Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 02, 1853, Image 4

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-cs 141,'T A'N ER. 1
a bori . e 1.,112y :kingdom: , ftit_
euqiNtoers. t**7 . l . oke
lt,p, la rt;
. ••
1,,r1,4Nt.1ft - I ,
• "
vvii11.6441 • *
d itt.:ll4.!.ort .
„ r l•koin a.coiralrierteed;e he
ro a 1 u eig.WPI;II,k 3 IT 6I .
v t;1; which Lecp,pLue:eccatittte, a4 l rv.e.i
P.reast-piad * of.c.vcrylFay,le.aha hue.
add, ti %Tr. steel and plated eltai“s,
I.‘ 14 . 4 greatist 4 paind.
'"FOrt-v aad ergo , style, -
• a suit ifl*e - ura the
.yaung., the grille• the gay;
sqile there by 't in tlegata a rrny.
Ana via(' in hitnself a host::
Is * itwars a,,,1 at his *
f "'lS"tr : a f tfrritfirt his etiftees i lft 4 att
chance'ui an'im to give.a c 11. ,
tSu Ailh onApilvice matie up your tsiind
P , tiett aio4ts,n eyee,U ! what a view
weirjrof e'rery - style_ord line. •
4r,3ptAt frlim4to!..-the, Oared
. pio. I. .I!ricls, row
hernle. jkViititti T t - 0.(1 to :111 - kind's of
is , P 8 7'8 4 P K
bib tine of htylite,at the cheapest rates that ran
ra.sibly .110 will also to I his p weiry
at Z 1) per,*l;itiolki. than-Neat ever befdre offered in
this martii:: taCall.antt gre,-t_t ;loft, Noe: 12,A g 52. A. Nt:'W ARV; R.
Rvmoved to BWi 2 .-Kinsbery's Mock !
• fi* .1.714,1z2,7)zr1ig.
•X.S. just returned froir.ihe cl!y
of Nsw York n,itl, a !ar.,:,
If * R -- -,- - -- -- ,; N ilt.„ o ")e . iplily of Watches; Jr wc!ry an.!
,rv• •-• Ai„, , ... 1r ~,
k .::.. -, • - ~,,, .:-.. , vcr ware, compri,ing in r art
(I ~ - 4 .:I::::"".„ the ofollo%..trig • articles .—1, , ,, , r.
. te r \0 ' '` o 's - '...'' L'F.pineentl.Plain Watches, n...i:li
0 - 0, 1- • ~ t",t,,- , 1 ,
1 .6..V 4 ....,;.,-,, ..4;ti,.,.... a complete assortment of Gold
* 7 - -,-.-: , ,i.. -. ‘ : Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Ri a ishl3o44Pins, i 3 racclets;Lockets, Gold chains,
c; •I! Petis;:itilis,' - etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
rn , 3 any iittilitity'nfilteel Beal--all of w hi c h h e o a r .
I :r • .1e 4*r:0°41371v cheap for CASH.
Watches rep:tin:4 l a. n shrift notie.a, and rearrunted
- 1, 7'a:ll'3 - 010y the tnAsy will lie refincled, and a wri'
ten ne,reemznt rf:Vrn to that elTort if r.4uircd.
11.4.-Ii,APLE S,L v tIAR, and Gauntry Pro,..uf
t :',,-n•itri payment (re:mit; and als). /eft•-ri and., on
, - • --r,flimi , the l'rodace mss( t pahl le hc:t t!.s: u:,,,-
:....', - wai against - credit in 31i its nifty's.
• •-••• ." ' NV. A. CHANIBERLIN, Agent.
Toniiml-i - . l koril '28,• 1.55,2.
17.01;t1tiVEJELS' 121%0 1 t21071801V:
- -
bola Fire Insarilnee Cow .
4tbens, Brafiforti County. ra.
only real Farm Co . beiiie such by the Act of la.
with cr !:74e and Increasing Crvital.
wr FIE operations of thin CoMpany, by itA Charter,
.arenconfined to the insurance of Dwrllloga aid
tho ont-Loihhogs, snrrtl raoperty there
wholS, reievea it from the dangers and eicibei•
Ludes incident to Commercial and mi.nellaneous Insu-
Whejargc and destructive tires which cootinual!y
occur in Lairs and and the groat numl,cr
pelting to public piepett:, kinds, have convinced
ua.t the Insurance our •• 110 M nut be
3nopz.rtlivlJ in the leasl,i v any Cf.'llilf Iloti whaterer
wah the mare hacArdou4 kind of pr yvt ly.
rjr perEog,ieter ,, tn , l, m. -t of c , re tea the r:reat
is thus ctr r d to Fnrrdwrs and t!.,, of
44tfr fig c.onincil to
vi:e feel via otaiaust confidence H
ct lb° U.1 . 10,\" wanda on a , firmer basis
n nny (,her .ny, fur no of I r, se
fh.; eouNr'4
••••"f.., i•-• 1 in Cr ems.lres 1. 1 . P
sy, " Co-alpaniee
ep ~:as-te, if et itß!y,iu : then
' T.lss.rtv. Wc:dishot•F,
of Pr.:pet ty. more
tarnittf ail .11 iO OR' wivate Cr, they have
uritt• rr C. , rnpany, the Farm department with a
r. rl. :•.-rttevslt. In of ch cage, there must cf ncces.
