Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 29, 1853, Image 3

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Rons, drawn for December term
Is, 110 3 - ' r:7
p —John
Eichcnbltg~ "'
1-16' H Q uenon:::.,
1 McKee!, Jonrithapiltijlo,,,
?neore Pratt. . •
Morrp Lindley Stcipe.
rnitfr. Stmec n Rockwell.
,h—NV Scott.
M Watts.
, —Day id Rutty.
tens Ackley.
Aldrich , .1 E Bullock, °Lynes Moo ,
G !CEng. M H Lanniog, Joseph
V Spencer.
On, A Mead, D McDuffle.
C Lyon.
Odor repse.
,sex Smith.
-kwell, Vint P Spalding.
i -,, Da' y , W l n Sackett.
•.: ..,,_r3 m t r More.
~...-tV IN 'rope. Ephraim Parker.
- E' ire Urt.%01 , 1. James II Webb.
-. yquln-1.1 Burgess. LI) Post.
_field—F-Ilurgess, A r, ro l er, A Knopp,. , jr. N 4,
;,. v n , dcks, I Newell. W E Vnerfli. i......
$ 1 ,....g5f0rte 77 -.ltV if th•riliou• ..
-4- p • i reek—Uinta %Valiams.
...,b Al.,nte,orgery
. ._
boc u
4 nr ..1 a t h.....k; r For.
k . ~-S C,t , e,'E Case. 13 Knights, R Porter.
~p.--i, Browit, 1 D Burbank, I I Bowen, U T
pr can
01 -B Inttalia • '
7 . Itt I- 1 (:"rson. B Ph 'flips. J Warren
„—l' Ackley, J Stallord, W Wheelock
5 1-1 IS limes,
t r , — 1 flidletnan'; I Gregory
:n z 'l , ll-1 II McKean. J M Rockwell
t,„ l ,—(l , rin Pr( tin, 'quire Watts
-• I—Hoc‘ard Founan
, .;;.• thadlev, F Cole
6 V 0.2
ll'. Harry Wilson
noel 13 Haktead
Al liearh
.—P 11
--1; S Hill
• . 4 ,l:ss' hri."ll,ne.,N
D Vandercoolt
413—.1 M
E'eazer Pomeroy.
.1 Cog...well. H :AL.mtgoatery
I \ea e.I
TwA her. .
6 ,
r re
—.1,1 .
i.. ‘!I ' Fiv. '—a,cs lii , o , e 'Crimmintr,,..(lla,.Put
, .c c .,;, 1 4, re,rived by , rif IN NEY.
:f -
Notice to Collectors.
lALI, ..,1 inro. due the Treasury to he paid by
A ;he I-1 A eek of December Court ar en't wit b e
-; 0 ,., : 1.1: 53. .PECK, Deputy Treas.
0 1
rficr. hFrehy Rivet' that the co,pa i tt i et s h l p
• exiNti'rik rimier the firm of .1 &
ritqsolve.l by the
Na ban A•te rind er.
bu.uieae e ill hereafter be conducted by the
• 4 , 0 d firm, (eriro.i-ring only of Jarob
S.- I ,irnon Metao ter. and M. E. Solomon) at
tr. 1 ,n %Wader id. ran,
t aerrn+'. Cowan,la, :
I be happy to receive a
'xintranee parronase which has been so fib,
rXtrii-hd to their pi'. deers-ore.
A LEX. 4 ittEitt , do SOLOVON,
„„ 3 , • , •unia dile J. S Alexander & Co., row
• .city. rbtt.. (nom th i s d a t e .
A 411 la. Ott!. 13. 1,;:1:3.
a:l=A riZ =IS ek. SOLOMON,
w- k. next door to Sfercurs store have
I ,:!ra t,r iheic stock, a large and fashiuna
Ready made Clothing,
AD%T.Ttn TO me cvAsov,
hoifi of -tvle and price, to which
atirntion of the public. This is now
.rz,t s tor k
Errr Offered in Towanda !!
clsal b.• sold at prices considerable lower than
r• i:nown in this place. Our goods are
h a regard both to style and price, and
Ztro,luCeMellts,Llollo be met with 31.-any other
s.a .Ament.
visiting Towanda in want or Clothing
ILC.Ur es•,:iblisliment, in this sectrortol the coyntry,
au such style end materials as to entore
We shall endeavor by -
Lpseture peirona2e. feeltrig confident tnat our arti
nowil give satisfaction to the Tutrehager.
as , rtment comprieee. every article required
ir vtilleman's outfit. TERMS-.CAISH.
kercoqrs. Coots Pants. On-Grails Caps 4:t
1. noNn.—Next door gtfuth of Mercur's Main
7 : rotianda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnoote' Hall,
kinds of Country Produce, W001,4.e.,
exchange for Goods:
Tem'aLtla, 0,..t0bt r 11. 11333. -- .
'1 2E122 ClglitlfaMT.
T1"1,...,.!uf,,,,,, for the oluctltien of fon—g-Jadie"
'at renekl, bn Tireeday,,the V iph f.*epterh her, in
the t -t, . t:_f..inierly occupied by,M ri., Mercur.
I. .:, 4 tit, leithe charg e of Alms 6.W vt A.D. 'H•• , -
' . ..!•aide,l,by her .stater 'Mid ilia inc.& .D. ilAllrsomr.
n' number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
so , astte rear CtIIIbISIA of forty-four week,.
Tr "" A—A, $9, and 612 per quarter. sccortlin g to
the 5,,,,i.c,, pursued.
N,,ezoa charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per rittam• r .
ganiai‘tES—Rev. Dr,,,,Matt.trocrVice,Preiident
't the (. 4.(lege of New Jen-ey.,Prittc•ton.
v ilun. pa Vin Wilwrr, lons L.reirarrs, Frsq.,„ C. L.
I An". Esti., 1101 , 1. G rm. SANDIMION.TOWatiiiiIi
rtEnzep4 A-11 AN Cfl/4; Pro_poses tacive
n" ruction Pitt . ..yeung,);ttlies or this puce
ol the RUM). :fen 2,l*-14/0 Per,qUart!r.
to_4, made 19 Mesa. flanson at the
'Yard douse, oral the Toweatla 7 7
.cgtale Iletrtioary.
