Mucgowns. HNO OUT THE BANNERtI A horse I a horse ! my kingdom tot a horse and customers to take ataiiy the goods. liotwitlestanding the late disasom , s fire . A. M. whissza is himself again! And at No. I Brick Row flail Most anything that's in his line, From a earnhric needle of the finest kink To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep time accurate and inse; Breast pins of every style and hne, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected wish the greatest 'pains. Finger rings, my gout, why what s pike Of every shape and every style. To snit the old. the young, the grive. the gay, May there be seen in viegant array. And Wsate es. who is himself a " hosts . ' Is always ready and at his post. To wan upon his customers and all Who chance opon,,tiirt to give a call. So with good advide make up your mind% To call on him and there !null finder Stich sights,my eyes, 0 I what a view Jewelry of every style and hne. (3•liton't mistake the place No. I. Brick row, where he is prepares! to do all kinds of JOB-WORK It in his line of busines, at ihe cheapest rates that can po.sshly be ati"rdetl He will also sell his jewelry at 20 per cent tower, than Ira% ever before offered in this market. S Call anal see. fill Towanda, Nov. 12, 1862. A. Id. WARNER. Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block Fr 1. f 7'vt rt'hr rir In , -slit* TI AS 'lust returned from the city 4,..;. II of New York with a lurgr _ a snp l .ly of WatcheA, Jewelry and • -.. I # , Silver ware, in part. 1 : 7, - ,,' 4 If.. t he irE following articles:—Lever. .. .., , cl Plain Watches, with 4 4 ,: L. - .... ..7 - if .' a complet e Pinean assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger fin pi,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which he offer, for sale eteeeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run welLor the money will be refunded. and a wri• ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produc taken in payment for work; and alai. learn nom, an °reser ,that the Produce must be pad when the war is done—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A: CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28, 1852. . Public; Sale of Property in Rome. Bywirtae of en order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned guardian of 1.. B. Maynard's minors, will eel! at public sale in the village of Home, in said county, on' Prides!, September 2d, at 1 o'clock. P. M. the following Real Estate, via— l. A lot of ground in Rome village at the inter— section of the Wyse' and Owego road. with the road from Rome to B. Taylor's. having thereon erected a Bares Dwsudes Hones, a &yam barn and otaer improvements, formerly occupied by L. S. Maynard. 2. A lot of land west of said village, containing about 13 aces all improved with an orchard end small barn then on. adjoining Martha Crenate", Lewis Barnes, the town road and others. 3. Another lot in Rome village containing about 1 acre, adjoining J. M. Cannier. Judson Holcomb. Wm Olsson an d the Baptist Church lot, with a frame granary building thereon. • C) 4. Another lot in Rome village, bounded by Main street, the Baptist parsonage lot, Lamina Wattles and Wm E Maynard, with a frame store house thereon, now occupied by John W Woodburn and nearly op posite No. 1. 5. Also another lot in Rome township shove Bean Creek, bounded by Newton Frost, the main road, Silas Seely sod Martha Cranmer. 6. Also the undivided half of another lot containing 11 acres in said township, near the Taylor road ad= , joining lands of Wm E Maynard and John Pusmore. Terms made known on day of pale. HIRAM R. MAYNARD. August 1. 1853. ADMINISTR%TOWS None& ALL persons indebted tc the estate of Obediah Blake ley, deceased, late of Burlington tarp. are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for acute Inept. J V. DANIELS, JOHN BLOOM, Administrator.. Aug. 30, 1853 TO kUMBERMEN.-WANTED. 3 0 to 50,000 ft. Maple, 51 by 6-20 to 30,000 ft do. by 4.-10,000 feet 4 by 4, Poplar.—. 10 to 20,000 ft. 3 inch Ash plank.-20 to 30.000 ft. 1/ inch Ash plank.-10,000 It. prune 4 by 4 cher. ry.-10.000 ft. prime t inch cherry boards. IS inch es wide or over, to be delivered this coming Fall and Spring on the bank of the River at Harrisburg. Lumber of good quality and strait grained is wanted. Proposals will he received till September tat, for furnishing the above, and.persons sending propo sals will state the quantity and quality of the differ ent kinds they can furnish, and at what price and when. 0:1` Lumbermen having such. lumber would al— ways do well to stop at Ha rri4burg. Terms of payment.