, abbcrusengems. Li Clover Seed. i VTINTITY of West Branch Clover rived, just i received and for sale by J. POWELL. FfbrUnry 13, 1554. , ,_ CAUTION. • HAREAS. my wife, Margaret, has left me bed end board. without aor just - cause or provoca• thib is hereby to forbid all persons harboring rusti ng her on my account, as I Will pay no debts !ber c ontracting after this date. JOHN COTTER. Rome, Feb. I I. 1854. NOTICE. ',....'". IstCommissioners of Bradford Coun y have 11. fixed upon the fallowing days and dates re. 0. i/ectfully. for holding Appeals. viz :—A therm born', i' - ', tbens twp., Ulster, Sbeshequin. Litchfield and To south , on Tuesday, the 44th day rinds • 1 roanda boro', Towanda North. Wysoz, Monroe, Windham, Rome end South Bill. on Wednesday, : - . he zd. Albany, Asylum, Canton, Durell, Leßoy, 11 Overton and Wilmot, on Tuesday, March 7. Ar iinenia.Buthi.gton. Granville. Smithfield, Spring— :6od. Troy ham', Troy twp.. Wednesday, March 8. ' Columbia-. Rtdgberry, Sylvania boro', South Creek, k ending Stone and Wells. on Thursday, March 9. p. serriek, Orwell, Pike, Tuscarora, Wyalusing and E. narren. Fnday; March 10. ... The Assessors will he punctual in delivering the .:, : ;:lees to the taxables, and in making their returns person on the day designated in their warrants. at. oich time and place the Board of Revision will at . id, and hear all such as think themselves ag reved by said assessment, and make such deduc t 91 and alterations as to them shall seem just. By order of the Commissioners. E. M. F ARRA R Clerk. February 9, 1851. - . Notice to Builders. L'EALED Proposals mill be received by either of L' the subscribers, for Ntnishing the material and Alai , . a Presbyterian Church, ■t Wyalusing, on. .ne first day of March next. Plans, bills and . t .fications may be seen at,Wella & Bixby's store. L. P. sTALFOR HENRY GAY LORD, Building Com.- J. R. WELLS, iVs alusing„ Feb. 11, 1854. $lO =WA= 'ln be given for a coat taken from the Sher. itr, Office, in Towanda, on Tues4ay evening Wednesday morning on the Bth inst-, with a pair need mittens and a small book in the pockets. c at to of black brood cloth, red lining with , k 'dowers ; one outside breast pocket, two inside z•t tocketn and a pocket in each side, the right been torn down at the corner!' and darned or , If the Coat w a< ,tolen the above reward wit! r: yen Itr the c , tnytction of the thief and recovery , rttat—if taken by mistake it will of course be ,reed to the Office. Towanda, Feb. 8. 1854 (ALUABLE FARM "161 0i1.11,2i i I MUM:IO dispose of his property. in Sheshe , quirk township. Bradford county, Pennsylva. .Me •ut Nertber , trers it fur sale upon the most vor i 7l ,, e terms, and invites the attention of those , qpn:Z t, , purchase. , Ile pn.peity contains two hundred and forty-three -,,,. ot land, lying along the !Susquehanna river, ..n a large portion of river fists, of the very best 1 . i ..: v . I grain land, and well adapted for a dairy. I, The improvements are a large two story EXIT' BRICK HOUsE. built last year, and fin• i, 1 Ist 1 l I IV .bed to,i,no,ithheoubts.estastltyacleh,(:wd.ith7bhriecrek are k elanitchen 1—• ' , tiler Dwe!ling houses and three Barns, and i`.r 4 e double roofed sheds for stables and cattle. 1 - •re are also thrre ORCHARDS of choice apple et, and a young Peach orchard of 55 trees, selec n::h care. handred and eighty-five acres are under im --men% and the balance is c..vered with limber, as oak hickory, yellon &c.&c., all being zupplted with springs of water. 