=TA 21r70 TOW A DA: ciatti o n foaming, 21,ngitst O. 1858. 06 FIGHT IN TROGTOWN. ririd the fallowing well told story afloat, with „4,l,l being designated. It is not possible A d i t without a hearty laugh. The burly Qua. cid the stunly Deacon, who took a part in the are graphically delineated—rind the general „o 'stitch all Frogtown was thrown into,is highly 1-;4r1: it tit) ever saw a dog 4111, without curiosity to g y ip in—put in a work—get excited, and -eitsiervly tight also! We have no distin6 ; .,••Yc,'n of having ever seen a serious, regular tiai.le between two dogs, without a general the bystanders, or a scrtmage between of the animals at least. mos., remarkable dog fight on record per ‘'.3nre oil at Frogtown, on the frontiers of e some years ago. It boat all ping mosses of we ever heard of; it engrossed the entire • rin one general indiscriminate melee— able law suits or suits of law suits--distrac. its downfall . and ruin! k ;ix t.ut genius named Joe Tucker a man 1 , •.:•f. ,- syn—a lounger—without visible means of b nothing, loafing, cigar-smok ing,good ,;:ed sort of a tettow—owned a yellow dog; a • intetligent, and rather pretty beast, a:ways at e s heels. and known as well as hit master, and ted tar more, by the Frogtownets. Otte day, Joe , r,lll is dog were passing Bunion s grocery store, ',en a grea' piebald, ugly•looling dog, Standing site or a w,oJ wagon. Minced on to Jae _veer 's dog— knocks:' ban heels over head, and , • ~:a•er,e,l Bob Carrier's wile—who was passing :ter -husband's blacksmith shop, with his • - r •_ . :sat she stumbled hack'ards, and her old • ;ppm z oil scared the horse attached to Nlj He started—bit Latherem's bar e—upset the load of woosl- 7 -halt of which %pan I.;.,:mtv's refreshment cellar, struck • gumbo's children on the head, killing it for storle dead; and so alarmed bin. Gumbo, , ”,2.'r , pped a stewpan of hot, boiling oysters • r instead of the dish, of a customer, who • f.l, waiting for the savory concoction, by a • ••:. .re corner. Mrs Gumbo rushed to the •••••:..e customer for the door ! Mrs Gumbo rased. the child..screamed, and the customer EMS ' oh h-h-b. my poor child!" tried Mrs. e.e fereanied the child trier r r ! 0, by' erettatsting sin, Em rt.& aft eternity ! Mur-der-r r -r r!" roared the OEM a part of the wagon, atd sosn t of the lAN. -were on Sheri mad career. The owner of the came out of the store just in time to e; e T.)cier setae a rock, to demolish the sac- Irsitir.g to see Joe " let drive," rzch a pop on the back of the ear, that tv-t tony rod* up the street, and striking ze ra of a long ladder, upon which Jim Elder tv-t yr perched, paint pot in band, some thin; rr h: c, ;e-ra tirma—tuotit ladder, Jim, and ac Six111ril:1 to the earth—crippling poor Jim -v ad sprinkling the blue paint copiously over :e satineu and calicoes of Abraham c:tnal and even-tempered Quaker, who r •ze dour. putt as the two dogs had fairly rte and thigh—nip and catch. A glance a yr -..er.s premed to convener. Abraham of the true gar s :ze rare; and in an unusually elevated IN - 4±l3a called out to Joe Tucker, woo hkl Tlxlet, thy •s fcghting " e cell E4st it out!' yelled the pc rtaeiees Ar:er stTaage Jog •• Let 'ern Eght it OW - . NI,: of wood, my dog can eat any &P e in I can eat the owner !" Tit ' Sa t e~ J Abraham Miller was a mild man ; , -0 , re p: . .vreaki.tity su B the gaixoti.e' t".l' "bee homy stran4er from the coal - sae; rim Abraham, a:rd rusheri into t'd tze back yara , aas tog stypea his brx , l6ok: iO4l a b.:oldie cur lIEI Then 141:owed another child like the first. , and I wrs about testing the ground, when the touch suttject entered. The tad was thrown bark, and it was the holy of a young and rather handsome male. Sae was aitparantty abont twenty, and had evidently died from some short illness Her arms& fare were mend and fall. end she appeared more :Seep than dead. The prayers and holy water were again in requerition. The aneodarmatook bet ramighlpap, and tossed het in- 1, immediately autp. pea to the tmooth of the wank and looked down; her limbs and dm* o the dead Wow she had dis garbed by her tall, were .stit in motion. Her bead 1 was cirsly tensing, and her hair, which was keg, Nark and bans-ant, was Hiders, is thick dowers ac.