Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 19, 1853, Image 3

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    !Milt:a:BlM .
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1 "---iilltnir ILAZZL
ars es Vend xrmastssued oat of
• 41 1: ' o e i : rt o f Common . Peas of Bradford corm
'o we directed, will be eiposed to public
(w et House, in the bora' of Towanda,
' lle .. t he sth day of Decemper. at I o'clock,
,i' win g described lot, piece or parcel
et tollo
„ t ote in Albany tp. bounded on the north
:telop ot n g to the estate of Miner R Wil•
le n the east by the Berwick turnpike,oa
1 , by t h e of Well* Wilcox and James
e n the west by wild lands, containing
a l t handred and forty acres more or less,
acres improved and one new framed
sn . e other lot, piece or parcel of land,
t he township aforesaid, aod bounded on '
~hedssitic by lemis of Vandyke, on
t o side by the BerwiCk turnpike, 'and the
o b o f the Towanda creek, on the south.
1 nes of James Wilcox, and on the
, N 3Ol "
„bet/ wild lands,eontaining one hundred
same more or leas, about two acres
ttOe °
r e d i Pi [ alien in execution at the suit of Ira
.--,,, a Cos use °
n ow
Wilcox ; and
1, ?Willey Jr. now to the use of John C
~.. it. Betijatnin Wilcox.
„...,,ii....1.0 following described lot, piece or par.
i „and %allele in Herrick twp. bounded on the
~.,,riands otJames M'Kenna and Wm Taylor,
-;e0 by lan d s o f NV m Taylor and as. Clark,
..i by lands kti Daniel Durand and John
',, and on the west by Zebedee A a l i gle fi a n n y d 4 J o a u s r .
; o a, containing one hundred
4, o re or less, about one hundred acres ins
r , e h o use. one board house, one framed barn
_ , f , d attached theretoo, one small corn house
`,,,:;,, !Fri tt g huuse,aud an orchard of fruit trees
~,:anil taken in execution at the suit of H W
iti . ,.. Km Angle. Francis Angle and John An.
1 ,:,, 'lab at Russell vs. Francis Angle and
,a-The Inii.wing lot. piece or parcel of land
r O rwe ll tp. bounded and described as fol
a, at a post and stones, the north
a u of ,aid kt. thence east along the line
iusphrey'e lot one hundred and three
3 pest and stones, thence north along the
• \ea ell and others one hundred and fifty
„ . . 3e. , 1 , 3 post and stones, thence north eigh
, we , t thirty-three perches along the
satin= from Heber Wilson's to the New.
a pest and stones, thence north forty-two
es: one hundred and fifteen and per
a post and stones, thence north seventy
,;;the place of beninning. containing MO
, arcs more or leas, about seven acres im.
..:-. ~,:l_nne other lot, piece or parcel of land
.'„. ; .'t2l.! township, bounded and described as
~ ci a the north by lands of Roger Spicer, on
• ,
I s in.•l t uth by lands of James D Newell, and
- • ! • ,
~,„;,., lands of Mrs. Marietta Fuller, con
: ~,„e fh ,rireit acres, be the same more or less,
.'•',.:-,•,.., ar_re- Improved, one saw mill thereon
•:-.,.. •-. a :rimed house standing Gli the west
,c• - •.,... , a l'-tr ; ro:t trees thereon.
,Z ; Y' , - , -' l- ;e ether lot, piece or parcel of land
••••,..',, , ttar”.n Ip. hounded anti described as fol . -
, - , orth hr 'anti of Samuel Llyon, on the
iteniamin Lyon. on the south by
rhiplain. on the west by land of Hum
.:5::... !;,,,,,,, ;t.,, eontaininu sixty-five acres he the
r 1e, , , about sixty acres improved, one
, '-.- -_, • ! , :e. three framed barns, one shed and
, , n , rnir , !.4 thereon .
; - ,1 - 1,,, - wl-er lot, niche or parcel of land
... J., sal.! cp. or Orwell, bnuttided and described
....., -en the north by lands of Roger Spicer,
i , v rand of Riley H Fuller, on the south
. J.r , -- N , well, on the west by land of
...:_ •ii in.; ny,.- ~ , te wing two acres be the same
- ail :rupr4 , l. ed, and a framed house
it:: :.1 •he en•t 11'ne, a few fruit trees thereon.
