M==i t= 1 ..C) r =To TOW-A NI -i-A;:' Olorniftp, November 20. .stittitb Votfrl• THE DESERTED ROAD., ty T. B. RIAD Ancient mad, that windest deserted Through the level of the vale, Sweeping toward the crowded market Like a atrearn without a sail; Standing by thee; I look backward, And. as in the light of dreams, See the years descend and vanish, Like thy whitely tented teams.,-- Here I stroll along the village. As In youth's departed morn ; But I miss the crowded coaches. And the driver's bugle horn— Miss the crowd of jovial teamsters, Filling buck is at the wells, With their warns from Conestoga. And their orchestra of bells. To•the mossy wayside tavern Comes the noisy throng no more. And the faded sign, complaining, Swings unnoticed at the door; While the old decrepid Waiting for the few who pass, Reads the melancholy story la the thickly springing grass. Ancient highway, thou art vanquished ; The usurper of the vale Rolls in fiery. iron rattle, 'Donations on the gale. Thou art vanquished and neglected ; But the good which thou hast done, Though by man it be forgotten, Shall be deathless as the sun. Though neglected, gray and grassy, Sun I pray that my decline May be through as vernal valley* And as blest a calm as thine. ,:usquetainta cdalltv. ItISING9 FROM ITS INDIAN AND PIONEER HISTORY •America is the tomb of the Red man. • • His wry is, to some extent, our history ; and we turn mh inietteetual refreshment from the thread-bare saes of Europe." • • (From an address of loss Scnoot.casrr, Esq., before the Was-aft-ho t-no-son-rm.") I.7the last number of the series of articles of this the narrative of Mrs. Jane Whittaker was giv !until her arrival at Niagara, in company with :any other cap•ives from the Susquehanna, in the nron of 1778; Her mother and all the members .ier father's family, with the exception of him ill were among the number, as has been previous .sated. When they arri‘ed at the fort, cold wea xr approaching, and for a lack of clothing sible to the season, and other comforts, their L:ccon was becoming pitable. At this juncture, tioyalist, by the name of Herkimer, an extensive '`tiler at that point, showed himself a true friend, rY oily supplying each one of the family with the - : , ainng which they then required, but anticipating :sir probable wants for the appioaching winter, by Lxral donationi. This man was torn near Cal -1 CU, and had been the school mate and early of the narrator's father. Having espoused rt cause of the crown, be removed to the point t".sle, to fortunately for the captives, he was at aaume board. He coupled his substantial and ral.timed proofs of."a generous friendship, with to hid: avowal, that although his friend had be ems', a rebel," he could not forget that " they I lid been boys together ;" but that he would have tied him better, if he had remained loyal, and `homed the king." Each instances of chivalrous friendship deserve aration, but require no comment Remaining a few weeks at the fort, the captives tee then sent down the Lake to Duck's Islabd, in tatighsh vessel. From that point, they were In' in batreaux down the river to St. John's, not r from Montreal, their place of destination. Be are reaching that point, winter overtook them, The weather had become distressingly cold. '.sey Were frequently compelled to clear away teinon , upon the bank of the river, for the por rev of spreading their customary bed of hemlock 7- it St. Johns the captives remained nearly two Mry, when they were sent still further down the k Lawrence, to Michiche, near Three Rivers.— &III) atter, by die earnest application of the then C4i ft o r, tHaltlimand,) they were permitted to '''''No the vicinity of Montreal. Arriving there ...i'Llt of May, 1780, they remained until the Bu tts of that year, at which time, in company with , a?otit three handled other captives, consisting of +gad men ; women and children, they set Out for tome wader English escort, by the way of St. Johns !end Crown Point to Skenesborough, now White- AL There were no able-bodied men among the timber, she slates, unless they had treviously en wieil themselves to a discharge by taking an oath 4 to bearlirms against the King. From Wlii!eltell, the captives were sent in such tehicles as could be there procured, to their vari homes. T party to which Mrs. W. belong rete sent Albany, as their place of destina by the w .of Saratoga. At the last named i, an inci ent occurred of deep interest to the wes. It will be recollected that Mr. Strop, had at this time been separated from his lami id relatives during, their captivity, for more two years, was on his way to Wyoraitig at the of the capture, iuld thus escaped. Upon his aunt, he foimditir hUlieen "before stated, the ktiletnent at Wysoiliridwasteiadesolate - fire-sidi, •Ilitneither wife nor child, nor living creature shit Ws drop of blood in Ins veins, to welcome ins eam Ba behind the clouds the sun still shone. . ..... - .