goi(hdif. CLOTHING STORE• • • ca COLUNS Pi PO ELL ESPECT F .1.1. Y inform the ritizins • "count,what they twee npetted hpAihet,s at BriCkßint; lately occupied by Rent" , Campbell, oud ore now receiving ['rout New fork a large; .tuck • 'Clothing, Cloths and Trimmins L -111114-ever berars, ,-ffered i,i thi4 market, eoneri4ing or ;Owes, Oress. Frock and Sack Coats; Pants, Vests. Cksths, Passitneresr, Vestinsea. and Trimming , . White and Fancy Shirts, Collars, Cravats; Scarf.. iftock;, Gloves. ir 'Awl, Vl' caner., Drawees, iiito• We would also invi a attenti.vn to our Dlanufacttiring 11.1partrisont, t 4 which we maks to killer, on s't ,tice, all ..ty los or tiathilia. Clattiaz demo to ortr And ..trr I. igiut cor.LIN —Tawin 11.114 y. A. l VA 4 :: " 019S3LUTION. 'MOT= is hereby given .hat tht romartnetship 1. 1 1 heretafore existia; un t i , r the firm of J. & S. Alexander was this day diasAyed by the withdrawal ef Nathan Alexander. Nhe business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned firm, (consisting only of Jacob Alex ander. Solomon Alexander. and N. t. Solomon) it the old stand in Arnnes Hall; Nn. 7 Water st. Elm'. ra ; and at No. 2 MercarNi Inc ravranda l Pa.: where the undersigned wiliAe happy to receive a continuance of the patronage which has been so lib, *rally extended to their predecessors. ALEXANDER - 4 & SOLOMON. All accounts due J. 4 S Alex older & Co., must be settled in thirty d tys* from tills date. Towanda, Oct. 13, 1853. CLOTHING STORE. ALTAIMILNDESS & SOLOMON, TN the Brick. Mock•. nest door to !Amara store have just added to their stock, a large and fashiuna 14e assortment of Ready made Clothing, •D•PTED TO TaK SEA fON, at every variety,both of style awl price. to w hich they ask the attention of the public. This in now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !!, lam will be sold at prices considerable lower than ever before known in this place. Our goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and offer inducements,not to be mot with at any other establishment. Strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing wyll End TWE LARCEsT ASSORTMENT at our establishment , , in this section of the coyn try, GedAnade in such style and material,' aft to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavo'r by LOW PRICES & GOOD CLOTHING, to secure petronage. feeling confident that our arti cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. The,assorttnent corn priNes every article required lfer kgentletnan's outfit. TERMS—CASH. Ocercouts,Conts Pants, ()crowns Caps .15 - c Locarloss.—Nitxt door south of Mercur's Main ttt Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall, thnita. cciAn kinds of Country Produce, Wooloic., tak es in exchange for Goods Towanda, be 'ober 12. 1853 TWICE BURNT OUT ! aricalgm Over J. Kingsberg's Store— Entrance next dem to Aloolpyes' Store, tip ',lairs. GRATEFUL fcr past favors, announceiln his friends'aml the public in general, that he still keeps pn hand d good asooriment of 1111.11)s !fine csouttrio, which he will sell cheap for Casa. He believes that a • Nimble six pet.ce is worth more than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him. self in the city. a d employs none but the best of workmen in making them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let coldly the job to unexperienced nr incompetent work men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any ponion thereof, can order the same with a perfect cettainty offetting a good fit. He bai also on hands general assortment et gem, namen's Sheila and Collars, whi :h be will sell cheap for cash. irr Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friends to calhon him at his new quarters, ever J. Kingsbery's store, and iin media ely opposite it'lliereur's Law Office, bet .re buying elsewhere. iteitilf.you are wanting, you surely can find. rla% Pants and Vests jitst made to your mind, No nide and's° snug they'd suit to a T„ era pktfectly fine, there's no room for a flea. Ityciarlinen wants changing.and sometimes it will, You'll And shirts and collars fora very small bill; Ciotti* then one and all, who are out clothes hunting. Asd you can be fitted by GEORGE H. llu.svisra N. H. He is sole Agent for Etas Howes Jr. „-; ratent Sewing 2ffachine, for the conntiei of Bradford and Su.q nehann a. Any Wpm wishing to purchase the right for using the above _Machine in said counties, can be accommo dated by calling on him, where they can see itepe• rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is Air beat patent DOW in use. Its validity has been eittabiished by trial at law in Boston, in July. 1852. This Will resulted in fully