Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 26, 1853, Image 3

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to of on of Vend Exponas waned twit of
. oor t o f Common Peas of Bradord cOnn.
tee directed, will be exposed' f to patio
t he Court Souse, in the bore' of Towanda,
t t a y the sth day of Decemper : at l o'clock,
le following described lot, piece orparcel
t ote in Albany tp. bonded on the north
belonging to the estate of Miner RICH
on the east by the
Wilcox turnpike, on
li b by lands of Wells and
I d on the west by wild lands, cm:kilning
l e hundrd and foty acres more or less,
• acres e
improvedr and one new framed
Joe other lot, piece or parcel of land,
the wwnship aforesaid, and bounded on
Setly side by lands Of Samuel Vandyke, on
~r t y side by the Berwick turnpike, and the
Ari a of the Towanda creek, on the south.'
by latv+s of James Wilcox, and on the
t id e by wild lands,eontaining one hundred
te , a m; more or less, about two acres
And taken in execution at the sail of Ira
Co's uoe Ito. Benjamin Wilcox; and
o,Thinny Jr. new to the use of John C
TS. Benjamin Wilcox.
3—The following described lot, piece or par
latiJ situate in Derrick twp. bounded on the
;bp lands of James M'Kenna and Wm Taylor.
east by lauds of Wm Taylor and las. Clark,
1-outh by lands of Daniel Durand and John
and on the west by Zebedee Angle and Jas.
ia, containing, one hundred and fifty-four
lre or less, about ono hundred acres improirt
log house, one board house, one framed barn
l ed attached thereto", one small corn house
ill spring house,and an orchard of fruit trees
and taken in execution at the suit of H W
Wjri Angle. Francis Angle and John An
so Hall do Russell vs• Francis Angle and
-The following lot. piece or parcel of land
Orwell tp. bounded and described as fol.
/inning at a post and stoned, the north
ler of said lot, thence east along the line
s Humphrey's lot one hundred and three
to a post and stones, thence north along the
D Newell and others one hundred and fifty
' , es to a post and stones, thence north eigh
t-es, west thirty-three perches along the
leading from Heber Wilson's to the New
s post and stones, thence north forty-two
west one hundred and fifteen and 4-'0 per.
a mit and stones, thence north seventy
to the place of beninning, containing eigh
acres more or less; about seven acres im.
_o n e other lot, piece or parcel of land
n ia,l township, bounded and described as
o On the north by lands of Roger Spicer, on
ti; , n ,l nth by lands - of James D Newell, and
west be lands of Mrs. Marietta. Faller, con
tbateen acres, be the same more or less, •
rtgh:acres improved, one saw mill thereon
d arid a framed house standing La the west
nil a fie fruit trees thereon.
4- - be other lot, piece or parcel of land
Ai m men tp. hounded and described as fol.
:he north by land of Samuel Lyon, on the
land of Benjamin Lyon, on the south by
.11.5ez Chaplain, on the west by land of Bum-
Bff w,th, containing sixty—five acres be the'.
, ? re it lose. about sixty acres improved, one
13 , 1'. three framed barns, one shed and
Ind orchards thereon. -
other lot, piece nr 'parcel of land
a .8:1 tp. of Orwell, bounded end described
-on the north by lands of Roger Spicer,
eat by land of Riley H Fuller, on the south
...a" James Newell. on the west by land of
rey,containing two acres be the same
all improved, and a framed house
en the east line, a few fruit trees thereon.
taken in execution at the suit of Chaim
vs. Riley H. Fuller and Mtor B. Dar,
:+n -The following lot, piece or parcel of land
the twp. of Burlington, bounded and de
e. Tolima's: north by the Carroll lands, on
by lands of Addison M'Kean, on the south
by lands of Jeremiah Loveland, contain
and a half acres,4ll improved, with one
anise, one frame barn, one saw mill, and a
trees thereon.
and taken In execution at the suit of Addi
con. now to the use of L. D. Tay:or vs. Wm
and Benjamin Nichols.
1-The following piece or parcel of land
Lachfield twp. bounded and described as
In the North by lands of Geo. Northrup,
.it by . land of Richard Sinsebaugh, on the
land of Geo. M'Airee, and on the east by
Jesse Brown, containing filly-five acres, be
more or less. about thirty-five acres im
mall frame house, and an apple orchard
andiaken in execution at the suit of Welles
vs. H. Sinsebaugh and R. C. Sinaebaugh.