• . - . ,441. _ ~''' ....' " ...1 . "-----..5' . ,„,, : - -,•• - • r. -.... ~ ••• -• • •,•• '••• 1 .,-- .4 - m•i• 1- s. -. ..• ; I ,-; ::-.9.4".:1 .:.::::::zzl,...tifl 1:111 . 7..v.-....!: - X - :. - 1 : - .:1.: rz. i • \ .•-%.,'“'• - i -•.- 46 . '', ..:: A ,Ktillt . r in 1t44 - 4VAIL tIVd:UIDIY.I , :. , , - ,1 MIMS : I :s In 4nr..iitiittoq Ikti: g.„ . .."... ._ ~,,,,1 , - --..- ~,k c ' "'" " Al r t I - - 1• , ,, ,i1 - ,...:..1.4:.. - :.. • • ..,'.'.".. -- z1". '0..1' ..7: - :..iN • ' ''z ' z'. -. ..' •;.. s'':'• -''•;':,. '• ' t •1 " . t4°o7 :U• 6% ••• i - ' , 4 ' '' • " ' l '' —1 '.• "'''' 1 ' 1 'i !, • ' 4'i l''' : .. ... -3+d 31; 7: , • !,,:: z, r I _lir i'-‘,„_ „,-,A,1 L . t O' - ~ . • ; i t ' '' r . 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"" , -...L - ..rZ ~ . 1::• . .. ^ Tbmwing aside the,greattriell which was. then pressing upon him, be presented himself at Wyo- ming, for enrolment with the other solo: 'seen for ite protection;' and With' commendable liirOlom foght 'shoulder to Shotilder With them' filhirinemO., rOlet 3 battle, 91 juli; 1778, vrhieti , preciwAea the muuere: Thick coming tears may have obscrued his-aim; as he thought of his family, but-his heart was in the 0111168 laot'Ofiiia, lie stirviied to do hie country still Initheietivice a in soyeral of the severest engagements of the war. For triple than two years he lived ,w ithoot knowing-definitely .the ate of his family and relativert,and they alike °doubt- . ng as to his. At first they heard he had fallen at Wyoming, and mourned for him as dead. Aher• wards a rum - or readied them that 'he was saved, and again, subsequently, that he was slain. Hope was still kept alive, although with doubt and appre- hengion their hearts had sickened The news soon spread throughout the .country hat the three hundred captiires, as before detailed. were returning to their homes by the way of Stre• nesborigh. Mr.Strope made his way to Albany, for the purpose of ascertaining whether his family and friends might not be of the number. Upon an examination of the list which had been forwarded to that point in advance of the captives, be found their names. Pushing on at once towards §kenes borough, he met them at Saratoga, including al who had been captured at Wysoz—his aged father and mother, wife and relatives, down to hts little daughter, whose narrative has been &is summari ly given. Any effort to picture.such a meeting in words, would be tame indeed. The restored captives prooeeded at once to Alba ny, where Mr. Swope took charge of his family dnil relatives, taking them to Catskill, the point from • ' .;• PUBLISHED; - EVERYf SATURDAtrAT TOW, AND L - 1317AtA _ - V. 9 . ”. • . • .1?- - . ' `1. • ,. 6•1 • '•:1 1-: - ' 1 '' ? ' 1' '., " ' • _ I "i!it zr.Ul'"f, Heroic hcarts to noble deeds beat time, • And over dark misfortunes rifle kab,tinte- Having better fortune than the most of that gal. which they had originally emigrated. There they remained until the war was over. In the spring of the next year after the ratification of peace ) Mr. Strope, with a brother and uncle, came on to IVyscrx. Upon reaching there, they found, as-they expected, everything had been burn ed that could be fired, and the cattle, sheep, and all el-e of value as boo'y, plundered. Log cabins were again constructed, and corn planted, in anti cipanon of the return nt their own and other lam lies to the settlement, in the autumn at the same pear. Under the protection of the young but free floating banner of the infant.Repbblic, they looked forward with hope, "sure and . steadlast," with flW' prophetic vision of the undaunted pioneer, to a glo rious fruition, when the wilderness should disap pear, and The wand of enterprise to queenly States Give wundcrous being. The first husband of Mrs. %Vhittaker was Jere miah White, with whom, soon after her marriage, she emigrated from Wysox to this vicinity, making a permanent settlement on the west side of the Owego Creek, within