• r' •••treer.4l and character, and
t•,•. ^ tie two. The surcees r; r failure of
t•at the destiny of the other
~ yr, L.r judcment ir lellow-citi.
ing 1.10ii"of, riz
- 11) tielt.i can he t.tkeri only on
'Otte!, ny, privity Barns, Carriage and Farm
i:uti'ings,a/id the Personal Property there4l,
more tfipiriwo-thirds the vable of r.ny building to he
instkrpj ;, pers-.!nll rty Cierc:a to ty be Insured at
• s rash iat.uc. •
, Yl.,Aor upplicant mar, at Lila option, Iny a del.nite
ai~nfuilCa:hiy I:cu i ;itinz pre
th not e.
3J. Not !note than $2,e00 will "..e taken in one
4th.- Any policy holder may at pleasure withdraw
froze the Company, by paying his share of the losses
1,1) to the time of such withdrawal.
-- fltr; - The Charter provides, -)and the Company will
hoblitself responsible, fur flee .correctness of surveys
andataaiadlicial acts of its authorized Agents, done
in iiccordance with its charter and published rules—
thus ending all .cavil as lerthe 'technical correctness of
atio . V.r , and the consequeut liability of the Company.
- hi,Thiittampsny will pay losses canard by light.
ning,'whether the buildings are Lurned or otherwise
2th. Additional stoves may be set up, or moved from
one Noma° another, withbut giving notice to the Corm
Paula also,-such repairs as do not increase the hazard
of dusproperty, shall not affect the insurance.
s • Losses will be settled with promptness and
liberality. If the Company, or some person acting for
',them, and the insured cannot agree in the adjustment,
4he clatter may be submitted to three) judicious disin
' tit rested persons residing in the vicinity of theta....
• • .9th. Should any more money lie collected than suf
ficient: to keep the qompiny in a sound and solvent
candition.lit will ho returned to the - Policy holders in
„proportion as each shall have paid in.
10th. -By rejecting wholly every cla , is and kind of
.hazardous risks, this Company will not he subjected lu
the great disasters and losses that sii frequently pro i
duce excessive iasztion and b.talzruptcy among Insa
renct Companies.
The directors, in soliciting patronege, do so in the
flrm conviction that the plan adopted by them will ren
dczahe K.ArtmzEs• u.x to's COMP AN Y pennon,
ent'aietrafe to its Policy holders, and as cheap as the
praniptpaymentwill permit.
Itt'arranging their ILLes, Lherhave sout ; ht to secure
sufficient Cash Premiums to meet all losses—laying by
the stall mites taken, as a Reserve Fund—which shall
iendet the Company safe againat ell contingencies. For
ttinre definite and full view of their plan of operations,
they respectfully invite an examination of their Rates,
Charter and By-Laws.
Diaccrorm—C. jr., C. N. Shipman,
Winn-I:Overton, .1. R. Canfield, Wm. B. Darling
ton. Francis Tyier, Wm. Scott, James 11. Welles,
Athetis ; Geo. Sanderson, Towanda; Addison McKean
Burlington ; Wm E. Barton, Smithfield.
__Orrtv_Etts.,-Praucis Tyler. President : J. E. Can
field, Secretary .;,C, P. Welles, Jr., Vice President
l AA crimunications, for the Company. should be ad
reisq,tp`,The Secretary at Athens; Bradford Co. Pa.
. 3 ,,,7lo. ‘ C;;lnpany have -leave to refer to the following
EdWard Ilona Hanceon. Winston. Ath•
,441Vti.ji Nan. David Wilmot, Pres. Judge of 13th
Iti4lit,:j lio n. John Laporte; late Sur. Gen., of
the:Vlfro wealth, Wm. Elwell, Esq., Towanda, Pa.:
' Laporte, -Sullivan -Co. Pa.,.
E. S. GoodriebcZfq.,Dep!VlSee:y. of the Com'wealth,
Davistigg,P-s.: Dr. ,Wma Darlington, Pres't of Bank'
of thestreCo ' ll3ir IL Sr, Evans,•Wesichester, Pe., :
Darlinglon, Lancaster, Pa. june7
5 4, u ,„ l 'ahoe Zidditect to-17s - - •
c ,
.0:c °Si! - -' 4 4 ). 'P gAr-euP9, 13 .0/ I .plcw,ijklp NbtICE
. z ha t i,Ay e l Arvin want or,,msroly, :ap4 rnyo'sgre il.
' 1 1 V4, , N1V.-144ro c. rtitsfitl -ha Atm. : timely . waraingi
mlsrmtivr iis visit frqut 4.;: iitfle Comtabk. ..,Nojo•
1 ()wands, March .111, 1853. _
1)-1174-71.1- Fr, v r :
; -
o s'op - th end Hotiie,'jtr, ell'
6n.rrou ifs' the' 4 ;T5"i,....."1 : , • ViseaWeri and moot ejtenafke
assortment met of thu etty 4
givrn to ihy or tit tyfin' 'miy st.lbti to call, eitheitp
examine or ,pu re live; . and any . irtedieed ' irifOrinatien
will be che truly Bi 4 grequi,foiig:ygifeti,lo th6se Who
e.ho wish to cominfticoneernfna thelliselvos or friends.
