Mist(Hamm. HNO.:2U,T, THE BANNER!! -A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a hone and customers'• to take tawny the goods. Notwithmanding the late , • diaastrous fire, A. M. WA IiNF.I2 is him again! And at No. t Brick How you'll find Most anyinuin that's iu his line, From acanabricneedle of the lineal kind, To &jewelled u etch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep tone accurate and true; Breast pins of every style and hue. Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected vs ith the greatest paina. Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile flf every shape and every style. . To snit the old the yaongolte grave. the gay, May there he seen in degant array. And WAussa, who is himself a - host," Is always ready and at his post. Te wait upon kip ca-tomes and all Who chance open lan to give* cal- • So with gond advice make up your et:intl.,. • To call' or, 'him and ahere you'll find teeels sights. na y eyes, 01' what a view Jewelry of every style and hue. tij•Don't mistake the place No. I. Brick row where be Is prepared in do all kinds of JOB-WORK in his line of bovines, at the ere:west rates that can poosobly be afforded. He will also Fell his jewelry at 20 per cent lower, than was over, before offered in this market. ( ry. Call and see. rj) Towanda, Nov; I. 1002. A. M. WARNER.- _ . . Removed B. Ringsbery's Block ' Tr.!. C7t er irs•te ri in, ....6 H AS just returned from the city 41.:. of New York with a large .: .iik ripply of Watches,. Jewe lry and. % • °' , :1.7 Silver ware, comprising in part. ~, ;;(.. the following articles:—Lever. .----\ e 4 j = ' . % =pine and Plain Watches, with Nolr C . `• q)ii, -- . -61----ii a• complete assortment of Gold itttelry, such as Ear Rings, Pin. gee Ili n TIN Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantitY of Steel Beads,all of which he offer, for rale azceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and tvarranted to run well,or thauioney will-be refunded. and a wri' ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. 8.--MAPLE SUGAR. and Country Produc taken in - pastaeut for work.; and alai. learn riaw, an armee, taint the Produce mnst.he paid when the war it done...l:war against credit in ell its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. . Ttrantada, April 28, 1852: - • _ Public Sa!e of Property in Rome. 13Y sinus of an order of the Orphan's Court o Bradford County, the undersigned guardian o 1.. 8. litsynard's minors, will sell at public sale in the village of Rome. in said county, 00 rride,r, September ad, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following Real Estate, via— l. A lot of ground in Rome village at the inter section of the Wpm: and Owego road, with the road from Rome to B. Taylor's, having thereon erected a Balms Dwitutro Hoc's, a frame barn and mart improvements, formerly occupied by L. S. Maynard. 2. A lot of land west of said village, containing about 13 ames all improved with an orchard end small barn thereon, adjoining Martha Cranmer, Lewis Barnes, the town road and others. ,Another lot in Rome vil l agecaptaining about 1 *lire,' adjoining J. M. Crannier, Judson Holcomb. Wm Claggelt ar.d the - Baptist Church lot, with a frame granary building thereon. 4. Another lot in Rome village, bounded by !thin street; the Baptist parsonage lot, Louisa Wattles and Wm E Maynard, with • frame store house thereon. now occupied by John W Woodburn and nearly op posite No. 1. S. Alsoanother lot in Rome township above Bean bounded by Newton Frost, the main road, Silas Seely and Martha Cranmer. 6. Also the undivided half of another lot containing 11 acres in said township, near the Taylor road ad joining lands of Wm F. M ivnard and Jahn Passmare Terms made known on day or sale. HIRAM R. MAYNARD. August 1, 103. . , . ADMINISTRITOWS N(rrice. ALL peisons indebted tc the estate of Obediah Makesley, deemed, late of Burlington twp are hereby requested to make im-nediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will iMiase present them duly authenticated for settle trot . J V. DANIELS, JOHN BLOOM, Administrators. Aug. 30. 1853 TO LUMBERMEN.-WANTED. I - 1 to 50.000 ft. Maple, 5i by 0-2 11 to 30,000 ft ‘, do. t by 4.-10, 0 00 feet 4 by 4, Poplar.—. 10 to 20,000 ft. 3 inch Ash plank.-20 to 30.000 ft. inch Ash plank.—lo,ooo tt. prime 4 by 4 cher. ry.--10,000 ft. prime I inch cherry boards, 15 inch es wide or over, to be delivered this coining F.lll Spring on the bank of the River at Harrisburg. Lumber of good quality and strait grained is wanted. Proposals will he received till September let, for furnishing the above, and persona sending propo sals will state the quantity and quality of the differ ent kinds they can furnish, and at what price and when. CY" Lumbermen having such lumber would al aray,s do well to stop. as Harrisburg. Terms of paymerii.