-:-:a1..1 tenon in execution at the suit of Chauni
"..rft,tue vs, Riley H. Fuller and Major D. Dar-
:A—The following hot, piece or parcel of land
ai the twp, of:Burlington, bounded and de
north by the Carroll lands, on
land , ; if l 6tt m Nt'Kean, on the south
lty lands of Jeremiah Loveland, contain
- iwo and a half seer.. all improved, with one
Ileum-, one frame harm, une saw mill, and a
Ailt trees thereOn,
t:e,{ and taken in execution at the suit of Addi
till'Kean. now to the use of L. D. Tai:or vs. Wni
and Benjamin N tc. hots.
ilA—The following piece or parcel of land
-.Axe a Lortifield twp. bounded and described as
ii—nn the North by lands of Geo. Northrup,
e Test IN laud of Richard Sinsebaugh, on the
:viand of Geo. M'A ffee. and on the east by
ol Jesse Brown, containing. fifty-five acres, be
more or less, about thirty-five acres
'>.-.nrt, a small frame house, and- an apple orchard
...., ?.zpd and taken in execution at the suit of Welles
1. 4 .1 ms vg. H. sinsebaugh and R. C. Binsebaugh.
~- ;ISO—The following described piece, or parcel
- tad ittnate in the twp. of Towanda (now south
, c.rk!a; hounded on the north by lands of Edw.
-.:o Rod C Morse's tot, on the east by lands of
',' i,',ara Or Michael Dreslaiii. on the south by lands
~.., ii.ram Fox and Hiram IWGill, and lands late the
~..:` VMS of Benjamin W ilcox,dec'd, on the west by
,:- s . ES of Denote M'Gill, containing abount one hun
''''::.m ad twenty—five acres more or less, about twen-
Iris scree improved, one framed dwelling house,
- -,:silaq and framed barn and a small orchard of
vets thereon-.
felted sad taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
h.tow to the use of Edward Overton vs. James
-t or and Edward Welch, doing business in the
int of Nemo'. and Welch.
tkoa , -The following described lot or plebe of
e, the township of Burlington. bounded north
;hod o f Sam u el W)lltatns, east by the highway,
cab by lands in possession of Ems. Nichols, and
"I' 4 T lands of Ad. M'Kean• Containing shoot
:rtt. fourths of an acre, be the the same more or
wall Improved; one framed house, and framed
et and a few fruit trees thereon.
thso—One other lot, situated in the township
la•sagi. and bounded and described as follows, to
north by the publie highway, east by lands be.
'+ze to the heirs of 3, S. M'Kean,• late deed.,
and west by lands of H. K. Stevens. Con.
`utt__ about one.fourth of an acre more or less,
Lamed house and one framed shop thereon.
zed and taken in execution at the suit of Zach.
1 , Gr,swoid vs. Asahel Smith.
.• - •
kl.'4l—The following described piece or parcel
f.v.l situate in Sheshequin twp. bounded on the.
I' 4 " Elisha Newell and Joseph Post, on the
'a . 7 land of Samuel Owen. on the south by land
'fl• - e.i.rd Post and Wm Post, and on the west by
n r~t'Etias Post and Wm Post, containing about
'''= , -ev , ' ht acres about sixteen acres improved,
e house one old board shed and a kwlilt
Seized and taken in execution *t the suit of Dan
zl Brink 6t Son vs. Dennis Post. .•
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
.•>areel of laud situate in Herrick tp. bounded on the
torah by lands of James Lee and Chester Buck. on
ze east by lands of Hamilton Morrow. on the south
lands of Alexander DoUgherty and Wm. T. Mid.
!zavh, and on the west by lands belonging to the
• tors of Wm Nesbit, dee'd, coutziningvne hundred
Ines more or less, about seventy acres improved,
'Le framed house, one framed barn and a small or.
0-aril of fruit trees thereon.
seized and taken in execution at the salt of H. W.
Trir7 vs. James Wood.
- ALsit-aThe following piece or parcel of land situ
: le Smithfield tp. bounded on the north by the pub.
h , ehway. east by lands of Sidney Clark and Gard.
''r Burlingame. south by lands of R. K. Miller, and
' 5 0t by lands of Daniel Andrus, containing about thir
''tcres more or leas, oboist fifteen acres improved, one
Arne(' house, one framed barn and an orchard drink
.ees thereon.
ALsO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situ
,to the township aforesaid, bounded on the north
4 .ands of Alfred Riggs, east by lands of James Philips,
I ,' ) utki by lands of E. B. Riggs, and west by lands of
' l .• Kingsley and Calvin Cranmer, containing about
"le hundred acres more or less, alSont seventy acres
j li , rosul, one new framed house, one old framed
kw, two framed barns and two orchards of fruit trees
defendanfv . interne. in the following
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington town
ship, boanded on - the north by-lands of Alvin Bailey
and others, on the east by lands of J. G. Blakeslee,
Ermine and Harvey Dickinson, south by lands of Ed •
ward Blakeslee, and west by lands of °niacin Shack.
elton and - GeO whaler, containing about three hundred
and filly acres more or lees, about one half acre int;
proved, one steam saw mill, two small haired houses,
and a small horse shed thereon.