Continulif .upplirry.l froth and recently prervired er
iicles aid 'v;erkly eirivine, having kern eatertilfy re
!feted with a slew to .the i r
ustitthieBl, edd.aay erlide
wanted not usually kept, either will ha found here, Or
pro: need it the shortest •notice by Express, for those
10,,j0 a their order. Accommodating clerks alwayin
.• tar pstly to arjek9 eorripound,any iroscriptipn and
e,olo..wer lo zo it.: it (wlmeeer the pn , citace) mOrusily
agreeable. All goods shall be considered tvarranted
as l epresenred, and•being agent for, the best aid pop
filar Patent ittedielnes. all !twee found in •-thti, gore
can be relied upon in all eases as gentiiite. Thi
stork now comprises every article in the ttade, anion,
which may be found the following :
'Drury and Medidner.
101116. 'aloes iprrill
.Irelic 1 Inlsnfortila isqUill
Citzic lambic calrean
Nitric Vatapho 5 g o I
114uriatic lcupal r arsap3ril
Aqiinfortis lgamboge lginger etc
Sulphuric (myrrh ... --
Tartaric etc myrrh
na IA A.1:8. ..11 ,4 15C
It rJgacantb etc.
'scats fuot
s ,riganum
lir radii
i hrn,l.)ck
LII4 , ir
Li!e de
3a; berry
Peruridts (10s . te
E!m etc
Wintergreen etc
13ne, , et
res , rnftry
\fr. h
cad liror etc
M 3112
.I%a ur.i rlc
I? I,lc
G ul,n
Mustard l i ge:lllmi
Cardamom •alap
C,A,hicurn etc ,I.urnoria
.pijelia (pink)
Cll :nomi:a
.Irica opirac
Lavender elc {liquorice
Gums.mar , hee
I theut'arb
Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice
pepper. duxes, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, mains,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackere. rice. starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and liar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles.
pipes, pepper sauce drc.
Ccgriac. Otani and American Brandy, St. Cross.
.t t::1"3 w flugiand Rum, pure Milhaud
artil Am. Gin. Irish and 'dnian,gahela Whiskey, Ma•
dri.a Lisbon. Sherry, - .Teneritie Port, Muscat, Clan t
and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rase, Amour Mu
free, &c cheaper than ever offered.
Sups, Pulumery anti fancy Gocds.
ci earn, military, winilsor. medicated, sand,
murk, alino:id, patoi, ch, rOSC`, and trausna
relit soaps, hiatiins, Fr^noh, and etracts '
cckey patchoull-7. bog, decal-otitis, musk, mill. ,
flrurs. verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium
spring flowers, west mitt and new mown hay &c.--
Cashous, cologne, bay aid rose Balers. Lilly white'
spaaish {Liar' powbar, hair dyes, hair invigors
tars, hair mai...I.:AA.. hair oil, piimades, c9urt piaster,
perfume sachets, playing cards, pencil points, sled
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, re l
black, and it,delihle it,ks, combs, purses, pocket hooks,
port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an
traNclling companions
B 11 S.HE S ,
Hair. hat, stiive, scrub, show, paint, marking, varnish
sash. ai List c inicl's hair. striping blender's and badger's
couniLr, lesh, tooth , nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse ip.tal blacking brushes.
To! seen an] snuff boxes, nipp!e shells; nursing hot
Oes. I:re.:,t pump., 'ecth rineB toed pan;, sh,,ul
tier braces, tru.:es, quppnrter4, pes, , aries,calheter , ,cup
inz glrisgee, graduate 3, ta:.rtar - 3, spatula, Corer ps Li/wets
thermometers, liqui,l will spread anesive plasters, &c.
Paints and Dye Stuffs.
Nit.. red, cam end log wood, rustic, lac dye, cud Lear
red saunders, madder, alum, ccpperas, blue vitriol, sol.
tin, composition chemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the
acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American Ze
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng•
Itch Venetian verdigris, Paria green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varniob, lampblack, litharge, puny, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, sien
na, gold leaf, bronze, &c.
French Glag3 24-30. 22 30, 20.30, 20.21, 22.2 4,14-
18, 12-20, 1 . 2-18, 12-16, 10-11, 10-12, 8.10, 7-9.
ratent Wiedicines.
SOLE .I.(tENT 1 , 011
Dr. Jaynes' Alterntixe Expectorant, Sanative &c
Fitcha'a expectorant, tonie,liornor corrector, 4.c.
Merchanea Gargling Oil for hor‘si.s, 4.c..
Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. ¢c.
Branes Pulmonary Balsam and Ez tract, etc
O;rick'e Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia
o,,gond's Indian Cholagriaue, for fever and ague.
Scarpa's Acausti oil for Deafness.
s. P. Towirsil d's Sarsaparilla.
Schencles Pubnonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family m dicines.
flu:ching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
lioeLland's German Bitters, for Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence J amaica Ginger.
Duloy's Roland Mica Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines; pla s ter s , etc., A n
drew's and Davis' Pain Killer, Graefenberg inedi
ciics, Pile Electuarles etc., salt .heum, teller, lint
worm, spavin and founder ointments, etc.; toot!
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, erasive soap, bed bog poison. Hobensack's
and Clark's Worm syrup, Christie's Galvanic cura
tives, Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, 'Prank's magnetic,
Sloan's, Dailey's, and McAllister's Ointments, Dil
low's Heave Powder, Condition Powder, Stc. All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Phosgene, superior Ilurn — ing fluid, Campliene,wha,c,
lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns of fluid
amps now bring opened : Camphene, side and hang
lug lamps for ball and store use, girandoles, etc.