the present limits of the town of Tioga This was in the year 1787, at which time she states that Amos Draper, an emigrant from Wyoming, and a man of great influence with the Susquehanna Indians, was living with his family at this place, (Owego,) his be:rig the first and the only white family then living here. Mrs. Whittaker, in the course of her narrative, states many facts of interest connected with the ap pearance, manners and residence of Queen Esther ; a notable personage in the valley of the Susque henna, whose possessions were on the west side of that river, opposite to and extending some distanch below Tioga Point, and not far from what was thin called She•she•quin. This lady, it is generally supposed, had been ta ken eaptive at an early age, from the French set dements in Canada, upon some one of those hos tile incursions made; ))y the Iroquois into that country, in retaliation for the hostilities of Tle La Barre, Count Frontenac, and other French Gover nors. Front the description given of her, she was pro- bably at French and Indian extraction. Mre. W. narrates that previous to her captivity she had often seen Queen Esther at her father's house, where she was always a welcome visitor, and hospitably' received; that she talked English but poorly, yet making herself understood upon ordinary subjects. She boasted, however, that there was another language with which shit was quite as familiar as with the Indian. Although it was not so stated by the narrator, this was probably . the French. 1' - Mrs. W. describes her as tall, but rather slight in form; cheek bones not high; complexion not as dark as that of the Indian ; hair black, but soli and fine, unlike the heavy black hair of the squaw ; her form erect and commanding, and her appearance and manners agreeable. A sister lived witb tier by the name of Mary, who Was tall, and resembled the Queen in personal appearance, except that she was much heavier. Both of them had been often at the house of Mr. Strops, and were on friendly terms with hie family. They were reputed to be of French and Indian parentage. ' Queen Esther's influence with the natives was unbounded. When she appeared-among them she was treated with the nimorit deference. Her cos• tome was rich at.d showy, with a profusion of glit tering ornaments, and comported well with her claims to deference and queenly dignity. She wore necklace of pure white beads, from which was suspended a cross made of stone or silver. If there was no other badge of her probable French extrac. tracheal, the cross, alone, Would afford, a fair pre sumption that some portion of her early life hid been passed inane of the Canadas, (then - French Colanies,) and that her early religions'impirssions had' been formed . nntleilestiii"tiolipiCes.' Sinne traditionarlitacirents ieiieiliiiit'Atiniaterbil of which it was formed to have been silver,: While Mt. W. thinks itlad , been-neady•and atnatiddy carried nit of a whitistrettinei,' and-iid'4Cquired a poljebed suttees by long continued use. I= Upon One decaoioniitiii:tikiordedidat *slam= visited l'hilattelphinito,conipolii *Ma doliitatidn -of Iroquois Chirsksibtarartmated midi MOW attention by many' rispenuiblulanillicitof thataity. • hospitablredtertahuni, easeetned td rs ciprocite.ibetiadlykelings that: , w at e:eliched ,ja her favor. . .t! • ;1.:,, Afier her capture, Mrs. W.reetrivedMany marb of kindness from the: forest Queer:. Durintthit preparation for the attack upon,Wyoutingdhe dy of Mr. Strope were detained arTiogs-Point; as has been before stated. - At - ibis - time they were tie. iced in simony: wiry - by their °ld !Mid-Queen &dr er, who !shouted themma!ka of , kindness.— On one bncesion, when about io refurn hotn., 911 e desired to have the little capti!e accompany_ her to her castle, for a visitond although the distance was riot geai, Mrs. Strope !declined the profrared civili ty. The refusal did not seen' to make, ,her, angry, for she acquiesced in it , atter discovering the teloc. lance of the mother to be parted, even temporarily from her child. • Afterward, in company with her mother, Mrs. W. crossed the river, and rambled over the premises of the Queen. The plains upon which the so called castle 'stood; was on the West aide of the Susquehanna, near the mouth of the Chemung, not far from and in full triew date Point et the confluence of the two rivers. The main building was a long tow edifice, irregolar in shape built of hewn