Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 05, 1853, Image 3

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' c ri, Ibncrlioctucqs.
1--The following dew.ribed piece or
ditritc ra Sheshequin twp. bnfiitcra 9116 ,•41, - e
;tfristia Newell and . Joseph, Pist,,,:cilohe
. t .ad o f :4anitiel Owen, on Ihe,Ooilt.ll'Wond
' ,3ird. pat and Wm Post, and oft'lhe tieik,hy
.: ,E: 1 0 Post and Wm Post, contikin ink figt)Ot
~.e . .,ht
acre about sixteen acres irripitkej,
wit , o ne old board sitc l and a:low. fruit
, .
Yetec d •
o d and taken in exeention afthet , suit orDili
,,i 6 , s o n r ,. Dennis Post.
so—The following, described lbt, piece r,r
o f land situate in Herrick' tr. bounded - on the
by lands of James bee and Ghester Buck, un
st by lands of Hamilton ?stoma, on the sMid.
dt of Alexander Dongherty and Wm. T.
and en the west by lends helonginst to the'
d orm Nesbit, dec'il, emit lining one hupdrilid
mo re Of IeSS, abou t b ar n
and a theres pecwie
ail ar d
framed house. olsm
o/ fr u it trees thereon.
~ .
end taken in execution at the suit of H. W.
f!. following
.04}....Ttie following described tot, piece or par;
1 1211 6 orate in Rome tp. bounded on the north
' gide bs t i l e Bullard the south—east and
rib_reordes by-lands of Wm. Elliott, and on
.veer by lands of Casey C. Worthing, or
he,slray, contalng r ov edeThl acre, be the saMe
„rtess, all imp, one two story framed
Nord and taken in execution at the snit of Da,
!Whet' vs. Jacob Worthing.
.40--The undivided one halt of the following
'-Ned lot, mere or parcel of land situate in Pike
pinded on the north by lands of Charles R.
AL on the east by-lands of G. 1 , ; •Pe Wolf,
by Iliac/sof do!ta Rogeis, and on the
ot,:,:hway leading from I.e V•N to Wy a .
;rontaining about three-fourtns of an acre,
l e ic, all improved , and a leather tannery
..r erected occupied by li. Nf'Gee.
tem' and taken urexecution at the suit of Dan-
Wer & Son TS. Nicholas Cogmlitt,
00 --The tollonsing describeid piece or parcel
pi situate in Franklin tp. bounded on the north
of Samuel Anable and John M'Dowell, on
tttindArest by lands of Horace W Met., and
~coarh hiV . owanda creek, containing about
ivdred acres be the same more or less, about
acres improved, one framed house. one
..- 0 011 shop And a small orchard of fruit trees
0 1 '
and taken in execution at the suit of Le
lillancraft to use of John C. Adams vs. 11 to.
'oo—The followinedeseribed Int,piece or par-
,:' an .!. -tate iti 1'! .ter tp. bounded on the north
, l3d dEtaard Mins, on the east by the h
rs i e z.finii from 'Po wanda to Athens, on the south
I bib 4.10hn Bowman, and on the west by land
Evrid Mi:::. containing one half acre, be the
vre cr les.z. al! improved, one framCd house
craps: at I dwe: It a g and grocery (a cellar also
ett LS t i tt'o
r A o—ont other
lot, piece or parcel of land sit.
..- ow :n n. 2 i,sw ns.hip , bounded on the north by
'Ktb 11:c.ail , and D. R Braigg, on the east by
~:fi,:.lee Heath, on the south by the high
% r let! ne from Ul'tcr village to Smithfield centre,
',:,:i , e nest by lands of C. F. Sweet, containing
f.„- , ':7.t. half acre, be the same mare or le , ,s, all
i+ . ;: f
r . v uol,are framed dwelling house, and Line i•table
- t ies Gent trues thereon.
, •iro.-1 ?rid taken in execution at the suit of no
- 4 Shipman vs. John M. Pike.
.IP O --The follo%. ing piece or parcel of land situ
a Smal.fleld tp. bounded on the north by the pub
...o3y. east by lands of Sidney Clark aid llord
k-lo :come, south by lands of IL K Miller, and
F :lianas of Daniel Andrus, containing about thir
, 1.7 , ` more or less, about fifteen acres improved, one
-si house, one framed barn and an orchard of lilt
t :hereon. .
;;,•il_flne other lot. piece or parcel of Lunt
• "Jr . . , wn-hip aforesaid, houneed on the n -- nth
...14of Alfred Hip east by land:: of Jame: Inv!'
Fc 1 ". 16 of E. B. Bic and %Yes: by land+ ot
and 1_731%in Cr:timer, contamins•ahout
kindred acres more or ahont <cvt•nty acres
MI, one new frame , l Lou Inc old franA
-.two framed a nd t•.vo orch trdi of ;Qin'trees
def.ndant's inicte,t in the I.l!nwing.
Rece or parcel of land situate in Burlington town
',trended on the north by lands of Akin I3ai e y
cthers, on the east l.a lands of J. G. 11131,1.-slee,
:vs and Harcey Dickinson, sAutli by lands of E I •
Blakeslee, and west by lands of Orria.nt S!.ack
Geo Shales, containing about three hundred
:ale! acres more or less; shout one half acre ini
r.,Lone steam saw mill, two small framed houses.
rs\ horse shed thereon.
!Chi and-tdken in execution at the suit of Welles
If.m.‘ . s. John W. Miller and C. C. Miller.
. . .