Cavendi,k, James. Natural 1,21 f, Turkish vearfalatti
John Anderson's fine cut, 13oeg's Jenny Lind chewing
etc.; choice brands. puro Havana Cigars, etc. etc.
All of which will he sold at unusually low rates.—
Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug and Chemi
cal &ore is in the south end of the Ward House, a few
doors above the post office r
11. C. PORTER, M. D.
- Towanda. June 4, 185/.
500 NEW 40 Clallod Casks, a Grit rate article
• -P rvir.Tnzi ;Loa,
G00D5...,A-goad assortrpept of, alilosc
.I.,=every_ of dress good: worn- by - ladies and
2090 ; lights - path. _sizes, just
00 nred,by -.4I:Kt'SGSEII7IIY.
Ti;tranda, March 23, 18.13.
cream tartar
a utmony
corm sublimate
red precipitate
Ahaters herbs
4,14 leaf
..itilo soap
venire turpentine
mt.a ammonia
nu hobs
I hrittish lustre
~r onza
burr. pitch
'tath brick
and paper
white glue
otter or air/oho
t i f OR : E s, y
• . • ~ . -
=V..% IZZlCallatir, VIM= OUT,
Q EMOTED tothe story recently occupied by S
-Lt. S. Bailey,and Post office 3 door ,
suit C f Montanyes corner. where he has received
a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI
CINES, G lIOCERI ES, &c. v. hick) he will sell cheap.
cr for than ever.
Here you will find an nexed . ,a few leading articles :
Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial
do • India Eliz Opi •
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
Sup ll Soda ' Hair Dye
Manna, Harlem Oil •
Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks:
do Carl), do Dalley's
. do S S do McAllester
do Henry's Shakers Herbs 1
Colo.unth do Extracts
do Apply Tilden's Alcoeulic Eft
Cochineal libel Extract
Trusses Hulls lalap Extract
do Mar•hes, Meakim's Vanilla Eit
ii;,, do Lemon do
Balsam W isters do Mace do
do Cheesmans do Almond do
do Fir t do Cloves
do Copabia do Allspice do
do Tutu I do Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach do
do Puhnoffary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamoa do
Acid Tartaric do Orange do
do Acetic do Tonka 'do
Jo Beuzonic Lubin's Springllower
do Citric do Musk do
du Nitric do Violette do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
du Hydrocyanc do Sweet Bri'r do
do Sulphuric/ do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed do Jocley Cl'b do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor do Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syrings, Pewter as'in'at
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Rect • Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G. E.
do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do Ipecac
do Cubebs do Jalap
do Commit] do Ginger White
do Fennel, - I do Orris
do Lemon Gnm Camphor
do Cassia do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver do Myrrh 'Turk
do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesinin id) Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orange Ci, o•sle !dine
do Rhodium 1 du Soda
do Rose Castor Russ
do Cedrat I lsniglass do
do Copabia ; Evens Lancets
do Ergot . ,Niii a :•ilver, Op't
do Verbena 10x,d Bisnuth
do Violette Blue Pill I incr.
do Mellessc Indide Putass
do Mellefluer Tar: do
do Patchouly Carb do
Brushes, Paint y'.'ulph do
do Varnish Caustic do
do Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Camei lodide do
do Nail 'Paunin
do Tooth ll'roto Ind Mercury
do Shaving IStrychnia
do Flesh , Piperin
.In Cloth Elaterium
do flat lodine
Soap. ICankee. Veratrin
do Crystalline Kreasotel
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete:
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
du Rose I do Act
do Victora Calomel, American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erosive do White
do Castile : 4 ulph Zinei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
do Sarin do Pale Gold
d o Brawn do Dark do
Fricoerous do White
Pain Killer ` ' Gold Leaf, Op't '
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion • .
Oxygenated Bitters America' do -
Stoughton (Inters Prussian Blcie . •
Chloroform Fig do
Iloilman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints,Turpentine, Varni,h, Dye
Woods /lc Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors fur Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
fleeted with the trade.
Having secured the services of Dr. S. lies•rox,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me
dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put
up. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee-
torisl, •schencks Puhnonie Syrup of Yellow Dock
'Root, Orriek-'s, Hobonsacks, rind Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Pater* modicines
now in. use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's :orner. '
Towanda, January 3, '1833.
Ct fi BARRELS ofold Ohio Whiskey just received
WU' and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store.
BczursTLEs cf Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring,
t barrels of Saleratus, warrented in prim^
order, left. rin sale at New York cash prices. at
REED'S Drug Store, Towanda, Jan, 29, 103,
PEOPLE of Wridtord County wishing anything
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, •
Tomb Tables.Centre Tables of Italian and Airier.
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can;
have them on the shortest notice by sending in
their orders, cheaper and better than can be pur
chased elsewhere.
oCllew.t. Wells, Cabinet Maker and unileita l
. er, nearly oppOsite the . Ward Wuie4 Towanda,'
Agent....„ I
a1),4 rece,iye, quantity..., • Tery sopenWre — r
Seed. Farmer!! would 419 vell,toparqbane, lbeir
seed eacly# - • 1 J. ItINIJSRERY:
Towanda, Feb. 5, 1853.