'his property was formerly in three farms, and now be hold to suit purchasers, either whole or and term., 0: payment made easy. It of , iiilizeernenr , rar•!r net with, being within 3} ' t. (the county ient). opposite the 11-2tich It miles from the New York rt an ' grit' I?..tdroad, and immediately upon the he pr•jected North Pennsylvania Railroad , r.: , •ation may be made to . LTSSES Mancon,Esq or the subserit r, upon the premises. .1n 2. I 01-IN IWIttAHON . . - "1:* the above proper•y is not sold by the tat of r•rh next. the Farms will be ?rated, reserving the ego of selling. E GOOD TIME HAS COME! MONTANYES & CO. i 11T. e , ,me to the conclusij:n that the time has come. that debts ran be collected, and after ciriz patiently fir Years, and finding the Good al aa, .raved, when farmers are realizing almost Epe for their Products, they hope this notice will '-• fit a more al tensice'one and that payments ..her te made in Grain at the present high pn “,r in Cash. 7hto Assortment of GOODS is replenished week tom New York City, and will he add. cheaper wail in the Great Emporium itself. January 31, 1954. LAUGULEN'S YSTER SALOON, TC,W ANDA, PA. Or<ters received three times per week by Expre.s, and served up in the most approved Also. a general assortment of, •series, Candies, ruts, Fruits, &C. Per , gold by the gallon, quart, or pint, at the it rains. ...Saloon next door to 0. D. Bartlett's store NEW BOOKS ST received— a new supply of School and Mis cellaneous Books. J. KINGSBERY. 'et. 22, I Ft • 'ISSOLUTION. BE Copartnership under wil;ch the subscribers have done business, is this day dissolved by taal consent. The business will be closed up by net Cl “): v. the Old Stand. Debts doe us must ' pia WELLES & HARRIS. "nl. Jan. 17.1854. Towanda Female Seminary. itt third tertnsf the TOWANDA FEPIALZ 8101i !ART will coihmence on Monday February 28, 0. D. HANSON. bruary 4, IRSI. 13111 ' 0 8T.S.NT NOTICE. le subscribers, Adroinistraiors of the estate of 0. ay, deceased, hereby give noCep that they will (I at the house late of sat I decacsed, on Tuesday 1 "inevd.9y, the ith and Sib of Match next, for tipose ( , ?' , .ettling said estate, All persona hay iaime will please present them in proper shape (lenient, and all persons indebted are notified settlement will be expected at that time - with- A. W. GRAY, ). W. GRAY. bruary 3, 1854 CAUTION. 'EAS, my wife Elizabeth, has left my bed buard without any just cause or Kovacs therefore, to forbid all persons trusting 7 ount. as I will pay no d'ebts of hereon. `lie date. • FRANCIS MILLER. •b. I, 1854. rtment of black,plaid and colored ' wool delaines, mouslin delaines, Atka, paramettm, &c' just 'receiv- J. POWELL. Bata and Shoes. description, for ladies and misses, mens' and ebildrens' wear, just reed by 0. J. POWELL. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of , Thomas Turk, - deceased. late of Litchfield township., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will' please present them duly authenti cated for settlement. TOWANDA, PA. • OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office of J. C. Adams, Esq. • Sept. 24. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. A.DMINISTRATOWB NOTICE. CORNELIA TURK,. BAWL DAVIDSON, Administrators Jan. 12, 1854 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED, deceased, late of LitChfieldtownship, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duty authentikated for settlement. BETSY TEED. Adm's • SAM'L DAVIDSON, • January 29, 1854. IL J IMULDELL 4TTOR.IrEr 4T LAT'', Office with the Register and Recorder, Tow•anA, PA. D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAST CALL] ALL interested will take notice that the notes and CI accounts due the late firm of H, S. & M. C. MERCI.M. •mtt.t be paid, and that I will attend at. the store of H. S. ?demur foi the purpose of settling these mat. ten, on Saturday of every week, until the !st day of February next, after which all remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of the proper officers for. immediate collection. December 10, 1853. M. C. MERCUR. Mit V, 0 &OCY! 9 WOULD inform her frierds, that she has just V V returned from New York with a full supply of SONNETS, and other MILLINERY GOODS and requests them to call and examine her stock. Towanda, Dec. 10, 1853. TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS GENERALLY. wE are under the necessity of having our pay on all Notes over due, and all accounts of over four months Funding, and we intend to have it; con.equently. if you expect to save cost, you must call and pay up immediately. Towanda. Nov. 9.53. HALL ¢ RUSSELL. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGSBERY S Now opeiong a New Broca ov , Goons, consist ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds MERCHAN DI Z E, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec. 10, 1853. WINTER Joseph Powell, Ts NOW receiving a large eit“ck of WINTER GOGDS, of every description, which the public is respectfully invited to call and examine, as sniff. cient inducement will be offered to those wishing to purchase, to make it an object for theth to do 60. Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853. - - -- New Arrival of WINTER GOODS ! HS. MERCUR has just received another large . assortment of GOODS, to which the attention of thepublic is respectfully solicited. , . Towanda, Dec. I, 1853. AA INK SKINS.--The highest price will•be paid in cash for any quantity of Mink skins, by Jan. 1, 1054. MONTANY ES' & CO. P.) 3-4 YIJ4 4=I,4;VA JMINTOSH, Dentist, has just returned from the . city of New York, with improvements in in• struments, material and sk,ll, end is prepared to at tend to person. requiring his professional services. He will be found at his old stand, next door to Mer. cur's Store. Towk . . nth', Jan. 2, 1851. NOTICE. W E have rt a c ti r m in itted urNihr.uWelflr..oLmlArntia. W ry 2 1L 1 5 8 113 5 N 1 The business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of FuLLEII, DATTON & New York . , Jan. 10, 1854. r i nOUR--A quantity of superfine flour, just re ceived, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda. Feb. 16, 1853. TO THE PUtLIC ! EA LEY & NEVINS, A"just receiving et their larg and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions. Groceries, Yankee Notions. Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Willow ware, tfc., making their stock the largest, most complete and best in Northern Penns) lvania, And the very liberal pat ronage they' have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they either sell chraper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth er dealeis. To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal pat. ronage we shell kill follow our old motto—"aaracc Knouts, QC IrK UKTCANS, AND ♦ regacrasrr RINLW ALL OF STOCK." Below we name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock : Groceries. Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper; spice, cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace, sods, saleratus, 'cream tartar, peppersauie, sperm and tallow candles, hard soap, vinegar, starch, 4-c. Provisions. Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shall, picketed herring, smoked herring, wheat flour , buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese., rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, dm. Fruit di huts. Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants; raisins, dried peaches, apples. almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Grey°, ble and Madeira walnuts, pee nuts, chestnuts, &e. Germanra ng Trench and Athean Toys, - • Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China & pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo, nieces, &c. Glass. paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet case , —toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks —plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting do pearl, ivory. papier mocks and leather port monism wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pod et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco sad snuff boxin cigar eases, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mcmaticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wit. low clothes baskets and market baskets. sugar and spice boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. n" - • Most kinds of country produce taken in examine for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS. Towanda, January 2, 1854. Fars'! Pars !! Alimit, of Fur yietorines and Cuffs of differen qualities. for sale AT COST IT Jan. 18.51. H. 8. LIERCUR. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, Pr HE svbscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage received the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of the very beet articles usually kept in our line, which as WILL dispose of on such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Cssn our easterners will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. U r ' Medial Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging only for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES , DRUCS, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & 'Scotch Ale. JILL 71IE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.) Superior TOBACCO dr. SEMIT'!----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Principe and Tara =GAMS ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIIES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSLIES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &'. FAMILY GROCERIES : flack and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &c REMEMBER THE E AND IT MOTTO— ' The best Quality If Assortment—Modarate Profits—Beady Attention to Customers—no Adalk-ration of Guods—Candul Advice as to Potent flcalcilies—and Clove Attention to Business." CHEAP WINTER GOODS. TS just receiving a general assortment of Nice 1. Goons at the corner ol Bridge and Main street: which were purchased principal:y fur Cash—at a very low figure, and he flatters himsef that he can sell goods as cheap as the cheapest. The public are respectfully ins-tied to call and examine his stock, which consists in part of GOODS ! Pouch,Oils, Dyes. 4c.. He would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity. that through theit untiring perseverance, he has abandoned the sale of intoxi cating-liquors. J. HARVEY PHINNEY. Oct. 2s, 1853. • TONS more of those cheap Sugars just recd eJ and for sale by PIJINNEY. TEAS—A few chests good and cheap for sale by PHINNEY. BOOTS & SHOES, the large s t and cheapest as sortment in Towanda; by PHINNEY. TIRES'S Good., of the latest Ftyles and patterns, -1-/ consisting in parr of Moulin Helaine., all wool delaines black 4. fancy silk., French, Foine-ttic and Scotch GLigherns 4- print., of every style by Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY. - _ HAl's, Cap., & Bonnets, a larg. a ,, ortment and cheap, he PHINNEY. CLOTHS, cassimeres, vesiings, siitiinets, jeans, and Tweeds of all deiicripiiiin, jii , t received by F — - - -- LANNELS—FrencIi, Domestic and Sain=l - sury, for sale by PHINNE W A n y ie E h t m a e l I c k a i n h d Isr ill beani y lumber for _ Oct. 24.1853. PHINNEY. The War Question Being Settled in 3EIE3 MEAD. X?" Eli:• viONTANYES & CO. have 'come to the ccnclu. .I.VI mon to enlarge their business, in view of the unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens at this and adjoining counties to the examination of their • Tall and Winter Goods• consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress Goods, as also heavy staples, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Harness and Car riage Trimmings, lion, Leather, , all of which vi ill be offered at