Seised an taken in execution at the snit of Welke
a. Harris is. Jolt's W. Miller and 0. C. Miller.
ALISO—The following described lot, piece or pail
eel of land situate in Rome tp. bounded on the north
east side by the Bnllardcreek,oo the south-east and
north-west sides by lands of Wm. Elliott, and on
the south-west by lands of Casey C. Wonbing, or
the highway, containing one half acre, be the same
more (Jr less, all improved, one two story framed
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Da.
vid Barber vs. Jacob Worthing.
ALSO—The undivided one half of the following
described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Pike
tp, bounded on the north by lends of Charles R.
Brown, on the east by lands of G. N. De Wolf, on
they south by lands of Julia Rogers. and on the west
by 'the highway leading from Le Reprint. to Wya.
'using, containing about three-fourths of an acre.
more or less, all improved, and a leather tannery
thereon erected occupied by G. lirGee.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Dan
iel Bailey & Son vs. Nicholas Cogsdill.
ALSO—The following deseelbed piece or parcel
of land situate in Franklin tp. bounded on the north
by lands of Samuel Anable and John M*Dewell, an
the east end west by lands of Horace Willey, and
on the south by Towanda creek, containing about
one hundred acres be the same more or less. about
twenty-five acres improved, one framed house, oue
blacksmith shop and a small orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Le
Grand Bancraft to use of John C. Adams •s. tm.
E. Gore.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land situate in Ulster tp. bounded on the north
by land of Edward Mills, on the east by the high
way leading from Towanda to Athens, on the south
by lands of John Bowman, and on the west by land
of Edward Mille, containing one half acre, be the
same more or less, all improved, one framed house
occupied as a dwelling and grocery (a cellar also
being dug).
ALSO—One other tot, piece or parcel of land sit.
gate in said township, bounded on the north by
Charles Holcomb and D. R. Brain, on the east by
lands of Horace Heath, on the south by the high
way leading from Ulster village to Smithfield centre,
and on the weal by lands of C. P. Sweet, containing
about one half acre, be the same more or less, all
improved, one framed dwelling house, and one stable
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ro-
binson &Shipman vs. John M. Pike.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levan Fa
clans, the following piece or parcel of lagd situated
in the twp. of Troy, booaded as follows : Beginning
at a post the south west corner of lot No. 87, on
warrant lot No. 1479, thence north ,82 and 75.100
perches to a post, thence east 107 and 3.10 perches
to a post, thence south 82 and 75.100 perches to
the south west corner of lot N 0.89, thence west 107
and 3.10 perches to the beginning.. Containing 54
acres and 133 and 3-10 perches strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution in the suit of Ste
phen Pierce vs. H. Damage and L. Upham adm'ra.
of 13. Pratt, deed.
Atil.o—All that certain lot, or piece of land, sit
uated in Wells twp.. now South Creek township,
bounded and described as follows : Beginning at
a heml , rck tree the N. E. corner of the said hereby
mentioned or granted lot, running thence south 236
perches to a hemlock tree, thcnee west 355 perches
to a hemlock tree, thence nt•rth 236 perches to a
beech free, thence east along the south line of a bo
dy of land belonging to Bank of Penn'a.. 355 perch!
es to the place of beginning. Containing 523 acres
and 100 perches more or less, being part of a tract
snrveyed to Francis Johnston and Jonathan Miffitn,
in a warrant No. 5690 (the north part of said tract)
dated 3d Nov- 1794, and pattented to tke said John-
ston & Mifflin on the 22d day of June, 1795—ten
acres cleared.
ALSO—AII that certain part or piece of land call
ed " Bellinont," situated in aforesaid twp. beginning
at a post, thence by land formerly of Francis John.
ston and Jonathan Main, south 508 perches to a
post, west 363 perches to a post, north 520 perches
and 6-10 to a post, and thence by the state line of
New York, south 88 deg. eaat!363 perches to the
beginning. Containing 1100 acres and allowance
of 6 per cent. for roadaoSic. t surveyed in pursuance
of a warrant No. 6888, dated the 4th day of Nov..
1794, about IS acres improved, one log house and
old framed barti, and an old saw mill thereon er•
Seized and taken in execution at thf snit of Sam
uel Rexford, assignee of H. P. Yeomans vs. Horace
C. Tallman and Rebecca Tallman his wife, and Da.
rid L,Sanderson and Philip J. Pierce, tere tenants.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land being end lying in the township of Franklin.
surveyed in the warrantee name of Hugh Ladley,
adjoining land. surveyed in the warrantee names of
James Ladley and Andrew Ladley, Nathan Hagee,
and Peter Hagee, containing four hundred and six ,
ty acres strict measure, surveyed the fifth day of
April 1794.
