. . . , . 1 • . • , • --. . • • - ; . . , * •ti - -...-- . . ,•• - - - . - - ms s' : _ :t --. . . '. - , :!'','--:----.: 1e,•,.1';1' •' - '' • . ..,._ " - ....- • - -. : ..-:-. -'::',,,-....,,., • --,-- " • • " '-•:',-1- ' - ' -.— " . - .'• _ '- .. - ' ' .. : - . -- :..e.g ----:::' --:.; ' '';,:.-:.:-.-,-. = -- - ::- . -j . -i-‘•'-' i:'_.;:•:'" -41', , , , .i.. ;',,_'.• :., • * 1.-... ~-..„ . i., - - .•_"z - ,- , . ~.;.-. - , ~,,, --,..,..,:.'''-' "-'!": , :j 7'... ?'"'-,'.,... F ..., .... ~........... .. ...,... ..... . , , ~.. ..... ..... ...., ~.. ........ _........„...... ..... , .... ...... ~....„„.......,..... ~...... _ 7 _ „. :., . , „ • . .JI . ...,. - . • . . . _ , . r , ..•-..---• • ... - • • . . - - "- . . .„- ~ .. ,- .... ta11...' 1 11 22:1Ito T WANDA: Gomm inn 11; 1853. *I Mt Pahl, A AW*HER'S-LOVE, IT SAS. Ilk. D. WILLIASS The fountain of a mother's love, Fahaubtless, silent, pure and, deeps Enduring as - yon orbs aboSe— A mother's love can Brace steep. Nor way ward acts of erring child, Nor Cold ingratitude can keep A mother's learning bosom min— tier chan;eless love can never sleep, TSlnk not a mother loveth less, Because temptation leads astray, From Tutor, peace arid' bappineas— flunk aot that less her soul would pray. %lieu restless passions tempt away Our child from bonne, love's fountain deep troubled. ull the safe return— A mother's lore en clever sleep. And rsn a mother e'er forget rigirs o'er her child to keep I &lie may.'• but I Qill not forget," Oar God is Ibre,..nd (ever sleeps. • citittt VIII. crrum Jour., I AND THEN? The oracle oilhe btrau.rlir I .I' 4 q e red bale ham. It! nl A-mberrnead, was an nl.l ;:erHeman of un ::,.l:slre and orderly habrs, so.se peer:liar rin had attained for him the lamiiiar ccrnomen Ttr , Wof,lA. Cemu:i+, alias Two W orris, ,ato• z-r, Le ou.sk Iris of the village, tender by an acres; !,, , ure-keeper, almo t as chary of speech as trratllit:: maser it was surmised that Mr. Ca ,:..., j i ,,i teen better days ; but though his means ,r , ?.: a •el,rd, his heart was large, and his corm %l* 3: Ce erpres.ed great benevolence. Notivith• Fr;,',-t.; •he brief mode of speech which chaise ..r.re.l bon on all occasions, the advice of Mr Ca .c... tra• ea.ily sought on every subject whereon ~,,, ~, r si.:mert advice could be profitable; and - frF ' r ,ru.tws pf Ambermead perhaps valued •I :wry: because, though delivered without a ~e m p om p uat ir, the terseness and decision of -r sows eipended, left in indeltble impression, r: ,a ;on.; sermons often failed to convey. Mr. :ra:.;:e bred or, terms of intimacy with the family r to os.; Hal,—an intimacy cemented by early as hx.u•.::::s. t..r Mr. ttarwell and Mr. Canute bed :re:: 4:--- , el fellows; and when a painful and lin; r taz i'Lie-s attacked the squire, MY ancient fiend it'. :-,, c ivy 'el' deep anxiety as to the ul ima . e tare " Ali ah 1 . ' quoth, the stranger, :. if that's the way ~ 11,:wr;,, L , L,;jc chill,—the good and Sorel) Clara you pursue your discourse, I don't think I shall Harceil The disease was an incurable one; ; might be learn much from you. I hope, however, that I tac , ....::a the suffering be P it/bar-led, there ass j may get a wife _ who will follow your example—a : air , t ultimate recovery, and an sit of gloom l woman r f two words, in short; she'll be a rare 1,-ae2 orer the village of Ambermead, where i specimen of bet, sex !" cc:cr :;1e sweet spring and summer tide brought I „ All ha l, ejaculated m r. -c-„ ute. iris Ton and glee. Ambeintead was noted for a " Bat come, tell me, tor time passes," said the is:c.oiiior, of rich red roses, exhaling delicious ha- ' j young man, suddenly becoming grave--" tell me ;nut. , and fur the song of innumerable (tighten- i ; all about Ambermeae, and the squire—how long ;Les, whose harmonious concerts resounded amid : he's likely to last. For, in fact, the friend I men 'e umbrageous groves, s h elterin g the hamlet on l j timed, who is with me during this walking tour, is erery side, and extending beyond the old Hall' of ; vastly interested in all that concerns the place and Aintemzeal but now, although the gases bloom-'. p: ' Th e. d 13d the binsi` an g: "lions faces looked horn i t The heir !" whispered Mr. Canute mysteri -2e ortage Joon', and while the younger villagers l amity, C..