logs and planks, but neatly done with a porch at the door way, of,somearchilectora pretension, and surrounded• by , quite a nutriber of other buildings. Mr. Miner, in his History of Wyoming, cites a paragraph from a Journal of one of General Huth van's officers:—" August 10th, 1779: Afiergelvanc. ing about a mile through a rich bottom, covered iiith strong and stately timber, which shut oat the sun ; and shed acool and agreeable twilight, we an expectedly were introduced into ti plain as large as; he Sheshukonali,(Sne-she-gain,) called " Queen Father's Plantation." It was in the plaids, near the banks at the Susquehanna, that Esther, Queen of the Seneca tribe, dwelt irr retirettent and sullen majesty. The rains of her palace ire still to be seen. In what we suppose to be the chapel, was found an idol, which might well be worshipped without violating the third (second) commandment, on account of its likeness to any thing either in Heaven or Earth. About sunrise, the General gave ordera:for the town to be illuminated, and aecor- Jingly we had a glorious bonfire of upwanis of thir ty buildings at once." This woman was not the same person whom Mr. Stone. in his life of Thanendanegea calls Catharine Montour, although by having confounded thei two he leads us to infer that he believed them identical. Mrs. Whittaker stales that on one occasion when Queen Esther visited the settlement of .Wystor, she was accompanied by a half-breed woman called Catharine, who, it was believed was her sister. It is more than probable that she was the Catharine Montour, whose name and partial history have been given by Mr. Stone. Her residence was re• puted at that time to be about another ilay's journey westerly from the mouth of the Chemung. Mrs . W. states further, that when the captives were or, their way to Fort Niagara, they remained, before crossing to the Conbocton, for a week or two, at Catharines. That while there the ' Mur again the same woman. She was probably the true Catha rine Montour, found at that place by Gen. Sullivan, the following year, (1779) at the time of the Vl4 Ilion of the Indian country, and from whom the two Catharines, at the head of Seneca Lake, has receiv: ed its name. Among other events that occurred while Mrs. W. was detained at that place, a great dance, with imposing ceremony, was held by the natives. It was doubtless the harvest dance or fes tival. The season of the year when the captives reach ed that point corresponds with the time when that festisal annually occurred. Mrs. W., among other particulars connoted with the Wyoming expedition, states that before embark. ing in their war-canoes for that ill haled place, the Indians streaked their forces with a I , yellowish red" paint, varied with black. When folly ready, they stood op in their boats and sang their war. songs. She recollects distinctly to have heard of the ceremony ofsacrificing the white dog, and thinks it was performed both before and after the Wyom ing, battle. She wi noised the singular and cruel custom of prisoners running the gauntlet, at Tioga Point and °gunge. Female poisoners wore never snhjectei to the ordeal, and, by the interposition of Queen Esther, the male relatives of Mos. W , be longed tmthe captive party, escaped the infliction. Alter her return to Wysox, subsequent to the war, she often saw Pike, who was known throughout the border wartare of the Susquehanna, as " the Indian killer." The thrilling adventure of his capture and escape, with Capt. Van Campen, Rogers and Spence is well authenticated. Their captors, numbering ten, had ascended the east bank of the Susquehan na, from the vicinity of Tunkhannock, with their lour prisoners, to a place within about filteeq miles of Tioga Point—as some accounts give the distance —where they encamped for the night. The arms of the prisoners were bound, securely as their cap tors thought, but in the night, Van Campen luckily 'freeing himself, and with 'noiselessly un binding the arms bribe - other, theyross upon their sleeping foes. So suddenly and: rapidly Aid they shower their well aimed 'blows, that • but two or three of their ten captors eiesped. 