A!,:•ti—All that certain lot, piece or parcel of
it , t: , ting and lying to the township of Iran);lin,
eto- 1 in the warrantee nnme of Hugh Ladley.
and surveyed in the warrantee natnea el
;art Ladley and Andrew Ladley, Nathan Hagee,
zt Peter Hagee, containing four hundred and sir
rates strict measure, surveyed the fifth day of
41.:1—The undivided third part of another tract
3.-:ecs or parcel of land lying and beih,g in the
Ise.oandlip, surveyed in the warrantee name of
'rri.adley, adjoining lands surveyed in the war
names of Andrew Ladley, Jo<eph Ladiev,
t-tp Siddons and Nathan Hardy, contain:ng four
eritrd and silty acres, striet meaaure, surveyed
!fifth day of April, 1794, warranted the 24th day
etbmary 1794, being the same premises which
toes P. Bull and Ann his wife by indenture da
ate 23d day of September A. D. 1959, for the
tti'uteration therein mentioned, the whole whereof
*deslr secured, granted and conveyed unto the
Wighan Smith 'in fee as by reference to said
I ft •va'are intended to be forthwith .recorded, will
appear- -
'4'zpd and taken in execution at the suit of Ann
!..Bull executrix of James P. Bull, cited, vs. Na.
ha lkeith.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff'
. :I,tirs Office Towanda, Now. 1, 1853-
Carpeting & Oil Cloths:
quantity of each jest received and for Sale by
•isept 10 J. POWELL.
3ncl NEW BAREELS,At for Pork or Cider
\-/V 1 fur sale at 75c each, by S. FELON .1 CO
Towanda, Aug. tO, 1853.
Alarge tuck of Fall Bonnet. and Trim in:pg . ,—
Alio Hats 4 Caps of every description fur
Ilea.' and boys' wear, for sale by J. POWELL.
.kN Election will be he-(d no the first Monday of
1 1- IX"Ternber next, at the Wee of Laporte, Mason
—„A „•
C ' - ,,'°Tswanda, between the hours of 10 A. M..
i"*• if, for a President, five Managers'and at
reas are ‘
lor the ensuing year.
B. 8. RUSSELL, Sec.
otranrla, Oct. 1 , 1, 1853.
HIS Institution, for the eiluoaliou pf young ladies
was opened ou Tuesday the 20th :September, in
h u•l'l.nt; r , rnierty occupied by Mrs. Meroni
sow under the charge of Miss WAN' a D. Bair
. aided by her sister. Miss Rgascca. D. Has JON.
number of pupils is limited to: thirty. The
401 asuc year consists of forty-four lucks.
T uuli -- $6, 69, and 1.12 per quarter, according to
studies pursued.
Noetira charge for the Latin Langbage. French.
C ES—Rev •,Dr, AtACLEA3, Viet! President
'he College of New Jersey. Princeton.
EST, HOE .Gtoa. SAN n IR SON. Towanda.
71r- •
1188 REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to give
Ingructtou to the-young latlies;of this place
I. .hr Pitso. Teima —slo per quarter.
, A pp:ication to be made to Miss Danko at the
' Ltd House, or at tba Towanda Female Seminary.
!"PlPmber 22, 1853. _
I.OIJR.—A quantity pf superfine flour, just re;
cetvcd, and fur saleby IL KINGSBURY.
. r,
ianda, Feb. IG, 1857.
ilictsbilOiw„Vr t
, •
Ts just receiving.' n'O•titrethl"6*:tu ttiiibt of Nave
iL 'fl'lthtt.Eofner i tt j1.11t(1 , 441 MciiiliktrAqi
41 . ch were purchased plintipaCy for Cle±h—at
etr.y Ip . wfizure, a . m.! imh,ef that he rats
hell g443 , .y"Ag' uh'e s aiti , (ti'p s
ci'Ve4l - St. 11e,p41,14
dcte,' - whibh'cotisiststin putt tit
ii Goc4s, I lAraq:a Pouf,
• Slugs, CrP. ,
Painr's, (Yd.. myec,
, He would reFpedtfully . nunonnee to ihr 'Ladies hi
Towanda owl vicluitt..that thinua.h theft untinn t
'perseverance. he has abandoned the sale of idioms.,
eating Liguori. J. HARVEY:
Oct. 24. 1853. . • • • •
3 .t•
FOS'S more those cheap §agars -ju,s.:
and fyr , sale by iPLU.S7SZIrt
TEAS—A few chests good and cheap for sale
laltOOTS,iSt SHOES, the largest and elieopst as
sortmeni in Towanda. by PHINNEY.
DRESS Gouda, of I.le latest_ styles . and pa,.4ertp;.
consisting in parCof Delaine;=, tvonl .
delain,es black 4- fancy ss:rtencli, Itome ,. lle - and
Scotc4 Giagh.atns 4- prints, of every style by
Oet.'24, 1853. rinNNEy.
1 11.4 0 11:-, a C p a4s, Sr, Bonnets, a large apssHoiri‘irvetnryantl
CALOTItS, cassimeres, vostings, saltine's, jeans,
aAd Tweed o ul all tptiuu, just ruceire.l.l.l
Oct. 24, I .5:1
t`LNINNELS—French, Domestic and Salts'miry,
for sale try mirssey.
IiTAN Linde 91 grain & lumber ior
V which ii.nne c. 4.41 will be paid by
Oct. 21. 1853. PHINNEY.
'THE Winter term of \lrs. M . :ll.liroN's Schi3Jl for
I- 'Young Ladies, will commence on Monday the
2:lth of Nuvember,-1853. Terms, as usual
Conti - non English studies,
Higher •
French or Latin with the above,
No extra charges Maile for anyillinr,.
l'he :School is kept in the vestry of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Towanda. -
October '29, 1853.
ToTicE i hereby given that the partnership er-
I between the stib.trtbirs was dissolved
by tnntuat consent on the IS% inst. The business
wiil be settled by 11. S. Purviste, who hereby gives
warning to all indebted that they most give turtle,
date anent On if they wish to save costs.
11. S. I'HiNNEV,
Monroe, Oot,,ber Cm, tP, 1 53. 0. P. LYON.
11.1111-say, Trimming:.
ty, :Sash &r., just. re 4 eived I'HiNNEY.
Notice to CoHectors.
ALL buldticet due the Tiea,ury mu,t be paid by
:he let , ver of (".,urt vr co , t
.1. V. PECK', D.Tu'y
Towarßli, Oct. 1."..
ycyricr, ,-, g tell that t!, ,, ro ; 7 r - tr.""l:jr ,
herr:aforr ext-oing under the firm • 1 J. & ts..