confirming and establish ing the Claims of fiowe's Original Patent to the ex elnaiyelight and use of all needle and shuttle Ma. eJilisei, or their equivalents, and the stitch and seam formed thereby- G. if. B. The public are cautioned against purchasing spu rious alachines,as all dewing Machines now in use infringe upon this invention, and all parties who have infringed, by using Machines or otherwise, who wish to savetegal expenses, may obtain proper NOUNS ander the original patent by applying as above. Tomas. August 15, 1853. LATEST NEWS .111031 The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, AND GENT'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Matt dt Wells, 'Merchant Tailor!, Mthe I of announcing to thecitizena of ilford County, that they hare just received did - largest and most fashionable stock of PALL & WINTER CLOTHING, ovir brought into' old Tina: consiating in par. of the fallowing ortichie: _ _ Over. Dress. Frock- and Sack Coats ; Vests; Pants, Drawers, Wiappers, Overalls, Wrecks, Oravats,Collars, Pocket 11'.1k1a,&e. CNA: and Trimmings constantly on hand—also duo fall fashion of Hats and Caps. *.iiiselt it( Furnishing Goods is orninipuseil in iteartesinprising everything necessary for • gen ' eioutflt. Pmiento, attention will,be paid to our i - a.auezala% Ravi* niasieslithif bled New York Fashions s we are prepared to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a geofftwinamm_.curriNo done on short notice, sa4MignitlPd te:Alt if properly niade utf. - - .1, • MOTT & WELLS.' • • - Broad st.. Ant door east of the Post Office. Noc.lll. 18113. y ' • 300148 W B. I IRROLS, fit for Pork, or Cider, tor sale at 75c each, by S. 'mop/ 4 co, rowaada. An. to, 1833. .7"otaiimmits'isolisf - U 0 STORE! Y { ~_r P. PIYIVELI, IS now being:replenished withst full opal complete stock ut Denise, IVirktdi cin et% Points, Oils, rarnishm, ll'iniinte Gloss, Pure Wines and Diquprs. & . 't - s la short, every thing connected with the trade. The Goods have been bought extremely lo w,, for cash, and will be sold accordiuelY• • N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's Foot Oil just received. aY R • the place-3 doors south of Men , tanye a corner—some building of the • Argus Mite.' July 30, 1553. _ ' NO. 2 NAXOS 111,01 V, BUD.NT OUT, BUT STILL ALVE! la REMtWED to the store recently occupied by . S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors south of Montang4 corner where he bas received a full, n'w and complete stock of DRUGS. MEDI CINES, CROCERIES,&e. which he will sell cheap' er for cash than ever. Flerky ou will find annexed a few leading articles: Scotia Alex., • ()spur's Cordial do \lndia ftix Opi Cream 'Etirtat Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hait Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd , Ointment, Trasks do Carb, do Daltey's do S S do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3 Colocy nth • do Extracts do Apple Tilden's Alcueolic E-x't Cochineal , Intel Extract Trusses Hulls talon Extract , do Ma rshee, Meakines Vanilla Ex't in Shaker, do Lemon do _.s. Balsam Winters do Mace do do Chresmans ~a do Almond do do Fir - do Cloves do Copabia I do' Allspice do do Tolu do ' Nutmegs do Ao Peru , do Peach it, do Pulmoffary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Acetic, do Tooke do do Benzonic Lubin'- Springfluwer do Citric: do Musk do do Nitric do \'iolette do do Oxalic . do Magnolia do do Hydrocyane do Sweet Bret do do Sulphuric do Jesmirt do' Oil Linseed • do Jock'v CI% do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do Neatsfoot syrings, Pewter as'in'itt do Almonds do Glass du do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red-doI ,du G. E. do Anisi Rad Rbei Turk do Caraway . do do do Croton • do Ipecac do Cobebs do Jalap do Commie do Ginger White do Fennel, do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do Cos, ia do Opi Turk - do Cod Liver do Myrrh Tint • , do Lavaridula U do Arabic do do Nerolt do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg - do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda • do Rose - actor Russ do Cedrat,lsinglass do do Copabia !Evens Lancets do Ergot - tNitra Silt-er, Op't do Verbena lOxid Ilisnuth du Irioiene Blue Pill I mer. do Mellesse lodide Potass Jo Mellefluer Tart do do Patchouly Carb do Brushes, Psint - I.stil ph do do Varnish 10anstie do do Hsir Citrate Fri do Hai r,Came I lodide do do Nail Taunin do Tooth Proto lot Mercury do Shaving Strychn i a do Flesh Piperin do Cloth Elateroun 'do Hat lodine Soap. Yankee Veratrin do• ystalline Kreosote do E ng. Wind Low's Hydra Corn Cram' I ; if do( Ampers Morphine Solph do Rose do Act do Victora