Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 08, 1853, Image 3

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    o ie rly Station, N. Y. & E. B. RD .
XXIO or. a , xl ootais yam s. ir.
ino Dress, e x 12 34,•Day Express, pX 3 00
"i t Etpress,e $ 11 291• Night Express. a a 3 44
e x 5 52 Mail, No i
110. r Iff 7 33
10 1 l So 7 AX 7 4 Iliad, No 2 ax 7 38
,connitti Ex. •x 4 OXEmigraat p, 4 0
totOdaXoo is 6 351Aceomodation a x 12 02
tal l
tre ed Na 2e it 15.5 Freight No 1 aiso 57
ii,:glit No 4A V 2 00 1 Freight No 3 PX9 40
.ponot stop at Waverly.
COACHE§leave Waverly for
Athens,Tosranda, Tunkhannock
:16844:405 and intermediate places, every
tog. aft-er the arri+al of the Trains.
ig, leave Towanda. (after the arrival of
twigouthern stage.) at I2i o '
clock, P. M ,reachin g
to tone for all the evening trains, east and
co, Iley 6. 103.
Non lbvertisemiuts
ri AgE to the enclosure of to übteriber, in War
ki re , / sp.. about the 4th f July. a pair of deep
rear old:stem., haying no particular marks.
n i e over requestel to—prove property, pay
dirge and take them away
'sink A'arren. Oct. 4, 1853.
OE quota of Pamphlet laws of the Sescion o f
1 the legislature of 1883. fo , Bradford county
bobeen reed. at th . Prothonotary's office. and
iltrady for distribution to entitled to re—
el Ihral. ALLEN WKEAN, Pro'ty.
act. 6. 18:3.
Tuf,d.y. 27111 wt.. a red morocco NOTE
j CASE. containing noted and other papers.—
nit 6a ter will be liberally rewarded by returiffog it
am toort, or leaving it at the office of the Bradt
LI?. Reporter. H.S.PHINNEY.
lidaroeion, Oct. 5. 1853.
List of Letters,
RENIAINING in the Pos. Office at Towanda
Oct. 1, 1853.
'lined Mrs A
4 o craft %V H
innstrontr Mary
tr , rel ",
born D A
9•,,rtnson Rev W A
101 l Bolton
3rnnts Martin
3rennen Mary
3orrman J Si
Bowman levusha
Brann Ann
ranzley Thomas
Croupe John
cook S B
Coon Ann
Courtney John
roper SoI
"gamin:, Harvey
Carpenter Levi IS
Bats Wm
'ore John
palm Patrick
Dreker Philura
le an Jerry
re: K
'par , Loh n
John 2
icor .
3r‘rost. Samuel
3,e , re.r John I•
fle 41,“ E Nt
Iq 3 lN Marv..
retell. Mr. F
Irm Maurice
.ncb John
Leihbey Nathaniel 2
Lesley J P 4
Lyman. James
Miller W
Maynard D D
Mulligan Anora
M'Donell Mrs
Miller Mrs Lydia
o.hea Pail ick
Patrick S G
Prise W I.
Phelps Delon
Park Joseph
Barber James •
vorer , Olive E
Parm ire Henry
Patterson Marinda
Russell Joseph
Rindild Lydia
Ryan Patrick 3
Fotran Michas'
Swartwood Daniel 2
Shanahan James
Sullivan John
Smith Henj.
Shields T J
Simmons Solomon
Stibeiie J G
Ti:!man Miss Rebecca
'Ferret; FI N.
Uppeth Amanda Miss
Miss R
Walker Mr. Mary
Williams 'l' A
Wilcox B
Welti.n Martha Miss
\Valdo Mrs S D
Writs Miss M A
NPcrJ.M. COLLI S Deputy.
pCE .n the second story of the Uninn'Elock.
-h sole of the Public square, over the oflice
C. Adams, Esq. Sept, 24.
HlSlnctitution,for the education of young ladies
”e.ned on Tuesday the 20th September, in
late formerly occupied by Mr. Mercur.—
Jtvr under the charge of Miss 00%1u D. HA.-
.aidt.d by her sister. Miss REDECCII D. HANSON.
t number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
I,tstic year consists of forty-four weeko.
'ow—s6, $9, and $l2 per quarier, according to
!Idles puNued.
Noextra charge for the Latin Language. French,
74r clarter.
Ittnivicts—Rev. Dr. MACI.T.V.V. Vice President
.• College of New Jersey, Princiston.
EaL DAVID NV :Limier. Lint( Loson-rz Esq., C. L.
111, Eby., Hcor. CI, no. SA No kasoN, Towanda.
311 , 1111r-7IPW
IMS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to give
invructmn to the young tidies of this pace
al e Plot.. Term—lSM per quarter.
Wicalion to be made to Miss Hanson at the
tird Rouse. or at tha Towanda Female Seminary.