—Cash OD deilVery and in spection. Address (post—paid) • W. 0. HICKOK, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg, July 5, 1853. Chance to make Money. AGENTS yVANTED To canvass for subscribers " Ilayward's Unit ed States Gazetteer." Lbe • Cotta g e Bible" and otbtr valuable and popular works. Any intelli g ent and enterpri4iirz man can make g ood wa g es by acceptin g an a g ency far tlie‘e works, which are in hi g h favor and very easily sold. Apply to .1. F. BROWN. at this plare. until Tne day next, 'and thereafter, at the office of the Brad- And'Reporter. jnneB Y. F. lIRCYWN. Ow S. arr Totz-.4"Er. 2",Lalt , Offigis with the Register end Recorder, TowArros, P►. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Am.persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of E'd'ward' ratterson, deceased, late of Booth Towanda tp., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims ngaimit said estate will please present them duly authenti cated for settlement. M A RINDA P kTTERSON, DENNIS WGILL, Adrninictrmtnre Jove 27, 1853 To Contractors and Others. WE have on hand. pork. beef, butter. corn. oats, wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples, flour, feed iron, steel, shovels, bars, powder, fuse, fish, iea,?eor' es; rope, molasses, soap, tobacco, salt and cement far sale as cheap as at any other house. Athena. April 23, 1853. WELLS 4 HARRIS. finsgenbaena Collegiate Institute. HOME who have subscribed towards the even ?Wciiii the building for this institution in To wanda, are requested tonal] and pay into the Tree. Bury 26 per cent. on the amount of their respective subscriptions. the building having been com• menced. J. D. MONTANYE, Towanda, May 11, /053. • Treasurer Those Indebted to Vs lop T 'note ,ur book account will please take NOTICE that we Its in tram of money. and mug ham it. All who neglect to attend to this timely warning, may aspect a 'visa 40111 the little Constable. Nojo king this time. HALL Is RUSSELL. 'l,.4antia, Merck 24 less. insbiral. • Dr. Starehisi's UTERINE CATHOL/CON. tation to iho cure of all the tiktressing die easea fur which it i. t iered ; being those incidental to the re , pectable , male, whether merrieti rtspiugle, and ti,aally kilo n by the name of rraruma COVIZI•4-11V1Z3. Of these are Prof:ipso:4 Uteri, or falling of the Womb ; Floor Intitination and Ulceration of the Womb ; Incidental liwrnorrh..ge. rtr flooding. Pain• rut, Suppres,ed and Irregular Menstruation. &c.. with all their accompan)ing ev.l•. (Cancer except ed ) no matter how . severe or trf how long rtaud• inv. Thai this cATEOLiCON i* in # Tel , way worthy arthe confidence of the afflicted as a aarcessful sate. and cheap remedy, is vouched for bribe fac of its having received the approbation and libera patronage of many prominent members of the Medical Faculty in the United States, and also by the voluntary vs timonials given in the testimonials given in the pamphlets, fram ladies and Phy,ician of .he high est respectability as certified by the roost satisfac• tory authority. This preparation is not 'a " cure all," but it is in tended expresrty for the above nailed Complaints, so very distressing in their-nature and consequent ces and which have heretofore resisted the skill and exertions of the most accomplished Physicians of all countries, to a degree beyond that of perhaps any other malady to which the human family is heir. The ingredients, air certified by high medical au thority, (.ee pamphiet ) err all VEGETABLE. and are not associated uith any article unfriendly to the animal economy. RrrnaaNcas.-I'. B. Peckham, M. D. Utica, N. Y., 1.. D. Fleming, M. 1) Canandaguia. N Y. D. Y. Foote, M. P.'Syracu , e. N. Y. M. H. Mills. M. D. RticheAer N. Y.. Prof. Dunbar, M. D. Baltimore, W. W, Re , e e. M. D.. City of New York, W. Pres cott. M. D. 4 'oncord, N 7. H .." -. Pantobleis can I.e had gratis at my Drog store in Towanda, Pa. Sold by all the leading Druggists in the adjoining counties. HR. H. C. POUTER, Agent I. B. Marchi:ti & Ca., Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. jumels IMPORTANT TO TEL Farr, Farrier & Stage Proprietor GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING. OM IMPLIItaLLZLIM IN TIIII =roar or eseleue is the most remarimble Walla Appnotion Mr - 4 - 00 lIIMAN aPcpcp atA - "They can't Keep House without it." Experience of more than aixteenyear s establw•hed the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Cul. ' , caul Family Embrocation, will cure moat casea, and rs, have all much au Spavins, Sweeney, Ringl;o ne, Windgalls, Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels,. Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis tala, Sitfast,Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange, RheumaLsin. Bites of Animals. External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns. Whitlows. Burns and Scalds, Chillhlains„ Chapped Hands, Cramps, Cori.: tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of rite Joints. Caked Breasts. &c, dm. he. The unperalleled success of this Oil, 1a the cure of the• eases in horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh, Is daily becoming more known to the farming community. It ainitardly be credited, except by those who have been in the habit of keeping It in their stables and houses, what a vast amount of pain. suffering and time, are Saved by the timely application of this Oil. oar Re sure the name of the sole roprietor, GEORGE NY. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., p is blown In the aids of the bottle, and in his handwriting over the cork. All orders addressed to the propnetor will be promptly responded a lm nde la to Phlet of the Agent, and see what wonders ass. ammuiplished by the use of this medicine Sold by respectable dealers generally, in the Unite States nod Canada. Also by AOENTS.-11. C. Porter: Towanda—Wm. Kill Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. Y. Barnes, Columbia Flats—L. D. Taylor, Burlington —Frisbie & Bron• on, Otwell—E. Dyer, Covington—D. M. Bailey. Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, 'logs—Turret' Montrose—Perry & Ogden, Elmira. Wholesale agents are Ward, Close & Cu., 83 Maiden st., New York. CANTON AND ATHENS RAIL ROAD COMPANY. THE undersigned Cnmmi-sinners appointed in pnrsuance of the Charter incorporating. said company will open Books for subscriptions ofstrick al the Bradford House, in the borough of Towanda, at 10 o'clortk, A. M., on Saturday, the 25th of June next. G. F. MASON. C. F.WELLS BURTON KINGSBERY I C. H. HERRICK, }Comers. C.. COMSTOCK C. STOCKWELL' ROBERT FERRFS iii Toikanda, May 2 , er, PosTroswastrr.—The opening of books for sub. seri pitons or stock to the' Ganton and Athens Rail Road is postponed to July 31st in Auditor's Notice. Estate of Allen Moody, deceased THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund in the hands of the administrator+ of said estefe, will attend to said business, at his office in Towanda boro', on the 7th day of July 1859. at 1 o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are re quired to present tleir claims or else be debarred from said fund. H. BOOTH. June 4, 1853. Auditor. Auditor's notice. John Hamra) vs lames A Payne, Bradford Com. Pleas . IVo. 264. Sept T 1852 THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute money raised by Sheriff's sale, of the proprety of the defendant in the above suit, will attend to said business at bis office in Towanda bore. on the Bth day of July 1651, at I o'clock, P. H., when all persons interested are required to present the ir claims or else be debarred from said fund. H. BOOTH, Jurie 4, 1863. Auditor DREii* GOODB.—A good assortment of almost eveiy style of dress goods worn by ladies and children. for sale at deal MERCURB. 20 0 ,000 Light* • Bash of all size., just reed by B. Krniespufor • Towanda. Mareb 28, 1858. - - • - 500 NEW 40 Oalk:ga Casks, a first ate istials car saltily P. FELTON & Co. TIN AND 71 1 37E STORE, TITS undersigned. having been duly ap I , intrd Atient for the Ilf th'it trn!y IN- V AMIABLE- M EDI CIN respect fully invite the atten— tion of Ladies and Practitioners tif To— v.-anda and vicinity, to the gr atifying suceels that has :mended its use wherever intradne. ed. and - its happy adsp fUerchanbi3e, IZ•t. ps Al r.T! Mmory's Patent Phaagoable Sorsa Vow ers, Threshers, Separators, &0., die. OWING to the great advenJe id the price ofiron. the manufacturers have found it necessary to o advance the prices.so as to enable them to man ufacture powrrs equally good with other seasons. rather than use a cheaper material is their constru (inn. These-machines are invariably procounced by eninpetent judges, to be the best treadmill Horse- Power that are known. Prices for the Beason, 1833 Emrry's Patent Changeable Horse Power, 1 ! Thresher, Separator, Bands, &c., for two Horoes.slso 00 , Emery's Patent Changeable Horse Power, Thresher, deparater, Band, &0., for one H0ree..... 1 Emery's Patent Changeable Two horse Pow er, with Thresher and Cleaner combined, 235 00 Emery's Patent Two•horse Power alone. 116 00 " One-horse " 83 00 Threshing Machine, with Separator and fixtures, 26 inch cylinder, . 97 00 24 inch cylinder, 35 00 Sett of Bands for Machine, with extras. Scc. 5 00 Wheeler's Patent 2 horse Threshing machine ! 50 00 Wheeler's " 1 .. LIM 00 " 2 horse machine with self- • Do cleaner..... ....... . Clover Hullers for 1 or 2 horse power,. Emery's Patent Reaping and Mowing Ma- chine combined. 