The following described piece or parcel
late in the twp. of Towanda (now south
bounded on the north by lands of EJw.
an•l C Morse's lot, on the east by lands of
Michael Dreslain.cin the south by lands
fox and Hiram and lands late the
at I),enjamin Wilcox, dec'd, on the west by
Dennis M'Gill, containing abount one bun.
treaty-five acres more or less, about twen
, improved, one framed dwelling house.
framed barn and a small orchard of
tad taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
to the use of Edward Overton vs. James
Edward Welch, doing business in the
Nestor and Welch
:he following described lot or piece of
'h• township of Burlington, bounded north,
of Samuel Williams, east by the highway,.
ands in posses.inn of Mrs. Nichols, and
Inds of Ad. M'Kean. Containing about
'cirothe of an acre, be the the same more or
aprnred, one framed house, And framed
few fruit trees thereon. .
1 One other lot, situated in the township
aid and bounded and described as follows, to
-at by the public highway. east by lands be.
to the heirs of J, S. M'Kean, late deed.,
rest by lands of H. K. Stevens. Con'
'Lout one fourth of an acre more or less,
?d house and one framed shop thereon.
and taken in execution at the suit of Zac.h.
lipid as. Asahel Smith. ,
he following described piece or parcel
Ate in Sheshequin tarp. bounded on the
Elisha Newell and Joseph Post. on the
land of Samuel Owen, on the south by land
:tattl'o s t and Wm Post, and on Zile west by
a Post and Wm Post, containing about
acre; about sixteen acres improved,
'Souse, one old board shed and a few fruit
and taken in execution at the suit otDan
& Son cs. Dennis Post
1---The following described lot , piece or
ism situate in - Herrick tp. bounded on the
!ands of James Lee and Chester Bock, on
by lands of Hamilton Morrow, on the south
of Alexander Dougherty and Wrn. T. Mid
and on the west be hinds belonging to the
* Wm Neshii, dec'd, coot aping one hundred
ire or less, about seventy acres improved.
led house. one framed barn and a small or
fruit trees thereon.
and taken in eieention at the salt of H. W.
James Wood.
ihe following piece or parcel of land situ
atifield tp. bounded on the north by the pub.
al. east by lands of Nana, Clark and Gird
'ngatne, south by lands of R. Miller, and
Mods of Daniel Andrus, containing about thir
or lowly about fifteen acres improved. one
uer one framed barn and an orchard of huh
Joe other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
wnship aforesaid; bounded on the north
tired Riggs.east by lands of James Philips,
Ile of E. B. Riggs, and west by lands of
Shod, Shoe Findings and Leather. GT.
cenes. Crockery. Shelf Hardware
Theire Stock has been selected with care..mid will
be sold cheap. Firther comment is unnecessary
--Rive us a call. and we will show you our goods
and prices. and convince you that the shove 518.20
fiction. Our motto is. " Small Profits & Quick
The defends:Ws interest in the following Towanda, March 18, leb3.
and Calvin Cramer, aantamingabOu
. saes more br kiss, about seventy sues
one new framed house. one old framed
[railed barns and two orchard* of fruit trees
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington town-
ship, bounded on the north by laladi of Alvin Bailey
'end eitheis, on the east , by lands of -J. G. Blikestee,
'Brasilia and Harvey Dickinson, south by lands of Ed
ward-Blakeslee ; and west _ by , lands of ()ninon Shack
elton sed.9.eo ldhaler, centainingaboot 'data Omdred
and fifty acres more oriels. about one beltjteleHe•
proved, one steam saw mill, two small framed hollow
uld.a small horse shed thereon.
Seized and, taken is execution at.the suit of Welles
& Harris ea. John W. Miller and C.. C. Miller.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or pan
eel °fiend situate in Rome v. boundedon the north
east side by the Bullard creekomthe sonth-east and
narthwest sides by lands 'of Wm. Elliott. and on
"the south-west by lauds of Casey C. Worthing. or
the highway, containing one half acre. be thesame
more or less, all improved, one two story framed
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Da.
vid Barber vs. Jacob Worthing.
ALSO—The undivided one half of the following
described lot, piece or parcel of land stunts in Pike
tp, bounded on the north by lands of Charles R.
Brown, on the eaifby landsof G. N. De Wolf, on
the sonkft by lands of Julia Rogers and on the west
by the highway leading from Le Raysville to Wye.
losing, containing about three-fourths of an acre.
more or less, all improved, and a leather tannery
thereon erected occupied by G. M'Gee..
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Dan.
iel Bailey & Son vs. Nicholas Cogsdill.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel
of land situate in Franklin tp. bounded cin the-north
by lands of Samuel Anable and John M'Dowell, on
the east and west by lands of Horace Willey. and
on the south by Towanda creek, containing about
one hundred acres be.the same, more or less, about
twenty-five acres improved, one framed house, one
blacksmith shop and a smell orchard of fruit trees
• Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Le
Grand Dancraft to use of John C:Adanis y s.