-q 4. ti'e'r usual P isan ' s " , t he elders conversed 1 Well, well, suppreas we say be is; be's not alto c,ur to whispers, always directing their glinted! gether a bad fellow, though he is considered, a bit `7‘l-21 the ball, as if the sufferer within those l recklessand wild. But he has heard of Clara Har tizt walls could be disturbed by their' convertitt- , wo w s b et ,,,, an d goodness from hi s ee i pin, L a dy :kli n Ills sympathyr lts:called With net out, by 1 Ponsociby, (she's Clara's cousin, too, you know 3 rz 7.,, --,lllillita'nee of Mr . " sete ,._ ell bein g their ewes ' 1 and he is really quite Sorry to think that inch a ' - -- ''''' ru ' the last of." impoverished race, but . lovely creature should be turned out of the old Hall 1" :" 1 'd! and always h alin g lived among them asa to make ream for him. He wants to. know what '' and neighbor—respected as a superior, and I will become of her when old Harwell dies, for all Seed as an equal Their knowledge also of the the world knows bete mined. I'm a pretty place til-74 decayed W i wi"; In d that, on his death, this old Ambertnead—a paradise, I should say. I '..t.i are r. , 41 pace muss become the property of a know what I'4 no, it I was ever locky enough to r'l`,-;tl' whore rumor did oat report favorably of— I call it mine." The youth rutthed his hands glee m:3 enhanced the concern of these hereditary fully. " I should be a happy dog then !'. '"a'iint oldie sod; and many_ bright e ls s r ear j " And then Sze said Mr. Canute smiling of poor Miss Clare, who wookl so 1 aw y, then, I'd pull down the rickety old house "retie fatherless, and almost penniless The es. I t u p there, and , thrtiki ill palace fit for a plaice; I'd ire tit Aruhenneed wariatrir-l7 eartialed i° t h e male j keep ambit% but the old wine ; I'd have tots of 1 .7 -` , . led the neat heir was of distant kin to the j prime teltows to stay with me; and I should sport 11"11Lik A euuthisullun Of misfortunes, lied ee l the finest horses and dogs in the country." The , - , b , of imprudence in years long-Sout 4 9" , had epeaker pawed out of breath. . 1 'l'. f,,,, tt"i „, the p resent i rns i rrjtrime ID the ver g e °ltem: " And thee!" said Mr. Canute quietly. . 1 .,. „. - —'“'rt he Irmo to find fersiteenlYfe "Va l e - r. Why, then, I'd hunt, anti shoot and ride, and berth-- Harwell lamely Ism ' t Y had lived fo r centuries in Am - drink, and smoke. and dance, and keepopen house, istif seem IVO much to belong to their and enjoy Cite to the fun—feasting from year's end Plc" , 4,,,..t.1h"‘ rho always sympa t hized aw e ' l a! ' to year's end—the least of reasbo and the flow of , ; ,!' . Z 2 al' *r PP an d *NCO" of the t ' . Bali folk" soul, you know, in old Ambermead!" ~,-..- now rhe a them wits & certain pr pest of 4' And then!' Jaszq.' them /meter as, it seemed, the parting be , t. Why, then, I suppaee dial in little I shtleld I came tame than a common one between Landlord gruw o ld, like other people, and "'set t° rare Is ' s ''' l 'e--ant—between rich and poor--it was the t h ese rhams, so with as I did when nirer.gth and Pa r tr-C of Palmed (needs. . . youth were mine" TheY varied and waited for Mr. Comm* passing " And then! - ' said Mr. Canute more slowly. t:' tad 1. ,, a. as be did every day, and more than once .i wh y. t h e e— an d the stranger hesitated— a 'lir ; sal on his two words they hung, as ti -life ,ir then, j . suppose, l i ke e a t er people, in the course • of ::eat, sere civalical in that abort bulletin• of eraruse,l should have to leave all the Finagles . ' Haw is the sipaire to-iiat : " said one.: ' of this lite, and, like other People—die." . NO awns - replied Mr. Canute WWII. wawa 4 .. And then!'' said Mr. Cantata, fixing his eyes, tia,-.1pa4... - . glittering likeivarnoods,.on.tho young mans tare, which daybed up, as he a:seamed with some if" (Italica— "Oh,-hang.your i and thins!' Bet theilitoott - in irell - Lap, I see; so net a:, Good night, and think you." And; withest kmher parley bd vaned ogee his walk over the tali; and his. haute - silently watched itia . gwest i sietreating figure, till in thedeep I shadows of the sainnenditr., groves, beams lota to I View. in the moonlight, in the darkness, is datil Tails% sod On die igliside, dose words heezesithe 1 twaylarsi a . sadist kept repeeting to hinundr," Ana then r - Fits took poseensktn of tkin utiitathil la nevei term ha punt,' entrantce them et at teat' :vies Miss Clara P inquired anotberaltb iftp pgy tile Woks- W Patient," impended plea ~ofd wan, stilt maicag wish the aid orbit-stag $U Nest sepaemed serail voices ahem be VP tu: of heating. u Yes yes, patient , emetagb ; sad Casale ammo • dad *ben is says patio_ 661 * bet yam se m tete ! tastes paw . Ice - in it d tire then" leas in - aatafta Mt. Cazater's patience eras tatelytated by flaw ''z.