Calomel, American do Orange I do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Castile Sulph Zinei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Savin do Pale Gold do Drown do Dark do Fricopherons do White Pain Killer , Gold Leaf, Op 't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitiart Red, English Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nested with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. HUSTON, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with peat care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. . All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec. !oriel, schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow -Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobenikelos, and Jaynes' Vcrmifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use - constantly ottthand and for sale at • REED'S Drug Store. - Threelltities befit* IdiaidansWa sorrier. Towanda, January 3, 1853. S. ALEXANDER, 8. A LEX A N R, M. E. SOLOMON. 4t icon 4• 60BARRELS ofold 'Ohio Wiluikev just received and for said wholesale and retail, al Reed's Drug Store, 1.8 QUINTLES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, 6 barrels of Salerntas, warrented in prime order, le ft on sale at ; New York cash prices at REED'i4 Drug Store., Towandn. Jan. 28, 1853. icier' Pork 1 9 6 .E.. 1 )2 i tiVel."l°. ` g o; ()flier. for sale cheap at REPAYS DRUC7BTORE. 'Rept. 4. Ma. _ descri Yoe-ladies and inici.es, alep. " B: bask aiAtabikirlan" wear, jai( ree*Al by eept 10. J. row F:7l. - Ltlmtellancoits. Awunws.lissatitaravafai, r.- ADVERTISEMENT Bradford Count". Pernmylvanla Straw Cutters. HOB M . 'S Patent spina knife Hay and Straw Cut ter'', of varinua Ogee. No, 1,2, 3,4, 6 and 6. Price--$4, $O, $lO, $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cut— ters are better and c:leaper than the straight knife Cut let:, with knives set diagonally on the shaft. The knives on Hovey's Cutter are spiral, which enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide roller: They cut steadily, with no jerking-31 , . easily kept in repair. Etch knife can he taken off and shar— pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives) and if necessary each knife can be set nut or in, so as to keep theta all true, if one knife should wear faster than another. Every farinershould have one of these :attar and feed saving maehirtee. t Y Pim sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. • IL M. WELLES. Athens. Ps., November 10, 1855. Bradford Comity Premium Corn.Shelicrs, AviIIirLESALE and Retail! The very beat article to be found it the county, and chespost—(war— ranted)—for sale at the Agricultural and stove store of Nov. 10, 1853. 11. ELLES. STOVES! STOVES! COOK STOVES, of various and excellent patterns and sizes—several patterns of superior Elevated Or f tts, anion r which is a combination of the Clinton and National Air Tight, culled the EAGLE. Alan a will selected stock of elegant parlor, hall, shop, church and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of sizes and prices to su:t all classes of customers. Call and see. Nov. 10. R. VT. WELLTIS. Sausage and Mince Meat Cutters. PRICES $4 and $5 Every farmer should has.. one of these ereellant labor having articles; they air capable of totting front 100 to 200 pounds of meat per hour, and are very simple, portable and easily kept in repair, for sale by Athens, Nov. 10, 1R53. R. M. WELI.E-;. TO THE, TRAVELING PUBLIC. R. OLMSTED, Nora, roe of the Athens ILL Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends, and the traveling pull:m-generally. for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance &the same. AN OM \IBUS, will rats regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trams for the accommodation r it strangers and travelers, who %visit to visits pleas, ant village on business or otherwise. A daily fine of first rate Four Horse Coaches, are running through to Towanda. Those nishing will be insured a seat in the coach from this place and those going to the R A 0 A I) An stop at Athens, and spend an hour or in and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the re g ulartrains of Cars -mtn g East or West. Also those who wish to leave their teams' here e...n be conveyed to and from the cars free of char 2 FRESH AND NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING tic SUMMER liGa- OCIII GC) ILD -iii • PILONTII2MEO & CO. CORNER of the Public Square and ! l ain Street, Towanda, Pa., respectfully give notice that they are now opening and receivmc direct from the City of New Yor 4 k, their NEW STOCK oh SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their formrr stock on hand, comprises one of the largest and best selected assqrtments to be found west of New Yot it. Raring been purchased at QM GREAT B - ARGAINS! They are enabled to offer them cheaper than ever.