Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 17, 1853, Image 4
~~r~to:ate: 1 • ~•, N Fri &.• .NlfAlir 'Gt3ODS. hry nrri ril/ T . l -1111.1.. U• C'C'LLINS x PO , thf!ht Ei' z th,t they h cc. 41.1,inctd at ISo. I Row. 144 fy occupied /It nry Ca•nphvll, aqd .tuk.k of Cog, Cktils nil Tritutuittgs, than e..-r he Coe iu Oaf,' tnarLet. curairtitng of o , ar, p.rN. Frork and sack Coati r Paatt, Fate. tt.o)ha, Cassitner.a, Veatiugot. and Triiu Wing.; White end Fatry ruiLts, To%ea U r-irly, tta:. We volol.l e atten:ion CO our rilaunfacturing Ilspartmaut. L. v•lneti cce Enski to oTJer, clturt u nioe, nll ,tylcs Catlin dV:10 to utde• JERE ciit.LlN7 4 . ‘V E Towable, ninr. 3 1938 DISSOLUTION. IVOTICE is hereby given that the em . par i net o„ i , herctarore the ftrul of J Sr ts. Alexanler- was thi. day dt..s...lved by the trubdrawsl Nathdn Alexander. :She hu.ine..+ will herearer be conducted by ti.e underbiened firm, (C.On:•i lin: only Of Jai obi Alex ander. 8.1 1 ...mon Alexan.irr and 11. F,. Solomon) et nld gland in Art`c , e. hall. !S 7 Water +l. ri; an.! at !in. 2 ‘tercue's DI .ck. .I . owanda, P.t : whera the und..r-tgned ne happy re c e ive a continuance of the patronage which has bet.n so lib, erally exten - Jed 1...1 their Tir...l;•eo.,sors. ALEXA_NItEiis st sor.olros. All a... , onnts due 1. 4 8 Mex....der must he .ctlezi in thirty d.y.. from th:s date. T,-.,..r 3 -I.!a. net. 13. Is.o. • CLOTHING S'IVIZ .6.7.IXELAWDMI ed. SO:11107v7.01'4, TN the 'it 1,?.%. Les' .!?:11,) ?incurs ju,t athlt4l tbe",l - stock, a 1:.: - ge and tla .v.,so: - ,mcnt of 11.e,ac:v C:cdthirg, •- rt , &StrN, f e‘ ory vtliey,bo.b pr;:e, lo v.h;Clt ther atilt Cie at:en. Lin cf lee puLlic. This is now the lirgest etocl. Erer Offered in Toreanda 1111 .1 . 3 , %1d at pr: e, ernbileral , le lower that. ever ,own in ent: place. Our goo3s are releeled with a rer:r,i b s,t 1, and pt r.frer t,.) be at, t vslth at any other I= wiil f -1 Tim LARc.r.iT A"-f ) .IR - IMIENT at clur t. • ; , , ditto bt the acTatry. and made iu su.h Innteriati, as to ensure AVe ,13:01 endo-ti v by LOW' PAICES 6.4). ClLotr.xmava, to secure p , •;ronaze. feeimg con:qient that our arti cles will give b aligt a tion to the purch t-er. The asortinent comp, ev, art.cle required for a centiernan'i. TEI.NIB--C tsH. 9 ccrv ,,o s , U:rcrr.l's Cups A TIONS.—Next a o •r south of Mereu:'s Main at "' ; and No. 7 V, titer it. Arnout4 ,-.r `,S'ip, I f,c.,tok co it: excharge f..a• Good T, wards, Clc!nber 13. 1853 TWICE BURNT OUT ! artrf'B. 3 :Br r-VlO7 (Ivcr J iingcbcd-y•s Store— Eutralice.n(xt (Loot to 111.).it trp stars. RATEFVL f,r fist f.rtars, announces to his • 3 friends as 1 Oil ribflc in general. that he stilt heeric on hand a gaol a.,Aortnwrit of RX.IDT SIADI I "l."trurtro, which he at soll cheap fur Caste. He !te?!cres that a Nimble rt-nce is vmrth in •re -n a Flow He also has commenced manufacturing Ciotning —selecting the (loth% him. self in the city, a d emp'oys none but the best of workmen in malting them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is manufactured no- d r his ntrn eye, and in his own shop. and not let ;`, by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work men. Thus. persons wishing a suit or any portion tn.,7i.r01. ran order the same with a perfect certainty f ge.ti lig a c,..10d 64 lie has also on hand a ecneral are-rtment (.1 gen. t!emea'e Shit f±i and Co Wulf, he wtli sell cheap for rash. rr;:r Custom work promply done as usual. Tie incites his friends ki call on him at his n r quarters, over J. King,,bery's store, and itnroodri e;y opposite U. !demur's Law Office, buying else eehefe Now if you are wanting. you surely can and, Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind. Pio nice and so snug they'd suit to a T.. , perfectly flue, there's no room for a dia.r, Ifyourlinen wants chlng:ng.ancl sornetimealt trill, Y null find Shirts anal e.illars fora very small bin; then one nodal!, who are out clothes hunting, Ant you can be cued by GEORGE H. Lk:STING I . N. H. He is sole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr. ; Patent Sewing Machine, for the coon ties of Bradford and SuNuehanna. Any person wishing to purehsse the right for using the above Machine in said counties. can he occommo dated by calling on him. where they can see it ape• rate. It is well demonstr.tied that this machine is the best patent now in use. ha validity has been established by trial at law in Boston, in July. 1652. This trial resulted In folly cimtirming and establish trig the claims of liowe's Original Patent to the ex clusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Afa- Chines. or their equivalents, and the etitch and seam formed thereby• G. H. 