A lexant:er „as this day tli.i.s.lve_l by the it olt , lr,
of Nath.ut ilex - o,h r.
the Itu.,:r:otet ‘vIII ht-relf•er I , - f P l'irt.. , l be lb ,
unrlers:gned f ...ta, (ct.a-i-' , 11:- • , ti of Ja• ~h .4.lex
antler. s•t!arm , r, AL , tar, lcr. a:,.1 Al. C. so:, m' at
tl•e ad -,t.0t.1 • I ?tr.. '. IT 'l, N •. 7`.....', r 't. EI,oH
r.t; at: la:'N •. -.2 \'••.-•.• '.. 1r.:,-1., 1•, ,..
A. a.. !..1, l'a :
%%Ler. , the tot I• ri.•:. , ! ' A ." I C` )::Ir ry I , :', -et: e a
ceolinitant-e of the pat r , „:1'!." Whi!'h has heal So lib. I
et ally extet,le,..l: • t't t. .1 . r• •' rr,,ori. EtTRAY.
...1.1::. 1. ,. ,1)1:::-4 & soi.olloN. ( - I .. k .mr, li) the enclusureof 01C subscriber,inStrind .
A!'. ;) ,4e,.onts. 0., ) , , J. 4 R 1! , .t I:l'.cr & Co., moil • ‘...,,, u; si-oi,e tp., about the Bth of A ugtist,one Red
1.. s , tt!-.1 Ot (tory ii tv- f , on till , date. ' 1 Ueiter, two years old, horns lop over the eye ; also
T, watt•la, ()rt. 13, la. -- ).1. I a lle•Ar tyro years old, red, with some white spobi.
and tate yed:rhug Red Ileiler. The owner is reques •
ri i (Aril' Tum ( - 1 c_irpor ,
i i l ' ted to prove property, 4-e. A. ENNIS.
k_../ I/kJ .1 11 I 1. 1 4 k_ i) 1_
t el
-1 14 7 . -tv . titi - p - t - Its e ., ,, sozolvic,N , I ‘ 7 . ..triplete as . thrtment of black, plaid and calcite , '
-IN , lie 13,. ! ,. , „ Ivo, I. ~.,:,, 3 „rill. vt, „ I' , ,3.,., hive , ' : dr , ... , si`kq—all wool delai tiei, mouslin delaines,
111 , 1 alled to
st tclz,..i.tlarze :Ind fa-I:icon
ble a',:-ortmettt t f . Deßege4,lllibet cloths, paramettas, &c, just receiv
ed ',v J. POWELL.
Sioady rnacle Ciothir.g.,
ADIVTLI. To till. snAs.s,
of every v.ti .f-ty le an I
they as:: the of the This is now
the !iv ... gest stock
Ever (Tererl in Towanda !!
and w,l I r•.!! t i.•e , li•A‘ er Than
c-:cr Lefore p!ari.. Our !s are I
selected w:..11 a t. boih n. st) le and prve,
offt!r ititltice:/1( to Le no t eit:h at any
rallgrit \ Tut' LI: la 111 want o r ("1. :Ling
will find
TM: r. \ ECE- 4 T I!.;! . . , OTZTMENT
'at our estaLlishinciit, in this seciiiin of the coyiitcy.
and made in such style and inaterials as to ensure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor Ly
LOW PRICES tdt GOOD cx,ownitra,
to secure petronatre. feeling confident that ow - arti
clee.will give satiefaction to tip purchaser.
The assortment comproici= every article required
for a gentlem - in's outfit. TERMS--CASH.
Overcoat's. thrcroll; Cops iFr
LorATtoms.—Next door stillai 01 Merctir's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Ainouts
CCrAii kind- of C,untr, Produce,
en in exchange for Good
T•twatlda, OCIO: , Cr la. 1A53.
- - - -
ltllli~trr~ anti
IRS. M. 1). FI)W1.1111. h.i, the plea:itre to an
al li rtitnee itt'the Lrohes of Dnrell and Its •trn:l—
that•ahe has estat‘lishe.l her, elf at the hou , e of
J. M where the will with plen , ttre wait lip.
on them in her line of burthiss. Nhc tespectfully
stdiett4 their patronage. and tra.ti that her moder
ate price> and her desire to pleq , r, will be an in,
ducement for them to give her a call.
Durell. Sept. 19, 1h53. •
Cistern and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Ram-s ! •or any• kind
size, &c.. cheap fur re-Idy pay, for sale by
Jan. Fl, 11453. _ R. M. W WAX:3.
1111 , , In the north roil of The Ward Matte. (latr6y occupied
h) Laporte, Macau Co)
Towanda, March, ~ I
ALT persons indebted w the eAatu of P.. 1)
Hat lade offitarratog Stone.are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against. raid estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated fur settlement"
S. W .dministratnts
Ant!. 27, 1853. •
F{'(l V. quota of Pamphlet laws of the Session.ol
1 the legislature of 1853, for Bradford county
have been reed. at the Prothonotary's office, any
are ready kir distribution to those entitled ttt re
cove them. , Aida 111 Pro'iy.
Oct. 6, 18:4. j _ _
S .
FORISALE.-1001farrets of 'Salt received
IL) this day and for sale by
June 15, 18:53. 'DAILEY 45: NEIVINS.
A_ Arts laid FOR SALE:.-s fur sate on
terms by junels 4.AILEY OsiEVINS:
L(JOKING GLASS PLATES enr.and fitted; or
any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1S:;2. W. A. -CHAMBERLIN
11..4:44111), Iftintr+
.461Mig ra - 2 1
rt - .kR liagroY 6tAVEVII4S
rrnvisign afAgim ,wBl4gp,cimwsi!e Court
.usekTvglinlii , 4 l WW,.. 6 ,l4.4 4 ,l7Aol4s4ol:4Ant
u: Rel brut
t i
• .44.. .ea +4 , ,
_ • •
m - rertAVEtVort-STOLEN
rpmAlePfi-%Ang ,, Pf - A1 ,1 )-FRIA.A411 ,1 1#!e r i i iii
1 4:1841c--
clogr,i,c.jegA4:oo, w o l tw oc h, t ,
Ina Skell
evP; ;,•`4 , 4 1 .1 g alr/f Ani4FIR4 I SI2' Pa. AT,
foutul ,5411 i 14,F :r,9kntukt4 vß4rae, l ll_,_. ,;
, • 1;6 1 4 1 1;;Pc4T4t, -
t4i Prlflyiftbl.4 , ;46ltsible-fdr;Cider;• Pork .
