:1k" ,_,Y~-~'r'«}'Y'F,:~+_s~_k3~'r4Y,e~;.c:isi~~"~ E_.,.7..'''' 4 .~.`...._ :•S.t~ -.._.-..: igeimitamaigaic DRUG STO snow being replenished with a full and complete stock of Mugs, Ilktedigines, Paints, Oils, flartniNey, inildOtr Ole, Pure Winer - and Diquors, , In short. every thing connected with the trade. The floods have been bought •stremely tow. fur cash, and will be sold accordingly. N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's Toot Oil just received. Itsassinst the place-3 doors south of Mon. tanve s &mice—same building of 'the' Argils Office. July 30. 1341 2 . ,INIO. 2,2111.1C8 SOW, WM= CUT, - BUT STILL ALVE RMOVED to she store recently yeeripied by . S. Dailey as grocery and lost office 3 doors south of Mobiasyrs corner. where he has received a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS. MEDI. CINES, GROCERIES', &c. which he will sell cheap. er for cash than ever: Here you will and annexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex., Posgatee Cordial do .lndie Elix Opi _ Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnelia Calc'd - Ointment, Trasks3 do Cub. do Halley's I" do 8 S do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3 Colotynth do Extracts dO Apple Tilden's. Alcoeolic Ex% Cochineal Rbei Extract Trusses Halls Jalap Extract do Marshes.. Meakim's Vanilla Ex't d o Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wisters . do Mace do do rheeemans do Almond do do . ' Fir i do Clov,es -, do' ' - Copabial do Allspice do 4o Tofu do Nutmegs do da •Pero do Peach do do Pulmoffary do Ginger do de Sulphur de Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do ,", Acetic' ' -do Took* do 'do Benzonic Lubin's Springllower de - Citric do Musk do do 'Nitric do Violette do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hydrocyanc do Sweet Bri'rdo do. Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed do lock'y Cl'b do do Sperm ' do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boone do do il eatsfoot syringe, Pewter as'aent do Imonds do Glass do do mber Reel Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red do do G. E. do A nisi Rad Rhei Turk _do Caraway do do dd. Croton do Ipecac do Cobeba do Jalap dot-Commin do Ginger White do - Fennel, do Orris do Lemon ' Gom Camphor do Cassia do Opi Turk do elm! Liver ( do Myrrh Turfs do l?vandula 0 do Arabic do do taro,li do Co p al do eiinin do Aloes 'Roe% do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Ruse Castor Russ do Cedrat .;Isinglass do du Capable 'Even.' Lancets do_Ergot INitra Silver, Op's, do Verbena . • fOxid Bisnoth do V inicite {Sloe Pill I met. do Mellesse II odide Potosi do Melielluer art do •do Patebonty Carb do Broshirs, Paint solidi do do Varnish (tensile do do Hair Citrate Ferri • ) do Hair,Camet iodide' do 4 .Nail , Taunin iiii,T,lroth - , IProto Fad Mercury do SbaNvjng Strychnia do rk•sh Piperin do Cloth Elateriuni' Matt) do Hat . * Soap, Yankee . , Yeratriit do crystalline Kreosote do Eng.:NV . Bnd Low's Hydra Com Crete - do Cooper! Morphine Al Salph do do-Rose - ' do Viennia. - Calomel, American db Oritigo do English,. do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erasiwe do White do - Castile alph7enei do ' Military . Bronze, Crimson An %win do Pale Gold - do Brains do Dark do FrieopMeroas do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf; Op 't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bittert .. America do Sioughtonflittem Pruseian Blue qkintotorm 1) 1 1g , do MidlinAn's Anodyne Venitian lied, English .'." f i*ther, with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dle- W , , di Dye•Stutrs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, piuclicioes and Liquors for Medicinal pirposec— ,Atio, Cigars ot the best brand ; and all aniclea con 1111C10 with the trade. Hinnng s ecured the services of Dr. S. Humps, stir keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the ritediuiuue 914 1 rhysicians can rely upon having their Praeriptions carefully compounded and put op. • The stock has been selected with great care, undilbe.goods will be warranted as represented. • AU of Dr- IX Jars. , ' malicinee.- Ayers Cbeny Pee. rorid,4rtebteseks Palmonic Syrup .of Yellows Dock lbsecOnielfs, Hobensitadokand - Ulna' Vermituge. Together with all ofitusmititpopitterPatent medicines soap ak cor isockantly on hand and for sele - at , SEED% Drug Stowe. -.l ' 7 "'rl i keeDoors below Montanye's mmer. TO - Waiidajanpary s. 1033. - ."knit'br : Cl ;t e l l s ol i ai l le aßt arretett i ta rt: ,t,-,..r.-!,....: 1.- , '"- . , - ' a • 4114102411049aa*so , bousi:ofilewii& 4 it. AlernfestiVitesam: wAneasid o ix ilk, p 40*. iu 4. 