I -- 1,4 0 1 • • potll i • vi s...-. d fof 111. Phinney's &Int l Mailianwt. Tiber being desirous.of enlarging his t o, would respectfully announce t o the Towanda snd vicinity that he is just- re- New York and is now opening for sortmeni of TJIWIEK-11 1 : 11133 11111109 SUCK AS coirte,Rice Molasses, Slicart's Syrup, Pepper , Sptce, Cloves. Mace, NW. Sderaios, Cream Drier, Soda, . 10 ,4, rove Sauce, Catsup, Candks. g &op, rmegar , &arch, Cigna, etc ,r t bend and for sale a large stock of ) 11/11[PliiiM 41101, B 1111111111 9 sw o t s, Mackerel, Codfish. Herring; . as. p ri ed Apples, Wheat Flour. Lard, • A da, Boner and Boston Crackers. kin ds of Fruit and Nair. preeerred g ai sins,Oranges and Lemons, 7 a l ar ge cock of German. French and T o r of all descriptions and price. ose give him a ealL 0 A. J. NOBLE. ,„hagost 1953. cONVALESCEIVT. • ,50ER000c, will resume ha official do. 0' 00 Monday, the Ist day of Aug. next.— I n side of the Public Square, where he eased to see hia friends, and all others who se he services of * Justice of the Peace.— roans hours from 9 to 12 A M., and f ro m Towanda, July 28,1853.. analirr- &MEW :se of writs of Vend Exponas issued oat of Art of Common Pleas, of Bradford coun ce directed, will be exposed to public It Coon House, in the boro' of Towanda. le the sth day of SEPTEMBER, at I o'f • it. me.noi,,,wimg kok, ?Lea. ne pit ate in Burlington tp. and bounded and de to lows:—North by the public road lead ,Trey to Burlington, east by lands of Cro a lot deeded to 0 P Ballard, and assigned meet WA Ulster, south by lands of Crofoot en M Kean, and West by lands of Allen M'- Con[aming about sixty acres, about thirty Tpr-9ruende, one house arp and m o ed c , h aanrdd the oth fruit wean. and taken in execution at the suit of Chas rs. Nancy Vt'oodward executrix of the estate \\ nada ard dec'd. tl—The following described piece or parcel situate in She'leggin Ip. containing about .e acres more or less, about flair acres Un— bounded as follows—On the north by lands rig to Guy Kinney and the heirs of Perley ,on the east by lands belonging to Samuel on the south by lands formerly owned by dec.and en the West by lands be. Riabine Griffin. • and taken in execution at the suit of H N co to the use of Guy Tracy vs. James ne following lot, piece or parcel of land !-heshecrip tp. bounded and,described as _N,Tth by land of R C Horton,.east by lands -,, young. south by lands of Reuben Young, t , r lands of Calvin Smitb. Containing T acres more or less. about twenty- five prored.one log house, one log ba-n and an froa tree. , thereon. u.d taken in execution at the suit of Wm II & Co vs. Curtis Smith. -The following lot, piece or parcel of land t iox tp. bounded and described as fol— nb by lands of V E 4 J E Piollet, west by Do•se , sioo At Hocland, on the south by kin', Whitney and, on the east by lands of Naptha Woodburn. Containing about qacres more er less, about twenty acres and taken in execution at the suit of Alex -111 Alanson Whitney. he following described piece ,or parcel .are m Albany tp. bounded as follows— .no by lands belonging to the estate of Mi. 'owl deed. on the east by the Berwick on-the south by Wells Wilcox and lames the weet by wild lands. Containing !red and forty acres be the same more or a forty acres improved, and one new frame Servo erected. taken in execution at the suit of .1 B .cow to the use of J C Adams vs. Ben— Icat. w following piece or parcel of land ait— shequin tp. bounded and described as Io ihe n.rth by lands of Henry Sible,Ben— Wm Stevenson, on the east by lands of onon, on the south bylapda belonging to rod on the west by lands of Lorenzo Post ,t 4 about eighty acres, about thirty—five lined, with one plank house, one framed few fruit trees thereon. tnd taken to execution at the suit of Bur— ibery, now to the use of 0 D Bartlett vs. and J C Blauvelt. The following lot. piece or parcel of land two. of Wysoz,bounded and described 1 the north by lands of Valentine the east by lauds of B F Walker. on Nods of Robert Spalding. and on the also( E R Slyer. Containing about seven— trw with about twenty acres improved. td house and one log barn and a few butt .11 taken in etecution at the suit ot Da— vo. Levi Walker. 