ftlisceltancons. , ' , . H N G•OU T:tHE BA A hose ! a 1i0n.c.1.411y iijugdom,tpg 0 ,-, a hors aa•t r•,..l•une , s it. take awa '': the 's • '•••••. indigo . the lan A. M. WAFINLII hon-1.11 .:e.411.! And at No. i•• 14 1 ,4 1 11 : find Most an}lhut. that's From a cam' riciirr:l::. •:f the haest. : •' To a jewi l i ednieh of eighteen kiiiatfitie4-; .. Clneksu ill , It beep lime arenr.:te and- true,;;,-, ]tuna pin- ~t r aml hue,: bold. silver. ktrel and plan d rhalnA~; tsrleetril with the i:reatest r I,.grr naps, rut/!.n why. va'ai 7 8 Pe '1 : • lit every ••ttzttn - • all every . T.: said the old the y,nng the erief, the gay, May ihere be seen And Wan.; w le. hi niLelf- “ host." Is always ruativ an.l at -; • To wait upon his rit.totnersand-all-- , 'Who chance upon 'im to siye a bill.. eta wilt ) e ,,041 advice make up your mityl=. To cull n, him and there ytitl'lr Such sts:lo-, my cyes,o I whit a Omar • Jewelry of every Ntyle and hue. fit D.m't • miNtake the place -No. I. Brick row iv here he is prepared to II: all kinds Of JOB - WORK in his line of huNines, at iii" rule - we -0 rates that ea: ree.Nilrly tie affardeil. lIP willalsa se I has jewelry at 20 pro - rent borer, Hiatt wac-evor before uttered in this market. tj r Call and see...CD Towanda, Nue. 12, 1852., A. IT. WAIZNF,R. liemoved to B. Kingsbery's Block li'wl. 171-41)C:rr/in. . E V4* 11 AS ifistreturned from the ci , :, of New Yojk with a Tarp' ~..:i...„. :, ,, , , ,, supply of Watches. Jewciry 'mil i i; j2 , . ~ - , t t li l l e ver r ia ll are : r . -ontle . is .l iog . . 111 1 part. ) ft, I, .." stt l ", 'I T t . i u nt::t i l n EY''' ' ''S fr- 5 - '''-' " ' It: c ' o i ntulCle: plain assort.uncin a t or 'Gotd - Je‘velry, such .Iff. taar Rime. 4. rin ger Ilinpi,lireast Pins, Bracelets. Locketa,Gold rhaina, ii;ald Pens. Keys, etc. Al, - ... all &iris of Silverware, and any rp.000 , “ , -. 1 .=“e .1 1).•3 t. , —4ll of which he °:1::t.. far sale exceeedingly cheap fur CASH. VI - arches repaired on 51..0i untie:, will warranitd to run cc-Ohm . the nomey win lie refute I, . 1 . and a wri• leo agreement given to that e fent if reioile..l. N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR...nod Country Prialuc taken in pat taint for woi k ; ant ads r. learn nine, all ~rerer,tllll - llie Pr,hla;-e upasl he paid whist Ihr wur U June-1 war agninst credit in all iis form , . V.'. A. CL1A.V.13F.1:1.1.N, Agent. Towanda, April 1:8, Tao.`. • - --- .• - _ _ Public Sale of l'recilv 111 Rhine. BY virtue of an order of the Orphati'a Co , :rt of Brailfari Cout.ty, the uolars;gnel guardian of To , S. MaymMrg mirmri, Will :•:1 at put)lic site is the village of naroe, in -nisi county, on ~ri~ay, ~e~.~r:.3er mil, I o'cl,c l r, P. M. the fail 'wine E , tal.e, viz— i. A lot of ioot.m.l :11 E. etre st. the inter - Fee/1011 of the Miya.,x. and Onego 10.1,1, with the Niel trnm Nome to It. TaTlor's, h t':ereon erected a Eruct:. lio.•se, a fnmr torean nit ,er improvements, formerly oeeo,oril by L. A lot of laud west of ant., viihrze, eon , siniue sil...ott 13 am: , all impr ‘ye,! oval an melted vie! small 1..,n iher, oil, telj Mlrthl inner, Les II Imes, the town rum 1 ali I 0t11..t4. 3. Another lot in llone. Villn'je about I nen', ad . , J. M. Crawler, .fodaon II oh CilVett aril the 13 eloist l'hureh lot, with a frame grancly bullding, there M. 4. Another lot in Rome village. bounded by M4h. street, the . Baptist parsona..te lot. Loma %Valdes and E Maynard, with n fripC store house thereon, now occupied by John IX 'Wodlbuin a n d nearly op posite No. I. 5. Also °bother lot in l orte town..hip above Bean Creek., bounde.l by NeWtoll the ni..ia road. ilan Seely and Marthi Erannirr. 6. Also the undivided h Of of an.sher Int coot lining acres in ~ a id townqhip, near the Taylor road nd j-ining lands of Wm 1 . 1 iynard rt 1 John Pa-s•mi ore Toms maile - known or, day of -mfr. 11 111 \ll E. MAYNARD. .Au;, , tigt I,lB'l ADNI ItifsTß ATOR'zi NoTicE rersors in•leloe.! to I: estate a J.ltri A nut.:r. (I , flen,f•l k late ~r , are . •rr'ot• r r . tomatie pal,rtient ut delay ; athl all per-ens ha; lu.; demands aeaur>t sal4 estate are requested to pre.eui them duly authenticated bettlement. A 1.1.1 RA M I'l4llcE, August .A.itnrittistrator: TO LUIIIIF,RMEN.-.WANTEI),. 911 , tri 50,000 Ti. Maple, 33 by G--20 to 30,000 ft •) \-1 do. I by 4.-10,1100-feet 4 by 4, Poplar.—. 10 to 20.000 fr. 3 inch Ash plank.--. 2.0 to 30.000 ft. 1 1 , inch A , lt plank.-10,000 It- prime 4 by 4 cher. ry.- 7 t0;000 ft.: prime inch cherry hoants..ls inch .