ALSO—The undivided third part of another tract
lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the
same township. i•urveyed in the warrantee name of
Peter Ladley, adjoining lands surveyed in the war
rantee names of Andrew Ladley„loseph Ladley,
Samuel Siddons and Nathan Hardy.containing four
hundred and sixty acres, strict measure, surveyed
the fifth day of April, 1794, warranted the 24th day
of February 1794, being the same premises which
James P. Hull and Ann his wife by indenture da
ted the 23d day of September A. D. 1839. for the
consideration therein mentioned, the whole whereof
is hereby secured, granted and conveyed unto the'
said Nathan Smith in fee as by reference to said
indenture intended to be forthwith recorded, will
fully appear.
Seized and taken in execut; the snit of Ann
E. Bull executrix of James P. Bull, dec'd, vs. Na.
than Smith.
Sherifra Office Towanda, Nov. 1, 1853.
CI Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal
to the costs, will be required to be paid upon each
sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a
failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of
land will again be offered for sale.
Good St
CORNER of the Public Square and Main Street,
Towanda, Pa., respectfully give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from the
City of . New York, their NEW STOCK of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on hand.actinprises one of the largest and best
selected assnrtmenta to be found west of New York.
Having been purchased at
They are enabled to offer them cheaper than ever.—
They invite =ear attention to their assortment
of es' ZOress Goods
Consisting of Jaeonet and Swiss MIIISHUS, Printed
Lawn', Ginghams, Muslims, Merrimac,
Cocheco, Pall River and other styles of
American Prints, in endless variety, a
large assortment and for sale
cheap. They haveillso a
large variety of YANKEE Nft
-71, MS, embracing almost every thing
from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Hatch
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles.
Also, Spring and
.. Summer Hits, 'Boots and
shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro
ceries, Crockery, Sheif Hardware 4c.
'Their Stock has been sainted with care, and will
be sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
—give us a call, and we will show you oar goods
and prices. and convince you that the above ,is no
fiction. Our motto is. " Small Profits & Quick
Returns. MONTAN YES & CO.
Towanda, March 16, 18b3.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff
!'ranting the !abate Square. - - :
T wrimptsiber, thankful for the liberal patronage rewired the past year, intend* to keep constantly on
hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, whid as wits dispose of on
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases a 4 made entirely with rash
in band, and for the Cass uur creamers will receive the benefit of a good article at low pries. All articles
not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. •
irr Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging snly for the !Widnes.
The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.)
Superior TOBACCO at SNOW !----Choice brandsof Pure Savanna, Principe
and Tara CIGARS !
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spice., &c. &c
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
best Quality of Goods—Full Assortment—Modarnfe Profits—Ready Attention to Cvstomers—no
Adrdteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business."
Towanda, November 12, 1853. U. C. PORTER, M. D.
3. nazirzir mairamsr.
Ts just receiving a general assortment of// Nrw
1 Goons at the corner of Bridge and Main!atreets
which were purchased principal:3 , for Cash—at a
very low figure, and he flatters himsef that he can
sell goods as cheap as the cheap -et. The public
are respectfully invited •to call and examine his
stock, which consists in part of
Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Boots and
Shoes. ('rockery. Glass ly Slane Ware,
Paints, Oils, Dyes, 4.c., 4•c.
He would respectfully announce to the Ladies of
Towanda and vicinity, that through theit untiring
perseverance. he has abandoned the sale of isioxi.
eating liquors. J. HARVEY PHINNEY.
Oct. 24, 1852
TONS more of those cheap Sugars just recd
and for sale by PHINNEY.
TEAS—A few chest* good and cheap for sale
BOOTS & SHOWS, the largest arid cheapest me
startment in Towanda, by PHINNEY.
DREISS Goods, of the latest styles and patterns.
consisting in part of Mouelin Detainee, all wont
detainee black er fancy silks, French, Domenic and
Scotch Gi.ighstus 4r prints, of every style by
Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNEY.
TjATS, Cape , & Bonnets, a large assortment and
Li cheap, by PHINNEY.
CLOTHS, cessimeres, vesting s, settinets, jeans,
and Tweeds of all description, just received by
Oct. 24, 1853. PHINNE Y.
FLANNELS—French, Domestic and Salisbury,
for vale by ' PHINNEY.
I,IT ANTED—aII kinds of grain & lumber for
VV which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24,1853. PEITNIST.V.
4.1 y (.;
TOE Winter term of Mrs. WManos's School for
Young Ladies, will commence , n Monday the
2Bth of November, 1853. Terms, as usual.
Common English studies, $3,00
Higher 4,00
French or Latin with the above, 5,00
No extra charges made for anything.
The School is kept in the vestry of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Towanda.
October 29,1853.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership ex
isting between the subscribers was dissolved
by mutual consent on the 18th inst. The business
will be settled by EL 8. Perarrsv, who hereby gives
warning to all indebted that they must give imme.
diate attention if they wish to save costs.