'f he following lot, piece or parcel of land aoth Towanda trip. bounded on the north John Fox and others on the east by 'met Means, on the Banat by lands of ' oo the west by lands or John Fos. Con— folly acres, all improved, with one tam/ house, one framed barn, one film— are and shed and apple orchard thereon. Je other lot, piece or parcel of land sit— u township aforesaid. bounded on the north of John Fox, on the east by lands of P H sod others, on the south by lands of the J lifictivii;ao - deed. and on the west by James Nestor and Wavariti 'Michael Drew. abut sixty—five ecres with about :in thereof improved. . and taken in execution at the suit of D F towto the use of E W Baird vs. Jphn . ' s4— 'The, following piece or parcel ofland sit 'u -116 eld two. bounded and described as ows—nuoh by the public highway,essl by lands 8 Traci, south by lands or Augudit 6 Phel P sdr, 6' G 8 Peck, and west by the road leading to ram grist mill belonging to LI 11+14 G 8 Peck t log about one acre. be the same more or less LI/e d hunne, one framed barn and a few fruit %ere on—all unproved. . • " 4 and taken in execution at the suit of Sde Treoc e vs. H M Hale. 'G—Th e lioeesv trig described. piece or parcel.. situate i nheshequin twp. bounded - a* fol— d the north by Elisha Newell and Joseph the east by land of Samuel Owen, on the land of Leonard Poet and-Wm -Post, and e.t by lancrof Elias Post and Wm Post ; lOC about twenty—eight .eras, about sixteen ` 'Proved, one log house, one old -board aged ts fruit trees thereon. • • ' el and taken in execution at ths'anit.'orDnfri ' ll 4 . t10n vs. Dennis Post. The following lot;piece or parcel srflsnd the toienshrp of Wyman, bounded and de i follows On the nonh by Zane! of D rind 'urn and Elijah Tracy, one thereat by i ad i dllman, on the booth by land of -1! ' 0 and on the West by lands of T B „ i and Hiram Frost / containing about o.n. e td thirty.onsialtsisotbotit tort! antes 1011. ) log houses and 4 fel/ friiit trees thereon., id taken in auclitionat the, suit of Dui -817, now to the use of D. lriandirceek 4' tam vs. A .1 Goraliortintd OH Oarifhie, By virtue of two ii 4 the follotviag lot *reel of land situate in' tbe tivp„..of UPI . and described as jollowsr—Pa the. /WO% South and east by Of Jcillkilittimond, and on wind by landiatifFrnncia Harrui. Containing, four and half -scrims min* or 161;111 intproied; one block house and . one framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in eirecution'at the. gait of M C Athout vp.Medebish Smith 24. ALSo=—lthei (Unwiring lot, pieci'er parent aland situate in Smithfield tarp bounded and described as follours.—Morth by lands of EbitnezerMeeke.easr by lands, 0( John Aldrich and GeorgerNest, south 'by 'land" of Joseph Smith. and West-by. lands ad Gen. West, Jr. John Smi th Jr. and Wm Smith . Contain. ing about fifty acres be the same more or less.about thirty acres improved, oae framed house. one framed barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon.. • • Seised and taken in execution at tht: suit of H 8. Davidson and Chatlea F. Welles jr. copartners *c. vs. Daniel Smith. ALSO—The following lot. p ace or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded and described as fol— lows—North by land of Patrick Crowley West .by land of Henry Bible. south by land of Tobias Lent, east by land of Bartholomew Pearcal. Containing about sixty saes, about forty acres improved. one log bosm, framed barn and apple orchard thereon. ,Seised and taken in esecution at the suit of David Barber vs. Solomon C. Kilmer. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land striate in Franklin twp. bounded as followo—On the north by holds of E II Montanye. on the east and south by lands of Daniel Green, and on the west by land■ of Wm Cotton. Containing about one hundred and ten acres be the same more or less. about forty acres improved, one log house. one leg barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and takes in execution at the suit of Job P Kirby vs. Isl &Webber. ALSO—The following described lot,pieee or par. eel of land situate in Pike imp, bounded on the north by the highway leading from Leraysvills to the to y. obtains creek, on the east and south by landopf Or. ange Bosworth =don the west by lands of William Johnson. Containing one acre, more or lass, all im proved, one framed house thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Or— ville M Bunnell vs. Henry M Tupper. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of Bill:tate in Athens twp. twoodk-d ve eh* north by this highway, on the-east, eolith and west by lands - of Erasing Wolcott. Containing one halt acre, more or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn aild woodshed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Laura Nash ea. Horace How. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp.. bounded and described as fol. lows—North by lands of Timothy 8. Kilmer, east by lands of James Laton, south by lands formerly occupied and now ID possession of the Lents, west by lands of George Horton-and Chauncey Ransom. Containing about one hundred and five acre., about forty acres improved,one log house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot,piece or parcel of land sit. oats in Rome twp., bounded and described as fol— lows—North by .he road leading from Bullard'a creek to Morley Hill, east by lands of James Luton, south and west by lands now occupied by the Lents. Containing about one acre, all improved, one fram— ed house, one block building that has been used for a blacksmith shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at thetsuit of Enos Tomkina, N. C. Tomk ins and G. W. Potter, co. partners &c. vs. Silas Gore, Samuel Gore and John Gore Sheriff's Office Towanda, July 34, 1853 Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to com— ply with this regulation, the tract of land will spin be offered for sale. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A"persons indebted to the estate of Thos. Bennight, dec'a, late of Ridgbury township, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate. will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. RBI:WRY BENNIGHT. Rsecoirix. April 21, 1853 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of JAMES ALL LAMB, dec'd late of LEROY mil., are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said .estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settle ment. EDMUND KELLY, April 30,1853. Executor. ADMIKSTRATOWB NOTICE. I• ETTER'S of administraton haying been granted 2 the undersigned by the Register of Bradford county; on the estate of Daniel O'Keefe, late ofssid county, deceased ;all persons indebted to said es. tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those haying claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATFIARINE O'KEEFE, JEREMIAH AHEARN, Adm'rs • 'JOHN FLYNN, .- April 14,1859. _ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of DAVID H. OVVENB, deceased. late of Monroe tap. are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly eathenticated for settle ment. THOS. ELLIOTT. • WV. COOLS AWE. 2d, May 11. 1858. . Administrators. Register's Notice. NOTICE is herebysiven thetas:lt have been Sled and nettled in the office of the Regimes of Wills in and for the county of BradOrd,esotints of admits istration epos the Mewing estates= ' • Final seeolaint of Sarah Rowland. adminietratriz of the estate alien," Rowland, dee'd. late of Athens. 'Pattie account of Aseitetb Ladd and Joseph nardi, eiltaioietiators of the estate of Hotatio Lead deed. late of Albaciy. Final account t Of Geo lifeteeraniiiiiildeleer ad ministratais with Will aumesol,ofJoneph Afeteeidee'd. late of Grenville. ' Final account of Nelion Dimes. administrator of estate of Sally Bottles dee., late of Orwell. Final aecuunt of James C. McKean and Charts B. 'McKean, Administrators of the estate of Benj. MeKcan, late of Columbia. Final account of Martin Rogers, Administrator of the estate of David Sinsebaugh demised, late. of Litchfield. Final accaunt of Geo. F. Redingtos, administrat tor of the estate of Noah 8. Fasten dec. late of Colkimb ' --- Final account of Geo. W. Smith, !administrator. of Geo. Smith deceased, late of Tosettiora. Final account of James W. Grace, Executor of the estate of Amami Romerill, deceased late of iSpringfield, Final„ account of . Samuel Davidson and James Larcock,Etecutort of the last Will and Testament of Win. Larcuek late ofLitebfield. Farrel account of Polly W. Covets Administration. of the Estate of William Coles dec., late of Orwell. All the above will be presented to the Orphans' Conical Bradford County. on Monday, the loth day. of September next; for con fir L. mation and allowalice: Register's H. SCOTT, Register. Register's Office, "oda, July 28. 1859. 5 • •: • Towai EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. AI persona indebted the.estaie of M twp. INCEL LI- SILVARA, deed lat to e of Tesearola . are hereby requested to make payment without .delay and all persons having claims against said estate will please presebt them duly atithentieated for set dement. - BENI. IC BILVARA THEODORE SIMMER. Executors. May 25. 18,55,• - • • ADMINISTBATOWB NOTICE. , • Ii" pumas Indebted ' to the estate of Janie, Lennox, deed late of Ulster Atwp. anr beriby requested to mate payment.withost delsy . T and all those having demands against said 6tate will pre sent them-dul*anthenticated for, settlement. ' DANIEL LENNOX,. Administrator. - June 25, 1858.• FLOUR by the birrel 404 s first iate_iiiicle at 113110,1EX'8 DR , E I 8 now being replenished wills a fall and complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pare Winn and /liquors, In sham every.thing connected with the trade. The Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash, and will be sold accordingly. N. B. A superior snide of Tanner's and Nat's Foot Oil just received. Ilswanssa the place-3 doors south of Moo. **oyes corner—same building of the , Argus'Mice.' July 30, 1858. NO. SI C. THOMAS Sheriff =1 ME Drugs, altediednes, IV. =MUM Oar, BUT BTLL ALYE - 2 - REMOVED to the atom recently occupied by . 