J andlitroi fat kinkrifet,hriti iikiiki. , drdior; for
satf ifiefiv i '.'"ftVEDIED DREIO.BTO . RE:
Vl4 , f ` , 71 - 1 - Argit :AT 7"”
NEW . I n030110.1
is ERClift hiltjustrteettred anothrr late
1.1 - . • wigeoitrielit of enter description. to
're 11 ciPadd bons will be made toieky 1 / 4 ceek; arid 'phial
will 14,fiolktrsru_
tow •
ntidarg ept - 24),',11353.„. , ,
ALTz--A 'iivantitp of Sidi just received
L-7 VI. 8." MERCUR
• , • - • • NOTICE.
TAR. J. E. INGHAIVI; of - Itlonron, haslaeated"in
li ysoi, at thc Pretrylerigt I, ) atagnage.
sepatiheg Iso4. ‘.• „
Stet received br Screepb • Powell.
ti .1 . .
T ll e attention of the public is respectfully inviteit
to a -largo and complete mtacietutent of
.Staplp .and ancy Itry 111:19ds,
g i rietra!,q, .119ols elnetiSloes
114. ‘,,01 Coo. Carpeting, Paprr Hog
ings. l colhcr, Di ugs, pa: ints, Oils, f.c.
All Of Which will Ir sold at the lowest market price
for cAse or country produce.
Towandn, Sept. 10, 1853
The War Question Being Settled in
,101-.7115L3.116..7 •
o ANTES & Co4aye co m e
to the condo
-1 ir r ea ih ideal- of the
unparalleled prosperity that miist revolt from estate
peace. They therefore, nfter returning.. thanks _for
former favors, invite the attention, of the-citisensot
thi and adj.iining sountivs to the: examination of
cnosistia; of all the varieties or Fancy and Dress
Gods. as al , o heavy staples,
ernckery, arrfreries, Harness and Car
riag,c Pon, Leather, §T, 4c ,
all of which will tie offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please. 18.19.
I:0 hinz a NEW SiOCR or Goons, consist•
of full and compfeie assortment of all kinds
whi4 told aN cheap a:b the same quality o
Guvtis can he bought auywheie this side of New
T, , watida, Augu4i 20,1853.
- -
Paper Ilanginge,
very fine vanity of Satm and common paper
Inas, c arlaut papers and tran‘parent Win—
dn' ,' "ltiC`i PlO4 recd by . J,..P,0W ELL.
Tt.wan•! 16, 0;51
• DR. E. H. MASON,
ritraxcxArl& SURGEON,
R suk tt. oa Pule Street, oppasitc the utirresl,;ylerian
Cfreic his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be foetal at his
(Aire, ip Dr. PoRTRII ' I4 Drug Store, when not pro
0,.c (kw . Sur:h rf J. if. Phinneys Store, „Vain Strret.
rrHE Fu bse riber being desirous of enlarging his
.1 business, would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he is just re
ceiving from New York and is now opening for
sale a large assortment of
111E7r 411311411 C
T S, , 7ar, Collie, Rice Molasses, Stuart's Syrrtp,
T.', Jr—) (1,,, , zer, Pepper, Spice. Cloves lilac, Nut.
( . Mew iSriterid to,. Cream Tatter. Soda,
(;,,, • :.,1 Mo,f n d Pr / pPe Sri It re. CatSytp. Candles.
Bat am? : *NI itg:Scitrp, (iv evr, , Starch, C igg rs,.etc.
- He tkc hind and forsale alargaiitoch of
IL" se. ormo sr
Danis and rsliaulders, Mackerel,'Cu4GA, Herring,
Butatoe.. Beans, Dried Apples, Wheat Flour. Lard,
[titter, Clice..e, ..-;‘,.la, Butter awl Boston Crackers.
Al.o—tn ,,, t kinds if Fruit and Nuts, Preserved
Pr up F... CaNn. Fir, Il l aibins. Oranges and Lerniins,
u.eeiher n ii i a'lar,,'stock of Gertnan, FrencH and
American Tor tit el.ieriptions and ,price.
a Please giva him a call. A. J. NOBLE.
Towanda. August t, 1853.
Tbose Indebted to . us
BB V totte ur t.ttot: account will please take NOTICE
1.) that'ive are in wani of money, And ntruit,littv'e it.
All who neglect to atten.T to this time?) , warning,
nuty expect a twit Croat the Bile Constable. Mt jo
king,lktd Muir. HALL & talSt4eLL.
'l`owanda,'Marclt $4, 1R53. •
TEE subscriber l a m on th e 3d juSt, in ilti,s,boro'
a small Ilwcx Motiorro Pocr-toOtr, con
taining, be4i,le4 a srrtall sum or Money, 'notes and
pavers of value tuJitut, but useleseto--any.oue else.
Thetindrr is welcome to the money, and will be
further retvartledz by returning,lhe other contents,
with or without the pociret-boolt;either through the
Pust.pdice or otherwise
To, A ug.`"2,5„1853.
rail and Winter Goods,
W:tar V x , 1 [402 4
cAAIL.%A \g'Z'
Grocci y and Provision Store.
tfi m ' '
/1(MPAII ens , %% omens' and Chil.
'1 1 I.JIJ clrem."ebees, for sale by
'WANES.— 4 new asso'rtment of Planes and other
;'.loitier'sr"Tools. just rtueiyed dt ' .
1 4 4 4 . '4843 s 1 : ' • i:SElttilies.
Mrubroiderell goods.
TlI E largest ktuek 'ever offered forsale in 'rowan
clAst Outia4embr yitierucl u oder/ I q v cts, coljfis,
jaconett and Swiss muslin ban76:slirtin,gse . diongs
and insertings; handkerchiefs; lust received by
e . ,
e 110. J. POWELL.