• wide or over, to be delivered this corning Pdli, and spring on the bank Jibe niv.er at Harrisburg. Lumber of gq7.ll.quality and ,trait grained is wanted. Propl.aTs he received tip, September Ist, for furni,diing the ab , ,ye,ansl perions §epding proof,- -A; wi :I , tatetiff;;T r Antity and rtnitlity of the differ . nt kind, they can furnish, and at what price and when. crr Lumbermen having smell lumber would al— Nv:rrs tlo well to stop at HarriAburz. • Tel'aiq of payment.—Cash- on itenvory and in Speclinn. • Address (post—it:Lid) . . O ',lir OK, irri Jong, Pa Ilarrisbw4, Jury ry., Chance to make Money. AGE NTS WANTED TO oanvaisfor puLtscribers . tt ! .‘• Hayward7s rnit. 6,T stli c ,i G az( q teef ." div,“ !.. - 7 , ttage Bible" arid other valna , ,le an I porrOlttr Any int , .iligent and entorpriiiwz man can make 7nod maim: by acceptinz nn ae,enev for tbe.e ~rnrkc• which are ui hr7h favor and very easily sold. Apply mi. r.IIROWN, at this place. ;mill Titeg• day next, and itherealler, at the otliee f the Brad- ford Reporter. juneB " J.P. BROWN. S. J. MADZEIL -T T T . thrice with the, Ae,4l4tee.aittl Recorder,' P%, • A DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. •1 LL persom knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Edward ratterson, decrved, late a Towa r Ddrt tp., are hereby requested to make nmedtate payment, and those having claimsagainst od estate will please present them -duly authenti , oed for settlement. M IRINDA PATTERON, Ut:Nti l 3 M 1111.1., Administrators June 27, Go! tractors and bthera. F: have on hood. beef, butter, corn, oats. V wheat. duel:•.‘ he Lesns. dried apples, flour, .1, Iron, steel. ha , , pf,wder, fuse, I,colfee, sagas . , mol , :tes, soap, tobacco, salt and tent for sale as3theap as at any other house. thens, April 23, 1853. WELLS & HARRIS. Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. who have subseru2ed towards the erec• •_taon-oithe.building for this institution in To- Fequ'Osted to call anti pay into the Trea, 25 - perxent. oq the amount of their respective t ,building taring been corn. 04 . J D. MiI:WA/NYE. eap 11. . Treasurer '7 l ,nosc Zaaebsed to Us 1 '1 note or book accoan t. will please take NOTICE . , ktot we are in want of money, anti must have it. • ho tiegreet to attend to this timely warning, • ; expect h vent from the little Constable. No jo- A -; this time. lIALL & RUSSELL. /wands, March 24, 1353. Atm :."*...10...140r—e11t0Eg. . .tittitli4t , :bA ti,foi.L.lC-oN "rtzrz ato - NE,11,11, 0111511 eases fur which it is of .. fermi ; being those incidental to the respectable fe. male, whether tnarrivirtiraingin, and usually known by the name of rgriordLTAZ GVAIVEPWaL.IN'I'S. of these are Prolarus Uieri, td falling of Ito Womb ; Fluor Intlanation and Womb liatmorrhlge. ittodti.g. fuh littpre,r.l and Irre•zular Metwruation, with all their necontpan) Ina (t . a....er ed )no matter how scri to ui of bow i -dap, 1112 • - That this VA I'HOLIGON is n every ‘A ay a• • y n: the confidence of the afflicted as a safe. avid cheap remedy, is vuovhed fir be tie of its having received the appr.b.lion and lit• patronage of many prominent members of 'hr Medical Faculty in the United States, and al , o by the Yalu-. I:monials I.ol,'en in the te‘trinonial- r:ive painphlebr, fi.un ladies and Pliv-ietan est respectability as certift,d by the n. -t tare atirdw.itv. . - This prrparati , n it no! a" cure all." Mmt it tended expressly for the above nil idea so very ,b , ire..ing in theirnature and C , ll Ors and which have hend.dhre reAhmed the •.k. exertions of the moAt avcompiioheti Phv-iciv • all rountri.c. t. o lnpem Juar.gra f Per u ' nity other malady to which the human flowir heir. The iilgridients, ns certified by high medical 'gm 111. , f ay. (See pamphlet ) are all vEGET BI.E. an nc r.qt d v ith t.ny .rtiele 1.111(1 Wildly to ih. Erviiiir. , er , .—P. D. Prcleham. M. 1). 17 , ien. N. Y.. 1.. 1). M. I) N Y.l). Foyle, M. I). Y. M. H. Milk. 'M. 1) Ilrelio-der N. V.. DUllhar, M D. Ballim..re. W. \V. Nee-e, el' Neer Turk, W. Pres— Don. M. 1). 1 ene.i.i.l, N. II rfj.Patnoli!. ts I e had g•ntiii at my Drug store Powanda. l'a. Sold by all the leading Druggists in tie aill.riaing counties. Dlt. H. c. roirrErt, Acent J. 8. Marchisi Sr Co., Proprietors, Central Depot. 