-res a very white and Caked body lying net bet. For a moment •the whole horrid mass seemed an soon with hie, and eraishes as the boom of its t loathsome charnel-home I Ind seen stiongh; sack and &waned. I tensed away, and aterahtrMg on the diaereses between such an interment EMI a peaceful we et osr ewe hesetifs . casnetay Spring Grove, I mowed my vellum and tetmoted to Naples, meeting on my road some half a dwelt $ bases, great and small ; containing sate eietieas «e 'ire sand e mike my dog.. Damon tor that sotatiable maw that opens its wool bee .k.Nothooi, nutlet , adranoin to tits ales a you to be gaged with its theadfel berscaeL itt..a4 was atom to oat tight and tett among i The bodies doe wetted an seesesity hose doe ar. bus cane, baspnal, and the sight ow be'esteemed by ioty 1:, iv : Jet4a:l_ &Li the eix,tteti 4.lzaket, thy '-',, ;'eared, 1 prvrat....e thee! illke!steste T:. i; here boy r and the'dvg went at tt smith, coming up io lUD* 10 heat CI 1., 6 ,:eliaraC-9 to the 1.311:1 ) and tear two iczetokir for the insett arid damage to Z az ix...! :!•,e Mlar of the stranger, art: by "N y ec opt the face, and back t- 1 / 2 6 4 Li suds antagonist, with his natural vt-.41 elob Eurdd op the mere' *a 1 " .4 " : 4 h;-.l cz y r, t the top of his CGISPaSsz s perxr: "zit scouts of dreadluilY rt,:ntosee.. 4 bit that of Abrabans ll . X 4 Stan, 11.161 between the ilea, Rza.--,:t cru elly pinto b.ie uncaps F`t,!..t :re a the mann sedassagra SObSrwil Fr..vown, csme tW, arml • was soarsabled--anhi Dea= B "oi, C - ath.2 ■4ll Ass b.eagy sad zze bogse bun, asascbski up sa las aid 10 tie. . sbasast! &graesttut i - - "Tn 4 •'' of Fr:cowls, Intl pa stand by, Qv,,, 14 . . 1 .4*! -- abosea she Deacon, wit:medial Nat ay ergs, Dome Poet!' echoed the Ica. IC"-te uc yea ley so lot ttec.ir sheetati the Ore: 144 ices. Deem Ihelo' res t -Neer - 1W gt• Disama, Irak ea- nom THE, • BRADFORD -'REPORTER I , Deacon Pugh, thee speaks groesdieeely,"irsid the Quaker. a You red a fahabood, Abraham 11421er t" u Thee utters a mendacious assertion PI taiiamt ed Abraham. "you—you--you tdi an infernal he I" bawled the Deacon. "Thee but provoked my evil passions, Deacon Pugh !",athouted the stalwart Quaker ) " and l will chastise thee !" And into the Deacon's wool went the Quaker.— The Deacon nothing loth, entered into-the spirit of the thing, and we leave them thus "nip and tack," to look to the stranger and Bob Carter, who fit and fought, fought and fit, until Squire Catchem and the town constable came up ; and in their attempt to preserve peace, and arrest the offenders, the Squire was thrust through the window of a neigh boring watch-maker, doing • heap of damage ; while Lawyer Hooker, in attempting to aid thecon stable,4as hit in a mistake, by the (Orions black smith, in the short ribs, and went reeling down Gumbo's cellar with trightful velocity! The trienis and fellnw-choichmen of Deacon Pugh, took sides against the Quaker antagonist, and the shop-boys of Abraham, seeing their employer thus beset, came to the rescue; while a brace of stray Irishmen, fun of valor and whiskey, believing it to be a " free fight," tried their hands and sticks upon the com batants