—Cash on delivery and in— spection. Address (post—paid) W. O. HICKOK, Harrisburg, Pa Harrisburg, July 5, 15:,3. Chance to make money. AGE NTS WANTED To canvass for subscribers to " Hayward's Unit edll. Statea Gazetteer," .ho " Cottage Bible" and other valuable and popular Any intelligent anh enterprisir.g man can make good wages by accepting an agency for these works. which are in 'high favor and very easily sold. Apply to .1. F. BROWN, at this ptare. until *nit,. day next, and thereafter, at the office of the Brad ford Reporter. jun'elli J. F. BROWN. U. 3. MADILL arron r 41 1 1.40, Office with the'Register end Recorder, TOWANDA. PA. ADMINISTRATOrd NOTICE ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate bf Edward ratterson, deceased, late of South Towanda tp., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate wilt please present them duly authenti cated for settlement 7,M A RIND A PATTERSON. DENNIS WGILL, Administrator*. ions 27, 1839 To Oonitractors sad Others. WE have on hand. pork. beef, butter, corn, oats, wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples, flour, feed, We, steel, shovels, bars, powder, fuse, fish, tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap, tobacco, salt and cealent for sale as cheap as at any Other house. Athens, April 23, 1853. WEL LS & HARRIS. thwelbansa MAW" histkite. rpHotsz who-have subscribed towards the erre. tion of the budding for this institution in To wanda, are requested to call and pay into the Tree. suit lb per cant. on the amount of their respective subscriptions, the building baying been eons. mewed. s J. D. htONTANYE. Towanda, May 11, 1853. Treasurer %%one Zodobtel to Vo DT note or boOk account will please take NOTICE that we are in want of money, and nurse hose it. All who neglect to attend 16 this timely warning. may eirpect a visa from the Wile Cos Adds. No ' biTgra e. time. HALL &RUSSELL de, Mow% i . leue. deal. 10. ms's UTERINE CATHOLICON. all the distreAsing eases for which it is of fered ; being those incidental to the respectable fe. male, whether married ursine', and u.mally known by the name of TEDIULTAI 01 these are Prolapses Uteri, or falling of the Womb ; Floor Inn .mation and Ulceration of the Womb ; Incidental limmorthage. or Ilanding . Pain. ful, Suppresied and Irregular ?denstruation, dre., with all their accompanying er.l4,' (Cancer except ed ) no matter how :1•C I. re tir of how long stand ins. That this'cATKoricorst is in r very way worthy of the confidence of the afflicted as a vuccessfut, safe, and cheap remedy, is vouched-for by 11. e fact of its having received the approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent members of the Medical Vacuity in the United States, and also by the voluntary frs timonials given in the testimonials given in the pamphlets, from ladies and Phpician of .he hieh est respectability as certified by the most satisfac tory atiihoritY• This preparation is not a " cure all," but it is in tended expressly for the above named complaints, so very tlistresing in their nature and consequent ces and which have heretofore resisted theaktll and exertions of the mo.t accor»plished Physicians of all countries, to a degree beyond that of perhaps any other malady to which the human family is heir. The ingredients, as certified be hieh medical au thority. (see pamphlet ) are all vEurrA BILE, and are not associated with any article unfriendly to the animal economy. REFPRE‘CIS.—P. B. Peckham. M. D. Utica. N. Y.. 1.. D. Fleming, M. 1) Canandaguia. N Y. D. Y. Foote, M. D. Syracuce, N. Y. M. H. Mile, M. D. Rochester N. Y.. Prof. Dunbar, M. D. Baltimore, W. W, Reese, M. D., City of New York, W. Pres— cott, M. D. Concord, N.' H (,j Pamphlets can be bad gratis at my Drog store in Towanda, Pa. Sold by all the leading Druggists in the adjoining counties. DR. H. C. PORTER, Agent J. B. Marchisi & Co., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. junels IMPORTANT TO TRI rather, Farrier a Stage Proprietor GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CIELZBBATED GARGLING OIL 11111MINIZALL/X. tl TIN SIOTOZT OF 1117 1 / 1 01111 Y this mad nssartsble atonal AppUsatior over 4 - 0 MAN "They can't Keep Howe without it." Experience of more than sixteen years has establidied the fact that Merchant'. Celebrated Gargling 00, or Gni. venal Family Embrocation, will mare must cases, and irs• Sere all each to Spaying. Sweeney. ningbone, WindgaDs. Poll Evil, Callous. Cracked lieels. ale of atil kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises. Fis bilk Shiest. Sand Cracks, Strains, Lamenest, Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease. Mange. RheumatAm. Bites of