Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 24, 1853, Image 3

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    ri!ETZAILROAD Csay.—The United States
• ri now in session in Pittsburghoe-
C:th, to grant the injunction asked tor
ie of t hatleveland, Painesville and Ash.
lailroad Company vs. the City of Erie and
i n the case of the Buffalo Railroad Com
o t he Erie and Northeast Railroad Company,
•,:v of Erie and others, an injunction was gran
-o,d,nion of the Court will not be entered
Celt until the Decision of the Supreme
ihe S ate of Pennsylvania, in the sante cas.
been made known.
a y. Cherry, a butcher at Corning, was ar
on Sunday; at CorrOng,, charged with being
steel in the recenly exposed bogus manutdc
sane of .he ringleaders have fled, one of
1$ r eprined to have destroyed $.10,000 in
eteit bills previous to leaving. Cherry was
to Troy to be tried with his confederates.
ennei of the N. York, Herald, has to fool a
; 10 noo, and costs 01 prosecotion, for libel—
!red by the manager of a Opera troupe, named
communication was rPceived to-day from
Pattersti,stating that the man who struck
le on each is rusticating "on the other bide
Jones says the bass voice he heard singing in
ler,, last , reminded him of a rag ma
tearing corduroy pantaloons in'u Fourth of
5311005 Classic comparison, that.
ver:. Farmers, Families and others. can pur•
•o Remedy equal to DR. Torus' VENETIAN
tsr, for Dysentery,-Cholic, Croup. Chronic
~a usa i, sore Throat, Tootheche,Sea Sickness.
Burns. Swellings. Bruises., Mt Sores, Need
)(,),iunu Blies, Pains in the Limbs, Chest,
oes not give relief, the money will be refund
is asked, is a trial, and use it accorilog
-au English remedy; and was weal by William
late Kint(of England, anti certilled to by
a cure: for rheumatism, when every thin , _ ,
:Ft 10 uoo,ooo bottles have been sold in the Uni
xe.:, «dhout a single failure, and many have
arc would not he without it it it was $lO per
case of Croup, as it is as certain as it
Chril.,•ra, when first taken, in a few hours:
in hall an hour—Mothache in aye minutes.
.•:ectly innocent to take internotly, and is re
,n,led by the most eminent plig.iciane in the
ni :•iates. Pi ice 25 and 50 cent...
, tiaq could fill a dozen newspapers wtth cer-
• ; .:_ei and letters elating tr.. the wonderful cures
rnnFhed by his Liniment, hilt considers war
it sufficient, as any person who does not
.ifefneed not pay for it.
'Tobias has pm LT CI fill 1151: LI‘II , IRNT in pint
..<, which is warranted•cheaper and better than
.oher for rholic, Ferniclies. old sores, galls,
cuia, bruises, etc.
fermi. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 green.
r , ale at tip. H. o. P .‘IITEII ' S Drug Store, Tow
01411 .4gAs
the ccm plaints incident to per,ong in the
ices 01 life, are Indigestion, 31-os
iif Nervous Syi•iteci, and Physical and
tc DeWitt... There are, in many CIi•CA, such a
R: , .mPtit of the nervous system, that they find
.;‘ , ..0i le to obtain the amount of sleep tired na•
: , •:i,ands. Myers' Rock Rose, by imparting
the Wool, aril through that to all part. of
•Nern, reato.e all the.e ditlieitlttea. The fee.
t heciimes hearty and all the functions
'•n 'theft office, See the follow.
:wine :
at•reby cerh fy that my m.ther-in -law, Sire
nervous and General Uehtlity, and Coneif.
yrast eta years she had not passed a night
severe coughing spasms, until iwo weeks
•I;e ilien commenced taking; Myer,' Rock
table •p:onlal before meal, and one al
since Thai trine, her sleep h , g been quiet,
enrirely oubsoled. NVe feel encouraged
Ow a remedy is at hand to restore her to
~ :‘i
a. Coin 13.12. J. PEA RI..
r.ks' EXTRAU I' of flock Rose. for sale by
(.. vifirrEtz. Towanda, Pa., ef whom pant
may lae had gratis.
FAIR —The First Wesleyan Church, of
Tw , al,(l.i, will hold n Fai'e , for the sale of
article , . at Merenr's Hall. on
is' ci•erine, Dec.i 29, 1853. Supper will be
4'•.P kto pay otr the d,-ht of the Church.
c w'tliing to aid in the undertaking, are in
ST v..ct ived —a new supply of School and Mit
'r!'anentv, Books. J. KINGSBERY.
.1. ii:wr c!. will take notice that the notes a.tid
tnoutits due the late firm of •
H. 8. & M. C. MERCUR.
pant, and that I will attend at the store of
Nieratir fox the'-purpose, of settling these mit
nti Saturday of every week, until the . .44 day
,t nary next. after which all remaining unpaid
h. placed in the hands of the proper of ft*
'iate collection. 10, 1953. M. C. MERCIIR.
