Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 01, 1853, Image 1
, To r, ifaetobet . 1, 1950. tl y OWN FIRESIDE. N aa seek for empty joys, g all. or concert, vout.or play ; to , f a t from fashion s idle . noise, o r plied domes, and trapp ings gay, the wintery eve away— ,rot beak end lute, the }lours divide ; -re' bow I e'er could stray own Fireside Tose simple wo 10 hid the sweetes h t dreams arise; rds non (Klieg's tenderes k t chords, ~1611 with tears ofjos my eyes ! ,s there my wild heart can prize, it doth not in thy sphere abide, 'of my homebred sympathies, osn—my own Fireside ! Lae form is near me now; small white hand is clasped in thine; upon her placid brow, lad ask what joys can equal thine babt , whose beauty's half la deep ho mothe-'s eyes doth hide; ire may love seek a fitter shrine, lean thou—my own Fireside I at care I for the sullen roar Of srinils without, that ravage earth ; ! , 3.3th but bid me prize the more The shelter of th) hallowed hearth— ',thoughts of quiet bliss give birth: Then let the churlish tempest chide, t cannot check the blameless mirth That glads my own Firesiee I refuge ever from the .d orm Of Ott: world's passion, strife and care ; !vue,h ihumlerrelomis the sky deform, Their fury cannot reach me there. here all I: cheertltt, rem and fair, It rash, Malice. Envy, 6trtfe, or Pride, ithnet er made its hated lair, Br thee—my oar Fireside! Preciact4 are a charmed ling, carte no harsh feeling dares intrude ; ne vexations lose their sti n g ; k!..•ve even grief t, half s , ibdued ; Peace, the halcyon. loves to brood. Th'fa, let the pampered fool deride, IP: ply my debt of gratitude Jo thee—my own Fireside ! cr,iteormy household deities! FE7 scene of my home's unsullietneys! l'Aeti tnr burthened :Tim flies. Wnen fortune frowns,or care a.inoys: is the bliss that never cloys; Pi uncle whose truth bath oft been tried; Itit.then, are this world's tinsel toys To hee —my own Fireside? ' the yearning:, font! and sweet, bid mV• thoughts be all of thee, %serer guide my wandering feet ',thy heart soothing sanctuary ! ruler my future years may be ;• Lespy or grief my fate betide; kott an Edrn bright to me, lb nit owe FIRESIDE ! dttt aity , iIi:TEII-BROTHER'S REVENGE CIARDR ESS FITZGERALD. 4tt teats ago, says the Sunday Times, there 11 that, popular perialical. the Dublin tir Nlagazine, a narrative of the singular ,:teiot llardress Fitzgerald, an eminent Irish 'swzio rontrtred to elude the strictest Search rtlTP'sort Mier the battle of the Boyne had all tritittlated hie party. The narrative from zl' Tr ropose to make a short extract, purports .t , ten by the hero himself, and commences ':L amusing account of his living indisguise in li then proceeds to state that, becoming, ,join the wreck of the Kim, James' for• lmetick, he ventured on travelling across try as a pedlar ; how, while on the way, ' l, in interview with General Sarsfield, and re. from him certain papers to convey to the — py ; after which , on pursuing ...his 4e had the m isforturie to tall into the hands tosPoldtets and was brought befotecaptain ler.a leader in the ranks of his opponents At •'ootnt we shall allow him to tell his storyin his P p' l r• which give one a featftrt idea of the .-4,leis committed at that disastrous period in,lre y Chbockle }Oar pack fellow," exclaimed the Unbuckle your pack, and show your -Ito the cap'ain—he re where you are." !proceed e d to present my merchandise to the 'lng contemplation of the officers, who hod me, sub a strong light, horn an opposite Arnh- Ai continnedto traffic with:these gen hkierved with no email anxiety, the eyes 'C qahl Oliver frequently fixed upon me, with a ' of dubious and inquiring gaze. " 1 t hink. my honest fellow," he said at last, iha; (have seen, you somewhere before this.— Ire you often dealt with the bare traded, said I, " with the soldiery a t ime, and always been honotably tteated• your worship please'to buy a pair of ruffles-- !heap, your worship ?" 