— They invite particular attention to their assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods Consisting of Jaconet and Swiss 11findins, Printed Lawns, Clinghams, Bar'd Mustins, Merrimac, Cocheco,Fr_ll River and other styles of American Prints, in endless variety, a large assortment and for sale cheap. They have also a large variety of YANKEE: Nn- TT , INS, embracing almost every thing from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Satch- el. They invite particular attention to their assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles Also, Spring and Summer Hats, Boots and Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro ' ceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware 4c.. Their Stock has been sele...ted with care, and will bti sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary —rive us a call. and we will show you our goods . and prices, and convince you that the above is fiction. Our motto is, " Smill Profits & Quicl Returns. MONTAN ES & GO. Towanda, March 16, 1853. LOOK. AT THIS, ALL OF YOU ! Grand Distribution of over $ 3000 Worth of Presents! RAND MOVING PANORAMA, (Military.) 1.3 - ' , which consists of over Four Thousand Moving Figures I—among which may be seen Napoleon and his army crossing the Alps. Also, the Chemung Encampment, consisting of the 59th and 60th Regi• menus N. V. State Militia. Also, the reception of the Elmira Fireman on that occasion. This Diora. ma is the best moving one in the country, and has cost more than it is put up for, viz., $1,200 One Grand Moving Diorama of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, showing all the travels of Pilgrim from the City of Destitution till'he arrives safe in the CC. lestial City. This splendid exhibition has all the paintings connected with it that any Panorama has ever bad, which is alone worth more than it is up for, viz, gl,OOO One splendid Panarama. consisting of 120 views on the Mississippi, Ohio, and . Hudson rivers. worth $2OO Two beautiful Building Lots, located in the Third Ward of the village of Elmira, worth $2OO each, $lOO One splendid seven octave Piano, $350 And 245 splendid and costly Presents—amounting, in all, to $5,052 worth of property, the beet of which may be had for One Dollar ! As the value of the Presents amounts to $5,052, there will be the same number of tickets issued at One Dollar earth. Each ticket will admit the holder four timts to the exhibition of the Military Diorama ; also to Ae share, of the whole property named fur distribution. The Grand Moving Military Diorama will be exhibited in Elmira on the 15th of January, 1854, and continue on exhibition till the shares are all taken. It will also be exhibited in each town where there are Ofty shares taken. As soon as the .hares are all taken, each share. holder will be notified, and a meeting called. (of the stockholders) at which the property above named will be banded over to a committee chosen by the stockholders, for them to make the distribution ac cording to the voice of the majority of the stockhol ders—either by lot or lottery. All orders for shares wilt receive prompt attention if addressed post paid to S. B. ELIATHuRP, Agent, Elmira, Chemung Co. N. Y. Cy . All orders must be accompanied with the7mo ney, and pest paid. Persons ordering shares will please be particular and give their post office address plaiis. so that no mistake mad clean. E. WALKER, ticket agent, Ulster, Bradford Co. xrAILE , Hand-saars,House Trimmings.ntasc.Put. ty, Sash &c, just rercived by rIIINNEI..I; flkbical. Apr iiii,anik,Aw er.L--- -we • In ti ,TOWANDA. DR.. If. C. PORTER, NV holesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GILOCESIZI, LIQUORS, &c. Paints, Oils, Varishes, Window Glass, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, • Dye Stiffs and Burning Flnids. Regular Agent for itie following genuine popular PATENT MEDICINES : .. , Dr. Jaynes' Medicines—Ayre's Cherry Pectoral I Alterative, Vermifuge Schenck% put. - , yrup Expectorant, Liniment Houdand's bitters Hair Dye,&c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic 011 , Dr.Fiwayne's do Indian Cholagogne Dr.Keeler's • do Leon's rat pills Brant's,Bakam & Ext Pile Medicines Orrick'S V ermduce Salt linetrut and niter Craefetiberg Medicines ointment, Oargling Oil Trash's mae do Pain Killers Sriavin & founder it, Galvanic belts, &c. kicAllisier's du Heave & Condition putt. lEye waters Rock Rose i Cepliodie s nuff Uterine Uaiholicon