Distribution of over 111 50 0 0
Worth of Presents!
whtch consists of over Four Thousand Movtug
ter'—among which may be seen Napoleon and
inny crossing the Alps. Also. •the Cheinunz
consisting of the 59th and 60th Begi•
.is •I. Mate Militi4 Also, the reception of
Elmira Fireman on that occasion. This Mora*
Ili the be-t moving, one in the country, and ha'
'lnn , re than it ia put'pp for, viz., $1,200
One Grand Moving therama of B . nnyanivPilgritn . .s
';' , 'e‘.r•thiii•ing all the travels of Pilgrim from
r Cm ef I/emulation till
,he arrives safe lathe Ce
sualet'r. This splendid exhibition has all thk'
connected with it that any Panorama
ter had, Which is alone worth more than Is. op
.plcioltil Panorama. consisting of 120 views
the Miriiasippi Ohio, end Hudson rivers.
•rh • $2OO
wo heautif ill Building Lots, located it!
info( the v worth $2OO -
illage of Elmira,the Third
each, $4OO
vc aplentitd seven octave Pianos "5O
I'd 245 splendid and cosily Presents—amounting,
to $5.052 Worth of property, the best.of which
-he had for One Ditilar I
the valt:e of the recaents amounts to $5.052,
w 1 :1 be the same number of tickets issued at
)ollar each. Each ticket will admit the holder
Imes to the exhibition of the Military Diorama ;
to one share, of the whole property named for
ribution. The Grand Moving Military Diorama
h e exhibited in El m i ra on ihe..C.ith of ,lannary,
Land continue on eihttanott 411 the shares are
aken. It will also be exhibited in each town
re there are fifty shares taken.
siihn as the shares are all taken, each share
r w i ll be notified, and a meeting called. (of the
iholders) at which the property above named
he handed over to a ,Gommitteechosen by the
iholders, for them tri Make the distribdtion ac
tax to the voice of the majority of the etockhol
-either by lot or lottery.
orders for shares will receive prompt attention
Idtesied post S. B. ELlirf HORP, Agent,
Chemung Co. N. Y.
All orders must be accompanied with the mo.
'l:titd post paid. Persons 'inkling shares will
t'e!ie particular and give their post office address
ro that no mistake may ocenr.
• WALKER, tickct g agent, Ulster, Bradford Co.
, Ncto qbpertismcats
:TXTOULD,.infor r ni That she has just
IV ' returned froin New York' oath' a roll sixoply
and requests them to ea!! and ezatnine her stock.
Towanda. Deo.-10, 1853.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Oliwer 6.
uray, deceased, late of Herrick Jour/tulip,
are hereby requested . to make immediate payment,
and those hawing claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for - settle
merit, JOHN W. GRAY,
Dec. 13,1853
The Adnjinistrators w.ll attend at the house late
of the deceased, in Herrick, on Wednesday and
Thursday, the 3d and 4th of January, Mix which
time all interested will please attend.
IS Now opening a Nam STOCK OF Goons, consist
ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds
which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New-
Towanda, Dec. 10, 1853.
TS NOW receiving a large of WINTER
1. GOODS, of every deicriptiou, which the public
is respectfully invited to call and examine, as sal.
cient inducement will be offered to those witling to
purchase, to make it an object for them to do so.
Towanda. Dec. 8, 1853.
New Arrivil of •
11 Es.IIIEIRCUR has just received another large
. assortmciat of GOODS, to which the attention
of the public is respectfully solicited.
Towanda, Dec. I, 1e53.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the co partnership
heretofore existing under the firm of. Lee &
lEilenbergers' was dissolver( by mutual consent an
the 20th of October, 1833. The business will be
settled by Moses Etlenberger, who has the books fur
settlement. WILLIAM. LEE.
Teirytown, Nov. 25; 1853.
alk. WK. MLA. ME IST 3i1..... 3111111 4.
0'224102V u Dlaccz3a9z
South Corner of Mercur's Block, Main Street,
% TIE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
r.t; Winter trade, comprising a full
' and cntnplete assortment, snit or ttic .anal variety,
which will be ' , old at a very small profit fur Really
Pay. Among the assortment of
will be sound a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goode
consisting in part of
Bereges B rege De(dines. nll-wool De!nines, Lawns
plain and printed : Gin g/sands English,
Scotch and American : Poplins,
of nit shades and
colors Ac , 0-c
At-o, for men's wear may be found Broa Cloths,
ras , imeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin
and Summer Vestines.