indiscriminately ; so that, in less than one hour, the quiet and happy town of Frogtown, was shaken from its propriety, by one grand sublimely ridiculous mid terrific battle. Heads and windows were smashed—children and women ran, screech ed and screamed—dogs. barked—dust .flew—labor ceased—and so furious, mad and excited became the whole community, that a quiet looker-on, if there had been any, would have sworn the evil place had broken loose, and the evil ones were all in Frogtown. A heavy thundei storm, finally, put ae end to the row ; the dogs were all more or less, killed: a child severely wounded, s man scalded, Wagon broken, the horse ran himself to death, his owner was beaten awfully by Bob Caner, whose wife, and the wives of many others, wale danger ously scared; the painter was crippled ; dry goods turned; a Quaker, and Deacon, two Irishmen, Joe Tucker, town constable, Lawyer H o ok e r, s qu i re Catchem, and some fifty others, shamefully whip ped. Lawsuits ensued ; feuds followed, and theen tire peace and good repute at Frogtown annihila ted—all by a remarkable dog fight. A writer in the Cincinnati Gazette gives the fol io eing account of a visit to the place where the pauper deadof Naples are berried : About two miles from the city a large square place, enclosed by a high wed, there are Z 65 cis tern shaped vaults, or pits, with ate aperture on top, about three feet squats. These cisterns ate twenty Of twenty-five !eel deep by twelve or fifteen iu di meter, with the opening coveted with a heavy stone, and tightly cemented. One a' these eta removed by a portable leaver every day in the year, to receive the dead 'el that day, and then closed again ke a year. They begin to deposit the bodies labors six o'cktik in the evening, and end's: ten. When I got thee about ten or twelve pas pie had already been thrown its; they were lying promiscuomily as they chance to fall, with head, body and limbs in every possible anis* across over, and under each other. An old priest, moos three attendants, and s few idle spectators of the common sort, were loitering Masai Shortly titer my arrival a bozo wile bras* in, containing the body of a child, loos or five years old; its bands held a bench of flowers, and a rose was in its mouth. The priest mumbled a shoo prayer, sprinkled it with holy water, and turned away ; a man then took the 6nte fellow up by the neck and heels, and pisehed him in as he would a stick of wood. Seeing the flowers that tell from its little band, he picked them up and threw them ar.er ham His head struck the curb as it went in, and it fell whirling to the bottom. In a few min utes more, a man was broa_ht to the mouth of the pit ± priest &tam prayed and sprinkled i the atten dants took him up by the head and leg•, and down he went a:so_ ace dims damped and sixty-ftss sines a you_ Hi► foss dr pit is closed, vs:dans is dhows in and nob)* but el boos iss bobs orbs"u is spin Vow& (Cr WU' was en pone ea pus& bb slick absosa, ii Blinn play, bung' saross, to nos is issbappy, stmt taircams, bits deszty - mew 111 boats PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'ILEARA GOODRICH. The Pamper-ONA et Naples. " immunize OP bismuniga ?sox AMY imrria." Al Nina* Sam Irdl NC Case arm a Connomom—u ['bunt obeli a man tams anything by Bedew. Ham a lath mat. um of that soft used my life, and pubsps dm lima of many others at the tams time!' " How was that'll asked we of our friend Raw lings, the model conductor. " Why, we had an Irishman Maw toad, watch ing a Wand. It was warm Testier, so be used to go into the tunnel to keep cool. I rather think he used to take a little liquor when he was lone some ; any way, he laid down on the track one day to listen for