8. Bailey as grocery sod Post office 9 doors south of Montanyes corner. where he ha. received a full, new and complete stock of ton ups, MEDI. CINES, GROCERIEB„ dtc. which he will sell cheap. er for cash than even Here you will find annexed a few leading articles Senna Alex.. Fosgate's Cordial do India Elix Opi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks do Carb, '• do Dalley's do S S do McAllester do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3 Colocynth do Extracts do A poi , ' Tilden's Alcueulic Ex't Cochineal Rbei Extract Trusses Hulls Jalap Extract do Marshes, Meakim's Vanilla Ex 4 do Shaker, do Lemon 'do Balsam Winters do Mace do do Cheesmans do Almond do do Firdo Cloves i do Copabia I do Allspice do do Tolu ;do Nutmegs do do Peru ,do • Peach • do do Pulmoffary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Acetic do Tooke do do Benzonic • Lubia's Springflower do Citric do Musk do du Nitric do Violelte do do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hy drocyane ' 'do Sweet firer do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseeddo Jociev Clli do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do Neatafoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds do Glass do do Amber Beet Nursing Bottles, Glass .do Amber Red do do G. E. do Anita %,, Rad Rhei Turk do Caraway 7 do do d 0... Croton„, do Ipecac do Cubebs • do Jalap do Commits do Ginger White do Fennel. do Lemon Gum Camphor do Cassia do Opt Turk do rod Liver do Myrrh Tort do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Sort do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange • Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Rose • Castor Russ do Cedrat Isinglass do do Copabia • Evens' Lancets do Ergot Nitre Silver, bp't do Verbena Oxid Bisnath do V anette Blue Pill 4 men. do Mellesse lodide Potass do Melleituer Tart do do Palchouly Cub do Brushes, Paint PbSul do do Varnish Uaustie do do 'Hair Citrate Ferri do Rair;Camel lodide do do Nail Tannin do Tootb Proto lod Mercury do Shaving StryChnia do Flesh . Pi n n do Cloth Elaterium do Hat ; lodine Soap. Yankee. • Versant doi•Crjratalline_ Low's Hydra Kreosote do Eng . Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete do Coopers Morphine Bulph do Rose do g Act do Victors Calomel. American do Orange • do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Camille - air& Zulei , do Military Bronze, Crimson do. Basin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hoihrian's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together, with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods & Ilye•Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articleseon fleeted with the trade. _ 1 Having secured the services of Dr. S. HUSTON. whrheeps his office at this store. and will `give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for _the medicines only. :Physicians can, rely upon having tWeir prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care s and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr..D. Jaynes medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec. tonal, t 4 cheneks Pulmonic By?up of Yellow Dock Rita, Orrick's, Hobensacksoniti Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on Wm] and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. 1 - Three Docks below Montanye's :orner. Towanda, January 3, 1,858. Bin= Inv SPRING) GOODS . . ttitneVai imispcptraz? • Is Dow iTcOring a large tivsortmept of all kinds of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which will I positively be sold cheaper than the cheapest ; Call 'and see. Towan4a4Ao29l-.18153:.;.•:, • *".. itOs'o.o KAILS.wy , ,S .Pitts..more 4 . luso Bitola just. received at may2o - 7104110 STRAIGHT LINE !--NO.CURVES! 