'by do y on wear your hair so much over your lit' said Oliver, without noticing my "g -an " I promise you I think no rod of You— back your hair, anct let me see you -plainly. and look straight at me; throw k your Karr,-sir." :eh that all chance of\sscape wasat an end, and PPihk forward as near as the table would allow Yo him, I raised my head, threw back Any hair, l' my eyes ineptly and his face. ti m h e k new , me instantly, for hui.uouttte ' turned as pate as ashes with surprise -and , he started up; placing bit band instinctively at sword bill, =dilated-at me with a stook: 'yr that I -thought *amp moment 'ht* would , Ikaweed•ituo my heart. .11e-said - in* kitidl THE TANDA: ,•••• --..... ith Vottri. n•!' LK.g. br!,- :Z.117 OW r.--0 1241 Nwif:s7 1111 .1111.1111 r. a; OEI PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOW A, BIADFORA.M4TYI:,-PA. k BY- E. O'MEARA GO4DRICH. • rr Hardrest Fitzgerald !" " Yes," sold l'boldly, for the excitement of the scene had effectually stirred up'my blood, " Hard resit Fitzgerald is befoie you. I know you well, Captain Oliver. 1-know 1101 , you hate me—l know how you thirst for my blood; bat in a good cause, and in the bands of God, I dely cu." I , You are a desperate villain, sir, soid Capt. Oh vet, " a rebel and a murderer! Hallo there guard, seize him!"-4 As the soldiers entered, I threw my eye hastily round the room, and observing& glowing fire upon the hearth, I suddenly drew General Sarsfield's packet from my bosom, and casting it upon the em bers, I planted my loot upon it. " Secure the pa. pars !" shouted the captain and almost instantly I was laid prostrate and senseless Ligon the floor by a blow horn the butt-end of a carbine. I cannot say how long-I continued in a slate of torpor: but at length, having very slowly recovered my senses, I found myself lying firmly hand-cuffed upon the floor of a small chamber, through a small loop-hole in one of whose walls the evening sun was shining. I was chilled with cold and damp, and drenched in blood, which had flowed in large quantities from the wound on my head. By a strong effort I shook off the sick drowsiness which still hung on me, and weak and giddy, I rose with pain and difficulty to my feet. The chamber, or rather cell in which I stood was about six feet square, and.of a height very disproportioned to its other dimensions—its altitude from the floor to the ceiling being not less than twelve or loorteen teat. A. narrow slit, placed high in the wall, admitted a scanty light, but sufficient to assure me that my prison contained nothing to render the sojourn of its oegupant a whit less comfortless than my worst enemy could have wished. My first impulse was naturally to examine the security of the door, the loop-hole which I have mentioned being too high and too narrow to afford a chance of escape. I Its tened attentively, to ascertain if possible, whether or not a guard had been placed on the outside.— Not a sound was to be heard. I now placed my shoulder to the door, and sought with all my com bined strength and weight to force it open ; it how. ever resisted all my eflorts; thus baffled in my ap peafto mere animal power, exhausted and disheart ened, I cast myself on the ground. It was not in my nature, however, long to submit to the apathy of despair, and in a lew minutes I was on my feet again. With patient scrutiny, I endeavored to as certain the Lature of the fastenings which secured the door. The planks fortunately having been nail ed together fresh, had shrunk considerably, so as to leave wide chir.ks between each and its neighbor. By means of those aperture! I saw that mfdungeon was secured not by a lock, as I had feared, but by a strong wooden bar running horizontally armee the door, about midway upon the outside of it. Contnving to, make an opening, he reaches the doors of the sppartments where he had been seized, and overhears an order given by Oliver for his exe cution, which he declared should take place in the evening ere the moon arose. There was a kind of glee in Oliver's manner and expression which chilled mj very heart. He shall be first shot like a dog and then hang ed like a dog—shut to-night and hung to-morrow— hong at the bridge-head—hung until his bones drop asunder !" It is impossible to describe the exulta ion with which he seemed to dwell upon, and to particular ize, the fate which be iniensled for me. A chill, sick horror crept over me as they retired, and l lelt for the tnoment upon.the brink of swooning. This