the cars. He fell asleep, and very on prudently got his bead cm (dilly the express train. Well, there was the last of that Irishman. There was the devil's own row in the shanty when we took the poor fellow op, and we got away as soon as we decently could, for you know it's not agree able to be surrounded with a distracted family when you are neither a doctor nor a nurse nor a preacher. Somehow I was always sorry when I passed the place; of course, I felt as if—not exact ly the same thing—bat jest as bad might happen to me some day, and then thine would be another row in the family. I told my wife about it, and she sent the family some little things. The widow of the dead Irishman was a Catholic, and, as I was then on a very fast train, I would sometimes take up the old woman on Sunday, and carry her to church at !Martinsburg. I somehow thought it was a satisfaction to her , to go to church, fot she had bet little chance the world any bow. I certainly did not expect to get any thing for it in this world, and I expected they bad so much scored up against me in the other, that it would not amount to any. thing them. " That was during the summer. One night the next winter it was very cold, and the mountains were cowered with snow; we were running to make time, when, on turning a curve, the engineer saw a waiving light on the track, and we soon heard some one ahead shooting. I was then out on the platform. The engineer slacked up and stopped the engine, and we got out and temp ahead in the dart to see what was the mauler. There it was. A large land slide had fallen across the tract, near the shanty of that old Irish woman. She had tmilt a large fire and watched for the train, for the curves were so sharp that we might have been upon the slide before we could see it. So when we run up, there was the old lady, with her calico cap, swinging the chunk of fire like a revolving light house, and there were the tittle Irish carrying brush like so many link heaven. She bad watch. ed all that night in the cold. But lot her, in anoth er minute we should have ten into a pile of dui and stone as big as Barnum's Hotel. I should have got s " pit-ticket," certain, for I was en the platform. What would have become of the penengens and train you can guess as well as I can." We expressed a hope that the old widow had been properly rewarded. a The passengers made up Omit eighty &W»; the 0:1111pany akerrank pea bars shun rant free, the btaltemee and engineers bought her a cow, St she made ore eery well. Bet sawn I handed her the money that eight, she said: "thankseen and ladies, Pen thankful, and may ye near know the want of whim ye give tee. Bet what i did was mostly on aceoent of tin them. His was kind and thoughtful to the poor and afflicted, and I'd a watched tie I from behove hernias should halm come to him, if I could ha helped itb " D—o the thing, it nude we choke right ep." ■ Pasieniars for the titeAt y." a Don't kern your sattorelia, *ohne might be en explosion, and you'd went it to keep eft the cinders." a Lei me pan your band-box, aim' " Tahe ease of Tear little boy, inadren, so itteuranest as hiat.a— -" AU right' go.aheed !" Neuss Oasrmses rs Di —Oar young men of the present day run about with -black uripes down their legs—not unlike the legs of males— Why not carry the likeness farther, and allow the stripes, as in the ease of males, to run all overtheir coats ! Surely he who dresses bienselt like a mule mess be " neat to a donkey," and accordingly ean not make himself too ridsraloss. A sharp young friend of ours, who bas sodied heraldry, merely to joke opoo it, calls these thick heavy stripes "Tbe bars-sinister of tans."-1-Prosok. How re no re &net Bosons.