15 rotriaber 22, I Fh3.
I, . Millinery and Manunmaking.
\IRS. M. D. FOWLER ha's the pleasure to an—
• I tounee to the Ladies of Darell and its sicini
- I r. !tithe has established herself at the house of
. , V Bi‘hop, where she will with pleasure ssa;t up
%tem to lier line of business. Bhe iespectfully
, r. , : , their patronage, and tra.ts that her mo.ler—
"Ptes and her desire to please, will be an in.
%ttmetit for them to rise her a call. ,
DtrellSept. 19 1853
TOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Brad
County, that he has permanently located
tztelf in the village of Le Maysville, where he
'NB be happy to wait upon such as may be afflicted
vial Diseases, whether focal.generaf. chronic or acute.
rile Doctor •otild also state, that he has not only
read,and ?molted medicine for years in Chenango
county, but be bac taken two courses of lectures at
Central Mol,cal College, N. V., under inatruc.ions
of L. DVirt. M. D., Prof of Anatomy and Oper-
L '" B "Pry,lloir of Rochester city. Levi Reuben,
;rot of Physiology and Pathology. now of New
, G 4 "Y. Orrin Davis, M. D., Prof. of Obstetrics.
r . C. Dolley, M. D•• Prof. Principles and Practice
!Physic and Surgical Diseases. W. W. Hadley.
Prof. of Materia Medics, Therapentics and
harmony. now of Rochester city. A. K. Eaton,A.
I LA D., Prof. of Chemistry and Forensic Medi—
CIL L. C. Dolley, M. D.. Demonstrator of A nato
?) and Surgical Prosector. Wm. W. Hadley, M.
' , Dean of the Faculty.
Office opposite D. Bailey & Son's Store.
w*Vseille -Sent • 3 1353
• • •
Nada and Burlington Plank Road.
RR Stockholders in this Road are hereby notified
that an instalment of Twenty-five per cent. on
amount of their Stock, will be due and payable
4 t . Office of Laporte, Mason & Co. on the 14 th
°cl6 ll next.
By order of the Board.
B. S. RUSSELL. oSec'y
71. Z. IMAM=
Trom .r r. JT Ir. ,
wee with the Regisief and Recorder:
TowaswA. P►.
F A IL!, TUBS AND MATS —A new supply of
, Painted tubs and pails. also Aliesut mats. just
! , rti at mayls MERCURIO
Tx7 ILL be at BAILEY & NEVlN 4 l4.orocery and
WV Provision and Fancy Store, opposite the et.urt
Arouse, Towanda, after the 15th of October. till Jan.
nary 1. 1854.
FROM the premises of A. B. Smith, in Ulster tp.,
on Thursday night Sept. 22d, a large bright red
Cow, 6 year. old, with straight handsome horns and
marked with a swallow-tail its the right ear. Who—
ever will give information where said cow can be
found shall be reasonably rewarded.
Ulster, Oct. 1, 1859. ALLEN SOPER.
ALLp. rsons indebted to the estate of Alexander
Madill, dec'd late of Wlysox township. are
hereby requested to malie payment without delay ;
and all persons having claims against said estate
will please present ahem duly authenticated for iet.
Clement. HENRY J. MADILL. Executor.
Sept. 28, :M53.
log EMPTY Barrels, suitable for Cider, Pork
e7Liand Beef packing. &c. in good order, for
sale cheap at' REED'S DRUG STORE.
Rept. 4. 1853.
S. MERCUR has just received another large
H• assortment of Goods of-every description, to
which - additions will be made Every week,and which
will be sold as usual very cheap.
Towanda. Sept 20, 1853.
SALT—A quantity of Salt just FPceived by
- FI R. J. E. M, of Monroe, ha. located in
11 ‘Vyset, at the Presbyterian Parsonage.
September 22, 1853.
UMW 600010041
Just received by Joseph Powell.
rr He attention of the public is respectfully invited
to a large and complete assortment of
Staple and Taney Dry Goods,
Groceries Hirneare Crockery. Boots and Shoes.
Hats and Caps Corpetin... Paper Hang
ings. Leather. //rugs. Plots Oils 4c.
All of which will be sold at the lowest market price
f.rcssn or country produce.
Towanda, Sept. t O. 16153
The War Question Being Settled in
EllE_T Mt CCM 111:"11.10
MONTA.NY & rO. have come to the ccnclu
sicm to enlarge heir business, in view of the
unparalleled pro%per,!v that re,olt !tom a slate
peace. They ther(q-re, af;er returning thanks for
former favor*, invite the attention of the citizens of
this and adjoining counties to the examination of
Fall and Winter Goods
consisting of all the varieties or Fancy and Dress
Goods, as also.heavy st.iples.
Hardware. Crockery, Groceries, Thrnrss and Car
riage Trimmings. Iran, Leather. 4'c, ire ,
all of which nill he offered at vkholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot fail to please.
