof Ei ie;# hakfaitedlo disiover, a
obstruction to nide sits . l . nool ir' its own
vicinity. When this shall have been remove) it
will be time enough, it seems to me, to complain
0;:r From the Washington Union of the 16th
inst.. we cut the following paragraph
,Another anapistionesign in Pennsylvania has re-,
cently came-Under our eye.- In-thicmintrol Brad ,
jctr tMe_tir,..3lslnoliePi4,o),ll4lolrPliktAtz.
mobialic grit+ assimbLat Maid's)?
last, Swarm restajmions were adopted ittlavor of the
administration of President Pierce, and of the prin
ciples of the Baltimore platform—and this notwith
standing the renewer) cppoaition of Mr. Wilmot tr,
the prineipb of popular sovenglity entrained in the
bill of Senator Douglas.
We hardly know which to admire mast in these
Lets lines, the' ingenuity or the logic of the edi
tor. That he ahhold deem it en suspicions sign
that our 'County Convention passed resolutions in
favor of the Administration of Gen. hence, is per ,
fectly proper, because Bradford gave for Gen.
Ptr,aca a majori:y of 404 vows, standing on the
Baltimore platform, and her County Convention has
heretofore commended the policy of his Adminis
tration Ar.d•now the same thinghhas been done,
the editor says, notwithstanding the 't renewed op.
position oflldr. Wlt.rerrr to the principle of popular
sovereignty contained in the bill of Senator Doug
las." Now there's a logical conclusion for yon !
Well the astute editor please inform us, where the
connexion is between his subjects ! We are not able
tridiseover any.
We can assure the Washington Union that it iu
" signs" ate nut more c. auspicious" than this, a
will be doomed to the deepest i disappointment. For
the Democracy of Bradford are a Unit upon the
question of repealing the Missouri Compromise,
and will visit with their mdignation, whenever an
opportunity, every person who may have part or
tat in the nefarious scheme.
A Noble Letter.
The following letter horn Hon. Poems, Kiss,
war addressed to the Committee ol Arrangements
for the Meeting held at Fanecil Hall, Roston, on the
16th inst., to protest against the violation of Nation..
al obligations entered into at the passage of. the
Missouri Compromise.. The letter does honor to
the head and heart of the wiiter, who is known.
throughout the country as one of the most able and
reliable friends of Freedom, whose integrity no.
patronage bps been able to seduce, and whose
courage has defied all denunciations. It would be
well for country, if more of our public men were
like Pacs - ron Kinn. Faithful among the faithless,
he has never for a moment swerved from the path
of honor and consistency, and now towers far above
the reach of his enemies, commanding the respect
of every honest man. His letter will meet with a
hearty response from the Democracy of this sec.
Ooormarto, February 11, 195.1.
ClEll7=llO/ i I have received your letter of the
iron , requesting me to attend and address a meet.
tog to be held to Faneuil Hall on the 18th inst , to
consider the Nebraska bill.
I cannot attend your meeting ► though ►l would
give me pleatwre to do tm.
I have confidence, that the scheme to carry •ne
gro slavery into the northwestern territory will be
frustrated in Congress now, or hereafter, by the de.
cision of the political issue of slave propagandism
which Mr Douglas' scheme presents ar,d proposes
to rest in the next Presidential election. Should
the bill pass Congress, it will place Mr. Douglas
at the head of the pally interested ra accomplish es
object, and tho interests of free labor and slave Is.
will be brought into direct collision upon an is•
sue to be decider? at a Prevideivial election. The
free labor of the Untied States will not, in my optic.
ion, permit A frican slavery to .^.e extended and mix.
ed up with it—to degrade or to drive our the labor.
rag white man from the now unoccupied .eiritiny
of the bee %Vest,
The bill of Mr. Dotighfrpropmes to accomplish
this wrung, and ehoold be resisted by all h able
means The measure iv hill of evil ; its pitssap.
would violate and rattily one of the most solemn
compacts between different interest/sof .he country
ever made by Congress; a would demonstrate that
acts of Congress in the form of compromises are
subject to the will of the majority for the time be
ing, and the act of a temporary majority on one side
will afterwards be made to justify opposite action ;
it would dissipate the idea ol the Tolemnay of the
sacred character which has been invoked tor such
acts of Congress The scheme of Mr. Metzler also
proposes to change the Constitution, by changing
the established construction of those who framed it.