11 arseeun2i, anirtings. meacueu auu
Tiekuz., Summer (Hods fur boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn. Carpet, Warp, Cotton Flatten. dm,
121 Mg!
A full stock will he kept on hand. Those in want
of ugars.Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's best
Syrop,Spices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour,
Fish, salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on us before purchasing else ,
A large a s plendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and Stont-ntre, Beots and Shoes, Hats and Caps--
Nails. Painls, Oils, Glass and Putty
Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past sea
son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring stock, be
lieving that good Goods and low prices, will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, Nov. 24 1g53. •
'; ' Ii\ d111111.2
41: 11.3
H IS Institution, for the education of youug ladies
1 wa ... opened on Tuesday the !Lath September, in
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.—
It is now under the chare. of MissXlLiyis. D. li•x
sox, ailed by her sister. Miss Rsaseca D. HANsoNt.
The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic rear consists of forty-four weeks.
Tstms-- - $4, $9, aud,sl.2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued.
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per quarter.
Rt7FAZ/ICES—Rev. Dr. gACLRAN, Vice President
of the College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hon. Davin Wsxsurr, huts LArower. Esq., C. L.
WARD.f.; sy , Ho .Gr.n. Sprnsitsort• Towanda.
lulus REBECCA D. Id ANSON proposes to give
instruction 'to the
. young ladies of this place
on the Psis°. Terms—S[o per quarter.
Applicatimi to 'tat matie,to, Mids. llattson at the
Ward House, or at tha 'Towanda Female demnanry.
eteptem her 22;1953.
AvHERB -1,8 the Hon: Darin Wit...loT. President
Judge of the 12th Judicial District consisting
of the counties sf Brandford, Susquehanna and Sul
!wan, and the - }Bona. 'MYRON BaLr..rna and Haaar Associate Judges, in and for said county of
Bradford have issued their precept hearing dine the
21st day of Dec. 1853, to me directed, for bolding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, ,General Quarter Ses
sions of the. Peace, Common Pleas anti Orphan's
Court. a t Towanda, for the county of Bradford op
Monday the.f stl, duy of February next, to continue
three we 104,
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners
and Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county
of Dradford,-tbat they he then and therein their PT.,,t
- penning, cA IQ - o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
with their records. inquisitions, and of her 'renter*.
brumes, to do those things which to their office
pertain to be done ; and those who are hound by re
cognizance or otherwise 'to prosecute against the
pittionera•who ere-or may-he in the jail ofeael -court
ty.n(telieetnilLtiehound to appear at, the laid
are to he then •* n l there to,prosecutoegainst them as
*hall be Jurorsare requested in
their attendance agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Tovriihda,• the 1:61h day of Dec. in the year
of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and .fifty
: three, and of the Indspendenc.e. of-the United &sten
the neventy•sixtbi„,
~,UIiESTER THOMAS,, Sheriff.
v. - 71/01'111723. "
rile quota orrausiilifet laws of the Session of
the legislature of 1853. for Bradford_ county.
have l),een reed. at . the l i jo r t hooptary'! once. and
are ready fut . diptribittion to Mime entitled,. to re
ceive them. „. AT.LEN irgADJ,LPrety.
pLOUR.-A :quantity elf superfine floor. •just • vt
ceived, and fur sale'by B. KINGPU_RY. •
Towanda. Feb: 16 18.3 a:
1111 YERS' superfine Wheat Flounr
.111 Extra Buckvrhcal Fleur, for Rale he
loseph PoWell,
* - 11C_ISWINC
Fronting the Public Square.
rr 11E svhscriber,,thunkful for the liberal patronage received the past year, intend* to keep constantly on
hand a full assortment of the very best articles.uaually kept in our line, which uc wild. dispose of on
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. i'he purchases are made entirely with cash
in hand, and for the bar customers will receiie the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles
not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and Ike money refunded.
[1:r• flittlital Advice gratuitously given at life Office, charging cnly for the Medicines.
The stock consists of • complete and select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & blest& Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior TOBACCO & SMUT !----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, -Principe
and Yara CIGARS !
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coftee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugarc, Spices, 3.:e
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c." •
The Lest-Quality of Goods—Full Assortment—Modal-ate Profts—Ready Attention to Cestoiners—no
Adniteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business.'
Towanda. Nov./amber 12, 1853
w beat BAILIE & NEVI
'S'S 9rocery and
V V Provision and Fancy Store, opposite the Cotirt
House, Towanda, after the 15th of October, LW Jan.
nary 1, 1851.
3. rusavinr PAY.
I s just receiving a general assoi mem of Nsw
Goons at the corner of Bridge and Main streets
"wen were P..... 1 ""• ,1 Principally for Cash—at a
very low figure, and he natters hirnserthat be can
sell goods as cheap as the cheayst. The public
are respectfully invited to call and examine his
stock, which consists in part of
_Dry Goods, Groceries, Rardcrerre, BONI. and
Shoes. Crockery, Glass tk Some Ware,
Points, Oils, Dyes, fie., @.