Sept. 1, 1 R 53.
18 Now opening, a NEW STOCK or GOODS, consist
"- ing of full and complete a,Nortment of all kinds
31E C hi I'l D 1 Z
which will be ' , old as cheap as the same citiality rf
Good■ can be bought anywhere this aide of New-
Towanda, August 20,1853.
NTOTIOE is hereby given that a special Court of
.1.11 Common Pleas will be held in and for the
County of Bradford. at Towanda. commencing on
Monday the ith day of Novelnhor neat, at 10 o'clock
A. M., and to continue one week, at which the Hon.
bt, , nEtr 6. WHITS will preside, for the trial of the
following causes. to t, it
Pendleton, Riley & Co. vs Henry W. Tracy.
stephen P well vs. same. as garnishee.
Lyman Matson vs. Ira Jennings et al.
C. L. C. lie Chasteleanx vs Lyinan Matsnn.
Newton Humphrey vs. Wm Humphrey.
C. 1.. C: De Chasieleaux Ira Jennings et al.
Subpernas returnable on Monday Nov. 7, 1853
at 18 o'clock, in the forenoon.
AHIZUIci. 30. 053.
Paper Ilangiage,
t very fine variety of Snlio and common paper
1 . 1 Hangings,curiain papers and transparent win—
dow shades, jog recd by , J PUVVELL.
Towanda. Sept 10, 1853.
CAME to the enclosure of the subseriber. Til Stinci ,
mg Stone tp , about the Rth of August, one Red
Heifer, two years of 1, horns lop over the eye ; also
a Heifer two years old, red, with some u bite spot,.
and one yearling Red Heifer. The owner is reques
ted to prove property, tte. , A.
Aug. 30, 1R53.
A complete ascivirrient a black, plaid and colored
.71 ilre,s silks—all wooldelaine.i,mouslin delairms,
DeDeges, Tbibet cldths, parameitas, Stc, itt.t receiv
ed by J. ,P 0 WELL.
Hats, Caps and Bonnets.
A large Mock nf Fall Bonnets and Trimmings.—
/X Also Hats 4- Caps of every description for
meds and boys wear, for sale by J. POWELL.
prrsrszczaN & SURGEON,
Residence. 07i Pine Street. nplinsite the old Presbyterian
Offers h:s professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can ultrups he found ut his
office. in Dr. PonTsn's Drug store, when not pro
fesuionally engaged:
600W0 , 4
Grote' y and Provision Store.
One door South of 3. H. Phorney's Store, Main Street .
THE subscriber being desirous of enlarging his
business, would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Towands and vicinity that he is just re
ceiving from New York and is now cpening for
sale a large assortment of
4 I r -/Mijo,
Tea, Sugar, Coffee. Rice Molasses, Stuart's Syrup,
Tobacco, Ginger, Pepper, Spice. Gloves. Mace, Nut•
meg, Cinnamon, Saleratus, Cream Tarter. Soda,
Ground Mustard, Peppee San, r. Catsup. Candles.
Bar and Shaving Soap, Vinegar , Starch, Cigars, etc
He has also on hand and for sale a large hock of
11Po RIII:1111 - i71151/111[ 11 13 10 1 1 ST.. 51 .
Hams and Shoulders. kfackeiel, Codfish, Herring.
Potatoes, Beans, Dried Apples, Wheat Flour, Lard,
Butter, Cheese, Soda, Butter and Boston Crackers.
Also—most kinds of Fruit and Nuts, Preserved
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Raisins, Oranges and Lemons,
together with a large stock of German, French and
American Toys of all descriptions and price.
0:1' Please give him a call. A. J. NOBLE.
' Towanda, August t. 1853.
ALT. persons indebted to the estate of N. D.
Warford, deceased, late of Monroe twp.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay 4
and all persons having demands against said estate
ant requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ZERIAH ROCKWELL,Adm's
0. A. WARFORD, I - '
Monroe, Sept. 29, 1853.
General Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS. by an act of assembly of the Com
monwealth, entitled " An act relating to the
elections of this commonwealth." it is enjoined np
pon me to give public notice of such election to be
held and also the enumeration In such notice what
officers are to elected. I. CHESTER THOMAS .
High Sheriff of the county of Bradford. do herelm
make known and give now, to the elector of said
county that a general election will b e held in said
county, on Tussnsr, the 11th dily of October, in tht
several districts in said county to wit:—
In Albany. at the sub-dirtnet school house near
Campbell's mill.
In Asylum, at Jacob Frutchey's. ,
In Athens born'. at R. 8. Mathewson's.
• In Athens twp., at the school bops, near William
In Armenia. of John 9. Decker's.
In Burlington. at the school house at Burlington
four corners.
In Canton. at Benj Coolbaugh's.
In Colombia, at J.mes Morgan'..
In Dwell, at the school house, called the centre
school house, near tS Decker's.