Animals. &tenni' Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bites. Btti s . Cores. Whitlows. Burns and Sanide, Chalimi Hants, Cnirn Con tractions of the muscles. Swellings, eakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts. dm. dc. The unparalleled success of this Oil, is the cure of dis ease. In Homes and Cattle, and even in human flesh, as daily becoming more known to the fanning commudty. It can hardly be credited, except by those who have bees an the habit of keep i i2 it in their stables and houees, what a van amount, of n, suffering and ume, a.. eared by das timely applscation of this Oil. lie cure the natne of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W, MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., is blown In the side of the bottle, and In his handwriting over the cork. All onion addressed to the proprietor will be promptly responded to. Get a Pamphlet or the Agent, and see what wonders an accomplielied by the tire 01 this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally, in the Unite , States atid Canada. Also by Ao za-rs.—Fi. C. Porter, Towanda—Wm. Kid Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. V. Barnes, Colombia Plats—l.. D. Taylor, Burlington—f ,& Bron• son, Orwell—E. Dyer, Covington—D. M. Bailey. Mansfield--Humphrey &. Place. Ti‘oga—Terrell Montrose—Perry de Ozden, Elmira Whole ale *gents are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden et., New York. CANTON AND AT ENS RAIL ROAD corixrannr. THE undersigned Commi•stoners appointed in pursuance of the Charter incorporating said company will open Books for sub.criptionc of stock t the Bradford Ifou , e, in the borough of Towanda, at 10 o'clock. A. M., on Saturday, the 25th of Juue next. O. F. M ‘so: y. 1". F. WELLS BURTON KINGSBERT I C. Hi HERRICK, P }Comtn . m. C. COMSTOCK C. STOCKWELL' ROBERT FERRIzi Towanda, May 25, I€l3. PosTrosams , m—The opening of books for sub. scriptions of stock to the Canton and Athens Rail Road is postponed to July 31st in Auditor's Notice. Estate of Allen Aloofly, deceased THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund is the hands of the administrators of said estate, will attend to said business, at his office in Towanda boro', on the 7th day, of July 1853, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are re quired to present iteir claims or else be debarred from said fond. June 4. 1853. Auditor's NotiliC, John Hamm rs lames A Payne, Bradford Corn Pleas No. 264. Sept T 1852 THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute money raised by Sheriff's sale, of the proprety of the defendant is the above suit, will attend to said business at his office in Towanda boro', on the 6th day of July 1653, at I o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are required to presentiheir claims or else be debarred from said fund. H. BOOTH. Stout 4,1859. Auditor DRESIB GOODB.—A good assortment of almost every style of dress gas& woes by ladies led re% for sale ac dect WEITURS. 2(X000 Lights Sash of all MINI* Just real by B. Towanda, Marsh SS, tem 50()NEWS, esUos Cask. a oat rats snide .111 by IP. FiLTOII & TIN AND STOVE STORE, THE -aailaraigned. having been duly ap pointed Agent for the sale of this truly IN VALUABLE MEDI (NNE. would respect fully invite the atten— tion of Ladies and Practitioners of To— wanda and vicinity, to the gratifying success that has attended its use wherever introdne. ed, and its happy adap• mine to the cure of H. BOOTH. Auditor Clovei Seed. parr received a quantity otvery superior Clover .41 awed. Fanners would do well topurchaee their last early. 3. KINGSBERY. TeWtmda, Pol. 8, ISt% St. arLIFEEIR AO F.TA 6141311A1 1,4 Emery's Patent Changeable Xterse Pow ers, Threshers, Separators, 4c., I - 1 WING to the great advance in the price of Iron. k_f the manufactnrera have found it treGessary to .o advance the prices. so a, to enable them to man ufacture powers equally good with other seasons, rather than use a cheaper material in their constru don. These machines are invariably protounced by competent judges, to be the best treadmill liorse• Power that are known. !Prices for the Season, 1853. Emery's Patent Changeable Horse Power, illbresher, Separator, Bawds; Sic., for two Honer. $l5O 00 Einery's Patent Chring,eable Horse Power, Thresher, Separator, Hand, &e., for one Horse..., s.. 125 00 Celery's Patent Changeable Two horse Pow• er, with Thresher and Cleaner combined,23s 00 Emery's Patent Twodtorse Power alone. 116 00 " One-horse 4 93 00 Threshing Machine. with Separator and fixtures, 26 inch reit vier. 37 00, 24 inch et liter 35 00 Sett of Hands for 11fpchini i , with extras, &c. 5 00 Wheeler's Patent 2 horse ireshing, machine .f.O 00 Wheeler's " 123 00 Do. 2 horse Machine with self cleaner. 235 00 Clover Hullers fort or 2 t horse power_ .. 30 00 Emery's Patent Reaping and Mowing Ma chine combine'''. 120 00 Mowing Machine alone, 110 00 In addition to the above prices, but two-t ) tirils of the actual freight from Albany (which, on my nia' chines, is very low, and arranged by special con tract) will be charged ; by which arrangement. pur chasers of machines of me, will save from four to six dollar on each machine. Machines will be de livered at any place on canal or railroad. TElMll—Cash or approved notes with interest, payable in 4 and 6 months. All machines war• ranted, and in case of failure, may be returned within 3 months and pay refunded. Those wanting machines should apply early in the season. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pm, June 22, 1853. LIBEL Ziff DrVOSCE. John M. Evans vs. Jane Evans, in Bradford County Cam. Pleas, leo. 34. Feby. Term 1853 JNE EVANS, defendant in the above cance:- You are hereby notified that John M. Evans, your husband. has filed his petition for a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony. And an alias sub. pcena has been returned, and proof mide . that you are n..t to he found in said county. You are, there fore, hereby required to appear at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Monday the sth day of September nest, being the Ist day of September term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint, an-1 show cause, if any you have. why the said John shall not be divorced from you. C. THOMAS. Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Towanda lone 30. 1853. PARASOL LOST. T 08T, between Towanda and.Monroeton. on Mon -14 day, 13th June last, a Green changeable Pars. sot. with red satin flower.. The finder is requested to let me know where it can be found, or lease it at the office of the Bradford Reporter, where they will be suitably rewarded for 'their trouhle. Wynn. June 28, 1823. M. C. ALLEN. NOTICZ. THEREBY forbid all persons from trusting any one on my account, without a written order from me. as I will pay no debts so contracted, unless compelled by law. HUGH O'HARA Towanda. June 30,1853 _ PAPER HANGINGS. THE only assortment of Paper Hangings kept in this vicinity, with • fresh stock jog coming in at unusually low prices. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 21, 1853. r LOUR—A quantity of stiperhin• flour, just re ceived, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, Feb. 16, 1853. DAILm. TUBS AND MATS —A new supply of I painted tubs and pail's, also Minion mate, just received at mayts MERCIJR S SPRING. 1853. } THE subiciibers would inform their friends and customers that they have increased their faccil. ities for manufacturing 'L and intend keeping the largest stock and assort ment of CLOTHING, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, FURN ISHING GOODS, OILED CLOTHING AND RUBBER GOODS, that can be found in the States. Terms' and pri ces satisfactory. HANFORD & BROTHER. 29 Park Row, opposite the Astor: H ou se New York, March 9, 1853. United States Hotel, LAPORTE, PA. JOHN C. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. • Formerly of the '• Laporte' Hotel." Q --- ALT FOR SALE.--101;barrefs of 26alt received this day and for sale by June 15, 11433. BAILEY /Ye NEVINS. AItIC FOR SA LE.-5 Arks for sale on liberal terms by junelb BAILEY Je NEVIN.% LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN Clover Seed. ,toBUSHELS of Clover Seed just received and for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash pike, or exchtinged for most kinds of produce. Towanda, Ireb.s, 1853. BAILEY &NEVINS. 60BARRELS of old Ohio W htskev just received and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Drug Store, BQUINTLEB of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring. IS barrels of Saleratus. warrented in prime order. left on male at New York cash prices at REED 1 1 1 Drug Store, Towanda, Jan, 28, 1853. owEOO MARBLE FACTORY. PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. I lean Marble. or Black Stones of all sizes. can are them on the shortest notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and better than cap be rar chased elsewhere. - o"Cbester Wells Cabinet Maker and linden* kyr, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda, Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS. Towanda, March, St, WM BOOTS SHJES! . . - • 401isi'W. MIAMI; • LTAB removed his establishment fo ff. WS de* LI corner of mein street sod the public aquae, end will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoe., as heretofore. . . He deafest received from New York a large assort ment of Women's, Children's and Aliases' Shoes. whiclv are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is psricolarly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles r,-.Enamelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes' black fasting awl ,gaiters ; walking shoes, briskiL,/kc. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every de s cription. A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen. slalom every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and be believes ho can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. (7 The strictest attention pair} to Man afadurtng. and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continn aace of ttu liberal patronage be des hitherto received. Towanda. May 8.:1851. • ribrr e—ribk -NA c 4 it • ) CUUNTT HAVING located in Towanda , his services may be obtained by addressing a line tbrodgh the Post Office, or by calling at the tame of Ulysses blereor, Esq. , where he will be found, or where a written sp lice( pion may be let 4. Nev. 1, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHIND upon reasonable terms. Thee are determined by doing their work well sod promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. IitIRS,E—fiIIOEING done in the hest manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desirrd. An work dune at their shop, will be warranted lobe well done, and minufantured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge f ur c i e urge h res . rp,ENWINE SZEBISCHH. Towanda, May 2, 1351: Twavnicurtfram cwhAnnaromat, Important to Housekeepers: 6,I=NiTHE subscriber thankful for the / ''.• liberal patronage heretofore re eeived, begs leave to inform his g ,it - friends and the public generally; g- 'and those commencing, House -- 'keeping in panicular that hebas ;row on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, %shiers We will warrant to Be made in a substantial manner, and of the. hest materials. BUREAVS, sneh ab mahogany and walnut dry 56. ing bureans. marble and plain tops ; mahogany and (walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns. Card and end tables, Sofas Couch es, whatnots. Are. BEA DBTE A DS.—Higb, Field, Trench and - tow post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the must accommodating terms. al - ft The subscriber is also provided with • plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in readine-s to attend to all orders in undenalliair. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and warranted to be of the beat matt fiats and workman ship. Towanda. January 17. 1852. N OA E Genuine unless accompameu • • lac shirt Is of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. Le• SOULE & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated 80V EREWN BALM OF LIFE. it is nut our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer ence for the afflicted. Many proofs might he given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and tali able in all case. being purely vegetable, and a meth tine worthy their beat confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good : Has airres, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, 1851. We the undersigned, citizens of Henrieua, having used personally Dr. Saules.Sorereign Balm Pills. and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. RonEkrs, G. H. DROWN. M. D. PHILLIP'S, D. G. 0 fIS, H. A. TIBBETTN, LEWIS REED. 1853. P. S.—You are at liberty to publish thistle: the pub lic good. BEWARE OP COG STUITEITEI ! We ore not aware the any one who is making a spurious article has yet der ed to make use of our name but some of them has had the impudence tolmitate our boxes and copy ow Circtlers, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived. CO' The genuine Sovereign Bolin Pills can be had wholesale and retai ,of Dr. SO I;LE & Co., Syracuse Onondaga Co. N. V Sold by Dr., H. C PORTE R, Towanda Pa., and lig their Agents in every town in the country. "215, Lafayette Burr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly foreman 'for many years of the Lafayette Burr Min Slone Mann• factory. 240 Washington St.. N. V., (W. Tvark, agent.) would inform hi friends and the public in era I, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AI BINUHAMTON, N. Y. In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their patronage. He will have con,.tantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mxll Stones. as alsolarge supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting Bin,hes. The undersigned - assures his friends and the public, that he will faiihfullyexecute all Orders en. trustedio his care, not only in quality but in pri• ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat• ronage. ORDERS by letter will he eseeuted with as much care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the spot. a REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H. Lewis. W.B. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post. Judge Jessup. l Salsbury, & Co., Montrose, Pa. Caleb Cannalt,' Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Dundaff. 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall, Smithborough, N. Y. - MajorD. Mersereau, Union, N. Y. M. T. Nichols, Owego, N. Y. Royal & Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Nov. 8, 18524,23 CLOTHING!! .& A CAMPBELL, haring been purified by 11. the recent fire, have again fitted up their CL 01'11111 1 911 1 081,. - in the same place as Wore and are now offering for sale, a desirable assortment of fall and winter .0 00 ID . They being desirous of making np tbeirrecent lass, will sell at onus fly low prices. Towanda, No 9, Clistem sad Well Pumps I LBAD PIPE ! I Hydraulic Rams 1 of any kind, ~ size. dtc., cheap fnr ready pay. for sale by Jan. B, 1863. IL 31. WELLES. aiscefia»ca»s Alinellama INFORMATION PDX ll*looB wuo WANT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY OR PROPERTY !!! Do you wain to ea or mortgage any raid east° t Have you s bond and mortgage you wish to sell Have you houses. tateme, or lots, that you wish to sail or lame I Hive you a mill, bcfory, foundry, tannery, or oth • er manufacturing eatabtishment, that you wil) to sell or rent! Oars you iron ore, cool, potters' or fire clay, or other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on shares :Have that you would like to have drain ed or cleared by contract or on shares T Have you,water power that you wish to cell, ittl provevor rent I lko Jew want additional capital, or a yrartoor io your business 1 Do,you want to eell your stock of merchsrolise Do you w lat to forma Company to create capital for any specific object ; pop viol to exchange your properly for other pmPerty ? Do you want in your neighborhood mills, fermi ries, tanneries, or other manufactories }lave you any WdJ Ifsfal improvement in machine. ry, or in the arts, whichs 4 you want to sell, or which you want means to 'manufacture 'T If you have any of the above wants, or others of a similar character, and will inclose to our address, (post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of them ; and if property, its locality, proximity to ca nal. railroad, or navigable water, to churches. schools, mills, stores, &a.. the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage. lease, :exchange. or otherwise dis• pose 0'11; and if you will also inclose to u, a Reg ii-leatinn fee of $l, (the receipt of which will be at knowledgril.) your want shall be recorded in, our Register, and your letter placed on the file esienated for your State and County. for the inspection, free of charge, of those who ore seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, or invest. We make no charge to any for examin'ng our Register and files. When they make known their wishes. they are r; (erred 10 your own statement of your wants : and as we have Maps of the Jiff rent States, and of such Counties as we have been aloe to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers; that arrive with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,000 M 5,000 are daily arrivin. ,) and we also -have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers et the hotels ; and as we advertise in the prhsciperl papers of the city of Sew York, and in van one forms throughout all of the states, as well as the different countries of Europt, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall agents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who with to purchase, exchange, Base, or invest, to visit our office, without charge— We are confident that we oirer a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practised. The best place for you to effect a eel's . , lease, ex• c h ang e or loan o n 4yonr property, is in its immediate vicinity. rr you cannot go it there, the next best place is in the city of New York. Or if you want Irumi• grants or settles* of any class Isere is the place to obi tsin them: Etemiw here at ail times antfressons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking for mreetrrivnts or homes. Because th !re are probably 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a geese proportion of the earplug capita? of the Union, seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while you