8,. The public are cautioned against purchssine spu rious Mac'tines, as ail ecwimg Machines now in use infringe upon this invention, and all parties who Aare infrthged; by usin; Machines or otherwise, who wish to sare legal ei pen,ses, may ulna in proper license unJer the original patent by applying as above. Towanda, August 17 , , 185.3. LATEST. NEWS "ROM The Waverly Ready Made, Cloihing, ANI GENT'SFIANISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Mott dc 4 Toils , litZerchant Tailors, LT AVE the hnnor of announcing to the citizens of Bradford County, that they bare jast received the largest and most fashionable stock of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, seer brought into' old Tins,' tonribting in pr, of the following articles: Onr. Dress. Frock and Back Cont. ; Vests, Pants, Shirts.. Drawers, Wrappers;o,: ers it s. to o“ , Cravats.Coltars, Pocket b'd kfa &c. Cloths and Trimmings constantly on hand—also the fall fashion of flats and Caps. Our stock of Furnishing Goods Is nrunrspassed In Mg.. and comprising everything necessary for a gen. thrtuau's outfit. Partly 'Or attention will be paid to our (9333D111 WAsY,4III/4=Nir3e Having received , the latest :sew Torll.l'B444one, we are preptied to get up suits eii the ;hermit notice and in a superior Manner. CUTLINCI - done on abort notice, an i rarrattteli to dt if properly _made up. • -AlO rr WELLs. . s 13,roadart.,,Anit door east of the Pnat Office. 4 7 6 4. r. 10. 18531, _ • 3 or). NEW B . OI .I3EL% fit fid pork 'or Uiifer; 7 4. ; for 'sate at Itch, hy S. FELON *CO. torusda. Aug. to, lca. lELE: vs-nmns,"Mg DRUG STOR tA ante being replenished with a Cull and comp'ete I of nruf. , S.=edidnes, Patnl , Oils, rcum4heis, Window Glass, Pere W;nc% and Diquors. , in aliort, every thrrig e4nneeted with the trade. The h tee been bought , gtretnely low. far and teal be told accordingly. N. 11. A superior article of Tanner's and N. at% Font Oil 11Nt received.. • r , 7 I:ent34 HER the place-3 (hots anuth of Mon , tance's corner—acme building of the • Argus Office.' 30, NO. 3:7O7CLCL". a OW, .7.raIST otrt% CUT STILL ALVE! r: ,ii•VED to , lies.trre rPern.ll oecnried pr . s. ro , t &I - rce 3 ,tr , rc of %% r tvlIA•0 •h••recrirel a w R.• i • rt MCD!. ers;r:s oR')• will sell chezip , , f•r cas'o con sriaex , l 3 re, articles : Serra A;ex.. 1 ,F. , ;'s Cordial AT,EXANTIT:R, Al EX INlw.ri, Lt. fOL.iNiCt:Y. ; .1-r"...... -sr -, •'o,_ to -.--,----- rat. . " 7... 11 l • 7C 7 - 47 7:I rCt OCF: R 3 s-Q). Iv . Lt __-, 1, , 43. , .,- *III - orti , :11 i i.„,1 , :it TIV „'! do • lodic o„,i Cream Tartar I FT 1 y's Liniuteot C Soda Dyu Manns, IlAilem Oil Nlagnesi- , Calc'd itintrie l eio, Pia:ANN do C I do P.X.y's ,5 do do Mr Alle , ter do Henry's !Shakers Hefts C.)!szynill I d• r r , rAgti , en's .11,•,,eulic Eft Cochineal Fa'ra:t Trusses li-I.ll;atract , do 1`.1.7..0.i s Vanilla Ex t to Sloiker, i di Lemon do Balsam rrs do Mace d. , do Clie.....narog, 1 do Almond do d r l do Cares ' do Allspice do Tido ol do Not.neo do do Pero do reach di' do Pulmonary do Ginger (Li c i o st,'phar do Cinnamon do %cid Tarta tc -do ()range do do Acetic. d Tonita d, 'do Benzonic LIN Springtl•'u er do Citric do Musk do Nitric l do Violette do dn. Oxalic I do Magnolia do do II rocyane do sweet ISri'r do So phurtc do Jesinin do Linseed Jorli'v sperm ' do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor du Briquet do do Pleatsfoot .4yrings, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds do Class do do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red do d' G. E. do Anisi Rad Ithei Turk do Caraway do do do Croton do Ipecac do Cubehs du Jalap do Cummio do 0 ogee White do Fennel. • do Orris de. Lemon Gum Camphor dot assia do Ord 'Pork do Cod Liver • do rrh Tur!. do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do do Neroli . do Copal do desmin do Aloes Poet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange !Cli'oride Lime 'do Rhodium do Soda do Rose icast.o Russ do Cedrat ,I.inolace do• do Copabia ens' Lancets do Ergot INitra silver, Op't do % erbena 'neat Bisnoth do V to.ette lßliie Fill ,} mar, do Mellesse lodide ?masa do Mellefluer Tart do do 'Patchonly Carb do Brushes, Paint I:.iulph do du Varnish 10austie do do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Taunin do Tooth Prot. , Ind Mercury do Shaving sir,chnia do Flesh Piperio do Cloth Elaterium do Hat Soap. Yankee %'erati in do Crystalline R.reiotrite do Eng. Wind LoVS hydra Corn Crete d o Coopers • Morphine &doh do Rose do Act do V imora Calomel, American do Orange . do Ei1.211 , 11, do Tooth Precipitate Red do E-rasive I do White do Castile tSutph Zinei do Military Bronze, Cri m son do Sarin. do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Frieopherous do kVhite Pain Killer !Gold Leaf. Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral IChina Vertutilion Oxygenated Bitters America Stoughton Bitters Prussian 1 2.!ite Chloroform F. do , Hotlman'ls Anodyne Venition Red, Euglish Together with Paints, Turpentine, Vzoiish, Dye- Woods & Dye• Stu Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure %Vines and liquors for Medicit,al purposes-- Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nested with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hcatos, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines, Ayres Cherry Pec, torte!, scheneks Putrnonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, HobensaCks, soil Jayne,' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now In use constantly on hand'and for sale at REED'S Drug Store._ • Three Doors below Montanye's :corner. Towanda, January 3, 60DARRELISofold Ohio Whiskey just received and for sald wholesale and retail. at Reed's Drug store, 4!3PITLEB et CA' Afish, 20 boxes or Herring; is barrels of Sateratas, wartented prime order s . let Ott sale ai,lew York cult ,t)riees at REED*. Drug Stoie,' Totsantle. J0i0. : 3,8, 1853. • - Boots .and Shoes; 01":"Y description,: for ladles and misses; mess' boys' and sbildreoe irsttr f lass ree'd , by - Oept 40„ POW PLT:4 AA • ;tiiin Oleic 'as so r 6f.btic pist4-*n4 colored dre*Ssiiki_=-411 1 41attsielnift.i,uumsditt4i1frinets WNW% posaaut Mt& *a, _phi - rokuir. a t • -J. POWVLL ITRZEI ===== 3:lr,Starat(itt's - • TERINE_.PIATHOLtOON Aden for which it is c f. fered ; hemg those incidental to the respectable fie. male. wheLher married ur single, and usually known by .the name of - .rzayuum ofnarLianirs. Of these are Proinputs Uteri, or falling of the Woml , +inn!' loft ,matinn and Ulceration of the Womb , Inctlenid litemorrhige. or flooding. rata. tot, .:Itto l irested and Irrezular Menstruation. &c.. with all their accompanying evil.. (Cancer except. )no matter how severe of of how long stand inc. That thoi CATNILICON i. in eve," Wyly worthy or.he confidonee of the afilieled toi a .to-ressf , d, •afr, wed rheap rpmPily. lx voc-herl f-ir by the (se, of its having received the apprA•tion and liberal rotronage of many prominent members of the Medical Faculty ja the United states, and al>o by the voluntary t•s ,Ainnnials given in the te‘iimonial• given in lhr j,,,n la t he* and Phv , ieian of .he high ,st irs.reei.thility as certified by the most satisfac• t..Tv sn ho'itV• This nr.-parati , .n 14 not a •' cure NIL' hut it i 4 in tentlcki expre. , lr for the above named complaint , . vr.rr ril , res%ing in their nature and con,equeni :1,(1 VAll'h hare hereuofr•re re,i4fed the -kill And exe,ll,.ns the nio4t arcompliphod Physicians of an cowit/ les. to a degree heyon.l that of perhaps Inv other rnala , ly to which the human (Airily is heir• The ingrrdiento, *• certified hv Web medical nu th ( - ee parnrlll•c ) are all Vt.:GET-OLE. and are ant **spy taird with any II nide unfriendly io the ainfnar Fry , stNrr...—P D. Peckham. M. D. 17 , 1C:1, N. Y.. 1.. D r,trilne. M. D l%anandaguia. N V. D. Y. Foote. M. D. St raru.e. N. Y. M. H. Milk. M. R. Rochester N. Y., Pb.f. Dunbar, M. D. llaliimnre, W. llre , e, m. 0.. Cov ~r New York, W. Pres— cott. M. D.. oneorrl. Ft had crabs at my Drne Prorr Towatttia. i'a. Sttttf by all the , lending Druggists in the adj tr - ttn; DR. H. C.`POIITER, &merit .1. ti. Marehisi & Co., Proprietors, Uevral Depot, 101 Dr‘..adway, N. Y. innels 1 ,1\1.6 1 _,C 0:110 AND NEW GOODS, OPP, SITE THE COURT HOUSE. BAILEY & NEVINS, HAVEc-nripieled a large and finsly finished Store nn he site of the two they had hurtle , and filled it .ttli the largest and most coniiirehens lye stock of Groceries, Provis.lons, Tanhee Notions, rruit, Confecticn-ry, Toys, dt.c., ever exhinoed tlua side th- city. We hive hoit.thi rash. articles of the hest consennelitly are pi spared in sell at ss ow prove.. av , he •anie ipta.ite can he L. . nein at any other Oa. e. And we Muter tlllf•elye,, that if fortune has been ttgainst (tire having eomiurn. eel two stoles and nne shock of g.'nd) our old can linnets will not follow the precedent, if they call and see our stock and hear the exceedingly tote prices. Among the m3nv articles we have are GROGERIES, swear, coffee, chocol rte, cocna, motaeses, Stewart's wrap, ainger pepper, Ince, clove 4, nut. mego, esnrimon, saleratu-, ',oda, cream tartar, ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, can dles, bar soap, vitte2ar, starch &c., &c. PBOVISIUNS, Me , s pork and beef, hams and shoulders, wheat flour, buckwheat flower. corn meal, MI soda and buta•r crackers, mackere . codfish, ,had. nerrang, proames beans onion &c., &c r ILUIT AND NUTS, Pre-rice Ipi line , . enrol - 1 , , Engl,ll currant-, rat-ins. grren and dried apple , . Nlninnd,, fulhe , rtts, genoltle an.l maderta walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest pub., hickory nub., arr. XOTIO.rS, Ivory. horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, line combs. hair, cloth. teeth, infants, and til irk brushes. wallets. ;note monies. and purses of many styles. pocket ink stands, pockeit and small' fancy mirrors, lebacco, buses, snuff tioxes, and almost every article in this •ine. Work boxes. billet cases, secretaries. plain and embroidered, work basket,, of many sty lea. German.rrench and American Toys of every serum:on my! priee. A lew etririen and pewter tea gett , . fur little girls. and a few boy , ' steirdt,. 81:0WN's WISH Ito\NDM. SITGAIt 150XFS, WILLOW AND sPLINT M NIOCE lIASKErs. SALT, . l o.htun tllirir salt, ground rock salt. Salina a>,)l rare an 1 6.. e. A ko, a quantity of White Shme Lime. CANDY wholesale or . retail. of all kinds and inntonerthle other art irks, for sale at the new store orpn<ite the Court 1-L•use. Towanda, Dec. I. 1852 BAILEY 4 NEVINS. Ty aoolaa,, Grocery and PrcytEien Store. Oat dwr South el J.ll. Phimicy . .s Stare. Main Street THE .nh.criher brine desiron. of enlarging his hu•ote , a, w-uhl re , pectfully announce to the ci , :zeng Towandi nnti vii inity ihdt he i. 'wit re crlvinc Corn New Yolk and is now opening 'or Pale a large asNortment of aGe - CIZtiGIU - _III.II.MEII. 4, Tea. Sugar, Coffee. Rice ,Volasses. Stuart's Syrup, Tobacco Ginger, Pepper. Spice Cloves 11lace, Nut meg. Cinnamon. Sateratuv, Cream Tarter. Soda Ground Mustard Peppee Satire. Catnip Candles Bar and Shaving Soap. Vinegar, Stu rch, Cigars. etc He has also on hand and for sale a large stock of 111 P" OHL ICIOIIICr ZIE.Wrd 111M:111 NW ME, Hams and shauhterr, Mackerel. 11.10i1641. Herring. Potatoe., Beans. Dried Apples, Wheat Flour. Lard, Butter, Cheese. soda, Butter and Boston Crackers. Also—most kinds of Fruit and Nuts, Preserved Prune". Citron. Fig., Raisins, Oranges and Lemon., together with a large sock of German. French and American Toys of all descriptions and' price. (a. Please give him a pall. A. J. NOBLE. Towanda. August 1653- Millinery and Manianmaluna n• aIRS. IC D. FOWLER has the pleasure to an— noonce to the Ladies of Duren and its vicini— ty,thnt ahe hart established herself at the house of J. M -Bishop. where she will with pleasure wait up on them In-her line of busineas. She respectfully solicits their parronati t e, and trusts that her moder— litrprices aritt• her desire- to please, sill be an in. duireinent for them to'arive her a call. :Sltirell. Sept_ 1553. Notice to Collectors. kt•batatte& doe the Treasary moat he paid by the let weeiVtif December Coon or COM uillba may; •• I. Y.. PECK, Treall, Vottaltaa, not. 15, 1995: LIIE i L THE undersipnth. lying been duly at} ' tinted Acent (dr tht Ile of this truly IN 'NLII, : ABLE MEDI lINE, would.. respect. fitly iavite the *Hen na of Ladies and iraciitioners of To panda and vicinity, to we gratifying sneers , tat has 'flooded it, se, wherever inrredue.. d. and its happy sdap than to the cure at II the (listresing rlU'll - 1011Kr PW", SUCH AS .alwenancans. . , - - . , - - - • . ' , - ~ ' "..V....;;•" . ..;;...., --.• • .---_`-iltr..., . t .„- : :z „,:,.,.,...„_. 1 _, ::: - ;;Itlf , -"Ar. ,- II:-'",:t4 ,4 : • " : 4 7::...),...4 . .,- . : , 4 2 . * - : ., -,..-. --,.....10,r ..,_.: "-- • t ",,;,,-..._ :-.- -. • ••1 ' _.: 5 4 1 .'.":"; etit,:. tv% I 4 • ; . *' \ ''" - .-.# 4 4 . I .4: ..i.‘. " i1.,-,. ),, 1, _r k ~/!, 1 , . y.l .. ‘... ). e• ' f lat.. I SIORL - .' . _ iii , ^S' a - . ./. . ..V 2O ' . 4 .0 % , .! .7-11 r, t _lt2 t ' , i' '' .- .( - A .cC ) ~.. ' = ,v ) ) r r in - -..-- CT "FS I - r- --. ,- .. •-..:-•-•-•-•-_ --, , • hi the South end or the Ward 11QUSef TOWANDA. DR. 11. C. PORTER, NVhalesate and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, KEDICINES, GROC=I, 7.4Q1707A.5, dt.c. THE: iptsortment is large and very extensive. an, J. rmt.rarev almost t very &tilde used in the Aril. rich .r for medicinal, chemical or meehenical purposes Particular attention w ill be piston to all woe mti wish to examine the stock, the cheapness of which. the quality considered, can not fail to satisfy thow. ta tin purclutae. Medical ioformstion will be cheerfully and grafru• ;tot, Given to those who rn - tv wish to consult con cerning themselves or then friends. Continuous stip plie. of fresh and recently repined articles will ho n•oeived carefully aelecieil with a view to their use fotn ss. nn t :my tonere wanted not u.tially kept either w ill he found here or procured by Express Get thte‘e I, nvittit their order. rierk4herea ly to eOMPOtin'i .nv preserpti n and endeavor try make it (a•nan.v.r tn. poreha..) mutually agreeable. All e“. , (14 -hill he warranted as repre oeftted• and being Agent for the best and p.