Monroe, October tlO. 1853.' 0. P. LYON.
MAHAR Hand-saws. House Trimmings,Glass,Pat•
.LN ty, Sash dcc, just received by PHiNNEY.
Cistern and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams I of any kind,
size, &e., cheap for ready pay. for sale by
Jan, 8, 1853.
truce In the north en, °film Ward House, (lately occupied
by Laporte, Mason& co.i
Towanda, March, 5, IA:13.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. I)
Ravens,dee'd.late oft:handing Stone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having elaimsagainet said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
8. W. BILES.
Aug. 27, 1859.
Cowling & Oil Goths.
Aquantity of, each just received and for sale by
Sept 10. 3. POWELL.
300 - NEW BARRELS. fit for Pork or Cider,
fur sate at 75c each, by S. FELON it CO.
Towanda, Aug. 10, 1833.
A large stuck of Fall Bonnets and Trimmings.—
II Also Hate 4 Caps of every description for
meds' and boys' wear, for sole by J. POWELL.
A N election will be held on the first Monday of
Ilovembet next, at the office of Laporte, Mason
& Uo., in Towandg, between the hours of 10 A. M..
and 2 P. M.. for a President, five Managers and at
Treasurer, fur the ensuing year.
Towanda, Oct, 14, NA
SALT FOR SALE.-100 Owlets of Balt reeeiVed
this day and for sale by
♦ srLzwino AssoarDnurr or
FANCY ARTICLES, arc. dr,c,
1 TXIII a'))(rOrAnllttll TAIAIriIIEIB,
I 11711.1. he at BAILEY & NEVIN'S Grocery and
1V V Provision and Fancy Store.opposite the C, , tirt
House, Towanda, after the Isth of O c tober, an Jan ,
nary 1, 1854.
FROM the premises of A. B. Smith, is Ulmer
on Thursday night ilept. 22d, a large' bright red
Cow, 8 yedra old, with straight handsome horn arid
marked with a swatlow•tail in the right ear. Who
ever will give information where said cow can be
found shall be reasonably rewarded.
Ulster, Oct. 1, 1853. . ALLEN PIOPEIL
ng EMPTY Barrels, suitable for Cider, Pork
Vend Beef packing. &c, in good order, for
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE.
Sept. 4, 1853.
8. MERCUR has just received another large
H'. assortment of Goods of every description. to
which additions will be made every week,and which
will be sold as usual very cheap.
,Towanda, Sept 20, 1853.
- - -
SALT—A quantity of Seat jo't received by
TA R. J. E. INGHAM, of Monroe, has located in
Wysnx, at the Presbyterian Parsonage.
eleptember 22, 1853.
li E , 7IY GOUT* I
/net received by Sosepb Powell.
THe attention of the public is respectfully invited
to a large and completeassortmerit of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Groceries, Ilmnteore. Crockery, Roots and Shoes,
Hots and Caps, Carpeting, Paper Hang
ings, Leather, Drugs, Paints, Otis. c.
All of which will be sold at the lowest market price
for case or country produce.
Towanda, Sept. 10. 1800
The War Question Being Settled in
MONTANYES & CO. have come to the wide..
sion to enlarge their business, in view of the
unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state
peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for
former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of
this and adjoining counties to the examination of
rail and Winter deeds,
consisting of all the varieties of Fanny and Dress
Goods. as also heavy staples.
Hardware. Crockery. Groceries, Harness and Car
riage Trimmings. Iron, Leather, 4.c, 4.c ,
all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. 1, 1853.
T 8 Now opening a New thocw or Goons, consist
L ing of fall and complete assortment of all kinds
which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New-
Towanda, August 20, ten
Paper itaar,iiite,
t very fine variety of satin
. and common paper
.11 Hangings, curtain papers and tranwparent
do* *Hades, jolt reed by 1. POWELL.
Towanda. Sept. 10, 1853
Reziclenavn Pine Street..opmsite the atl Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his
office. in Dr. PORTSII6I Drug Store, when not pro
fasaionally engaged.
BY note or book account will please take NOTICE
that we are in want of money, and must hem it.
All who neglect to attend to this timely warning,
may expect a visit from the little Conant,le. No jo
king this time. HALL & RUSSELL.
Towanda. March 24. MS.
A" persons indebted to the estate of Arunah
Wattles, deceased, late of Reme township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
thOse having claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated Cdr settlement.
Rome, Oct. T,ft, 1553. Executors.
Those Indebled to Vs
tegat cdbecitusancnto.
ALL persons kdowinE themselvesindebted to the
waste of John J. Watford, deceased. late of
Monroe township., are hereby requested to make
immediatepayment, and those having clairongainst
said estate will please present them duly anthem=
eased for settlement. .
