ern Wiper of the application of James M. Red and be • t hcorporated under the style, name or Irtndhain Union Meeting Rouse." In the f? if f o f Camnion Pleas vf Bradford county ((Feb. 44 1854, No. 147. I:frICE is hereby given that Jams M. Peck Wm. sibley, Julius Russell, Peter Koykendall and oft the 22d day of Decenaber,A. D. 1853, pre. to the said Court an instrument in writing. articles and conditions therein setforth ;:intaineil, It appearing to them lawful and not nos to the eommuniiy. . Whereupon they di tosid writing to be filed and that notice be i s one newspaper at least, three weeks before :a t Ccurt of Common Pleas otsaid county, forth that as application has been made to j teach an incorporation according to law. ALLEN M'KEAN, Pto'ry. ',sands, January, 11, 854. 11UnIEMS sash. ay v i rtue of wri ts of Vend Exponas issued out of 4 th e Court of Common Peas of Bradford coon 'isd to me directed, will be exposed to public gt the Court House, in the boro of Towanda, aday the 6th day of February ' . at 1 o'clock, Y, the following described lot, piece or parcel t d situate in Smithfield twp. bounded on the by lands of H.M. Peck, on the east and south pnblic bighway,ou the west by lands of Jno. t d :eh and H. M. Peck, containing about half ;ire be the same more or less, all improved, Jne framed house, one framed barn and a few :tees 'hereon. Ird and taken in execution at the suit of Chas. iiesd's use vs. Seth Salsbury. ,I„4ri—The following described piece or parcel 5d situate in Towanda tp. (now south rowan yunded on the north by lands of Edw. Overton C. Moores lot, on the east by lands of Wm and /el Dreslain, on the south by landsof Hiram and Hiram %Mill, and lands late the property Wilcox decd. on the west by ,lands of Den gmll, containing about 125 acres more or less 25 acres imploved, one framed dwelling house and flamed barn and a small orchard of :tees thereon. red and taken in execution at the auit-of Geo. ,ow to the use of Edw Overton vs..lames Nes d Edward Welch, doing business in the name tor & Welch. 1440—The following lot piece or parcel of land re to Smithfield tp. bounded and described as r>—North by the public highway leading from ..field centre to Athens, on the east, south and by lands of Ebenezer Keeler. containing one r thereabouts, all improved with one framed cid one framed building fur a Grocery there- ,zed and taken in execution at the suit of Mar 's. Bulloc k vs. John L. Carnigie. !,u,so—The following described lot piece or par 1i land situate in Wysox twp. bounded on the 11 lands of J Johnson, east by lands of Lyman south by lands of Bertrand and Alvin west by lands in possession of Uilbert H containing 84 acres and 9-10 perches be ame more or less, ationt forty acres improved, .1 house. one framed barn and afew small sip 'ate, thereon. .ized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. , 6bins to the use of N. J. Keeler vs. John S. I .e and A .J. Gorsline, k lot piece or parcel of land situate In te gyp. bounded and described as follows—North inns of George Fox. east by lands of Simeon 'well, and south and west by lands of Geo Fox, i,sing SO acres or. thereabouts, all improved. framed house and framed barn and a build- , ccapied as a shingle-machine, and an orchard rat trees thereon. •red and taken in execution at the suit of A .n ? , vs. C C. Lent and Geo Fox. ALSO—The following dt- , cribed piece or parcel ud kituate in Sheshrquin tp. and bounded .on •unrih by' land of Elisha Newell and Joseph Post, 1r east by land of Samuel Owen, south by lands Lemuel Post and William Poston the west by land tuts Poivani Wm Post, containing about 2 . sbout 16 acres improved, one log house, one ...ard shed and a.few fruit trees thereon. 