He would respectfully announce to the Ladies of
Towanda and vicinity. that through — theeatittring
perseverance, he has abandoned the sale of intoxi
cating liquors. J. HARVEY PHINNEY.
Oct. 24, 1853.
4 4„_TON$ more or those clicap Sagan' just rec'J.
•„aud ftir sale by • PHINNEY.
TEAR—A few chests good and cheap for vale
SOOTS & SHOES, the largest end cheapest
sortment in Towanda, by PHINNEY.
DRESS Good's, of the latest styles and patterns.
consisting in part of MoulinDelai nes, all wool
delaines black er fancy silks, French, Domertic and
Scotch GiAghains ¢ prints, of every style by
Oct. 24, 1853 PHINNEY.
TJATS, Caps, & Bonnets, a large assortment and
IA cheap, by PHINNEY.
CLOTHK, cassimeres, vestings, satiinets, jeans.
and Tweed:, of all description, just received by
Oct. 24,gra PHINNE Y.
;NLA NNELS—French, Domestic and salisl , ury
1 for sale by PHINNEY.
WANTED—aII kinds of grain & lumber fo
I V which s. , rne cash will Le paid by
Oct. 24.1853. PHINNEY.
THE Winter term of Mrs. M'M Altos's School for
Yenng, Ladies, will commence on Monday the
2.Stit of November, 1t353. Terms, as usual.
Common English studies, . $3,00
Higher "
: 4 ), 1 0 10 0 )
French or Latin with the above,
No Lima charges made for anything.
The kept in the ve.itry of the illethodist
EpisCoiral Church in Towanda.
Octobtr 29, 1853.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership ex
isting between the subsevibers wits dissolved
by mutual consent on the tath inst. The business
will be settled by H. t. Put user, who hereby gives
warning to all indebted that they must give itnine,
diate attention if they wish- to save costs.
Monroe, October f.(l, Iftfi3. 0. P. LYON.
Cistern and Will Pumps I
T EAT) ! Hydraulic Rains ! ne any kind.
-11--4 size, &e.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. • R. M. E 1.1. Es.
Mice in the north end of the Word Itotnse, (lately oecupwd
by Laporte, Mnoott & Co.)
Towanda, March, 5, 1853.
A 1.1. persons indebted to the estate of P. 1:1
LI. Havens, dec'd, late ofStandinv Slocc.are hereby
requested to make payment without delay. and'those
having claims against raid estate, wilt please pre--
sent them duly auttienlieated for settlement
S. W. BlDES, Admiffistratoi'v
Aug. 27. 1853.
• Carpeting & OIL (loida.
.quantity of each just received and for Sale by
„Sept 10. J. POWELL.
WE are tinder the necessity of
.liaving our pay
on all Notes over due, and all aecnunts of
'ever fotitmotphstgan'diug,;•end *e inteni; have
n .
-expect,-to savetnnsri, you
must cnlt arittpay - up
Towanda; Nor. 9.59. ITA LI; 9
A-'3l Electing will be held t,lPtte *rat 'Montlev.Of
.a. , Novembee nest,at the office (Apart,. Mason
Co.. in Towanda, between the hoar* of 10 A.M..
.2 P. , M., fora President, rice .Managers and. at
'Treasurer. fur the ensuing year.: - • •
••• e• • • - • Ilk., ti.RUSSELL,.Bec. ,
Towatidtr, Oct. 'l4i 1853. _ i .
pirttea •a_ tap pmestic oo unusn,
ally largo atock of Coeficeeana Merrimac kintiv
gingham s, sheetings. bleached and tioble . sched„shirt
inv., ticking. stripes, ,lenitns Alan black cloth,
plait) and•fanty Cassiotere., gad
Kcntuckv Jeans .1; row Eirx.
ROM the premise& of A. B. Smith, in Ulster tp.,
on Thursday nirrht St•pt. 22d, a large bright red
Cow, 6 years old, with.straight handsome horns and
marked with a swalloW•tail 'in the right ear. Who—
ever will give information where said cow can be
found shall be reasonably rewarded.
Ulster, Oct. t, 1859. ALLEN :TOPER.
1 nit EMPTY -Barrels, imitable for Cider;' Pork
e 7 and Beef packing, &e. in frock! order. for
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE.
Sept. 4. 1853.
372737_,ZUL1C.X, rtnitie. 1
S. fit EMIR has just received another large
assortment of Goods of every description, to
which additions will be made every week,and which
will be sold as usual very cheap.
Towanda, Sept 20. 1853.
QM:l*—A quantity of Salt just received by
PR. I. E. INCH P Nt, or Monroe, hag located in
Wysol, at the Prebbyterian Parsonage.
september 22, 1853,
Suet received by 3'oseph
(f He attention of the public is regpeetful!, invited
-I- to a large and complete assortment of
Staple' and rarity Dry Goods,
(;,weries, Ihritzeurc, Crockery,
.Boois awl
Ilitq and ("ark. Carpeting,. Paper Itusig•
stig,, Leather. Dr 7r, Pointy Oil , : tS'r .