301 Pro Away, N. Y. junels TO TOL 1 Pe.. --- ara, Farrier Stage proprietor GEO. W. 51ERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL OISPASIRLLLRLSO 1l TIM DISTORT Or MRVICINS As the moat remarkable Extern➢ Application sett • They coal 'Keep itoure without it." Es perience of more than s i xteen years has estettivite , ' Elm :act that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling rut, °r t.... vcr.al Family Embrocation, will CUTE mast , DlBll4, awl re. love all yacht's Spavilis, Sweeney. Ringbone, Windgalls. Poll Evil, Callous, - Cracked Heels. Gals of all hinds,- Fresh Wounds. Sprains. Bruis , Fia tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness. - Foiinderel feet. Scratches or Grease. Maiwc, Rheumai.stn, Bites of Animali,'Eiternal Yrii sons, Painful Nervosa Affections. Frost- 'Bite% !Toils, Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Cramp, Cun trartions of the Muscles. Swellings. Weakness of the Joints. Caked Breatts. dr- ite- 4113. The unventilated success of this-Oil, ia the c ure of due caws in Horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh, is daily becoming more known to the arming commordty. It tan hardly be credited, except by those who have been 111 the lotbit Of keeping it m their stables and houses, what. • vast amount of pain, sufferiug and Umeoare saved by . the timely application of this Oil. FT fle sure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, Lockport, N. Y., lb blown In the side of the bottle. and in his handwriting-ovetthe cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly_ responded to. Get a Pamphlet of the Aeemt_ an.l eec what 'Wonders u temonpbsheal by the ;tee of i t MIA mehcno. ; • • .. Si/Itf by rerpeetable dealers gcbctunk, - 51;i the ilgite State. nod Canada. Mee by AGENTS.- - /I. C. Porter, Towanda—Win. Kill Athens—Eli Baird. Troy—D. V. Barnes, Columba' Flat.l-1.. D. Taylor, Burlington—Prt , lite & Bron- son, Orwell—E. Dyer, .Covington—D. M. Bailey. Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, 'Toga—Terrell. Montrose—Perry & 0 , 4 , 1 en, Elmira Wholesale agents are Ward, Close & Cu., 88 Maiden st.,New York. Baia CANTON Alllll ATUENS BALL ROAD COMPANY. THE undersigned Cnmmi•sioners appointed in pursuance of the Charter incorporatini2 said company will open Books for sunscriptions.of stock at the Bradford House, in the borouith of Towanda, at 10 o'clock. A. 111.,iin Saturday, the 25th of June next. G. P. MASON. , C. PAVE BURTON:KIN:3SHE RY I C. H, HERRICK. Comm're. c. coms . rocK C. STOCKWELL' ROBERT FERRIS Towanda, May 25, 1853. POSTPONEMENT.—The opening of hooka for sub. scripttomi of stock to the Canton and Athens Rail Ruad is postponed to_ July 31st tit . 'THE auditor appointed by the Cow to distribute I the fund in the hands of the administrators of said estate, will attend to said buAness, at his office in Towanda boro', on the 7th day of July 1853, at I o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are re quired to present heir claims or else be debarred from said fund June 4, 1853. John Hanson rs lame; A Payne, Bradford Corn. Pleas . No. 264. Sept T 1852 THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute money raised by Aberitr's sale, of the proprety of the defendant in the 'above edit, will attend to said business at his office in Towanda bons', on the 6th day ofJuly 1053, at 1 o'clock, P.M.. when alr persons interested are required topresient their claims or else be debarred from - said fond. H. BOOTH. Jane 4. 1853. Auditor DRESS GOODS.—A good assortment of alniost kJ every style of dress goods worn by ladies and children, foreale at decl , MERCURS. 20 000 Lights Sash of all Rize, just rred by - B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, Marsh 23, kgriS. NEW 40 Gallon Cai iC.first me nticle 0 1 / 1 1 fur sale by P. 'Evros £Ukaical. THE undersigned, haring been duly ap pointed Agent fur the sale of this truly IN VALUABLE MEDI• LINE. would -fespert• ;oily 'neve the tett ,lou of ha.lie• and Practitioner. -1 r. wantla and C 1•11. the erollyi• 2 • lint 113, Use Wilt r. v• 1 , . its tali., 1., ow .•• all the lit,lres , ing dim IMPORTANT Auditor's' lrotiCe.. 1::,1ale of Allen Moody, deceased Auditor's Notice. Asri ums *fa . . 77 --- . : 71...2 .( s ,: 11E, -\. ...\ -7....% • ..,......-- , , r,,.. , 4,. --- • , -,,..—,.. 2. ____Jk,..,r;t, 014. ~,,,..,..c,.3 ~.. - ~.__.... , . , iiii,..., •4: ,: . - ...,:71 1 1, ~1 ' ... ~,„, ~ .. , ••_. • r=l. ~., .. i, • s''. i fr . 4, :7,34T- -.'. i , :.' 1 .1 3. :' ...1:7' : ' p.:' ' - , -:-it-" ~!.., ,c......1 - ,...ic'...-..,,, 1 ,.. z .-- ; ,-,,,- , -• • - ..tal` 4 . 11 IVTT t% n -T, Eimery'c 'Paten tijita!Tl ., b'n'aorsel" enxr erg, , Lihreshere; Separatersi &a., ' (AWING to the great advance in the price oflrati, ‘../ the rnanufacinrers have pond neLcasary to to advance the pricg.. - t. 4, • • le them to man. ()facture. utlier seasons. ry ~'r '0; .r. (Leif coatftru- • . ' kto, pronounced by -• c • • • isc7t tteadmill Horse• EMI CIE 00 ~ pntrer,..',. 3O 011, I .toyviatr ;via -120 b 0 110 00 . , . v. , . prices. batArro•thirds of ilytati(irttierr, On Any ma• • 1 , arra rged'Dir special eon , %V: " •• 1)114 , • bleb arrange/near. par. r 1; • .•[ at , trin Rave from four IQ •, Lf llar. on ea, h NfitehineS.:will be de. 11-or .1 it any plan. . . ci , rsiltroad. Cr:amt.