Corn salve Tooth ache drops Stiekii‹. d,,. Hair in.iguratur & dyes Wisi,Ar's bal. m,ild clierry Bed bug poison Veinal,. Pills . To wnseurs Strsapatinal Bullard' , oil soap i Plasters and Pills of allll3alsam Life , kinds. Harlem Oil And many others, not (.lA:it/et:tied, al %ail ante II genuine. , , i l n'''' Remember Dr. PORTLICeI Dtug si. , l Citern , cat Store'is iii the South cod of the Wari ILittae. ft int.; in? the Public square. H. C. PORTER, M. D. OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, pEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything n:ce in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tnb'e■, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer• jean Marble, or Mack - Stones of all sizes, can have them on the shortest notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and better than can be I or chased elsewhere. Chester Wells, Cabinet Maks , r and underta -lier, nearly opposite the Ward liuuse. To•e Agent. G. W. I'll 11.1.11':4. 'Powatia i March, 3!, 1E153. amas, VlN.lmroml w 4 S- 0:0:j Important to Eausciscepers: THE , übscribrr thankful for the :::5741: " 2 , 6 ",.... 7 .,,,,... Th - liberal patronage heretofore re. ..17-1 • ...If' ' l -::-., ceived, beg , leave to inform hi ...„,.. A ._ .! L !.7 - - - t qi friends and Lice pub;te genetall, I TIM: A l and those commencing }lons 6 ''' '' ''" -- L'.-- '' . k •)ic , in Lulu:At:at that he ha. .., . -• ~--.....,.... et i i 1,.., hand i _, . , c al i ;now on a lare ass( rime • - of FURNITURE, which he wi 1 warrant to be rnae.e in a sub.:al.:la! inaliner, and I Or! beet material. BUREAU:S, such as mahogany anal walnut dr , s - ing bureaus, marble ann plain tops ; mahogany an. (walnut washstands, marble top., and plain, t•f di '- ferent pattern:, Gard and end tablcs, Saas Ct,ud - es, whatnots, &c. BEAUSTEADS.—dish. Fie:d, French and 1.4 post headsteads, finished in ha mkoine .tile and 01 I approved patterns, together with other furniture us .. , ally called for, all of which will be sold on the ino t accommodating terms. . . GO' The subNeriher is also provided with a plai and fashionable HEARSE, and ho:dhimstilf i readiness t, attend to all orders in undertaking,. He will furnish tee boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept tor a week. COF FINS READY MADE. %1 ELIA. N. B.—Furniture of all kind made to order, an warranted to be of the best matt rials and workma ship. Towanda, January 17, 1812, NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public th t they have taken the shop formerly occupied b • Adam taenwine, on Main street, nearly opposi Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do a I kinds of BLACKS:II [THING upon reasonable term . They arc determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share public patronage. HORSE-SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to bb well done, and manufactured from the best matierisl i . The public are requested to give ns a trial, and jud. fur themselves. ESEN WINE de. SEEI3ISCHH. Towanda. May 2, 1851. • NEW ARRANGEMENT) THAIIVY PHINNEY, Jr., having purchased for . Cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire sock of Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost i) New York, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mert chant in Towanda has or can buy) is prepared tic A sell for CSII, more Goods for one dollar, than an . man will sell for nine shillings! Thi• stock is large, embracing all articles usually found in Store, viz—Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Bont's and Shoes, Leather, Nails, Sash, Glass. Hats, Caps and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above, and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of Main and Bridge streets. Towanda, July 18, 1953. , ST A GI S LEAVE Towanda for Merenea *----- rnills,Eirirlington,East Smithfield Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de- Itfl • pot on N. Y. AC E. R. R., every MONDAY, Win. EsnAr and FnIDAT at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of elks either east or west, same day. Returning Tvasn►r, TninumAr and Bs-rutin/4, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also th i e Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. Fs s :—Towanda to Mercur's mills, " to Burlington, " to East Smithfield, " to Ridgebery, to Wellsburg depot, 1,25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered At moderate charges. LI: M. BULL, Proprietro Towanda, Oct 8, 1852 PORK BARRELS.—The placo to buy first rats 1. Pork Barrels cheap, is at ha. 4. S --- ;- - ti ALT FOR SAL re E.