1 ‘141014 lkorei , 11 4rormikhksti, 1114., .1140 , 8NOTPC. ViatTpetabileidetted to' hie fisugi.Otti I I i XL Raoros l .late:onAtolforetieeAft WOG tognenot to , Oto ' ' Moot delay, and Uwe towing e ' et, iii 4 it, will please po tent dim *km .- re* senlealein , ir- :' , BIL ' ' 2 Ad a ,. ' .411 1111 frig. 5 rai " ratl , A sr.l7, 1P.14. E=tI=gMEIPSEIM . ' - '''' :...:; ' - `t''' . ` •,.!-Nittiital. Urt 44 ... • ATtioLico.N. E ! eases for which it is fered ; being those incidental to the respectable fer maleovhother married ur single, and usually known by the ni zi = 3 courinaanrigs. 111 these are Pro - faltsus Uteri. or falling of the Womb ; Fluor Ina imation, and Uleeratinnof the Womb ; Incidental limmorrilirg or flooding., Pain. ful, ticipresi ed and Irregular struati.ot. he, with all their accompati) ing evils. ( nettle:cern ed.) no matter how . severe or of how larrr,ttand- That this CAT OLICON is in rsety way worth . V ef the confidence of the afflicted as a sneeeN - qert, safe. and cheap remedy. is vouchsd fur by the fact of its having received the approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent members of the Medical Faculty in the-United States. and also by the voluntary tes timonials given in the testimonials given , in the pamphlets. from ladies and Physician of he high. est respectability as certified by the moat satisfac tory authority. This preparation ii not a o' cure all." but it is in tended expressly for the above named complaints, sw very distressing in their nature and cohileqoent ces and which have heretofore resisted the skill arid exertions of durrtinat accninplimhPil Physicians of all countries. to a degree het O. at f pe , h any other malady to it ii:i4 11'1:n44 Is heir. The ingredients, 'ifi , A ,t t , 'Z l ‘ me' ; at al: charity. (see pamphlet) are al. V 1 , ,;(i r,T a,.,: are not associated with any"; tuck nnli wow?). to animal economy. BETTALWEES..-P. EL Peckham. M. D. Ma. N. Y.. 1.. D.leming, M. D Canandagnia. N Y. D. Y. Foote. X .D.. byracnve. N. Y. M. H. MIII.. M..D Rochesitetit. Y.. Prof. Dunbar, M. D. Babimorr. W. W. Reese. M. D, Coy of New York, W. Pre,- cott. M. D. 'oncord. N. H. (J Pamphlets can Im had gratis at my Drug 'gore , in Towanda, Pa. Sold by all the leading DruggOs in the adjoining counties. • DR. 11. C. PORTER, Artent .1. 0. Marchisi ik Co., Proprietors, Central Depot, 304 Broad war, N. Y. junels IbIPORTANT TO TAT raraer, Farrier £ Stage Proprietor GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL 1131%/11111441141) IX TIM XISTOILT Of ISIVICIXM Au Go most sumarkabla &Vaud Applissean nor - lboasaid. OS MAN 4, ME "They can't Keep House without it." Experience of more than sixteen years has enable bed the fact that Merchant, Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Uni. versa Family Embrocation, will cur', must CMS, sod ra. neve all such as • Spavins. Sweeney.. Ringbone, Wind k, Poll Evil, Callous. Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Fis tula. Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameiess. Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange, Itheumat.stn. Bites of Animals, External Poi. sons. Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites. Boils. Coma, Whitlows. Burns and &lido. Chillhlains. Chapped Bands, Cramps, Con tractions of the Muscles. Swellings. Weakness of the Joints, Caked - Breasts. dx. ft& tito. The unparalleled mama of this Oil, is the mire of do, eases In Hones and Cattle, and even in human Seth, is daily becoming more An t on to the farming community. 11 can Molly be credltektrept by those Who have been In the habit of keeping i their stables and houses., when • vast amount of imin,snffering and time, ars saved by this timely applfeauon of this Oil. Mir Re mini the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W. MISR Lockport . ANT, Lockport . N. T., is blown in the side of the bottle, and in hie Nuidwriting over the cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly Vtd a ied Pamphiet of the Agent. a n d me what Wom en , an neeomphshird by the an of thietmedieine. sold by talpeetable dealers generally, 10 the Bathe. Matoi and Canada. Also by AOLVT.I4r. H. C. Porter, Towanda—Wm. Kill Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. V. Barnes, Colombia Flats-1.. D. Taylor, Burlington—Friable & Bron• son, Orwell—E. Dyer, Cdvington—D. M. Bailey. Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, 'l'ioga—Tnrrell Montrone—Perry & Ogden, Elmira: Wholesale agents are Wtrd, Close & Co., 83 Maiden st.,liew York. DR. J. TREMAIN, IXTOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Brad. Wl' ford County. that he has permanently located himself in the village of Le Raysville, where he will be happy to wait upon such an may be afflicted ' with Diseases, whether focal. general. chronic or acute. The Doctor would also stile, that he has not rule read and practiced medicine for yeah in Chenango county, but he has taken two courses of lecturer at Central Medical College : N.'Y., -- under luau uc.ions of L. C. Dailey. M.D.. Prof of Anatomy And Oper. ative Surgery, now of Rochester city. Levi Reuben, Prof. of Physiology and Pathology. now of New Yo k city. Orrin Davist,4l. D., Prof. of Obstetrics, P. C. Dailey, M. D.; Prof. Principles and Practice of Physic and Surgical Diseases. W. W. Ilail'ey. M. D., Prof. of Materia Meilica, Therapentica and Pharmacy. nowlof Rochester city. A. K. Eaton,A. M., M, D., Prot of inemistry and Forenaic eine. L. C. Duffey. M. D.. Demonstrator of A nabs. my and Surgical - Prosectur. Hadley, U, D.. Dean of the Faculty, 01* Office opposite D. Dailey & Son'. Sore- Lerayav We, Sept. 3, 11433. 1853. } SPRING, OA. • THE subscribers would inform their 'friends acid customers That they base increased ilvir face& ities for tuanofacturiug igl44.:zglyso . .i:,, and intend keeping the largest stock and assort* meat of - • . CLOTIIEVG, SHIRTS, DRAWERS. FUR* ISHAT4booDs, , cnLED curriniyo , AIV6 EMMET can be G*o4 injtie:..Rtatex, .Tertsli anti` }ir ert batuitnetiier,, ',ItihAFORD IMOTHEIC": • VI apfripkilif Altai notate. New.1,10,14-31irpti-9,414Z..,; - - NDMINISTRATQUI NoTter. - - All. prtnons is ctiOteer lOW wow P 1 1419/14 1 1 0 e, A P 6 OOl twP. 11 0 1 )qitiorreiii'drthAw • (!, iViAL 40 1 e*Itelatiiii lOW, . , ION priint ein'thqstultri ' itr t ry.- • • .. • JOHN HIXION, ft rf 30, 1833. Administrators. ~ MIZSM=MEgimm duaninfik*Fiu, , TIN AND STOVE STORE, THE undstsittned. baying been duly ap pointed Acent for the sale of this truly IN VALUABLE MEDI CINE. would respect fully invite die atten— tion of Ladies and Practitioners of To— wanda and cicteite, to the gratifying success that has attended its use wherever intro:due. ed, and its happy adap tation to the cure of Zlmelles Vaelit ettlitigeOhi Ziro - rtganyw ors, Mbresbers, flopsu'aters, dui.; did. Ovvrrcolo the great advance in' the price di - Von, the manufacturers bare found it nebessary to to advance the prices, so as to enable them to than. ufarture pess"rs equally good with other seasons, rather than use a cheaper material in their cunstru lion. • • • These machines ate invariably- prof:danced by competent judges. to be the best treadmill Horse- Power that are known. (Prices for thelieason, 1853.: - Emery's Patent Changeable Horse Power. I 'Thresher, Separator, Elanda.&c • , for two • WO 00 Eniety!* Patent Changeable Horse powe r . Threslaer, Separator, Hand. &c., for one Horse.... . • 125 00 Emery's Patent Chapgeable Two horse Pow. er, with Thresher and Cleaner combined,23s 00 Emery's Patent Two-horse Power alone, 116 00 " One-horse 83 00 Threshing Machine. with Separator and fixtures. 26 inch cylinder, 3i 00 24 inch cylinder. a 35 00 Sett of Hands for !Machine, with extras, Sec. 5 00 Wheeler's Patent 2 horse Threshing machine 50 00 Wheeler's " 123 00 Ho. " 2 horse machine wilt self cleaner. . ...... 235 00 Clover Hullers for lor 2 horse power,.... 30 00 Emery's Patent Reaping and. Mowing Ma chiae combined. 120 00 Mow log Machine alone,llo 00 1- a :dition to the above prices. bat two-thirds of •'. e. oat freight from Albany (which, on my ma' is very low, and arranged by special con tract) will be charged ; by which arrangement. pert cha el- of machines of toe, will save from four to • • l!ar on each machine. Machines will be de ll,. rt d at any place on Banat or railiroad. .I ' ool4—Cash or approved notes with interest, parade in 4 and 6 mimihs. All machines war. and in case of failure, may be returned within 3 months and pay refunded. Those wanting machines should apply early in the season. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. R. M. MtELLE.I. Athena, Ps., Tune 22, 1353. ell the distressing die Cistern and Well Pumps I LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, size, &c.„ cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1853. IL 1 1. WEI.I.ES. S. AZZELLSrDES, & CO. IN the Brick Block. next door to Mercnrs more have just added to their stock, a large and fashiona ble assortment of . of every vsriety.boih of style and price. to which they ask the attention of the public. This is S now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will he sold at prir.es considerable lower than ever before known in this place. Our goods are selected with a regard both to style and price, and Deer itiducemenbs,not to be met with at any other establishment. Vir Strangers visitin_g_Tpwanda L er oth ers in want ofCLOTTS will find THE LARGEsT ASSORTMENT at our establishment, in this section-of the coyntry. and made in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by LOW PRICES do GOOD CLOTIIING, to secure peironage. feeling confident mat our arti cle■ will gi ve satisfaction to the purchaser. - The assortment comprises every article required for.a, gentleman's' outfit. TERMS-.CASH. Overcoats, Coots Pants, °wrath Caps 4-c. Locrmons.