' 4 llember22.. tBb3. , • • .-. • • .
Millinery ''att!waking.
FOWLER . 10 ti.-
M Fo
snoun(4 Ifiti'Latliel et D i•ell_Aii! Ire 4140.;
7 Ih l t* hel'ai .! titliblesheet4iseirit tiler &Oise - a
13 'shoP t wilere;slie iritA pliasnitc*ltit.llo
- them in her ftni_of Witness. She ttrpectfdllp
t lint. theirmsrmictigOrtionsltag moder
ke P c iPe%:4ll - 4 , 1e.T 4144 P 9 :Plost‘e. le :inviar
tine.tme i wt or th i gn . jo,itipp be,
I/O TO. ithp), WO 853. -
mul t i*e pa 7 " . I''
1 . 4 AD PIPA tAiydraulinolkaam rof any -kill,
Bra. canal) for,readi PaYkrAl Milo by
g ar -Q, I SIA. • 11. WELLES.
vcrilsc= l
~`' :,1
Waal TESOWnigi li cI BUNMEI9,
V• - ‘l7 ILL be at BALLEItifi NENT'B4Foceei And
• PrcZoision and Faay Ettori;ortPlito the r CA
House, Towanda, after the 15th of October, till Jan•
nary t, tas4;l • ' -
- riROM the premises of A.-H. Smith, in Ulster tp.,
on Thorsday night Sept: 22d; a Urge - bright red
years old, with' sitaightliaCridsemeheirtla.tind
marked with a swallow-fait % the right ear. Who
ever will give information where select's-Can be
found shall•be reasonably rewarded.
Ulster, 'Oct I, 1853. ALLEN POPER.
1. 9 6 and Beef pßaaergnlsa,!lic.table4taociroileidoerni;rPcir.ok,
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG BTORE..
Sept. 4,.1853.
S. MERC UR has just received ialitlier large
R. assortment of Goods of every description, to
which, additions will be made every week,aud which
will be
,sold as usual very cheap.
Towanda, Sept 20, 1853.
SALT—A quantity'of just received by
E. INGHAM, or Monroe, has located in
WyFox, at the Presbyterian Parsonage.
September 22, 1853.
MU T" Q.(to,Msl
Just received by Joseph pow 1L
THe attention of the public is respectfully invited
to a large and complete assortment of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Groceries Harntorfre. Crockery. Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps Carpeting, Paper Hang.
ings. Leather. Drugs. Paints Oils 4e.
All of which will be sold at the lowest market price
for casu or country produce.
Towanda, Sept. 10. 1053.
The War Quesiion Being Settled in
111-47:111LJIMAIICIIMP" MMar ,
ti 0 NT/i, NYEs & CO. have tome to the ccnclu.
al shin to enlarge their businesv, in view of the
unparalleled prrotperity that must tram a state
peace. They therefore. after returning thanks for
former fa.vor., invite the attention of the eilizenaot
thi• and adjoining, etionrire to the examination of
Tall and Winter Goods
consisting of all the varieties a' Fancy' and Dress,'
G0 , ,d.. as ate,, heavy o plea.
Hardie Ire Crockery Groceries. Harness and Car
ri age Trinunzngs. Iron. Leather. 1)T 4C,
all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
St,•pi. I. I8:;3.
S NOW 1 1 p , iiing NEw :41, CY or Goons, conkist•
ing of full and complete assortment of all kinds,
"hid' will be .tild as cheap as the same quality of
6 . .,(t. can be bought anywhere thin sole of New•
Towanda, August 20,1853.
Paper Hanginge,
A very fine variety of Satin and Gammon paper
.4 1 11,,1,, :i n g q. curtain papers and tran-parent, win—
d , w 4 . 1,111 e ,, rce•il he J. POWELL.
Towanda. sert 10, Nnrs
A NI E to the enclosure of the subscriber. in Stand.
Ir Stone 1p , about the Bth of August, one Red
too t e -11. h , rns lop over ,the eye ; also
a Helfer two yfi . ars old, rvil, with some uhtte scinti4,
and one yearling fled The owner is reilties
ted to prove property, 4-c. A. ENIN
Aug. 30. 1853
A complete .accortmeot of black. Odd and colored
dre , ." silks—alt wool 'ielaioe , , motiqlin
Deßeges, Thibet Clutha, par Imettas, dtc, jrl=t feeeiv
ed by S. powELL.
PHYSICIAN & svackzoN,
Residence, on Pine Street npp , ,site the oil Presbyterian
Otleis tiffs profe:Nional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always he found at hie
office, in Dr. NUM'S Drug Store, when not pro•
lessionally engaged.
11w1 - 7 ao,o
Carom yr and Provision Stare.
One door South of J. H. Phisincy's Store, Main Strecl .
rrHE *ubperiber being desirous of enlarging his
busine‹s, would recpectftilly announce to the
citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he is just re
ceiving' from New York and is now opening for
sale a lame assorent of
Ted. Su, Cajree Rice ltaasses, SturtreeSyrup.
Tobacco Ginger, Pepper, Spice. Claret Mace, Nut
meg. Cinna.m.w! : Saler/11/m Cream Tarter. Soda.
OrnitimiPeppee Sauce, Catsup. Candles.
'far nnd Shaving Soap. Vinegar, Starch, Cigars. etc
He hag also on'hand and for sale a large flock of
‘ ,111. 10 ism: dim Nat wawa iirmo
Rams and shoulders. Mackerct. Codfish. Berring,
Potatoes. Beans, Dried Apple,, Wheat Flour, Lard,
Butter, Chee-c. soda, Batter and Boston Crackers.
Also—most kinds of Fruit and Nuts. Preserved
Prune.. Citron, Figs, Raisins, Oranges and Lemons,
tovether with a large stock of German. French and
American My* of all descriptions and price. •
GO' Please give him ti call. A.. 1. NOBLE.
