/2 t7gfJj cllaucaus— • -.7-T-- siock,of Mqdicines, Paia/s, Oils, run/Is/to, Window Glnv Pore Wines • _ . - • • and Diqunrs : ,* In shlrt. every. thing connected with the trade. The Goods have been bought rxtretnely low, for cash, and will be accordingly. N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat'. Fillit'Oit just received. • - 0o Rot sunlit the place-3 doors south of Mon. tanye's corner—same building'of the' Argus Odicc: . July 30, t 853. NO. a BRION BOW, =IN OUT, BUT STILL ALVE ! REMOVED to the store recently occupied by 8. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors south of Montanycs corner where ,he ha. received a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, GROCERIES, &c. a hich he will sell cheap' er for cash than even ' Him boa will find annexed a few leadill2: articles : Senna Alex., Fos