All of which will be cold at thz lowest.ruarket price
for caso or country produce.
Towand. , , Sept. 10, 1853
The War Question Being Settled in
TE4 - 2,9111L7111111C EZ - 1115 0
I,IONTANYES & have comet() the Ci'fielij.
t sten to enlarge their Wainer:a, in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that must recall item a state
peace. They therefore, after returning Airintitiiliir
Butner favore, invite tlie attentioh of th e ze ha o f
till- and adjoining ettuntjtelailhe examination of
consisting of all the variettel o!" rancy and Dfc:T
(Auntls, as also heavy vti Oen,
llaroPieore, Crockery. Groceries. HorocsAl and Cat-
riag,r Truntnutgq. iron, Leafier, At. tYt.,
all of which *ill he' offered at wholesale or Telail , at
prices that cannot fail to.picase.
I. 18:4.
1 fule,vll;ivir.of Ist t Agd cnmmab park.'
flanging., curtain papers and trap-pa ivni win—
w shades, joit reed by J. POWELL.
"rowanda. sept. 18,-1853
PECTSICX4I.I7 o 5131RDZi634,
Rekivicr. vu rue Strut oximmaie AN 44 Preskylfrzon
Cl urclr.
Carets ha professional services to the peNde
Towanda and vieinay. Can Malaya be found of I,is
P Ili ce, in Dr. Porrran's brag Store, when nut pro
fe<ainnaliy engaged.
Those indebted to Us
D Y noic ur account-will please take NO rich
13 that we are in want of money,' and must iztpiV
All whri n'ii;ireit iiicirterra
may 'expect a visit from the lit He CorutlAle. Najo
king-tlris time. HALL is lILISSELL.
Tkiwanda; March • .
.S - T -A CT I Vi 6
, .
LE'Att Totithita 'tor Veretir'.,
ruilts,iturlingtimf.Rakt iftnithflehl
Ridgqbery. and Wellstiarg de.
pot on the N. Y. oir - . E. R. R.. atter). 11 1 1thiniT. WED
s LSRAT start rains ,,s o'clock A.,,At.. - RiT4Arrice
at the depiit'iii take iliefevetat4iittin of caya
either east or west, same day;• '• • ' )
• Returning Toreali.itt Tnosi4trikt and-13area1,ie,
'after , the arrival of the Rasterit rtairk rind also; the
Western lean (coin lifter:On, Elmira, iker.,
sud s at
rive at Towanda same dale. • • • '•
phis Towanda to' kfircaeaftaina, • • • :17i
• • -'' to -Barliactna,
•u. - rolEdstStnithneld. Rz
• to Ridaribery; - t 1 1- tab
depot. 1,25
&wrest, pa - 464€ 4n . tt r frorb ilietßail Road car.
folly , deltr ered at. moderate chargrs. . 1,.
, • • • • 4 . 4 D. 31ilit7,k.i
Tmiltritl4, , C l / 4 1 a, Irrertictol
II• C. PORTER, 0. D.
Fall and Winter tloods.
taper lianginge,
- WWljPi
AL" p...0n.b.t......b.0n0ted to the
e o tt ivf. 440 4.1-4,11411..ird,=. r.
foltiartt e rcali~-frEC Wiry r 4c
im me diate paltiMakem_d_thr?sehatgclaimr, coins ".
s aid ecraecerArfelifrlijiii - ialthers:l-
cared for •iettleri:Crit,..
"V''rrL •
Sept 12. rtitnlvr
. - - • - _
41-DlibilditßATOWA.So CE.
r E TTERPor 1141.14 1 0 1 110 1 ) tin tint bcett granted
A 4 .he untie/410641'4 thd
couniy. un the eitilßeifor Pyt Male al'ilohen.
Ittp., e.eceasedliilll- qiitte t tokii to tiaiel e'
tete ate herelyinWitto.niakeittiltiiidinte paylnen.
to ihr US.dersiiplCiflli I hoSe h4 . 11441' 6.131 in hettifi. ,
-mnt e4tatetlLlt,odip 'Mem diAtPlidiihrflticA 6 d ftd
settlement- E.
Sept. 22,
. _
' Li. Pe ' . ..itUate.,-. 4 ivf •
.1 • kfarslliltiiietii4ceat: - ..makitt Alci..itapi, are
hereby reivititild;hajnatii?limiedisie4eut awl
those itit.
#.-alair, will
please prescnt lbein 441 y ::--oihenti 414 settle
ment. 10Sef MARSH' Adttl'es.
A LL Rertnins . ..ttnieblo,, - -tstait, .uf James
Leanoiiiiiiiit-inktWW - fite hereby
requested to make payment yvitkoin ftlehly J 4111 011
dn-e having demands against said estate ivp,l peel
sent them duly authealicated for, sveirmeat.
;.).INIEL7ENNOX,' I AdsiciIIiAra tor.,
J one 25. 1853.
EX EC ET° ICS NO riot:.
p.rsnns indebted to the estate of Alexander
deed late of WySol township. are
hereby reipiested to make payment without ;
and ell persons havitex etnims arninst -seid 'estate
will plestie'em duly antisenticsted-for get
tlement. HENRY' J. MADILL. Executor,
Sept. 213.
ALLpersons indebted to Itio 'estaie ut N. D.
Warlord. deceased. hue of Monroe twp pro
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having demands against
are requested to prereut them duly authenticated
for settlement. ZERIAU ROCKWELL. ?
r. A. WARLORD, j
Monroe, Sept. 29, 1553.
-------- - - - •
In the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.
lit the molter of the partiti , ,a the Row' kj.tate o
tionmet Renight. tote Rulzeb,r,y, decA.
TO Sarah Bensght,eslvin Benight. Mary Ben iglu,
Samuel BentAhl„ Phebe lip night, Benjamin, W.
Renight anti -Susan Benight, heirs of Elischiett: Be.
night deceased, residing at St. Joseph, Missouri.
Notice is hereby given. that the ,Uouit grant rule
upon the heirs and legal representations of Samuel
Benight late of Ridgebei ty, deceased. requiring
them to come into Court on the 2nd Monday of De•
cember next, and elect to take. or refuse the real
estate of the said Samuel Benight deed, at tip' vat
uation made and returned by the inquest.
By the Court.
H. L. aCOrri Clerk,
Towanda, Oct. 12. IWO.
.11 TTOII A" r T L . . 1 if ,
Office with the Re s i.•ter and Recorder
Tnwt•nt. Pt. •
(Inlet in the second story of the Union Block,
V north Aide of the Public stplare, over the office
of J. C. Adams. P. eq. Bept. 24. ,
hruilk -- trevaret.fsfersmilit
13 , s v us
lIIP in Wysox tp., Brad. Co., Pa.,
- consisting of the fullovittig:
1. About three and one third acres of land, at
Myersbarg. with st tavern House. barns, Carriage
Manufactory shop and machined•, blacksmith' *hop
and other nut Moldings thereon erected. There is
al.o upon it an orchuil of choice fruit trees.' The
necessary ariols will also be sold with the carriage
shop. This properly presents a rare opportunity for
any active basilicas manta make a protitable invest.
ment and catty no 3 lucraii%e business. -
2. A farm situated on the, state road., abolat one
mile from Myereburze , r.rrairrint: stvireoty.fiveacres.
about thirty acres thereof improved, with a small
framed Amore and a 1 , 2 h.rrn thereon erected. with
a .malt orchard. The farm i• sell a 'tiered and•the
Noll fertile; and it iyrsurNceprible ot producing large
The propertY trill h.! s .61 tog.olti r or soparatelv,
arid a re,nsooohle credit given tiv a portion of the
pilrehape Inttney..
For further portico Slercor,
E y. 01 Towanda, or ot the 5t.111+4.111111- NI NiVerPhilrl . .%
Vysox Nov. Vith, 1$5:1.
L) - D. BARTLETT.' i! 4 now recrivingit large
• and•Farefully seli ock of ,
hiinght fur cash-ainco the late decline in, price.,
which he will offer for wady pay at priced sidtich
cannot fail to rice PRiiiiraC tion--amnngothe,cthings
tie invite particular attention to his assunmenrof
Dress Goods.
Towaat.l.l, .4 prti 15. itig• - •n.
riTetitd t 0 Asza,sscirs.,
A's\eNsore tor lit'ArA(ril re
.l turn , in On; lath , tv'itit.: ~ n lt.t . viz— .
Wuolhath. nen. l'heAleihin:Doine
and divvell. Doe. S.
sins and Ttiscar . •rt. on lire. 9., :
Sautk Creek, RitlOrery„ A Aihens
biro', and North towanda, oh Sal urtlily. Dee.
nue tiii,Cailn
To w en,la au,t wa a f. 1.1 bora'. NVedne , ll.4.`bse. 14.
Troy Troy hero'. 11 eaui2bnr, 4 :;itito l n:l3i - aul
yille and Lero, l'hursday, Dec.
F'ranklln, Qvvrien, 41..nr0r, Albany, Asylum.
Wilmot and IJut;rlt. rriday,lse.t.