-"r6 al all beam; be um waylaid writ by enii;_ ca bin way ban his asst (amigo that, but wst uwadin goal name and PUBLISHED EVERti SATURDAY AT . TOWAIiDA4 BRADFORD 01:* - :P4.; BY E. O'MEARA GOIODRICII promptitude, he invariably satisfied the offeetimultts solicitude of his bumble neighbors—in his - . own quaint way, certainly—never Wasting words, yet perfectly understood. -The sommerride was waning into autumn, ',and the squire of Ambermead faded more gradually than autumn leaves, When late one evening a way. firer stopped at hy. Canute's cottage, which was on the roadside, and requested petmussibn to rest, asking for a draught of water from the well before the porch. "Most welcome," said Two Words, scanning the stranger, and pleased with his appearance, for youth and an agreeable countenance are sure pass ports; perhap4, too, Mr. Canute discerned gentle breeding in his guest, despite travel-soiled habili ments, and a dash of habitual recklessidess in his air. At any rate, the welcome was heartily given, and as heartily tesponded to; and when Mr Ca. note telt his dwelling, in order to pay his usual evening visit at the Hall, he merely said, addres sing hie young visitor, " Soon back;" and turning to Martha, the' catch)! housekeeper, added, " Get supper ;" while on stepping over the threshold, second thoughts urged him to return and.say to the young man " Don't go." " No, that I won't," replied he, frankly, " for I like my quarters too will I'll wait rill you come back, governor? and l hope you won't be long, for my mouth waters for the supper you spoke of." Mr Canute smiled, and walked away more briskly than usual; and after sitting for some time beside the sick man's bed. and bidding "good night" and '• bless you'. to Clara Harwell, he re. traced his steps homewards, and land supper ready, and the handsome stranger so obviously rea dy to do justice to the trugal fare, that Mr Canute jocularly remarked, "Keen air ;" to which the st. anger replied in the same *cram, " Fine scenery;" on which the host added, "An artist?" when the you'll laughing outright, said, " An indifferent one, indeed " Alter a pause, and suffering his mirth to subside, tie continued, " Are you always so econo mical in words, sir! Don't you sometimes find it difficult to carry on conversation in this tarair.!" " You don't," replied Mr. Canute smiling, an. imperturbably good-natured. Not 1 cried the youth; " and I want to ask Stu a half a hundred questions. Will you answer me !" " try," replied Mr. Canute. " I've not long to stay, for I'm on a walking tour ( with a friend; but I diverged to Ambermead, as I was anxious to see it. I'•e had a curiosity to see it for a tong while ; but my triend is wailing for me at the market-town,.,eight miles oft I think, and I shall strike across the country whim the moon is up, it you'll give me a rest till then." '• Mast welcome." said Mt. Canute courteous- 'Fe amseipt i sss OF Dannictemort nwii. ANT . . they arranged themselves' in a sequence, which gave thrt . Viite . a new significance. His past lite lewsented itself lo him for the first time as a coher ent chain of events, exemplifying cause and effects; Sad it his plans for the future did not at thai mo. merit receive any determinate change, be still kept repeating anxiously and inquiringly, as he wander ed on in the moonlight, - the two strangely-sugges tive earwig, "And then'!" It proved a long and a toilsome night's journey for that belated traveller; for he had left Mr Canute's cottage so hastily, that he had omitted to ask fa certain landmarks on the hilts leading to the place whither be was bound..L In consequence, the stars faded in the sky, and the rosy morn broke through the eastern mists, ere the weary man, front the summit of a high hilt which be had tortuously ascr?ded, beheld afar off, down in the valley, the shi ing river, the bridge,-and the church tower of the twn where hie friend, in smite anxiety, awaifed his reappearance. During all his that young man never forgot the solitary night Walk when he lost his way beneath a beautiful spangled summer sky ; the 4itire seemed to form the letters ." And then ?" the soft night-breeze seemed to whisper in his ear, " And then !" ft is true he had not gained the intelligence he sought respecting the inmates of Ambermead Ha but he had laid bare his own lolly for the inspec tion of Mr Canute; and in return, he had listened to no reproof—no tiresome lecture vouchsafed from proaV age to ardent youth, but simply two words had penetrated his heart. and set. him a thinking seriously. Mystic little wonla ! " And then"?' For nearly