—Cash-or ~ OIPA with interest, payable in 4 anti 6 chop 1.. - All machines scat ranted. and in ca , e r- may be retusoed s ! thin 3 omil,- and pat r. f'onied. Those wanting machines -hould apply earls in the season. For further par/entity. apply to the subscriber. R. NI. WELLES. _Athens. Po.. Jno. 22 14;7,3. , . 1".1 " LIB! T 3 nr DIVORCE I ,)Li, r , • , . 1 Ir. ! . Term 1853. `;F: Ei act in the above d ihat John M. Evans, pviition for a divorce MBE= MA =II •uty. Y•ut are, there . ',cooed t the Court H0u,...e, •1•.• • . •. ' .'v the sth day of September next. beta z the la ....A . ~r Feplembrr term of-saittl - cono . uf common ,F. to answerihtr• Yaiti •einnpLaint: awl ,stisw cam.e. .tr any you have, why the paid Johnithall Ont be thaoreed fron-i. you. 1140111*.V 4 '. Sheriff. • Sheriff's Office, Towanda June 30. 1853. T OST, bet wi•en Tritvanda and Manroetnn,on Mon -I day, 13th Jane last. a Green changeable Para' std. with red sittn Bower.. finder is regneßterl to let me know herr t. can or leave it at 4 1 .. office o f the tharti.,c •; , -ter, where they will be vn it Ode f.:11 - • r,,, T hte. vt'v , IQ t M. C. ALLEN. El (Tun pelke l'ilvrando VHF: (pa !Iv l this yicini rinneually I , Towanda. April `. FLOUR —A Litiabitpi v c gn?,..rfine flour. just re coved. and for <at? by .41. KINGOBURY. Towanda. Feb. ,6. 1853. PIL.t. 'PUBS 4ND 'tf A . M . .% —A new supply of 'Painted tubs +lnd paiN. 41teant Malq, just received at m3y25 MERCUR 1853. } rriin auttge..tiher would int , rm their Irierlds and ellStorrlPN that the , hay , i , creasei tdrirruCto,l , itic4 for tuanufurroring cm(olti/mlnal2: and intend keepinirthfi targesVistock and assort• went of , . CLOTREVG, TO, FUIL.V., /S///NG GOODS' 01 i.ED CLOTHING AN D - 11 77 1: HPI: GOODS", that can he r,tin ;n ' , fates. Terms and Fri ces sati , fart ,, ry li > \ FORD di 13111YTHER. zs ' .L qcw apposite the Astor House Ni"-'ot V. 1 : V- ~ 1. 1853., United ttates Hotel, 1, A 1' riRT E. PA. SOEM G. witis4l l 44 PROPRIETOR. F • 1 'Torte Hotel:" c o zm.i 4 rm; thiS day arol : • June 15. AliKri FOR KALE.-5 %Hi% for sale on liberal terms by iiineifi BAILEY .§NEVINS. LOOKING GLASS.' MATES cut and fitted or. - tiny size, to be had et the Jewelry store of May 15, 18:"2. W. A. CIIAMBERLIN •—• Clover Seed. 4 O BUsHELEI Clover Seed just received and for Fate by the , takseribere at the lowest cash in i ee, or exc h ange d far most kind,' of produce. Towanda, Feb. 5. 1853. BAILEY & NEVINS. i: 1 ,1113 ARRELS ofold Otuo Whiskey just received and for sold whole:sole and retail, at Reed'a Drug Store, QQFINTLE* C'odf1•11. 20 bores of Herring, t.j h bawl i Salcralus, warranted in prime order, felt ou h. le at New York cask Price' at REED'S Drug 4i, re, Towanda. Jan, 28. 1853. H. BOOTH. Auditor MARBLE °wEG ACtRY, PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin : nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian. and Amer. loan Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes, pan, have then on the shortest notice by sending fa' their orders, cheaper and better than can be pnr chased elsewhere. cO" Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and linden ker, nearly opposite the • Ward House, Towanda, Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS. f Towanda, March, 3!, 1853. Clover Seed. "[UST received a quantity of very superior Clover .Beed. Farmers would do well to purchase their seed earls. J. KIICCISBERY. Toirteds, Feb. 5, 1553, aksi*ndWVc. EMIR <,,, u, 1853• I Power. ~ fnrtn•o Str , l3 00 ~rce, Power, r •!. r , :...f0r one • , •? - ltorr•e Pow r combined, 235 00 " `k . er alone, il6 00 Et 3 oo , ator and fixturei, 97 00' 35 00 tt extras. &c. 5 00 . •hing machine 50 00 123 00 Fine wi.h self- 'n• Evans, in Bradford County vv. 4nd an afiag sub. d proof made that you PA3LABOL LOS?. V A 11 re /CM* pr , en( .fIS from trusting 'my 4 Itt,vot a written order from eontreeted. unless HUGH' O'HARA. P.ILZ'M'S. vrf.ttirGEtTOS. Per Hangings kept in •'.h, stack pist coming in 1. D. BARTLETt OM SPHING. . - (•1 Barrels of deli received aa' , 1 y TIATLEY & NEVINS 130qT0,- -- „:. - 4'11111:0E0.11 SoltanWoWilebi, ?-0 HAS removed his eatablishinelit to H. Mier store, coriistilleniiiistrderlitS.oo.4oOrStaiii. an d will contiiiiiii-the glintiihehree4llat% ;Ind shiu, u heretofore. - just OPI New' large assort- He hali sere ne ' artel t .:Y * l* 44roes wticki ment of own ens are offers, at kroi,-14ias, The a . .