6330113.623 DZIWILTDIV..fa (Opposite the Ward litease.) GATEFU,Ii far 'past favors. announces to his friends andihiiiinblic inletierik-thaf he will keeps on bandsaiood assortment of Ritarirlisnx Ciarnstre, whichle will sell cheap for Cask. He -believes that a 'Nimble sixpence is Worth 'more than a slow shilling.' He alio -has commenced manufacturing Ckithing—seletting the cloths him self in the city. • d employs none toot the test of 'workmen in making them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un der his owe eye, and in his own shop. and not let out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work men. Thus, persons wishing a snit or soy portion thereof, eau order the estop, with • pertegt gestalt*/ of getting a good He bas also on band a general asstltment th gen t tlemen's Shin s and Colilar., whi I be will. sell cheap for cash. ozp Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friends to call on him opposite the Ward House before buying elsewhere. Now if you are wanting, you surely can find, Coats Pants and Vests just made to your mind, So nit and so snug they'd suit to a T„ pe eta, fillC, there's no room for a flea. If your linen wantschenging.and sometimes it will, You'llfindshirtsandcollars fora very small hill; Come then one and all, who are Out clothes ho R. And you can be fitted by GIORGIS H. lloweisc; : N. B. He is sole Agent for Emits Howes 11 Patent Sewing Machine, for the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. 1, person wishing to purchase the right fur up-ill one above Maihine in said counties, can be seciii, , ,,, ,, dated by calling on him, where they can see rr opei rate. It is well demonstrated that this mach ne is the best patent now in use. Its validity ha- hten established by trial at law in Boston, in Jo 4 1852. This trial resulted in fully confirming and est-,l.ti,h -jog the claims of Howe's Original Paten! to ihr . elusive right and use of all needle and shut?! M a . chines, or their eq uivalents. and the stitch a n-i IfOrurett surveur G. H. 111 Towanda, August 15, 1853. n the South end of the Ward House, TOWANDA. DR. PORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GBOHMIIIII, XJQIIMUII, &a. THE assortment is large and very extensive, and embraces almost every article used in the Arta, either for medielnal.cheatical or mechanical purposes. Particular attention will be given to all who may wish to examine the stock, the cheapness of which, the quality considered, can not fail to satisfy those who purchase. Medical information will be cheerfully and grafts iloutly given to those who may wish to consult con cerning themselves or their friends. Continuous sup plies of fresh and recently prepared articles will be received carefully selected with a view to their use fulness, awl arty article wanted not moistly kept, either will be found here or procured by Express fur those leaving their order. Accommodating clerks will always be re* ly to safely compound any prescription and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable. All goods shall be considered warranted as repea -1 'tented. and being Agent for the best and popular Patent medicines, all those found in this Store can be relied upon in all cases as being genuine. The stock comprises all kinds of ACIDS, BA LSOMS, E SSENCES, EXTRACTS, SEEDS, LEAVES, GUMS, FLOWERS, OILS, SALTS, ROOTS, HERBS, PLASTERS, POWDERS, OINTMENTS, PILLS, &C., &C. &C , &C. OFFICINAL PREPARATIONS. All kinds soaps, perfumery. fancy goods and mis cellaneous articles, brushes, trusses, supporters, nursing bottles, breast pumps, thermometers. &c. All kinds of dye staffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, &c. New and beautiful patterns of Lamps, fresh burn ing Maid and campbette, choice brands of pure Ha vana cigars, tobacco. &c. GROCEFUES. Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice pepper. closes, mustard, nutmeg, mace, dab, mains, citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda, butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles, Pipes. pepper sauce &c- IdeltiOTll. Cognise, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix, Old Jamaica and-New England Rum. pore Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela VVldakey, Ma. dei.a Lisbon. Sherri, Teneriffe Port. Muscat, Claret and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mo. kee. Noyean &c., cheaper than ever offered. Patent medicines, from Dr. Jayne, Fitch, Swap., Brants,Orricks.Townsep r ,d.Keeler, Schenk. Hoodand. Graefenberg, de. Pepstn,Gargling Oil, Cholagogoe Acoustic Oil, Dyspepsia Bitter". Lyon's Rat Pills, Pain Killers, Pile Medicines, Salt Rheum, Tetter. Elpavin, Founder, M'Allister'e Ointment, &c. Vermi fuge. Galvanic curatives, Heave and Condition Powders. Cherry Pectoral, Rock Rose, Catholieon, Tooth Attie Drops, Hair Invigorator and Hair Dye, Bed Bog Poison, Eye Waters, Wright's Smith's, Bennett's Soule's, „Tayne's Phinney's, and numerous other 'kinds of Pills. All of which will, be sold at • unusually low rates. g3' Remember Dr. Powers's Drat , and Chemical /Morels in the South end of the Wart House. front,. ing the Public square. H. C. PORTER. M. D. 1213 NEW ARRANGEMENT!, JHARVYPHINNEY, Jr., having purchased for • Cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire stock of Merchandise