120 00 Mowing Machine alone,l lo 00 . . . _ In addition to the above prices, but two-thirds of th nctualfreight from Albany (which, on my mat chines,. is. , very low, and arranged by special, con tract) will be charged ; by which arrangement. pur. chasers of machines of me, will save from four to six dollar on each machine. Machines will be de livered at any place on canal or railroad. Tsars—Cash or approved notes with interest. payable in 4 and 6 months. All machines war ranted, and in case of failure. may be returned within 9 months and pay refunded. Those wanting machines should apply early in the season. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. It. M. UELLES. Athena, Ps., lane 22, !M. 3.3333111 W PrraILCIZI. John AI: Evans vs. Jane Evans, in Bradford County Coin. Pleas, No. 34. Febg. Term 1853 JANE EVANS, defendant in the above cause:- 0 You are hereby notified that John M. Evans, your husband, has filed his petition for a divorce from the bondi of Matrimony. - And an alias sub. mita has been retut ned, and proof made that You are not to he found in said county. You are, there fore, hereby required to appear at the Court House, in the boro of Towanda, on Monday the sth day of September next, being the Ist day of September term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if ony you have, üby the said John shall not be divorced from you. C. THOMAS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda June 30. 1853. PARASOL LOST. LOST, between Towanda and Monroefon.on Mon day, 13th June last, a Green changeable Para. sol, with red satin flowers. The finder is requested to let me know where it can be found, or leave it at the office of the Bradford Reporter, where they will be suitably rewarded for their trouble. Wysni, June 28. 1853. M. C. ALLEN. NOTICE. THEREBY forbid persons Prim trusting any one on my account, without a written order from me. as I will pay no, debts so contracted, unless compelled by law. HUGH O'HARA. Towanda, June 30,1853. PAPER UANGINGS. THE only assortment of Paper Hangings kept in I this vicinity, with a fresh stock jolt coming in at unusually low prices. O. D. BARTLET I'. Towanda, April 21, 1853. "r 4 LOUR --A quantity of superfine flour, just re ceived, and for sale by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, Feb. Ift, 1853. AILs, TUBS AND MATS —A new supply of P painted tubs and pails, also Alicani masc, just received at may2.s MERCUR S 1553, } SPRING. rrHE subscribers would inf"rm their friends and 1 customers that they have increased their faccil ities fur manufacturing (tr , r ,- tririfc4e and intend keeping the largest stock and assort ment of CLOTHING, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, TURN 'SUING GOODS, OILED CLOTHING AND RUBBER GOODS, that can be found in the States. Terms and pri ces satisfactory. HANFORD & BROTHER. 29 Park Row. opposite the Astor House New York, March 9, 18.53. United States Hotel, LAPORTE, PA. soltsr 0. WILSON, rztoParirrort. Formerly of the" Laporte Hold." SALT FOR eALE.—iOO Barrels of daft received this day and for sale by June 15, 1853. BAILEY & NEVINS.. ARKS FOR SALE.-5 Arlts for sale on liberal terms by junelb BAILEY .0 NEVINS. LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be had at the Jewelry store of May 15, ten. W. A. CHAMBERLIN Clover Seed. 4OBUSHELS of Clover Seed just received and for sale by the subscribers at the lowest cash plies, or exchanged for most kinds of produce. Towanda, Feb. 5.1853. BAILEY & NEVINS. 00BARRELet utold Ohio Whiskey just received and tor said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Drug Store. QQUINTLES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, m h barrels of Balera s, warrented in prime order, left on sale at New York cash prices at REED'S Drug Store, Towanda, Jan, 28, 1853, OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing apythin n:ce in the way of Monuments, Headstones Tomb Tables. Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. ken Marble, or Bleck Stones of all sizes. can have them on the shortest notiee by sending in! their orders, cheaper and better than can be ferry ichased elsewhere. g:I• Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and wisteria. kor. early opposite the Ward House. Towanda, Agent. 0. W. PHILLIPS. Towanda, March. Bt, ISM ' (Rover Seed. Jbl iftrecttatiLa quantity of very superior Clover Seed. Rumen would do well topurchalie their aced early. Towanda, Pbe. Clan BOOTS - & SHJES! • John W. Wilcox, ETAS retooved In establishment to IL Mix's store. LI corner of Main street and the public square, and continue-the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, sr heretofore. Ho bat just received from New York a large assort ment of Wonsen's,Childms's and Kisses' Shoes, which are offered at low prises. The attention ef the Ladies is parlor:lorry directed to his assortment. comprising the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai. ter boots; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskinsSitc. Misses' gaiters end shoes. of every description. A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all tinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with °are, and be believes he an offer superior articles at reasonable prices. irr The strictest attention paid to lifantsfadurtng and he hopes by debug watt well to merit • eontinu saee of the liberstpatronsge he has hitherto received. Towanda. Miry i 9. 1851. L• 45a• 1111TX11=37f=111E:11X-AMi, COliaTT SU V T aa. HAVOW located in Towanda, his services may ybe obtiined by addressinga line through the Post Office, or by calling at the came of Ulysses Mercur, Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap licatpion may be left. Nov. 1, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop. where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and proinptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public .patronsge. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skil ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. AU work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. ESEN INE & SEE RISC HH. Towanda, May 2, 1851. 125 00 235 00 3() 00 WENX_VTIIUE3 V/AMMIID'Or:A. Important to housekeepers: _...J. (azu, THE subscriber thankful for the 4 -z-- 1-1 ;:.“." -: " 1 "' liberal patronage heretofore re '°- 2 `.:" . `. - ceived, begs leave to inform big Is--1-:-- i . - 6 - , a .. ,friends and the public gen.sally, 'and those commencing. House ,--- - - - keeping in particular that he has it inl now on hand a large assortment ' of FURNITURE, which he trill warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the hest materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut drfas ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwkluut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif. ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas. Couch es, whatnots, &c. BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for t all of ivhich will be sold on the moat accommodating terms. cO"' The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEAR'E. and will hold himself in readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired. by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF- FINS READY MADE. Ch ESTER WELLS. N. D.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman. ship. Towanda, January 17, 1852. NONE Clenume unless SCCOlTlpatlirtl 9 w .0C virril le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L SOULE & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOY EREION BALM OF LIFE, it is nit our wish to make any false statements or wilil assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the rick and suffering, well knowing that their repnration as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself suffieient refer once for the afflicted. Many proofs might he given of their value on paper. hitt we prefer those unacquainted with them to sntisfy themselves bv enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.t find them perfectly safe and reli ahle in all cases. being purciv vegetable, and a midi eine worthy their best confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good: Hmenywrrs, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, IFISI We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietta. haring used personally Dr. Souk's Sovereign Bohn Pill.. e nd witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof. cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted G. M. ROBERTS, M. D. PHILLIPS, H. A. TIBEIETT:4, 1853. P. s.—You are at liberty to publish this for the pub ic good. BEWARE OT COCIFTEIIIPfiITa ! We are not aware the any one who is tanking a spurious article has yet dar ed to make use of our name ; but some of them has had the impudence to imltatenur boxes and' copy ow Circtlars, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived. 'Cry rhe genuine Sneteeig,n Bohn Pills can he had wholesale and fetal of Dr. SOCLE & Co., Syracuse Onondaga Co. N. Y• Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., and by heir Agents in every town in the country. 21y Lafayette Burr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly foreman for many years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Manu factory. 240 Washington Bt.. N. Y., (W. Tyack, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in era 1, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BINGHAMTON, N. Y. In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their patronage. He will have constantly on hand *a large stook of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a :arge supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire. Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digefiting Bushes. The undersigned assures his friends and the public. that he will faithfullye.xecute all Orders en. trusted to his care, not only in quality but in pri• ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat. ronage. ORDERS by letter will be executed with as much care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H. Lewis. W. 9. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup, s a l s buyy,& Co, Montrose, Pa. Caleb Carmalt. Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Dundaff. 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly. N. Y. Thomas Pearsall. Smithbomugh, N. Y. Major D. Mersereau. Union, N. Y. M. T. Nichols. Owego, N. •Y. Royal &- Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton. Nov. 8. 1852.y23 CLOTHING!! jj & A CAMPBELL, having been purified by XI. the recent fire, have again fitted up their in the same place as before and are now offering for sale, a dadiable assortment of fall and winter GOODS. They being desirous of making up their recent loss, will sell at unusually-low prices. Towanda, Nov.B, 1852. Cistern and Well Pumps I T EATIPIPE Hydraulic Rams t of any kind, .11.4 she, &e.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1859. R. M. WELLER. 1, KINOSBERY. ini9Ctlla riCOll6. REAL TUB SICK. 0. H. BROWN 1). G. 0 PIS, LF,WIS REED CLOTHING STORE, illioccUantous INFORMATION ron TZOSE WIRO WANT IrD FOR THOSE WROIIAVE MONEY 011 PROPERTY !!! Do you want to sell or' mortgage any real estate ? Have you a bond and mortgage you wish In sell Have you houses, taverns, or lots, that you wish to sell or tease Have you a mill, factory. foundry, tannery, or oth er manufacturing establishment. that you *bib to sell or rent? Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or other minerals, you mar to cell or have worked or shares 1 Have you latttl that you would like to have drain /A or cleared tiy contract or on shares I Have you water power that you wish to cell, im prove, or rent Do yen wank additional capital, or a. partner in your business Do ybu want to sell your stock of merchandise ? Do you w lA, to form a Company to cresto capital for any specific object ? Do you wish to exchange your property for other ProPerty Do you want in your neighborhood mills, found ries, tanneries, or other manufactories Have you any well reetedimprovemeig in machine. ry, or in the arts, which you want to sell, Or which you want means to manufacture I If you have any of the above wants, or others of a similar character, and will inclose to our address, (post-paid.) ! a 'legible; clear and exact description of them ; end itproperly,its locality, proximity to ca nal. railroad, dr navigable water, to churches, schools, milts, stores, Arc., the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or otherwise dig. pose of it ; and if you will also enclose to us a Reg istration fee of $l, (the receipt of which will be ac knowledgedlyour want shall ho recorded in our Register, and your letter placed on the file designated for your State and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of these who are seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, or. invest. We make no chance to any for examinim our Gies. Register and When they make known 'heir wishes, they are referred to your own statement of year wants ::and as we have Maps of the duff rent States, and of such Counties as we have been Ow to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arrivin .) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the , strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the ' principal papers of the city of New York, and in van oils forms throughout all of the states, as well as the different countries of Europt, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall scents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting ell who wish to purchase. exchange, Lase, or invest, to visit our office, toithoutchurge.— We are confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practised. Th e b es t pl ace f o r you to effect • sale, lease, ex. change or loan on yonr property, is in its immediate vicinity. If you cantla do it there, the next best place is in the city of New York. Qr if you want Immi grants or settlers of any class he l m is the place ,o ob, lain them: t Be 'AMU . here at all times and seasons, there are from 30.c00 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are welting lot investments or horn, a. Because th •re are probably 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentra.ed a great proportion of the surplus capital i.f the Union. seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily wiirilt from 5 to 7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted. seetirtry, you can atrerd to give as ample security, or other in• ducement, where