E. Gore.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land situate in Ulster tp. bounded on the north
by land of Edward Mills, on the east by the high
way leading from Towanda to Athens, on the south
by lends of John Bowman, sad on the west by land
of Edward Mills, containing one half acre, be the
same more or less, all improved. one framed house
occupied as a dwelling and grocery (4 cellar also
being dug).
ALSO—One other lot,piece or parcel of land sit.
nate in said township, bounded on the north• by
Charles Holcomb end D. R. Braigg, on the east by
lands of Horace Heath, on the south by the high
may leading. from Ulster village to Smithfield centre,
and on :he west by lands of C. F. Sweet, contain lag
about one half acre, be the same more or less, all
improved, one framed dwelling house, and one stable
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ro
binson & Shipman vs. John M. Pike.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Fe
ciaus. the following piece or parcel of lagd situated
in the twp. of Troy, bounded astollows : Beginning
at a post the south west corner of lot No. 87. on
warrant lot No. 1479, thence north 82 and 75.100
perches to a post, thence east 107 and 340 perches
to • post. thence south 82 and 76.100 perches to
the south west corner of lot No.BB, thence west 107
and 3.10 perches to the beginning.. Containing 64
acres and 133 and 3.10 perches strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution et the suit of "Ste
phen Pierce vs. H. Gamage and L. Upham adm'rs.
of B. Pratt. dec'd.
ASLO—AII that certain lot, or piece of land, sit
uated in Wells twp.. now South Creek- township.
bounded and described as follows : Beginning at
a hemlock tree the N. E. corner of the said hereby
mentioned or granted lot, running thence south 236
perches to a hemlock tree, thenee west 355 perches
to a hemlock tree, thence nt•rth 236 perches to a
beech tree, thence east along the south line of a bo
dy of land belonging to Bank of Penn'a.. 355 perchs
es to the place of beginning. Containing 523 acres
and 100 perches more or less, being part of a tract
enrveyed to Francis Johnston and Jonathan Mifflin,
in a warrant No. 5690 (the north part of said tract)
dated 3d Nov• 1794, and pattented to tie said John.
ston & Mifflin on the 22d day ofJune, 1795—ten
acres cleared.
ALSO—AII that certain part or piece of land call
ed " Bellrnont," situated in aforesaid twp. beginning
at a post, thence by land formerly of Francis John ,
ston and Jonathan Mifflin, south 508 perches to •
post, west 363 perches to a post. north 520 perches
and 6-10 to a post, and thence by die state line of
New York, south 88 deg. eastl:363 perches to the
beginning. Containing 1100 acres and allowance
of 6 pet cent. (or roads,&c. ; surveyed in pursuance
of a warrant No. 5686, dated the 4th day of Nov..
1794, about IS awes improved, one log house and
old framed barn, and an old saw mill thereon er.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam
uel Rexford, assignee of H. P. Yeomans vs. Horace
C. Tallman and Rebecca Tallman his wife. and Da
vid L. Sanderson and Philip J. Pierce, tere tenants.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land.being and lying in the township of Frank lin,
surveyed in the warrantee name of Hugh Ladley.
adjoining lands surveyed in the warrantee names of
James Ladley and Andrew Ladley, Nathan Hagen,
and Peter Hagee, containing four hundred and six•
ty acres strict measure, surveyed the fifth day of
April 1794.
ALSO—The undivided third part of another tract
lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the
same .ownship, iliirveyed in the warrantee name of
Peter Ladley, adjoining lands surveyed in the war
rantee names of Andrew Ladley, Joseph Ladley,
Samuel Siddons and Nathan Vardy,containing four
hundred and sixty acres, strict measure, surveyed
the fifth day of April, 1794, warranted the 24th day
of February 1794, being the same premises which
James P. Bull and Ann his wife by indenture da
ted the 23d day of September A. D. 1839. for the
consideration therein mentioned, the whole whereof
is hereby secured, granted and conveyed unto the
said Nathan Smith in fee as by reference to said
indenture intended to be forthwith recorded, will
fully appear.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Ann
E. Bull executrix of James P. Bull, dec'd, v 7. Na,
than Smith.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office Towanda, Nov. 1, 1853.
Cr Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal
to the costs. will b, required to be paid upon each
sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a
failnre to comply with this regulation, the tract of
land will againbe offered for sale.
CORNER of the Public square and Main Street,
Towanda, Pa., respectfully give notice that
they are now opening and receiving Ovet from the
City of New York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on hand, comprises . one of the largest and best
selected assortments to be found west of New York.