three years after Mr norm ell's de cease, the old Hall, contrary to general anticipation, remained untenanted, save by domestic lett in charge. Miss Clara hail found shel•er wi.h her re lative, Lady l'onsnnby, though her memory was still fresh and warmly Cheri-lied among the hum ble friends in her beautiful native vill.ige. Mr . Canute, if posiiibie, more silent than ! ever. still re mained the village oracle ;Iperliaps more cherished than of yore inasmuch as he was the onty memen to remaining of the betov - ed Harwell—the old fa miliar flees now seen no more. lie worthd listen, and they would talk, of days gone by ; he felt the loss even-more than others, for hemourned a com panion and Irie-d in Mr. Harwell, and Clara had been to the good Two Words as an adopted daugh [ ter. At length it was rumoured that Mr. Selby. the proprietor, was soon expected to take posses sion of his property in doe form ; moreover, that he was on the point of marriage, and that his young bride would accompany him. 11l reports fly quickly ; and it had been circulated in farmer times hat Mr Selby was wild and extravagerit, careless of others, selfish and profligate. Indeed, Mr. Ca mute had not contradicted such reports, so it was generally opined they were too true, and had a le- ' gal foundation. Wi'h heavy hearts, the inhabitants of Ambermead commenced their rural preparations for the reception of the squire and his bride : green arches were erected, and wreaths of flowers were _bung on the spreading branches, beneath which the travellers' road lay. It was the season of roses and nightingales, when Ambermead was in its glo ry ; and never had the rich red roses bloomed so I profusely, and never had the chorus -of the groves. been more full and enchanting, than on lire sCM met evening when the old and young of the ham let, a. rayed in their holiday attire, waited to greet the new comets. QM Mr. Canute stood at his cottage door ; the bridge just beyond, over which the mute conducted to the Hall through avenues of greenery, was festooned with roses; and a band of maider.s in white fined the picturesque approach. The itan was setting, when a carnage drove' quickly up, slackening its pace as it emoted the bridge, and stopping at Mr . Canute's humble gate. Two Words himsen. bare headed, stepped forwent on seeing a lady aliv.ht, who, in another moment throw, 'remelt into his arms, exclaiming, '• Our first greeting must b• from you, dear, dear, Mr Canine! I need not introduce Mr. Selby—he is knows; to you already." Speechless from astonishment and emotion, the old man could only say, Miss Clara !"—es be gazed horn one to another, recognistng in the gen. demon the wayfaring guest silo had departed so abruptly on his walking expediting over the moon light hills, more than three years previowty. Seis ing the hand - which Mr. Canute silently extended, Mr. Selby said with deep teeltng la to your -thrermnetnality that I owe my present happiness.' "How sot'• was 31r. Carlow's reply, looting with pleased stswise into the open face which, on a ti winef o m it kint k had won hiseonfidenee and ad- nitration " Two wards spoken in season wrought a change in me, which all the preachiiig of friends and guar. dans bad faded to effect," returned Mr Selby, 2, and without which Mira never would have Mesa ed eta with her hand. There years of probation have purred my sincerity ; and Lady Poems:by (a severe and Ferwiniting joilge) pronoutieed try tv fomaation complete ere she permitted me to ad dress Clara_ Three twelinle words, " And ara ►' enigmatieal to the uninitiated, convey a deep and mysterinal meaningm fey bean ; and they are of such significant trepan, thit by iesectin them whenever f paint the future, - trust to become a wiser and a better man.* Clara gazed Forcedly and confidingly Oa her low band; and to news other—arrival bating *read through the village, lk cooed - coyected, Whose joy and an:prise foica - Tent in real and blewiina, to sag- nothing re :'the ntunenwat 4sides„ purporting drat.hlOa plata - nem mold have etopeneetahtai Wool erte,lin Selby mast be wweethy accoceswie of ihe wean* race ! _ - - TiM- 11c!",1..-i:P1 ectsl.ll the pathway, totrisena with boil& maxi= teases, over which Cam trostiaber way es the enema! term miens et* wee - tams 'no- Weed 0010,10 k rtjah iliatadber ItatTediiiAtiy. - lbe 4 Hell of Arintetntead is Still tgllitl-4 fine eMelt!inAelitteFage:aeceb IMMXllided by rieestial famed kf **fine innumer able nitththeodmv.ibee:the.A.mtiermasd roses ex. hale their detieftegailmimies.lnthe ad thumb rod ea 'the - green , hill•Pide, a white monument gleams in the sonatioe, Whereon may be traced abe name et Joha elitaii6ing the doe of his happy death while below is engraved this inciiptioa of two W01118..... 