In Franklin. at Wm Deemer's.
In Granville, at the school house, No. 1. at Gran—
ville corners.
In Herrick, at the school house near Daniel Do.
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood's.
- In Leroy, at the school house in Leroy.
In Monroe, at J. I'. Smith's
In Orwell, at the house formerly occnpled by I.
H Ross.
In Overton, at the house of Wm Waltman.
In Pike. at E DeWain..
In Ridebery, at S Harman's.
In fl-me. at the Academy.
• In Sheshequin, at D Brink's.
In Smithfield. at A J Germ,l,l's.
In sprin2field, at T Wi:der's.
In Standing Stone, at Simon Stevens'.
In South Creek, at the school house near A Gil
let l's.
In Towanda b0r..% et the Grand Jury room in the
Court House, in said boro.
In North Towanda, at the house of 8 A Mills.
In Smith Towanda, at the school house near A C
In 'Troy two'. at the Eacle Tavern.
In - Troy twp., at the house of V M Long, in the
boro' of Troy. •
In 1 uscarors, at the school house near James
Black's. ,
In Ulster, et S B Holcomb's.
In Warren, at R Cooper's.
In Wells. at 1.. tgeeley s.
In Windham, at the house of Benj Kuykendall.
In Wyelusing. at the house of I H Black
In Wilmot, at the house of Jason P Horton.
In Wysta, at the Academy.
nt which time and places the electors aforesaid
will elect by ballot
One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of
this Commonwealth. f
One person for Canit Commissioner of this Corn
monwe ilth.
One person for Auditor Get eral of this Comm( n
One person for Surveyor General of thie Com ,
One person to represent the 17th Senatorial Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Bradford. Susqne
hanna and Wyoming, in the State Senate of this
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford
in the House of Representatives of the Corn mon
wealth of Pennsylvania.
One person fur Commissioner of said County.
One person fur Treasurer of said county.
One person fur District Attorney of said coun-
One person for County Surveyor of said county.
One person for Auditor of said county.
And in and 11 said act. I am further directed to
give notice that every person excepting justices of
the peace who shall hold any office of profit and
trust under the government of the United States or
of this State, or of any incorporated district and also
that every mr,mber of congress and of the state le
gislature and the select and common council of any
city or commissioners of any incorporated district
is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the
same rim-, the office or appointment of Judge, In
spector or clerk, of any election of this common.
wealth nd that no itispec'i.r or other oilier, of any
such election, shall be then eligible to any office to
be voted for.
By the 4th secti m of an act passed the 16th day
of April, 1810, it is pr - vided that the 13 , h section
of an act passed July 2, 1839, entitled An act re
toting to the election• of this commonwealth," shall
not be so c•;ns•rned as to prevent an mil.tia officer
from seivitht as Judge, Inspector or clerk. at any ge•
neral or specisl election of this common weilth."
In the 61st section of the act first above mention•
ed. it is enacted that every general and special elec.
'ton shall be opened between eight and ten in the
forenoon, and continue without interruption or ad
journment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the
polls shall be closed.
By the 18th sec•ion of the act passed Feb 3.1846.
it shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of
any ganeral election which shall be hereafter held
in the Armenia election district of Bradford county.
to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock P M."
By the 11th section of the act of 1853. ii is provi
ded that the polls of the election district of Tusca'
rora twp. be closed at 5 o'clock P M.
It is turther directed that the meeting of the judg,es
at the Court House in Towanda. to make out the
general return.. hall be on the 3.1 day after the elect
Lion, which will be on the 14th day of October.
The Return Judg,es for the 17th Senatorial Dia—
trirt, composed of the Counties ~ 1 * Bradford, Sus ,
cnehanna and Wyoming will meet at the Court
FEnise in the boro' of Montrose, on the 7th day al
ter the election, which will be the 18th.
C. 'THOMAS Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office Towanda, Sept. 12, 1853.
A M. persons knowing themselyts indebted to the
.13. estate of John J. Warlord, deceused, late of
Monroe township., are hereby requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claim , against
said estate will please resent them duly authenti•
cated for settlement.
J. B. smart!,
FA,p,. 12. 1R53. AdininistrAtore
ALT, persons indebted to the estate of Thos.
Bennieht, ilec'd, late of Bidgbury township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate. will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
April 21, 1833
ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens, dec'd. late of Standing Stone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement
S. W. BILES. Administrators
Aug. 27, 1853.
T ETTERS of administraton having been granted
the undersigned by the Register of Bradford
county, on the estateiof Patrick Pyne, late of Athens
twp., deceased ; all persons indebted to said es
utte are hereby' notified to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and those having claims aga ins
said estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement- THOMAS PYNE, Adm'rs.
Sept. 22, 1853.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Elliott
.11 Marsh, deceased, late of PIKE twp.. are
hereby requested to make immediate payment and
those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
Sept. 22, 1883. Adm'w.
IattROCHE SHAWLS—A large sod spiralled is
rortment Fist re'e4 J. PO wil."t.' •
In the 6outh cud of the Vard House,
THE assortment is large and very extensive, and
embraces almost (very article used in the Arta.
either for medicinal, chemical or mechanical purposes.
Particular attention will be given to all who may
wish to examine the stock, the cheapness of which,
the quality considered, can nut fail to satisfy those
who purchase.
Medical information will be cheerfully and gatatu
itoney given to those who may wish to consult con
cerning themselves or their friends. Continuous sup
plies of fresh and recently prepated articles will he
received carefully selected with a view to their use
fulness. and any article wanted not usually kept.
either will be found here or procured by Express for
those leaving their order.
Accommodating clerks will elways be res ly to
safely compound any prescripti-n and endeavor to
make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable.
All goods shall be considered warranted as repre
sented. and being Agent far the best and popular
Patent medicines, all those found in ,his Stale can
to relied upon in all cases as being genuine.
The stock comprises all kinds of
GUMS, FLOWEFS , 1011..5.
PILLS, &C.. &Cs &C . &C.
All kinds soaps', perfumery. fancy goods and mis
cellaneous articles, brushes, trustee, supporters,
nursing bottles, breast pumps. thermometers, &e.
All kinds of dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Window Glass, &c.
New and beautiful patterns of Lamps, fresh burn- ,
ing fluid and camphene, choice brands of pure Ha
vana cigars, tobacco, &c.
Sugar, Coffee and 'Fee of all kinds, mol.issee, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, mine,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, ealeratus, white
anti bar snap, sperm and tallow candler, jugs, bottles.
pipes, pepper sauce &e.
Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix.
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin. Irish and Nioninigahela Whiskey. Ma
ileiia Lt.hon. Sherry, Teneriffe Port, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Winee-i-Cmdials, Rose. Amour Mo•
tree, Noycau &c , cheaper than ever offered.
Proem medicines, from Dr. Jayne. Fitch, Styrene.
Brants.Orrteks,Townsend, Keeler. Schenk. lionlland•
Gracferiberg, Pcpsin,td.iralicp, Oil. Ch•ilagrigue
Acoustic Oil. Dyspepsia Bitters, I.yon'a Rat Pith.,
Pain Killers, Pate st'dieiries, Salt Rheum, Tetter.
tipavin, Founder, WA Ilister•s Ointment, &c. Vermi
fuge. Galvanic curatives, Heave and Condition
Powders. theory Pectoral, Dock Wise. Ceiholleort,
Fowl. Ache Drops Hair Inv ieorator and hair Dye,
Bed Bug Poison, Eye Waters, Wright's Smith'',
Bennett's , J tyne'• Phi n and nun,. roue'
other kind. of Pills. All of which will be sold at
unit wally low raw:.
Remember Dr Pearce's Drtirf. and Chemical
Store is in the South end of t!ie W ir I House.
inc the Public ire. IL t'. POlt ITR. M. D.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
T HAIZVY rficNNEy, Jr ,having pnrchaced for
. Ca.o/ of G. M. Bowman, hic entire ot
Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost in
New York. (and t 5 per cent. I over than any Mer—
chant in TowNrida has or ran buy) i+ prepared to
sell for cash, more Goods for one dollar, than any
man will sell for 'nine Ilrilling.l! This s t oc k is
large, (tilbracing all aitiele■ usually found in a
Store, •iy—Dry Good=. Groceries, Hardware, Brims
an I Sh +es, Leather, Nails, sash. Gl ass . Fl at ,, cbp4
and Bonnet. , . All of which will be sold as above,
and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of
Main and Bridge street..
Towanda, July IS, 1i45.1.
CAME in the enclosure of the subscriber in She-
J shequin Rep., on the 31st ult.., a large Iled Cow,
about 6 nr 7 years old, middling sized horns. and
not particularly marked. The °Wrier is requested
to prove property, pay charge.; and take her away.
Shechequin, Sept. 5, 1853.
-.1 I - 3I: W. , 1111. 1 I 1 7
South Corner of Mercur's Bl,Jrk, Main Street,
A hE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fall and Winter trade, rampri,mg a full
and complete assortment, and of the n-ual variety,
which will ha cold at a very 1 , mai! profit fur Ready
Pay. Among the assortment of
will I.e found a great variety of L.l ,11e• Dre‘s
consisting in part of
Beregee B Hoge Detainee' n;1.m).1 Dektinr.e. b-rtens.
' J AI', and E r/wed Giagamns E"glish,
Scvich and .4mertcan :
Fruit .1 fyall shruk.s (tad 1
colors 4!, T .
Alm, for men's gear may be fund fire.ol Cloth.,
Cassimeres, Tweed+, Kentucky Jean.' silk, Satm
and Suibmer
Also, Sheeting:, Shirtingi, bleached and brown,
Ticking., Summer (Goods for boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet. Warp, Gorton Batten, dc., Ac.
