Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 10, 1853, Image 3

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    ul 'Avertiscniciits
00 1 6 -p*, zt
Grote' y and Provision Store.
. • .f 7. fl li,i),),ry's Store, Main Street •
dc,lrous of enlarging his
Would it”Tcetfully annoubeeAo the
acrd vicinity that he tains& re-
VII: k and is ncrti opening for
•, , f
~ aiiaJ o 21.11.11C1E .""
r e Sluarrs Syrup
1 • Spar, C/nrcs.
S 7.'t ~.h•5, Cream Tarter. Sod a ,
11 Satire, Ca 1811 p, Carrllcs.
: coal, I I nescar, Starch, Cigars, c 1;
oe '
tia, 11 , 0 h o od and for sale a large stoc-k of
.....yae.gjr'fl—Ml LoililllrtiliClDllll.rSso
- 111
~,,,,,,:olers. Mackerel. Cuilfish, Herring,
a m ps
a ' ~. R:e.l Apples, Wheat Flour, Laid,
°taw ,. 12.1. . _
? , e..,. :,„.,a. Butter and Boston Crackers.
Duler. l "
i k it , is ~j Fruit and Nuts, Preserved
1 ,,,,. c qr. e. Fa.. Rai , ' as, Oranges and Lemons,
~,,,,T . u ei a iar _!e s:,)ck of German. French and
---ron '1.41 01 all descriptions and price.
... 1 ,,,„, c,cr h:m a call. A. J. NOBLE.
13,da..\,,,,:u5t :., 1853.
v ,spEnrooK, n ill regime h:s official du'
‘l, , nlay. the Ist day of A 11,7.. next.—
I ,he p o llic. Square, where he
dra !to ice bis friends, and all others who
d‘c ser \ ices of a Jumice of the Peace.—
hour , from 9to A Sl., and from
'-frp.Sl. Towand3, July 29, 1853.
1 ( ‘ lVar Question Being Settled in
11. C. CFOU111".111.-17.•
VES & CO. have come to the cc-nelu-
Ito:\ r • •
vnlarze their bn•iness, in view of the
r.r.! fro -pert: that inits - tre , nit Itom a state
Thu , I'Arr(fore, after returninz thanks for
:rare the attention of the eitiieng nt
..- g aromas t.; the examination of
'all and Winter Gcods.
n:”: .11 the varle:les of' Fancy and Dreas
a. 11 , v FI:1 pies.
• ; Off
I • I • Ix r
h:chC.' 1 • • %,,ho:esale or retail,
that car ;. - 0,
1. I. IS-3.
09. E. R MASON,
.17117. & SIVE-LC-V..02T,
utr r, . open.. " ; 2,11 r) r, ru
.c. • th , ,people I.f
i•ro!'t, , fot
s'n Ilwatt at Lie
1 ) :•.: When 11, , t pro-
hir I
, ill r f
NI t: war
•1: e,e; •!,• ,r •• • •trlt. of GOODS I-r the
ii.,• a .l V, r •n3O, camprisinT a Cull
:*. the oQual variety.
:1 . al a very Pm I I profit fur .ft..!carill
r , lit of
fn? I' GOODS,
I•ty 1.1 , ! e,' Press Good:,
2:. 11 V
~ i iC. ~' C
• • •• .r I.c immi lirona C 1,111;.,
1: , n;E:hy -•ang
1 an .1 brown,
(: '• for boys' wear, Cotton
. 6 ^i n ban I. Tlin-4. in •-... - tnt
m„i a ,Q, Stewart', best
Salcriti us, Fl.ur,
:hrr n:ticl.• tr. this line.
raa un at, b.. ,re parcliasing else.
11,17.1. Z. %VAAL'.
• : ; ..•!, I a , sortlll , 'lo. Crockary, Glass
:I'.l Sll , l 11;0 , a :Pi Cap , -
and Vul y.
7.1 n: ai7ral putroliage ~f the paat sea
.' e-,, , aae-l--eel a pleasnre in inviting the
xamtuation of our Spring stock, be
..., t:a..,la and 1.,w pric"c will insure
1. r pay. TRACY Sc. MOORE.
L 7 lven that a Spocial Churl .:f
1.. e held in and for the
Towanda, commencing on
'1.1% Novemher next, at 10 o'clock
••:'; r , wn,ne nne week, at vhich the Hon.
ur 11 u: rt n 11preside, for dhe trlal of the
to a t :
R •cy & Co. vs Henry W. Tracy.
"*.-P vt..l cs. same, as garnishee.
• • , 1 ••. Ira Jennings et
ri , a••• , !eans vs Erman Matson.
7 . " Harnphn y vs. Wm Ilumpt.rey.
Cha•ldeall X VA. Ira Jennings et
turnable on Monday iNov. 7, 1853,
^. in OW f.rennon.