EtOOTSLAID,' ,, ,SH. 44E511
6 AS removeiChij ,f? 11,;-fiiix's store,
sqr,nfF ITO street end,.thp . pohlic agoare,,atpl„
will Contintiti the- Manuficitarti,iif, Boots anil Sho e s, es
heretofore. ~
• lie has justeeCeitielifnitiageWA r cirk a large assort
mentor Women's,GladfitOsandlilisies' Silets;wtticti
ire offered at low prieeif.'t The,attention cf tho Ladies
is particularly directed tojtisi altortment, comprising
_WWI - Jenny. LI fill rdb
ter boots ;. do: ehoesr bliali - la s iting'and sitir gaitera.;
walking shoesi bit skip a, Mitiitee . gaiters' and shoes,
- of eve'r'y defcription... A largo mart - Mont of Children's
fancy goiterii,botits and shoes, of alt kinds..
For thia Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
1 shoes. This' stock has been personally seleeted with
care, and he . believes he can offer superioi articles at
reasonable prices. -
a3t The strictest attention paid to Mamsfaetunng,,
and he hopes by doing work well to merit a cocaina
sacerof the liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
Towanda, May S. 1851. - -
~Ee t,3 e.lmT=Q=BLS'
covsTv sunveynn,
HAVING located in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the offiee of Ulysses Alereor,
Erq., where he will be found, or w.herc a written ap
licatpion may be=l.4f. Now. t, 1950.
HE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on. Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITH ING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skit
ful mdither.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work clone et their shop, will be war ranted to bo
well done, arid manufactured from the best materials.
The public arc requested to give us d trial, and judge
for themselves. ESEN !NE & SEE RISC HII.
Towanda; May 2, 1851.
•Nr,ualwx-Ammmi TtYZ.h.
Important to Housekeepers:
THE cnbscrtber thanklul for the
""1.44'.7.1"t liberal patronage heretofore re•
. •
e rr e I c e n e ds ,
t b i e n ,7 1 Ihrea; n
blic„fen7r. t a
‘ t . F.
litf and those commenettut House
;.keeping in particular that he ha ,
now on hand a lar•ze a,,nrtn:ric
FURNITUHE, which h. will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the heat materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut tir-ss
ing bureaus. marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
(walnut washstands. marble tops, nod plain, •of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas ,Couch
es, whatnots. &e.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all u! which will be sold ou the most
accommodating terms.
:17 - The subscriber is also provided with a plait
and fashionable HEARSE, and will bold himself io
readiness to attend to all orders in ui.dertaking.
He will furnish tee boxes when desired, by die aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a wee',:. COF
N. B.—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best ra2.b.rials and work ni,"l
Towanda, January 17, 1552.
Nr(l..c.C, Genuine 111)106.4 accompantru u ..tar "dm
1 le of the above Engraved Wrapper D. E.
& C o ., alien each boa.
In offering; to the pulilie this ju, , tly celebrated !• - •301,'
likEiON UAL VI OF LIFE, it is siot our wish to
tadke srlatetnenta or eild efist.ritort, , d
superior efileieney in restorin to health the sia
.:iiiTerine, wet! knowintr that their reputation a.. a
STAND Ait it NI 1)IC 1 E t. 01 :Ise' f rek;
(glee fir the afflicted.
M.)1 . ) pr' f. might he giver of their value on paper.
lon we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy
themselveslr enquiring of living witnesses and trying
the Pills. They wit find them perfectly sato and reli
aide in all cases. being purelu regelable, and a medi
eine worthy their hest confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
lieNnlierra, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, IRSI
We the undersigned, citiz.•na of Henrietta, ha%U...1
used pereonally Dr. Souk's Sarf• Balm Pll/8 and
wunrseed the health•rest'rine effects thercol.rimerful:v
recommend there Pille to the afflicted as the hest v. ith
iAhich we are acquainted.
M. R1113k: wns,
11. A. TIDI3I:TTZ.4,
P. S.—You are at liberty to publish this lot the pub
lic good.
BEWARE Ow COUNTERFEITS ! We are not aware thii
any one who is making a spurious article has yet Jar
ed to make nee of our name ; but some of them has
bad the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our
Circdars, Certificates, &c. the publi c are
careful when 'bey purchase, they will be deceived.
Tir The genuine Sorereign Balm can be had
wholesale and retai , of Dr. SOL'LE & Co., Syracuse
( /num! ga Co. N. Y•
Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER, Towanda Pa., and It j
their Agents in every town in the country. 21y
Aufayette Burr Mill Stone
pill; undersigned, formerly foreman I‘.r . many
years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Manu
.240 Washington Si., N. Y., (W. Tyaelt,
agent.) would inform his friends and the public in
era I, that he has established a
In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and
solicits a share of their patronage.
He will have constantly on hand a large so nk
of French Burr Mill Stones. a 4 also .t 'arse supi ly
of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, • Screen
Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting
The undersigned 'assures his friends and the
pifulic, that he will favhfullye`xecute all Orders n.
trusted to his care, not only in quality but to pri•
ces .nr , articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat;
ORDERS 1)7 letter will he executed with as much
care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the
REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, Hon.
John A. Collier. Wm. A. Birdsall. Hon. V. Whit
ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. is, W. S. Weed, & ro.
