Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1853, Image 4

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,:. ...'`J , A home !a' liciritb t Jmy , kingdom
4., .'
"." 1 . a borie and Customers. to take
e"• • the goods. - Notwithstaidierg the late
dinnst•ous fire.. A. M. WARNER is .
hinisell again"! ' .
••••• 'And atlio:•t•Brick Row' rote!! find
Most anything that's in his line.
. , ?rotn'a caml•riciseedle of the tined kind,
TOttl‘jtwelletl 'Welch of !eighteen lanoline.
• Clock* Which keep • time, accurkte and true ;
.Breast pine of every style and hue,,.
-Gold, silver. steel 'mid plated cliaii,s,
Selected PP ith tfie greatest pains.
Finger ripp e r/7y o*ll,; . wliy what a pile
GI every 1-bape and every style.
To snit the Old: the young, the grave. the gay,
May there be seen in elegant hrray•
And - Wattssai.who is himself a " host. 4
Ii ilirais.fready and at his post.
To•lrsit upon cuAirnera and ail
_.--Wboclattriee oponim to give a call.
So with' good Advice make up your mind.,
To 01 - . Con him and "
there ynu'll find
BitCh'sightt my eyes, , 0 ! what a view
o**l3, of every style and htie.;
(;:::?Dan't mistake the place No.. t. Brick row
where he is prepared to do all kinds of
110,1E1-W 0R K .
in his line ofbusines. at the cheapest rates that can
possibly`ticaffierilett 'Ho will also seil his jewelry
at 20 per evil lower, than was ever before offered in
this market. at, Cali - and see.,ZX
Tolianda; Nov. 12, 1851 A. M. WAIiNER.I
Removed to B. liingsbery's Block !
Era. Vistins'Aerlin,
-,- ao. H AS just returned from rhea) ,
iP f New York with a large
4 " 7 7 1, ' . il k supply of Watches, Jewelry and
i '
,' 4 . 77 Silver wore, comprising in part.
s.::)?( the following articles :—Lever.
• " ~;1-, L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
1r , 9 5 --,e, a, complete assortment of Gold
a Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin.
ger Rino,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains.
Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of steel Beads—all of which he offers
for aria exceeedingly cheap for CASH. •
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded. and a wri•
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
ti. S.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produc
taken in payment for work; and alit, /earn now, art
orever,lhat the Produce must be paid when the wor
is donez—l war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
Union Fire Insurance Company,
Athens, Bradford County. Da.
Ile only real Farm Co , being such, b, the Act of .
craporalion, with a Safe and Increasing Capital.
THE operations of this Company, by its
are confined to the Insurance of Dwellings and
the usual out-buildings, and personal property there
in, which wholy reieves it from the dangers and ticked-
Ludes incident to Commercial and miscellaneous Insu
The large and destructive fires which continually
occur in cities and villages, and the great number hap
pening to public property of all kinds, have convinced
no tbat the Insurance our " HOMES" should not be
jeopardized in file lead, by any connexion whatever
with the more hazardous kind of property.
Every person interested, must at once see the great
advantage thus offered to Farmers and the owners of
unexposed dwellings. Our risks being.-confined to
this class of property, we feel the utmost confidence in
saying, that the' UNION' stands on a firmer basis
than that of any other Company, for no other, we be
lieve, has adopted this course.
Many Companies have assumed to themselves the
title of " Ferment'. Company," bet such Companies
have inmost cases, if not invariably, included in their
Farm Risks Country Taverns, Mills, Workshops,
Churches, and other classes of Property, much more
hazardous than the private dwelling. Or, they have
united in one Company, the Farm department with a
City department. In such case, there must of neces.
sity be a close alliance in interest and character, and
in fate between the two. The success or failure of
the one malt determine the destiny of the other
They submit for the judgment of their fellow-citi
zens the following plan of operations, viz
lac. By the Charter, risks can he taken only on
private Barns, carriage Houses and Farm
Otillin ng s,and' the Personal Property therein. Not
more than two-think the value of any building to he
lemma] ; personal property therein may be insured at
its cash value.
W. Any applicant may, at his option, pay a definite
awn lin full for his insurance in lieu of giving a pre
mium note..
SI. Not more than $2,000 will be taken in one
4th. Any policy holder may at pleasure withdraw
from the Company, by paying his share of the losses
op to the time of such withdrawal.
sth. The Charter provides, and the Company will
iold itself responsible, for-the . correctness of surveys
and.other official acts of its auillorized Agents, ,done
flieeeordance.with its charter and., published rules—
this rending all cavil as to the technical ,correctness of
surveys, and the consequent liability of the Company.