feeling however speedily gave place to a sensation still more terrible-,a state of excitement so intense and tremendous as to border upon literal madness, supervened; my brain reeled and throbbed as if it would burst: thoughts the wildest and most hideous flashed through my mind with a spontaneous rapi dity that scared my very soul; while all the time, I felt a strange and a frightful impulse, to burst into uncontrolled laughter. Gradually this fearful parox ysm passed away. I kneeled anti prayed fervent ly and felt comforted and assured; but still I could not view the slow approach to certain death with out an agitation little short of agony. I returned again to the closet in which I had found myself on recovering from the swoon. The evening sun and twilight were fast melting into darkness, when I heard the outer doot, that which communicated with the guard room in which the cancers had been amusing themselves, oiened and locked attain upon the inside. A measured step then approached, and the door of the cell .n which I lay being rudely pushed open, a soldier entered, who carried something in his hand, but owing to the obscurity of the place I could not see what it was. " Art thou awake, fellow V' said he in a gruff voice, " Stir thyself—get upon thy legs." Has or. tiers were enforced by no very gentle application of his hard military boot." " Friend," said 1, rising with difficulty, -" You need not insult a dying man You have - come hither to conduct me to death. Lead on! My trust is in God that he will forgive me my sins, and receive my soul, redeemed by the blood of his Son." Here intervenetl a pause of some considerable length, ut the end of which the soldier said ►n the same gruff voice in a lower key— " Look ye, comrade, it will be your own fault it you die this night. On one condition I promise to u,el you out of this hobble with a whole skin; but if you go to any of your gammon, before two hours are passed, you will have as many holes in your carcass ae a target." " Name your conditions," said I, and if they con slat with honor, I will never balk at the offer:" rr Here ibey' are ; you are to be shot to night by Capt. Oliver's orders. The carbines are cleaned for the job, and the cartridges served out to the men. I tell you therirath.4 At this I needed not_much persuasion, and inti mated to the man my cone iMon that be Spoke the truth. ====mmm 00,•.44,. ..-.1., . . , v•ir , . • - - P.• ' ... -=';')...l-...•:? * . - -.,, :".., ''''ir 'h. lal o ' "'il- . ..1 ‘ ' ~ 1.. ..., 1 .s• ..! , •,.,,,,... ..,.. 7 . ,: . ~..• I ' ‘ ~. . • • 1 21 , . ' J .; , , :` . „ . ....., . ~ • ~• r ' . , . . , , . a . ) r" .... , ; . , % .-, , • : -. ... .!, . • i ' ! •• , 0 . , . -'l. , -- f 1 . .- . , ... , . . • i H.l: t.te>o ry It Well then," he contifined; . how forlhe'reeans of avoiding this ugly business; Captain Oliver rides this night,to Weed guano:et ) 'with the papers which you carried: Before he start!, he . 'Will pity you a visit, to Bah what he an our id you, tfie fine promises he can make. Rumor him a lit. de, and when you can get an .oppoWimity stab him in the throat above the onfrass.'s A feasible plan, surely,' said 1 raising my sheet led hands, " for a man thus completely crippled, and without any weapons." "I will manage all that presently for you," said the soldier. " When you have dealt with him, take his cloak, and hat, and so forth ; and put them on; the papers you will find in the pocket of his vest in a red leather case. Walk boldly out, lam appoint• ed to ride with Captain Oliver, and you 'will find me holding his horse and my own by, the door, mount on quickly, and I will do the same, and then we will ride for our lives across the bridge. You will find the holster pistols loaded in case of pur suit, and with the devil's help we shall reach Lim erick without a hair being hurt. My only condition is that when you strike Oliver, you strike home, and again and again until he is finished—and I trust to your honor to remember me after we reach the town." I cannot say whether I rosolved right or wrong, out I thought of my situation, and the conduct of Captain Oliver, warranted me in acceding to the conditions propounded by my visitant, with alacri ty"! told