it would produce greater rate of trite rest. either in annual income or incretsed Becausetere, an examination of our files will inform those seeking to inve:•l or t•cttle, where the properly is to t'e found which they seek. pecan -et here, there is on opportunity to exeh.oge country or other city property, fur property itt this city or its vicinity. Becatnte a rerron, by 'Tending; a few hours in our trire. w i thout charae, can obtain more intminatemi the rol—rtv it , market throughout the - eimtitry and the o suit. of community, than by months of travel. Becat:e. finally. here in the conitnereiat where is concentrated the money and wants of a va-t nrilfitude throughout this and usher countrics, by re cording the opposite, hut corrc;ponding wants of o• countrymen, both p a rtie., th o s e o h o wi s h to p ute h., and those' who desire to seri, f an be mutually benefited In the description of property, he ca eful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you do, mini we should send you a purchaser, his comparo son of the reality with your statement might &feat your of jest. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate. and send purchasers to the own ers. no special authority to us is requisite; but when it is denied that we :rho* sell, authority must be given. Our commissions oft sale:, exelmr.ges, &c., are 2 per cent. The raising of coi»p onic.. and other tnnt• tern requiring special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. Several farms in the same neighborhocaPoften find a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi grants desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Beal Estate and Property Wolters,. 116 Broadway, New York. Refer to Courtlanalt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N. Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood. Ohio ; Ex Gov. Prod. Ohio; lion. R. W.Thompson, Is-; Hon. D. A. Noble, Mich ; Hon. J. IL. Williams. Mich ; Hon. Rohl Smith, Hon. J. R. Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, laws; H0n..1. R. Doty, Wis (:0" - • For runner information inquire of HARVEY McA LPIN. Local .Agent. (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell. Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 44y TIM OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION THF. subsc . riber would an nounce to the public that h, hare now on hand, and will make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, such as SofaOti vans, Lounges Center, Card, Dining. and Break fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus. Stands of various kinds, Chair. and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will he made of the best material and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the country. SMAIMIr-SILAIIM COMMIS, on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furnisbedon Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Totbanda, June 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. MR. OLMSTED. Paorairron of the .a,then.s Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends. and the traveling public generally. for their liberal patronage,' and solicits the continuance of the same. AN OM IBUS, will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, who wish to visit a pleas. ant village on business or otherwise. A daily line of first rate Four Horse Coaches, •rr running through to Towanda- Thor , e will be insured a seat in the coach from this place and those going to the RAIL-ROAD can stop at Athens, and spend an hour or tw and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the regular trains of cars going East or West. Also those who wish to leave their teams here can he conveyed to and from the cars free of charge Athens, Sept., 4, 1832 `"p < Ps Li BRYAN ~ < Z• A` 1:,-4,1-N priotonac WAFERs. pHIS extraordinary Preparation has been tot ny years the most certain and speed, 4 , for COIOOIIS, COLDS. ASTONI•, BRONCIIITriIjant ZA. pis TINE CIIIST AND Le ns 'hose sefibring from obstinate and confirm' they g i ve t h e most immediate and perfect ren,q7 when great liability to take cold erten', and ant tevome Cough succeeds the slightest twi t:lmo,. WAFERS produce the most matted res u l ts , at once relieve the Cough and other symp, ml 7 4,l entirely remove that morbid irritabtlity and s tsk, ness of the Lungs which give rise t o ' h e eotwoa The medical properties are combined iota ap z l i : ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that auy oir , will readily take them : and they ere war tuktit : give relief io ten minutes after use in all eases. Price 15 cents PORTER. Towan da. Pa box. For sale by fn. H. C. . Towanda. Feb. 9,1853. WORLD'S FAIR' PRIZE CHURN! ~Tgwyr,D BY V• 11. Di YTICYLS to, And Pntrnted April 2; I , (go this CHURN wan awarded ihe Prerreara 1 the late Fair of all Nations held in Londor ft also took the Premium at he Canadian Narita Fair, held in Toronto, U C., in WI. It also ran ed a silver Medal and Diploma at the Fair of New England Met hanic's Charitable Avsneiat, held in Boston, October, 11350, 1 n shun halii en the first Premium at all stare and Conte F. whertiver it bas been exhibited, and is usurers; approved by all Darry .Wen and Dairy tir m , where they have Lecome arquaintrd loth ita men. This CHURN is consirucied for cat'UNlNGlii4n. ERIN°. WORKING ANII JALTING 7111. fICTIER ! a7The , e Co LER R ATER CHCIINS. are Mani:he:a. ed and sold by WELLS & CO , Towanda,?. nearly opposite the Ward House. Tow., min April 21. 