6th. This Company will pay liaises caused by light
ning, whether the buildings are burned or otherwise
Tth. Additional stoves may be set up. or moved from
ens some to another,vrithout giving notice to the Come
pmy ; also, sucktepaira as do not increase the hazard
of the property, shall not affect the insurance.
6th. tames will be settled with promptness and
fiberelity. if the Companyi-or some person acting for
them; and the insured cannot agree io the adjustment,
the matter may be submitted to three judicious disin.
beiested persons residing in the vicinity of the lobs.
llth."Should any more money be collected than suf
ficient to keep the Company ins sound and svlvent
coalition. it wilt be returned to the Policy holders in
proportion as each shall have paid in.
• 10th. fly rejecting wholly every class and kind of
hazardous risks, this Company will not be subjected to
the' great disasters and losses hat so frequently pro.
dues excessive taxation and bankruptcy among Insu
rance Companies.
The directors, in soliciting patronage, do so in the
firm conviction that the plan adopted by them will ren
der the FARMERS' UNION COMPANY perman.
cat and safe to its Pettey holders, And as cheap as the
prompt payment will permit.
In arranging their Rata, they have sought to secure
sufficient Cash Premiums to meet' all losses--la3ting by
the small notes taken, as a Reserve Fund—which shall
render the Company safe againstslf contingencies. For
a inore'definite and full.view of their plan of operations,
they reseectfully invite akezamination of their Rates,
Charter and ity-taws. .•
Drazavons.--C. F. Wells, jr., C. N. Shipman,
Wm. H. Overton, J. E. Canfield, W m.. B. Darling.
ton, Francis Tyler, Wm. _Scott. James H. Welt%
Athens ; Gco. Sanderson, Towanda; Addison McKean
Burlington ; Wm D. Barton,' Smithfield.
thrercsits.—Francis Tiler, President : J. E. Can
*elk EktcoXsay CJs. Welles, Jr., Vice President •
AReommludeations for the Company, should' be ad
dimmed to the Secretary at Athens, Bradford Co. Pa.
The Company have leaverro refer to the following
Hon.-Edward lietricit.-Rinu notice Wiliston, Ash
mes;Pis: •gow. Avid Wilmot, Pres. Judge of 13th
ha - Dial,r lion. John Laporte. late Sut. , Gen.. of
the Cineweehlt, • Wmi. Elwell, Esq., rowan& Pa.:
litiebssl Mylen, Esq., Laporte,- Sullivan Co. Pi...
E. 6.4kwilriethilsq , fleej.- of the Conewealth,
Heiridewg, Pa., : Di. Wm. Dirlington,,Preel of Sank
ef,Cbseter Co., How H. S.' Leans, Westchester, Ps.,
li o n.e le; C. Darlington, Lancaster, Pa. , lona
- - - : Itiotio loAebted to Vs
BF note us booliaceoutit will please take NOTICE
.thet. ape we in. want of money, and swot ham U.
An 'who: a•glect to attend to this timely wainingv
may espet • visit from the little Constabls.
V 3Li s az ae— da,lMarch 24, lem -
~ T Ptiat co o N'.7:
P •
THE • undersigned.
biviok beo ,duly ap,
pointed Aneot for. the
sale of this tiply
QINE, would reipect •
rully invite 'the mien—
:'ion of Ladies And
Practitioner* of To
wanda and victnitr. to
'be - gratifying boccess
_that has attended its
use wherever intrvauct
. eLl.aud its hailtynattrh
tattoo to the cure cif
all the distressing djd•
eases for which ii is of
fered ;-being those ineidental -to the respectable le,
male, whether married singte, and usually known
by the 'tame of
;11351,4;414 COIIgeZki.INTES.
Of these are' Irolapsui Uteri, or railing of ; the
Womb ; Floor Toff onation and. Meridian of the
Womb ; locidenta Haemorrhage. or flooding . Pam.
ful, Supprested and irregular Menstruation,
with all their accuutpan) . '
(Cancer except.
ed.) no Miter - how severe or of how long 'Laud
That this CATHOLICON is his very way worthy
.'the confidence of the afflicted as a successful,
safe. and cheap remedy, is vouched for by the fact
of its having received the approbation anti liberal
patronage of malty' prominent members of the
Medical Faculty
in the United States, and also by the voluntary t"s
timonials given in the testithriniati given in the
pamphlets, (ram fatties and Phyfician of .he'high
est respectability as certified by the most satisfac
tory enttiority.