wholesale or retail, at prices that cannot fail to please. Sept. I, 18:13. - - MS. ail. M. 11117 311 E WINTER GOODS, South Corner of Nectar's Block, Main Street, AhE now opening their stock of GOODS for the Fall and Winter trade, comprising a full and complete assortment, and.of the usual variety, which will be sold at a very small profit for Beady Pay. Among the assortment of DRY GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladies Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges. B:rege Delaines. nll-wool Delaines, Lawns, plain and printed ; Ginglwms, English, Scotch and American ; Poplins, Prints if all shades and colors 4 . c , 4-c Air, for men's wear may be found Dronil Clothe, Casstmeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin and Summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickinge, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet, Warp,.Cotton Batten, &c., &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. - _ A foil stock will be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, Stewart's best Ryrup,Spices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour, Fish, Ralt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else , where. IGILBDV7BIIII.. A large a splendid assortment. Crnckary, Class and Stone-suture, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,— Thankful for the-liberal jetronage of the past sea son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring stock, be lieving that good Goods and low prices, will insure a speedy sate for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, Nov. 24 1853. raper Itaaiginge, very fine variety of Satin and common paper it Hangings, corm in pnpers and transparent mut— dr shades, just toed v. J. spa e lu, 165 J • • SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Public Square. Towanda, Novomber 12, 185.1 S. TIAILVET PIIITTNEY. Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes. Crockery. Glass h Slime Ware, Oct. 21, 1853 9TEilk.(o.2'Z b DIOLITis' .10-Z IMMILTSE STOCK Saila. Paints, Oils, Glass ond Putty • SPLENDID •SSORTME-NT OP Salmon, 11iack!_ , rel, Sardinci, ac E-SOllll END OF THE WARD ROUSE! VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . THE subscriber offers for sale . ell " his valuable real estate, situate M.: •• in Wvsox tp, Drad. Co., Pa.,' - s s consisting of the fallowing: I. About three and one-third acres of land, at Myeraburg, with a tavern House, barns, Carriage Manufactory shop and machinery, blacksmith shop and other nut buildings thereon erected. There is also upon it an orchard of choice fruit trees. The necessary Coals will also be sold with the carriage shop. This property presents a rare opportunity for any active business man to make a profitable invest/ meat and carry on a lucrative business. 2. A farm situated on the State road, about one mile from Myersuurg,co..tainin4 seventy-five acres, about thirty. acne thereof improved, with a small framed house and a log barn thereon erected, wiih, a small orchard. The farm is well watered and the soil fertile; and it is susceptible of producing large crop 4. The propert- will be sold together or separately, and a reasonable credit given for a portion of the 1)11'n-haat. money. For further particulars inquire of Ulysses !demur, Esq. of Towanda, or of the snharriber at Myereburg. CHARLES BENNETT. Wys ,, x Not'. 25th, 1853. TOWANDA Fla rE ,31F3111"111117PAY. In-iitution,for the education ofyoung ladies was opened on Tuesday the 20th September,in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.— It is (lint• under the chars of MISS OLIVIA H. HAN.. sots, aided try her sister. Miss Er.ar.cca D. HANSON. The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The scholastic year consists of folly•f.our weeks. Tv.ams—pr, ;9, and ;;12 per quarter, according to the stodirs pursued. No extra charge for the Latin Language. French, p.r quarter. K. rtAtr.NrEs—lice. Dr. MACLEAN, Vice President of Ili• College of New Jersey. Princeton. lion. DAVID WI LMOT, JuIIN LA POIITE Esq., C. W A a 0, Esq., Ho N .