at a price far below the actual cost in New York, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer— chant in 'Towanda his or can buy) is prepared to sell for cssn,' more Goodi for one dollar, than .any mats will sell for nine shillings! This stock is large, embracing all articles usually found in a Store, viz—Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Leather, Nails, Sash. Glass. Hats, Caps and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above, and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of Main and Bridals streets. Towanda. JO, :8, 453. S-LE. • THE ~Lua. ;FARM for sale; II: ,4.1 timber; about 5i ut. • . • •tt ivuttuu wf•it tered, , und a alt.l` • runninu ft SUSqUehanlT;`E''er, " running frr.r. -Apr perwir ar r , r3.-p • . 4 , " ."r•• 7 ' ¶. , y 7(. an not do .better than -, et'f- iqamins. tion. parr.al al wi]. be required , &mike-And the .na:tatet e.. 13 a r.d . :r eigq.' 3T110PItto 1 " 71 Wysoit, July 4, 1863. IMO Per .on~ need not hesitate to order, because they live some distance away—as I will allow the freight to be taken nif the price ef the machine; and when they get it they can ply the freight and semi the balance by mail t t me. W. 0. HICKOK. Hlaat•enan. Penna. CORNER of the Public Square and Main Stfrel, Towanda, Pa., respectfully give nonce that they are now opening and receiving direct foirn th e City of New York, their NEW STOCK pl SPRING and SUMMER GOoDS, which, with their former stock on hand, comprises lace of the largest and best selected ass •rtments to be found west of New York. - Having been purchased at GREAT RA RCIAiNS! thereon, cAi r,,,ble o f inL;c Iroin the rn tnc road s ~;~:~ r..`r.~:r^~~ . : . - ' - =WEL 31171 DAL . .._ . 1 *warted talkie alnebbse stow Fair elf tho Asawriewe Institute, Sow York e Out. 1111111. A Divlevais at ow 10rdiakna - "mutat., pmedidipids. Wires Pewits* at as Staub Fair. telea, Newlrerb. sad at tbe Ontensbila sad Rensselaer County (New Torte Videos awl a Inetema at itbe linetebester Cesair Tale at While Platen. HICKOK'S PATENT lIDEOVED CIDER KILL ht the mused unagingent of this highly Upproved and Oder Prete, ems inks wee gaga es Indy as ma valuable MU, the labor te MOM byarrang • Mattis the improved 11:111: II the was want oterelly embed. Cylinder to break the eyries, and then &diver them to the es an the Nut liar U weak meths a psemme of one - lower Cylinders to be reduced to posses By this er hundred toms to aMtece the result ecoompthind by this rengement the went Is peribrined setter and with math Patent Lin. ma - may lbeakineed so the &abet lees labor. advantages of this MIL The Prams b maned with a muds larger anew than First--It will make atioreCidler Mammy other Pram with inmerly, and by a wry ingenious &dee the use of the bag a given quantity of apple*, in a given time, end with math is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to de- less labor and exams. liver the pomace, while at the lame time the Cider b left 9eami-4t will make cleaner and meter Cider then any_ dear and the work can be stone with much less labor than other 11111. be the old method. The Cylinders are covered with heavy Third—Ton an make the Oder se you want it, end whoa sheet Zino, both on their peripheries and ends; the wood(=at it—end in quatithe tram an gallon to 6 or 10 In them is arranged so as not to swell; and the whole wort on the Mill and Press made in the very best manner and Fourth—With It you can press m i thorants, Clketries. arranged with especial view to their durability and service. Berries, Chem, Butter, Lard, and No Farmer who mu the Hill carefully and seeteding Fifth—With it you can mve onsufairtk rime to directions will be disappointed, baton the other time tan making Apple butter. be n d ha will find this one of the most valuable and efficient niati,nrita ev e rent can et all times hare Preah machines on his farm anti Sweet Cider. The machine be made to run by bony stOint. or band With ail the advantages resulting from the pomeedonand a =mil boy of 14 use of such a machine — at a peke so low that it, b within years of age can prese a ite a porne araj rafini see. the reach of ati—ean it be that any intelligent Farmer In all former times it was supposed that a large quanUty would do without it? of Cider could only be made by using a ponderous machine, Iso you wish to have in ymor house at all times Cider that that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine. Is sweet and fresh, the only Was it fa really healthy and at They were then made into a massive cheese in strew,and a Mr ore—and do you wish to aye a great portion of the most severe and long pre re nre wu required to exract a hard labor attending the making