,1 Tuesday; 27th tilt.. a red' Morocco 'NOTE
Cit6E, containing notes,actil:otiaer papery.—
The will beltberally reworded by returpifig it
to my stare, or leaving it at the race of the Bradi
ford Reporter. ' IL4.PHINNEYI
Montoetotr, Oct. 5, 1853..
...11gaiiiiktiitituoi0e.s0,4,s4e4 to the
, k • es* : ,', 44 ll Arrlnlat ie
,„ rak e
1444* 61 . 51 1C 1 f . :$ 1 01 11indi
, sititl es .. ,I •
• N i ri" , 4 4 / 7 -t, - '117•11; 4 115si 2 •••.
§rpOs i fon-,..,,,Arftuariorn_taptiotor ,
A Li..* :-. 1
."ru ,bl e d
Bent?,ght*thq:iliNTlßMtllYti."(nat., l o ,4)re
heretlyVkl.,'ltr,rentrettnhirawe Raytneat, and
those liav, ag iutsaidei+tate, will please
,004satea; floc selikemena.
A pr04718.,V;',.1.-Z4'Xz':'.;:t!.: ee .
• gilf*Fo4l34llfOntfa...ii.,
T ETTOO of An tniiAittfilstitiirittiyieitts. ranted
theitridliAleilsWiliat Itestilthi.ailMadford
'county, op the est. f ue,ofystrich Pyne i late of Athena
Owv4 'APOkaod:,itillOppyshns?irdebted! Rita es
tate are hereby notifiedip•Rske trprikediate - paymen
to the undersigned, and thirse hating claims against
said eetate will present them duly authenticated for
s'ettletnent• , ' PYNE, Adin'rs:
Sept. 22, 1853.
CI. persons indebtedio Zthe estate ota. Elliott
11 Marsh, _deceased., late- of PIKE twp., are
herebyVelluesiedlii inaWitnntediate` payment and
those having tleiros against said estate, will
please present them duly •at thenticated tor oettle
Sept: 2 0 2, 1953. • s . • Adm'm
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of James
Lennor, dec'd late of . Ulster twp. are hereby
requested-to make-payment without delay : and all
those having demands agaitlist said estate will pre
sent them duly aothentient ? ld for, settlement.
DANIEL LEN OX, Administrator..
Jae 15, itls3.
A"rrsonbitidebted to the estate of Alexander
Madill, jec'd late of Wysox township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all personi having claiitts against said estate
will please present them duly authenticated for set
tlement. HENRY J. MADILL, Executor.
Sept. 28, 1853.
MECUM C01731.T.
NOTICE is hereby given that a special Court of
Common - Pleas will be held in and for the
County of Bradford. at Towanda, commencing on
Monday the 7th day of November next, at 10 o'clock
A.M.. and to continue one week, at which the Hon.
111,BERT U. WIIIIT[ will preside, for the trial of the
following causes. to wit :
Pendleton, Riley & Co. vs Henry W. Tracy.
Stephen Powell vs. Same, as garnishee.
Lyman Matson, v 6. Ira Jennings et al.
C. 1,. C. De Clfasteleaux vs. Lyman Matson.
Newton Humphrey vs. Wm Humphrey.
C. L. C. De Chasieleaus vs. Ira Jennings et al-,
Subpoenas returnable on Monday Nov._ 7, 103
at 18 o'clock, in the forenoon.
A LLEN WEE AN, Proth'y
August 30, 1053
A LT...persons indebted to the estate of N. D.
Warfutd, deceased, late of Monroe twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having demand, against said estate
are requested to them duly authenticated
for settlement. ZERIAH ROCKWELL,
Monroe, Sept. 29, 1853.
In tho Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.
In the matter of the partiti , ,n ry the Real Estate of
Samuel Be»ighl, late Ridgeberry ; deed.
To Sarah Ben ight, Calvin Benight, Mary Benight,
Samuel Benight, Phebe Benight, Benjamin W.
Benight and Susan Benight, heirs of Thaddeus Be.
night deceased, residing at St. Joseph. Missouri.
Notice is hereby, given, that the Ciurt grant rule
upon the heirs and legal representations of Samuel
Benight late of Bidgeberry, deceased, requiring
them to come into Conti on the 2nd Monday of De•
cember next, and elect to take, or refuse the real
estate of the said Samuel Benight dec'd, at the val•
uation made and returned by the inquest.
By the Court.
H. L. SCOTT, Clerk.
Towanda, Oct. 12. 1853.
In the matter of the estate of Herrick C. Miller, dec . &
HE undersigned having been appointed an Au.
ditor by the Orphan 'a Court of Bradford coun
ty to settle and adjust the account of R. Wilcox,Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of said dece
dent upon esceptiot..s filed, will attend to the duties
of said appoint..tent at his office in Towanda born',
on the 21st day of November, A.D. 1853, at one
o'clock P. M. of which all persons interested will
take notice. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
0,-t. 22, 1853.
Auditor's Notice.
Etvid Barber In the Com. Pleas of Bradford
vs. County, No. 100, May T. 1852.
Levi Walker.
THE undersigned, auditor, appointed bit y. the Courl
to distribu to money raised on execution issued
in the above case, will attend to the duties of his
tiortn':ntinent at his office in Towanda boro', on the
21th day of November, A. D. 1853, at 1 o'olock, I'.
NI., where all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be debarred from any port
tion of said fund. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor.
Oct. 22, 1853.
Auditor's Notice.
8. & T. Lawrence Bradford Corn. Pleas, No.
ye. 270, Feb. T. 1853.
H. M. Hale.
THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
money raised by Sheriff's sale of the property
of the defendant in the above suit, will attend to
said i•usitiess -at the °Rico of H. Booth. in Towanda
boro', on the 23d day of November, 1853, at 10 o'-
clock A. M. where all persona interastedare requir
ed to present their demands or else be debarred
from said fund. P. D. MORROW, Aud , tor.
Oct. 22, 1853.
teal -Ittp-cp!nrtm,.
