Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1853, Image 3

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    ;Nov Cabvertpcmcalf.i.
job „„, m , Coittaining one acre, more , ; or less, all int".
, r ov rd, one framed house thereon.' -,_,' • -
„ .; ,, j2e d and taken in execution Af:Ofe suit 'of Or
-1,1 Ilunnell vs. Henry Al Tupper: .
. o ,so—The following piece 'or 'parcel ' of land
„t o e in /Owns twp. boended on the ; north by the
,;,hway. on the east, south and west; by - lands of
Wolcott. Containing, one half stare, mere or
E r pia., •
ies .. a n improved , one framed house, one framed
t a rn and crood,hed thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Laura
soh es. Horace How,
s h a gs, Office Towanda, July 24, 1853.
N o ti c e is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
co , w in he required to be paid upon each sale when
er uct down to the bidder, and upon a failure to coin—
' this regulation, the tract of land will again
Pl!' with •
be o ffered far sale.
Register's Notice.
uncE i f hcreby Oven that there have been filed
0 ,1 frilled in the office of the Register of Wills
la Ind for the county of Bradford, gccounts of admiri—
istraticat rpm the following estates—
paiitsceount of Sarah Rowland, administratrix pf
the estate of Henry Rowland, deed. late of Athens,
Partial account of Aseneth Ladd and Joseph Me—
wait, ro hninistrators of the estate °PHoratio Ladd dei'd.
L e of Albany
riaal account of Geo Meteer and Mary. Meteer ad—
w I W ill annexed, ofJoseph Meteer don't!.
of Granville.
Final account of Nelson Barnes. administrator of
e!•.ne of Sally Buttles dec., late of Orwell.
final acc,mut of James C. McKean and Charles
s. McKean. Administrators of the estate of Benj.
!ilc{,:can, late of Columbia.
final account of Martin Rogers, Administrator of
the estate of David Sinsebaugh decetsed, late of
Lgtitie Id.
falai account - of Geo. F. Redingtori, administra'
tot of the estate of Noah W. Fassett dec. late of
Fatal account of Geo. W. Smith, administrator of
Geo. Smith deceased, late of Tuscarora.
Fwal account of James W. Grace, Executor of
;Seotate of Amasa Rumerill, deceased late of
i t? ntigfte Id.
Final account of Samuel Davidson and James
Larcreck. Executors of the last Will and Testament
.; Wm. 11.arc,,ck .late ofLitchfield.
'Final account of Polly W. Cowles Administratrix
the 1.....tate 01 William Coles dec., late of Orwell.
'4U the above will be presented to the Orphans'
I'oprt of Bradford County, on M o nday. the sth day
a; September next, for con fi rmation and allowance.
H. L. :scurf, Register.
Register's Office,
Towanda, July 26, ts:l3.
("LAME to the encluSure of the subscribe!, in
'Standing, z3tone twp., about the middle of May,
a large Brown Strer; very broad betwerii the h.q i is,
Ia other particular miirk , . The owner is
prove property, pay etrarUGS and take him s way .
Standing stone, July 1, 1853.
pAINTS, 011. Wc —A new supply or pureground
\\loe Lem); Park theca, Vert is, Linseed
am! Newish."' O i l, pall, Coach Body and
Furn:lure Varnish, Juba received at
Mavt: z 193
RON AND NMI .—t Ton, more Of Iron and
Nail , lot , t rect.tved at mky2o MERCER'S.
the'Suoill end of the WariMoose,
Mt, 11. C. PORTEII,
Whole,ale and Retail Dealer in
assortment is large and very extensive, and
t very article used in the Aria.
1nt,11,.111 11. chemical or mechanical purposes.
tar aticiihon pill be given to all who may
examine the stock, the cheapness of which,
quality considered, can not fail to satisfy those
to purchase.
dlidical information will be cheerfully and graft,-
Jg vrrn to those who may wish to consult con- ,
lag themselve s or their friends. Continuous'sup.
oif fresii sill recently prepaaed articles will be
. tord careCtilly selected with a view to their use
any. article wanted not usually kept,
ill be found here or procured by Express for
icin g :belr order.
tctiminedatin g clerks will always be resly to
!..y compound any prescription and endeavor to.
lei w h a l e,e r the purchase) mutually agreeable.
-hail he considered warranted as repre
rZ, sod being Agent for the best and popular
inidicines, all those found in this Store can
re:ied apo'i all cases as being genuine.
TS e stock comprises all kinds of
.1111CTS q...F.D.5. LEAVES,
l&C &C.
stli tau', toap• pet rumen,. fancy goods and mis.
I,, ctsis articles, brushes, trusses, supporters,
trsmg Lathes, i•rt-,,,r p u mp s , thermometers, &c.
tt,n,l s of dye stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
clew Glass, ttic.
New and Leatniful p ierns of ',snips, fresh burn
: fluid and camvtletx, choice brands of pure Ha
ns tobacco, &c.
nrhiG RO "
°lee —• " au kinds,ll3o,3figee, spice
•r. cioreg,,mustani, nutmeg, mace, fish, resins,
Is, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
,r crackers. rico, starch, ginger, saleratns, white
`::ar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs,. bottles,
Miler sauce dec.