He seeks constitutional principle and authority in
the spirit, not in the wools or la•tgnage ol the Cott.
stiration This latitudinarian doctrine at conirruc
%ion, although several times sal up, has never long
prevailed in this country, and when set up, its over.
throw has at all times washediout whatever heresy
it had established.
Oar'ountry has passed throttah many perils. A
soot( and wise Providencd'has overruled them all.
The Omnipotent still reigns, the inscrutable
law of Providence the machinations of evil often
beget their own confusion, and bring destruction to
the evil doers Still he battle between west and
evil must be lough( by men, responsible every man
for hit own action. In the controversy between
freedom arid slavery for room on this continent, the
friends of freedom might learn a lesson' from their
adversaries They Should learn robe united -easeto be anxious whether tr Tani" or " Silas" it The
greater man. They may desire, but they most hot
eapeet perfection, and they should agree to soleto.
gether for the better side, and against the worse on
tit an administration shall be elected because it is
favorable to freedom.
The gage of battle thrown down by Mr. Douglas
challenges such action. The tyranny and proecrtp.
non practiced by slave propagandism against all
who do not bow the knee to slavery justifies it.—
Mr. Douglas raises the standard, and challenges a
political contest upon an 'issue that many have re
garded as fraught with danger to the country and
to the onion 'of the States. I have no' fears for
the cotintry..-no apprehension -IA danger to the Un
ion—no doubt af a correct decision al the liana pre
The friends of the cumpreardse meariorps of 1850
declared that those measures would -not exiedd
slavery' into free territnry. That opinion prevailed,
end 'he country acquiegeed to the measures Age.
nylon ceased. The friends of those mearoteistdr*
present that compromise? with ,a new tans • , The
current of popular pent.iSenti ment najust the exlenaion
of ne4rd pla'very in this cue:miry is PO Jeep and
strong that it Will not peek exhibition in noise and
ahOw s but if that issue•shall •be'pnrsenterd by Caro
grows as fdr. , Danglars.propapea, that. , ceirentorgill
c*rry 1 ,00 444 wAl0e,;11 ( ki , the coppery tpp lhe POW
at the next and subserinent efedttons i unlit chi quest
tion is settled, and
-• • Very reopeetfolin • • t• 1'
i • •-,x , Your Dbl. setvant,t. •
.t••• ; • :„
7404ge rptter, ‘het Mgnelmter,,(l 4 l,,H)'folic'.
Crorr: conknynced. Iprosetntkin, oppoli the
troy- 3. it. D4..i% of that city, for an. allege() nilandet
u3einst hie officinieour-e, contained in a temperance
ail , lterg teem!) , delivered by the I Atter.
Proceeflillgs.i9he Penna. Regis tare. ,
$ i t , A
4 4 . , ~:
07: the
—...:—. .
~ The HI paled 07:the House, niacin .- rtria
Ltissmecniug'firitii a new county , it)f- cal*
LoiCkaartrins,*ill,ant pan the Semite s a , a 4
tiIM tep#sentitig*kcounty is oppoked JO,
his wishes,l o u is usual in such cases, will not
be disregarded in a matter of local interest. Many
The prohibitory Liquor law came up in the Sen
ate, on the 14th inst.; therfith - section- being - under
considerationorhOh provided for search for liquors.
Mr. Quigele mused hi hi emend, providing in el
dasaii,4o previtil-racclsollahasprivalesimitteissayi
dwelling house in Which a trading_ ahop or, hoose
entertainment may lie kept, and iti artichtlie,keep.
er may reside. t ~ ..,
Mr. Kuokel moved a substitute ,for. the emend.
menr, providing thin when the keeper 0, the shop
residea in the,house, the private pett.el; it Choy be
searched. '
,The relative merits of the two stme i ndmente were
discussed by Meetire.4leiggle and„Ktinkel ; when,
Mr. K' a wee tadopted,,ty 'yeart.l6, nays 15 ..
The vote on the section as ailmended op/ fulpl•
ly taken, and it was. negatived, by yeas 15, nays
16. ' ' •
Now this section merety authorizes a search to
~ , ..
be made in a house to which a trading shop or
honee of entertainment is antietted,. in older' io 'ilia.
, . .._
cover whether liquors•are Secreted ; but doe! not as
• if ..
has been asserted, empowei the invadinr and
searching of , porde 'pt 'Sate residencea. Fusilier
thin this t it shields all pante a house from search
not occppiel by the owners and keeper of the
ing shop. Without some "such provision, any pro.
hihitory liquor laW' would be entirely inoperative
and this ene pmvi ed for its executive in the mil-
deal and most unobjectionable manner.