Having been purchased at
They are enabled to offer them cheaper than ever.—
They invite particular attention to their assortment
of Ladies' Dress Goods
Consisting of Jaconet and Swiss Mus - lins, Printed
Lawnv.Ginghams, Bed Muslins, Merrimac,
Cocheco, Fr:11 River and other styles of
American Prints, in endless variety, a
large assortment and for sale
cheap. They have also a
large variety of YANKEE NO
TI' tNS, embracing almost every thing
from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Satch-
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment of Carpeting of all prices and , styles.
Also, Spring and Summer . Hats, Boots and
Treating the Publieragtiare!
THE svbscriber, thankful for the liberal Patronage received the put year, intends to keep.constantly on
band a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which a. WILL dispose of on
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. Tim purchase, are made entirely with cash
in hand, and for the Gaaa nor customers • will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles
not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded.
07' Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging silly for the Medicines.
The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.)
Superior TOBACCO & SMUT 1----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Principe
and Tara CIGARS !
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and - Java Coffee ; Molasses; Sqrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. Sc
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
The best Quality of Goods—Full Auortment—Modarate Profits—Ready Attention to Cvstomers—no
Adniteration of Goods.---Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business." ,
Towanda, November 12, 1852. U. C. PORTER, M. D.
Ts just receiving a general assortment of New
I. Goons at the corner of Bridge and Main streets
which were purchased principal:y fur Cash—at a
very low figure, and hr flatters himsef that he can
sell goods as cheap as the cheap-st. The public
are respectfully invited to call and examine his
stock, which consists in part of
Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Boots and
Shoes. Crockery. Glass If Stone Ware,
Paints, Oils, Dyes, 4c., 4c.
He would respectfully announce to the Ladies of
Towanda and vicinity. that through that untiring
perseverance. he has abandoned the sale of intoxi
cating liquors. J. HARVEY PHINNEY.
Oct. 24, 18.53.
TONS more of those cheap Sugsrs just rec'd
t 7 and for sale by PIENNEY.
TEAS—A few cheats good and cheap for sale
BOATS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest..aa
Bortment in Towanda, by PHINNEY.
DRESB Goods, of the latest styles and patterns.
consisting in parr of Mooslin De'sines, all wool
delaines black ei• fancy silks, French, Domestic and
Scotch Giaghstnis 4- prints, of every style by
Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY.
TJ'ATS, Cape., & Bonnets, a large assortment and
11 cheap, by PHINNEY.
CLOTHS, cassimeres, vestings, satinets, jeans.
and Tweeds of all description, just received by
Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY.
1 LANNELS—French, Domestic and Salisbury,
for sale by PHINNEY.
.WANTED—aiI kinds of grain & lumber for
V, which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24.1859. PIMINEY.
THE Winter term of Mrs. M'Msnos's School for
Young Ladies, will commence on Monday the
28th of November, 1853. Terms, as usual.
Common' English studies, $3,00
Higher 4,00
French or ll Latin with the above, 5,00
No tetra charges made for anything.
The School is kept in the vestry of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Towanda.
October 29, 1853.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership ex
isting between the subscribers was dissolved
by mutual consent on the 18th inst. The business
will be settled by H. S. Pniaway, who hereby gives
warning to all indebted that they must give home.
diate attention if they wish to save costs.
Monroe, October O. 1853. 0. P. LYON.
- MAILS listscl-saws.House Trimmings,Glass‘Put
.ll ty, Sash &c., just received by PHINNEY.
Cistern and Well Pumps I
EAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Ram! ! of any kind,
size, der.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. R. TH. WELLES.
(lime tn the north end of the Ward lbauee, (lately occupied
by Lapor4, Mama& Co.l
Towanda, March. 5, 1833.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
El. Havens, decd. late of Standing Sione,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
8. W. BILES,' Administrators.
Ang. 27, 1853.
• Carpeting & Oil Cloths.
Aquantity of each just received
J. and POWELL. for sale by
Sept 10.
300 -NEW BARRELS. fit for Pork or Cider,
for sale at 75c each, by S. FELON 4. CO.
Towanda, Aug. 10, 1853.
A largo stuck of Fall Bonnets and Trimmings.—
Atioo Hats 4. Caps of every description for
mile' and boys' wear, for by J. POWELL
AN Election will be held on the first Monday of
November next, at the office of Laporte, Mason
& Co.. in Towanda. between the hours of W A. M..
and 2 P. M.. for a President, five ,
.Managers and at
Treasurer. fur, the ensuing poss.'. '
Toitanda. Oct. 14, 1111411; .
SALTroa 5ALE...400 Barrels of dab repel*
dila day and for ask by
June 15, BAILEY & sEvrss.
iv ILI. be at 11:14.EY & NEVIN't3 Grocery and
Vl' Provision and Fancy Store, opposite the Ceort
Rouse, Towanda, after the 15th of October, till Jan.
nary 1, 1854.