This preparation- k not A " .c.O re all," but it is in
tended expressly for the above named complaints.
so very digressing in their nature and consequent
ces and which have heretofore . resisted the &kat and
exertions of the most . accomplished Physicians of
all countries, to a degree beyond that of perhaps
any other malady to which the human family is
The ingredients, se certified by high mediral au
thority, (-ee pamphiei ) are all VEGETABLE, and
are not associated with any article unfriendly to the
animal economy.
Rsrnneacics.,—P. B. Peckham, M. D. Utica, N.
Y., L. D. Fleming, M. D Canandaguia, N. Y. D. Y.
Foote, M. D. Syracuse, N. Y. M. H. Mills, M. D.
Rochester N. Y.. Prof. Dunbar, M. D. Baltimore,
W. W, Reese, M. D.. City of New York, W. Pres—
cott, M. D. 'oncord, N. H.
j*Pamphlets can be had gratis at my Drag store
in Towanda, Pa. Sold by all the leading Druggists
in the adjoining counties.
DR. D. C. PORTER, Agent
J. B. Marehisi & Co., Proprietors. Central Depot,
304 Broadway, N. Y. junet 5
Paa " LOCal Farrier & Stage Proprietor
am.LeLen is Tag Eirrorr OP
As tke mot remarkable External Application cm
"They can't Keep House without it."
Experience of more than sixteen years has established
the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Ent.
scow Family Embrocation, will cure most cases, and re,
neve all such as
Spavins, Sweeney. Ringbone, Wind galls, Poll
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls •of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis
tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness,
Foundered Feet, Scratches or GreaSe, Mange, Bites of Animals, External Poi-
sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites,
Boils. Corns, Whitlows. Burns and Salta,
Chillblains, Chapped Hands, Cramps Con.
tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness
of . the Joints, Caked Breasts, kc. dm, &c.
The unparalleled success of this Oil, in the cure of tbs•
eases in Horses and Cattle, and even in human dealt, is
daily becoming more known to the farming community.
It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been
to the habit of keepinis it in their stables and houses, what
vast amount of pain, suffering and time, are saved by
the timely application of this OIL
far Re sore the name of the sole p roprietor ; GEORGE
W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., is blown in the side
of the bottle, and his handwriting over the cork.
erders ' addressed to the proprietor will promptly
responded ha
Get a Pamphlet of the Agent, and see what wonders an.
resomplisheol by the use of this medicine.
Sold by restettable dealers generally, in the Unite
Mates aid Canada. Alan by
Armsys.—H. C. Porter, Towanda—Wm. Kill
Athens—Eli Baird, Troy—D. V. Barnes, Colombia
Flats—L. D. Taylor, Burlington—Frisbie & Bran.
son, Orwell—E. Dyer, Covington—D. M. Bailey,
Mansfield—Humphrey & Place, Tioga—Turrell.
Montrose—Perry & Ogden, Elmira. Wholesale
ageritti are Ward, Close & Co., 83 Maiden st.,New
TN the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co in the matter
of the partition of :he real estate of Samuel )Ben
night, late of Ridgbury twp., deceased. TO Han
nah Hammond, Phebe Mcl),mgall, Susan Kingsley,
sally Burt, Fiorillo Burt. A Imenia Burt, Thadeus
Berm ight's widow, Calvin Bennight Mary Bennight;
Ramoel Bennight Sdrah Bennight, Phebe Bennight,
Benj. W. Bennight, Susan Bennight and Thomas
Bennight's widows,•.
You are hereby notified that by virtue of an or
der from the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, to
rne directed ; I will hold an inquisition upon the re
al estate of Same! 13ennight, late of Ridgbury tp.,
deceased, upon the preiuided in said township, on
Monday. the Bth day of August next, at t o'clock,
P. for the purpose of making partition and vela
atioM:of said estate, at which time and place you
can attend if you think proper.
U. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, May 25, 111C.3.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of Allen Moody, deceased
THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
the fund in the hands of the administrators of
said esude, will attend to said business, at bis office
in Towanda bora'. on the 7th _day of July 1853, at
1 o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are re-
quired to present limit claims or else be debarred
hem said fund. H. BOOTH.
lune 4. 1853. Auditor.
auditor's- Notice.
John iiransvm vr /amts A. Payne, ' Bradford Ccint.
Pleas No. 264. Slid 7" 1852
WE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute
money raised by klbtrifra sale, of the proprety
of the defendant in the above suit, wilt attend to
said business at his office in 'rowan& boro', on the
Bth day °fluty 1853, at 1 o'clock",, *bent ail
persons interettedirerequirinfropreeenttbeiretalms
ar else - be debarred from said fun& 11. , 800711,
tune 4, WM Auditor
. . . .