A full stock will be kept On hand. Tho-e in -van t
of Fugars. T. as. Coffee, Molasses. hteu•art's hest
Syrup,Spices. Pepper Ginger, Sa!craws, Flour.
Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line.
will do well to call on us before purchasibg else.
A large a splendid assortment. Crockarli. Glass
and tong-ware, Boots and Shoes, lia:s an/ Caps—
Nai s. Oils, Chat and Pertly.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past sea.
eon. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spiting stock, be.
Having that good Goods and low prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towands, Ang• 27 1853.
PIUNTB and Staple Domestic Goods—an *muse',
ally large stock of Cocheco and Merrimac prints,
gingham', sheetings, bleached and unbleached shirt
ing*, ticking; stripes, denims Alan black cloth.
plain and fancy cassimeres,Sattinetts. Tweeds and
Kentacky Jeans reed by J. POWELL.
Carpeting & ON Goths.
Aqualitity of each Jost received and fee tale by
Sept 10. POWET.L.
300 NEW BARRELS. fit for Pork or Cider,
for sato at The each. by P. FELON ti CO.
Tev•arda, Aye. I , v,
. .
Awarded to this'Xisehine at the Fair of the American Instil tate. 111 W irdakeON. Inds
A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Pidiedelpl.l2. that Premium at the Mats
Flare Utica, New l r orki and at the Colninbia and Rensselaer Cannily tartar Work 81311 ft
wad a Maims* a the Westchester County Fait at White Wham.
in the prammt arrangement of this highly erproroi end (lb= Pratt, even If the apples ware rend Y NIS
valuable DIM, the labor to &egad by arranging a cutting the I upturn! MX: nisi If app les
Whet were mad, erallisils
Cylinder to break the apples, and ti.. n deliver them tell vou the t )134bine,it would requite l pleasure dr=
lower Cylinders in he v./dun/id to pemare. thishn..arni tens to produce the result by
ent ,the work la, performed L.ster and alas much Patent Mill. The Mlowtng maybe eddygQ YtheAatisd
lea nu rbor. i odrantrges of tide Mill.
The pmee In arranged with a mach larger.rcrew than Irst—it will make mote CAT theniutiother Philla,Tftb
thrmerly, and by a very Ingenious desire the ure of the la.: given nnanthy cf apples, In a given dins, end *Ns snub
Ia dispensed with and the Tub made to open et will to er-lees labor tr.,l excence.
liver the rOMarA, while at the Came Unto the tiler 13 Icft seon..d will make cleaver and sweeterader than nil
Blear and the work can be done with much leas labor th,n other
by the old method. The Cylinders nro eoer,red alit hear r
abort 7.lve, both on their peripberiee and' ends: the wno.l
In them fe arranged so as not to 'well: end the n w•ek
on the X11:1 and Pren Mute In the eery beet mintier at d
arranged with expected view to their durability and ger. Ir e .
No Farmer who now the %tilt eat-entity and nreoniintr
to direction+ will be disappointed, tut no th e Ao-or
band he will end tbl. one of he moat Taloa! le and tent
etterhinee on his farm.
The machine Is tragic to ran h? horse, rtesm. nr bent
power, end when the tipples ere cr,,und, a small boy of 1
years of age een prase the pomace with ell r.
In all former times It was supposol that a lame quantity
of Cider could only be mule ty using a urn , hito.
that slowly crushed the apples without grieding them floe.
They were then MOO Into a manly* cheer* In s•mr. nod
most severe and long prwtore was required to extract a
portion of the Cider, a considerable qu mat. being b. , orb,r
by the atTSW and the Mass of poonoce; end to obtain this
nniatisfaetory result the farmer had to take• all hie hands,
and perhaps ids rix-borse team. end devote awLele Oay tb ,t
could have been more profitably employed, to make trot
six to eight barrels of Cider. To ohrlate the Ji tl^vlty the
Farmers have heretofore labored under, this .rael.ine
been invented, and the statement of a few facts will prose
that It Is not only the hest the:Line of the kind In existuo re,
but It Is the megat profitable that a man can hcvo on his
farm. The apples are by this Machine grated up Into a (no
pulp. ea that It requires but a companstirefy light prersure.
end that but a minute rr two, to 'street all the Cider. it
being ascertained by pranti ell experiment that ma Fourth
more juice can be obtained than by the old process. 'Re
sides this. It only requires two hands to grin't up and ke
into Cider a larger quantity of apples than eon t.e possi lip
done on the old-fashioned machines. fin this pre,. owing
to the compactness of the pomace In the tub. end the eon,
late manner in which It Is ensued, a pressure of from 3 to
lona—that can easily be obtained—will produce a more
favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the ordlnetry
Persoh s need not he , t iie to olds, h e eau.,
treigho to be taken o' the pr.c. • , f the machine; a
the balance by mail to me.