--Tate two omen of fins white gam &brake powder—pot a iota a pitebee, and poor oo h a pint at more of beams orates, (aceordisg to the degree of strewth yap de. stre,)and then having mewed 0, !et it mei an oight-412 eacening poor is earefally hews the dregs two a slum boats, oat d, and keep it ix me. A tablespoonful ages warm, stand into a pint of math male iss tie anal wanner, will give to lawas—eithee wbite of priated—a look of sew age* whoa atodtireg else ma meow dims ales washing. Mama: ssn Evestor---When Ire rise, tresh and vizsorans, in the isoraing, the wail suet= fresh too, end vs thick ire shin sever get tired at business or plasm, ; but by ibis tilos die evening is axes, ere find ornsehtee hearth? so ; we qua ad ear aelsyroents readily sad gladly ; ns rests Vic* Sao a limbo cell ; ere he down in asthma and resign soneehres to the erns of sleep with pet ters sensfactim and casiplaceary. Apply this to yoeth sea old ago—hie two deems Otr slnier, mil yea Ism a ilia of cidarr inquired a lams at as aid aumpumace maw, *ls was apiedieg dm mem* at Sin boom " So thank ye, mid dr mI me, a i ems drie' —stagy trol—iirimonsidess—baa dyes call ♦ands inks, I dun awe it de alio a Inds." ger It is distesistio' is els lids and • lb, silocksissi seeshmiliss Wises mai amour efiSsir fulls; dais imps r gab s t ssitassissia. isms as it doss ofgassesi THE BRADFORD COUNTY FAIR, of itgrirawat, Mithahiati sad odor prodottions' will be Uhl Toads, aw the 6th anti Tel of ate, 1853. 11111111177.A1101,11. AU exhatitoni mart become nrembees WSW So. cisty, adhere their animals or strides entered by the Secretary, and on the grounds an the sth of October, the day previous to that of opening the Fair.—Membership fee 50 cents. This regulation most be strictly observed, so that animals and ani des may be arranged for examination by the lodges at the proper time. • The Satiety will not be re. sponsible tor any oMialliOWl where this rule baguet been complied with. Exhibitors will be famished with cards by the Secretary, to be attschei to their animals or arti cles previous to placing them within the enclosure . No animal or article entered for exhibition can be withantwn berme the close of the Fair, except by permission oldie Executive Committee, and no premium will be paid on such d taken away in violation of this lute. No animal or article can take mote than one premium. Alt articles placed in competition for premiums, must be the growth or production of the competitor. Competitors for premiums are requested to give particular attention to the directions attached to the list of premiums. The suuements required from exhibitors most be presented to the Secretary sidle exhibitioo early on the morning of the SAL Members of the Society, and those that become members at the Fair, will be admitted with their families to the exhibition at any time during its coo tinueoce. Tickets, admitting one person during the lair, 25 cents. Singe admission, 124 cents. The Plowing Match •ill take place on the last day of the Fair, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Com petitors are requested to have their teams hitched and ready to move o 8 at the appointed hour. I Kli I ilbl jIPI i-t! The Jodges will commence the performance of their respective duties, sr 9 o'clock on the morning of the 6th, anJ their reports and awards most be prevented to the executive Committee the same evening The Judges on animals will have regard to the symmetry, early maturity, and general qualities characteristic of the breeds--m sting doe allowance for age, feeding and other eirrenssances connected with the character and condition of the animal They will not give encouragement to overfed ani mats, nor award premiums for