him so, and desised him to give me the power, as he had promised to do, of executing them. With speed and promptitude, he drew a small key from his 2ocket and in an lumen' the manic lea were removedlrom my hands. How my heandid bound Within me as my wrists were released from the iron grasp of the shackles! The first step towards free dom was made—my self reliance remitted, and I felt sure of success. Now for the weapons " said I. " I tear me you will and it rather clumsy," said he, " but if well handled, it will do as well as the beet Toledo. It is the only thing that I could get, hut I sharpened it myself. It has an edge like a skean. lie placed in my hand the steel bead of a hal berd, and with a low savage laugh, left me to my reflections. Having examined and arranged the weapon, I carefully bound the end of the cravat with which I had secured the cross part of the .spear head, firmly Around my wrist, so that in case of a struale, it might not easily be forced from my hand; and having tnade,these.precantionaty dispo sitions, I sat down uporylae.gmund with my back against the wall, and my hands together under") coat awaiting my visitor. The time WOl6 slowly on. The dusk became dimmer and dimmer, until it nearly bordered on total darkness. " How's this," said I, inwardly. " Capt, Oliver, you said I should no see the moon rise to-night; methinks you are somewhat tardy in fulfilling your prophecy." As I made this reflection, a noise at the outer door a-nounced a . visitant. .1 knew that the deci sive moment had come, and letting my head sink upon my breast, and assuring myself that my hands were ccncealed, I awaited, in the attitude of deep dejection, the approach of my foe and betrayer. As' I hail expected, Capt. Oliver entered the room where I lay. He was equipped for instant duty, as far as the imperfect twilight would allow me to see ; the long sword clanked on the floor, as he made his way through the lobbies which led to my place of confinement; his ample military cloak bung upon his arm, his cocked hat was upon his head, and in all points he was prepared for the road. This tal. lied exactly with what my strange informant had told me. I felt my heart swell, and my breath come thick, as the awful moment which was to witness: the death struggle of one or both of us approached. Capt Oliver stood within a yard or two of the place where I sat, or rather lay, and told mg his arms, he remained silent fur a minute or two, as il arrang ing in his mind how he should address rue. "liar - dress Flizg,erahl," be began ai length, "are you awake! Stand up if you wish in hear of mailers nearly touching your life. Get up, I say," I arose doggedly, and affecting the awkward movement of one whose bands were bound "Well," said I, " what would you have of me ? Is it not enough that I am thus imprisoned without a cause, and about as I suspect, to suffer a most un justand violent sentence, but must 1 also be dui !tubed during the few moments left me Ipt reflec tion and repentance, by the presence of my perse cutor. Whin do you want of me ?" " As to your punishment, air," said he, your own deserts have no doubt suggested the likelihood of it to your own mind; but I now am with you toilet you know that whatever mitigation of your sentence you may look fat must be earned by your campli• once with my orders. You must frankly and fully explain the contents of the packet which you en deavored to destroy; and further, you must tell all that you do know of the designs of the popish re bels." " And it 1 do this, 1 am to expect a mitigation of my .punishment—is it not so? Oliver bowed.— Well sir, before I make the desired communica tion, I have one question more to put. What is to befall me in case that 1, remembering the honorlf a soldier and a gentleman, reject your infamous ielms, scorn your mitigation, and dely your utmost power " " to that case," replied he cooly, " before half an hour you shall be a corpse!" 4 , Then God hale mercy on , your soul !" said I, and springing forward I dashed the Weapon which I held at his throat. I missed my arm, but I struck him in the mouth with such force that some of the front teeth were dislodged, and the' (Joint of the wear head passed out under his jaw, at the ear.