. .
Omrd and American Braadyy lit: Croix.
Jamaica and Noe England Rum, We •Bcdilinj tm.
Gni, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma
!•61,011, sherry, TenerifTe Port, Muselltte Claret
wine , --cayaio.,l{oge, Amour M.-
Nuyca u he , cheaper than ever offered. •'
n,t me d. tines, from Dr. Jay ne y ritch, - SwaYner
' l,O rricksTownse n d; Kesler, Schenk, Hoc/gland.'
°berg, 4c. Pepain,Usigling Oil, Ohn/agngue
thc Ohl, Dyspepsia Bitters,
Rat Pills,
} Wks*, Pne Medicines, Salt Rheum, Tette'r.
M ' A I lit ter's Ointment, &c.
liahrnic caraliVes. Heave and _Condition
`"1, Cherry Pectoral, Rock Roses, Cetholicon,
Ache limps, Hair Invigorator and Hair Dye;
'll Poison, Eye Waters, Wright's Smith's,
'l's Soule's, Jayneti Thinners, and , numerous
htedi of Pills. 'Alt of . nibith wilt 'Li' sold 'at,
'' ll 7 hire rates.
I tpineiche r Dr. POUTEted Erne and Chemical
o th, South end of the Ward !Louse, Iron ! F .
. .
:, anl riINGLANIS.--,A. gear assortment
' ', a:1, 4 . ( I;rl,;hx:ris just received at
' • MElter.rfl'9;.*
C. THOMAS Sheriff.
. .
Tilly virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
the county of Bradford, will be exposed to pub.
lie sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 12th day
of August, 18.53, at I o'clock, P. M.. the following
property, late the estate of John Welch, deceased;
The undivided half of the two tollowing pieces
.or parcels of land in the township 01 Duren. one of
which is bbunded and described as follows—Be^''in
fling at a post corner of lands sold to Jonathan Ac
la, thence south 40° west 121 perches, thence north
2° east 193 perches, thence smith 48° east 100 p. to
the place of beginning. Containing thirty nine
acres ten perches, more or less, about three acres
thereof improved, with a board shantce thereon.
l'he other piece is bounded and described as fol
lows—Beginning at ,a hemlock corner of O'iver
Gilbert's lot, thence along the same south 50° east
81 perches to a Post. thence by lands of John Gliflin
south 5° east 94 perches to a post, thence along the
warrant line north 48° west 90 perches to a post.
thence by lands of Jonathan Acla north i° east 73
perches to.the place of begin ing. Containing 30
acres, more or less, about twelve acres thereof im
proved, an old log barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Attendance given and terms made known on the
day,orsale. ROBERT BULL.
June 30,1853. Administrator.
A"person% knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of Edward Pattersoh. ifecessed, late bf
South Towanda tp., are hereby requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against
said estate will please present them ddly.adthentl
eated for settlement.
June 27, 1853. Administrators.
Now lthviitiscnitnis.
Towandk • • andtur ingtok an dad.
HE Sulistriberito . -4be 4 CtiPirat Snick of this
I. :Company. are hereby . notified that the 'third
instalment of 10 per cent *ill* be:dtia and - payable
to the Treasurer pp the sth day ofAug.ust nest; and
the fourth inititlMent of 'eight pet' cent. on the 2516
of August next.
By order of the Board.
BENJ. S. RUSSELL, Secretary:
July 19, 1859.
T HARVY PIHNNEY. Jr., having purcbasedifor
• Cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire stock Of
Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost in
New YOrk, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer—
chant in Towanda has or can-bay) is prepared to
sell for CAM more Goods for one dollar, than any
man, will sell for nine shillings! This stock is
large, embracing all articles usually found in a
Store, viz—Dry Goods, Grocerioi. Hardware, Boots
and shoes, Leather, Nails, sash. Glassy Hats,. Caps
and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above,
and no mistake. At the Brick Store, corner of
Main and Bridge streets. -
Towanda, July 18, 1953.
FLOUR by the barrel and Sack , a first rate article
D RIED APPLES, a large quantity, for sale at
SUGAR, cheaper than the cheapest at
Chance to make Effoney.
TO canvass for subscribers to " Hayward's unit
ed' States Gazetteer:title " Cottage Bible" and
other valuable and populay works.
Any intelligent and enterprising man can make
good wages by accepting an agency' for these
works, which are in high - favor and very easily
Apply to J. F. BROWN , at this place, on til Tues.
day next, and thereafter, at the office of the Brad
ford Reporter. jurteB J. F. BROWN.
. •
THE undersigned, Commi-sioners appointed in
pnrsuance of the Charter incorporating said
company will open Books for subscriptions of stock
ai the Bradford ilouse, in the borough of Towanda,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, the 25th of June
next. G. F. MASON.
C. HI HERRICK. Com m'rs.
C. comsTocK
Towanda, May, 25, 18. - .3.
