Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 13, 1853, Image 3

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    sap cabnettisemen
szazrarr SALES,
crtme ,f-writs of Vend Expotiasissued out of
o f 'Common Pleas, of.Bradford,eoun
, 1 6
to me dire,ced, wt.t . l be exuseof.,Towd -te, public
.! in the bo p re anda,
4 /xy of SEPTEMPER;,at 1 o'-
yht ',flowing lot, piece or parcel of
„lc tp. and bounded and de
`l, trh:—Nortil by the public mad lead
-1 f to 13urlington, east by lands of Cr 0.,..!
.,..! a 16-it deeded to 0 P Ballard, and assigned
Ounces mAlder. south by lands of Crofoot
Olen Viicari, and West by lands of Allen AV-
Conuoning about sixty acres; about thirty
!isproved, one house part framed, anitthe ot h.
4—one framed barn and orchard of fruit
6 .
and taken in execution at toe suit of Chas
; v s, Nancy Woodward executrix of the estate
iraan wodward dec'd.
so—The following described piece or parcel
id situate in Shesheernin tp. containing about
—five aereq more or less, about four acres .trn—
,d_houndrd a s r,..,lows—On the north by loads
,•Gor Kinney 3nil the heirs . of Perle'y
„I r ., by lands belonging to Samuel
finer. on I
Ihr south by lands formerly owned'. by
31.33:1. de c. and on the West by lands be.
u' m e Griffin. .
!amt taken in execution at the suit of TI N
Co to the use of Guy Traoy as. James
i Lso—'l he follow . lot, piece or pa reel Oland
n Shesltegnin Ip. bounded and described as
~„_)orth by lands ofli C ft ortott, east by lands, south by lands of Reuben Yoong,
t lat , ts of Cal% in Smith. Containing
forte acres more or less, about twenty five
,:mproved.ine lag house, one log bs-n and an
td f fret trees thereon.
? cl od and taken in esecution a t t h e nit of Wm
ell & tb ys. Curtis smith.
.o—The following lot, piece or parcel - of la n d
Wy•tax tp. bounded and lescribeti es fol—
.—Nea:t by lands of V Esc} E Pirtle% u - rst by
n r°-' sum of !loc.-land, on the south by
11vm Whitney sod on the east by lands of
ipths Woodburn. Containing shout
acres IT Ore cr less, about twenty acres
:d and taken in execution at the snit of Mel-
A lanson Whitney.
.4.,_Trtr following described piece or parcel
••1111afe in Albany tp. hounded as fialows—
eo4 h by lands belonging to the estate of 2.14 i•
dec . il. on the east by the Berwick
• Le, fi the south by Wells Wilrerproi large';
:•1 fuel vh the west by wild !ands. Containing.
tundred and forty acres be the same in ire or
.diout forty acres improved, and one new it
nn Illereoli erern• i.
•:zeit and in'ten OreCl.lll o ll the . .!"l ..1 n
,neV j'. now In the Use rl J Ii .I,!atn , v••.
iiilloWing piece or Nice: or land sitL
• Shesbequin tp. bounded and i'es , iflied es
the north by land: !. Hehry t•z , ht e m en _
•,' m Stevenson. on the east by lauds
Harlon. on the south by be tinging to
!on lie e•t by lands of I,renzo Post.
•!:f elUhly acres, about thirty-five
, nr ,, le.!. with one prank house, one framed
ml a iew ill trees thereon.
tak.•r in exveulion at the Batt of Bur—
n..w 1..1 1 1e use of U D 13.iti!ett vs.
J Blauvelt.
„ ping lot, piece or parcel of lend
..,01 :he tiel• of Wysox,boundeil and described
w ‘—tb; 'be to • ill by land; or vaien t ii,,
~!u:,..., . ea , ; by laud; of 12 F Wa'ker, on
kads of Robert Spalding, and on the
.; • E R Myer. Coniaining abenii seven—
, rt with about twenty acres improved,
house and one log barn and a few fruit
takt n in execution at the suit of Da—
v'. Lett 11 ather.
the lollowit It, piece or pared of land
South Towanda top. bounded en the north
. ; -:p J,d,n Putt and ethers on the east by
Harriet %lea mi the south by lands of H
and rnttie west by land‘ or John Con
% tdvat forty acres, dli iliiproved, With one
named house, one framed barn, one fram
,r., use and shed and apple orchard thereon.
5.)-4 )ne w her ha, piece ttr parcel of hind sit
ill, ystop aforesaid, bounded on the north
's id John Fox, on the east by lands of P 11
and ot_bers, oil Ihe south by hinds of the
lb.utnati deed. and on the westtr
f Janes Nestor and Wrn and Michael lirt•s
dnitun'n, ahont sixty—five ecres with about
Ile, thereat ' impnrved.