44 dad &ea."— Dune —Wonderful Whit imbecility of the peo ple ! The rich man is conceded the holiest sepal chre in the church, although has wealth be won by extortion or chicane, or idly, bearded while thou sands of his brethren have periabed,while children have grown op hideous for want of food, while women have stooped consumptive over theneedle, and men have died prematurely of care aratoil Priest soothed conscience has no terrors tor the pit low of plethoric affluence—then why should the poor man be uneasy in death! Kings and Queens, who bind their brows with diamonds stained with human blood, arid maintain their regal splendor out of taxes extorted from struggling industry are in their last hours assured by the highest spiritual authorities their free admission to Heaven, and Poets Laureat sing of their welcome there—then why liould the ohicure man be tremulous as to acceptance horn hint t ho is called the God of the poor? • II the insenate monarch, the sordid millionaire, the rapacious noble, the Waite politician, and the servile clergyman, meet death with arurance. sure- , ly humble industry, patient merit, and enduring povery need not own a tremor or heave a sigh'— If we choose lo live as freemen, let us at least have the dtoncy to die so, nor discredit the privilege of liberty by an unmanly bearing. If vie have the merit of mtegrity„,,we should also have its peace— htle we hate the destiny ot suflering, we should not have less than is courage'. The. truth 11: , , if we do not know bow to a - a, it is because we do not know how to lire. It we know ourselves, we know that when we can preserve the temper ot love, and of service by which love is manifested, and ot endurance, by which love is proved, we acquire that perfect sense of duty done winch casts ont fear. They who constantly mean well and do well, know not what it is to dread ill And the tearless ire atsz the free, and the Pee have no foreboding. Therefore— •• So live , that Whe ti Lby summons coins to join The innumerable earliest' that moves To that mysterious realm where eaeb Ekon aka His chamber to the silent halls of datik, - Chou go not.tike the qpari7 skive at night. Scourged to his dungeon, but approach thy grave Like ~ne who wraps the drapery of his conch About bim, and lies down to pkonaot dirmos" Book* liotatigator A Bct , v rAt Div profligate young kllow, a son of a law) er of some eminence in Rhode Island, on a cerikin mastering of infpeetioo day, purtvased a horse of an I.:norant fanner, and engaged to pe for 'title nest inspection. When the inspection day bad come, and the far. mer unfit-plc:tolls of the trick, .opposed the note to be due, he called on the young man tor payment the latter expressed great astootattment that be should call on him before the Dote was out. Bet at 14 out," fail the tamer; " you promised to pay me the next inspection day ; the time is come any I want my money." •• If yo❑ adi 1..00 at the note ag,aio,'' said the young man coo'ily„ "you will find it has a very lona, while to ran yet." The farmer a - as rote the note was doe or ought to be, but on spelling over c,aurtolly be lound to his astonishment that it was not doe till resurneetioo day. lie remonsirated ugh the young scape grace, not all to no purpose., and he finally laid the we before his father, the lawyer.- The latter took his Eon aside, and told him he bad better smile the claim at once. " For," Ntid he " though the Pay day is tar tant, you' ate in a fair way to have business on your bands that i?ay without having rut uot - to f•eta , .." The advice was taken! A ercsaisccs sac Deccenva.—Speaking ofGoe ernors, we have an incident ormeCted with the magls.racy of Ex-Gov. Briggs. The incident we heard the Governor relate in his 1111111011:01 manner for no one could better tell a story. Govan*r weal into the Athenaeum one day - , and called upon the clerk, who was 14norant of MeddMaar of the via 'ter, and inquired it he could have the we of the Library that morning. He was inkwroci enters be was a stockholder, or had an introdoetion, his, re quest could net be graved. The Governor bland- - ly signitieil his assent to the law of the library, and tamed and retired. Oa the maim hi . was met by - the ll'ocarian Mr Folsom. With that gentlemanly cooresy that maiks all the acts of the-librarian, be exchanged the lases] salutations of the day, and 'be Governor went.back to the council