POSTMIN ENT.—The opening of books for sub.
seriptions of stock to the Canton and Athens Rail
Road is postponed to July 31st iu
._ . .
•30 to 50,000 ft. Maple, 53 by 6-20 to 30,000 ft
.do. 4 by 4.-10,1100 feet 4 by 4, Poplar.—.
10 to 20,000 ft. 3 inch A.h plank.-20 to 30.000 ft.
13 inch Ash plank.— It., prune 4 by 4 cher.
ry.--tO.OOO ft. prime 1 inch cherry boards, 15 inch
es wide or over, to be deliveied this coming Fall •
and Spring on the bank of the River atharrisburg.
Lumber of eoo&qua lily and strait grained is wanted.
Proposals will he received till September tst, for
furnishing the above, and persons sending.propo—
sals will state the quantity and quality of the differ—
ent kinds they can furnish, and at what price and
Lumbermen having such lumber would al—
ways do well lo stop at Harrisburg.
Terms of payment.--Cash on delivery and in—
Address (post—paid)
W. 0. HICKOK, Harrisburg, Pa
Hairisburg, July 5, 1853
To Contractors and Others.
WE have nn hand, pork. beef, butter, corn, cats,
wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples, flour,
feed', iron, steel, shovels, bars, powder, fuse, fist).
tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap. tobacco, salt and
cement for sale as cheap as at any other house.
Athens, April ..rl, 1853. SELLS ft. HARRIS.
Susquehanna Coltrgiate [agitate.
THOSE whn have subscribed' towards the cree
tion of the building for this institution in To
wanda. are requested local! and pay into the Trea,
sury 26 per cent. on thA arnonntof their respective_
Subscriptions, -the building having been corn.
menced.J. D. MONTANYE,
Towanda, May 11, 1853. Treasurer
33. S. WAD=
T TOR .nr E :Jr al T JIG I
Office with the. Register anti Recorder,
zweraduvi alEratagaraz?
S now receiving a large assortment of all kindsof
SPRING and stmottß, GOODS, wind* will
ifositisoeky be sold cheaperpan 'dhe clicapesti calf
and see. -
Towanda. April 29. ISO.
. _
T."subscriber has just returned frost ; tbetity
with a, very large., and most superior ,selecti
ion of
which in spect to :style and • prie 19
ek unques'
tionabikgive satisfaction to.all that may favor him
with a call. JOSEPH KINGSBERY:
Towanda, April 30, 1853. • • •
An extekive catalongne of Schoo!and Miscellat.
neon. HOOKS and STATlONARY:Ati4;renelyed
' which will be sold at tholoweatairicesl.... -t,
6 H H'DS;-MOLASSES, frodirto 4 shillings, and
the best 6 cent Sugar in. tiitva,ltit,':
N Elw
_ -
1101r'• - hiltketllt is noio:f; , deiving anothir New
•Nssortmeat of Goods, consisting as usual of
almost etierythini.Watited M. the 'line of Meichan
dize,Which will ba,solti very . cheaolbr CASH.
Towanda - , Jime • '
= , 'NONTRZST Or •
• sirazitet GOODS; •
Which arc offered to the public wheleiale or reta il ,
of, feryloto piece:
Toivanda,lll - firch 31, 1t153..
'Eats, Caps and! Bonnets.
DRENCH Silk. ,CAssimere, Kossuth, Panama,
Leghoin, Canadian, Strivit and Patin teat Hats.
Also, a large aßsonnseut .4. Ladies' and 'Misses'
Iklinence, Straw, French „Lace, &c.. ,Bonnets just
receivod at , lldEaptifeB.
April 6, 1853.
MEMS, Womens, and Children', Boots and shoes
a very large'assortment at MBRCIBVS.
LARGE addition to the assortment of common
and Sadiery Hardware now arrivinc at
April G. 1853. MERCUR'S.
iiirDS. more of 'home cheap Brown Sugars,
I Coffee, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, common
Molasses, Stuart's , Syrup, superior Green and BM.
Teas, Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee. Also, all ether
kinds of Groceries, except liquors. at wholesale or
retail at MERCUR'et.
Stench Embroidery.
EMBROIDERED Collars. chemit.etts, flouncing.
under sleeves, linen handkerchiefs, edgings and
insertings at MERCURI3,
lITHITE CRAPE. bl'k silk and colored shawls
11 for sale at IttERCUR's.
fl D. BARTLETT. is now receiving .a large
kJ. and carefully selected stock of
Z 121117 1100119,
bought fur cash since the late decline in prices,
which he will offer for ready pay at prices which
cannot fail to give, satisfaction—among other things
ho invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Towanda, April 15, 18,13.
Summer Goods at the Cash Store
THE•decision has gone forth, the fact is adtnit
ted that goods are sold at Iwweeprices at Good:
rich dr Co's, than anywhere else ; where now can
be found on unusually large stock of Goods adapted
to the season which ere going off at very low rates.