—Nezt door south of !demur's Main st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnouta Halo Elmira; and under the Troy Exchange, Troy, Pa. ( QA II kinds of Country Produce, Wool.kc., tak• en in exchange for Goods. Towanda, May 10,'53. STRAIGHT LINE!-NO CURVES . ! ifiIHATEFUL fir past favors, announces to his LT friends and the public in general, that he ,atilt keeps on hand a good assortment of READT MAO% Charrotsci, which he will sell cheap for Cain. lie believes that a .Nimbie sixpence is worth more than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced m'nufactnring Clotning—selecting the cloths-him self in the city. a d employs done hut the best of twrkmen in making them op. He would assure It's customers that his Clothing is manufactured cui r • dr.r his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let out by the job to nnexperienced or incompetent work meth Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good fit. He has atith on hand a general assmtnrent of gen, liewriell'll6llllll*.andeellarX, whith he will sell cheap for cash. rt - . Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friends to call on him opposite the Ward House bervre , huying 'elsewhere: - •* . , ::,, 'i Now if Yeti are Wantmtyou sorAy elm find, Coals, Pants and Vests par tnede,tn you`Proinill eto nice and so sn urobey'd SW to'n Ir„ . --' -' ' rt . perfen - tly fine, there's nlo room ter a fit * ifyoarfinen.wanltschangtos.4nil,Rmetinei it• will. Voollhnd shirts and collars fore very small billt , , Come then onezienditAiithewirtrype , lothes hunting, And you cut be,fitted py l 9les T oW:a, utter to ! , - N. 11. i }leis aole-Agent,focigatiss4lowala Jr..,, 'Patent likiiribr atacilkine t , tor Oa ems'ntiesid IThidtOntiihtliiiiiiiehatitiar`iny pecan iffshiag:i4l plreltitse the 'kW " Men's Poi the shoe! Machine in said ,e'seltdiettftlifinf itibotereo dated hlialling en lain ;:ielfetio'ifitif. glid f ifeetit ijite4 rate; fii'well i denionstriiied . .iVat'ttliihiachlng,ii the best patent now in One: Its iaiidity_b4i oee 4 ottablished hy•trial at law in lictstoncitt Sal :l Thisatial , res.nited:in fully.conktning ttpkestabirs* ing,tiusalaiataittf Itowell 408(511 -Pitting tc44:ez. ohasivetrighleißtla use G.lan,Neellie;llo,-A41411°/.445 SWONlAlttkireqUiViAlellls24/akke !!itch IN 1 1 0,44 fOnnettlifirebr " I ...'-' '''''' V''' V k • ; WW2 Thetteplitrereelltgou $ 6...estineehastngspu rious MsehiseitoteitillteWintottitigreies no w i n use toifriimenkintabitaiweentiosi Ind. itilliststaair wh o basitiiiiiingetli by using Machines -oe;4lthaewn. * l- 01v1A - rg? *lye Alai elPellitlt.nkay ; obt4itt'Otaer kettle tinirer. the origittii VON, bY;APttlfwg ms shove. - " :,. - ', -- 410.i0iiiittOW . ,:..° CLOTHING STORE. Ready made Clothing, TO Tilt "%WS, OWEGO ' MARBLE FACTORY, PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables. Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. icsn Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can 'have them on the shortest notice by sending in' Itheir orxiers, cheaper and better than can be f ur !chased elsewhere. co- Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and underta ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda, ) Agent. • G. W. PHILLIPS. Towanda, March 31, 1853. WHEY,WaIi ME.7 =MM . Vra (Opposite the Ward noose.) Towar.da, Atiprt tr., 18.51. MEIMSUMM!EN{Mi BOOTS gef ::SHOES I Sobs , TrAit WWl* hie • 14dablishment to iLltrucsa store, JLL corner of main street and the public equate. slid will continue the manufacture of Boots and Sham i!tc heretofore. Ho has just received feetn.l l iew York a large assort ment of Women's, Childieh's add Mans' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is pdricularly directed to his assortMent, comprising the following new styles:--Enamelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters; walking shoes, buskins, &c. Misses' Reiter* and dines, of every deteription„ A large assortment of Children's fdney gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with cam and be believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. Cr The strictest attention paid to ,11Thnufaclurtng, and he hopes by doing work well to ; merit a minion. sacs of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received. • Towanda. May 8. 