Towanda. August /853.
l'bosn Indebted' to
p note or took account'. Will pleasalake NOTICE
11 1 that we are in want of inoney,afid nusatita4 . et.
All who neglect to attend to this timely warning,
may espect a visit from the lilt's Constable-. iCnio•
king this time. HALL, ISCRESKELL.
tntran , la. March 24. Ifis3
rr sithsititiee lost onllirt.litritilitt.littiliilltoro'
a .mall OLACIC Mostoeco Posits-L.-Boos, cone
taming. be,oles a -mall sum of money. -antes ,anti
papers of gslae to him, but useless to any one el-e.
l'he finder is welcome to the money;-and will be
farther rewarded by returntng the other content*,
viilb tor witliout thE poble,etibpoll;fitherftl'irnbettile
Post'Otfice or otti r erWise.' ' - c
, futiNT,Rppfct.v.
- tritrartila. lig. 25,11551: - •" ' f
1700 1 PAI Itz4 of Mens'., Wvoeoe': and. Chili
dreasPohoes, for sate by ,-;r- •
PLANES. --6" nee' asenllranyt,efflaaesaatt alder
Joiner's Tools, just ter elect@
May 5. 1853. ,I4BeRCUR.!.BI,.
TaE largest stock ever offeriad for oak bi-Irwirio
da of LedhoMitrabrtiderild iindlielttives, collars,
iacofteu and swiss coubliaribaodk,okirtige•edgiogs
spd iosertings. handkerchiefs, .justsecteive,d by
Sept 10. , • 1.,..1P0WELL.,
• • .:.?L
(AN, Tuts4sy. , Slitr i alts -a„AsA l impeecriNOTS
‘,l, CASE, containing, nom told ,other papers.--
The fin-ler wilitecliberalfy rewarded.-bpretaraitig it
tansy store, or , LeariotitAt Jhe , offor.4 of-the Brad.
Cord Reporter. . PITINNEY...
St onroeten, Oct. 3, 1853.
f.s .. a tiontuts•
---iADMINISTRATOWB 1i.03 , 1 0 %94
lkitetronNitititing ilitemsehtpignik
estate of John .I._,Wolnrd, Aleceesed, ate o
Monroe, teortitt,blii.., - irilterbty 4etnrested to. psalm
m nedlate:peptiencil4 nit . * tiattitig efaiiitFeetiOsi
eittt etstiAcwalritlittee , p!#tetit, theei'littly"autlientt=
owed fet"settleineet • • "" 3 ' "
• •' B.
Ot;lit. 12, 1851 ' • AdreniAritittri,"
ALL Persons indebted -to the • estate, of, Thos.
Ben night, dec!ni late of Eidgbury township., dre
hereby requested to make immediate payntenttland
those having claims ageinststid estate. swill please
present them. duly authenticated fog siettlemente
. .
April .12L, 185% . a r ktfeentrix.
IT ET'rEREI of administraton havi4been . giantell
the umlemigairl by: the :Reii*er, ,*tif
. Eroki
countyson the estateiof'PatriolfYlpyslAitrna
twp., eeceased; ail persdni indebler 4 l;lolB -
late are hereby notified to make immediate paymen
t° theWnderstimid,lind.thciae having clahnintistnitt
said estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. • THOMAS PYNE, Athiet's
Sept. 211. 1853.
A LL persons indebted to the es4tc of Etl,iott
.4 - 1 Marsh, deceased, late of TYKE hap.. are
hereby requested to qtakl Pnateliatr !payment tnd
those having dknis —•gditist willestate;
please present them duly authenticated tor settle
Sept. 22;1853. ' ' Adtn'rs.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Janes
'Lennox, deed late of Ulster twp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
tloo.e having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
DANIEL LENNOX, Administrator.. ,
J tine 25, 1853. ,
Ar.l.parson'sindebted to the estate of Alexander
Madill, deed late of Wysox Township, are
hereby reque:stedto make paytneat without delay t•
and aft persons havfne' efcims arainst said estate
will please present them duly authenticated 'el
dement. HENRY J. MADILL. Executor.
Sept. 2R, :1053.
NOTICE its hereby given that a epecial Court of
Common Pleas will be held in .endi for the
County of Bradford. at Towanda, CoMMtlrlohlrOrt
Monday the 7th day of November next, at 10 o'clock
A. M., and to continue one week, at which the/lon.
ROBERT G. Warm wilt preside, for the trial-of -the
following causes. to wit :
Pendleton. Riley & Co. vs Henry W. Tracy.
Stephen P, well vs. Same. ac garnishee.
Lyman Matson vs. Ira Jeanine+ , et al.
C. L. C. Ite Chasteleaux vs Lyman Matson.
Newton Humphrey ea. Wm Humphrey.
C. 1.. C. De Chasteleaux 1 / 4 . Ira Jennings et al.
Rubpcenas returnable on Monday ,Nov. 7, 1853,
at id o'clock, in the forenoon.
ALLEN M'KE.kN,Proth'y.
August 30, 1853.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of N. D.
Warlord, deceased, Into of Monroe twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons haring demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ZERIAR ROCKWELL.Z Ad .
C. A. WARFORD, 141
Monroe, Sept. 29, 18:4.
In the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.
In the matter of the parittion of the RAIL Estate of
Samuel Benight late Rulgibcriy, dec . d.
rro Sarah Benight,Calvin Benight. Mary Beni: 1 11i,
1 Samuel Bent ;ht. Phebe Benight, Benjamin W:
Beni g ht and Susan Benight, heirs of rhadileur; Be,
night deceased, residing at St. Joseph. Missouri.
Notice is hereby given, that the Court grant rule
upon the heirs and legal representations of Samuel
Benight late of Ridgeberry, deceased. requiring
them to came intri Court on the 2nd Monday of De.
cember next, and elect to take. or refuse the real
estate of the said Samuel Benight deed, at the val•
uatioti made and returned by the inquest.
By the Court.
H. L. Soo - rl,
Towanda, Oct. 12, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
In Ike malice of the &Ede of Htrnck C. Aldler, deed.