'zed and taken in execution at the suit of Dan- Brink & Son vs. Dennis Post. LSO—The following lot piece or parcel of lend sae in Burlington tp. hounded and described as ~ c —North by lands of Horace H Pratt and C. eae• by lands of Daniel Perry, south by •i of John Pratt, and west by lands of B. Nit, containing about 42i acres, be the same -;!.. or, about 30 acres improved, one framed framed barn and an orchard of fruit tree• iz-il and taken in ere , iii ion at the suit of Wm Dthin. vs. Peter J. Vri.mart. ilsfl—The following described lot piece or par '.snil situate in Burlington tp. hounded on the lands of J. G. Blakeslee, east by lands of kr. South by lands of .1 U Blakeslee, west of Luther Rockwell, containing about 64 ire or less. I and taken in execution as the suit oP l Swift, Myron tr Paige vs. Chauncey; Ed. Blakeslee. daft—The fallowing :ot piece or parcel of land ti' In (heeler' tp. bounded as Co, lows—Begin• Fate a hemlock the north.west corner of Jonathan iertite lot, thence north 31 dep. east 212 reds to a t enrner, thence south 513 i degs, east 394 rods llio , t, thence south 313 degs, west 212 rods to a t ., 'he east corner of the liaytharn lot, thence istt 31 degs, east 106 rods to a post. thence north ol'ilege west to the state road, thence southwester ,alsog said road to J. Camp's north line, thence, , 1.15131 Begs, west slang said Camp's line, 54 per hsto the place of beginning, containing 392 acres 'se +ante more or less, ~, IL SO—One other lot situate in same towns hip. t'relked as follows—being the east part of lot No. i xginni ng at Lorenp D West's southeast corner, tette south 58.5 degs, east 108 rods to a maple amp, thence north 31i degs, east 132 rods to a .thence north sFli degs, west 108 rods to a post, - fisin corner of L D West's land, thence south I degs, west 122 perches to the place of begin. it, containing 82 and 35-100 acres, be the same nee or less being the same lots of land surveyed 1 'ereo Walker and Mary his wife to Wilson Ager ''!r , d bearing date January 15, A. D. 1853. letzed and taken in execution at the suit of John :sow n vs. James A Paine. r .ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land , 'late in smithfield tp. bounded on the North by sods of Philip Sweet and Ira Adams, west by lands fbhelton French, south by landsof John 0 Swims, nod east by lands of M. F. Ransom, containing shut vac hundred acres, about thirty five acres . ' , prose& one log house with a framed addition, one lot bun a Iry fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wells k l.'s. rs David Brown. ALSO— T he following lot piece or parcel of land 1 idnate in yalusing ip. bounded on the North by :ands belonging to Uriah D. Huff, on the east by , ords of John Dowoley , on the booth by lands of snob Struck, on the- west by lands of Alexander ilea, containing forty acres be the same wore or, is. ' about "'est) , acres improved, one log 1303 it soil a few fruit trees thereon. _seized and taken in execution at the suit of John i %loon es. Benjamin Lewis. A alo—Th e following lot piece or parcel of land ' , lsati" in sheshegnin tp. bounded on the north by tads of F S Washburn, on the oast by lands or Beni min Smith, south by lands of Wm Stephenson, est by lands of Reuben Ybung, containing fifty tree. he the same more or less. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fet id' Murphy now , to the use of 0. R. Bartleu vs. asset Hill and Morris Murphy. ALSO—By a writ of Levari facia., all that cer ,is lot piece or parcel of land situate in Wells tp: ' , toiled as follows:—Beginning at a hemlock tree, e north east coreeCof the said hereby mentioned n r granted lot, running thence south 236 perches to t hemlock tree, thence west 855 perches to a hem. ask tree, thence north 236 perches to a beach tree, tierce east along the south line of a body of land %sling to the Bank of Pennsylvania, 355 perches I Om place of beginning, containing 523 acres and tp Perches more or less, being a part of a, tract ittreyed to Francis Johnston and Jonathan Mifflin l!li warrant No. 5620, (the north part of said tract) 'toted Sil N0v.17114, and patented to the said John -141 i Mifflin on the 22a day of Auto, 1795—Ten WTI tithed. - h by 4'l antis N m. ALSO—Alfthat certain part or piece of land called Itellmont, situate in Bradford Co. Pa., begin ning at a post, thence by land formerly of Francis Johnston and Jonathan Mifflin, south 608 perches to a post. thence west three hundred and 33 perches to a post, thence north 520 and 6-10 perches to a post, thence by the state line of New Yorir,south 88 degs. east 363 pirches to the beginning, containing 1100 acres and allowance of six per cent for roads, 4c. surveyed in pursuance of a warrant No. 6686. dated the 4th day of N0v.1794, about fifteen acres improv ed, one log house and framed barn. and one saw mill thereon erecte.l. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 'Sam uel Rexford asa , gtiee of H. P. Yeomans vs. Horace C. Tallman and Rebecca Tallman hie wife, and Da% vid L. Sanderson and Philip J. Pierce terre tenants. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff, Sherirs Office, Towanda, Jan. 7, 1854. Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply,owith this regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale. ADMINISTRATOR% NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Thomas Turk, deceased, late of Litchfield township., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenti cated for settlement. • CORNEL TURK, BAWL DEVIDSON, Jan. 14, 1854. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. BETSY TEED, Adm's. BAM'L DAVIDSON. January 29, taa. Segister's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that there have been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates— Final account of Thos. Wilcox and Gordon Wil• cox adm'rs of the estate of H. T. Wilcox dec'd Final account of Rufus C Buffington and Giles N., DeWolf executors of the last Will and testament of Benjamin Buffington, late of Warren, dec'd. Fnal account of Thomas Manley and Hobbel Manley adm'rs of the estate of Asa Manley. late of Canton dec'd. Final account of Charlei M Knapp, executor of the lx4t Will and testamentotElisha Cole, late of Monroe, dec'd. Final account of Thomas I. Jakway and Esther A Jakway, adm'rs of the estate of Geo Jakway, late of Windham, dec'd. Final account of Joseph Menardi and Absolem Carr, adm'ro of the estate of John Miller Davidson, late of Albany, dec'd. Final account of Charles Stockwell and M. L. Wooster adtn'rs of tbe estate of Seely Rolcomb,late of Leßoy, dec'cl. Final account of Matilda Val:lord& administra, iris of the estate of A W U Vangorder, late of Du rell. dec'd. Final acconnts of Daniel Brink Guardian ofJack son Horton, Hannah Horton, Celinda Horton, Lem uel Horton and Shepard ,Horton, minor children of Richard N Horton. late of sheshequin, dec'd. Partial acc.,ont of Robert Bull, (WWII of the es tate of John Welsh, late of Duren, dec'd. All the above will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Bradfoid county, on Monday the 6th day February next, for confirmation and allowance. H. L. SCOTT, Register Register's Office, Towanda, Jan. 7, IA. 8 Z. STALDELT. AITTOR.rEP AT Office with the Register and Recorder, Tow Alcoa, P. D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. • OFFIOE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office of J. C. Adams, PA. Sept. 24. LAST CALL! A LL interested will take notice7t that the-notes and [1 accounts due the late firm of H, S. & M. C. MERMIR moot be t paid, and that I will attend at the store of H. S. Mercur foi the purpose of settling these mat. tens, on Saturday of every week, until the Ist day of February next, after which all remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of the proper officers for immediate collection. December 10, 1853. M. C. MERCLR. 111111 go .1E1.00)Z9 OULD inform her friecds, that she has just `'VV returned from New York with a full supply of BONNETS, and other MILLINERY GOODS and requests them to call and examine her stock. Towanda. Dec. 10. 1853. TO OUR FRIENDS AND ~CUSTOMERS GENERALLY. WE are under the necessity of having our pay on all Notes over due, and all account! of' over four months standing, and we intend to have it; consequently, if you expect to save cost, you must call and pay up immediately. Toivanda. Nov. 9.53. HALL 4. RUSSELL. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGSBERY TS Now opening a New &rime or Goons, consist- L lug of fall and complete assortment of all kinds MEIICHANDIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec. 10,1853. WINTER GOODS ! Joseph Fcrwell, Is NOW receiving a large stock of WINTER GOODS, of every description, which the public is respectfully invited to call and examine, as sum. cleat inducement will be offered to those wishing to purchase, to make it an object for them to do so. Towanda. Dec. 8, 1858. Wear Arrival of W INTER GOODS ! B. MERCUR has just received another large H. assortment of GOODS, to which the attention of the public is respectfully solicited. Towanda. Dec. 1.1853. IVIINK BKINS.—Tbe highest price will be paid in itl cub for any quantity of Mink skins, by ' Jan. I, 1054. MONTANYEEr & CO. JMINTOSH. Dentist, has just returned from the • city of New York, with improvements in in struments, material and skill, end is prepared to at tend to personsiequiring his professional services. He will be found at his old stand. nest door to Mer. curs Store. Towanda, Jan. *, 1654. NOTICE. x WE hare admitted Mr. WILLIAM H. WILSON a partner in our house from January 4,1851. The business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of Fowls, Ilsrrox & Co. • New York, Jan. 10, 1654. FLOUR. -A quantity superfine dour. just re wind. mid fur ealertry B. KINGVIBURF. Towanda, Feb: 16, 1663.. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Prouting the Public Square. THE svbeeriber, thankful for the liberal patronage received the past year, intends to keep constantly on baud a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which as wrr.r. dispose of on such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Casa our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. AU articles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and Me money refunded. Q - Medial Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging slily for the Medicines. The stock consists of • complete and select assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL 7HE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! FRESH CAMPIENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS I American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrantd, Good.) Superior TOBACCO & SNIVITI--Chcrice brands of Pure Savanna, Principe and Tara SUMAS ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. FAMILY GROCERIES : Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &c - Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE :TORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! —AND IT MOTTO— ' The best Qnctlity of Goods—Full Assortment—Modarate Profits—Ready Attention to Customers—no Adnlteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business." Towanda, Novomber t 2, 1853. il. C. PORTER, M. D. CHEAP WINTER GOODS. lui . 1114:••‘ r,v>t Ts just receiving a general assortment of N sw 1. GOODS at the corner of Budge and Main streets which were purchased- principally for Cash—at a very low figure, and he flatters himsef that he can sell goods as cheap as the The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock, which consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Boots and Shoes. Crockery Glass It Slane Ware, • Paints, Oils, Dyes, 4c., He would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that through their untiring perseverance, he has abandoned the sale of intoxi cating liquors. .1. HARVEY PHINNEY. Oct. 24, 103. 3TONS more of those cheap Sugars just rec'd and for sale by PHINNEY. EAS—A fewchests good and cheap for sale T by PHINNEY. BOOTS & SHOES , the largest and cheapest as sortment in Towanda. by PHINNEY. nRESB Goods, of the latest styles and patterns. consisting in part of Mourdin Detainee, all wool detainee black 4. fancy silks, French, Domestic and Scotch Giagheats ¢ prints, of every style by Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY. _ _ LT4TB, Caps, & Bonnets, a large assortment and lcheap, by PHINNEY. CLOTHS, cassimeres, vestings, sattinets, jeans, and Tweeds of all description, just received by Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY. FLANNELS—French, Domestic and Salisbury, for sale by PHINNE Y. VTANTED—aII kinds of grain & lumber fur V which some cash will be paid by Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY. The War. Question Being Settled in 3111EaLT JIM Iff 2 / 1 .11E 26 .1. iIIONTANY ES & CO. have come to the condo sion to enlarge their business, in view of the unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of this and adjoining counties to the examination of their Pall and Winter Goods, consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress Goods. as also heavy staples, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Harness and Car riage Trimmings, Iron, Leather, 4.c, all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at prices that cannot fail to please. Sept. 1, 1853. AIL NEIL MK It 11IV 1163 NM • 9F31110/IT 6 2204/Ban ll= WINTER GOODS, South Corner of Mantes Block, Main Street, ARE now opening their stock of GOODS for the Fall and Winter trade, comprising a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will be, sold at a very small profit for Ready Pay. Among the assortment of DRY' GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods consisting in pan of Beregrs, lkrege Detainee, all-wool Delaines, Lawns, plain and printed ; Ginghams, English, Scolds and American ; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors ¢c , Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Matta and Bummer Vestings. Also, Sheeting., Skirtings. bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton arn, Carpet. Warp, Cotton Batten, &c., &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full stock will be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugant,Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's best Syrup,Spices. Pepper Ginger, %demos, Flour. Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else+ where. EAR:mmz33. A large a splendid assortment. Croekary, Glass sad titans-ware. Boots and Shoes; Rata and Caps— Nails. Paints. Oils, Glass and Putty. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past sea son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination 'of our Spring stock, be lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, Nov. 44 1863. /SPOT Iraniinger very One variety of Sado and common paper nieginee. curtain papers and transpatvotwb dew shades. ju.t he J. POWELL. Tergrands:Sept. MN, • SPLENDID /ISSONTSIENT Of FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &c VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale 'as l . his valuable real estate, situate in Wysux tp., Brad. Co., Pa., _ consisting of the following : 1. About three end one•third acres of land, at Myersburg, with a tavern House. barns, Carriage Manufactory shop and machinery, blacksmith shop and other out buildings thereon erected. There is also upon it an orchard of choice fruit trees. The necessary tools wilt also be sold with the carriage shop. This property presents a rare opportunity for any active business man to make a profitable invest' meat and carry on a lucrative business. 2. A farm situated on the State road, about one mile from Myersburg, eo.rtaining seventy-five acres, about thirty acres thereof improved, with ■ small framed house and a log barn thereon erected, with a small orchard. The farm is well watered and the soil fertile; and it is susceptible of producing large crops. The property will be sold together or separately, and a reasonable credit given fora portion of the purchase money. For further particulars i nqui re of Ulysses Mercur, Esq. of Towanda, or of the subscriber at Myeriburg. CHARLES BENNETT. Wysoz Nov. 25th, 1853. IFIEVIALIE rpHIS Insiitution,for the education of young ladies J. was opened on Tuesday. the 20th September, i■ the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.— It is note under the charge of Miss O•rvra D. Haw sow, aided by her sister. Miss Rsatcc• D. BASSOK. The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The scholastic year consists of forty-four weeks. TERMS-46, $9, and $l2 per quarter, according to the studies pursued. No extra charge for the Latin Language. French. $3 per quarter. RKFTAIENCES—Rev. Dr. M•CLEAN, Vice President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. Davin Wii.mcrr, lonic LAPOUTZ Esq., C. L. W•so, Esq., Hoir.Gxo. ISsuosason, Towanda. MISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to give instruction to the young ladies of this place on the Pi Aso. Terms—slo per quarter. Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the Ward House, or at the Towanda Female Seminary. September 22, 1853. XI KW (1-1. - A0 Mao One door South of J. H. Phinney a Store, Main Street. THE subscriber being desirous of enlarging his business, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he is just re ceiving from New York and is now opening for sale a large assortment of Ted, Sugar, Coffee, Rice Molasses, Stuart's Syrup, Tobacco, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Cloves. Mace, Nut• meg, Cinnamon, Salercrius, Cream Varier, Soda, Ground Mustard, Peppee Sauce, Catsup, Candles, Bar and Shaving Soap, finegar, Starch, Cigars, etc. He has also on hand and for sale a large stock of 11PDIFIlt4ICWIRT111111M111111MIS. Hams and shoulders, Mackerel. Codfish, Herring. Potatoes, Beans, Dried Apples, Wheat Flour, Lard, Butter, Cheese, t4oda, Butter and Boston Crackers. Also—most, kinds of Fruit and Nuts, Preserved Prunes, Citrcin, Figs, Raisins, Oranges and Lemons, together with a large stock of German, French sod American Toys of all descriptions mod price. (17 Please give him a call. A. J. NOBLE. Towanda, August 1853. NEW AD CEFAP UM. OD. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large . and carefully selected stock of 2413111, soaps, bought for cash since the late decline in prices. which he will offer for ready pay at price, which cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things he invitee particular attention to his assortment of Wen Goods. Towanda, April 15. 1855. DR. E. H. MASON, PIETSZCIANdt, 1111TILOXION, Rarideneeon Pine Street. opposite the ot4 Presbyterian Church. Otters his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his office. in Dr. POILTIIeII Drag - Store. when not par feseionally engaged. /AIM MILAZIEWILLAini ATTORNEY AT LAW;,TOWANDA. Seery do north end Odle Ward Boass, !Italy aceNged by Laporte, Mayan & ?mud% March. 5, UM. 4 • TOWANDA *J" MN Iff II G'• Grose' y and Provision Store. GROGEFUES, SUCH AS ANNUAL, -S ATEDIENT s pts aaa ospeadttom of Mrsilifbrit Comity Or 11153, from Samar, lst to Doombier 3.tst inclostve. Of the . .. Auditors ' for auditing *lie Ittieollllll i 100 0 0 Assessors, - - ~ •.. 1,003"2S Bradford couoti , Agricultural Bide% 100'00 ' Bridge Contracts. • "- .• , _ 971 71 Bridge sad Road Views, 141 25 Crier of Court fees, 90 09 Constables attending on & making returns to Court. 439 25, 1 Cost,' in civil suits, Counsel lees in Com'th. suits. 50 011 Costs in Cotn i th suits, 2,459 15 Counsel to Commissioners. Wm. Elwell, 50 00 Election expenses. Fuel & lights for Court room, Offices & Jail 206 89 Omnd Jurors, 503 54 Traverse Jurors 2,735 74 Justices Inquisitions, 45 07 Incidental expenses, 162 05 Interest on end payment of Loan. 1,075 16 . Account with the several Collectors of County Taxes for the County Townships. Collectors Names. Amt. Charged. AWL itsc'd. Aral Ezothad. Standing Stone Isaac W Westbrook $lB 88 0 0 Albany Wm Lee 106 83 Ghinville Harrison Ross 129 73 Orwell ih A 0 Mathews 411 Springfield L Leonards 7 40 Standing Stone Isaac Vannest 70 15 Towanda tp. Dinah &Mill 446 Wyaor A C Hinman 8 69" Athens bore' Guy Toser 18 82 Herrick Geo W Elliott 23 76 Standing Stone Ales. Ennis 64 76 Warren Rufus Buffington 174 35 Athens born' Wm H Fritcher 36 71 Athena tp. John H Murray $1 24 Herrick M B Porter 89 29 Litchfield Joseph P Mann 29 12 Rome W W Woodburn 153 64 Bomb Creek Ira Crane 21 70 Standing Stone D P Havens 51 32 Wyalusing Gen M Black 108 64 Waned Levi Brown 14 03 Athena bon/ L H Liberman 150 64 Athens 4.. John H Murray 168 26 Albany John Drown 34 74 Asylum ' John W Morrow 49 33 Burlington .1 Travis Jr 214 49 Duvall Banister Ross 119 81 Franklin Thomas Smiley 4$ $7 Granville John Vroman 79 15 Herrick John E Keeler 54 58 Monroe S W Alden 322 OS Pike Geo W Humphrey 128 76 Rome Nathan Maynard • 44 20 Ridgbery Chas French 26 43 South Creek Ira Crane 16 i 5 Standing Stone Isaac H Varmint 197 61 Tuscarora Hiram Shnmway 121 69 Towanda tp. Win Barnes 209 49 Wyeoz John W Bartlett 110 67 Warren Levi Brown 5,84 90 Wilmot Allen Woodruff 73 67 Athens tp. L A Gardner 1690 52 do born John E Snell 444 53 Albany John Mathews 279 62 Asylum S C Strong . 409 49 Armenia I. W Gardner 77 59 Bnrlington J Travii Jr 637 26 Columbia Wm G Bradford 771 77 Canton John Gray 656 63 Durell nos A Jennings 411 45 Franklin Wm B French 224 09 Granville James Gee 383 08 Herrick Richard Hillis 251 80 Leßoy Ledgard Chaspel 376 32 Litchfield Rowen Merrill 412 03 Monroe Libbeus Marcy 672 65 Orwell Alonzo Potter 597 73 Pike . Geo W Humphrey 1019 93 Rome Nathan Maynard 429 96 Ridgbery Chas French * .. 436 82 Sneshequin Daniel J Horton 882 26 Smithfield T I Wheeler 842 47- Springfield Hiram Spear 640 81 South Creek Ira Crane 293 43 Standing Stone John Huff 274 47 Tuscarora D D Black 330 84 Towanda born' G H Eaton 1496 63 " South Dennis M'Gill 334 17 ' North W W Eastabrooks 256 75 Troy tp. di Geo P Freeman 806 56 " born' ' 1 " Asa El Moore 282 38 Ulster Chas I) Kitchen 450 37 Wisps Henri Pas.smore 660 $4 Wells Nathan Shepard 491 17 Warren Nathan Young 680 66 Windham James Elsbree Ild 633 30 Wyalusing J V Vanaukin 591 91 Wilmot Edward Shepard 184 23 Year. 1845 1848 1848 1850 ES ECM MEI Dr. Benjamin Wilcox Treasurer of Bradford Co. in account with said County. Cr. Amount of duplicates prior to 1859, $3.369 871 Am't returned on duplicates prior to 1853 $ 429 St Amount of duplicates for 1853, 20,567 30 Am't " ' of 1853 1,974 53 Amount of Notes, Judgments, der. ' 198 01 Am't " - ntlter, judgments, &c, 729 91 Amount of unsealed land transcripts, 477 25 Exonerations on unseated land transcripts 105 53 Amount Miscellaneous receives, 176 19 Collectors' PercentsYe 1,21 1 96 L- Abatement allowed Treas. (excess all'ed Col) 28 10 Exoneration, to collectors 613 44 Orders redeemed 15,146 54 By 2 per cent, commission on same 302 93 Uncurrent Money 25 00 Balance duo Trees in 1852 395 28 By 1 per cent. commission on $5,073 35 50 73 Dr. Benjamin Wilcox, Treas. of Bradford To amount of duplicates prior to 1853, 33,215 49 To amount of duplicates for 1853, . 12,220 89 To amount of unseated land transcripts, 276 92 Dr. County Orders in account with Bradford County, To orders issued in 1253, j , 13,056 SSI By orders redeemed in 1853, To orders outataading Jan'yl I, 1853, 370 99 By orders outstanding Jan'y I, 1854, $15,927 821 BRADFORD COUNTY, 88.—We, the undersigned Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify e%AON the above to he a mil and correct statement of the receivals and expenditures of said county, from It ii . . the first of January, t the 91st of December, inclusive. vv., Witness our bands, and seal of office, at Towanda. this 18th day of January, A. D. 1854. D. B. COTTON. I. A. PARK, lloromissioners. 8. SMILEY, Attest—E. M. Fiaa•i. pie*. 2111TAEC - 11Pir WINTER ' GOODS! lam now receiving a v ry large and handsome stock of 000D$ from the city of New York, consisting n part of Cloths, Cassi, turves, Sattinetts, tweeds Jeans, Linsey., Detains. Bingham. & Prints—Bay' State and Brocha Shawls, l i Muslin., Cotton Yarn, Bat ing, Wicking carpet yarn, all colon; also several feces all Wool Carpets, dc. de., together wiih. aqr.. neral assortment of Gro ceries, Hardware. Crock Hats & Caps, and a , long catalogue of Bo os & Svsvrossar —all of which, and many other kinds t f Goods not ennmera• ed in the above, will be sold at' prices, that will give stiii.faction to part , *sera. , . Towanda, Nov. 17, la Cistern sad • • eltPumps I LEAD PIPE ! Hydra He Rama t 'of any WO. aim, &e., cheap for realty pay. for sate toy • lan. e, Int R. yt. WELLEeIt. 1,500 519 14 - _--. 621467 SO Balance due Coasts from Treasurer -- 1 $25,406 76 I 616,713 30 OSEPH KINGSBERY • S. . , Office books and stationery, 328 67 Prothonotary's fees, 850 47 Prisoners support, 697. 47 Public printing. 241 00 Prisoners support MI E. 8. Penitentiary, 170 76 Sh'ffs fees conveying prers to E.B.Pent'ry 626 00 Sheriff's fees summoning Jurors, 230 14 Insurance on public building., • 148 25 Township Line views, 17 13 Wolf and Wildcat certificates, 27 12 Repaint &c. on public buildings, 246 64 Sturges Squires, Commissioner in 1853, 269 00 D. B. Cotton do : do 276 CO 1. A. Perk. do do 304 00 Stuart Smiley .do do 31 60 E. M. Farrar, Clerk to County. 475 00 Total, 111 15 4 II 7 40 CO 00 4 48 8 89 80 80 18 83 23 78 $6 04 149 18 11 12 lin 10 34 2$ 6$ 10 04 19 29 29 12 130 01 21 70 23 U 96 34 En 14 50 7 511 7 45 7 15 125 14 50 00 42 55 13 13 28 48 15 73 1958 8 84 18 15 151 16 46 70 25 11 55 07 25 00 280 95 90 00 17 00 13 93 BEI 12 60 4 57 16 42 18 08 5 59 4 89 513 55 03 17 83 1 VI 2 70 76 44 11 21 7 39 5 94 5 04 A 92 12 84 10 08 4 28 5 33 17 45 i 00 EMI S 9 50 8 25 4 88 $ 62 1 26 rn 4 03 4 2 $18,14315 $304 94 $744 08 1,374 53 o. in acc't with the Com'th of Penn'a. Cr. By atn't. re'ted onAuplicates fronfto 1853, 1.222 69 By amount 4. IA of 1853, 629 01 By exonerations on unseated lands, 81 57 By Collectors' percentage 729 83 Br abatement allowed Collectors. 350 83 Paid Register for registering 25 marriages and I),lrtha. 2 50 Tress'r" commission on $12.190 241 peed. 121 90 By State Treasurer's recp't. June 25,1853, P,421 05 By exoneration allowed collectors, 391 68 To balanee due, the Btate, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- A 13. persons indebted to the estate of P. D .13.. Havens, deed. late of Haendinc Stnne,are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and thosr having claims against raid estate, will please pre— sent them ,duly authenticated for settlement 8. W. BILES, DEBORAH HAVENS. Administrators Aug. 27. 1853. 3111111LAIr. CAME to the enclosure of the subscribe, i n sh e . streq_uin lisp., on the 31st ult.. a large Cow. about 6or 7 years old. middling sized horns. ants not partienlarly 'marked. The owner is reqoestrti to prove property, pay charges and take her serer. HENRY VANCISE. Sheshequin, Sept. 5. MS. • Those Indebted to Vs BY note, or book account will please take NOTICE that we ate In want of money. and moat Awe it. All who neglect to attend to this timely warnine. mayexpeet a visit from thi Mk CorislaAk. Ntijo: king Mil time. ' • NALL & RIISI I ,BII. • ' Towanda, March 21, 1863. $15,054,1 81 Bradford TWIT at Aran Ikre. $lB NI 106 ea EE3 19 BS 16 91 25 17 16 26 38 72 9 95 16 05 12 94 1 30 Is 05 us se 12 19 19 06 36 87 16 70 11 18 17 24 OM EIM 38 76 27 20 11 66 16 97 CEO 24 43 29 91 33 15 8 96 SI 77 21 24 E3M 174 OS 20 6L 3 14 41 !; 34 32 4 143 43 10 98 18 00 119 34 41 32 20 66 32 99 29 36 137 99 135 •5 T 1 92 49 84 41 30 9183 23 48 Err] 95 19 72 80 15 79 12 69 40 00 14 05 104 95 110 84 22 87 1= CS 27 41 29 48 70 3$ 20,384 14 6 022 82 $25,406 78 12,150 GO 9,569 22 $15.713 30 15,146 54 181 2S $15,327 es