'P e n'll,F. a New BTocit OF Goons, consist
al..l complete 'assortment of all kinds
' 9 '"' l. e s "id as cheap as the same quality of
~:;ht anywhere this side of New
-20, 1.8531
'4"th y R"eL. chat agreeably to an act of fncor-
P` tthatt grat,lo,g-a Charter to the Towanda and
"I ' l ' 4 1411 "aq Laapatiy, Books will be opened
H '
ti t•firk to said Company, on
Y al A. M. of the 29th day of Sep,
uvr next, at ihr House of Richard Brower, In
F..,unT r J. U. MONTAN YE.
t PA ltTrl W.
m( qtt;.lN. IR. MYER.
' l ' 7 ; I VP-1.1.. ALEX. DEWEY,
AUGi'STUS A smuni.
a, 1, I Sh 3 Commilainnets
.E I'"turint!d Jltutia of Bradford County com
' tie the fiat Brigade, in the 1.3.111 Div. - of the
meet in Battalions for Parade,
lovection, in the following order :
: hattalt,n commanded by Lieut. Col. John
°on meet on. Wednesday the 14th day of
~"3 . Th e 4th battalion commanded by Lieut.
o srarid E. Whitney, on Thursday the 15th
pi. sad
14 the Ist battalion, commanded by
4 * Hiram W Root on Friday September
. .tasd
filg Officers are requested to be prompt
Isouce end punctual in attendanee.
it" It)FlNrrice A. CODDING, Inspector.
" I 'sn' O, ?
''• 1853. 5
Legal Mberticmhtts
„ b
W IiERENS the HOti:Da`r in Wtmitoil; Presid'
Judge of the 12th Judicial District consiati
of the counties of trantlford, Susquehanna and Su
lican, end the Hens. Mi nor BALLARD and HA nn
ACKERT, Associate Judge, in and for raid cotinty of
Bradford hare issued their precept bearing date the
let day August 1853, to me directed., for holding a
Court of dyer and Terminer„ General ,Quarter
ciona of the" Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's
Court, nt Towanda, for the county of Bradford on
Monday the rill day of Septembei next, to continue
two •weeks,
Notice-is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners
and Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county
Of Bradford, that they he then and there in their pro
per persons, at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, and of her mum.
brances, to do those things which. to their office ap
pertain to be done ; and those who are hound by re—
cognizance or othergise to prosecute against the
prisoners V.llO are or may he in the jail °igen/ coun
ty, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court,
are to be then and there to indiecute against them as
shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in
their attendance agreeably to their nbtice.
Dated at Towanda, the 6th day of August, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eigtit hundred and fifty
three, and of the Independence of the United States
the seventy-sixth,
ALLpersons itlclehted to the estate of Thos.
Bennight, &Ott, late of Ridghttry township, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
April 2t, 1853. Executrix.
A LT , persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
LAMB, dee'd late of LEROY tvrp, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment and
those having claims against said estate, will
please preSent them duly authenticated tar settle
April 30. 1 053. Executor.
T ETTERS of ndministratnn having been granted
II the undersigned by the Register of Bradford
county, on the estate of Daniel O'Keefe, late of said
county, deceased ; all persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and those having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement- CATHARINE O'KEEFE,)
April 14, 1 R5:3.
riNZIAL LIST fur September term and sessions
L 1553, ri its - r WEER.
John Vanderin's arliu'rs. vs. Tire Comth. Penna.
P H & W If Titus vs. Daniel Foss.
David M Bull vs. James P Bull's Eters.
Stephen Pierce's use vs. William Williams.
John Ingham vs. Harvey B Ingham.
J Is; Weston's adin'rs vs. Bosley a rley ef Hyde,
.1 11 Phinney Jr vs John G Mason.
David Barber v: John Snyder.
Theodore Wild. vs. Almon Eaton.
Emma Jane St 'as vs. Mansur] B Smith.
Wrn II Il Ilm n VA. 1' . . 7.'1'S MJ P Smith.
(1 P Ballard vs .Sephen H Fitch.
AG Frich,v 1 Geo Manley. .
W Potter is C I, W
G ard.
Alanson D Stm th vs. Justus A Record.
Sarah thr,!en it al vs. WJil if El Brown et al.
Robert Metteer vs. Daniel Webber.
Darius Myps vs. James Drink.
John Strung vs' W m Slagalls et al.
Sanderson & Kurgr.bery vs. Jacob A. Weller.
Laura A Warner vs. J rnathan Brink,
Phebe Ann Patton. vs. John M Fux.
Leonard Pratt vs. Alexander Dewing.
James NVoorl's use vs. Lee.
sr, orn
Williams vs. Nedeltiah Smith.
Stephen R Chandler vs. Wm & Horace KitT.
George Fri cher vs. A Ho rt 'Foxer 7t.
C C Cowell's use vs. J M S Geo Cranmer
Charles R Brown vs XV W Welles
Sarah Ann note hkiss vs Price Doane et tut.