(i F„0. 8 I, Nnt aSON, Towanda. PIVINNEI `A / TISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to give in,truction to the young ladies of this plee• on the PIiNo. Terna3—slo per quarter. Application to be made to ?bliss Hanson at the Ward !louse, or at tha Towanda Female Seminary. septemher 22, 1853. One door South of I. ff. Plonney'e Store, Main Street. Tsubscriber being desirous of enlarging his 1 business, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towands and vicinity that be is just re ceiving from New York and is now opening for Pale a .large assortment of Tea. Sugar, Cr fee. nice Midasses, Stuart's Syrnp, Tobacco. Giuzer, Pepper. Spice, Clore*. Mace, Nut met;. Cinnamon, &derail's, Cream Tarter, Soda, Giound Jlitl!•tetrd, repyee Satire, Catsup. Candles. Bar and Sluiving Sony, Vinegar , Starch, Cigars, etc Mt" NAM MIT Hums and shoulders-, Mackerel. Codfish, Herring. Potatoe., Beans, Dried Apples, Wheat Flour, Lard, Butter, Clree..e, Soda, Butter and Boston Crackers. Also—most kinds of Fruit and Nuts, Preserved Prunes. Citron, Figs, Raisins, Oranges and Lemons, together with a large 0:ock of German, French end American n . ys rif all descriptions and price. • pi" Plea,,e give him a call. A. J. NOBLE. Towanda, August n. t 853. D. ISARTLETI', is now receiving a large O and carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, bought for each since the late decline in price•, which he will offer for teady pay nt prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction—amongother thing. he invitee particular . attention to his assortment of Dress Good.'. Towanda, April IS, 1853. PIITSICIAN & SURGEON, Residence ; on Pine Street. opposite the oil Presbyterian Offers his professional services to rhe people of Tows:3(l34nd vicinity. Can always he found at his office, in Dr. PorrrEa's Drug Store, when • not pro. fessionally engaged. ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. time In thatjtorth mii (tribe Ward Rause, holly eccaNcd LY Laporte; ?damn & co.) ToOart4a, March, 5, !V.?. 11. C. PORTER, M. D. lvizi - isiTs - isi e• FANTarl,ritz naoloo. Grocei y and Provision Store. GROCERIES, SUCH AS He ha , Illso on hand and for sale a large stock of NEW I\ll (EFilli (AU i. DR. E. H. MASON, l'heiich. the regeipts and mpimitlitotes of tang gl i zin n y v r 1553, fivm ITantiaX 3.10 r s` , ~...- ,_...„_.. --- - ~. EXPENDITURES.' , • ; J Auditors - for stalking public. atecittuts ill' 102.80 Office books and stationery, I - 226 67 ' Assessors, ;-., . -- -.... . ._ r- ' 1.003 25 Protbotiotary's fees, 250 47 Bradford county Agricultura(Stiei#4, ! 100 00 Prisoners support, - 597 47 Bridge Contracts.- ~.,-:-.- , ' 97* 71 Public printing, 241 00 Bridge and Road Views, •• • -' 7 ; -- ' ' 142 25 Pi isoners aopport in E. 8. Penitentiary, 170 7* : Crier of Court fees. ~ -- : 90 00 BlitTs fees conveying prs7rs to-8.8. Peuery . 625 00 . .__. Constables attending-on &..taking owns to Court. Costs in civil Mai% ss 001 Township Liiie views, I Counsel lees lo"Ccinn'tli. suits, r, , 59 00 Wolf and Wildcat certificates, Costs i n enneik Suits, .. -. 2,459 IS Repairs &c..iin public buildings, Counsel to Commissioners. Wm. Elwell, 50 00 Mows Squires, Commissioner in 1859, Election expenses, 519 14 D. B. Cotton do do Fuel & lights for Court room, °likes& Jail 200 89 I. A. Park, do do Grand Juror., . 