The Assessors will bo required to make' retaro
on the day designitte4l in their Warrant,, and no
room will be received 00 the three first; days of
Dee. Court. Assessors are dlso required I to care
fully foul each individual assessment, carryiva the
amount into the blunt; colimn ou the right, of each
page. Asses s ors desiring itift;eination ,respecting
any part of their duty, will please call at the. I;ttim
notsintier's ollice, before
,pro eeding to asiees.,
1y order of the Board t ointier;, , `,,
FARRAR. Clerk.
umin rs. office, Nov
Bl l :f..r.i:Ultne M i ran 01 . s
.. ) , Vinter Term opens on Mono:File. b,etrilber
.11 h. 1851 .',fbe cla.p.oa ktrm..ll6llo,,,regoltitions
' l 'd p el, wiltaepo‘l, upon the oupito4, Vbirai:ter.
.4. l :ifliriiilents4c , , ol',,tlic p4Oils. . . .
SI tideitia, • will lOtver tbs. honors, tltc, attention alid
al,• rtrAn-, J f;..r. thelr reat..onabioi. rrngress 'Le
PI lite 49 1 ~IkAl, bc l'e, , , Pqnhi Lk:
TlV•we int;ioling Ili te..ich, cow .np ,c4ools. can
receive appropriate &inane for this ; vim lt• - . - in
Orwell,: • •' it .. - • I - . ••-. ':. .V... -•. ;• .
.These, who artak-to• our :higher inaii
unions of learning can be to en accorately i along.tbe
college curriculum to any deisitedimi i nt, ill Orwell.
For Oa Common en2listt b arogh,ittAll4- -- '; i
, - oy, Oraminar. Aritlimesi ar s . $l, 00
itlligiter.,English;,lialitt,4G t;:ir,• , -; 1!;-, , 1 n'•%;?:# 1
--,, ~
to be paid in advance, per term of eleven weeks.
No pupil receilretiturlits'siktitifone term. unless
jor particultu reasottaltreiti ittitytaasielned) - Jl . l f )
Boarl dietbelreadilrobi iriellri4helviciliity, - - 1
id ' l , .1 C. HUN INGTON', Priticlpat:
i i
!!Lwell...AßV4ls, 185 4; 1...,•„- ; •-•: ~, •1•-.1/.; , .. ,
„t 2 IiOCIFE'•: 4 , B 4IThEg-'=4ll-Ittge- , ZA . st 'VI 4064 f,
I ....* , aottmentlasfreetrtej •'• ' -.l': POI EL •
F11):01, AND, VFW ARRIf Ali OF
Stip e r :) l k - SVIVOVIER,
-1 • rop )
2130Z1/2 1 41271ET5.di t.
ORNEalof the Pitifilic 21quife'sind matti Street,
;Towanda. t_Pc,nrspecually.,elve notice that
they aft uouitopeninig sad receiying direct from the.
City of t Nese York, thei N EAN.STOINt of SPRING •
and - .SUMMIIR (.It/t/DS‘whieht, stub -their tomer
sloe. k on hlpil.conspriiies one of the lam bent
selected lissi4ittniiiiis tt. ho tOtiad oik.
Having heen purchased at •
They are enatired to etTi.l thrill cheaper than ever.—
They 11. ite patticular attention to their assortment
of - Zra.dles' These 1:14;104,1L, • . -
Consisting of 4aconet.and. Swiss 14 eqinft. - eranifd,
I.awn,Cinghams, Dar'il Muslin; Merrimac,
Coclieco, Fat River and othir styles of
American Prints. in endlees velvety: a .
late assortment and for sale , •
cheap. They have also a
laree variety of YANKEE NO-
T! .N$ etnlieatinc tamest every thing
irotn a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Retell-
el. They ineitejnoticulat attention lo !heir
a•sortmrnl of Carpeting, of all prices and style..
Also. spring and Etittiallf.f Hats.- .flooff and
shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather. Gm- 1
certes, Croekery.Shelf Hardware
Their Slot k has been sele:ted with cere. sad pill
be sokt cheap. Farther comment is. unnecessary
—give us a call, and we wilt show you oar goods
and prices. and convince you ibat the above is no
fiction. Our motto 1.. " Smell Pronis iSr Quick
Returns. MONTAN YES ific CO.
11'i/eland a. March 16,-18,53.
v. IST OF JURORS, drawn' for Deeimber term
B'l4 serstuns,, tRS3.
?Hine wEre.
lsctutn-Genrze Et - Gamble.
Col tinibta—Hela m Budd.
Canton —Samuel Ittinealt. Writ Ittbertv.
Durelk-1t I; Gilbert, .1 Iloinet, J VOipplu,
Ziinates • -
Frankliri—Botsre Willie
lierriek—M B Porter...l Erskine, M Slocum,
Lerolltirettt nolleottib •-•
Orwell—E R Brown
Bilighery—P A Evans. %I D Hammond
dulithfiel , f—Reuhen Butler, Henry Pete. Michael
Cyrus H urtbnrt
Sr~nnetield Dli nfooloi. J Ileelness,las Kenedy.
SbeArquin—lieu W Vincent
Standing Stone—John King
Towanda boru'—ll Tlle4r.l•l , y, Darn] Cash, Wm
Smitlt (14—I1 IT Mac..