Pliebe . 3 tnn Pattati vs J Fosr
G\V Goodell Jphn Kenintly
Phrbe Ann Pat•on vs Hiram Fox
Wm sinsehatigh s - s NVni }inf.
David Barber vs Stanley s Hmman
..linathan Boyce vs Ali-tin Farnsworth
Joh P Kirby vs Wm P,.tton.
Austin St:llford vs David Coodale et al.
Henry Westbrook vs Isaac at
John 'l' Crandall vs Wm R
John 1' Means vs Wvllis Brownson,
Isaac Mare vs Jilin Bates
The Comth of renna Bates & Pond,
John Brownell vs J. hial Schofield
Samuel Nfotthron vs Peter .1 Vroman
I.vman Chamberlin vs IVtn P Joneo.
H Bell et al vs Edward Overton
Milton Wood vs Clins%3
(:rare vs Chauncey (Lithrin
Lewis I) Fowler vs ( L orne Jenkins
G XV Marsh vs J F Cliamherlin
John Doneherty vs A J Gotsline et of
C I, Ward's Use vi Nathan Coon's'Eers
John Bates et al vs Isaac Rosecrance et al
Jahn Carman vs Burton Kingshery garnishee, &c
Cornelius Tyson's use VS Charles A Squires
Wyllis Christie vs Simon Stevens.
Albert Van Corder vs ts S Clark et al
Thedata Hall's use vs-Henry V Thayer
John Glenn rt at vs Is lac Shepard
Hiram A Case vs John Tomlinson. •
Wm Kitrs low vs R 1. :rrtteorge
Alanson B Smith vs Isrd Smith et al
Wm Wickizer's no' vs F & 1 Horton
Oakley & Fox vs Wm Kul'.
Wm SA:FeI - mutt vs Aaron Stone
Samuel C Means et al vs W'm Patton et a 1
J Vanderworkcn's as. ignees Richard Brower -
Ifenry sible vs Curtis Smith
Luke Whitney vs Merritt Chapel
IFeo W Goodell vs Samuel A Tenant
same vs Cornelius Vanderpoot
same ' vs Nelson Vanderpool
mime vs Henry Vanderpool
Benjamin Middaugh vs John Flood
Hugh Cavenaugh vs James Raley
Edward lie/rick vs Charles F Welles jr, et al
Lucius Stiles et al vs Austin Mitchell et at
John Allen vs Elliott Whitney
Wm Bingbani's trustees vs James Bovier et al •
John F Saiterlhe et al vs Guy Tozer
Jacob Reel vs Francis 11 Arnold
Emma Jane Smith vs S. t imuel Kellum 21
same vs Wm Cowell
Josiah Francisco vs. Samuel H..aton,
Subpoenas for the first week returnable on We!lnes
day Sept. 7, nt 2 o'rll;ek, P M., and fur the 2.1 week
on Monday Sept. 12..1g53. at'2 o'clock..? M.
ALLEN M'KE tN, Proth'ry.
- - .
ALL pnrsonw indebted to the estate of MA NCEL
SILVANA, dec'd late of Tuscarora twp.. are
hereby requested to make'paymeot without delay ;
and alt persons having chums against said estate
will plea‘e present them ,drily authenticated for set
tlement. BEN I. M. SILVARA,
May 55. • Executors.
ALL p, indebted to the estate of John
Bock, deceased, late of Ridgbery twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all rersons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement. A I.ljR A M PIERCE,
Administrttor, with the Will apnexed
August 10, 1853.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens, dec'd, late of Stendin g Stone,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticOted for settlement
DEBORAH HAVENS. 3 -Administrators
A ug. !'.7, 1E53.
IS now being replenished with a fhlf and complete
stock of
Drugs, Medicines,
'Pairds,' Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pure Wine.;
anti Diquors,
In shaft, every thing_connected with the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely• tow, for cash.
and will he sold accordingly.
N. 13. A superior artide of Tanner's and Neat's
Foot Oil just received. ,
RENZI:ADES the place
—3 doors south of Mon.
ianye's corner—same building of the' Argils Office.'
July 30, 1853.
F.MOVED to the store recently (recopied by .
11. S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors
south of Montanyes corner. where he has received
a full. new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI
CINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap.
cr I'r cash than ever.