— y onset wee so sudden and unexpected that he reek(' back to the wall and lid not recover his eqeilibrium in time to prevent my dealing a *wend •blivar; Which did =with all mrforee. 'The •yoltit ittneltlthe - Came, twit the oeth; and . ... _ ; 7 ' - ' c i .. .IP' . i ' - ",-, +: .1 . ! , - 4. 2..4...!..i . , .; c:s 'f'-i,' seiwitkixas. or DXNUNCIATION nognairiQtruawar`t.:' MIIM=M glancing aside ifirallitted Antis dish wolnd, tear ing the skin and tendons. on theihroat 4 Ifieinrw IPPlged lwith ItftristanlWlD PARing ang cry of. alarm. Being eatey powerful ;name if anything rather heavier and stroinier built than I, he'socCeededin drawing me with him to the ground, We fell together with sr beavyilloth7 taegineand straining in what we were both wwt . 'ono was a mortal struggle. At length I suocedid in /eking over him, and tartlet him , twice , more. The Wes: pun which I wielded had lighted upon the eye, and the pobit'penetrated therbrain. The hody;iniver ed under me, the deadly grasp, lay upon the ground,.a corm. -As f . arcipLird took the weapon and bloody cloth from my hand, the moon, which he had foretold I should never see rise, shone bright and broad into the room,and disclosed with ghutly distinctness Iliss mangled features of the dead soldier. It 111 hard to-sarerith . what feelings I looked upon the unsightly pu s, which had so lately been a living add comely man. I had not any thee however, to spse for reflection; the deed was done—the responsibility - was on me, and all was registered in the book of that God who judges rightly. With eager haste T removed from the body such of the military accoutrements as were necessary for the purpose of my disguise. I buckled on the sword, drew off the military hoots and donned tnem my. self, placed the brigadier wig and cocked hat upon my head, threw on the cloak, and drew it up about my face, and proceeded with the papers, which I had bound as the soldier had 10, 0;0 1 d , map and the key of the cute' lobby to the door of the guard room. This I opened, and with a Wm, and vapid tread walked thlough the officers, who rose as I I entered, and passed on without question or intdr. 'option to the street door. Here I was met by the grim looking corpotal, Hewson, who saluting me, said, • " How soon, Captain, shall the file be drawn out and prisonet dispatched?" " In half an boor," I replied, vrithommaiaing my voice The man again saluted, and in twostepa I reach ed the soldier whu held the two horses, as he had intimated. ", Is all right I" said he, eagerly. "Ay," said I. " Which horse am Ito mount!" He satisfied me upon this point, and I threw my. self into the saddle; the soldier mounted his horse, and dashing the spore into the flanks of the animal which 1 rode we !hindered along the narrow bridge, At the far extremity, a sentinel, am we approach• ed, called out, is Who goes there!—stand, and give the word !" Heedless of the interruption, with my heart bounding with excitement, I dashed on, so did the soldier who accompanied me. The genii. nel fired. " Hurrah," I shouted, " try it again my boy," and away we went at a gallop that bade fair to dis- tance everything like pursuit. Never .was spur more needed however, for soon the clatter of homes hoots in full speed crossing the bridge, came sharp and dear through the stillness of the night. One mile was passed, another nearly completed. The moon now shone forth, and turning in the saddle, I looked back upon the road we had passed. One trooker had headed the rest, and was within a hon. doed yards of ns. I saw the fellow throw himself from his horse to the ground. I knew his object and said to my comrade— ". Lower your body—lie flat to the saddle. The fellow is gointr to fire !" I had hardly spoken when the _report of carbine startled the echoes, and the ball, striking the hind legs of my companion', horse, the poor animal fell headlong upon the ground, throwing his rider head foremost over the saddle. My first impulse was to stop awl ignite whatever tate might await my comrade, but my second and wiser one was to spu r on and save myself and my despatch. I roue on at a gallop. Turning to observe my companions fate I saw his pursuer, having remounted, ride rap idly op to