Binghamton. Di Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jesup.
Salsbury, & Cu., Motilro , .e, Pa. Caleb Carman'.
Friendsville. Thomas Phinney, Dundaff. 0. 0.
& H. Shipman, Waverly:N. Y. * Mama% Pear... n il,
Smithborough, N. Y. MajorD. Mersereau. Union,
N.Y. M. T: Nichols, Orego, N. Y. Royal &.
'Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN.
Binghainion, Nov. S. 1852.r23
T _I N *G-
El& A CAMPBELL, having been purified by
the recent fire, have again fitted up their
in,thesnme place as I?efore and are 'now offering
for sale, a desirable assortment of fall and winter
_____. -0-4)-o-1)- a . - --
- 7hey - lieing desirous of tizikiilg'_up 'their recent lois,
'will Belt, unctAiianyto r w prices.
."Towatda,"_v..B, 18S2: '
P•77 ,s oiktern and Well Pumps I
• Y. a • titlTlST — or 3irk4d,
site,46...cheatiTdr re:UV pay, - RA• sage ty
Jan. 8, 1 - 8.53. A. M. WELLEF.4.
L. - r..A.z...r.nm SIM..
D. G. 0 ns,
diiliScalittlan e •
FoßfrvilioN , l---
Timiossm" - '*.tti)Audialva
: 1 cre , • ' -- '
o, you want , to sell or mortgage inY real estate
HlOB you a bond and Morttage you wish to sell
w you Houses, taverns, or lots, that you wish to
sell or lease
have you e mill, factory, foundry, tannery, or oth •
er manufacturing establishment. that you swish to sell
or tent I . .
Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or
other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on
shires ?
Have you -land that you would tit) to have drairi
ed or cleared by contract or on shares ?
gave you water power that you wish to cell, im
prove, or rent I
Do yea want additional capital, or a partner in
' , Our business I
Vlckyou want to sell your stock of merchandise ?
Do' you want to form a CoMpany to create capital
for any specic. object? '
„Po you wish to exchange your properly for other
property 1
Du you want in your neighborhood mills, found 7
ries, tanneries, or other manufactories
Have you any 'well tested improvementin machine.
ry, or in the arts, which 'you want to sell, or which
ynit want means to manufacture ?
Ifyou have any of the above wants, or others of
similat character, and will inclose to our address,
(post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of'
them ; abd if property, its lorulity, proximity to ca
nal. railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
mills, Mores, &r., the lowest terms on which yeti
will sell, mortgage. lease, exchange: or otherwise dis•
pose of it ; an I if you will also inclose to us a Reg
istration fee of $l, (the receipt of which wilr'be ac
knov.ledeed,), your want shall be recorded in our
Pegister, and your letter placed on the file designated
for your State and County, for the inspection, free of
charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange, or invest.
We make no charge to any for examining our
Register and files. When they make known their
wishes, they Ere referred to your own statement of
your wants : and as we have Maps of the dill", rent
states, and'of such Counties as we have been able
to procure' ani as we employ agents to visit the yes
se's and steamers tilat arrive with Immigrants, (of
whom from 1,000 to 5,0n0 are daily arrivin. ,) and we
also have agents to distrilarte our Circulars among the
strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the
principal papers of the city of New York, and in ?an
i nt. forms througholit a of the et rtes, as well as tile
different counines ot Ettropt, from which immigrants
come. and tvio re wt . . expect one of our Farr) will for
the present reside, and where also we shall agents in
the principal portti of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, Tess, or invest, to visit
our office, tvi thou( charge—
We are confid• tit that we offer a better medium of
malting your warts known to thnve who des re to
know them, and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet practised.
Th e la at ) 1.,L1 to effect a bah'. lease, ex•
change er loan nn ynor property, is is its immediate
vicinity. If you r Inn , )" ,!1 it there, the next be-t place
is in the city of Ne.v York. Or if you want fierni-
Errant• or settlers of any class here is the place to oh,
tuin them
Ile • use he!e , at all times rindcoasons, there arc f:orn
3.,,,600 t o 70,01.0 strangers, many of ithum are ipt.Llng
for in‘estntec,ts or holm's.
Because th re are probably 100,600 who want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surp!us capita! cf the Unioa, seeking Invottuent.
Ilecause here, :.coney is ordinarily worth from 5 to
7 per cent. ler untnutu, on undoubted se c ur ity, v .l.di e
you can aliord to give as inn le sccurily, or other in
ciceen.en t, would produce greater rate of ihte
rest, cith: r annual inautuc or inerea,r , l valu
Becaus.;,•„.ri ex Inlit,Ltivr. our %%ill
WIJ•L` i.r ry i ,
to 1.• ,‘ ti tL , y•,
benr, her is an opportunity t.s
c . our...ry ur city prop,:tty, fu:
.ruse a person, by speniling a few-hours in our
otr.. e. ithout
the Hopi sty in mast.. t throutzhOut the ounntry. cud
t r ",,l.
131 . C.11.15C 1111.111!. i.t•lt - to the couturer.:.ii! metropolis,
where i, and %yaw-4 tif a va-.t
multitude throughout this Mid other countries, by re- ,
cording the opposite, but icurresponding, wants of our
countrymen, both parties, there oho wish to purchase
and those 'who desire to sell, can he mutually bei,eliteil.