DRESS 0001Y8..—A good aop_runent of olmoo
eIM 0 1 1 e-of 4, 0 8 1 1 goods Worn by ladieikao#
children; tbr side i t -decl =Retitle.
Lights 'a h "iiftii;
201000 tigi%
Teed y
Tcivrada, March 23, 1853.
Rivi NEW 40 Gallon Cislio;ii Brit satA ' a we,
V.W for sale by • I!. FEtTON A CO.
,-.AHPElPPicnotilw $,,
, . . A . : . • .I , : 1 :10% I . ,
0 EMOVED to the store recently occupied by 8.
it S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors
south of Montanyes corner, where he has received
a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI
CINES, GROCERIES, fitc.which he will sell cheap'
er for cash than even
Here you wilt find annexed a few leading articles :
Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial
do Indic Elix Opi
Cream Tanat Hay's Liniment
Sup C Soda air Dye
Manna, H arlem Oil
Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks]
do Carb, do Dallef a
do S S do McAllester
do Henry's Shakers Herbs ;
Colocynth do Extracts
do Appl I Tilden's Alcoeulic Ex't -
Cochineal Rhei Extract
Trusses Hulls Jalap Extract
do Marshes, Meakiin's Vanilla Eft
go Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam Wisters do Mace do
do Cheesmans do Almond do
do Fir do Cloves
do Copabia do Allspice do
do Tutu do Nutmeg s do
do Peru do o Peach do
do Pulmoffary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamon do
Acid 'Fartaric du Orange do
do Acetic do Tonka do
do Benzon ic Lubin's Stlringtlower
do Citric do Musk do
du Nitric do Violette 'do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
do Hydrocyanc do Sweet Ilri'r do
do Sulphuric ~ do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed do Jock'y Cl'b do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor do Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'ent
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do
do A nisi' Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do Ipecac
do Cubebs do !Map
do Cummin do Ging er White
do Fennel: do Orris
do Lemon ~ Gum Camphor
do Cassia do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver Ido Myrrh Tort
do Lavandula G do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orane ' Chloride Lime
do Rbod jum I do Soda
do Ruse Castor Russ
do Cedrat ,Isinglass do •
do Copabia !Evens' lancets
do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op i t
do Verbena Oxid Bisnuth
do Vio:ette Blue Pill .1 mer.
do Mellesse lodide Potass
do Mellelluer Tart do
do Patchauty Garb do
Brushes, Paint Rulph do
do Varnish - (laustie der
do Hair Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Camel lodide do
do Nail Tannin
do Tooth IProto lod Mercury
do Shaving Strychnia
do FleshPiperin
do Cloth Elateriam
do Hat lodine
Soap, Yankee Veratrinj
do Crystalline Kreosotel
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete"
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose do • Act
do Victora Calomel, American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth ~ Precipitate Red
do Erosivel do White
do Castile Sulph Zinei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Bastin do Pale Gold
do Drown do Dark do
Fricopberons do White ~ i
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermilion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Cfiloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, EngliSh
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods et, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
fleeted with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. S. HUSTON,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me.
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
up. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec•
torial, etchencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Irobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent meslicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's :orner.
Towanda, January 3, 1853,
60BARRED:I ofotd Ohio Whiskey just received
and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store.
18QUINTUS of Codfixb, 20 boxes of Herring
6 barrels of Beltran's, marrented in prim=
order, left on sale at New . York cash prices a
REED'M Drag Store, Towanda, Jan, 28, 18534
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin
nice in the way of Monuments. Headstones
Tomb - Tables. Centre Tablet of Ballad •storAmer.
ican Marble. or Black Stones of all. sleet. Can,
have them on the shortest notice by sending in'
their orders, cheaper and better than can be , pur
chased' 'Withers.
- 07 Chester Went. Cabinet Maker sod underta
hr. hearty oggosite the Ward House. Towanda.
Agent. G.W:- PHILLIPS.
' Towanda. March. 31, 1859:
Clover Bee& •
TUBT received
.a quantity orrery superior Clover
J Seed. Farmers would doireli topurchase their
seed early J . KINGSBERY.
Totranda.reb. 5.1851
.1300niiA - 514.4.) ES
Aginiltr AllrfiCogi L' f r
estslitijbenent "to
. 11.. lirm'etertore.