os . porthm of the Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed Apple-butter I Hey buy this machine, and amerced by the straw and the mass of pomace: and to obtain this fort, you will not be disappointed. unsatisfactory result the farmer had to take all hie hand', ' This MIII is warranted superior to any other partible and perhaps his eta-horse team, and devote a whole day that Still In existence, and the Proprietor is ready at any time, could have been more profitably employed, to make from (on fair notke being given,) to test it with any Portable six to eight barrels of Cider. To obviate the diNculty the SI ill that is not an infringement on IR Farmers bare heretofore labored under, this Machine has Farmers, examine this newly IMPROVED been Invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove MILL, before you troy any other. that it Is not only the best Machine of the kind in existence, One great advantage ol' this machine over all others, Is, but it L. the most profitable that a man can have on his that it will not choke rep, and hard or soft apples farm. The apples are by this Machine grated up into a fine can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain pulp, eo that it requires but a comparatively light pressure. clear and In grinding order. and that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider, it All orders will be filled in the order in whkr they ere being ascertained by practical experiment that One•Pourth received, and all persmai wanting them would do well to m're joke can be obtained than by the oletworeca.. Be- send their orders early, and State at what time they want sides this. It only requires two hands to grind up and mete the Mill sent. into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can be possibly This Mill, attended by 2 men, will, when properly worked done on the old-Oshloned machines. On this press, owing according to direction, make oto 12 barrels of cider a day— to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the own. and will grind alone by horsepower from 100 to NO boatels plate manner in which It Is ground, a pressure of from , 3 to of apples a day. 5 tons—that can easily be obtained—will produce a mare t The Price of the Mill is $4O, free of freight. favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary HAJOUNICIG, Ps., May, 1813. W. 0. MOUE Entered exordia' Le Act of Degree. In the year the, to lite District Coact et the Name= District of resettleas FRESH AND NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER 4i- 4010 CD IICO EMS • (.)11" IA `:lrf They are enabled to fifer them cheaper than ever.— They invite particular attention to their assortment of ladies* Dress Goods Consisting of Jiconet awl Swiss Mostins, Piinted Lawny.ainghams,, Bar'd Mullins, Merrimac, Cocheco,Pcll River and tither ; styles of American Prints, in endless variety, a large assortment and for sale cheap. They have sl.o a lame variety of YANKEE NO INS, embeacing almost every thing from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Smelt- el. They invite particular attention to their assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles. Also, Spring and Summer Hats. Boots and Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather. Gra ceries. Crockery.' Shelf Hard ware fre. Their Stock has been printed with care. and will be sold cheap. Farther comment is u nnecessary —give us a call. and We will show you onr goods and prices, and convince pio that the above is no fiction. Our motto is. " 13m11 Profits & Quick Returns. MONTANYR'S h COQ. Towanda. March 18, 1853 STAGES LEAVE Towanda for Mereur's mills.Borlingion,EastFSmitbfeld Ridgebery. and Wellsburg de. pot on the N. Y. & E. R. R.. every Moanav, WRD• lIIISRAY and FRIDAY at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train bf can either east or crest. same day. Returning TiILSDAT, THURSDAY and &mamma, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western cam from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FARS :—Towanda to Mercer's mills, 37i " to Burlington, " to East Smithfield, 62 to Ridgettety, 1,00 to Wellsburg depot, 1.25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care- fully delivered at moderate charges. U. M. BULL, Proprietor Towanda. Oct 11. 