J. B. emus,
Sept 12, 1853, AdminiAirsiais.
lETTEREI of administrator having been granted
A the undersigned by the Register of - SWIM
county, on the estate of Patrick Pyce, late of Athens
twp.. deceased; all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to make immediate paymeo
to the undersigned, and those having claims against
said estate will present them dilly authenticated for
settlement. THOMAti PYNE, Adm'rs.
Sept. 22, 1853,
A T.T. persons indebted to the estate of Elliott
11 Marsh, deceased. late of PIKE (cep., are
hereby requested to rnake_tromediate mnteut and
those having elaints,ecgaiist said estate, wiU
please present them duly authenticated for settle
Rcpt. 22, 1853. Adm'rs.
Apersons indebted to the estate of James
Lennox, dec'd late of Ulster twp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for %riflemen!.
DANIEL LENNOX, Administrator..
June 25, 1853.
ALLp ,, rsons indebted to the estate of Alexander
Madill, dec'd late of Wysol township. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having claims against said estate
will please present them duly authenticated for set,
tlement. HENRY J. M A DILI., Executor.
Sept. 28. I g 53.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of N. D.
Warfutd, deceased, late of Mitnriie twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to nre.ent them duly authenticated
for eettlemeut. ZERLIII ROCKWELL
C. A. WAREOIiD, Adm.s.
Monroe, sept. 29, 18:a
In the Orphans' Court c f Bradford Co.
In the matter of the part4m rf the Real blate of
Samuel Benight. late Rielgeberty, dec . d.
To Sarah Ben ighl,Calvin Benight. Mary [knight,
Samuel Benight, Phebe Benight, Benjamin W.
Benight and Susan Benight, heirs of Thaddeus Be,
night deceased, residing at St. Joseph. Missouri.
Notice is hereby given, that the Court grant rule
upon the heirs and legal representations of Samuel
Benight late of Iltde,eberry, deceased. requiring
them to come into Court on the 2nd Monday of De•
cember next, and elect to take. or refuse the real
estate of the said Samuel Benight dec'd, at the val•
uat.oii made and returned by the inquest.
1.3 y the Coot t.
H. L. SCOTT, Clerk
Towanda, Oct. 12. IR5.t.
Auditor's Notice.
In Ike mattee of Ike r.l.dc rf M-nrck f' dcc'd
THE undersigned having been appointed an Au_
thou - by the Orphan'.. Court •f ISi adi;wd °un
ty to settle and adjust the account ...I R. Wilcox, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testainent of said dece
dent upon except tn.s filed, will attend to the •duties
of said appuint...ent at his office in Towanda burr',
on the 21st day of November, A.D. 1853, a+ one
o'clock P. M. of which all persnits interested will
take-notice. HENRV 1300T11, Auditor.
0 , .t. 22, 1863.
Auditor's Notice.
David Barber In the Corn Plea: of Bradford
vs. County, No. 100, May T. t r)2.
Levi Walker.
THE undersigned, auditor, appointed by the Court
to di.tribute money raised on execution issued'
in the above ca n e, will attend to the duties of ht.
appo.ntment at hie office in Towanda hnr,.', on the
21th day of November. A. D. 1853, at 1 o'olock,
M., a here all persons interested arr requited to pre.
sent their claims or else be debarred (root any por
Lion of said fund. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Oct. 22, 1853
Auditor's Notice
S.& T. Lawrence Bradford Corn. Pleas, No.
vs. c,...270, Feb. T. 1!33.
H. M. Hale. 3
THE auditor appointed hr tfie Court to distribute
money rstsed by Shenfrs• sale of the property
of the defendant in the above suit, will attend to
said business at the office of H. Booth. in Towanda
boro', on the 23J day of November, 1333, at t 0 o'.
clock A. M. where all persons interasted are requir
ed to present their demands or else be debarred
from said fond. P. D. MORROW, Attd;tor.
Oct. 22, tssa. •
Auditor's Notice.
Anna Dickinson, Maria Meredith, John goad, John
M. Read and Margaret M. Read who .ory ived
Priscilla M. Read vs. Amos J. Verguson and
terre tenants. No. 327, Dec T. 1852.
THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
money raised by Sheriff's sale of the property
of the defendants in the above suit, will attend to
said business at the office of Wm Wsti,ins in Tow
anda two', Friday the 25th of November 1851, at
I o'clock P. M. where all persons interested are re
gaited to present theft' Maims or el,e be debarred
from said fund. GOY H. WATkINS, Audi or.
Oct. IT, 1653.
Auditor's Notice.
H. N. Terrell & Co. )
Bradford Corn Pleas No.
vs. 332, Dec: T. 1861.
James Brink.