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles
Senna Alex.,
do Win
Cream Tartar
Sup . 0 Soda
Magnesia Cale('
do Carb,
du S S
do Henry's
do Applit
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes,
Balsam Wisiers
do Cheesmana
do Fir
do Copabia
do Tutu
do Peru
" do Polmorrary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic
do Benzonic
do Citric
do Nitric
do Oxalic
do Hydrocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil liinceed
do Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
do Nearsfoot
do Almonds
du Amber Rent
do Amber lied
du Caraway
do Croton
do Cubebs
du Curnmin
do Fennel.
do Lemon
do I assia
do Coil Liver
do Lavanituld ii
do Neroli
do Jesmin
do Nutmeg
do Orange
Rhodi um
do liw:e
(1,1 Ced ra t
do Ergot
i•rlw rta
do Me
ito Melleflutr
di') Varnish
do 1141 r
do If air,Catnel
do Nail
do Tooth
do Shaving
do Flesh
do Cloth
do Hat
Soap, Yankee
du Crystalline
du Eng. Wind LOW'S
do Coopers
do Viclora
do Orange
110 Tilolll
do Erasive
do trastile
do M 'Nary
du Sav in
do Brown
Pain Killer
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Hine
Chloroform Fig do
tloilman's Anodyne Veuitian Red, English
.Together with Paints,Tarpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
p ur e Wines and Lilnors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; andall articles con
netted with the trade.
Having s , cured the services of Dr. S. Husros,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
up: The stock has been selected with great care,
and the goods will be:warranted as represented.
All of - Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. AyresCherry rec
torial, etehencks Palincinit Syrup of Yellow Dnck
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Yermifuge.
Together with all of the mo-a popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors berets Montanye's :order.
Towanda. January 3, 184.
3'312V'DaU.:14(112Z 4 131
Snow receiving a large assortment uf nII kinds. of
SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, ;;•!iiett will
be sold cheaper than the cheapest
auk! see.
Towanda, April 29, 1853'. ;. • - , S' •
I "' Al TOas mure
Nails just rcecived n,y 20 St toc uft.s.
E !
Posga IA Cordial
Elix Opi
Hay's Liniment
Hair Dye
Harlem Oil
Ointment, Tracks.
do Valley's
do McAllester
Shakers Herbs i
I do Extracts
Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't
Inlet Extract
Jalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Ex't
do Lemon do
i do Mace do
ilo Almond do
do Cloves
do Allspice do
do Nutmegs do
do Peach do
do Ginger do
do Cinnamon do
do Orange d o
do Tonk a do
Ltibin's Springflower
do Musk do
do Violette do
do Magnolia do
do Sweet 113ri'r do
do Jesmin do
do Jock'y Cl'b do
do Caroline do
do Jenny Lind do
Ido Doq uet do
Wrings, Pewter as'm'nt
do Glass do
Nursing Bodes, Glass
I do do G. E.
IlLid Ehei Turk
do do E. I
do Ipecac
do Jalap
do Ginger White
do Orris
Gum Camphor
do Opt Turk
do My rrh 'fur?:
du Arabic do
do Copal
do Aloes s od '
do Aloes Cape
Chloride Lime
do soda
Castor Russ
Evens' Lancets
Nara Silver, Op't
(Slue I'llll trirr
Iltidtdo I'dlass
Tart do
Carb do
Sulph tlo
llaustic to
'('orate Perri
l laic do
Prato 1“.1 Mercury
strychn ta
Hydra Cum Greta
Morphine Sulph
do Act
Calomel, American
do English,
Precipitate Red
do White
Bnlph Zinei
Bronze, Crimson
do Pale lloid
do Dark do
do While
Cold Leaf, Op%
China Vermillion
amoakvfm ,ITEZITTCM 3
(Oppcisite the Ward Etouse.)
GRATEFUL for past favors, announces to his
friends and the public in general, that he still
keeps on hand ti • good ;assortment of Resit Shot
CLornusia., which he will sell cheap fur Cana. Ile
belleves•that a • Nimble Sixpence is worth more
than a slow'. Wiener .He also has commenced
manufadtkiftig - Clothingscrecting the cloths him
self in thC city, a 11 employs none but the best of
workinro in making them up. Ile would assure
his customers that his Mating is manufactured tin
der his own eye. arid in 'his own Fhop, ohd not let
Out by the j..b to unexperienced or incompetent work
men. Thns,personS Wishing d suit or nnntottion
thereof( cab rirdet the same-with a perfect certainty
of getting a good tit.
lle has also on band a general assortment 61 gee.
tleinen'a Shirts and Collura, whi. h he will sell
cheap for cash.
cr -j. Cturtom work promply done as usual. lie
invites his IS - tends to call on him opposite the Ward
House before buying ehtewbere.
Now if yowate wanting, you purely can find,
Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your MM.
So nice and so snug they'd snitto a 'l'.,
S perfectly fine. there's no room for a den.
Ifyour linen Wants changimr.and sometimes it will;
Y null find shirts and collars fora very small bill;
Come then one and all, who are out clothe a bun ting;
And you can be fitted by Gsonat 11. llusertan
14. B. He is sole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr.
Patent Sewing Machine,
for the Counties of Bradford and Susquehaffna. AnSt
person wishing to rurchsse the right fur using the
above Machine in said counties, can he accommo
dated by calling on him, where they cab see it ope
rate. It is well demonstrated that thus machine is
the best patent now in use. Its validity has been
established by trial at law in Boston, in July. 1852.