-nular Patent m.• - twines, nll tho,e found in this Stole can i.e relied upit, in nil unAes as (wing genuine. The stock comprises all kinds of A CMS. it LSOMS, KSSENC EX I R ACTS, SEEDS ; 1.P..1V ES, Gl' MS, FLOW Ell 5, 'Ol Ls. R(}O IN ‘1 PLASTERS, POW DEtt, ()IN I MEN FS PILLS,&LC., &C. &C. _ _ _ _ _ OFFICINAL PREPATIA.T!ONS All kinds snaps, perlumery. fancy goods and mi.,. cell anent h; articlea, brushes., stivporter.,, nurAing bottles Ire est pumps. Lberrnonloerv. ettc. All kinds of dye stuffs, Paints, Oda, Varnishes, Wint c. New and lieauitful pitterns of Lamp.*. fresh burn ing tlui.. and camphenc, choice brands of pure Ha vana Cigars, tobacco, &e. ;GROCERIES Sugar, Cnffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, 'vice, mustard, nutmeg, mice, fiph, riirrAnt.a, salmi oil, c chne,dste, soda, hu+t.•r crackers rice starch, ginger, salerolus, white an d b ar %oa f , aysrrn and tet:ow candle.., jugs, bottles, ittprh, rep[4.4 Vallee Liquors. ntmi :1,1,1 oo•rican Brandy, hit. Croix - . New Ellg'atl.l Rum, pore Holland R od Ara. 1:11. Irish mid Monotte9hcli IVhltrh,y, Ms• dci.s Totiere• Port,, Clon t xrd ( 7 t1 , 1 NV 1 , ---CovoltalA, 'Rose, Amour M o . kre. &e , cheaper than ever offered. Patent medicine., from Dr. Jayne, Fnch, Sw4yne, Brtnis Orrick•,l'o,risettd. Keeler, Solienk, H toil and. (: , sefeuberg, Peoxin,l;irttllng Cholagoatte rmuct c Oil. i)v , pep-ri Bitter.. Lyon'. Rat Pills, Pun Killers, Pile Mi1...10c.., snit, lit enm, Tetter. spavin, Founder. M'AllisierA Ointinont, &r. Verm in:4e, allranie uratire.., Ile.tvc and Condition Powders, Cherry Pcctoral, Rock Boric, Catholicno, Tooth Ache Drop.. Hur I fie icor:110r rind Bair pre. Bed Bug Poiofit, Ere A'ster., \V right's te.inith' , . Bennett . . 'souk..., .1 4y O&M Phinnrv's, anti noinernua other kind., of POI , . All of whwii will be sold at ant...n.14 low rve.. Remember Dr Port - nr.u'is Dru? and Ch •mica) Store Is in ihe South end of the ir I II •n+e fr tit' in? Ptii.hc C. I'M{ VEIL M. D. OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, PEOPLE, of ftratlf.rd Comity wkitintx anythinty„ I,:ce t o the wnv „1 . Tnt , les, Centre fables td Italian and Atnttrt 'can Matt , le. or 13 trk :•ttorie, of all si„tec, ran ( have then no Ilttb Ot , trte.t n ice by s end ing i n 'their ordet,. cheaper and hewer than can be I ur- i :chat.ed rl.rwhere. (117,-Ch,..s.ter eahtnet Nf4ker and underta) 1(.1 . . hearty ort,,,tute the Ward H. , u-c. Towanda, ;Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS. 'rovrantia. Varrh 3', 18,53. - t - ummu:_tvo vi wZ'OOiYC, Important to housekeepers: THE ~t ibscriber thankful for the ' liberal patronage heretofore re ceived, begs leave to inform hui friends and the Iliadic get..tallc. and those commenctna -keeping in particular that he has bf o n F w u o n n \ h i e i u l g w e h ?; h s I i h r e t m w e ill warrant to he mode in a surnitanttalinanner, and Of the beat inab-rial, BURE %US. such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus- marble ano plain tops ;mahogany and (walnut wvilistanda. marble tops, plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tattles, Sofas Couch es, whatnots. Are. BEAINTE ADS —High, Field, French and low prim bead-teal. finished •n handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally calle , ' for, all of which will be sold on the moat aceionmodating terms. IZJThe aiths•criber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HE 111 . -E, and will hold htinself readiness to attend u. all orders in undertaking. ; He will furnish ice hoses when desired, by the aid ' of which the corpse may be kept fo'r a week. COP.! FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman ship. Towanda. January 17, 1852. 77 (4 , 1,.i.4:_0i,,. 1:,.t.,..„..itt,,,..;,,.:, i i NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they base'taken the shop formerly occupied by; Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITDING upon reasonable terms They are determined by doing their work well art promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share o public patronage. HORSE-8140E1NQ done in the best manner. A kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat ski ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made ani repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will be-vratrenteAl robe well done, and manufactured from the best materiele. The public are requested to Ore us a• trial, end judge for themeelterr. ESCN WINE doISEEBISCHIL Towsinia,Nly 2, - 1851. • TROVZCZI. Tfiß quota of Pamphlet lava of the Session the legintature of ISM for Bradford coon have been reed. at th ,, Prothonotary'. office, an' are ready for distribution to thttie entitled to Tel cetve them. ALLEN ArKEAN, Pro'ty. Oct. B. 18 8. FLOUR:—kquantity of quiwrfltae flour, juir r coved. glad tur sale by 1(1110$BIIRV. Toirsnan t Feb. 16, 1-1116.9. iNFoRMATioN - To!. sinotixv.*rxto Al& .a saT • FOR THOSE Vt , 110 HAVE MOSEY OR PROPERTY !!! Doyou want to sell or mortgage any real estate Hare you a. bond and mortgage you w ish to sell t Hari, you houses, ravens, or lots, that you wish to sell or lease Hasp you a mill, factory. foundry. tannery oth. er manufacturing establishment. that you wish to sell or rest I Aa e you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or other- . inerals, you wish 'to Pell or have worked on .hares I Ha e you land that you would like to have drain ed Or cleared by contract or on shares I Haie you water power that you wile] to tell, im proyeJor mt. V ; • Do Yeti want additional cupid!, or a partner is, your toteinees Dwyoti want to aril your socket' morrhend We 1 Ds. you w nt to room a Company to create capital for sniy epecufic object 1 D.) you wish to exchange your property (or other property 1 Do you want in your ntilthhorhood mills, found nee, fAnnener. or other manufactories 1 H VP you linV well leafed improvement in machine. rv. nr l in the arty.. which you went to Ina Of which your Want means to manufacture If You have any of the above wants, or others of a .4n* character, and will inelose to our address. (post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of. them ; and if property.. its locality. proximity to ca nal. railroad. or navigable water, to churches, schools. mills, stores, sage.. the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage. lease, exchanee , or otherwise dirt. para . of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg i!dralion fee of SI, (the receipt.. of which will he ac knoWledcerl.) y, ur want shall be recorded in our Pegister, and your letter placed on the file &tn.:mated for your State and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of those who Ore seeking to purchuae, lease. exchange, or invest. We make no charge to any for examining our Ref:taster and files. When they make known their wishes, they are referred to your own statement of your wants : and' rs we have Maps of the duff rent States, and of such Counties as we have been able to procure: and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigtants, (of whom from I,ooo'to 5,000 are daily arri win. ,) and we ChM have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in vari ous forms throughout all of the states, as well WI the different countries of Europe, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall scents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who with to purchase, exchange, I.sae, or invest, to vi , it our office, teithoof charge— We are confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practised. The heat place for you to effect a safe, (wise, ex , change or loon on your property, is in its immeditte vicinity. If you einnre do it there, the next hett place is in the city of New York. Or if you want Inni grants or settlers of any class here is the place .o obr lain then,: Be-arse here at all times and eeesons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many ortshoin are seeking for investments or horn. a, 'l3..enti4e th •re arr pi - 01)1111y 100 noo ta !,,., es ant ID r er n r.te front the my or OA siritlity. HERBS Because here is enateentraterl s great proporti”i rl the .erplea capital f the Uni.m. seeking•tment. Because here, inor.y iA on!, truly a. onit faun 5 to , 7 per rent. per annum, nn unlnut,te+l serurVe. w'ole YOU ran tiff .r6l to t iee ax oto:,1.• seCuri.v, or nt'tor in dpeement, where it would iiruitere greater fate of jun. , nest, either in annual inviimo or 'inert 4...1 value. , . Became here, sit elaminfttion of our fle. v.i;ln,fetre those seeking, to invest or .attic, tshere the proper 10 to found whirl) tl.s rock. liecas-e heir., there is an npnortunity . t exch.rige country or other city property, fir I.l...perty in a:is city or its vicinity. Becange a rereon, by spen,ling a fc.w boors in ni,r !Are. without rherCe. CRI ohlain more inf.onnyi !” the prnpertv in trrylit t throu2h nut the roni'ry 1!!! the want: of community, than by month!: ot'irt..l. finally. lu c re !n the commercial metr ! s!tin•te concentrated the money and want• t!!! m'thitu le throuchn, t this 'lntl I,l:ier coonir ,b, ..r r.aintr‘ wen, it.