*the Ladies is parictilart ,diocietiet;llll. aisiiityieWpr Pri•ing the folloirinitileieirly*lsk•Pratrielie4lehimi.lnd gal• ter boots; do. laithottillr gaiters ; working shoe*. halt#4lw,l and an "' ofvery ikmoriPireie4l Children's fan y gaiters, bacitii•ldsbireicialidi kris& or the Gentkoilii almost esstiistylKof gaiters and shoes. This saititlitlbeen, Puruit.o.o.elutid with care, and he beriiiiiihe esOirefsoperi9r snicks at reasonahle price*, 137:7' The striettrOitriknOot . , -.4 l : 6 o,f4tein n g' and he hoyes4 kly.ilelstr uedtkirelltiampitei continu al:tee of the ITherallitttrodagil:WlTetelyed• -11U:2.1111**Orill#3.19111"IFIA. ,i-, Hcis,....fr..cogWriOrvitigtaii; , ...ic • -..- VINGi-liiiiita* irt,lToWlida; JOlNitai may be cibtaiiiiit biailthewring I linwibiongti. e Post Office, or by calling at this Milei - if UlYaseirVercur. Esq., wbere,iiii will)* folUitls Or At tWrf? I.C")Fig ell il i li. lieatroo rr ni.114.64. ~sottillim.,?-7• NEW . BLACKSMITH SHOP. HE subscribers vapectrully infornettw public that T they hare takelllhier ihOp 'lorinerry occupied by 'Adam Eienwine, on' Main .trees, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds ofBLACKBMITHING epon - reasonahlarterms.' They are determined by doing/heir work well an& promptly, to merit, as they hope - twit/Cage a share , 01; public patronage. . .HORSE—SHOEING done in the bust mariner: All kinds of repairing-Machinery;eiectitcdtn Orr rnimit fel.manner. , , _ , t 25 00 . . WOOD WORK for wagons will alit, be Made and repaired when desired. 411?worte.'• A:4,A; 4004-4Fiii-vinis;a we ll d one ane l l nannfactored•frop the best materials. The public areleilahled 161We - to' a trre, and joilge for themselves EDEN WINE & bEEBO3OMB. Towanda. May S. 1851. ' 711ENWIPUNLTO Vii'A r RIMOM. Important to llonseiooperi: THE subscriber thankful for the patronage heretofore re : : nerved, begs leave to inform hie irneads and the public generally, • • and those commencing • House - keeping in particular that he has Alt now on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of tilt best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnut 'washstands, marble tops, and Wain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas. Couch es, whatnots, dec. BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low poet headsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. crr The sobscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will bold himself in readine•s to attend to all orders in undertaking. Ho wilt furnish ice-boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best mak rials and workman ship. Towanda. January 17, 1851. :0,3r.5.54:431F-1,(.):4 Wt ; Genuine unless accompanier, u •me simi IN le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L ':01;1.E & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated 80V EREION BALM OF LIFE, it is nut our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a STA ?IDA RD'AIEDICINE is of itself snfficient refer ence for the Many proofs might be given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly sale and reli able in ell eases, being purehr regetabk, end • medi eine worthy their best confidence and patronage. The followihg certificate was sent us for the public good: HEAIIITT, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 11), 1851 We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietta, having need personally fle. Souk's Sovereign Balm Pills. and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pitta to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. ROBERTS, G. H. BROWN. M. D. PHTLLTPS, D. G. 011 S, H. A. TIBBETTN , LEwlB - REED, P. 8. =toe areal liberty to publish thisfir the pub lic good. - i BEWAIRir: or ConFitxrirstvii ! We are! t swam the any one whols itisiting a spurious article as yet der ed to make use 9f our name ; but some o them has had the impudence to,intitate our boxes en 4, copy out Circtlara, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are careful when 'hey purchase, they will be diteilred.' o:7' The genuine Sovereign Balm Pills. mui he had wholesale and retsi , of Dr, SOULE &Co:, Syracuse Onundag" Co., N. Y. Sold by Dr. li. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., sad bi their Agents in every teimin the country. ` '2ly . . 1853. Latayeltt Burr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY: THE undersigned, formerly foreman 'for 'many years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Mau factory, 240 Washington, 81., N. Y., (W. Yyaek, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in era I, that he,haa established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BINGHAMTON, N. Y. • In I.eroy 'millings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their patronage. ' ' He will have constantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire. Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting Bushes. The undersigned 'assures his friends and the public, that he will faithfullye;xecute all Orders en. trostedto his care, not only in quality but in pri. eels of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat. renege. ORDERS by letter will be executed with as much care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H. Lewis, W. S. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup. Salsbury, & Co., Montrose, Pa. Caleb Carmalt, Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Dander. 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall, Smithborough, N. Y. MajorD. Merseread. Union, N. Y. M. T. Nichols, Owego, IC Y. ROO' &' Whitaker, Wtrierly, N. Y. JOHNWd SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Nov. 8, I 8.52.y28 CLOT IN G Hfir. A CAMPII4I4.. haying, 4 been purified by s the recent firti,liiireagairilittedflp their 141 111 G •••-• • s T , • • in the same place as before and are nov offering for sale, a desirable assortment or fall and winter • GOODS'. They being desirous of making op their recent loss ' will sell at unusually low prices. Towanda, Nov: 6, 1852. Cistern andNifell Pumps" LIBAD - PIPE - I Hydrautic - Rano of; airy kind, oiap;.&c., ebearfot ready pay. for ailt by ha: a, 111153. R. H. WELLES. =I Sliectikniecutti 4NFORMAT lON • • 'WANT AND/ '' • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE ' MONEY OR OR PROPERTY:W. Do you wait toselled mortgage any nil Guam I Hate you • a bond and mortgage yob wish to sell 1 • JIM* you honsesoaverne, or total that you wish to sell or lasso f - lime you a mill, faetory. foundry, tannety,ot oth ers mannfacturing establishment. that you wish to sell or seutl . , , - , Hare you iron ore, coal. potters' or the dry, - or other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on shores I • .. , • • - Have you land that you would liker to have , drain ed or cleared by Contract or on shares f • • • Have you water power that you wish well, int. , prom; or refill • -• . • Do yen want additional capital, 'Ora partner in , your business • •• Do you Want to•eell your stookrof merchandise I Dolcin wmt to form • •Company urereste' capital for any specific object 1 • - , Do you wish to - exchetiks year prbpeily for' other 1 ProF* l l ' • Do you'want in your isiighborhood mills, loon& ries, tanneries, or other mentifammies f • Have you any teen tested impartment in machine. ry, of ie the artit; which you want to sell; or Which' you want means to manufacture , f• • • If you have any of the above wefts,' arothentrof sirnilas elsereeter. ward wilt' intim* to our address, (post-paid.) a legible, clearand tract tleseripuotr of theta 1 and if propertycitif locality, progiinity id Co ast taffroad, tornavigebto*tter; tcschurtheligetiools, stores.t&c.,lhe • lowan tertne - -on you wilt sell, Mortgage; lease,•exchsage; or otherwise die pout ofit t and if you- will elidirrettere to tie a Reg- - istration fee oil f, (the receipt of which will be se. knowledged,) your want shall - be recorded in our . Register, and your letter placed on the file designated for your Stateondeciunty, fOr the inspection, free of charge, of these who are seeking to intrehme,' ItWse, -erectsarigei-or invest. - - Wo make no charge to any for examining nor Register and ales. When they make known their abhor, they are referredto your own statement -of your wants : and as we have Napa of the Jiff rent states, and of such Counties as we have been ahte to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the yes me and steamers that swim with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arrivint ,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circolanframon the strangers at the hotels ; end as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in vari ous forms throughout all of the states, as well as the different countries of Europe, from which Immigrants come, end where we expect one of one Firm Will for the present reside, and where also- we shall agents in the principal' ports of embarkation, inviting all who wish to purchase, exchange, I. rise, or invest, to visit our office, withouteharge— We are confident that we offer a better medium of makingfimir wants known to those who des re 'to know thti, and of securing the end you desire, than env other mode yet practised. The best place for you to effect a sale, lease, ex change or loan on your property, is in its immediate vicinity. if yon ruiner do it there, the next hest place is in the city of New York. Or if you went Immi grants or settlers of any class here is the place to obi tain them : Be:ann. here at all times end seasons, there are from 30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking for investments or borne.. Because there are probably 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a. great proportion of the surplus capital of the Union. seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to 7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while ' y,du can afford to give as ample security, or other in ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inter rem, either in annual income or increased value. Because here, an examination,of our files will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to be found'which they seek. Because here, there is an opportunity to exch.nee country or other city property, for property ,in this city or its vicinity. 