18:52 Another Arrival of NEW GOODS! H. MERCUR is now receiving another New • A ssortinent of Goods, consisting as u•mal of almost every.hung wanted in the line of Meichan dtze, which will be sold very"cheau for CASH. Towanda, June 29, 1853. NEW SPRING GOODS. • H. S. MERCUR IS SOW IIECEIVIIIO • V 111 LAMM ARID 11111.5;11RAL •S SIIIITDISSIT Ot SPRING GOODS,. Which are offered to the public at wholcs•de or retail, at very low prices. Towanda, March 31, 1853. . NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. OD. BATITIETI', is now receiving a large . and carefully selected stock of iW GOOVS, bought for cask *ince the late .tiecline in priceo. which* will•olfer fur wady pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction---among other things he invites particular attention to his assortment of Drees Good'. Towanda, April 15, 1853.. JAM= macriuuraLlarm ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANbA. Isme in the north end oldie Ward House,ilately occupied by Laporte, Mem& Co.) Towanda, March, 5, igss. FLANES.— ttnTar . !plop mentor Plapet anfl paler ir,olo - 67/ h!titlsopy received Is c' MIEV; StEACUR'S. MEM=MiI VOW VAIDAII AND NEW GOODS, OPPC SITE THE COURT HOUSE. BALLET & Er/7173MM, HAVE just completed a large and finely finished Store on the Mte of the two they had hornet . . and filled it with the largest and most comprehens ive stock of Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions, Fruit, Confectionery, Toys, &a, &c. ever exhibited this side of the city. We hive bought for cash, articles of the best quality ; consequently are prepared to-sell at us low prices as the same quality can be bought at any other place. • And we flatter ourselves that if fortune has been against us, (fire having consum ed two stores and one stock of goods) our old cus tomers will not follow the precedent, if they call and see our stock and bear the exceedingly low prices. Among the many articles we have are GROCERIES, Tea, suear, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses, Btewart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, nut megs, cinamon, saleratus, soda, cream tartar, ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, can dles, bar soap, vinegar, starch &c., &c. PBOVIBIONS, Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders, wheat flour, buckwheat flower, corn meal, soda and butter crackers, mackerell, codfish, shad. nerring, potatoes beans onions, &c., &c. I' IR, II IT A N D NUTI, Preserved prunes. citrons. English currants, raisins, green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, gamble and rnaderia walnuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest nuts, hickory nuts, &c. 1141.42 LEE ...rorzo.ra, Ivory, born and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs. fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blacking brushes, wallets. poste monies, and purses of many styles, pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy mirrors, lobacco, boxes, snuff boxes. and almost every article in this •ine. Work boxes, toilet cases, secretaries. plain and embroidered, work baskets of many styles. riviamomirigs, Gerrnan.French and American TOYS of every de scription and prier. A few earthen and pewter tea setts. for little girls, and a few boys' sleighs. BROWN'S WASH BOARDS, SUGAR BOXES. WILLOW AND SPLINT MARKET BASKETS. 111 A L 1 2 1 , Arbion dairy salt, ground rock salt, Salina salt both coarte and fine. Also, a quantity of White Stone Lime. CANDY wholesale or retail, of all kinds and innumerable other articles, for sale at the new store opposite the Court House. Towanda, Dec. 1, MI BAILEY 4 NEVINS. CLOTHING STORE. J. & O. ALIECAEMZER, & CO. TN the Brick Block. next door to Meicurs store have 1. just added to their stock, a large and fashions.• We assortment of Ready made Clothing, ADAPTED TO THE SEASON, of every variety, both of style and price. so which they RA the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at prtces considerable lower than ever before known in this ,place. Our goods are selected with a regard - both to style and price, and of inducemrnts, not to he met with at any other establishment. re Strangers visiting ecrwanda, or oth ers in want ofOLCIMEIISI . G will End THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry. and made in such style and materials's to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by LOW PRICES O. GOOD CLOTIEGIO, to secure patronage; feeling confident that our &ru cks will give satisfaction to thapueohaser. The assortment comptisea every - article narked for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—X ASH. Ocereouts, Coots Punts, threrars Cops 4v. LocArross.—Next doter south of Mercur's Main st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnouts Hall, Elmira; anti under the Troy Exchange. Troy. Pa. a3.Aii kinds °Moonily Produce. Wooloko.. tisk. en in esohangefor GaAs. Towanda, May 10,'53, PRINTI3 and GINGHAMS.—A new assoruneht of Prints end Oinetams just received et May 20, 134. MERCUR'B, .r_ ..
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