Their stock of
cannot be equalled, and the grimiest variety of
bereges, silk tissues, challisteregedelains, inuslins,
jacimets, lawn•+, striped and plain chambras, strip
ed and plain steel and gobbmixed poplins, fine
striped and checked ginghams ; a great assortment
of rich black silk shawls, cashmere, crape and
broche shawls ; silk capes and mantillas ; an une
qualled show of highly clustered, black; watered
striped, plaid and changeable silks, satiqs, bonnets
and ribbons, French embroiders ; 15000 yards of
shilling, calicoes 14 sixpence ; Lisle thread and
cotton gloves from 3 cis. to 2 shillings : rich vest
ings, cloths, cassimeres, satmens, tweeds, jeans,
Ste.; cottoncirles all kinds, mens summer wear,
plain, striped and plaid !inner); sheetings, shirt.
ings, cotton ticks, drills, 4-c.
Cash ptirchasers will find great bargains, as the
whole has been purchased at auction and package
0:7 Cash paid for BUTTEIL L J
Owego, May 25, 1853.
Nails and Glass.
ALARGEsupply of Nails and Window Glosa o r
arthost every size for sale at MEIteITIVS.
April 22, 1853. 4
EA gm- PFAIS.—A quantity of early Peas in pa.
pers and packages ; also, by the quart, peck ur
bushel, at 4,22 1111111CUTN.
:IMES zrzAcrAnnazini
fli ice in the north end of the Ward Holtsv, llately occupied
by Laporte, Nlar.on & Co.)
Towanda, March,fi, 184.
MILTIE:t4 Egoamag
South Corner of Meretir?" Block, Main Street,
A RE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Spring and Summer trade, comprising a full
and complete assortment, and of the usual variety,
which will bo sold at a very small profit fur Beady
Pay. Among the assortment of
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods,
consisting in pats of •
B:rcge De/aincs, &Ileac( &brines, Lawns,
plain and printed; Gingham', English,
Scotch and American ; Poplins,
Prints i f f all shades and
• colors 4 - c , 4tc.
Also, for men's wear may be faiirid Broad Cloths,
Casslams, Tweeds, Kentucky leans, silk . , Satip
and Summer Vesting&
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings. bleached and brown,
Tick ings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batter, &c., &c.
A full slack kept off band. Those in want
of .~.'ugara,Teas, Coffee, Molasses; Swarm's's; besi
Syrup, f3pices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour,
Fish, fialt,Tobacco, - or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on us befbre purchasing elect'
A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass
and Stone4vare, Boots and Shoe; Hats and Caps—
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass - and Putty.
Thankful for the liberal petronage of the past sea•
eon. the Undersigned' feet a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring stock; tre
liesinz that , Mod Goods and low prides will insure
a speedy sure for ready pay. - TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, May 20 1803. • ,
ALL persons indebYetipi.the gnbe'terilier,, in any_
407 or minnei. ire hereby notilVed that imme.
date payment mos! lioe made, or the accounts, Doles
#r0. , : 0r411 be'placed in the hands et 41 Magistrate for
collection. , 401111 4 1 E. GEIGER. -
Tot/raids. June 25:1853' '
(TAME to the erreloSote of the sub4eriberin Wind.,
‘..) ham twP.raboutitwo weeks since, Three Ewes
and two Lambs :--white, With WO riartieufar marks.
The tisiver is requested to prOVe property, pay chafe
geli and take tifeta away: JAMES - REYNOLDS
Windham, June .23; 1853
G. this day, dissalved, by .. matuAl consent,'
aebts and demiiali oftfielatelittriiiwtsigped apt
Onos fertealo O. M. B di. AM n fond is a ulliotis-•
ed to iiettin ti.
Towanda, July 5, 1853. JOHN H. PHINNE
a S.ME R c:U a
Boots Shods.
Astray !Sheep.
niSSOLTYI 1(N ::
Ccgkr . Abiletifiltattfl:
• At3tiNi%tifii ; OW.'o l PrOl4.
A . "
dei'd. fate • of fhnittilicid,' are lit.riby
requesti.d:O.rnakepaytnOt withottiAglay, and those
. having clktiritsagginst 4hreitaie, ail *hie pred
sent theta . duty atithenticatid. -settEctuent
GERoti o .3 .4ttinistraturs
May 27, 1859.:
Andittirs's liFot e.'
EslCric of iforati3 Ladd, tlecivied.
'FHB auditor appointed by theftrphan's Court
Bradford County. to .nettle ;and, Ittljust the ac
acount Musei.A.:=l;a4ll,_one,,ollihe:.jaxecutor's
said estate, on_ exceptions filed Will: ; yttlend to said
business at liikotlicejit Towanda-460A on the Ittlt
day of July, 18.53:11(1" q'clocit. Trl:4 ofwhich•al l
persons Interested will take ., e ntice , H. 1.100111,
June 4. 1823. -
ExEc - uTows,N.o.ric,E.
ALL pericinaltidebted, ttithe estate of Thos.
Ben nighi i dee'd,,lnteoeßidgbury township, are
hereby requested to make iinmediate .payineat. and
those having Claims a ainst said estate. liiTplease
present them duly ;authenticated roe settlement.
April'2l,'lBs3. • Executrix.
A U, Tier:tons• indebted to the estate . ; of JAMES
111. LAMB, deed "late of _I a PHOS, jtvp,, Res
hereby-requested to Make iiiniettiste'Jtaymetwitiol
those having claims against Reid
pleals present than duly aothenticate l l lot settle-
April 30,11153
lETTERS of administrator' having been granted
I the undersigned by the Register of Bradford
county, on the estate of Daniel O'Keefe, late of said
county, deceased ; all persons indebted to said ra
mie are hereby 'notified to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and those having claims against
said estate will present thrm drily authenticated for
settlement. CATHARINE - O'KEEFE,
April 14, 1853.
A"persons indebted to the estate ofDAVID
H. ONVENSoleceased, late of Monroe tap.
are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate, will
please present them duly authenticated for settle
WIV. COOL]) aUGH. 2d,
A min istratera
May if. 1853.
THE subscriber offers a valuable FARI'I for sate,
containing 65 acre, 10 acres of gond timber,
about 55 urelcr a good state of cultivation, well wai
tercd, and a water privilege thereon, capable of
rnnnine machinery. Situated one mile from the
Susquehanna river, and half mile from- the road
running from Towanda to Rome:
Any person or persons wishing to buy cannot do
better than to call and gi ro this Farm an examina
tion. A part of thn purchase money will he required
down, and the balance can be made easy.-
July 4, 183
A !.
LE. persons indebted to the estate of MANCE
decd late of Tirscarora NT.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons havin2 Haling against said estate
will please present them duly authenticated fur set
tlement. , I3IN I. M.
Mai• 25, 1R n 3
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel
Gonsaules, deed, late of llidgbery up.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persons having•demandsogainst said estate
are requested to present them dilly authenticated
for settlement. W. 0. GCNSAULES,
June 2, 18:13. Administrator.
Peter Johiicnn, dirrasrrl
T"'adoditor having been appointed by the Court
t re-rxarnitie riaims'of certain excepting Cred ,
ititrs to the fund, in the hands of the administrators
of said estate, ratsed by sale of the real property of
the defendant, will attend to said business at the
tavern of Hugh Hicks, in Rome village, on the 1411
day of July 11353, at I o'clock. P. At.. of which all
perinas interested will take notice. 11. BOOTH,
June 4, 1853. Auditor.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of James
Lennox, dee'd late of Ulster twp. are hereby
requested to make payment without delay : and all
those having demands against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
DANIEL LENNON, Administrator..
June 25. 1853.
Apprentice Wanted.
A BOY about 17 years of ago, who can come
ik well recommended as to mural character,.&e.,
can eet a situntien as an apprentice to the TIN
NING bnainess by applying immediately to
Towanda, April /5,1853. MALI. 4 111.1.5E1.L.
SEVERAL new pieces at Carpeting nibletl to the
mock, making the astortinent good. fur cafe on .
the reasonable terms.
April, 360 8.53.
I I Fir ICED Ig3o MD. ..i e
CORNER of the Public Square and Main Street,
Towanda,- Pa.; respectfully give notice that
they are now opening and receiving direct from the
City of New York, their NEW STOCK of spraNG
and SUMNIER GOODS, which, with their former
stock on liatid,crimprises one of the largest and best
selected assortments to be found west of New Yon/.
Having been purchased at
They are enabled' to eller them cheaper than ever.—
They in Yite particular attention to their ag'sortinent
of Ladies' Dress Goads
Consisting oflaconet and 'Swiss Mullins, 'Printed
Lawnv,Gingbarns, Bar'd Mitsrids, Merrimac,
Coeheco, Fall River and other styles of
American Prints, in endless variety, a
fame assortment- and for sale
cheat. They hare also a
large variety of YAINTIME NO.
TL, MS, embracing almost every thing
from a Crochet Needle to a Lady's Sarch.
el.. They invite particular attenuon to their
assortment of Carpeting of all prices and. btyles.
Also, Sprits. , and Summer Hats, Hoots anti
shoes, Shoe Findings and' Leather, aro.
' - terms, Crockery, Stitt( Hardware 4-c.
Their Stock - has beds' selected with, care, oriel trill
be sold cheap. Farther Comment fit unnecessary
ire us - it
,01i11; arid Isre - edoits
add prices, and convirse you that the above is no
ileAlans'S !EM' i motto is, - !.‘ Small PrAirs' quitk
ReturPef _3 1 41(N2TAN'YES ar . 004-
,Totvaisda.ltlardh 16;
ha ° v tl itir ieek
ii, ^ranted;
A./ to the 'subscriber upon the'estate A ., . G. Pi
dedeased; late of Penton tothishiii, all peisoUs
having ilematids adainst'seid estate, are hereby no s
tifleif to iliendlo' the ieittement Of thn same, et or
late residence of the,deceased. in Canton, on 314M
day;inly 2 4 3 1 1854; at:which' time all pisisons',hai•
Mir:demands against the'eetate. will present theM
properlY authenticated for seulement,. -
Canton, iime 9,_16:.#,._
VariOta, Eff.alting44o'... •
NTIRAIN Tenetian rrie,* - Tloor
and - 011:t1Ottii;jtist received by, .
July 7, 1853. "11. S. IERCUH.
'4 4. 4lollCrt i_ ll
• I 1,0 ••••M TE ,
1.ONMPBEI:1; agaiwelkil:tip 4iiff - a first
• flare 'tiftick.'fit•COYolls the itiamip,
which, he can Jat tIO9W :its any Jir ;fig' tftaiffet•
H ,
titadi)t;elare4,aa.well iti...-afiy. home
work,ltnd'tb:irrautcd gootsatistitelitili.
350 Copts of a tt'~i2~s and price.
'2OOl pair of Pant,: fin 4 shillings'. to
Ur2oo Vesis - ot all dr criptifins.
Linnen Conii;, 6 ".hillinecs
White attil HMI Vesta tor Balls pod et:niers. :-;
Stiaw aid Chip tint
Stittiniet;' Cravats— first rate . areittiftrnt.
11:tis,er, fitOVe4. &c.,
.IZernembei, the saitio uhr.p . fai ;•.: Nit.. 1 Brtek
11:attlf PIIVI.L.
Atty 16. 14 5 1 1 - • - •• • -
OfSir JrAta . Frankha:i..4lirmbl ern , 4r rrri "greafre
thAls the NE If' ST(')('KEI)'
'C'I,O'I 7, IIING"
. or
OPP'CISITEI 'VW viras t x• notrzn.
DUNTLNU respectfully informs his
13 the public getter:l4, in town and the surround
ing country, together with all the rest of Man-,
kind," that he has just received frtnn New York.
one of the most complete assortments of Minns.. and
lloys Beady Made, Clothing. ever before offered in
Towanda, together irrth Cloths.'eassitileres, Vest ,
logs, and Trim logs which he will make up in the
most approved style, and at the lowest price. •
He has also on hand onoul the most fashionable
stock of Furnishing Goods, patch Woolen Um
dershirte, Ovcrshirts, Overalls, lb,terr4. and every
article in his line permioin,g to Gentlemens' War-
drobe, which will be sold cheaper than any other
Clothing-Store in Bradford County,
He is confident that fro.a Ilia long expenence that
he can give general satisfaction. fie employs none
but the must expert worktnen, and feels assured that
his work gill not sutler by comparison with the be s t
city shops either inelegance of worictnanship or el.
egance of style; and hopes by strict attention to
busineaa, to merit a continuance of that itherst pat
runage which has been extended to him heretofore.
Returning sincere thanks for pat. ravers he asks
the public to give him a call and see fir themselves.
cO'CUTTINU ditne,;as usual and warranted to
fit if properly male op.
cCr Don't mistake the place. on the earner of
Main at... and the public, square, opposite the Ward
'Tls•even'ito, this wothl is '• atts stage'"
And, gents mutt Aresk in this progiessive age,
Each have their taste of style, of cut and dress
The question asked where can we gentle best I
Where can the largest stock of 206.1 s he found
Say where the cheapest and best abound
Where can we attfic. shortest notice get
A coat, a vest anti fithialootra ft 4i
To answer these,' fetutP.Y so to, all.
The client - ittaie fr i Uanting'S
Towanda, Dec. 29,.11 1 53
TN the Brick Block, nest door to Mete nts store Lave
just ailded Cu their Mack; a large! •and faslinoni
ble assortment of . ^ •
lieaily mnde Clothing,
of every variety. boilidiptyle and price, to which
they ask the attention Or the public. Tti, is now
the largest stock 4
Ever °fere i.tnanif
TO II; i l !!
and will be sold at prir t es consideratdo lower 111:m
mier before knowji in this piney. Our are
selected with a regard both to style 4hti p, ,"• and
offi.riudnaementa,not to be up'f with at any other
ers in want, of Crain'EM-Vr *ill find
LARGEst. Asr_tbirr SA ENT
at our esta bit:4lll7mm, in this serifoe ,011i.0 Gt eln •
and made in such style end materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We:shall endeavor le:
LOW PRIV= et. 04,01 D craorzrxrirrc-,
to secure prtfoilitge. cottr,tlci4 Mal ,•si ii
c. ice will g VP satisfaction to the pn rchaFcr.
The assortment comio.n.:es every article required
for a gentleman's outfit— TEUM:s--C,AsH.
Overcoats. Coats Pats, Utrcransr aVC
Lorvrioncs.—Next door south of Mercnr's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st.
Eltnita; and under the Troy Exchange. Troy, Pa.
Vj'A 11 kinds of Country' rroduee. LA
en in exchange for Goods. Towaadr, 111.1 y In,
.I.3rt I, OIVII
NEW• Go‘.o 1)S
zuLtLE7 & 10trir48,
HACE just completed a large anti' finely finished
Store on the site of the Iwo they had burnei,
and filled it with the largest' am? motif comprehens
ive stock .of..