him, and on reaching the spot where ilia man end horse lay, rein in and dismount. He was hardly upon the ground when my companion shot him with one'of his holster pistols which he had taken from the pipe, and leaping nimbly over the ditch at the side of the road, he was soon lost among the diches and the thorn bushes which.cor ered that part of the country. Another mile being passed, I hid the satisfaction to perceive that the pursuit was given over, and in an hour more, I crossed Thormond Bridge, and slept that nigh in the fortress:Limerick, having delivered the packet, the result of whose safe arrival was the destruction of William's great train of artillery, then upon its way to the •besiegers. Years after this adventure, I met in France a young officer, who I ftiond had served in Captain Oliver's mimeo!, and he explained, what I never Wore understood—the motives of the man who had wrought my deliverance. Strange to say, he was the foster-brother ofOliver, whom he thus devoted i to death, in revenge for the most grieveous wrong I which one man can inflict upon another ! Ott- If a woman wishes to be a general favorite with tier female acquaintencesothe has only to per mit them toout•drees her. The more intent they are on gewgaws and decoration, the more profound will be the respect (or her who totally disregards them . Let any one look amongst his or her friends, and see if she who is most beloved, is not one of less pretension to holey than those around her. One of our exchanges tells of a lazy Beni. us yp his way, who being asked, as be lay sun ning himself on the grass, what was the height of his ambition, he replied, " to marry a ricb !blow Ahat's got a cough." Smaucsa Puorowsuos.—A writer in the New. ark Intelligence' communicates a conom incident. A tilde girl wasstanding eta window, before which - was a young maple tree. After a brilliant flash' of lightning idoomplete image ether trim -*as found infpritikitfontin bay. 'This eat theist ins and 'el the kind. EEMIIi Elni " Anecdotes of Geo. 'Jackson. . , *We recently Lard the following anecdotes of thif%' venerated hero and: sage, well authenticated, and 9 -awe do , not reccdlectto hi*. met them t in print, we have concluded to ielate them bete.;Lien ivy A revelation in Poland occurred about the time that Jackson was waging st war with the United .Stitellank in ibis country. , The Ert peror N:chol, **greeted the onfortunapt Poles with extraordinary severity, and was terribly Ind justly scored for it by the press of this country ; About the same time the Whig press was heaping all sorts of abase uPiIL Gen. Jackson, for opposing the re-charter of Uniq, States Bank. The Russian Minister, then at Wash} inglon, was greatly annoyed by the 'thugs of hie Emperor and maser. •He deter Mined to appeal to the Government to.have the evil remedied and col tested from the miscellaneous press a• numerous` array of articles bearing down very strongly on Nicholas, showed them to the Secretary of State, and demanded that this abuse should cease, or he would hold the Government_ responsible, and the peaceful relations of the two nations would he in• terrupted. The Secretary of State in vain attempt ed to explain to him the, Freedrim of the Press,. and that the American Government had no more power over it upon such subjects, than Nicholas himself. The Russian Minister regarded this as a mere sotberluge, and grew very angry. He finally concluded to appeal to Gen. Jackson himself upon the subject, and producing his collection of news paper denunciations, laid his grievances before the old hero. Gen. Jackson heard him patiently, and after he was through, pleasantly complimented him on his industry in searching the papers; but said he, " Look over them again, and if you do not find that I am called tyrant, rascal, fool and all sorts of foal names, ten times for every mention of, Nacho las' name, I will have the thing stopped at once" This sort of reasoning threw a new flood of light upon the mind of the Russian Minister. He then comprehended what the Freedom rd the Press meant in this country, and readily perceived that Jackson could not be ,expected to stop the press from abusing Nicholas, when it was every clay boldly assailing