This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex
elusive right and use of all needle and shattle Eta
...chines, or their equivalents,and the stitch and seam
formed thereby- G. H. B.
Towstris. A nanct I s. 1853.
e -- ‘' - '0 ,,- .. ,, -.._,• -,-..„
'.'.z. .c.
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~) , ,,j i. ,! ! !! ..... ,,, g4.6 „ 5. ----• - 1 - a.. ‘;... ---
) . 4 e- _.. , -- jRUG STORE., - '-) . .
co -D RUG
„ 1 : 4 ' . .4:. • ; -,..:.,:,:,..''' 7 z;.,„ ;: , ' , - r kkA
.. ..... , , I
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tr , ~.: 64, .-.. :t; r - •: \ I '
.rf ' : !,-, T s - 2 - -, -.....2_1_,_ , --:.- %-q• • , . -
•,. ',Jognimit__ .
• ..)eM" .--- c --*- - 4 , • 'CP •
• ..„._ :..,, :,,.,, ~,
In the South cud of the Ward House,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Gactern ring, LIQUOnS,
THE assortment is large and very extensive, end
embraces almost every article used in The Arfs,
eithor for medicinal, chemical or mechanical purposes.
Particular attention will be given to all who may
wish to examine the stock, the cheapness of which,
the quality considered, can not fail to satisfy those
who purchase.
Medical information will be cheerfully and gralts
ilotrtly to those who may wish to consult con
cerning themselves or theit friends. Continuous sup
plies of fresh and recently prepared articles will be
received carefully selected with a view to their use
fulness, and any article wantod not usually kept,
tither will he found here or prueurei by Express for
those leaving their order.
Accommodating clerks will always be ret ly to
Rarely compound any prescription and endeavor to
make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable-.
All goods shall be considered tvarruttle.t as repre
sented, and being Agent for the best and popular
Patent medicines, all those found its this Stole can
be relied upo , i in all cases as being ;genuine.
The stock comprises all kinds of
ERS, 101 LS,
111.1.5, &c., &C . C.
0171(21 N A L PE EPA RAT!ONS
All kinds soaps, perfumery, fancy goods and mis
cellaneotiq articles, brushes, trusses, supporters,
nursing bottles, bee-i,:t puinps,Cierrnoineters,
.All kinds of dye stuffs, Pabits, Oils, Varnishes,
W indow Glass,
New and beautiful patterns of litinp.T, fresh burn
ing fluid and carnpliene, choice brands of pure Ha
vana cigars, tobacco, &c.
Sugar, Cotten and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish:, rash's,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolateo,sitila,
butter crackers. rice. starch, ginger, salcratus, white
and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles.
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix.
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma•
Jain Lisbon, Sherry, Teneriffe Port. Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordials,- Rose, Amour Mo•
kee, Noyeau &c , cheaper than ever offered.
Patent medicines, frum Dr. Jayne, Fitch, Swayne,
Bran s,O rrirks,Tow nsend, Keeler, S'elienk, Hoolland.
Gulsicriberg. ke. Pepsin,Gargling Cholagogne
Acoustic Oil, Dyspepsia Bitters, Lyon's; Rat Pills,
Pain Killers, Pile Medicines, Salt Rheum, Tetter.
Spuvin, Founder, M'Allister's Ointment, he. Verrni
fuge, Galvanic curatives, Heave and Condition
Powders, (Merry Pit4.toral, Rock Rose, fatholieon,
Tooth Ache Drops. Hair Invigerenr and Ffsii Dye,
Bed Itug Poison, Eye Waters, Wright's Sinith's,
Bennett's Soutc's, Jayne's and numerous
other kinds of Pills. All of Which will be sold at
unusually low rates.
Cr Remember Dr. PilItTEll . l4 DIME and Chemical
Store'ia in the South end of the War - f Itots.t,
ing the Public square. If. C. rinuriut. M. D.
r HARVY PHINNIIV, Jr ,havinr! pnrchaked for
. Cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire sock of
Merchandize a; a price far below the actual cost in
New York, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer—
chant in TOWNBCIA has or can buy) is prepared to
sell for tin!, more Goods for tin e dollar, than any
man will sell
. for nine shi l lings! This stock is
large, cnib - raeing all articles u.ually found in a
Store. viz—Bry Good?, Groterieg ' Hardware, fonts
and Shbeis, Leather, Naas. Sash. Class. Hats, Caps
and Bonnets - . All 4.which will be - gold as above,
and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of
Main and Bridge streets.
'fuwanda.JulylS. 1 . 853.
Tsubscriber offers a valuable FARM for sale.