Wits, cows or hei fers, which shall appear to have been fattened for the boochers; the otteet being to encourage the pro doction of good stock, detach discripricto for breed ing. The lodges ea ..hgrieetteral prodectini, will have clan/ to quality and perfection, as well as site & qsality produced. They should be governed by dm lam, that in twiny kinds of septcablesespecially, i forced and annanual growth lrequently pertain ed at the entire sacrifice of wary desirable quality- Tbe object ia, to give enemnagement so such pm donjons as are mat perfect in pat% size and quantity. The Judges en ambeireral, tad newhattimd im plements, and mattaismares, should halm raped solely to the superior adaptation, 4/arability, and general Gary of articieplaced in competition. No premiums shook/ be awarded for snicks under this bead, namely be the popelior worhenanship es hibited io their cassnaction, when not poeteming qualities specified above. All ankles es animals em enametated in the ha of premiums, will be adjodiyed by the atwit ter as s erei tsvdiiatlas, whose dory it will be to award =eh ponaimma, diplomas, and other corn- Ofeodatiorts, ea Of their ioikerient the sztraordsnary eharamer or superior qualities of the mete shalt ment. The Judges will be expected in encases in mak irg their reports, to give a statement of the relesotis which influenced their decisions,poititias out the se ' penes ntialities of the animals or envies to whieh premiums are awarded. In no ease Intl they award a premium when the snide or aninsal is not weir thy, though there be no erinipention And when there is tom toe exhibitor, attune:l be may slitir several animals in a etas& or setilivisiou of a cla lonly one premium will be a 'ranted, that to be finu or otherwise as the animal or article cozy be ad judged to merit The CAaM. of the several/nominees and Jedges I will be monomer/I and published in due season. Tire executive COLIBItteRet wdl make sorb ins pxtant conearmos and additions to the Ins of pie. mime, regulations, ice., as may hereafter tie sug gested, of which doe nonce will be given. BT renew oir TV! Faccerrrx Cowisrrean. I MIT OF 1111631061111. MOST HORNS AND BERESOI3I6. - Best Ball 3 yens old and apwatils, $I 00 Second ben do. r 300 Bear Cow, " 300 fieecold beak do " 3 00 ' Bea Biel lbetwees 1 and 3 years oid, 300 t Swami best, do. - do 200 I Beak Hester, do 3 00 i Secaod best, do. do 2 2 00 i Beta Ball Calf, 00 Second beg do. 100 Bess Heiler Cadt, Sowed boo, do. Arras& \ psesisias mill be do sass ies these as fos Shan Mass sod Bessiouds. Nauru as Gasses. Bee Ng 3 yea* cid and eiesaide, II 00 Seemed bee da do 3 Se Beet US Demean 3 and 3 pen oil, 4 so &mad lest. 49. d. 3 00 Bar OM Ciu iiiiessi boos do. lissa CDs 3 ppm obi awl Or , niall Semi bust do. Am Sea Shalsim bisteves 3 sad 3 yens Ida, 4 O• ~~~ Sew Heifer Cat, Seceed bee lift Woluture C*mc. Best yoke ot Wolkiugandoisar 4 yam Old $4 00 Samoa bat do. do a 00 Best yoke of Steels nodal' 4 years old, 3 00 Second best do. do Roane. Best Station lot draught over 4 years old, 5 00, Second best do. do. 4 00 Best Station do. from 2 to 4 years old, 4 00 Second best do. do. 3 00 Best Station for Saddle, 4 00 Second best do. do. 3 00 Best brood Mare over 4 years, 7 400 • Second bad do Best pair match Horses Second best do. do. Best Saddle horse, Mare or Gelding, 2 00 Best pair draught horses, 2 00 Do. 3 year old colt or filly, 2 00 Second, do do. 1 00 /lest I year old colt, 2 00 Seeped do. do. - 100 FAT CATTLX *XD SSW. Best hit Steer or Os, $3 00 • Best do. Cow, 300 Best do. Heifer, 2 00 Best slaughtered Mutton, , 100 Best lot of live mutton not Was than Sip atun- ber, (Competitors most famish si tetnenuof the man ner of keding 1 SHEEP —Fi*s Woo& AID AMA WOOLICD. Best Bock, $3 00 Second test do. 2 00 Best pen of ewes not less Hon 3 in number, 3 00 Second best do. do 2 00 Beat pen of Bock lambs not lees than 4, 2 00 Do. do. ewe Lambs, do 2 00 Losc Wool.