FROMthe premises of A. IL Smith, in Ulster tp,
on Thursday night Sept. 22d, a large bright red
Cow, 6 years old, with straight handsome horns and
marked with a swallow-tail in the right ear. Who—
ever will give information where said cow can be
found shall be reasonably retarded.
Ulster, Oct. I, 1859. ALLEN zoOPER.
19 -6 EMPT Y Barrels , suitable for Cider. Pork
and Beef packing. &c. in good order. for
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE.
Sept. 4. 1853. ,
8. MERCUR has just received another large
H. assortment of Goods of every description. to
which additions will be made every weeltdind which
will be sold as .usual very cheap.
Towanda, Sept 20, 1853.
SALT—A quantity of Satt jw.t received by
TAR. J. E. INGHA M. of Monroe, has located in
ll Wysoa, at the Presbyterian Parsonage.
September 22, 1853.
WNW 000,11;01
Just received by Joseph Powell.
Pile attention of the public is respectfully invited
to a large and complete assortment of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Groceries, flarnware. Crockery. Roots and Shoes,
Haig and Caps Carpeting, Paper Hang
ings, Leather. Drugs. Paints, Ods Irc.
All of which will be sold at the lowest market price
for CASH or country produce.
Towanda, Sept. 10. 1853.
The War Question Being Settled in
ONTANYES A& CO. have come to the conclu
sion to enlarge their business, in clew of the
unparalleled prosperity that must result horn • Mate
peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for
former favors, invite the attention of the cnizens of
this and adjoining counties to the examination of
consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dreas
Goods, as also heavy staples,
Hardware. Crockery. Groceries. Harness and Car
riage Trimmings, Iron, Leather. 4.e. dre ,
all of which will be offered et wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. 1, 1853.
j 8 Now opening a Ns* STOCK or Goons, consist
ing of full and complete assortment of all kind..
which will be sold as cheap as the same qualify of
Goods can be bought anywhete this side of New-
Towanda, AugtM 20,1853. -
Paper Hanginge,
very fine variety of satin and common paper
11 Hangings, curtain papers and transparent win—
dow shades, just reed by J. POWELL.
Towanda. Sept. 10, 1853
Residence. on Pine Street opposite the 01 , 1 Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be funnd at his
office, in Dr. Ponvaa's Drag Store, when not pro
fessionally engaged.
Those Indebted to Us
BY note ur book account will please take NOTICE
that we are in want of money, and must haft it.
All who neglect to attend to this timely warning,
may expect a visit from the liitte Constable. Nejo•
king this time. . HALL & RUSSELL.
Towanda. March 24. 1252.
A LL persons indebted_ to the estate of Artoith
Wattles. deceased, laisot Rome tostoship;are
hereby relented to make immediate:payment. tad
those having claims agatostssid palate. will Pleas*
present them dolt' iotheaticatid Tat Settlement.
ARUNAH V.V)111.1",
— 1). C. WATTLIPS.
/tome, Oet. 22, ISO, Executors.
Pall and Winter Goods
, A 4 1 ,I f ierarnia kaowletlh&PßllWl=:4 l :
21: ermateuflohh 'X Witfon:L '.' ot
Norm* iowlirbip A ateliiiiir oesoe . d: task,
lattleabiut tifyaiett4ao thole ha g hot
said rotate Wilt &too reaa,ro theta daly, au !s
-cared for settleimairt. . ,_r .. -v. ; ,.. -_-;
J. L COCICtrV9I.4 ': ,
J. 8. sbars, , -)'-':: '
T ETTERS otadmittistraton having iiettitnat •
14 the undersigned by.. the.Nesisies ffOrd
• ty. oat Mh, ',eg, Ppoe.jate, Ashton
, wP.. deceased ; Indebteti:
tate , VS bent" notified to make•itillegate pay**
to the wider:4o4olla those basing alias. *genii
said estate will presenethem dolyhotheoticatfd. to,
settlement TROIA* PFNE. Sifiwits
Sept: 11,.155=.'
Al.T.'persons indebted to the oloote of
1 - 1 blurs!), deceased. late of PUCE twp., ire
hereby tutioested-tostake-immediaie .'ffamittil and
those haying. elaim4 against. -.slid estate, still
please present them duly authenriested Inr settled
meat.: Josepii NIA.RSH,
Sept, 22. 1853. ^ • , Asint!rs.
A I.T. persons - indebted to the estste 'Of James
.11. Lennox, deed late of Ulster twp. are hereby
requested to make paytnent withoOt AeUy : and all
those having demsnds against said estate will pre.
cent them dnly authenticated for settlement.
DANIEL LENNOX, A4mitiistratne..
Jane 26, 1853.