1851. C im.ll= C • COUNTY 11111LVIT SU. HAVING located in Towanda, his services may be obtained by addreaine a line through the Post Office, or by calling at the offiee of Ulysses Mortar, Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap 'teapot' may be MI. Nov. I, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE inbecribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop fordterly occupied , by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of DLACKSMITHING. upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, tomcat, u they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEiNG done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skd ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagov.a will also be made and repaired when desired; All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, end manufactured from, the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for thccuselveii. ESEN WINE & ESEEBISChiI. Towanda. May 2, 111151. EV.R I •MvE7LIB %9MINAIDDT,4I. Important to .Housekeepers: .. 334fL .. Ili __ THE subscriber thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore re .i,r._ sisavrtA* ceived. begs leave to inform his rr_t - friends and the public genetally, and those commencing House r 'keeping in particular that be has MI! now on hand a large assortment ""'"" of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the hest materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus. marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnut washstands. marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas. Couch es, whatnots, &c. BEADSTEADB.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. Q "-The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will , hold himself in readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF- FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. -13.--Furniture of all kinds made to order, and warranted to be of the best mak rials and workman. ship. Towanda. January 17. 1852 tia1.1%4:4 3 .:A0:1 'ATO/VE Genuine unless accompanies' o s lac sleet le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co., open each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOY EREION BALM'OF LIFE, it is nut our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior - efficiency in estonng to health the sick and 'suffering. well know na that their reputation as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer ence for the afflicted.] Many proof: might be given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses tad trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and tell able in all eases : being pure!,, vegeta*, and a wadi eine worthy their best confidence and patronage.' The following certificate was sentws foi the public good:. Hewurrert, Monroe Ca. N. V.. May 10. 1851. We the undersignej j citizens of Bendel''', having used personalty tlr. Seesle's Sovereign Beim Pills. end witnessed the health.restaring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. 0. - M. ROBERTS, , G. H. BROWN. M. D. PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 ns, H. A. TisuErrt.4. , LE WIS REED. P. B.—You are at liberty to publish this for the pub. lic good. B6O'lltZ of Coos aaaa Lyre ! We are not aware the any one who is making a spurious article baa yet der ed to make use of our name ; but some of them has had the impudence to imitate our bozes anti copy our Circtlars. Certificates, &c.; Unless the public are careful when 'bey purchase,Aey will be deceived. 0:7 The genuine Sovereign Balm Pills can be bad wholesale and resat ,of Dr. SOULE. & Co., *ramose Onondaga Co. N. Y. Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Ps., nd by their Agents in every town in the country. '2ly Lafayette Barr Mill Stone IVIAIVUFACTORY. rrtHE undersigned.. formerly foreman for many 1 years ol the Lafayette Burr Mill 'Slone Mann. factory, 240 Washington St.. N. Y., (W. Thek, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in era I,Mat he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BINGHAMTON, N. Y. In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Rotel, and solicits a share of their patronage. Ile will habeieisiitittintly on hand a large' stook of Frekb Burt Mill Stones:an alsO a large supply of French 'Burr Blodlts, Bolting Cloth, Borneo W cc, Pfl lei Ti Plaster„ tu . 4 Neu' If-.Diting BowTtekT I ‘. = 4 r" I" , • • sex, Thelnidersigned 'nest:fres - bin friends the patina, that he , vrilltaitbfnUy4sticute all Orders On. trtistedtti hisoare; not only in qtiality bus in pri% eei•°tonic' les fernisbed, and solicits their kind- pat. ronage. ORDEliabylellerwitibe executed with as much care and as cheap as when pOmhasers aremithe SPOL HE ti' E- f Itate-• eir n' Hon. '...