- il corner of main street and the public - 108re and
will continao,the mennfotentre. of Boots and Shoes, ;
heretofoce. ,
'He heeled reosieed froin Nere,Yeirkw lirgo assort
ment of ,WeVeon'e,wi4Druisi 3 O,Shoes, which
are offired at IoW The satention cf the Ladies
is paricularly directed, to his assortment, comprising
the lullowing 41111,11, sty 1c5,:..-omitnelleiLlenny Lind gai•
ter boot., shoes;,: bbeek 1 , 4 11 .4 lad silk gaiters:
walking .hoes, buskins, &c. Misses' gaiters and shoes,
of every description.,A largirassortment of Children's
fancy gaiters, boots a nd shoes, of attlemds.
For the-Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been- personally selected , with
Care, and he .telientes he • can:otrer euporiorerticles at
reasonable prices.. ,
p 3 The strictest 'attention paid to lifanufaaurelig,
and he hopes by doing work Well to merit ea continu
ance of the 'liberal patronage be has hitherto received.
Towanda. May, - •
.111204 ii-•"7llrllEffrTJElltillabllE-41.1N0
ILTAVING located 'in' Towanda, 'his servidea may
Xi be obtained by addressinga linethrough the Pm
Office, or by calling at the office of Vivien Meteor,'
Esq., whero be will be found, or where a written op
licatmon may be Icft.,
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken' the shop formerly occupied by'
Adam - Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they ore prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They ore determined by doing their work well and
promptly, tn meth, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE43IIOEING done in the beat manner. All
kindsof repairing Machinery, executed in the mostakil•
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done et their shop,;will,be watranted Lobo
well done, and manufactured frotn the best materials.
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESEN WINE & BEEBISCHH.
Towanda, May 2, 1851. •
Important, to Housekeepers:
.. ,. 13.
~ • . .T. H E subscriber th ankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore
,--'`iaii .
.ceived, begs !eat , * to inform his
Si' „.., ifriends and the public generally,
rtMlifj; ilrk and those commencing House
- --
, I
'----. :keeping in particular that be has
R illt now on hand a large assortment
-"'• of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
(Walnut eruhstande. marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch!.
ek, whatnots. es.c.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
Q • The subscriber is also provided with is plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readine:s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He wilt furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
G. E
N. B.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman
Towanda, January 17, 1A52.
MOAT Genuine unless accompaiiieu u Rim t
1 1 0 le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L.
SOULE At Co., upon each bor.
In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV
EREXIN BALM OF LIFE, it is not our nigh to
make any false statements or wild assertions of their
superior efficieney in restoring to health the sick and
suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer
ence for the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value on paper,
hat we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy
themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli
able in all cases. being purely vegetable, and a medi
cine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
Hasrairres, Monroe Co. N. Y., fay 10, 1851.
We the undersigned, citizens of Hennotts, having
used personally Dr. Soule's Sovereign Balm Pills. and
witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully
recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with
which we are acquainted.
M. D. PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 rrs,
Fr. 8.-- You are at liberty to publish this-tor the pub
lic good.
BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! We are not aware din
any one who is making a spurious article has yet dm
ed to make use of our name ; but some of th'erb
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our
Circclara, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are
careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived.
0:1' The genuine Sovereign Balm Pills can be had
wholesale and retat of Dr. SOULE & Co., Syracuse
Onondaga Co. N. 17-
Sold by Dr. R. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., itnsl
their Agents in every town in the country. 21y
Lafayette Burr Mill Stone
THE undersigned, formerly foreman for many
years of the Lolayetie Burr Mill Stone Manu
factory, 240 Washington St., N. Y., (W. Track,
agent.) would inform his friends and the public in
era I, that be has established a
In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and
solicits a share of their patronage.
He Will have constantly on hand a large Stook
of French Burr Mill Stbnes, as also a large supply
of French Burr Mori's, Bolting Cloth, Screen
Wire, Calcined Haste , and Patent Self- Digesting
The undersigned a.srtres his friends and the
public, that he will fai hfullyexectue all Orders en.
trusted to his care, not only in queilit,T but in pri•
ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat.
ORDERS by letter willhe executed with as much
care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the
REFERENCES--Hon. D. B. Dickinson, Hon.
John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit
ney, Dr.HidridgeiCol. H. Lewis, WS. Weed, & Co.
Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup,
Salsbury,& Co., Montrose, Pa. Caleb Catroalt,
Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Bandar. 0. 0.