THE auditor appointed by the Coln to distribute
money raised by Sherifi's sale of the property
of the defendant in the above snit, trill attend in 4a id
business at the office of H. Booth in. Towanda born',
on the 23d day of November 1953, at 2 o'clock P . M.
where all persons interested are required to present
th e ir demands else be debarred trout ~i d fund.
Oct. 21, 1953 P. 1). NIOII.ROW, %Ott te.
AITTOR.IreI" .117' La ,
Office with the Register and Recorder,
TrimANn k.
Onicr, in the second story of the Union Mock,
north Side of the Public square, over tae °nice
of J. C. 'Attains, Eli. t.ept. 24.
THE undersigned will, by virtue of an order of
.1 the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, oiler
fur sale on the premises, - on 'Phorsday the let day
of December next, a certain lot (+flood in ilidgbery
twp, centaining shout Ai acres. of which about 10
acres are improvel adjoining land of Abner Graves
on the north, Parvin Covell on the east. Geo Peter
son on the smith, and Chamberlain & Strobrid2e oh
went with a small frame huu.e thereon erectcd,late
the property of Joseph Brigham deed.
Adni t rs. Jos. Brigham.
itnigbery, Nor. 1. 1853.
OD. BARTLETT. is now receiving a large
. and carefully selected stock or
bought, for cash since the late decline ih
which ite will offer for ready pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things
he invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Towanda...4prd 15. 1853.
BROCHE SILIANIVA—A large and intlended as
sortment just reed by J. PQWEI.L.
urugitrAti.dwif ok aynical i *otr 44 B. 4 ..
WY Judi - Oran 12111- iedidal Wwal G
dt the founds* of Brandford. Susquehanna a&L Ate
titan. end the Hone., Hinton Dimwit) slid Mewl
helmet. ANiibiate Jodges. in and for said Malty of
Bradibrd Infire lobed their Feint- bowing date the
tat day Oetdber 114163, in roe directek: for holding d
COott tit Oyer anti Terthiner. Oetrerd - Quartrr Sex:
lions "cif the I l tareitAibiiton Pleas and Orphan's
Court, at Tderehail, fot the county - of Bradtcrd on
Monday the 641 de) of DetestlbO' het An against@
three wo ka.
tiotice ii *beret/ire betebyCrifontwi
anti Justires of the ileum aifd Hinny
of Bradfonf, that they be then and thestin lha3 par
Pat , Patatala. at 10 .4 Week its the l'oreurgu - of ea' day;'
with their reeordaj end of her realm:
brumes, to do tHcate Mega *bleb - id their office ap;
pertain to be done end thole *ha are hound by re- ,
cognizance or oiberWieb td pretends against the
prisoner. who are or- inerlisflia Mie jail ch.liid;- faun:
ty, or who shall be tronn4 to apphir ttrthe - .43 loan.
are to be theo sod Shire to filotralteliddbko thri4
shell be knit. Jiltaflire requested to pohetiall in
their attendance amiably to their:lode*.
Dated at Tocraida,the Bth day of October; lb this yalf
of. our Lord boil illotlailkid eight !toadied gild fifty
three, Ind - of thh liidkpeodisteri of tide bolted States
the seventy•alidi.,
• CEfi l fribt TH-OVA 6
DMINIBTH vrdmils
Al.l. persons indebted tc the estate of Obediah
Blakesley, deceased, late of Borlington
are hereby requested to make immediate payment;
and those having claims against 'said estate, will
please present them dilly authenticated for settle
ment. . J. V. BANitLe,
r 18T OF JURORS, drawn fur December term
LI and z•eesione.
Tlltan RN:
ASylli —Genrob S Gamblt•.
enlnrultia—Helam Budd. . •
Gantori—Samuel Rundall. Wm Rolwitat
Duretl— It C Gilbert, .1 Runlet, J Whipple, D Is.
Pranklin—.-Horace Willie
Herrick—M B Porter,/ Erskine, M &Actin
l.eroy—Hirsm Holcomb
Orwell—E R Brown
Ridghery—P.A Evans, M b Hafalimtilt
Smithfield—Reuben Butler, Henry Pete, Michael
Small. Cyrus Hurlburt
Snringfield—D H 13ronlcs. A Harkness, las Kenedy.
Sheehequin—Geo W Vincent
:Standiro Stone—John King
TOW and'a bore'—H 1' Beardsley, David dash, War
South do-11 ft Mace
Troy boro'—Elihu Newbury, I. 'limp - oil
Warren—B A Carey.
Windham—D Gleason
Wyalti,.ing—Wm 8 MiddaugH
yens—Si/4s Davy
NOTICS is hereby gr. en that there has been filed
and settled in the oriole of the Register for the
Probate of Wills, and gt.tat.tng tenets u 1 Adminis
tration in anti fur the county of trade...r o d ; a ccon iita
of zamintstration upon the to.lowing e.stafrei viz:
Final account of Carle C. Paine and Seth
p aiar . administrators of the estate of Cleihint Paine,
deed. late of Troy tp;
Pawl account of Sophia Pickard,executfix of A.