503 55 Stuart smiley do do Traverse Jurors , 2,735 74 ' E. M. Farrar, Clerk to County, Justice. Inquisitions, ' incidental expense:, Interest on - and payment of-Loan. Account with the , sererat Coiled' ors of County Taxes for the County of Tourrogop.. Collectors Names. Arni e Charged. Anil. reed. Ant't Ezon'ted. Col Standing Stone base W Westbrook slB 38 $ $ $ Albany_ - 106 83 Granville - Harrison Ross ' 129 73 Orwell A G Mathews ' 4 II Springfield I. Leonards 7 40 Standing Stone Isaac Van nest ' t 70 15 Towanda tp. Dennis WGill 446 Wymox A 0 Hind= 8 as Athens bow' Guy‘Tozer ' 'lB 82 Herrick Geo W Elliott ' 23 76 Standing Stone Alex. Ennis ' 54 78 Warren Rufus Buffinetna 174 35 Athens bon; Wm H Pakten; 36 71 Athena tp. John H Murray. 61 24 Herrick M B Porter ; 39 29 Litcbffeld Joseph P Munn' 29 12 Rome W W Woodburn '153 64 South Creek Ira Crane- , • 21 70 Standing Stone D P Havens • 51 32 Wyalnaing Geo M Black 108 64 Wanen Levi Bniwn 14 83 Athens boroi L H Sherman , 150 64 Athens tp. John t• Murray' 168 26 Albany John Brown 34 74 Asylum John W Morrow 49 3.1 Burlington J Travis Jr 214 49 Durell Ransaler Ross 88 81 Franklin Thomas Smiley, 48 87 Granville John Vroman • • 79 15 Herrick John E K. tier 54 58 Monroe S W Alden 322 08 Pike Geo W Humphrey 128 76 Rome Nathan Maynard 44 20 Ridebery, , Chas French , 26 43 South Creek Ira Crane 16 15 Standing Stone Isaac II Wannest 197 61 Tuscarora Hiram Shnmwey 'l2l 69 Towanda tp. Wm Barnes 209 49 Wysox John W Bartlett 118 67 Warren Levi Brown 84 90 Wilmot Allen Woodruff 73 07 Athens tp. L A Gardner ' 1690 52 do' bore' John E Snell 444 53 Albany John Mathews ,279 G 2 Asylum S C Strong 409 48 Armenia I. W Gardner 77 59 Burlington J Travis Jr 837 26 Columbia Win (3 Bradford 771 77 Canton John Gray 656 63 Duel! l'hos A Jennings 411 45 Franklin Wm It French 224 09 Granville James Gee . 383 08 Herrick - Richard Hillis 251 80 Leßoy Ledgard Chaapel 376 32 Litchfield . Bowen Merrill 412 03 Monroe Libbeus Marcy 672 65 Orwell Alonzo Potter 597 73 Pike Geo W Humphrey 1019 93 Rome Nathan Maynard - 489 96 Ridebery Chas French ' - '436 82 Sneahequin Daniel J Horton 882 26 Smithfield T I sn heeler 842 47 Springfield Hiram Spear 640 81 South Creek Ira Crane 293 43 Standing Stone John Huff 374 47 Tuscarora D D Black 330 84 Towanda born' G H Eaton 1495 63 " South Dennis M'Gill 324 17 ' North W WlEastabroloks 258 75 Geo P Freeman 806 56 Asa B Moore 282 38 Chas B Kitchen 450 37 Henry Passmoie 660 84 Nathan Shepard 491 17 Nathan Young 690 66 James Elsbree 2d 533 30 J V Vanaukin. 591 91 Edward Shepard 184 23 Year. 1816 1848 1849 1950 11111 OS Troy tp • boro' Ulpter Wyßox Wells Warren Windham Wyaltising Wilmot Dr. Benjamin Wilcox Treasurer of Brad Amount of duplicates prior to 1853, $3,369 87 Amount of duplicates for 1853, 20,567 30 Amount of Notes, Judgments, Ste, 788 01 Amount of unseated land transcripts, 477 35 Amount M iscellaneou+ receivals, 176 13 Abatement all wed Treas. (exce.s 26 10 Dr. Benjamin Wilcox, Treas. of Brallford Co. in acc't with the Com'th of Penn'a. • Cr. To amount of duplicates prior to 1853,. $1,215 49 By am't. re'ted on duplicates from to 1853, 1.222 69 'Co amount of duplicates for 1853. - 12,220 89 By amount .. .. of 1853, 928 01 Co amount of unseated land transcripts', 276 92 By exonerations on' unseated lands, 81 57 By Collectors' percentage 729 83', By abatement allowed Collectors, 350 95 Paid Register fur registering 25 marriages . and births, s 5.0 Treaers commission on $12,190 241 per ct. 121 O. fly State Treasurer's rerp't...hine 25, 1953, 8,421 05, By exonerations allowed collectors, 391 . ft, Dr. County Orders in arc-onnt with Bradford County, To orders issued in 1853, , 15,006 85 By orders redeemed in 1q.53, To orders outstanding Jan 'y I, 1853, 270 99 Ily orders outstanding Jan y 1, 1854, BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.—We. the uudersigned Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify 5. , " the above to a True statement of the receivaLs and expenditures of said county. from . P. the first of January. to the 31st of December, incl 'sive. V•". 