'Because a person, by spending a few hours in our office, without charge,can obtain more information of the property in market through Out the country. and the wants of community, than by months of traveL . Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout -this and other countries, by re cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of our countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase and those who desire to sell • ran be mutually benefited In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you do. and we should send you a purchaser, his compari. son of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of,it is required that weeks!! be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to the own ers, no special authority to us is requisite: but when it is desired that we should sell,suthority must be given. Our commissions on salm, exchanges, per cent. The raising of companies; and •other: mit- Mrs requiring special negotiation, will be subject CO special agreement. sr? Several farme in the same neighborhooloften find • more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi grants desire tO rennin-hi companies. . .BRONEON:. KN APP & CO. • • Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, New York. Refer to Coadhsol l Paimer 4sq..ln Broadway, N. Y.; Hon.,Alvin Oconee's. Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood. Ohio; ;x Co:. Void. Ohio ; Mon. 4.) . ‘",Thodrips96, Cs-; A; Wade. Mich ; Hoq. I. Mich ; Mon: .littnith, Ill; Hon. J. R. Underwood, •y lipp. : 4 l C. Dodge, plyra"; • r lion.l.. R. Doty, w a s. (L I. for futures . information, inquire .ofH McALPINAor-al Agent. (a the Law Office of Wm. Blare% Esq.) Towrierls. llnsdkod county, Pa. 44y t-- , WEB ,OLD. OSULN'D STILL IN OPERATMN? Stands of various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the beat material and Workmanlike Manner, and which they will sell for cash-cheaper than can be bought in any. other Ware-room in the country. RZLADT-ST.ADZ 0017111111, on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions. LAMES MACKINSON. Towanda, June 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. MR. OLMSTED, fitment ZTOII of the Athens Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends. and the traveling public generally. for their liberal patronage, and scllicits" the eotititinante of the same. AN OMNIBUS, will, ego regularly to and. fromthe: Wellesley Depot to meet .the Mail Trains for the accommodation of strangers and , travelem, who-wish to visit a pleas. ant village outwit:teas ar.otberwise. A daily line of firsErawf , - ore. Coaches, . are running tbienkb tosfreiranda.:' These, wishing wilt.be insured a gestic the easel) from this place and these gairtgito, the 2 • R L*.•R 0 .A D can stop at Athens, and spend an hour,-or tw and be insured& vonveysnee in time to meet the regular trains of cars going East or West. Also thosewho wish to leave their team• here can bectiOiled to-and from the carefree of charge Athena, frert4 4, 1852 THE subscriber would an. mace to the public that - he the now on baud, and will make order all kinds of Cabinet rarnitnre, ich as BO fas.Ditans, Lounges ;enter, Card, Din ing and Break ist Tablei. Mahogany, Wal 1, Maple and Cherry Bureaus, " BRYAN/ _ primom e ~/./141R\s`-, WAFER' rrHll3 extraordinary preparation ha t .nirtyearethelrtmitt We sag s Pretty for 113orrons, Cotes, Atiorna. Baoscareet ZA, AND DISIASZIOT Tac CBES? A/111 1,,. those suffering from obstinate and cones they give the most Immediate and perf ect) when great liability to take cold mo t , au levotne Cough sacceeds the slightest 'OO4 WAFERS 'produce the moat matted m a k, al once relieve the Cough and other . yar entirely remove that morbid irritabilitt "„s2 alherEutigewilielative riot to V' The medical propertie, are combined it bte form and pleasant to the tlate,l o i b i will readily take them : and they are give relief in ten Minute, atm use in all t ut Pr i ce 25 mita per box. Per Bak, h y b . PORTER. Towanda. Pa. a. Towanda. Feb. 9.1853. WORLD'S FAR% PRIZE CIIER 73 . notTLD pi W. W. IAII3, 57IC1ILT