& H. Slupnlim,. Waverly, N. Y., Tpomes Pearsall,
Bmithborough, N. Y. Major D. Mersereau, Union,
N.Y. M. T. Nichols, 'Owego; N. Y. Royal &
Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN.
Ilingharaton,Nov, g, 1852423
LT & A CAMPBELL, having' been purified by
.L.L. the recent Bre, have again fitted np thew
CL 0 T 11.1 3 -0 s i roO$E,
in the same place is before and are- now off ering
for sale,,a desirable, assortment of fall and winter
0002111-.- '
They being desirous of making up theirrecein loss,
will sell at unnsiially'law. prices. '
Towanda; 'Nov. e, Mt. • •
Cisteiii and WWI 2huipi I
- LEAD PIPE I Hydraulic 'gams of any kind,
aizeyike., cheap for ready pay, for azdotby
-ion. 0,1863. R. WELtES.
-- 0040'W
- • Asii ,
Po you want mad! or, mortgage any real •estate
Move you a bkind and:mortgage you wish to seil ?
Have you houses, taverns, or lots, that you' wish to
sell or lease I
fialie4Oire mat fDretery. (quadri', tannery, or oth.
ottiatihKtOtiOCOO,tablishoseat. - thin you wish Miell
or! rent'!
Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or ere clay,. or
other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on
Alva you land that you would like to have drain
ed or-cleared cootract.of °waives I
Have you water. power that. you wish to, reit, im--
, prove, or rent ?
.1, Do you ;wank additional capital, or a .partner-in
Your business I', • • -
,• Dolma arantio.sell your-stock of merchandise !
Do you w %it to fonts a•CompanY to create .capital
for any-specificlobject !.- .
Do you, wish to exchange. your property for 'other
Do you want in your 'neighborhood mills, !mind
ries, tanneries. ; or other manofacterieu ?
Have you any well tea led improvement in machine.
ey, or in the arts, which you want to sell, or which
you want mean to manufacture I
If you have-any of the above wants, or others of a
similar character, and will inclose to our address,
(post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of
them ; and if property, its locality, proximity to Ca
;nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
mills, stores, eitm,•the lowest terms on which you
' will sell; mortgage. tease, exchange, or otherwise die..
pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a, Reg
istration fee offif, (the receipt of which will be ac.-
knowledged,)your want shall be recorded in our
Register, and Your letter placed on the file designated
for your State and County, for the inspection, free of
charge, of thet: who ore seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange, or 4nvest.
We make no charge to any for examining our
Register and files. When they make known their
wishes, they aro referred to your own statement of
your wants : and as we. have Maps of the diff rent
States, and cifsuch Counties as we . have been able
to procure : did es we employ agents to visit the ves
sels and steamers - teat arrive with Immigrants, (of
whom from liooo to 5,000 are daily atrial % ,) and we
also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the
strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the
principal papers of the city of New York, and in van
ous forma throughout all of the states, as well as the
different countries of Europt, from .which Immigrants
come, and where we expect tine of our Firm will for
the present reside, and where also we shall agents in
the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, hose, or . : invest, to visit
our office, without charge—
We are confident that we offer a better medium of
making your wants known to those who des re to
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet practised.
The best place for you to effect a sale, lease, ex
change or loan on your property, is in its immediate
vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next best place
is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi
grants or settlers of any class here is the place io ob,
taro them :
Bezmise here at all times erniveasons, there are from
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for investments or homes. •
Because th :re arc probably 100,000 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surplus capital attic Union, seeking investment.
Because here, money is ordinarily worth from
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while
you can afford to give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte
rest, either in annual income or increased value.
Because here, on examination of our files wiil inform
those seeking to invest or , ettle, where the property is
to I e found which they seek.
Became here, ihere is en opportunitV exchange
country or !tither city property, for property in this city
or its vicint:ty.
Because a person, by spending a few boors in our
office, without charge, can obtain more information of
the property in market throughout the country. and
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis,
where is concentrated the money and wants of a - vast
Mlltitntle throughout this and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of oGr
countrymen, both parties, those %Tao wish to purchase
and those Who desire to sell, ran be mutually benefited
fn the description of property, be ca•eful not to
over estimate its advantages in any respect for if you
do, and we should send you a purchaser, file compari.
son of the reality with your statement might defeat
your object. When your property is sold, or other
wise dispoSetl of, it is required that we shall he imme
diately informed of the fact: As we do not propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to .le own.
era, no special authority to us ia requisite ; but when
it is that we should sell, authority must he given.
Our commissions on sale:, exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat
ters requiting' speciol negotiation, will be Bulled to
special aifeement.