-100 Barrels of dolt ceived this day and for_ sale by Jane 15, 1853. ,BAILEY & NEVINS. tattatitt:' ,• • f f FUR , 21E 011111 - 1/1711 0 MP:A,* ; ' „ FoQ yilosr.,wso.iikvz MONEY OR .VROPERTY !!! -. • . , Do , you, Fifet , to sell or mortgage • r estate I Have you 0 baud and mortgage you wish to sell I Have. You houses, taverns, or tate, thit'you wish to sell or lease Have you a mill, factory, foundry, tannery, or oth. er manufacturing establishment, that you wish to sell or tent? Have you ifCPII ore, , ,eosl, potters' or fire clay, or other , minerals, you 'wish to sell or have workell on ghares'il • Have you land that you would like to beve'drain. • ed or cleared. by contract or on shares Have you watctr - POweit that . ..yin: wish to rell, im• prove, orrent Uo yPu want additional capital, or a partner in your buttineCa ! Do you want to.sell your stork of merchandise Do you w at to form a Company tp motel capital for any spetiffaioijeitit.! ',/ '., i• t I I). you wish to ,exchange-your property!for other party l 1 i • •, , . l • Do you want in your ntilibbtiihnOd mills,• found ries, tat/Pei- 4 14 Qg other mantdacturie* I - Have you any 'melt lesferfirnpaowernent in Machine. ry, or in the arts, which you want . Pa. sell. of which yod want means to manufacture 'I ' If you have any 9f the above.wauts, or others of a simile: character: - Ind 'will ' inclose to our address, (post•paid.) a legible, clear and exact descriptrou of them ; and if property,its locality, proximity to ca nal. railroad,.or navigable water, to churches, schools, mills, stbres, 4C.C-/ the lowest terms on which you will sell mortgage. lease, exchange, or otherwise dis. pose eh : and if you will also inclose• to us a Reg- Wration fee of $l, (the receipt of which will be. ac knowledged,) your, want shall be recorded in our ', Pegister, and your letter placed on the file designated I for your, State and County, for the inspection, free of 1 ' , I charge, Of those who are seeking to purchase, lease, ~ exchange, or invest. It .We make do charge to any for examining our • Register and . files. When they make known their wishes. they', are referred to your own statement of , your wants z and as we have Maps of the dill; rent j states, and of such Counties as we have been able ' to procure : and as we employ agentti to visit the ves sels and steamers tbal arrive will) Immigrants, (01 whom from ],OOO to 6,000 are daily arrivin ,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the hotels ; and as we advertise ill the ' i principal papers of the city of New York, and in v a n. one forms throughout sll of the states, its well as the ti different countries of L'Oropt , from .which Immigrants I • I come, and' where we expect one of our Firm will fur I the prernt,resis!e, and where also we shall agents an the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all 'who wish to purchase, exchange, Lase, or invest, to visit our "Mike, toillemai charge— We arc confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practistd. ~, , , f or you :-.•• Th e ovsl 'pi ACC you to effect a sa lt', lease, ex . 'i chsoxe or loan on your property, is in its immediate vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next beat place i• in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi grant, or settlers of any class here is the place so obi fain them: . Because here at all times and seasons, there are from 80,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of sti horn are seeking for investments or hum; s. ' Because tb•re are probably 100,1100 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. t , Because here is contrated a great proportion of the surplus capital o he Union, seeking investment. Because here, money is ordirlarily worth f rom 5 to 7 per cent. per annum, on Ml , lnil I .ted security, while you can aff trd to give as ample security, or other in ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte rest, either in annual income or increased value. Because here, an examination of our flies will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found, sti hich they seek. Because 'here, there is an opportunity to exchsoge country or other city property, for property in this city or its vicinity. Because a person, by spending a few hours in our office, without charge, rr - 1 obtain more information of the property in market throughout the country. and the wants of community, than by months of tray, I. Because, finally, here in the commercial metr,ipolis, where is concentrated the money and want, of a vu , t m•miti:ode throughout this and other countries, by re conlibg the opposite, but corresponding wants of our countrymen, both parties, those who wish to ' , Lochs,. and thosm who desire to sell, ran be mutually Israelites' In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any -respect: fiir if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his romps+ %on of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other• wise disposed ot, it is required that we shall be i m m e . diately informed of the fact. As we do not i•ropose to sell, but negotiate, and send purAntscrs to tl c own ers, no-special authority to us is requislte ; but when it is desired that we should sell, author ity must be gisen. Our cotntnissions on sale-, exchanges, itr., are 2 per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat . ters requiting special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. 