- or L 7, t r ney, D,r, 41dradge, Col..ll4..ewits. W. 8. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle, Isaas•Past.Judge Jessup,. Salsbnry,& Co MontrOtiai. Carman.. Priendaville. Thomas Phinney, Dandaff: 0. 0. & B. ShlpmanNiagrlWXYv -Timms Pearsall, Ilimilhlbtollab,N.. Y. MajorfkKeraerealk s ,lyakr ig , N. V. WT. itiOpiss. Owego T. RcTai & Whinier, Wassily,Xli. JOIN W. SULLIVAN. Binghantto.NO; C 1602421 _ voK r iNittot edit e. LaportoClAßV,°;: g i er g "iPATiffi el f* ; did t ' Fly - 1161f • itirmsor';zr` z rAIISEI I aNEM& ahAithil4:l4 4 1 1 49_95 ,1 0 • Otirg iffinOrt incil4 14, *Al_ 0 1 4 -4 N.lrf OA* If. T OOHING GLABB,II4TEH cif,littalßted . or 1-4 any size .to bc i pad 81the /emelt' r motif of Mar 15 , MI. • W. A.-CHAMBERLIN inistellarttone •; INFORMATION 08: Tsicist Immo WI.NT • •ND FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY OR PROPERTY !!! Do you want to fell or mortgage any real effete Hare you a bond and mortgage you wish to sell I Hare you houses, taverns, or lots, that you wish_ to sell or lease 'I Hare you a mill, factory. foundry, tannety, or oth • er manufacturing establishment. that you wish to sell or rent! Hose :you iron ore, coal, potters' or tire clay, or other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on slam Have you' land that you would like to flare drain ed or cleared by contract or on shares I Have : you water' power that you wish to cell. im• prove, or retie 1 Do you want additional capital, or a partner in your business I Do yOu want to cell your stock or merchandise I Do you w •ot to form a Company to create capitar for any specific object Do you wish to exchange your property for other property Do you want in your neighborhood mills; found ries, tanneries, or other manufactories I Have you any well tested improvement in machine, ry, or in chef arts, which you want to sell, or which you want means to manufacture I If you have any of the above wants, or others of a similar character, and will inclose to our address, (post-paid.) t legible, clear and exact description of them ; and if‘property, its locality, proximity to ca nal: railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools, mills, stores. tic., the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage. lease, exchange, or otherwise die• pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg istration fee of $l, (the receipt of which will he ac knowledged,) your want, shall be recorded in our Register, and your letter placed on the file desionited for your state and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of these who are seeking to purchase, lone, exchange, or invest. We make no charge to any for examining our Register and files. When they make known their wishes, they are referred to your own statement of your want.: and as we have Maps of the difl• rent States, and of each Counties as we have been able to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants. (of whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arrivina ,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the bole!. ; and as we advertise in the priticipal papers of the city of New York, and in van. oas forms throughout all of the states. as well as the different countries of Europt, from winch Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm vvi!l for the present reside, and where also we shall agents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting ell who wish to purchase,. exchange, lase, or invest, to visit our office, without charge— We are confident that we °film a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yetpractised. The best,place for you to effect • sale; lease, ex chonge or loan oo your property, is in its immediate vicinity. Upon carmani Jo it there, the near hest place is in the city of New York. Or if you want I,timi grants or settlers of any class hero is the place to oh, lain •them Be:mune here at all times and seasons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking for o:memo - lents or homrs. Because th !re are pmbabry 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great proportion of the surplus capital of the Union, seeking inredment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to 7 per cent per annum, on undoubted sec - wiry, while you can afford to give as ample security, or .other in ducement, where it would prodoce greater rate of inte rest, either in annual income or increased value. Because here, an examination of our files will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found which they seek. Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange country or other city property, for property . in this city or its vicinity. Because a person, by spending a few hours in our office, without charge, ran obtain more information of the property in market throughout the comitry, and the wants of community, than by months of travel. Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout this and other countries, by re cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of eta countrymen, both parties, those who with to purchase and those who desire to sell, ran be mutuully benefit ed In the description of property, he ca'eful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect r for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his comptri , son of the reality with your statement mieht defeat your ohjeeL When your property is sold, or other• wise disposed of, it is required that we shall he imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, hut negotiate, and send purchasers to tfe own. era, no special authority to us is , vquislte ; but when it is desired that we should sell. authority must be given. Our commissions on sale:, exchanges, &c., are 2 per cent. The raising of companies, and other ;nat ters requiring special negotiation, will bet subject to special agreement. az? Several farms in the same neighborhood often find a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi grants desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway. New York. Refer to Courtlaodt -Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway,N. Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov.WOod, Ohio; Ex Gov. Ford. Ohio; lion. IL W . Thompson, la.; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich; Hon. I. R. Williams. Mich.; Hon. Rob% Smith, Hon. J. IL Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. E. Dodge, Iowa; Hon. J. FL Doty, Wis. iry , For fanner information inquire of II A R VEY MeAILPIN, Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell, Esq.) Towanda, 13radlord county, Pa. 44y Tint ozat • sautiim STILL I 1 OPERATION? THE subscriber would an mice to the public that hel Lve now on hand, and will make order all kinds of Cabinet 'Furniture, tch as Bofas,Diyans, Lounges %enter, Card, Dining and Break• tat Tables. Mabogany,. Wal ut. Maple and Cherry Bureau*. Stands of various, kinds, ettaira and Bedsteads. of every description. which are, and will lid-made otthu best material and workmanlike manner, and which they' will sell for cash cheaper than can b t bought in any other_ Ware-room in the country. • - alliant-aktaztu aokrawsi an hand - On the most reaeonable terms. A gotid HEARSE will be Aunishedon Funeral occasions. ' " JAMES MACKINSON. -I TriWaraiti, !rite 1, 1552. T 0 1" THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. .(, w~- MR. OLMSTED, Paoruswroit of the Athens Illbrchange,,gives his thanks to his friends, and he traveling pqblie Federally; Fol:their lik7r4/ patronag.oind sotteits the continuanesotthesainei. 'brOMNIBUS, will rib iregitarlY e ttilltid . frbm the W.tiverfey Defidi to ir , raca,,- ifie,...MaitTraiii. for the aceorninndatino, oY strarigeks aniUtravelers, who wish to . visit a Plebs. ant village u9,httaiimmiz‘ntitiprfMe,..-A daily line gorse Coaches, 4 sit4iiiit O gifiiiibghiii : Towaritia. 'Those wishing keit 'the eogeh (rein - this jiioe antilicksi 'going to the RAtL 4 11: 1 011D ian - ‘itrit'al4l,lool* . and' - stieedi 87i ;OK 00 itittunitriceonvey*lee in ilint:ar met Vas 4,trains . of tains' zirmg Bait of Wait. pp ifyliOrbOrieti to lestirestheii ipams, bake eztolliee.cm*ed to and from the cars five' of Charge Athens, Sept., 1852 1 E64111 '. . — 7‘.- - -..''.- . , „0,...0.,, ~,i BRY A N 4 r . ,:.;z... :....:;! 4, 'fl .n.,..,.. 47 74 tik:,,,..„ -€,:: ; 'i ..:,. ca Pl.l,3lo'itil3 i -. 1” '7 - 1 WAVER' If rrliis extraordinary Reparation ha% beet ny years the most c , rtsin and .'l, sp ee d, for Coen CoLus, ASTOMA, Bitonc?„, 74, 43, DINEA,Y.IIOi TIME ClllO-1. AM/I 143, thor.e suffering from obsii nate and they give the n o t immediate andon arme? perfee when great liability to take cold exi,4,4 ti lescisne Cough succeed the r;•2 WAFERS produce the must (narked reatiks. at once relieve the Cough and other iy enr , entirely remove that morbid irrnaLility ness of the Lutigs which give r.,e loam, The medical properties are combined twat ble f orm and pleasant to the taste, so that will readily take thm and littr are ue n ,„, give relief In ten mi e nute. alley to‘e all t . 2 7 e ; Vi rents per hi I. Fur sale Ly PORTER, Towanda, Pa. Towanda. Feb. 9,1853. Attention Regiment! 11f "; ''" 2. 2 . 7 '-'.. 