'This heroic achievement, in matter:of history, and the precise spot Where* occurred is , worthy of mention. Mrs. Whittaker states that she becarne acquaint. ed with Pike after the-wary and hu seen him point out the place ot encampment, oporr:ihat memora ble night, ander' a large elm tree, Upon her fatfier'C farm at , " Ao incident occtirieri3OpiriMeSusquebarma Aar: ing the joorseyieg oishisciptives front Tioga Paint 1 to Unadillai which mat be ipir*ialilY"thetigtie; ; tid:' tdrii by bikini. - or hiiiiloo6o reeideect; before the - war, liad,be i mrul MOM*" of Wysos, and with whom the family of Mr. Strops MUSES . - It , - , : ,'' 1 ',,, : : • ~,:: '''''''' 4c r ::'1:!I. 1 i.; I, 1 1 , : , . ~. - .:., , ~ ..1. .1,:l. . ' .I% ' '' ' :....t -dX, a , t.i ..-i r- .... 'f . '''''' ' '' ' i '''." ' . 4 41 1 *Alaittit ' Oe angtittcpvriort tame , QuAssza. - - =I =ME hid 09: 1 414 1 :11:*;40iiiiiiii. to hie tong .fristadealld Israitele, : ywn#thi: ll- oeassion !hen vale iniitWatiO4 . ;4olip . hiaitiat,lheiCOOit P4 1411 0 111 ..'4 0, 40 , 0•P0 t t e d tohiFO c i ra -PIT!' lion for her ebildretrand4elatives; whoat the-time vreresufferingfroma want of food. He refused to grant ina,kny. l yotinrizian not arrived at manhood, Standing by, endeitvoredicsprevaitop; otittim taint atote justly, insisting that Mrs.Stropos was not in faulif libel husband - wits 4 1 ,11 rebel ;" but , neithee entreaties Oar Inguilect weseavailing. The soni bewares, without , the:knowledge of 4iis father, supplied the immediate wants of the.lcaptive .1 After the taiification of - peace, both lather and son name limn-Niagara krfeleartie their residence in the vicinity of Wysoz, at &point in the valley called by Mrs. Whittaker.‘." Franklin& Flats." , Her father heard of his intentions, and, preparing himself with a heavy whip, sought an interview. Atter remind ing him, in no measured leans, of his unmanly conduct towards the captives, he inflicted upon him a severe but welldeserved - whipping, and threaten. ed a repetition of it it he attempted to settle in the Sword abandoned the settlement after so plain " a notice to quit ;" but his son remained, and was always treated t y the people of the neighbor. hood with great cordiality. He had acted, it was known, in conceit with his fattiest in his adherence to this Crown, but ne had sought every opportunity to .mitigate the rigors of Indian - eaptivity, by merci ful interposition, which in the incident just related, it is gratifying to observe, was appreciated and re. , membered ;. p roving itself, in substantial, as well as poetic , justice, " twice blessed." At Tioga Point, Manghantowano, Owego, Cho -1 co-nut, Oquaga, Unatljlls, and other points, in the valley, the captives found the/hats nlong the river cleared, and corn, beans, cud:, growing inconsider able abundance. Apple and peachtrees were often seen, some of them appatently f having been many years planted. Berries; of various kinds, were abundant, and Contributed much to the subsistence of the' captives during the season. Fish from the brooks and river, and wild game from the woods were supplied to them in the greatest profusion.— Salt was obtained whenever wanted, but from what quarter the narrator was not apprised. It could not have been distant however, es she states, that the lediane would set out in the morning for the pur pose of getting a supply, and returned before night with all that was desired. She recollects, distinct ly, that this was done while the party was remain ing at Manghantowano and Choconut. As to the treatment which the captives received from the squaws, she Pays they oever.seemed dis posed to harm us; on the contrary, at times,,ae in the case of Queen Esther, they seemed friendly; but, to use her own language, "they generally kept on their side of the fire and we on ours." In her narrative this venerable lady related many other facts, some of them of minor importance, but all of them evincing the great clearness and accura cy with which iihe called to mind the events oftier captivity and early years. Although very interes ting, they ate too minute and would require too much space for chapters as limited as those of this series must necessarily be; Newseseeas.—There is hardly anything so much needed in a family as a newspaper, and yet com paratively speaking, is esteemed of so little value. Every one who will make a fair trial, and ob serve the influence of reading over his family, will find at the end of the year, that he is not a cent poorer for having been a subscriber to a good news paper, He will have accumulated more real in , telligence of the every day concerns of file and the movements of nations—we - take it for granted that he has perused eves) , number with avidity—than he would have done in a series of years deprived in the sight thereof. His wife will have picked up much information relative to the government of children, many useful lessons of household econo my, and no small share of instruction suited to her station. In (mei, a good, virtuous and well conduc ted newspaper in a family, is the beat economist of time and money, and the aptest instructor of the mind. Bovs.