can afford to give as ample security, or other in ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte rest, either in annual income or increased rein. Because here, en examination of our files will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be Mona which they seek. Because here, there is en opportunity-to eitchstme country or other city property, for property:in this city or its vicinity. Because a person, by spending a few boon in our office, without charge, can obtain more information of the property in market throughout the country. and the wants of community, then by months of travel. Became, finally, here in the commercial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout this and other countries, by re cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of ocr countrymen, both parties, those abo wish to purchase and those who desire to sell, can be mutually benefited In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect : for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compari. son of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shalt be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate, and send purelm.ers to the own ers, no special authority to us ; but when it is desired that we shouldsell,ar, mill must he given. Our commissions on sale,, &t., are 2 per cent. The raising of comjanie , , arni other mat ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. Several farms in the same neighborhood often find a more ready gale than a single farm, as Immi grants desireTo remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers. 116 Broadway, New Y ork. Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; Hon. Alton Bronson, o.sweqn, N.Y.; Gov. Wood. Ohio ; Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio; Ron. R. W. Thompson, la-; Hon. b. A. Noble, Mich ; Hon. I. R. Mich ; lion. Rob% Smith. Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowa ; Hon. J. R. Doty. Wis. c c,- Fur limber information inquire of R VEY McALPIN. Local Agent, (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell. EN.) Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. 44y _ _ . TUE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! THE .tiliscriher w o o,' an. i C • hay. flounce n nw t o n the ti t a i, ,, , ,I p . , :l ist l i c 1 , sx i I ; in • m 1 4, ,.. c ..,... i 1 to ercer all kinds of Cabinet . Lure, such as . of,ts..lti ans. I.nonzes ten rs , ter, e Tables , e 1 ., 7 I s ) t i i 1 a u h, 1 , , , f and ~ ) , I . lle \ r ‘l li. 1. • nut, Maple and ChPrry Bureaus, . ic. Stands of various kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best material and workmanlike mariner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the country, 2.111L0T-EICADII COFFINS, on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACXINSON Towanda. Jobe 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. M R. OLMSTED, Pacestwine of th e Athens Waling% gives his thanks to his fnends, and the traveling public generally. for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same. AN OMNIBUS, wiltrun regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, who wish to visit • pleas. ant village on business or othertirise. A daily liner of first rate Four Horse Coaches, are running through to Towanda. Those wishing will be insured a seat in the coach from this place and those going to the RAIL-ROAD elm atop it Athena, and spend an hour or tit and be insured a, conveyance in time to meet the Terabit trains of cars going East or West. Also those who wish to leave their teams bare ears be conveyed to and from the oars free of charge Athens, Sept., .1, 1852 - BRYAN'S pflanoNic IV AVER S. N‘,4,11.RK-,;d rlflis extraordinary preparation has b en re ny year* the most certain and speed y for Coyotes, Cocos, Arrives, Buoycrteroxl, ZA, AND DISS•S$11109111,11 GUST 411ae, those su ff ering from obstinate and eonfirme, they give the most immediate and peef eeot when great tiatinlity to take cold erists,utd lesome Cough succeeds the alightestexpothr WAFERS produce the most marked resoitt, at once relieve the Cough and other sye epro, entirely remove that morbid irritab!!oy nesa of the Longs which give rise to the, The medical properties are combined in a t ble form and pleasant to the taste, so a ll will readily take them : and they a„ vl give relief in ten minutes erect nse in all ea... el. Price 25 PORTER. Tow a n da. Pa. box. Fur sale b y D s. il. Towanda. Feb. 9.1 F 453. WORLD'S FARI PRIZE CHURX incliourtA , A nir w. nArri !72rIttN to, I T. nd l'etrnn-1 Al.rd rro CH i;R.N was awarded the Pre m ,, 1 the late Farr of all Naliona bell m Lae( It o leo took the Premium at he Canadian Pral. Fair. beta to Torunto,C C., in ed a silver Medal and 1146 ma a: Ile Fair New Enrzfaruf ,ter Charitable Asarc,t h o ld in Viiatirn, °cider, 1 , c,0. In shun 11 has pi; the first Preut . uri 1' S- 2 . ! ai ,d c ount , F wherever it has t ,,, rierh,r,d, and it n nii ;, approved by a!! h. , ry 11 , n and Ddi,y !hrs. ha 7, arlua:nird wn Th) , CHI - RN is cur.r..rur.trA EU, VG, wrirrKtyr; orr,s‘t..4ixr; Tilt rte BUTTER The.e rvt ; t.n rn n l'airsyss, n7P .