1 ,,..,, ....., , • ''''a 1 , MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! F JoTTN E. GEIGER, would sly to his old ft the pudlic at Issze, 11 , athe- has constantly and manuiirturia; Mlles and shot Guns &r. AMA*. tits assortment of Guns um he found and sihle Lartelled(luns, iliflesof all kinds en, Pow der Flasks, Shot PAchea, Game 'NI Prime ta, Also, Powder, shut, Cap, of the bet ty. Aliens' six darrelled Revoking Pistolt, dr barrelled self rocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, do Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols. F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder is Can s starttly on hark; • Any of the above articles will te sod Wu( tor the Brady Pay. Keys of any kind Mt( 41 to Doon. Trunks other kind of locks on shoot notice and retinae Repairing done with neatness and despat c h, few rods north of the Bradford /loose, Towanda, May 22, 18:;2. J. E. GE! LIQ L - 01?S ! LIQL - Olt THE Subscribers haring. f irmed a viten under the firm of S. FEL lON & ing• a general Liquor business, anal,' ask Hotel keepnr, and an rnbye, m ram thing in their line In giv. them a can. tf, keeping on hand a general a‘tertnient of t Liquors, isthich we can , tll cheaper dun it else in the a unty, from the fact -that itti,tv fern the importer , . ar,l th..reby .are t ;IT charged by the 5.7..1, • bber , ; Liqnntsat t E ..' pure and free fri , rn ailit!'eranon. .434 Cr Iy on hand Vl7leiskey the i , r¢f made arranePment , iyhieli we can Toni eus'omers with any qaantiiy ‘ , l B: fresh from the Brewery. Pl-aal err wi, fhe rotes and aceoukta of the 41 kneel e ton & a*e to our hands fur ,7.111 Merl. Towanda, Per. 1. is5V glitin_ 7 ..l.lllkil COD la - .air... Sathile, [farness Trp.nk3foonfat JERE CITP rer:•ectra•!y Tfora /he t h at they hare re m, •vrd to I! o:snp on Maio recently occupied by t•ravfb S w csrly r the Ward House, t'. ey keep on lame Mack ,r La.laa-1,1.1a 7121'51i.. T LI.F.S, WFIH, CIT. All articleA in their lice mannfacte•erl,ta emir• mfftle of Ow itt -t m I , T`Tunrktn2nsflir be scup:reset! in Northern Pminsypantl. a call from tho.o t.vi , bintr, to porchese, cm they can e,ve Ysttstuet,on both se toccata, tjj - Ht.b.s and Sheep yetis received IM aol account, at the lowest wee, N,1117 l'pner LeutJar:Rams, L. Calf skins, far s.de ,n any quatitny. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ()Nneenant n;"sus:aine4 st the Ists fut. ore otrivo•ii t" thole inkehte,r to as prom lit eel th nient, as we .o'c u ruisr the nct haring' what is owing trust this nral t.e sufficient without re.,r, lug to other means. Towanaa. Dee. 2. 13 Removed (9 B. Kiugsbery's 11 Tl 7 ehaisber/in, TA A'S past renamed fn F-41&- 11. of New Yuri wi supply of Watches, le, / " thi vet tare, compris* I• • \; thA following articles: • I.'Epine and Plain Wert a complete aesortmett Jewelry, such es Ear' ger Rio :4, Breast Pins, Bracelets,Lockers,l Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of and any quantity of Steel Beads—all awl for sale e sceeedi ugly cheap for CASH. Vv . a.ctres repaired on abort notice, and to run well.nr the money will he refunded. ten agreement given to that elrect i(regaired. N. PLR SI - GA R, and Country taken in payment for work; and els), ream in artrer,l hal Me Produce nntxt he paid iciest is done—l war against credit in all Iry farms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda. April 28, 1652. HANG OUT THE BAN A horse ! a horse ! my ire ) a horse andcestumers to i the goods. Notwithstandit 7 0 r, dwastooes fire, A. M. WA .„,;.\ himself again ! And at No. I Brick Row you'll Gad Most anything that's in his line, From a cambric need I e of the fittest WO To a jewelled watch of eighteen test filw Clocks which keep time activate sad lig% . Breast pins of every style and Pe , Gold, silver; sletl 'and pfatedelalo• Selected withithe greatest paws. ~. Finger rings,. my gosh, why ghat' P R 0f every, shape and every slYtc , To suit the old.ithe yJung,therst May there be seen in elegant art* • And Wausau. who is himself a' Is always ready and at 'his post , To Wait uPoll his cystorner andcot all Who chance open 'im to give sal Who So 1 , 4 good aAlvice make epilog' To call op him and there y oell fissl Suc h sights , my eyes, 0 ! what a nil „Jewelry of every style and hue. (o"Don't alletalta the place No. '- where he is, peep:Fedi° do all kinds of J 0.9-W 0 R K irl his lint or bzisirtes, at the ellelPts t petatslblj , btatturtlegh He wilt ako at 20 Per' ' eeni 1 0tVe#1 Than wag ever brfo r this inal . ket. 'frj*Call and see. V -TerwBltda, Hov.-12, 1852. A. H. - razircari a4 . 9111..y,frigoftpical of Paper galig' this vtglikiiir,..with a fr t a,.k stockiP 4k_tiatityluall&ma (laces. O. D. BS, Itaads. A pril. 7. 1853. FthUR--A f .nper6ne eon cenu.d, aonor sI" by 1 1, )(I : Cr Toro - luta, 'rib. 16. 1P..53. b F EI,Tb F. T. FOI.