—Boys are admonished by a sensible wri ter, to beware of the following description of com pany, if they would avoid becoming like those with whome they associate: 1. Those who ridicule their parents or disobey their commands. ligion 3. Those who use profane or filthy language. 4. Those who are unfaithful, play truant and waste their time in idleness. 5. Those who are of a quarrelsome temper, and are apt to get in difficultiei with others. 6. Those who are addicted to lying and stealing. 7. Those who take pleasure in torturing animals and insects. Otr A young man having preached fbr Dr. Ern mons one day, was anxious to get a word of ap plause forhis labor of lore. The grave Doctor, however, did not introduce the subject, and the younger brother was obliged to bait the book for him. I hope, sir, [did not weary your people bytie .4> - 2. Those who profane the Sabbath or scoff at re lengtkof enteermon to-day." Ne fir 'llOl ; nor by the tieptA either." • 0:r"1 do not wish to ay :anything against that individual in question/ 0 said 4 t t. would mereltoimaikoo the linpuoi'uf 14' '1; tbri . 101 14: ( 1 11 4 ,10,0 11 14% Armailer time& ..r-, ~. ' , '*l o -0340 1 qt k 11 0 69, rlaa W a gi ri mi k o ki : oo o4o t h w t om o mpg wan! ti'tioefoutee : mck . allear inns our support—our mos their iiiihitt.tell i —men, fall in." y..., el- ME MEM - rt~ . ,: Wasilittistoutiuratevrtin fo ht3'Arm3•. it3ati by tyrents , conquered - be,. • ' And &Veda& 'fintro Mitt rid Shrtd, Suchas:Colteintrin ilinNifise,arrherl-she ' ..• , Bprting-fortha Prillasi Itintd-and - tilt defined I Oestustsuch . Wilda be nourished in/ the wild.. rilespin.the onprenedibiesia, mitiO-theavar Of Cataracts, whertioursing nature weilect ..;:Oninfant.Washiegtoet MIS earth-ad-mare - ti Such seed within her breastor Busopenosoeh littoral TherfettO !nen was over. Li cit I ett i rs o itflfrt kitfeeitsed; and the warrior. , ,Wqe now to 1 /Pari!e forever, turning their weapons kilo, plooghshates, and their camps' into workshoptt.. • The'epeetacle, though a sublime and glorious ode; was yet attend'. with'etotiowfu,l)eeling,s ;for alasl inthe f!riutins of that gantlet army, cd patriot soldiers, now.abeut 'to disband without pay,' without support, stalked poverty and disease. -The century had not the Mesh's to be gratelpl. The details of the condition of many of ; the Offi cers and soldiers at that period, according to Meta ty and oral tradition, were 'Melancholy In the' ex"- treme. Possessing no means of patrimonial intreri- I lance to fall back' upotithrown out of even pie petilbus support Of the soldier, at the commence- i ment of winter, amthartlly fit for any other duty than'thal of the camp—their situation can be as well imagined as described.• - A single instance, as a sample of the situation of many of the officers, as related of Baron Stephen, may not be amiss. „When the main body ol the army was disbanded at Newburgh, and the veteran soldiers were bidding a parting farewell to each other, Lieut. Col Cochran, an aged soldier of the N. Hampshire line, remarked with tears in his eyes, tut be shook _hands with the Baron :- 41 For myself, I could stand it ; but my wile and daughters are in the garret of that wretched tavern, and I have no means of removing Mena." ‘t Come, come," said the Baron, " don% give way thus. I will pay my respects to Mrs. Coctoamand her daughters." When the good old soldier left them, their coun tenances were warm with, gratitude—fur he, left there all he had. In one of the Rhode Island Regiments were se veral companies of black troops who had served through the whole war, and their bravery and ilia white were unsurpassed. The Baron observed one of these_ poor negroes on the wharf at New burgh, apparently in great distreea.. . • ti What is the matter brother soldier?" Wy, master Baron, I want a dollar to gethome with, now that Congress has no further use for me." The Earon was absent for a lew momentotp, and then returned with a silver duller which he had . . borrowed. - • " Then, its alll could get. Take it." The tregro received it with joy, hailed a_sloop which was passing down- the river to New York, and as he reached the dock, took oil his hat and said— a God bless you, Master Baron !" • These are only single illustrations of the condi tion of the army at the close of the war. Indeed, Washington had this view at the close of his fare well address to the army at Ruck Rill, in Novem• ber, 1783: " And being now about to conclude these, his last public orders, to take his chimera leave in a short time of the military character, and to 'bid a final adieu to the armies he has so long had the hoT to command, he can only again offer, in their beh hi.