G. Pickard, who waa the admini trator of the estate
of Luther Bolden, duc'tl. late of Canton.
Final amount of Catharine Coolbaugh,
Coolbaugh 2d. and J. R. Irvine, adruinistratorl of
the estate of %bsalorn Cootbaugh dec'd,, late of Mon-
roe tp
Final account of Stanley Sherwood, execuior of
ale last Will and testameac . of Sidman Sherwood.
,lec . ll. late of rolumhia.
Partial account of H. S. Salsbury, administrator
of the estate estate of Martin \A Odell:deed, late of
Final account of Ephraim Brink, adminiatratoi
of the estate of Jonathan Brink, decd, late of Pike.
Final account of Aaron Chubhudr. atimirlisiratoi
of the estate Daniel Doan, deed, late of Windham:
Final account of Z. F. Walker, executor of ihp,
tut Will and teitarnent of Nathaniel Flower dec'eli ,
late of Athens.
Final account of Wm R. Shoemaker, administra
tor-pc the estate of Nicholas Shoemaker, dyed.
And the same will be presented to tote drphan't
CoUri of Bradford county, on Monday ale sth day
of December test, fur confirmation and ,alioarancet
ILL SCUTT, Register.
Reari , ter's ?
Towanda, Oct 30, 18,, . S
DAMP.. to the ehtlostite of the subscriber in 811 -
Oleg uin turp., on the 31st ult., a large Rid Cost.
about 8 or 7 years old, middling sized horns, and
not particularly Marked. The owner is requested
to prove propertyi pay dharges and take her away:
shpshmnin, Sept. 6, 1863.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BV virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cook Of
Bradford, will be exposed to public sale, on the
prom i.tps in Rotne township, on nattunay, the 3d
day of December. 1853, at 2 o'clock, P M. the fold
lowing property, late the estate of David M. Wittiles
.A piece or Weel of land situate in the township
of Rome, bounded as follows—Beninning at a core
er on the west side of the main road leading from die
village of Rome in Owego. N. Y. 320 feet from the
north east corner of the farm now (templed by 3 L
Barns formerly owned by Matthew Cannon, deed,
thence north along said main road. 42° east 138 feet
to a corner, thence north 48° west 150 feet to a cor
ner. thence south 42° west 156 feet to a corner, and
thence south Cl° east 180 feet to the plat* of begirt.
ning. Containing 85 95.100 perches, more or less:
all improved, with one small frame house, one small
frame barn. and some young fruit thereon.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Jf M WATTLES. Administrator
of estate of D. M. %idea, deemed:
Rome. November 10, 1853.
HARVY PRINNE.Y, Jr , having purchased Or
./ . Ca.. 4 of G. M. Bowman, his entire sock of
Ntercnandize :It a price tar below the attual cost ill
New Yotit. (and 15 per cent, lower than att
T er—
chant in Towanda has or can buy) is prep to, for cash, more Goods for one dollar, than sny
man will sell frir nine 'dialing's! This stock is
large, trnbraeing all articles usually found in a
Store, viz—Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, tipota
and Shoes, Leather, Nails, sash. Glass. Hats, Caps
and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above,
and no mistakt.. At the prick Store, corner of
Main and Bridge streets. 1
Torranils, July 18, 1953.
. ~,.-••• LEAVE Towanda for Kereur's
-- mills.BurliniktomEatt Smithfield
- - - ' Ridgebery, and Wellsburg 1 4 ..-
Pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R. every Monist, Wr"-
tessrixtr and Fittest at 8 deltick A. 114.i , and arr e
at the depot in time to take the everting train of cars
either east or west, same day:
Returning TetsnAT.Ttacusnxt and SATIVIIT AT,
after the arrival of the Eatitern train, and atm. the
Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira. &c., and lir•
rive at Towanda same day.
PAaa :- I .Towanda to Mereues Mills, 374
" le Burlittfeett, 50
" . to Ea,t Smithfield. 02i
" to Rl2selicry. 1.00
" to Wellsburg depot. 1.25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road can
fully delivered at moderate charges. •
pRINTS aod Staple Domestic Goods- 6 -mr unostl.
ally lame stock of COC hero and Merrimac prints,
gingham', sheetings, bleached and unbleached shirt
ingot, ticking" stripea,denim" Ike. Also black cloth.
plain and fancy caeid merea, Sattinetts. Tweed' and
Kentneky Jeaha reed by J. POWELL.
;A 'la. 30, 1853
Towanda. Oct S. 18.5.2.