‘th partiv•, those v p u •ch A .. e and those a h,, d. iire t , sell, t an be mutu.:llv Ittntetitr.l In 11, " rrperty, Is' Ca et - ‘ll not ht osrr estimav its advantaLtee in any re-ite , -1- fur if sou doe, e n d we should -en.l a porch his comystt. son of the realit• with yinr stAtentetti isti_tht defeat .yt , ur object. ‘V hen yeur rroperty ie sold, tr other. wise tlisposetl of, it is required that we shall be imme diately init.-timed of the tact. .1s we do not prop.tse to sell, but negotiate. and semi purchasers 14 ti c own ers. no special authority to us is reqtti-Its; hut when it is tlesvetlthat we should sell, ant hot ity must he given. Our commissions on salts., eschsrtzes. are 2 per cent. The raising of compsroes, „ml oth..r ters requiting special negotiation, will he sulleet t ,special agreement. Several farms in the same neighborhood ~ teen 'find a MVP TP1.13 , sale than a aisle grants desire to ,Pm ,in in e.nnn.n,... Refer fo'entullantli Palmer E-q. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; Hon Rh/DI Bronson, Oswego. N.Y ; Gay.Woot.i. Ohio Ex r v. Ford. Ohio; Hon. R. W.Thottipsno, Ir.: If D. A. Noble, Mieh ; Nan. f. R. Rot.•, Smith. : Hon. J. R Underwood, Ky ; Hon. is. C. Dndeo, fawn ; Hon. J. R. Doi r . O: For (miner information inquire of Fl A UEY MeALPIN Loral Aemnt, (nt the Ltw Office of Wm. Elwell. flag.) roomfl's. Bradford r.mniv, Pa. 41y STILL IN.OPERATION! THE subscriber would an . nounce to the public that he hay,. now on hand, and will make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, e l eer such as Sofas. Divans, Lounges • \ Center, Card, Dining and Break. fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut. Maple and Cherry Bureaus, stands of various kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will he made of the best material and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought mutiny ether Ware-room in the country. .1111ADT-MILDE on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furniehedon Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKIN SON. Towanda, June 1. 1852. BOOT Sohn W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishment to H. Mix's store, corner of main street and the public square, end Will C0101:11113 the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofore, He has just received from New York a large assort ment of has . Children'iand Misses' Shoes, which are offered at tow prices. Thei_attimtion cf the Ladies le par icUltirly'directed to _his assorttnent, cOtnp,rising the following nevi , atyleif 'Enamelled Jenny Lirid gai ter boots; do, shoes -lasting mad silk gaiters; walking shoes. buskipsAc.. Misses! gaiters end shoes, of every dea'cription, A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiters, bents and:shoes, of all kinds. Per the Gentlemen. almost every pit* of gaiters and shoes., 11,i stock has been personally selected with care, and he belieVes he can offer superior snicks at resamudde_pricea. , . 03. The atrieteat attentiortpalit. to JVanufaqtsrlOg• and he hopes by, doing work well to merits continu ance oftba liberal patronage be has hitberto_received. Toseandi,,Mly 8.3453. ROfIR 19 " .O.T. A quantity of Ttarkti island Silt for sale INT LIAtILEY & NEVINK •~tipie4:uneo~ss~ -= Bk'lN••tN. ICS 11'1' do an 12.41 F;wt•te wi 1 Pr 116 Br•ot•lovgiv. :V..w York 'MUM OLD STAND & SHJES! Illebint. ireo ER VAN'S pm3eF- 1 - : , rut:No:tic *-4 WAVER% rrHIS extraordinary preparation has beep ford 11 ny years the most certstn and speedy ren ted , for Cuenns,Cot.os, Arralla. DRONCRITrII,Ivrtimr. at. • 517 DIaZA , "La OP Tata Cats? AND Ltlal T o those suffering from obstinate and confirmed C m *, they g i ve t h e twat immediate and perfecriefiet;app when great habil my to take cold estrus, and at tedt. iesome Cowell succeeds the slightest exposareott, WAFERS produce the most merited resorts, at once relieve the tough and other syn i p tcyne, ;'T iak entirely renlnve that -merl‘id irrivato py ahtl weak. ne.s of the Lung• which give rir.e to the comprem ri t e medical prof ertie, are combined man sp ell. itte firm and rletviant to the mete, so that aoyehild rea .iti v - take them : and they are urartaatedte ,tee relief in ten minutes after use in all eases Price 25 cents per box. Put sale by Dr, PORTER. Tolra min. Pa. Tosrentla. Feb. 9,1553. Attention , Regiment I - MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE! TON E. EI I ; PH, would tot,- to hi. old friends ult) the pod„'ei i.r j e, that he has constantly on band 1111.1 I`l4 nulari or' Rdles and Shot Guns dm..