himself. He acco.dingly (hopped the subject. The other anecdote describes a thing that hap pened very rarely ; it is stated how Gen. Jackson got frightened This occurred soon after the attempt to assassin ate him, an event which naturally aroused the fears of his friends for his safety, and they all recom nretided to him the utmost eautiodagainst exposing himself to any more such attacks. One afternoon he was reclining in a Democratic sort of a way, on sofa in one of the rooms in the White House, alone smoking his pipe. About this period a new foreign Minister, from Portugsl, we think, unaccustomed to republic simplicity, had arrived, and went to the White House to pay the General a visit. He was attired in toll Court costume, all bedizened with gold lace, &c., and wearing a sword. No one hap pened to be there to introduce him, and he found Ins way unannounced into the room in which Gen. Jackson was lazily ruminating upon his recent nar row escape from the pistol of an assassin. The sud den appearance of the Minister aroused the old man hom his reveries, and gazed: at the intruder astonishment, not altogether unmingled with fear, as he proceeded to bow and grimace at a desperate rate. Gen. Jackson could stand it no.longer, but seized a chair, brandished it before him, and in a stentorian voice cried nut, '• In the name of God, who and what are you?" The Portuguese Minis ter soon managed to give him art idea of who and what he was, when Gen. Jackson sent down to the kitchen for a French cook he had, to act as inierpe ter, and in this way they managed to have a satis factory interview. A RANDOM Dtsbocce. —ln the town of N—, in New Hampshire, , tiverf old farmer I" who had the misfortune halve very deaf. On his fsrm, and close by the road, there stood a very large tree, and some thirty leer from the ground, on this tree, was a very large knot. As farmer P— was passing by one day, he thought he would cut it down to make a mill-post. He had been at work a short time, when he thought some stranger would come along and ask the fol lowing questions, and he would make the follow nag answers:— " What is that tree for ?" " A mill-post " " How long are you going to cut it ?" el Up to that knot " " How much do you ask for it ?" " Five dollars." " I won't give it." "Well, if you don't, somebody else will." M old farmer P-- wask woi_uvg away, sure enough a stranger did come along, who asked the following questions and received following answer. " Good morning, sir." " Mill-post," ' u How fat is it down to the corner !" " Up to that knot." "You don't utiderstanJ me—how far is it down the corner?" " Five dollars " " Yon old scamp, I have a goof notion to give you a whipping:. " Well, if you don't somebody else will:' r Dan Marble, speaking of a young gentle: wan with moustaches, said : " lie is a °tailor that wears hair on his upper lip to keep theapiders horn crawling into his hollow squash." Oral Taus."—Ths following toast was given at a railroad dinner at Detroit, lately a•Ednors.—tieddars on which politicians 'clitsta to pawan.ietoneers in sit great enterprise-00'0n. 1y atria whoa. labor is i's own tswaid-the hardest worked, the poomp:patd, mop eilt•eiciiftioing and atmesid of ill the tziotegge6" " ' MI rfm DIM •• '1 I= The Congress 0f.9.76. • We iiike from the Knivkeabocker aniinterestiof mature of the o:d congtem of 'TB. , • " In the President's Chair sits Hancock, ererted with a deineanor graceful and splendid, like the " blazing Hyperion on his.robed throne." .Psomi. nest in the heroic band, and oldest of theirdruntin a he who at the earner time snatched the tgfititkigt from the skies and the acepjre horn the opposer's band, There too is Morris, the fihaltier of the revolution, %%hose generous aid, Ideate's% on his own credit, paved the way for die victores et Tren ton and Pi ineetort, awl in the gloomiest bout can ed the American eagle to soar aloft towards heaven . More retired but not less interested, is that old Pur itan, Samuel Adams", his front engravensthzught and publiti,care. He was among the first to excitor popular rebellimi against wrong and he is here to aid the_progress and pray for the consummation.