THE undersigned having been appointed no Au
ditor by the Orphan's Court of Bradford coon,
ty to settle and g.ljum the account of IL Wilenz,Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of said dere•
dent upon esceptiei.s sled, will attend to the duties
of said oppoint.deut at his office in Towanda Loro',
on the 21st day of November, A.D. 1853, at one
o'clock P. M. of which ell persons interested will
take notice. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Oct. 22, Ifiha. •
Auditor's Notice.
Eavid Barber )In the COM. Plena of Bradford
County, No. 100, May T. 1852.
Levi Walker. 3 -
THE undersigned, auditor, appointed by the Court
to distribute money raised on execution issued
in the above case, will attend to the duties of his
appoSntment at hig race in Totrnhda boro', on the
24th day of Novemt4c. A. D. fB5B, at I (Attack, P.
M., where all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be debarred from any For
tion of said fund. fi.E.NRY BOOTH, Mittitor..
Oct. 22, 1853.
Auditor's Notice.
S. &T. LaWrence, , . Bradford , Um ! Ineits, No •
vs. ' 4 ' , 270, 'Feb. T. 1853.
H. 14. Hale: ' .- '. -- t - -1 1 7 ~:, :-!....,„
„H E.: auditor a ppohated vr th et don r f ti
money raked by Sheriff's sale of the property
of the defendant in the above snit, will attend I.ti
said bozoness at the office of H. Booth. in Towanda
bore', bn the 23d day of November, 18h3, at 11.1 o'-
clock A. M. where all person. interested are requir
ed to present their demands or elae be debarred
from said fund. ; Pi B..M4lll2oWVAtfl;thy.3
Oct. 22, 1853. - .
do dttoris Notic e.
Anna Dickinson, Mina Meredith, John Read, John
M. Read and Margaret M. Read who survived
Priscilla M, Read vs. Amos J: . Verauson and
terretenants. No. 327, Dec T . 1852.
THE auditor appointed by the Ceitirt to distribute
mon. y raised by
_sherilre sale of the property
of the defendants in the above bait. will attend• to
said huaineas at the office of Wm Watkintin.-Tow.
anda Iwo', Friday the 26th of November 1853, at
,1 o'clock P. M. where all persons interested are re•
quired to pieoent their claim. or eke he debarred
from said fund. GUY H. WATKINS, Atidi:or.
Oct. 17. 1853.. • -
Auditor's I'ititilie., , : --1,
It N. Terrell dc, / Co., ,:Brad ford, ea rn New . ; Nod,
vo., . w _ 332 1 ,110 c. T. 1854 — 1
James Brink. . -
THE andithr appointed bY !be Civirt, tn . cli t s,t,ritni,te
!Toney raised! by, Sliatill sale : of the property,
of ihe defendant in lb, Anon) suitorillslleO {Linticas
businedt w.ponib illiTs at t4o . utrice or gtcF,oB l 4 , lrB.l
on the . 2.14'd1y of Noieniidoi [6s3,dit 2 a( clsteg I.r sf,
dofi t ri alkpied.on,e iifeierled aye required ly,usns . elt)
tifeir 'demands elsobe debarred Voir' lairfilmtd ii
-Oct. 21. 1853 ' IP'. D. 1114RROW, 'Auditor:-
- t ifikellAttits' Will- If
:"( • ••• 47, LA" 9
. E
r o 11
Office wiit_ EOet nis targdacecorder,
Di At. 0 0 V ER, TO
ToarAarna, , Pak =!:
trs sieelvit story of tit ttoi6lttittit.
north sideoCike Iled>tiool4l4ls 011•41 dei Oft e
of L O. AtleimsofEsilia
PAILS.TUBB,MID. litAT B :"..*; l taner-VIOVIY u ti
piloted massed pails. also Alicsottantes. J
received Ith ' • ensy 2 s MLRWJ ttl
1 6 1 19 41 1 f
Cosher, Pea Rivc.• ancl other atyler - of
f , ,lll4Aimiqtrirril4l4 4:0144* trOlAlf• 1 1 ,
large assort an d ap,d fox 'gale
cheap, '' - er.beriiii*stKo a
large vgriety of — Y - ANKEE NO.
from a
. prpcho liacly'a§aich
ej,„ ThAy,,ar4te . viticulat io 4,heit
assolytowpi, primat
, Hear 'Olio Walt
sitpish, qadreirogne abitikohlliet4ALLO
.z canna, Crocliery,„e:helf Hardware i; • T
,Their,stur k.ha.,c been selii.ted with care, and wit)
ha sold cheap..„Farge4„cornment, is unnecessary
-.Rise 04 a call, and i wa will show, you cuir . goods
and prices, and convince you,that,the shine is no
faction. ,Catti: motto is, " Small..,Profna. & Quick
Returns. " MONTAN YES et .CO.
Towanda. March 16, ..1853.„.
JHAIIVY PHINNEY, Jr., having purchased (Or
. 'rush of G. M. Bowman, his entire stock of
Merchandise at a price tar below the actual cost in
New York. (and 15 per cent. lower than any ,Mer—
ebant in2•Tostisada has or can bny) . is prepared to
sell for tam more Goods for one dollar, than 'any
mart will sell , for nine shillings g. This stock is
large, embracing all articles °soar found in a
Store, viz—Dry Goodie, Groceriek, Hardwares Boots•
and Shoes, Leather, Nails, taa4h, Glass: Hats,
and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above,
nod no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of
Main and 'Bridge streets.
Towanda. Ju(g 18. 1853.
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in She:
sbequin twp., on the 3lst nit., a large Red Cow,
about 6 or 7 years old, middling sized horns, and
not particularly marked. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take her away.
Sitexhequen, Sept. 5, 1853.
$` UT
roml.o -et. 212,(.5','161--$,
South Comer of Afercur's Bled; Alain Street,
it RE now opening their stock of GOODS rot the
fl r a n and ‘Vinter !rad., ran:prising a full
and complete assortment, and of the ti.ual variety,
which will ho, sold at a very small profit for Beady
Pay. Among the a..orttnent
Dar Coons,
will be found a great variety of Ladies '
Dress Gouda,
consisting 1w part of
&revs B rep. Delirium. all- wool.Delcrines, Lawh s ,
•plain and printed ; Ginghams. English,
Scolds Avid Ilmencati ; Poplins,
Prints of all shades and
colors fi c , sYc
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths.