— .Among los assortment of (torts may he (mind Doh* ar, 11 slti,tle l•arrelleil(;uns.Rttleit o ( all kinds warranted. Pow der Flasks. J hot P)uches, Game Bag*, Cap Primers,Po , Sh.c Caps of the best quill tv. Allem. six li.irrelled Revoking Pistols, du slush ittelied eoekint; RI& Pistols, double Pidoli and enmotoo ',dee! and bras. Pistol*. F C., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans cos , stgotly on hsn,l. Any of the abuse articles will Le sok' awful chin for the Heat h/ Pay. Keys of any kind fiat d to Doors. Tindal); aey other kind of icicks on Nhiot notice rod reFo-tinoble trims Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop i tew rode north of the Bradford Roux. Towanda., May 22, 1852. .1. E. GEIGER. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS! TI I E Subscribers havtne form. d a copartnership under the firm of S. FEL I ON & M. ing a Rea ,y a l Liquor nosine%N, reapee,fully a'i Hotel keener% and all others in aant rf anv, ih mg in their line to grra them a car. We 0 11 ,4,i k• eping CITI hand a general aecortment of Fore tr, Log nors. erirli we can sell cheaper than any oite et-e in the comity. friwn the f /h.r .. Opy fr. , m the impnu. r, and thereby •ate a large putt charged he the N.Y Jobbers; I..quors are warrm. p.' pure are free from adnl - eration. Alan catsiar.:. I. ore hand Whiskey of the hest quality. We har, made arrancement, by whi,eli we can fornidt et, ' , tiers b rib tiny iriantor IlmF.hart,ton BEER tr..- h from the ilrewore. Pierre rise in a ra..- 11 - .- n• ;Ir. I irr t• • r: r fj: .n & Co. a.e to our he ds T. f,,:c -p •- 1. 1 ci2 El V.. -4 9 e M. fl—ms Sat die. I! Tim ess Trunk Ibnufarion & co., respertho 105 . I 013; 111.,.. t• In •vrd 1,, It b‘ 11111111 nev, '!It• Wlt'd v41.a.—0 they ntL ..evp ou hind lyrTr otowl,:pr Tit \R. • ViLl,r WUIP., All artICI., in lb. rr i , ne Malttlf.tultP. tl to order •‘ r IT of 111, inat. n... • In i for n .rkr u ar.l.., nrt ~nrpr-e.•.IN. ,rt h-rn k VOA. t . rt Vitt t fr..rTr I tsl4l4iNg 1.1 porchace. 1,1 ran in , e Ir, .- To Ind price. FI id. 4 '''•-•,-;• 0:‘ tur stork T. , 11l • • '-' • r. 11.1 nen l+r s.:!‘ :,r1 any PARTICULAR NOTICE. ()N of t m•,l nt the late fire. ore to to us tut prosuut e l oll l rMilflll, 33 we atr 1.11 00 1 /01 1 13011111 haVlll l 4 011.1 13 0% if to us. 'e itust this notice • e 0 Ith. , tv. rs•-ortit 4 to other weans. ih-e. •2. 111,2. Heloo‘vil lo B. Blu tr ,1. ("11 ot'terlia, 92:--. 1 i AN !net returned from the T. 1 i ~t Net. Vial, aith a I rTh •tippl, 14 Watches, Jewell'! A: A: , ( f .,J Silver Ware. comprising in '\ —: i the F ! . olioln, d ing i , nirli w cies:c , e rt i ,.,, f ,.., LH :e t z:- , ,, ..,...' ir t n n v e k a t t e i P s o tri virne :t t c o r i Jewelry, such as Ear Rini , get Bin ?,f ,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets,Gc G. , 1.1 Potts, Kept, etc. Also, all sorts of So and Rua . quantity of steel Beailta—all of which lot sale exeeeetlingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired 'on short notice, and to run well,or the money will he refunded. at ten Rereetnent Ql'o' ll l o that effect if required. N. 1.1.—‘1 A I.E :SI - GA It and Country taken in payment f,,r wmk ; an.l akr. /rant wyrrr,thal the Produce insist be paid toie , IA done—l war against credit In all its loran W. A. CHAMBEHLEN Towanda. April 1452. T (JOKING GLASS PI. ATI> cut arid ti:tr: , any star, to be had at the Jewelry vor , ' ,l May 15. 18:4. W. A. CIIAIIBERLO HANG' OUT THE BANNFY. A horse ! a horse' my kingtos a horse and cu,..1.,1nnr, 1, , lake sal !e,if the goods. Noio!fa,:and'ar. t he tr • ths:astrous fire, A. M. " . . t13611i himself again! And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find Moat anything that's in ht ,, I,ne, From a cambric needle of the finest lon i . To a jewelled watch of eighteen live :o Clocks which keep time accurate and tort Ureast- Pins of every sty le and hue. Gold, silver, steel and plated chan., Selected with the greatest rams. Finger rings, my g 0.4, why , hat Of every shape and every style. .To suit the old the puns, the g rim May there be seen in elegant array. , And WA NER, whir is h t trt self a it bus; Is always ready and at hts 1 , , at. To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon 'im to give a calf. So with good advice make up your 11° ' cell J T e o wel ry on or him e ver and y there you'll find Such sights. tuy eyes, 0 !. what A Vie! co'Don't mistake th st e yle p a l. n o t • i pla c e N"• I. Dad ' where he is prepared to do all kinds of J B7VV 0R K in his line of bovines, at the cheipestrate so portaibly be afforded He wilt also eel ko„,,i at 520 per cent lower, than seat ever bt foredi this:market. (0.4.:a1l and see. DD W"' Towanda Nov. IS. 1852. A. M. _ - PAPER s.arioxrias 'THE only assortment of Paper Hango.P„o • this iricirrity, with • fre,h rticliiO4,le."" at unusually low prices. 0. P . H Towen.le, A prtl '2 1,