The subject was then postponed. ,
• •
X CilitAgg4.
The joint resolutions instiuctortg our crtngressine
al delegation to vote against' the repeal of the M's
anon Compromiie, in the Nebraska bill, earner up
in order on second reading. .
Mr. Foto moved that the further conpide r atier, o f
the resolutions be postponed until the 15th of March
, Mr. B. D Hamlin moved to amend the minim
by postponing. until•the 15-h of May nest, which
amendment was negatived.
The'question recurring on the motion to postpone
with the 15. h of March next,
Me.Piatt said he would state his object in mak
ing this motion. There was some feeling in the
district he represented on this subject. A meeting
was to be held in Bradford county this week, pro
'eating against the repeat of the Missouri line. Sus
quehanna cnnnty would probably hold a nesting
on this question, and in all probability a meeting
would be held about the,lst of March in Wyoming
county. He wanted to have an opportunvy of know.
ing the feelings Dana constittients end aerie would
necessarily be absent for some time, end not return
. until the meeting ol the Stale convention, he made
the motion to poetpcne until March 15th.
Mr. Kunkel remarked that this Nebraska bill was
pending in Congress, and would most probably be
acted upon before the 15th ol March He thouiste
that the Senator from Wyoming [Mn • Plan) could
notossibly mistake the sentiments of his outvote
erns on this subject had no: beeri m,.tle party
quetion in Congress, or in any of the Ls.undatines
thatthad acted upon it He regarded a postponer
ment until the 15th of March •as- tantamount to a
detest. ,
Mr Platt replied that he might be con: pet le , l by
instruction, to vote for the resolutions. but his own
feelings would lead him. to vote against them. He
was opposed, Item principle, to instructions of this
character. .
Mr. Bunkalew was ready to meet this question at
any time, having COIIVICIWUP on the subject which
Could not be changed by delay,'hut he would vote
for, postponement, in order to accommodate the
Senator from Wyoming
Mr. Darsie thought that the Senate should act
now, when action would be evadable On the 15th
of March the qiresinn would be disposed of, and
if the resolutiore were postponed until that time.
the evil would be done.. He hoped that the Senate
would assume the responribility of scion now,
The people would understand a postponement to
be a deleted the resolutions.-
The motion to postpone until Match -15th; was
then adopted by the tollowing 'we:
Yeas—Mestue Buckatew, Creacteell, Foul krill.
Fry, Goodwin B. D Bernia. E W Hamlin. No_,-, Jamison, Mtlinlock. M'Farland:
Pilot, Qnl4:le, Sager, Wherry and M - Carlin, Speaker
hisys—ltieAsrs, Barnes. Crahb. Daslington. Darste.
Evans, F t : r e in.,,on. F.ick II slilema , . 7 HS Mll . O l l,
Rend , Ick s, K toyer Kunkle, Mellinger, Price, Sk in
tier and Slifer-16 _
List of
Justice:of the Ants Return Judges, Assessors and
Constables, Elected 4n the aeveral•lownshtps of Brad
.ford County, January 20. 1854.
Aiberm' bnio'.—J, 8. Ftivre. Justice ; C. Coin.
stock, Judge; Water Otiineil, assessor; John
AMena trap.— Daniel S Brown, judge ; Guy To
zer, tesessur; N. &ummer, arm! Mt:Duffle,
Armenia--Nathan Sherman. juanoe ; Wighiman
L Pierce, judge; Daniel Randall, assessor; Matt
P. Palmer,;constable.
Albany—Maitin Coddimjumice ;John Hatch
WO; Ralph Sietene, wester ; Sylvester Chap
man. ennatable.
.Aey D Jacobs, judge; D. H. Corbin, as
aefsor ; John V. Ety, Constable.
Burl , Moon —Lncenzo NI, Run de I ice ; David
&per, Itidge ; Oliver P, Callum, assessor; Jere
miah T ar jr. constable '
Ccilicrobta—Peter .34'Celland, judge; John Mor
gan, H W. Canfield. zonatable.
. Catoort-,-E Newman, ju-lice. Thomas Case,
judge; T g: Manley, assessor ; Harrii glitter, con.
Dare E. White, ,odge ; M. 'Decker, asses.
Pot Durtni,cck. coossable
r • .
rant lair- ; Burr Ridgway, linne t " ; S. Atinahle,
judge ; Thomas T. assessar ; G. C. Beards.
rey curistable.