Cassimeres. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin
and Summer Yestinps.
Also, Sheetings. Shirtings. bleached and brown.
Ticking.. Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn. Carpet. Warp, Cotton Bane n. Arc.
A full stock will he kept on band. Those in want
of eligars.l'. as. Coffee. Molasses. bnewnres best
Myrup,spires. Pepper Ginger. Snleraitis, Mar.
FiNI., salt, Tobacco, or any .tier article in this line.
will du well to call on us heroie purchasing else ,
-.A.slaree a splendid assortment- Crositarv,. Glass
and tStone-ware, Booxspind Cranes, Hats and Caps—,
t t Dirx;La and Puny.-
Thankful rit the liberal petrosingte of the past rea
son. the imiltirslgneilTeel a pleasure iniinvitinpi the
public to an examination of our Spring stock, be-,
titivate that good Goods and low price% win insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, Au. 7.7 1R53. -
PRINT'S and Staple Domestic Goods—an unwmi
1 ally large stock of Cuchecoarol Merrimac prints.
gingham , , shretinac.ble3ched and unbleached shirt.
ti . cliings stripes, denim , : A.c. Also black cloth,
plain and fancy cas-imeres, Sattinetts. Tweeds and'
Kentucky Jeans reed by J. PO WELL.
A - qu 4 ttity opf each just ri;cei Lied gull far. cale
get't I"- 4 : . powket.i
VI NEW 13 %RM.:f.'s, fit for Pork or Cider,
•3 1. 1 . ur sate at 75e each, by 8. rEf.ON ik CO.
Toiranda. Ai%-. 1(1 . 0848. . •
Alarge , toelr of Fall 130 , mett and Triruntingt. r —L.
Also Mtn 4- Cop% of every deveription for
med.' and boy' wear: for sale by 1. PO WELL.
A N Election will be held on the first Monday. of
November next, at the office of Laporte, Meson
& Uri.. in 'Towanda, between the hours of 10 A. M..
and 2 P. M., forty President, five Managers and at
Treasurer, for the ensuing year.
Towanda, Oct. i 1, 18.53.
SAUCES scacrzuuutunzi
(Girt. , in the Tionb col nriltd ;Wart' ilciusc k (fil4F. occuPh , tl
by Laporte, Atreunitetif:V••‘4 4! %, • I
Towanda, March, 5, 18:13. • •
lITHEREAS the Hen. DAVID Wien Pre.iideni l
Iv V Judge of the tatti•Judiclal District consisting
of the :cou mins nf Wand ford. Susquehanna' and Rut:
liven, end the Pfirriew Diitsdri end Ranee'
AritLer,FAiseciete Joilires4 inamd fer'said doing, of
livid ford—have issued" their precept. , hoping. iliac the ;
tel Jay On yher,434l..ltinte directed, kin holding d
Court of Oyyr aful 'Ye ! miner. d .- ner 4 l. 4uarter gee-,
stuns itt the •Peace, Centurion Mete end Orphan's
Court, at 'Noland% for the tenni), liradford,on
Weak Ella', ' Ott 'day of Deceriber nett, 'hi cOntinue
three vre,tod tria.." ft? IS"•.
• /VNtice ie LllTAfiire„lterettty„ givenifto the Coroner*,
end insticesot the Peace antWon.ltabldeoltha manly.
of radforgis,th they; ',Ruhr mogul Mien tn,duociao,.
pgr plip;oue, at I 0 ol'iglook:lo the It igorgroa of sail. slayL
ril~tutbtsir,recotder: in quisitiono,aguldl other iteroenu
braggeastio.4lo , .lboao, °lino sib ielr• to theirpffrof aor
pertain -14.004lonafgAgeilithoso nioaitogialilad bytso-,
caged:soda tat 41:10NT MON . 10 ' IPEPOCUlaneied tliftr
prisoner*, grtagatra ; or: ongt ba' im Mil jail of tougg
oji)Orortgoishall, be bounden, a ppeseatighologigl-egrout o
*nab tagitheraginCllkro tolendeceddiagainattbetthila
shall bEjtsst. . Jurors ere requested to to :punctual ick
their altalultincak siggsabljgigo their, yoga. '
Nola at To wanda.lll6 Ofgact,abet.oholtekTou
.)fof oortigooliOne!thourand-eighs kohdonkongkfilltp,
.-abool m ooll of tbactailopenglooco ofotikaeliggitaillator
4go paraanyraiaib.,,ggpargaqr 'vat of 4 /, , , e,gtv ,
tr. 311 c s. v e GeigiMikinletrAdiabhatilL.
DISS.CA I R, Phtognil ,AL:sale
ICE 49- In rt
% that the paner/heves.
Wting between lalSSillets wah dies:lived
by inlisost unseat oollbe..ll4llbAsibtsa The:beisejs
it.iii , bzotitieti&tailL•FlusbzumbLiblietber4lith
Patnistrio altisdabiciattiotettepuldistwesuanito
disetatosnifthitthey vii.siust7tirotoeisl vbc.r: RIZ
I . I'4 if .8. pHistim,„
Monroe, October :1 1 . 1P3 3 . • 0.
kilardidtelltdhllitsiektnerarthe Mar at Oup Americas -ImigipiterSalltUtkapst. 1111321.