Auditor's Notice.
Arditor's Notice.
Anna Dickinson, Maria Meredith, John Read, John
Read and *Margaret M. Head who survived
Priscilla M. Read vs. Amos J. Yergusou and
terre tenants. No. 327. Dec T. 1852..
THE. auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
money raisid by SheritT's calu . of the property
of the defendants in the above suit, will attend to
said business at the office oG Wm Watkins in Tow
anda horo'. Friday the 25th of November 1858, at
1 o'clock P.M. where all persons interested are re
quired to present their claims or else be debarred
from said fund. GUY H. WATKINS, Andi•or.
Oct:l7, 1853.
' auditor's Notice. •
H. N. Terrett &Ca. .Bradford Com Pleas No.
vs. 333, Dec. T. 1851.
James. Brink.
HE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
.money raised by Sherifra sale of the property
of the defendant in the above suit, Will attend to raid
busiuess aktho °lke of H. Booth in Towanda born',
on the 2311' day of November 1853, at 2 o'clock P.M.
where all persons interested are required to present
their demands else be debarred arom said fund.
Oct. 21. 1853 P. 1). MORROW. Audit ir.
der r r li,
Orme with the Reiister and Recorder,
Towansm. Pa.
Tovirezrim, PA.
OFFICE in the second marl of the Union Block,
north side °rale Palle square, over t4e,uffige
of.: C. Adams, Esq. - ' Sept.• 24.
PAILS, TVBB AND - MATS — A stew supply-a
'painted tubs sad pails, also Aticant mats, jos
received at may2s MERQUR b
ri re,a --- PROtliiiidALol 4 / " I
1-17HE.RE.ut tho P friitt43l4,Vtrr. P
Vl' I A! tidgadt tilesl2ol IrotkitaDißrikti, 4E40 •
4 the counties ftfDrandformi c Stesqueltanna and fl u
liirsini.vntlithrt Maiiii, Irit Tails Be,. WA ai.
% i • K t. & e.i Asemteiatejnitgea, in:prof' k l irirtd; . li
Bradkortilteee wined their ptitipt ringlid ~, 1
lilt diiy October'3BsB, to me directed, ilitlikiddin ' is
Coicri or Oyor'end Terniitter, Ge n eral quiithe ..s.
.ions of the •Peiree,l eigionon „flee* ,sod -1)I te
Court ar Towanda, .Imio , the taiuntY*, ‘ B". T,.. : .. ..K . -
Monday the 6rl Jay of !December nest;"'t •. ' sl.
three:We ks, . ~C.,-i•
Notion is thArefont hitreby gifieu, to tho Vim
and dasticesof ths Nam end ecipittibles of Atek --44 _ 1,.
of Bradford, that they•tto (ben irtid thermrdr,ifiii4 „ * * " ,
per pegmatite, at to o'clock•in the-r,*04,41,..iikit
with their records; ingbisitioniti,49Mtiedqte6 l
brances, to do threat things triliktr St-BUlthAed -
pertain to he done ; and th4pArrirtk i tmoil*fiund it .: c:...
cognis trice or otherwise If-- prosemeufe; i'iainit ''.the- ,
prisoners who are ,or maybe in the jail of said, coun
ty, or who shell be bouud to appear at the said crow n .
are to he then and there to prosecute against tilent, ie
shall be just. ~Jororsore ntquasteml,, po,ligual ni
their atteridiinet'agriesblf to their 'wide.: " I
Dated at Towantladhe 6th day of OCtobr. in thtstrtier
or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty
throe, and of the Independence of the'United States
the seventy-sixth,`'
• CHESTER 'THOM AS, sheriff;
List of Jurors,
D u 4 WN for Elpecial Coon, Notember 7th, 1853
I ,
Albany—Freeman Wilcox.
Caninn-:-John Van Dyke, E.lw•. Arelelland,
P Wilson. .•
Warren—Mlles Prince, I njnmin Case.
Athena tp—ltubert :Stumm James Myers, Harvey
SheAequm— Ralph G•re.
Burlington—Ruswell 1. nhcr, Wm WARAer, .14ihn
Wilmot—George Every.
South Creek—lra Crane.
Leroy—Ht ram Reynold..
Windham—John S Mad in. Peter Or-Otto-rt. •
Wyalusinc—Benjamin Ac kley.
Sp r iognew—Samuel Falkner, T P Wulc ntt.
Orwell:—.% !her' Prince.
Hidgbery— Benjam to Doty.
Smithfield—Wm Pierce, Samuel Wood,
Monroo—G M Fowler J H Lewia •
Towanda*—Win C Bog art. Luther Scott; FC ,
Patton. G H Eaton, kaaemallt.y.
Wysux—Ehvad C 61irrman.
Troy Tp—Reuben
Tuscarora—A B Taylor.
Herrick—Cvnic Ftinv.r. _ _
A DM IN I sTit‘T u
oies NTice.
ALL indebted tc the estate of Obediah
Blakesley, tlecessed, late of Burlington tarp.
are hereby reqnesteil to make immediate payment.
anti those liar cliirns against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
meat. J. V. DANIELS,: •
ItA 30. 11453
T . NT or JURORS, Amu n fur Dem•mber term
1-4 and bea.smmt, 1853.
. Grimm aunons..
Athens township—John Etcheuberg.
borouith—W 11 Overton.
Burlington—Ad McKean, Jonathan
Granville—Theodore Pratt.
Herrick-. 1 C Pratt.
Leroy— . erley Morse, Lindley Stone.
Rome—Forbes Smith, Same. n,Rock well. •
Towar.da borough—Wm Scott.
sottilt—J M Waits.
n.q Lb —Day id Rutty.
Tuscarora—Harris Ackley.
Smithfield-1 C Alchich, .1 F. Bullock, Clystes Moo.
de. Akin seward.
Wells—l heopilus Moore.
Wysur:—F Allen, G King. M H Lumina, 'Joseph
Cook lin. •
Wyndham—G %V Spencer.
VIRA•IgURIL 71.11111i115-FIUST
A , hens tp—J Griffin, A Mead.: L MclJuffie.
du boroogb—F C byon..„„,„ •
Nrmenia—A'exander Cease.