, :eland taken in execution at the Fait of .1) F
now to the use of E W Baird xs. John :k1
SO-The following piece or parcel of land sit
, t!mahlield twp. bounded ahtl described as
rt-ntitth by the public highway,east l,y lands
Tracy, south by lands of Augustus Phelps &
IGS Peck, and west by the road leading to
rim grist mill belonging to H M Er G 8 Peck ;
min; about one acre, be the same more or less
- imeillouse. one framed bath and a few fruit
;here an-all improved:
ed and taken in execution at the snit of 8 &
relre vs. H M Hale.
, O
-The lollowing described piece or parcel
situate in Sheshequin tilvp. bounded as 101-
la the north by Elisha Newell and Joseph
the •ast be land of Samuel Owen, on the
!land of Leonard Post and Wm Post, and
acct by land of Elias Post and Win Post t
tag about twenty-eight acres, about sixteen
arr-red. one log house, one old board shed
t.iir fruit trees thereon.
land taken in execution at the suit of Dari
n 4. son vs- Dennis Post.
' 5 O--The following lot, piece or parcel ofland
in the township of Wysox. bounded and ale
as (bl i the mirth by lands of-D-Plind
''churn and Elijah Tracy, One the east by land
%Johnson, on the south by land of T 4 r.
barn, and on the west by lands of T & E
'turn and Hiram Frost; containing about one
nano thirty-one acres, about forty acres im
:, Iwo lug hou,es and a few fruit trees thereon.
rri! atid taken in execution at the suit of Bur
mgsbery, now to Ile use of D. Vandercook 4
Adams vs. A J Gorsline and G H Gorsllne.
1 --13 y virtue of two writs, the following lot
or pared of land situate in the twp. of Leroy
ed and described as follows-On the north.
Ind east by lands of John- Hammond, and on
lands of Francis Harris. Containing four
(acr es more or less, all improved, one block
tad one framed barn thereon.
red and taken in execution at the suit of M C
1 ys. Nedeblab Smith "d
" pi
piece or parcel of land,
ic to Smithfield tap. bounded and described as
3 -North b,), lands of Ebenezer Keeler, east by
of John Aldrich and George West, south by
if Joseph Smith. and West by land's of Geo.
Jr. John Smith Jr. and WM Smith. C"1311ir"
0111 fifty acres be the same more or less,about
Imes improved, one framed house, one framed
ad a,
mad orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ed and taken in execution at the suit of H. S
icn and Chap le. F. Welles jr. copartners 4.c.
aid Smith.
J-The following lot, p see or parcel of land
m Rime two. bounded and described as fol
irib by land of Patrick .Crborley, West by
` ih lei "Mill by land of Tobias Lent.
od uf Bartholomew Norval. Containing
:-'llCreS. about forty acres improved, one
:P. :lamed barn and apple orchard thereon.
taketi in execution at the stiit of David
" •klornoll C. Kiuner, ,
1--.l . he following lot. piece or parcel of land
'.ll Franklin twp. bounded as follows—On
ti by lands of E D Montanye, on the east and
7 'ands of Daniel Green, and on the weati4
I Wto Craton. Containing about one hundred
acres be the same more or less, about forty
ut proved, one log house, one, lag barn and et
trees thereon.
and taken in execution at the snit of Job
Lt A Webber.
-The following described lot,plece or par
sitUate in Pike twp. bounded on the nosh
"IlEtiray leading from Leraysville to the y
rrt•ek, oo the east and south by lads of Or
orth and on the west by lands of Wiliam
Ncw 9kbverttserneuto
Johnson. Containing nue acre",rrinis or less, all im
proved, ode. framed house thereon,
Seized and taken - in execution 'at' the suit of Or—
ville M Bunnell vs. Henry M Tupper.
ALSO—The following piece or . parcel of land
situate in Athens twp. bounded on the north by the
highway, on the Ralik abuth and west by lands of
Erastus Wolcott. Containing one half acre, more or
less, all improved, one framed house, one framed
barn and woodshed thereon. .
Seized-and taken inexecution at the suit of Laura
Nash vs. Horace How.
;ALSO--,The following lot,.pieee or _parcel of land
situatesin Rome twp., bounded and described as fol•
lows—North by lands a Timothy S. Ruiner, east
by lands of James ',atom south by lands formerly
occupied:au& now in possession of the Lents, west
by lands of George Horton and Chauncey Rsnsom.
Containing about one hundred and five acres, abbut
forty acres improyed,one log house and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot,piece or parcel of land sit.
nate in Rome tte . p., bounded and described as rot
iows—Nnrth 'by .he road leading from Bullard's
ereek tri.ltiorlev Hill, east by lands of ammo Laton.
south and west by lands now occupied by the Lents.
Containing about one a cre,nll impruveii, one fram
ed honse, one Hock building that has been used for
a blacksmith slap, and a few fruit trees thereon.
' Seized and to en ih execution at the suit of Enos
Torr,ls iris, N. 11. Tolnkins and G. W. Potter, co
partners &c. vs. Silas Gore, Samuel Gore "and Jdhn
Gore. •
Sheriff's Offioe ToWelida, July 24.1453.
' Notice kliereby given, Ilnit an amount equal to the
costs will he required lo Le paid Won each ; ate l ifi;, l
struck down to the Bidder, and' ttiton a failure to dim—
ply with this regulation, the tract of land will again
be offered for st le.
Itegi's.ter's . ‘ Notice..
I voricE is betel)y given that there have been filed
.1-11 and settled in the otlice of the Register of Wills
in And fur the county of . Bradford, accounts of adinist—
estrattou the following estates—
inal account of Rowland, 8a niini,tratrix of
the estate of Henry Row land, tiee'd. late of Athens.
Partial account of Aseneth Ladd and Joseph Me—
north, Adoloatstraturs of the estate uf Moistly Ladd dec'd.
late of AT...any. .
Fuji .; Nlet. • t at/i Mary Melee! ad—
ministrators wait Will ati:Je t ed,..l.).\serh Meteer
foto of Grantille.
Final uceoutitofN! . ..., , %r Ptit - ne. admini,iratur of
emote of Sally Bottles dec., late of it well.
,Final account of J3IIIOS C. and rh.itleg
S.! McKean, Adooni,,irators of the estate of Benj.
NfeK,:rtn, late of Coluinficl
Final account of Mat tin Rogerii:
the estate of Davi , : tin•rliiitich dcri•ti-eil, late of
Final aco.)utit (leo. F Ur , linfzlot;, admini,ara ,
tor of the eNtate of Noah S. Far ctt dec. late of
Final necount tif Geo. NV. Smith, adiniiih.tratur of
Geo. Smith ,creased, lair of Tuscarora. '
Final account of James W. Grace, EiMmtor of
the esiato of A into‘a Humerill, &ceased late ul
Final aremint of Sainur: Davidson and James
Larc,ick. Ever ttioi of the last Will and Testament
of %I'm. Laroocli laic ol
Final account or Pony W. Cowie:, Admiut.trairia
of ilie Estate of \% :Want Cole.. Owe., law 01-Pnvell.
All . Ow above hr prevented to the °Than,'
Court of Bra(l6.rd l'ounty, on Monday, the sth day
of September next, for c.infirination nil allowance.
H. L. SCOTT, Rerpider.
Tiogiiiter's Office,
Towanda, July 26. 1t9J3.. -
• A' 3
,N $, "A ,* \ , tir'
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si , l ,- , ,,A.44 -1 / 4 , ..-. , It t ..k : i 4 ,_•*_ k. : :,, fi , ..,. :
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I• ' - DRUGSTORE.; -). 1
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_ 1 ',a3DErAi _
En the South end of the Ward House,
DR_ 11. C. PORTER,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
TILE assortment is large and very extensive, and
embraces almost r very article lased in the Aria,
either for medicinal, chemical or mechanical purposes
Particular•attention will be given to all who may
wish to examine the stock, the cheapness of which,
the quality considered, can nut fail to satisfy those
who purchase.
Medical information will be cheerfully and grain
itquitygiven to those who may wish tmcnnsult cen
caning rhemselvei or their friends. Continuous sup
plies of fresh Mid recently Prepared articles will be
received carefully selected with r view to their use
fulness,.arel any article wanted not usually kept,
either wiR be found here or procured by Express for
those leaving their order.
Accommodating clerks will always tee tea ly to
safely compound any prescription and endeavor to
make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable.
All goods shall he considered warranted as repre
sented. and being Agent far ihe best arrd popular
Patent medicines, all those found in thbi Suite can
be relied upon in all cases as being genuine.
The , stock comprises all kinds of -
PILLS, &C.. &C. SC . &C.
All kinds soaps, perfumery. fancy goods and tnig.
cellaneous 'articles, brushes, trusses, supporter,
nursing bottles. breast pumps. thermometerg. &e.
All kinds of. dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, VarniThes,
Window Glass, &C.
New and beautiful patterns of Lamps; fsesh burn
ing,fluiu and cam phene, choice brands tit pure Ha
vais cigars, tobacco, &c.
Bogar4 Coffee and Tea of ail kinds, molasses, spire
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, rosins,
citron; currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and bar' soap, spent and tallow earAtps, jags, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c. - .
Liquors. •
Cognise, Otard arid American Brandy, lit. Croix.
OW Jamaica and New Rng'and Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma
dei.o Lisbon. Sherry, Tenerife Fort, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose Amour Ma
lice, Noyeau rte., cheaper than ever o ff ered.
Patent medicines, from Dr. Jayne, Fitch, Swayne,.
Brants,Orricks,Townsend, Keeler, Schenk. Hoodand.
Graefenberg, afc. Pepsin, Gargling Oil, Cholagogne
Acoustic Oil, Dyspepsia llittenn Lyon's Rat Pills,
Pain Killers, Pile Merficknes, Salt Rbeam, 'Fetter.
Spavin, Founder, M'Allister's Ointment, &c. Vernal.
fuge, Galvanic curatives; Heave nod Conditidu
Powders, Cherry Pectoral, Rock Rose, Catholic."
Tooth Aehe.Drops. Hair Invigorator and Hai- Dye,
Bed Bug Poison, Eye Weir', Wright's Sii,.th's,
' Bennett's *lute's, Jayne's Phinney's, and tium r wa
other kinds of Pills. All of will be cold at
unusually low rates. 4
(cy. Remember Dr. PORTEII! ' S Drug and Chemical
Storeis in the South end of the Word House. front..
ing the Public square. H. C. PORTER, M. D.
c. THorviAs Sheriff.
motaltamancispinit r •
pi now now being replenished with a full and corn
plete stock of
rrl ugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pun Wine,
• and Ifiquors, h ,
In sh3rt, every thing connected with the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash,
and will be sold accordingly.
N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's
Foot Oil just received.
cry IlsmEmnett the place-3 doors south or Mon.
move's corner—same building of the • Argus Office.'
July 10, 1,53.
EuovEr) to the store recently occupied by
as grocery and Post office 3 doors
south of Aluntanyrs corner. where he has received
a full. new and complete stock of DRUGS. MEDI
CINES, GROCERIEs,&c. which he will sell cheap.
er Greash t h an ever:
Here cut will find annexed a few leading articles :
'Senna Airs., [Poi -gale's Cordial
do Indie Eli Opi
errata Tartar iHay's Liniment
p C Seda Hair Dye
Manna, Harlem- Oa
Magnesia (':ik'd Ithntment, Trasks
lu Carb, dO Dalley's
do S do Mc Allester
do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3
Colocynth do Extracts
do April.. Tilden's Alcoeulic Ix't
Cochineal Rlici Extract
Tru‘ses II ulls Jalap Extract
do Ma i* , 114, Meakim's Vanilla ax't
go Shaker, do • Lemon du
Balsam AV 'Niers do Mace . do
do Chcesmans do A lmond do
do Fir: do Cloves
do l'iuiabia d.i Allspice du
do 'lulu I do Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach do
rhi PulmotTary do Ginger du
do sulphur do Cinnamon du
Acid Tartaric do Orange 11...
do Acetic do Tonik a du
do Benzunic I , obio'..springtiower
do Citric do Musk do
du Nitric do V iolette do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
do Hy drueyanc I do Sweet flri'r do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin du.
Oil Linseed do Joe's'l'(.'l'hdi
do Sperm do Caroline do
.10 Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor do Briquet do
do Neatsfoot Syrings, Pewter as'm'nt
do Almonds do Glass du
do Amber Rcct Nursing Bottles,
do Amber Red I do do G. E
do A nisi Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton ' do Ipecac '
do Cubebs do Jatap
do Cummin . do Ginger White
do Fennel, do Orris
do Lemon - Cum Camphor
do l'assia do Opt Turk
do Cod Liver do ' Myrrh Tim!:
do Lacandula U do Arabic do
du Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orange Chloride Lime "
do Rhodium I do Soda
Ito Rose I •astor Russ
do Cedrat Ilsioglass do
ilp Copabia 'Evens' Lancets
do Ergot 'Nitro Silver. Op't -
do Verbena lOx id Dismal'
do Vio:ette 'Blue Pill I incr.
do Mellesse Indide Potass
do Mellefluer - Tart do
du Patelionly . garb do
Brushes, P.i tot ' IstrOph do
do Varnish - " ttaustie do
do Hair Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Cainel lodide • do
do Nail T.,unin
do Tooth - Proto lod Mercury
do Shaving Sirychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat lodine
Soap. Yankee - ireratiln .
do Crystalline 'Creosote
do Eng. Wind Low's - Hydra Cum Crete
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose I do Act
Jo Victora ,Calomel, American
do Orange I do English,
do 'l'..oth Precipitate Red
do Erosive do White
do Castile ISolph Zthei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Savin do 'Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
Fricophecous do White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters America JO
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoßman's Arfodyne Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye•St u Ifs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also', Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
netted with the trade. •
Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hcaroa,
whf keeps his Mae at this store, and will give me
dicalodvice gratis to people, they paying-for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
up, The stock has been selected with great care,
.aril the goods will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee.
tonal, schencloi Pulmonic Syrup o 1 Yellow - Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobeneacks", and daynes' * Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on band and far sale at
REED'S Drug store.
t Three Doors below Montanye s :ortier.
Tdwand'a, January 3, 1959.
mraErata 111110320337
S now, receiving a large assortment of all birds of
SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which will
positively be sold cheaper than- the cheapest ; call
and see.
Towanda, April . 29, 185 3 .
IRON AND NAILf3.-5 Tons more of Iron and
1 Nails just received at may2o MERCUR'S.
418 110 n. DAVID Wrsnrie.:Priud erit
v v Juattretfle 12th Judicial District totarPtiOr .
of tha coltnOise sf fltandford, Susquehanna raid Sul
livan,;lMlSiiir Hons. Musort esstsan and HARRY
Acntii.4l - sioeiste...fudgea. in and fur said comity of
Bradford baye tuned, thole, precept Waring 4xuy, 11 4 1 1
lat'daY Anani4.111153.10 me 'ditected; for - holding a
Court of oYeitand7firtniner. General Quarter Ses
sions of the 'llesee,Coastison Pleas fend Orphan's
Court., at TOwandi t forthe.county of Stadford on
Monday the . sOf 'September next, to continue
two wistful.
. .
TCARO/ . PHINNEY, Jr., having purchased for
J . Cash of G. M. Cowman, his entire stock of
Merchandise at h price tar below the actual cost in
New York. (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer—
chant in Towsnds has or can bny) is prepared to
sell fur CASH, more Goods for one dollar, than any
man will Jell for nine shillings This Stock is
large, ernbracic" , ail articles usually found in a
Store, viz —DryGoode. Groceries, Hardware, Boots
and Shoes, Leather, Nails, Sash. Glass. Hats, Cops
and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above,
and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of
M::in and Bridge streets.
Towanda, July IS, 1553.
-`-3 ^ .
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners
and Justices of the. Peace and Constables of the county
of Bradford, that they be:thoti and there in their pro
per persona, et ,I 0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, and of her remem.
brinces, to do those things .which to their office
pertain to be done ' and those who are Lound by re—
cognizance or Otherwise to prosecute egaiost th e
prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said coun
ty, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court,
are to be then end there to prosecute against them es
shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual:in
their attendance agreeably to limit. notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 6th day Of Aligtist, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundiat and fifty.
three, and of the Independence of the United States
the seventpsisth, - • •." •
r LOUR by the barrel and Sack, a first rate article
D RIED APPLES, a large quanlity, for sale at
lIG A It, cheaper than the 'eheitpeit
1 O fi Barrels of SALT just received and for
sale at B. KINGSBURY'S.
Towanda, March 22, 11353. •
Hats, Cap s and Bonnets.
4 TRENCH Silk, ssimere, 'Kossuth, Panama,
Lechnin, Canadian, Straw and Palm Lea( Hats.
Also, a large as.ortment of Ladies' and Misses'
Florence, Straw, French Lace, &c., Bonnets just
recelvod at METCUIFS..
April 0, 1853.
Boots dc Shoes.
ENS,Womens, and Children. Boots and Filmes
al a very large assortment at MERCUIVS.
ARGE addition to the as4ortment of common
and Sadlery Hardware now arriving at
April 6, 1M53
r"7" HUTS. more of those cheap Brown Sugars.
I Coffee. Crashed and Powdered Sugars, common
Molasses, Stuart's Syrup, superior Green and Brit . .
Teas, Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee. Aiso, all oilier
kinds of Groceries, escepl liquors. at wholesale or
retail at MERC
French Embroidery,
eeoiRERED collars. ehemi.etts, fl9uncing.
under eleeves, linen handkerchiefs. edgings and
int.ertingA at MERCEIR'S.
CRAPE, tirk silk ant colored shawls
II for sale at MERCER'S.
D. DARTLETI'. is now receiving a large
and carefully selected stock of
bongtit for ca -,h since the late declide in s prices.
which he will otTer for teddy pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things
he invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods
Towanda, April 15, 1853. •
ni,e,!,ft the north end of the Ward Ilona:, (Weir occupird
I.nroritt, Melton& Co.
Towanda, March, 5, 1853.
cifMkal . ..s.W mucttisa,g,
South Corner of Mereor's Block, Alain Meet,
,j hE now opening their stock of GOODS 14;r the
/1. Spring and Summer trade, roroprising a full
and complete assortment, and of the usual variety,
whieli he sold at a very small prugt for Ready
Pay. Among the aAsonment of-
DR r GOODS - 5 '
will he found a great vdriety of Ladies' Diess Goode,
emigisting in part of
Bereges. Drege Delaines, Delaines, brns,
plain and "witcd Gingham:l, English,
Scotch dl Fl American ; roplinv,
Prink if all shddes rind
colors §-c , tyc
Also, for men's Wear may bt found DNA Cloth.,
Cas•tmeros, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans silk, :Satin
and Bummer Vestines.
Also, Sheeting:, Slurtings, bleached and hr,wn,
Tockines, Summer Goods for bo{•a' wear, Colton
Yarn. Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &e.,
A full stock will I'e kept on hand. Tbio,oe to
of l'ugars,l'eatt. Cofee, Mobnises, agiewart's het
syrnp, spices. Pepper Ginger, Salerain.. F.lonr,
Fish, Sall, Tobacco, or any ,ither article in this
will do sell to call on us. before purchaldi.g rise ,
A lark a splendrd assortment.' Crnekarv, Glass
and tons•svare, Hoofs and Shoes, Hats and Caps—
Nails. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
Thankful for the liberal poronage of the past sea•
son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring stock, be
lievius that g ood OJOdl sad low prices will insure
a speedy sal for ready par. TliACt & MOORE.
'Towanda, May 20 Mil
A LL perNons indebted to the Subscriber. in nny
1 - 1 way or manner. are hereby notified that imme
diate payment must be made, or the accounts. notes
&e. will be placed in the hands of a fitagictrate for
collection. • . JOHN I. OEIGER.
Tovrands,June 25,.1853
. this day dissolved], by mutual consent. All
debts and demands of the late firm is assigned at d
transferred to G. M. Bowman, who alone is authoris•
ed to settle the same. O. M. BOWMAN.
Torvanda, July 5, 1853. JOHN H. PHINNEY
1100RISTat and GINGHAMS. , —A new assortment
of Prints and Gingbams just received at
May . 2,9. „
PAINTd, OIL new supply of pureground
White Lead, Paris Green, Verdigris, Linseed,
Lamp and Neatsfoot Oil, Japan, Coach Body and
Furniture Varnish, just received at
May2o, 1953. MERCUR'S.-
-..,.:- - --- legal -21.bottheincnts. i ,
A LL peraorilt I let
ndebted , lbe'-,eStato of OeS!:
Gi•rotild. dic'd. lite Ailthitithflefd, ar i a heienj
requested to make paymentirithOuidelay, and those
baring claiinsagatnst said esinie;:will piddle, pre't
Seal them duly authenticated fai.dettleruehr.
Jt. VIES GEROULD,. l• Adnili tra '
y ' 4. JAMES L, G,E RO UP). 5 I s i '• rB.
Nay 27, 1853. . .
ALLPersona indebted to the estate of Thos.
Binnight, deed, late of Ridgbury towtitship, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment:and
those balringcla lois against said estate, "till please
present them duty authenticated for settlement.
April 21:1'84 Executrix.
A LI. Persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
LAMO, iler.: 4 (l late of LEROY twp., are
tierebyrecitiestedio make immediate pay ineut and
those having' claims against said estate, will
please present theiii„ duly authenticated Ira settle.
ment. • :31 EDMUND KELLY.
April 80,'1853.4 . "'t' Executor.
ETTERS oT adatintsiraton, hs ring beep granted .
Jt..A the undersigned by the Register of iltrattford
county, on of Daniel O'Keefe. late ofsaid
county, 4eceased; all persons indebted to said es.
trite are hereby notified to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.npd those having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated fur
settlement. CATH.kRINE O'KEEFE,
April 14, 1853.
persons indebted to the estate of DAVID
AH. OWENS, deceased: late of Mouroe twp
are hereby requested to make immediate tpayment.
and thOse having claims against said estate, will
please present Meth duly authenticated, for settle
CoOLli H. 2d,
May 11. 1853. /Wm in ietratora.
THE subscriber offer:, a valuable F
ARM for eSle.
. containing 65 acres, 10 acres of good timber,
about 5.5 under a.good state of cultivation, well wa•
tered, and a water privilege thereon, capable of
miming machinery. Situated one mile ' from the
Susquehanna-river, and half mile from the road
running froniTotranda;to Rome.
Any person or persons wishing to buy cannot do
better thait to call and give this Farm an examina
tion. A part of the purchase Money will be required
down, awl, the balance can be made easy.
Wyard.l/tily 4, 1863.
EtEcwroirs NOTICE.
A LL p'r'one indebted to the estate of mAsurL
SUN ARA, deed late of Tu-carora twp.. are
hereby requested to make payment withoOt delay ;
and all persons having claims against said estate
wtilplease present them dutrauthenticated fur set
tlement. BEN I. M. tILVARA,
Niav Isr+3
ALL persons indebted fo the estate of James
Lennox, deed late of Ulster twp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and 311
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authentieated;for settlement.
DANIEL LENNOX, Aduitniniator..
June 2A, 1853.
GIORNEK of the Public Square and Main Sure!.
'Towanda, Pa., respectfully give nonce that
they are now opening and receiving direct I, he
City Or New Volt, their NEW srocK ut seNIN(.3
and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on han&comprises ULC of the largest and hest
selected ass - sciments to be found 'errs., of New Y ol .
Having peen purchased at
R 1 T 11' A RO.KI INt S !