1 containing 6:u acres, 10 acres of good timber,
about 55 tinder a good state of cultivation, well war
tered, and a water privilege thereon. capable of
rimming machinery.. Situated. am, , mile atom .the
Susquehanna river.nnd half mile from the .road
running from Towanda to Rome. • • -
.Any person -or peranns wishing to bay cannot de
better than to call and give - this-Farm en examine
parrobtbeilurehasc money. willbe requited
dowe l nodally' balance can be made.eary: •
Jutv 4, 1E4)3
c-i-, p er , nns nee d w it he.d de to r i c d, r . bee loaf. Choy 'rye ..ante distance away—as I will allJw the!,
ireight to be taken oil the price M . the machine; and whin 'Ley get it the) can p -y the freneht and send
the balance by mail m me.W. 0. IIICKISK.
FlAtterqn"un. Penna.
7714 7 , 6
LEAVE Towanda ,r Ittrrrnt's
Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de
pot on the N. V. k E: R. R.. every MONDAY, WED.
rissn“ and Fll ITAT at 8 o'clock A. M.. and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evenin ; train of u..r.
either east or u est, same day.
Returning TuEsitsr,Titrasit iv and SUTI iv,
after the arrival of the Eastern train. and al.. the
Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, t r., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
FA E :—Towanda to Mercer's mi 11 5,271
" to East Smithfield,
" to Ridgebery, I,lto
" . to Welisborg depot, 11;25
Express packages to or from the.itail Road cat..
fully delivered at nxiiderate charges
Towanita, act 8, 1852,
H.mracuß is now rrrriviii2 anoth , r7;;. w
Assortment of Coods f , consioing ;1•4 uknal of
almosl'very,hing wanted in the line of Alt,fthati
dize, whirl] will he sold yen' cheat - , fur CASIf.
Towanda, June 29, 1553 •
OD. DARTI.ETI'. is now re/....iving a largr
• and carefully sekcird „1
bouzlit for each since the late dreLine in price , ,
which he will offer for teady pay at priers ‘'l, high
cannot fail to give satisfaction—a mon:: oilier thing ,
he invite/4 partitular attention to ItN assortment 01
Dress Goods.
Towanda, April 15. 111:1.
tit ter iit the north cod h the Ward
liy Laporte, 11:14.111,'L
Towanda', March'. 5, IR:,:ft.
figNER (1" rte : , q3.l;tre aria Miin Sircet
ToWanifa, I ti a., respecitully give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from Mr
City of New fork. their NNW :STOCK. id SPKING
and SUNIMMIt (0!)1)S, whietr, with their 6111114'1
stock on ildllll. ctitnp n ses ore - of the hirrto and he.'
selected ass .rinients to be found Ives; of New Moth.
Having been purchased at
They are enatile4 to effl.r then - retie:Jr.r than ever.—
They invite paiiiirnlar attention to their assortin. tit
Ladies' Dress Goods
Consibting of Jaeonet and Swiss Printed
Lawns.ainghains. Baer! Muslim, ttlrrritnae,
Cochero, F:111 River and other styles of
American Prints, in entlle:s variety, a
large assort rornt and for sale .
cheap. 'l:hey have 31,0 a
rl. They invite priicular lo their
asisiirtmcni nr Carpeting of all price. and ,-
Also, Spring and Strinater 13.4. is and
Ishoes, Stion Pindin:;.: and Cro
ccries. Crockery, i-dielf flai lware4-c.
Their Stitt k has . tern side: trd iih and n ill
bin sold cheap.
,Pitrther comment t•
us a call. and 1 , 4 C twill stiiin , ynit nitr
and prices. and convince you that the ahnce is nn
fiction. Our mono is, " .11 & Qtick
Fletutow. WroNTANiE-' , & CO.
THE' subseriber lost on the 3J inst., in this bore'
a small BLACK Monocco POCH. LT BON.. c u o•
taming, be.ides a small sum of money, itottl, and
:papers of value to him, but useless to any one else.
the 6ndcr is welcome to . the money. rind will be
further rewarded by returning the other contenttl,
with or withobt the pocket book, either through the
Post Office or otherwise. ,
tig. 25, 18581-
1 171 = 1 3 61 •'t , hoes , ft+ e!e. d"
TRACY & .1100 .
Asvirded to tide hiatehliihat the Fair of - the Amerkith Ifuctttote. NM' rip*, Oct.
A Diplome at the Fratilichat Institute, Philadelphia. Firet Preinium at the Stahl
Fale;l7oea.hreivFoik e aiid at the Colnnibia And Reaseelaer County (Nese York; Film
and a Diploma at the iFestehester Courtly Pair at White Flatus.
In the present arrangement of this highly approved and
falqable 31111, the labor is divided by errangtng a rutting
Cylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to the
lower Cylinders to be redline' to pomace.. By this ar
rangement the work to performed teeter and sith much
len labor.