chamber, and Mr. FOISOCII Went of stairs to ha studies. " Whiai did the Governor want Sit; morning r' inquired the librarian of the clerk. "The &nem= has not been here this naarniog,eplitil the chrik,, slightly ex cited. "Why cell ly he ban," said h e h as i ust leftrbe room, for I men , him on the Was that Gov. Briers r inquired the ahaistmil otficial; wayr4 he tire wear a Air* aka:, lilt 3 ,m.flt-azt, As may ft leormt?". CEEB Cc:r. Major, of Mih is w in. Pennsylvania, who had meently been elected., and who leis not (reit butilitrd &aims, toot it ittto ‘ his'bead on the & yawning pei-24eto go'onf esiTito a Mashy hiniself. The field - selectei fit the - potpie orall his own. Placing himself in a ciliary =aide, iiith sired dranin,heeiclau — aied Amnion the slolo t Beat rozik;ibiia‘ paces ; iFtasair and. be _WOW down the teller. ' cube niiiiaakOiall 'and liatbie My 644 hue ye* lOW Ples# l .l * Co . io #4 - :184130 1 ; Ini f 4tirtia trA icor: what do yeu kuoir albsutsiet Who fatty pint of the. last arid i ty, a physician namedd Agricola, tieing at Ilabsbon, in Germany,. obtained great celebrity by ',coital', .discoveries which be declared be had made u to the multiple- cation of plants and trees. He could precut, he said r hom s small branch, or teen from a leaf, largefinsit true in the courstsof an hour, Ahriingh the sole instinitentility of fire. He wrote several work• on the object, one of Which was published• at Amsterdam, in 1720. Its this wee, st Aghast'. lure profaiie, at Novelle fkranzerte," &c. ft has been supposed that be bad learned the seems of the Ilindoe jugglers, whose feats in the same' line are of the most extraordinary character. They ;actually sow the seed:ol any rive the spectators call for, in the earth, and, after a' fear cabalunic words pro nouneed over it, a mulberry, • plum, or a walnut plant is glidually seen springing upwards until It becomes allege tree, with its natural fruit depend ing from its branches. Nor is this all. The fruit is plucked and given to the spectator to eat i and while he is engaged eating of the enchanted dates or walnuts, the branches of the miraculous tree are crowded with birds of every plumage, who fill the air with their melody. A signal is given, and the , _. .. , tree, with its feathered inhabitates, disappears in IN CIIARGIL AS is A. Cusacce—Jdge Jo nah Adett an instant, and leaving behind it no trace of its ex- recently delivered the following charge to'ihis kWh istence ! • ,in the case of Elim Crunch for stealing: - , • • , The author of the 7., Oriental Anneal," an Rug ',.• 1- Jury, yon kin go out, and don't show your DO' fish gentleman of unquestionable veracity, gives an mugs here till you find a verdict—if yOu,crtialifinti almost incredible descrip•ion of a juggling per for- ; one of your own, git the one the last jury used." mance at which he was present. The oiltrator in- I Th e j ur y ret i re d ; and after an steence of fi fteen traduces into the middle of the circle a flaked l i ttle . minutes, returned with a verdict of " Suiciihiin the girl about eight years old, in a wickeebasket iffie j ninth degree and fourth verse." cwt is shown to all the spectators The operator 1 Then Judge Jonah Joles pronoun;ed_upon Elias then enters into conversation wuh her Which soon Conch this sentence : r Flint Crumb' stuns io assumes an angry tone ; he threatens lo kill he r f and face the music. Icni are World. gniU_y oinn'' with a drawn sword ;, she supplicates for metcy, . ci d, f or stea li ng . N ow t hi s Co on sentence you to and while the piteous cries grow louder, he plane,. es the weapon into her °worn two or three times i 1 , pay a fine of two shillings, to shave your "heist . with a bagganet, in the barracks, and apse try` to , successively. The earth is dyed with blood, while I cave in the heads of soy of the jury, yeu'U catch her agonizing groans announce dissolution. The ! thunder, that's all Your fate will be • waming.to I spectators are ready to fall on the wretch whom t tabem ..., ant i in conclusion, may the Lord bade 1 they believe to be guilty of so barbarious a murder i men on your soot. Sheriff, get me a pint of red Iwhen the little girl enters the circle from without, : eye, rot swirl dry." , dressed in her usual attire, and as gay as if nothing I ...---....- 11 ,...------. l had happened I Met' or roe Revortmo• —Gen Greene in hi; I A still mere extraordinary feat than that was per despatcher, after the battle of Eutaw, says; a g a it. ' formed in the presence of the Mosul Emperor Je. ; t i re d, ' of m y men were naked aii , th ey arsieborn„,l, hertellrie, who gives an account of ii in his an'ihr - i Judge Johnson , in his life of Glean. sayive•—tt Poo ograPhY• The Perform"' produced a living man. ! terity well scarcely believe that rtur bare. Wilmot whose head they cut off in the first instance.. They I many inert who carried death into the enernyl then divided the limbs from the trunk, end the me- 1 ranks, at Eutaw, were galled by their carten.ch:l4k- Witted remains lay on the ground for some time.— A curtain was then extended over" the spot, and one of the performers putting birnselfonJer the cnr tint emerged from it spin in a few minutes follow. ed by the individual who was supposed to have bees so completely dissected. His Mogul Majesty gives the following minute account of some other performances by . the. same juggler, which are weir woutiettuf " They tooka small bet and having firs: shoal, that it was entirely empty, one of them pet hi• hand into the bag ; on witlnlra.' ing his band nett, out came two game-coeks of the largetts vas and great betel . , which immediaely Im:tiled each oth er, and fought with such faits and fury that their wings emitted sparks of fire at every strolie. This continued for the whole space of an, boor, when they pat en end to the combat by throwing a sheet over the animals. Again they withdrew the sheet and there appeared a brace oaf partridges, with the ems brilliant and beautiful plartraze, uthaltalerne diately began to tune their throats as if there was nothing human present, picking at worms with the samssort of chuckle as-they are heard to do on the Weide: The sheet was now thrown, as in other instance, ow the partridges, and when again with_ drawn, instead of those beautiful birds, there ap peered two frightful black makes, with flat heads and crimson bellies, which, with open mouth and bead erect, and oiled together, attacked each nth 4 t.....- ...driiGliaGl, ......—__ ec with the greatest buy, and so continued to do ; I _Abusers our COL. Caocurt.-41arirtg , a4s11/1119 until, a it appeared, ibeybecotnegaite exhausted, 1 n lie United Sates House ofiteresesslitee, ate when they fell asunder. I tid for the increasing the trUmber olliipkiesAi They stake an escaration in the earth, at the 1 of the western members chsersetl— : ....--, ...''' - ' ' . '4. - crtrss shape of a tank or reservoir, of considerable throen- 1 , " Mr. Spea ker — 'Ml oPlnioa iik' Ihig - Illeaglillend Siont, whieh they requested t o to flu iseh owe, !of mutant—in gran-al axe dispomitorske Wear- When this was done they spread a core: ill,: ores , titre—nt the gurvohly—xerrankind in. ;Oscine:4. the place, and seer a abort interral,basing. remise , "li.tt &tura, sit down," whispersithec '01644 - 4 ed theatres, the water appeared to be one sheet . mil titer Iliac, 4 " Innate coming o Aiik... 111 1 11 4 0 of ice, and they desired that some of - he elnihartt i Mg* that Yon weal et 11 -' ; keepers might be &levet!. to Iva'll 'he st e rl ta t i t k --...., ..... across, Accordingly, one of the mmi fe l t his vie- ! Ftssy lo zee Lavr=Sorrtwerthe Whig office -1 latmot upon the ice, ami the anttrral wed over ' holders decease ire a Ten' . 1 611 T - totlim e i -74.41 a 1 ,...14: 1 with as ranch ease and Pak/ as it :r were a r : a r. • tared room agent' 0.1 the mart ruse beiwirA-P-Qt 1 form of solid nick, remaining (4 ,-..m.r tiffe nu tie . ton in.d MiCilV-4, 1 =1 stn VerUcal Ceuttal.r449l4, serfe of the frozen pond wunout trout's - ruoing 'he s silo temperer - Ay fins the Phtcti at Ws dernmensis slightest fracture in the we. As weal ; the sheet t snettesvo. - -olcier adds " ell" to thoectrd -- mkoittel l was drawn serves the place, and being removed, whenescr tie si;lni bit came 6* wey,ltritclF.ll every recige of ice, an 3 even moisture ofany sort . not a bad bead that rhea so clese47 *‘4114 :1 4 bail complex); •disa,Ppeared 1 V -:- 1 ,“ ~,._., ~, -,..r. a ,!tet ai They procured a triank rolome of the pores! I RAS 2 D4 ''' C ' 1 124.3 - .. 7 ' r -" , "- - ATI* 4-...W4 ITC .1' r , : ::''.. , ? 7 i , 1 white paper, which was pared in my hands to '. . i "No ate sew' r , 'IA: .:7.' n I la 1.% ..... 7`...grli show that it containcl no li,lores or s a y colored pa i ' . • ,• • t. Wen t Amato. 0--tpat " liatils; fatx - iitilike• goes whafever , of which I sattsfifti Inseif sod all ' ~.„..... A I ." - , —:--' : . '-''' t: - .._s " 7 " - '‘-z - , z t•-• around- One of Mennen took the sorome et band. i '"'''''' "sTo."""` as t h e ,s wan 6 4 . 4 f i lbt. ... and the fi rst opening exhibited a page of white r 4, ' 41174'7ei''' sine s . - • 2 ' ' '''''''' '''''''' 4. •''' 1 ' :3424 ' d '•----;--- 1 --•. - i .--••----- .:.c. - -,qtrkit Vta reinkiel irizb geld, farming a :Rank. tabitt splena- i A . ,_ _ “ , idly eatabora:e. The ilea: tors : 1/ie.-ea:ea a beano- - Wba. : we 'yoF. aoLie, wify-digetofit,tift — ifii Warne, Pre. te‘'l4._ . __l -- same manner, • and es- ; P,l elm: k ill i illeli .. . -iiiis.-S•12101/4_-tAliL -41 Etiblt; in'al alts erimf, inn nmberi of men anj womezt i. " 1 hue liticali V 4l* t i " stiel ' ln Y tlillilltitag l itY is various altitudes,. • t w se. if., w ale. ..- -Z-, 1 ' It,' , LZ.54 1M4151 i ''''' "7' —R - i; ,_ , " The joir„ler th€ll turaed to aocases leaf, atideo t Tii ; _ea P.'!' 411.31 , 3 ' 1icr. :, re, .40 ) , - Tt appessedof a Chums color sod fabric , and !prink, 0 115118 " -. '- , . '''-. ^ ...; -, ". -- _,; .::4 " 1: - : :23: led in the the aloe manom with good, bntb® a de. - -'- . ----!'"'"---?---'- • -;:- .: 'vet ta; familial bads of" 44tala_stad fitits ? th e hurt &Axing Ctr ti G. 1 . 11 / 11 . 411 "1" - il is "•i 4104 ) Cell ppm tliiin Um nk n manner- twat I new CkeePial *b6 141311511:1r 4465-'erirq:ll?" " Win" i is any mbar paieriopt, Ti m pan __b o a eibi b ited i tin% gad aiiipboityl. War briefotatirst !IttunOva- Iris a tiaaedol gmon, tisithalf panacea lit' b O m! : . •: -.L , --"'- ,., -, - +1 .i . :_, . _- . 1 -41e ,afgA- r goia, or lAA MS repifeioo, iri heel' &at" a t -- atriErTPT utiVA dii; 4:4 1 4 .4 *.81RMAL111P e ig kii__ _ I lrith 0110"64Plesr;,. majea an4,o4ym 'tumble of-the Phdynnrher, a lid tiundip iohip I imigilig stanta l in , tat Woo= -;,in i tia *a sawn Ilancts *Mom -. . - I - - - -.7--'--; - ?(- 3 4nntt ~ - -.a .: ,--; ,_ ~.1,-*----,3016, ne w t% et derv:dee aopezeellita ;lee - dies. it* vest ! ‘ 4, -Toon, 1 0°44 1004 3 34.11filigRAANNOO Ti ebsies itibibbid lOW bi #li4e, Or I.le- ma* r 4 WA be astreeti...arty tbtatempieileibeest4' 14 taliVelt penband sir*.b geld,, on stargAthe pain-Ar cal net othos ram," - on. it suiong had delineated-the tepresentation of a greathahlist in which two advents kings,were seen inqpigid the struggle of a mortal In shot_,; .. atatuist: bun of tbe hist *different vein, seene...matt,i, was exhibitedonleft as was, indoedisosgplisitiog to behold ; het of all the perforritainersiAtis tow of the volume.olPiper was Plat 'hitch' efrented . me the greatest efelighl so many and ex traordinary changes basing been brought tinder View, that It must confess my otter tnabilor tad*: jOstice in the description." In observing spoil the :extiaordinuy Canto of these performances, tile Emperor :puts - said* ibis supposition that they were to brasetibed - tottner! I visual deception. • "They very evidently partake,".. he--'IIIIA, ."of something beyond the exittice of human =MY. I have beard heated that the art: has been — called the &martian, (cefetilial.l And lam 'frobiond that it is also knoteniaa inc.used to a atosii'eratile extent, amor*.thn nations at Eciopc.... , If may be said, that there exists in some men ape collar and essential - faculty WhiCh 8. - iablestheM us accompliSh things - far beyond the ecttri of : humus exertion, such as frequently tokali the utmost subloy :be understanding to, pinitrete." ea, while the told of a rag or a tots of moss prole* ed the shoulder from sustaining the same Injury from the musket." General Greene says_ in his letter, to a Secretary of war: We hare, thiee hundred men withoid arms, aad more, dasa thousand so oaked that they mill be put no -Any only on cases of despraut nature. Our difScaldes are so numerous, and our wants so pressing, thiti hate not a moments relief from Ate most painlul anxieties. 1 hare more embarrassments than it proper to disclose to the world." A fair young girt is leanittgpett44 Lyon the casement, gazing with thoughtful Woe upon the scene below. The bloom of fifteen sum mers tints her eo(t cheek!, the sweets of affiarataba &mem are gathered upon bet round hill lips, #llO cods cling to a s t olen brow, and fall upon 'iota of perfect grace, the soft swimming eye sesetnidight. ed by the tenderest fire of petty, and %mry-heif ers over her ; as her own most favored Ada *tit are her thoughts f Love cannot stir a busomi-pq young, sorrow cannot yet have touched aspiritso pure. Innoechee itself seems to forve - ~tiirobar tor its own. Alas S has disappoinufiendtb - # youthful heart! Teta must be so ; 1iM244a!,,e starts—iber bosom beeves—bar eyes berg' bwm-whis, lips pan--she speaks—listen—' Asti Yam Itaitfelii quit scroldiug thalpies bock or I til.tl El mu MEM= AM ..: rx ti ~: ; .t r~^.k. ,-+: 111111 ESE IMP =MAU MO MI X== , . I= =I