= **D NATIIIM Premiums will be the woe as for fine and mid. did Wooled. [The fonowing scale is adopted by the Society for the guidance of the Jadges: r -Tbe different breeds of long wooled sheep separate in their purity. The mixture of one thorough bred long wooled breed with another thorough bred long wooled breed if mixed long wools. The different kinds of abort wooled sheep separate in their park. The mix ture of one thorough bred soon wooled breed with another thorough bred shoo wooled breed, is mix ed short wools. The mixture ol long wooled *beep with short wooled breeds, is middle wools. The Mature of any imported breeds'with Datives, as part bred and grades .1 Strum Best Boar over I year old, Second best do. do Best Boar 6 months and toilet I yew old, 200 Second best do. do. 1 00 Bert breeding Sow Met 1 yeti old, 2 00 Second hest do. do. 1 00 Best Sow, 6 mamba and moiler f year old, 200 Second best do. do. 00 Best lot of pigs not less than 3 our over 6 aiontlis oid, 2 00 Second best do. do. 100 Pooiray. Sea pair Smetana, S I 00 d.. Chnogoinga, 100 do. Jewel Blase : 75 , do. Poland., 75 do. Dot:tins, 13 do. 'Pettey*, 100 , do. Geese, 73 do. Mine Poland Dock", 60 do. Common do. to Acascerriraat Prsoraresenis, Bess 3 acres of Wheat, 24 00 Second boa do. Ike 3 saes of Can ; Second best do. Bona 3 acme of Rye, Second best do. Bee 3 arm of Quo, Snood tow do Beer and moo Tiosodry Bay on X sties, 200 dO. do. Ckmer, do. 200 d 0.3 saes of Back whist, 200 do. 4 do. of Potatoes, t oo do. do_ do. of Toroips, I 00 do_ / do. of Field Beefs, _ _ _ ____ .. tOO do. da bo of Musa Fidel Beans, Worapetitors for preatiaraa for the above pro duction, mast proioee a fall statement °titre mode of eshiration, with a certificate also limo teepee table neighbor* as to the prodoct and aecararremeot of the grottud, also exhibit a sample of the crop at the fart Best bushel Tinted:l seed, St 00 do. Lame Clotrit seed, 1 00 do_ - Small do. • 100 do Flax seed 50 Furs AND Best ilerrei Wbeat Floor, MOD Second Dm, d 0.2 00 , Bess Stet Corn Meat 000 lbc, 1 00 do. Beetutees Post, 100 lbs- 1 00 Guesses Vectisetss. Bmt renal:nem of table vegetables, Si 00 do lieler. Ion; blond beets, 50 do f Jaz beads cabbar 50 do 3 do. Cauliflower, - 50 da 3 do. calk; Celery., 50 do Sample of Lana Sena, 50 do. 3 Winwr Squashes So do 4 peek of Omens, 50 do Par-nipt, and Carioca, I doz seek 50 Jo Snap* Ea piano, so do 4 dos Sweet pompano, so do Sample of Teamon. 50 do. do. Pen 50 do. Sweet Con, 50 tipecisiee of brow, otb or firkin, ost Mrs ran 25 prods, 22 00 Best 4reisetee of Better, not ler than 6 Ito. 2 00 Sawed best do. a• 1 .50 Beat Lomb mil, tos loss 'bac 6 pogo* I 00 Second two 40 50 Best Oster, cot less than 10 an- 15Q Sexed bee to Vibe limbed of mating the bones wad cheese co be isavd by each ceelpetocor SCC.4 3 AND Hossiv Bea specimen of SILT". sapr , wit lemur then 0 tbs. Se Best do. nosey, SAX Oar 1.-1 II lbe- Se Übe Wooly to be takes widow eesbeyiee the Dees, and the tied of bores mod lossailiestest te be eased by the eats. 100 3 00 Bat cured bast, &mood toast do, fTbe bans to be embed add botegbi to die es bibroe Inn dr slue ea, anotapored air !vial a so mookeot of to mode et atobill 2 00 II 00 El BeatNgskig (icicles miscast at undo, 11 00 Irk ewes bii aggbir, 30 Digger stades midis Omer, I 00 Doan pom p 50 3 00 iii 3 Sum*. Dant Sams Hama. rum. - ' ti Display of choke cuietio' aOl peaches, , iOO 1 doten do, 50 do, Quineto, 50 MOT of ebsico variety of &spot ; 1 00 Dozeribertefies