(Cf Several farms in the same neighborhood ofien
fine a mote ready sale than a single farm, as Immi
grants deiire to remain in companies.
Real Estate and Property Brokers,
1(6 Broadway, New York.
Refer to Courtland! Palmer Esq. In Broadway, N..
Y.; Hon, AIM Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood.
Ohio ; Ejt Quv. Ford. Ohio; Hon. R. W Thompson,
Is.; Don, D. A. Noble, Mich; Hon. 1, R. Williams,
Mich ; Hon. Rob't Smith. III: Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Ky ;
,H 01). A.C. Dodge, Iowa; lion. J. R. Doty, Wis.
CO" Fur (Maier information inquire of HARVEY
McA LPIN. Local Agent, (at-the Law Office of Wm.
Elwell, Esq.) Towanda,Bradlord-county, Pa. 44y
Tat subtrEriber would an
nounce to the public that he
have now on hand,and will make
to order all kinds isf
Cabinet Furniture,
such as Sofas,Diyans, Lounges.
Center, Card, Dining and Break
fast. Tables. Mahogany, Wal
nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus,
Stands of various kinds,.Chairs
very description, which are, and
will be made of the best material - end workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any otherNstre-room in the
con ntrr. . .
azuum-Mean cowrie, •
on hand on the most reasonablei terms. A' good
HEARSE W }be furnished on Ft:mrnt occasions.
Towan6, June 1, 1132, ' '' e
Asn. , ()LM'STED, Pnorritrron of the Athens
Irichange, gives his thanks to his friends,
and the traveling public generally. for their liheral
Patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same.
A isii! Q MIN : 1 B S '
wilrrtili regularly to and troutthe Vvaverley Depot
to meet the Mail Trains for the accommodation of
strangers and 'travelers, who wish to visit a pleas.
ant village un business or otherwise. A daily line
Of fobst rate
Ifoise Coaches, -
are running through. to Towanda. Those wishing
will.heiinsitred'a tent in the coach from this place
and *Use going to the • •
0 - D
eah itoP at Althea* and spend in hour or tu
atid'l4 instired a conveyance in tithe to meet the
regular trains_ f cars going Vast or West.
Alsh those who wish to• brava their teams here
c4n be conveyed to,and front the cars free of charge
Athens, Sept., 4, 1852
. • .
THIS extraordinary preparation bas been for m ,
1 ny years the most certain and speed y matifr
for Cocoas, COLDS, Astons, Baoscalvvit,lsimeiv,
those suffering from obstinate and confi rme d cet : ,
they give the most immediate and perfect relief,*
when great liability to take cold elk% and litteid,,,
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest eaposare,ll,._
WAFERS produce the-most marked rel Alls, 77'
at ones relieve the Cough and other i y mptater :::
entirely remove that Morbid irritability and t
the Luugs whichgive.rise to the com ht
The Medical properties are combined in an agreti,pl
hle form.arid pleasant to the taste, m that anythi4
will readily take them : and they are aa rmotev
give relief in ten minutes anti use in all des. '
Towanda, cents ea Pa. bo. For sale by D r . g . o.
Towanda, Feb. 9.1853.
Anti Patented Apr
Frit) this CHURN was awarded the Prese nt it
the late Fair of all Nations held in Landes.—
It also took the Premium at he Canadian Provincial
Fair,belsl in Toronto, U. C., in 1851. flalsorecem
-red a silver Medal and Diploma at the Fair of th e
Ne w E i ngland Met hanic's Charitable Anottiaten,
held in Boston, October, 1850. In short it has PA.
en the first Premium at all State and County Faits
a w p h p y
e r r o e: e e d r it b has ai b i ee D n ai e ry xhimbi en ‘ed, a z ivomea
j vairy w en i vereally,
where they have become acquainted with it, merits.
This CHURN is constructed fur carestso,aats_
07These CELZIIDA7ED Caress. are Matufseter.
ed and sold by WELLS & CO., Towanda, Pesn's
nearly opposite the Ward House.
Towanda. April 21, 1853.
Attention Regiment !
d. l
s- ,
JOH N E. GEIGER, would say to hi. old frienthed
the public at large. that he ha. constantly on h a y
an d m u nntocturing Rides and shot Gans
Among his assortment of flung may be found Do Ort
and single barrelled Gun c , Rider of all kinds wamaki.
Ponder Flasks, Shot l'ltiches, Game Bap, en
Prime to. Also, Ponder. Shot. Caps of the best gosh
tv. six. barrelled Revoking Pistols. do sees
barreled sell-cocking P1,101 , i, Rifle Pistols, double
Pi,tola and common steel and brass Pistols. ,
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cam ea
Eliftrat , / On hand.