0.2 r Several farms in the same neighborhood often and a moo, ready sale than a single farts, as Immi grants desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KN.\PP Sr. co. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, Yew York. Refer to Courtlandt Palmer E-q. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; Hon. Alvin. Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Gor.Wood, Oh Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio; Hon. R. W.Thompson, la.; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams, Mich Hon. Rob't Smith, Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowa ; Hon. J. R. Doty, Wis. (O'For Ruttier information inquire of HARVEY McALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell, Esq.) Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. 44y ME OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION? THE subscriber would an ( -- R nounce to the public that lie / have now on hand. and will make • ; to order all kinds of ---.. 1.-tr.. / Cabinet Furniture, • .; such as Sofa s,Diyana, Lounges t ::t-si ' - Center, Card, Dining arid Break etfast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Cherry Borealis, .... Stands of various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the beat material and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can he bought in any other Ware-room in the country. ... itzuusr-meats oorrnirs, on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HE.AIISE will be furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Towaula, June 1, 1852. SOOTS tc SHJES! Zohn W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishment to H. Mix's store, cornqr of main street and the public square, and will condone the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as he retofore. He has just received from New York a large assort. ment of Konen's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which are oge,red At low prices. The attention cf the Ladies is paricularly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles :—Enamelleil Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskins,&c. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A large aasortmentof Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. 37 50 61,1 1,00 For t 'he Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters end •shdes. This stock has been Personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. a:Tillie strictest attention paid to Manufacturing. and he hopes by doing work well to inetit a conting ence of the: liberal patronage he hue hitherto receiTel. Towanda May 8, 1853—, FELTON & CO ilop opt( 84 quantity of Tiltk'or Island kiolt fbr sale ht- LIAtILEY & 11.4/MINS; ..rl - Altielt Maio! '..*0j' 7 ; 2 1,.-.• -i";'... - ' BR Y ,<2 . - . ...: • ~.,-...: .... I, t 1 A' -- ,tv)Li-7 . •--;ef.i.' ' • ~. 1,414 -, 41 1 1 1 .t....i.„-_-:,...„..._±.,..„-, .__ T IjjS estraortlimary preparati J- ny years the most certain al for Cocoas, Copia, Asnix., ba, 4sti DIVICASESOP 711 Z Cues" those nuffering from obstinate act they give the most immediate at when great liability to take cold lesome CapgLsucceeds the rligl wArEits pr I M - nce the most m: at once relieve the Cough and t euiirsly remove tbat morbid in ness of the Lungs which give ri: 'flit:medical properties are comb, ble (orm and pleasant to the ta rt will readily take them : and die, w 'zjire relief in ten minutes aftei Price 25 cents per box. For PORTER, Towanda, Pa. . Towanda, Feb. 9.1853. Attention Zegiment ! , MAKE READY! TAKE AIM!iIRE! JOHN E. GEIGER, would say to his old Mediu th e public at large, that be bag constantly on and manufacturing Rides arid Hbot Guns Ar., do Among his assortment of Gong may be iinind Doe an d srogle barrelled Guns, Rates of all kinds warram. Powder Flasks, 'hut Ppuches, Game Bags, Prime tA. Also, Powder, blot, Caps of the best qsa, ty• A llet,s' six Frit relied Revols Ing Pistols, do slug barrelled self cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double 66 Pi,tcas and common steel and b%5 Pistols. F r-i F . F. F. G., Powder in Cant cze stvlitly o n bari.d. It ny of the a ii.w e articleb will 1 e .sold awful .4 1 ror the Rcady Pay. Kees of and, kind littt J to Doi.rit. Trunks or other kind oft) k ~n shin t thitice and reaponablelt,ra Repairing done with neatne,ii And deiyatch, few rods nor•h r r the Bradford House. Towanda, M ty 22. 