„Li l ‘VELLN & CU, 'l'u-saa.:l.l'.. rr 'y posite the Ward H , u , e. Towanda. April 21, Attention Regiment! '--- 7!' (5 7. -i' .*:7 7l i- .. 7;'T i. i i MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! Fl, JOHN E. GEIGER, would say to hi. old' the public. at. Isms, that he has comicial and mariolaetoring Rifles and Shot Guts Among his assortment of Guns may hr, and single barrelled Guns. Itillesof all kind' Pow der Flasks, Shot PJUChPR, Game Bt Primers. Also, Poo der. Slot. Caps of do 4 is. Aliens' six barrelled Revoking barrettes] self-cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistou, due Pistols and common steel and brims Pistols. G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder io Cart etsintly on ham!. Any of the ahore artities wit? Le "rid 'ilk; for the Reidy Pay. Keys of eny kind tithr d to Doom Mail other kind of locks nn short notice and revonata Repairing done with neatness and &silk few rode north of the Bradford House. Towanda. May 22, I A 2. I. E. GET) LIQUORS ! LIQUORS! THE Subscribers haring fnetied 4 Torsrner• under the fit uf S FEL lON &Ctl. ing a general I.iquor !.wine"., a ntd Tesre , ask Hotel keepers and all others is aunt rf ,thing in their line to giva ;hem a cal . .. keeping on hand a general asserment cf Liquors. whirl. %re can 5e4 rhearer any else in the county. from the fact that after from the importer, arid thereby an a 'ar;:t charged by the N.l - Jobhers ; Liquor are ed pure and free iron) a tnl erattno. Abr r.r , ly on band Whi , i.ey of the hest Ina' tr. We mane arranzemee.t , hI ‘vh.rh Ire can farm ..11 ctis'omers with ana f fresh from the Itrett P. , see [.re 4' a .a' The notes and ae,,itnits ton & Co., are in our hands for zettlemet, Town win. Dec. 1. 155'2 NEW YOBS, ADVERTISEMEN AA" . H. lIID. f-rtner'r , .1 - Braff , r l • is sill! e , ; , :;,r,e,1 the f:1111 011.1 an 1 Ja;2cer, hn h ere ,`• • ,'ne n , ro r•: to. new and Irltie),,tt., slnre .Ni an I r•er orret. ee of Church, she rear r f 1 - luse\, th' y are prcPare t ex to a 1 - ery lat:e rzoneral as• , ranerd r 1' , ree:n a"! 1 130 ' DRY GOODS, adap:e3 r the cr , ttntry trale . ycttl treep a iarere .t ~ d e rfVermac,Caeheo.ah er desirable Prints. Cash ar ro, first (Iwo: ere,: tt.ust,,mers Lad it to :!,r;! !ere , : ter call. They ha ce a !•., a lerartment / 31) " and Sat IF, t and feel rce - Ii.!: can ofler het ter harc . w, , to that ;the 3r. rt sive hint and Sh-e le•nke )n l'Aet that the exen-e is mach lot< :n the ;Irma]; t ....It-t Ba.:1 tia . :trs that harinz the benefit of 15 rear. er , e-esee mercantile (qt.:mess II:a If, rd ( . 0..h•" of the style of I.ipi •1 I, 'he Nor her:, sylvania trade, a n I niake It an ant's doing lio•ine,- ;;t! Any pr r Cnr Prumptly allonacd artc,ei wail; " , n• Vork. Irarci , .. I. 1*,.11. Ilia, AL' UAL SALA, Nadi li'. 11 am tirs Tronk near! EIiE C1 . 1,P S. 0 that they hate removed 6 , t'.3l 'hop * ,l3 ' . rooonity oorupwd by timlth Ar Son, nn-t the Ward House, where they will step as large atexit •D -„, TRUNKS, t LIS LS, WSW , ETh AU articles in tbeir hne manufacturo i:, “ made of the hest material, and for n ortsond be !mrpaseed in Northern Psiinstiirrei. TI a call from those wishing to ! airtime. sail they can give satisfaction both ag toquilit Cr7filides and sheep Pelts received for account. at the lowest rates." Sale Leather, Vpper !Yarrow 1 " 4 " 49 Calf skirts, for sale in any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE ON account of losses causined st ',the Ist. ore obliged to call on those initchted Prompt settlement, as we are under the neee° having whit is owing to us, we oust dui act' be sufficient without resorting to other goo Tottunda. Dec. 2 , 1952. AIL "TA-1EILI CIP• IL W Pa., formerly of Bradford C • P. returns his thanks to his frienchdas t for, favors, and solicits the continuation of e age. Having made arrangement. tc, motive the firm of Fuller 4Dayton N° Its Wen St tweet' Bombay and V r.ey streets, where `— found always ready to supply his customers ing 0110CERIES, with a supply at too Pro on favorable terms. Particular pains frill it d. to keep on hand desirable goo lig ' ( " 1 the country. New'York• Feb 9,101 FEI TnN F. PIT