CO,l And Plumed Apra 2,1a50. To this CHURN was awarded the it the late Fair of all ?Tatiana held in it also took the Premium at he Canadian Fair, held in Toronto, U. C, in 1131. Gal ed a silver Medal and Diploma at the Fat New Englandlleahanie'e-Craritable Ai held in Boston, October, OM. i talon it en th e first Premium at all Slate and Count wherever it has been exhibited, and is urn approved. by all Davy-Aka and Dany. w here they have become aranamted with its This CHURN a 101, sans, WORRING •110 SALTING ?RI BUTTER G7These Cia.annuTTO Cutlass, are Mum ed and bold by WELLS & CO., Towanda,' nearly opposite the Wald Rouse. Towanda. April 21, 1853. Attention Regiment ! le b".ll. l ‘ • 1 . i I i MAKE READY! TAKE AIM, F' JoH N E. GEIGER, would asy to M. o ld r the putdit at larap, that he has comanth and manutacturtng, Rdie,. and *ha Guru Among his 11$S011 ineni Oi (;e3, may be Loons and ?tingle barrelled Guns. R Mesa( all Old, gi Pow der FlaAa. sh..l Y rJrheo, 13 a Primets. Also. Powder. Shot, Caps of te. Allens' six harrelle.l R. vol , me barrelled self ecckine Pistols and common steel and 11fg11.3 PiStsik G., P. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Anntly ott hand. Any of the above articles will le sold new for the Ready Pay. Kyys of any kind flue d to Donn Tay other kind of locks on shit notice and truer Repairing done with neatness and &swath. few rods north of the Brsilion! Rose Towsnitia. May 22. 10.152 LIQUORS ! LIQUORS THE Sitbscriher. haring r im d 0 clew ander the firm of y . FEL-rm S i.o . f. ing a general Liquor hniiinr.., a nl , l tester a.k Hotel keepers and all other , in want cI thing in their line to giva them a can. We keeping on hand a general ...nevem if Liquors, which we can sell cheaper dun ant else in the county, from the fiet tkat we het from tire...importers. and there , / , are a lane charged by the N.T.Jobbers ; locator• are eel purr and free from adulteration. Its ene ly on hand Whiskey of the best cagily. WI made arrancements br whreh we can forsn customers with Roy panto. of Bin,thamte fresh from the Brewery. Plewee acre net The notes and account. of the old Ilan of ton & Co., are an our hands for settlemen. P. FE?' F.. T. POI. Towanda, Dee. I', 1852 NEW YOBS ADVERTISEM VH. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford . is still engaged With the firm of Van and Jagger, who h a ys th;t dar removed to new and syraeloas store N° sO Vesey street: of Church, (in the rear of the Astor House) they are prepared to exhibit a styy lute general assortment of Forego and I DRY GOODS, adapted to the nom trade will keep a large stock of Merimac.Cerheo , xn er desirable styles of Prints. Cash as et first class credit customers will find it to theft terest to call. They have also a department devote! to BOOT and SHOE business, and feel mot& can ofbetter bargains in that liise thus ant . sive Boot and Shoe house in New Tod, two fact that the expense is much less in prolixly the amount of sales. Mr. Baird Batters ' that having the benefit of 15 years mutest Mercantile business in Bradford Co-his knoi of the style of goods adapted to the !touters sylvania trade, will make it an objettsr ant's doing baseness in that section to got call. sit Any orders For roods in the above lines promptly attended to, and the articles sr-- give satifsetion. New York. March, 1, 1853. AWL .11...11E11142./ 1721111.1Lar Saddle, Harness & Trunk Ma lEHE CULP & Co., respectfully inform that they have removed to ths shop on recently occupied by Smith & Scre, the Ward House, where they will keep oa large stock of mai:imago, VW* iTr• All articles in their line manufactured to made of the best material, and kreorterm he surpassed In Northern Pminsylvani. a call from those wishing to purcbsse• they can give satisfaction both a , to min! (laiiides and Sheep Pelts received for ro aeconnt, at the lowest rates. Sale leather, Upper Leather, Hamm Calf skins, for sale in any quantity. • PARTICULAR NOTICE. ON account of lours sustained st As hn ire• 'ore obliged to call on thew intebtel to • prompt settlement, as we are made the ' re6g. heeitgr whet to owing M M. we trust this L be sufficient without resorting toothy cool Towanda. Dec. 2. Mg. 41= ALAIMO ,* WILSON, fotaterty of Bradford 'returns his thanks to his (re lavers; Ana sokits the continuationof theit al* g Aide arrangements tt, eoni the ftriii of Dayton N° 143 West 1114 11 1 Darefaiatia They streets, where to r"*ltaitilis Marto supply his custour jag - IMMO RIES; with a supply at low r„ el t ► on favorable' terms. Particular pains to keep on hand' desirable good; for 'rust s ' e the country. Near• York, Feb. 9,1851; NEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers