Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 11, 1853, Image 4

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• straw Cuttoisi •
CArrY n a Patent Spir.ll Knife Hay '
, and Straw
w Cutters or various 'Sizes. 'Nos. ', 2,3, 4, 5
and 6. Prices; $B, $9,-$1.0,412, sts. and s2o.
These Straw Cutters.are better .and cheaper than
the straight knife cotter, With knives set diagonally
an theilinfk.. • •
• ?he itnieititnnoirey!; Cutter are spiral.' which
swat* timugs to cat tit-right eagles against the raw
buisigUlf• - They out auladilrovith - no jerking—
its kgt - in tet•aii.r Eaeh 'knife can be taken
ar sods without disturbing The shaft (or
sitherintivest,)aid if necessary each knifecante set
out Was to keep thern.all true,. if one knife
.shoal wear faster than another. Every farmer
2 tilelliali* - Ottp or these labor and feed SaVirle a.
Corsi ;,gbellers.
"rift ii i z a tiestiaftelei tubefutindla the count y
and taiek.i - -(Virstrartted)—lfor Fate at ,the
AgliecilinnklavidafiiveBmrefif Rl' M. W
• ".„. moves l3U:tires !-
013KINO Ictorei# various 'and excellent pat.
,ters..sixesHand prices.. Four patterns of pieva
led.Ciea 'Cooking Stoirei; the belct to be founil in
Bradford. far salit cheap. - Elegant Parlor Sr ores. for
wadi 'at ckial;:ordiffetiar patterns; &c. Box and
- ftic.•Halla, Stores; Cbaichea, Shops.
**book Rotiags; , :lee, vety cheap.. Call at the Atli
out oittiveatiii* of • ~- ' R. M. WRLLES.
Jan:ti; . lW;._.z • , -
101PONOE tiAThs and foot bath pans for sale
'404: My bathing tubs are equal to the beat
eit sde. R. at. WELLES
Jan. t 3.
Oas I Oils •
rtoßUlßNl3oolebrated winter strained Lard OIL,
NJ for machinery, warranted not to gum. Also,
an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps, 4c.
- Ng4l' l S FOOT Ott. for Leather, Harness, &c., all
for sale by the quantity or less, cheap for cash or
ready pay. at the Athens Agricultural store of
Jan. 8. 1853. R. N. WELLES.
Patent Zieathei Pelting !
ALL sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned
Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. leas
than =I retail prices to be bad fl,r ca .h at the Ath
etu &ore of • R. M. WELLES.
• /obbing
CV al( kends in Tin, Sheri Iron, Copper. Brase.Scc,
•-• doae on short notice. Workmanship &c., war•
ranted to give satisfaction.
Tin *dolling done in sucks manner as shall please
Call on . R. M. WELLES.
Athens. Saboary 8. 18621
Axes I fixes
poitaalt at very low prices for ready pay ; tha
best Ares to be found iu this vicinity,
triads, out of the best cast and silver steel, of YU:Otis
*gm for lumbermen and .wood choppers, and
warractscl. Call at the Athens Agricultural store of
• jaa.11.11153. R. M. WELLES.
A horse ! a-horse ! my kingdom for
a horse and customers to take away
the goods. Notwithstanding the late
. MIN disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER is
himself again !
And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find
Most anythinithat's In his line,
From scambricneedle of the finest kind,
Tosiewelled watch of eighteen karat fine.
Matitsethich keep time accurate and true;
Breast me of every style and hue,
CleMptilver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile
Ofetrery shape and every style, ''
To suit the old. the young, the grave. the gay,
Slay there be seen in elegant array.
Asti Waaaaa; iiho is himself a host," •
lealtrays ready and at his post, ' •
.To wait upon his ctismmers and all
Whit chance upon 'im to give a call.
4.86 - witb good advice make up your minds,
TO, call on Wm and.there you'll find
Sidi sights, My eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry °revery style and hue.
• O'Dea% mistake the place Ne. 1. Brick row,
*Web* is prepared to do-all kinds of
isidslaa of husks" at the cheapest rates that can
1 1 0 111 44 be afforded. He will also fell his jewelry
at.lo pc)r ii!it lower. than Was ever before offered - in
thissorket. cia• Call and see..Cl)
Towanda. Nor. 111, 1852. A. M..WARNER.
Rama tir B. Kingsbery's Block!
W. 4. Chtassaberifts,
Tar.4B jut returned from the city
irr. .- .11. of New York with • large
1 0" -- k• -
.1 4 supply of Wa co tch m es , .
n e g we i l E r l y p end
k the % thl et
Bowing snicker—Lever,
VEpine end Plain Watches, with
- ' - a complete assortment .of Gold
.:- . . Jewelry, inch as Ear Ringe,Pin
ger ihnie,BesestPins, Bracelets, Liwkets, Gold chains,
Cistb Pena, Kays, etc. Also, all scu of Silverware,
11011 k
6 7 oPtiolifirojeteri Beads—all of ts
which he offers
flat sale asensedingly chap for CASH.
r , Weichei sepal* on short notice, and warranted
tarp willow the money will be refunded. and a wri*
Pe inpeOrtent given to that effect if required.
..,S..IIIO.4IIAPLE SUGAR, and Country PrOdne
Sakli in PaYlloot tor *Olt; and Om learn now, an
areaer,that the Produce mast be paid when the war
is dace*.-I Ter against uedit in 111 its forms.
• W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
_Towanda, April SR, 1852.
OOKING-GLASfi'PLATES,ent and fitted or
.LA say siii;io - be bad it, the of
• illay,l4lBsL W, A. CHAMBERLIN
'BAN; Harness & Trunk Manufactory..
• TIME CULP: & Co., respectfully inform the public
that they hare Puntwad lathe shop on Main street,-
awambrooeugesd by Smith & Son, nearly opposite
the Ward Boum, where they will keep on hand a
!arse 'toad
Q2o/E01 1 39 0 ZWILIDITipo
/ 111 " 1 !' s t ." 131 . 17 4 1 7 117 . 16 r 1 5. 1 7 0 ‘
AN Midas in *air line manufactured to order, and
sole at tie be matatial,and for workmanship cannot
*NVbI ZiOtthern'_.Pitnuaylvania. They " li cit
. 1 1 11 1 /o'ithhithi Pl 2l o l aM, con Beni that
- !My carijiliWietiafaction both as to quality and price.
•, '417/Jides and Sheep l'altaroceired for aro* and cm
ifintilmat, stem hie* rates. - • . '
- Sate. Leak s 4,e , LudAti, gamen and
Cirgiliw p got! -10 any quantity.
, „
- •
gliewestitiiliaraitableratDis%lll4 are, we
imosiiiiii#l•o4lon tbiiiinkebted to: kir.
istUaiset.-ri v e 110da the, - 14telf/ft Ot
mbifilsoliell. Ito lur - lia
• . IllahOlismitfttoodifir,
r. 'Ma,* •
..„„,,i t .'' - •
- Ali4e.....,_**dt„dirsoletsicis!
1 v ' ral'aloweli•. •I'.4•!.ri" it' .11 1•
41Pi tai
- 111 ! 4 - 1 -17.17 , 'n--- - :
•li• •
611.613 0 1 "WrOktifteir
kntiwa as the largest Meat - estensive
!assortment west 4f tbc-,cv:.
lie elven call; sitber to
examine orpurchisk,. en d , any , triedical inkinhation
will be 'cheerfully intl . grairsiteurfigivin to ilnieirwlio
who %Slab to consult concerning, thenwelvos or friends.
ContintionWsupplieri of frith antl . iidittlY pripsitia et
tides sie , Weekly arriving, having been -carefully ,tte
lected with a view nr. their unfair:est end any iirdcle
minted not usually kept, either will be-,found bere, or
procured at the 'shortest notice by Repress; for those
leaving their order._ Accommodutinw clerkilwlTt y s
Kiltbe early to sole& compounkani 4in:script* and
cddeavor to make tt (whateVer the purchase), mutually
agreeable. All goods stud{ , be. considered waiianled
is represented, and'being Agent for--the } hestand pop
ulsr'Patent Mitlicines, all • arise found in this store
can be relied t upo?. in, all cases; es being genuine. The
stock now comprises every artichiltilhe tied*, amens
which may be found the following :
And-Medicines. .
•ACI Ds. aloes . firth;
Acetic I assafoetiihi • squill
Citric 'rabic valerian
Nitric camphor I
?Miriadc copal saraaparill
Aquefortis gamboge • gingkr etc
Sulphuric guaiac . , SALTS
Tartaric etc myrth magnesia
usurp's. - shellac sulphur
tragacanth etc. brimstone
ot La. calomel
neata-foot quicksilver
tanner* tartar
cream tartar
corm sublimate
!red precipitate
Life etc
I castor 2
tar •
B• nlll4.
Peruvian (Jctets )
Elm etc
Wintergreen etc
Lemon etc
1 neroli
pepper mint
cod liver etc
buch u
lova ur.i etc
llFe ia ntian
turm , olo
Apijeliii (pint,)
mach 'rosemary
rheui , arb
Fen igreek
Carraway -
G irden
Colchicum etc
Lavender etc
(Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, mot isses, spice
pepper. ejoves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fi,h, rasing,
citrons, currants, salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice. starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Cogniac, Otard and American Brandy, St. Crory,
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, ptire Holland
and Am. Gin. Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma
dei,a Lisbon, Sherry, Teneriffe Port, MoseaC . , Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordials, Rose, Amour Mcp. ,
kee, Noyeau &c , cheapvbset ever offered.
Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Goods.
Shaving cleam,- military, windsor, medicated, semi,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa
rent soaps, Ltibins, French, and Wright. extracts of
ockey club, patchoully. beg, de earoline, musk, mille
Ileum, verbena, heliotrope, sweet brier, geranium
spring flowers, west end and new mown hay &c.- -
Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white
'punish pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair invigora
tors, hair eraL.icators, hair oil, pomades, court plaster,
perfume sachets, playing cards, pencil points, steel
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussioPcops, re I
black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket books,
port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an I
travelling companions &c.
Hair, hit, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking, varnish
sash. artist earners hair. striping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, baize and blacking brushes.
Tobacco and muff boxes, nipple shells, nursing but
ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pins, syringes, ghoul
der braccs, trusses, supporters. pessaries, catheters,cup,
lag glasses, graduate., mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and Dye Stufib.
?irk. red, cam and log abed, rustic, be dye, codtear
red 'sondem, madder. alum, copperas, blue TitYU, sot.
tin, composition chemie oil, vitriol, oxalic' and all the
acids, gram tin, pumice and rotten stone, American &
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng
fish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, lithium putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine. linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, nen
na, gold leaf. bronze, &c.
Glass. • ,
French Glut 24-30, 22-30, 20.39, 20.24, 22-24,14
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12-16, 10-14,10-12, 8.10, 7-9.
' Patent Medicines.
Dr. Jaynes Alterative Expectorant, Sanative &c.
Fitche's expectorant, tonic humor corrector, 4-c.
Merchant's Gargling Oil fot hors* 4c,
Swayne's medicines, wild cherry. 4.c.
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract. etc.
Orrick's Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia
OrapXml's Indian Cho!Brogue, for fever and ague:
.Bcarpa's Acoustic oil for Deafness. -
8. P. Townser d's Sarsaparilla. •
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup.
Dr. Keeler's Family mAicines.
Hutching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hoofland's German Bitters. for Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger..
Duboy'e Rat and Mice Exterminator. •
Also agent for Herricles medicinal, plasters. etc., An
drew'. and Davis' Pain - Killer. Oilierkitten; Medi,
eines, Pile Elcctuaries etc., salt rheum, fetter, riot
worm, spivin and founder ointments, etc.; toot!
cordial, plasters, poor man's saliva, eye waters, Lini
ments, erosive soap, bed bug poison.
and Clark'a Worm syrup, Galvanic cunt
tigers. Moffat'a Phoenix Bitters' Trask's magnetic,
Sloan's, Dailey's, and MeAlliiter's Ointments. Dit
low's Heave Powder. Condition - Powder &E. All
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Pbosgener, superior Burning id, Campbene i vrha.e,
lard and sperm - oil ; new and beautiful patterns of Said
amps now being opene4: Cemphene, aide and itiing
ing. lamps for bill-and store use, girandoles, etc.
•• 1 Tobacco. - • ' "
- Cavendish, Janice. -Natural traf, - Turkish searfalseti
John Anderson's fine cut, Beigesienny-Lindr chewing
eta.; tholes brands, pure , Hairakiii , Cigani, e tc: etc":; •
All orirhichAirill be hold - 6itainsoilly Icitsiitiii—
Remeinber'that Dr. Porter's Dbasp Drug and Oben&
,ealBblre isin the eopih.efl3Qf tte WudAnnamvfqw
door; aboiet , ehe pinkaffies.
Towandialune 4, • 7 t
F,KA NEW .40 nation Com:
vv,m 4 05 Ride efi,
• _ lo a d
01,011r,T ro d,„" acorn '• • 4'
Irei* lityhePtdr,-,o
cbjl4l, forasalei it `
- • mail" B ootv,7:
vics44- latier 1416 . "
Ipa rceoric
•bakers herbs
gold leaf
rastrle snap
venire turpentine
lqt.a ammonia
cbrha '
britti;li lustre
burg. pitch
ath brick
lwhire glue
l o: 1;4 or turnatto
siatbanblit, tot.
REMOVED to the store recently occnpied by 8.
8. Bailey as'grocery and Post office 9 doors
south of Montanyes corner. where he has received
a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS. MEDI
CINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap'
er for cash than ever.
Ilere you will find annexed a few reading articles :
Senna , Alex., Fosgate's Cordial
•do India Elix Opi
Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment
amp C Soda Hair Dye -
Manna, Harlem Oil
Magnesia Caled Ointment, Trasks)
do Cart), do . Dalley's ft
do IS 8 do McAllester •
' do Henry's Shakers Herbs ;
Coloeynth . do Extracts
do Apple Tilden's Alcoeolic Eft
Cochineal Rhei Extract
Trusses Hulls !slap Extract
do Marshes, Meakim•s Vanilla Ex't
do Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam Wisters • do Mace do
do C'heesmans do Almond do
do Fir • t a. .Cloves
do Copabia do Allspice do
do Tutu do Nutmegs do
do Pero do Peach do
do Pulmotrary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartar ic
. do Orange do
do Acetic do Tonka do
do Denzonic Lubin'. Springflower
do Citric do Musk do
du Nitric do .Violette do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
do Hy drocyanc do Sweet Orel - do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
. 00 I.i nseed do Jock'y CI% do
do sperm - do Caroline - do
do Olives - do Jenny bind do
do Castor dp Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt
do Almonds . do Glass do
do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G. E.
do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do Ipecac
do Cobebs do Jalap
do Cummin do Ginger White
do Fennel, do Orris
do Lemon Gum Camphor
do Cassia do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver ' do Myrrh Tort
do Lavandula U do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do JCSMiII do Aloes Beet
do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape
do Orange Chloride Lime
do Rhodium do Soda
do Ruse' • Castor ROSS
do Cedrat Isinglass do
do Copabia • Evens' Lancets
do Ergot INitra Silver, Op't
do Verbena Oxid Bisnuth •
do Violette Bloe Pill .4- mer.
do Melleese lodide Pouts. -
do Mellefiner Tart do
do Patchauly Carb do
Brushes, Paint Sulph do
do Varnish (hustle do
do Hair Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Camel lodide do
do Nail Tannin
do Tooth. Proto lod Mercury
do Shaving Strychnia
do Flesh Piperin
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat lodine
Soap. Yankee Veratrin
do Crystalline Kreosote •
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Com Crete;
do Coopers - Morphine Salph '
do Rose
_. do Act - •
do Victor' Calomel, American
do Orange . do English, •
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erosive do White
do .Castile Sulph Ztnei
do Military Bronze, Crimson
- do Savin • do Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
Fricopherons do White •
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion -
Oxygenated Bitters • America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pore Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con
netted with the trade. • •
flawing secured the services of Dr. 111:11usvor,
whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me •
dicta advice gratis to people, they paying for the
medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having
their prescriptions carefully compounded and put
op. The stock. has been selected with great care.
and the guilds will be warranted as represented.
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec
toris!, schencks Pnlmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on band and for sale at -
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's writer.
Towanda, January 8, 1853.
6ABARRELS o fold Ohio Whiskey just received
V and forasid Rho Weak and retail, at Reed's
lore •
Drug 8,
I.B?u a ri t s oi nf lad fi ti sp s: boxe n s ted ,Of w ilT r i i z ;
order, - left tittle at New.-York - cash prices •
REED,II Drat Store.- Towanda. Jan. 28. 1853. -
• OWEOO:' ,, ~., ~' : ,
.- „,... ~... - - - - .... - ",..:• - •:,=7 .
9 EOPLE o:Bradford Conuty widtingjttlythin ,
ilice in ail s!ay' of
Vonyttro . s l ,llleallott
riiib:rab,k4l3. K
etunt Tables oflraluis. in l ay*
io,tkOlsiitt s re;:jct -
.Duck 8t .8011eti. Tor . .01 , ,e* it. Ain,
have 001 to pp lite - sbonesinotice 1 4 - 4 .enditig,4'
welt tenthoileireAbelpse:anal) . a :Cau be ;Pk
_.p .theoo,l•Vellii;tlsitictif lifalqr ligi,i6len"
iiinitittiNtlpiati!*l l l%*4'l6lptlie.. Tagil*
A. eit‘ ~ - - ' ' *a.w.,piirpvtt. -I
et)t -c *war
.1 3 44:, - fslikomktrobiste,el ,Npurinka treir
Pei v:;if:iqr. kW/NUM
Maim? r
Siam W. Wilcox,
LTAS removed hie eitablishoteht Its ILliftes. 'OM
LA "corner ormain street and the Public soutivoind,
will 'cretins° the miutufsettire of Boots Bhoes, is :
He has just received (rims New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Make Rix*. which
are offered at low prices. The attention at the Ladies
is psricularly his assortment, Comprising
the following new styleti :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gal.
ter boots; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters;
walking shoes. buskins,ike: Misses' gaiters and shoes,
of every description. A large assortment of Children's
fancy gaiters, boots•and shoes,' of al/nide. ,
For the Gentlethen, almost eiery'style of gaiters rind
shoes: .T.bis stock has been. personally selected with
care, and be, believes be can offer superior snicks at
reasonable prices. ;, •
ca The strictest attention paid to Mantsfadunng,
and he hopes by doing wet* well to merit 11;eretino•
acme of the liberal patronage be lute - hitherto ieeeival.
Towanda, May 8. 1851:
311321•7ar sr MIT Z3/12.111E4Ma
[TAM° located. in Towandai his services may
1-1 be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the awe of Ulysses ?demur,
Esq., where be wiU be found, or where a written ap.
licatrion may be left. Nov. 1, 1850.
THE substribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Make's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms
Thev are determined by doing their work_ well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a shoo of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kill& of repairing Machinery, executed in the most-aka
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
MI work done at Their ebop, will be warranted to be
well done, and manufactured from the best materials..
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. MEN V4'.INE & BREBISCHII.
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
Important to Sonseheepers:
THE subscriber thankfurfor the
patronage heretofore . re
begs leave to inform his
';friends and the public gemtally,
"r '41"1-Aa 3:l' 'and those commencing House
lw • - •
keeping in particular that he has'
111 now on hand a large assortment
""" 0 of FURNI ruRE, which he will,
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.. •
BITE k US. such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus. marble and plain tops : mahogany and.
fwalnut washstands, marble tops, and plain; of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch,'
es, whatnots. &c.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and row
post beadsteads. finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furnittire usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
in - The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself iri
readine-s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of whirh the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. B.—.Forniture of all kind: mhde to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman.
Towanda. January 17, 11152.
NTOtitts Genuine omens accompantea u ,ac aim t
I le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L
SOULE & Co., upon each box. , •
In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV
EREiGN BALM OF LIFE, it is nut our wish to
make any false statements or wild assertions of their
superior efficiency in restonng to health the sick and
suffering, well knowing that their reputation as s
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer
ence for the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value on paper,
but we prefer these unacquainted with them to satisfy
themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli
able in all cases, being purely vegetable, and a medj
cine worthy their best confidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the public
Hasazarrra, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, 1851.
We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietts, having
used personally Dr. Soule's Sovereign Babe Pill/omit
witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully
%commend these Pills to the afflicted as the best • with
tt4icb we are acquainted.
P. B.—You treat liberty to publish thisfor the pub.
lic good.
Migrate mr CousTaavarrs ! We arenot aware the
any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar
ed to make use of our inmost but some of them has
bad the impudence to imitate our boxei and copy our
Circtlara, Certificates, &c. u n l ess t h e public are
careful when .hey purchase, they will be deceived.
the genuine Sovereign Balm Pills can be bad
wholesale and Tidal of Dr. souLp ds Co., Syracuse
Onondaga Co. N. Y.
Bold by Dr. IL C PORTE 8, Towanda Pa, and by
their Agents in every town in the country. •
Lafayette Barr Mill_Stone
THE undersigned, formerly foreman for mans
years of the Lafayette Bun Mill Stone Manu
factory, 240 Washington St.. N. Y., (W. Tyack.
agent.) would inform his friends and the public in
era I, that he his established a
In Leroy buildings. opposite Exchange Hotel, and
solicits a share of their patronage.
He will have constantly on hand a large stoop
of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large supply
of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen
Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self• Digesting
The undersigned assures his friends and the
public. that be will faithfullyedtecute all Orders et.
trustedto his care, not only in quality but in prk.
ces of articles famished, and eicalicsta their kind pat%
ORDERS "by letter willbe executed with as much
care and es cheap as when purchasers' are on the
spot . .
REFERENCES—Hon. .D. S. Dickinson, Hon',
John A: Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whitt
ney, Dr. Eldridge., Col. H. Lewis. W. S. Weed.4r.
'Binghamton: D. Searle..lsaac Post, Judge Jessup,
Sa(shay,* Co.. Montrose, Pa. Caleb. Carmalt,
Priendaville. Thomas Phinney. Dundatr.. .0.. 0.
- Ara: Shiprnap; Waterly, Y. - Thomas Pearsall,
Rmilhbetbne r hA. , Yi -NajorD..Mereireau. Union,
N. Y. M.
_,T. Nichols, Owego, N.-Y. Royal 4.
WhlikeisNairerly,.N. Y. JOHN W. BIII.LIVAN.
ty W
& A DAMP been poriffed
=-.1161.j; thericei4-AleN birreingairefiqed up theft- .?».:
in the same pta sr e Lit T.
&rote - nine„
for saki& deehable-1 issinta3,lll Of. rag hod :. Wipter,
`TheyfieltigliskiiisicfrOkined - p:their , i e ient 1 0 4;
- _
~ ,: o,ir;;;ACiitll4llllllllllUßNMOlNioktz,'. 71:;
D.44lRWE'll3lydraallo' Rama of an lAj
y Irmd;
#444ze ilBll*.atightloll' rrady riay, for sate by •
43- 't.!
D.U.I 0 vs,
na TUOI vrizo - wAme
Do, you want to sell or mortgage anfoal esMfe 1
Have you a bond and mortgage yon-zetishMsell
Have you houses, taverns, or Lou; that . yoti vvielt to
sell or lease 1 ,
Hato you a mill, factory. foundry, Inanely, orirth.;
er manufacturing eatabliabment, that yOu wish totoll
or matt
, Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or the clay, or
other minerals, you wish to sell or have "orked on
Hive you land that you woutd-like to have drain
ed - or cleared by contract or on shares
Hese you water power that you wish to
prove,v or rent'? "
Do you 'want additional capital, or a partnerssin
your businese I
Do,you want to sell your stock of merchandise
ykiyou wot to form a Company to create capital
for any-specific object I
Do you wish to exchange your property for ether
'Property 1
. Do, you want in your neighborhood . mills, found
ries, tanneries, or otber manufactories I
Have you any well tested improvementin machine.
ry, or in the arts, which you want to sell, or which
you want means to manufacture 1
Ryon have any of the above wants, or others of a
simibu character, and will inclose to our address,
(post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of
them ;. and if property, its locality, proximity to ca
nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools,
mills, stores, Ste., the lowest terms on which you
will sell, mortgage, lease, ezbhaoge, or otherwise dig.
pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg.
istration fee of $l, (the receipt of which will be ac
kociwledged,) your want shall be recorded in our
Register, and your letter placed on the file designated
for your State and County, for the inspection, free of I
charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease,
exchange, or invest.
We make no charge to any for examining our
Register and files. When they make known their
wishes, they 'are referred to your ' , own statement of
your wants,: and as we have Mops of the different
States, and of such Counties as we have been able
to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves
sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of
whom from 1,000 to 5-,000 are daily arrivim ,) and we
also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the
strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the
;principal papers of the city of New Yprk, and in ven
ous forms throughout all of the states, as well as the
different countries of Europe, from which Immigrants
come, and where we expect one of our Firm will f,r
the present reside, and where also we shall agents. in
the principal ports.of embarkation, inviting all who
wish to purchase, exchange, Lase, or invest, to visit
our, office, without charge—
We are corifid•mt that we offer a better medium of
• making your wants known to those who des re to
know them; and of securing the end you desire, than
any other mode yet pra4l,ed.
The hest place for you to effect a silo, lease. ex•
change or 10311 on your property. is in its iniin.diato
vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next hest place
i. in the city of New York. Or if you want bumi.
grant• or settlers of any class here is the place co obi
lain them : ,
Be-.-ause here at all times and seasons, there are from
.10,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking
for investments or homes.
Because there are probably 100,000 who - want to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great proportion of
the surplus capital of the Union. seeking investment.
Because here, money. is ordinarily worth from 5 to
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted security, while
you can afford to give as ample security, or other in
ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte
rest, either in annual income or increased value.
Because here, an examination of our Ales will inform
those seeking toinvest or settle, where the property is
to be found which they seek.
Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange
country or other city property, for property in this city
or its vicinity.
Because a person, by 'spending a few hours in our
office, without charge, can obtain more information of
the property in Market throughout the conntry. - and
the wants of community, than by months of travel.
Because, finally, here in the commercial metropolis.
where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast
multitude throughout this and other countries, by re
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of our
countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase
and those who desire to sell, can be mutually benefited.
In the description of property, be careful not to
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for if you
do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compari.
son of the reality with your statement might defeat
your object. When yoor property is sold, or other
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme
diately informed of theafiict. As we do not propose
to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to tte own
ers, no special authority to us is requisite ; but when
it is desired that we should sell, authority must be given.
Our commissions on salei, exchanges, &c., are 2
per cent. The raising of companies, and other met
iers requiring special negotiation, will be subject to
special agreement.. _
p Several farms in the same neighborhood often
find a gtont,eeidy sale than single, famous Fund
grants desire to remain in companies. -.-„
Real Estate and Preperty Brokers,
! 116 Broadway, New Yoik.
Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq.l77 Broadway, N.
Y. lion. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, Gov. Wood.
Ohio f Ex Gov. Fonl:Ohio; Hon. R. W.Thompson,
la.. lion. D.A. Noble, Mich ; Hon. J. R. Williams,
Mich ; Hon. Rob't Smith, lit : Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowi;'Hon. J. R. Doty. Wis.
.r? For Vintner information inquire of HARVEY
McALPIN, Local Agent, (at the Lite Office of Wm.
Elwell, Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. 441
THE subscriber would in:
mace to the public.that he
se now on hand, and wiU make
order all kinds' of
Cabbiet lininitnre,
ieh as Botas.Dirans,Lounges
:enter, Card, Dining and Break.
Ist Tables. Mahogany, Wal
kut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus.
*tendert( various kinds, Chairs
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will be made of the best material and workmanlike
manner, and which they wiU sell for cash cheaper
than can be • bought in any other Ware-room in the
113.1141111 r-MUM -COMNS, •
an hand ow the most reasonable terms; A good
HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral (=anions.
Towin4a, Jane. 1, 1862.
- "
OLMSTED. Poornirron of the Athens
.151. Zbegbanger, given his thttnlts to bis friends,
!,1.0.1he traveling.lmblie generally. • fortheir
fair"orlige, intts4lieirs the:continuatlett tithe (Arne.
will ran .regillarly to. the ; ! - WpretleilieiOt
to meet the Mail Trains forflie occommodation of
,ottrangers,noEtrayelers,„inlio wish to_ visit ,a.,pletks !
41 1. .fir•st rate •' ' '
our florae , oac bea,
rtxmilitOhriusglif , pti Tovittridtii" Those -wishiiiit
'lo:bejpstifed'il seat iti.ilfe ilicnith'fromillii prat*
And Onsetoinglii ihe " -;• ":"
akit ScßlO,ool4;4l'36'4slrpiesiffie
Tau* itallvfccomzetpgimkr - 14, 0 - - •
, ziNve#9olthoprith tee a na.
caloge4oimmktlba. Nikplow,iriiketArkii**-
• •Albe.4ls.laftPt42 l ; kawg
rumorti c
rpuis extraordinary preparation has beet f or
ny years the most cen , stn and speed y reta 's
for Cocoas, CM Anima.
.* BROInnIV II , Ir k *
sii;stins Dtisssasor CRIST all, Lera,C'
those aufferhigfrom obstinate and confirm e d p„,..
O t t
they give the most - immediate and peef eette 7a
:whew great liability to take cold exists, a ed 11 1
teatime Cough succeeds the slightest exposere:m.,„
WAFERS produce the most marked results,
at once relieve the Cough and other aymp tdal :9
entirely remove that morbid irritablity aed ; t at
ness of the Lungs which give rialto the-,,...,e9t.
The medical properties are combed inaa tutt...
ble form and pleasant to the tag, so th at lay et ;
will readily take them : and the are warrastedte
give relief in ten minutes after us in all ca nt
Price 25 cents per box. Foisale by Dr. 8 . c .
PORTER, Towanda. Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
ixvINTRD HI W. EL 13A1,13, STICII63 03 4
• And Patented April 2 Wt. I
rpo this CHURN was awarded the Frenyttn •
1. the late Fair of all Natinns held in Candor
It also took the Premi um at L. Canadlen Ptorn:.!
Fair, bald In Toronto, U. C., in 18:A. It also WC;
ed a silver Medal and Diploma at the Fair of p t
New England Met hanic's Charitable Atioeiar,ok
held in Boston, October, 1850. In short it has to.
en the first Premium at all Stale and Connie Fain
wherever it has been exhibited, and is
approved by all Dairy-Men and Dairy Weetti
where they have become ar•Gualnted with its merits:
This CHURN is constructed 1.. r lIVIINING,GATII.
twin, wonnisra AND SALTING ran BurrEiti.
'These CELIAIIIIATED Carnas. are Matufactax
ed and sold by WELLS & CO.. Torranda.Perin't
nearly opposite the Ward House.
Towanda. April 21. 1853.
Attention Regiment 1
r : : A
JOHN E. GEIGER,,! • ohl hien& t ot i
the public at large. that he hi, e , iii•liatinv on Era
stnd rillnutucturing Rlll , s ari'' (inns h e ._
Among his assortment of (lid, rlily 11,Utid Da0:1
mid single barrelled Gun , . R ales. of 3!l'orkdik
l' ,wrier Flanks, Shot G 3,„, Cr}
Prim g. Also, Powder, Shift, rani , of the hest q*
ty. Aliens' six barrelled Revolk ing l'iqtnN do nit s
barrelled self-cocking POods, Jodie lc
Pistols and common steel and bras PistAt.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder to Cant en
stantly on hand.
Any of the above articles will Le so:d awful chap
tor the Ready Pay.
Keys of any kind fate d to Doors, Trunks a sty
other kind of locks on shoot notice and rca•onable term
Repairing done with .neatness and despatch. Shops
few rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda, May 22, 18.12. J. E. GEIGER.
rr BE Subscribers having formed a copartarso p
under the firm of S. FEL FON di CO, for dc
ing a general Liquor business, would re:Tem/114
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want cf
thing in their line to giva them a call. We intend
keeping on hand a general assortment of Tamp
Liquors, w hich we can sell cheaper than any eta
else in the county, from the fact that we bay dint
from the importers, and thereby Ease a lame prat
charged try the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are wamm•
ml pure and free from adulteration. Alpo cnuas..
ly oo hand Whiskey of the best quality. Wallin
made arrangements by which we can furnish at
customers with any quantity of Binghamton BED
fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee glee us a riil
- notes and accounts of the old firm of B.Fel•
ton & Co., are in oar hands for settlemen.
Towanda, Dec. 1, 1852: E. T. FOX.
ISSES C. B. &M. A. LYON. hare established
themselves in Monroeton. intend carrying oa
the above business in all its various brooches. and
respectfully solicit a share of the pobhe parronige.
A choice stock of
will be kept on hand and for sale at the lorieWptl
oes. Misa Lyon will be conetantly advised of the
latest fashions by the connexion to the city, Ind co
endeavour; will be spared to please.
Monroeton, Nov.
11Z:1 P 16.1•111.1 113 1.
W 11. WILSON, formerly of Bradford Comity,
• Pa., returns his thatiks to his friends rapist
favors, and solicits the continuation of their pew
age.. Having made arrangements tc, contisse
the firm of Fuller 4 •Day ton N° 143 West mee, bt•
tween Barclay and Ve-ey streets, where he us k
found always ready to supply his custonien wast
ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prises and
on favorable terms. Particular pains wall:east
to keep on hand desirable goods for that satins!
the country.
New-York, Feb. 9.1852.
WH. DATED, formerly of Bradford Co.. Pt.
. is still engaged with the firm of Vaasa,
and' Jagger, who have this day removed to their
new ands pnfioug store N° Vesey street, row
of Church , ,On the rear of the Astor HOOSe) wbett
they are prepared to exhibit a very Large sna
general assortment of Poreien and Dcazeste
GOODS, adapted to the country trade. Mel
will keep a large stock of Merimac.Co - he o,xo
ec desirable, sty Its of Prints. Cash as sel l lS
first class Credit customers will find it to their ill•
iciest in calk,
The hive also a department dexottik
BObT to ills
an& SHOE business. aid feel confid"On
can oiler better bargains in !AA' line min nortlt
I m .
Avg DNA aptl 'Shoe hoist; in Nets. York. from ,4
lie{ ;hat the'expene,l9 much lees in repoilioi p . tbeihnount!uf Mr. Baird flatters 100
AAA havintl.tbe benefit of 15 rears ex rerlenrt ilhe
thsiness Brad! , rd
of the st,slcnf good, atadapied to the NI
4ylvunia trnd,e,willmalte it an object for r ed`
. .Apiug,htnuneSSinthai
• section to give h int
Any ortferslot; trboal - in the above Inlet will 1 `
grtßV!‘viTPsar!iviria,;:‘ll.ici,, and arrant
new Yo , March, I. •
4 - , a ti Meier Seed. .
9in 13 UtilliELS Ciner IfeedjUS.lCC,..treissi.
M.A../ tor gale by the,satiscrtbetia . tT p o n w ,___
le, or exehan for,mosulunds
4 rowanda. Fe b.. 15,2853.
' - -
1 4 4 1.. Cb telsriq
hose Udell
J Y note Or book accoun!Willt"T r i d nuat. he, !!..
4.-. t that wave in """rfilmitVis.ctiniely • varoi, l s ,
neileet to litten4
expecha visit (rcl . !l,ie hfari z vsta•
*in: this tee.
c '..:,!Foranda, March 24;