ALLperson. indebted to the estate of Alexander
Madill. deed late of Wysoi township. are
hereby requested to make payment! without delay
and all persons having claims against said' estate
will please present !hem duly authenticated for set.
tlement. HENRY I. MADILL. Executor.
Rept. 29. lan.
Am.persons `indebted to the estate of N.D.
Warlord, deceased, late of Monrve tsrp.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested In present them duly authenticated
fir settlement. ZERIAH ROCKWELL. 2"
Monroe, Sept. 29. 1853.
In the Orphans' Court of Dradford CO:
In the matter of the partition of the Real Estate of
Samuel &night. late Ridgeberryi deed.'
TO Sarah Beniglat,Celvin Benight. Mary Benicia.
Samuel Health?, Phebe Benight. Benjamin W.
Benight anti Susan Benight, heirs' of Thaddeus Be,
night deee*.ed, residing at St. JosephMinsouri.
Notice is hereby given. that the Court grant rule
upon the heirs and legal representations of Samuel
Benught late of Ridgeberry, deceased. requiring
them to come into Curia on the 2nd Monday of De.
cember nett, and elect to tale, or refuse the real
estate of the said Samuel Benight deed. at tit" sal'
nation made and returned by the inquest.
Towanda: Oct. 12. 1853.
auditor's Notice.
In the antra of the atate of Herrick Miller. decd.
THE undersizneci having been , appointed an An
dime by the Orphan'a Coon 41 Bradford roan
ty to settle and adjust the account of R. Wilcos.Es
ecotor of the last will and testament of said dece-
dent upon exceptioi.s filed, will attend to the duties
of said.sppoint.aent at his office in 'Towanda barn%
on the 21st day of November. A.D. 1853, at one
o'clock P. Ms of which 'all per , niis interested will
take notice. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
0•t. M. 1a53.
Auditor's Notice.
Eavid Barber In the Com. Plea% of Bradford
vv. County, No. 100. May T. lan.
Levi Walker.
THE undersigned, auditor , appointed by the Court
to distribute money tamed on mention lamed
in the above case. will attend to the dories of his
appointment at his office in Towanda horn', on the
24th. day of November, A. D. 11it53, at I &Mock. P.
M., where all permns interested are reqoired to pre.
sent their claims or else be debaried from any pot ,
lion of said fund. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor;
Oct. 22, Ift63.
8.81 T. Lawrence Bradford Com. Pleas, No.
vs. RIO, Feb. T. 1853.
If. M. Hale.
THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
money raised by Sheriff's sale of the property
of the defendant in the above suit. will attend to
said business at the office of R. Booth. in Towanda
boro', (i the 2bl day of November. 1853, at 10 o'-
clock A. M. where all persons interacted are requir—
ed to present their demands or else be debarred
from said fund. P. B. MORROW, AutFtor.
Oct. 22. WM
Anna Dickinson. Marta Meredith, John Read, John
M. Read and MarearerAl. Read vrho survived
Priscilla M. Read vs. Amos J. Vergoson 'and
terre tenpin's.. No. 327. Dec T. 1852.
THE auditor appointed by the Coon to distribute
money rsiseti by sheriff's sale of the prnpeny
of the defendants, in the above. trust. will attend to
said business at the MTic e of Wm Watkins in Tow- .
anda baru'. Friday the 25th of November 1859, at
o'clock P. M. where all person# interested are re
quired to pmeent their claim. 1.8. el-e he debarred
from said fund. (ICY H. WATKINS, Audi or.
th-t. 17. 1953.
R. N. Terrctt di Co. DrAdford Corn Pleas No.
v.. 332, Dec. 'l'. 1851.
lames Brink.
THE aud.tor appointed by the Poort to distribute
money rai , ed by Sherifr+ sale of the property
of the defendant in the above snit, trill attend tosaid
busines. at the office of R. Booth in Towanda bow%
on the 23d day of November 1853, at 2 o'clock P.M. 111.
where all nervous interested are required to present
their demand• else be debarred from said fund.
Oct. 2', IfU53 P. I). MORROW. Auditor.
Office with the Register and Recorder,
'l"c olt N E AT LA %V.
OFFICE in the second story of the Union 111nelt,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Adams. Ei-q • Sppt. r:
, rIHE ondersigned will, by virtue of an order of
I the Qrpbsts"e Court of Bradford county, offer
for sale on the premises, on Thursday the 1.1 day
of December nest, ace main lot of land in Ridghery
twp, c,ntaining about ht acres of which about 10
sere. are improved. adjoining land of Abner Graves
on the north, Parvin Covelt On pbe.eest. Gen Petet•
son on the south, and Phainberlain & l..tortbrictste on
west. with a small frame house thereon erected, late
the propertyof Joseph Brighanl dec'd.
Alltu'rs. Jos. Brigham.