Dlplausl'alligliClagnaga bit
1 12 17 1 Z2:lkirosteasia i oVlV l TlAVlV l T r t
• 4-3 •
r~ ~,
t• :A.' '
, 'sl
. , - .7". --- zr ---....._/.,-.....-..- ..,
...`"•' L ' -- ",-.'' '--5.1- . -:1:-.-7 .• : -i - ;,, -- - - ri
---,":,,,' -4 - -4 -- ''' "...' Tf 'l,... ' 'if7.- -.7. v%1t 7 ;5A7, -. . "I ::iJ Z
I f
I. a.e preseet arrangeinent. of Oh highly unmoved en - 'k'.r Pros,, ceui if the apples wore ground an finely sr ol
valuable AliJI• the later la hit Ly arrant:lox a rnitin the opn .. c i )111; nod if the apylcs,were merely
Cylinder to bre& the apple*, and then deliver them ta t in Ott the :tot Ka. bine; IL immuld bogitiltp - r
siligieim are rf out
lover Cyllniate to be reduced, to -maitre. It:rads nil. hundrni wt. to I ta t too,. the result ne7. , v4lltahod hi OM , .
newarmint } La oink is itidonziol toter end with moth Petrel 'Mill. n.• !Mewing may bemiii in the dadosil
leis labor. . - "
'nee Prom la snathisitaith eitallattinreer rcrew then ?toe- It will:make Cider than any other Pteslierieli i'• .1 . 1
fnrmorly, amity • very ingenlone device the are of the ba,t ti given quantity cf apples, in • Onen thus, and 'op at till,i ...t,o: i
tediepateedwith and this Tub mails to open at will tort,- Ire later and elpeUse. .
111 W the pomace. *has at the none time the Chler ln ltfi . `..nnuul-lt. will irsCpc cleaner tedaweeteaCiderthiuninf.' ,i, : 2
clear and the work eon bo done ielth totreli lee Taber than , r heir Wit .!., • - ~ ."; , • • , ---, , c , rt r
brthe old moiled. The Ailtraters ere entered eh h hurry I Third- You enn mai c the Cbtritet yen went 11.1Idul whim r .,, ~
~ 5 .
shim Zin n both! on. their } T rip/an-ha and eat.: tlos wood' Von want It -and In tioantidot from otteiallmato 6 mai+ .'
triThem la Illiattged 60 as tint to resell: altd tin. nialo Ua•rl; Murrill`
t. . - ' ', .. v : 'f : 't
on the SIM and Prece made in the ccry tort ei3ttitir 44. Fourth-. Vidalt you cep, preen your Curranta. akurri7o,
srranpd rilth especial view to their dui:ability and aereite 11..1 - rtiei;rl r : re:0! Muter, Lard:snit Tallow'.
No Rammer who urea lite UPI rarefibly aml,toctan kind I.lCdv-id 1111 it iou enn nano onteafourtb•eitt i; • l
to direetkuu will be disappoin trd, tut et tf •• bewher if nitarilhei. imuoitgir,Aprtip.boititir--- 7
, "a--
band he will llnd this onset the innehvaluatile and elthieut - FrP•IrL•II it h itiare iiitrVatt dredd tittial - Innli he ,
', '-
machines on hia term . ond fins vet efghei. c !! ;
..!, •- !..*, Y !
Tim machine la mean to ruu by horn., .teeM , or handl 11 i• a all II c tutatutti„ , reri,tl tir7-faatio they oijOilti and
power, and when the %Wen are ...Tour ,1,,, a mall toy of 14 a 1... of 'Writ ,a machine-at a poi eto lowfinet elthitf ,1 4 : ,
yam of nee Pan pre. the pontaro oldn all owe.: . . the r• - •ell wt.11.--c-to 1:. ;pli Lb.!, nay intelligent Pawnor 1
..,. - r
In all , Liktord time, it way mud..., d thai a lance guaolity *antd do without : lt' '
of Cider rout I mil, Ic to ulc 1 y ii-Itof .1 1 on,ternoi mtichlne. Ito you milli to here In armition.av Mall there Cider Mat cl!t! •
that slowly cruder,' the tiople. with ct• ~II•allea them tine. I, telt. on i frenh,thevniy time it k really healthy and lit. rt . ..
They were then mad« Mtn it Ca...,i ,, , • heR• to eyraw,ond a ! Cr o 4.-roal no you with to nave * me, poricattldths' "...'. *.
wort revere eat lotig preseury via, regal:a It! etatnitl, n.. hard labor attending ' las blelakildle or' - ' '
portl.,n of the tide. n mot-0.3,14e •io airily I•eltienhatmN , l Apple-b ntte r I If •,, huy this molten. aud our irotti . , .
be the onoi and the tin** of uoientv: and to Obtain thli t fur ii,ieu will ton to divapt..oinkal•
owed...factor, re.nit the ruiner Itvdi to tarot all. Inc handy, TM+ }till :4 Wermuted Koperloi to any other porting
.0,1 perhayv Id. cis,-hoe - ,, 'ram curl de. ,Ron nheli day that V.!!l iu evidence. and therProprietor le ready at any time.
could have been more prattably ron.laynt. to melon front •ca [..,‘• , -It, tetra; -limit to tat It with any Portable
Pia 1, eight carrell of eider. T.. el!ytuto the dialculty the t Vol that i= not an bTriew,merit on It
!Mamma kayo heretcdurolularr,l under, thi*.iinchine ha , ! Pm rine r*. ewe m line e Lila newly IMPROVIdD • "
been Invennale and the statetnent of a too filcb will proee : MILL,. before you buy any other.
that It t, not only the 14.4. Machine of the bald its ex bstencv., I ( , tae :41 cm ' •livn' age cf thn machme over all others, is,
but It k the duvet profitable that a man ran knee on LI, I that It as all not choice up, and hunt or oft apple.*
farm. The am Ice are by thi. Mecham:grated. up-into a Luc, rata he ...-rouuul. and yet the Cy - Waders of I always remain
pulp. cu that it C. quint but a compurativtly light pre, ure. ! cictir cod in •Arinbiric out,-
•nd that but • minute ! r extract all the rider, it . I'l orb,' uDI .be .fillsii in the or.ler In whl 11 they are •
. a.aatained by proction ex.pointent thatin, F o urth , r,,,,,,..1...,1. nod all yermn!! eantleg them weld do well to '
more Jule° can he obtain.] alum 1,), the UM pe a r,-,. 1 . 4.- ! .CTr.l '1 err ,allera early: and ,ain't: what:Ai= they-Want
skha thin , it ouly require* two hands to vind up end trot. I U.. ,' LI ~e nt. ,
tato cider a 'arum quantity of . apples than, cc ti bc 1 o- -1! I, 't I i. 4111, ottcu.ltsl by 2 men. will. ob.-a proym - ly worked
dente on the ul4-faattioued men lona, flu thin 1...0.. p. In•• !to c.ring to dtreeticrni. maker:b. I. barrels of • tin %Amy__
to the convect:vox of the plduarc it. the tub. and the ' en I o • it ~.tritcl clottc by lioinemower hunt 100 to 300 bustuila
nlete manner in which it IA nuind, a prpraure of from 3to of npol, a !inv.