14"2. J. F.. crlcEr. LlQtrOltS ! LIQUORS i THE Su sct l'.era hata • •,w.lcortartort•;tr under toe I .in ofd FEL I OA A. CO, A. i trig gehera..L.quor a .c;,l respecfll ask Hotel keel r, and a!: :n-r• u ant uf thing in their line to girat:.ein a can. Ir t keeping on hand a genera. 1i,,q1u,,.nt Liquors, which we can -<.!,; encor e ,. than am oe rise an the county. ft urn the feel that we bon Er., from the importers, and thereby sane a lar.ie Orn charged by the N.Y. intoltert. : Liquors ar. Wl7ll ed pure and Ire fr..,n ado: esation. Mat• usitar ly on hand Whiskey of 11,!- T ,tr un i.,.,. made arrangements by a hot nee can for-.,y customers with any (panto, o 1 Llin?harnAttEE fresh from the Brewery. Pleaert vise to a sal The notes and acctrultta .:,e firm ta.f. ton & Co., are in our Towanda, Dec. I. 185:: AM. lEEE:. :VW CLID Ilarness & Trunk linnevlo IER i. l'l . l,1 3 etz , . 1 , G. , ;ut t h at they' h a y,. /cu., to .be clop recently Occupied by hninfi lirt• . . the Ward tlocse, where they will brtp large stock ,f ad.:1).41 I= artki in made Of the !,•st iteri•4l, u. ia be Stllpas,4ll in Norihe r cull from lhot.e Wl. l lll/17 to r.teid,ut they ran g?ve satiq'arti.m and.Shetp t-,Tri 1.1 wuri an account, at the lay.es.t sale 1, , ,,t4er, p , ,• L Lrrda Calf .skin, for t-ale 111 all) %.1.1111:ty. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ()N account or los , e. strAained nt the late urt, v ore obliged to coil oft tho-e tnkt died to ttoe. 8 prompt seit!.. 'went, n, we ate 4t, •1... r the ilefes ,, having that is ()Wing t' uz. we trust nonce a. he start:lett( wllhk.u: n. rh g weans Toveinda. Itec FEE Removed to B. kilibor)'s BlucV Cita ill be i ill - I I:t , vtult,vt: ftninthe CRT of few f orb, with a lam - - supply of Watches. lewelry sc.! `}-,"lvey were, com p ni..,ne in ladlad the followt . ne articles:-nett:at—Lew. e 4 , c. • L'Epine and Plain Watrbe• ■ rti , a complete assortment t.l God Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, FI , I• ger Rin Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gate chrhar Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of z , ifrerwr, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he dui for sale eaceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, any tem-all/ 1 to tun well,or the money will be refunded. mi ere ten' agreement gi•ert to that effen if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Countrt fir' triken in payment for work; and ad:). I-1-n or..ar nirreer,thal the Produce must be paid when:igrr ire done-1 war against credit in all W. A. CHAM BERLIN, Ar. Towanda, April 28, 1852. LOOKING GLIOYS PIATEs cut and fi::eit any size, to be bad at the Jewr:ry May IS, 1852. W.. 1. CH:MEWS HANG OUT . THE BANNER! ! A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom fat Iry • a horse and cuspinerc to take 2.71 , 1: the goods. N0:,%1:....as dog l'ne •11 „o : , h dl i s m a s s e tr l r asgafiirne.! A. WAh'NER And at No. I•Brick Row eon'' find Most anything that's in Its line. ' From a cambric needle of the finest kvl. To a jewelled watch of eighteen !nevi flat. Clocks which keep time accurate and trge , Breast pins of every style and hue, - Gold, silver, steel and plated ell:tins, Selected with the greatest paths. Finger rings, my gosh, why V. ha: a r.? Of every shape and every wvl , . To suit the old, the y. , ung, il r grist ' May there be seen in elegant array. And VittnsEn, who is himself a ello , '•• Is always ready and at his post. To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon 'tin to give a call. So with good advice make up rout m l°l '' To call on him and there you'll find Such sights, my eyek 0 ! what a nel Jewelry of every style and hue., 1:10•Don't mistake the place N'. I. Ric` where he is prepared to do all kinds of JOB—WORK in his line of busines, at the,ohespest rates that possibly be afforded He will also sell his at 20 per cent lower. than wan ever before ofr thi l s .o rba wa r ri k d e a t. , N a"7 ,v. C o a . ll l : s lo 2. seep . N. PAPILIL ILAILNGINGS ,„„ 'THEE only assortment of Paper Hangings k e .. . 11 this vicinity, with a fresh stock l ost cor r X at unusually low prices. O. D. BART I ' Towanda; April :l 1853 F I TON I FuX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers