New 'Abvernsements apply.'' Jrrqrs AI Peck and 1.. c •poe,.:ed u 7, ler the style name or 111,,,th •pi Un; Hmse." In the r •n Pie :s .j liradfbrd county of Feb. 147. iCE v given that lams M.Peck ev . Jo! op. Itu ,, Eti, Peter Kuykendall and the `22rl dsv of Decern her, A D. 1853, pre- Itt the c a ul Court an instrument in writing, eets , aric . les and conditions therein ,set forth ; ,.a: , ,rd, it appearing to Thelon lawful and not ..•, u ‘teinuni.y. Whereupon they di ..e..1-writrng to be flied and that notice be at leas+. three weeks before C..4t 0( Common Pleas of said county, iipplicittion has been made to ~)tiir,:•opnration according to law. , • ALLEN NI'KEA.N. Pro'ry. :8,54 Sr:tarter% SILLE. • , o f Vend Exponas issued out of c ommon Peas of Bradford coon .„ I,f‘'.."ec.ted, will be exposed to public House, in the born' of Towanda, ihe Eob day of February. at 1 o'clock, ..;., . ine de-eribed lot, piece or parcel i•, S.n:thrif.M twp. bounded on the Peck, on the east and south • - c ii.t!,on the west by land , ofJno. at,st 11. M. Peck, containing Await half 1....11,s 'same ore or all improved, non , e, (WC flalaPd turn and a few r , 'and lake. in exerution at me suit of Chas. • H.(' r :'eLth Sakbarv. . . fk)/10., .11e IIO , CI.I`f d piece.or parcel n I. .wanda Tp. (n. , w , nuth 'rowan. • .1 on the north by I tod, of Edw. Overton V e*. tot, o n the e,t by lands of Wm and on the ,coath by land. of Hiram .‘11 . ; o.r, a n.I land. late the property `.l d pn the ‘‘.est by land" of Den . 1)2 312,, , ut IYS acres more or less -.,pwved one fr.tned dwelling house •„I amed barn and a small orchard of v.! :alien in exception at the suit of Gen. • 'he use of 11.1 w Overton vs. .lames Nes- W. !eh, doing business in the name r R phi 4•h- iwlng Int piece nr parcel of land htirl l tp. bounded and described as the public highway leading from a.,e to thens...n the east, south and Elpinezer Reeler. containing. one re all imp! rived with one framed building f•ur a Grocery there- ! rzer.n'ion at the stilt of Mar. )• y.• J•.hn L r,,rrortie. - , - dc-crideddd piece or par s:sn't, tit Wy-QX tWp. ded the .nds. , flJ din,im, e.l•t by Inds ni Lyman I, s.mih by lands ~f 13 , rtrand and Alvin cy, me•-t i• Lt(,l- to po- , e••tnn n 1 t;iinert II "'• r . 1 (11 1, (.017, I '3l acr- , slid 9-10 perches he m „ re abort 10r , y acres Improved. os...(me frame.; horn and afeo: small ap „•re :kt:11 .11 evrvution at the •uit of Wm Ihr tr.,: of N. J. Kecler vs. John S ' 1 J. piece (.1 parc. , l of land siinat ,I And ale-cashed as follow .-Nevrib . F. Fux. e,i.i by linds of 51 , 1190 n , art)'and wept by iand4 of Geo Fux, _ n ~cre., ur thereabow3, all improved. h. , d-e and frame,' .barn and a build • , 3 s.1,10;;;:e-IllaChille, and an orchard ti‘ execoiton at the suit of A - • . • 4. . I (/.., r11 ,, .rap,1 piece or parcel ,••-r,• p. and hounded on .!'• ! Newell sm!J.!•eph ••• 1 • i •••••Arotiel, 11sYYII. Rooth by hfifk. NV:•ham 1 , 0,1,0,n tile teest by land 'Vra c‘mia•om , shout 28 ;;nprm.c.t one - ••••' ;!•!!! 1 t .',.. tl,erc a ' . tl . I , rt at the •tyt Dan ti • I Vol. .1.: 1,•1 p.t•co p troel !grid I:II;II. ~1 I de , crine,l a. r I e B Drat! and 1•. Ii • •ci I-111...m0b be • Je- , ,e B. •. be the swmc ..c train d ! :tn.! I s , f frutt trees =I MEM 11l il li L, - ,". • ,;.•n,u exerutii.ri at the suit of Wm '. '' . - • - l'e•er J Vreru in. 7' , •' - • --1 ' - r..ll,.witit7 .le , e.t :bed lel piece or par ' • ' s , ine in Binlington tp. bounded on the / ' • . ':,,,,1s of J. G. Biskralee, east by lands of • : - 'Loh by lai d ,- . i,r 1 0 Blakeslee, west .( Luther Rockwell, conttininr,r about .i'4 .1. i,,s. '4 ten in eleen• ion at the curt of Swift v,. Chauncey Buikestee an. Ed r.•ll,,wirta :cit piece of parcel of land F.a•.t.l3n tp. hounded as follows—Begin• ?i! 'O.: the northwest corner or Jon 'than mare floral 31 deg;, east 212 r. ds to a - , hence mouth dee,s,ea•l 331 trills :•.... n ee south till. tie , S. west 212 rods tt 3 a PAst corner of the Flaytlorn lot thence '• ea•t 106 rod., toe post• thence north ,•••••;• the state road. thence southwester : 19'1 J. Camp's north 'the. thence 1, 2•5, mestatorq saki Camp's hoe, 51 per ^ e f bezio.rting. contanalng 332 acres • •• re ••r le••••. ‘11—(1 , 1.. t situate in same township, , -- 7 1 sein2 the east part of lot No. • I,renzn I) West's southeast corner, east 108 rots to a maple tt ,, tlk 31 drew, east 132 rods to a • • .. r h d-,ss. west 006 rods to a post. .1" 1, LrWest's land. thence south 1'22 to the place of brain . • , and 35-11 0 0 acres, be the same einz the same lots Of land surveyed •. and Mary his wife to Wilson Ager "one date January 15, A. D. 1853. tal'en in etecution at the suit of John A Patna. ..`"— I ,;low mg lot piece or parcel of land • deli to. bounded on the ?forth by • i'n,i,i,sweet and Ira Adams, west by lands south by landsof John 0 S,earns 4 •d•: imids of M. F. Ransom, con!aistlng acres, abuut thirty five neresl ie log house with a framed addition,tme •••• " X fruit trees thereon. d taken in execution at the suit of Wells t• David Brown. •• lie I. , llowing lot piece or parcel of land yalu , ing tp. bounded on the North by ' lirtah D. Huff. on the east by bownley. on the synth by lands of o the nest by lands of Alexander ` t ' z 11:y acres be the same wore or acres improved. one log' house a " thereon. !h''''execution at the suit of lohn ' '• 1 .) •:. n Lea is. T' tog lot piece tv parcel of 11 d ..'• ip bounded on the north by F st Wa-hburn.ou the east by lel:Ws of Hew' South by lands of Wm Snrith•monn• ' Is of Reuben Young, containtorfitty I N,• same more or less. ' . l and taken in execution at the suit of Pat -Ilarpht now to the use of 0. D. Bartlett vs. and Morris Murphy. ' Mil IS, , O—By a writ of Levart facias, all that eer r, piece or parcel of land situate in Wells tp• d as foltow.:—Bepnning at a hemlock tree, i. a .t corner of the said herehy mentioned r• •ed lot, running thence south 235 perches to a twir.tork tree, thence west 355 perches to a hem. k •ree, thence north 236 perches to a beach tree, e„,l a i , n the , south tine of a body of land lane to the Unnk of Peonsylventa,3ss perche , p are of bezionine,containine 51,3 acrls and I ' 6 perches more or less, being a part of a tract . Franc+. Johns on and Jonathan /Lan ' w 3 rtattt No. 5610, (the north part of said tract) ""d 1 .1 N0v.1794, and parented to the said John tntt on the 22d day of June, 1795 7 -Ten ,preb e•caod. ALSO—AII that certain part or piece of land Baited Belttnont, situate in Bradford Co. Pa.. begin ning at a post. thence by land formerly of Francis Johnston and Jonathan Mifflin, south 508 perches to a post, thence west three hundred and 33 perches to a post, thence north 520 and 6-40 perches to a post, thence by the state line of New York,south 88 degs east 363 perches to the beginning. containing 1100 acres and allowance of six per cut (or roads, 4-c surveyed in pursuance of a warrant No. 5686, dated the 4th day of N0v.1794, about sfleen acres improv- ed, one log house and framed barn, and one saw milt thereon erectei . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam uel Rexford ass knee of H. P. Yeomans vs. Horace C. Tallrrian and Rebecca Tallman hix wife. and Ha. rid L. Sanderson and Philip J. Pierce terre tenants. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs will be required to he paid upon each sale when struck down to the hidder, and upon a failure to comply with Mut regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Thomas Turk. deeessed,'latv, of Litchfield township., are hereby requested -lo Mike immediate Payment, and those having clams against said estate . will please present them duly authenti cated for settlement. CORNELIA TURK, SA M'L DAVIDSON, .Tan. 12, 1854. Administrators. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated fur settlement. BETSY TEED. Adm's. SAM'L DAVIDSON, . January 29, 1854. T WINTOSII, Dentist, has just returned from the ..1. coy of New York, with improvements in in struments, material and sk.II. and is prepared to at tend to persons requiring his professional services. He Will he found at his old stand, next door to Mer' cur's Store. Tomi: ndn, Jan. 2. 1a54. VALUABLE .FARM jT isti [NG to dispose of his property, in Sheshe -% quin township, Bradford county, Pennsylva, nia, the subseriber offers tt fur sale upon the most rea-onable terms, and invites the attention of those wi , htrig to purchase. The popery contains two hundred and forty-three acres or land, lying along the susquehantia river, with a large porti..n of river flats. of the very best quality of grain land. and well adapted fur a dairy. 5 , The improvements are a large two story tiousE, built last year, and fin ished in the hest style. with brick kitchen N - - and wood house attached. There are also l ahree other Dwelling hou-es and three Barns. and ( two large double roofed sheds for stables and rattle. There are also three 111.711 ARDA of choice apple trees ' and a young Peach orchard of 55 trees, selec with care. One hundred and eighty-fine acres ate under im• cprovement, and the balance is covered with limber, ‘uch as oak hickory. yellow pine, arc .drc., all being well supplied with springs of water. property was formerly in three farms, and will now be sold to suit purchasers, either whole or •tepar idely. and terms of payment mails easy. It of. fers inducement , rarely met with, licing within 33 miles of Towanda Otte county seat). opposite the N rah prany'l ranal. 14 miles from the New York York and Erie Rattroail. and , inimedintely upon the tie of the projected N rth Pennsylvania Itatlntact Application may b.. ti .'e a CLTS•ES MRIICCR Esq. at Towanda. or the subscriber upon-the promo-es. Jan 2, tw.54. JOHN NI'MAHON. t"• - 7 If th,• prapery us not sold by the tst of 'l,ireh next, the Farms will be rented, reserving the MI Ecgai 9albettisancuts. Sheri 11 . $4 Office, Towanda, Jan. 7,1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. QEALED PROPOsALS will be received at the C Canal Cffiee, Towanda, until 6 o'clock P. M. on Wedne , day the Ist of Feb/non, 97.4. for con ornelincr a Weigh Lock near Athens; a Welch- Lock at nr near Pincton. Alai, fur furnishing Scales (or each of the above Locks, including the placing and adjustina them properly for u...e—Scales c a ps. ble of kveto,hing 1'26 ion , each. Al.. for rebuilding the superstru,ltire , f• Porn Bridges in t.itailding, Stone town-hip. 13,1;-Ifor I Ping. BIN+ and Specifications will - he exhibile I at the Canal Office in Towanda, for three days pre vintic UT the Letting,. • By order of the Board of Canal Commissinners, M. GAMBLE, Engineer. CAV/T. OrracE, Towanda. Pa.-Dec. 26, 1853. i .LAST CALL! ALL interested will take notice that the notes and accounts due the late firm of / H y S M. C. ME RCUR mu.t be paid, and that I will attend at the store of H. S..3lercur foi the:pu•pose of settling these m+it• ter., on Saturday of every week, until the ',t day of February af Xt. after`which all rematinin2 unpaid will be placed in the hands of the proper officers for imme.hate collection. December 10.1953. M. C. MERCI.R. o Ct.D 9 OULD inform her frier du, that she has just V returned from Neu. York with a full supply of 13ON'NEft, and other MILLINERY GOODS and Te4lue , tr them to call anti examine her srock. Towanda. Dec. 10. 1853 TO OUR TRENDS AND CUSTOMERS GENERALLY. AvE are under the necessity of having our pay on all Notes over slue. and all accounts of over four months ptinding. and we intend to have, it ; conqequ, , ntly. if you expect- to save cost, you must call and pay up immediately. Towanda. Nov. 9.53. H RI7:4SEI.L. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGS BERY IS Now opentog a, I%i sw SITOCIt rte Goons, consist• ,irig of full and complete assortment of all kinds MERCIIIANDIZE, which will be sold as,eheap as the same finality n Grade cart be bought anywhere this side ot New York. 'Towanda. Dee. 10. 1851. WINTER GOODS ! Zoseph Powell, TS NOW receiving i large st ck of WINTER GOLDS, of every description. which the public is respectfully invited to call and examine, as sufll. merit inducement wall be offered to those wishing to purchase. to make it an object fur them to do so. Towanda, Dec. a. tan. New Arrival of INTER GOODS ! 1T 8. MERCUR has just received another large 1. a4sortment of GOODS. to which the attention of the public is respectfully solicited. Towanda, Dec. 1.1853. MINK 14KINS.— The highest price will be paid JVA casb for any quantity of Mink 'fins, by Jan. 4, 1054 NMNTANYES' & co. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, 'rooting the Public Square. MITE schrteriber, thankful for the liberal pitronnge rreeivod the pest year, intrn?..4 to keep constantly on hand a full ns.ortment of the very hest articles usually kept in our line, which Ha WILL disp-tse of on such terms as will he satisfactory to all who may patronize hint. The purchases nre inn& entirely with cash in hand, and for the Ckstt our ethetemere w..l l'4•Ct•lVe the benefit of a good Hattie at kl t. , w price. All articles not answering oor recommendation, will be c/oerful'y taken buck, and the money refunded. 135 - Medical Advice gratnittitiOy given at the Office, charging t.nly for the Medicines. fhe stock consists of a complete and select assortment o DRUCS, MEDICINES, Pure Wine, & Lignor•, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL - 7 TIE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATERNS OF LAMPS:! American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant A Good.) Superior TOBACCO & swerrp !----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, , Principe and Tara CIGARS ! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY; -FAMILY GROCERIES Black and Green Teas ; ana Java Coffee ; Motass,• 7 4, Synips, Su:ram Spices, &c. &c REMEMBE-R TIIF, .TORE—sourit END (IF TILE WARD liousE! —AND IT MOTTO— Th.e be,/ Q , l ;lily ARP), tine.ll—Mo i .!c Prrti:.:—Rra,ly Attention to Crstomer,—no Adnltcrotton .0j 6,.o6—Coinint Advice as to .1 , te , •l ilttention to Business." Totran.ll N v.mher 12. V 45 t. H. C. POET ILA CHEAP GUNS, S. SEZARITIVIr PSITNI4TIT IS just. receiving n general assnitinent of rgior Gi t iiius at the corner 01 Bridge and Main street• which were purchased principal y 1 r Cash—at very low naure..ind hr limier. hirn•el that he can ell good , a , cheap th , cheap st. The public are re,p , cifiilla incised to call and examine his stock. which con , i,ts in put of Dry (;,,nds Grnrente, Itaidworc, 13 ,- +ols and Shoes Cnukc+u. Glcks d Si-ne Fnre, Porits Ob's. 112 / c; Zyc ,!cc. He would rempeetfully announce !" the La , fie. of Towanda and vicinity, lbw thr..tte,!l thet. tlnl , r , rnz Pergey,crance, he ha* abandoned the sate of x t . catinz ligune4. J. HARVEY 1 1 11INNEY. Oct. 21, )R,3. TONS !nor,. of 1114,Ae cheap Mtrgir. 0,1 coed / and (.r hv PHI \ NEV. lew ciest_.: good and el - wap by PHINNEY. W A TSh Sli (l r4:`, 0,1" I:: 1.1 Forlmrnt tn. I..)RES GO , 4.1 tir aod c0n.r011.2 ro f.nt , \lOO-tm treCzon ,,, , a!I icnnt delaines blricl: f f.inov French, I) ,, tne , tic and scotch Gi sham; & Flio., of every ....%.;t• Ocn zI. IN.? HATs , , Cap., & Bonnets, a la , ge ,itylent ;11.1,! 1.1. cheap. by C/ISSIIITIrreS, .stoners. ran., and Tw'rell. of all descriptl.ln, itiAt received by Oct. 21. 1853. PHINNEY. Doznebtie nn', r f•ilo V:r ANTED—ni;•l:ll‘,l, zr.tin & lumber whreh ct,h Neill be pal , l '‘v Oct. 24. PHI'S; NEI. NOTICE. milt: win!, t-rift Nt: M • lt :e! got 1 1% une tvitl commence t•ti Yonti.q the '2.slth of November. 1553. Turns, ss Common Entzti;n tNt LW {CS, $3.04, Higher • imh French or Latin with the 5.00 No txtra rharees made for anythinc. The School is kept iu the ve.zry vF the Meihr,di,:i Eptscopal Church to Towanda. Octuber 29, 1853. DISSOLUTION voncr, le heretic L.vtn th , pastr.sql;D• isting:brtwetit' ihr ~ilh•r•ibr,s syn.. Lvr‘l by mutual 911 the. 1.0, rh e will be fienleri Py FL Puis7:Er. crho her-Sy uti.r. warning to all in 'xidril Thal Ilwr dtate attent'un II t`...ry wi..n r . Its. Montrm, net."l,er Vin, r. I.Vt IN. Cistern and Well r'inrips ! L EAT) PIPE; ! lipiranhe Hams ! of 3 km l size, Ar.c., cheap fur ready par. 1.4 •-akr Jan. 8, tgria. It. N. WF:t,f;S:N.' PROCLAMATION. VICHEREAS the Ital. Darin Wiwi'. r, Pres,isient I' Sulice of the 12th Joitterti Di , triet of the counties i f Brandfor,l, Sll , ritirhonn • •Iret tit t brim, end the Hons. rnor Det.t. ene and 13 a nn; ACKCET, ABl , oo9(t . .llltige . i. in nod fir said emit, ty of Drailmrd have issued their precept r 2l e t t hy of D e c. 1853, to nu , direrteti, for holtline Court of Oycr end Terminer, General (4111111. r 5.,. *ions of the Peace, Common Plea!' at II Ocohe.,*, , Court, at Towanda, for the roomy of Brntlre,oi on Monday the stl day of Frhotaty nod, to continue three we he. Notice is therefore hereby gisen, to the Coroners and Justices ot the Peace and Gctistatils-s of the crioto of Medford, :hat they he then and there to lhetrryr,-• per persons, at 10 &dock in the roreenort of said day, with their records, inquisitions, and et her remem. brancea. to do those things which to their office ap. pertain to be done ; sod those who are bound by re— cognizince or Otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are nr may he in the jail nt said coun ty, or who shill he bound in appear at the said court arc to be then and there to proseeute against them er shall be just. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their attendance agreeably to their Online. Dated at Towanda, the 20th day of Dec. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred anti Eilty three, and of the Independence of the United States the seventy•shtth. CHEITTIR THO‘TA.St. Sheriff: TOWANDA Pio GURLINGTOS PLANK ROM A N Election will he held on the firs Moodav of Li November next, at the office of Laporte, Mason Sr e Co.. in Towanda, between the hour. of Id A. M.. and 2 P. M., for a President, live Managers and at Treasurer, for the ensuing year. H. S. RUSSELL, Sec. Towanda, Oct. ii , 185:1. totROCTIE BRAWL`s-1 large and splended as 1. 7 sortment jest reed by. J. POWELL': AND GROCERIES, =I FANCY ARTICLES, iSze. &c '6aftnon, Marl:Pre!, `t'. !V ti.tlll 5 1 ,11 ATAMB, 1 , ‘ 7 113. at 11.111.1 A & NEVIN'S Grocery and Pr.,v1,1,,n and Fancy Store, oppoaite the et-urt lif•ty,P, Towanda, after the 13th of October, ult lan , nary I, 185 t, STRAYED OR S ; OLEN, ~s/}4lthepremises of A. B. smith. in ('lsletr no Thor•dav :.•=ept. 22,i, a large bright red (•,,m, 6 yr.or, old, with slinizht handsome horns and , roh a -a all.,w•tall in the right ear. Vl'ho— ever wi.l glee information where said cos Can be foond -hail be reasonably rewarded. rktrr. Oct. 1, 1553. ALLEN s'IPER. NEW FALL G..ODS ! TITi • S. MERCUR ha• just received another large 1I • - ,,, nment of Gaods of ever! de•cription, to .i•hlrh . dillimu • wdt he made every week,and which wol he sal , ' as u.ual very cheap. Tonamia. Sem 20, 1833 ALT—A qnantity of Snit ju , t received by H. s. 31ERCUR , h , az rq4l \ NEN J. C. 'Nut; 111, of Nhinroe, hag located in AT the Pre,bytertan Parsonage. r.:(;ve,.l,f,t t1.3:13. .7:,t received by Xoseph Powell. rr , e , mn of di iP pulMc respectfully invited to a large and complete acNortment of att,loond Fancy Dry Goods, Grorrrir4. Ith-or:lre Crorkk , ry fiaritA and 'shoes Ilat'N anti carpot,l 42 -, Paper fl,ng -1;:7q Ar lovvem marl:et grit• v. , lt r,untry sp n t. 1;). The liar Qnrstion Brine Settled in 7:,151[_` Mr, 47,12,1:11 -10 111-47.1 s rrsT yEs & CO. nave camel() the etncle- I < enlntre their tm.ine6,„ in view of the rinpara;ieleri prO•rwrity that inn re-ult from a state pew-E.. They therelote, After returning' thanks for t , rmer far , .r., invite the attention of the citi7.enaol and a‘ljoitting counties to the elaratnatton of 'heir tons , rinC 01;:i:Iv vdr.ctie-s 0 . Fancy and Drers !hi Ire r 'rork , rtr I , vt and Car ' 71' 1 ,, ra ,41. c. Von. Lenther. , art ~r wh,rh ttitered nt wholesale or retail, at pr ',hat rAn not fail please. :•,• pt. f. :r :I. WINTER GOODS, io'h Corner el Me; cur's Block, Main Street, X id: n(" , * "Pent , o: their stock of GOODS for the t•Ati ;, a N.l toter trade, comprising a full ;toil c •, , •rtuteut, a ntt of the n•aal variety, a hid.) Ivo; h•• •,.:d aoi a very •mall prutit fur Really Pay. .Imona th« a•s•noment of nll^ GOODS, mill be f•mild a 7. rea , variety of Ladies' Dress Goods itoz *c, pare of Bertzr , 1; 1 , 1),J.;i:,1 ,11! wool Delanrs. 1,47r7)5. Al.n. for rnPn ., wear may be romnd tletind Cloth*, Twet. , lc Kentinky Jeans silk, !Twin and Snmlner Ve•ding. AI aneetin_<, Shirtin;q, bleached and brown, riektn , z-, summer Co,ods for boys' wenr, Cotton' Yarn. Varre.f. Warp, Cotton Mitten, &e. -A fall ! , ,ck will he kept on hand. Tho-e in want 01 l'ugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses. Stewart' , best ''rrnp.qpires. Pepper Ginger, Salerains. Flour. ro , h,salt,Tobacco, or any ..ther article in this line, will du well to call on us before .purchasing else. where. A lerge a splendid asaartment. ernekarv. (Pats and titona-veare. %Into nod Shoes, Hats and Cap s -- Nails. faints, Oat, Mu.? and Puny. Thankful the liberal petronage of the past sea son. the uncler.izned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to sn examination of our Spring stock, be- Iteetng that good Goode and low prices wilt insure a speedy sale for ready pap. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda. Nor. 14 MS% Paper Zlangitge, .t,very fine variety of Satin and common paper Ilenginr, curtain papers and transparent win— dow shades, just recd by J. POWtLL. Towanda. dept. 10, 1853 • ri7.XCZ". JOSEPH POWELL Tall and Winter floods 111 L AA... AL Ili Ali: ALM co ".7? r) 741 - 7s•zg imMt STnCIK ni /Pain and printed : 61), T hnms Engti,lt; Sc,dch (Tad Poplins, R aii shades and • c01 ,, r1 ST • oRocERIEs AND PROVISIONS Er u w®~. E6., 0 41 aboestiermtnts. 01 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE T ETTERS oT admitiiitrattin having been Ittented' I he undersigned by the Reumer of Drariferd anunty, on'the estate.olPArick Pytte, late 01.4thetir twit., deceased ; . all persons. indebted to said es tete are hereby notified to make immediate paymen• to t h e undersigned, and those having claims against SR id estate will present them duty seithertitcatrd fur settlement. THOPLVI'PYDIE, Adtere. Se t. !Bra. ADM IN 1:4111 ATORE NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Elliott 11 Marsh. deceased. late of PIKE gimp- ere hereby recith•gled to make immediate pa men t ant having claim.; aga!mq said come, wtli I,le;ew pre•ent them duly a whe l vticroe,t Men% JOtIEPII MA RSII 22. t 1153. - ADMiNIsTR TOIV NO ITT A LL persons indebted to the emote of Jame. :I Lennox, decd late of Elhter twp. are hereby recine.ted to make payment without : and ail hoe baring demands against said ectwe will pre. went thorn drily authenticated for settligneot. DANIEL LENNOX, Administrator.. Jane 25, 1853. EXECrToR's NOTICE A T.T, persons indebted to the estate of Alexander Madill dec'd late of Wysox township. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate wtll please present them dilly aulhentleltrd rm. set tlement. HENRY J. MADILL. Executor. Sept. 28, 1853. • Z. S. IVL&DILL .ITTORArEr T Lan , Office with the Re,tister and Recorder, TowAtoA. PI D'A. OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union uipek, north side of the Publie square, over the office of J. C. Maros, Esq. Sept. 24, Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Lyman Warriner der'd rrlIE undersigned haying been appoinfrd an audi t tor by the Otphtms' Court of Bradford county to marshal assets and distribute fonds in ihe hands of the administrators of the said Lyman Warriner, decd. will attend to the duties of said appointment at the office of Wm Watkins, in Towanda horn' on Saturday the 11h day of Feb'y, A. D. 1851, at one o'clock, P. !W. when all persona interested are rc• que , ted to present their claims. or be debarred from any portion of said fuorl. 61.:Y H. WATKINS, Auditor. lanulry 2. 191.1. Auditor's Notice. In the matter dale eidnte of In rho Orphana'Conrt Lemuel S Maynard, dec'd. 5 of Bradford county THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute funds in the hands of the Ad in istra tors of estate, will attend to sold businee• et the office of the Register & Recorder, to the boro' of Towanda. on Saturday the 4th lay of February, A. D. 1854, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. when and where all person. , having eltiiine upon •aid fund twist pre sent them, or be debarr , l from the same. PAUL D. MORROW, Auditor. January 7, 1454. Administrators Bale. I3virtu, of an order of the Orphans' Cmurt o f Bradt'ord county, the undersigned administra• tors of Curtis Prink, riec'd . will sell at publsc sale on the premises, ou Monday January 3uth inet., at I o'clock, P M. all that certain Farm or lot of land in the township of Wysnx, nn the state road, and bounded, on the north by Charles Newell and Ber trand Whitney. on the east by Gen Bump, on the south by E R Myer and otht-rs, on the west by Da' col Sherman, containing about 100 acre, of which about 0.1 acres are impr ved,having theretn a frame h ouse , a cowl frame barn, a blackamtth shop and other improvements. Terms made kt.nwn on the day of sate Jlraliter's Ilcs Lite rHE unilerAigned, an noilin.r al piloted by the A. (twirl Commno P;iias 1 Braili'oril ['OMITy to distribute the fend rated bt !lie Sheritre sale of the real estate of Win Angle, Francis Angle and John Angle situate in It'srrick t'. will attend to the duties of his app•iintment nt ht. "trice in Towanda, On urday the 4th day or -February 1854, at 9 o'clock, A. M. when and where all persons are required to make their claims known to him, or be debarred from cutniti,g in on s no t Nod. J .MMES MACFAFL Auditor. 1.1n0i1..y . 3. tißrit. FAD I:1 . OR•rt \r,ist'r r,T, pr":-.lns I: cl to thc rs!a7e of Arunah Wattle df.cca, , d, late rLe t , unship, are tv,rebv t.",litr,ftc; tr , ct• , ke pnytnent. And tlio4e 6ac,nZ cla,rng -a•,t e-!ate. tvtp pleaAe present thew duly authenti-...1... 1 r.•r seitrement. A R.CN A.F.I, D. C. NV ATTI.U.s, Rome, net. 29. 1453. F:xee tors . DNIII\Is I'IZATOIC6 NOTICE, persons indebted in the estate or P. D Havens, dee'd. tale olStandine Stone,are hereby reqnested tn matte payment without delay, find those having claims avtinst card estate, will please pre— sent them duly authenticated for settleinent S. W. 1111,Es. • . Adminisiraiors. DEBORAH HAI E.N S. ADMINIt 4 TItITOR's' NOTICE ;.e , sons imichtel tr Cie e , tate of Oliver S. /1 Way, deceased, lan. of Herrick tocvn‘hir, are hereby reque , tea to make trantrchate payment, and thine havinz maims azainst ‘44i.1 e , tate, wilt p' , .at‘e pre , ent them duly authenticated for settle merit. SOUS W. GRAY, A. W GRA A". Dr.e. '3, 18:13. 11. e .V.mi.ii•trators cc,ll it the hou,e late or in Herrick:on Wednesday and Thursday. the 3d and 41h AfJanuary.lB.s4,at.vrhich time all interegled will plea-e altnntri. Register's Notice. Tome i= hereby riven that there have 'been IN Wed and sealed in the otYwe t.f the Reg,is , er,f W 1 1c in and f. r the coni.ty of Bradforki,accounts of alininict , ”uon op in the f towinE. , entates— Final account oFTn.)a. VC # •rx and Gordon eov adtn'r. 01 - the , e of Ili. T. Wilco% den'd Fmal acemlni. of R oftts C quffin2ton and (7, ‘ 4c ! ,.N. DeWolf eXerittor , of the lagt Wlll anct testanlent 0 (11(.10 mitt BnlTin, n, late of Warren, Frial aCconnt of l'honlas Manlev•and Hnhbcl Manley aclrn . r3 of the estate Of Asa Manley, late of Canton (.I..c'cl. Final are,yint of Chu-les 11 Knapp, rxez•ntor of the la't K r ill and te3mnent Colc, late of gnome, &c .d. Final account or Tbnmast I A Jakftay, atinfrA of the e:lnte of Geo Ink way, late of Windham, Final account of Joseph iiti•norili oral Carr, arim'r4 of the eq3ii: of John Miller David-on, late 'of Alt•anv. dec.& Final arc.;tint f Charles: St.‘eloa.gll sad M. L. Wooster atirn'ra of the estate of:Seely Holcomb,la:e of Leßoy, deed. Final acc , not of M:oi1.11 Vanaor.V.r B.lministra. trix of the estate it A w 8 Vangorder, late of Du , ' reit. dec'd. Final accounts of 'Daniel brink Goaidinn (.4 J - SOO Horton, Hannah Horton, Celinda Horton. Lern. nel Horton and Shepard Ho r t o oi - mi no r child ren " o f Richard N Horton, late of Sheahequirt, deed. Rohe i Partial acconnt of Rohe t Bud, &hem of the ea tile of John Welah. late o buret!. deo!d. All the above will he r tented to the Orphan Court of brailford county, on Monday the 6th day February nest, for confirmation and allowance. H. L. score : , • Rrghter. Register's Otte", , i . 1., Towanda, Jan. 7, IPSO,, 5 If UlttY MOM: JoHN S. Admmism,tore 2167012 lOW WINTER GOODS! Agm now reccirine a verr tarco• and han,N.•me knotsl e v - zavt - gza Gootts trum the city of NOR York, ennsistintt in part oi Cloths, Cas,l - haitinetut; Tweeds, .te:tira,, Detains. Gineilims ft Prints—ttoy ;viol Bro c ba shawls , f 7.311011 YAM. n4t:in st , Wll . klnlf Carrel yarn. all color.; severa) piere4 all Wool Carper., 4c. together wiih a general re‘enrttnent of Gro ceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hat' & Cops. and bole catalf,clie of nt.oKY & STATIONERY...4III of WhlEtLynd many when ran,da not en umtra• ed in the Ithuve, a tll he at prices that trtil vivo aatbfacttun to porch:lser,- II T0W21 , 11, NOV 17. IF:• ESOZZ.Z.W , CAME to tfie enelo4ore of thevil. , rrilteT n the. on ;he 31-1 Ult.. A IArIP! Red Cow. 3h. , 01 6 or 7 ye3r3 r bl, m:.l.l!ing •ir..,1 hnrhs. a nd riot particularly tharke.l. The 1112 - ret is rr11134.1,(1.4 to prove property, p3y chara•-< take her array. VANCISL. She3lierpi in. Fept. 5. 1853. - - - Those Indebted to Us BY note tor account pleasw tnke Nom° that we are in want of money, and must !time it. All who neglect to :oten.l to thlq firmly warning. mac expeet a vi'tt from Else It//;r Nofir , king Milt Gm,. HALL & IiesSELL. 'l%,wancla. March 21, complete ti.,nrtnient nt . lilac k. pbod and col< red adk.—all wool d e k t ine.4, monclin d e lajtopi, UrlSegeti,'Thitkt cloths, Totrr tmenss. kr. ju.n reitetv d by J. POWELL. VATrets Wa) F u,sy,v) Grocery and Provision Store. One door South of J. H. Pftinuey's Store. Main Stmt. rr HE u 13$ criber being of enlarging his L hutiness. would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he is jest re• ceising from Sea York nod is now Gpetitng fur eale a large as:women' of CROGERIES, SUCH AS Tea. &lg . ar, Ciffcc. Race Mokiees, Stturrla Syrup, Tobacco Ginger, Pepper. Spice Clove , Mare. Nut• meg. Cinnamon, Saleratio. Cream Teter. SOll4. GO , Und :1(u0:1,11 PrPr( Sqq. c. (" L auri ) C a ndl e s, Bur and Sharing Soap Vinegar, Starch, Cigars, etc. He has also on band and fur sale a large stock of It" OM COD 1317 NC al! WSW, Hams and shoulders. Mackerel, C,,dfi , h, Herring. Potatoes, Bean,. Dried Wheat Fleur, Lard. Butter. Chee-e....511ia. Butter and liosten Crackers." Also—most Vrnit and Nuts, Preserved Prunes, ilitren., Oranges and Lemons, together with a large .iteik "(German. french and Amer:can Toys ot a,l d scrtritins awl pi Please give him a call. A. J. NOBLE. 'Towanda, August 1E53. TOWANDA lIIIIETE g.L.l.'llii:,'.\..:EY. rrilLSlnntitntion,for the eL7tteation of young ladjes wan orenea on ilie , tl,:nornetnb 4 pir,irt the building formerly orenrte 1 Ntere;nr.— It la now nnder the rhar , rr of M.O.- Ourt t. D.` 11.4%• at leil by her ....ter Rter.rc . 1). 1it71 , ' , 1. The number of pup.. in Frn.!eJ t , thirty. The scfio acetic tear enr.,, , ,ts of $.011,;.f. ri.n34,—: - $6, $9, 'l2' per glitter, according to the stndiee rir , ned- N extra chlrge fur ihe Latin Langlinge. Frrneh, $3 per qua nee. Hter.nt.ackla—Per. Dr. Mac v, President tork'Re if New JeNev, Pr i -L 11.111. DAXID WILMOT, StAIN Lcr ,, u-ry Esc., C. t. vt . Anti, 1E44., HoY.GEn. S.wnst•.,'ns, 'i MEI GC 'SW; GC : o Tisfq TIEBF.CC A D. 1-1 A N si/N proposes to give irporuetion to Ow r, , un, 14 , 1 , ec 01 thk plies cn the Pi kN,.. Term..—'3. to per go- l rier. Application to he vnrt , 'e to Miss 11;meon at the NV-ive ki1..14e. nr Towartaa,Femele demi:nary. r , eytemhee 22,, 1453. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE , 11` , Ferther offers rule . ..e‘ 1'- hiq vainftble li real ' , tale., situatete ffr:ri in WVFOI . 1 13 CH ' ( i . Pa., 4' _ 81/10 •E t -MeA.Vi res ni , tir l 7. of the f.l;owing: 1. Abrut thrre and one third acres of land, at Myersburz. wtth a ta cern Hr ut.e tare;. Carriage Manufactory t=hop and 11119 C hinery. blacksmith .hop and other ont buildings thereon erected. There is elan upon it an orchard of choice fruit trees. The nee „.. ary lor d % w ill be n u ll with the carriage .hrp, hie prnrrr.t prratht. , a ;art: opportunity fur a ry r.1:11.'" a p; , investr me.,t and r Oft a jurrairre 2. A ler, sitove , i on the tae aboot•one mile fr ,, rn Myerst , trc. r ~,takt,tetc ,ey inty •tir e acres, ih u ty I , l•>reof iu: iro , el. With a mall h, a r, tal g. h.trn •n rrrr'ed, with. a , • , a, II otehart. The farm i= well watered and the sod ferule; and it .1 , 1 stweetittle 01 producing large crop •. peeTert ex- . .". b tozlther serarately, and, a reas,w4t , le crept tur et poeuutt of the purchase money. Fur further particulars inquire of ilysresliercul. E•q. of Towanda, Cr of the sub.4-rsher at Myerrbeog. 011 tRLES DENNETT. WcFox Nor. .''h, 185't. Ik:EW AND CHEAP GOODS. D. 11.‘RTIET1s. i; now receiving a large O and carefully gelecled slock of PLMV7 GOODS. boroght fin cash since the late f teein , e i n price•, which he will offer fur teat!) , pay :it prices which cannot fail in give sati:rac tine —are ,, n7. ether thinV 4 he invite , . particular anew ic—a to assortment of Dre.s G ood ' Tn0113114:1, Apnt 11. 1 4 r n. DR. E H. MASON, rl7. SXC7,4I IST swr,Gmorr, /science, on Fine Shredi n ;,..vale the Pre;bytfrian Cqfrth - 01Tere 11:s rrofe:ciAn3l sPrvirrt to (he penple of .te T,.nntla and . e ('an al ways he f o und it big °dice, in, 1)r. P.vicrrh's Den; store, when not pro- "0.""'" • rtIFIE qnnra ~r t: ,,. s ecit i o , oC .. „1_ t h e I,...,,iat ti tt, of (nr nrn.tford county h4re been rec'd. at the Pr.ttlt.not.try'm ofice, and are ready toe divrtbution tn nnt i t t e ,i to ,e_ cetve them. ALLEN NI'IiEAN, rba ° l7.,-. net. n. s LOUR—A superfin.- flour, just re ceivr,t. and for by 11. KING6111;111 - . Tocran,la,F^. .8. , DISSOLITTION. -,,T0 [l(' (hr. rn parttterthip. eti•tinz onrior the firm of Lre.fie E!e h l,erger , ..' rnnteral enriaettit nh, the 'Zi)th nt Oc!nher. 14:)1. Th. MI sineen will h. %oiled by Eticitherc-r, mho has the books for seltiemr W 1.1.1,1 AM 1. F: K wSt.:s FILEN IiF.RCIER, P. F. FALENBERGER. Terrvlown, Noy. 157,3. 11tt e States Hotel, LAPORTE. PA. so= a. 1r11.0017, Formerly nide " 1.4 p rte Hotel." XIX" OUR: TERS' superfine Wheat Flour, and Mason** iY.L. Extra Buckwheat Flour, for ■ale by Dec, 8 - 3. KI,IGBBERY.