Granville... Oliver Bayer, judge; Durham ROW,
assessor; J Gee, commode,
Hettick.,—)erernish,. Barnes., judge B Carr.
well, assessor; Richard Hillis, constable
Litchfield —Orson' Camer, judge; S. Datidson,
assessor ; S Keane, timetable, c , •
Ltstripniblaleiri WA:osier, judge; John Kelly, cw
sessos; B. B
Monroe—VV. H H Brown; judge; J. B.
assessor ;• S. W.' Arden, constable
j Allis, judge; Leer Frieblei asses.
Gi Gridley, Rome. •
Cfr;i'..qP l .;7 4 . '. l l o l ll llliiine. kiottben,4hiturr
boll, assessor ; Win. Waltmen,consr ,
Pite- = C Bri nk. judge; i. O beWes,'iSses.
set ;' , lO.•Es ii.thsWorth' i comic • •••-•?. •••
Rcime.:i.blosete Moody; judge; A.!Failigri u s e *.
Ridghery—Hector Owens, jostler.Pil v llsr„
judge; H Henchman, assessor;, C. O. Freak, cod:
m im e . 'tit; rr, •1 t• I' , •
I•Sheillh,Pkikthe: t Nc Amor; .juslicel;r• •
Youglo,, judge;.Wm, J. pelpikub A • assessor; L
kot, cups(. •
" 'link - Ike; Enos
Odin, judge; E'' -#. assessor; ;I': .1.
Whwebet,iiinst. • ,
srong Old—% Yrocenly,Barlion: -0. . Camp-
Deitt josticeS LW. R. Chase, ju t lg,c,; E.,Loonard, , , 1.. D
civek —Linos William.. V:•1
Hildreth,lnclgt . A. Thompson, assessor;
eonl able . 1E 3 CM.
( goaritlineEtotles—Lloyd L Washb urn, ;ire
- 141 e, conot j
Ain'Hutudge; lien . A. Stevens, ae ons° , o t .
4)lvartiik.',:boro' —Peter Monroe, N bi te/.
turn, itutsea; J oe l ttiephens. judge ; Curtis Mem,
asking°, - -4 : stron Bisby. condi.
Tuscarora—Geo. Spalding, judge : N. L
well ; 4 0 Wiper cpcsi.
tioro. . BMW pines. ; L
Scott, judge ; W. C. Bogart, assessor; G.
Towanda North—J Woodmff judge; Adol
Kingibety, assessor; Ches er Bennett, cote Pb
Towanda South—Pitney Hancock, irate .
constGregg. judge; D assessor ; James Wiw i?
abl e.
110,orir* - 23Viii." A." Cagan, - joingee ; Jog s ,
Williams, judge; Wm. H. Peck assessor; N
Adams, cont.; • ,
Troy owl' —J. Case, cidgej John Porter, u se ,
got ; B Coe, cons',
a ssessor C B Kitchen, cD. Chtitibuekon, jic. udge ;S. C Hovey,
wysox—l P, Spalding, judge; Semi Chamber.
lin, assessor ;.M C Alleti , .conss
Wyalrirm,g—C T. Baldwin, judge; B. Arklay
jr., assessor; E Whitney, corm.
Warren—.l Champlin, judge ; A. Whitaker,,.
senior Levi Brown, eons:,
Wed'.—H. Baker, judge; A. Y oung, ■assessor ; J.
Wind ham—W 11 Perri. judge; H. Rouen, as.
scissor; A Dirrihadurji, ems!.
M. Corson, constEberly, judge ; J Strong, amm o •
A Nitv, Croce—Amon; ihe late inventions an.
flounced /A a curious one by Robert M Renown of
Phladelphia his different )rim any heretofore
made, twine wittlow the alightest noise or any al
teration to IN Dfunon and from 'hie tact prom/ilea
to he of the !realest use in the science of as ronomy.
In this M; Kerroton has encreerled to ove r .
comma a difficulty, which has marls the gritty of
scientific mechanic* fur nearly two centuries.
—Tae (nne•al of Mr. H E. Stephens, the actor,
i n Near York, took place yesterday, and was stte n .
/led by the I.allyerte Guard and National Invinoi.
biev.with Dmivrorth's and National Sande, Fret
masons. and a large number (denizens, forming a
pruceeeion over a mite long.