They are enabled to ctrer them cheaper than ever.—
They invite particular attention to their a, ur i meh t
of Ladies' Dress Goods
Consisting of !amulet and Swiss Muslin's, Printed
Lawns.Gitighams. Bar'd uslins, liferritnae,
Cocheco, Fr.II River and other styles of
American Prints. in einlic.. variety, a
large assorimebt and for sate
Cheap. They have also a
large variety of YANKEE O.
T 4 INS, embracing almost every thing
from d Crochet Needle to a Lady's Saich-
el. They invite particular attention to their
att,trtment of Carpeting of all prices and styles.
Also, Spring and summer Hats, Boots and
Shoe's, shoe Findings and Leather, Gra.
ernes, Crockery, :Theft Hardware, 4c.
Their Btot k has been Feinted with core, and will
be sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary
—give us a call. and we win show you our goods
and prices, and convince you that the trtiove is ho
fiction. Ciur motto is, “ .9. Moll Profits & Quick
Returns. MONTAN fES & CO.
ros‘anda,.March 16, IS 33
LI ETTERSTeitamentary having Lean granted
to the subscriber upon the estate.of A. U. rice
/tall. deceased, late of Canton townidup, all persona
having demands against said estate, are :hereby no.
tiOell-to attend to the settlement of the spine, at rlie
late residence of the deceased, in Canton. on Mon
day, July1:8, 1853, at which tone all persons hay
mg demands against the estate."ill present them
properly authenticated for settlement,
Canton,. June ft, I 8:.3. • Executrix.
67:4, LEA VP, Towanda for ;Terror's
"t. ;a _. 2 -- tf ' , . < ";' i TtY-Qmills. ll . l orlington , East Smithfield
nod Wellsburg de.
pot on (he N. V. &E. R. R.. every Iktovn Wsn
r.snAt and FainAy at 6 o'lloek A. M., and arrive
at ale depot in time to take the eveninz train of cars
either east or net, some dor.
ltetorn l'ut , Tornsni If and tit v r e n t , y
n ner the „viral 1.1 the Eastern ttani , and also th e
We•tern ear.: (runt Jefferso', Elmira, &e., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
?hal. :—Towanda In Mere,ur's mills, 374
to hurlington,
n to East Smithfield. 624
.• to Rideltery, 1.60
to Wellsburg depot. 1.2 b
Express packages to or from the Rail ,Road care
fully delivered at nlioderate charges.,
Towanda, Oct 8,_1852. Proprietor
8. MERCUR is now r.,ceiving another Ntw
Assortment of Goods, consisriag, as usual of
almost Cverphing wanted in the line of Meichno
din, which will he .541 very (-Ileac' , for CASH. •
Towanda. Jane 1.'9. 113:13,
IS NOW incraviso a •tux LA.Ros ANA o.sisnal. LA
- so wrxtvg.
SPILING 0003)11,
Which are offered to the public al tiiolesak or retail,
at veryiow,pricts. .
Towanda, Match 31, 1833. I .
DLANEB.-X new assortment of Planes and other
.L Joiner's Tools, just received at
Noy 5, Ina.' IHERCt R'S.
4111EZ- c 621110 311121 ft:6 •
MONTAZirirES &. CO.,
Another Arrival of
H' i t
HCAVPBEW „hat az:dallied op rid' i that
• rate etitelt of GOODS ishitalAe To the seastot,
whidh be dart sett as low as any In the roatkep...
His goo& are
.manufactpred as well as lay home
work, and WM:tabled to give' gotitt addatittaibtt.
350 Coats of alt sizes and prices:
200 pair of Pants from 4 abillinits to
200 Vests of all descriptions.
Brown Linnets Coat*, 6 shillings each.
White and Buff Vests for Balls and Poitets:
minor and Chip nape
Summer GrattuSit Prat tatb
Hue, Gh.ves.
Remember, thb same old Mare. t Oriel
Towanda. May 19. 1853
Of Sir Aka Franklin. ..skiivlll caw, no grtattr
titentent, titan the KEW SI'OCICI:D
orwitatin tut waxy =tau&
BUN T G respectfully informs his friends and
the public generally, in town and that surrhand.-
M. , " country. together with all the rest itt man
kind," that he has just received fiutn ges York.
one of the most complete assortments orMeat j and
Boys Ready Made Clothing. ever before otrsired iii
Towanda, together with Cloths, Caseimeres, Vest.