11,:.3. Attention Regiment! . , AKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE! JN E. GEIGER, would say to his old for the public at large, that he has constant], st and mem/factoring Rifles and Shot Guns &r, Among his assortment of Guns may he found' and single barrelled Conc. Riflean( all kindsinnak Powder Flank., Shot P mrhea, Game hp. Cr Prime ca. Mao. Powder. :Shot, Caps of tiv hnt gc v six h rrrlb i R, volsmc Piatok, do to barrel Rol self corking Pb•tols, Pistolr, d-th Pp.tr,la oral rnmmnn4fil.Pl and F F. F. G., F. F. P. G., Powder 10 Cant ea• gtqfltlV on liana. Any of the above article's will e eieel saki! for the Ready Pi,y. K, v , of on• hind Ertlt J to No m ! fon t, other I Ind of tort.<. , n -h „ t and rri-nntible If Itep.lir I ~12 1in...., ,16 less re'. nor '• Of lb , r 3 . 11 !!I ttrui 11. \I.• 2. I,• J. F. GE'(; ES. LIQUORS.! LIQUORS! rr I E !,av , 1.1! ; und , r 111.. 111111 i•I s FEL IA A r d, , n;' • a gr.nerai I..qu. n nil rNtelNi.l e , ti am . hnl n 1 thr.t g;ra , '.eta a ca':. e tle; ,ping on i 1 3 •111 a Cra 31 , -o/1 , 11(5111 f,.ree h nr ran ..e:! c^,Pai - er Ikon Ira iu the C•alliry. ((tan the I tar from th• imporier.. and lh. ret r a ;arre pr charged hr the o n uo.• are Italie pure and Ire fr,m a•inr•erat . r.r.. r Iv nn hard Pr I f the Iro hai inade arran2erner,t , t.y tr., we can •,tro,a wt , h any Tiat,wv I It rehare:. , n BEI tr.- , h from the nrewrry. Pleier E•v , u , ara The in and a r,ou , t. .•I te. n & Co.. are in our !rand` I o e-I.le-den. S. FE! TON. F. T. Fll. Tom anvil. Per. 1. NEW YOBS ADVERTISEMENT. viT It. 1.1 %IR ~r Bradt' Cm. Pa. • is still engiireil woh the firnr tit railds.e• anti Jagger. alio Itit r the 'am rem r , l to :1 , new and spacious sure JO Vii,ey ,rret, car of Church, (in the rear of the Witi•e) at they are prepared t eshdiii a a crj large at general a•sortment of Fi reign and Domes DRY GOODS, adapted td the ciiumry trade will keep a large stock id % errmac.Co ht),lLd er desirable styles cf Prints Cii•h an sr:. first clans credit customers w,ll find it to tats, (crest to call. They have al.' a department "decnte , ' , a BOOT and SHOE hii•iness. and feel cotis ran ofler better bargains in that line than acre' , sive Boot and Shoe house to New York, fi.i.n fact that the expense is much less in propadia the amount of sales. Mr. Baird firers h that having the benefit of 15 year. eaper:encein mercantile business err Braittirit knee of the style of goods adapted tii the Ng.heri , Pr cylvania trade, said make it an etieg-dor Y ant ' s doing business in that r call. I. Any orders G r goods in the above lays promptly attended to. and the articles warratrxd give satifiiirtion. New York. March. 1. 1/1t53. mat Saddle. harness C Trunk )lannfartt JJERE CI - LP & Co., respectfully inform Mr that they have removed lochs shop on Mat recently occulted by Smith & Soo. nev' ' 3 . the Ward House, whore they will keepOa he large stock If TAtrrit Ks, iILIIU, waifs, tic. Titara(3324%., 2.W.D:D5.834 All snicks in their line crisnufsctuml wonky' made of the best material, sod for viorlasei be snap:weed in Northern P•rinsylvanis. a call from those wishing to purchase. Om they ran give satisfaction both as toqmility f'Hirles and Sheep Pelts received fix wok '' account, at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather. Harness Calf skins, fur sale in any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE V ( 'IN account of Itessetiso-voned at the ler f §r. I ore obliged to call on tho'r iniebtej to Ink . Prompt settlement. as we ye undo , the sc r ' al having what is owing to as, we trust this nal ' 0 sufficient without resorting toothe coos Towanda. Dec. 2, 191+2. AB-. cc Ai, ea PP* wH• formerly of Bradford • Pa, return• his than to hi, friend , favors and .oi:cos the commuation of their age. Having made 4,rangenienti a ono' the firm of Fuller 4 Dayton N° 143 West' tween Barclay and Ve ey streets, where Re found always ready to supply his Gush/tars ins GROCERIES, with a supply at lure pert be on favorable terms. Particular pains Will to keep on hand desirable gads for mat the country. • New-York, Feb. 9, 1059. ICES