L tons-that can 'wily le olgeined-14 lit produce a more O ." 'a
La I rice of the )riu is S 4O l finn, of fr'fiZ.lif•
favorable result t titan City Mna pretext! en the oroinnry ff !,,P*.. May, Ma, W. 0. HICKOK.
. r . A ~., ..
Catered sceerote; to Ant et ,t,,,,re,,, ~6 W. year 1,..2. to tun Dinnet Court of the Eaters Dintrict a! PettupytTaalmn.
, -.
c• ... "Pet..mtt5.74,1n101 heal tit - ii , order. heehrittte they live some distance away—as rwiu allow the
freight to be taken otTthe priest (the ittaelone ; and when 'they get it they can pny the fteitzlit and %end
the balance)), mail to mt. • • - . '. • .W. u. kIICKOK.
. ,
II taaeintraa..Kenpar.. ; r •;,. ': r . ::": ,', • ..
AZ ES: ;
LEA VII Towal,4l t'or Merril C.
't i p tlinVon'f&a+o l ew ttitie
ft idgebit. Yißtillikikg 41
' •
pot on . . s. every...3'lo En.
t•sSHAY and r4ioArk . B &clock A. Nt7 i tigurlrrive
at the depot in time tciiiikelhe evenin4 train if cars
either eat or n end satie-dry.
Returning Tvgcnif;Ta . rasote and StTrnn ir,
after the arrival of th*,...Rastern iram, and al,o the
Western cars from Jitrensop, site., and ar
rive at Towanda sameday,
••- • .
F• n :-I'Q%vanda toll4ercuei mills, 37
" to jturlington, 0
'it? Lou
4 to.WPlfsbaN i. I '25
E pre:s.ipi4iiiiges to 00 fropri lyt#Odic aI e •
fully d e *A ,
elr ( tiritif,• .
N• t 4 l•
To vs , a itidai-&1 ) 11, 1852.
Ai - hither Arrival .of
LT "Itrtcurt is now reCelVlll.; nn.ber 7.Ciow
•Assnrunent of (; , ,o,k, c"mtiAiniz a. it , nal
abrinst i . wonted in the line, of iniian
&v., which. will be 801.1 very cheap fur CASH.
Towanda, June 29. 1953
OD. d ARTJ.ETV. is now rec.eivt
• and carefully selected sn.cli ul
boughtfoi cash since the late decline in psirt•-,
which he will offer f.,r lently pay al. pricer a ha•
canard, faille We satisfaction'—s mon; (Or (I,lfing •
he invites particular atientiuti to his :assortment of
Dress Gouda.
Towanda, April 15, 18:;3. ,
, To Contractors and Others.
ITTE have on hand. pork. beef, butler. corn, Oat
V wheat, buck% heat, beans, di led apple,„ tl Air.
feet), iron. steel, shovels, bass, powder. fuse,
tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap, tuhseco. salt find
cement (or sale as cheap as at any other house.
Athens, April 23, 18F).3. ELLS ;S N.lll
n ROCHE SII.XWI.S—A large and P0kr61.! . :11
/3 poriment
fit fe'rd by .L PnWEI.L.
List cf ;Getters,
REMAINING in tilt 'ust Office at Towanda.
Oct. 1, 1R53.
Atwoed tbirq A
Ashcroft W H Lesley .1 Ti 4
Armstrong Vl.iry iymans lames
Alvuied S W . ttil er \V 111
Brown U A M.t% trArd D 1)
rownNon Rev W Mulligan An .ra
a r m R.o..rt I l irnottril : ' N'lr A
Rennin 113 , 1111 NI ille All - Lydia,
Bjennen Mary (Mita Pattick '
13owman J M r,,,,.;, sr t
Li ovrrnan Jerti.lta l'fi•-e w c
Braun Ann . ['help.. PA t in
eapgley Th.m),a., P ar k lois glib
. i
Ciyi te e 1 4111 DZ :bet I,,irries ,
COoli Sll . rowers 011 re 17,
ea6n Anti' ['drip ,re Ileor'y !.
eourtney 1.1111 Potter•oir Marin f ia l
Cwp ;er Sol itiwell.l.iseplt . •
Ctiinming% 11.A.rvev It ,ndall 14vaia
Carpenter 1.r., I %V Rya') Pear), k . n
Da r y Wm ' Huwan NVIOia..I 1
Dive John S war+ wiJ.113,a.' 2
famiricklkiiinntinn LllllOl
'4infliiirn John "
•Degan Jerre - tomtrh Ertl.
t3hields 1' I
Fnerl3:l'A , tei • • ecimrrinnit
Flatt Wnt K i' , lhew‘li 10'1 vin
Griffin Jotlnl iLtrri ait 11Ki .44 Ittienca
.4. 2_
Henry J iI Upech Amandacf?eTte %1 • Vancioirier'NirNs
11.(karpa 9amn,l Waltes i MN Mary. •
Iffitiii.inee John witliarn% T S
irvoni-'lll6O E 1 .4 WhitinO.
King Mra 114Ary t;
F , 1 4 •Welti 317Nlarihn. Mite, .4
XeCtigiellatite Tifrn.ll3D,.:
— 7 - 7 -- At
.. ----
ficiL . .:..141 lo 5:4-4 4111 1 ZattiLirgt,.z . - :toy iiit..r.f
ess.A."4loolosUre At thesub.criberiatilV/ii.
mirk kwipsairtbout Ilia eith 43(414. itivitgajargit t
iiiittwayeat oldiittertipreiere Os putiodataduksa
Tisevwmlr ismsqedupd td Jpraitt4 parrrraqmlitt
e. barpaiiiitiate llinti imay. suss
ijOC -la a- i[o. HENRY BILLING:3.