In the description of property, be ca eful pot to
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you
do, and we should wend you a purchaser. his compsri•
win of the reality with your statement might defeat
your object. W lien your pr i operty is sold, or other•
wise (filmset! ot, it is required that we shall he imme
diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose
to sell, iidt negotiate, and . f•end purchasers to the own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite; but when
It is desired that we should sell, author itv roust be itireti.
Our commissions on sale-, e , :changes, ez - c , are
per cent. The miring of companies, and other mat•
tees requiting special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement.
fil'Several farms in the same neighborhood often
find a more really sale than a single farm, as Immi
grants desire to remain in companies.
Heal Estate and Property Brokers,
116 Broadway. New York.
Refer to Courtlandt Palmer EN. 177 Broadway, N.
Y.; Hem. Alvin Bronson, Oswego. N.Y.; Gov. Wood.
Ohio ; Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio; lion. R. W.Thonti•son,
la-; lion. D. A. Noble, hitch; Hun. J. It. Williams,
Nfich ; Hun. Roli't Smith, Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Ky ; Hop. A.(.. Dodge, Ewa; lion. J. B. Doty, Wis
i'ir For bitrier in formtrion inquire of H IRV EY
Mu.ll.l'lN. Local Aaertt, (at the Law t)riiod,of \Viii.
Elwell, Esq ) Towandi, Bradford county, Pa. .11y
Tin': subscrther would an-
IL'''"`".- noutiee to the public that he
t a , y i ,: r l d l o e ‘ry
k h i a nd d s , a u n f t I will make
.. e -- - ..i . .,, ;. _,.. / Cabinet rufniture,
‘l. -
..t...t.P such as Sofris.Divars, Lounges
f . r ,'. Center. Center. Card. Dinitur and Break•
i '4 .`
fast Tables. Nlaho2anv.•
_.. a.,.....
I nut, Maple and Cherry. Bureaus.
elo.--- stands of various kinds. Chairs
and 13edsteads ofevere description. which arl.. and
will he ma le of the hest material Anil workittanhke
manner, and N 7111 0 .1 they will sell fir cash cheaper
than can he boumht in any other Ware-room in the
con ntr3 .:
on hand on the ina , t rea.mmble terms. A mmd
IIE NR , Sr. will be furnished on Funeral nce:,,, H o,
Towanda, June 1, 1852.
yr R. 91,MSTED, Pnov F.r(“l or the Athens
iv" 33 ) z Oh an
ge , gives his thanks 'to hisfrtends.
and the teaVeliniz public geneially. for theii liberal
patronage, and solicits the continuance of the same.
will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot
to meet, the
Trains for.the accommodation of
strangers and traveters, who wish to vtsit o pleas.
ant village on business'or otherwise. A daily line
of first rate
Four Horse Coaches,
nrP running through to Towanda. 'those wishing
h 1.1 be insured - a seat in the coach from this 4 place
thdse piing to the
R'A L-11 0 D
can stop at artheitti, -- in,d speno an.hOur or tp
aud'Pe insured a conveyance in time, to meet the
regular trains cars going east or West.
—A1.04-thove-who wish to leave their teams-here
cz.n r.eConveyed to and from the cars freed charge
Mhenv, Sept., .1, 1852
/Aced al
13 rVYA N'S
I: . rimonite
/VMS extraordinary preparation has b eep for_ 'fit .
riy years the most c, Rain and spe e d y recied,
thoie suffer] ng from obsti nate and confirpiett Can
they give the most Immediate and perfectrelirtmd
when great habtrity to take cold exists, and atrouti.
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest expesure,tit"e
WAFERS produce the most marked results,
at once relieve the Cough and other Pyttip tomt. ''`l ata
entirely remove that morbid irritability ru k i „ at
(less o f t h e Lun t l.s which give rise to the eompl att ,
The medical properties are combined Matt agre e ,.
We form and pleasant to the taste, so that ar tido ,
will readily take them : and they are warr alted ;
give rthef in ten minutes after use in all care t
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. 8 . c
PORTER, Towanda. Pa.
Towanda. Feb. 9,11453.
And l'acentcd Apr 2 1-50.
►pr.) this en URN seas tiwarde' the Preenlnn at
1 the late Fair of all Nate... held in London._
It „h a , t o ok the Premium at he C.thadion Provincial
Fair, held in Toronto, U. C.. in 14' t It also men.
ed a silver Medal and Di pl,ma at the Fair "of the
New Et,vlaud Met hanic'o Chn,itabie Asonelattou,
held in kt • ton, October, 1850. In short it has tali.
en the first Preni:om at all state and County Fairs
wherever ii ha: been exhi h:ied . and is umemally
approved 1,./ as D':try Mtn and Dairy. Won i a ti,
where they have aegown!ed ly , th us merits.
T h is cif I'EN i, c-n , rticted I a trItIASIMI,Q4II.•
Ent Sr,, Wi.n F l 50 AND SALTING Tile Iit:TTER!
(17The-e CET. n 471.11 CHURN , . ale MIZIIIatION
ed arid d I , V W E tiz CU. , Tuwanda,Penzi/
Leady "pp--' , Ibe NVard 1-I"u:se.
T,,tv A 21.