Burlinmon—Jabez Smith.
Columbia—J G McClelland.
Canton—X 'Stoel. Wm P Spalding. •
purell—W M GotT.
Leroy—John Cole.
Litchfield—J S Daly. Wm Sackett. • •
Pike—Palmer Moore.
Rome—Win S rope. Ephraim Parker.'
Ridgberry—Elisha Griswold. James H Webb.
Sheshequin—B Burgess, L D Post.
Springfield—F Bwrgess, A Cooper, A Knapp, jr. N
Mattocks, J Newell. W E Voorhis. ,
Standing Stone—%V 11 Gordon.
I4outh Creek—Lints N Williams.
Tuscarora—Robert Montaomery
Towanda horough—E 1' Pox.
Froy tp—S Case, E Case, B Knights, 11. Porter..
lster—J Swartz.
Warren-1. Brown, J D Burbank, J J Bowen, U'l
Wells—B Ingalls
Wilmot-1 Corsort,s Phillips, J Warren
Wyalu.ine—F Ackley, .1 Stafford, W, Wheelock
VV)sor.—J B
Athens tp-A Bidleman, I Oregory
Asylum-Pawl Quirk
Bodin:von-4J B McKean. J M Rockvtell
Cant. n-OirTn Broti.n, Squire Watt's •
Durell-ft S t ßradlcy, F f'ole
Litchfield-David Scrabble
111 on roe -J V I Willcox
Pike-4macTratt, - filarrir Wilson
Rolcherry-Oeo 8ae1,113 Halstead • •
Smithfield -T M Beach
Springfold-D B Smith
Shesliequiti-U S Ii.II •
Siandhig Btote--John liiuea, N Vanuess
Towanda horo'-W B Do.lge, I) Vandercook
south—J M Fox
Troy tp-W:in Clifton, Eleazer Pomeroy
TusearoraN .1 Copwea, tl Montgomery
Uls:er-Alkert Newell
Rome-IsAr P Towner
Warr,n-fplaroplio, S King.
xiviih Heath
Wiii,lham-N Tyrrell
mon York ,
arr.- 4rmo crir anir twit •
ftORNER ur the eublic ttcquarp apd,:jd Street.
Tewanda, Pa., respectfully give • notiee that
they nre now opening and receiving direct from the
City or New York, their NEW STOCkuOPIIING
and :if:NI MER GOODS, which, with their Gamer
st.sek Olt !ind, ote date laciest and best
selected nss , rtmerro tote found itv'es: A New York.
!laving been purehaved at '
They are enabled to eirer them cheaper ihan
They invite paiiienlar attention to tacit assortin:nt
of Ladics' aids Goods'
Consisting ofJ.lconet and Swiss Mullins, Printed
Law nq.Clin;:fiaing, Merriman.
Coybeen. t'eU Riyer„an4 other shleo of
A in. riCan in varielr. a
assortment and for' 'tale
cheap. They have also 'a
large variety of Y.VNKEE
IN's. embracing almosteuryibir.g
from a CroiiietNeedle'to a Lady's Sinai
el. They invite iiirtintar :attention to their
assortment of. Uarpeting of all prices and styles.'
Also, spring and Summer Ham Hoots, and ,
Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gm..
cerise. Crockery. ;shelf Hardware de, ;
. Their Bute k.hnn heat l eelet..ted with carerand*.ll
be sold cheap. Parther,eontautut it immensely
—give us a call, and wirwill show you ear gOds
and prices. and convince you that the, above is no
fiction. Our motto is.i:"AtantlZTrofits & Quick
Returns.. • , .MONTAIN YES & VO. )
Towanda, March 14,11853.. - '
• - ---- • • .
I i ina • 7 A- 7 .._., : 14 4- . .-' '
South Cur,' . z3+l : l 4 ., ;• , ' l i e r il i....—:
A hriiirt°,l4 n 7,( r-'
rad.... ',...!i7; 3 i t 1 : 1 '.. t h e
.inid c.tmpldle e‘s4lll4 ;in rid a 1 ~ , ;711. var. •fy . .
which Wilt ))11, Milt ' . . ' , 1 y oin.ill '..,! !! .4 - :. f Bit/ ii . 9
', ! , ..1 %... ~,,,,
,xt, ..; '
i'a . y. Aniver itwf." ... , : i-•
I .hik zils4 - ,02, ' iici i
.. Il I.r iotieo a iA4), ':.:lli' 4 .-3111% clods,
•cip.i...iitt2 , iii parlor 3 tii.,(i4Opertiv .ty ‘.i....P11 . 57 .
allege s ii l irQe DATtii '444;91 If* . . iitir"lf
pbuoi f vorl pr* :Ci l sigl?ir *--.'--: lisli,
,ti' llt .*FP . triolro ;...-! - -3 - 4 i i
'4 10 - 4 . .. ,
- ' '''' .- . ' 1
' -
11 v. far
t 20 ., wt. ftS,
a nil
A 1,4", Shp
Vick i tig%. S
Yarn, 'arpi
A full
l ti;:arg,rr
will Au wgriP
ISALIIIII/1711LX1: - 71 r
A large a splendid . aler t irtgapt. Cabs /-
a nd eStioi.f . .ware.
l'aints,' dlctaiPticf"Puity. • •
Thankful for the liheial parciaige of the past sea.
eon. the iirmierliipetl feel a •pleasiiie in Milling the'' ,
public to an exattliiviiiim stiele, be.; '
i te v t oe 0341 Bowl (LicAl+ and' Wis.' prices trilrinintre
• prerly sate for re:l4 pay. TitACTlft MOditE.
To‘taada, An 27 1R53.
ruir.N.Nr; Y, ,bn!2.
ittnr, rourenasesl
all • Caph of 'do !itt.l etiiire3 sock of
11erchandme at a price ear, beluur.dhe.acNal nest.'"