Groceries, Provisions, li"ankder Wotions;
rruit; Confectiotinry, &..e, etc.
ever exhibited this side l ofthe city. " •
We hive heuiehr for eaSh, firf,ele's of the best
quality ; ennsegperufy are prepared' to sea at as
low prices as the same quality ranhe be, at
any other place. Anil we lia , ter nur , elve ,
fortune has been ailainst us, (fire haiiiug enn4ume
ed two stores and one stuck of gooils)our old cus
tomer,: will not follow the call
and see our stock and hear the exec( dingly
prices. dV111(nlg the many airticles kre have arc
Teal sugar, entree, chocolate, cocoa, moiasses,
Stereart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, tint
rnec., cinamon, saleralu•, soda. cream tartar,
I.rmant3 mustard, pepper sauce. caistip, ean
dies, tisr soap, 'vinegar, starch' &c., &c.
Mess pork and beef; bai t ts and slioulders,
wheat flour, buckwheat flower, corn meal,
soda and butter crackers. macterell, codfish,
shad, nerring,, potatoes, beans onions, &c., &c
2" t X 5. 1 A, 44 7) INT Id S
Preserver, prunes. enrolls, Engln•llcaurants, raisins.
green and dried apples. Almonds. filheils, gcnohle:
and maderia walnuts, brazil nuts , peanuts , chest
nuts, hickory oafs, &r.
.10r/L. E '
lvoty, trlStu arl' wend poeict
dneeOriihs, Wait, cloth; tialf, inTarifs", and lidaekirig'
brushes, wallets, Nr(ti'thirtfricsq, and
,pair-es of tinny
stSlent, ket ink stanchil pocket and V,innll fancy
mertnrs, leihacbri, Doted, sofa bqesil - and'alltpost
everyi , nifiClEl'n Mitt •Ftre.F Wor' tinzet4.loilet edies;
decretariciS. Plain and embroidered, wank baskets of
tnaitp styles.
dertnan,trencla.und American TOI - 9• pf every de 7
!ocriptinn ntni pi•iie. A few lardhen antl pewter tea
roc little . ems , ant a ter boys' sleighs. ; . ,
8150% 1 1115. ‘y ABO 'P 4 ) A hDs; SITOAII..DOXM;
WILLOit 1)::3P LIN ir r r e , uff.ers..
A shkon-tl.aiTY,*,al rn nu ; Sat keel t,both
ceaft.e-nnti hge, Aso, alquantity of Pi bite kltune
' , •.:i
c,415,1ir wholesale or retail, of all , 2kinds.einil
;innumerable other articles, for sale at.shernetl i stqr.e
optinsite the Ce!artlibtisti. - • ' vic," , "
Toyan4, so 'DAtz;ttcntevus, k:-
. 101:4A4r,p..-;-,_A - nets riiielt and grivr
Mai/ e. 1853; • . . fq .
. „
J. & S. ATAZS.IIII3)VS., a 01
,1 U4ri`rlt'Y err ftel.D PEW, air tederirici
at mac s; MERCUR'S.
V l'uifanda /4crcur i i
RiAgubery, and
uo,thu"N.A. every, liottriar,
ss and Pftio.vr at 8 o'r.itait A. 1114
.at the depot ta, tinli-,to :Otte 7 ,4treTereidol t , tniirk of tali
either ea.; or m s . e. i.
pins TutzsispAi„ Alf ,fjivoisiai,
after ilk; 4/ . . riv411.0f the.Eastera tiaiu,Thd, The' the from „Jed.i.rsou, Jltniia, dec., and or;
rive at Tou-atida sally; day. .
F :— Tuwaptla !,o Merciteolniffs ; • 37i
to at tngton, 5O
i 4
,to ,•itltaithhelit -
ft. ftittgehery,, ;• „ FAO
14 ' IVe 1 14 1 01; k r t. . J. 25
Ezfresvitaekimes ttr, from, Jthe gait Road care
fully Jet ver.ed wuderate charges.
ATHEMCS daffaCtrraTtradiy
'f' s*
tut . ery'aratent Changeable Uorso7toia
ers, Threshers, Separators : rdkc.
WIN 0 to the great advance in ;hi price of lion,
k../ the mAnnfacitlrers have found'ii neGissary to
to advance the prices. so as to enable them to' triad-
afacture powPrs equally gootL with other seasons,
rather than use a cheaper material is their constru-
These machines are invariably procoanceri by
competent judos, to be the best treadmill Horse=
Power that .ere known.
Prites fat .. the Season, 1853.
Emery's Patent Changeable Horse Power.