HATiat.nrna. Penna.
3 . LEVI TotrantN tOr Mercur'a
mtllsaturlington.Cast Smithfield
- Itideebory, and Wel!..bure. de
pot on the N. Y. S E. N. R.. every MCINDAT, WLD
NRKBAT and Fat DAT at ft o'elork .Af., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the eventor train of car..
either rat or mime de v.
Returning TUESIUT. Tuunco.ty and F TVIIPAY,
after the arri.:al of the Ewitein !run, and ako the
we• tern cars from Jetre,r,tm. Ednura, /t.c., mid ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Fans :—Towanda to Ifercor's mtli+, 377
to BadingiOn.
to Eno. Smithfield,
to li,dgebery, I
GI to Wellsburg druid. 1:25
Express packagec to or IroTI the nail Road care
fully delivered at moderate chargec.
Towanda, Oct 8. 185 V.
Another Arrival of
H. 11F:r.C.Cfi is note r.e.eivint: another N. w
Assortment of (:.141t!s. r(msimllg ti-twil
almost every hula wanted in the line of Nletchan
dtze, which will be 6.1,1. very cheao for CASH.
Towanda. June 29, 1853
OD. DART!,ET !s now receiving a large
. and earefu'ly sekcted stock of
bought for each since the late decline in priee,
which he will offer for toady 'pay at prices winch
cannot fail to give satisfaction—amoog totht, thing.
he invites particular attention to Los a„,,iroe n t „f
Dress G00d...
T0w3n.14, April 15. IRA.
Tiler In the north end of 'he ‘Ver:l !louse, deter occupied
by I arorie, 51a..0n & c o .)
T,,wanda, March, 5. IK3.
caa tirmo 11D 5 2 bli •
CORNER of the Public square and Main Street
Towanda, Pa . respectlully rice nett •e that
they are now oreniez and recelvine three!. foon Ott
City or New York, theit NEW S FUCK
antl SUMMER GO IDS, which. lvoit !netr ftt mtr .
stock on list nil. comrncr-; ore cf the lar:zest and best
selected a•s rt went:. to be found west cti New Ye!lt
Having been purchstec,l at
GREAT 13 A 11 G A INS!
Thry are enabled to .iTer them ell , ine; that ever.—
They Inv lie paittrular ntielmrto to their assortint nt
of Ladles' Dress Goods
Constst.inr. of Jaronet and $ tvi- ISu lint:, Printed
Lawn:, Gmehams. Bar'd Mt•rrtin
Coeheco, Fr.ll River and other 5!...e.• of
American Print.i• in endue., variety. a
Norse assortment and f.r sale
cheap. They have tiko
large variety of YANKEE Nei
n embracing almost every ihir,c
from a Crochet Needle In a Ladv's tsatch.
el. They invite particular attention to their
assortment of Carpeting of all rtnceS and
Also. spring and Stun rner Bats. limos •na,l
shoes, Shoe Findings :anti _Leather, Gro
ceries. Crockery. shelf Hardware
Their Slot k has been oc;el.te I with .rare, and will
be Sold cheap. Farther c.0 . :1n - Vent is unnecessar y
—give us a call, and we wilt sihow you one goods
and prices, and convince you ihat the above is no
fiction. Our motto is. tit ,II Ptofits & Quick
Returns. NIOSTANfES &
Towanda. March 16; 1653.
TAE e l ihscrikee lost! on the 3d inst , in this born'
a small Ht.aex :fririocco PocKLT•l3oot. con•
training, be•idea a small sum of money, notes and
papers of value to him. but usele.s to any one eke.
The finder is welcome to the money. and will he
further rewarded by returning the other cnntent•,
with or without the pocket-book, either through the
Post Wee or otherwise.
Towanda. AIM 25. fift
700 P d . r 4 en ill s .S ..s o i f or h: t en ft, c,
sai W ir o b m v ens' and Chi!,
111.11—Ton mu make the elder yea want itoustliibe•
rou u eat I.—and La quantitlas from one gallon to e et 10
—With lt yon me pram your Cuinatta„ Cbselled,
Gr-riol, Cheer" Ru:ter, Lard, and Tallow.
lat It you eOn rare one.fourth or row
tune in making Apple•bntter.
—u lii, IL" nro you u...a at all Llama bare Ihnitsla
and Sweet Cider.
all tie arisen:ages rerul'lng from the posatedon and
two of slot a taaehine—at a pins so low that it is within
i 1 a r all—c n It he that any intelLgent Partner
withoot it?
Do you wish to !rive In your home at all limes Oder that
F‘reld and ths cnly time It Is really healthy and Et
Cr. out—km] do you wish to owe a peat portion of the
hard labor attending the making el'
A ppl e-b tit te r 11 to, buy this machine, sted owr weld
fsr it. y• .1 will oot be di-appointed.