• recommendations to their country, and his prayer to the God of aimies." "IMay ample justice be done them here, and may the choicest of heaven's .favors,, both here and hereafter, attend those who, tinder divine ans. pices, hare secured innumerable biessim for, others." " With diem wi- he., and this benediction, the Commantler.iii-Chit is -about to retire from ser• vice; Theeurtain 01 veparation will'sonn be drittirn and the military f•ceites will be closed to him for- ever." The diming of the " m th•ary Kenett . ' I am about to relate. New Yolk had been occupied by %Vashington , on the 25 it of Nriverriber A few days afterward, he notified The President of body was then in seSsitin at Annapolis, in Maryland— that as the war had now closed, he should consider it his duly to proceed thence and surrender` to that body the commission which he had received from them seven years before. • The morning of the sit of December, 4783, was a sail and heavy one-to the remnant of the A'meti• can army in the city of New York. ,The boon of that day was to witness the firtewell of Washing ton—..he was to bid adieu to hicinilitary comrades forever. The officers who had been with him in solemn conned, the privates who had fought and bled in the " haitly light," under his orders o were to hear his commands no longer. The manly form and dignified countenance of the "great captain," was henceforth to lire in their memo ries. As the hour of noon approached, the whole gar at the request of Washington immtelf, was put in Motion,. and marched ilnwt, f 3: nay' street fb Francis' tavern, his head ~narters. kf u wittbed It► take leave of ptivato soldiers skim 41 A ill & O m L a oas t and bid them all adieu His favorite light infantry Were drawn np in the line (tieing thviards; thrbughPOrl.sireet, tvoie fCtoi,of %t hf'ehali,r t t here a barge was, in Readiness to convey hen to Pnwlela Hook..' =I Within thwdiffint, Wolff of the f•viflof *Op Weddle farewell 4 ' .% Amemtriedriutteorere lineur,-,creen, Clintonp Sloatam,Garadrand ., otbeesorpholiaLl 'entit i edi *jib' hinfl a Vi i " t4 l " ' !li nt Wila eota wißlontoulalal iallthlllo-2-710it.liateattiurr i : bled kr** 'moil loan Varmi&l 49rotini/lOodt" .gmievy had. Yielded ups Int "Arun fell at Danbury, Woodhull was barbarouely mur- ,eO. , IMIE :is lAI :1 , , "14 1:*: •fl P,1:1 • r 4 a:T; ( 4o>qm; AM , 11 41- //1.631l q!lit'l4l . l 4.415' r 1 I: . ' frn:: )) z-2 @EMI ME , 4 , , ^ $11.34:: 4 4 • 11•111131 , . 4erea ik'Pygeoliersal be tattle pr Lon g stand', walderfierftill raronalll avorrodadialtrineettat ;160 bra rell' tik ir-ohlia iri ••,;•eut ind t ;uII fi LPTF,ccni, u a trilbag,abirmiskja:SitatboCiAlibla.v.iba MI bui r l 41 1 °S . PlPPickt..lnf i f% l PPli f q. PainarifOjkir l a belpleixodlip,lwinkonnciind upon the•basEol-siekinniii. --Indeedvthe•baulefiell and tirntolua 4hinbia`tb-oir in diet conflict' ot A ---- Wd.thingtiltileriii*kl the rooftilAiiolsl3?"o6lA cation tiati,e(!nin:, ( : * AO h, tOr0(1 hil.,4*ant l l4lo. e 4 on the tacep,o(pm assitabled,Aiemi Coursed down his cheek, and hboroicii was , tremulous as heealoted them " Nor Was 'he tien" al= belt unused to the melting metaid,* shirctif arotind him, Whose uplifted htinde - eittrettheirlirtfies, told that the ' ear, whichiheiltiiein Vitempiell conceal, bespoke the anguish the,y,eould, n99iide. After a Moment's eonversation, Washingtou.nall. ed for a glass of wine. It was broughuhim: Turin , lug o hav'thys addrelsed Then, With a bears full .of bye and gratitude, I note takenty final leave of yen. 'I Most devotedly wish i your latter may be as preserous and happy as your. rimer one liavebeen glorious and honorer ble." He then raised the glass to his , hps,lindald. 