Attention Regiment !
would Any to hi. did (nen& esd
the at !..kr4e, c , g,gantly ap hidd
and nt Guns do.,
A M.l2g ho aco,rtilient G,. ii noy he found Dduhli
:I.! itkl.arrvi!ed ; It all kinds manual
•• - •
d er Game 8310, Cir.
Pritnet;. Attie). P.,,,1.r. the k tibia
tv. Atlettr.' sip t‘:rn. le ;1: s 11,e Po.toit, do aegis
th• Piatola tlattbk bbl
P.rt t- , met hr 3;, Pistols.
1' Ct.. F. F. G., P. F. . Po.vtier in Coo ma.
,t-tt.ttv n hart•!.
Any ot the rt‘.,o% - e w.ii sold awful cheap
for the • lit
Kris eriv tit , t,l to puma. Trunks or eny
ot h„ r „ri 1.0 . 1:e a - td rea-onsble term
, ;,.:1;;,g done. sx : tines ,legputch. shq e
few el: the I; t
irv , .ze:.:•ra: I.•q
tl ,t•-• her p•.; ; - .21 any.
n I , • e,r 1;n , • Tr, giv tl,•.•:n a NIP.. We tnieni
0:1 UP. a •.:,••-neral a , - ca.cri, 4.1 Fr•re g,n
t• ••,t .r H , • an , r ibn am
112: a r !'ll' d
Caar;!;!,-1 1 , •; S?ll IJ, -
pule ;111,1 ir,•111
ly u:, ha!
ltM •h cur
1: :1 :rl,y ,1 11,r:hall:gun BEER
11:e nr , wcry. ..ree rzive oi a cal.—
! “C:,11, O T ri firm of 8. Fel..
Lon Fti Co.. are rir ~ r r• ; -^.!emen.
F. T. FOX.
row in.h.
- 1 - 7 - '" if. D ‘It:1).!" :t- . C. , . Pa.
• t• ..•. .. tn V a nDosen,
and st t.,t, • 'a. real re! In their
new and •pactous .tort , 1 esey street. eue•
of Church. (in the rear of the .10er Houle) where
they are prepare.( 1.. exhl!,:t a very are and
getter..! a•ss.rtnient 01 and Domestic
GOODttFi. ad:we!. Ith un , rr trade t They
willieep a latote : r-tc. Co -hen. and oth.
er s:rabte tts : I..l'a•ft a; we; at
firs ela-s,cresitt chst• .ttot • v.. ht.,: :t to their tr
kites( t.. call.
Thev have a 1.,. a I. t s- r t,tet.t. devoted to 'tll.
BOOT and zHrE 1tt.••tte . ..... and feel confident tbe:
can °tier better nartaa.n.. In that hne than anyercta
sire 11..0 and t•itt..e I ~(1-e New York. from the
fact that ;he .n praenenes 10
the ant...tat ot -.C. , . r Ita rd flatters hose
that ha%trt.z the I.eneo , eat...Menet In
Mere 11/.i‘t• :
of the i.ts ..le. , he Narthern Pent,-
Ade. I 11111. r• h;ect for mereh.
d bu-Inc. , t:::er., to pvl , hlm I
A n I pr er. r
1) . :v .wer, I J to, an I , tl:e articles warrantr2:3
c .ci •,.
Nrw \Larch. I. 1.453
II Ir. RI NIS 131. la" . Mk_ ILA ,
L. ad ti e. Rimless Trunk talinfactorl.
T ERE &t 0., respectfully 'dorm elf pubt
that they have rein, , Yed to the ;hop on tarn
recently oceupted by Smith & Son, nearly opfol
the \V aid, where they wlll keep on had
larao dock )1
3.1`JD3:d30 - 321:4 1A
TRUNKS, VA 1.1.% 66, WII I PA, ETC•
An articles; in their line inanufactureil to order• goa
made of the he-t inAterial,and for t sttrhtnaniltq a°66l ..
be 4titill9:+ed in Noritiern P-tin.%trania. Tbo!lobc/1
71 fr..un purcho4e, coniidea
OW viee -ati4.,ett. , ll loth a, to twain! atr e6
. L3-11,tit'. and Sheep Petts received for wort adk
account. at the lowest rate.;.
r al
Lrather, Upper Lrathrr, Harness Leath 4l
Cuff skin+, for sale in any quantity.
UN account of losses sustained at the late fire. el
ore obliged to call on thou inkebted to tofu ,
prompt settlement, as we are under the neeesl4ll,
having what is owing to us, we Ulna this notice..
he suttirienrt. ithout resorting to other mi ca°.
Towanda. Dee. 2, 19!)2. _ -
Ali- GC' Itit..llCP•
WH. WILSON, formerly of Uratiford C 0024.
- Pa., returns' hist thanks to his friends for pO ,
fayors, and solicits the continuation of t
age. Having made arrangements to conuaoe
the firm of Fuller 4- Daylon No 143 West stteek.t
twien Barclay and Ve-ey streets, where be r3st.
fotind always ready to supply his customers td
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low Pri ces es
cuVfay.orabfe terms. Particular pains
to keep on hand desirable goods for mat seetieo
the country.
!New•York, Feb. 9, HOW:- will be Hof
.1. E. GEIGY.R
':.n .70 , 3:-.!..r , h:17
FF.1.1 ;N 1 . 0 r
! u nl!. 7.lec,fally
I.:t. a tare proht
a!ir.n. Also c,.nsiati