Is war - rented superior to nay other portable
end the Proprietor h ready at any tioa
Itdag Zi , lta.) to test It with any Portable
,•, ; .t i+ rot nu i if.i..pement on It.
Farmers, examine this newly IIin4I,OVED
MULL, before yon buy any tithe:l.4
One glen: ndVantet:.• of this rrinelloe over all others, Is.
!hat it will not choke up, and hard or tout apple.
can La groun4. and yet the Cylinders e W slims 1112611111
char and to grinding order.
All orient will be Oiled in the order In whirh they are
reeetied. and till parsons wanting them would do well to
tend their orders early, and date at what lime they want
the Miltt.
Thim attended by 2 men, will. when properly worked
accord log todirectlona. mate ti to 12 barrels of elder aday—
and trill grind Monet's horse power from 100 tow) bushels
npoles a day.
The Price of the Mrl le $4O, free of freight
it SPRIRACI,O, PA, May, 1863. W. 0. 1110102.
ths District Court of as [anon Distrist of Pram ;Wald&
they live some distance away—as I will allow the
d %hen they get it they can p&p the freight and send
HAVE 10 ,, e.ed a,l.tree and finely finished
Ll N , ( e• or the stte of the two they had borne?.
an.: filled it .ith the largest and mint comprehene.
tve sock of
Grcceries, Provisions, Waukee Notions,
Pruit, COnfectionory, Toys, &a., die.
r Oils side of d‘ , cry.
We h *tic honAt for ca , h. articles of the best
goality ; c..n.ecileffily are prepared to sell at as
I.w prices as the same quailly can be bought at
ant titto r place. And we flaiter ourselves that if
lortune has been against us (fire having Consum
ed to o ktores and one stock of goods) our old ems
honer, will not follow the precedent, if they call
and , ee our stock and hear the exceedingly low
prices. Among the many article , we hare are
2.21 .FAH & NEVINS,
'Pea, stint% culTee, chocolate. cocoa, molasses,
Sietv Ai r, ru p, ginger 'tenter. spice. cloves, not
mega. cinamttn, .aleratu , , anda, cream tartar,
pound mustard, pepper wore, catsup, can
dles, bar snan vinegar, starch dg., dLo.
Mept poll( and beef. hams and shoulder's.
wheat flour, buckwheat dower, corn meal,
coda and butter cracker., mackerel, a ndfish,
-shad. nerring, potatoes beans onion &c.,, &C.
Preserved p,unes, citrons. Eugli.ll currants, raisins,
green and , tried apples, Almnnd., genoble
and mairri.l walnut.. brazil nuts, peanuts, chest
nuts, hickory nuts. &e.
le y, horn and nini , d ritwket combs, toilet, combs,
fine etirnh‘. hair. cloth . teeth, infants. and blacking
bit sties. wallets, porte monies. and purses of many
.toles. rtneket ink stand., pock. t and small fancy
mirrors. tobacco, boxes...noir tinxes. and almost
every atinile in this •ine. Work boxes. toilet eases,
secretaries. plain and embroidered, work baskets of
many• styles. -r
'3llr 441:11,16( WS.
German. French and American TOY: of every de•
.erlptirin nm! price. A few elrihen and pewter tel
-4:1%, for hitle eirk. and a few
Shinn d4;ry salt. ground rock %Mt, Salina melt both
,ar , e and Ab,o, a coanlity of White Stone
CANDY wholetate or retail. of all Wads and
in oil inert tde other nr ides, fur sate-at the new store
opor,ile the Court H. use.
Towanda, Dec. 1 1952 BAILEY & NEVINS.
TIM sob.r , tl.r . rs f.
inrrn their friends and
cu,t.,mets ihat they have ihcreaNett thirfaccil
ihei for innnoiacturing
and intend keeping the largest stock and assort
rnt of
that can be tctia , l in the State%. Terms end pri
CP , ',ati,faciory. HANFtriD Ar. BROTHER.
:9 Park Row. opposite the Astor Howe
Nets. Yolk. Mari li 9, T 353.
rj'llE subscriber offers a valuableFAßM for sale.
eontatnin7 63 acres, 10 acre. or eo•.d timber.
about 55 'miler a good state of colitystion. well wai
erred. rind a water privileize thereon, capable of
running machinery. Situated one mile from the
Susquehanna river, and half mile from the road
running from Tewandi to Rnme.
Any person or prism). wishing to boy eannnt do
better than to call and give this Farm an examina
tion. A part of the purchase money will be required
down, and the balance can be made eery.
Wyenz, July 4. Mill.
Ditorrs and GINGERMA.—A new tment
of Prints and Ginghamc just receives! at
May 20. tas3. Mlnnt•RtY+a
Rosh and Shoes.
Or every rlectri pi inn. fnri3dler mod mitayeores s e
boys' and childrer.:' weea•, ! reed be