Any of the above articles will Le sold awful chefp
tor the Brady Pay.
Keys of any kind fine d to Doors, Treaties es
other kind of locks on shrill notice and reason:Wets=
Repairing . done pith neatness and despatch, 814
few rodertiorth or the Bradford House.
Towanda. May 22, 1R" 2. , 1. E. GEIGER.
THE Subscriber , having Sind a copericeohip
under the firm of FF.I. 'o. &rat !ler ic
ing a general Liquor business. w respetifuEi
a-k Hotel iieepi•r , all t mite , tt. sant if any
thing in their line to g ovt, them a ca:'. We ;Meal
keeping on hand a general ossornnen' rf romp
Liquors, IA htith we can sell cheaper than any ore
eke to the enmity, from the fact that we bay dirett
IWm the riurters. and Mt reby save a largiyr,ti
charged by the N.l" Jt.h!,er. ; Li q uor; are nom
ed pure nod free from adulteration. Also ernetant
iv on hand Vt . h er Me lie t.l coal ty. Ifehare
ariadc firtailarMent• by a hart, we can famish or
ens rimer , with 4111 q f BEER
fresh from the re %eery . Pl^nee c o.e u• ea I.
'rho- nr.%!. arol a rrt , w•!= ! he !.! firm J z!. Fe
ton & Co.. are in our 'Aa:. sttlemrm.
Towanda. Dec. 1, 1
w 1 1 , 1 1. 1 rd Ct. Pa.
" • It• Gill enro•,e.l o :h ,fie f r . a LA( VanDusec.
and dagger.'wh , . h ,vc .h• ac remorod to l'atz
new and .paciott. , tll7t• Ve-er corm
of Church. (in the re a I the %; , or House) when
they are prepared t ettatl—t a very large red
general a...Dement of F.treittn and Domestic
DRY GOODS, adapted z.) the country trade. Bel
will keep a fare stock of Verimac . Corheo,andsto
er desirable styles of rants ('ash as wet g
first class credit eu<totners will find it to Or?*
tercet to call.
They have a 1. ., a d. , parttnent devoted a 4 a
BOOT and nHt tr. bt.t.tne-s. and feel onfid" lle7
can offer better barea:as in that line than ancrieg
stye Boot and :Shoe he use tn New York, (rem at
fact that the expec.e is !MTh less in pc:port:cc tt
the amount of sales. Mr. Baird flatters kasse
that having the benefit of t rear; erpenenee aat
mercantile busine , v in Bradford ('0..h.0 kno:e4 ,
of the style of good.) adap—d to the l'orhern Peen
sylvania trade, will make tt an otee: for mercy
ant's doing bustnes . y : n that section ti g , ce 1110 /
Any orders fr r roods to the shore Imes k
promptly attended to, and' the settees sorratattl;
give satiffiction.
New York, March, 1, 1553.
- -
111 , 1 lrararirev,ALl-41 0
Saddle, Harness &Trunk Mandato.
SERE CULP & Co., respectfully Informer
that they have removed to the shop o
recently occupied by Smith & :Son, needy r.;40.
the Ward House, where they will keep Oa
large stock ')f
alaua.aaao -Jal-30)
0 .3 K., 'VALISES, WHIPS, Err.
All articles in their line manufactured
made of the best material, and for worlor.o ol
be surpassed in Northern P.Ennsylvarim i b q t y
a call from those wishing to purchase, cadia64:
they can give satisfaction both as to quably tar"'
(O - Hides and Sheep Pelts received fur s ort 1.0
account, at the l
Safe Leather, owest rates.
Upper Leather, /farness 2,011713
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
oN account of losses sustained at itbe Ist. 0. 1 1
ors obliged to call on those inkehted Icli
prompt settlement, as we are under the n 7 O l
hiving what
is owing to us, we trust this valet
he sufficient without resorting to other man,.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 19:4.
Is, cc Akitir l .•
W. EL 'WILSON, lamely of Dragon! Cosal
• Pa-) returns his thanks to his friends fa
favors, and solicits the continuation of theletalr::
age. Having made arrangements u, c o nuwe;
the arm of Fuller Dayton N° 143 Wesl' lreel :d
tween Barclay and Ve-ey streets, where
found always ready to supply his customers 40101
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at 10ff r
on favorable terms. Particular pains ora
to keep on hand desirable goods for test 5e17.
the country.
New•Yerk, Feb. 9, ten.