logs, and Ttimings which he Will make up in the
most approved style, and at the lowest price;
He has also on hand one of the most fasitihrnabld
stock of Furnishing Oooditi sucli Inftinteri Pat
dershirts, Overshfits, Men fis, Dltrairefi, and etiery
article in his line pertaining to Gendlemens' War
drobe. which Will be sold cheaper than any whet
Clothing Store ;n Bradford Cotict#. .•
He is confident that frozu his long eiperiSnee that
he can give general satisfaction. He employs none
but the must expert workmen, and feels assured that
his work n ill riot suffer by comparison with the best
city shops either id elegance df workmanship or eh
egance of style; arid hopes by sotict attention td
business, to merit a epouttnatice of that liberal pat:
ronage which has been extended to him heretufbre:
Returning sincere thanks for past 'aeon he asks
the public to eive him a can and see for thentsrlves:
irj•Cli'l TING dune as usual and warranted td
fit if prbperly made up.. CD
D. 3 n t mistake the place, on the corner of
Main st.. and the public square, opposite the Ward
'Tis even so, this ioild is " all • stair,"
And gents rniti-t dress in this progiesbire age.
Each hare their taste of style, of cut and diva—
The question asked where can we get iite best!
Where can tile largest stock of
be found'
Say where the cheapest and hest abound!
Whefe can wept the shorteSt notice get
A coat, d vest and pantaloon! that fit 1 .1
To answer these, I frankly. Say to all
The cheapest place is '`..l3tintltiet Clothing
Towanda. Dec. t . 4, 1852.
a ad
T N ihe Brick Block. neat door to Mercurs stork Mid
just added to theft stock, a large and fashions;
ble assortment of
Rdady made Clothing;
of every variety, both of style and ptia, to w~iitf~
they ask the attention of the public.. Ti.i is tiosi
the largest stuck
• • •
Ever Offered in 7 1. tcanda !!
and Wi ll be sold at prices consittera.tile loitret Wan
e:ier before known in this place. (tar goods are
selected with a regard both to style and, price, and'
offer indueemeina,nut to be mil with at any other
.'.7" Strangers visiting toWanda t o
ers in want of CLOT G will and
at our establiAMent, in this section of the coyahl.
and made in such style and materials as to ensure
satisfaction, We shill endeavor by
Low PRICES ist. Goon ozoinEciwa,
secure petronage. feeling confident that our atti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser.
The assortment comprises every tiOtelit required
fur a gentleman's outfit. TE stf.
oycl coats, Coots Paula, Chccralls Cap 4t.
LOCATIONS.-I\iel} door south of Mercur's kaki
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water si. Arnouta Hall.
Elnrfira; and under the Troy Eie.heitge, Troy,
T. - All kinds of Country Produce, Word,lie., tak
en in eichange fur Goods. Totratitfa, May 10, '53.
§lll` M
. 1 434'ilri*RP zl4 •,
ITAVE just contpleted a large and finely finished
Store on the site of the two they had burnes%
and tilled it with the largest and most comprehens
ive .tock of
Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions,
Fruit, Confectionery, Toys, eke" dm..
ever Exhibited this side of the city.
We hive bought for Cast articles of the best
quality t consequently are prepared to sell at as
low prices as the same finality can be bought at
any other place, Arid aA flatter ourselves that if
fortune has been against us, (fire having consum
ed two stores and one stork of goods) our old cos
loaners wilt no't Inflow the precedent, if they call
and see Mir StioCi and hear the esceryitngly tote
pri c ey. Ainotig, the niany articles we have arc
au=•ar, Coffee. chocolate, cocoa, molasses,
btr watt' , symp, o vnt.:er pepper, !spice, cloves, not
meg., cinanrion, %ateratts., soda. cream "tartar,
ground tnastatd. pepper sauce. catsup, can
dles, hat soap, tmegar, starch &c., &c.
Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders.
wheat dour. buckwlna.,a flower, corn meal.
buds and butter crackers, usackerell, codfish.
t-had, norrmg. potatoes, beaus . , onions, &c., &c..
Preserved prunes, citrou.s, English currants, raisias,
green and dried apples. Almonds, filberts, genohle
and maderia walnute, brazil nuts, peanuts, chest
nuts, hickory nuts, &c.
r.s.AKEE, •
Ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet,' combs.
fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and !kicking
brushes. wallets. pude monies: and parses of many
styles - , pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy
mirrors. tobacco. boxes, snuff boxes, and almost
every article in this •toe. Work bole...toilet cases,
secretaries. plain and embroidered, work baskets of
nosily styles.
Gerniin,French and American TOYS of every de.
veription an , fpriee. A few earthen and pewter tea
.etts; for little p,irla, and a few boys' sleighs.
41. .14 ,
Ashton dotty salty ground rock salt, Salto* salt both,
coarse anti fine. , Also, a gna . dtity of White Stone
CANDY wholesale or retail, of all kinds and
innumerable - other articles, for sale at the new store
opposite the Court Woo,.
Tovranda, Deck 1., 1852 BAILEY 4 NEVINS.
Carpets, Matting dse.
INGRAIN and Venetian Ca•pets, floor matting
any! Crf Cr6ths, just re.eived by,
July 7, 18::.3. If. S. mtnerß.