New Viirk. lb per cent. lawfr Iliaa,eop, Merl.
chant in Towanda has,or can buy) iir„pcepareit.b.),
sr-11 ft:rocks:a, more Goods for one dollar, than any
non at il I sell for ning . siajliagf.t iThinstec4 „set
blue, I inbrai•ing all articles usually found
Stoma_ eiz.„-.),)ry (/00(1!,, liroeei iiatxieracc,l3
an I sh ,e 9.. Leather, Nails, Sash, Glass. iiiiititdap,l 2
and 11 , nnetq. All or which will be sold as above,
and no m.oake. At the !trick Store, corner ,u(
.iu and Briitee streets.
y ri AMC to the facto-lure of the subscriber in She-.,
sh. gniu ttrtr 7 On the 3lst ult., a large fled Cdr ; - 4
about 6 or 7 years old. Middling sized horns, and
not particularly marked. The ()wile, is reqnested
provei In property, pay charge-. and take her away.
she:Ai/Noir', Sept. 5. 18,013. . .
_ _
- g rita m LE A V V,' To wArota for WI erittr's
- Rid,7ehery, and Wellsburg de
pot on the N. if :Ai. Z. R. R.. every Mottoav, Wl.O
- atid EniaAt at 8 tido, k A. 11'., and arrive
at the depot in time to tube the cycoins ;rain of rare
either ca-t or pest. same day. •
'lurt:kin; TrEsnAr, Tut flsntr and SaTvan•r,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
We. tern cant from ;eft - cream, Elnura. &c., and ar
rive at Towanda !tame clay.
Fans :—Towanda to.lllereur's mills, 37
" , to Ilurlington, . 50
" to East Smith4cld,„ 611,1
” to It ntgebrry, 1 . 00
41 to Well , burg depot. 1,25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road care.
nlly delivered at moderate charges.
D. M:BUI.L..
Tiwrßttila, Oct 61,,,A852.
Another Arrival of
S. MERCUR is now receiving another New
Ll....Asortipent of Goods ' consiming usunl of
itlintist ee . ery,Ling wanted 117 the line of SG-intim:l
-dize, which will be Fold very chem) for CASH.,
Towanila, June 29, 1E153.
D. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large
and carefully selected stuck ul .
bought for cash since the late decline • in price",
which he will offer for toady pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among otherthings
he inviiee particular attention to his assortment of
Dre.:, 000(1A.
Towanda, April 15, 1853,
To Contractors and Others.
\IT C. have on hand, pork. beef, but ter, cora,,mlita.
11' wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples:o.o2y.
feed, iron, steel, shovels, bars, powder, fuse. fish
tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap. tobacco i satt and
cement for sale as cheap as at any other house..
Athens. April 23, 1853. WELLS- & HARRIS.%.
UROCJIE ItIJAWI4S--A large and erlended
riment just re eiLby J. POWELL..
List of Letters, , -
REM.%ININO 'in the Post Of fi ce at Towanda
Oct. I, 1853.
.I.twood Mrs A ' I.eibbey Nathaniel •$ -
.%sheraft W II Lesley J P . 4 .
Armstron g Mary Lyman* James ' •
Alviiied S 4 Miller W H
Drown 1) A -Maynard D D
Brownson Rer . W A Mulligan Aileen -
801 l Robert . M'lJonell Mrs - ~' •
Bennis Martin . Miller Mrs Lydia
Mennen Mary - O•hea Pan ick
Bowman JM " - Patrick A 0 -., •
Iliminall Jernsha Prise %V 1. -
Braun Aim Pliclpii Delon .
it •,iitilcy Thiteniis raft loseph
t•r.wve .I ,hit Herber James
root, AII • Powers Olive E - c..
I ',,,, n Ann Parm9re Henry •
Col/limey Joli.ii . Patterson Marinda
Cooper 8,4' - Plissell Joseph
Cumming. llart-”y ' Randall Lydia
Carpenter Levi W . I:yan . Petriele - ... .i . ' 'SW
Miry Wm ' - 'Rowan Mlrlsaill . • •
I)iiine ',hit ' - • -AwartweeilDiniel II . "
- Datil% PatrAt . - • Shanahan /eines .• - -
Decker Philytts - L'Aiittiveri John. I
DetTan. Jerry smith Wenj. ! I.- , .
Elliottisines . ' titiiields T J :
Forri.t Ass . Ki mantis t•lotomea "
I Plait Wm K - ' Atilyeso . J IIV.: ,• • ..,
Griffin John - • Tilltrithei HiSs Rebecca
Hiintirl,•lobt, • 2- 'revretr H N • . - ii , : .. •-
i- fletiiy . .l %I' - 17Ppettr 1 Amanda Miss •
II Irkey •M • ' ' - %re olio ed& Miss ft
.• Hair knoas gamtiel - %Valtitt . A4rie Wir ?.
I ~
1 itere.Mer John Willitiass . T.A 4l- • - •
iliCilielli-s E M '• ' • • WhalintA ' ' •
, i.
, `Kiiig - Sloltary • . %Tent n, _.
Kennedy Mrs e A Weltorr Martha Miss.
Keine Mettriee •-- * ' Waldo Mrs 8 1.)
Lynch John • • we - 11141111a 41 A
CH.ltzt.F.P. REED P. 4.. • ' -2
CA M E to the ettchi,mre of the pubscribiPr. in Wor
coo twp. ahnut the. 4th of Juiy, pour, o(jeteft
en.hvirip yflitr chtbteere, having no passacular [pulp,
The awatt.Ali ETWlesiedito Prolg ProPPIY/ pal
charges nuttlAlot Oman, waY• - J.;
iir,Nßv BILLING'S.
svith Oct. 4. 581' I '
• r
t) KIN Tts amp staple: Witt Rn!igv
g , a,us rip stock utroGilec9l!n, MirTilPac, mitt".
inEbotak shteti so. bicseo ed pnd_azAklesehed skiwt
inc., fix:44mm gripe*. denimt44at Alto. blear OW4.
own sod ropey casAvrieres,'Aattintna Tireetl• and
nfttairYedusiree4 Op t. I! ;It cit.10)% 7 ELI"
P. r. 1.31. Col.l.llgd;NPutf*„