Ridgbery, Nov. I. tflh.l.
OD. BARTLET r. is now receiving a loge
. and carefully selected stook of
• =Mr GOODS. •
hotted for cash Sines the late "dedrme its irides,
- which he will offer forteifff 'pity at iiriitep !NW
cacaos fail to give matisfeetion.....ainangamemitigt
be invites particalarAtjention tit pis aaioremttot of
DreasGoode~' -
. Towanda; Apra - 111:11U • • •-•
nytOCIIIEBBAWLE4-actin g t sad
iortment Jobe reed by 'ff.
Di the, COW%
IL L. SCOTT. Clerk
A.nditor's Notice.
Auditor's Notice.
Anditer's Notice.
M. 77 r 7TVMII
l i==l2
~likaido SAL pone
-• ilOttiiWitire lilth *Michel •
of en casedosigitiadford• sugindl ana. .....,- - "I Sul ;
/ na. d the ,- . Shim Datums mletia
- lin
' ktddri: lit sal tot said tautly et
Mtn. . = lb*
blineit do*
&whoa ail I : th e * reerill. a t adding a
Mt io" toe &Mod.
lot day Odtaber -, L i , 0. 0 . Quotes , Iles-
Court of Oyer . otitk ,
....1.,20"• p le a ~4 °owes
C Shona of the P 411"; 4 " 4""Pimn -- • fAltddrold ""
i l: 11 4 14 :1:71 1 14 2 = 11 4C 1 0:0. 61 W"
, three we
Notice is t VI. "-isi Cor oners
hetetasi 60,141 ditmt. l o:' • 0
sad Jusfiessof tit* Piiiairad coostablio4tx ts
of Bradford. that *it i.liPtht° imdthili ?tr an is ler :
per 10' c lototiltio the foteilfa.,_ is d ay. .
with their reesidti :ll 4l l dodt,i=itt r i F ogriaop.
Went" ' kr al) ,L.A. du T i t t r is tb o s e . who am 4114 by re
',nisi(' to bt -. --- , - i l tsomii . , in ~pronnift *bat the
afinit lace air' 44 ".7 ' - , , 5 , • 4i.olki. 122,0111111er.0021-
prisoners itittik *lt as „ .l 7- mil'" —itiltel4lll 4ellit'
iy. or WhO 'hil: tht ""' -7oto 1 41 11 a '
are to he theffti, 1 1 10
„...„,:,,,10 in
shall be ji.ot. • i !tio!.101.; .0 tsl
joill e ir s :7:l;- 4
their ettethilt, Qt
,had Dated OR tanlßWlsitht. , ~ a L1.:,,ix..814844:1-
nf nut iota one th Allnt! rips iiun.r... _ _ tn .
thew, wit iitihstiiitattit Fr 4 9l - y i:i igid ,
the W3Ventrill x litst 4f mount.
-- ZZ...,:"
';C 11,11 11) . _
~j :
A"pe•srins indebted to the este*. otObadiahl
BlakeNley, ititeltssed. - hte of , aorlingtaa top.
are hereby requested to make ittltiordlitte 'parinserm'
and Otos, having claims salad said estate. 901
please present them dal} authenticated : far septa.,'
went. J. V. HAMM.
Ave: 30.4853.
T . . IST O f JURORS , drawn for Pe!...Xciiber !am
Li and sessions.lo63:
TIMM Irtrlr. •
Asylum—George S Gamble.- - ' •
*: . "
Can:on—Samuel Randall. Wm Roberts:
Durell—R C Gilbert, J Hornet; J Whipple. D,{..
Franklin—Horsee Willie
Herrick-14,8 Porter, .1 Erskine, M'Slocom
Leroy—Hiram Ho!mirth ' , •
Orwell—E R Brown
Ridr,bery.P A Evans, 14 D Hamtno.ot .
Smithfield - Reuben Butler , Henry Pete; Michael..
st. milk, Cyrus Hoek
90ringfirlif—D H &mita. J Harkness, lasK.enedy.
Ethe-bequin.—ben W. Vincent
Standing Stone..lobn,'Kine
Towanda b0r0 . .-11T Detirdsley, David Cash, Wise,
Keeler •
Routh do-1111 Mace
Troy borii—Elitimi Newbury. L Runyon
Warren-8 A Carey.
Windharn—D Gleason 8 Middaugh
Davy', . , .
SZlOtaTillit NOTION.
warteE is hereby given that thr retie hien 61ed i
IN and settled in the office of the Regiitti (Deft'
Probate iif Wits, and granting lettere of Adminis
tration in and for the county of Bradford. accoom
of administration upon the , following estates wit:
Final account of Charles U. Paine and 13eth W.
Paine. administrators of the musical Clement Paine,
dee'd. late of Troy tp.