1 " I cannot come to each :c4. you to. take my leave, but-shall be obliged to you it each of you will take me by the kanifi" - Generel Knox, who stool nearest, burst into tears, and advanced, incapable of utterance. Wash. inglon grasped him by the hand; and embraced 1 him. The officers came up successively and took an affectionate leaoe. No' words , were spoken, but all was the " ,dent eloquence ef tears.”— What wens, 'Mere words at such a speiie Notip ins. It was the feeling of the heart—thrilling tho'. unspoken. When the last officer had embraced him, Wash ington left the worn, followed by his `ccira4dee, and passed through the lines of light infantry. Hie step was slow and measured, his head uncoveted, and tears flowing thick and fast, as he looked from Bide to side at the veteransrl i , o whom he no* bid adieti forever. Shortly ariNevent occurred more touching than all the rest. A gigantic soldier who had stood by his side at Trenton, stepped forth Iron the ranks and extended his hand-. " Farewell, my beloved General, farewell." Washingtoirgrasped his hand, in convulsive-emo tion, in both of hig. All discipline was now at an 1041.14 end. The officers could not estrin the men as they rushed forward to - take hington by the , hand, and the violent sobs and tea of the soldiers told how deeply engraven upon theirafiectionswas the love of their commander. ' • At length Washington reached the barge at White: hall, and entered it. At - the first stroke if the oars he rose, and 'tinning to the companions of hisglory, by waving r lds hat, bade them a silent adieu. Theis answer was only in tears rand the otficersand men, 'with glistening eyes watched the, receding- boat. Jill the form of their noble commander was lost sight of in the distance. - - 1 Contrast the farewell of Washington to his arm's at Whitehall, in 1783, and the farewell of Napole- on to his army at Fontainbleu, la 1815. The one had accomplished every wish of his bean. Wenn ble exertion had achieved the independence of bib ; country, and :he longed :to retire to the •bosom of his home.' His ambition was satisfied. He fought tor no crown, no scepire, but for equality and the mutual happiness of his fellow beings. No taint of tyranyon breath of slander, no whisper of duplici, ty, warred the fair proportions of his public or pa vane life ; but, . " He was a man, lake him for all in alt, We ne'er shall look upon his like again." '' The otheilgreat soldier was the disciple of selfish ambition. He raised the iron weapon of War to crush, enly that he might rule. What Whim were the cries of the widows and orphans! He passed to a throne by making dead bodies of their protectors his stepping stones. Ambition, self, were the gods of his idolatry, and to them he Sacrificed hecatitroba of his fellow men for the aggrandizement of per sonal glory. Enthusiasm points, with fearful won-' der to the name of Napoleon „whilst justice, bene volence, freedom, and ail the concomitants which constitute the true happiness of man, sheds almost a divine halo around the name and character ut George Washington. It The late Judge Pease, of the Supreme 'Court of Ohio, was a noted,wag. A young lawyer, was once making his first effort before him, atirk having thrown himself on the wings of his imagina lion into the clouillatid, was preparing for asttill higher ascent, when the judge struck his ruler on the desk, and exclaiined to the astonished orator:: " Hold on ; hold on, my dear sir! Don't go any higher; you are already out of the jurisdiction of this court." BAD COMPANY.--!Ceep out of bail company : — The companion's of fools shall be destroyed." If others watite.then time in folly and sin, avoid them. They may be mart, but they will do you no good, anti they may do yctu much harm. Bad company is the ruin of many, even of those older than you. Keep sway-from iillera, 'liars, swearers and Sab bath breaker,. Even ! 1 . one ,airiner desuoyeth much gßed.". geeP away—douoh not the unclean thing. A.Hitentian epitaph 4eads as follow,: it-is ia,%es Irmo the old,tiburch yard at Belturbet, Ire land:-- - '' pare father their passage hem America." , /here-bean burs. truiere,” .1117, A,beehehir fr,ieodol oars evolve! he wag etiernlitert to make otaktint one speechsa okOtnSel,t end thert.o4 pout rk r 5004. :wee Itheentitet moos -I,igittltight, and. lu might isav'hitid -, ari ra r tepliecknole.' tt belt weEfi Oidi br a fortnight, and then a fellow was toadies her with molasses can.ly and ginget cake at a circus. =NM - 1.14( , . , :a041,111 Irrap =E =I MI MEI