The Press is arranged with a Much inrier, Fero+ than
formerly, and
I, lla very ingenious dreier the WC Oft ke trig
la dispensed w and the Tub made to open at Rill to do
liver the potnaeo, while at the same time the titer Is left
clear and the work can be done with much le.A labor than
by the old method. The Cylinders Are covered a lilt heavy
sheet Zinc, both ori their pe . ripherie. end end.: the ww.l
in them le arranged re, m not to melt; mod the le SOle work
On the DIM and Pre.; made In the very teat manner And
arranged with orperial view to their durability and Orel,.
Wo Farmer who tvLot the NI illrnrefnll y and twriattlinit
to directions will be disappointed, hot-on the . other
band he will find tide one of the moot valuable and (AM lout
insehlnes on hie farm.
The machine LI made to run by brass, steam. or hand
power, and when the apples are ground, a small boy of 11
year' of ago can press the pomace with all ease.
In all former times it was Capposed that ri la'rge
of elder could only be made by using a ponderous machine.
that alowty enigma the apples without Mirellog them fine.
They were then made into a massive cheese in straw, awl a
most severe and lone, prelsure Was respired to ertrart a.
portion of the (bier, a considerable quantity being absorbed
by the straw and the mass of pomace: anal Lq obtaip this
unsatisfactory remit the farmer had to take all his ).mod•.
and perhaps his sir-horse team. and devote a whole day that
could have been more profitably employed. to make from
air to eight ballad+ of Cider. To obviate the difficulty tim
Partners hove heretofore labored under. this has
hewn invented, and the statement of a fe•w farts will prove
that It Ls not only the best Machine of the kind in exiStencr,
but It is the most profitable that n man ran have 'on hi+
farm. The apples are by this Machine grated up into a fur
pulp. so that it requfres but a comparatively light pressure.
and that but a minute or two, to extract An the Oiler. U.
being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth
more juke ran be obtained than by the old process. It
aidesthis, it only requires two hands to grind up and make
into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can be possibly
done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press., owing
to the oompartness of the pomace In the tub. and the cern
plate manner in which It is ground, a pressure of (nun 3 to
is tons—that CAP easily he obtained—will produee d more
favorable result than fifty tone pressure on the ordinary
Entered *Aeon:nag to Att of Congress, In the yeas 1061, to the ;Adrift Caen of 1.14 Eastern DlStrlet of PealsylianlAL
Another Arrival of
t ~~. ~
111011, 4C2i IND !Ind
large variety idYA,,),REI: NO- '4, s
TI emb-racinz :iTinost every thing
-from a Crochet Nredle to a 1.a,1% . 's saMll
Towanda, March
Cider I're4e. even If the appine'were remind or and,. Lee*
the Mirrored 31 ill: evil if Um apples weromierwly,ennutiet4
it. on the "int Machine. it nemii.l require • premuswet <lollk
bUtldrtti UM, to pn.h, n the result noDatiplill(Cd It 7 tLL{
Patent MILL Ttl. LITTON log insy Le niklitemt me the I
ativentager f tdi.?1111.
inikke more Cider than any other Pelt:lo,l4W
{risen .411 nn tl; y c.f lapploi, in • vitrea dine, IMO ifith nsueU
Ili loher.enit ea pen,. —I t will make cleaner mid - sweeter Clder than iat
other 11 ill.
Third—Too can malts the Cider as yon,want U. and stied
waut ft—tuul iu quantities from one gallon to 0 to 10
Feturtly-eM hh It you ran press your Curran* Clwerleat,
llerries. Cher,. Iluiter, Lard, and Tallow,
/Mt —With it yon ran P. nye torto-fotartit d your
lime fit snaking Apple-butter.
sixth-11 Rh n, nn you eau at all times base Fresli
find s.veet, elder.
lib all the advantages resulting from the powembn and
too of Poch a toarbide—et a prior to low that it is within,
the remit of all—eau it be that any intelligent Farmer
merit do without it!
An yen trill to have In your tuic° at all times Cider that
rweet and frc-h, the only time it Is really healthy and
far u-e- n tut do you 0 isli to cave n great portion of the'
hard labor attending the insking of
A pple-1 er 1 l i so. buy this machine,arriA our word
you w iii u t 1.• .11a.appintod.
Mill superior to any otbcr portable .
Milt in evisteia, and the Proprietor Ic ready at any tine.
Lirr given.) to teat It With any Podolia
Mill that I. tin infringement on it.
Partnere. examine this newly IMPROVED
MILL. before you buy any other.
One irrcut n.lvatitaire a this machine over all others, to
Mint It Will not choke up, and hard or Gott apples
ran to ground. and yet the ryltuders will always remain
char and in grindlicr" order.
Alt orders sin raifilled it, the ostler in which they a»
mreived. and all is,.. , aas wattling them would do well to
send their order. early, and' state at w hat time they want
the Mill sent.
Thi. Mill. attended by 2 men. will, a hen properly warted
according to directions. make 0 to 12 barrels of elder a day—
rol a ill grind alone by horse-power frohilOtrto3oo boidiehi
of apples a day.
/lir- The Price of the Mill is $4O, free of freight.
n411.11.1811CR0, Pt., May. 1.1.7. W. 0. lnalkOZ.
IT -'' jo-t eomr;oted a lartTe nod finely finished'
11 Snwe Ow sitr of the two they had twelfth;
and frile4 it .pith the latge,t mJ mtv-t compyehelfs.'
Lye ,tocl: of
Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notionsi
Fruit, Confectionoryitoys, &c., &C.
ever exhrtntoft thrs Suh or the city.
• ‘Ve hn f! f , r Cll , ll, at - twirl of ilte best
quality ; eon,eintenily are pre riaretl to setl at as
l•iw prirt , as the same ytiality can be ht,uglit at
any otlwr place: And We flatter ourselves that if
I..ilane ha , beer! atzailisi us, (fire having eunauctt
e.! and one star.: of goods) our old cus•
honer , will not follow the precedent, if they calf
and , eit our stack arid hear the exceedingly two
pricer. Among the Marry afrieles We have are
1). AL BULL.
and I,,ith•r crackers, snackeet•lF, codfish,
shad, nerri , ,c. oniOn•:, &c., &C
r 7.1 TT X !V AX D NUTS,
Pre-. rv:',l prone., ritc"ii , , urrrlnts, raisins.
7r, f•;') an , r ;04 ar pre.. filberts, gentohle
an,! %I . :I:mil., brazil lath:, peanditss, Chest':
Hut , 1.1,1;.,ry
1%.1.17i OrOTICILVS,
ivory. horn and wood poeket combs, toilet, combs;
tine cwot ,, , hair, eholt, teeth. infants. and blacking
brusheq, ecallers . potk monies. and purses ttl - rha r by
•tvi•••• het ink stands', pocket and stria!' fancy
tumors. hdtneeo, buses, snuff koxes, anti almost'
evciy •Ine. t oi l e t casmi
aet:etane , . plate and embrunlered, Atork basket. of
many les.
I lerman,French arid American 'l'Ol'B or every Jr
script,"ii and prir:e. A few earthen an rterirter tea,
sett , . for Itttle girls, and a few hors' .sletrhA.
itizi iwN's WAS H BO IZDN, sN7At HOES
Ashton tlairy salt, groutol rock salt, Salina salt both
coarse and line. Also, a quantity of White fitone .
C.\\ Dv uhiilogalo or retail. of all kinds and
innunierilile oilier articles, for sale at the new store
uppw , lie Ilie Ifouw.
Towanda, I)ee. 1..1852 6.14 LE fi r Sr NEVINS.
3. c S. AZZLINIYX:2I., & CO. '
IN the Brick Block. next (foot. to Mere ttrs store have
juq added to their .lock, a large and fashiona . :
hle as,ortinent of
every voriely.hoih of style and prier. In which ,
Cue attention of the public. This is nevi
lucr t stock
Ever °Prat in Tatra:via !!
;mil will be sold at price. Inwrr that?
ever lirforo known in Om !Once. Our goods epic
•e1f.t . 1.`,1 with- a r(Y.tril both`tn %16 , ;tad ptiee, ante
ofrerinitneements,noL to be MK with at any °their
!,... - Etraugersvisitin.g TowandA Grath ,
ers in want efeZo1 1
.1=741 will find
al oor establishment, in this seelten of the coyntryv
and made to such style nud materialism . th..essure .
We . ;•hall endeavor by, . • , . -
id secure petronatte. feeling confident that oar aYtt--
Cier will give satisfaction to- the purchaser.
Tice assortment iOtinprizsre every article required'
Or a izentlentan's nutfrr. TERM--C tSH.
Overcoats, Coots rants, Chreres Caps 4c. .
Loo . 1 10Na.—Noxi door soot!) of Mereur'e Main'
F.t. Towanda ; and No. •: Water st. -Arnow, Haft.'
111O l ira ,41 under Troir Exchange,— ; 5 -
faAll kind's of gotin I rk .. Pro4ruce; •,,tak• -
en in exchange (Ur atto - ds. To wandN . Miy.
swzar, Cuuee, eiv:e,ol,le, cocoa, molasses;
Sw wart% syrup, cili^Ar rci. 1 ...r,1.1re, cloves, mib
n 0. 2 ,, common, , alernto , , r la, rrvain tartar,
g' oon , T pepprr satire, cahibp, Can
ales, bar soap, vi . nr . z..":`, starch &c., &C.
riif) VISIONS,
Mt.c p.ok and beer, limn and vhoultlers
u heat (lour, burkwhem ti,,wer, corn meat.
''M '6llO . 9561 - PRO,
ready made Clothing,
r itINTS and GiNoH4ltft?: -. —A tiOat imattrifaair
of Printstanf Gtnl4l,, sar. just re,cpmed - at .
'ltto% tql3. RCrfeg:.