-- Of tew words, but abounding in great and beneficial deeds, hitits in council grave and tacitti;n, lika grey-haired Saturn * quiet as a stone, his soul firm as granite, and unbending before the storm. His more oratorical namesake, John Adams, with ere and ear scanning the proceeding, while every look betrays his read-toss to exemplify his favorite max im, " I would rather be in the wrong with Plato, than in the right with Epicurip " Lee, wherterin imitable assiduity arid elaborate greet, moves in chi wait ou. majesty of the -scene.JW itherspoon, the divine, " via:bly written blessed in his looks" is there with meekness Of a minister of Jesus Christ, but with a firmness that never quailed in the„pres mice of his counlry'a foe. In ~,the alternative be tween the sacrifice of freedom or the loss of lite, like the Spartan mother, he would rather see his son brought home a corpse upon his shield,than dis honored by its loss. Arid Rutledge, the youngest of the patriots, comes forward to illustrate in his own person, the ancient apologue of the youthful Hercu les, in the pride and strengih of beauty surrender. ing his entire soul to the the worship of exalted vir tue. But is needless any former to specify ; all, as one man, are really to exclaim our mother is America, our battles are for freedom, purity of pur pose is our breastplate, and the favor of heaven is out -shield!" EXTRACT PROM A PAPER IN 1807.—Copy of painter's bill, presented to the Vestry for work done in our church : To filling up a chink in the Red sea, and repair ing the damages of Pharoh's host. To a new pair of hands for Daniel in the lion's den, and a new set of teeth for the lioness. To cleaning a whale's belly, ‘arnishing Jonah's face, and mending his lett arm. To a new skin for Joseph's garment To a sheet anchor, a jury mast, a long boat tor Noah's ark. To giving a bluvh to the cheek of Eve, on pre senting the apple to ,Jam. To painting a new city to the lacr.l of Nod. To cleaning the garden of Eden after Adam's ex pulsion. P To making a bridle for the Samaritan's horse and mending one of its legs. To tiiung 11 new handle to Moses' basket, and binding the bulrushes. To adding more fuel to rye lire of I\ebuchednet• zee:. furnace. Received payment, Sept. 9, 1807 0::7-.% man who marries now-a daystnarries a great deal. He not only weds himself to a woman, but a laboratory of prepared chalk, a quintal of whalebone, eight coffee bags, part of a bale of cot ton, half a silk store, four baskets of novels, one poodle dog, and a lot of weak nerves that will keep lour servant girls, three doctors, a tyrannical nurse, and my dear ma," around the house the whole blessed time. Whether the fun pays for the pow. der requites a mighty deal of nice consideration.' az:7- Make sure, first, and principally, of that knowledge which is necessary fur you, as a man a member of society. Next, of what is necessary in your particular way of life. Afierwaris improve yourself in all useful and ornamental knowledge as far as your capacity, leisure and fortune will allow. Kr Pope in his old age said much COM pang as I have kept, and as I love reading better, would mike' be employed in reading than in the most agreeable coucersatron.'' WRAI a true philosopher who said—Pe cliceifid—happiliess is older than misery. Adam dwell to l'aiadase and clover alinust a week before the devil came along. Or 4 ' Jones, what an the world put matrimony 'filo your . head?" 44 Wen, the fact is, Joe, I was gelling short of chime ' Kr A wag recently appended to the lief of fief. ket regulations in Cincinnati, "No whistling, near ie bausage goalie." Kr A good minister prayed fervedtly for those of the congregation who were too proud to kneel and too lazy to stand. lry Red palm!, which is an impa t vetnenl to the 'colts of old walk, is generally' supposed to be an t)jory to the cheeks of young ladies. (r.r. Trust bun hula who praises all ; him leas who censures all; and him less who is indifferent to all. (I;;r A man beinkasked why he talkcd to him pelf, candidly annealed, " because 1 like to 0011- verse with a man arsenal." Q4r It its an extraordinary fact, ant those who a to high words gutturally use low language,. Afn. Writ is wire u6tio seidi a aeottst and honest no t to re veal it. =EOM it,llll , 1 \ ,2 - struarrat