Troy horn'—Errhu :\c.+ bury. 1. Rutiyou
Wuiten--B A ('arty.
D Glea?
Wyalti.itiv.— Win S Afkl,latigh
Wfils--111..a Davy
I au) tp , tv receivinz a very large and tntlatorne
sqoctc irf IMMELIiIL -GOODS Item t)te city
of Turk, consisting in,port of Cloths, Casst
met es. 8;116'1(11s. rweetts, Jeans, Linseys, Detains.
Gitigharns & Prints—Day Mate and Mocha Shawls ,
Muslins.Cotion . Yarn, 'tatting., W irking carpet yarn.
all c010r.,; also sevetal pieces all Wool Carpel..
4c. dc., to ,, eiher wiih a general ast.o t theta of Gro•
ccrics, Har dware. Crockery, Hail h Caps. and
burg catalogue of Booms .& sIATIMIEHT —all Of
which, and many other kinds t (Good. but enumera
ed an the above, will he sold at prices that will
gave satiefactiutt to purchasers.
Towanda, Nor. 17, 18:.3.,
1 to emcktaore of the subscriber in She.
in twit the .0 bit ult.,' !Tie IRed
_ not particularly marked. The owner Is requested
to prove property, pay eliarget and take her airay.
sheshequin, Sept. 5, 18.53.
AD VERtikM:fVl'
'Bradford County. Pennsylvania
11 °VEY'S Patent spiral knife Hay and Straw Cot
*. j taro, of various sizes, No. 1, 2. 3,4, 6 and 6.
Price—s. 9. $9, $lO. $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cot
ters are better and caeiper thin the straight knife Cut
ter, with knives set (pap: pally en the shaft. .
The knives on Hove?* Cutter are spiral, which
enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide
roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking--an easily
kept iii repair. Bich knife can he taken off and shar
pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives)
and if neeestity4ach knife ran he set out of in, so kw
to keep them all tine, if one knife should:wear faster
than another. :
_An farmykshonld hevesne of these
:alum and feed eavtog m teltiries
tr:l For Sale wholesale and retait--4 liberal discount
tirade to these whll buy to sell agent.
H. 10. NVELI2F.,
Athens, Pa., Novemlier
Bradford County Prrminut Corn Slit Hero,
Alf tIOLESALE and Retail! The eery best article
V V to be found', the county, and etteapett—(war
rantell).—for sale at the Agricultural end Onto stone of
Nov, to, 11453. R. M, WELLES.
COOK STOVES, of varloos and etrellentpuirn.
.tat alatta...several patterns superior Flioratstl
Oeetie s amok t a bid) is a combination of the Clinical
and National Air Tieht, celled the EAGLE. • Also n
well selected stack of elegant parlor. hell. glop, ehomh
ameichnol house Stoves, twit fir svoml and coal--of
sizes and prices to i4i,t all classes of cliaiiiiners. 1;41
and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WiII.LCS.
Sausage and „Nance Meat Cutters.
p Inc Es $1 Ha t tvery'rarinfr should here one
of t b am ei g eit a pt lahor weino arieleol they ,or,e
ropohlO.Of inoing,fronlloo t 0 .200 pflookliii of meat,rier
hour, find Ste veil , simple, tortoble and ea.iiy_ kept in
I's •
repa - .r, o ;
Athens, Nov. 10. IRA
- -
A 1 21 '.0 R VitAN T. tri)
. • at the - Inner 3.ltade.
stibeeriber.itr i 5 want of a yautta map, be.
- I .7 . ) l lgren: and; 26 11413t0g•.age, of industniiu4
artdMoral ha`Kitt, gootltealth, and znad mechanical
eett ue w lln pt.heu7n lOarri :a 'ima trade. wont km-a
rt../1. as an apprentice to the abode mewtioneit
itadO. will be boon& sn triy' ratnity.
Cur a suitable applicant. A young man brought up
in the cminter will he pet.terred. So Rand an op.
Portujiti"Tnr lettrnin„." the ne!s i a YiliAi - Ottorti.
Apply peri.onally of by Mail sit - -(meci: find* refer.
:eneee ratptirt(t.." R k. WELLES.
• A theinri DerealiNgir !RYA,. • •
A IA? rPtattllviadebt4li to ttir*ltkr or runah
"Wattes. dicezki.ed; hkti3 - ofit'ethetowri.,hip, toe
I*.rett, ?Otiuißted'ttrmitkeittiittOtfiticrrayiTieut. - atski
Atiyei hartne claims at,iihtivalict e . .
eatat` Ojai Orem!.
prousqt,thf , aettlinf: out.
Rnme. Oct. 29. 103. ' .
• - th,`Bdsh Atc ,•fttgi teiti v t,lll
Straw Cutters.