Beat' Warded, Oc .. 4, 1953. t :SI . t• -
A , 41 . 1 / 4 /3 . .
H . AVE jl/4, c ,, rnrelPil a iarge and finely finished
Bttre on ?I l e slit of Cle top., they had burner.
and fiffeLl largtsi and most comprehens
ive ,laek of.
ttroceries, Piovisions, Yankee Notions,
Fruit; Conftotionory, Toys, &c., die.
ever exhibited this side of tto. city.
We - hvve honAt for ca•h, articlee 'of the bet
quality , : consequently are prepared to sell at es
I , w pi Follhe same qua'l , -; con he booght at
arty other I , lace. And wr. tiatt , r wir•etcee that if
lortono ha , been nt!ainq u , . (fire having CallsOM
e.l two . -1.1105 ,one c 0 , 04 ,) our old cue-.
tomer; wilt not f,ilow ‘,„. r.. I. if they call
an I wit stock and hear the exceedingly km"
Among the teeny etncle , we have ateA
Fr a. Kuv,r. cutler.. cocoa, molasses,
o :1 . • sv rup, uiner pt:pper, -p.ce, cloves. nut
ctuatrson, s a irratu,, soda, ci earn tartar.
muptard, pepper 'aure. ea.sup, can
ha soap, volegar, starch d:c.,
Mr—. kan l twer, ham' and shoulders,
u heat !lour, flckwhe.d 'lower. corn meal '
putter crickess, rolCserct, codfish,
errinz, rocirr.: I•.ans o:/kat &e.,
Et tr x ra; 23 nr tr
Pro- , t cr l p uses, citrouti,E,,;2l , ol crt , t - Rols,.raisins,
grt t n ntt.l dried apples. filberot t genot t le
t watitti•Q, br3Zi: tiu's, peanuts, cheat.-
nut-, hiek,Jry &r.
1%1.1V1K tr.; r '
li, rn ail.d\re ,- .1 pt eliet s tetlet, dMiat,
too , hair. t , 4:11 . 1.. 1 , , :,e,t4. and biAcking
'rushes. morlie. and purge; of rbany
pectiut ink pock , t and small Gincy
In ii siii.if hnxes. and ni t r,o s t
every article in tlutu •niv. Work nose. toilet ca3eb.
aceretarie , .. plain and cinbroidered, work bashed of
r.Sir CIM :."-z;
I;crilln.Frencli and American TOYS of every tie.
an4ptice. A few e krihen an.l pewter t e a
-ca , , for aria a fe•.r sleiglic.
A,•hton. 4 dairy sal!, ground rock salt, Salina salt both
.-oart.eand tii.c. Also, a quant:ty of White tone
wholesale or retail, of all kinds and
Intonnerthle other et - tides, for sale at the new gore
opposite the Corot Ifi roe.
Towanda, Dcc. 1. 1E152 13.1 E fy IV OWNS;
THE subscriber offers a valuable FA RM for sale.
contain 1ag..65 acres, .10 acre* of geod timber,
alindi 55 ur i der a.gooti state of culttrallon. well tea
tered..entl .ater privtlege Ilierean, capable of
rurturna math Situated one , mile from the
Sumrtithanna reser,. d salt vile from the road
running from ro and., to Ronti , .,
; Any pinrsnn or pers,..*ns-wi,htng ‘-1 boy cannot do
better than t nail and give,this Farm an exardina-
I ion. A. part of tit* piirehase runnel/ wail be required
down.anii the bNlauttc.t.tin be male easy.
$'F .ROPE.
t e crim ke
in7):ltaitsvand • - -. 4 ±•
OE' triic4N, men.'
bfibil'alttAlliirtinig4icar, just reed hb
:4errlg, ..S'. '.‘ a. POWELL.
Fiai - 4,4414-Towintia - R. 11..CoiNiipy,
!re tillkierGighimticaeriht Llonimia- td tt4 inch:Mita .
, in the Act of As;ernbly in.!, rpnratine she repro :
'in. L VW I /31r,,, 41 'i1,at -4 . -5- 1 1 ifthr 2 /)af,OeY ,hAvn
l'‘dW„,„e t ` • AVlffatr 4r 4T. , - 0( "I' v e"' t'e t ‘ Th ir * t i.
1 f eir I VA?. 4 71ragr;142the z tApiial Sill pf 4i4 Cem.,
,pantoo peek - I'4 gc,ga ( ave. the , aaLl ''ilnitia L ny at. ,
114-haas- - orittchair grower. in • ifie-ti v orii"_`.at Tow •
I, a bets wt.._ iiiiikbe Itintini‘dirMettbditit E., M. , and
' 3 Weibel,. Plan •ad • forthireleti inn ,of a ' Pee a Itretp.
80•Isehme,Dipierosslab.s4 id ComputaL. ; ~, . 1%.
1,0 e. 14 fl;ns .1s •,t..L cor‘fPiteltA4l,lllo7ri:7 '. ,- Pt /
tit - r
f iarl'.ii ,,,, .3.4smisolitas. ep,J, „ . •
41 risßtsvu...F ,
! 4.... i ' t 4 1 1 / I ,TSNISNXIDIE.
(lecher 1'2,11153. ,3 . - a •
- *A.
- •",
. .
r... ‘. 4 „i
r4w -
_ ... e , 0, :: P ..,.;
• .%, ;kV; , q. , 4,"
. ...;: ". ,e "gr . ,. 4 : - ,4:
'.? , 11- 'O l ri, ~, , l ,
", ." . 7.4 - V.!: ..,.1
, f , ....:- "...-. X' , 4' ,... %
17 c", ' l ' ' , . 71 '7:
, ~- . 1 i,
; ; it, ` 4, t ' l
: ~fr:'A...:T ‘ !› .. 11
, ,