1 Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this 18th day cf January, A. D. 11151.:. T D. B. COTTON, L A. PARK. Commissioners; Is. SMILEY, Attest—R. M. Fsuusu. Clerk. ax`" WINTER GOODS!! T am now receiving a very large and handsome I stock of WI NTIEUL GOODS,frorn the city of New York, r onpipting impart of Cloths: Cassi. mores, Saitioetts u ("weeds, Jeans, 11-in%eys, Detains. Gingham; &Prints—Ray Stale and' Brocha*hawls, uslins, Cotton Yarn, Batting, Wicking carpet yarn, all c o l o r"; also several pierep all Wool Carpets, 4c. 4c., together wilt a general assortment of Gro- ceries, Hardware. Crock'ery,!' Hat.; &' Caps, and a boat- catalogue of Bogus Br. ElvsTruszor-;-all or which. and many oriteekindsir f Goods not ronmeri• ed in the above... Mill tie sold at"prices that will give sail:Action to purchasers. 10SE PIi.:KIN 68 It ERY: Towanda. . Cistern and "11 Pumps 1 , LEAD PIPE ! of skiy size; Ace.. ehiap for reiki V#: ror sale ti Jan. Jan. 19, R. weLLcs. ME • ANNUAL STATEMENT iiIPW 45 07 162 051 1,076 15i 525,406 76 $15,713 30 $15,327 in I Sheriff's fres sumn►oning Jurors, 439 25 Insurance on publietnihlingn, Twal, 111 15 SO so 18 82 23 78 38 04 149 18 11 12 19 29 29 12 130 01 21 70 23 88 96 34 7 15 125 14 50 00 18 15 151 16 46 70 25 1 I 55 07 25 00 280 95 90 00 17 00 13 93 $20g67 30 $18,143 75 $304 94 $744 08 ord Co. in account with said County. Cr: ' Am't ret urned on duplicates prior to 1853 $ 429.81 Ain't " " of 1853 1,324 63 Am't " notes, judgments, arc. 729 01 Panneratinns on unseated land transcripts 105 52, Collectors' Percentage 1,21! 36 Exonerations to collectors 6l3 4$ Orders redeemed 15,146 54- By 2 per cent. commission on same 302.911 Uncurrent Money 25 02 Balance due Tress in 1852 305 4 28. By 1 per cent. commission on $5,073 35 5013' 20,984 14 Balance due County from Treasurer'` 6 3131 •3 To b.lance due tie Stile, ADMINISTRATOR'e4 NOTICE". . A".persons indebted to 'the estale..or D Havens, dec'd, late oftatanding.Stenc,are hereby requested to' mak e payment - dithoni de*, anditiose having claims against said estate;.will please sent them duly authenticated for settlement W. BILES. • c) Adminatritoli ,, . - DEBORAH HAVENS. • • - Aug. 27, ISM. el Ziiinisikir; AME,,to the enclosure of the ,nbscriber. g ia b, •. #1 shequin twp.. on the 31st tilt. I largeßedNT, • T about 6 or 7 years old. middling size litirai t Ittl# not particularly marked. The owner is requeited ' to prove property, pay charges and-tirlreheiaray. . HENRY VANoll3ll.sli Etheshequin. Sept. 5, 1953. -.. ' 1 , Those Inde . blel WV' ~ ~,,,. vp Y note ur book account will please to SOT= LP that we are ii want of money. aodniu*kerve ii. All 'oho neglect Jo attend to this iiindyz "JON, may expect a visit from Me little Constable. lr o lo. Pi* this team HALL dr. INIMILI e ii ) Thwasera,Mifeh 21, 195 a. - E.:t A. PI 4 ' . .o' r` • , CUI 14 148 25 17 13 'l7 1 2 241 64 269 00 216 00 304 00 31 60 475 00 WASS SIP Brndford. pH et. ♦mt $l9 39 we a lIIM 4 II 7 40 20 00 4 46 8 69 LEO 15 21 25 17 15 LS 38 72 9 96 OM 10 34 22 62 10 04 10 05 IX3 12 94 12 30 14 50 7 68 7 45 IS 03 alt 16 It 19 19 06 36 87 16 70 11 18 17 24 22 55 12 12 26 46 15.73 12 58 6 84 9 MI EU Ma MB SS 78 27 TO 12 50 4 57 16 42 11 58 16 97 QM 18 OS 24 49 5 59 29 91 4 89 33 15 768 894 55 03e_'77 17 83 '24 1 95 20 51 2 70 3 74 26 44 41 81 11 26 38 02 T 39 32 44 EMI 174 61 141. A 10 93 18 90 5 94 5 04 113 3, A 1 •3 20 56 32 99 29 35 2 92 12 84 10 88 137 93 125 55 21 62 43 84 41 30 31 83 4 28 5 33 17 45 0 00 , TE.I MI Eiril EM m 72 80 15 79 12 G 9 40 00 14 05 39 50 8 25 4 88 6 62 125 104 93 110 84 Eliil 1713 123 05 27 41 29 441 4 93 4 23 TO 32 1,374 53 626,406 16 12A1,08, 9,663,22. $15,1,14, 30 15,146 54 tat 28 515,327 82 12 0211
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