Fund account ef Sophia Pickard. eueutri s of A.
G. P.ekard, who wu the admini trator of the estate
of Luther Bartlett, deed. late of Canton.
Final account of Catbarine Cocilbaugh, William
Coolbaugh 2d and J. R. Irvine. administrators of
the estate of Absalom Coolbaugh dee/. late of Mon
Final account of Stanley Sherwood, 'secular of
the lan Will and testament of Salmon fthtrwood. ,
dec'd. late of l'ohmbio.
Partial account 8. B.l..bury, administrator
of the estate estate of Martin N ildeta, deed. lan of
Final . account of Ephraim Brink, administrator
of the estate of Jonathan Brink, deed, late of Pike.
Final account of Aaron Chubburk, administrator
of the estate of Daniel Doan. deed, Isteof Windham.
Final account of Z. F. Walker, executor of the
last Will and testament of Nathaniel Flower dee'd,
late of Athens., •
Final accoant of Wm R. Shoemaker, adininistra•
tot of the estate of Nicholas Phoemaker. deed.
And the Rime will, be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county, on Momday the stb day
of December text, for confirmation and allowance.
H. L. SCOTT, Regisrtr.
Register's Office.
Towanda, Oet 30, 1833. 5
CAME. to the enclosure of the subscriber in She
shequin tarp., on the 31st OIL. s large Red Cow.
about 6 or 7 years old, middling sited horns. and
not particularly marked. The owner is requested
to prove property. pay charges and take her array.
Rbeshequin, Sept. 5, 1853.
Orphans' Ccmrt. Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Bradford. will be exposed to public sale, on she
premi'ea in Rome township, on Vaturday, the. 34
day of December. 1853, at 2 o'clock, P M. the fol
lowing properly, late the estate of David M. Waules
deceased :
A piece or parcel of land t.ituate in the township
of Rome, bounded as follows—Beeonning at a corn
er on the west side of the main road leading fronsthe
village of Rome to Owego. N. Y. 320 feet from the
north east corner of the farm now occupied by•B I.
Barns formerly owned by Matthew Cannon.dee'd.
thence north along waiJ main road, 42° east 156 feet
to a corner, thence north 48° west 150 feet to a Caro'
ner. thence south 42° west 156 feet to a corner, and
thence south 410 east 150 feet to the place of begin
ning. Containing'. 8395100 perches. more OT less,
all improved, with one small frame house. one small
frame barn, and some young fruit thereon.
Terms made known on the day of •ale.
• J. M WATTLES. Administrator
of estate of D. M. Wattles. deceased.
Rome. November 10,1852.
HARVY PHINNEY, Jr ,haying purchased for
J • Cash of G. M. Bowman. his entire s•oek or
Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost in
New York. (and lb per cent. lower than any Mer—
chant in Towsnds has or can buy) is prepared to
sell for ease, more Goods for one dollar, than any
man will sell for nine shilling:! This stock is
large, tmbraring all articles usually found in a
Store, •iz—Dry• Gortd4. Groceries, Hardware, Brims
and Shoes. Leather. Nails; Sash. Glass. Hats, caps
and Bonnets. All of which will he sold all itiove;"
and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner a
Main and Bridge streets.
Towanda. Jul! , 18. len't.
- STAG': N
LEAVE Towanda for Mireur's
milla.Uarlington.East Sarttlilield
..,.,...,ra t ,p,,,Ridzebery. and 'Wellsburg de.
pot on the N. V. 4 E.R. ft.. every Monier. W,nn•
lITSBAT and raIDAY at lit'o'clock A. M., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the train of ears
either east or went. same Jay:
Retnraing Tetanar.tlllll}DAT and Bevranar.
after the arrival of the Eastern train. And 11130 lb,
iffe , torn ears from Jefferson, Elmira. &c., arid ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Ties :—Towanda to Mercer's mill,. ~X7+ '
" to Barlingten. NI
" to East Smithfield. 42.
" ' " ' " to Ridreberj . ' LOtr
' • .' . w ' to Witbbe4 &pm. 1.25
txpitssliadragesin'or Irporrthe Rtil 'flasilessit •
telly diihrirdit mildente olutriti.
• :.::: • .D. Ig. OULU
, •
, PlNgirlis.
Towanda,. Oct 8,1852
Mirtied Stop* Domestic Goode—en aorta,
lanesiteck ottechecosod MstrimsciPtods:
Obtsioo l 4 eboahtlikallifbe4 imbieseleolskiss
impoicitiop mei pes,detniiiiilko. • Also Ahab cloths
ittaiiimoli floc, CilidEleffiri Of tiisetv.: fists* owl
KeViimiti ?muss reed tly , POWELL.