—Hoer Jonathan Phillips has donated Slo,ooo's
Harvard University fot the inciesse of the ehdoe.
meat of the Greek professotelni, In Harvard Col.
—A private letter fmm Rovauth, dared London,
Jan. 24, and adriceas•red ton gentleman in his onao,
concludes by nay mu: •' Yon shall anon hoar of a u•
tame work on our part pot nor heaping D asa upo
Pelson with but onr nada for took',
—A private iliKpa'ch Madame Sontag,
dated at New Or leans, reb 16, contTadiets herepo, t
f i sal s h e "ma Injured on board the steamer Sabena,
*kils recent great Lire in that city.
—Edvr ant' Croeurell, of the Albany ArgeN,
far recoiered from his late paralytic 'ma r uto
able to attend to buotnesa.
—General Car , a has not been Piet far tunyyurc
So much for temperate !mhos and a clear met.
—The papers of all panie% rejnice a; !he Sena's
rejection cd Georle Sande s, - he Loudon coriespone,
ent .11114. New Yolk Fter-Aid
Planters, Farmer..., Families and other. ear par.
chase no Remedy equal to Un. Tosis;
LIN I lit7er, for Dyaentery, Cho le. Croup. Chrome
Rheumatis.n, Sore Throat, Toritherne.Sea Sicklier),
ruts. Burns. Swellings, Bruises, Old Sart Held.
ache, Mosquito Bites, Pains in the Limbs, Clint,
Back, etc.
it it doe.. not give eerier, the money will be inland
ed—all that is asked, is a trial, and use a senator
to directions.
It is an English remedy. and was used by William
the IV., late King of England, and certified to be
him. as a cure for rheurnatr.m, 'alien every that
else had failed.
Over t 0 000,0(10 bottles have been sold io thr fd
ted States, without a single fai!Ure, and mast have
stated they would not he without It if it ass taper
bottle, to case of Croup, as it N as certain as
Dr. Tobias has poi op a Frnets L 5151,7 in pint
bottles, :Ouch is warranted cheaper and better aus
any other for rholic, scratches, old sores ,
swellings, cuts. bruises. etc.
It cures Cholera. when first taken, in a few boom
Dyientery in half an boor—toothache in bre miner.
It is perfectly innocent to take intermit)), arid 11 re.
commended by the most ennnrnt physicians la dts
Untied States. Pt ice 25 and 50 ern!,
Dr. Tobias could fills doren newspapers wither
Wince* and letters rt laying it, the wonderful cure
accomplished by his Liniment, but cm.soiere wet
ranting it sufficient. as any person who dues nut co:
lain relief need not pay I,r it,'
Price 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Greco
etch street, New York.
For sale al Dr. H. C. Powrza's Drug Start, Tor.
ands. Pa
SOLNA LAST. H. V.;IsA wen.
n. Express. • 31 12 84 Nigh! ElpreSS, / 11
;111E:pressor ss 10 09 Way Express,
urn Ace. •st 6 2010uff..10 Ex. ? 111
kiri Ace. •sr 1 25f %tail Pass.
ly Pass. ' rM 5 15
dl Pasa. a at 7 24
itralo Es. r lit 12 41
A not stop at Waverly
Will, farther notice, Ince Towanda t
:lock, noon. evnnectini with the Dniral°F
Int West, and all the evening trams bur
turning. leave Waverly after
rht and morning train..
r the Tonkhannock
L tee C persons indebted.or haw= nni
with K. G. Craw. will pleasc cif
me, as the books and Dotes are left
tither, at the Store formerly occur'
N. B.—No costs will be made on
d before.the 10th May next. a
Monroeton, Feb 20. ISM.
Is.i.ust tecOving a genera l assortmen t "
GOODS. which will be sold as, a' al ,'
thin:ginj' other establishment in' To
putiedarly Invites the attention of die
the unusually largeaurl.general assontot
ant] llittoes, especially for LADIE6 &)11:0
ot Whinh will - be wld 15 per cent. char
be' hart elsewhere. 511:
'11:11,"--es11 persons indebted to m e by bo ,
of?udidient, over one year standing , vg l e a t i
euted `to the trial payment of the saste' vro , f
of March nest, without farther polies.
Semen; this means just what it reads.
L Townrnla, Feb. 20, 1854. J. IL PH'"
Pt i oaraisda Female Seristro".
rr HE third term id the 'rowlock. /041:01
Aar will comineece rr0.,0
rrbrn.i.y 1. lq:.1
Elmira Ace. r
Freight No 1 r g