Thresher, Separator, Banda, eec., for two
Horses slbo od
Emery's Patent Changeable llorao rower,
Threz.hi.r, Sepaiator, Band, far Une
l'otery's Patent Changeable Two horse Pow.
er,.nith Thresher and Cleaner comb/11E3.235 00
Emery ' a
Puletat Two•hore Power - alone, 116 00
a One-horse " 83 00
Threshing Machine. with Separator and fixtures,
'26 inch cylinder, 37 00
21 inch cylinder. • • 35 00'
Sett of Bands fur Machine with extras, &o. 5 00'
Wheeler's Patent 2 hOrse T hreshing machine :50 00
h eeie r's " 1, 123 00'
7141.r.2 horse Machtne tr self:
Clover Hollers for I or 2 horse print.„.
Ernes' 'e Patent Reaping and Mowing Ma
chine eninbine ,4 , 120 00'
Mondric , .. Moe}t ine atone, 110 oif
In aithition to the above'prices. hut two-thirds of
the actual Ireight from Albany (which, on my Dia '
chines, is very low, and arranged by special erm
ine° will ;by whieh arrangement. piu,'
chasers dischineS of use, will save from four to'
six ar on each machine. Machines trill be de:
sered at any place on canal or raibroad.
TE•tlS—l',l4h or approved notes with interest..
payable in 4 and 6 months. All machines star
rantr4, and in case of failtre,- may be returned
within .?matt the and fray refunded. 'Chose araniini
snaeltiries s hould apply early in the season.
For further particulars apply to the subscriber.'
Athens, Pa., June 22, ISM.
LIBEL xiq =vortex:.
Jahn 31 Leans ry.J,nie Evans, in Pradfiwit Condi
ram 34, Fcb j . . Tcrft . 1853
TA NO V,CrAIiS, defendant in the abufie cause::
..1P Yon are hereby notified that John M. Evani;
yonr hutiban.l, has filed his petition for A alv,orce.
frofn bonds of 11 , 13irinnny. And an alias min:
won Eras been returned', and proof made that yi;
or not to he fund in said county : Yon are, there..
fore. hereby required to appeai at the Court Lipase;
in the liorti ; of Towanda, on Monday the sth day of.
September ne xt being the Ist day of September
terra of said court of common picas, to answer the
said complaint, tri show cause, ! t . any yoet fiavci
why the said John shall not be t!ii.a . reed froth k yo.L6.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff,
Sheriff's (Vice. Towatida June 30. 1853. ~
ritnAsot nosur.
OS3T, het we en Towanda and Monroeton.on
day, 13th June lat•t, a Green changeabhyPara,
sol, with red satin flowers. The finder is requestga .
In let me know Whcrg it can be found, or leave . Ape
the of fi ce of the Bradford Repotqer, wheie they *ilk
be iritably rewarded fltr their trouh:e. •
VtOX inne 28, 1833. M. C. ALI,F.N..
r HEREBY ftrbid all persons•Tioni tingfiquak
one on my account, without a written' orilerfronti
mm, al I will pay no debts so contracted,
couipelled Ity lutt. HUGH
l'olialtda, dune 30, 1053'
88NG3217C-S. •
Tim only assortment of raper , Ildnaings- Letitia
66 this Vicinity, with a li*esh stock pst stunk* er
at Immorally low prices. - 0. D. DARTLI37I:' •
l'ncran(ra, Aprit 1553
T;4.olitt.—.l quatilay of superfine floor, lust„., so
ceiv . o, and for sale by B. KINGSUURY.,
r,eb. Lt, 1853,
p 11 . 44, TT; LVS AND 11.91•8,Li-A near ouppllpt
painteidtubs w rails, also Miao matt,' jtb.N,
received at tcavt.ts MEIMUIt itt
enbsciibers would inform their mends and
1- customers 11131 they have increased their (heti'.
ittet. fur tnancracitrine:
V4, ll 4o r 2 l arakai
amlinteod keeping t!tc largest stock and assort
ment or
VERg, rulext
That enn be found in the 'States. Terms and pri• -
ces•sttsfactory. • ftANPORD Sr BROTHER.
19 Part; -Row. opposite th'e Astor Hoare.
New York, Ziolari.h U, 18459,
((tares: Hotel,
• •
bost . fuoir,vrY , ..oPitiztizost:!:
LI Alt day 411t1 fer.nle b 4 ,, . •
Sun . '. 15, 18:33. • BAILEY & gillNS.....mne
A•:IcS!It(SE:SALII:4-5 6:ri'll;bflsr4l
terms by jutiera %IPAII,EY ` L ".'
T . OOKL&G -GIASS' PLATES ebt .and.fitted bit?!
I-4 Gay size. to be. bad at arc leßeley stone
.1d A 2 1%44862. .
• •' • • •' ' sus
A cvlltf,tittf4„r clover.
4- 1 4, f0r sale by' th ' i sftbM i i 114 d at`the towebl tatt.
price, or exch ova fac . p ro it uee ..,
'Towanda, ecb, §; 1.85,1." ' YINS.
• _••
-- •
A(i Turret's of BATTI f
i e7
kl. siatii:raf • • •'' K INGBI3IYRY I IO
• 'Powak•kchi'llarcli, P-'•‘' :Am
EIAV RAI: ES.-30 clorZra rankets witlkrairiii
or retail at pule 1 5 MERCUTM
125 00
235 Op,
39 00