i 05 D'Orphy of choice variety o ptanrs, p Do do do Mellon., p oar [The fruit not to be temoted anti) the cli* of the exhibition. Cate will be taken that the same is aot Oared.] Faairsus tuttamtarts. Best two hone plow, S 2 00 Sotassoit do 200 Side-bill, do 200 Cultivator, t Of? Scraper for larm or road ere, 1 00 holler, 1 00 Drilling machine to grain and grate seeds 100 Horse rakes I 00 6 Hand rak er, be ' Grain Cradle, 60 Harrow, t 00 Wagon'for hum purposes, 2 00 Cart, do 1 00 Sea of Harriers lot farnmastormes, Hay & Straw cutter, Corn stalk crater, Fanning milt, 3 Corn baskets, Corn shelter, Gate for bona or held we, Stump machine, (Competitors to be the maker. of lb. snicks ex hibeted 3 00 4 00 sOO 1 00 bi =mum larlitlligiti 452 MAIIItrACTVItIO Best Cooking Stove, 12 00 Parlor do, I 00 Two hors carriage, 2 00 110 1127, 2 00 Lot Cabinet 'MIS, 2 00 Coal store, 1 00 Carriage Hansen, 2 born, 2 00 Carriage Harness, 1 boast, 1 00 Saddle and bridle, I 00 3 Floor tames, 50 3 Meat do. I 00 3 Butter Firkins. 50 Pair fine boots, I 00 do, Shoes, Ladies' 50 Side sole leather. 50 Kip and Calf skin, SO Side Upper and Htunees leather, 50 1000 Long shingles 1 00 do abort do, .50 do feet of pine beards, 1 00 100 Lights assorted window sash, 1 00 Set window blinds, 50 Pair blankets, 50 Piece of Satinet, 50 Oserc.saing, 50 Specimen of Marble or stone cooing, Specimen of ornamental Fence, Made coat, west and pantaloons, Specimen of Priming, [Competitors in all cases to be the makers of the articles ea barite& 11 00 1 00 Roast min Oz SHOCING BEM specimen oi Horse shoeing, do, o.s. shoeing, (Th* shoes to be made by the eompettors, and the antmala *hod to be brought on the groom, for inspection.) licese-noun Mascraciew. Brea Bedqedt, Counterpane, , Hearth Rog, Carpet, Pair beeeesesde blankets, Made stun, Piece of Linea, Menet Vain Hose, Mittens, 3t 400 II 00 aOO 200 Specimen of otendring mod threats do bread, Second be do Specieteu at Say, %Mee, Poond Cake, Sponpe Cake, Preserve% Frail Jelly, Apple Dena, Wadi da, Ornainastatneedb spa, Fancy needle wort for chair, Vanety of Isolated work, Artificial towels, Wax de, Lamp blai, Embolden, 3 00 2 00 1 00 Elea Flom! &NO:ay, Seeracl beet, - Thud da. Best hand begin; Ream Wirer. The larva and mast lamoihifef variety of Bowers, Best Plowman, Second beat Third de, (*" Fn of trees;oi pool* as spieas as mock !f not more, than thole they are reran! apart ; ani n actually requires more elion,"ead album name pans to Ore be op, thaw would be repaired to ae-rid them. Ccr A Pea strewn rodeos ell objets that a s nee "visitor*, bet it onsattied by does: ; to 11 ebterid be web oat beater--kbey .o/.1 ober the effect of as objects, and pp lenllin entombed by any. (r;:r• A rime lady who was rebuked bylaw too. bomb lot hams lesr iesimilimiLjemified bomb by ctiorieg the peseage; " Whatsoever ye wwild bat as Amid ilwerscryee, dia ys eras se b than." iOO .4 lady bean asked it tun business MN !mem bered bellowed, maid be stir aegased d " heilbing," Frisbee emplane:an namesemsy, and abre s bran heasasios she continued, i finislakc hes time ia she Sage Ircim." Otp The women meg to auks . pketge cot to kite a sue wbo mad tobacco, awe tr Iromatd from treat op the practice; mod a *Woe of area Lars their wet also to pap thessacirea wales every sac Iliac dm': use ia—atal we go Ice daat, tott. t2OO 1 00 IDatims mays 0: swims, ate acacia a ilea. wee, be way 59e it—ia racy massy affiances n ese ao great eras as dal pow. Debts Inca baba ail es cam agisciaciag " cilia' Jii 011113111 Ado P~~, rwirsso Novas 13 I 1 00 1 00 1 tie 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 OD 1 DO 1 00 I 00 $1 00 1 OD 50 A 50 4 50 e. 00 I 00 50 Sil 50 2 00 53 Du 2w 10',